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Moral of the story... PA Systems are inherently racist |
National news.
Because in BRA, it's axiomatic that all white people are racist and that corporate America (whose managers are primarily white people) are by extension racist, a suit like this is actually taken seriously:
HuffPost Social ReadingNew Jersey Man Sues Walmart For $1M Over Racist Remark
May 16, 2012CAMDEN, N.J. -- Wal-Mart is being sued for $1 million by a man who claims he was traumatized by a racist comment made over an intercom at a southern New Jersey store two years ago.
Donnell Battie, of Winslow, accuses Wal-Mart of being negligent in failing to control access to the store's intercom, which was used to broadcast an announcement ordering all black people to leave the Washington Township store. A 16-year-old boy was arrested days later and charged with harassment and bias intimidation.
Battie claims he has needed medical care due to the March 2010 comment. He says it caused him "severe and disabling emotional and psychological harm."
As part of the Second Battle of Atlanta, we'll soon take a detailed look at the 1999 billion dollar racial bias suit filed by Black employees of Coca Cola, that the soft drink would eventually settle out of court for more than $156 million. Since that day, Coca Cola beat McDonald's in implementing a corporate strategy that is 365Black.
Now, it's Wal-Mart's turn.
All you can do is laugh at the nonsense, knowing that even in the event of a mass-murdering Black
America needs an enema.
As a white person, you could just walk around a Walmart in a black area and have your cell phone set to record in your shirt pocket--my guess is, is that you would pick up lots of "YT" and "cracker/honkey" comments.
Then play that to the jury. I wonder just how many whites have not been called a racial slur by blacks? Or a Mexican, for that matter.
The reason it took so long to get an apology to these poor suffering blacks is because the managers, supervisors, and employees were all just weeping, wailing, arguing about please let me issue the apology and in the meantime all of them began to fight and throw merchandise at each other insisting that he or she would be the one to give the apology.
Meanwhile the blacks have already begun to spend that multimillion dollar jackpot called a discrimination law suit along with those lawyers.
This brings up a point: if black people are so sensitive that all it takes is a dumb joke to traumatize them, does this provide a means of self defense? For example, we are told that one should not call a black man "boy" because back during segregation, that was how blacks were kept in line.
Now, say one is being attacked by a flash mob of "youths." Rather than being pummeled into the pavement or drawing a weapon, should one simply say loud and clear, "Stop it, BOYS?" And would this cause the mob to put down its fists and collapse into a trembling mass of gelatin?
Or if disadvantaged peoples riot en masse, protesting injustice, should the police put away their batons and tear gas, and instead fly a helicopter overhead with a loudspeaker proclaiming, "Go home, BOYS?"
There's an element of phoniness in the black-DWL outrage over incidents such as the one at Walmart. They use them as an excuse to ratchet up their own censorship of white people, as well as to cash in on the ghetto lottery. It's one more racket in a black-DWL culture which has turned this country into one big racket.
This goes back to a point I've made before about the legal profession from the lowest legal assistant on up to the seven-figure a year ambulance-chaser to the Supreme Council of Ayatollahs sitting in Sodom-on-Potomac: Nearly all are DWLs who willingly use the considerable resources of the state legal apparatus to stamp the jackboot of BRA into the face of whitey - forever.
Note that the 16-year old who made the remark was charged with a crime for speaking some words which offended the state religion while blacks who routinely carry out physical violence againt whites are routinely ignored by the system. Even those who actually end up being charged with crimes for their violence have endless legal resources at their disposal to beat the rap. When the day comes - if it ever comes - lawyers, judges, prosecutors all should be regarded in the same way as so-called 'professional journ-o-lists' - as enemy combatants who deserve only cold steel and hot lead.
"America needs an enema."
As we used to say about Willie Brown, The most corrupt California politician in recent memory (and a good starting point when you get around to exposing California):
"If it's Brown, flush it down."
Thank you for posting this, Paul. If ever anyone needs an explanation as to what the "Niqqer Lottery" is, just point them towards this thread.
Much as I dislike WalMart, racist "lawfare" of this sort is even more despicable. WalMart should countersue this freeloading maggot for all attorney's fees and court costs.
