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90 percent Black Detroit and Kool-Aid: What could go wrong? |
DETROIT (WJBK) - Witnesses say two men in the Brightmoor neighborhood were so passionate about the way they make Kool-Aid, they started arguing with each other over who does it better.
Sadly, that fight took a horrifying turn when they both pulled out guns and started firing at each other. Again, this was over Kool-Aid.
They didn't hit each other, but two innocent bystanders suffered gunshot wounds in the soft drink shooting. Police call it utterly ridiculous, but they've seen worse. Fox 2's Andrea Isom has the story.
And people wonder why the book was called Escape from Detroit:The Collapse of America's Black Metropolis
This is all a dream, isn't it? A comedian or script writer trying to come up with the most perverse Black stereotypes to create a joke or scene in an absurd film couldn't conjure up a story like the one Andrea Isom broke for MyFoxDetroit.
90 percent Black Detroit... they shouldn't put sterilants in the water there (as Detroit News writer Nolan Finley suggested); the Water Authority should pump packages of Kool-Aid into the water supply.
Maybe then Black people would stop killing one another and making Detroit the most violent and unsafe city in America.
Oh yeah!
2 cannibals in a few days!
OPPATOWNE, Md. (WJZ/BALTIMORE SUN/AP) — A Morgan State University student who lived in the same home as a missing Joppatowne man now feared dead was charged with first-degree murder after parts of a human body were found inside the house and in a nearby dumpster. Now the suspect has admitted to eating portions of the man’s body parts, including his heart and brain.
Alexander Kinyua, 21, is being held on no bail.
Mike Hellgren has the latest details.
Kool-Aid strikes again.
From the depths of the Guyanese jungle to the streets of Detroit it relentlessly pursues its hapless victims.
What can be done to put an end to this sugary scourge?
Hmm, I see you picked up on my 'What could possibly go wrong?' quip in regards to People™.
But damn, over freakin' Kool-Aid™! Even the anchors (who appear to fit right in to the population of Detroilet these days) were floored.
Why do I call them People™?
It's like comparing real cheese to ''Processed cheese food™'', you know it's not the same and generally inferior.
Just like People™.
did you guys every see the family guy episode when peter takes cleveland's mail? the one magazine was grape kool-aid drinker's monthly! think about the time and effort these spooks put into sitting on the porch and talking jive! that must be hard work! did i just say work, what the fuck is work to a black person? i must be taught how to respect our black community. what the hell's wrong with me. right? never, cause they will never respect the white's who made america what the hell it was up till 10yrs ago. ever since the 90's when these bastards got the leverage they have now(thank you bill clinton)this country has been nigga-fied so hard that's why white kids drive around town listening to that filth music(rap)and were told how cool blacks are by their liberal white teachers. they preached to these white kids about racism and how bad their fore-fathers were but they never told blackie the same tall tails though. our race bought it hook line and sinker and now we have black attack packs roaming white neighbourhoods looking to destroy young and old alike. man it's everyday this stuff just keeps pilling up. when will we learn? (the readers here have)the next wave of racism will be from those pig muslims cause they are taking the pages right out of the negro hand-book! this shit has got to stop! what the hell are we gonna do about this white hatred. and fuck that pig bitch eric "my people's can't read" holder! have you heard the blatant lie about negro voter surpression? you(sbpdl) should expose this lie once and for all! i thought there was seperation of church and state in this country? damm i know i sound bothered but that's just frustration with current event's.
Unreal!!! Ya gotta be fuckin' kidding me!!!
Hey Ex-New Yorker....did you ever hear of shit like this from the brothaz back in day?
Kool-aid shootings are one thing.
But two cases of negro cannibals in just a few days? What is happening to these negroes? I no longer leave the house without a weapon.
Can this ever be brought under control again?
It's Kool-Aid Man!
Oh Yeah!
Detroit and Kool-Aid: What Could Go Wrong?
Jonestown and Kool-Aid: What Could Go Wrong?
With all the replication of post-colonialist Africa that has been brought to our shores why should pre-colonial (much less modern day) cannibalism be any sort of shock?
