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White people saving the world -- just like the Navy SEALS! |
Read it there, comment it on here. But, share it everywhere. This is going to break Avatar's record. Biggest. Movie. Ever.
This is what they call a tease. Big article coming tonight. Let's have some fun.
So take that look out of here, it doesn't fit you
Because it's happened doesn't mean you've been discarded
Pull up your head off the floor, come up screaming
Cry out for everything you ever might have wanted
-Big Country
Sick of paying for entitlement programs?
Illegal aliens are scamming billions of your tax dollars with full government consent
The lead singer committed suicide ya know...
5.4 Million Join Disability Rolls Under Obama
While over two weeks old, I just saw this article, and when I did all I could say was ... wow. That's a huge number. And according to a graphic at the link, over twice as many have been added to disability as have found 'non-farm' jobs since the official end of the recession in June, 2009. Again ... wow.
I have no idea what it is, but I'd be interested in seeing a breakdown of new disability enrollees by e.g. race/ethnicity.
No matter how bad you might think the economic situation in the US is ... it's worse than that.
He [Samuel L. Jackson] is Colonel Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D. He made his debut as Fury in an after-credits scene in the first Iron Man movie.
This is getting so predictable. If there's room for only one Magic Negro™, he must be enthroned … I mean, put in charge of the White superheroes. Is anyone else fed up with the sort of transparent bullsh!t?
Mark Millar: "I love Nick Fury like no other. He’s one of my favorite Marvel characters, but the Steranko cool that he imbued on the character was rat-pack cool and very much of the period. Obviously, that’s still in a classic, retro sense, but it means little to a modern kid." [emphasis added]
Exactly whose problem is that? Let's see; "Kids are dumber than a sack full of hammers these days, so we'll just revise this character in a totally inappropriate manner so as to suit the narrative we are projecting upon our buyer demographics."
"Also, Nick Fury just sounded like one of those great, 70s blaxsplotation names. He sounded like an African-American disco super hero or something and we wanted to play around with that too."
Spoken just like one of the "modern" kids referred to above. One that just as often has bought into (c)rap "culture and all the other supposedly "cool" trappings of what passes for today's Black "culture". Methinks inmates are running the asylum.
Creator and producer Bruce Timm, a sort of star in the confined world of superhero TV animation, said he chose a black superhero “so it wasn’t just a bunch of white guys saving the universe every day.”
Which is the reality of the matter. Namely, if the day is being saved, it's usually a White guy who's doing the heavy lifting. Far be it from Liberals to remain content with reality, especially when it doesn't fit their, make that, The Narrative™.
“You don’t want your first lead African-American character on the network to be shown in a negative light,” she [Senior Animation VP Linda Simensky] said.
I call this the Dick Wolf Effect™, where only Whites can be portrayed in a negative light. Conversely, all Blacks (or minorities) are crime fighters par excellent without whom the case just can't be cracked. [puke]
The selection has irritated some superhero fans. “On one hand they are mad we aren’t using their favorite version of the character,” Timm said. “On the other hand they are accusing of us of being hopelessly P.C. (politically correct).”
She acts like there is some sort of internal contradiction to that statement. Am I missing something?
Right on cue, New York Press’s black film critic Armond White attacked last year’s comic book movies as being too white.
Yo, Mister Armond "too white" White, when Blacks are a majority demographic at the box office, maybe then you can start pissing and moaning about the racial breakdown of characters in movies. Until then, all it looks like is that you've got a wild hair up your @ss because your're a Black man whose last name is "White".
After all, the Obama Administration is going to war with the Navy SEALs—not withstanding their success in taking out Osama Bin Laden—because they are “too white.”
Which, by any definition, is an act of treason.
You'll notice that the "can't have White guys doing X" sentiments come from people/creatives who are outside the male-oriented marketplace. The whole point of that is to please the higher-ups in management, awards committees, and so on rather than ...
The original comic book creators were exploited, ripped off, and so forth, but would get stories/characters accepted only if they ... made money. Comics today don't make money ... they are like Olympus Camera, hiding decades of losses on the balance sheet with various rip-offs and tricks, acting as an intellectual property holding company rather than a money making deal.
