During the 1960s, one neighborhood in San Francisco had the lowest income, the highest unemployment rate, the highest proportion of families with incomes under $4,000 per year, the least educational attainment, the highest tuberculosis rate, the highest proportion of substandard housing of any area of the city. That neighborhood was called Chinatown. Yet in 1965, there were only five persons of Chinese ancestry committed to prison in the entire state of California.
The Chinese were for many years denied access to public schools of California, not allowed to testify against whites in trials, and made the object of discriminatory taxation. (p. 473)
The experience of the Chinese and Japanese suggests that social isolation, substandard living conditions, and general poverty are not invariably associated with high crime rates among racially distinct groups. (p. 474)Well, modern sociologists tasked by academia (whose sole directive is white displacement/genocide at this point) to explain away black dysfunction and why majority black communities in Detroit and Birmingham fail to create even a semblance of a modern-economy use buzzwords like "spatial inequality" to further castigate white people for their industriousness in creating economies wherever they set up new communities free of the pernicious influence of the Black Undertow Effect.
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Walter Williams - "Black youths are becoming virtually useless for the increasingly high-tech world of the 21st century." |
Walter Williams newest column - on black unemployment (what we have dubbed the "black unemployable" rate) includes what at first appears a throw-away final paragraph, since it doesn't read as a proper concluding thought. Here it is:
Then there's education. Black youths are becoming virtually useless for the increasingly high-tech world of the 21st century. According to a 2001 report by Abigail Thernstrom, "The Racial Gap in Academic Achievement," many black 12th-graders dealt with scientific problems at the level of whites in the sixth grade; they wrote about as well as whites in the eighth grade. The average black high-school senior had math skills on a par with a typical white student in the middle of seventh grade. The average 17-year-old black student could only read as well as the typical white child who had not yet reached age 13. That means an employer hiring the typical black high-school graduate is in effect hiring an eighth-grader.Detroit is in ruins, though Ed Feulner writing at Real Clear Politics can't even be bothered with mention any aspect to the racial/economic correlation to its downfall.
Across this nation, wherever "Chinatowns" are found, one encounters a low-crime area with a thriving entrepreneurial class.
Across this nation, wherever black people are found, one encounters a high-crime area where legitimate businesses have been scared away from operating -- the risk far outweighing any reward (or tax-break in these "Enterprise Zones").
Black youths are becoming virtually useless. Were it not for government jobs (be it local, city, state, or federal jobs), many upper-middle to middle-class blacks would find themselves in line for barber college.
If you have not read "Crime and Human Nature," it is highly recommended that you pick up a copy. We'll consider it book no. 2 in the SBPDL Book Club.
It's that good.
In the jungle, picking the low hanging fruit is a survival skill - eat or be eaten. In America, there is no low hanging fruit - just some seed and a plot of land, or, some old, white people with money and valuables.
It's the nature of the groid. Evolved that way. The terrible legacy of slavery is that these animals live among us.
Looks sort of like if a teenage black gets hired that you're going to have employees like Jethro Bodine running around.
No wonder no one wants either them or their attitude.
Two different cities: Oxford, Ohio and Tupelo, Mississippi have some of the same chain eateries at them. In Tupelo your order was wrong 100% of the time at both Wendies and McDonalds. In Oxford, Ohio the order was correctly delivered without an attitude.
Personally if I was a black person who hated whitey I would move as far away from them as possible and do my best to self segregate. Too bad they chase after whitey and only manage to grossly imitate white people (much like when white people did black face).
I think the answer is simple: moderate oppression and segregation cause self-sustaining communities to form and thrive. Criminals in England were ejected in Australia and prevented from returning to England. They formed a self-sustaining society.
Chinatowns are similar self-sustaining societies.
Sometimes the segregation is self-imposed, such as the ultra-orthdox fundamentalist Jews in Williamsburg, Kiryas Joel and Monsey.
The same with the Amish.
Sometimes segregation is imposed by others as with Negroes living in America.
There were many thriving black communities that took care of themselves under Jim Crow. They punished (even lynched!) miscreants. They created their own stores, businesses, manufactories, schools, churches and social organizations.
Think of segregation as a "tariff" that benefits black entrepreneurs and you will be close to the truth.
Not being able to buy "foreign goods" (i.e. to frequent white stores), American Negroes ceated their own economies and societies. Look at pictures of Negro neighborhoods at the height of Jim Crow and you will see well-dressed, proper people living in neighborhoods filled with thriving businesses.
But, rather than see their segregated condition as positive like the Jews, Amish and Chinese, they followed the siren song of Martin Luther King, broke out of the ghetto, ignored their own businesses and businessmen, and their economies collapsed.
Now the only economies they participate in are minstrel shows, bakkabaw, and foobaw.
Pity. They lost so much when they left their black communities.
I take seriously what John Derbyshire wrote. There's an IQ line (he estimates 94) below which you are useless in this economy, and every year, the IQ line rises. Now, this is a disaster for whites, where the average IQ is about 100. That means that about 40% of whites are unemployable in this economy.
For blacks, with an average IQ of 85, disaster does not even BEGIN to describe the situation. Only 17% of blacks, by the definition of IQ, have an IQ of 100 or above. Those over 95 might be 25%. The rest are useless. You don't need to hate them to worry about this situation.
Obsolete farm equipment. 'Splains it all, no? They were useless even as slaves. Look at what the long-term civilizational cost of some cheap labor sold to gullible English colonists by "Portuguese" slave-traders has been? As Paul likes to muse: We could have been on Mars.
