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Threat Level Midnight Black for Memorial Day 2012 |
One year ago, the Black Intifada of Memorial Day 2011 was unleashed on the nation. Read about it here.
Chicago: Beaches were closed due to Black violence, though your elected city officials blamed the threat of "heat exhaustion" instead of directing any blame toward Black Pack Attacks.
Boston: A scene out of George Romero's nightmares was unleashed on beach-goers as
For more, just read Jim Goad's column from Takimag on the Memorial Day festivities of 2011. It was this weekend that ushered in a new era of reporting when it comes to discussing the Black Intifada (Lawrence Auster's perfect term) unfolding across the nation.
Whenever Black people gather together, prospects for trouble will exponentially rise with each addition made (regardless of the sex of the Black person) to the group. Events will be marred with violence, property damage, theft, random shootings, sexual assaults, and a disgruntled business community.
Just ask Atlanta about Freaknic (Freaknik); Myrtle Beach about Black Bike Week; Philadelphia about Greek Picnic; Indianapolis about the Indiana Black Expo; well, you get the picture. You ever wonder why the all-Black sections of a city lack any businesses or economic activity (save the Black market of the drug dealer and prostitution)?
Just look at the behavior of Black people during the events (many cancelled) described above and the resources that must be dedicated (police, extra-security at businesses to guard against theft, etc.) to ensure that some form of peace is maintained. Now you understand why Tybee Island wants to rid itself of Orange Crush.
Now you understand why Baltimore's Inner Harbor downtown area is implementing major security upgrades, just to keep businesses located there from closing up shop (thereby depriving the city of desperately needed tax revenue and the only form of nightlife/entertainment left of law-abiding patrons of the Baltimore) and fleeing from what can only be described as "average Black behavior."
Why Miami wants to rid itself of Urban Beach Week, where a police state is being erected in advance of the arrival of 300,000 Black people for Memorial Day festivities. Yes, a police state:
A reported arrest quota for Memorial Day weekend is causing anger and concern among community activists and union officers in Miami Beach.This policy should be enacted in every major city with a Black population of more than five percent of the total population. For every day, especially the weekends. Especially holidays.
Rumors of the quota, which allegedly calls for 2,000 people to be arrested over the holiday weekend, first came to light in an email complaint from the officers' union. In that email, the union called the quota "aggressive, patently unfair, and unjust."
Police Chief Raymond Martinez has denied the reports, saying in an email to Local 10, "I want to be clear, there is no arrest quota for Memorial Day weekend or any other day on Miami Beach."
But the ACLU is also concerned, especially when it comes to protecting civil rights.
"This is a big mistake they're making," said ACLU attorney Howard Simon. "Their goal should be zero arrests, not two thousand arrests. If police are going to use arrests not as a last resort, but as a first resort they're going to make the situation worse."
They also said police need to use "professional training" to diffuse situations rather than arrest party-goers as a first response.
Draconian actions like "curfews" (normally only needed for times of war or when Martial Law is declared, but standard operating procedure for a city besieged by Black violence) would no longer be necessary; businesses would no longer be fearful of losing profits or investing in an "urban" entertainment district knowing that the state had their best interests at heart, instead of protecting Mahogany Mobbers.
History is unfolding before our eyes. The paradigm is shifting, one WorldStarHipHop (WSHH) video at a time -- all willingly uploaded by the Black person engaged in the Flash Mob, random assault, or participant in "average Black behavior."
Memorial Day Weekend... did the veterans who fought in America's wars serve and their comrades really die so that freedom could be transferred to a population who remade Detroit in their image? So that entertainment districts could be shut down because the state won't protect legitimate businesses (and the consumers who will keep these restaurants and shops open so they can collect revenue that in turn is taxed to support the city's ability to employ public servants, pay into pension funds, and improve infrastructure) from the threat of Black people engaging in "average Black behavior."
You don't base social policy on individuals. You might know a Black person who doesn't engage in "average Black behavior." Unfortunately, cities like Baltimore, Memphis, Kansas City, Atlanta, Birmingham, Detroit, Peoria, Akron, Cleveland, St. Louis, New Orleans, Miami, Nashville, Milwaukee, and Chicago have too many who do.
And it's this type of behavior that the white residents of the suburbs surrounding these cities know all to well (which is why they moved to Whitopia's in the first place).
