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Waiting for Superman is no longer an option |
One of the goals of the program is to eliminate the stigma that students feel when they get a free lunch, as opposed to paying cash, according to DPS Chief Operating Officer Mark Schrupp. He said the schools are hopeful that sending all students through the lunch line without having to pay will make it harder to identify low-income students and they will be less likely to skip meals.A school system's health is only a reflection of the community, and the type of individual students that the households found within the school systems boundaries produce. The students ability (and test scores, graduation rate, drop-out rate, etc.) but a reflection of the cognitive ability they inherited from their parents.
That back in 2009 the 95 percent Black DPS system produced the lowest math scores in the 40-year history of the National Assessment of Educational Progress test should be, as Time magazine intimated, cause for an investigation of "criminal neglect"; on the contrary, were we a sane nation, this would be justification for the elimination of virtually every entitlement or federal program that believes in eliminating the racial gap in education.
Were we a sane nation, we'd institute policies that actively engaged in discouraging procreation in communities like that of Detroit. Instead, we still patiently participate in the silly game of "Waiting for Superman" to arrive and magically find the cure to the racial gap in the learning. Meanwhile, in a bid to continue to keep the spigots flowing from the state of Michigan and federal government for crucial per-pupil funding of the DPS system(you see, the 90 percent Black population of Detroit is incapable of creating wealth and having any taxable income -- EBT, TANF/Welfare, and Section 8 payments can't be taxed -- to support the school system), the 95 percent Black student enrollment of the K-12 system must be bribed to attend class on Oct. 3 with Nike shoes:
Got kicks? Every Detroit student who shows up on the cash-crucial Student Count Day will be able to answer “yes” thanks to a donation from Bob’s Classic Kicks in midtown.
BCK, 4717 Woodward, made an arrangement with the school district to give away a free pair of black leather Nikes to every student who comes to class on Oct. 3, the day when students are counted and their numbers used as the basis for per-pupil funding from the state and federal government.
The more bodies in class, the more money schools have all year.
“Well, first off, we decided since we’ve been in the community for eight years, we wanted to give back to the community, so why not do what we do best — which is shoes,” explained Christian Dorsey, manager at BCK.
The school district will hand out vouchers to every child in every grade, which could add up to 14,000 to 17,000 pair of shoes.
“We know this is a great cause for the community, it’s something that needs to be done,” Dorsey said, adding he’s not worried about the cost of all those shoes because “it’s about educating our kids.”
Detroit schools have been plagued with failing test scores, jumbled finances, violence and plummeting student population. The district’s emergency manager Roy Roberts unveiled a plan this spring to eliminate the district’s deficit in five years, reduce crime in the schools, improve test scores and start a new culture of success in the district.The DPS system is plagued with failing test scores, jumbled finances, violence, and a plummeting student population because the DPS is plagued with a 95 percent Black K-12 enrollment and the teachers, administration, superintendents, accountants, and principals who receive a paycheck (and pension plan) courtesy of the tax-payer are virtually all-Black as well.
Interesting, the same problem plagues the Birmingham Board of Education in Alabama (run almost exclusively by Black people in 71 percent Black Birmingham, Alabama), where the 98 percent Black K-12 enrollment of Birmingham City Schools is in almost the exact same scenario as Detroit.
Though no Nike shoes have yet to enter the equation as an incentive to stay in school.
Incentivizing education for minority students should be a sign that Superman isn't going to show up; instead, Doomsday might be coming for a nation that continues to refuse to acknowledge racial differences in intelligence and craft sound educational policies based on this fact.
Take for instance this story out of Cincinnati, where seniors at a almost-exclusive minority (well, Black) charter school would be paid to show up for class:
Dohn Community High School, a charter school in Cincinnati, Ohio, is throwing money at its sizable truancy problem. Starting this week, seniors who have perfect attendance, show up on time, participate in class, and stay out of trouble will be rewarded each week with a $25 Visa gift card; underclassmen will get $10 for each perfect week, and every time a student earns a card, they'll also get $5 deposited in an account payable upon graduation. Here, a look at Dohn's controversial, "last-ditch" effort to keep kids in school:
Why is Dohn paying kids to attend class?
The high school serves students at high risk of dropping out — with 170 mostly low-income, minority students, Dohn has an attendance rate of 84 percent, and only 14 percent of students graduated last year. "People will say you're rewarding kids for something they should already be doing anyway," Dohn Principal Ramone Davenport tells The Cincinnati Enquirer. "But they're not doing it. We've tried everything else." Earlier incentives included pizza and uniform-free days, but frequently absent students kept requesting cash, Davenport tells CBS Local 12 News. "I thought about it and I said lets go out to find the resources to do that."
Back in 2011, the NBC affiliate in Philadelphia reported that the city of Camden would pony up money to pay students to show up during the first three weeks of the year:
The city of Camden will be paying almost 70 high school students $100 each to go to school in the first three weeks of the year.
Funded by a grant that must be used by Sept. 30, the city is trying to fight truancy with a new program called I Can End Truancy (ICE-T), reports the Inquirer.
To receive the promised $100, each of the 66 targeted students must attend classes as well as conflict-resolution and anger-management workshops until Sept. 30.
Not everyone was happy about the pay-off program at Tuesday night’s school board meeting, according to the Inquirer. Board member Sean Brown voiced his anger that he just learned of the truancy program.
Former board member Jose Delgado said that it was “outrageous” and it sends the wrong message to kids, reports the Inquirer.All over the world, parents struggle to find ways to get to America - largely to take advantage of our welfare system, as evidenced by illegal immigrants and legal immigrants - so that their children can have a "better life then they had." Meanwhile, we have to pay Black kids to show up to school with cash bribes or a pair of cheaply made Nike's so that federal and state money will keep flowing to an almost exclusively Black-city whose residents are incapable of supporting.... anything that requires tax-revenue.