If an unauthorized abuse of WalMart's intercom system can constitute the basis for "severe and disabling emotional and psychological harm" (plaintiff Donnell Battie's own words), then just reading about it should be equally harmful. Where does it all stop? Will overhearing two strangers publicly discussing this incident be grounds for a lawsuit as well? Towering idiocy such as this simply defies the imagination.
Finally, considering their hideous attire (e.g., 300 pound sheboons in spandex tights), persistent chimpouts, squalling sprogs, the quantity of unpaid for goods consumed or damaged in-store, physical assaults upon WalMart employees and customers, along with how much shoplifting is committed by Blacks, asking that "All black people leave the store now." is an eminently reasonable request.
Negroes want to be offended. When they hear a White person say "nigger," they aren't crying because they be DISrespected, they're crying tears of joy because they gon get PAID.
Zen, said
"Finally, considering their hideous attire (e.g., 300 pound sheboons in spandex tights)"
While shopping at a meat market just yesterday, that's just what I saw. 300 pounds of sheboon fat stuffed into spandex. All I can think when I saw that was a) needs a sign wide load ahead, b) how do you wipe your ass?
NorCal here:
It’s with a bit of ‘shadenfreude’ that I see Wallyworld getting hit with any kind of lawsuit.
It will be interesting to see if they fight this tooth and nail as is their usual practice when dealing with an injured employee or customer. The web is replete with stories of workers with injuries from falls, falling objects and carpal tunnel syndrome facing all sorts of hurdles from being steered to doctors on Wal-Mart payrolls to outright harassment and dismissal on trumped up charges to get rid of an injured employee. There was a case a few years ago where a woman was shopping in a Wal-Mart and a piece of merchandise fell off an upper shelf hitting her and knocking her out. The staff and management at this store literally picked her up and carried her out of the store bleeding and disoriented. Bottom line is, Wal-Mart fights any type of lawsuit with unrelenting persistence and unlimited resources.
Here they face the dilemma of being ‘rasyiss’ if they do fight it with their usual vigor against lawsuits, be they legitimate or a ‘gibsmee’ grab for cash as in this case or if they cave and settle out of fear of the publicity.
The stuff of nightmares for the Walton family.
A commenter in a previous post said we have pursued failure for fifty years (the great society) and now it is here. Moon base? Trip to mars? No we catch a ride with the Russians so we can muslim outreach and kiss brown posterior. If an African American figured out how to use the intercom and said all YT's out would we even hear about it. (rhetorical)
Walmart is a business. Most businesses hate having to serve black people. They're rude to employees and other customers, they're more likely to steal or vandalize than other customers. They have zero spending power. It reminds me of a local bar in my area and what the owner said one time...
This dirty, crackhead looking groid comes stumbling in, grabs like 5 of the 22oz malt liquor cans and takes them to the register. The owner yelled to one of his employees "Fucking Mondays". I didn't get it at first, because it was Thursday night. He said "Dude. Nobody likes Mondays." and I got it. "Yeah. I fucking hate Mondays."
ALL and I do mean ALL of black "culture" is full of dichotomy and contradictions. Like any children they may not be smart but they are cunning and will abuse any privilege afforded them.
This is no more than just one of a million cases against DWLs. Yet again DWLs create another excuse for their dusky pets.
I, for one, am SICK, SICK, SICK of the attention 13% of the US population is receiving just because it is black. Pity party here, pity party there. Effing enough already...America's black population has not even APPOACHED doing anything positive for society that merits the attention they get in the press.
NorCal: It will be interesting to see if they fight this tooth and nail as is their usual practice when dealing with an injured employee or customer. The web is replete with stories of workers with injuries from falls, falling objects and carpal tunnel syndrome facing all sorts of hurdles from being steered to doctors on Wal-Mart payrolls to outright harassment and dismissal on trumped up charges to get rid of an injured employee. There was a case a few years ago where a woman was shopping in a Wal-Mart and a piece of merchandise fell off an upper shelf hitting her and knocking her out. The staff and management at this store literally picked her up and carried her out of the store bleeding and disoriented. Bottom line is, Wal-Mart fights any type of lawsuit with unrelenting persistence and unlimited resources.
