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It might be time to start a private security firm... |
One of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. is getting rid of its police department.
Amid what they call a “public safety crisis,” officials in Camden, N.J., plan to disband the city's 141-year-old police department and replace it with a non-union division of the Camden County Police.
Camden city officials have touted the move as necessary to combat the city’s growing financial and safety problems. The entire 267-member police department will be laid off and replaced with a newly reformatted metro division, which is projected to have some 400 members. It will serve only the city of Camden starting in early 2013.
“It’s not a money-saver, it’s living within the budget you’ve got to get more boots on the ground,” Camden County spokesperson Joyce Gabriel told NBC News. “There has been an uptick in violence this year, and the city decided to go with the county’s police department.”Camden is afflicted by homelessness, drug trafficking, prostitution, robbery, and violence because of its Black population, which drove away law-abiding, community building white people. More than half of Camden's 80,000 people (largely a Black and Hispanic city) live in poverty, meaning the population is incapable of sustaining any public employees.
Afflicted by homelessness, drug trafficking, prostitution, robbery and violence, Camden has consistently ranked high among the top 10 most dangerous cities in the U.S. since 1998, according to Morgan Quitno Press, a research firm that compiles statistical data on cities. In 2010, Camden had the highest crime rate in the U.S., with 2,333 violent crimes per 100,000 people, more than five times the national average.
Now the residents of Camden get to live the libertarian dream, with the absence of state power a reminder of why the goal of the Ron Paul acolytes only makes sense in a city that is almost all-white (with an over-abundance of social capital and trust within the community -- something an all-Black city can't replicate).
Fitting that the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans (NOLA) is greeted with Hurricane Issac, with the government taking no chances in a repeat of the lawlessness and the images of Black violence, Black ineptitude, and Black dysfunction dominating the news. So how did the government respond? (Hurricane Isaac zeroes in on fortified New Orleans, August 29, 2012, Daily Star)
Earlier on Tuesday, officials from Mitch Landrieu, the mayor of New Orleans, to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, to US President Barack Obama, scrambled to get ahead of the storm's impact, mindful of the chaos and botched relief efforts in the wake of Katrina.
Landrieu assured residents that this time around, "your city is secure," and said emergency services were ready for search and rescue missions, if needed.
"We're in the heart of this fight," Landrieu told an evening news conference. "We are in the hunker-down phase."
About 1,000 US National Guard troops in military vehicles took up positions in the mostly deserted streets of New Orleans, brandishing automatic assault rifles to ward off any threat of the looting that spread after Katrina. Police cars patrolled darkened streets with blue lights flashing.
Obama urged residents to take cover and heed warnings, saying that now was "not the time to tempt fate." . He issued emergency declarations for Louisiana and Mississippi earlier this week.The threat of Black people engaging in a repeat performance of the actions we saw in 2005 was enough to bring out roughly 1,000 US National Guardsmen to keep the natives at bay.
Think about that for a second.
Okay, done?
So many good people talk about America becoming a third-world nation; guess what - it already is a third-world nation. Now, all we do, is survive what is coming.
Camden should be the city that the Free-State Project that Libertarians have long championed migrate toward. The state is completely inept there, removed because of the inability of the majority Black and Hispanic population to sustain any semblance of economy that can provide tax-revenue to pay public employees.
Violence is the only form of capital left, with the state-monopoly on violence (the police) now completely removed, though Camden's place as - for decades - one of America's most violent cities illustrates perfectly the point that the majority Black and Brown population there were already in control of the streets.
So, when do we see National Guard troops deployed into Camden? Or cash-strapped Baltimore? Birmingham? Memphis? Detroit? Or New Orleans on a full-time basis?
All the aforementioned cities are afflicted with the same problem -- a majority Black population subsisting on individual welfare, and a redistribution of state and federal tax-revenue to keep these shanty towns alive. Concentrated poverty (interesting, this phenomenon seems to plague all communities that go majority Black in whichever geographic region of the country it occurs) that is the hallmark of the Black community means that EBT/Food Stamps and Section 8 Housing (not to mention TANF/Welfare) will be the bedrock of the economic activity found in these areas.
Whereas white poverty is spread throughout the nation, with pockets of majority white communities in need of state and federal assistance, every majority Black city/community has abnormally high rates of government dependent citizens, meaning that eventually the "Camden Option" (the removal of police due to budgetary cuts) will happen in each city that becomes a shanty-town in America.
