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Oh no, we aren't all the same. G-A-C-T clearly shows this... |
Without cheating, that is.
The culprit is not lack of education spending, but the DNA found in black students.
It's that simple.
Some call it Occam's Razor, we simply call it Kersey's Silencer: "Race defines everything, even seemingly undefinable problems. The simplest explanation normally has an unmentionable racial reality to it."
Well, the "Get Schooled" blog at AJC.com needs to understand G-A-C-T when lamenting the lack of black participants in science and math. [A Georgia Tech researcher asks: Where are the black students in science, math?, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 9-21-13]:
Dr. Kamau Bobb is a research scientist at the Center for Education Integrating Science Mathematics and Computing at Georgia Tech. This is his first piece for the AJC Get Schooled blog.
By Kamau Bobb
“Stem for All. All for Stem” is the refrain heard throughout the nation and in Georgia. The national emphasis on improving Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education is to ensure the United States maintains global technological and economic leadership.
Emphasis on STEM has become the cornerstone of the national education dialogue. National and state level focus is on increasing the number of students who graduate from college with STEM degrees to meet growing workforce needs.
Behind the mask of those broad and very real concerns is the withering reality of the under-preparedness of black students in the basics of mathematics and science. The vast majority of black students in Georgia are completely excluded from real participation in the STEM education conversation.
Not since the launch of Sputnik in the late 1950s has the United States put so much emphasis on mathematics and science education. In the 50s, black children were locked out of many educational opportunities because of segregation. Now, more than a half century later, there is resurging attention to STEM fields, but most black children are locked out because of inadequate preparation.
There are innumerable high school and university level programs targeting black and underserved students designed to increase the number of STEM majors and graduates. Many STEM programs are based on the premise that exposing students to exciting applications of STEM studies will hook their intellectual interests and get them to want to pursue STEM education. Despite the efforts of these programs, black and underserved students are essentially locked out of pursuing STEM degrees.
The ugly reality is that the majority of black students in Georgia are not nearly academically equipped in mathematics and science to handle the rigors of post-secondary STEM education.
Blacks aren't 'locked out' from STEM degrees; G-A-C-T defines the key to which individuals succeed or not, as 'Kersey's Silencer' maintains
During the 2011 administration of the Georgia High School End of Course Test for Mathematics I examination, more than half, 54 percent, of the nearly 52,000 black students who took the exam, failed. The failure rate got worse when considering Mathematics II which is the integrated mathematics course that covers statistics, algebra and geometry. Of the approximately 44,000 black students who took that exam, nearly 60 percent failed.
Math II is essentially the gateway to post-secondary STEM education. Black 10th and 11th graders who took this examination are the only sub-group of students in the state where more students failed than passed. These rates are a stunning failure of the educational system in a state where 37 percent of all students in public schools are black and the vast majority of black children attend public schools.
Georgia is arguably two different states, the Atlanta metropolitan area and the rest of the state. The concentration of resources and academic talent around the Atlanta area is significant. Nearly half of all adults, approximately 45 percent, in the metro area have post-secondary degrees of some kind, as opposed to 20 percent or less in the rest of the state. Despite the opportunities and the concentration of educated adults, the academic performance for black students in Atlanta Public Schools is grim and the racial achievement gap is thriving.
71 percent of the 2,500 black students in APS who took the Mathematics II exam in 2011, failed and only 1 percent, 25 students, passed with distinction (Pass Plus). By contrast, only 21 percent of white students failed with 79 percent passing and 23 percent of those passing with distinction.
In Fulton County, where 62 percent of black students failed the Mathematics II exam, 90 percent of the white students passed, 32 percent with distinction. The failure rates and achievement gaps throughout most of the school districts in the metro-Atlanta area are astonishing.
The consequence of this reality is that black students are excluded from much of the STEM conversation and are nearly entirely excluded from the higher level STEM education discourse. For the incoming 2013 freshman class of first time full time freshmen at Georgia Tech, for example, there were only 61 applicants from the entire Atlanta Public School system, nearly 2,500 seniors. Of those 61 applicants, 26 were admitted and 15 have enrolled.
Despite APS being 79 percent black students, only 28 percent, or 17 applicants, of the total applicants from APS were black. Of those 17 applicants, only 1 black freshman was admitted.
The vast majority of black students are simply locked out of the most selective ranks of STEM education. According to the 2010 Schott report in black males and education, “The Urgency of Now,” this problem is compounded by data that suggests that only 42 percent of black male students even graduate from high school in the Atlanta area public school systems.
Despite the array of outreach programs at Georgia Tech, only a single black student in the neighborhood of Georgia Tech was admitted to one of the premiere technical universities in the world.Oh Dr. Bobb, there is no door that locks out black people from participating in STEM; merely, the reality of G-A-C-T represents the invisible key keeping blacks from passing the required mathematical exams necessary for admission to respected institutions such as the Georgia Institute of Technology.
'Kersey's Silencer' goes much farther than Occam's Razor in attempting to explain the how the simplest explanation is usually the truth: the reality of race is in everything, though to admit this is to unravel the very civilization created to blame black (minority) failure on ubiquitous white racism.
We don't live under the U.S. Constitution anymore; we live under the shadow of the Kerner Commission Report. Like a lunar cycle, this age will pass, but it will continue to compel (and inspire) monsters more fearsome than Lon Chaney Jr.'s 'Wolfman' to seek vengeance for G-A-C-T's continued ability to deny social engineers ultimate goal of eradicating whitey.
I see now that it's not a spelling error!
G-A-C-T is a F-A-C-T
I am a technology educator and I do not like to contemplate the thought of mixing groids and power tools.
Groids are like cavemen. Unevolved and unadvanced, but wearing modern clothes. So easy a caveman can do it? Not STEM.
I think it wonderful that the harsh reality of race is so neatly exposed by the rigid reality of math. 1+1=... ummm... muh dik?
