It is the gritty, real-life interpretation of the comic book character "The Punisher" many long-time fans of the character have wanted to see.
Jane left the sequel to the 2004 movie "The Punisher" during pre-production, because the script was becoming too comic-bookish and not gritty or realistic enough.
For most people, comic book characters like The Avengers or other super-powered heroes battling villains of a similar extraordinary nature is preferable to watching the exploits of a normal guy who has decided to "raise the black flag, and start slitting the throats" of the criminals, murderers, and rapists who populate our nation.
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How White Privilege Ends: Just another one of Obama's sons/daughters, charged with the murder of a white person |
That's what "The Punisher" represents, and with the short-film #DirtyLaundry we are afforded a glimpse of the version of the character Thomas Jane views as realistic -- and yes, all the criminals and thugs in this version are black (mirroring America's major cities criminal profile perfectly).
Toward the end of the short film, Jane's character (Frank Castle) has incapacitated the black gang leader and he asks him the simple question: "What's the difference between justice and punishment?"
As you read the story of 33-year-old Melinda McCormick (just another disposable white person), go ahead and ask yourself the same question. [New Details Emerge in the Melinda McCormick Case, ABC 3 WEAR, 4-9-13]:
We have new details on what happened to a Pensacola woman who was found inside a burning apartment.. Escambia County deputies have released the results of the autopsy.
The autopsy shows 33-year-old Melinda McCormick was brutally beaten with three different weapons, and then her home was set on fire. This weekend, three people were arrested for McCormick's death. Gregory Williams, Keisha Pugh, and Anthony Pressley are all charged with first degree murder and armed robbery.
Channel Three's Christina Leavenworth joins us now live with more on the suspects' motive.
The suspects are now in the Escambia County Jail on no bond. The sheriff says the autopsy pictures are the worst he has ever seen. Investigators say Melinda McCormick let the suspects inside her home because she knew all three of them.
Gregory Williams was her boyfriend, but she had no idea what they had planned. A crime so heinous it brings tears to Serena Semkoff's eyes. Investigators say her neighbor, Melinda McCormick was beaten by a hammer, crow bar and a lead pipe, and then the suspects set her sheets on fire to try and destroy the body, but left the hammer behind. Serena Semkoff "Its a tragedy she was always so bubbly."
What were they after? Investigators say it was a plot to steal McCormick's social security benefits. Serena Semkoff "She would meet people on the bus tell them her business, tell her ...Told her you don't need to tell them all your business."
State Attorney, Bill Eddins, also says it was fueled by hate. One of the suspects says he did it because he hated white people.
Bill Eddins "That aspect should be evaluated as heinous atrocious and cruel and that will be used to see whether or not we seek the death penalty...." It was the surveillance video at the apartments that led investigators to the three suspects. Deputies say all three admitted to the crime.
They also told deputies McCormick was begging them to stop. Hearing these new details make the death even more painful for her neighbors... "We were just next door, we just moved from 7a to here which is right next door, it would have been easily us, ..."Just right next door from a murder, with one of the motives being intense anti-white sentiment, that will never receive any national press coverage.
Here's more on McCormick death, with gruesome details of her autopsy revealing disturbing images of what happened in the room right next door from 7a [State To Seek Death Penalty In Beating, Burning Death, North Escambia, 4-9-13]:
Anthony Lamar Pressley, 26, Kiesha LeShay Pugh, 28, and Gregory Edward Williams, 21, were each charged with homicide and robbery for the March 31 death of Melinda McCormick inside her burning apartment of Mobile Highway. All three have confessed, investigators said.
Deputies say an autopsy shows McCormick was hit 40 times with a hammer, lead pipe and crow bar. She was still alive when her bed sheets were set on fire, according to the State Fire Marshal’s Office. They were caught on video (see below) headed to and away from the area of the apartment.
Williams reportedly told investigators that he hated white people, and that was a partial reason for the crime.The trio allegedly planned to steal Social Security money from McCormick. Officials said arson charges may also be added against the men.
“This was a particular hateful crime,” Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said. “One of the saddest parts of this story is that the card that they intended to steal was not even in the woman’s residence.”Meanwhile, the Attorney General of the United States of America spends his days and nights entertaining every 'minority' group imaginable
[Eric Holder’s Schedule: Frequent Meetings With Race-Based Groups
Nearly 50 meetings in a nine-month period., PJ Media, 4-10-13]:
Attorney General Eric Holder began his tenure by calling Americans cowards regarding racial issues. Newly released documents reveal that Holder’s schedule shows a preoccupation with racial issues: he spends an inordinate amount of time meeting with race-centered organizations.
Recently, the Department of Justice began making Holder’s daily schedules available online. Although the schedules are far from complete and heavily redacted, the compiled summary below (links to documents provided) shows how much time and access the office of the attorney general allocates to ethnocentric lobbyists and race-based associations.Melinda McCormick will be a name (and story) few encounter. No member of the Obama Administration will attend her funeral; the First Lady of the United States will not make repeated trips of the gulf coast of Florida to invoke McCormick's memory as a reason why we should black violence.
Those who bring to light the details surrounding McCormick's final day on this earth will be called 'bigots' and a 'racist' -- instantly making their crime of acknowledging the horrific details of McCormick's torture/murder at the hands of three blacks far, far worse.
No 'Made for TV' movie will tell the tale of McCormick's life; no text book young children read will detail her final moments on earth.
In the eyes of Eric Holder, Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs), the media, and the Obama Administration, Melinda McCormick's life was worth about as much as dirty laundry.
No need to have national outrage in response to her death, or use it as a "teachable moment" for the reality of interracial crime in America -- Eric Holder, the head of the DOJ, has a meeting with the NAACP to attend.
But in reading this story, you begin to have a greater appreciation for George Zimmerman -- a man who only wanted to keep crime out of his apartment complex.
"What's the difference between justice and punishment?"
This sickens me to the core of my soul.
I'm literally at a loss for words.
More than two centuries back, the evil twin, ideological phenomenon of the “white man’s burden”, and “feminism” materialized. These evil manifestations are of course the fruit of the liberal mind, the mind of the immature and the mind of the God complexed, narcissistic, megalomaniacal personalities, with the former representing the hoi polloi flock followers, and the latter representing the good shepherd leaders.
Mary Wollstonecraft, by default, the mother of feminism with her 1792 publication of “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” became unwittingly the instigator of feminism. Innocuous though her intentions and effort may have been, with simply a betterment of the feminine mind as the goal, her effort became the bases for entry into the masculine world by the feminine mind.
Personally, I am not misogynistic, I both loath and despise Islam, however, though I believe both girls and women should be educated and treated fairly, I also recognize women, as an enfranchised demographic here in America, vote in majority, for the democrat party, the anti-Founding Fathers American party, and further the purveyors of America’s transmogrification into an egalitarian, socialist democracy party.
The white man’s burden phenomenon, materializing out of the same liberal either of about the same time was an ideological movement intending the white race burden itself by becoming the “brother’s keeper” of the lower sub-species of humans, the tribalists, and in particular here, the black sub-species, and this while Africa was referred to as “the dark continent” because no white man had ventured beyond its coastal areas, and was thus “unknown” or dark.
These twin ideological evils sprouted with, and or begot, the kindred spirits of abolition, Quakerism, Yankeeism, socialism and progressivism. These seemingly different ideologies are born of a single mindset, the mindset of liberalism, the mindset of the immature and insane.
Liberals bash the Judo-Christian faiths because they wish their ideological illusion to become the new religion, out with the old, in with the new. Further, liberals refuse to bash Islamics first and foremost, because part of liberal immaturity is the painful emotion of cowardice, and the terrorizing bully Islam, elicits their cowardice, forcing liberals to avoid confrontations with the misogynistic and insane, false religion of Islam.
Ironically, the Judo-Christian faiths are designed to help the individuals of their cultures mature, become the best their nature allows them to be and thusly benefits the culture of which these said faiths belong; whereas the religion of liberal ideology only benefits the immature and insane at the expense of the mature and sane of a given culture.
Most unfortunately, these hifalutin, immature and insane people, the liberals, envision a world on a global magnitude, where all humans become one big family with their God complexed, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, good shepherd leaders at the top and all others, the great unwashed, the flock, floundering about below them, and worse with these, the flock, being egalitarianistic.