"Well, modern sociologists tasked by academia (whose sole directive is white displacement/genocide at this point)"
have you studied sociology? i ask b/c that "science" has a long list of reasons involving structural inequality and discrimination, caste like minorities etc to explain this. the entire sociology department of Berkley rebutted the bell curve
Inequality by Design: Cracking the Bell Curve Myth by Claude S. Fischer, Michael Hout, Martín Sánchez Jankowski and Samuel R. Lucas (Jul 8, 1996)
Following in the footsteps of the critical The Bell Curve Wars (LJ 4/15/94) and Measured Lies (LJ 6/1/96), Fischer and his fellow members of the Sociology Department at the University of California, Berkeley, have collaborated to produce a clear and persuasive counter argument to the conclusions of Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein in The Bell Curve
They refute the claims of the incendiary bestseller The Bell Curve (1994) through a clear, rigorous re-analysis of the very data its authors, Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, used to contend that inherited differences in intelligence explain inequality. Inequality by Design offers a powerful alternative explanation, stressing that economic fortune depends more on social circumstances than on IQ, which is itself a product of society. More critical yet, patterns of inequality must be explained by looking beyond the attributes of individuals to the structure of society. Social policies set the "rules of the game" within which individual abilities and efforts matter. And recent policies have, on the whole, widened the gap between the rich and the rest of Americans since the 1970s.
Not only does the wealth of individuals' parents shape their chances for a good life, so do national policies ranging from labor laws to investments in education to tax deductions. The authors explore the ways that America--the most economically unequal society in the industrialized world--unevenly distributes rewards through regulation of the market, taxes, and government spending. It attacks the myth that inequality fosters economic growth, that reducing economic inequality requires enormous welfare expenditures, and that there is little we can do to alter the extent of inequality. It also attacks the injurious myth of innate racial inequality, presenting powerful evidence that racial differences in achievement are the consequences, not the causes, of social inequality. By refusing to blame inequality on an unchangeable human nature and an inexorable market--an excuse that leads to resignation and passivity--Inequality by Design shows how we can advance policies that widen opportunity for all.
as an aside you may want your next post to compare vice guide to liberia to vice guide to north korea on youtube
They are indeed a plague. Their parasitic nature will not allow them to ever voluntarily let go of YT. They require the sort of supervision that only the institution of slavery or Jim Crow could provide. Short of that, we are left will burgeoning black dysfunction which will continue to accelerate.
The are the shock troops of the Bolsheviks bent on the destruction of old European civilization which continues apace.
The most basic of all human rights is the freedom to associate with whom we choose. In order to obscure the fundamental truths of HBD it is necessary to deprive Europeans of their right to free association.
We shall never be rid of them short a civil war for the parasite never willingly leaves its host until said host dies.
Many have suggested voluntary separation - that will never be allowed. Nowhere in the world will whites ever again be allowed to freely associate with their own or to have their own homeland.
We shall never EVER vote ourselves out of this mess - that simply is no longer an option. We are currently importing our children's and grand-children's executioners.
We have entered a foreboding inhospitable land where our values, our traditions, our Faith and our people will forever be, at best, marginalized. Sure, we'll win a few skirmishes, maybe a few battles. But these will all be rearguard actions. The war has been lost and shall remain lost until such time as the field of battle shifts from the grinding slaughter fields of universal suffrage.
I hear people every day talking about the can do American spirit. "We're AMERICANS! There's nothing we can't do!" Well, not so fast. Are we "Americans" any longer in any meaningful sense? No doubt, the people that settled this great land were Americans and the can do spirit that characterized those people was indomitable. But we are no longer those people.
There are no problems that Americans cannot solve save one: their replacement by other peoples. THAT cannot be solved. History is littered with examples of Indo-Europeans being swamped by indigenous peoples with only the faint hint of their racial remnants echoing in the faces of their descendants. For once a people is replaced, their character, their institutions, their values and their culture slowly begin to erode away until those of the replacement peoples prevails.
Even our Christian faith shall be lost in a sea of non-Europeans for without the sustaining nurturing influence of Europeans, our institutions cannot long survive. The false abstractions that lie behind the leftist façade notwithstanding, we are individuals rooted in kith, kin, soil, history and ancient traditions which we derive from our ancestors. God made us such. The false universalism that has been offered by our subverters has only served to deracinate man and strip him of his sustaining particularities making a mockery of the fullness of our humanity which encompasses our uniqueness as children of God.
China = pollution [worst on planet,
materialism, anti Christian, murder female babies..or sell stolen babies
to stupid Whites].
Didya know [and this can be verified]
Chinese 'Vigor Pills' contained
murdered dead babies..oops I mean fetuses?
many black 12th-graders dealt with scientific problems at the level of whites in the sixth grade; they wrote about as well as whites in the eighth grade. The average black high-school senior had math skills on a par with a typical white student in the middle of seventh grade. The average 17-year-old black student could only read as well as the typical white child who had not yet reached age 13. That means an employer hiring the typical black high-school graduate is in effect hiring an eighth-grader.
Seventh grade math abilities yet graduating and being given SKOLAships to Kollege.
Anonymous said...
Two different cities: Oxford, Ohio and Tupelo, Mississippi have some of the same chain eateries at them. In Tupelo your order was wrong 100% of the time at both Wendies and McDonalds. In Oxford, Ohio the order was correctly delivered without an attitude.
All of the black McDonalds in the Chicago Loop have shut down. There are still black-owned McDonalds in the Loop, but they all employ hispanics. It was guaranteed that at the black McDonalds your order was going to be messed up. Seriously messed up. Or that you were going to get sick looking at Aquanetta scratching her hair-stuff with her "nail" right before she bagged your fries.