Here they face the dilemma of being ‘rasyiss’ if they do fight it with their usual vigor against lawsuits, be they legitimate or a ‘gibsmee’ grab for cash as in this case or if they cave and settle out of fear of the publicity.
I have no admiration whatever for the DWL crooks who operate Wallyworld on behalf of vampire-squids who they borrowed from. My bet is that they will not fight this suit tooth and nail but instead settle along the lines of Coca-Cola. The slave-power which enables BRA and which uses the state apparat to shove the BRA boot into our faces continually is the same power who controls Wallyworld. (The Walton family has little to do with the running of the place now that old man Sam is long gone). Wallyworld will become another 365 BRA establishment. A cash cow to be milked and fund more affirmative-action hires, more minority-contracting, and the endless list of BRA foundations dedicated to looting whitey of everything. Betcha the race-baiting Revs will be cashing in on it also once it all goes down.
It is very important to remember that the 13% have no ability themselves to accomplish the vast destruction and totalitarian thought-control we see increasingly in the Banksta Banana Republick. They are merely the proxies - grunts on the ground - doing the dirty work for those (the ones who cannot be named) actually calling the shots. Those who want to bring an end to BRA will have to strike at its root and drive a stake through its heart.
If there is a "Second Battle Of Atlanta" taking place, are the good guys ever going to get in gear and fight it?
Man murdered after asking for a jump start
Eric Holder is being sued for $1 million by a man who claims he was traumatized by new reports of the racist murders of Channon Christian, Eve Carson, Anne Pressley, Carissa Horton, Nancy Strait, Kristen Warneke, Pam Gentry, Emily Haddock, Lauren Burke, Julie Love, Eugenia Calle, Brittny Watts, Beverly Melton, Sandra Rogers, Heather Mueller, Laura Dickinson, Ashley King, Sharlotte McGill, and Shannon Collins by Holder's "my people" Diversity.
Rev. Jed DeValleyism, of Amrennaville, accuses Holder of being negligent in failing to control Diversity and allowing its access to vulnerable White girls, who were kidnapped, robbed, beaten, raped, vaginally mutilated, tortured, and murdered by feral afrovoodoo Diversity. Several blacks were arrested later after the horrendous crimes, but none have been charged with Federal hate crimes.
DeValleyism claims he has needed medical care due to the news. He says the reports caused him “severe and disabling emotional and psychological harm.”
I have to admit that Coke is the only soft drink I drink. I'm semi-addicted to it.
I vaguely remember the lawsuit by black employees, but I haven't seen much that's changed in their advertising, for all I paid attention. I'm sure they did their share of groveling and obviously paid ca$h; which was all the blacks and their lawyer were interested in, not social 'jusiss".
I don't think they've given over their entire base and corp. strategy to blacks the way McDonald's has. They're in a class by themselves when it comes to that.
OT - But related to PK's piece on the Kansas City School System. Do you want to see just how far the rot goes? THIS is absolutely HORRIFYING! IF there was any doubt about the US becoming a third world nation, put all of those fears to rest, we are already there. . .
Nearly Half* of KC High School Students Immigrants
*The article states that : "Of the 1,031 students finishing the school year at East, 582 are immigrant students learning English." By my count 582 is more than half of 1,031 but I'm using White Rayciss' Math . . .
There are some real humdingers in this article such as these gems :
"We have students who (when they first arrive) would rather sit and squat instead of sit on a chair at a desk," said School President Tommy Herrera."
"Once they get it, they run with it," Tommy Herrera said. "They'll pass up American-born citizens."
BTW, the blogger in Mala Fide has posted a rather horrifying article about the UN-inspired judicial system of Brazil which has many admirers amongst the DWL and EMAC oligarchs running the criminal justice apparat here in the Banksta Banana Republick. Should the usual suspects achieve their obvious goals of doing away with the right of self defense and the second amendment, we can expect the imposition of something similar via judicial decree.
Note that our "conservative" supreme court with blackrobes appointed by similarly "conservative" presidents and ratified by "conservative" Incitatuses (that's Latin for Senators of a certain type), legislating from the bench as usual, outlawed the death penalty for those who were under 18 when they committed their abominations in deference to "international civilized standards of "justice" or "fairness" or similar emanations and penumbras. The same gaggle of gowned geniuses decreed likewise for those whose IQ falls beneath a certain level for similar stellar legal reasons. Oh for a Vlad Tepes to deal with the likes of such jurists.
