Matthew Robinson, a disabled veteran of the United States Army, knows. [‘Knock That White Boy Out’: Arrests Made After Mob Of Teens Attack Disabled Vet, Cleveland CBS, 2-14-14]:
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Correction: Blacks assault White man (hurling racial slurs as they do it) in the heart of downtown Cleveland. The White man is a disabled Army veteran... |
Cleveland authorities have made several arrests following the mob beating of a disabled Army veteran by a group of teenagers.
Last Friday, the victim, Matthew Robinson, was surrounded by between six and eight teenagers while riding the RTA Healthline. Robinson told WOIO that he was attacked by the teens, then robbed of his possessions.
During the attack, the teens made several derogatory remarks about Robinson.
“What they were saying was, ‘Knock that boy out!’ ‘White boy.’ ‘Cracker,’” he was quoted as saying about the incident. “They were saying, ‘Knock that white boy out.’”
This week, three suspects – Kenneth Matthews, Ronald Reid Williams and an unnamed 16-year-old girl – were arrested by Cleveland and RTA police. The latter filmed the attack with her cell phone, and was said to still have the video at the time of her apprehension.
Despite the arrests, concern remains as other attacks of a similar nature have happened in the area, most of which are said to have been perpetrated by other young culprits, according to WOIO.
Added Robinson of the danger, “Your mother or sister could be on the bus, and the same thing could happen to them.”
Racial mob attacks (black-on-white) happen quite often in the state of Ohio, with the most infamous being the July 4th, 2009 attack on a white family on Independence Day. Oh, that attack included more than 50 black people, who yelled "This is a black world."

Like disabled Army veteran Matthew Robinson, you too can make America's urban areas safe for black mob attacks on whites...

Here's how The Daily Mail detailed the story.
[Mob of teens film themselves attacking and robbing disabled vet while shouting 'Knock that white boy out!' - Matthew Robinson beaten and robbed by up to eight teenagers last Friday
- The Army veteran was on a bus in Cleveland when he was mobbed
- He said no-one tried to help
- Police arrested three teens as they fled the scene, including a 16-year-old girl who filmed the attack, Daily Mail, 2-14-14]:
Three teenagers accused of beating and robbing a disabled Army veteran on an Ohio bus while shouting racial slurs have been arrested.
Police apprehended Kenneth Matthews, Ronald Reid Williams and an unnamed 16-year-old girl who allegedly filmed last Friday's daytime attack on her cellphone, as they tried to flee.
The trio were among up to eight teenagers who allegedly mobbed Matthew Robinson on the RTA Healthline in Cleveland.
When the college student got off the bus near 6th Street and Euclid Avenue, the group allegedly followed him before stealing his belongings while yelling, 'Knock that white boy out!' Bystanders in the Public Square refused to help him.
What they were saying was, ‘Knock that boy out!’ ‘White boy.’ ‘Cracker'. They were saying, ‘Knock that white boy out',' a visibly shaken Matthews told 19 Action News.
'The whole time I'm just thinking, pretty much protect myself and don't let anybody in behind you. No-one stepped in to help, so I thought it was a shame.
There's nothing else to add.
Nothing else to say.
No Department of Justice (DOJ) inquiry into a possible 'hate crime' will be conducted; no coverage of this story outside the few right-of-center online publications that still celebrate people like Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Paul Ryan as the saviors of "America."
Apparently black people take to social media (Twitter) to use the pejorative phrase 'white boy' for the bulk of racial insensitive tweets posted on a daily basis; and it's a phrase used repeatedly in black-on-white assaults, like the one Matthew Robinson experienced in Cleveland.
Odds are those black attackers didn't even pay for those RTA tickets...
WOW. I figured Obama would have them invited to the White house for being "inspirations" to others. A slap on the wrist and out to punch someone else will be the likely scenario. Want to see some one do hard time? The White man that dares defend himself with a weapon will do hard time. Not the instigator.
Yeah, more 'violent punks'...
We talk about a solution to the black problem here, out there, they can't even put a name on it yet.
it's a war. And DHS and the DOJ are just waiting for whitey's first counter attack.
The novelty of this incident is 'disabled veteran.' Nothing will be done by formal authority to square the scales. Nothing at all, the system is a dying cancer patient being tended by hospice nurses. The scent in the air is sick room corruption, rancid sheets. Yet another example / warning of how things are. We are going down. These stories are useful to the race realist if only to temper resolve, and as a bludgeon to wake up the drowsy. Also, PK is the only one covering the central fact of these incidents. RACE.