The future is now.
What does it matter? It will all be whiteys fault and all the terrible racist conservatives who did not want to spend more money on the chance that more of these savages beez ternin dey lives round n shit.
Vote Romney to try futilly to save it, or vote Obongo and hasten the collapse.
And get a big black racist dog.
The ABRA metropolis of Camden won't have NO police force, they've simply abdicated law enforcement to a Camden County Police (I hope they're diverse enough for the job!). And the tax-paying, overwhelmingly white citizens of Haddonfield, Bellmawr, Audubon, and Cherry Hill will now foot the bill.
They've done it. They've finally killed the host. Good job, tapeworms.
It happened to my little home-town back in the early 70s. What was once a little 'Mayberry' town with shops; clean streets; a local doctor; good, safe schools, was 'Detroitized' when the blacks who lived on the outskirts finally became populous enough to elect a mayor of their color. I drove through there recently and it looked, literally, like a scene out of Mogadisu: Boarded up fronts where the shops used to be, abandoned houses, streets growing up with weeds. A title-loan / pawn shop establishment and a Korean market were the only signs of commerce I could find.
The White nation of America was the host nation. Now we are just hostages.
Here's a question, especially for any DWL who might be reading this website: Can you name some major or even minor black run American cities that are as prosperous as, whose students perform to the same level of, and which have crime rates comparative to those of white run cities?
I ask this in all seriousness.
Is the dysfunction which SBPDL analyzes across the board, or is it concentrated in just a few municipalities? And as a corollary, are there white run cities which have similar records of dysfunction?
Another great article. I have the solution to the problem: we trade Africans for Africans.
We deport our black population back to Africa. Africa sends to us The Boers, the white South Africans who are facing genocide in their once great homeland. Their basically Dutch and would fit in perfectly and be very grateful. Plus they could spread the truth about black run environments. Win-win.
Anybody want to sign my petition?
I reported to the police today that I saw a bunch of black youths hanging out in my apt. unit's breezway during school hours because i suspected drug activity and she tells me "you shoulda called when you saw them hanging out there."
Now I'll admit, I should've called them when I saw these vagrant youths, but because the kids saw me and asked me "ey you got cig bruh?", I sure they would've pinned me as the snitch if the police showed up then.
I'll be honest, I'm a functional Black/AA in this country even though foreign-born parents, but I don't trust AA's as a whole because there serious differences in values that exist between our cultural groups.
Anonymous said...
The ABRA metropolis of Camden won't have NO police force, they've simply abdicated law enforcement to a Camden County Police (I hope they're diverse enough for the job!). And the tax-paying, overwhelmingly white citizens of Haddonfield, Bellmawr, Audubon, and Cherry Hill will now foot the bill.
August 30, 2012 9:24 AM
All Camden did was kick the can down the road a few more years, until the county runs out of money. Once the the residents of those towns get tired of the diversity moving in, beating and raping their old people, trashing their schools, etc. they will move out. This will deplete the tax base, causing the county police force to be cut...
Come on people, sing along. You know this tune.
We deport our black population back to Africa. Africa sends to us The Boers, the white South Africans who are facing genocide in their once great homeland.
Better yet, America deports its DWL population to Africa.
Note to self: Cancel plans for vacation in Camden...
They should just install tiny hidden Hi-Def camerars throughout the city and broadcast the action on streaming video 24/7. Edit the best bits into a reality show.
Call it Camden After Dark. I think they'd have a hit on their hands.
Mutant Swarm:
All Camden did was kick the can down the road a few more years, until the county runs out of money. Once the the residents of those towns get tired of the diversity moving in, beating and raping their old people, trashing their schools, etc. they will move out. This will deplete the tax base, causing the county police force to be cut...
Come on people, sing along. You know this tune.
They did more than kick the can down the road here (though that is happening too). What is going on is that they are sticking neighboring YT with the tab for their decades of dysfunction (which will continue naturally). YT never catches on to the scam - which makes me wonder about all the relative IQ claims. The black undertow features you mention will be the inevitable result for all the neighboring areas caught therein. After a time, the undertow will drag the entire county into bankruptcy, at which point you'll see Christie or his successor white-knight with state funds to the rescue (along with ever more federal funds). The states themselves will eventually collapse financially, but it takes a very long time when the regime Sodom-on-Potomac is there to keep propping things up with its massive counterfeiting and borrowing. California and Illinois are both insolvent now, but the regime keeps them afloat to continue the programs to promote and grow BRA.