If the black high school seniors couldn't run 40 or 50 yards whilst toting a football, what good would they be?
We have always had the evidence. We have always had the science.We have always had the statistics.
What we do not have is academia or the media. Thank God for the internet.
We need a plan of cohesion and dissemination of information.
What happened to the Bill Boards? What is the next step bitching on the computer wears me out.
All humans are on the way to being useless. If a crop can be picked by a machine, it's being picked by a machine. What's the name of humans being turned into food? Solyndra? Something like that. Look out people. Everybody thinks the White meat is the best.
The slogan in Blade Runner for the Androids was "more human than human" so I guess "more animal than human" might be the slogan for obsolete farm equipment.
Vibrant diverse youfs can network on fakebook and twatter for the latest flashmob or wilding. See Walt they are not totally useless.
Since the witch trials in Salem in 1692, we have not lived in an environment so devoid of common sense and so rigid in its slavish devotion to so called moral "principles". To even question the big lie so prevalent in our modern society is to be met with certain ostracization by friends, colleagues, and in some cases one's own family. How did we get here? How did a species who has achieved all of the great wonders we have cut its own throat and throw its collective future down the drain? This is a question that keeps me up at night. I really wish there was an easy answer. It is as if some cancer...some virus in our otherwise rational thinking patterns escaped and is crashing the whole program. Maybe what is left after the the whole thing implodes will somehow be able to correct itself and move on...I can only hope.
Hey, at least someone outside of the Internet is finally noticing.
My downtown neighborhood is full of ne'er-do-wells who just shuffle up and down the streets, loiter in front of convenience stores, and generally serve as walking perpetual eyesores. Last week there was a guy dancing like an African witch doctor on a sidewalk, making these bizarre, zombie-like movements and staring blankly. These guys will yell across the street, begging for money, and some will get angry when you refuse; but it's clear from looking at them that they have no concept whatsoever of the shame that ought to be inherent in begging. They feel they have it coming to them as an entitlement because you're white and presumably have more money than they do, whereas everything ought - at least in their minds - to be perfectly equal. Worst, yesterday I surprisingly encountered not one but two white panhandlers among them, so the bum disorder appears to be contagious and spreading.
School buildings, textbooks, and teachers are not magical things. But blacks think they are. Magical Thinking. Learning happens every day, everywhere for us, but not for them. It only happens in a special building and then it stops.
Blacks lack foresight and intellectual curiosity.
A black woman laughed in my face when I told her that she could homeschool her children if she did not like the public schools. She knew something that I did not know at the time. Now I understand why she laughed. Crazy white lady.
Blacks want the paper and the diploma handed to them, and do not care about the process of lifelong learning. Being smart is acting white in black culture, and so they end up screwing themselves.
And we pay for it.
DWL's still suck, but what is crazy is the lib-turds are still making excuses for the black community. I mean after 40yrs and there's a new reason why whitey has been secretly keeping blacks down. and as usual with any evil entity they have taken it to a new low "the children" look just like the german mad-man A.H. and joey gurbbles start with "the children" and you'll have them hooked. it's just like cocaine! one and done! sniff, sniff! now lib-fags are trying to cut off the home school opt-out for us whites to boot! every angle covered. right? dumbing down so blacks can keep up, have a better chance, and the usual lib-tarded lie factory. I wonder when all whites will be rounded up for slave duty! did you ever see pictures of the inside of blacks homes? so don't laugh, there just lazy enough! and if super-man 1/2 white president gets his house of reps dream in 2014 we better baton down the hatches! GODSPEED&SEGREGATION NOW!!!
I find it encouraging that at least the nonhuman problem is more and more everyday (it seems) becoming less taboo in the areas of research and books. Having highly educated professionals evaluate nonhumans purely on a fact based and research level strengthens our cause immeasurably. Even in their attempts to bury what they discover in order to stay in line with the libtard and msm agendas, enough of the truth usually bleeds out between the lines that those of us who are paying attention understand what has been discovered, but is being ommitted or otherwise twisted.
wow How can you ever ever ever argue with that statement,EVER...Chinatown poor as can be ,destitute,absoulutely nothing,and WHAT! no crime LMFAO!...I am sorry to have to put it this way BUT,NIGGAS GONNA NIG...nuff said!
In the cult of victimhood and martyrdom, blacks see themselves as the ultimate example of "people who done been done wrong!" For that reason and the entitlement mentality that flows from it, blacks act as if everyone should rush to meet their needs (gibsmedat) and function as servants to da black community. Failing to do so is rayciss and you just hateful and selfish!
When the niggerwhine starts, you're supposed to rush in, solve their problems for them while taking the blame for those problems existing in the first place, empty out your wallet and then F off back to where you came from while they sit on their asses feelin' all special and sheeit. Of course, you must be available to rush in at a moments notice at the merest hint of a niggerwhine starting up.
I gots 6 chirruns by six baby daddies and my ebt card don't gots refilled! Dese chirruns is hongry! I is da black queen of martyrs wid a 6th grade edumacation, no job and no future and you gots to pay fo' dat! You OWES me Gibsmedat, you honky mo'fo's so gib it up and den stay out of my bidness! You gots to serve me!"
That's the mentality that pisses off everyone I know and, as Loquisha's ignorant and useless ass stomps off in a huff like some egotistical, entitled and offended princess (gibmedat in hand), the urge to slap her off her feet is overwhelming.