The United States Department of Homeland Security might have retired the color-coded threat level, but we haven't: Memorial Day Weekend 2012 is a threat level Black for the entire nation.
Cities like Miami, Atlanta, Charlotte, Baltimore, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Chicago, Mobile, Savannah, Cleveland, Tulsa, Dallas, Philadelphia, Tampa, Orlando, New Orleans, and Boston are on extremely high alerts.
Norfolk would be warned, but the media there wouldn't report on it if it happened.
Memorial Day 2012: what did all those veterans die defending again?
Freedom Failed.
saint Louis here... was going to head out of town and go camping. parks are full. free blues music and cheap BBQ downtown... I'll pass on that experience. told the girlfriend well stay home and avoid crowds... it's been a ling hot spring here already.
Seems like all of those Hispanics/Latinos/Cubans are pretty racist against their DEMOCRATIC brothers in arms! This for some reason makes me laugh. Let the blacks come in and destroy, it's not like the USA is a nation anymore, diversity will destroy the Left like it destroys everything else it touches.
I don't know HOW you guys do it, live with these crazy savages. I shudder in horror to think of a beach town in the USA with 300,000! of these animals. The beaches must be rolling chimp outs, not to mention the added strain of LIFE GUARD DUTY because as we all know Blacks cannot swim (i.e. water is racist) Swim Lessons Help Minority Children Break Cycle (70% of Blacks and 60% of Hispanics cannot swim compared to 42% of Whites).
Thank God we have PRIVATE beaches here in my So CAL Whitopia.
I have a new name for our movement. It could be called simply "The Sanity Party" but I think "Futurist" is better.
If we do not deal with this black nightmare seriously we will have no future.
As you know quite well, if things go on the way everything has been going for decades blacks will have no future either. Has this not occurred to blacks at all?
I mean, even someone who is mentally retarded, as the vast majority of blacks are, someone in their group with a higher degree of intelligence must see the writing on the wall.
Then again, plenty of whites live in this "happily ever after" dreamworld(/nightmare) too.
I am not making an attempt at humor but, maybe that's why they have such a high rate of fertility. Maybe it's bred into them just to recklessly procreate because back in their jungle days even if most of their little tar-spots met their fate in a lions stomach their race would go on. It's almost as if life to them is as simple as the life of bacterium , no thought at all goes into the future, it's just mindless, destructive survival.
Unfortunately, this black bacteria is deadly to human life and it is time we deal with it. At least you, and sites like this, have put blacks under the microscope for all the world to see in perspective.
We can feel sorry for the individual who does not deserve to be painted with the same broad brush as most of his kind do, but we have been led down that road before. Just like the Little Rock Eight, the good ones are soon followed by the average ones, who destroy everything they touch. Whenever some DWL says "That's not fair"', we need to recall that they pulled that trick before, and have ruined the nation. Adults make decisions according to the probabilities, not in hope of drawing a royal flush.
Average black behavior? Don't you mean TNB, Paul?
Again, a nice run down of things that should open more eyes, but may fail to pierce the veil of willful ignorance.
Very relevant to this particular article:
Colin Flaherty's book "WHITE GIRL BLEED A LOT," available at Amazon.com:
Keep this date in your mind: Saturday, July 21st. This is when hometown hip hop groid Nelly will be performing in downtown St. Louis for free at an open venue (Soldiers Memorial). I'm glad I, and many other whites, won't be at work downtown that day.
You don't need to go to Miami Beach for violence. There was a double murder in Atlantic City.
I have noticed more and more racially aware comments on mainstream media stories regarding TNB and black on white crime (when it is covered. I have commented frequently myself, particularly in the LA Times. I am now noticing that my comments are either deleted or not showing up at all.
I think the BRA Propaganda Ministry is getting worried.
"We can feel sorry for the individual who does not deserve to be painted with the same broad brush as most of his kind do"...
I must respectfully disagree. These creatures and their DWL supporters never hesitate to paint all white people with various labels and insults, and they never feel sorry for all of the white people whom they have slandered.
So to Hades with their feelings. Turnabout IS fair play.
The funniest part about the groids is that they are NEVER as tough as they like you to believe if they are alone.
I live in Baltimore and earlier today I gave a groid passing by the stink eye because he looked like he was about to just chug his empty McDonalds cup on the street. He saw me watching him and decided against it. Then he realized he needed to save face and tried to stare me down. However, he didn't litter...something I am certain he wouldn't have thought twice about if he was with 2 or 3 of his boyz.