Technology? Science? Entrepreneur ship of the legal sort? Sorry niggers, here's a bakkaball...
Yes , Sailfoamius, you can still go to Georgia Tech and play feetsball. Or be a janitor...
Wait... I keep hearing about how blacks invented maffamatix, injenurnin, an' sah-ince. Why are they not excelling already?
Cadillac Car!
We not as dumb
as you think we is!
Like hell. If it ain't "black studies", they're lost.
Apparently it DOES take a rocket scientist to be a ... 'er.... rocket scientist
Juan Outtamany
Well, I thought Thurgood Marshall's doll display would take care of everything; I was told integration of the schools would change everything; Then I was told the voting rights act would bring Kennedy's vision of "a colour blind society to fruition; then I was informed the King Fish's Dream would transport us all to a racial paradise; then bl@ck power was needed; then two summers of riots were needed; then I was told head start would provide the nutrition that would turn imbeciles into geniuses; then they said busing on a national scale had to be introduced; then they said uniforms had to be worn; then they said afrocentric schools would do the trick; then they needed role models; then they said IQ tests had to go; then they said standardized tests were rayciz and had to go; then a great president declared, "No child left behind!"
And now just today they're saying 'Core Curriculum' will FINALLY close the gap!
It has been more than sixty years (that's three generations) since the great task of negro education was begun, and the gap has remained. Even the tectonic plates beneath the continents have moved more than the learning gap between the races. Can any of these students spell immutable?
Mr. Kersey, the following may seem off-topic but it is not. In fact, this is critical towards ending Black-Run America. I implore you to let this message through ...
Everyone reading this *needs* to educate themselves about Quantitative Easing (QE). What is QE? In short, it is the "funny money", the money printed out of nothing, that the Federal Reserve pumps into the economy by purchasing US Treasury bonds, mortgage-backed securities, and offering 0% loans to Wall Street banks. It is only thanks to QE that our government can fund its ongoing debt/deficits.
Without QE there are no EBT cards, no Section 8 housing, no SNAP, no TANF, no LINK, no "community block grants", no indefinite "emergency" aid for cities like Detroit, none of that. In short, BRA comes tumbling down. Most Wall Street financial institutions come tumbling down. The whole game is over.
Even hedge fund heads like Ray Dalio admit that once QE ends, the US plunges into Depression. This is what Mr. Kersey refers to when he speaks of "the collapse" that we must prepare for.
We must take control of this coming collapse. We must spread like wildfire knowledge of the rotten financial establishment, so that when it collapses blame can be apportioned correctly. You can bet the media will blame middle-class Whites for the collapse, when it happens, if we don't get out ahead of them. The Black-welfare state and the Wall Street corporate-welfare state will be portrayed as victims.
The American people have had two major victories recently. We stopped the Great Gun Grab and we stopped the war in Syria (with a little help from the Russian Bear). We need to spread consciousness of QE. Believe me, if we can make this a national topic of conversation, the Wall Street and DC elites will be crapping their pants. Their power is predicated on your ignorance.
"It has been more than sixty years (that's three generations) since the great task of negro education was begun, and the gap has remained. Even the tectonic plates beneath the continents have moved more than the learning gap between the races."
Thread winner!
"It has been more than sixty years (that's three generations) since the great task of negro education was begun, and the gap has remained. Even the tectonic plates beneath the continents have moved more than the learning gap between the races. Can any of these students spell immutable?"
F'in brilliant, made my night!
Two Bantus stole a copy of Grand Theft Auto 5 from a fellow Bantu.
Woops, THEIR BAD! Looks like they meant to rob a crackah instead but couldn't find one.
During questioning, an “apologetic” Davis reportedly confessed to robbing Dawkins, claiming that he “stole the property because he needed new tires for his car.” Jones admitted that she and Davis went to GameStop intending to “catch a cracker,” which she said was slang for robbing a white person, cops reported. Instead, they robbed Dawkins, with whom Davis said she fought until Davis was able to drive away.
I'm sure this couple's kids would be STEM geniuses if it weren't for racism holding them down!
Many liberals protest race realist assertions about disparities in IQ between the races. They claim that the questions are culturally biased and that if the questions were written in say, ebonics and covered experiences common to ghetto life, then blacks would outscore their white peers.
But there are two (at least) fields of mental activity that are culturally neutral. They are Logic and Mathematics. Both are contentless. Both involve only the lawful manipulation of symbols that are devoid of any specific referent. They are as culturally neutral as any thinking endeavor can be.
Therefore we should expect to see Blacks (and Mexicans) excel in these. Here is their chance to strut their stuff. No excuses, no bigotry, no blame. No one is holding them back. The culturally contentless material is there for everyone. No learning irrelevant "honky" history or listening to funky classical dead white man's music or looking at dead white man's architecture and Art. Just pure reasoning.
And how do they measure up on this the levelest of level playing fields?
Abysmally. Rock bottom. Utter failure.
How can they pin this on Whites?
Oh yeah. That's right. Black logic is different than Whiteman logic. The Law of identity and non-contradiction don't hold for Black folk. You see, he thinks differently. He isn't so hidebound as stiff white men. That's why he dances better. He's got soul. Yeah, a Black man's logic has Soul. It dances. It moves. It's got the smoove move, ya dig? Black man got the Logic of da smoove move. So move on over, honky. I'm about to put the smoove move Logic on your honky woman. Come here baby....Listen to this.
A criticism I have seen made of Muslim countries is that Islamic orthodoxy suppresses scientific truth for religious reasons. Well...maybe. But what are we to say of liberal countries which refuse to recognize scientific truth for political reasons? That's the situation in which the USA finds itself today. Because of the refusal to recognize the genetic basis for intelligence, "educators" must come up with policies that have no connection to the actual reason for the education "gap."
TheAntidote said...It has been more than sixty years (that's three generations) since the great task of negro education was begun, and the gap has remained.