I'm excited about Valiant's X-O Man'o War, holding true to the Visigoth/Spider Alien origin, very very cool.
Ultimately, this loathing of White guys saving people is not from Joe Average White guy, who does not hate himself and want to be Black. Rather, it is the loathing/disconnection/alienation between young White women and men. Egged on no doubt by leftists/feminists (see Obama's "Julia" pitch) but at the core the changes wrought by the pill, condom, anonymous urban living, and yes obesity (credit: Roissy/Heartiste). You don't see that attitude towards males of the same racial group among Asian, Black, or Hispanic women.
Ultimately the way to break that cycle of "can't have White guys doing X" is to appeal directly, via creator-owned titles, to young men. John Carter flopped because young men have turned off movies (the result of XXX and Fast and Furious movies) unless they know going in its a mostly White guy affair. That is the economic reality.
Incentives matter. The culture is so corrupt because the incentives all reward catering to a White female and upward-boss audience rather than creator-owned, oriented towards male readers/audience targets. As a result men have tuned out of the culture, dropped TV, movies, books, etc. Only a sustained effort to satisfy them can change that, and in doing so change the culture from its debased state now.
Paul: ''Read it there, comment it on here.''
Will do. Clicking on the link reminded me why I and others tend to dislike VDARE, it's PBS 'pledge drive' like heavy handed begging.
Asking for donations is one thing but that's over the top.
Paul, I understand there's little or nothing you can do about that, but I still wish they'd tone it down.
I don't have to click through an ''interstitial'' (that's what it's called) pleading for money before coming here, it's just annoying.
From the quote: ''is part of AOL Time Warner’s Atlanta-based Turner Broadcasting System'' shows two things.
First it 'dates' it, the AOL part is long gone, T-W has long since kicked that massive blunder to the curb.
Second, I first realized how heavy-handed Ted Turner's empire was about 20 years ago. IIRC it was on TBS that played the movie Blazing Saddles. I could understand censoring certain scenes (such as ''it's twuu! it's twuu!'') but what got my attention was that word 'nigger' was 'bleeped out' from beginning to end.
Anyone that's seen that flick uncut knows they 'bleeped out' about a fifth of the dialog and screwed up the plot all because Ted had a hangup about the word 'nigger'.
And yet I've also seen it elsewhere with that word (correctly) left in.
Firepower said...
The lead singer committed suicide ya know...
(in reference to 'In a Big Country')
True, but I still listen to Nirvana songs from time to time as well. And yes, I do think the pic at that link is funny.
@Zenster: ''I call this the Dick Wolf Effect™, where only Whites can be portrayed in a negative light.''
I like that term, and as someone who used to watch and like Law and Order it sure is apt.
Also (from Paul) ''those great, 70s blaxsplotation names''. I've seen a few of the 'blaxsplotation'-genre flicks and most of them are 'B-movie' action craptaculars. Utter suckitude.
That ''cool kid'' should be forced to watch about 16 hours of them back-to-back ala A Clockwork Orange.
Now you know how Brits must feel getting to play the bad guy ENDLESSLY.
The white man is the master of the battlefield. Genghis Khan made a go of it but that's the only real competition.
The superhero is a nebbish overcompensation for being so feeble in feel life.
YIH: Anyone that's seen that flick uncut knows they 'bleeped out' about a fifth of the dialog and screwed up the plot all because Ted had a hangup about the word 'nigger'.
Which means that they ruined the movie's single finest (one-man hostage) scene, as in: "Make one move and the nigger gets it!" "Do what he says!"
In this same fashion they also ruined one of funniest parts of "Airplane!".
The scene where Barbara Billingsly (AKA June Cleaver) speaks jive, sees her final retort of "Jive ass nigger don't got no brains anyhow" has the word "dude" dubbed in, which blunts the riotous edge delivered by Billingsly's unexpected mastery of ghetto patois.
I wish I could remember where, but I believe I've heard that blacks are 13% of the US population, but 25% of movie ticket revenue. That would explain the growing negrification of the movies these days.