Point is, the groids are pack creatures and they'll remain subdued if alone surrounded by whites/asians/latinos etc. They only try and show how tough they are when in packs...pathetic.
504realist says
The truth can cost you your job http://www.nola.com/education/index.ssf/2012/05/civil_rights_group_protests_ra.html
Per Local 10: Rumors of the quota, which allegedly calls for 2,000 people to be arrested over the holiday weekend, first came to light in an email complaint from the officers' union. In that email, the union called the quota "aggressive, patently unfair, and unjust." [emphasis added]
Aggressive? Definitely. Patently unfair? Only maybe. Unjust? Absolutely not! Blacks routinely demonstrate so little regard or respect for justice that there is little in the way of even highly aggressive law enforcement that could ever meet that description.
But the ACLU is also concerned, especially when it comes to protecting civil rights.
I'll bet they are. Just not White civil rights.
"This is a big mistake they're making," said ACLU attorney Howard Simon. "Their goal should be zero arrests, not two thousand arrests. If police are going to use arrests not as a last resort, but as a first resort they're going to make the situation worse." [emphasis added]
"Their goal should be zero arrests…"
Can one person possibly be any more delusional and misguided? Howard Simon should be plunked down in the midst of one of these Memorial Day Black mobs so we can see just how long he continued to cling to such lunatic notions. I'd give him ten seconds or less.
Zero arrests? Maybe if all the kids were White and even then, probably not so seeing as how much TNB has rubbed off on modern White youth. With so many Blacks concentrated in one location? The odds are less than zero. Those who maintain otherwise are every bit a part of the problem as these Black thugs are themselves.
"Did the veterans who fought in America's wars serve and their comrades really die so that freedom could be transferred to a population who remade Detroit in their image?"
Many knew they had been HAD. My own father -- a wounded WW II US Navy vet who went through some of the bloodiest battles of the Pacific campaign, and whose favorite younger brother was KIA there -- said to me, in absolute disgust, shortly before he died (though still sharp as a tack at 83), and I quote: "they've handed the country over to the [insert N-Word Here] on a silver platter, WITHOUT a fight."
He also told me he regretted that the GERMANS of the WW II era could never occupy America, because they "knew" how to deal with [insert N-word here] and their ENABLERS who are not to be named, and admonished me to GET out of here if I could.
Anonymous said...
I am not making an attempt at humor but, maybe that's why they have such a high rate of fertility. Maybe it's bred into them just to recklessly procreate because back in their jungle days even if most of their little tar-spots met their fate in a lions stomach their race would go on. It's almost as if life to them is as simple as the life of bacterium , no thought at all goes into the future, it's just mindless, destructive survival.
May 23, 2012 5:23 PM
You actually hit the nail on the head. Take it from someone who lived in Africa for four decades, that is exactly how they operate and no amount of slavery or "Brown vs board et al" will change that.
I lived in Cape Coral Florida; when i was in CC, there were NO niggers where I lived, none of thier racket, crime & filth, the place I worked , literally drove the one stupid enough to apply , out. Even the "convenience "stores were staffed by WHITE People; no hindus, sikhs , dotheads, hadjis, or hispanics, there was very little if any litter,never saw one darkee even near FT.Myers Beach , had to move up North a few years ago,
Wonder how that area is now? I am going back to Florida
Don't want to find things like they are up north; overrun with welfare niggers, gangs, even the little 'country'towns like the one I grew up in is on it's way to beingdestroyed.
They are creeping in little by little; There is a welfare hellhole that used to be a 3story ONE FAMILY HOMEuntill it was sold after the original Family all died;
Now it's welfare niggers,
One of which, a teen set the garage on a home down the road on fire; " Because she was bored."
When they have thier "Race war" that stymie keeps agitating for , we need to cleanse the entire Nation . FOREVER.
"Jesus tell me that my apprehensions about the future are justified."
-Rev. Jed DeValleyism, "My Manifesto," 2009
"I mean, even someone who is mentally retarded, as the vast majority of blacks are, someone in their group with a higher degree of intelligence must see the writing on the wall."
As I said before, a skunk don't know it stinks and a negro doesn't know it's an idiot.
Just as a serf looked upon the etiquette of his master as haughty, a negro looks upon good behavior and education as acting white or as raciss.
