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White America is nothing but Lambchops |
Consequently, Birmingham Public Schools are the most homogenous of any big city in America (at 98 percent Black, BPS has a Blacker student enrollment than that of Detroit - roughly 91 percent Black), so Trayvon would have felt right at home in the cradle of the Civil Rights movement.
What were those words that Holder spoke (CNS News, Susan Jones, May 7, 2012)?:
Despite "significant" progress in civil rights, the nation is still struggling to "overcome injustice" and "eliminate disparities," Attorney General Eric Holder told the Detroit chapter of the NAACP on Sunday.The creation of a better America is within our grasp? Fitting that Eric "My People" Holder gave this speech in Detroit, a city that Black people remade into their image. It wasn't Democrats that looted Detroit, it was one-party rule in the Motor City that made it happen: Black rule.
The attorney general also mentioned Trayvon Martin by name, as he decried the violence and crime involving young people.
"This (violence) is an issue that has -– rightly -– garnered significant national attention in recent months, as our nation has struggled to make sense of the tragic shooting death of a Florida teenager named Trayvon Martin," Holder said. "As this case moves through the legal system, Justice Department officials will continue to communicate closely with state and local authorities to ensure that community concerns are heard, tensions are alleviated, and – as with every investigation at every level – appropriate actions are guided by the facts and the law."
The Justice Department is now investigating whether any federal civil rights laws were violated in Martin's death at the hands of a neighborhood watch captain in Florida. The suspect, George Zimmerman, says he shot the 17-year-old black teenager in self-defense. The case has rallied civil rights activists, who blasted police for not immediately charging Zimmerman with a crime.
Holder on Sunday told the Detroit NAACP that "as we all know, the reality is that certain aspects of this case are far from unique. And incidents of violence involving young people are anything but rare."
Holder told the gathering that both he and President Obama are "direct beneficiaries" of the work done by the NAACP. But he also said the group's work is far from over: "[D]despite the significant, once-unimaginable advances that have marked the century since this group convened its first meetings...the unfortunate fact is that, in 2012, our nation’s long struggle to overcome injustice, to eliminate disparities, to bridge long-standing divisions, and to eradicate violence has not yet ended."
'Holder praised the Detroit NAACP for the way it is responding to the challenges it faces: "You’re fighting to safeguard civil rights, to ensure embattled voting rights, and to expand learning and employment opportunities in every community. And you’re working...to strengthen our criminal justice system, to achieve fairness in our immigration and sentencing policies, and to prevent and combat violence and crime, especially among our young people."
Holder said the Obama administration has made an "unprecedented commitment" to protecting children's safety. And he touted the Justice Department's work in overcoming division and disparity:
"Over the past three years, the Department’s Civil Rights Division has filed more criminal civil rights cases than ever before, including record numbers of police misconduct, hate crimes, and human trafficking cases. We’ve moved aggressively to combat continuing racial segregation in schools and to eliminate discriminatory practices in our housing and lending markets.
"We’ve taken decisive action to vigorously enforce the 1965 Voting Rights Act, our nation’s most important civil rights statute, by challenging attempts to disenfranchise many of our fellow citizens." Holder has criticized voter ID laws as discriminatory, and the Justice Department is challenging such laws in Texas and South Carolina.
"Across the administration, we’re working in a range of other innovative ways to achieve fairness and expand opportunity – from successfully advocating for the reduction of the unfair and unjust 100-to-1 sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine offenses – to launching a new, Department-wide Diversity Management Initiative ," Holder said.
He urged the NAACP -- which he counts as a partner to the Justice Department -- to "take up the unfinished struggle for equal opportunity and justice."
"The creation of that better America is within our grasp," Holder said.
Those goals of the NAACP are now intertwined with the operating procedure of the Justice Department: they are one and the same.
What does the "creation of that better America" look like? Well, simply look no further then the proposed 'Trayvon Amendment' that will one day be passed in Black-Run America (BRA) -- [Washington Times, Stephen Dinan, May 7, 2012]:
Democrats backed off of their effort Tuesday to offer a "Trayvon amendment" to pressure states to drop their stand-your-ground laws after learning it was likely to be ruled out of order under the evening's rules for debate on the House floor.Civil Rights in 2012 America simply mean this: Black people are free to do whatever they damn well please, and no one - save the most depraved fan of Jim Crow - can oppose such a lofty expression of freedom.
Rep. Keith Ellison, Minnesota Democrat, said he will still try to force a debate at a more "appropriate" time in the future, saying action is demanded by the case of Trayvon Martin, the Florida teenager who police said was shot dead in a street encounter with a neighborhood watch volunteer.
The Ellison amendment would have docked federal criminal justice grants to states that have stand-your-ground laws, which allow residents to use deadly force to respond to an attack without first having to retreat.
Florida's version of the law has come under scrutiny after Trayvon's death. George Zimmermann, a neighborhood watch volunteer, has been charged with murder in the case.
"Shoot-first laws make prosecutions harder because they presume the use of deadly force is reasonable," Mr. Ellison said on the House floor Tuesday as he explained why he wanted to raise his amendment.
"Equal opportunity and justice"...
Black people can do whatever they want in America, and anyone who points this out will feel the wrath of BRA.
The Song that never ends is the belief - shared by Holder - is that America hasn't started to fulfill the promise of equality (National Review, John Fund, Infinite Affirmative Action?, March 6, 2012: “Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation practices,” he declared. “The question is not when does it end, but when does it begin. . . . When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”).
The Song That Never Ends.
All of America could resemble Detroit in 2012, and individuals like Eric "My People" Holder will still claim that some form of injustice ravages America like the fire the citizens of The Motor City can no longer afford to put out.
There is a war on white America. May the day come when White America decides to wake up and realize they could stop the mindless song that seemingly will never end, which threatens to turn all of the United States into just another Detroit or Birmingham.
I don't think it would take that much for this epoch to end.
That day, the song ends for good.
"'Trayvon Amendment'"
We've had a "Trayvon" Amendment in Illinois for years; it's called FELONY concealed carry. Hell, carrying a SWITCHBLADE is a FELONY.
And the results show; Black thugs rule the streets of Chicago. The Mayor of Chicago, following his predecessors, continually calls for more gun registration and controls. Attempts to get a firearms law preemption bill were derailed by George Ryan. May he rot in prison along with all the other gun controllers there from Chicago.