In a 2008 article in the USA Today, we learn that these "incentive" programs are sponsored by corporations and philanthropic donors that seek to help almost exclusive minority students who are stuck in educational idle while they wait for Superman:
In at least a dozen states this school year, students who bring home top marks can expect more than just gratitude. Examples:
•Baltimore schools chief Andres Alonso last week promised to spend more than $935,000 to give high school students as much as $110 each to improve their scores on state graduation exams.
•In New York City, about 9,000 fourth- and seventh-graders in 60 schools are eligible to win as much as $500 for improving their scores on the city's English and math tests, given throughout the school year.
•In suburban Atlanta, a pair of schools last week kicked off a program that will pay 8th- and 11th-grade students $8 an hour for a 15-week "Learn & Earn" after-school study program (the federal minimum wage is currently $5.85).
In most cases, the efforts are funded privately through corporate or philanthropic donors.
The most ambitious experiment began in September, when seven states — Arkansas, Alabama, Connecticut, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington — won spots in an Exxon/Mobil-funded program that, in most cases, pays students $100 for each passing grade on advanced placement (AP) college-prep exams.
It's an effort to get low-income and minority students interested in the courses, says Tommie Sue Anthony, president of the Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science. "We still have students who are not sure of the value, who are not willing to take the courses," she says. "Probably the incentives will make a difference with those students."Doomsday is approaching. While Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) gleefully await and participating in the self-satsyfing game of "Waiting for Superman" -- Doomsday approaches for Black-Run America (BRA).
It's stories like the bribing of the almost-exclusively Black K-12 student enrollment in the Black metropolis of Detroit with Nike's (so that federal and state tax revenue can be diverted to the Black Hole that is Detroit) that illustrate how close we are.
Doomsday (The Day the EBT Card Runs Out) is near.
View more videos at: http://nbcphiladelphia.com.
The store doing this giveaway is an independent store. How can it afford to eat the losses that come from the wholesale price of all these shoes they will be expected to give out?
Either Nike is doing this, a la Pontiac and the Oprah G6 giveaway, or Cui Bono/follow the money: The district wants as many students as possible to show up on 10/3 to maximize its state funding to the DPS. I can easily see the DPS giving money to this shoe store from some back channel.
I would hate to have to be a DPS teacher on 10/3, for all the little Shitaviouses and Booshondias allergic to school otherwise will show up in force.
And within minutes, there will be 14-17,000 shoes flooding the Black "black market" in Michigan.
If only 14% of the students pass it appears to me that the money spent on the failing students is being wasted. If anything too many show up for school, not too few.
If there is a list somewhere detailing steps leading to the downfall of a nation, paying students to attend school has got to be on it.
I guess there's gonna be rioting in the Detroit schools, reminiscent of the mobs attacking malls the last time the new Jordans came out. Either that or there are going to be thugs waiting outside the schools to attack any students for their shoe vouchers.
Almost weekly it seems, a new scheme is announced that will finally close the intelligence/IQ gap. Going to school in white neighborhoods, sitting next to a white kid, more money, beautiful new schools, dumbed down tests and courses, free food, big pools haven't done it. Free Nikes will. Great article Paul.
What a country!
The sooner it all goes to hell the better.
I wonder just how many children will be beaten and robbed of their vouchers? And how many vouchers will end up in dope dealers hands. How pathetic has the liberal demunists become?
I never missed a day of class and was sent to detention twice. Can I get a fat check now?
I just laugh my ass off at the circus these days. The DPS system just wants to get as many "students" as possible to show up for the first day head count so they can get the maximum amount of federal and state funding. Meanwhile, the kids that do not show up for the first day of school will have no doubt heard about the giveaway and will be lying in ambush to "get them kicks son." I expect to see a huge one day spike in shoe related theft. And just what do they think would happen if the maximum number of black kids showed up and stayed in school? What kind of pandemonium and mayhem would ensue in the classroom? The fact that so many kids fail to show up probably helps reduce the overall levels of violence and disruption.
As for paying these future "ass'nauts" for getting good grades and wondering WHY it doesn't produce results; well they make WAY more than $100 or $25 (or whatever nominal amount) selling drugs and fencing stolen items. Why go to school to get "paid" when you can make WAY MORE money on the street?
A $25 Visa Gift Card for perfect attendance and staying out of trouble is going to motivate these morons? Nigga' Please!
WTF IS GOING ON!!!! Is this serious?!?
Here we have it folks this is Black America.
Thousands of Asians emigrate to the United States every year their bribe is the shot at a better life. They go to the schooling provided no matter how dangerous and take full advantage of the meager education provided by the Affirmative Action staff.
Blacks coming from a stronger economic background than the newly arrived immigrants must be paid to attend FREE school.
There needs to be serious study and serious discourse on the nature of blacks in America. They truly are parasitic. These programs teach blacks that poor behavior get's rewarded.
We are a sick sick society to reward such deviance.
you sad racist motherfuckers! do you guys have anything better to do than to make comments on black people all day? we brought them over here. i find it hilarious how you guys say "all black people this... and that" how retarded! not all black people are like that. what if other races said all white people are money hungry serial killing meth heads? i mean.. seriously! you've got to be kidding me. i know plenty of black people that are educated and doesn't need welfare, oh here's an example, OUR PRESIDENT you fucking weak minded creeps! mad at anyone for the downfall of america? point fingers at that antichrist bush! are you people too slow to see what is really going on? its funny because whites use ebts and are on welfare too. white people steal and kill eachother all of the time. whites just have it easier because we have a better chance at not getting caught and the killing? watch the i.d channel racist retards. i love all people but you cant judge someone for their skin type because all races have to deal with the same things but blacks just get called out because of their skin. since you guys are all so "educated" think about this..."how do i sound? i'm on a website spending my precious time being racist as hell against something my OWN race did." gtfoh. dislike someone for their personality not because u are dumb and niave to actually base characteristics on someone soley because of their complexion. stop assuming stuff that you know nothing about. get to know people first.