You can't expect a pig to walk upright nor a negro not to devolve our heritage.
Whites inovate.
Asians stagnate.
Negroes degenerate.
About Saint Louis:
You're right, I agree. I used to enjoy going downtown for festivities. As recently as a few years ago, I used to make a point to take my kids down there once or twice a year to experience the city and all it has to, um, offer.
Between roving gangs of black utes playing the knockout game, flash mobs at the loop, massive car breakins and vandalism for enjoying a Cardinal game - no more. I'm sticking to the county and, more specifically, the lilly white parts of the county.
PK, you bring it all together, alas, showing the increasing decline of America.
One thing that is disturbing is that this wave of violence is occurring after half a century of civil rights, poverty and education programs. The Kerner Commission told America that all those programs were needed to prevent violence from the black underclass. And yet what do we see today?
The time for excuses is over. Blacks (or what are laughably called their leaders) have gotten everything they have demanded. Yet nothing has changed. Of course, the DWL establishment is going into further depths of self-delusion in order to avoid facing reality.
Thankfully, there is the Internet to spread the truth.
Anway, it's interesting that to keep order on America's beaches, we see the kind of measures which were once SOP in apartheid era South Africa. People ask why the whites in South Africa had apartheid, but they really do not want the answer. Unfortunately, some things are just forced on a society if it wants to maintain a modicum of civilization.
I have a new name for our movement. It could be called simply "The Sanity Party" but I think "Futurist" is better.
Good ideas!
Trial junkie here. I know a college professor who does exactly that. He bases his ideas on race on individuals.
Since he sees a few blacks who are good students, and some whites who are poor students, he declares everybody to be equal. He always looks for a reason to be partial to blacks.
Of course the ACLU lawyer is panicking at the prospect of blacks engaging in lawless behavior getting arrested. That group is notorious for hyperventilating over criminals, particularly non-white ones, being arrested, or jailed, or having one of their would-be victims fight back, or told "No," or having their feelings hurt. Now the law-abiding people? The American Criminal Lover's Union couldn't care less about them.
"This is for you White bitch"
Looks like MickyD's is getting a dangerous place to be
Local middle school's required summer reading: Emmett Till book and some woman's civil rights book. I would love to know what percentage of the students who have to read those books in that school could write a simple paragraph on the basic questions about the event depicted in the image for this post: what, where, and when.
They could probably already give you detailed info on old Emmett's daily habits. This latest book they have to read will be a breeze since its been pounded into them so hard already.
Given the madness that unfolds every summer with Blacks, how could the students not see an inverse relationship between reality and school indoctrination.
A relative of mine did lifeguard duty at a local pool. Some negress's kids basically ran loose and jumped in the pools to drown while she jabbered with other blacks.
My relative assited them, and they'd get out and go do the same thing again.
I've had pets smarter than that.
But I'm supposed to believe they're my 'equal'.
The northwest front is our only hope. Google it.
I have made a terrible, HUGE mistake. A whole group of us [well, ten of us] are headed for Myrtle Beach for the weekend. Yes, our LITTLE group is white. Today, I realized that it is Black Bike Week. My husband is not going to let us cancel - we've paid for it. I say take the loss. I DO NOT WANT TO GO. There are 400,000 - 500,000 black bikers expected. Nervous? That would be an understatement. If not for SBPDL and AmRen and a few other sites, I would be clueless as to what is happening with regard to black on white violence. But, as I am aware, this weekend and the situation has me quite upset. I sent an e-mail to the group of people going and got a response, "Now we will know what it is like to be a minority." Is it possible that a group of ten middle-aged white people can be safe in such a large crowd of black bikers if we keep our mouths SHUT and remain very, very quietly in the far edges of the background? What the HELL were WE thinking?!?
Incredibly sad story:
Teen murdered in broad daylight in North Carolina
Anonymous @ May 23, 2012 8:58 PM --
The negress in the McDonald's incident actually bit the White female victim's hands during the attack. Does anyone remember the 2009 incident in Stamford CT, when Travis the "tame" chimpanzee (who had to be shot by cops) viciously attacked Charla Nash and ate her hands, as well as most of her face?
There is a gold mine of data to be mined studying the behavioral similarities between negroids and their hairier cousins.
It ashamed to see so many racists comments by people who believe there are so righteous and innocent. There is just a much violence and pillaging when crowds of white people get together to. 2012 and racism is still full swing. If you feel so passionate about this go to Miami this weekend and say what you feel.