It is this egalitarianism that is the most unfortunate part, for not only does this intend nature be usurped by the ideology of the immature and insane, it intends that our independent gene pools be merged into one, whereby we all become of the one and the same gene pool.
For me, nature tempered by the nurture of the matured mind, produces so much more desirable a culture than a culture manufactured by the immature and insane, who seek out their own gain at another’s expense.
To live in harmony with one’s nature, or to live in disharmony with another’s ideology, is mutually exclusive, it ultimately becomes one or the other. The thought of the white gene pool being merged with the black gene pool is more than disheartening, it is disgusting, but look at all the Kim Kardashians America is now producing.
(end part 1)
(part 2)
Secession appears to be the best answer. Further, there are many of the white race who choose to mature and would come if properly called, as occurred with the Mormons in the 19th century.
Perhaps non-liberal land, culled from both Canada and America, could become our non-liberal, white promised land of tomorrow. Thank you.
I just have to say, are those three photographs, three photographs of the most handsom Americans or what?
That female only needs to be eating a banana and I might have mistook her for a female gorilla.
Eat your heart out Aunt Jemimah. Thanks.
I see, so it appears that this is yet another case of what the late Larry Auster referred to as "the tax man cometh". A white coal-burner, Melinda McCormick, gets to pay the eloi tax with interest.
What did she expect? I don't wish to be cruel, but is this not someone who should be nominated for a Darwin Award?
Groids have made it abundantly clear that they are nothing but enemies who intend our extermination. Coal-burning is therefore the ultimate act of treason. It is the ultimate act of dishonoring your parents, their parents and your ancestors all the way back. All for the sake of what? Feeling good about showing everyone who you not be rayciss? McCormick is another willing victim in the nameless war.
PK - thought I'd add my earlier comment to this one as it's directly related.
Ray Scissom said...
State to seek death penalty in beating and burning murder
This is war.
There is a very important kind of historical point that has to be understood when you look at any of these stories of negro hyper-violence. In 1959 two white ex-cons murdered a family of four on a Kansas farm. Truman Capote's 1966 book In Cold Blood turned these murders into a cultural touchstone of sorts for decades. In 1969 members of Charles Manson's little group murdered seven people at two locations in Los Angeles. The murders were considered gruesome at the time, lots of stab wounds, some gun shots. To say the Manson murders were a mere cultural touchstone is to seriously understate their cultural importance.
Now thirty years later, I can reference dozens of far more grotesquely violent murders and murder/torture/kidnappings that have had almost no publicity, all perpetrated by negroes. Even an event as unsettling as the recent Newton, Connecticut murders, pales when set against the Zebra killings. It's thought that as many as 60 white men and women were murdered or tortured then murdered by negroes over a period of two years in California alone.
The media thirsts for horrible crime. It sells. Yet the media works constantly to ignore or obfuscate these stories involving astonishing negro violence. The idea that the whole of the media will ignore this stuff, despite the significant financial benefits to them, just underscores how dedicated they are to protecting the negro and at the same time, endangering the non-black population.
I can already hear the DWL attny "Hate crime? No such this, in fact my clients will be using the defense
Ub da turrible, turrible lebacy da slabery." Probably get off with a short sentence. Americas is dead. Let this bitch burn already.
@PDK / Kelto-Scandic Secessionist said
The anti-woman shit is tiresome. My wife has never voted lock-step with the fuckwits on the left and we both have been politically intolerant of bullshit.
Furthermore, who gives a slip-sliding crap who votes for whatever candidate [who] at the time is masquerading as a benevolent 'we the people' @sshole behind the green curtain at any given moment when we know most of them are rotten to the core?
R or D, they are both sides of the same coin at this point. There is no such thing as a 'conservative' any longer (or 'liberal' either for that matter).
The Commies are rushing through their wet-dreams and you're reminiscing about the day that women didn't have the vote. Idiocy. Sheer idiocy.
I also note with interest that her boyfriend Gregory Williams was the one who actually confessed to hating white people. This is a particularly dramatic example of a white female willingly having sex with a groid who hated whites. Has there ever been a case of groid females seeking out a Klansman to have a roll in the hay with? The level of self-hate here is truly remarkable.
The female groid most resembles a gorilla out of three.
I saw this story the other day and emailed the link to my family members.
This country is groids gone wild. They are hateful animals. Just gross.
I am still trying to wrap my head around why these white people want to mash with and then, good God man, procreate with these things. I swear this past week I have seen at least four or five mixed babies / toddlers. Out of the five, one was a white father. All had mashed with groids and created Oreos. Then again, I live in libtards capital of the world WDC.
Have you all noticed that these victims are exceptionally light complexioned and blonde?
Anyway, I was at the park today and I shared with this woman the story about the Philly riots. She knew nothing about them. I
The media is complicit in the war on whites. It's so obvious. I talk to people and I try to inform them of these news events. I don't get race realist with them, don't want to shock them too much.
When are the tron bots in white Amurkistan going to wake up?
White Mom in WDC
Lorraine said...
Have you all noticed that these victims are exceptionally light complexioned and blonde?
Of course, White Mom. It makes more of an impact. Killing a 'white Hispanic' wouldn't be nearly as vengeful/meaningful as killing a Nordic/Aryan looking woman.
BTW, godspeed on your move away from groidzillaville. Stay safe and carry a weapon.
This poor woman, my God. She gave them the sacred white vag*na that they love so much and not only did they kill her but they had the nerve to 'hate' as well. Unreal.
Williams said he hates white people.
This is a hate crime.
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that negroes are hazardous to your health.
What was her disability (for which she got social security payments)? Was she mentally disabled?
She was a 33 yr old white woman dating a 21 yr old black male. She was known for giving out potentially dangerous personal information to random strangers on the bus.
I'm guessing she was "slow" and/or mentally ill. It's terrible that the most vulnerable among us are left to find their way among blacks! She should have had a non-retarded legal guardian who prevented her from "dating" blacks if she was mentally incompetent.
My posts are little too hot, huh?
SBPDL said, "In the eyes of Eric Holder, Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs), the media, and the Obama Administration, Melinda McCormick's life was worth about as much as dirty laundry. "
These people and institutions you list (and many more) always tacitly and sometimes overtly state that they consider the fact that White people exist at all to be an offensive Hate Crime against them.
Certainly, normal White people are to be considered at the very least by all the thought-leaders as "Die-versity's Misfortune".
The pogrom that dare not speak its name (against White people, worldwide) shall continue...
Trial junkie here. I checked and the story hasn't received any coverage outside the Pensacola area (and nothing the last couple of days).
In this kind of case, it drags through the system for years and either ends with a plea to "life without parole," or a little-noticed trial with a similar denoument.
"I'm guessing she was "slow" and/or mentally ill. It's terrible that the most vulnerable among us are left to find their way among blacks! She should have had a non-retarded legal guardian who prevented her from "dating" blacks if she was mentally incompetent.
April 12, 2013 at 5:32 PM
Yes, and this is what makes it doubly sickening. She was preyed upon because she was 'touched' and not in full faculties of a normative mind.
String them up. Fuck a tax-payer trial.
Anon., @ 5:42:
No moniker huh? I guess a little to hot to have a moniker a Mr. couragous, huh? Thanks.
Vox Day also posted on this. The comments are interesting, complete with SBPDL-style troll calling itself ''A. Man'' (LOL). When the regulars started to tell off this particular poo-flinger it chimped out. A sample:
A. Man April 10, 2013 8:42 PM
"I'd pay to see Freakness blather his blatant, ignorant, offensive racial slurs to a redneck's face. That would be highly amusing indeed. Hell, Cousin, who isn't even a redneck would happily pound the crap out of the mouthy maggot. And I have heard of his exploits in putting niggers in their place.
No, Freakness, you would not want to mess with my cousin. Niggers learn the hard way that some whites are not in the least intimidated by their rabid savagery."
No one has a problem with this? Ok...I didn't think so. What about the cousin-lovin' bitch's insistence that southerners will automatically and hysterically break out into violence? Vox...Any problem with that?
OK...Didn't think so.