Once again, "The Wire" proves to be the best caricature of urban America to ever grace the small screen. In season 4 the Baltimore schools hire people to round up truants for "count day". Life imitates art (or vice versa, it doesn't matter).
Great idea! And the niglets who don't show up for skoo can simply murder the niglets who did and TAKE their "kicks".
This kind of farce does not go unnoticed by foreign news services, either. We live in a transparent world today; events such as this produce comments by Chinese opinion that the USA is a degenerate society. I wouldn't mind except that we owe them trillions.
The great chimpout of 2012 is going to shake up a few things.
Burn baby burn, Detroit inferno!
Don't worry, entropy always catches up.
Pay cash to the kids so they can buy drugs you idiots, not shoes. Screw the shoes dude. How does a low end, barely surviving shoe store buy 14,000 pair to give away? Whoever is tasked with the problem of keeping black kids in school in America has the greatest problem ever known to man. I bet two pair of shoes that the red Chinese would have these black kids in school 12 hours a day and liking it in a rikki tik, don't you? Not American pussies though. We can't do anything right in America anymore.
To annonymous who calls people racists for giving an opinion. We didn't bring them here. Slavery wasn’t started by white people in America so why are we blamed when in truth and according to history slaves were captured from their tribes by people (usually part of another tribe). Several nations such as the Ashanti of Ghana and the Yoruba of Nigeria were involved in slave-trading. Groups such as the Imbangala of Angolaand the Nyamwezi of Tanzania would serve as intermediaries or roving bands, waging war on African states to capture people for export as slaves. 90 percent of those shipped to the New World (including South America) were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. Without the complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred. Think this is false, then Alex Haley who wrote “Roots” must have made up the story and history of his family especially the part about Kunta Kinte aka Toby Waller being captured by his own kind…..
What a colossal misappropriation of effort and good money.
Would it not make more sense to instead use these funds to invest in students that might actually benefit from the education? Putting money into the schools and academics for kids that want to learn?
/shakes head sadly
We as a nation can no longer afford to waste resources on those who can not be educated. Not everyone is destined for college, how about offering education at a vocational level as we did in the past. The country still needs electricians, barbers and cooks. Give them a career path that makes sense and quit trying to force college on everyone. One size does not fit all.
"i know plenty of black people that are educated and doesn't need welfare, oh here's an example, OUR PRESIDENT..."
Who was raised by (ostensibly) WHITE people.
I believe this is just one of many ‘edjumakating negroes to come out of Detroit.
A few years ago in Detroit, there was the free laptop program. All of the laptops mysteriously never made it to the students (school administrators stole them) and the rest showed up on Ebay.
Then there was a complete TV studio that created by the local PBS station for educating negroes on how to use video and sound equipment. The PBS station moved to the suburbs and the studio was abandoned – no one with an education of how to use the equipment and the PBS DWLs long ran for the suburbs.
Throw more money at it – the DWL all encompassing fix it.
They should be spending money on janitorial trade schools or planned parenthood training seminars. Get ready the new Detroit school year is starting soon. Time for all those elementary school ‘back to school’ maternity sales.
There has to be a breaking point. Seriously: this can't go on forever. If it does, then I'm afraid the intelligence of the white race has been vastly overrated.
It might just be time to put us out to pasture.
Anon at 5:30 PM who thinks we're racist motherfuckers: Of course we're racists. Not because we think that dark skin and kinky hair cause people to be dumb, but because we recognize that dark skin and kinky hair are outward signs of African ancestry. Africans are not as smart as people of other races, not by a long shot, as they are simply less evolved. The existence of smart Blacks is no more evidence of racial equality than the existence of very tall women proves that men and women are physical equals.
Were you, for example, as smart as a typical White, you'd recognize that while there might be as many Whites as there are Blacks getting welfare, a far higher proportion of Blacks are on the dole, which in turn means that welfare dependency, illegitimacy, and crime are normal for Blacks, but not for Whites.
BTW, why do these educated Blacks you know associate with somebody so semi-literate as yourself? Are they your drug counselors? (Damn! Sometimes I'm just mean, but I get tired of pointing out the obvious.)
OT - Diversity comes to the very heart of insulated, elitist DWL America:
Man arrested for looting Steve Jobs' home
"A man who burglarized the Palo Alto home of late Apple c0-founder Steve Jobs and stole more than $60,000 worth of computers, jewelry and other items didn't know whose home it was, a prosecutor said Tuesday.
The alleged burglar, Kariem McFarlin, 35, of Alameda, was arrested early this month based on leads developed by police following the July 17 break-in of Jobs' home on Waverly Street, said Deputy District Attorney Scott Tsui of Santa Clara County."
The story never fucking changes and the SWPL whites never face reality.
Anonymous said...
“you sad racist motherfuckers” August 14, 2012 5:30 PM
Now why don’t I believe you are white? First clue most lacking in the negro knowledge of computers is how to lock or unlock the caps lock. Second only a three hundred pound overweight trailer trash mud shark with several baby daddy’s babies, or a gay white boy with a brother BF on the downlow would make such a statement. It has nothing to do with skin color – just the shit that comes with it. If you think negroes are equal to you – that is a pretty sad thing to say about yourself. God gives creatures different colors as a warning. Anyone with intelligence knows the snake warning – red touch yellow kill a fellow. If one of Trayvon’s babies ever contracts sickle cell anemia – you’ll see just how equal in every way we are – at that point as we say ‘once you go black we don’t want you back’.
By the time you do mature enough or live anywhere near negroes to know what you are talking about, you will be either deceased with and STD or AIDs, raped ((or as blacks would say ‘surprised sex) not that it sounds like with your intellect you would mind or dead not that productive members of society would mind.