It is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets a whole lot better.
Because many are still squishy on the whole "What to do with them?", problem. If they were to actually meet a reasonable black who said, "I just want to stay and be good", they would fold like a house of cards, despite seeing the evidence before them. Hate is a difficult thing, though their are 10's of thousands of Whites who every year go the the hospital and clinics all around this Country to pick up their shattered children, raped daughters, wives, sisters; their broken and beaten sons, husbands, brothers and we know now that the Media has been actively hiding it.
For example, the interracial rape stats for 2005 is 37,000 Whites raped by blacks (NONE going the other way!) and there is complete silence. That is 37,000 families picking up the pieces of their broken families and saying "Thanks a lot, BRA." only to go home and listen to the news report that another Affirmative Action law or Regulation or lawsuit has passed because blacks have been "Historically Oppressed". A hundred a day. Media Silence.
In the old Soviet Union, the people stopped believing in Socialism and the Country collapsed. In the USA, people no longer believe that the son you raised, nurtured and worked with should be denied Medical school, the job of firefighting, police or the prestigious school because of "Historical Oppression". They Can See and the center can not hold. The hate is growing, for there is no protective illusion that blacks are doing what they do for a greater cause. Now they talk openly about genocide of Whites. OPENLY! If a White were to speak such, he would be tried.
Liberals act like the term hate is Evil. It is a mind control device they use, on the same level as the useless liberal comment that "Violence never solves anything."
The fact is Whites should hate Africans in America. Use it to clarify and focus. Hate lifts away the fear, helping you understand that if you try to negotiate with the person who hates you, you end up on your knees. To "Love your Enemy" is halfway to handing him the keys to you house, your land and your wife, your future. (Continued)
The Spartans had a whole school of thought on resisting fear, learning to focus emotions and sought to understand how men in battle, in the screams and gore and sweat, could resist the urge to run. They called the body of thought "Phobologia".
Fear washes out the determination, makes the legs weak and the mind seeking escape rather than Victory. To avoid thinking unpleasant thoughts, or to lie to yourself that this year will be better, when the last 20 have been steady worse or that we can keep blacks here, just the "good" ones.
To Love you own people and be merciful to your own is a Noble thing, but to not also hate that which by it's very essence would enslave your people; who would laughing cut your throat; who would burn your children and rape your wives and elderly is delusion. If I can know that by planting 10 blacks in a town every year that in 20 years there will be rape, robbery, murder, horror and abuse like the Knoxville or Wisconsin, does that not make me responsible? People in this time avoid responsibility. Socialism is a Governmental system that codifies avoidance of responsibility. We are rank with it.
I do not hate them enough to wipe them from all existence, but enough to remove them from the ability to harm me and mine by returning them to their Country and cleansing the land of them, YES.
As Jefferson said, "It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be pari passu filled up by free white laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human nature must shudder at the prospect held up."
It is survival of the species, people and we have been grappling with this problem now for 200 years and the cost in blood and toil and suffering has mounted till it flows out every town and city in the USA. If you want the future of the USA to be White then it must be made so. Do I hate flying insects, no. But the hornets nest in the backyard I hate, for it represents a danger to my sons and wife so it must be removed. So it is with Africans in America.
Forgive this long post, but the newspapers detailing how much they have been protecting negroid crime has got me worked up. It is much worse than I ever knew. One crime statistician saying that for every reported rape, their could be 5 to 10 more that just lick their wounds in shame and never speak of it.
@ Beth, May 24, 2012 6:01 AM:
Please take detailed notes, discreetly take video (if it's safe) and give us all here what the military calls "ground truth." Because we sure won't get it from the obsolete media.
Don't go anywhere alone, be aware of your surroundings, carry weapons in accordance with all laws, and don't go anywhere alone. I said that twice on purpose.
"...(I) got a response, "Now we will know what it is like to be a minority."
Let that person go into and out of doors first. It's only polite.
Anon (5/23 6:04 PM): I think the BRA Propaganda Ministry is getting worried.
And well they should be. Their complicity in Blackwashing TNB is rapidly garnering them an equal portion of wrath―once reserved almost exclusively for Blacks―from thoroughly aggrieved Whites. Blacks, DWLs and the MSM are all running up a horrendous butcher's bill and payday will not be pretty, to say the least.
