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September 2012 |
But today, the cover to the second part of the trilogy on America's dying cities came in, and I was too excited not to share it. Escape from Detroit: The Collapse of America's Black Metropolis
It was in 2012 when Clayton County (in 1970, 95 percent white and home to the some of Truett Cathy's first Chick-fil-A's; now, almost 80 percent Black and the foreclosure capital of America) when we got a glimpse of what will happen on the "Day the EBT Card Runs Out."
With an October surprise still looming (and another secret project coming out on September 11), SBPDL is pleased to announce that in September, Black Mecca Down: The Collapse of the City too Busy to Hate will be published. With exclusive chapters never before published on the 1996 Olympics, the Legacy of the Olympics (Public Housing Part II), Mayor Bill Campbell, The Color of Failure: Underground Atlanta, Wayne Williams, Sweet Auburn, the 2009 Mayoral Race: The Black Memo, Coca-Cola, the move toward secession by North Fulton, and the Georgia Lottery/HOPE Scholarship, Black Mecca Down promises to end on a positive note.
Then, we move away from Atlanta. Some readers of SBPDL might have tired with the magnifying glass directed at the city, and it's now time to point it elsewhere.
Funny though -- it's nearly 100 years ago that D.W. Griffith started storyboarding the script for what would be considered the most controversial film in movie history, "The Birth of a Nation."
As we approach 2015 and the 100th anniversary of the "Birth of a Nation" release, the only thing needed to begin the arduous process of creating the birth of a new nation (and ending Black-Run America -BRA- once and for all) is for good people to speak up when and where they can. That's it.
With Black Mecca Down, I'll continue to do my part.
What's next? Baltimore, St. Louis (Pruitt Igoe), Memphis, Cleveland, Chicago, Birmingham, Richmond, Philly? Hell, why just a trilogy? You can do this for a long time.
Kersey is the Bill Buckley of this generation. Way to go Paul!
This is good stuff. It looks like free "slave" labor isn't so cheap after all. Seems like some decisions have strategic ramifications, huh?
Yall should have just worked your own plantations instead of importing those thrice be damned Asante, Yoruba, Ibo, Fante, and Mende folks huh? ^_^
Ex-Lincolnite here:
@William Foster,
That is so true. You could do Omaha too. Just last weekend another rampage of killing and rape.
Thank you Paul for telling the truth. What I don't get is why more white people don't wake up? I guess the journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step.
@ Dan Freeman,
We don't need your kind anymore in this country. Un-educable orcs are not what is needed, in fact it is the problem. If you and your jig buddies would simply go back to the jungle from which you came, America would be a better place.
I watched Birth of a Nation a couple yr's back, I give it a 10.
Dan Freeman said...
This is good stuff. It looks like free "slave" labor isn't so cheap after all. Seems like some decisions have strategic ramifications, huh?
Yall should have just worked your own plantations instead of importing those thrice be damned Asante, Yoruba, Ibo, Fante, and Mende folks huh?
As the bumper sticker says:
If we had know that you were going to be so much trouble we would have picked our own damn cotton.
Someone somewhere else asked me ''Whatever happened to 'Bubbles', Michael Jack-sons Chimpanzee?''
He's alive and living well. Hopefully ''those who can't be named'' will see to it 'bubbles' will be well cared for.
But I doubt it, ''those who can't be named'' will see to it that 'bubbles' will be screwed out of the comfortable retirement that he should have as an heir to the Michael Jack-son estate.
PK, by all accounts you seem to be a brilliant man. You, out of all people, finally made me believe in the zombie apocalypse. I hope one day we can have a drink.
Off topic, but important to what we speak of here.
I'd recommend a radio show, legit, over the airwaves, with podcasts - Michael Berry out of Texas. The guy is not afraid, imagine that, to talk about the racial facts.
Picking two at random, Limbaugh or Levine would pass out in a pool of blood before they could ever speak the truth Berry does. Very importantly, he's got humor.
I would like to ask something of all of you, if I may. I really enjoy reading almost all of the comments here--reminds me of my teenage years in some ways. But I have a problem with just one thing. And I only have a problem with it because it really is a black thing and therefore "hurts my ears" to read it and it does lower those who use it, to the level of blacks.