Anonagain....Your cousin-lovin, pasty, short dicked cousins probably would turn in fear of me, wet their skirts and run faster than they did the last time they encountered a real girl. That is, if they are anything like you: an ignorant coward.
Much lulz to be had.
Hmmm. I see a reference to a H.L. Mencken quote. You'd have to be a moron to miss it. ;)
The victim brought this on herself, so we should not feel one bit of sadness for her passing.
We could put the blame on educators and TV as if she had been taught that miscegenation had serious risks, she might still be alive. But she wasn't, as were few people in this country in the last 40 years.
The best thing that could happen to these three in my opinion:
Do it publicly in front of where they formerly resided. Call out there neighbors and fellow "club" members. Then jam a fucking grenade in a nigger's mouth and pull the pin out. Let them watch his head explode all over the place, maybe that would be some deterrent to crime in this country. Or we could just bring back public hangings.
Where are you kindly, educated, (axecuseme 'edumicated') black folk denouncing the REAL racist attack on this mentally incapacitated white woman?
Where is the outrage?
Oh.. Black on white crime...nothing to see here.
You know what would make you black crimin' assholes be all 'legit' and 'sheeit'?
GO TO A FUCKING WHITE WOMAN'S funeral, you hypocritical SCUMbags.
How man whites attend your retarded 'my boy ain't bad' shit when you know your son was a full-on gang-banger but you're already so immersed in the sickness of your foul, evil, primordial fuckery that you will defend a baby raper rather than admit your race is truly fucked up.
White girls, stop thinking black men hold you on high. They don't. In their tribal mentality, they think of you as a 'win' against whitey and they think by sticking their purple nurples in your sweet pink is a revenge.
Got that, white ladies? Black men feel they are using you as an echelon ladder.
White women, you are putting yourself on the lowest rung on the totem pole by betraying your race with black men. Same goes for men who think they are 'down with the cause' by making it with black women.
As far as differentiating peoples of Caucasoid cranial structure/DNA and the in-fighting and tribalism therein... I find this disturbing but just as 'mulatto' children are often rejected by both sides, it's rife with in-fighting.
I think the thing with gypsies was basically, they refused to assimilate with the Europeans and that caused rife because they wanted to keep to themselves and have their own weird structural orders that didn't make sense and they WERE filthy in the sense that they put their garbage and shit EVERYWHERE but in their own homes.
Sorry, I have no empathy whatsover for the 'gyps' and I feel sad for the people who have to endure their disgusting habits to this day
Heartless? I think not. These people THRIVE in slums and not working to better themselves.
I call bullshit on pity for that type of person pumping out child after child and not even caring for them before the next one comes along.
Anonymous said...
I'm guessing she was "slow" and/or mentally ill. It's terrible that the most vulnerable among us are left to find their way among blacks! She should have had a non-retarded legal guardian who prevented her from "dating" blacks if she was mentally incompetent.
Of course she should have, but the social workers and psychologists have convinced all the Corkys (Life Goes On) of the world that they can live independently like "regular" people.
rjp said...
The victim brought this on herself, so we should not feel one bit of sadness for her passing.
Really? So, she decided to befriend the wrong type of folks who preyed upon a mentally retarded woman and it's all her fault that she wasn't all vigilant and shit about niggers bein' niggers and maybe her family brought her up to be a color-blind person which ended up being her ultimate peril?
You, sir, have no heart (or brain).
From VoxDay:
Cryan Ryan April 10, 2013 3:55 PM
Twas an ugly white gal with a stammer,
She found a dim black dude who would ram her,
What makes the story funny,
Is - he stole all her money,
Then beat out her brains with a hammer.
Welcome to miscege"nation".
Maybe the bigger picture in all of this is how we have learned so much hate in our hearts that even the death of a white, retarded girl at the hands of a black is somehow fodder for black humor and cruel jokes which really brings us all down in a spiral of anguish that removes us from not only our 'white decency' but our very 'humanity'.
I would encourage all of us here to call out people who would drag us down to their muck and mire to simply make us look as evil and bad as them.
That is unacceptable.
Honor is ours. I am done with shame.
scaring friends and influencing enemies is a really bad stratagem.
Sir, I implore you to improve your tactics.
As it stands, you are no prideful addition to our race or our cause.
Two items I'd like to comment on, since people here will understand both.
- I've made the point before, there is no deterrent for these negro criminals. None. Prison is not a deterrent. It may have worked to some extent for white people, it does not deter negro crime. Look at these mugshots or any other, there's no fear. Screw remorse, there's no fear. Prison is a f**king dream for them really. They don't need to work, they are fed, their clothes are cleaned, they have heat and air conditioning, they watch TV, they have a home. There is no deterrent there, none. Prison for negroes needs to change, they need to work, break rocks and if they're not fast enough at it, they should be beaten until blood flows from their ears.
- Do any of you know about this case of the negro "doctor" Kermit Gosnell, and his abortion clinic? Read the details of this negro's operation. Read it. 13% of the population is responsible for untold horrors in every aspect of our society.
rjp notes:
The victim brought this on herself, so we should not feel one bit of sadness for her passing.
Yes, that's what I was first thinking also. However, it's looking like she may have been retarded - which throws the event into another, more tragic, category.
Lorraine asks:
When are the tron bots in white Amurkistan going to wake up?
I have no idea - maybe never. Have they awakened in South Africa? Not enough to matter, apparently. It's as if whites have been bewitched, or someone has poisoned them.
The American Indian writer David Yaegley noticed this issue with white females a dozen years ago while teaching at a small state college in Oklahoma. It's only gotten worse since that time. There's definitely been a massive psyops campaign going on for decades now. I just really cannot say when white people awaken or if they will ever awaken. The ones who are behind this are not black, this much I know for sure.
In france we call these women PAN 5Putes à negres) so whores for Blacks in USA...Se deserves what she has beacuse it's the king of girl that sureley ahtes whites people too. In france those white girls are often in rebelllion with the family system or society system...They fuck with neggers or arabicans by provocation when they are young, they make children and at 30 years old they cry because the man hits them or put them into islam condition, slaverism! It's sad but it makes me stronger to educate my little daughter to the danger of africa.It is my nightmare that one day she brings at home a kind of monkey.
Ex New Yorker here.....All those years living with this kind of garbage in New York still has an effect on me. The nightmares finally stopped about 15 to 20 years ago. The memories of all the violence I went through will stay with me forever. Years of beating on niggers, junkies and drunk white guys. Even in my old age I still lay in bed at night with all that shit going through my head. I can tell horror stories about what I've seen and done, but nobody would believe it.
When the movie screen in my head goes off at night sometimes the fear sets in. While I was in the fight I was fearless, but remembering it will trigger feelings of fear. I find that kind of strange. I did not live in fear like most people in New York. I also knew when to run when the odds were against me. One time a six foot two black buck chased me and my friend down the middle of Avenue A slashing at us with a bowie knife. When we got away we started laughing. I had nothing but one close call after another.
Another thing I sometimes find strange is not thinking about the people I fucked up, but the ones I spared, especially the niggers. I was almost knifed on the stairs of the building I lived in. When the nigger reached inside his coat pocket for the knife I grabbed his hand and he ended up bent over the banister railing. I didn't dump him and to this day I still regret not doing so. Fucking weird shit.
When the COPS television show first came on I used to sit and yell at the TV screen "Kill the motherfuckers." That was back in the days when I was still having nightmares. It sure is nice living with the Rednecks and Cowboys. FREE AT LAST. LORD ALL MIGHTY, FREE AT LAST. Avoid the groid. Get as far away from them as you can. The sooner the better.
The best thing that could happen to these three in my opinion:
head explodes
Do it publicly in front of where they formerly resided. Call out there neighbors and fellow "club" members. Then jam a fucking grenade in a nigger's mouth and pull the pin out. Let them watch his head explode all over the place, maybe that would be some deterrent to crime in this country. Or we could just bring back public hangings.
I think what the folks did back in the 19th century with these types was probably the most effective way. The worst offenders were often not actually hanged, but burned at the stake. That's not nearly as fast as a grenade in the mouth, and a lot more painful.
"In 2011, he [Gosnell] was reported to be well known for providing abortions to poor minority and immigrant women."
Sounds like a public service to me.