What we need more than anything is to remove the right of FELONS to vote in Chicago. This would immediately knock out a significant portion of the criminal base of the Democratic Party.
I can never forgive any White who supports affirmative action. Every last one of them should be enslaved. Every last one, no pity, no mercy. Their offspring as well. Let them spend the rest of their lives cleaning up toxic waste and planting trees on denuded hillsides. I can excuse Blacks who want race quotas, because they are simply trying to get more for themselves. Not a noble motivation, but a human one. But Whites who wish to deny other Whites an opportunity that they have no interest in for themselves, are excrement. Their sole motivation is hatred for Whites of lower status than themselves. I hope that Blacks rape, kill, and eat all the children of any Justices who vote to allow affirmative action, but I don't hate them half as much as they hate me.
This all makes me thankful that I don't have any children. I would be truly fearful for their future, or lack thereof.
Eric Holder is the most treasonous POS it's ever been my displeasure to experience and he, as well as BO, should be brought up on charges immediately.
Public castration would be too generous for these disgusting animals. Our legislators must be called to action against the criminal mockery of our constitution. The constitution is the list of laws governing our politicians. They must be held accountable. Any members of congress not willing to enforce these regulations on the corrupt, criminal politicians must be replaced. I don't think term limits alone would help. The selection process for candidates is the place to start. We need better choices for office at all levels and they must be held accountable. I mean, is Romney, for instance, the best presidential alternative we can come up with as a nation? Is the job that bad that we can't come up with a viable taker?
Also, MSM needs to be held accountable. This starts with congress as well. Even when we find a candidate who cares about something more than just getting elected, they are shunned and ridiculed by the media. We are bombarded by descriptions such as unelectable, fringe, eccentric and radical on the rare occasions they are mentioned. And, as we keep seeing, sheeple vote for whom they are told.
Time after time we see and hear proof that people are elected because of their appearance or personality or race. Most voters are ignorant of candidates' most basic policies. Voting is one of the most important actions most citizens will take in their lifetime and there should be some means to insure that those registered have, at least, some minimum level of intelligence and a basic grasp of a candidate's stand on issues. Also, the elected official should be held to any campaign promises made on the trail.
O.K. The alcohol that's causing me to ramble is making me sleepy, so, I'm gonna hop off my soapbox, stop dreaming and go to bed. Any responses are appreciated so that I'll know if it's just me. Thanks in advance.
You deserve a Pulitzer. Leonard Pitts has one. You, however, are a better writer, and far closer to the truth than he has ever been.
They're still whining about Trayvon? Figures.
They probably think we'll start caring again. Ha!
Right now we are at the cross roads people are waking up. I used to feel more pessimistic until I continue to read not only on Alt. Right sites and Race Realist sites but everyday MSM sites people are waking up.
I read on Reuters that the FBI had infiltrated a White Supremest Organization to my surprise the comments were like one's that I would make myself.
I think one or two good incidents are all that will be needed and this summer will have more than one or two. Summer will be filled with TNB then MSM will have little choice but to address the problem.
What will be done, I do not know but there will be a shift by the end of summer.
If the Michigan state government and/or Uncle Sam had any brains they would allow white homesteaders into the areas of what once was Detroit that have been taken over by mother nature. I don't remember the exact square miles that have reverted back to nature,but it is a very large area.
Homesteaders would need the full right(s)to protect themselves and their property without threats of lawsuits and demonstrations and "civil right" activists crying and whining and lying about everything.In short,Constitutional rights.
If the government could assure such basic right(s) of self-defense and defense of property,Detroit would rebound and would be back on the map in quick order.
Either that,or Detroit will just devolve into a pure African city,with all the horrors that go along with that.
There's no other way. Homestead or write it off and let it fester in African squalor.
Obama can declare Jesse Jackson King of Detroit-land and let the blacks figure things out for themselves.They could even declare St. Trayvon as patron saint of Detroit-land for all I give a damn.
One would think that with so many wealthy blacks in America(sh*tloads of wealthy blacks in America),they would step in and invest in the city and try to make it a shining example of what blacks can achieve. Hah!
If they don't give a sh*t, neither do I. Joe
Ex New Yorker here....Back in the early 1980's I had a friend that had a small shop in Frisco. She was on Market street a little West of Van Ness. There was a small four story office building across the street. During the Summer there was an agency in the building that got jobs for teenage black girls. The address numbers for the building were about four to five feet high and right above the front entrance.
All Summer long these black girls would come in her store asking "Where be dat 1752 Market street". She would point to the building and they would say "Dat be it. Dat place wit da big nummers". I was there for a couple weeks and finally whenever they would walk in we would just point and say "It's across the street".
I was truly amazed. So stupid they could not even read a street address and some poor slob has to hire them.
Worse yet, the song is being played at top volume from a $5000 stereo in a $200 Buick Skylark in front of your house at 3am.
Can't we all just get a long... boat and send these parasites back to Africa?
AA has become a cargo cult.
Vote for Mitt Romney, and this clown Holder keeps his job. Vote for Ron Paul, and there's a chance that someone like Andrew Napolitano replaces him. I think it's more important that we unseat this guy even more than his boss.
While the so-called Attorney General was busy babbling away about his 'Trayvon Amendment' in Detroit, a 84-year-old man was gunned down outside a church in the same city.
I will vote for Romney just to get rid of Eric Holder.
"Vote for Mitt Romney, and this clown Holder keeps his job. Vote for Ron Paul, and there's a chance that someone like Andrew Napolitano replaces him."
Not a chance. Holder is so extreme he is despised by even the most moderate Republicans. Both Romney or Paul will remove Holder -- but at this point Romney actually has a chance of winning.
"I think it's more important that we unseat this guy even more than his boss."
I agree 100%. I voted Paul in the primary but I will hold my nose and vote Romney in the general. Holder has to go. Romney would also be much better on the border.
It is disgusting that TrayVon Martin was made a citizen of Birmingham Alabama.
Did Detroit make a citizen of JaVares Cortez Walker?
No. Why? Because he did not have bourgeois parents but a welfare mother.
It is a disgrAce that such discrimination is still to be found in the US.
PS AA has become a cargo cult has to be the title of an article here. Perhaps it could be about AA becoming a cargo cult?