Its not as if groups of rampaging Hasidic Jews are tearing ass all over the place with their little pony tails swinging about!
Wonder if that would be covered?
Watch your back. Front and sides too.
It's always "teens" in these MSM headlines.
Know your nomenclature!
1950s: Negro
1970s: Black
1990s: African-American
2010s: Teens
Glad I live in Idaho. No "teens" here.
If you want to lower your carbon footprint, hold your breath waiting for the U.S. Attorney to file federal hate crime charges against the perpetrators.
It always black people! I was watching 48 Hours the other night, I am an amateur racial anthropologist with a specialty in non-human types, and this program cuts right to the chase when it comes to black crime and black dysfunction. Anyway, this episode was about a black man who was gunned down by some brothers who had mistaken him for someone else. It seems this is a common problem in the hood since one can only assume all black people look alike. As it happened he had just been out for a walk with his 9 year old son and they were returning to the apartment when he encountered the gunmen on the stairs. He took off running and they followed and shot him about a dozen times. They really wanted this guy dead. The police came and took the little boy down to headquarters to see if he could give them any useful information. He seemed like a nice little kid who did not know at that time that his father was dead and he really didn’t have anything to contribute, except this. They asked the boy who he would suspect of doing this and he said someone black. The detective asked him why he would say that and he said, because it’s always blacks. The camera pans to the sergeant viewing the discussion on two way mirror and she said, he sure is a smart little boy. You betcha, because he knows, at 9 years old, who creates the mayhem in the world.
who yelled "This is a black world." They were dead wrong. In a ‘black world’ nothing would work, including the citizens. There would be no camera phones to film the monkey-shines, no running buses to allow random black mini-migrations, no woven fabric to cover their carefully crafted tats, no ‘beauty’ products that blacks crave that they think transforms them into a ‘whiter’ version, no front-loaded-carb fast-food depots to supplement their no-discipline eating habits, and no Jordan’s to shoot sideways over.
Let a group of white teens do something like this and mr. "peeps" and crew will come down hard. very hard! then after they are done with all the news story's and all the naacp gets donations from microsoft and the google types and throw in christine mathews types too!the example white kids I talked about will have their lives destroyed by all those same people. day after day and oh yea don't forget the white hating nancy grace. she'd interview the victims parent and she would "ax'ed" how the victim's grandparents slept at night knowing how many evil blonde haired blue eyed devils are riding public transportation. things must change. and change fast they must.
Dean Mayley, a 19 year old man with learning difficulties and the mental age of a nine-year-old, murdered by a gang of yoots/teens/under-served community members in West London.
Dean seldom left the house alone, he was en route to his uncle's home. Apparently Dean and his seven year old nephew Callum were "inseparable".
Remember his name. But when you google it, be sure to specify the correct spelling, because at the moment it doesn't even feature on the drop down menu unless you confirm it.
Because the gang murder of a sweet natured, much loved mentally retarded man on the street in broad daylight isn't apparently newsworthy in our empire of lies.
The Veteran should have seen it coming.
He fought so that blacks could rape his daughter and mug him.
KKKarma cackled the Kommandant.
OT: Caribbean nations are demanding slavery reparations:
OT: Caribbean nations are demanding slavery reparations:
Oh, so Jamaicans want to be repatriated to Africa?
OK, let me ask again: when the USA had segregation, did gangs of "teens" attack disabled veterans?
Here's something for trolls: has it ever occurred to you that the reason for segregation, sundown towns, back of the bus, etc., etc., was that this sort of violent black amok behavior became so widespread that The Man had to lay down the law and keep blacks separate from whites?
Something to think about during Black History Month...
Somewhat related, a judge dismissed the suit against USC by two parents of slain Chinese Grad students who alleged that the University misrepresented the safety of the campus and surrounding area.
Now imagine say, a top Chinese princeling who has an only child killed in a place like oh say, New Haven CT, home of Yale, or Harlem, home of Columbia. Now imagine say this princeling knows well that nothing will happen to the vibrant youths and teens who did it. Now imagine this princeling is a significant player in the Chinese security or military services. Faster than you can say, "Bo Xilai!" you will have a whole bunch of people of vibrant background whacked. Such a princeling might even publicly claim it, openly, as revenge against killings of many other Chinese students and Chinese nationalism.
Having been to China, it is full of bitter, angry, vengeful nationalism and not a drop of sympathy for other people of other nations. The Chinese (somewhat rightly I can admit) see themselves as historical victims and out to avenge wrongs done to them as a people. Nationalism and avenging Chinese is the one thing that holds the post-Communist, crony capitalist, utterly corrupt regime in power.