Some what OT
Take heart. A little good news from the front. Below is a video of Excretia decking a geriatric Walmart greeter. A bunch of white's came to her assistance and chased Excretia into the parking lot, surrounded her car and blocked it in with other cars preventing escape. Must be a few more that we know of those who can see.
Ah Camden! The Detroilet of the east coast. Though NJ also has Newark, Jersey City, Patterson, well you get the picture. The city literally has to be seen to be believed. I mean automatic weapons fire wouldn't even draw the police. A close friend that fell into drugs was murdered there in 2006. His crime owing a dealer $100, yeah he was actually killed over a hundred bucks. Unfuckinbelievable.
Ex New Yorker here....No more cops. That's a good thing. Why should any cops have to deal with this kind of shit. They can move some place where people still have respect for the law. Why should they put themselves at risk watching over a bunch of people who think being a hood is the hip thing to do. Remember, black culture worships the criminal class. Pimps and dope dealers and gangsters are the BIG SHOTS in the hood. If you been shot or did the down low in prison then that gives you "CRED" with the home boys. They call a woman "HO" and "BITCH." The more you can steal the better you are.
Their idols are garbage like "poop dog" and "p-shitty" or whatever their fucking names are. What they call music is some guy jumping around like an ape while he grabs his dick. All they want is what they can steal or get for free. My favorite is when they riot over tennis shoes.
Anybody that does try to get out of the hood by working or getting good grades in school they beat on because DAY BE ACTIN WHITE. The problem with black people is black people. I still remember the Newark riots. More white flight.
These black cities remind me of the old DOMINO THEORY. One fall and they all fall. That is what is happening. It is because they are oppressed. The white people moved away because they be racist.
If being a WALKING PIECE OF SHIT is the hip thing to do then you will have a lot of WALKING PIECES OF SHIT.
Comments are the usual and what anyone who has been paying attention for the past 50 years already knows. Also, they smell of defeatism. Does anyone have any hard info on who's paying for the county police? Is this "regionalism"? If it is,a political movement to defeat it is more valuable than "venting" and floating utopian ideas. I came from that county (born in Camden) and the suburbs do not want any part of Camden.
The most important thing to remember about post Katrina is that American Army conducted combat operations in an American city.
That has not happened since the US-British war of 1812.
September 02, 2005,
"Troops begin combat operations in New Orleans" By Joseph R. Chenelly
Times staff writer
Don't believe me?
Read some excerpts from the article about New Orleans military operations:
"This place is going to look like Little Somalia," Brig. Gen. Gary Jones, commander of the Louisiana National Guard's Joint Task Force told Army Times Friday as hundreds of armed troops under his charge prepared to launch a massive citywide security mission from a staging area outside the Louisiana Superdome. "We're going to go out and take this city back. This will be a combat operation to get this city under control."
Jones said the military first needs to establish security throughout the city. Military and police officials have said there are several large areas of the city are in a full state of anarchy.
Dozens of military trucks and up-armored Humvees left the staging area just after 11 a.m. Friday, while hundreds more troops arrived at the same staging area in the city via Black Hawk and Chinook helicopters.
While some fight the insurgency in the city, other carry on with rescue and evacuation operations. Helicopters are still pulling hundreds of stranded people from rooftops of flooded homes.
Numerous soldiers also told Army Times that they have been shot at by armed civilians in New Orleans. Spokesmen for the Joint Task Force Headquarters at the Superdome were unaware of any servicemen being wounded in the streets, although one soldier is recovering from a gunshot wound sustained during a struggle with a civilian in the dome Wednesday night.
"I never thought that at a National Guardsman I would be shot at by other Americans," said Spc. Philip Baccus of the 527th Engineer Battalion. "And I never thought I'd have to carry a rifle when on a hurricane relief mission. This is a disgrace."
Spc. Cliff Ferguson of the 527th Engineer Battalion pointed out that he knows there are plenty of decent people in New Orleans, but he said it is hard to stay motivated considering the circumstances.
"This is making a lot of us think about not reenlisting." Ferguson said. "You have to think about whether it is worth risking your neck for someone who will turn around and shoot at you. We didn't come here to fight a war. We came here to help."