What's absolutely crucial to remember is that these feckless rut bags are the ones who have made this necessary. Were they not so determined to antagonize this world's most civilized population, the need for such a horrendous day of reckoning might not be so imperative. Instead, it cannot happen a minute too soon.
Californian: Anway, it's interesting that to keep order on America's beaches, we see the kind of measures which were once SOP in apartheid era South Africa. People ask why the whites in South Africa had apartheid, but they really do not want the answer. Unfortunately, some things are just forced on a society if it wants to maintain a modicum of civilization.
Thank you for restating what I consider to be a central point.
It is not as if Whites are predisposed to imposing such draconian codes as Jim Crow. Quite the opposite, in fact. This is shown by the fact that millions of Whites died in the cause of abolishing slavery.
Yet, TNB literally demands that partial, if not full blown, apartheid be instituted if there is to be had even a shred of order, much less enjoyment, for civilized people.
Temperatures in the Chicago area will be in the 90s this weekend. Watch for some TNB on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Annoyed In Illinois
Beth: What the HELL were WE thinking?!?
Two words: Concealed. Carry.
Another two words: Pepper. Spray.
Permit me to suggest that you investigate scenic locations up or down the coast from Myrtle Beach. Rise quite early and hie thee off to those places for some sightseeing. Have dinner before returning anywhere near to your MB accommodations and then retire for the evening with some DVDs or books.
Whatever you do, don't even think of leaving your hotel room after dark.
trust the boots on the ground:
escape from blackopolis. - panjoomby
10mm AUTO: "Violence never solves anything."
Not a damn thing except:
● Abusive monarchy
● Slavery
● Fascism
● Nazism
● Genocide
● Communism
and soon to be added to the list, jihad.
PS: Excellent comment as usual, 10mm AUTO.
10mm AUTO: Forgive this long post…
Forgive?!? Hell, how about some wild applause?
@Mutant Swarm - Thank you for responding. You have NO IDEA how much this is upsetting me. I am ready to get physically ill...
Quite possibly the best two posts I have ever read.
If you want to see what black people do to beaches in south africa: google images- durban beaches new years day, I'm sure some photos pre 1994 will be available for comparison
We all know that beach going is a european phenomenon, as more white people in europe had more disposable cash thanks to the industrial revolution, the habit of going to the seaside slowly evolved
Blacks have never been known to enjoy the sea side, firstly lieing in the sun is pointless in their case cause they black, instinctivly they know this that's why you never see blacks relaxing lieing down on the beach in the sun, they always in hordes standing by the waters edge or just in street corner gangs, except at the beach
Lieing in the sun is a white thing, white people trying to get that healthy golden colour that so that they didn't look consumptive.
Blacks are simply imitating like well trained automatons.
Blacks and beaches don't mix
In re: beachgoing/swimming. My favorite sports have always involved the water: swimming on a team; sailing; water polo (was only girl on team); water ballet;have Lifesaving certif from Red Cross. Anyway, a couple of yrs ago my husband and I were at a Ft Lauderdale hotel, on the cheap side, for a few days, and one day this black woman arrived with about 4-5 kids. She was horribly overweight, but pleasant enough, and would sit by the small pool, fully dressed (sign posted: no lifeguard present) and let her progeny enjoy the water. I was there several times and the kids clung to me in the pool. I tried to teach the oldest girl, quite thin, how to float on her back. They really do seem to have heavier bones or something. It was almost impossible. While I was doing this one of the little boys got to the deep end and started thrashing around. I grabbed him and hauled him back to the shallows. All the others started yelling at me that I didn't do this fast enough. I couldn't believe that monitoring his water safety was MY responsibility! Glad there was no additional drama, as I found other things to do elsewhere and they left the next day.
I am from south africa and I have seen johannesburg go from a beautifull city into a ghetto thug hellhole, I remember some hate filled groid in the early 1990's saying that johannesburg was only for the white madams, now its a ghetto shithole, not even the black "middleclass" want to go there.even the johannesburg stock exchange eventually had to hall ass 30km north to get out the black swamp that johannesburg has become.
My hometown has been totally negrofied, the degenrating black energy creeps everywhere, and so the phage spreads and consumes and destroys.
A large upmarket shopping mall east of jahannesburg has become a groid zone, hardly any whites go there anymore, the upmarket stores are closing down, on saturdays it sounds like what I imagine DANTE's hell would sound like.