And by the way nice mouth (another give away). You learn well from your handlers,
Paul, A real fine post. Last years Pulitzer Prize in journalism for "Public Service" was awarded to the Philadelphia Inquirer for their series, "Assault On Learning". Found at this link...http://www.philly.com/philly/news/special_packages/inquirer/school-violence/118812644.html
The black undertow has destroyed Philadelphia turning many parts of the city into a literal war zone repleat with drug dealing, prostitution and gangs. Even the youngest among the blacks are already set on a path of abberant behavior as young as kindergarten. This is black culture in America. My question is, What do you do with millions of blacks totally dependent on government benefits? The link card/access card society will erupt in violence if these benefits are cut off. What to do, indeed.
LOL. As if shame is a virtue found in the "gibsme" negro who will line up for free anything while chimping for the cameras. As if these aren't the same shameless morons who post videos of themselves attacking children or disabled people to WWHH. The black idiots who are familiar to all from decades of media footage showing them shucking and jiving and grinning for the cameras while looting and burning their hoods down. Excuse the Negroism, but "nigga please". Shame is a foreign concept to the negro. For instance-Marion Barry, Hank "Tip" Johnson, etc.
I'm just waiting till they run out of one sized shoe that's popular. Sure as hell there'll be a riot.. any bets?
So many ways to game the system. Shoes for attendance - not to improve education, but rather to get mo' money from the government for the failing system.
I won't dispute that the dark skin, nappy hair, and broad flat noses aren't the reasons that Negros are an encumbrance on this nation, but these repellent features certainly don't help matters. If they couldn't be intelligent or virtuous, couldn't they at least be decorative? :)
Damn. Sorry for the OT, but Stix just blew the lid off the supposed great drop in violent crime which has been "reported" endlessly by the Ministry of Truth since the teleprompter-readership of Beelzebubba, Lawd Hee-Haw of Arkansas. In short, they pohleese bureaucrats have been doing the same thing as all the "economists" have about the unemployment rate: cooking the books!
Give them a career path that makes sense
Cotton is picked by machine now. What are we supposed to do with the obsolete agricultural equipment, aka Eric Holder's People™? (Rhetorical question, I know.)
Warrior: a literal war zone repleat with drug dealing, prostitution and gangs. Even the youngest among the blacks are already set on a path of abberant behavior
The words are "replete" (sated) and "aberrant" (abnormal). Write White; use a spell checker!
"Anonymous said...
i know plenty of black people that are educated and doesn't need welfare, oh here's an example, OUR PRESIDENT"
That's your example? You had to go all the way to the whitehouse to find an example?
By the way: YOUR President. Not MINE.
Just what this country needs - another way for ghetto people to "get paid". Will they soon be demanding to get paid for attending prison too?
And what's the deal with shoes? Why are blacks so big on shoes?
What if the schools just handed out crack and malt liquor to encourage attendence?
I've got a whole new point of view.
This young negro Gabby Douglas is a tremendous gymnast. She was raised for many years by a white family in Iowa. Despite the white family's intrinsic racism, the little girl succeeded in this very demanding sport.
I think it's clear then that if every white family in our nation would simply take in one or two negroes, nurture them and struggle to overcome their own racism, we could produce negroes of great accomplishment.
Tomorrow, I'll be contacting the NAACP or perhaps the Black Congressional Caucus and I'll be arranging for a few young negroes to live in our house. I smell a Nobel physicist or world class violinist a decade later. Hell, my family may raise the first black female President of the U.S. These black people have such potential. It's there, just waiting for a white family.
Please join me and let's finally put an end to the legacy of slavery.
What if you COULD close the racial gap? By Genetic Engineering. Already the FT is reporting on efforts to make mice faster, or stronger, through DNA manipulation (via viruses to insert DNA elements). Why not make people smarter?
Suppose that changed melanin content? Or had the unfortunate side effect of lowering testosterone, or producing far more auto-immune diseases? Now suppose you could make someone with an IQ of say, 80, into a person with an IQ of 120, a forty point jump. With the side effects but with a cost say, of only $300.
Would you take it? If you could get a bump of 40 points? Would most Black people take it?
The one way that Superman COULD arrive is through genetic engineering. Such a day might be a lot sooner to arrive than you think. Japanese and South Korean and Chinese researchers have fewer constraints, a lot more need for cash, and would be willing to work on that sort of stuff.
Now imagine a black market. A White guy with an IQ boost, from say, 130 IQ to 170, would be like the Williams Sisters on PEDs. Allegedly. But everyone wants to be smarter, don't they? Or do they?
America is ruined.
45? million of foodstamps...
govt advertises in spanish for more leeches.
I read in the dred LA Times, about 20 years ago..
of a 'wunnerful program'..private
funded...it paid kids to read.
this is nothing new--they have been paying stupid people to go to school since at least the mid seventies. It's a feature that would not exist if not for diversity.
Oh, while it is very true that Africans invented the slave trade themselves--thousands of years ago, the biggest slave traders were Moslems. However, all of that said, Alex Haley did make up roots out of whole cloth. He used just enough history to make the ignorant believe his tale.
Question for old timers: did the schools have to resort to bribing students prior to Brown vs Board of Education? And what were black student literacy and drop out rates in those days of segregation?
A connection needs to be made here. We have had (as I like to point out) over a half century of every DWL social engineering scheme known to modern man. And yet debacles such as the one reported in this article appear to be increasingly common.
(The post re http://www.philly.com/philly/news/special_packages/inquirer/school-violence/118812644.html seems to confirm this sort of disintegration elsewhere in The Homeland.)
One claim made in support of affirmative action is that blacks need to make up for the "discrimination" of the segregation era. But what if under segregation blacks had higher rates of graduation? And what if what is really killing black education is DWL dominance of the educational system?