After all, if you don't have to go to work on a weekday afternoon, might as well go to the movies, eh?
We White guys are too busy working and making stuff and making the world a better place to buy our share of movie tickets.
YIH-good point about the n-word used in Blazing Saddles.
I can't remember the last time I heard it used in a movie, much less in a comedic sense by white guys LOL!
I can remember when an eeeeevil white guy called blacks 'kafirs' in some bad 80s or 90s movie, but Beverly Hills Cop Nick Nolte used it a LOT.
I'm guessing not in today s movies.
In the new James Bond movie,Miss Moneypenny is black.
Hey PK, I read your article on the Avengers over at VDARE, good stuff. I noticed you mentioned a quote from Roger Ebert regarding Black faces replacing White ones in super hero/action flicks. Ebert's quote jogged my memory and I somehow remembered THIS part of his review about the Matrix Reloaded :
From Roger Ebert Reviews : The Matrix Reloaded
"I became aware, during the film, that a majority of the major characters were played by African Americans. Neo and Trinity are white, and so is Agent Smith, but consider Morpheus; his superior Commander Lock (Harry Lennix); the beautiful and deadly Niobe (Jada Pinkett Smith), who once loved Morpheus and now is with Lock, although she explains enigmatically that some things never change; the programmer Link (Harold Perrineau); Link's wife, Zee (Nona Gaye), who has the obligatory scene where she complains he's away from home too much, and the Oracle (the late Gloria Foster, very portentous). From what we can see of the extras, the population of Zion is largely black.
It has become commonplace for science fiction epics to feature one or two African-American stars, but we've come a long way since Billy Dee Williams in "Return of the Jedi." The Wachowski brothers use so many African Americans, I suspect, not for their box-office appeal, because the Matrix is the star of the movie, and not because they are good actors (which they are), but because to the white teenagers who are the primary audience for this movie, African-Americans embody a cool, a cachet, an authenticy. Morpheus is the power center of the movie, and Neo's role is essentially to study under him and absorb his mojo."
I personally think Ebert is a highly intelligent individual and this is a highly valuable insight. He's basically summing up BRA marketing in a nutshell.
Without the white mans genius for writing science fiction,horror/fantasy movie scripts the likes of Denzel,Will and Sammy would be working for the guberment.
I still listen to Nirvana songs from time to time as well.
A joke for the older set:
What's red and gray and white and has more brains than Kurt Cobain?
His wall.
I'm about tired of these motherfuckin nigs in these motherfuckin roles. I'll happily download a pristine HD copy of The Avengers to watch in a few months, and I'm sure it'll be amazing, but I'll never under any circumstances give my money willingly to the Hollywood machine that has been working since before my birth to destroy the white race. In my house, I am the media gatekeeper. With no cable and only media center PCs as a source, only the content I approve (sans commercials) is given a voice in this house. With all the money I've saved by stealing the content from those who have stolen our nation, I was able to build a pretty spiffy theater.
Wifey: "Honey, did you get that movie The Help or Red Tails?"
Me: "Nope. Sure didn't."
Hate to veer off topic a bit but this story just HAS NOT received the coverage it deserves, which does not surprise me in the least bit.
Where is the "Social Outrage" over THIS story, which the fantastic media in the United States has refused to even acknowledge?
It is truly sad when media in other countries are more willing to cover a story than the cowards in the news rooms here. This couple had been married for 65 years, were both ill in health and spending their final days on earth together as they had the past 6 1/2 decades. Five young, black males (wonder if they looked like Obamas sons?) broke into their home and savagely beat this couple. Nancy Strait was was 85 years old, Bob Strait was 90 years old, a D-Day veteran of the 101st Airborne. These five "youths" beat Bob Strait until he was nearly dead, they broke his jaw and ribs, they shot him repeatedly in the face with a pellet gun. But this was by far not the worst moment for this 90 year old man. These feral cowards then made Mr. Strait watch as they took turns raping his 85 year old wife and then proceeded to beat Nancy Strait to death. These common thugs then robbed the couple of $200, a television and a Dodge Neon. Nancy Strait passed away shortly after arriving at the hospital, Bob Strait passed away today, 5-4-12.