For the race hustlers, it is always the day before Brown v. Board of Education. The successive failure of every last program designed to close that education "gap" is ignored for ideological reasons. As is ignored the general failure of black polities to even approach the standards of white whether in America or post-colonial Africa (or blamed on YT).
Modern liberalism is a history of epic fail. Yet the more it fails, the more the orthodox must believe in their ideology.
There's also a strong dysgenic factor: the USA encourages the breeding of a large low IQ underclass via the welfare state, and via the dropping of public standards re illegitimacy. The higher IQ sector of blacks is pushed aside, and we might also add in the ghetto culture which appears to be anti-education.
None of this is being addressed.
As for segregation "closing doors" on black education: I'd like to see some studies on graduation rates then versus now. One wonders if the segregation era educators understood the racial differences in education requirements, and planned accordingly. i.e., when you have a demographic that is one standard deviation below the median IQ, you need two separate school systems (granted, the sector of blacks who were higher IQ is a special case).
Re today's Georgia Tech program: yes, we shall see it implemented with the full rigor of rolled up sleeves, press conferences and taxpayer dollars. And a year from now its failure shall be shoveled under the rug and some new program to close that "gap" will be touted.
BRA continues its downward spiral. Unfortunately, it is dragging down America with it.
Anonymous @ 4:32:
If every white person would stop paying their bills--it would collapse overnight.
If every white person would stop paying their bills--it would collapse overnight.
I understand what you're saying but I disagree with how you phrase it. Stop paying your bills implies we all have to stop paying our car note, our mortgage, our rent, our utilities, etc. Obviously that path would present a lot of pragmatic challenges if we pursued it.
I'm saying -- just talking and writing about and demonstrating consciousness about QE and the fraud that is our financial system would send the elites into a tailspin. They were stunned to find that Americans could actually rebuff the CNN/NBC/NYT propaganda and connect the dots on Syria. If you follow the "Beltway media", you'll see that the DC elites are aghast at the fact that there is still some semblance of vitality and democracy among the American people.
QE is a monumental fraud. Making this a national topic of conversation and demanding that democratic opinion be listened to would really frighten them, believe me.
Another note on strategy ...
Forbes recently ran an article recognizing how the election of Bill de Blasio as NYC mayor will likely send the city towards a Detroit/Chicago-style hell as BRA comes to power and TNB is unleashed.
We need to sow division between Blacks and Squids/the Ethnic Group That Can't Be Named. Turn Blacks against Squids. It won't be too difficult. The Nation of Islam is already half-there. Occupy Wall Street was already half-there.
Use deceit and counter-intelligence (especially false flag propaganda) to rupture the alliance between Blacks and Squids. Divide and conquer. Make it clear that Squids better start helping the rest of America reel in BRA or else their investments in NYC will go down the craphole and American support for Israel is kaput.
We need to start thinking long-term strategy.
Even if the Vibrant Diversity were every bit as intelligent as whites, they still would get nowhere in the STEM fields. All of those take too much self-discipline for the groids to handle. You have to be able to stay home and study for exxams whilst your friends are out partying. And we've seen, time after time, that even the most intelligent groids have no self-discipline.
YT says G-A-C-T and the blacks hear GATT. (ebonics for gun)
There was a song/rap that asked/axed "Yo where's the party at?/And can I bring my Gatt? Gnome-sayin?
Here's a black scientist.
"Dr Henry Boyo of the University of Lagos said: 'He conceptualised the idea of using sciences and mathematics to prove gay marriage wrong and we have worked it here. Some people make claims to religion but he went a step further to use science and mathematics to prove gay marriage wrong.'"
Cargo cult science. It's the white coat that makes you a scientist. Put it on and you beez jus' like YT. Doin' science an' shit.
The only science here is the empirical proof that gay trumps black in the victim hierarchy.
When African "scientists" solve the energy crisis - lol - DWLs are all over it.
The Communists are one step ahead of everyone once again. They've recognized that white flight from cities to suburbs also means no white tax money for blacks and they're already laying the ground work to stop and reverse it:
a stunning failure of the educational system in a state where 37 percent of all students in public schools are black and the vast majority of black children attend public schools.
I hate it when journalists make gross spelling errors. That should be spelled "the Black student body", which is the slightly-euphemistic expression for "the Black genome".
I remember in the eighties they explained to everyone that blacks were very intelligent, but they were intellegent in ways that don't show up on IQ tests. They were street smart. So they came up with a way to prove it. I don't remember what they called it but I called ghetto math. They would use pictures of dice instead of numbers. Questions like, If you're huungry on the 7th and mama gets her food stamps on the 23rd how many days til you get some back Bacon?, it was hilarious because they were serious about this shit. Can you imagine an electrician trying to figure load on a system by converting the volts to crack rocks and the resistance to Franklin's and devide it by the pontential prison term and you hot yo amps. I think once they figured out that someone was blowing smoke up their ass they deemed it racist andshitcanned the whole thing.
Mich Mike
Anonymous (awakening):
Everyone reading this *needs* to educate themselves about Quantitative Easing (QE). What is QE? In short, it is the "funny money", the money printed out of nothing, that the Federal Reserve pumps into the economy by purchasing US Treasury bonds, mortgage-backed securities, and offering 0% loans to Wall Street banks. It is only thanks to QE that our government can fund its ongoing debt/deficits.
Anon, the squids (aka the private banking cartel, whose actual owners are still not a matter of public record a full century after the fact, which calls itself the "Federal Reserve") have been adding zeros to the ledger for a full century. QE is merely the latest and greatest counterfeiting scam - arguably the greatest one ever pulled off - in a long-running series of scams and rackets. Mention this, and even "conservatives" like Limbaugh start revving up the old "Kook alert" siren.