Thing is, Americans may have to face up to some unpleasant realities. A question for DWLs: why is Detroit, which is majority black, so dysfunctional? Why did removing white people and their "racism" result in a city which is literally collapsing back into the ground?
PK mentioned other cities in which we see similar collapsing education in the black sector. Is this a common phenomenon in black majority cities? (And dare we make comparisons with cities such as Port au Prince, Kinshasha, Johannesburg, London's black neighborhoods...?)
Again, an objective evaluation is needed. That will not happen in the atmosphere of DWL agitprop and suppression of alternative explanations for the collapse of education.
Waiting for Superman is becoming a sort of cargo cult.
Doomsday might be coming for a nation that continues to refuse to acknowledge racial differences in intelligence and craft sound educational policies based on this fact.
Why does this word have an increasingly pleasant ring these decadent days?
The guy talking about racist MFers brought up one of my favorite black talking points about whites being serial killers. What they never seem to notice is that, not surprisingly, blacks are overrepresented in serial killing stats by about 10% (at last check they represent around 22% of serial killers) just like most other violent crimes. While whites are supposedly overrepresented by about 5%, how many of those are actually hispanics being called white?
Dialog on Race: can you handle it?
you sad racist motherfuckers! do you guys have anything better to do than to make comments on black people all day? ...
The problem is not individual blacks, who can be just as intelligent, productive and responsible as your individual white person (or even more so). The problem is how blacks perform collectively as opposed to whites. Detroit provides an exemplar because here you have (or had...) a fully functioning American city which under black majority rule has experienced a disintegration of education, industry, services, safety, public order, even the houses and streets. This despite every manner of DWL (that's disingenuous white liberal) social engineering and redistribution program in the book.
Granted, there may be other causes for the decline of a Detroit: globalism, tax policies, the welfare state, who knows, maybe even white flight. So we might look at similar situations in other black majority cities in the USA (and the Caribbean and Africa and perhaps in a future Europa). Is this disintegration a common trend?
Then compare this with white dominated cities facing similar challenges. Yes, there are white people on welfare, who commit crimes, who drop out of school. But collectively, are white people more capable of sustaining the foundations for a modern city? If overall white rates for welfare, violent crime, school drop outs, etc., are significantly lower than those of black people, then perhaps we have an explanation here for the apparent disparate impact.
The problem of the cities disintegrating ala Detroit will not be solved if the public debate excludes the racial aspect to the situation. If you disagree with my comments, then please demonstrate where they are in error. And chanting "racism" or employing expletives is not an answer. Perhaps you can show black majority rule cities whose standards of living, education, etc., are superior.
I don't say this lightly. I was in Salisbury when it was part of white-run Rhodesia. Despite sanctions and a war, it was a fully functioning city. I returned to Harare (its new name) when it was part of black run Zimbabwe. You could already see things starting to go and, I am given to understand, it has reached a condition today which can be best described as "the pits."
Do we want to see more American cities follow the same path as Detroit? If not, then we need an honest dialog about race as a determinant of urban civilization.
Ex New Yorker here....If da stoodints tay in skool an lern to reed and writt to git tha muny the bro in da hood be thinckin dat day be actin whitt an sheet. Dat actin whitt nott be goode.
Hey folks, you can't make this stuff up. The next thing the feds will do is pay these losers money TO STAY OUT OF JAIL. I have seen some weird shit since I've been living on this planet, but I think this one takes the prize. Tennis shoes and debit cards. Unreal. Maybe Spike Lee can make a movie about this. THE SHOE SCHOOL SHUFFLE. Head for the hills while you still can.
Every Detroit student who shows up on the cash-crucial Student Count Day will be able to answer “yes” thanks to a donation from Bob’s Classic Kicks in midtown.
Shouldn't the federal government be paying close attention to this flagrant attempt at padding DPS attendance numbers?
A surprise, unannounced, follow-up headcount is the bare minimum to counteract such blatant cooking of the books.
The DPS system is plagued with failing test scores, jumbled finances, violence, and a plummeting student population because the DPS is plagued with a 95 percent Black K-12 enrollment and the teachers, administration, superintendents, accountants, and principals who receive a paycheck (and pension plan) courtesy of the tax-payer are virtually all-Black as well.
Inmates running the asylum. Always a surefire formula for success.
Funded by a grant that must be used by Sept. 30, the city is trying to fight truancy with a new program called I Can End Truancy (ICE-T), reports the Inquirer. [emphasis added]
Name a pro-education drive after a (c)rapper turned Magic Negro actor. YJCMTSU
It's an effort to get low-income and minority students interested in the courses, says Tommie Sue Anthony, president of the Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science. "We still have students who are not sure of the value, who are not willing to take the courses," she says. "Probably the incentives will make a difference with those students."
Anyone too stupid to realize that education remains one of the only paths out of poverty is too stupid to benefit from anything beyond elementary school, much less higher learning.
Learning is a lifelong process and if a love of learning has not been instilled by puberty, kiss your cerebral cortex goodbye. Hell, I've met enough White people who regard complex conversation as a nuisance. After overhearing numerous exchanges between Blacks, I am convinced that discussions with them involving anything more taxing than sports teams will probably send them into anaphylactic shock.
It's an effort to get low-income and minority students interested in the courses, says Tommie Sue Anthony, president of the Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science. "We still have students who are not sure of the value, who are not willing to take the courses," she says. "Probably the incentives will make a difference with those students."
How can these monster raving loons convince themselves that some loose change will suddenly convince recalcitrant Black teenagers that something so thoroughly demanding as dedicated scholastic pursuit is suddenly worth it?
As best, "the incentives will make a difference" to a very few percent of students even as the majority of others continue their death-spiral into gangsta thug culcha.