This IS diversity people. These are the stories that the American media refuses to publish in order to keep people unaware of the true state of affairs. Every talking head on the television was quick to jump on the Trayvon Martin bandwagon, the story fits the liberal agenda of the country well. However, the savage, animalistic torture, rape and murder of an elderly couple by a group of "Obamas Sons" simply doesn't deserve coverage......except in England apparently.
Logged a full-character post at The Blaze(see Lord Drek's 2:18 p.m. May 4th). After the usual 20 minute ride on the merrry-go-round I succeeded in logging in and (possibly) posting a comment.
Then the joys of trying to log off. Round and round, lost in Hampton Court maze. "A key on this page appears to be in error" Really. And what does that mean when it's at home? Would it be unsporting to hint at which key?
Finally snarled and clicked the page into the ether.
Mot only does Mensanism not protect from the treacherous banana peel, it renders one helpless to computerese.
In disgust,
Marcus Redman
found this at diversity is chaos blog:
The Baltimore Police Department has released the 911 calls from a Department of Social Services office where a black mother stabbed her 8-month-old daughter five times during a supervised visit
African-American Kenisha Thomas was arrested and charged with attempted first-degree murder, assault and child abuse for stabbing her daughter, Pretty Diamond, in the head, neck and chest. William Purnell Short III, who works at Baltimore's social services office on East Biddle Street, told detectives that he ran into Room 117 after hearing a scream and saw a woman holding a baby on a table and pressing a kitchen knife to her throat. Short threw a chair at the mother's face, forcing her to let go of the baby, who fell with the knife lodged in her neck. The 23-year social services veteran then grabbed Thomas and restrained her until help arrived. The infant survived the attack and was taken to Johns Hopkins Children's Center, where she has since been recovering. Thomas was ordered held without bail at the Baltimore City Detention Center
Anonymous said...May 4, 2012 8:27 AM
Sick of paying for entitlement programs?
Got sick of it a LOOONG time ago, and stopped doing it!
Zenster: I stopped watching the propaganda machine years ago. I did just cancel my cable TV (long overdue).
The last movie I saw in the theaters? "The Social Network". I did rent "The King's Speech" when I had a hotel room on the coast last month. Lots of Kneegrows in those movies...NOT!
Stuart Adamson = Guitar God.
OT but - Angel Adams is back in the news again. You remember her, right? The Tampa mammy with fifteen welfare leech bastards who DEMANDED someone else pay for it all?
Well the rayciss po-leeces saw fit to tase her today - while she was 8 mos. pregnant with sprog #16! (Don't worry - she and her "precious cargo" are fine.)
Don't forget: You're paying for it all, you dumb, weak honkies! Have a nice day!
5.4 million?
Christ,in percentage terms that makes the United States as bad as the UK,which I always thought to be the world leader in "disability entitlement.
Big Country were great,far,far superior to those execrable 80s power ballads which Paul has such a fondness for.Hard for anyone,particularly those with Celtic blood not to be inspired by those epic guitar lines.
A pity then that their bass guitarist was black and that they had a rather modern tendency to insert blacks,however inappropriate, into their videos.There can't have been more than about 3 blacks living in Scotland in the mid 80s.(See the great One Great Thing).
One of the greatest experiences of my life was seeing Big Country in concert in Greenwich Village in 1993 or 1994. They were basically a one-hit wonder in the US (their other albums did well in Europe, not so much here) and only played here a couple of times.
I only found out about the concert by happenstance; I was walking to the laundromat and happened to glance at a poster advertising the show, which took place that same evening. (This is a really amazing coincidence, literally every square inch of Greenwich Village is covered with posters advertising albums, shows, plays, political rallies, etc, as you walk down the street there are are hundreds, if not thousands of 8" x 11" posters in your field of view at any given moment and after you've lived there for about an hour they become part of the scenery and you no longer process them, so actually noticing a particular poster is an amazing coincidence.)