In other words, "Gibs me dat!" Nothing new here.
Blacks fail miserably in a complicated society.
Western concepts such as morality, responsibility, natural rights, freedom to fail, and community, mean nothing to them. That is why blacks cannot create successful civilizations. They can only live in a society where white people provide for them, and continue to shakedown whites for more "rights".
They are unable to exist without sucking the system dry. Once they get in, like Michelle Obama, they loot the treasury and are treated like Kings and Queens.
TNB, in the minds of blacks, is only blacks practicing their "civil rights", Africa Style.
From Infinite Affirmative Action comment section:
Dan Short 03/06/12 09:04
"…the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…The Declaration of Independence.
This nation’s foundation is the laws of God, natural rights, which identify that all men are created equal—and that it is the purpose of the “government” to preserve and protect those unalienable facts.
Now what dies the whole tragedy of Civil Rights state—and who made this design which is the absolute diametric opposition to the “reason and philosophy” of this nation’s design.
We have an example of the end result of advancing the concept of elevating one race above others—and the only criteria for governance is that the “preferred” race be in charge. We call it Africa—and we can measure the absolute destruction of the societies when the “preferred” race was given government power.
Here is another example, which has been my sample set throughout life. I’ve yet to meet a black person who desires “equality.” The exact opposite is the reality—they have come to expect preferential treatment—that they do not have to compete—for as we learned from the campaign of our “black” president” as he’d say at the beginning of every debate…by the way, did you notice I’m black?
Civil Rights, elevating anyone, creating the cultural hegemony—the design of Antonio Gramsci and the cultural communist—is the most anti-American, unconstitutional legislation ever advanced in this nation. There is only one cure. As it says in our constitution, all men are created equal; it is not the objective of the god little (g) government of man to break this covenant.""
(A little off topic)- I live 1 hour north of Atlanta. I'm standing in line at my bank one day. I'm next, standing right in front of the sign that says, “Please wait for next teller here” Right when a teller opened a bone head trucked right past the line and straight up to the teller. Well, she wasn't going to say anything, So I did. Told him there was a line we were all standing in and we are standing in it for a reason. The reason is “Wait Your Turn”. He got all offended and, got close to breaking bad but, held his ass in check. I told him “Now he knows how I feel” and, left it at that. The moral to the story? After that day. The white staffed bank made my banking there a nightmare. Bent over backwards to slow or confuse my banking. I could go on and on about it but, the moral is, I had to change banks. How are we ever going to get past this if the white bend over backwards to protect this scum too? It boggles my mind. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
Anonymous said...
If the Michigan state government and/or Uncle Sam had any brains they would allow white homesteaders into the areas of what once was Detroit that have been taken over by mother nature. I don't remember the exact square miles that have reverted back to nature,but it is a very large area.
Homesteaders would need the full right(s)to protect themselves and their property without threats of lawsuits and demonstrations and "civil right" activists crying and whining and lying about everything.In short,Constitutional rights.
If the government could assure such basic right(s) of self-defense and defense of property,Detroit would rebound and would be back on the map in quick order.
Easy, ship in a hundred thousand Afrikaners from South Africa and give them Detroit with full rights of control. I give it a year and Michigan will be flooded with folks wanting to move into a better state.
And the Trayvon drumbeat continues, as backup to the song. Of course, we all know that if Trayvon Martin had been shot in da hood by a Tyrone Jackson instead of in a gated community by a George Zimmerman, America would have never heard of him. Not that it would have made a difference in the behavior that we're seeing. Matthew Owens would have still been mobbed and beaten on his own front porch, it just wouldn't have been "for Trayvon." Dallas Watts would have still had the tar beaten out of him, it just wouldn't have been "for Trayvon." And on and on. But the Trayvon excuse is a handy one, and one that I'll wager will be used for years and years and years to come.
"Shoot-first laws make prosecutions harder because they presume the use of deadly force is reasonable," Mr. Ellison said on the House floor Tuesday as he explained why he wanted to raise his amendment.'
Trayvon Martin was beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete. That is deadly force. So it's okay for a black to use deadly force in killing a person but it's not alright in using deadly force in stopping a person from using deadly force in murdering someone.
That is what this is all about. Everyone who can see knows that blacks are murdering Whites in large numbers and the media is complicit in these beatings, muggings, robberies, rapes, and murders of Whites by blacks by not reporting it. The blacks that have been voted into congress and state offices are complicit with their black voters in these crimes by trying to outlaw stand your ground laws so that Whites can protect themselves.
Blacks are only interested in blacks, nothing else. If it affects their black voters, if it is of interest to blacks that's all that matters.
These blacks like Ellison are only trying to protect their black criminals. Ellison is a black and he is complicit with black murderers and is trying to protect their criminal actions.
I know exactly what you mean.It's a big problem: No cohesion amongst white Americans.Big problem.Major obstacle.
@Bemused stare
Best plan I've heard so far.Excellent plan really.
@Ex New Yorker
What the f*ck ya'doin' in California?I hope ya'don't go leftie on me. What the f*ck.(just a joke.I'm feeling homesick today for my "hometown"). Joe
@ Anonymous at the bank:
That wasn't Bank Of America, was it? That sounds like something they'd pull.
There is no way anybody will move in to the abandoned areas of Detroit. To make a living you would have to leave it and enter the rest of Detroit, where you have no protection. No one is going to do that. And you would have to home school your children. In order for it to work, the area would have to secede from Detroit and form its own city with its own police force, fire dept., etc. No one is going to allow that.
Romney will not attract enough independents and democrats to defeat Obama, and as far as delegates go, there's no reason to think that he has the nomination in the bag.
Not only is a vote for Romney likely to reelect Obama, but even if he wins we get more of the same. If everything you see now isn't enough to motivate you to make radical change, you might as well vote for Obama.
Anon @ 6:35 AM:
"These blacks like Ellison are only trying to protect their black criminals. Ellison is a black and he is complicit with black murderers and is trying to protect their criminal actions."
Yes, one would think that, but one would be mistaken in Ellison's case. He represents a 75% WHITE district in Minnesota. Such is the sickness of a significant portion of white America. When confronted with this fact, a lot of us dream of secession or emigration.
Holder is A RACIST PIECE OF SHIT Noble, of Kingly government.