Do any of you know about this case of the negro "doctor" Kermit Gosnell, and his abortion clinic? Read the details of this negro's operation. Read it. 13% of the population is responsible for untold horrors in every aspect of our society.
I read the story and I'm a big fan because according to government stats the vast majority of the babies he killed were black.
Yes that feeling is a direct result of MAJOR ASS NEGRO FATIGUE, it's so bad now I'm cheering on the disgusting act of abortion.
The sad truth is the liberals/blacks think they're putting something over on the taxpayers who are funding/subsidizing the majority of U.S. abortions, in reality the dumb asses are slowly aborting themselves out of exsistence, great news for my kids and grandchildren. I can't imagine were this country would would be with the millions of blacks that have been aborted over the last 30 or so years, I shudder to even imagine.
Has there ever been a case of groid females seeking out a Klansman to have a roll in the hay with?
HAHAHA that would have been Strom Thurmond, senator from South Carolina and his black mistress from whom he has a "love child" He acknowledged here just before his death at 101 years old.
I've made the point before, there is no deterrent for these negro criminals. None.
Read Radish Vol. 2 Issue 1. Deterrence depends on what you're willing to put into it.
Anonymous at 8:28 PM said...
As it stands, you are no prideful addition to our race or our cause.
Please don't bother me with your babble.
If 13% of your body was ate up with cancer, would you survive?
Neither will this nation.
He hates whiye people? Hmmm wonder who taught him that? Mama or Granama or Auntee
Anon @ 8:09 said:
Honor is ours. I am done with shame.
That should be a mantra. Please get a handle so you can own it.
Anonymous said...
Williams said he hates white people.
This is a hate crime.
April 12, 2013 at 5:20 PM
Couldn't be. He's no racist. Why, he even had a White girl friend.
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond her control, she can't be present in court to testify to that.
Jay Santos said...
13% of the population is responsible for untold horrors in every aspect of our society.
This is why I'm ambivalent on the subject of abortion. I agree that it's an abomination. Yet, at the same time, the people practising it are not my people. If they want to kill their own children, it saves my children having to do it later. And I expect it will come to that.
"just another disposable white person"
This phrase reminds me of Autumn Pasquale who was dumped in a trash bin after being murdered by two black boys.
I agree with you especially regarding the bashing of Judo_Christian faiths..which sadly I have read in the comments on this site lately. I teach at a Catholic school on the north side of Chicago. Students learn respect, values and disipline at a Catholic school. The children receive a good foundation. The Catholic faith has helped to build universities and hospitals. It employs a great deal of people, yet all one hears is negative attacks.
Excellent..that should be a slogan on eveything
I cannot, for the life of me, grasp what all the fascination is, with the black, negro culture. They are uncompromising fanatic's. Using biased or one-sided information, the negro believes it is blatant disrespect to question his demands. I'm disturbed at the amount of multicultural sensitivity thats forced on me everywhere I go, every day of the week. (They choose their own course through life, which we all know is patently absurd, then throw the rest to the wind without even a second thought.) Psychopathic, thought disorder, delusional schizophrenia? all normal! Pleasure from immoral and promiscuous life patterns? all normal too! I'm constantly told, I must learn to celebrate diversity, not because it is the politically correct thing to do, but because it's the right thing to do. Be content, sit back and let the negro create a world without history, without philosophy, without science, without reason. A world without beauty of any kind. without art, without literature. Let the negro replace all that with random senseless acts of violence, hate, drugs, then pile on a few tons nore of meaningless b.s......... and celebrate it!..........or be replaced.
In Indianapolis high school teacher assaulted by 9th grade student.
NOTE: This school is in a predominately black area.
Wrong. We are fighting savages and can't afford to fight like gentlemen.
The only solution is to have nothing to do with blacks at all and to teach your children to be the same. Move away from the groids, have nothing to do with them in public, at stores/restaurants or on the job. If they come into your neighborhood for any reason, shun them while keeping them under close watch. Give them no feeling of comfort or of being accepted. Allow them no avenue of entry into your life or the lives of your family.
As they say, prevention is better than cure.
As for the poor retarded woman in this story, all I can say is where the hell were the parents and relatives? Who in their right mind would allow a vulnerable individual to associate with feral groids (much less date one) without intervention?
A massive fail on every level.
Slight oversight. Given the apparent level of retardation, combined with the victims... Well lets be frank here, large breasts made her an easy target. If you throw in a large butt, you have an irresistable victim to the savage negroid.
If you are at all adept at people watching, you will find shortly before and after Easter it is mating season. To the savage this is even worse, and then combine that with white women dressing up in the spirit of Easter, this is what you get. She was known to have no boundaries and spout of personal information on public transit. She was probably at average black IQ level.
So we have an easy target in more than one way. Not only for animals but as you say Ministry of Truth (TM) agitprop. People like this are sponges, they soak in whatever they are told or see on the electronic cave wall, and people functional yet only slightly smarter than her do vote and get by.
These situations must be examined from all race realist angles, to be fully understood.
P.S Yourself, Ex New Yorker and Pissed off doc are wonderful posters. Hat tip to you all, my favorites.
Baltimore Watcher
If White people had their own country, this wouldn't be happening.
Honor amongst trusted whites, no mercy for savages. Balance, it works.
Baltimore Watcher
Dare I say..... "Real talk"? This is absolutely the same shit that happens now. Nothing has change it is just us younger whites dealing with and having wealth confiscated for this shit now.
I will say southern negros seem to be easier to deal with and perhaps due to conceal carry laws down there. Recently I was visiting black Mecca Down and walked through MLk neighborhood and even ate at a soul food joint run by two older black folk. The black ghettos there are NOTHING compared to NYC, Baltimore, Chicago.
I walked around and nobody fucked with me or batted an eye. Period. This would NOT happen in the north.
There's even better living in already fucked cities down south I have experienced and seen it with my own eyes. A liberal couple bought a house in that trashy neighborhood and have had no problems for 2 years. Period. Everyone fears the crazy white guy that wears rock and metal t shirts. Period.
I have never felt safer in a black majority area, sad as that sounds its honest truth. Obviously it's still a crime ridden dysfunctional area but its much much lesser an evil than even Kansas City. Food for thought.
Baltimore Watcher
I wish some of you smart young computer geeks could find out how much crime would go down if we had NO Africans in America.
How much fewer police, court hearings, jail cells, etc.
I am guessing we could get rid of 80% of that if we just had no Sambos
It requires you to shun them.
It's the same thing that liberals do to liberals who suddenly wake up.
It's not a pleasant thing either.
So true. I had one groid friend with whom I cut ties.
Really we must cut ties with present day Amurkistan as its whole template is based on integration, to which I will resist fervently. At the core of each groid is a caustic hate and bitterness of whites and really the world because they are indeed a curse. A horde of parasites.
I tried to post earlier that the desegregation of schools was not about education, but giving groids access to procreate with and usurp white DNA.
Where is the outrage in the black community ?
White Mom in WDC
Anonymous here.
From the Pensacola newspaper:
Melinda moved to the area from Tennessee about seven years ago, according to her mother, Sally McCormick. “She had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,” Sally, 51, said. “She could breathe better down there, and she just decided she wanted to live ...
Groids evolved in the jungle to take the low hanging fruit. This woman with problems breathing is on Social Security, and she is beaten, then burned alive by three groids for her gubmint check card.
White Mom in DC.
A White person can never be friends with an African. Ever. It is like trying to befriend an Aids infected monkey.
They will bite. It is only a matter of time. They wait for an opportunity, just like the 3 "Sons of Obama" that killed the White race-traitor woman.
This is why I have given up any attempt to talk, deal or endure them. Those days are over for me. I don't want no stinkin' dialogue on race. None. You can't have a dialogue with a race 15 IQ points dumber than you. It is like trying to talk to my dog, except my dog can feed itself.
Anonymous at 3:51 AM said...
I teach at a Catholic school on the north side of Chicago. Students learn respect, values and disipline at a Catholic school. The children receive a good foundation. The Catholic faith has helped to build universities and hospitals. It employs a great deal of people, yet all one hears is negative attacks.
Maybe you teach at a nice place like Loyola Academy, but for most of Chicago, the Catholic schools have been destroyed.