The venue they played was basically a bar with a large dance floor; I can't remember the name of it. Only about 300 or 400 people showed up so everyone could stand right next to the stage. The greatest part was that every single person there was a HARD CORE fan. The energy was unbelievable -- it really makes a big difference when the venue is small, the crowd is close to the stage, and everyone is a big fan. Stuart Adamson (RIP) and the guys played all of our favorite songs, everyone was dancing -- it was awesome.
Big Country really was one of the greatest bands of all time. The interesting thing about them was that for a while, every single one of their albums had a completely different sound. "The Crossing" was folk rock, "Steeltown" was more hardcore, "Peace in Our Time" was a weird cross between folk rock and 60's folk, etc. Toward the end, with the "Buffalo Skinners," they finally settled on a consistent sound, but I have never seen a band experiment with so many different sounds. The best part about them was that so many of their songs were optimistic, happy and beautiful -- my favorites are "In a Big Country," "Wonderland," "Steeltown," "East of Eden," "Fields of Fire," and "King of Emotion." They are all upbeat, optimistic, and happy.
Zenster, your comment at 10:25 is a good example of why I cancelled cable and haven't been to a movie since "American Beauty" back in 2000.
Netflix is the way to go. There is a huge selection of old Hollywood movies and foreign movies without black heroes or indeed, any blacks at all.
(By the way, even countries that are poor by Western standards, such as Iran and South Korea, make some wonderful movies. They truly understand the art of filmmaking. Funny but I never see any movies listed by countries in sub-Saharan Africa.)
Even on Netflix, you do have to pick and choose, though. My husband has just started watching the (cancelled) TV series, "The Chicago Code", which is disgustingly PC. Naturally, the police superintendent is a female (Jennifer Beales and every time I see her I think "Flashdance") and the alderman is a black guy (Delroy Lindo and every time I see him, I think, "Crooklyn"). It turns my stomach to see the white male characters dancing attendance on these two jokers, whose real-life counterparts are doubtless both corrupt and incompetent.
Stop using your TVs for anything but watching movies of your choosing. That's a win/win--you get to see mostly PC-free stuff and you're not supporting the PC TV and film industries.
"With all the money I've saved by stealing the content from those who have stolen our nation, I was able to build a pretty spiffy theater."
LOL, there ya go. Put a wrench in the machine.
My wife's brother arrived in town last night for her birthday.
The wife's parents are wary of Blacks. Her Dad's (now ex) wife was raped by a Negro while with child, causing her to lose both the child and her sanity.
Her brother, however, has Black friends and listens to rap music. Discussion soon turned to the topic of race, and he began to berate my in-laws for their race realism. Having had a few beers, I found it hard to hold my tongue while he lectured his folks on how wicked they were.
Though it may have been untoward, I looked him in the eyes and told him that I couldn't wait until he received a fistful of diversity.
"I still listen to Nirvana songs from time to time as well."
Most of the music--that I hear--today is about white guilt and helping non-whites and or suicide. Green Day is particularly egregious stuff as is "Rage Against The Machine" which is really "Rage Against YT".
I still listen to vinyl--far superior to digital and much more difficult to implant subliminal messages into. Modern bands do produce in vinyl and there is a wealth of older, much better music out there on the used record shelves. If you can't afford a new turn table, buy an old one and refurbish it. Install a good tonearm and enjoy the beauty of European engineering. Vinyl is a true sound wave, digital is not, it produces listening fatigue. And lest you think the subliminal aspect is "tin hat" syndrome, I first read about the possibilities/implications of it back in the late 90's and it was written by serious researchers.
I have the vinyl version of Big Country--I like it a lot. It was my wife who introduced me to them. And I just picked up a 180 gram re-release of Nirvana's "Nevermind". Excellent used classical music vinyl runs a couple of bucks a pop. The outlay for vinyl may seem steep to those of you who did not grow up with it, but in truth, given the vast amount of material out there, you will save money in the long run and discover a rich repository of YT music in the process. You will need, at some point, to invest in a record cleaning machine or build one yourself.
If you really want a powerful experience, on a good stereo, play The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" LOUD. When I saw them in concert in 2006 (second time, 1st in 1976) the video playing above the stage was most definitely pro YT imagery. My friends picked up on it too. No mistaking they were depicting a white kid being bullied by non-whites and the cops in London somewhere. The crowd just roared.