When I make statements like "there is nothing free about a rigged market" I am being completely factual. Debt-slavery is how the whole thing runs, and it why so many sell out and do whatever the squids want them to. If there's one guy at the Monopoly table with a printer under his chair, and all the other players are required to accept his freshly created cash at gunpoint, there are literally no limits to what, or whom, the cephalopod with the carte-blanche to counterfeit can buy. He literally cannot lose the game - regardless of the expertise or skill of the other players. Simply put, they've been buying up the place for a century now and they own almost everything - even the Vatican, and nearly all nominally Christian churches. As the saying goes, He who has the gold makes the rules. (The pathetic part is that it's not even real gold, but a poorly spray-painted turd that is being accepted as gold.)
Yes, at some point, an overseas party like the Chinese or Putin will abruptly point out that the great emperor of ice cream is really just a skinny-assed General Butt-Naked, and the entire mountain of gold-painted dung will fall into a stinking, steaming heap. Nobody knows when that point will be, but some think it is tied up in how oil is denominated. When you see folks like Rahm, Lloyd "Doin' Godz work" Blankfein, Ben Sholom Bernancke, and all the other dual-citizens departing for the sunny beaches of the eastern Mediterranean, you'll know the party will start soon.
Michigan Mike ... thank you for the laugh!!
Wild Negress snatches a purse, knocks down and injures a White lady, but is then tackled by 3 White men who perform a citizen's arrest.
That's where the video picks up at. Notice she bites the White guy, who punches her in the face. Kind of hilarious, although the White woman who is splayed out feet away reminds you this is no laughing matter.
Percy Julian and Marion Barry are cases in point...despite IQ and education, they are victims of those impulses
I want to comment on a post..Supreme court and FED Head [both unelected] are often and always Jews, respectively.
Anonymous said...Mr. Kersey, the following may seem off-topic but it is not. In fact, this is critical towards ending Black-Run America. I implore you to let this message through ...................
We have had 3 bubbles since that day in 1999?....
realty credit bubble
DOW bubble
Now the final? and biggest..TARP
tarp = no one wants US bonds, but 'we' need goods from China, since
w/o tariffs, they cant be price competitive if made in USA.
hey greatwhites,
I believe this also happened in California? think it went down like this. the Whites and Asians do so well in math and science that it made the black kids look stupid and real stupid in science. well the administrators instead of challenging the black students to get better grades or promote tutoring programs to get those black students grades up they decided to kill the program all together. this is the madness of lib-rats running the zoo. God forbid if you can even say God anymore in this country that was founded on Christian values. but God forbid that an honors program didn't have enough NGR's!
What the fuck is happening to our country? and did you hear POTUS yesterday with his finger wagging and his civil rights era cadence? this president is a fucking BAD JOKE! he's at the podium with his we've waited so long nonsense about HEALTHCARE? but how he talks to the coongragation he turns it into so I have a dream speech. seriously barry your healthcare bullshit is killing jobs and when stupid NGR's in the audience are clapping and smiling away like they want this shit to kill whitey's country.
I guess these feral stupid NGR's think that bye ridding the country of us whites that somehow they will make this country into some prosperous mini-africa well you stupid NGR's are dreaming.(and not the mlk kind either)
NGR fatigue is going off the charts what say you?
Another great one here
This Potemkin village created by BRA & the DWLs is about to burn!.. I'm seeing signs of the "awakining" everywhere. Do we have a long way to go?. Of course, but people are beginning to "see" (just look at what is going on in Europe, sans Sweden & Britain)
I've often wondered if i had a time machine & could see our future what people two or three hundered years from now will think of this age?. A mixture of pity, bewilderment & horror?
Once this madness of the QE economic system crashes & therefore the squids lose their base of power & therefore their means to control the banks, the media & academia (and thus US) The REALITY of racial differences will seen by all. It will AGAIN be self evident!.
When it happens, a curious thing will happen. Our people (when upon seeing the negros TRUE nature minus the squids banking-media support propaganda) will begin to see things in much the same way as our ancestors viewed the negro (& the squids) as we did say two hundred years ago!.. The negro will be RE-classified as a "sub species" of humans, as they were before PC madness corrupted academia. The squids will again be seen as the parasitic, alien tribe within our midst (as they were viewed up until WW2).
Our economic system (& our population) after a momentous upheaval will take on a system (ironically) very much akin to Germany's NS system. The government(s) will control the printing of currency (no debt based loans by a privately owned "central bank") Usury will be outlawed & wages will be based upon productivity & labor.
Yep, a time machine to see the year 2213 would be something to behold?!..
Right on.
I live near DC. The news in the air now is the impending potential of the Government shutdown. We should all be cheering for this. I hope it happens and I hope it goes on for awhile. These people in 'recession proof' DC and the banksta Jooz have been living it up while the rest of regular America struggles.
Let them get a taste of their own medicine.
White Mom in VA
Anonymous said...
I remember in the eighties they explained to everyone that blacks were very intelligent, but they were intellegent in ways that don't show up on IQ tests. They were street smart. So they came up with a way to prove it. I don't remember what they called it but I called ghetto math. They would use pictures of dice instead of numbers. Questions like, If you're huungry on the 7th and mama gets her food stamps on the 23rd how many days til you get some back Bacon?, it was hilarious because they were serious about this shit. Can you imagine an electrician trying to figure load on a system by converting the volts to crack rocks and the resistance to Franklin's and devide it by the pontential prison term and you hot yo amps. I think once they figured out that someone was blowing smoke up their ass they deemed it racist and shitcanned the whole thing.
Mich Mike
September 21, 2013 at 7:52 PM
Oh yeah.
I seem to recall a teacher getting fired for sending "ghetto homework" with the "students." You know, with questions like:
1. Deandre' has an AK-47 with a 30 round clip. If he wants to shoot four homies with nine rounds each, will he have to reload?
2. Orangello bouhgt a pound of coke at $3,000 a pound. How many ounces of dry baby formula will he have to mix in to make a profit of $10,000?
Etc, etc...