Vibrancy is not just a White people problem. Given that lots and lots of Chinese elites send their kids to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. and lower level bureaucrats send theirs to USC and Emory and Georgia Tech, problems with vibrants can lead to international problems. It is not as if Chinese elites have any more limits on killing people than say, Vladimir Putin. The question is, will it be publicly claimed?
You can't name the aggressors in "polite society", and the news won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
All you can do is avoid them at all costs. Don't go to their areas; don't patronize places that hire them.
When I travel, I won't stay anywhere I see Blacks in significant numbers (10% or more). I've walked out of hotels when I saw the desk being run by an aggressive Black. It's just not worth the abuse.
I don't really have any sympathy for any White, Asian or Hispanic person who shows incredible politeness to Blacks.
Virtually every time I get stuck having to interact with a Black person; government office or airport, it is a negative experience.
Whiskey said…
Now imagine say, a top Chinese princeling who has an only child killed in a place like oh say, New Haven CT, home of Yale, or Harlem, home of Columbia. Now imagine say this princeling knows well that nothing will happen to the vibrant youths and teens who did it. Now imagine this princeling is a significant player in the Chinese security or military services. Faster than you can say, "Bo Xilai!" you will have a whole bunch of people of vibrant background whacked…
That would be awful. Innocent African-americans could be killed if something like that happened.
OT: Rand Paul is at it again.
"Republicans haven't gone to African-Americans or to Hispanics and said, `You know what? The war on drugs, Big Government, has had a racial outcome. It's disproportionately affected the poor and the black and the brown,'" he said. "There is a struggle going on within the Republican Party...And I will struggle to make the Republican Party a different party, a bigger party, a more diverse party and a party that can win national elections again."
Win, win, win, at any price. Beat the Democrats by becoming Democrats.
Paul Kersey,
You should do some articles on why we can't have safe reliable public transportation in this country. A big reason is the public will not support it because they do not want to become potential victims in order to use it.
I would love to see someone ask Al Gore about how the violent underclass contributes to America's carbon footprint and by far the highest oil consumption rates.
Interesting discussion on this topic for those interested:
Thank you for reporting on Cleveland. From what I can tell, this incident wasn't even mentioned in the local Cleveland paper, The Plain Dealer.
It has been reported recently that many crimes go unreported, even worse, the police departments cover-up crimes many crimes so neighborhoods appear safer than they actually are.
Some cities around Cleveland won't even share crime stats, they won't even share them with the FBI.
The city that Rockefeller built, the best orchestra in the nation with world-class hospitals, and a guy minding his own business can't even walk the streets...worst of all, nobody cares or thinks it's a problem.
HEY p.k. not too long ago i came across a video of how the chinese deal with blacks,in the video the african refugees were demanding more free stuff & tearing up a street,the chinese police came with batons & dogs beat the crap out of most of them then took the person they though was the leader up top of a two story bldg and tossed him off head first that was the end of that ,the chinese wont take crap from anyone,and they really dislike blacks .. royal oak dude..
LOL, 1st they couldn't get on the bus. Then they got on in the bakka da'Bus. Then they got all the seats.
Lastly, white people are attacked daily on Pub Trans, that will continue till YT finally understands that WE're not allowed on the bus, even the bakka da'Bus.
The cycle comes full circle.
No one should support PT. Oppose PT every chance you get. You can't use it. It just serves to move Predators closer to their Prey...
/H hypie out H\
"Republicans haven't gone to African-Americans or to Hispanics and said, `You know what? The war on drugs, Big Government, has had a racial outcome. It's disproportionately affected the poor and the black and the brown,'" he said. "There is a struggle going on within the Republican Party...And I will struggle to make the Republican Party a different party, a bigger party, a more diverse party and a party that can win national elections again."
My comments, based on practical experience in political campaigns:
* You can make all the slick "arguments" in the world, and it will not give you 2% of the black vote.
* Blacks--as do many voters--support candidates who stand tall, not pander to some demographic they hallucinate will vote for them if they come up with the right set of talking points.
* Big Government is fine with blacks because it sends them that welfare check, gives them an AA job, sings the praises of MLK, and puts YT in his place.
* Get rid of Big Government and we go back to the terrible, terrible legacy of States' Rights, which means a return to segregation, police dogs, and back of the bus.
* A lot of blacks support the war on drugs. They do not want drugs being dealt in their neighborhood (deal them in the next neighborhood!). And there is a sector of responsible blacks who do not want their kids using drugs or getting wrapped up in some outlaw lifestyle.