As an aside, most people are very unaware of the fact that early Punk was all about being a displaced white kid in modern society and rebelling against it.
On Blazing Saddles, even that wasn't the worst butchery of it I've seen.
The worst version had to be from a syndicator that licensed older 'rated' flicks then would make them ''edited for television''. Instead of merely muting ('bleeping') dialog they instead cut'n'pasted dialog to clean it up.
A local TV station had to plug a hole due to a cancelled game and used that version.
How bad (and lulz-worthy) was it? In the scene where Wilder is explaining how 'the waco kid' became the town drunk the line ''the little bastard shot me in the ass!'' came out as ''the little punk shot me in the you know''
Italics used to give you an idea just how weird it actually sounded. It was also the only version that censored ''Lily von Shtupp'' making it sound like ''Lily von Shhhhh'' yet the sign with the name does appear 'as is'.
Tampfrica, Florida checking in! Love your informative site Paul. Please keep up the good works.
I'd like to chip in a recent news story from our neck of the woods. Tampa has its own version of the Octomom. Her name is Angela Adams. 15 sprogs in a one room shack sleeping in two beds. No job, no visible means of support. She was in the news in 2011 and children services went through the trouble of helping her out. Got her a bigger place
so they didn't have to sleep on top of one another. She made it back into the news yesterday for brawling with police officers. She paid DCF back by getting pregnant with sprog #16 -- she is 8 months pregnant. AGAIN! Cops had no choice but to taser her to bring her into compliance. One of her sprogs had been "entertaining" himself by throwing rocks at neighbors is what set the whole
thing off.
@Mr. Rational:
IMHO the Foo Fighters (what became of what was left of Nirvana) is better.
Cobain switching from guitar to shotgun wasn't a bad thing after all.
BTW hadn't heard that one before ;)
'Justice for Trayvon:
I am guessing this is the only violence against something white that will receive media attention.
I'm Irish
My favourite line in cinema history is from Blazing Saddles.
"Alright,alright,we'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks.....but we DON'T WANT THE IRISH!.
Laugh?.At the time(1974?) we pissed ourselves laughing.
I still do.Love it.
Anon. Tampfrica, Florida checking in! Love your informative site Paul. Please keep up the good works.
I'd like to chip in a recent news story from our neck of the woods. Tampa has its own version of the Octomom. Her name is Angela Adams. 15 sprogs in a one room shack sleeping in two beds. No job, no visible means of support. She was in the news in 2011 and children services went through the trouble of helping her out. Got her a bigger place
so they didn't have to sleep on top of one another. She made it back into the news yesterday for brawling with police officers. She paid DCF back by getting pregnant with sprog #16 -- she is 8 months pregnant. AGAIN! Cops had no choice but to taser her to bring her into compliance. One of her sprogs had been "entertaining" himself by throwing rocks at neighbors is what set the whole
thing off.
Guess it's time for a gaggle of nice, energetic, DWL do-gooders to get that girl into a nice middle-class neighborhood via the miracle of Section 8, the favorite welfare program of real-estate "entrepreneurs" (Republican party stalwarts), DWL diversicrats, Christian charities (lots of government money to play do-gooder with), groid welfare-queens and their numerous 'stud-service' boyfriends. Funny how that program just never gets downsized, no matter how many promises are made by Repuke politicians. Why would that be (inquiring minds want to know)?
Can we maybe get page hits or increase numbers for the blog? Since I began coming here daily I have noticed an increase in comments for every post and was wondering about the traffic. Are more people getting a chance to 'see' or is it just me hoping that there is?
Anonymous said...
"stabbed her 8-month-old daughter five times during a supervised visit....William Purnell Short III, who works at Baltimore's social services office on East Biddle Street, told detectives that he ran into Room 117
The visit was supposed to be supervised. William Purnell Short III should be fired, better yet he should be in jail for neglecting his duties.