I have been reading posts but did not have time to post myself. In a nutshell, here are my thoughts
1) we want the house of cards to fall. Many whites out west have already been prepping. Walmart's sales are DOWN. The only bubble left is the student loan bubble.
2) those of you with mortgages, stop paying.
3) stop paying on your credit cards. Max em out and then stop paying
4) stop paying on your student loans. You can defer for up to three years. Frankly you can just stop paying together because you can't go to jail
5) get into a community, of course white only, and then get into cash and bartering
6)the government is on course to shut down, and we want to hasten this process.
7) next is the debt ceiling. Oh well. Not our problem white people. Our government sold our arces out to corporations and special interests and banks. I truly don't give a damn
8) if you are not in a white area, get to one. Then get ready to rumble because all the turds are going to be pissed off that the golden goose, that being middle class whitey, is no longer footing the bill for their lovely 'stay' here in the US.
Whites must do this paradigm shift. It's a war and all is fair in love and in war. You do what you have to do to survive. Screw Die-versity. Let em vote Clinton in 2016.... Does it really matter? Let em vote for a turd colored Miss Amurkistan - doesn't matter. None of it does because its all BS anyhow.
I am seeing signs in NOVA that the elite are getting antsy. Middle class white elderly are having their yards inspected by Arlington county board inspectors UNANNOUNCED so as to have fines etc levied. Goal: extortion.
Petty crimes are happening nearby....
The turds and elites are getting restless but we can resist the genocide if we hold firm and starve out the parasites. There is no such thing anymore as law and taxes, just extortion via police state taxes.
I walk everywhere so I can't get pulled over. I steer clear of Die versity. I don't pay bills except rent and food. I run a blog to disrupt the flow if false information. I am getting my and my kids' passports ready. This is my daily passive resistance
White Mom in VA
OT: The elite's plan to defund Whitey is moving right along. Just a few more steps...
UN Agenda 21 is the plan. HUD is the vehicle.
Get your White suburban kids ready for life in the inner-city.
It gave me great pleasure to see that hideous she-ape purse snatcher get a taste of her own medicine.
I will be intently watching what happens to those three white men, particularly the one that struck her.
As we all know, the number one rule of race relations in BRA is: "Whites are obliged to passively endure any violence a negro chooses to visit upon them."
I suspect the full weight of media and "gunverment" to crash down upon them.
It must be very alarming to the dual-passport clutching Sarumans to see the races of men daring to fight back against their Urukhai...
"One Student was admitted!"
See Paul, its not ALL negros who are incompetent!
I Know A Good One!
Right there is an aspiring Science/Rapper/Football star. Now once he rapes a girl on campus, or steals someone's car or knifes the campus police or shoots two guys out walking because they "dissed" him, THEN you can say ALL. But until then, negro have a chance!
Jared Taylor: "White Privilege"
brilliant comment, only the dollar as reserve currency and QE is holding up the entire paper mache house of cards when it goes YT will be demonized in a hysteria by the BRA media, best to get out if front, we're always blamed aren't we?
De Blasio is just a BRA puppet once he gets it the groids will chimp out and many squids will have to live bunker like in Manhattan and other sectors, squids are deep down race realists but use BRA for their own ends...now they will get BRA full frontal and nowhere to run
Actually, blacks don't want to work in one of the STEM fields. All of those jobs take a lot of long, hard hours of work, something no negro will want to do. What they want is the pay and prestige that comes with those jobs. Kind of like Michelle Obama's $300,000 per year sinecure at the University of Chicago Medical Center, back when her husband was a senator from Illinois. After she quit to move to DC and be First Lady, they didn't restaff the position!
OT: Old but good.
Super Uncut Taser Video:
You will start seeing these types of outbursts in the white suburbs in the near future.
When you consider DNA, and the fact that the majority of black kids are in single-parent homes with a parent who likely doesn't care (see Trayvon Martin), it is a miracle that black kids are able to count to ten.
I've known plenty of white children living with their mother that do just fine. The secret is that their mothers care about them, help them with their homework, and encourage them.
Seeing how black women treat their kids in public tells you all you need to know. They grab them by one arm and swing them around like a bag of trash. That, or they ignore them entirely. Rarely have I seen a black woman looking at one of her children with love, smiling like I see regularly with white mothers.
Johnny See makes a great point with the first comment about the rigidity of math. You can't bullshit the laws of math and physics. When you get down to calculating the load a building has to carry or the correct mixtures for rocket fuel, being wrong means disaster. (I know the Fed gets away with what appears to be an end run around math, but it will catch up to them.)
How about opening up colleges for blacks specifically for STEM careers? They could be like barber colleges or dental schools. Blacks that failed to pass the eighth grade could study there. The elites who preach diversity could use the technology that comes out of these colleges to show it was racism that kept these aspiring geniuses down.
Wouldn't it be wonderful for them to get a pacemaker designed by blacks who can barely read! Or maybe an aircraft engineered by people who can't master cursive writing.
Of course they wouldn't use any of that. That would be the responsibility of middle and lower class whites. The elites get to feel good about themselves, and you get to deal with the consequences. Isn't that how it works?
What about Philip Emeagwali?
According to White liberals in oversized flannel shirts and goofy glasses he's the father of the Internet and has an estimated I.Q. of 190.Of course, he twice failed in attempting to earn a Ph.D from bleeding heart University of Michigan and cried racism as the reason.
As long as the White liberal establishment can feather their nest with the bloc vote there's going to be an endless cover-up of the cost of black violence and stupidity and wild exaggerations of black ability and achievement.
By the way, I wonder if any economists have dared to do a cost-benefit analysis of black America. My guess is that blacks owe Whites reparations big time.
Anonymous said...
Wild Negress snatches a purse, knocks down and injures a White lady, but is then tackled by 3 White men who perform a citizen's arrest.
That's where the video picks up at. Notice she bites the White guy, who punches her in the face. Kind of hilarious, although the White woman who is splayed out feet away reminds you this is no laughing matter.