That is what this is all about. Everyone who can see knows that blacks are murdering Whites in large numbers and the media is complicit in these beatings, muggings, robberies, rapes, and murders of Whites by blacks by not reporting it.
What's worse, the media over-reports white-on-black violence, thereby whipping the groids into a homicidal frenzy against whites.
When BRA is finally done away with, there needs to be a reign of terror against the media conspirators. Every last one of them needs to be hunted down and held accountable for what was done to Matthew Owens and others.
The news video mentions that the next stop of Trayvon's parents is London England.
Where are they getting all this money? It's obvious from there travel schedules that they aren't working anymore. How are their bills getting paid and who is covering the meals plane tickets and hotels? Who is paying them all this money?
Is it a coincidence that the new "Law and Order: SVU" episode ended with Ice-Teabag's character Fin accept his gay "son in law"?
Hmmm..methinks not.
My rage grows, but my belief that nothing will change grows apace. I just don't see enough evidence, contra MuayTyson, that anything will change. Yes, some people are now willing to make comments on the net - but no one wants to be the first to put his or her livelihood or family at risk by truly standing up to the regime. I, too, read plenty of surprisingly realist comments at a mainstream Repuke website yesterday regarding the arrests in Florida of "White supremacists," but that's as far as it will go. Until and unless there's a mass movement, the PTB will make examples of the vanguard and the rest will cower in fear of lawsuits, financial ruin, and jail. Personally, I think that I, as well as others who comment on race-realist websites, am going to come in for some federal attention - IRS harassment or what have you. There are many levers at their disposal, and they won't hesitate to use whatever they feel is necessary to ensure compliance in BRA. There's been control of action and speech for decades now; they're merely ramping up for full thought control as well.
So I saw Avengers over the weekend. Great movie, except for Samuel Jackson being in every other scene, and supposedly running the show in general. He even has a stare down with Thor, from an elevated position of course. In one scene he says, "It's my world, and I'll not let you destroy it!". Yes, he said that, lol...well, it's not funny really.
After the movie I said to my friend - "they can't even sustainably feed themselves, how the fuck are they going to save the world?" Yes, I said that.
He represents a 75% WHITE district in Minnesota.
To be completely fair, a sample of white Minnesotans is not even close to being a typical cross-section of white Americans. This is the land of Hubert Humphrey we're talking about. It's populated largely with the descendants of Scandinavian immigrants whose culture carries a strong socialist component.
I find it interesting that some here are furious at Eric "My People" Holder, the Dems, etc. Yes, of course they're evil and treasonous to the core. However, they carry their red hammer-and-sickle flags of treason more-or-less openly.
Why is Eric Holder still in office? He openly perjured himself before Congress while testifying under oath about the BATFE 'Fast and Furious' scam. The supposed opposition party controls the House of Representatives. They could have impeached him months ago. They could have cut off all funding for the DOJ and BATFE or otherwise have forced his resignation. Between sessions of increasing spending on behalf of BRA, the "opposition" has done nothing except hold some grand-stand hearings and make a few noises to keep the morons who vote for them over and over believing that they actually intend to oppose the regime and BRA. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Republican Party is on Eric Holder's side and they voted overwhelmingly to confirm him as AG. The Repuke party is BRA's trojan horse.
I am fully aware that blacks have no monopoly on crime but the difference is that whites have no problem seeing white criminals punished for their crimes whereas blacks love to idolize and make heroes of their black criminals.
This is the crux of why we never will see eye to eye and why the possibility of living with them peacefully is impossible.
Some will cry that they know this black or that black and those blacks behave nothing like the stereotype, but....
I wish I had a video compilation of these supposed civilized Negroes when they go ape or are simply in the presence of other blacks.
I am glad this site points out the obvious so as to force the naysayers into at least admitting that their feel-good brainwashing that disputes the reality of blacks has no justification and that all arguments against sites like this or their authors calling them names and using the standard ADL/SPLC code words are nothing but empty nonsense.
Here's another contribution to society form one of the Negroes which add so much to our national fabric:
Keith Ellison is a government informant and agent of subversion of the urban criminal left.
His obvious theatrics and complacent performance reek of an operative of false flag expertise.
Trial junkie here. A while back somebody told how when he tells liberal friends about some horrific black on white murder, the liberal answers "What about Manson?"
Precisely, he said. Whites who committ heinous murders are usually druggies or insane. Garden-variety blacks committ such crimes.
I've seen mind-boggling examples of black on white murders in which the perps looked like respectable citizens, sometimes with no criminal record.
I've seen mind-boggling examples of black on white murders in which the perps looked like respectable citizens, sometimes with no criminal record.
Even when they appear normal, the inner chimp is always there, trying to claw its way out.
We can't vote ourselves out of this situation.
We're ruled, our 'democracy' is nothing but a method of control, fooling us into thinking we're not peasants.
Our rulers took out a 16 trillion dollar mortgage on our nation. You think the foreign banks that they owe it to don't have power? you better believe they do.
Look at all the trillions in bailouts, and not *one* person in jail.
We've been enslaved.
We *have* to resist, legally and lawfully. Else our children be in chains as well.
There is no such thing as lawful resistance. Paul Kersey, I and all the commenters here are what the establishment call "domestic terrorists" and "public enemies," or as Orwell would say "thought criminals."
Now, let this be a lesson to all you white folk out there.
If you are being raped, robbed or otherwise violently accosted, just give it all up to the blackman or get zimmermaned.
Unfucking believable.
Time to turn the tables and soon.
Even if Holder gets indicted...Obama will pardon him...
Slightly OT - I saw this story in the LA times the other day and I immediately thought of SBPDL! The only difference here is that we are dealing with mexicans, which is really splitting hairs at this point.
All L.A. Unified Students Must Pass College-Prep Courses
"The Los Angeles Unified School District will require all students to pass a college-preparatory curriculum beginning next fall. The Class of 2016, next year's ninth-graders, will be the first in the nation's second-largest school system who must take those courses needed to apply to a four-year state university.
The Board of Education approved a proposal Tuesday that also allows the students to pass those classes with a D — rather than the C needed for admission to either a Cal State or UC school."
Students "will rise to the challenge as they always do," LA Supt. John Deasy told the Board of Education. "Gone must be the days when some youth get orange JUICE and some get orange DRINK."