* If you bother to ask blacks, they might also tell you that they want to see a real war on drugs, fought against the capitalists whom they believe are making all sorts of money out of the drug trade and addicting the brothers and sisters. Is a Republican administration going to crack down on, say, the international banks which handle much of the drug money? Or shut down the CIA which many blacks believe is dumping crack into the 'hood? No? Well, then opposing the war on drugs ain't gonna have much traction among black voters.
* Many blacks appear to accept the poverty, the illiteracy, the gangbanging, the disintegrating infrastructure, and the corrupt bureaucracy as long as the machine is headed up by their own Big Man. This is so from Detroit to Zimbabwe.
* Making this situation worse is that the black demographic is increasingly marked by low median IQ, high illegitimacy, violence in the streets, and collectivist "village" mentality...none of which is conducive to individual citizens acting out of rational self-interest in economic and electoral marketplaces.
If the Republicans want to get more votes, here are issues they could promote: ending affirmative action; banning "diversity" indoctrination in the schools and workplace; enforcing the immigration laws; supporting right-to-carry and stand-your-ground laws; and telling the truth about who is committing most of the violent crime in the USA. Wait a minute, hold on, that might get the GOP the (horrors!) white vote! Can't have that. Nope, better to chase after some chimerical black vote than actually retake the White House.
Now imagine say, a top Chinese princeling who has an only child killed in a place like oh say, New Haven CT, home of Yale, or Harlem, home of Columbia. Now imagine say this princeling knows well that nothing will happen to the vibrant youths and teens who did it. Now imagine this princeling is a significant player in the Chinese security or military services. Faster than you can say, "Bo Xilai!" you will have a whole bunch of people of vibrant background whacked…
This might make for a very interesting movie. Perhaps it could be produced in Hong Kong.
I recall a scene in the now ancient "Boyz in the Hood" movie in which Lawrence Fishburn tells a young brotha interested in enlisting that there is "no place for a black man in the white man's army."
Today it is the opposite. There is no place for a white man in BRA's military.
Unfortunately, I served the great MultiCulti empire on several occasions overseas. I regret having done so.
One of the biggest services we could ever do for ourselves is to keep our fellow whites from joining up. I know it is a much tougher sell in such a bad economy. But, there really is no benefit in it.
Best case scenario is that you serve several years as a guinea pig in the left's favorite social engineering laboratory and then get to spend your GI Bill getting more cultural Marxism indoctrination in "college".
Worst case scenario is you end up dead or dismembered on one of the Empire's far flung battlefields for no discernable reason.
Even if you believed you were "fighting for your country" what does that even mean anymore? The right for Shaniqua and Consuela to swipe their EBTs and Ja'Quantavius to punch you out at a bus stop?
No thanks.
Sad to say I'd rather wipe my ass with the stars n' stripes than salute it. That's BRA's flag now...
More black shenanigans, another dead mall.
Maybe Paul can report on Norfolk, VA and its decline? Not the first such event, apparently.
The healthline is bad for your health. Too much vibrancy.
From the whiskey tango foxtrot files:
If anyone finds time, please take a look at this link from the Huff Post. I wonder if any logical comments from a different viewpoint will get posted.
White people are losing their heightened sensitivity to things racial. They are beginning to speak their minds in greater numbers. They are starting to fight back against black violent crime and those who excuse it.
Conservative columnist John Derbyshire was a bit more pointed when he penned an article advising young White people to be cautious in the presence of large groups of blacks.Deberyshire was summarily fired from his position at National Review but endeared himself to thousands of grateful readers who appreciate his stark honesty.
Town Hall's Doug Giles threw his bit in the fray, writing that "blacks can murder whites, and it won't make national news."
"Negro fatique" is a bit misleading. White Americans are not tired of black people. Rather, they are fed up with dishonesty and the phony 'racist' stigma that is attached. Aside from Hollywood exaggeration White racism is virtually non-existent.
I prefer the phrase, "White fatigue."
Like "White flight," white fatigue describes a reaction of White people to black crime and violence. It's also a response to institutional racial policies that intentionally punish White people.
White people are tired of being labeled 'racist.' They are weary of hateful black-on-White violence going unchecked. White people are tired of watching entire cities, such as Detroit, collapse when the White infrastructure is removed only to have blight blamed on external causes.
They are weary of Somali immigrants gravitating towards violent crime. They are fed up with historical revisionism that ignores overt black complicity to slavery. They are tired of being lied to and tired of pretending the lies are true.