I watched the video. I noticed the criminal groid said that the victim was "rich", that she was "eating in that restaurant".
Total justification in her jungle mind to rob & injure her without remorse.
OT: Mall Taser Security Guard Fired, jailed on battery charge.
Video was funny, but problem is blacks assert their own forms of Africa-style "justice", which is outside of the law. They all got what they deserved in this case.
OT: Notice the baby in the video. Why don't these people ever have any furniture??
Once HUD moves them into your neighborhood, this is what you will hear at 2am.
Can't remember if it was here at SBPDL or another blog, but someone brought up Lawrence Auster's tombstone. I read where he requested this to be inscribed on it:
For my tombstone
In my best moments, I let Jesus abide in me.
And I hope to continue doing so after my death.
Any blacks who are "affirmative actioned" through STEM should be restricted to providing their services solely to the black community! Their victims should be those they represent!
It is laughable to lament their inability to qualify for STEM placement. Most have only one parental figure, usually an octogenarian matriarch overseeing a large brood of marginally related siblings. They eat their two main meals at school, and use donated school supplies if they even put forth and effort to "act white" or attempt to learn. Most read at a level of someone who suffered a severe closed head injury and most cannot decipher or create cursive writing. Their main goal in life is to get their own "check" going with a "crib". Truly inspired young people work diligently night and day to hone their one skill, you know, "posting up" and the "pick and roll"!
Hell, most black people cannot successfully murder a friend or family member without placing anyone in the vicinity in mortal danger!! STEM my ass..LOL
You think it's any better for whites with STEM degrees, thanks to H-1B?
Mich Mike wrote:
I remember in the eighties they explained to everyone that blacks were very intelligent, but they were intellegent in ways that don't show up on IQ tests. They were street smart. So they came up with a way to prove it. I don't remember what they called it but I called ghetto math. They would use pictures of dice instead of numbers. Questions like, If you're huungry on the 7th and mama gets her food stamps on the 23rd how many days til you get some back Bacon?, it was hilarious because they were serious about this shit
I respond:
Of course they were serious. That's what KIPP charter schools are designed around, setting basic fundamental knowledge to rap lyrics.
Meanwhile, you can't rap lyric your way to being able to solve a differential equation.
Lorraine said...
1) we want the house of cards to fall. ...
More people see the system on the verge of disintegration. And more people I know -- including some former patriots -- are saying things like: "I would never fight for this country."
A crisis just may be brewing. This is why it is vital to keep yourself ready, physically and mentally. I'd add to the usual list of things:
* Stay physically fit.
* Know how to use firearms (and yes, "within the law").
* Unplug from the mainstream media.
* Connect with people of similar mindsets.
Don in PA said...I've often wondered if i had a time machine & could see our future what people two or three hundered years from now will think of this age?. A mixture of pity, bewilderment & horror?
We look at back at the Fall of Rome and wonder how it happened: the corrupt ruling class; the alienated middle; the growing urban underclass kept in line with bread & circuses; the hordes swarming over the frontiers, pillaging cities.
OK, I look at the Western world today and -- I get it.
Bogolyubski said...
When I make statements like "there is nothing free about a rigged market" I am being completely factual. Debt-slavery is how the whole thing runs, and it why so many sell out and do whatever the squids want them to.
Look at how your average American has been hooked into the debt system:
* Credit cards. It wasn't until the 1960s that there was mass use of credit cards. Until then, credit cards were used by either a small segment of society, or were for specific things (like service stations). Today, they are the average person's money. There are many transactions which you can not make unless you have a credit card (like renting a car). And they have become a de facto form of identification (try getting a hotel room by paying cash and see how quickly it is before men with badges are asking questions about you being a drug dealer!).
* Student loans. Today's students get into humongous debt just to get that sheepskin. it's become a form of indentured servitude. This is so even at many public universities. Going to college used to be an income enhancer, now it's going the other way.
You can speculate that one reason for the lack of resistance to the system is that so many people are working simply to pay off debts that they do not have the time or energy to hit the streets. Gotta make that next payment!
More fundamentally, Americans are becoming so integrated with the system that it is difficult for them to unplug.
"How about opening up colleges for blacks specifically for STEM careers? "
And let the apostles of BRA fly in the airplanes they pilot, live next to the nuclear power stations they design and be treated by the doctors they graduate.
Lorraine said...I am not prepping..as I live in LA...may have to leave here.
Store as much Organic Lentils
[in metal cans?, remove plastic from large sacks they arrive in]
as you can.
Why Lentils? If you cant get heat to cook em, they are still a nearly
complete food, sprouted for 2-4 days.
Rice gets moldy and needs to be cooked.
Also I was in Costco and spoke to an asian gal who was buying 20? 30? pounds of brown rice.
I asked 'why'...
I asked if she was joking. NO!
Collapse is already in Phillipines, I guess.
Paul..please write about:
Get your White suburban kids ready for life in the inner-city.
I steer clear of Die versity.
'stop paying on your student loans.
You can defer for up to three years. Frankly you can just stop paying together because you can't go to jail'
Careful....that is not dischargeable in Bankruptcy court.
Default before 'they' do?
Is it legal for creditors to call all day? If I go bankrupt, how many harassment calls will I get before I get my bankruptcy done?
I ask because years ago I was broke and could not pay on 2 cards. I got 100s or 1000+ calls from collectors.
The comments section of the linked article is exactly what you would expect and it's rather hilarious to read. The statistics are a perfect fit for the data in The Bell Curve, but of course nobody mentions that or if they did the comments were probably deleted. Instead you have on display the most tortured, twisted logic you've ever seen in an attempt to come up with something, anything, besides the elegantly simple fact that most black people are just stupid.