From the blog of an expat Brit living in Angola comes the following post:
Linky link!
NOTE the hilarious recounting of (what he infers to be) a daily occurring instance of hilarious lack of intelligence.
Angola, incidentally is the location for the FPSO (like a floating oil rig, essentially) my Dad is currently involved in building/designing. The entire area of the North coast of Angola consists of "blocks" (sections of sea bed allocated by Angola) which are COMPLETELY run, owned, operated and maintained by European companies like Total and Statoil.
Angola gets 30% of profits from selling the crude oil, but has to BUY BACK it's own oil at market value anyway. Hilarious.
Africa will never get back on it's feet. Unless those feet are shoe-less and stepping on savannah/jungle/desert ground, surrounded by small mud huts. Africans are FANTASTIC at maintaining what THEIR people created. They are AWFUL and will forever be awful at maintaining the sort of society/culture/infrastructure WE made/make for them.
Another little piece of information that may be food for though: I watched a documentary on BBC4 the other day which told the story of the ASANTE "kingdom" (modern day Ghana) who sold (and this is according to the COMPLETELY LEFT-WING BBC so we know it to be at least this high a number if not more) ONE MILLION slaves from their small region ALONE over the course of a hundred years or so.
AFRICAN Kingdom sells ONE MILLION of the people it conquered as it expanded across modern-day Ghana INTO SLAVERY.
Africans. Slavemasters. Selling humans.
Those evil black devils, hey? ;)
(Obviously many more were captured and sold by other African kingdoms up and down the west coast of Africa.)
That's a sad post to see, Mutant Swarm. Mitt Lenix, 28 years old, with military service as a combat medic gunned down at a drive-in theater. A young man in good shape slaughtered by another stinking groid for the unforgivable sin of asking for a jumper cable when his car broke down.
The Ministry of Truth will bury the story of course. The entire judicial apparat of police, prosecutors and lawyers will refuse to even investigate the (very high) possibility of racial animus on the part of Quentric Williams, or of those around him. Quentric Williams will have endless legal largesse, funded by the DWL one-percenters who control operations like Wallyworld and Coca-Cola, to fight any possibility - however remote - of actually receiving anything resembling punishment for his actions.
The Amy Biehl award goes out to Candy Lenix, the victim's mother. "I have forgiven the person who killed my son," said Candy Lenix as she wiped away tears. "I'm sad, but I'm okay. I understand we have to go one day." Why don't we just dispense with the mockery of a trial with all those six-figure-a-year shysters in three-piece suits then? Now, if Mrs. Lenix wants to have a full-blown Biehl-Ball, she should just raise some money from the nice church people to set up a foundation to employ poor Quentric and his chums, who are hapless victims of the evil rayciss YTs responding in the only way they know to the mountain of Hitleresque injustice.
Yup, always looking for some free money
There is some justice in this world. Law school graduates who are unsuccessful in finding jobs are suing the law schools that they attended claiming that the schools exaggerated the job opportunities available to lawyers.
"There's an element of phoniness in the black-DWL outrage over incidents such as the one at Walmart. They use them as an excuse to ratchet up their own censorship of white people, as well as to cash in on the ghetto lottery. It's one more racket in a black-DWL culture which has turned this country into one big racket."
Yes. No Doubt. I view it as a gross absurdity indulged by people who are basically 'sheeple', but who've grown up in a culture in which the popular culture/msm or whatever nurtures and enables such courses of action; it ties into THAT classic meme of civil-rights-era injustice ----- and those that take the bait aren't really capable of seeing how feeble, lame and cloying is such sentimental bait.
But I wonder: could that 'lawsuit' possibly go anywhere; generate any real liability in a real court of law? I doubt it, but I really don't know, in terms of recent precedents or whatever.
Also: I wonder: maybe it's just corporate reaction set in moment by the larger cultural forces i mentioned above. Consider the same thing but if the racial elements were inverted: let's say some ghetto thug took-over the p.a. in Walmart, and said: "Attention: the black revenge has now commmenced: all white people will be attacked and maimed if they do not leave the store in ten seconds, etc."