You beat me to it. I was ready to post the link to the article. Here it is:
"the suspect has admitted to eating portions of the man’s body parts, including his heart and brain."
But you white devils do it too.
Funny part is the Huffington Post says "Yet another case of cannabilism"
...This story is almost as pathetic as the one of that fat black sow caught shop lifting in Athens who pepper sprayed store employees when caught... These kinds of stories of Negro behavior are just ammunition to support the premise that blacks can't control and govern themselves. Such stories have got to be highly embarrassing to race baiting pimps like the "Revruns" Sharpton and Jackson. (Note: This comment is being typed in "glee" font.)
Love the comment at the end - "some people ain't got much to live for." Excellent. Use the guns to better effect - 1) lock and load, 2) point at self - try through mouth into small brain, 3) disengage safety (if present), 4) pull trigger.
Skip the middle man and shoot your damn selves.
Letters from Galt's Gulch: From the depths of the Guyanese jungle to the streets of Detroit it relentlessly pursues its hapless victims.
I'm glad to see someone so astute as you beating me to the point.
There is the usual chain of events after a horrific crime like the Miami groid zombie. First, his momma is interviewed and (yaaaawn)she goes on about how he was a good, hard-working boy. Even caught devouring gobs of flesh off a man's face and being told to stop, his Haitian Momma thought the cop should have tazered him.
Today, it's his "girlfriend" who describes him as a Bible-quoting man that worked hard at washing cars. His only flaw was that he smoked pot on a regular basis. She thinks a voodoo curse was placed upon him. Lord forbid he might have gotten ahold of some bad weed, because he was doing something illegal, and went cannibal.
Juxtapose the coverage of the gay white British porn star who chopped up his Asian boyfriend, ate some of him, and sent some parts to Canadian politicians. Here, The Sum, UK ran a story of how he sent a video to them last year of a kitten being eaten by a python. In fact, they go on and on about this "evil" crime of kitty becoming pythonchow. No sympathy reporting for the white guy, oh no! He IS EVIL!!!
We are screwed.
Anon (5/31 5:41 PM): But you white devils do it too.
Eat this, Caliban.
I bet this ends up on Tosh.o
Ret'd LAPD here. One delicacy among blacks was to soak pickles in grape Kool Aid. Every time I was in the housing projects there would be a candy lady selling this garbage from her 100% government subsidized apartment. Nastiness.
I'll be damned.
A "nigga" moment straight out of Aaron McGruder's 'Boondocks' cartoon. I would put the one link up, but I'm on my phone.
The stupid is strong with these people.
"But two cases of negro cannibals in just a few days? What is happening to these negroes?"
Regression to the mean.
"Love the comment at the end - "some people ain't got much to live for." Excellent. Use the guns to better effect - 1) lock and load, 2) point at self - try through mouth into small brain"
He'd probably miss.
What is more surprising the depths of black depravity or the fact we as a nation can no longer be shocked?
"Eat this, Caliban."
Come on Zenster. I was just trying to head off the usual afro troll. A little tongue in cheak. If we don't laugh about it - it's too pathetic to cry about.
The monkeys are in charge of the zoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baldowl said: "They're just like us," they said. "They just need you to give them a chance," they said.
Wow! That brought back memories. I heard that so much in my youth in the 60s and 70s, especially from two black loving, black apologist California born liberal girls that I knew. Blacks could do no wrong in their eyes.
I wish that I could hear their convoluted excuses as to how those creatures really, really are like us and how this is all because of white racism.
This is what we would call "A Nigga Moment".
The following video explains it perfectly.
There is a synthetic quality to negroid emotional outrage, an odd quality I have noticed in other news casts, no matter how horrific. Negroids start out saying "I can't believe it" or "I can't understand how this can happen" with an odd flat quality to their voices.
See here for another example:
"Why do I call them People™?
It's like comparing real cheese to ''Processed cheese food™'', you know it's not the same and generally inferior.
Just like People™."
I think you are on to something there!