Capetown is still relatively ungroided, but the ANC are going out of their way to change that.
I was 22 when the ANC came to power in 1994 and have seen the deterioration slowly unfolding, south africa is in the initial stages of a failed groided african state.
Now for all the world to see and so that no shadow of a doubt remains, groids can inherit a country with 1st world infrastructure and functionality and ruin everything in 20yrs.
In apartheid days white governed south africa functioned well and 5million whites lived a basically decent life.
The hordes were kept at bay, because as whites in USA are discovering that you can't live with them, their hate and envy ruins everything around them.
I long for those days, as most whites do. All this experiment has done is to make more whites racist, the ones who thought the rainbow nation would work out have been thouroughly convinced otherwise.
That's why we had apartheid, black areas were the way they were cause that's how they want it.
They don't understand the reason why white neighbourhoods are pleasant to live in is because of whites, not because whites are oppressing blacks with some evil magik, now the blacks see for themselves that they are the cause of their ghettos.
They have taken over decent white suburbs that they lusted and coveted to live in, and they have turned it into a ghetto, only as they know how.
We never want to live amongst them, they always want to live amongst us, our refusal to want them in our midst really irks them, but they never ask themselves why we don't want to mix with them, they think its because of skin colour, not because of their behaviour.
Viva apartheid viva
In my neck of the woods we have a thing at the National Zoo called the Black Family Day. I got the stink eye for slipping and calling it The "Annual Black Family Shoot Out".
Beth said...
@Mutant Swarm - Thank you for responding. You have NO IDEA how much this is upsetting me. I am ready to get physically ill...
May 24, 2012 8:43 AM
You are quite welcome. From the tone of your posts, I can guess how upset you are.
If you have a smartphone that's internet capable, how about posting comments over the weekend, so we know you're okay?
Everyone here, how about an extra prayer for this lady?
Fantastic post from 10 MM Auto above. This is a must read for everyone. The black-on-white intifada of violence, rape and murder has been going on steadily for the past five decades, perhaps even longer. It has been a dirty, one-sided war, deliberately carried out by blacks who have been encouraged in two ways: 1) through the constant repetition of the rayciss and evil meme about historical America; and 2) through a deliberate cover-up and falsification of the extent and nature of black criminality.
Keep in mind that it was back in 1946 the Ministry of Truth first instituted its policy of lying about the criminal and violent nature of blacks - which has been a problem from the dark day in 1619 when the first ones were imported to these shores by slimy "entrepreneurs" who wanted cheap labor. By the late 1960s, every single major media outlet was participating in the lie.
Odd as it may seem, the root of the problem is not blacks themselves - though let me be crystal clear that they bear full moral responsibility for their more-than-willing participation in this genocidal act. The root lies in the elite whites who control every single institution in the country - be it business and industry, finance, government, military, media, arts, academia, religion. The generals, planners, promoters, and logistical support for BRA's genocidal intifada are nearly all white. There is moreover no peaceful means of removing those who control the system. Removing them by force will require significant numbers of the general white populace to wake up and see reality.
If you still don't believe the extent of absolute power in the hands of the BRA machine, please take a serious read of Auster's recent post. The prosecutor is actively strong-arming witnesses in the Zimmerman case to change their testimony. There is no rule of law in the Banksta Banana Republick. The only the any rule of law could hope to emerge would be in the wake of a collapse of the entire system - anarchy and chaos. When the paid mercenaries of the BRA regime have no paycheck coming, they will go rogue instead of obeying the elite orders to destroy the resistance (we already meet the DHS definition of "domestic terrorists") - and make no mistake, there are very, very few in the ranks of military and police willing to disobey a direct order and turn their weapons upon those issuing the order, regardless of how completely lawless and immoral the order is.
Check out the comments in the article on the supposed arrest quote this weekend in MB. More and more people are starting to wake up. The diversity utopianists are of course chiming in with the usual "la la la can't hear you you're racist la la la" but are not able to say ANYTHING that refutes the argument that when large groups of AA's converge in an area, trouble is bound to follow. I'm sure the palace guards in the media are holding their breath and ready to work overtime to make sure stories of bad behavior are buried.