Boom! now I can imagine current media imbalances and p.c.-forces-gone-askew trying to excuse the situation, or at least not condemning it as much as they would as the white-generated incident that did occur.
But what if the whtie reaction was similar to what the black reaction was? What if whites banded together, complained, demanded a apology from Walmart management and, to top it off, got social agency groups to file a lawsuit on its collective behalf? I wonder if you'd see similar reaction ----- or overreaction --- and hopefully from there, some sane media analysis and/or breakdown that at least touches upon the absurdity aspect of all this.
I used to justify shopping at Wal-Mart, because they really did have lower prices than most places in town, and it was convenient and time-saving to shop at one place for groceries AND non-grocery items. However, over the past several years, I found myself visiting less and less as prices crept upward, store cleanliness declined, employees grew more clueless and stupid, and the customers on average really did begin to look like what you see on peopleofwalmart.com---the lowest class of unfortunates that exist in our society. I no longer patronize Wal-Mart. They will cave on this lawsuit and settle, meaning they will pass the cost of it to their customers through even higher prices.
Wal-Mart couldn't be a better recipient of anyone's wrath and/or greed. They are the largest importer of Chinese merchandise in America. I know this frivolous action won't affect their bottom line, at all, but, I only wish they could be hit hard enough to end their reign over our retail sector.
New Jersey is a police state. Besides arresting the dumb 16 year old kid and charging him with bias crimes, etc., at Walmart, the state prosecuted an Indian (Hindu) for "harassing" his gay roommate at Rutgers. How would you like to be an 18 year old kid sharing a dorm room with a guy who invites in a bunch of gay boyfriends to have gay sex with? So this poor Indian is convicted by a New Jersey jury and could be sentenced to 10 years or so. I'm so glad I'm gone from that place.
I have to admit that Coke is the only soft drink I drink. I'm semi-addicted to it.
Anonymous-the coke quote is a reference to a joke in The Boondock Saints. The joke (I've cleaned up the joke for this site, you can find the raunchier version on the internet) goes like this: 3 guys-a white guy, an hispanic guy, and a black guy-find a pot on a beach. They rub the pot and a genie comes out, saying "I'll grant each of you one wish, anything you want." The hispanic guy says, "I want all my people to be happy and free in Mexico." Genie snaps his fingers and-POOF!-the hispanics are back in Mexico. Genie goes to the black guy. Black guy says, "I want all my African brothers to be back in Africa-happy and free and everything." Genie snaps his fingers and-POOF!-the blacks are gone. Genie gets to the white guy, "What's your one wish?" White guy looks at the genie and says, "You mean to tell me that the blacks and Mexicans are all out of America?" Genie says, "Yes." White guy thinks for a bit. "Well, um, I'll have a coke then."
Thank Goodness, for all the faults we have as a nation, that we are still in America. Why? Because in Britain, a lawsuit like this would not be an internet joke. Instead, thanks to insane multiculturalism and liberal thinking, politically incorrect language is a crime-to wit, soccer player Luis Suarez was accused of using racially abusive language. He said "negro" to a black soccer player and was suspended 8 games and fined 40,000pounds. Furthermore, Liam Stacey was sentenced to 56 days in jail for 'racist' tweets about soccer player Fabrice Ndala Muamba. Stacey made comments that were crass, but for a sports fan the comments were pretty tame. (Go to a live event-MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, etc...you'll hear what Stacey said and then some, and you might even see a fight or two). However, even if Stacey's comments were offensive, so what? It was a tweet. But in Britain today, that's enough. You say the wrong thing about the wrong minority and you get hammered. At least we're not quite at that point in America. Yet.
Oh, yeah, before I go-Scotland Yard is so paranoid about language crime that they have released a memo banning the word 'blacklist' because it has 'black' in it, even though it has nothing to do with race or racism or common sense. If the Wal-Mart lawsuit isn't thrown out, we could be on the road to similarly irrational government behavior.
Wal-Mart should tell sensitive li'l Donnell, on the witness stand, that they'll gladly pay him for hurting his wittle feewings if he can spell and define "severe and disabling emotional and psychological harm" without prompting from his attorney. I'm thinking their money would be safe.