"Hate on..." please, stop saying/typing that. It is horribly incorrect grammar and is black ubonics. You can hate something, but you cannot hate on something. Please make a mental note to yourselves not to use that. It is just more blackisms creeping into our lovely language.
it sort of like when the black handshake shit started in the 70's. You know what we, my friend and I, said to people who wanted to shake hands like that? We offered out our hand in the traditional white man's way, took their hand in the white man's way and said, with a smile on our face "shake white". Just like that. And you know what? It caught on. Throughout this whole city of then 376,000 people, almost all of the white kids stopped using black handshakes and went back to shaking hands like a white man.
"shake white"
"speak white"
You can do it, and you will be better off for it.
it wasn't the slavery that caused our modern day problems--blacks aren't smart enough to do these things on their own. Left to their own devices, they would have remained in their neighborhoods and schools and gone on being quite happy being maids and such for white folks. Lawrence Auster published a lengthy piece by me on just this topic. Black resentment is really the resentment of having been abandoned by YT. He really would rather have YT telling him what to do and how to live because he knows inside that is when he is happiest.
Just look at Islam. They had waaay more slaves than we ever did and they don't have these problems. Of course the Koran demanded that all black male slaves be castrated before entering Islam, but that is besides the point. I remember, as a child, how happy the blacks were and how grateful they were for the work that was easy for them to perform.
Nope, blacks are merely the tools of the communists in our midst. They use them as the battering ram to tear down the hated bourgeoisie and its hated life styles and traditions. Always remember, Marx liked the old Nobility and the very wealthy. It was the bourgeois that he hated and wanted to destroy.
More on* the Duluth Un-Fair campaign, previously covered by PK, an opinion piece by DWL extraordinaire Thane Maxwell.
For added amusement, read it whilst playing 'Attempt To Translate Incomprehensible Newspeak Gobbledegook Into Meaningful English' and/or 'Politically Correct Cliché Bingo' (hope I'm not spoiling anyone's fun by revealing that you may as well mark off white privilege, there's no such thing as race, and race is a social construct, before you even begin).
Enjoy! :)
*moron moar like mirite?
The part about thousands of blacks vying to be on the Section 8 listing for the years 2015-17 really belies the oft-stated claim that those folks don't plan ahead or have much of a future-time orientation.
Sheesh, they sure have a firm commitment to being on welfare, don't they?
RobertB said...
I would like to ask something of all of you, if I may. I really enjoy reading almost all of the comments here--reminds me of my teenage years in some ways. But I have a problem with just one thing. And I only have a problem with it because it really is a black thing and therefore "hurts my ears" to read it and it does lower those who use it, to the level of blacks.
"Hate on..." please, stop saying/typing that. It is horribly incorrect grammar and is black ubonics. You can hate something, but you cannot hate on something. Please make a mental note to yourselves not to use that. It is just more blackisms creeping into our lovely language.
THANK YOU for saying that! "Hating on" is one of the most annoying "popular phrases" to enter the lexicon in a long, long time. It reminds me of those sheep I wrote about a couple of comments ago:
"BAA! BAA! You're HATING ON him!"
This is the impotent, whining bleat of a useless loser. Too bad there isn't a way to digitally slap people who type that.
I agree with you. Another ebonicism I'm growing tired of white people adopting is "imma" instead of "I'm going to" or even the fine old Southern "I'm fixin' to".
There's a blog I hang out on and several white women on it do this "imma" thing and think it's cute....grrrrr....
The backwards baseball cap on young white guys is another one. Turn
that cap around and wear it like a white boy.
RobertB: "shake white"
"speak white"
Works for me. Although, I'll still make tons o' fun about the boot-lipped nonsense dat dem folk speaks alla da time, maing.
Anon (8/10 8:23 AM): The backwards baseball cap on young white guys is another one. Turn that cap around and wear it like a white boy.
But, but, but … if they walk around in the sun with their hat on right they'll get a red neck!
RobertB: "You can hate something, but you cannot hate on something. Please make a mental note to yourselves not to use that. It is just more blackisms creeping into our lovely language."
I am so glad you mentioned this.
I don't know if blacks actually started these phrases but they sound really "ghetto" to me and I wish whites would quit using them:
1) shout-out
2) put your hands together for
3) give it up for (unless it's in the context of giving up something for Lent, which it never is when blacks use it)
4) keepin[g] it real
5) hook-up (unless it's in a plumbing or electrical context, which it never is when blacks use it)
We don't just think something and then find the words to express it. It works the other way, too. Words also shape our thoughts. To talk ghetto is to think ghetto, if only in a tiny way. And if thinking that way was OK to us, we wouldn't be here.