White people are tired of EBT cards and black farmers claiming huge settlements from White taxpayers. They are tired of historical symbols, such as the Confederate flag, being demonized. They are weary of a racist Attorney General who is looking out for 'my people' rather than upholding the Constitution. They are increasingly tired of Barack Obama.
White people are fatigued by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the New Black Panther Party. They are tired of the media giving them a pass. They are tired of obnoxious black patrons who refuse to tip, then hurl claims of racism when service is substandard. They are weary of being told that diversity is a strength.
There is a weariness among White people of being passed over for jobs, promotions and education to satisfy Affirmative Action. They are tired of entrance exams being dumbed down to accommodate those who could not compete. They are frustrated by the self-censoring media that often refuses to provide racial profiling of even the most violent of criminals. They are tired of their kids being subjected to physical and sexual abuse on school buses and in schools while society turns a politically-correct blind eye.
White people are suffocated by historical revisionism being served in cinema via Red Tails, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Help and a host of other Hollywood productions. They are tired of being saddled with White guilt, White privilege and White racism. They are tired of their monumental contributions to civilization being overlooked and their culture being overrun.
They grow fatigued when White people, like George Zimmerman and Bernard Goetz, are subjected to a flurry of black fists only to be called 'racist' for having the audacity to defend themselves.
The list can (and does) go on.
Call it what you will, negro fatigue or White fatigue. Either way it describes an awakening of White Americans to the menace of black crime and to the silliness of pretending it doesn't exist. ####
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Glad I live in Idaho. No "teens" here."
I don't want to be negative, but it is probably only a matter of time before "youths" show up. Financed by your taxes, of course.
In addition to the points I've already made I wanted to ad the following:
An enlistment contract is essentially the modern-day equivalent of a term of indentured servitude.
Any white person who enlists is making themselves the willing slave of Barack Obama.
/H Don M. H\
This country was very boring and dull until vibrant people of color starting sharing their rich cultural heritage with us.
Used to, disabled white Army veterans would ride public transportation, and have nothing but a uneventful ride to their destination. Thanks to vibrant diversity, that trip to the doctor or store can be a fun-filled fight for your life!
It's actually kind of exciting making sure I don't have to stop for gas in vibrant areas. It's like a game. If I make a mistake, and have to stop for gas in a vibrant area, I can get my face smashed in for being white. I might even get my brains splattered all over the cab of my truck. Such fun and excitement!
Vibrant people of color don't discriminate based on age, either. 90 year old white women can still be raped, and infants can be shot in the face in their strollers. Don't think age will keep you from experiencing the rich tapestry of diversity!
We're a little behind the curve from the mother country, though. Vibrant diverse persons in England ran over a soldier, and chopped his head off in broad daylight in front of dozens of people who just stood there and watched. Don't worry...we'll soon get to enjoy that here, too.
Vibrant people of color can enrich you with their diversity almost everywhere. State fairs, malls, gas stations, restaurants, sidewalks, or even while you sleep in your bed! Sleep tight!
Here's how the 'hood does Black History Month in Kansas City.
The comments are good - lots of open eyes and the one DWL that wandered in is being heavily down-voted. The police chief and mayor are black so I guess that's why they only managed to give out 3 tickets and took 0 "teens" to jail. The Plaza is an upscale shopping district - the original one in the city and it's in the process of being ruined. Most DWLs still won't admit it's blacks, not teens or poor, that are the problem so let them all enjoy each other. I'll shop where it safe and white.
Don M said...
… Even if you believed you were "fighting for your country" what does that even mean anymore? The right for Shaniqua and Consuela to swipe their EBTs and Ja'Quantavius to punch you out at a bus stop? No thanks. Sad to say I'd rather wipe my ass with the stars n' stripes than salute it. That's BRA's flag now…
I agree. I never had these sentiments throughout my life before. But now I do. I often wonder whether I've got too much knowledge about what is happening around me, politically and culturally. I wonder whether I've got a skewed view of current events and I'm imagining or unintentionally exagerating the severity of it. But there are facts in front of us. I'll use the term unprecedented to mean just that, we've never seen this before:
1. The state has never had a surveillance structure in place as it does today.
2. We have unprecedented national debt, whatever it actually means to the average person. And whatever it means, it can't be good.
3. Unemployment, the number of Americans not working is unprecedented as the current numbers are manipulated and even with manipulation are huge. And these people are likely never going to work again
4. We've been at war for how long now? Where? Why? The public doesn't seem to care.
5. The size of government assistance programs are unprecedented; SSI, food stamps, section 8, medicaid, unemployment.
6. The government has apparently destroyed medical insurance and by extension, eventually, one's access to medical care.
7. Across the nation we've got individuals, small groups and mobs beating and killing people. They are black and their victims are typically white or non-blacks. This is not to mention the spectacular levels of blacks killing blacks.