Nasty_Nnati, are you telling me "blacklist" has been blacklisted, too?
Big on reddit now:
Arrests over anti-Semitic remarks on Facebook
Five men and a 15-year-old youth have been arrested in East Renfrewshire and Glasgow after anti-Semitic remarks were posted on social network site Facebook.
The gloves are off for our beloved elites.
PLEASE MAKE THIS YOUR NEXT STORY...UNREAL http://wreg.com/2012/05/16/tn-man-fathers-30-kids-but-cant-support-any/
Read the comments, spread the news.
O.T. but relevant: War On Banks Spreads To City Hall
FTA:Regulation: A leftist movement to pass local "responsible banking ordinances" is sweeping the nation. Now banks will be harassed into making risky loans by city, not just federal, diversity cops.
The two largest cities this week approved laws requiring banks doing business with them to meet race-based quotas for mortgage and small-business lending. They'll also have to stop foreclosures on previous bad loans and vow to open new branches in urban neighborhoods.
...New York and Los Angeles are joined by several other major cities in passing such social banking laws, including Pittsburgh, Kansas City and Cleveland. In addition, San Diego, Oakland, Seattle, Boston, Austin, Philadelphia and Portland have drafted similar laws.
BRA obtaining reparations via government extortion.
I am sickened by the news that Bogo above mentions in his comment:
This happened just a couple miles from Coco-Cola downtown. Big mistake to have asked for help with a stalled vehicle.
I don't even go out at night anymore.
Delegate warns of 'black youth mobs'
McDonough urges 'no-travel zone' at Inner Harbor (Baltimore)
Yes, I agree. This is all the more reason why there should be no problem with racial separatism. If the races are equal, then they should be able to succeed and flourish equally within separate nations.
It's those who pushed for integration who argued that the races weren't equal. They argued that blacks were incapable of building and operating their own schools and that blacks NEEDED to go to White schools. The implication here is that blacks needed to be among Whites in order to improve themselves, as they were incapable of doing it on their own.
I just wish Walmart would get rid of the black employees who are utterly worthless when a customer such as myself has a question about where to locate any item. I got so tired of hearing, "What dat is? What dat be?" that I no longer even bother asking some sheboon anything. Why waste my time? If they don't ask what dat be/what dat is, then they just point to one side of the store and walk off because they obviously don't know and just want to get rid of you as they occupy space and pretend to have some useful function.
On another note, it's interesting to stand at the entrance of walmart on a Saturday and listen to the shoplifting alert instructing the "customer" to re-enter the store. It's amazing how many arrogant black shoplifters you see just walking faster with that snotty "you owes it to me" expression on their faces.
njastist: When cities force banks to lose money, they can just leave the city. Los Angeles, for example, is closely surrounded by dozens of other cities, many of which would be glad to have new businesses move in.
BTW, I doubt that Darks go to Sumitomo or any of the other Oriental banks. And it would not be good for Bank of America or one of the other big American banks to let their White customers know that they are making bad loans.
Reds are such stupid shits. They think that after they destroy the country, the masses will flock to their cause.
American Thinker - a very mainstream website - has been pushing the PC boundaries lately. Two such articles are up today; one points out that black and Hispanic students drag test scores down and that white are competitve with other leading countries, and that white and Asian homicide rates are extremely low while the black rate is comparable to Rwanda.
The damn is cracking, and reality is about to come bursting through.
For such a "progressive liberal" whitopia, Seattle sure has a ton of black violent crime.
Hostile crowd delays treatment for man fatally shot in Rainier Beach
Posted by Jonathan Martin on May 16, 2012 at 10:05 PM
UPDATE AT 10:25 A.M THURSDAY: Police now say the victim was 31 years old, not 20.
Seattle Times staff and Associated Press
Police say a hostile crowd delayed emergency responders from helping a man as he lay dying from multiple gunshot wounds Wednesday night in the parking lot of a South Seattle fast food restaurant.
The 20 31-year-old man was fatally shot at a Rainier Beach Jack in the Box, the second gun violence in the same block in a week.
The man was taken to Harborview Medical Center where he died in the emergency room, according to a nursing supervisor.