Do you know what a Perkins School is? It means "Perkins and Stanford Loan Forgiveness Program".
Look at lines 208 thru 346 in the linked spreadsheet. Then look at the column "P-Lowin %".
Who is paying for all these low income families' students parochial educations?
Anonymous at 5:59 AM said...
"I think like he wanted to be in jail when they pulled him off me," Heator said. "He was pretty calm. He knew what was going on. When the officers came, he said, 'Put me in cuffs, take me to jail, I know what will happen.'"
Heator said he teaches because he's hoping to make a difference for students like the one who attacked him and broke his jaw today. ....
Heator will have to have his broken jaw wired shut.
Failing every class? Take me to jail? Kids can't go to jail, is he talking about an 18 year old 9th grader?
John Marshall Community High School
Black 82%
Hispanic 10%
White 6%
Great Schools Rating 1 out of 10
AnalogMan said...
Anon @ 8:09 said:
Honor is ours. I am done with shame.
That should be a mantra. Please get a handle so you can own it.
I hate creating monikers with a passion of a thousand suns.
Would me ending my posts with:
Northwest YT <--suffice?
"If I am killing a rat with a stick and have him in a corner, I am not
indignant if he tries to bite me and squeals and gibbers with rage.
My job is, not to get angry, but to keep cool, to attend to my
footwork and to keep on hitting him where it will do the most good."
A. S. Leese, 1937,
I wish some of you smart young computer geeks could find out how much crime would go down if we had NO Africans in America.
We would have to account for 'Messicans' too though which would skew the data results.
If you want to know what a world without groids would be like, you'd probably have to research Finland. Beautiful people and ridiculously intelligent.
So true. In the end, ALL blacks wish destruction upon whites. Other races do too
Screw diversity.
White Mom in WDC
Speaking of blacks who set people on fire, this morning on the national news I saw a story of a man who drove to a convenience store in Los Angeles, had the nerve to turn down a black homeless beggar and was set ablaze while sitting in his suv. A white man saw the whole thing, cornered and held the thug for the police. The news reader helpfully added that it was a random attack.
"The Catholic faith has helped to build universities and hospitals."
I don't appreciate their immigration policies nor their calls for more welfare.
The sad truth is the liberals/blacks think they're putting something over on the taxpayers who are funding/subsidizing the majority of U.S. abortions, in reality the dumb asses are slowly aborting themselves out of exsistence, great news for my kids and grandchildren. I can't imagine were this country would would be with the millions of blacks that have been aborted over the last 30 or so years, I shudder to even imagine.
It's a good point, but keep the other part of the equation in mind. There's been no net loss of groids because the birth rate was so high to begin with and the regime and its minions are busy importing others in - often to places where there were zero groids before.
Yes, there is a genocidal war going on, but the biggest problem we face is that more than half the whites in the country deny its very existence - choosing instead to believe the lies they are fed every day from the Ministry of Truth.
To all of the posters who are complaining about the "attitude" toward women here: Whether you like it or not, the attitude has merit. As one poster stated, there has been a massive psyops campaign in the country for years, it has targeted women heavily, and it has been successful.
I think that I may be responsible for this post, I sent Paul a link to the Pensacola News Journal story, and I can tell you personally about the success of the psyops campaign.
My wife worked as a teacher's aide at Oakcrest Elementary school, a predominately black school, and she believes that this piece of dung may have been one of her students.
Most of the black kids that she taught came from criminal, drug addled households, most are in jail or have been in jail, at least one of them for murder (not this one, yet another murder). She has been in these people's houses and seen first hand what they are like.
Yet, she refuses to believe that they are a violent, dangerous subspecies. Like so many women, she believes that it the result of their lack of opportunity (in spite of all of the AA and EEO of which I remind her), their low self esteem, etc., etc.
I dated another girl in high school who grew up on the same street as my wife, and she had the same outlook on blacks. Oh, those poor, mistreated people, she would say.
They must have had the same indoctrination. Oddly enough, they both went to Oakcrest Elementary, where one of these pieces of dung may have been a student. The indoctrination appears to have been effective and it seems to still be going on.
Women are the soul and conscience of a people and a nation. The white women of this nation have been programmed and polluted with liberal filth. Our nation, and its white people and their culture, are doomed.
Trial junkie here. There haven't been any news stories on this crime for a few days.
HAHAHA that would have been Strom Thurmond, senator from South Carolina and his black mistress from whom he has a "love child" He acknowledged here just before his death at 101 years old.
Thurmond came from a wealthy family. As I recall, the groid female he knocked up (back in the 1920s) was a maid in the family household - I think ol'Strom was around 17-18 at the time, maybe early 20s. At any rate, it was certainly not a case of groid female throwing herself at a white male. It was really a case of the old plantation culture where the boys of elite white families fooled with the help. To his credit, Thurmond supported the woman and her daughter and even left something in his will.
"Women are the soul and conscience of a people and a nation. The white women of this nation have been programmed and polluted with liberal filth. Our nation, and its white people and their culture, are doomed."
That's ridiculous. How can you say in the same breath that white people are a grand folk and in the other exhale denigrate them to doom? And, MEN are just as much the soul and conscience of our people and the fathers of the future. To say we men are not as important culturally/intellectually,spiritually/emotionally as our women are, is patently false. We men COUNT...a LOT. Without us, there is no 'we'.
As far as the 'blame game' goes...
Did 'wymmen' create Marx? Hitler? Himmler et al?
Where is your head, sir? Take it out of the proximity of your taint and stop being a jack-wagon.
If this is war, our war isn't against our own beautiful, strong, intelligent women.
Veering a topic off of a groid torturing, mutilating and burning alive to death to some sort of "White women are all left wing whores bringing our nation down" is not only idiotic, NOT relevant, but, a total and complete turn-off to people who KNOW BETTER.
Now, my apologies to Paul for carrying on this pointless banter.
-=Northwest YT=-
Ex New Yorker here.....About blacks and abortion. The number I read about last Summer was 47 million abortions for black women.
For Baltimore watcher. Thank you for your kind words. I also enjoy your post.
The kind of post I like the most are when people tell about their personal experiences with blacks. These types of post are very eye opening about what life is like living around these animals.
Speaking of women and the collapse of civilizations, don't forget:
The woman who cut Sampson's hair
The woman who wanted John the Babptist beheaded.
The woman that let the Israelites into a city by opening the gates.
The woman who warned John Smith at Jamestown that her tribe was going to attack.
The woman who guided Lewis and Clark across the land of her people.
The woman who mated with the Nigerian that produced Obama.
Women "fall in love" and destroy their families, their children, their culture, their nation and their race....for some animal rutting instinct called "love".
Even my wife is one of these brain dead N lovers. She was born and raised in an upsate NY town. She admitted she had never seen a real black person till she was 17. She thinks they are just tanned people and she used to watch that cow Oprah all the time. Makes me sick but I have learned to say nothing.
I don't point out to her that she RUNS from our town's old Mall to her car. There are about 25% Obamas there and she RUNS to her car. I don't say a word.
We also have one of the MLK, Jr. boulevards and she will never drive down it. I don't say a word.
The hypocrisy of the White race traitors. They speak one way (love of Mankind) but run for fear from their instinctive awareness of the threat non-Whites pose. Fakes.
I have actually watched her lock the car at a traffic light when a Buck saunters across the street. Sick.
P.S. This wasn't just about a black man or men...a black woman was involved too.
I wouldn't doubt if they had ALL sexually violated her before they pummeled her with multiple objects and then burned her alive.
This was a hate/race crime straight up.
A world without women would end the notion of romance.
A world without men would be a world where romance would have no roof.
I gotta million of 'em, I tell ya...
-=Northwest YT=-
So typical. Guys with money or born into are dogs. He 'practiced' with this maid and then found himself an honorable white women to marry and with whom to mate.
Not only do I get negroe fatigue being in Amurkistan, I get tired of class warfare and the way people are treated like meat.
A big part in this woman's death was the fact that she was poor. She was dumb and poor. I hate to use the term white trash, but that may be how people looked at her. The poor whites, much like the middle class, are looked down upon in this country.
I feel bad for her. She wasn't that pretty, she wasn't that bright, and she was alone on SSI for her health problems. At age 33, she was getting attention from a young guy, albeit a groid, and that was the bait. I blame her in no way for her death. The groids chose an easy target. They are animals.