In fact, I urge the author of this blog to write about Katrina and its aftermath, as the media quickly moved in to dispel "myths" about mass rape and violence, which "myths" turned out to be true.
Ex-Lincolnite here:
Just how much longer before the lights go out? I suppose all the police dept in a city like that is just another welfare program for the darky.
Non-Union county cops. Does that mean that the lazy and no-good black groids won't be getting a check anymore?
Once again, if you are white, get the hell out of the middle of the city. There is no place safe on the east coast that I would deem safe, save Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire.
Liberals have brought this on themselves, we need to make them get out of it themselves.
Anonymous said...And the tax-paying, overwhelmingly white citizens of Haddonfield, Bellmawr, Audubon, and Cherry Hill will now foot the bill.
From Camden County's web site, regarding a county police department:
"* Camden City would have to pay for this force if it decides to go forward.
* Joining [by munipalities] is a completely voluntary option.
* No other Camden County municipalities will contribute to the cost for Camden City."
It sounds as if Camden wants to disband its force and start over, for reasons other than having someone else foot their bills. This may actually be an indication of good government, but I don't know enough about their real plans or intentions. There may be state or fed money involved, but I really, highly doubt that the neighboring communities are going to be suckered into throwing their lot in with Camden.
"Now the residents of Camden get to live the libertarian dream, with the absence of state power a reminder of why the goal of the Ron Paul acolytes only makes sense in a city that is almost all-white (with an over-abundance of social capital and trust within the community -- something an all-Black city can't replicate)."
Well to be fair, we did envision it being "all white."
This is exactly how the freemarket is *supposed* to work.
Libertarians do NOT promise a perfect utopia, free of cares and worries. Freedom means responsibility. Freedom without responsibility means chaos. And that is exactly what will happen in black communities.
...Which means that black communities will remain exactly the same as they are now, with the important and notable exception that white people will no longer have to subsidize their behaviour.
The problem with places that have been ruined by libtards and their policies is that the libtards don't learn from their mistakes. They simply flee to another area to escape the consequences and to be living in a mostly white area...which they then begin to destroy by advocating for the exact same things they advocated for in the previous location. "Diversity," Section 8 housing and all the other crap that makes them feel socially conscious and morally superior.
An area that becomes infested with blacks is doomed to failure, decay and dissolution but the libtards are the ones who initiate the destruction.
The key to stopping an infestation of blacks is to first stop an infestation of libtards!! They're the catalyst that starts the rot.
Mr. Clean said:
"* Camden City would have to pay for this force if it decides to go forward.
* Joining [by munipalities] is a completely voluntary option.
* No other Camden County municipalities will contribute to the cost for Camden City."
It sounds as if Camden wants to disband its force and start over, for reasons other than having someone else foot their bills. This may actually be an indication of good government, but I don't know enough about their real plans or intentions. There may be state or fed money involved, but I really, highly doubt that the neighboring communities are going to be suckered into throwing their lot in with Camden.
You're right. This is really strange. The City of Camden is going to give up administering its own police force for a net savings equal to the difference between union and non-union police pay. That's a lot of power to surrender if the County Police official (paid by the City) is chosen by a 60% white countywide electorate.
This isn't a typical ABRA play, is it? Detroit ABRA is up in arms about state intervention without representation in city administration and the schools, and they would get a full bailout, not just a reduction in city salaries.
If it is a good government move in ABRA, it would be the first.
Step 1: build a giant wall around Camden
Step 2: Allow all civilized people to leave Camden, using money saved on NOT having any sort of police force to recompense any property/income loss.
Step 3: Allow the remaining savages to see that their actions have consequences, and that finally they must reap what they have sown.
Step 4: Once the rap music dies down, send in a clean up crew (hello jobs!) to reclaim a city with a history dating back to 1626.
Step 5: Don't make the same mistake again.
"Afflicted by homelessness, drug trafficking, prostitution, robbery and violence, Camden has consistently ranked high among the top 10 most dangerous cities in the U.S. since 1998"
This started as a result of the ethnic cleansing of black people from Manhattan camouflaged as the zero tolerance campaign. Camden was one of the places the cleansed black population moved to from Harlem.
Paul Lynde for the Win said...The City of Camden is going to give up administering its own police force for a net savings equal to the difference between union and non-union police pay.
Maybe Camden is trying to set back the compensation levels and work rules. And/or maybe Camden has decided that the force has enough entrenched bad apples that it is beyond reform, and a reset is needed. I don't know.