Officers, just down the street, arrived moments after receiving a 911 call reporting gunshots during a disturbance. A crowd of 25-50 people, gathered in the parking lot, was so hostile that emergency responders were delayed in reaching the victim, said SPD spokesman Mark Jamieson.
Jamieson says fire department medics couldn’t reach the man for 5 to 7 minutes. He says 15 officers were called in to quell the crowd.
Jamieson says people in the crowd were posturing, ripping off their shirts and challenging officers to fight.
“Officers were not able to get in to the victim right away,” he said. “Emotions were heated.”
The crowd quickly scattered. Detectives were able to interview a few witnesses, but police are requesting that anyone with information about the shooting call an SPD tipline at 206-233-5000.
Jamieson says there’s no known motive or suspect in the shooting.
Rainier Beach has seen a spate of recent violence. Last Saturday, a man was shot in the leg in the same block as Wednesday’s shooting, and in February, two men were killed a few blocks away. Two other shootings in January occurred nearby as well.
May 16, 2012 at 11:30 AM
Argument heard before teens shot, 1 fatally, in Shoreline
I think I spell dam wrong every damn time.
Omar Sheriff Thornton's mom started a memorial for her son to raise money to fight racism.
Leave her a note:
Put whatever fake email addy you want.
"Attention, ladies and gentlemen of the court. We would ask at this time for all frivolous Nigger Lottery litigants to please leave the courthouse. Thank you for your cooperation."
"Robert in Arabia said...
Read the comments, spread the news."
As someone on Occidental Dissent said, "Where are the comments, down the memory hole." I saw that article and cant find the any of the comments.
Comments ARE available for this article - http://www.kctv5.com/story/18407272/raytown-church-leader-fatally-shot-during-jog-mourned-as-police-release-surveillance-video
50 cops to arrest 5+ guys over some god damn remarks on facebook! You've GOT to be kidding me!
In Britain, they throw people in jail for years for this stuff.
For the love of god, were I the one being maligned, I wouldn't want them in jail.
They said 'down with ******* scum' and "F*** ********"
Jail. For that. 50 cops came out.
Leaving no doubt who the true rulers of England are.
Yeah but did they peacfully leave the premises like they were asked to?
A 16-year-old boy was arrested days later and charged with harassment and bias intimidation.
30 detectives were assigned to the case which is 30 more than get assigned to black on white attacks in Noo Joisey.
So Cal isn't it lucky that he was not mayor of Oakland?
A report in the Daily Mail notes that there doesn't appear to be any Luis Suarez video footage that backs Evra's claims. The Man U-Liverpool match was one of the biggest of the season and there would have been several cameras covering the game from every angle. If Suarez had used a racial slur, it likely would have been captured by cameras.
Continue reading at NowPublic.com: What Did Suarez Say To Evra? Alleged Racial Slur, Oct 14, 2011 Muncheater Snited player Patrice evra is a lying bastard
Patrice Evra parle francais!
Lorenzo Amoruso issued a public apology after directing racist comments at Borussia Dortmund's Nigerian striker Victor Ikpeba.
He was caught by the effects microphone calling his opponent a "fucking nigger" but this was all right as he played for a team beloved of Scottish football journalists.
Newspaper dislikes racists has a columnist a guy Andy Goram who called Pierre van Hooijdonk a "black bastard" and who criticised Bill Romanowski as a racist because one week after he left the denver Broncos one new player at the Broncos heard him call a former teammate, as he had left Denver one week earlier, a "nigger" and the presstitutes accepted this ludicrous could not have happened story because that is what pressitutes do. Worship obsoltete farm equipment
Anon (5/16, 2012 7:08 PM): Wal-Mart couldn't be a better recipient of anyone's wrath and/or greed. They are the largest importer of Chinese merchandise in America.
Thank you for making sure this crucial fact did not go unsaid.
Largest importer of Chinese merchandise in America = Largest EXPORTER of American jobs
Which is all the more EVIL because of how Sam Walton built WalMart on its "made in America" reputation.
A 16-year-old boy was arrested days later and charged with harassment and bias intimidation.
30 detectives were assigned to the case which is 30 more than get assigned to black on white attacks in Noo Joisey
This "crime" from 2010, involving the teenager pranking the PA system at a Walmart store, happened in Gloucester County, NJ/Noo Joisey.