''A sad story in Brooklyn. An obese Diane Carter (56 years old) complained of chest pains. Her son called 911 and the paramedics arrived. Her son, Dexter Carter (22 years old) thought that the paramedics took too long to respond. So he expressed his displeasure by attacking the medical staff. As the medical staff was fending off his attacks, his mother died as they were unable to help her.''
Was it People™? Well of course it was!
Too bad only one of them became good.
Just another example of ''Around blacks, never relax''.
At least they didn't snort the Kool-Aid and start eating people.
4TEHLuLZ: 5 most awkward Kool-Aid™ commercials
Funny part is the Huffington Post says "Yet another case of cannabilism"
Huff post is digusting...Hufington family made thier $ in Indonesian Oil
..east timor killings were 200,000?
Adriana has a mansion..gets folks to write for free..etc
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Hello? Remember JEFFREY DAHMER - the serial killer who kept his victims livers
He was VERY American. People are people - so leave your racist comments out of this'
chronically raised stress hormones due to Kool Aid laden diet from childhood
high baseline testosterone levels
genetically determined low IQ, low cognitive ability for reason, and therefore low emotional control
completely debased culture hallmarked by cheap status trappings, sex, drugs, general criminality and violence
access to guns n' ammo
it's a wonder shooting each other over Kool-Aid isn't seen as perfectly normal by their society, in general. However, the community, no doubt, not being shocked is about the same thing as 'situation normal'.
No matter how much black people aspire muscle their way into positions and benefits that they don;t earn in fair competition, their instinct to quick and violent murder will always stigmatize them and rightly make other populations wary to the point that they will self isolate. You can't follow us everywhere black people, and we won't stop moving. To do so is to die like you.
Where's Jim Jones when you need him .....
I think to make Kool-Aid you just pick the flavor you want and add sugar and water, right? Not a lot of culinary skill involved. Not a lot to argue about there. Thought that was worth pointing out.
Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid, taste great, get out of Detroit 'fore it's too late!
The Kenyan case was a classic "muti murder". The cannibal killed his fellow African and ate his heart and brain to get his "power". Albinos are particularly prized in African because their whiteness gives them more "power" when eaten. We should not judge the Kenyan cannibal in Baltimore harshly. He is just following his native religion.
Anonymous, it is true. There are whites who have eaten other whites. But it is not our religion as it is with blacks. Google "albino muti murder". The first links will be from Kenya, where people live in fear of cannibalism on a daily basis. Now I do not judge negroes about their cannibalism. They are just being true to their African culture which is thousands of years older than American culture. I just think the Europeans who fled African need to be much more careful regarding the Negroes around them to avoid being eaten as part of their native rituals, and more importantly, to be much more careful about the Negroes we let into America. Even though they are begging to come to America where they can be safe living among white people, we need to be extremely careful. Who we let in.
Arguing over who can add sugar to water. Led to shooting. Only blacks in a government subsidized cities.
They truly are animals and savages.
Our Baltimore cannibal is being swept under the rug fast. Surely soon we will hear its due to his upbringing and white privilege that he ate a white man.
Having law abiding citizens according to the multiculti crowd isn't diverse enough.
Diversity is only achieved when a sex pest is murdered and eaten by an even more depraved animal from the plains of kenya.
I truly hope that kenyan cannibal's neighbours aren't white.
If the neighbours are white they should protest infront of the cannibals how's with pickets saying something along the lines "cannibals go back home"
Or "cannibals and cannibals parents not welcome here"
If this was in kenya, the savage law system would have set the house on fire and burnt the cannibal and his parents as witches.
Jungle behaviour courtesey the multiculti squad
Probably already posted somewhere, but I don't have more than a minute right now to read comments. Did you see this, PK? http://weaselzippers.us/2012/06/01/chicago-city-alderman-warns-agency-building-bridge-people-are-going-to-get-hurt-if-more-people-of-color-arent-hired/ Because we all know how well this has worked out for Atlanta and Detroit. We need MORE of it. Good grief.
"It's a madhouse! A maaaaaadhoouuuse!"