I believe that the proposed advantage of changing to a county force would be the savings that would supposedly go with sharing administrative costs in a larger organization.
This started as a result of the ethnic cleansing of black people from Manhattan camouflaged as the zero tolerance campaign. Camden was one of the places the cleansed black population moved to from Harlem.
That would be a very interesting article all by itself. (PK are you reading this?) Now, who do you think might have been the folks behind the cleansing of the precious sun-children of D'Won from Manhattan? Betcha it is some of the very same folks whose mouths are flapping at screeching decibel-levels about all them evil rayciss YT trailer-park knuckledraggers with guns out in flyover country. Probably some of the biggest donors of massive cash to the campaigns of D'Won on d'downlow and Deval Patrick, the war chests of the $PLC, ACLU and NAACP. As I say, that could be a most entertaining article. I'll bet the rank odor of supreme hypocrisy would be in abundant supply.
Want a first hand account? I live 8 miles from Camden City. My wife is a nurse at Cooper Hospital in Camden. Cooper is a 5-star excellent hospital with the County Regional Trauma Center located therein. The problem is it might has well be located in Mogadishu. There are full body scanners located in the entranceway just like you see at airports. They had to install them because the unwashed ape savage Bloods and Crips and Latin Kings, all active in Camden, actually got into the hospital with guns once to visit a fellow gang-banger and 45 shots with running gun battles between these animals were actually fired inside the hospital on two floors (!) some years ago. Now everyone gets body scanned for weapons. Staff exiting the hospital into the adjacent parking garage after dark are escourted by armed security as muggings of Staff are still a problem. Staff and Visitors Cars have been stolen from right out of the parking garages. Thre are felon apes standing one block away at the traffic light if you stop you may get carjacked. Pity. Shame. Police can't control them they grab a few others fill the void. Camden is NIGGER HELL on earth far worse that Detroit.
Oh and one other thing every law abiding citizen in adjacent Camden, Burlington and Gloucester Counties knows you NEVER ever venture into Camden City unless it is absolutley necessary with no exception. People in the county actually get doctor's notes to be waived from Jury Duty for fear of venturing into Camden City. There was even a shooting right outside the County Courthouse once and the corrupt Democrat (jew and nigger crony) run Administration couldn't care less. The FED's pour about 2 Billion in aide into Camden every Year and it dissappears down a hole and the city still looks and smells like a pile of shit.
Hello all!!
1st time commenting here!
Paul and co; GREAT SITE! I found this appx. 6 months ago and have read every archive! Bravo!
The comments here are just as thought provoking as the essays, and I look forward to both.
"Now the residents of Camden get to live the libertarian dream, with the absence of state power a reminder of why the goal of the Ron Paul acolytes only makes sense in a city that is almost all-white.....Camden should be the city that the Free-State Project that Libertarians have long championed migrate toward."
With white Libertarians, I've always assumed, initially, that they GOT IT, and understood why some of our policy issues can work to change BRA, but to expect the majority of state dependent Blacks to adopt limited gov't/personal responsibility on their own is dangerously dumb.
I was sharply criticized by a white Libertarian on FB about trash, littering and neglect seen overwhelmingly in BRA strongholds in our city. He told me that they have every right to live in filth and litter if they want to.
Now, from a pure liberty stance he's right in regards to state/local gov't intervention; But what he and other "RP acolytes" miss is the fact that in these areas, YOU the TAXPAYER is paying for their welfare, Section 8, etc....And eventually, you are likely paying more for services such as trash, clean up, repair, etc... to said areas.
White Libertarians concerns tend towards the Fed, the Fed Gov't and the State and the political ideology in question doesn't have a way to deal with the implications of BRA proposed here.
The shortcomings of the Libertarians will likely diminish in regards to BRA.
That same white Libertarian from FB lives in a lilly white, hard working, not super rich area in WI. I laughed as I thought, "yeah, in your 91.7% WHITE/ 0.3% BLACK community, I imagine ya'll are bleeding Liberty every which way! But here in inner city MKE, not so much!
BTW, Paul, don't pick on the Libertarians too much. When I go to "republican things" there's usually me and if there's any other black person there, they are a card carrying neo-con conservative inc type black.
In the end, I think we'll all fare better with Libertarians who will see, eventually, and Conservative Inc which refuses and will continue to do so.
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