This is off topic, sort of, this happened last weekend in Detroit. A "person" who was driving a BMW was shot by his passenger. The car veered off the road and hit a man walking on the street. The passenger took off, of course, but what happened next is common in the "D". The on lookers came and robbed the man who was shot, before any police or ambulance arrived. These people are "devolving" by the minute. http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/video?clipId=8753119&autoStart=true
"By refusing to blame inequality on an unchangeable human nature and an inexorable market--an excuse that leads to resignation and passivity--Inequality by Design shows how we can advance policies that widen opportunity for all."
By WHO? Who is this We? Whites. Even you analysis, flawed as it is, implies that Whites "can advance policies that widen opportunity for all". "By refusing to", in other words simply ignoring a perfectly valid conclusion and tortuously adopting a politically Correct one." This is the language of the overseer, the controller, the King, manipulating from above. You state that these policies must be imposed from above, as though you are the farmer planting the crop and need to prepare the soil and care for the delicate negro.
The fact is, "The Bell Curve" was never refuted. Murry's analysis matched Rushton's and Jensen and several other psychometricians. The studies "The Bell Curve" was based on involved studies by the United Nations, NGO's such as the Red Cross, religious organizations and Governments. These studies were compiled to get a basis for the I.Q. of racial groups that stands today. What Berkley tried to "rebut" is irrelevant, they were wrong on the face of it. Let me give you an example.
"stressing that economic fortune depends more on social circumstances than on IQ, which is itself a product of society. More critical yet, patterns of inequality must be explained by looking beyond the attributes of individuals to the structure of society. Social policies set the "rules of the game" within which individual abilities and efforts matter. And recent policies have, on the whole, widened the gap between the rich and the rest of Americans since the 1970s."
Berkley's dept concentrated on AMERICAN society, where as "The Bell Curve" took world wide data. Measurements of negro I.Q. in Africa (70) can not be explained by any policies in the United States. Paul K. Here on this blog has shown that negro deficiencies predate this Century, long before any American policies of the 1970's came into effect.
Third, it is NOT true that "that economic fortune depends more on social circumstances than on IQ, which is itself a product of society." In this very entry, the Chinese are shown to be discriminated against, isolated and ignored as much or more than the negro, as the negro at least spoke English, dressed the same as the White man and understood the law and ways of the society. This is true of the Irish when they first arrived, the Italians, and the Japanese (who by the way lost their property and were interred in concentration camps more recently that the negro.) Also undercutting your proffered analysis is factors outside of pure I.Q., such as the higher rate of psychopaths amongst the negro population (SEE: http://www.amren.com/news/2008/08/race_and_psycho/ ) by Richard Lynn.
The conclusions drawn Murry in "The Bell Curve" are open to interpretation, certainly his sociological recommendations, but the base data stands today.
@ 10mm AUTO said...
well those guys and gals have phD in the so-called science of sociology
some with phD from Harvard and stanford
sociologists have written both books and phD and courses on inequality and crime, which they blame on society and social institutions and socialization rather than on genetics.
sociology assumes at the outside human genetics are the same so therefore the only explanation for black dysfunction is white racism
Do not the proud Africans NOT realize that the "State" take-over of their school systems is nothing more than WHITE COLONIALISM all over again but this time within the US?
Imagine that. Whites (since for now Whites still run the States) have to come into African territory (and that is what Detroit is) and rule. Yes, we have colonialism again because that is the ONLY way the African can be dragged up to a standard of his own.
I can extrapolate on this and imagine (and predict) what is going to happen when California goes majority Aztec. The State of California will not be able to help the bankrupt Black cities within California and the US Country as a whole will have to Colonize California for as long as Whites are still able, for the most part, to control the Nation.
See the pattern? Whites will have to be called in at each level. The real breakdown is coming very soon when the entire Country is no longer white and it collapses due to the reasons above
Since in an earlier post I demonstrated that there is a 1.0 correlation between ANY increase in ANY social pathology with ANY increase in Black population. Whether it be shootings, drugs, aids, vandalism, electrical meter theft, tooth decay, etc (ANY) the addition of Blacks in any area of the World results in the increase of damage.
This means the end can ONLY be the end since we are making no headway in DECREASING and thus eliminating the presence of any Non-Whites. Even having a few around creates a degree of damage that would NOT exists if they were all gone.
Even so much as ONE Black person in a White area causes damage. A Black can not contribute anything to a White culture. Only destruction.
You can imagine the necessary solution if we actually wanted a Planet that was not damaged.
Yes they truly have oppressed themselves. If things had carried on as was evident in black communities before civil rights, I believe today the blacks wouldn't be in the absolute mess they're in today, and the gene switching that was taking place to improve black dna, all lost in 5 decades, imagine the gene switching taking place now, well on the way to becomming the morlocks of hg wells
My downtown neighborhood is full of ne'er-do-wells who just shuffle up and down the streets, loiter in front of convenience stores, and generally serve as walking perpetual eyesores. Last week there was a guy dancing like an African witch doctor on a sidewalk, making these bizarre, zombie-like movements and staring blankly. These guys will yell across the street, begging for money, and some will get angry when you refuse; but it's clear from looking at them that they have no concept whatsoever of the shame that ought to be inherent in begging.
Little do they know that there's a bright, shiny future for them - as spirit dancers for the Episcopalian/Anglican church! Perhaps these denizens of the dumbass dystopia should be flown across the pond to dance around Maragaret Thatcher's carcass at St. Paul's Cathedral in Londonistan. That's just the beginning though. Aaaaahhh have a dream that the rugged independent pharmaceutical salesmen who pulled themselves up by their own jockstraps will be able to hang out shingles as Doctors of Traditional African Medicine, that brilliant geniuses like P. Diddy will be named music director of the Vienna Philharmonic.