You know how they showed a couple of seconds of students sitting in their chairs and not screaming? They had to have been bribed extra? I've been teaching in the inner city for 2 years, and I've observed countless "master teachers" as a part of my professional development. The inner city black kids absolutely refuse to stay at their desks and not make noise. During the high stakes standardized testing, these students are heavily bribed to be still and quiet. And even with these measures undertaken, those of them who aren't asleep (test booklets untouched) are unable to refrain from spinning in their chairs and calling out.
The sub-Saharan Africans have been bumping their little foreheads against the educational glass ceiling for decades.
The DWL's promote the idea that White populations, who are being financially bled to support the little brained dark skinned people, are at fault because of their mysterious racial discrimination.
Science, logic, and everyday experience tell us that the problem is due to inexorable reality of genetics. The ancestors of the black population never ascended from the warm evergreen genetic nursery of the human species. Their genetic blueprint wasn't enchanced by weeding out the stupid, ill-behaved, lazy, etc. in order to survive the brutal Northern Winters.
The science of Racial Realism is in complete conflict with the Racism Paranoia fantasy of the DWL-Black Mob political/economic axis and our decline as a nation is going to be like either the descent of the Command Modules from the Apollo program or the final descent of the Columbia depending on which side prevails.
Look up the East Saint Louis District and you get a clone---in miniature---of DPS. The hand outs from state government are drying up, and excuse central for TNB is once again popping up. Since over 50% of orks are on welfare (simple math taken from statistical info offered by the feds), and probably a much higher ratio in towns like ESL, there is little tax base. Add a large layer of corruption, low IQ, and gibsmedat, and Viola! 3rd world city.
Here is a link in which a young ork talks about his observations of an ESL middle school.
Melanie, I love the way you think. Many thanks for today's gem: " If they couldn't be intelligent or virtuous, couldn't they at least be decorative? :)
August 14, 2012 7:52 PM
Also, for Mr. Anon, who wonders what the big deal is with blacks and shoes - you may not be old enough, but I remember when Earl Butz, Nixon's Ag secretary, caused a furor with his joke noting that all blacks' needed was "loose shoes, a tight p****, and a warm place to s**t" to be happy.
Those handouts would go a long way to pay for smart phones so they can organize their flash mobs to beat up Whitey. Oh, wait. They're already getting free phones. Nevermind.
When SHTF you are toast you know that right?
Of course not, your rambling post proves how much of a brainwashed idiot you are.
I found a quote from "Planet of the Apes". Just substitute "ork" for "man" and it sums it all up. "Beware the beast man, for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death."
Black dysfunction and incompetence is on display worldwide wherever they exist in great numbers. There is no plan or program that will ever alter that- there never has been nor shall there ever be. Said dysfunction is part and parcel of black "culture" and has been observed for centuries.
I think it's safe to say that if you took an equal number of blacks, whites, asians and hispanics and gave them land upon which to grow food, all would succeed in adequately feeding themselves except for the blacks. Then, DWL's and negroes would be complaining of starving blacks and how dey needs help. We's got to set up food pantries where other communities can donate food to feed dem po' assed hongry peoples.
We's gots to donate our money and time helpin' dem! It be fo' da chilluns! Maybe we needs to pays dem to go out and plant the fields for their own benefit? Maybe that will get their worthless asses motivated to engage in their own survival and success?
That wouldn't work any more than it does with education. Blacks will always FAIL AND WAIL and have their hands out for more charity. Gibsmedat is so deeply ingrained in black culture that you will never uproot it or change it just as blaming others for their own dysfunction and failure is also a deeply ingrained characteristic.
The only realistic answer is to stop subsidizing a failed race, to abandon them to their self created fate and let them sink into oblivion. Otherwise, they will drag everyone else down with them just as they drag down schools, neighborhoods, cities and nations into the third world abyss.
There is no hope for them but there is hope for us if we can only disengage from them and stop the DWL's from implementing their delusional doomed to fail schemes.
Cutting the negro off from all gibsmedat (welfare/ebt/section 8) would naturally result in a massive category 10 chimpout of unparalled degree but the negro parasite must be removed from the flesh of the nation for the health of the nation.
Continued subsidy of a parasitical population only means that you will get more and more of the same. Whatever you subsidize, you get more of! Do we really need more Loquisha's squirting out 6 or 7 more future parasites on our dime?
The answer, of course, is absolutely not!
"When SHTF you are toast you know that right?"
Black people will be toast. When the Government can't fund the free cell phones, EBT cards, section 8, and free healthcare what will black people do????
Blacks are incapable of providing for themselves without Whitey's help.
DPS has to bribe blacks to go to school. Blacks are doomed.
What if you COULD close the racial gap? By Genetic Engineering.
Thing is, this would require the DWLs and the race hustlers to admit that the racial gap is the result of genetics in the first place. And this flies in the face of current multicult ideology. You can imagine the furor that would arise were scientists to bring up racial differences in IQ--even if there were a genetically engineered way to get around these.
Of course, other countries which are not under the delusion of multicultism may just start genetic engineering their own populaces, and when they do--look out! Because it will not be pleasant for white countries which will be left behind in the race for intellectual dominance.
To anon @ 5:30 PM
"you sad racist motherfuckers! do you guys have anything better to do than to make comments on black people all day? "
First things first, your attempt at setting the tone with the word racist is laughable. The word itself is laughable. Magic words do not erase objective reality, so perhaps you should realize that you have no authority to establish any sort of moral tonality with a hollow word whose only enforcement is the constant media barrage convincing people that being racist is worse that being a rapist or pedophile.
"i know plenty of black people that are educated and doesn't need welfare, oh here's an example, OUR PRESIDENT you fucking weak minded creeps"
This is hilarious. Here you have made a general statement that is supposedly common knowledge, and then use the example of the president (you really know him?), who is undoubtedly a product of pure Affirmative Action, and then follow up with an appeal to emotion with an insult meant to establish authority. This is not logical.