@Beth 6:02: I am so sorry about your family vacation. It seems that SOMEONE should have tipped you off (the hotel reservation, clerk, for instance). Having lived around blacks my entire my life I know how they act when they get together. Their conduct, noise, drinking, drugs,and violence are an expected given. I am so sorry that your family vacation will be ruined.
reminisce: I was 22 when the ANC came to power in 1994 and have seen the deterioration slowly unfolding, south africa is in the initial stages of a failed groided african state.
The worthless sack of sh!t known as the ANC proved it for all to see when they refused to condemn, much less even censure, Robert Mugabe for ghettoizing Zimbabwe. Blacks will always cover for each other no matter how glaring the malfeasance involved.
That's why we had apartheid, black areas were the way they were cause that's how they want it.
From all appearances, it really has to be something genetic. Around the world, left to their own devices, Blacks make a cesspool out of every last place they inhabit. They are like babies that enjoy sitting in their own excrement for the warm and squishy feeling it gives them. Make no mistake, Blacks really do "want it" that way. If they didn't, there would be at least one Black nation somewhere on earth that wasn't the usual Black-run hellhole. Instead, nothing of the sort exists.
Great comment, reminisce. It seems as though you are still in South Africa. If so, it would be a huge service to SBPDL if you could provide us with updates about conditions and incidents there.
Bogolyubski: The prosecutor is actively strong-arming witnesses in the Zimmerman case to change their testimony.
There really isn't any other viable explanation for how so many witnesses have magically changed their account of the incident. One can only hope recordings and transcripts were made of the witness interviews conducted by special prosecutor Angela Corey so that a post-trial review of them can be used to disbar her.
"they're going to make the situation worse."
an unintended admission?
Another rabid fan of 10mm AUTO is born.
Good call, that.
Ahem, uh Paul, who was Amerika best buds with in World War Two? Oh, that's right, the Soviet Russian Communists! And who, pray tell, were running the Roosevelt administration?Oh, that's right, a bunch of Pinko Facsists! And you wonder why we are immersed in BRA?
Hey Zenster, violence never solved anything! Dope.
Beth--Maybe, just maybe, after your trip, some of your group will be able to "see." Particularly Mr./Ms. "Now we will know what it's like to be a minority." Perhaps some good will come out of your vacation. And once in a while, there's some satisfaction out of being able to say, "I told you so."
Please be safe.
Beth said:
"Now we will know what it is like to be a minority." Is it possible that a group of ten middle-aged white people can be safe in such a large crowd of black bikers if we keep our mouths SHUT and remain very, very quietly in the far edges of the background?
That doesn't sound like a pleasant way to spend a vacation. Nor does it sound like the others in your group are the kind of people you will enjoy being with. Cancel and get your money back if possible, but regardless, DON'T GO.
Zenster said:
Blacks, DWLs and the MSM are all running up a horrendous butcher's bill and payday will not be pretty, to say the least.
The new New York Times building lacks the plentiful lamp posts on the long side of the old building. I think this was a conscious decision.
There is just a much violence and pillaging when crowds of white people get together to.
The Manchester UEFA Cup Final was a once off. Can you give any other examples of white people pillaging?
Not my words, but his.....
"A Real Humanitarian Speaks Out
Albert Schweitzer was a true humanitarian, not a demagogue who simply wanted to ingratiate himself to blacks like so many White politicians nowadays. From 1913 until his death in 1965 Schweitzer practiced as a doctor in the hospital he founded in Africa in the jungle village of Lamarene. His ethic was "reverence for life." In 1952 he received the Nobel Peace prize. Before it disappears down the liberal memory hole, here is what Schweitzer wrote about blacks shortly before his death:
"I have given my life to try to alleviate the sufferings of Africa. There is something that all White men who have lived here like I must learn and know: that these individuals are a sub-race. They have neither the intellectual, mental or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with White men in any function of our civilization. I have given my life to try to bring them the advantages which our civilization must offer, but I have become well aware that we must retain this status: we,the superior and they the inferior. For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work. Let White men from anywhere in the world, who come to Africa remember that you must continually retain that status: you the master and they the inferior like children that you help or teach. Never fraternise with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you."
My father was mugged and beaten by a group of black THUGS in broad daylight on a public street, for $28 and his jade ring. He never recovered.
Several BLACK PEOPLE witnessed this but would not testify, so no one was every prosecuted for his murder.
International statistics show that the average IQ of African countries falls at the lowest end of the records....around 70, and Koko the gorilla has an IQ of 62.....I'd rather be around Koko than most of the other animals.
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