I have learned that in fast food places to be aware of the RACE of the workers. If I see WHITE people then I can order it my way and such, but if I see Aztecs or Africans then I only order by the pictures on the wall. I order the Combo Meals and never, ever change a thing.
If you ask for no onions or such, then it messes up everything.
I learned this on a little trip with my son when he was 5. We pulled into a Taco Bell near Orlando (We were going to Disney World which THANK GOD today is still about 90% White.....Aztecs and Blacks don't like to spend money on this stuff, plus Disney is still based mostly on German fairy tales....but they are doing their damndest to invent Black Princess with white noses, white lips, etc.................)
Anyway, in the Taco Bell not a single person spoke decent English. Not one. Initially I did not notice the 3 groups off to the side past the registers. So, I placed my order for my kid and I and waited, and waited and began to notice the other 3 groups were waiting for their orders, which one after the other were WRONG.
My son and I waited and waited and listened and watched the teenapes and teenMayans go ape-shit since they F up every order. Finally a "manager" came out who DID speak English (and Spanish) and tried to clean the mess up. When I tried to explain to here my order she was still so damn stupid that I just looked at here, took my little boys hand, and walked out.
I left my money (about $8) there and was just happy to GET THE F out. We walked across the parking lot to a Olive Garden and ate there since the wait staff were WHITE PEOPLE.
I beg to differ, a tree in an open field only produces the branches that are necessary, because a tree has all the sunlight available(good economic conditions) it doesn't grow more branches than it has to, it grows the minimum amount and saves the extra energy.
If you put a sprawling oak tree in a spruce forest, the spruce trees win cause they climb higher and can pack tightly allowing nothing else to grow. If you put a spruce tree in an oak forest the spruce tree will survive, cause oak trees sprawl and don't pack tightly, the spruce tree can take advantage of that and climb above the oak trees.
You can see where my analogy, is leading to.
Nature tends to atrophy, and IQ is no different, if your environment doesn't need high iq, like the aborigines of australia and the san of south africa, it will trim, to the minimum needed, atrophism happens much faster that its opposite.
So once aborigines and san peoples IQ was trimmed to the minimum required to ensure survival, it locked it in place through genetics, yes san and aborigeny people can build their IQ over time depending on the environment but it will take the slow process of natural selection, and that doesn't happen in 20years.
Africans have the richest continent in the world virtually in terms of resources, but the IQ can't do anything cause its at its minimum. So the rubuttle to the belcurve is nonsense.
Their premise is incorrect, you need IQ to set up the economic lands scape, which slowly, geologically slowly affects IQ out come.
If the economic landscape reflects the IQ of the people that created it, and that economic landscape is at its minimum as in pre colonial africa, stasis has been reached.
Just as stasis will be reached when favorable economic lanscape meets top end IQ.
Elemetary dear watson, ofcourse they will go out of their way to disprove the bell curve, but use your brain and look around, the bellcurve affects everything, not only humans.
As unpalatable as it seems, IQ is genetic, like it or not.
Even if you factor out low IQ, there are other criteria which could create uselessness in this race:
1. Unintentional incest. How many siblings procreate and do not know they are related? (Like they would give a s**t)
2. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
3. Crack Babies
4. STD's, HIV, etc.
5. Minimal, if any, pre/post-natal care
6. Poor nutrition
7. Lead paint issues(?)
I am sure there are many other cultural lifestyles which affect these people.
This is a troubling development basically we will have 30-35 million Blacks incapable of making a living. However their culture is heavily materialistic so the tension between these two phenomonen will only exasperate and result in violence.
Yesterday on the evening news, I believe it was Brian Williams, referred to the 50's-60's as a more sweet and innocent time (talking about Annette Funicello's death). I have never heard a media figure talk about that time as anything but a more racist, homophobic, oppressive time. Sometimes I get a little hope that the Marxists will come to their senses.
I said it first.
I was an AFDC Social Worker in San Francisco in the sixties. I used to tell people exactly how to reduce the welfare rolls.
Just round up all the blacks and ship them out and replace them with Chinese. I never saw a Chinese person on public welfare.
Everyone knew that Chinatown was the poorest neighborhood but none of the Chinese ever applied for GA (General Assistance) or AFDC (Aid for Families with Dependent Children). I'm not sure if they even applied for BA (Blind Aid).
Of course all my associates were horrified by my suggestion. But it seemed to me that if all people were the same - as every Social Worker believed - what difference did it make? No one ever doubted that it would indeed crash the welfare rolls.
The reason for all the Chinatown TB was hygiene. The Chinese restaurants used to make the Cha Siu Bao (a form of Dim Sum) by the cooks filling their mouths with water and spitting on the buns. The health department made them use spray bottles.
I was an Army Reserve medic. I served a couple weekends in the TB ward. You would still see a few Chinese there in the sixties, but none in the drunk wards.
Chinese social failures (like restaurant hygiene) were solvable. But black problems have persisted.
BTW the Chinese invaded neighbors just as did the blacks. But the Chinese opened businesses, like the Jews back East, or the Koreans in LA. The blacks just spread through public housing openings. When the Chinese spilled out of Grant Street into North Beach we lost Italian restaurants. This was a big local issue for a time. Pasta lost out to Stir Fried Noodles.
All American cities should have such urban problems.
Bogolyubsky is wrong.
I hate to split hairs (because he's right about everything else) but the Portuguese did not foist blacks on gullible white settlers.