8. The federal government, through domestic agency ammo purchases and training exercises, appears to be preparing for some serious control of the populace.
9. The police are militarizing all over the place, with increased SWAT groups, surplus military hardware and vehicles.
10. Illegal immigration is so out of control that illegals now lobby congress. They appear with the President. There is constant appeals for legislation to legalize them all. And there is no attempt to control it, outside of individual efforts in the Border control agency.
11. There is an unprecedented move to restrict private ownership of firearms.
12. As PK documents, we have dozens of major urban areas that are decaying, crime ridden hulks, resembling little of what they once were and offered to the nation. Our situation is unique here across the globe in its scope.
13. We appear to have no political opposition to anything that is happening, outside of a small group of representatives who have little power and are objectively quite timid in stating the facts.
I'll stop there. Am I losing perspective on all this? Why is there no reaction to these trends? Just picking #7, a topic we are all familiar with, how is it possible that this is going on across the nation and there is no voice of outrage about it? What the hell is going on? This is the only internet site I post on frequently. I'd really like to see some reaction to that list if you have a minute.
"Don M said...
In addition to the points I've already made I wanted to ad the following:
An enlistment contract is essentially the modern-day equivalent of a term of indentured servitude.
Any white person who enlists is making themselves the willing slave of Barack Obama."
That is why I let lapse my affiliation with the Air Force when O was selected.
re,ymous said...
Interesting discussion on this topic for those interested:
that or similar is linked at Drudge.
[does it ever end?]
what is life like for the negro in afreeka?
remember Mohamed Alis famous quote?
Silence = Death
This slogan was used in the 1990's for AIDS awareness.
It is time that we, the concerned and civilized citizens of this nation, adopt this slogan and break the White Silence.
Silence = Death
Speak up. Don't be afraid to talk the truth. It could save someone's life.
Speak rationally, speak clearly. And back up your discussions with facts. Most of all, refer people to this site.
Silence = Death
The PC (patrolled communications) media cannot conceal the truth for long.
Despite all of the orchestrated efforts of the media to hide the truth, it is getting more difficult for them to conceal the hatred which blacks have towards non-blacks. The violence has become so blatant and unbridled that sooner or later, there will be that straw that breaks the camel's back....and then...all hell will probably break loose.
Silence = Death
To protect our loved ones, we need to break the White Silence.
From Philadelphia, Philadelphia Mike...still a true believer in the Founding Fathers
And one more comment before I go to sleep.
We and the Orientals are ingenious races.
And the ingenuity of OUR White race and OUR White culture dates back thousands and thousands of years. Archeological research is making findings that separates us from the rest.
Even the cave art of our distant European
Neanderthal back tens of thousands of years...shows that we were advanced in art and intelligence even back then.
We will survive. It is hardwired into us.
We WERE beginning to become that proverbial sleeping dragon. But thanks to the unbridled lack of self control of the Blacks against us, the dragon is slowly awakening.
Remember, Silence = Death.
Break the White Silence.
Wake up the Dragon.
Philadelphia Mike
Three suggestions:
1) Start a new blog to track crimes like this. Really, I'm serious - it would be a sorely needed antidote to the horribly dishonest MSM, and an appropriate spinoff. The Big Lie on Parade used to make an effort at that: "A daily roundup of the continuing and ever increasing intifada of black on white crime. Dispelling the Big Lie of the 'Violent white racist America' one link at a time." Auster used to link to TBLOP; here's his last mention of it. It's important that there be an open invitation to anyone - anyone at all - to send links to stories about white on black crime. Because there will be very few of those. See, the point would be to show there is just no comparison - that you don't just cherry-pick stories.
2) Change the name of this blog, or transition it to a new name (and new site - see below). While in the meantime SBPDL has become a kind of trademark, the name never made sense to me, and makes even less sense now, considering the content. You could collect suggestions before making a decision.
3) Start a financial campaign to get the blog away from blogger/blogspot, which is, of course, controlled by Google. Many people - like me - would be willing to help financially with this.
Lastly, and regarding the recent post about commenting: people who want to use the 'N word', or see it used, can visit this site. It's good for a laugh as well.
It's a perfect summation of the Banksta Banana Republick. Young YT goes abroad to "serve his country" (actually, to serve as cheap mercenary for squid bank account expansion, not to mention making the ummah safe for feminism, sodomy and a certain little ethno-state whose name cannot be mentioned, in which a large segment of the oligarchy has automatic citizenship), is disabled, only to come home to be attacked by yoots set loose upon YT in geeral by the very same folks he (actually) served overseas.