This, plus reading PK's take on LOTR, reminds me of when I had a class of black kids in a French class for a week. The teacher left a different writing assignment for each day...for a MONTH. You can guess how successful that was. I decided one day to show them LOTR instead, which I always carried in my bag of tricks. NO interest whatsoever in the movie. Nobody even looked at the screen until the scene in the Dwarf city (wish I could remember the name, oh yeah...Moria.) Strider lops off a goblin's head and suddenly everybody's interested. They didn't need to make Nick Fury black....violence, shiny things and explosions work just fine.
Anon @ 3:46 AM -
Thanks for the links on those two Georgia counties. Those are tales of unbelievably mismanaged BRA counties. I have been shocked learning about what a basket case the city of Atlanta is from reading this blog, but apparently there's a lot of that going on in Georgia. No white family should live in a black run county - you are powerless. Your county governance, school governance and district attorney are all going to be incompetent or worse. Get out! And as for the entire state of Georgia - since the white population is older than the large black and smaller hispanic populations, it's only a matter of time before control of state government turns over to them. And that doesn't even count the large number of white liberals living in Atlanta who will vote for actual black run Georgia. Mississippi will become actual black run Mississippi in ten years.
Texas, Arizona, on the other hand, will go the way of California over the next ten years once their large hispanic populations start voting. Demographics for whites look like cr*p in Florida, too. With its increasingly vibrant blend of Haitians, "African Americans", Mexicans, and other "non-white" hispanics it should turn into a truly sui generis madhouse.
Spill.com is a light-hearted movie review site edited by a black guy.
This video on The Avengers (and Nick Fury as the token) is an interesting window into a black man's semiconsciousness of/anxiety about the ultimate uselessness of blacks to whites:
Of course, it's all very confused, the black guys look cool in the end and he has to gratuitously emasculate Captain America (while making him look blonder and bluer eyed than Chris Evans really is).
"I personally think Ebert is a highly intelligent individual and this is a highly valuable insight. He's basically summing up BRA marketing in a nutshell."
Ebert's wife is black.
Now that you've read "Man In Full", you need to read "Radical Chic and the Mau Mauing of the Flak Catchers" to see how BRA began.
Then read "Bon Fire Of The Vanities". I think of it as a trilogy or even an ongoing chronicle of America's downfall.
Then you can move to my other favorite, American author--Falkner, to see how life really was in the old South, once upon a time. Be aware that Falkner may break your heart.
Took my wife and seven year old to see "The Avengers" this afternoon. I was never a fan of comic books when I was a kid--I read history books instead. I liked the movie, but I just couldn't get over how Jackson stood out like a sore thumb. He just seemed so out of place. My guess is, is that other people will see that too, even those who "cannot see". I think he was the only black man in the whole movie--the only one I can remember seeing.
Also read "The Great War and Modern Memory" by Paul Fussell; then "Thank God for the Atomic Bomb" (an essay) and "Wartime", all by Fussell.A man who lived what he wrote about.
They will not only break your heart, they will also break your mind.
Bohemian Like You is one of my favorite videos, glorious in its lack of diversity. It's NSFW or I'd post a link.
I am guessing this is the only violence against something white that will receive media attention.
It's funny how just about everything is sacred to brownskins...when Whitey is watching, at least. Remove the ability to cash in (whether through money or influence) and I'm guessing a lot of those sacred things become a lot less sacred.
Ebert's wife is black.
Comment of the week.
"I don't think Steve Rogers is even once referred to as Captain America, which I found somewhat galling"
He wasn't Captain America in his own movie. He was multinational Adventureman with team diversity force.
"I wish I could remember where, but I believe I've heard that blacks are 13% of the US population, but 25% of movie ticket revenue. That would explain the growing negrification of the movies these days."
Maybe, but the market is hugely segmented. Pretty much all of Tyler Perry's audience is black for example.
"I personally think Ebert is a highly intelligent individual and this is a highly valuable insight. He's basically summing up BRA marketing in a nutshell."
All the machines were white men, with the exception of the ones that helped neo. But then they were also portrayed as competent/capable/etc, and I wonder if the whole thing might not have been an elaborate troll.