No one will remember her because no one cares. She is not the right demographic not the right socioeconomic status.
I worked in urban schools and I honestly say I never felt sorry for the turds. They have every opportunity and blow it at every turn. I would feel sorry for this girl. She was damned.
White Mom in WDC
The melting pot is a cannibal pot.
The hypocrisy makes me sick as well. Whites would get more respect if we just expressed our true feelings.
ONE time in my life I was in jail, the DC jail. Talk about animals. Was there three days.
Anyway, an inmate asked me if I ever dated black guys. In answered no. She said 'what you don't want one'. I just answered flatly that I was not sexually attracted to them. No more discussion was had.
White Mom in WDC
I agee with you and you are rite on. White women are indoctrinated in this liberal culture to not believe in the dangers that blacks present no matter what crime stats reveal. Perhaps in part it may be a nurturing quality, to want to believe in the good. White women can no longer afford to be naive about exposure to blacks. I am a former fem/liberal. It took home invasions, muggings, working in the inner city of Chicago to at last raise the white flag of surrender to become a racial realist.
"The victim brought this on herself, so we should not feel one bit of sadness for her passing."
Oh yea? Well, she is still a child of God, you evil freak.
I have found from personal experience that like the white homosexual men on the DL who openly protest too much about fags, the white nationalist racist types protest way too much about black men and mudsharks. They forget that the white race has bigger problems, and the white man dropped the ball on EVERYONE.
On the wives, daughters, Western Civilization, white culture, and God himself. YOU let this happen white man, and you'd better start welcoming your wayward sons and daughters back into the fold before the powers that be exterminate us all.
Most of these pitiful white rednecks hide on the internet, trash talk, and spew hatred for all non-whites, niggers, and coalburners....and at the same time, flirt with black women in public, watch salt and pepper porn, daydream about Halle Berry, and solicit black prostitutes in their company utility trucks while at work. The guilt tears them apart inside, and they get angrier and angrier by the minute. I have seen a few of these guys up close and personal, and I would not call them superior to anyone.
I would bet a dollar that most are all low SMV, pot-bellied pigs who simply can't get laid by a quality white woman.
Same reason why baggy, fat, ugly white women become feminists. No one wants them, so they blame the boogeyman for all their troubles and spew hatred.
No human who believes in God likes to see other humans murdered, sliced open, burned alive, aborted, or tortured, no matter what race they are.
What was the definition of sub-human again? Like the pot calling the kettle black.
Anonymous 10:13 AM said:
"The Catholic faith has helped to build universities and hospitals."
I don't appreciate their immigration policies nor their calls for more welfare.
Don't confuse the activism of liberals (even priests, bishops or cardinals) under the banner of Catholicism as actual Catholic positions/teaching.
I note that some liberal bishops are also agitating for the current efforts at increased gun control in the U.S. It is not a "catholic" position, it is a reflection of the personal views of the liberal concerned. Like most liberals, they try to compensate for the dubiousness or outright idiocy of their positions by giving their opinions an air of legitimacy that those views simply do not enjoy.
Recall that Rome gave support to the American Confederacy.
"Women are the soul and conscience of a people and nation" the saying educate a man is to educate an educate a woman is to educate a family. My parents were kind & gentle Christian folk, with not an ill feeling toward a soul. I attended a Catholic school. In no way shape or form was I prepared to experience the events that would later unfold. I had to keep on moving out of neighborhoods because of black crime. I have been a victim all too often. To this I have nightmares and jump when I hear some one at the door. I am a petite blonde, Norwegian backgrround..I attracted the groid. Please sit down with your children and give them the facts. You don't want to raise negative haters (isn't that what blacks do well at), but you need them to be aware. The truth can be a life saver.
Consider for a moment that there are commenters on here paid to say that whites bring on the evil of black violence. Blaming the victim is another way to bash whites.
Yet another way.
Anonymous here ...
What was the definition of sub-human again? Like the pot calling the kettle black.
I think the issue is the overwhelming imbalance in crimes committed by the groid upon any weaker individual that get's completely overlooked by MSM.
Reverse the races of the perps and the victim, and you would have had a national uproar. Instead, we have business as usual.
Ramzpaul - Our precious bodily fluids.
"and the white man dropped the ball on EVERYONE."
"YOU let this happen white man, and you'd better start welcoming your wayward sons and daughters back into the fold before the powers that be exterminate us all."
If you're going to make such a bold assertion, then some damned clarification is order here. Care to tell the "white man" just how he "dropped the ball"?
While I don't necessarily disagree with that premise, it may be for totally different reasons.
I'll even go so far as to say that I can somewhat agree with you about some very pathetic hypocrites, ranting and raving on some sites, but most of the white folk here have well reasoned and well articulated arguments.
What would you say of Paul Kersey himself? Are his arguments not solid and factual?
Sure, there's much fodder for the imbecilic types on the net. I do agree that no one deserves the kind of treatment that that woman received at the hands of her savage tormentors.
Well, perhaps, the racial terrorists themselves do deserve such a treatment?
I hear ya!
Honestly, I have heard guys say how they'd like to nail a black chick before they get married. Gross.
In porn, white guys doing black women. Gross.
Having worked around the groids in schools, I don't get how any person could go there. Blacks generally smell bad and live in unclean conditions. The women are fake from head to toe.
I could get more graphic here, but I want to show some respect on this board.
Look, once you go black, this white girl won't take you back. Tapping purple poon is just gross.
White Mom in WDC
CENTURION raises an interesting point:
Women "fall in love" and destroy their families, their children, their culture, their nation and their race....for some animal rutting instinct called "love".
The whole notion of marrying for "romantic love" is relatively recent. Even today in some older Christian countries like Greece, arranged marriages are still found. (I personally knew such a couple who had emigrated to the USA after WW II). Even as late as the 19th century in the US, the notion of a woman running off and marrying anyone of her choosing for purely emotional reasons was considered scandalous - though it naturally happened, especially with the upper class whose money enabled insane behavior with only limited negative consequences.
The Hollywood of the 1920s-1950s Whiskey so loves to praise did much to promote the notion of "love" (actually infatuation) as this irresistable force of nature which trumped all other considerations. What they were really promoting was selfishness. The same is true of the popular culture as a whole: music, magazines, etc. - which was already largely owned by the usual suspects a century ago. Interestingly, their takeover of the means of cultural production also saw a sudden increase in the promotion of groids through the genres of ragtime and jazz - to the point that the negrefication of the culture was in full swing by the 1930s. White jazz musicians who weren't TWMNBN were largely locked out of the rigged market.
The jazz age also saw the birth of the whole notion of it being trendy and fashionable for the young people to 'rebel against their parents'. That notion continues to this day, but has become supremely ironic as such youthful rebellion is 'cool' only if it's a white kid (usually female) defying conservative (especially religious) parents - especially by embracing the multikult and "mixing it up" with groids. One never sees the machine promoting a rebellion in the opposite direction. This crap has been going on a long time. This is essentially a sustained campaign of genocide. The unleashing of criminal murderous groids - backed up by the entire Ministry of Truth and the entire legal infrastructure - is another, more recent manifestation of the same campaign.
Black beggar sets elderly white man on fire for not giving him a handout.§ion=news/local/los_angeles
This is sadly the byproduct of miscegenation. People can be with whomever they want, it's not my place to tell them otherwise-but this is what happens.
Men, teach your daughters. It's the best way.
For an aside, a video from the Heartland..White bus driver has enough of a negro and then proceeds to let him know-sadly the bus driver lost his job. People are tired of the grievance industry and are starting-even in small ways-to push back against it. It's nice to see.
White Mom said :
"I feel bad for her. She wasn't that pretty, she wasn't that bright, and she was alone on SSI for her health problems. At age 33, she was getting attention from a young guy, albeit a groid, and that was the bait. I blame her in no way for her death. The groids chose an easy target. They are animals.
No one will remember her because no one cares. She is not the right demographic not the right socioeconomic status."
I agree with you 100%. That's all White people are in this country anymore, AMERICAN MEAT. Disposable, consumable, American Meat.
" Anonymous said...