The con-game continues over and over and most of YT just doesn't get it. Cannot face reality. The only thing missing was a beheading followed by a "polite" negro on YouTube explaining he was sorry for having to do it in front of the wymyn and provoke twittering amongst all the Crystal Methodist church-ladies (both male and female).
I'm quite sure Eric Holder won't be looking into this one either.
For all I know he is trying to figure out an angle on George Zimmerman.
Oh well, just another day in the new America, the one being called Amurka.
Some musician needs to write America it's dirge.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
Relax, it was just two "guys" and a "girl".
It's not like he was attacked by CRIMINALS or anything.
Prevent whites from enlisting in the military if at all possible. The Asians & Hispanics are neither willing nor able to pick up all of that slack &, rest assured, in very short order, the planes will be grounded. The tanks will throw their tracks. The ships will rust tethered to a pier. The rifles will jam. The US military will revert to the status of the current RSA (Republic of South Africa) military in months.
Plus, any white parent who let's their daughter join up- doubly so for the Army & Marines, and a Navy vessel underway is a SIMBA breeding fest - may as well strip her naked, tie her hands & feet together, drive her into the hood, & throw her out of the car at the first sight of a gathering of SIMBAs. It's disgusting. Army bases- especially weekend nights IVO the BX- are reminiscent of many of the infested malls mentioned above.
People on this website who are not prepared to take some serious action are in for a rude awakening. How many of you have stopped to ask yourselves- not, "What if the NSA tracks me down?" but, "What do I do when the electricity goes down- permanently?" Or maybe "Can I survive the escape from the suburbs?" "If yes, where will I go?" "Have I forged strong alliances with other moral, God-fearing whites?" "My computer is no help because both the power & the network have been shutdown by technicians originally trained by the IDF!"
Philly Mike- I enjoy your posts. I agree that perspective is necessary, but we have to take things one step at a time.
Heads out of rectums people. PK is doing his part. Are you doing your daily white duty?
I seriously cannot believe how many people here are using and embracing the quenelle. This is beyond sad and pathetic. You might as well just go watch the NBA while pleasuring yourself to some interracial black on white porn. The quenelle was created and popularized by the mixed race "French" comedian Dieudonné M'bala M'bala. Dieudonne's father is an african from Cameroon and his mother is a White French woman. Dieudonne is an ANTI-RACIST and campaigned against the National Front (the party of Marine Le Pen, one of the few hopes for the European people). As White men how much more pathetic can you be than taking your cues from a half breed ANTI RACIST??
The headline should read:
American Veteran Assaulted by Urban Terrorists.
The editorial page should have: two or three different staff writers giving their opinions on how best to eliminate the Urban Terror Menace.
The time will come when the Street Gangs & associated Marauding Yout's will be given the full Enemy Combatant treatment. It's up to us to hasten that day. I encourage all who can see to use the terms Urban Terrorists when discussing these criminal gangs and their actions.
Define the Enemy by re-branding, win the Opinion War. "Crime" doesn't do it, no urgency. "Blacks" leads into the racism cul-de-sac operated by the Multikult. "Urban Terror" is a fresh and frightening brand. It also co-opts TWMNBN's previous propaganda groundwork to full effect. A Grassroots Anti-terror Campaign begins with Public Awareness.
I was training about 10 years ago a black west indies guy and I had a flat tire in the ghetto and we drove into a less violent Mexican neighborhood to change the tire. I told him why I drove to the Mexican neighborhood and he said he would have done the same thing. If you look at population in Chicago the 2010 census shows a migration out of black neighborhoods as black people are voting with their feet against crime.
Equality über alles comrades. Equal misery. Equal poverty. Equal squalor.
Equal wages. Equal Zimbabwe. This is the great leap forward. Shanaynay wants to be a brain surgeon and we'll swap her out with the mailroom clerk. Yes we can!
Hang in there stockholm synd...err I mean republicant voters. The grand old pussies are going to save us in the next election. Rand has to draft that restore felons voting rights act and kiss the posterior of those who must not be named first. Ol' Massachusetts Mittens wants another run at the crackhouse in the district of cesspool. Maybe he will chose comrade Juany McCain as vp.
Why aren't YOU spearheading a petition if they have video evidence?
OT: Mittens Romney thinks that evil whitey shouldn't be spending all that money on Olympic winter sports when the black babies is starvin' in the ghetto and da black folks is livin' in poverty. Think of how many black people we could feed, clothe, educate, and adopt with all that money!