"Marguerite Poindexter LaMotte, the only holdover from the 2005 school board, voted no then and remained a skeptic. She cast a dissenting vote this time along with Bennett Kayser.
"Do I never finish high school because I finished geometry with a D?" LaMotte asked, alluding to the requirements for the Class of 2017. "Walk me out of that. That means I would not finish high school." (This person is a member of the school board, NOT A JOKE!)
I mean seriously people it is a NATIONAL TRAGEDY that the mexicans in california are not being adequately prepared for upper division university astrophysics and oceanography just like their cousins in Mexico.
"Consequently, Birmingham Public Schools are the most homogenous of any big city in America (at 98 percent Black, BPS has a Blacker student enrollment than that of Detroit - roughly 91 percent Black)"
That's 98% and 91% diversity. 98% white schools, too white and in need of diversity.
As for Eric "My People" Holder and the NAACP; the shakedown will never stop until we all get fed up and tell them to shove it.
SoCal Snowman: Don't worry about Mexicans not passing their classes. Most of them don't graduate anyway. Disregard any graduation statistics the LAUSD passes out and look at the grade pyramids of the individual schools. If they have 1000 9th graders, 800 10th graders, 600 11th graders, and 400 12th graders, and they tell you they have a 68 % graduation rate, they're lying. Maybe 68% of those who actually make it to the 12th grade graduate. My old high school, having gone barrio, graduates one out of eight.
White Man grows a pair and sues N'gro Diversity infested Macon, GA:
Not sure where you people are getting your information but I read on the front page of "USA Today" in an article about the 20th anniversary of "Rodney King" that George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin "because he looked suspicious".
"Stephen said...
There is no such thing as lawful resistance. Paul Kersey, I and all the commenters here are what the establishment call "domestic terrorists" and "public enemies," or as Orwell would say "thought criminals.""
you're absolutely right, I'm afraid. Non-PC speech is a hate crime. Look at those poor buggers in England and the EU that get arrested for it.
We're not even allowed to *think* non pc thoughts.
A recent Fox 2 Detroit segment asked many Detroiters (aka, black residents) on their reaction to the idea of a white mayor.
75% of them said "no way, has to be black".
So long, Detroit. May you lie in the bed you make for yourselves.
There is no such thing as lawful resistance. Paul Kersey, I and all the commenters here are what the establishment call "domestic terrorists" and "public enemies," or as Orwell would say "thought criminals.""
Well, we do have some remnant of the First Amendment in the USA, but don't count on it to protect you very much. The reality is that any political movement which takes on the system is going to have to face a certain amount of persecution. Then again, nothing great is attained without struggle. The situation in the Western World is getting to the point where the future is going to be worse if nothing is done.
Look at the other side: how many people in the Civil Rights Movement were willing to go to jail for what they believed in?
Then again, you can look at how the Soviet Union came crashing down --and without very much bloodshed -- when people started standing up against the system.
I want you to all ask yourselves: "how much do I do to promote European culture and make it something White people aren't afraid/embarrassed to identify with, relative to the amount of time I spend dissecting the negative qualities of black culture?".
I'm talking about things like local Irish/Scottish/English folk dancing clubs, local kids choirs that sing classical/modern 4-part choral music, local orchestras (kids and adults). How much do you do to get WHITE CULTURE out there? How much do you do to GET WHITE PEOPLE to IDENTIFY those things as EUROPEAN and to identify THEMSELVES as European?
I ask this of you (and ask you to ask this of yourselves) because it is only by pushing forward with those already out there invested in European cultural activities that we can bring European traditions to the forefront of White peoples' minds. Here in England, Morris dancing (traditional English jig/folk music/dancing with legs covered in bells and wearing traditional costume) is absolutely RIDICULED almost uniformly across the board - from young to old, rich to poor, White to non-White, Lib to Conservative. It is so ingrained in us to hate what is our own. I mean, it is SERIOUSLY derided. Irish dancing doesn't get the same bad rap (no crappy African-derived shitnoise non-music reference intended), nor Scottish.
The English are the MOST disenfranchised people of the United Kingdom.
We have this RICH, DEEP, ANCIENT pagan culture of dances, music and rituals. In small, ALL WHITE villages across England, the tradition survives with May Day dances and old men doing Morris dancing at village events and outside pubs, but it is not in the public consciousness as a thing to be proud of and in which to become involved.
The thought occured to me that apart from separate National identities from Europe (like German, Scottish, Irish etc) there is very little for the average White American of unknown European origin to hang his coat on, so to speak. There is very little for him to say "THAT IS ME, THAT IS MINE, THAT IS MY PEOPLE, MY CULTURE, MY MUSIC, MY ART, MY HISTORY", when what used to be European - America - is now "...this land is my land, this land is your land.." Disney Small World style black, Asian, Hispanic everyone's America
In America, you are taught that one and all can be American, regardless of race or colour, so long as he/she shows virulent allegiance to the ideals/ideas set forth by/attached to: the flag, the Constitution, the Dec. of Independence, the Fourth of July, etc. All that jazz. All that Americana. All that "we are all American" brainwashing.
"Hispanics", blacks, Chinese, Japanese and Ancient Americans (they aren't Native and I thus refuse to call them so) ARE ALL ALLOWED, however, to have a STRONG CULTURAL IDENTITY OUTSIDE of being American, but all American White people who don't now their ancestors specific country of origin are LEFT WITHOUT A CORE FEELING OF BELONGING TO A SPECIFIC CULTURE, HISTORY AND PEOPLE.
No wonder it is so easy to disenfranchise them. No wonder it is so easy to twist their minds. No wonder it is so easy to implant them with an identity (you-are-the-horrible-White-man-you-exist-to serve-blacks-and-Hispanics-who-have-strong-cultures-while-you-are-boring-and-bland-and-evil-and-slavemaster-ish).
YOU ALL NEED TO GO OUT into your individual communities and RAISE awareness for cultural artifacts like folk dancing/singing (by kids, primarily - people find kids dancing endearing and it is socially unacceptable to ridicule children while adults might not get the same treatment).
(continued in PART 2, below)
You deserve a Pulitzer. Leonard Pitts has one.
You, however, are a better writer, and far closer to the truth than he has ever been.
All special privileges for blacks should be struck down as unconstitutional. Then we should do one last favor for blacks - and ourselves: Stop lying about them.