I want to point out something which I find to be rather interesting about Gloucester County, NJ/Noo Joisey.
Gloucester County, NJ/Noo Jersey is home to Rowan University, which is in the boro of Glassboro. Once upon a time, there was a Rowan University student and young white man named Donald Farrell III. Donald Farrell III is no longer a Rowan University student, but this is not because he graduated, or even because he dropped out. It is instead only because he is now deceased. Donald Farrell III is deceased now only because he was murdered by means of a savage beating he received one night in October of 2007. This savage beating was by perpetrated by either one or two out of either four or five noble negro youths (Eyewitness accounts vary) whom Donald Farrell III crossed paths with on a residential street one night.
This "random" encounter/fatal beating which involved noble negro perpetrators occurred while Donald Farrell III was out walking around with his school friends near the campus of Rowan University. The murder of Donald Farrell III remains unsolved to this day.
Here is a link about this case:
Rowan University has never published any descriptions of the suspects in the murder of Donald Farrell III on their official website. Rowan University has also never provided any composite sketches of the suspects on their official website, either. (Both of these exist though, and were available from day one of the criminal investigation.) Despite the fact that there has been an unsolved murder of one of their own students since 2007, with at least two noble negroes as suspects no less, Rowan University's official website simply refers to the murder of Donald Farrell III as a "death." I guess Rowan University can't risk offending any of those noble negroes out there now, right?
So, the whole point I wanted to make here is this: While the murder of an innocent young white male near a university campus in Gloucester County, NJ/Noo Joisey, remains unsolved for almost five years now, with several witnesses and several unknown noble negro suspects involved, about two years ago, Gloucester County, NJ/Noo Joisey Prosecutor Sean Dalton felt that it was the utmost of urgency that the detectives on his staff spend almost all of their time and resources to assist thirteen other Washington Township, NJ/Noo Joisey Police Department detectives to track down a teenager who played a prank, a prank which slightly teased the noble negro community, with the public-address system at a Wal-Mart store within his jurisdiction. This was of course after some prominent noble negroes, along with some uppity noble negroes, and many of the mainstream media twerps started whining about this little prank, which in turn resulted in worldwide mainstream coverage to boot. Meanwhile, the unsolved murder case of Donald Farrel III, a young White male Rowan University student who was savagely beaten to death by noble negroes, has mostly just received local mainstream media coverage within NJ/Noo Joisey, and nothing much beyond that.
Furthermore, Gloucester County, NJ/Noo Joisey currently has seventeen other unsolved murder cases in addition to the unsolved murder of Donald Farrel III, the oldest of which dates back to 1972.
Perhaps those of you who are reading this, who are also unfamiliar with NJ/Noo Joisey, can by now see where the priorities lie with the police and prosecutors in NJ/Noo Joisey when it comes to law enforcement/crime fighting. So take note of this, please, the next time somebody ever mentions anything to you about NJ/Noo Joisey in passing conversation.
Glassboro is about 3% negro. I don't know where the Walmart is but perhaps the kid who played the prank didn't tink there were any negroes around.The fact that only 1 is suing should tell you something because if there were others they would have jumped on the ghetto lottery.
In the northeast once you're outside the cities where there are a lot of negroes and in the suburbs and country it is fairly crimefree and nice.
Glassboro is about 3% negro. I don't know where the Walmart is but perhaps the kid who played the prank didn't tink there were any negroes around.The fact that only 1 is suing should tell you something because if there were others they would have jumped on the ghetto lottery.
According to city-data.com, Glassboro, NJ is actually 18% negro and 69.4% caucasian. The Walmart where the kid played the harmless prank with the store's loudspeaker system is on Route 42 in Turnersville, NJ, which is an unincorporated area located within Washington Township of Gloucester County, NJ. According to city-data.com, Turnersville, NJ is 90.1% caucasian and just 3.5% negro, but the racial composition of Washington Township within Gloucester County, NJ is 89% caucasian and 4.8% negro.
This golddigger wasn't traumatized in the least. Pissed off probably.
It's just a scam.
I hope he loses. Probably will. Hope Walmart doesn't settle.
It wasn't one of their employees who made the remark.
So true
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