I need to defend my family honor.
Abraham Piersay - the richest man in Jamestown - was recruited by the colonial government to seek out black slaves. The Indians were poor slaves and were much too strong militarily and too clever politically. The white London underclass that came over with the colonists soon died in the fields. The colony was facing catastrophe. They called on my ancestor, Piersay to save them.
He was a hero. It's not his fault for all that happened later. But if you're looking for someone to blame - blame me. My family brought slavery to British North America. So I'm the only one alive who is directly associated with the introduction of slavery. If blacks want reparations for slavery I'm the only one who should need to pay.
Good luck collecting.
An interesting read:
Charles Murray on the Consistency of the Black-White Difference in IQ
Eye opening.
Bogolyubski, your comment cracked me up. Spirit dancers and independent pharmaceutical salesmen...those black folks sho' be colorful characters.
Easterner, forgive me, for while I believe that you are sincere regarding your promotion of "Inequality by Design", your comment is so obviously a copy & paste job that I am just embarrassed for you.
In addition to that, whatever you copied and pasted is also incredibly boring. Quite frankly, your comment is unreadable. In case you haven't noticed, you've inspired no passionate debate whatsoever on this forum. Do you really expect the people who frequent SBPDL to be inspired by this drivel? It's nothing but strung-together academic (ahem, BERKLEY) buzzwords: "rigorous re-analysis, inherited differences, economic fortune, patterns of inequality, structure of society, etc." I don't know about anyone else here, but all I hear is, "over-used liberal buzz word one, over-used liberal buzzword two, over-used liberal buzzword three, etc." Quite frankly, you've actually proven PK's assertion that academia's desire is to undermine Whitey, despite your attempts to do the opposite.
And don't bark at me for ignoring "facts" (if there were any) or accuse me of ad hominem attacks (this is the usual strategy of a rebuked commenter). I am simply attacking your presentation and your attempt to use a publisher's blurb as your argument.
You snidely asked, "have you studied sociology?" I ask you, "have you actually read this book you're promoting, or only the inside jacket where you copied the contents for your comment?"
I am trying to help you here. If you want to engage the SBPDL commenters, you're going to have to do much better than this. This is a clever, educated, and discerning group. The owner of this blog's articles should have clued you in on that.
The "Portuguese" are not the Portguese. The "Dutch" are not the Dutch. Indeed, many "English" who the Spanish killed in the inquisition were not at all English.
Work camps for any and all who cannot support themselves.
Deport all illegals.
Two birds, one stone.
"rigorous re-analysis, inherited differences, economic fortune, patterns of inequality, structure of society, etc."
The rigorous structure of this structural analysis informs a critique of the hermeneutics of racism; from this praxis we conclude that the racism of capitalism is structured as a language, and that this language can be rigorously critiqued by a subversive and transgressive praxis of theory.
Also, racism. And slabery.
Any questions?
Ex New Yorker here....Another story from the Naked City. About two weeks after the 1977 Black Out Riots my girlfriend and I had an old 1960 beat up Ford. We drove up to the Bronx to visit her Uncle Irving. After we turned off the freeway we drove through a mile of total devastation. All the stores had smashed out windows and sat there empty. About a third were now boarded up and the sidewalks all sparkled from shredded glass. It was a mind blowing thing to see. One big fucking mess.
Her uncle was across the street from a Safeway store which had all the windows smashed out and also sat there empty. In the front was an empty safe about the size of a washing machine.
Her uncle watched what took place at the store and this is what he told us. After dark the Mau Mau and the Islanders (Puerto Rico) showed up in force. First they wrapped chains around the sliding metal gates and pulled them off with the chains hooked onto car bumpers. With the gates removed the crowd let out a big cheer, smashed out the windows and went shopping. It was one big gibsmadat shopping spree that lasted all night long. Some blacks had found a safe in the managers office. They also used chains and dragged it with two cars out into the street. Using the headlights from cars for light they started work on the safe. About 10 to 15 Black Citizens used sledge hammers, chisels and crowbars to break open the safe. Any citizens from Puerto Rico that wanted to help were chased away by the Africans. While the safe crackers were busy at work hundreds of shoppers looted the store.
Just before dawn the safe door popped open and the Blacks started fighting over the money. Irving told us the dollar bills were flying in the air and the crowd was now beating each other with the tools they had used on the safe. After the money got grabbed and the cars pulled away there were about 5 or 6 bodies lying in the street. It had now became quiet and Irving could go to sleep.
I went over and looked in the store. Everything was gone except for a box of Band-Aids. What a sight. This kind of shit went on all over NY for 3 or 4 days until the lights came on. Of course this was only in areas that had large Black and Puerto Rican populations. Remember all it takes is for the lights to go out.
Right now I am in the middle of one of the worst snow storms I have ever seen.
You can't factor out IQ then cite those seven points as criteria for black uselessness, because those things, especially items number two through six, are all functions of lower IQ.
As far as lead paint goes, it's ironic that you have it below "poor nutrition" in your list. Because those whose diets are balanced and consume a requisite amount of a certain mineral (can't remember which one) will not be poisoned by lead even if they happen to consume lead paint. For the lead will wash right out of their bodies, and not interact with the body chemistry and physiology. It's just that it's not a mineral you get much of from eating food that you order from a clown's head at the 365Black fast feeder.
Well, so much for Dim Sum.
Thanks, Pat
You actually rather missed the thrust of my post about the folly of slavery. It stands as a good example of short term gain which ended up as a long-term loss - of much greater proportion.