REMEMBER FOLKS, both parties suppport
Immigration and Some in Repub support open borders..
we import anti americans, haitans, africans, mid east jews and muslims.
I read a book 'white woman witch doctor' [a white euro in Africa studying witch doctors]
from her book:
Remember Obama is doing what he can to bring in more foreign blacks,,africans etc.
at the local JC I met an African, he was getting a full scholarship gto a 4 year school, if I recall correctly.
If we were smart, we'd put birth control in the Kool aid.
"Eat this, Caliban."
Come on Zenster. I was just trying to head off the usual afro troll.
Fear not friend, we're on the same side. "Caliban" is a reference to Shakespeare's intentional anagram of the word "cannibal".
Anyone who wants to take a bite out of me will experience swift onset high velocity heavy metal poisoning.
YIH: Her son, Dexter Carter (22 years old) thought that the paramedics took too long to respond. So he expressed his displeasure by attacking the medical staff. As the medical staff was fending off his attacks, his mother died as they were unable to help her.
The same thing happens with Muslims. Husbands will go ballistic if any male first responders―which something like 90% of them are―attempt to touch their wimmenfolk. That is, if the EMS vehicle can even make it through the gauntlet of rocks, bricks and fireworks being launched at them as they arrive. The same sort of sand ape chimpouts happen in hospital emergency rooms.
Believe it or not, during a major wintertime earthquake in Pakistan, the men demanded that women and girls remain in the collapsed mountainside village while they went down slope to obtain emergency handouts of tents, blankets and food.
It was far more preferable that their wives and daughters FROZE TO DEATH in their ruined mountain villages than be ogled by relief crews or [gasp!] touched by furriner medical staff. That's just how bass-ackwards these Muslim trogs are.
you just can't make this stuff up!
Notice Obamas been silent on both cannibal cases..
If Obama had a son, the son id look like the cannibals!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did the two "marksmen" look like a couple more of 'Bammy's boys?
Just wonderin'.
Anon May 31, 2012 8:05 PM:
Granted. I'll stipulate.
Ray Scissom:
Totally great call.
Man this story has just about everything. Detroit. Gun-fight over Kool-Aid. And both shooters miss each other and hit innocent bystanders instead.
Could this story be about anyone BUT black people?
If we were smart, we'd put birth control in the Kool aid.
I think it'll come down to other things, with more definitive and final effects.
For instance, think what someone could do if they could add something to a shipment of Hennessey headed for ghetto liquor stores. There are some things which don't show effects for months, making the act almost impossible to trace back. One agent could hit hundreds or thousands. That's just how vulnerable a stupid enemy is to covert attacks.
Anon (6/2 6:37 AM): Could this story be about anyone BUT black people?
This was, essentially, the same exact question I posed about the woman who crapped on her own floor in front of arresting police officers. As in; it's just about impossible to imagine any other race presenting such routine and utterly predictable pathology.
It's a question that will likely become some sort of default inquiry as time goes by. One might as well assume that there is a Stupidity Olympics in which generations of Blacks have been going for the Gold with relentless passion.
What remains for Whites is ensuring that even just Bronze and Silver all become some form of Darwin Award.
After 400 years of culinary racism, what do you expect?
We are coming to eat your face Its called karma whiteys
What would they have done if the argument was over who's momma makes the best fried chicken? Nuclear weapons, I suppose.
There are some things which don't show effects for months, making the act almost impossible to trace back. One agent could hit hundreds or thousands.
Agreed. A cerebral Pirons (like mad cow disease) for example, but how to target negroids exclusively? Perhaps a link to rare negroid blood chemistry as an attachment point? Only White cells make it into the brain. Perhaps a synthetic AIDS shell with a piron attached. The virus coat does not need to replicate, just introduce the agent, but how to have exclusive vector? I'll get back to you....
how to target negroids exclusively?
An agent at the distributor can send it only to stores in the ghetto. You limit collateral damage by picking the products carefully. Ghetto status symbols are naturals.
This also works for fast food, cigarettes, anything that can be doctored without leaving a trace.
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