Robert B, thank you for this line:"Nope, blacks are merely the tools of the communists in our midst..."
What the DWL's, and homos as well, fail to understand is that they too are being used by the modern commies for the "green movement", diversity promotion, and (trying to articulate), the whole "trendy" thing- being in tune with what is currently popular, and not to leave out the whole sports and fantasy bullshit that goes on. Turn off the f*cking ESPN!!!!
The people at my barber shop are the tattooed, not too trendy types. They do watch Euro soccer though and know all the teams. Why? How about putting Alex Jones on instead?
But, there are also, in larger cities like San Diego, these little spineless twits with arms as big as my pinky, all sleeved up who won't hesitate to drop the R-bomb (RAAAAAYYYYCISSSST!) on me for speaking the truth. Those are the trendy's I hate the most. They think they are the coolest thing ever. Go enjoy your diversity. When the shtf, you will be my slaves or sent to the front as cannon fodder while us former Marines settle business the way we do best.
Sorry for the profanity coming up.
As a child of the 70's and 80's, FUCK COMMUNISM! I WILL FIGHT IT TO THE DEATH! And I see it happenning here under my nose. I'm ready to kill and die to restoer the republic.
-The 2nd Son of the Republic
PS: George Washington's vision, look it up if you have never heard of it.
Now, I must go make things in accordance with the extremely tight tolerances given to me on the blueprint. +/-.0002" on some bores and features.
Paul, could you think up one of your terms to represent untouchable-whites? I chuckle when I see one of your isms on a comment section. You really have a knack for word smithing. There are millions of us low caste whites that aren't trash.
It would be nice if we had our own label that we could wear with pride.
The part about thousands of blacks vying to be on the Section 8 listing for the years 2015-17 really belies the oft-stated claim that those folks don't plan ahead or have much of a future-time orientation.
Sheesh, they sure have a firm commitment to being on welfare, don't they?
August 10, 2012 7:33 AM,
The fact that spooks are getting in line to do this just shows that the North American Pavement Ape is dedicated to being a dependent leech.
Shout-out is definitely a black "thang" as is "keeping it real". I never heard white people say either of those phrases until recently.
@ Anonmymous 2:12 - I followed your link to the "opinion" piece by one Thane "Pinko-Commie" Maxwell. The thing that gets me about pieces like his is the standard "race is just a social construct" nonsense. People like him says that there is no such thing as race, and then in the same breath decry institutional and structural racism! For example, from the article :
"Racial experiences are very real, but race does not “exist;” it was socially constructed in response to the economic and political imperatives of the colonial period: The plantation economy required a steady supply of cheap labor, and the ruling elite required a distinction to divide the working class."
We are dealing with nothing less than Orwellian Doublethink here; the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in DISTINCT SOCIAL CONTEXTS. Was Orwell something or was he something?
Thane goes on to explain that racism hurts White people too, by :
"denying us fulfilling relationships with people of color and exposure to their rich, cultural traditions. It demands we surrender our ethnic and religious identities to receive the wages of whiteness. And it inhibits our awareness of fundamental human interdependence, forcing us to live in a world of fear and social division with minimal considerations of collective wellbeing."
WOW! Straight out of the Communist playbook. I've never heard the phrase "wages of whiteness." This guy has his master's degree in REGIONAL (there's that word again) Planning and community development from Cornell (Ivy League Commie).
"Keeping it real" is codespeak amongst blacks meaning defend all things black and sticking it to the man. A sheeboon at work likes to remind other s that "i keeps it real"
"Always remember, Marx liked the old Nobility and the very wealthy. It was the bourgeois that he hated and wanted to destroy."
Who benefits most from the "centralization of credit in the hands of the state" that Marx advocated (today known as the Federal Reserve)? The wealthy.
"Kersey is the Bill Buckley of this generation."
I disagree. Buckley (Skull and Bones, CFR, CIA) was able to strangle a limited government, nationalist conservatism in the crib. Look how many loyal patriots he had ex-communicated from National Review.
"...denying us fulfilling relationships with people of color and exposure to their rich, cultural traditions..."