"watch the i.d channel racist retards"
Claiming knowledge comes from the television is like claiming shit from the toilet is food. Again, you attempt reinforce moral authority with an insult after attempting to establish your authority by referencing, of all things, a television channel.
"stop assuming stuff that you know nothing about. get to know people first."
Hmmmm, so I will assume that you believe that every person that frequents this website hasn't gotten to "know people first". That we all live in a racist vacuum? That is illogical and a stance you cannot hope to prove. I believe you are simply reciting a common narrative. As an aside, I cannot get to know the populous of Japan, nor hope to even get to know a sample subset, but yet I assume you would have no problem if I claimed that the Japanese were industrious, hard-working people with a tradition of honor. Should I get to know a pride of lions or two to be able to posit that they are fierce hunters with a taste only for flesh? Or is it safe to assume? How about fish, I mean, I don't know any fish, but they all appear to like living under the water. The concept is easy, every person knows there are exceptions to every rule, but every person knows that objective reality is theirs to behold and also theirs to ignore.
Can I judge by skin type, yes I can. And why wouldn't I? If data is present, I would be foolish to ignore reality, especially if it involves endangering myself and my interests. I actively discriminate against people that have tattoos on their face, poor discriminating little me.
Is a stereotype only a stereotype when it is negative and goes against the narrative instilled in your mind? I'd argue that is illogical and inconsistent, but then again I'm "racist" so no matter what I believe, I'm obviously hopelessly unintelligent, correct?
Finally, while I do not claim to have a firm command of all the grammatical rules of formal, written English, it would definitely help your argument if you decided to at least follow the rules of capitalizing the first letter in a sentence and attempt to have your ideas grouped into paragraphs. I'm just SomeGuy, no one important, and these are my opinions.
Mike Deburcher: We as a nation can no longer afford to waste resources on those who can not be educated. Not everyone is destined for college, how about offering education at a vocational level as we did in the past. The country still needs electricians, barbers and cooks. Give them a career path that makes sense and quit trying to force college on everyone. One size does not fit all.
Part of the answer lies in Californian's question:
[W]hat if what is really killing black education is DWL dominance of the educational system?
This is one of the biggest problems of all. It has been much discussed hereabouts with respect to schools being Liberal indoctrination centers but there is another, more insidious, side to this.
Liberal control of academia seeks to be self-perpetuating. What better way of doing this than pretending that "Everybody's headed off to college!" (after magically graduating from high school, that is).
The fact remains that, especially in this recessionary economic climate, not everybody's going to college. Period. Full stop. Paragraph.
Now, try to imagine how that sits with thousands and thousands of teachers plus academia's top-heavy administrative over-burden. Think it will fly?
Hell no. Teachers, like politicians, all want to believe that the earth would stop turning without their continued presence. At least educators are now getting a pail of ice water in the face from home schooling parents (politicians are hopelessly terminal narcissists).
As Mike Deburcher noted, we need to bring back vocational classes in the form of wood shop, metal shop, auto shop, home economics plus elective courses such as basic culinary training in the form of ServSafe® certification and other industry standard training programs. Getting high school students job ready should be a primary goal for educators instead of their preening illusions over sending Black and minority thugs to University.
Aside from the off-shoring of our jobs, there is also the fact of, not just illiteracy and innumeracy but, rampant vocational illiteracy.
White collar DWLs, many of which have never broken a sweat or done any heavy lifting, are incapable of self-identifying with all the poor schmucks who have no future beyond being a burger flipper or bell hop. These smarmy, bleeding hearts can no longer be trusted to guide our society. The tiller must be wrenched from their grasp and soon.
@ Sheila
Thank you :) I get a bit irritated at myself for going off the rails and losing the objective perspective regarding negros, but honestly, the frustration just gets over the limit sometimes. I just read of yet another attack by the usual "teen" suspooks upon an innocent white man, putting him in the hospital. They traveled to the suburbs to commit this one. One of the suspook's sperm donor actually brought him there as part of his gang initiation. The media reports have become a running joke with their use of "teen"when describing the criminals.
The discussions of IQ, achievement gaps, criminality, etc are certainly relevant and important, to put it mildly. But if we could give these people a pill to make them smarter, give them a work ethic, give them integrity and pacify them, I still wouldn't want to see them replace the white race. There are attributes of the white race besides intelligence which just can't be replaced. When we focus on intelligence so much, it's as if we're saying if negros could just be made more intelligent, then it would be alright if they race-replace whites, and that's just wrong. Negros could never have built the civilisations which whites have built, or have made the contributions to the arts, science, etc, that we made. The aesthetics would be different, apart from intelligence, and the world would be a vastly poorer place without whites aside from the IQ difference, important as it is.
And besides, whites as a race have a fundamental right to exist as a race without having to justify and rationalise it by what we do for negros and others-that is, we have the right if we can keep it. If we give it away, well then, that's on our heads. (Not to mitigate the role of a tyrannical government in forcing us to subsidise our own genocide).
Took a look at that link posted about “East St. Louis, inner city schools seem more like day care centers.” I had to share one of the comments that followed the article.
Maria Isabel Garcia,...............Shaking my head at all the racist, ignorant posts on here. Of course you don't see the problem when you were born in to privilege. Your just hear about it and feel the need to voice your hateful opinions to anyone who will listen. The reason why slaves were forbidden to be literate is the same reason black kids are denied a quality education. The privileged few want to keep their power. White supremacy still exists in this country, but not for long. People are starting to open their eyes and reject their second class citizenry.
How blind is this one? Man, they have to go!
SomeGuy said... "First things first, your attempt at setting the tone with the word racist is laughable. The word itself is laughable. Magic words do not erase objective reality, so perhaps you should realize that you have no authority to establish any sort of moral tonality with a hollow word whose only enforcement is the constant media barrage convincing people that being racist is worse that being a rapist or pedophile."
Nicely put.
This statement ought to be in neon lights!