This is sadly the byproduct of miscegenation. People can be with whomever they want, it's not my place to tell them otherwise-but this is what happens.
Men, teach your daughters. It's the best way.
For an aside, a video from the Heartland..White bus driver has enough of a negro and then proceeds to let him know-sadly the bus driver lost his job. People are tired of the grievance industry and are starting-even in small ways-to push back against it. It's nice to see."
This is just another example of the "interview" criminals use it to size up their victims. The bus driver knew this and acted accordingly he deserves a medal.
To white mom in dc - of all these comments and stories your's is all the time my top favorite ones. You have lot of strong anger and hatred and also kindness. I like this in a woman. I am a ranch owner in Wyoming, 1500 head of cattle. I wish you could come and visit with me to get out of that turd place in dc. I don't care if you been in prison. You seem sweet and tender, a good woman and am sure you where innocent of that crime. I am a single man and I have a lot of anger also. I think we can be a team. But I have to telll it that I am part Indian, from Shoshone tribe. My grandmother was Shoshone. Will this person who runs the blog help to introduce us?
Dan said...
The melting pot is a cannibal pot.
April 13, 2013 at 1:14 PM
What a horrible way to die. And sadly this woman's death will be relegated to the round file in a few months.
She's not a bad looking young woman. She may have been a little chubby, but who cares? Well here's the thing boys and girls, she was not good enough for her white brothers to date.
I personally know some white men who don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, who would have never ever dated that woman. She's too chubby for them. These delusional jackasses are still waiting for some supermodel to knock on their door. So if she was a little slow like the Forest Gump character, she took the path of least resistance. And these groids took FULL advantage of her loneliness.
And mother of God, that negress in the middle really looks like something out of the NY zoo. Hideous creature. Good God!
I avoid blacks like the plague. I don't make eye contact (as that alone will cause all kinds of problem, as you might be disrespecting them) and refuse to have anything to do with them.
I don't care how innocent blacks seem, all of them hate whitey. Even the edumacated blacks hate whitey and IMO get a perverse thrill of one of their lower IQ brethren sticking it to da white wimmenz.
The elites at the top of all races despise working class whites. These same elites will give a promotion or a job to some low IQ orc or black person but wouldn't cross the street to feed a homeless white man or woman. Their hypocrisy makes me sick. I've ixnayed family members and friends from my life who get on the I hate poor whites bandwagon.
Any white person who earns let's say under 40K a year, a retail worker, a fast food worker or any decent working class whites has ZERO protection in our nation right now.
I've seen it time and time again the beaten down, middle aged white man and woman. The security guard, the Wal-Mart worker, the CNA at the nursing home, the person who bags your groceries is held with contempt and disdain by the DWL's and their minions.
These are the exact whites I am kind to. And I mean I go out of my way to be kind to those people. They've been so beaten down by society, they're like a whipped puppy who is scared to get close to you.
Because I'm kind to these folks, I get first class treatment when they're on duty. I get the alabaster treatment from these folks. I make friends with them. We whites on this board need to make friend with this section of our society. They are the forgotten ones.
In speaking with several neighbors, I can happily say that most are race realists and well aware of the propensity for the negro to involve himself in the most heinous of crimes as well as general destructiveness. However, there's one neighbor who brags of daughters who are "missionaries" in Haiti who've (between the two) adopted several niglets. May they forever remain in Haiti wasting their lives on a lost cause rather than return to America with said niglets in tow. Who needs more of them winding up on welfare and breeding like rats?
These DWL neighbors spoke of the adoption of niglets as if some wondrous and amazing feat had been accomplished and some great treasure secured. In listening to their rapturous bleatings, I realized that nothing would ever wake them up to reality- not even the murder of their daughters if such an event should occur.
Just Another Victim In A Nameless War is a good title for this article but it's also good to realize that DWL's are like retarded fifth column troops in that war who aid and abet the enemy at every turn. Most of them are oblivious yet well meaning idiots. They support diversity, section 8 and worship negro ass with a religious fervor that is appalling. I would call these types race traitors but since they're so retarded, oblivious to reality and drift through life lost in a fog of cluelessness, I would be hard pressed to ascribe any willful, knowing and malicious intent on their part. I see them more like retarded children who decide to set the house on fire because they saw a few cockroaches running about and thought setting the house on fire would be a good way to get rid of them. That's the level they exist at and the mentality behind their actions.
In a way, I pity them for their stupidity yet despise them for the destructiveness they engage in. If the daughters of the neighbor I mentioned were murdered, I could sympathize with their pain and suffering and sense of loss but, at the same time, could only feel that they brought it on themselves for raising their daughters to be idiots like themselves.
It's DWL's like this that assist, aid and abet the negro and spread the black plague everywhere and bring pain and suffering upon innocent others.
In any future worth having, DWL's need to be declared mentally incompetent and denied the ability to carry out their demented programs. As I've said a thousand times, DWL's are the ones who start the rot. Negroes are dangerous and destructive but DWL's are equally dangerous and destructive.
The nightmare continues.........
Right on. I've said before that classism between whites is an issue that must be addressed. If whites keep dividing themselves, then it will lead to our ultimate destruction.
I see what you are talking about in DC. The rich white people look down on me because I do not make six figures, whatever. The sad part is these same morons are in debt to their gills putting on the dog so to speak. They must drive the right car, have the right baby carriage, etc. it is ridiculous. These bit$@che& will not clean their own homes or let alone take care of their own kids. Latino women will see me at the park and ask if have cleaning ladies, etc. I tell them I clean my own place and they are stunned.
In Amurkistan, rich = good people and poor=bad people. Such a stupid, nonsensical equation.
A number of white men have slammed and disrespected white women all over the place in this culture. People on this board bitch and moan 'why are white women not speaking up' or something to that effect. Well we have been conditioned not to.,,, if we speak up, well we are bitches or harpies, whatever. That same conditioning leads us to be victims of black brutality.
I had to de condition myself in order to survive. I was taught to be polite, etc., but that same politeness will get you killed by a groid in Amurkistan. I tell my kids to yell and scream if someone comes after them- make a scene.
The days of gentility and politeness are over. We are in a war, not only against the groids, but against our government. We whites have been objectified, commodified, and devalued and it is up to us to bring our value back.
We do this by self segregation, which involves a stealth economy and a separate white society.
This will happen with whites leaving and the suburbs and be in effect, starting their own city states. You see this in Atlanta. You will see this out West. We have to cut ties with everything.
This involves men looking at women not just as toys, but as meaningful people or partners. The same with women viewing men as people and not just cash registers. We have objectified each other. It is sad.
White Mom in WDC
Annie said it all. "She's too chubby for them. These delusional jackasses are still waiting for some super model to knock on their door". No matter how old or ugly a man is, he still thinks his job is to define & demean women. Men are constantly evaluating what a woman looks like. Even a Quasimodo would have an opinion on the level of a womans attractiveness, If women evaluated a mans looks the way men do a womans would be the end of more babies.
Oh the evil evil white guy keeping the woman down is it?
This reminds me of the scene in Brigid Jones 2 when she is in the Thai jail for trafficking heroin. The Thai women start consoling Brigit because she moans about Drcy being a bad boyfriend. They console her saying" my boyfriend he make me turn tricks, he make me shoot up heroin, he take my money too... Boyfriends are bad Brigit, what your bad boyfriend do?" Brigit realizes that Darcy was just occassionally grumpy and she cringes.
Women in the US are spoiled just like English women. When white men are gone you'll miss us. One thing that women can do is be incredibly racist AND still get away with it. White men cannot. One might call this hiding behind skirts, but as soon as you women got the vote you lot took pity on blacks and took out your resentments on white men. As of we are the rapists, murders and child killer and civilization destroyers.
Happened again:
"Random" attack on a white person. Random, and yet preparations included getting a bottle of lighter fluid and tossing it in the guy's car. "Random", has no explanation, certainly nothing to do with racial hatred or (gasp) a race war.
When I saw the headline I knew the perpetrator had to be black. Setting people on fire is a uniquely black crime. I also knew because no one would publish a description or photo, even after the arrest. Now one news source publishes a photo (still no description) and the story has disappeared from coverage.
I sense an increase in Chronic Negro Fatigue Syndrome.