Perhaps this fellow would care to move to Liberia, Congo, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Rwanda, Haiti, Detroit, et alia to partake in their rich cultural traditions?
"...denying us fulfilling relationships with people of color and exposure to their rich, cultural traditions..."
That is one of the most vacuous, meaningless phrases the left has ever come up with in their attempts to put a benign, nonthreatening facade on their destruction of white culture, along with the vomit-inducing "diversity is our strength". I have never heard one of them give a convincing reason as to just why "diversity is our strength", especially in the face of all the data showing otherwise. It's another one of those things where you're a heretic for even asking.
Well said, concerning the use of ghetto slang and phrases by whites! In advertising, the use of such phrases and gestures by whites is a metaphor for their hopeless lack of "cool" , a way to underscore their prim propriety, and a pin to prick their supposed "pomposity". What that language really is, is yet another dumbing-down of the "dominant" white culture, and degradation of it. Blacks (with the complicity of DWL) must always degrade anything which they cannot master. We've seen it with education, arts, popular culture, courtship rituals, every aspect of the white world. Why would whites engage in the demise of their very own civilised culture? Sports are a recent example. The principle of good sportsmanship is as dead as "Mens sana in corpore sano", and too many whites think that's just "authentic". Blacks have only the most shallow understanding of dignity, therefore dignity has been thrown overboard with all the other useless baggage of white culture.
I'm sorry to say that white females, being particularly susceptible to trendiness, have been the prime white culprits in this. In advertising, if the white male isn't being shown up as hopelessly square by the requisite black token, he's being patiently tolerated by the all-wise white female. "Divide and conquer" cuts many many different ways, all ultimately at the expense of the white male (and the white female too, if she could but realise it. Not so "all-wise" after all, is she? Unless she ever manages to open her eyes and realise where her loyalty lies)
RE Nope, blacks are merely the tools of the communists in our midst..."
That they are, and we all should be aware that the primary strategy of Communism is to set the democracies aflame with dissension ( expressly the impossible-to-resolve kind such as racial dissension ) and then offer to put out the fire with Socialism. Read Viktor Suvorov, or R.C.Raack's interpretation of his thesis. If you can manage his accent you can listen to Suvorov on Youtube. The messsage to bring away from Suvorov: "right-wing" leaders are felt to be unstable by the Communists, who are always planning, planning,planning. They count on the impulsive, the popular to act as their wedge. As Suvorov said, Stalin and company were planning a world revolution when Adolf Shickelgruber was dreaming and scrounging for doughnuts in Vienna.
And they are planning when blacks line up for vouchers, you had better believe.
We don't just think something and then find the words to express it. It works the other way, too. Words also shape our thoughts. To talk ghetto is to think ghetto, if only in a tiny way. And if thinking that way was OK to us, we wouldn't be here.
Just so! And thank you to the individual that brought up the subject,and more thanks to everyone who chimed in.
Words are important. Words are important because words are the tools that we use to think.
Sloppy word usage very often equals sloppy thinking.
We cannot afford sloppy thinking. The hoodrats,yes. They have the tacit-and often not-so-tacit backing of BRA,and they understand instinctively that they get quite a few more free passes for serious misbehaving than we can ever hope to get. And I doubt that an average hoodrat can use words,and think,in a manner that isn't sloppy. They just aren't wired that way.
But we don't get those freesies from our overlords. No Section 8 for the likes of us,no trips to the ER to be paid for By Others (who happen to be us),no free cell phone plans,no EBT cards,no guaranteed government employment,no nothing.
But we can think. It's what we do best. Don't get into the habit of sloppy thinking!!!
[snip] built a suburban landscape that concentrated privilege in white areas while confining people of color to urban ghettos without access to jobs, decent schools, adequate health care, nutritious food, ecological health or other basic human rights"......blah blah blah [from 'Orwellian' Thane Maxwell article].
Are we to believe that on their own, they are helpless, incapable of planning, organizing, producing anything for themselves as a community?
PBS has been airing Ken Burns' skillful WW2 production, "The War."
We see the West Coast Japanese forcefully removed from their homes, stores, farms, and imprisoned for the duration of WW2.
Internment housing consisted of barely habitable barracks located on semi-arable land some distance away from urban civilization. There were armed sentries posted in towers overlooking each section of the camp, barbed wire surrounded the perimeter.