You're correct that the Indians were not easy to enslave. Even the Spanish, who were much more brutal (having just expelled the moors in a 700-year war), had a difficult time enslaving Indians. In the short term, the Africans sold by "Portuguese" (please note the scare quotes) slave-traders looked like a good deal. Unlike the Spanish, the English in Virginia actually indentured the slaves - who were legally able to actually buy their way out for several decades until the notorious case brought by the black slave owner which marked the legal establishment of chattel slavery.
Your point about the high death rate of poor English brought over is true also, but was their overall health and date rate back in England any better? In the long term, it would have been better to work on improving the conditions for the poor whites than the short-term expediency of spending money on Africans. Over the long term, this simple decision has been a complete disaster. Long term thinking is difficult and Africans were not well-known in 1619, so it's a bit unfair to blame and condemn those who were first to buy the offered temptation (though those who continued with it once the ramification became obvious deserve serious criticism).
Ironically, some of the more religious Bay Colony Puritans of the 1600s actually predicted this practice would curse the nation for hundreds of years to come. They have been proved correct by history. (Yes, their own descendants drifted away to morph into an equally destructive force/curse all on its own of course, but that's another chapter). It is unlikely that your ancestor or any of his contemporaries could have forseen any of this, for what experience did they have of Africans? Nevertheless my point stands. We could have been on Mars, but instead we're wading in a cesspool of Shitcongo writ large.
Sherlock: A tree can only grow as high as it's genetics. (Genetic limit your ability)
2) An oak does not belong in a spruce forest. (Blacks don't belong in the White world)
It was the ice age that created the white skin and white mind of the White race. Had there been no Ice Ages, we would be just as stupid as the Africans but with a lighter tan.
Shove the Bantu across the Zambezi!
Anonymous @ April 9, 2013 at 12:21 PM said, "The rigorous structure of this structural analysis informs a critique of the hermeneutics of racism; from this praxis we conclude that the racism of capitalism is structured as a language, and that this language can be rigorously critiqued by a subversive and transgressive praxis of theory.
I enjoyed the posts about the day The Lights Went Out in NYC and the urban apes went feeding.
I enjoyed it since it reinforces my natural and healthy tendency to avoid those that don't look like me. Nature developed that trait in ALL here species so as to created the will to survive.
Many of you use the term about the EBT cards not working any more. I think The Night The Lights Go Out is far more scary and dangerous and likely.
We have an old and pathetic electrical network and grid. We don't have spare parts and storms, hurricanes, tornadoes are more likely to strike any of us than a EBT shut down. The Gov will do everything and anything to keep the EBT cards going. They will gut the shools, military, universities before they cut the EBT feeding trough of the Buffaloes.
Anonymous 12:48 said :
"It was the ice age that created the white skin and white mind of the White race. Had there been no Ice Ages, we would be just as stupid as the Africans but with a lighter tan."
I'm going to have to go ahead and sort of disagree with you here. Our White skin pigment is more than likely the result of a genetic mutation that conferred a specific advantage to that individual. For those of you that do not know, our White skin allows us to convert UV rays (sunlight) in Vitamin D at a much higher rate than the dark skinned races. Basically we have super powers, like Superman. Vitamin D is an essential element to human health, therefore an increase in the production of Vitamin D would be an advantage over those with darker skin. We were already White before the Ice Age. A shift in climate like the Ice Age would reward people who ALREADY POSSESSED the White skin advantage, because in an age of reduced UV intensity the ability to rapidly convert sunlight to Vitamin D would have been of prime importance. This genetic mutation (White skin) was inherited by the offspring and because it was a positive mutation, it remained in the gene pool via human reproduction. Skin pigment does not inform IQ, rather higher IQ people tend to be White or Asian. You are confusing causation with correlation. The Ice Age was just nature's way of selecting the most fit individuals for survival, ergo we entered into a sort of genetic bottleneck that was beneficial because only the strong could survive in such a harsh environment.
About the "oppression" of the African. So much has been written concerning past and present oppression being a major cause in holding back the African. This is one of the root arguments of Affirmative Action. The Anti-White activist keep saying that White oppression has held down the potential of Blacks and has denied them the opportunity to advance or get out of poverty, etc. etc. etc.
OK, let us assume that it is 100% true. But then why, once the force of oppression is removed do we get what we get? When slavery, Jim Crow, and restrictive covenants are all removed the Black movement, free of "oppression", is a form of pathology. We get every single BAD thing. Not GOOD things. Notice that? We oppressed their natural bad behavior.
Did we get Blacks jumping with joy since they can go to MIT or take night classes in the White University? No, they use the freedom of movement to rape the White girls at that White University. Did they stay in school now that the oppression has been lifted? No, they don't even go and when they do go they pee on the floor and harass the Asian students.
Get my point? The oppression on the Black race was GOOD FOR THEM. Their natural behaviour is destructive to White society and oppression is needed to keep them in line. Oppression helps them stay alive. Oppression is not bad. It is good and necessary.
This may account for why they are the only race, when freed from bondage by another race....didn't leave the area. The Hebrews left Egypt. Remember the demand of Moses? He said" "Let my people go". The operative word is "go". While the Negro is so proud of "we is free at last, we is free at last" they stood there expecting the hand outs from the same race that "oppressed" them. In other words, the same race that feed them, clothed them, housed them and kept them from killing each other. Blacks didn't take their freedom to migrate and create a Black Nation, when in 1865 there was plenty of vacant land. No, they stayed and stayed and stayed. The instinctively needed somebody to guide (oppress?) them. They needed a Tribal Leader. They gave up the White Plantation Owner for the Squid Government Plantation.