Equality is a myth. The racial performance gaps will never go away no matter how many trillions are spent. We've tried everything, and nothing works. The "dream" of MLK has been realized, and the content of the black's character has been found wanting. All disparities of outcome are due to ability - or lack thereof - not "racism". Life is unfair, and blacks got the shitty end of the genetic stick, but there's nothing we can do to help them. Nothing.
"And, as we keep seeing, sheeple vote for whom they are told."
Way back in the early 20th century, when my grandparents were young, they went to vote in a mayoral election. They signed the book and were handed ballots already filled out with the name of the Democrat candidate. My grandfather was furious and demanded a clean ballot. He was refused. They left without voting.
When they got home, the phone rang and my grandfather's brother was on the line. Some local Democrat "enforcers" had visited his bar, and told him that if my grandparents didn't return to the polling place and vote for the Democrat, his bar would "accidentally" burn down. They had no realistic choice but to return to the polling place and vote as they were told.
I'm sure that kind of old fashioned corruption continues in all our cities, in addition to the new threats of Black Panthers stationed outside polls. Out in the suburbs things seem OK, but then it always seems that boxes of ballots for the Democrat turn up in the trunks of cars whenever the candidate is about to lose the vote (or a recount). Corruption is rampant in this country, but it isn't accepted and out in the open as it is in most countries.
Hey Enigma... thanks. You have a very good point. I think that there is a segment of white people that knows they have been very naughty and are likely to get spanked by the other white people if their behaviour is outed. This knowledge causes them to work feverishly to disenfranchise, confuse, and scatter the other white people, so that they are so busy dealing with their overly propagandized life that they can scarcely find time to notice, let alone punish, the naughty ones.
Just my thoughts after many years observing.
"Look at the other side: how many people in the Civil Rights Movement were willing to go to jail for what they believed in?"
They had the media in their pocket and knew it. that makes one quite bold. Indeed without TV Bull Conner would have made short work of the agitators.
(CBSDFW.COM) - Teenagers have been hanging out at shopping malls since the 1970s. It almost seems like a rite of passage. At NorthPark Center in Dallas, that rite of passage now requires a parent after 6:00 p.m.
“I think it’s our responsibility to know where our children are, who they’re with and what they’re doing,” said Bridget Johnson, a mother of a 15-year-old.
NorthPark is enforcing a new “code of conduct” that requires anyone 17 or younger to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian while inside the mall after 6:00 p.m. “I really do respect that there are parents who may not agree with us completely,” explained NorthPark spokesman, Mark Annick. ”I can tell you that we’ve also spoken with all of the merchants in NorthPark and they think this a very good idea,” added Annick.
NorthPark says the new code is a result of the estimated 26 million visitors that come to the mall every year. With such a large volume, the management says they’re trying to maintain a family friendly atmosphere.
Don't worry about Mexicans not passing their classes. Most of them don't graduate anyway. Disregard any graduation statistics the LAUSD passes out and look at the grade pyramids of the individual schools. If they have 1000 9th graders, 800 10th graders, 600 11th graders, and 400 12th graders, and they tell you they have a 68 % graduation rate, they're lying. Maybe 68% of those who actually make it to the 12th grade graduate. My old high school, having gone barrio, graduates one out of eight.
May 10, 2012 3:18 PM
Gradually moving te Negroes out of New York :)
A surge in the number of black residents has made East New York one of the fastest growing neighborhoods in Brooklyn, even as the black population across the borough and citywide fell dramatically.
The black population increased by 13% in East New York from 2000 to 2010, according to a new analysis of census data by the Department of City Planning - absorbing many residents who were priced out of other neighborhoods as the borough’s black population fell by 6%.
Moving out of neighborhoods like Bedford Stuyvesant, some black residents left the city altogether, decamping for the suburbs or the South - but many of those who stayed in the borough ended up in East New York.
Many described the move as a last resort.
“In Bed Stuy it used to be a lot of black and Latinos and the rent wasn’t bad...It used to be easy to find an apartment in Bed Stuy, but now the landlords don’t want to accommodate people in government programs because they have a demand from white people,” said Jasmine Bennett, 32, who moved from Bed Stuy to East New York two years ago.
Bennett, a stay-at-home mom, moved because she couldn’t find an apartment big enough for herself and her husband and eight kids that would take Section 8 benefits.
She now regrets it, citing high levels of violence in East New York. “I don’t like it here for my kids. I don’t even like going to the park. If I had known how bad it is here, I would have tried to stay in the three bedroom apartment in Bed Stuy,” she said. “I know I can’t afford to go back there. I'm thinking about moving out of New York."
The East New York numbers mirror an opposite pattern in neighborhoods in Central Brooklyn.
In the western part of Bedford Stuyvesant, the white population shot up 634%, while blacks fell 14.6% - from 69% of the population to less than half. Northern Crown Heights lost more than 10,000 black residents, a 12% drop, while the white population grew 186%. Similar changes took place in Clinton Hill, Fort Greene, Prospect Heights, and Prospect Lefferts Gardens.
Besides East New York, Canarsie and Flatlands have gained many new black residents.
Holly Hall, 28, was apartment hunting in East New York Thursday, planning to move from Crown Heights, where she has trouble affording her $1200 a month rent.
“The only reason people are moving out of Crown Heights is that the rent is too high,” she said. “The high rents are pushing us to East New York and Brownsville. I can’t even afford Bed Stuy. They’re going to cram all the black people out here.”
Black residents seeking a neighborhood they can afford have also moved to East New York from other parts of the city.
“This is the cheapest place you can live, and that’s because people are getting shot and robbed,” said Jason Turner, 24, who moved from Queens five years ago.
Some are considering following the thousands of black residents who left Brooklyn over the last ten years - a net migration of 121,597 people.
"I'm planning on moving out of the city--out of the state even,” said Alisha Fields, who moved to the neighborhood from Astoria five years ago. “The rent here is going up and up, and at the end of the day people won’t be able to live anywhere.”
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/black-population-surges-east-york-falls-borough-city-article-1.1076068#ixzz1uYWfQB00
Eric Holder calls it the "shoot first" law and he wants to take away our ability to defend ourselves using that semantic.