Nevertheless, the Japanese prisoners managed to grow vegetables, flower gardens, organize baseball, basketball, soccer teams, girl and boyscout troops, schools with PTA involvement, other social events geared toward maintaining a sense of cohesiveness and sense of community.
Under duress, these forcibly "ghetto-zed'" people were able to utilize scant resources and create a functioning cultural environment that worked for the enrichment of all.
Is there a comparative lesson to be learned here?
You can be sure no whites rushed forward to bail them out.
"Japs" were the much hated enemy. Just ask any West Coast resident who observed the phenomenon.
@anon: "Kersey is the Bill Buckley of this generation."
Close, but no cigar..... yet. Definitely a contender, though.
If he'd throw in a few more obscure Latin phrases, definitely a clincher.
Can our PK do that tic wiggly thing with his forehead and eyebrows that WFB used to do, I wonder?
Thanks for calling out the ungrammatical, neologistic expression, "hating on."
It reeks of ghetto-ese ebonics, a bastardization for which I have a very low wig-out threshold.
(North.Ga)-- How about, the meaning of thier home "the Crib" or, the one that kills me the most when it comes from a white person. "Up in here"
Wonderful comment thread. It's ironic, but those black phrases I understand (although never use) are those I first heard from Whites. I don't think that way, I don't speak that way, and I don't write that way.
I have, on the other hand, actively adopted certain internet terms and abbreviations: DWL (Disingenuous White Liberals); MPAI (Most People Are Idiots); and "snowflaking." Quite useful.
Related to Robert B's mention of "shake White," I do something similar, although far more cryptically. When I let someone precede me in a check-out line, or do some similar courtesy (and the Whites I do this for {I only do it for Whites} are invariably surprised and thank me), I say "It used to be the America way." And I say it with the inference that it used to be "mighty White of you." I say it defiantly and proudly.
By the way, Paul, that is a terrific book cover.
Melanie: I'm sorry to say that white females, being particularly susceptible to trendiness, have been the prime white culprits in this. In advertising, if the white male isn't being shown up as hopelessly square by the requisite black token, he's being patiently tolerated by the all-wise white female. "Divide and conquer" cuts many many different ways, all ultimately at the expense of the white male (and the white female too, if she could but realise it. Not so "all-wise" after all, is she? Unless she ever manages to open her eyes and realise where her loyalty lies)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Melanie, for such painstaking honesty. No amount of grumbling about "feminism" by White men will ever reach White women with the forcefulness of soul-searching observations like yours. You have really nailed it and I remain proud to have encouraged your participation here. Your womanly outspokenness is a genuine breath of fresh air. Brava!
One of the most effective tools that I have used when engaging the enemy in any kind of public sphere is to call them what they are to their faced in front of everyone--a Marxist.
Usually I let them prattle on about this and that "Justice". when they are finished and waiting for an affirmative response, I simply ask them, with a smile on my face and a look of encouragement, "so, you're a Marxist?" Some will get a horrified look on their face and deny it. Others will openly acknowledge that they are such. Your "audience", at least half of which, will either look shocked or surprised when the person admits it. If the person denies it, they may go from a humorous smirk to a look of dismay.
Either way that cookie crumbles, your "audience" will be forced to see the Marxist tenets for what they are. And that is a good thing. Of course, it goes without saying here that if you are going to go this route, you had better know your Marx and his modern formats.
Kylie: We don't just think something and then find the words to express it. It works the other way, too. Words also shape our thoughts. To talk ghetto is to think ghetto, if only in a tiny way. And if thinking that way was OK to us, we wouldn't be here.
Anon (8/10 9:31PM): Words are important. Words are important because words are the tools that we use to think.
Sloppy word usage very often equals sloppy thinking.
In reality, back when language was first being formed, thoughts (or perceptions) did shape words. In this information age and a time of more wholly formed language words do, indeed, shape much of thinking.
It bears noting that, for Blacks, thoughts still shape words. The semi-retarded nature of Blacks malforms language and brings forth such historical abortions as "ax" and "axt" ("ask" and "asked") or "gwine" ("going"). All of Ebonics is a direct byproduct of this sub-par mental processing and it is a stark reflection upon the meagerness of Black "culture" that they prefer to glorify this inept mumbling over any risk of speaking clearly and, thereby, "acting White".