"This IS diversity people. These are the stories that the American media refuses to publish in order to keep people unaware of the true state of affairs. Every talking head on the television was quick to jump on the Trayvon Martin bandwagon, the story fits the liberal agenda of the country well. However, the savage, animalistic torture, rape and murder of an elderly couple by a group of "Obamas Sons" simply doesn't deserve coverage......except in England apparently."
Of course not, we need more stories about how racist it was that 3600 black criminals were lynched over the course of a century.
noteable quote:
Wifey: "Honey, did you get that movie The Help or Red Tails?"
Me: "Nope. Sure didn't'
Rage Against The Machine?
Why would anyone want to do that? He just lives next door we don't talk much he just wants to borrow some sugar so I give him the sugar.
"Texas, Arizona, on the other hand, will go the way of California over the next ten years once their large hispanic populations start voting. Demographics for whites look like cr*p in Florida, too. With its increasingly vibrant blend of Haitians, "African Americans", Mexicans, and other "non-white" hispanics it should turn into a truly sui generis madhouse. "
Anon, I'm getting a little tired of the white consciousness movement not realizing that white hispanics (with the exception of a certain mestizo liberal who accidentaly an obama's son)are, in fact, white. Shocking, I know, that people who supposedly have vast amounts of amerinds and black blood in them do not take advantage of these supposed facts and use them to their advantage, since blacks and amerinds get the most in free stuff from the federal government. Maybe just maybe when those people identify as "white only" in conjunction with "hispanic" on the census they mean they are in fact descended from whites who migrated to the hispanic world during the age of colonialism. Again, I know this is shocking because the latin world has non-whites, and as we all know in any country with non-whites the whites will instantly attempt to have sex with them, producing as many halfbreeds as possible. This is of course why the USA is a black country today, because our white ancestors decided to breed with all their slaves. Its not like we in fact avoided breeding with them as much as possible and that the halfbreeds produced weren't relegated either to slavery themselves or to a middling group called "free people of color" whereby they were considered negro but were free on account of their white blood.
The simple fact is that hispanics will never be a majority. The statistics show that the hispanic birthrate has fallen from 3.0 TFR in 2008 to 2.4 TFR in 2012. Illegal immigration is collapsed. Illegals themselves make up 10% of the population of texas and 10% of the populations of California and Arizona.
The reason why California is a shitty libtard land is not because of voting illegals but because white Californians are liberal retards. 52% of the citizens of California should still be non-hispanic white, in conjunction with white hispanics this number rises to at least 60%. If we consider the fact that Asians are tied at the hip of white Americans and that half of all Asian children born in the past year were at least half-white (due to the fact that half of all Asians who marry each year marry whites) the we can say that california is doing just fine. Also anyone who dislikes Asians marrying whites is insane, in my opinion, considering my main antagonism to blacks and mestizos is the fact that they are clearly stupid and entitled, while Asians are hardworking and unwilling to accept handouts for the most part.
Anon at 7:15 AM, May 6: No, most Hispanics are not White, not by a long shot. I lived in Los Angeles for decades, and I watched the Hispanic and Middle Eastern invasions of the '80s. I have taught Hispanics and did very well with a select group, but most of them are hopeless and do not even graduate from high school. Just take a look at the formerly White neighborhoods that have turned to barrios. White my ass.
That said, I am fully aware that there are genuinely White Hispanics. My good Hispanic students were disproportionately White, but there were some Mestizos and even an excellent Negrita among them. But in the aggregate, Hispanics are a huge drain on the country.
Orientals don't usually pull the same crap as other non-Whites, but they are not us and don't wish to be. The San Gabriel Valley, east of Los Angeles, is a Chinese colony. These people are not confined to racial enclaves by poverty, they can live where they want, and they choose to be separate from Americans. They are perfectly willing to accept whatever government handouts they can. In fact, they actively seek the handouts, and are quite adept at gaming the system. And they are very comfortable playing the race card, whining about the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1883(?) or the Japanese relocation of WW2.
I am not much impressed with the willingness of Oriental women to mate with White men. The men in these couples tend to be long on intelligence and short on testosterone, perfect liberals. I'll accept Orientals as real Americans when I see them accepting our history and our heroes as their own. I'm not holding my breath.
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