What about the "black shoot first" laws that are already in place? What about the BSF law where blacks are allowed to shoot anyone they want for any reason (or none) and then not feel guilty about it. These animals feel not a pang of remorse. No law is going to protect someone who is already dead because a negro decided (which is such a strong word for them) to "shoot first".
BSF laws are not codified in any book in any jurisdiction, but are merely laws of the jungle. It is the only law our enemy abides.
1. Most Mexican kids in the L.A. schools speak English. It's no different from sticking an Italian kid in a Hebrew school, they'll pick the lingo up from the other kids and the media. It's only adults who have trouble learning a new language. You have no trouble understanding the Mexican kids' English. It's accented and semi-literate, but not nearly as bad as the Black patois.
2. The schools are always looking for bilingual teachers anyway, desperately so, but out of the millions of Hispanics in SoCal, they can't get them, even when they pay $5000 per year bonuses. The education credentialing programs at some of the local colleges are subsidized for Spanish bilinguals. Every effort is made to train and hire them, but apparently, not enough Mexicans either can or want to become teachers. It probably has something to do with their attitude towards education, no?
3. I know a couple determined bilingual Mexican teachers, smart and strict. They tell me that most of the kids' Spanish is no better than their English, that they are really fluent in neither language. Essentially, they're dumb and ignorant, and happy that way. Just like White trash.
4. Chinese kids don't need bilingual teachers. Given the much greater linguistic difference, don't you find that odd? However, some Chinese are agitating for them, mostly as a way to reserve teaching jobs for their own kind. That's one more reason to abolish bilingual ed.
Anon (5/10 6:35 AM): "Shoot-first laws make prosecutions harder because they presume the use of deadly force is reasonable," Mr. Ellison said on the House floor Tuesday as he explained why he wanted to raise his amendment.'
Is anyone else here at SBPDL besides me unsurprised as to why a Muslim like Ellison would want to suppress the right Americans have to armed response?
These blacks like Ellison are only trying to protect their black criminals. Ellison is a black and he is complicit with black murderers and is trying to protect their criminal actions.
Please do not delude yourself that Ellison's actions find their uppermost limit in terms of race. Ellison is a Muslim and that thoroughly trumps even the congenital ethno-centrism of being Black; unbelievable as that may sound. Now try to imagine the resonant energy that synthesizes in the echo chamber of simultaneously being Black and Muslim. The mind boggles.
Muslims squirm in throes of total ecstasy knowing how Blacks are a perfect foil in confounding White opposition to anti-Christian and anti-Western elements.
Anonymous said...
The news video mentions that the next stop of Trayvon's parents is London England.
Where are they getting all this money? It's obvious from there travel schedules that they aren't working anymore. How are their bills getting paid and who is covering the meals plane tickets and hotels? Who is paying them all this money?
Read here http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2012/05/11/sybrina-trademark-fulton-staggering-audacity-taking-exploitation-to-new-levels-of-financial-benefit-show-me-the-money/#comment-113204
Here http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2012/05/06/update-17-trayvon-martin-shooting-trademarked-exploitation-tour-goes-international-tracy-and-sybrina-jet-to-london-england/
..and here
Zenster: Please do not delude yourself that Ellison's actions find their uppermost limit in terms of race. Ellison is a Muslim and that thoroughly trumps even the congenital ethno-centrism of being Black; unbelievable as that may sound. Now try to imagine the resonant energy that synthesizes in the echo chamber of simultaneously being Black and Muslim. The mind boggles.
That depends to a certain degree on whether Ellison is an actual bona fide Muslim or a member of the Ayatollah Farrakhan's Nation of Islam black-supremacist sci-fi thuggie-cult, which was concocted by an East Indian con-man by the name of W.D. Fard. (See Nicholas Stix for a good essential history.)
The NOI is not recognized as Islamic by real Muslims, though the Mohammedans have been quiet about it as they are actively working on the conversion of NOI groids in the penal system. It's more than a bit ironic, of course, since negroes would end up as chattel slaves under an Islamic caliphate. The extensive history of black slavery in the Islamic world has been shoved down the memory hole by the DWLs and their EMAC cocktail-companions (who take off their Reagan masks for parties). But groids have never be renowned for their deep thought, so it's hardly a surpise.
"Simon Jester said...
He represents a 75% WHITE district in Minnesota.
To be completely fair, a sample of white Minnesotans is not even close to being a typical cross-section of white Americans. This is the land of Hubert Humphrey we're talking about. It's populated largely with the descendants of Scandinavian immigrants whose culture carries a strong socialist component."
Thats a myth. The Scandinavians are a small portion mostly in outstate areas and tend towards the north woods area--descendants of lumber jacks. There are almost as many Finns up there. The state is more than 60% German--a large number of whom are Catholics. Do a google for "St. Cloud racism" and see just how conservative they are.
When Humphrey's son, "Skip" ran for governor, both times he came in a distant third. No one here likes the Humphreys anymore and the only reason Hubert got elected is he created a single party out of two. Before then, it was a predominantly Republican state. I'm "inside" enough here that I was given access to the floor at the 2006 RNC held in St. Paul.
Ellison's district used to be 70% white. American blacks and Somalis have over run the area. It is also the area with the most "motor voter fraud" in the state. Ellison was elected by same day registrants who were not to be found later on. But, as the Dems like to point out-- "no way to tell which votes are which!" which is why voter ID is on the ballot this fall. Mark Dayton was elected with over 17,000 such ballots on play. Franken got elected with some 13,000 ballots and still only won by a few hundred votes.
Even most Democrats that I know are sick and tired of the Somalis. The area they have taken over used to be a Polish neighborhood that was very nice with an adjacent 1st tier white suburb. The whites ran and even the churches closed. Now those churches have been converted to mosques. One of my Grandfathers built the pews, confessionals and other trim/cabinetry in one of those churches. It makes me sad that I cannot take my children to see what their great grandfather did. It was all that was left of his cabinet making business that died during the 1930's.
Voter fraud is rampant in this country. Wake up people, get involved in a voter rights campaign in your state.
Ellison is a real Moslem and is the jerk who took his oath of office using the Koran. Had Republicans any cahunas, they would have got up and walked out, en mass, at such a travesty.