Georgia Tech is an elitist university that serves no purpose in the current century. When they get with the program and admit more African-Americans, then their voice will mean something.
here in Munich, Germany hostel dumps are charging $70 to share a room with 10 other people many wealthy international business people for Oktoberfest. What is so special about Oktoberfest, well beautiful blond ladies not acting like Mylie Cyrus whores, but in wholesome traditional folk costume, good beer sausage and folk music, how can you compare this YT folk festival wiff ah gots mah dick??? PK ,our prophet, leading us to the promised land
[quote]The culprit is not lack of education spending, but the DNA found in black students.[/quote]
Mr Kersey - You hurt me inside at times.
No. No. No.
But because your "One Drop Rule" is so simplistic.
The average "African American" has a substantial amount of "White Genes" - thanks to the the forced copulation during slavery AND the fact that "Good White Folks" like you have stopped responding violently to interracial dating/marriage/copulation.
Look at Tia and Tamara Mowry - "The Mowery Twins". White father, Black mother.
Unless you are claiming that BLACK GENES ARE SUPERIOR to White genes -(unfortunately you'd agree but in a de-evolutionary manner) then you should commit yourself to challenge your assumption by telling us how RACE MIXING has impacted your "Black DNA = Dumb" scheme.
You are WHITE and Smarter than me. Please always remember this Mr Kersey (and you too Santos).
How can you allow a Black man to read your claims and then catch you in an over-generalization that is not based on science?
Repulsive Throwback, if you are dumb enough to read PK's text as endorsing a "one-drop rule", you are far less intelligent than you think you are. (But we've been observing that since you came here and started stinking up the place.)
Do the world a favor. Go work on Black problems in the "Black community", and leave White people alone.
Alert! Dialog on Race in Progress
PK is merely posting an obvious reality: that blacks do not do as well in school as whites, and this is correlated to genetic factors. We might also note the overall quality of life in black run polities versus white run polities. Yes, the truth sometimes hurts. So what? Given the reality, would it not be better for blacks to try to raise their median IQ. For example: control the reproduction of the underclass, support a culture of education, or whatever.
The average "African American" has a substantial amount of "White Genes" - thanks to the the forced copulation during slavery ...
How much "forced copulation" was there? How do we know this wasn't the result of black on white sexual assaults? Again, look at the stats: blacks rape white women in relatively large numbers compared to the other way around.
In any event, if you believe that blacks collectively have the same intellect as whites (e.g., median IQ), then how do do you account for the failure of blacks to graduate in the same numbers as whites, or to excel in STEM programs?
Think planet of the apes.
Mich Mike
"forced copulation during slavery"
Wait, you're saying that slaves actually had successful revolts on some plantations -- and forced the white men at whip-point to inseminate their negresses? Unless the slave chick happened to be a Top-1%-er in African beauty, there are very, very few white men who would abuse their own dicks in that manner. Also, it has been clinically proven that white men "jest cain't handle allll this".
I stopped paying my mortgage like you been saying, but it didn't work, nothing has changed except I'm homeless now. So I suggest people to keep paying you're mortgage unless you like living like a bum on the street. This is especially good advice if you have children plus it is easier to plan the demise BRA from the comfort of your living room. The way I see it when and if the banks fail and the economy crumbles that's when to quit paying for shit because money wont be worth anything and nobody is going to worry about kicking you out of your house.
By the way I really didn't quit paying my mortgage, it doesn't sound like a good idea at this time
Mich Mike
Agenda 21might be Obungholes plan but it's not going to go off without a hitch. I have a house and forty acres on a large lake, there are about fifty other residents in the community and one is the county sheriff. There's one way in and one way out
It will take tanks to get us out of there.
I remember some of the dumb-downed nigger IQ test from the mid 80's,we studied it in high school psychology class.I suspected it was a joke,but am still not sure.A few questions I remember:
What is a deuce and a quarter?
If 2 dice are showing 5 and 2,what do the opposite sides show?A)'snake eyes' B)boxcars C)double deuce D)opposites
Running a game is:A)Writing a bad check B)Looking at something C)Directing a contest D)Getting what one wants from a person or thing
There were many more,weirder questions,and out of the class of 30 White kids,collectively we answered maybe 2 questions..I do not think anyone felt dumb-just very grateful and lucky! Richard Cranium
Callous Fornicator says:
[quote]PK is merely posting an obvious reality: that blacks do not do as well in school as whites, and this is correlated to genetic factors. [/quote]
I take it that you implicitly agree that ASIAN STUDENTS have SUPERIOR GENETICS to WHITE PEOPLE since:
1) They get better grades
2) The American Knowledge Industry titans support H1B visas for Indian/Pakistani/ Chinese nationals to continue to come to this nation to fill out the ranks of engineers/scientists/physicians
Tell me Callous Fornicator and Any Mouse -
Why are you more keen upon "Attacking the Negro" for his claimed lower IQ than yours instead of focusing on YOUR SUPERIOR - the Asians - and noting the academic deficits that are contained among American White kids?
The American Negro seems to be an important figure that allows you to retain your fantastical notions of WHITE SUPREMACY because you cherry pick the elements that apparently affirm this, while discarding the damning evidence.
This is what an "All White Jury" tends to do, No?
I believe that Constructive Feedback and Callous fornicator are right:
Asians are replacing us in knowledge industries, brought in on HB-1 visas.
Time to wake up.
Alert! Dialog on Race in Progress!
1) They [Asians] get better grades
Which may be due to selective immigration/breeding, intact families, culture of education, self-discipline...
...but then, why don't blacks imitate these things? i.e., try knocking your illegitimacy rates down from 70+% to 20% or so? Stop the gangbanging and do thy homework?
2) The American Knowledge Industry titans support H1B visas for Indian/Pakistani/ Chinese nationals to continue to come to this nation to fill out the ranks of engineers/scientists/physicians
The USA can selectively choose legal immigrants from the top IQ strata of these countries. If there is a similar pool of high-IQ people available from sub-Saharan Africa, please show us where it is such that the USA can benefit from it.