Oppression was the best thing that happened to the African. It created those historical Black colleges they brag about. Oppression created the Tuskegee Air Boys, they keep mything about. Oppression created Jazz, Black families, peanut butter.
So, next time some Anti-White racist accuses you of oppression of the fine proud black man, just remind them how this freedom is killing them.
I should add that I didn't mean to imply that there was ONLY ONE mutation at one time that occurred in the DNA of a single individual that led to White skin. No one knows exactly how White skin "evolved" but my best guess is that it was the result of many genetic mutations in many different populations in many different geographical locations across thousands of years. The mutation that produced White skin was probably a reaction to the lack of intense sunlight relative to the equator. I would suspect that because of White skin's ability to produce substantial amounts of Vitamin D, once the White skin mutation took hold it quickly became dominant as these individuals probably had a higher fertility rate than the darker non-africans.
Don't take my word for it, i'm not an anthropologist.
Thank you. While I was in college, I learned to speak Asshole.
Rigorously. And structurally.
Oh, and also... racism!
And slabery.
Anonymous 3:07 AM said :
" How did we get here? How did a species who has achieved all of the great wonders we have cut its own throat and throw its collective future down the drain? This is a question that keeps me up at night. I really wish there was an easy answer. It is as if some cancer...some virus in our otherwise rational thinking patterns escaped and is crashing the whole program."
In a nutshell the answer is Pathological Altruism. Check out this gem of an article from AmRen. I had to dig through the archives but it's well worth the read. Pathological Altruism is generally defined as a sincere attempt to help others that instead harms others or oneself, and is "an unhealthy focus on others to the detriment of one’s own needs." This is a "disease" that ONLY effects the White race.
Pathological Altruism
It looks like Obama will provide them with jobs as "navigators" for his hellth care scam. I can envision it: a room full of sheboons squawking about their hair extensions, nails, and what they saw on TV last night, all for $20 an hour while phones ring in the background. The supervisor (head sheboon) will make $48 an hour to make sure there is no discrimination going on.
Countenance, I think the mineral you were referring to, when you were discussing immunity to lead is magnesium... Magnesium citrate, has been known for years to precipitate, lead out of your system.... however the side effects can be bothersome...
Inequality by Design offers a powerful alternative explanation, stressing that economic fortune depends more on social circumstances than on IQ, [1] which is itself a product of society. [2]
1. Social circumstances depend substantially on IQ and future time orientation.
2. Since the opposite was proven true in the 1970's, that can only be called a lie; the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study cannot be reconciled with their claim. These "sociologists" should be thrown out of academia for falsifying work.
Of course, if you threw all the Marxist moonbats out of UC Berzerkeley, you'd be left with the physical sciences and precious little else. That's what makes it a good idea.
I live in middle California - the San Francisco Bay Area. That's not very northerly and I am very, very white but even so I take Vitamin D supplements every day. That's on the advice of my doctor. It's not just some crank medical opinion like some bizarre herb that will lift my "brain fog".
Rickets is serious for blacks when they live outside the tropics. Whites seem to do better with extra Vitamin D too. Almost no one gets enough Vitamin D in the winter. The body stores it up in the summer but only if you have been in the sun a lot.
I read a book by a Dr. Hollick last year on Vitamin D. He recommended sun bathing. He is a dermatologist and that reconmmendation got him booted out of dermatology. They worry more about skin cancer. So the area is a little controversial and may prove to be yet another Vitamin fad like Vitamin C and then Vitamin E. But in the meantime I take a pill every day.
Whites in Florida - can ignore this.
I have seen Asians in DC at the WIC office picking up checks. Yes, there are Asians on welfare. About 45% of the US population, give it take a few percentage points, is on the government dole in some way, shape, or form.
White Mom in WDC
Magnesium, that's it. Thanks.
I am of the understanding, thanks to the counsel of people with advanced degrees in medicine, that you don't need megadoses of Magnesium compounds, that all you need is a diet with Mg-containing foods that gets you to 100% of RDA for Mg on a daily basis, and your body will be impervious to lead.
Spinach, as an example.
Except, "I'm lovin' it" doesn't serve Spinach, and it's not as if the Bellcurvius kids will eat it anyway.
Still plenty of Italian food in North Beach.
The blacks remaining in SF are in a bad way. Most just can't compete and they have no political power. It's rather pitiful.
Blue eyes roll around at roughly the same time as
Literacy, civilization about 10,000 to 6,000 years ago.
The white skin type must have occurred before that. It's possible that it is associated with
Other types of developmental jumps.
That is what I am infering, but someone took an oak tree into the spruce forest and planted it there, now they complain that the spruce doesn't allow the oak to grow.
Genetics account for a lot, is the essence I am trying to distill.
Dallas TX replaces IT nerds with negroes with fake diplomas, 10 ipads come up missing
In a nutshell the answer is Pathological Altruism.
This is where Objectivism comes in. Regardless of its other merits or shortfalls, Objectivism provides an ideological counter to altruism. It views altruism as a suicidal impulse, causing one to self-destruct. As the Western world has been doing for the last half century.
What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value.
"Becoming" virtually useless? Like it's a relatively recent phenomenon, all because of computers n shit. LOL.
lol at chinatown being a low crime area, though I grant they don't make the raids into white communities that our duskier brethren so often do
easterner asks "Have you studied sociology?" As if we can't question Hinduism unless we are Brahmins, or nuclear policy unless we are physicists. Typical academic arrogance. If you people got out more, you'd not be so narrow minded.
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