That said, there is a causal relationship between modern Black speech pathologies and TNB. In a vicious scratch-itch-cycle, Blacks retard themselves by constantly mutilating language, be it out of rebelliousness or sheer stupidity. This entrenches their congenital lack of future time orientation and from that flows a river of behavioral pathologies that ultimately define TNB.
Again, Ebonics shapes Black thought every bit as much as how properly spoken English shapes White American thinking. Considering how English is this world's most powerful linguistic tool—America's preeminence remains proof of that particular pudding—is it any surprise that we have been the only country to land and safely return astronauts from the moon, a half dozen times no less?
The liberating power that derives from a solid command of English knows no bounds. I will echo the previous comment and adjure one and all to prize our language and:
Don't get into the habit of sloppy thinking!!!
Here's one I personally hate, especially when I hear a white person say it, "my bad." If that isn't ghetto groid I don't know what is.
We shouldn't be using ANY of their ebonics or mannerisms. It SCREAMS, "I'm an uneducated dumbass."
Robert B:
One of the most effective tools that I have used when engaging the enemy in any kind of public sphere is to call them what they are to their faced in front of everyone--a Marxist.
Usually I let them prattle on about this and that "Justice". when they are finished and waiting for an affirmative response, I simply ask them, with a smile on my face and a look of encouragement, "so, you're a Marxist?" Some will get a horrified look on their face and deny it. Others will openly acknowledge that they are such. Your "audience", at least half of which, will either look shocked or surprised when the person admits it. If the person denies it, they may go from a humorous smirk to a look of dismay.
Either way that cookie crumbles, your "audience" will be forced to see the Marxist tenets for what they are. And that is a good thing. Of course, it goes without saying here that if you are going to go this route, you had better know your Marx and his modern formats.
This is an excellent point. One thing I'll add is to learn your Marx, ditto for Lenin, Trotsky and Mao. The typical DWL is an idiot who parrots the ideology which he or she has been indoctrinated with since kindergarten without even knowing what it is. I've seen them reduced to open-mouthed silence when it was pointed out that a central bank is one of the pillars of Marxism, to give but one example. The vast majority of DWL idiots never had an original thought on their own. They thoughtlessly repeat memes and talking points spewed by academia, the Ministry of Truth, etc.
Full Auto: Here's one I personally hate, especially when I hear a white person say it, "my bad."
I can still remember the very first time I ever heard that expression. It was 1992 and uttered by a barely competent whigger who, along with his pals, played (c)rap music while I was foreman over the ground-up refurbishment of an Edwardian residence.
The building's owner had hired this moron at the request of a cow-orker in order to keep this little runt out of trouble over the summer. The Vietnamese girls who were doing fine interior detail work weren't fluent enough in English to understand the (c)rap lyrics. When I took the time and explained to them one tune's incessant refrain of "I don't give a fuck, nigger!", they looked at me in amazement and asked, "Why would anyone want to listen to something like that?"
Oh, and another one we should add to that list is, "Give it up for so-and-so!" Definitely a high nigonometry quotient.
Teaching a new hire class in a call center, a recent grouping included one Jewess, two white guys, one young chubby but cute white girl, and roughly ten blacks, three male and the remainder female.
A great deal of time was taken to import the necessity of proper speech, not using "axe" for 'ask' and so forth.
The blacks resented it but some progress has been made. We have to repeat the lesson every day, though.
The other trainer is a black female, who does speak proper English most of the time. She appears semi-bright and has a Master's degree from a fairly respectable state college. However, she is an unmarried baby mama, as are all but one of the other black females. The other one is married and has children in marriage. The other black girls see this as acting White and think it's odd and not entirely hip.
Average IQ level of the black students is probably mid eighties. The whites are there because their regular careers are on hold due to the economy and are if anything too smart to be call center agents. The two white guys are an aircraft mechanic and a welder whose legs and knees are shot: he walks like an 85 year old man.
Being very bright is something call centers do not select from because bright people with any sense of decency are bothered by the total nonsense the company requires them to tell callers on a daily basis.
I JUST LOVE HEARING YOU DUMB WHITE BASTARDS VENTING!!!!! "Your" time is up and all of you SALTINES know it- hey it was fun for "you" while it lasted but now it's time for "you" all to "get what you got coming to you"....booo
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