Melanie: if we could give these people a pill to make them smarter, give them a work ethic, give them integrity and pacify them, I still wouldn't want to see them replace the white race. There are attributes of the white race besides intelligence which just can't be replaced.
Melanie, you (and everyone here) need to read "The 10,000 Year Explosion" (Cochran and Harpending). It backs up what you're saying with a lot of facts, and facts are poison to DWL multi-cult dogma. Get it for ammunition.
whites as a race have a fundamental right to exist as a race without having to justify and rationalise it by what we do for negros and others-that is, we have the right if we can keep it.
White homelands are justified on the basis of preservation of human biodiversity. You can use Cochran and Harpending as a source of HBD facts to refute DWL claims that "we're all the same".
Won't it be grand when "white privilege" is abolished and we become more like that bastion of equality South Africa? Speaking of South Africa-I understand that now all three of their submarines are incapacitated. One was driven into the quay in the harbor, one was driven into the seabed, and one was ruined by having its battery put in incorrectly. The ANC government are blaming the German builders. Hahahaha.
@Mr Rational
Thank you for the suggestion, I am heading to Amazon to find the book. Being a bookworm, it will be a pleasure.
Isn't it something that the same people who will deny humans the right to build a house on their own property in the name of saving a toad or lizard, refuse to admit the same necessity for preserving human biodiversity?
I just saw an interesting commercial-a negro on a train full of white people gets up and begins to sing and dance all over the train. I wonder if the creators of the commercial are unaware of the American negro in Japan, currently being held in a Japanese prison on charges of rape and murder of an Irish girl (Nicola Furlong)? He is one James "King Tight" Blackstone, a back-up dancer for some (c)rapper (hat tip to Zenster). There is video footage of this ape chimping on a Japanese train, getting in the faces of the quietly astounded Japanese passengers. His fellow apes can be heard laughing and encouraging his antics as he literally swings like a chimp from the handholds and bares his teeth to them. The commercial is so reminscent of this video, it is interesting.
I envy Japan and Russia for their lack of political correctness and racial "guilt" in dealing with the black menace. The wonder is that they even allow them into their countries in the first place, given the edifying American example they have before them.
[golf clap]
Nice refutation at 10:34 AM, SomeGuy. It's tempting to admonish you for feeding the troll but a really well-reasoned rebuttal like yours is highly instructive for those who are just opening their eyes.
Melanie: There is video footage of this ape chimping on a Japanese train, getting in the faces of the quietly astounded Japanese passengers. His fellow apes can be heard laughing and encouraging his antics as he literally swings like a chimp from the handholds and bares his teeth to them.
Thank you, Melanie, for maintaining awareness of this turd's ill mannered behavior. The video can be seen here.
For someone like myself who has traveled in Asia, Blackstone's chimping, rife with much ooking and eeking, was almost painful to watch. Clearly, this coon had ZERO understanding of how inviolate Japanese personal space has to be so that such a crowded nation can even survive.
Instead, he intentionally invades the personal space of these train riders, knowing that he is distressing them, even if he doesn't understand why. All he probably realizes is that his actions are totally contrary to everything he's seen.
As is so often the case, the net result of his flagrant intimidation and affrontry is to justifiably reinforce Japanese racism against Blacks, not to mention my own. You can also be assured that some of those present took away a further dislike of Americans in general due to this retarded rectal cavity.
Small wonder this piece of excrement would hours later murder a young White woman. The train scene was just warm-up calisthenics for that night's festivities.
Thank you. I normally loathe feeding trolls and usually favor quick quips or concise statements. However, since I've graduated I've got time on my hands while looking for employment, so I gave it a go. Sometimes it is a healthy exercise to execute a logical point-by-point analysis, if only to sharpen the brain and/or keep one's rhetorical skills sharp.
Of course the reality is I'm just SomeGuy, wishing that you and I didn't have to have conversations such as these.
PK- it's not the way you say.
Doomsday won't arrive via the EBT cards running out, because the govt. will always just print the money and fund the cards, presto massive inflation that wipes out the cash savings of White Humanity.
The blacks won't suffer, because the money will always be added in amounts enough to fund the cards, despite inflation. Blacks don't have any savings to get wiped out, but we do.
The end game is to equalize Whites down to the level of n'groes, and it's working.
The elites will always be okay, because they can build lifetime pensions and health care plans that will always be funded to keep up with inflation.
The time as come to Just Suffer, Whitey.
Diversity = The End, and you are supposed to say "but that's a good thing, just like gay marriage is."
Avoid hate crime jail- treat gays and blacks as sacred idols.
Church of Jed: The end game is to equalize Whites down to the level of n'groes, and it's working.
No, it will never work. The White advantage is genetic. You can start with equal levels of physical capital, and the Blacks will let decay what they don't destroy first (e.g. Detroit), while Whites build.
The blacks won't suffer
As the hackers say, "Code is policy." The people doing the work have the last word, and they'll be White. When the White people get fed up, Blacks and their DWL sponsors are fucked.
Update: Like Atlanta School District, ESL now has a cheating scandal. The sad fact is that orcs and their orc teachers can't even cheat well enough to raise scores.
There are several well educated blacks, for example the President, Colin Powell, Oprah Winfrey, etc. The media only focuses on the low income, poverty stricken blacks. I do agree that students should not be paid or given gifts to attend school. The black community needs to embrace hard work and academic achievement.
The Detroit School Management are not able to function to organize a productive School to promote education, skills and talents of the children of Detroit.
The Detroit School Managment persons have broken minds, lost souls, and no value of the education of skills and how to promote the learning talents to the Children of Detroit Schools.
The School Management of Detroit Schools can not handle the Federal Money. Stop Federal money for schools, let the children work on Federal Farms for free food in school. No gifts for lazy school children who do not value education. Detroit schools should not be a game show price prize event !
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