BTW, his district is not just Somali Moslems, but rather almost all the Moslems in Minnesota. They deliberately congregate together. A friend of mine with Hennipen County (the county his district resides in) tells me they try very hard to keep them from doing this by shifting them around, but they lie and cheat the (welfare) system so they can congregate. Think of Dearborn, Michigan. It's done with the idea of shifting an area so they can implement sharia law and impose their control over the area. They are doing the same thing in Europe and elsewhere in this country.
What about justice for Jasqare Cortez Walker?
And Fort Worth's Trayvon?
Again Anes Day is correct.
People judge "Obama's sons and daughters" not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their hearts and they are found wanting.
Propensity for violence and low IQ may also be exacerbated by FAS and drug addiction plus brain damage while in the womb.
Thanks to RobertB for the run-down on Ellison's district and the role of voter fraud in MN 'erections' (one of the "cleaner" states in the Banksta Banana Republick). Interesting that the 'Motor Voter' bill was mentioned. For those who might be unaware, this is a typical example of how the putative "opposition" party works here in the Banksta Banana Republick.
The 'Motor-Voter' bill was enacted in the first term of Beelzebubba, Lawd Hee-Haw of Arkansas. At the time, several folks - including the normally useless Limbaugh - pointed out that it was basically a bill whose purpose was to facilitate massive vote fraud, a salient feature of every majority-groid district in the country. As with the 1964 Civil Rights law, the Republicans enabled its passage and did absolutely nothing to repeal or otherwise undermine its provisions during their control of congress (1995-2006). The law, like so many others, is entrenched as the established law of the land thanks to the Republican Party doing their real job - which is to conserve the advances made by their nominal opponents in erecting the new, utopian and totalitarian society which is the vision of the ruling oligarchs.
Just remember to go out and 'vote' for Willard Hussein Obamney - because he's really going to oppose BRA! Willard opposes BRA almost as much as his competitor for the teleprompter-reader job, Barack Mittens Rombama.
Listen people.
If Obama wins again it is just four years, we can make it. Okay? There is an old saying " all good things come to an end" or " the party is over".
Now look, this bullshit will come to an end or the party for ignorant violent blacks will be over. Just hang tough, Obama is not going to be the president forever if he wins again. And another thing Obama has no interest in ghetto blacks at all. Think about it. The man even called Kanye West a jack ass twice based on what he did to Taylor Swift during the awards. The problem is stupid blacks think they can do what ever they want now because of a half white half black president, look at the reasoning of that. They are not very bright.
We as whites have to spread the word and stick to our own now . Don't forget though the anger at Black ghetto flash mobbing, give me a hand out, Air Jordan people does not run deep with just whites. Check out Zonation on youtube,
Black Republicans, Asian and Latinos. By the way the Latinos are pissed due to violence from ghetto blacks when you see, Latinos have a higher number of votes for Obama then blacks did, check out black against Latino mobs on google.
Hang tough its not the end but it may get hard . We will fix this they forget Obama only has four years if he wins again.
Be prepared though for some of these fools to riot if he does not win . Don't anyone do anything stupid though in the mean time. Watch and wait . Stay out of events and areas that attract large groups of black angry mobs, restaurants, and have a plan if you feel your house might be a target by ghetto blacks. Don't act like a ghetto black they don't think we do.
May be rough but this is a just a hardship we are going through because you see the party will be over . These ghetto blacks have had a party for quite sometime if the party lasts another four years we can turn off some of the party lights but if they keep going on like this when there is another re election party over folks.
In the mean time have these talks with your families, watch out for mobs, guard your home like it is your life, and educate your kids .
Nothing to fear just hang tough . What is happening is ungrateful blacks are rewriting their own history now. The party will end life is not a movie, and there are Black republicans out there who are on our side because they are sick of their own people that oppress them. Uncle Toms as they are called will prefer to be Americans first.
Think . Our intelligence has always been on our side . The party will be over soon, it would be illogical for this party to go on forever people in general are getting fed up and those fed up people come in all colors. Knock it off with the gloom and doom they want us to think that way .
FIGHT GHETTO AFROCENTRIC blacks and end their party. So we can sing" turn out the lights the parties over"
They have over stayed their welcome in pop culture and society. Patience is our friend, as well as logical thought.
Propensity for violence and low IQ may also be exacerbated by FAS and drug addiction plus brain damage while in the womb.
I guess the earlier they're sterilized, the better. If they never have babies then FAS, drugs, lead-paint exposure and child abuse are no longer an issue.
So, he is vigorously enforcing some 1960's civil rights voting law EXCEPT when it comes to WHITES, right?
I mean I'm pretty sure that law would cover voter intimidation, except, when it's against whites it's NOTHING compared to what happened to MY PEOPLE, huff's an angry Holder. Therefore it's not even worth pursuing.
You know that one action right there was the foreboding to the entire effing 4 years of white hating crap that came after.
He (and Obama) should not have been allowed to make that decision. The black panthers had been TRIED, they had been found guilty IN ABSENTIA because they never bothered to attend. The case was done; and they still threw it out.
That sounds illegal.
I think I also read (i'm completely serious) that they agreed not to stand around outside any voting stations for "four years" LMAO not until the next Obama elections came up.
All this attention given ONE SINGLE SHOOTING in an incredibly RARE SITUATION is absurd, ludicrous, insane, and WRONG.
Blacks=13% population (per 2010 census).
Blacks=46.6% of all homicide victims.
94% of all black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.
I feel quite certain the remaining 6% of homicides include many perpetrated by hispanics in the facilitation of a crime, or gang fighting.
Also, by definition, homicide references anyone killed by someone else, even in a justifiable situation, like somebody crawling in your window - so some of the remaining 6% would be that type of death.
AND I feel also certain, that almost all the rest would be whites involved in criminal activities killing blacks who are also involved in criminal activities - EG drug deals, arguments over theft money, crime take overs, etc., which would mean the death was crime related, NOT racially motivated.
So sure, I'm sure there's a handful of white on black racially motivated killings, but compared to the population size, the number of murders perpetrated by blacks, then those types of killings are LAST on my list of priorities.
Black males murdering white families, raping 85 year old women to death, and shooting white children during home invasion robberies, THAT's my primary focus right there.
If I hear another liberal give an EXCUSE or a reason that validates this behaviour, I think I'll smash my face into the keyboard of my computer.
Firefighter got demoted to the starter rank, and will have to go through psychological evaluation and diversity training for commenting on Face Book
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