Tell me Callous Fornicator ...
Please note that I have not referred to Constructive Feedback by anything other than his chosen "handle" or its abbreviation,"CF." And what do I get in return...?
Why are you more keen upon "Attacking the Negro" for his claimed lower IQ than yours instead of focusing on YOUR SUPERIOR - the Asians - and noting the academic deficits that are contained among American White kids?
The lower median black IQ is not "claimed," it has been borne out by testing globally and for decades. It is further acknowledged by school districts now setting different test goals based on race. East Asians may have higher test scores in the US these days--please note they have low violent crime rates, low illegitimacy rates, and are not hustling for more redistribution of white wealth. Again, why can't blacks imitate them in these regards?
And yes, some white children have difficulties in school. What do you expect when they are subjected to the violence inflicted by "people of color" and have their history degraded owing to anti-white policies? But white people overcome these things.
The American Negro seems to be an important figure that allows you to retain your fantastical notions of WHITE SUPREMACY because you cherry pick the elements that apparently affirm this, while discarding the damning evidence.
If whites are not "superior," then why do we see tens of millions of non-whites moving into white homelands? Care to tell me how many black Americans are migrating away from "white supremacist" America and to egalitarian Haiti or Zimbabwe?
The concern of many whites is not "supremacy" but survival. I doubt if anyone on this website wants to enslave blacks or colonize them. They simply want to be left alone to live their lives free of the high crime rates, the dysfunctions caused by high illegitimacy and welfare dependency, and race hustling--all which seem to be integral to black society.
Still, maybe I am wrong. Perhaps you can show us those black-run polities which have economies, educational achievement, crime rates and civic order comparable to those of white polities.
This is what an "All White Jury" tends to do, No?
If you have evidence of jury malfeasance, please take it to the courts.
everyone on this site is a fucking moron.
Why are you more keen upon "Attacking the Negro" for his claimed lower IQ
Imprimis: It's not a claim, it's fact.
Secundus: We're not attacking you, we're attacking the racial egalitarian/socialist claim that we are no different.
Tertius: Once we have demolished this claim, we can publicly recognize that Affirmative Action is unfair and "diversity" is destructive, and get rid of them. This lets us go our own way from you.
I graduated from Georgia Tech, electrical engineering. No one is being locked out or excluded, any more than I am locked out of the NBA. If I could hack it, I could enter. GT is intellectually, socially and otherwise pretty brutal, engineering classes _heavy_ on calculus and physics, and it is very much sink or swim. It is NOT a party school by any stretch.
I know a couple of the admissions folks there now (former classmates), and believe me, they are trying to get black students and women. They've even discounted SAT value in favor of increased h.s. GPA, which is 'fuzzier', and I do not like it. It's a weak form of affirmative action. Yet, the results are still weak. And they will remain so, until human genetics changes significantly at least...
"everyone on this site is a fucking moron", says anonymous at 6:09 PM.
Care to argue the point, twerp?
September 22, 2013 at 4:10 PM
Ok I'll answer your legal question.
Is it legal for creditors to call all day? If I go bankrupt, how many harassment calls will I get before I get my bankruptcy done?
I ask because years ago I was broke and could not pay on 2 cards. I got 100s or 1000+ calls from collectors.
OK. This is what you do. You send them a certified letter stating that you are aware of their alleged claim and do not wish to be contacted. If they still annoy you then YOU have a case for harassment against them. Sue them.
And btw, if these are credit card debts don't even bother to file bankrupcy. They would first have to take you to court and get a judgement within a certain time period, usually 2 years.Most card companies won't bother doing this because they know you're broke and it's a waste of money for them and they also know that if they did get a judgement you may just then file for bankrupcy which will stay all collection effects like trying to attach property or wages.
So if no judgement has ever been won they simply cannot collect on a credit card debt. It may be on your credit report but even that can be expunged after a period of time depending on state law. I believe that period is like 3 years in Florida. And always notify the credit reporting agencies and deny any debt on your report because they must remove it until the creditor proves you owe it whether he has a judgement or not :o)
Also, the credit agreement usually has a clause in it which is insurance that's included to pay the balance in case of death. It may also include inability to pay due to disability if this is why you can't pay. Let a lawyer read it.
WTF. You are all crazy. This is so simple but racism makes people stupid and blind to simple facts. Why does there have to be a genetic reason why blacks are failing tests? If your parents were educated, there is a good chance their children will be too. IF you go back hundreds of years in this country who was educated and who was not. The gap is closing slowly because those in power are not interested in the gap closing at all. This is not genetics, it is power and finances. It is a documented fact that predominantly minority communities receive text books with the same cover, and title but watered down content as opposed to communities with predominantly non minority population. There is systematic racism in the educational system and until that is eradicated there will be no bridging of the gap. The gap is an ingrained system and it is not going anywhere anytime soon. Unless a minority rises financially and places their child in a non minority school system from kindergarten through high school, or home schools their child and buys the non inner city curriculum, that child will be doomed to mediocrity at best. I have educated documented black geniuses. It is not difficult. Put a child in a stable home life( not that common in black families), give them excellent education (systematically hidden for generations from blacks) and you can have well educated children. Common sense is not so common on this blog. Some one mentioned integration and busing. That was a joke and how the hell can you learn in such a contemptuous atmosphere. That is crazy. But, why did they need to be bused? Because sometimes, a little truth leaks out by mistake. It is true about the different curriculum. If Johnny See is an educator, you can see why blacks don't stand a chance in the traditional education system. My five year old can do long division with estimation because I told him he could, when you have educators with no expectation that is what you get low achievers. Sorry ass hidden racist. I wish you would tell that groid to his face that he is a caveman and that he and power tools don't mix.But you won't do that. You will post it on a blog that you have to stumble across by accident. That is just how the education system works. It is run by a bunch of cowardly racist who would never say how they really feel in public. They will just under-educate any one who doesn't have Caucasoid features.
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