Northwest YT wrote:
I hate creating monikers with a passion of a thousand suns.
Would me ending my posts with:
Northwest YT <--suffice?
There's a better way:
1. Click "Name/URL" instead of "Anonymous".
2. Enter "Northwest YT" for the name. Leave URL blank.
"- I've made the point before, there is no deterrent for these negro criminals." - Immediate, visible punishment has an effect on those who lack future time orientation. a century later and what do they constantly whine about? 3600 lynchings.
@ Annie Oakley
You, my sister, are a class act and a true white woman.
And you too. Because you understand that it's a white woman's nature (on the whole) to be kind, gentle, and forgiving, unless she's allowed herself to be given over to feminism, or until she's forced to deal with negros (which we weren't forced to do, until we took ourselves from beneath the shelter of white men). White men protected their women all through history, until we took ourselves from under their protection.
The melting pot is a cannibal pot.
Good one!
These faces fill me with dread.
Bhahaha! I love that scene of the movie! It's so true!
I read this site everyday and once in a while I used toget a teeny bit offended with the woman bashing but then I realized I shouldn't be because I'm not the type they're talking about.
They're talking about the same type of women I bitch about and the reason that most of my friends are guys. The women that bitch about how evil men are and then turn around and complain how 'there's no good men!'
I once just straight up said maybe its just because you're incredibly off putting when you tell then how horrible you think they are while using them for free drinks, needless to say we're not friends anymore lol
Stephen said: "Wrong. We are fighting savages and can't afford to fight like gentlemen."
I agree with you 100%.
Regarding shunning them, I don't work with them or live next to them, but I deal with them in traffic all the time. They are always out and about during working hours. They are the worst drivers, especially the female version. I never let them out if they're on a perpendicular road to the road I'm on and traffic's backed up. I never let them pass in front of me, or let them over in any fashion. Hell, I wouldn't know if they wanted over in the first place because the concept of the blinker is unknown to them.
Here in Tuscaloosa, the females all drive big-ass SUVs and BMWs. The men drive Lexuses or some sort of hooptie. They're big on rims here, especially on the SUVs and hoopties. Way to live up to your stereotype, black folks in Tuscaloosa! The more expensive the vehicle, the more dents, smashed out lights, and saran wrap covered windows you see.
Did I mention they are HORRIBLE drivers?
They are also either really indifferent/discourteous to other drivers or really aggressive. One thug in a hoopty was stopped way out in an intersection when I was turning in. He was taking up too much space. I slowed down and gave him my "you're a piece of shit and I want to perform an act of violence on you" look. He gave me the same look. I slowed down to show I wasn't scared and continued to glare. He turned his neck all the way around as I passed as I glared back in the rearview mirror. But he didn't turn his car around. My sister says that I'm going to get myself killed one day. I think you gotta show no fear and plenty of contempt. She thinks it will backfire (ha ha, backfire in crossfire) on me one day.
White Mom in WDC, you summed up perfectly my feelings about Melinda McCormick. She was indeed poor, dumb, and all alone and did not deserve any of this. Your comment is very touching.
When I hear about the death of a white woman who died at the hands of her black whatever, my intial reaction is outrage, but it quickly cools to indifference about five seconds later.
That's not the case here. I am beyond angry and bereft for this girl. She was probably victimized her whole life.
I can't convince ANY of the women in my life (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) to listen to me on race realism and the war or white women. In fact, I get made fun of. If a violent crime happens in a part of town, one friend will say, "I guess you won't be going there anymore either!" This jab started after I pointed out crime rates in certain areas and how one needs to be aware of her surroundings. So instead of, "Wow, you were right! That part of town does tend to be more violent!", I get snide comments designed as "poking fun."
Or, I'll hear the old "there's good and bad black people just like there's good and bad white people" or my personal favorite, "you read too much!" They try to gaslight me too; try to make me feel like I'm paranoid or "doom or gloom". It doesn't work.
@ World_War_Me-
It's really frustrating, the "IKAGO" syndrome, juxtaposed with crime statistics. What do they say when you point out some crime statistics to them? (BTW, if they try to come back with the "white men are serial killers", etc, argument, be prepared. Even amongst serial killers, blacks are disproportionately represented. The raw numbers show that more white men have been serial killers, but in proportion to population-which is the pertinent factor-blacks are disproportionately represented for their percentage of the population. People are completely unaware of the incidences of black serial killers except for perhaps, Wayne Williams, the Atlanta Child Killer, maybe).
Your co-workers sound like they don't want to know the truth, because then it wouldn't be easy for them to award cheap moral superiority brownie points to themselves by ignoring the facts. How easy it is to be smug because you're not like those rayciss rednecks, you don't even actually have to do anything, just spout slogans with the crowd. And make yourself a complicit victim by ignoring the truth.
World_War_Me said...I think you gotta show no fear and plenty of contempt.
This is correct. You are safer by being confident than by cringing. Confidence causes potential foes to back off before anything starts.
Yes, there's a risk, but in the long run there's more of a risk by playing the victim. You have to place yourself up high on the feeding chain. It keeps the predators off.
Or, I'll hear the old "there's good and bad black people just like there's good and bad white people"
The thing is, the "bad" among "blacks" is past a certain critical mass. Thus, you get:
* Flash mobs
* Gangbanging
* School trashing
* Mass illegitimacy
* Rioting as the go-to policy
* The promotion of anti-white policies
* And need I comment on what happens in black-majority-rule countries?
At the same time, we do not see blacks building enough to provide a recompense to society. For example, if black-run cities were to become centers for industry and the arts (as Detroit once was). Or if black politicos were to show a little moral leadership and speak out against any of the above dysfunctions.
Of course, it is an exercise in futility to point all this out to most white people. For any number of reasons, they do not want to face up to the bigger picture. Most people do not "get it" until they have a home invasion or other such traumatic event. Even then, many will live in denial.
The critical thing is to concentrate on that sector who are ready to take the Red Pill.
Thank you for your kind comment. When I tell you what the women in my life respond with when I point out crime statistics, you're going to be horrified.
When I point out any facts or statistics, I get the "You can't believe everything you read!" crap. I point out these are DOJ or stats, and they get all snippy and say something like, "Well?" or "So?" Or they say, "Well, aren't YOU the one who says you can't trust the government? Why are you trusting these stats?" I'll say, "Oh, these stats can't be trusted alright, they're probably skewed in favor of blacks, which should tell you it's even WORSE than the DOJ admits!" Sigh. It is hopeless. The "you read too much" retort is pretty much the blanket response I get on other race realism facts I attempt to discuss, like black serial killers, welfare, mahogany mobs, etc. Even though I've given up, I'm still pretty mad about it when I think about it all.
Melanie and Jay Santos: As Jay Santos brilliantly pointed out earlier, the hyper violence of black crime vs. white crime and how the media ignores it even at the cost of big profits: on the topic of black serial killers I have been a true crime fan, and fascinated with serial killers, since I was 11.
I read "Helter Skelter" and "In Cold Blood" at that age, and that opened the gates to my sick and morbid little mind. I HAVE NEVER ONCE seen a book for sale like in a Walmart, Barnes and Nobles, etc. in the true crime section that featured a black serial killer. Never. Once on "Forensic Files" they covered the story of Coral Eugene Watts. At the time I was like, "WOW! A black serial killer!" (This was before I knew better.)
Jay Santos:
I wonder about Charles Manson. According to Dave McGowan, Manson was this Laurel Canyon experiment by the government to see how someone easily someone could mind control a group. McGowan's book on this is "Programmed to Kill." He talks about this happening to Manson, Dave Berkowitz, Bundy, and other famous serial killers.
I often wonder if there's more to the story with Charlie Manson. Seems like he was left alone in his comfy position as commune leader by TPTB until he rocked the boat with his race war ideology, i.e., Helter Skelter, after which he was set up by someone with the Tate/LaBiana murders (where he wasn't actually present.) These are just my thoughts, not McGowans. I think McGowan believes Manson was set up, but it's been too long since I've read the book and I don't want to misquote.
What if Manson were singled out because of his "Helter Skelter" idea and taken down by TPTB using the Tate/LaBianca murders? I dunno. Maybe my family is right, maybe I am crazy.
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