Isn't this EXACTLY what happened when whitey tried to go to the moon?
"And all that extra money could be used to do some very important things, in terms of fighting poverty and fighting disease around the world. That's what we really ought to be using those resources for, as opposed to wasting them, in many cases, to show off a country or, I think more cynically, to show off the politicians in a country."
Hey everyone...have you seen the new Fiat commercial?....two goofy white men are lost in the desert. A passing car stops, it's everyone's favorite negro; kanye! The negro offers them a cold bottle of water- gives them nothing and drives away. Later, they come upon a marketplace. One of the whites give ol' kanye a great big hug.
Absolutely disgusting. If the colors were reversed...there would be an uproar.
But don't you DARE notice racial differences.
Scientific research causing rise in "neoracism".
Whiskey speaks of Chinese nationalism and bitterness toward...others (whomever they may be) for what others have...done to them. Well, welcome to history. Has there been any nation or people who haven't been "done to" by some...other?
I don't give a damn about China's complaints or resentments. Their history internally and externally such as it has been (not having had the drive or such wherewithal to reach much beyond their historical borders) is as shockingly violent and decadent as any other that you may care to name.
I do believe it has only been white nations who have shown any conscience and reflection on their conquering ways - that have in singular fashion reigned themselves in, restored lands, possessions and power though there was no outside power to so force them.
To laud this introspection and reform or to bewail it I'll leave for another time but this was also true of whites until recently - they had a natural racial consciousness and self-preserving instincts. The were natural reaching-for-the-stars humans. When this grand cast-of-mind began to ebb we began to die. If this disease that has emerged in the white race does not continue to go undiagnosed by them in very great measure than their present cancer will kill them.
The remedy must be fiercely aggressive for the situation is desperate as all who read SBPDL know full well.
As an "old-time" religionist I eschew the other and false religion of Darwinism. We don't need lies and science fiction to know that SELF-PRESERVATION has been placed within our natural constitution by our Maker. It took fifty years of further lies and relentless indoctrination from every quarter of Big Institution to bring usto this state fatal ennui. We shall see if there is the last particle of a desire TO LIVE within us. I have too many grandchildren that I love too dearly to imagine that I can pause for a moment to consider the complaints of others when I am in this existential direness.
This is what we're up against guys. We're being turned into the dangerous criminals. Im absolutely sick reading that crap from the above link. Reading the comments will make you angry, laugh, and want to throw up at the same time.
One of the quotes from the comment section. "I dont fear young blacks I fear white guys with guns". Wow!
Romney got stung by 95% of the negros voting for the magical mulatto negro BHO.
Romney also got stung by the white liberal vote, and the Hispanic white/brown vote who voted against financial responsibility and for irresponsible socialism.
Today the name of the game is democracy, not the Republic.
That of course is why we are dying as a culture.
18.2 trillion in debt. Those of you who still believe in America better bail her out faster, she is listing.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
Jay Santos said... I'll stop there. Am I losing perspective on all this? Why is there no reaction to these trends? Just picking #7, a topic we are all familiar with, how is it possible that this is going on across the nation and there is no voice of outrage about it? What the hell is going on? This is the only internet site I post on frequently. I'd really like to see some reaction to that list if you have a minute.
I have thought about the exact same things you posted, but wasn't able to articulate it as well as you did.
I truly do not understand why there is little or no outrage.
People that know what is really going on seem to be isolated. The idiots that don't know or don't care are fed a steady diet of BS from the national media, and are content to sit in their recliners and watch football and Oprah.
The best reason I can come up with for whites not caring is that they know any attempt to organize and speak out on behalf of themselves would be met with the full force of government. It's like a passenger on a doomed plane speeding towards the ground reclining his seat, and watching the inflight movie. He figures he might as well try and enjoy what time he has left.
Three suggestions:
1) Start a new blog to track crimes like this.
Already done, see New Nation News and Thug Report. PK would be wasting his time being a news aggregator instead of a big-picture guy, so stop trying to interfere with his good work.
If SBPDL became a brand, with enough ad revenue to support a staff of writers and researchers, it would make sense to bring some of those functions under the same roof. The chances of that happening are between slim and none.
I eschew the other and false religion of Darwinism.
You know how you can tell a liberal is doing something because they're accusing their enemies of doing it? You're doing the same thing. There's no such thing as "Darwinism" as defined by fundamentalists. It no more exists than witches... which doesn't stop fundies from using denunciation itself as one of their shibboleths.
This is good for promoting in-group solidarity. It is very bad for understanding the real world.
We don't need lies and science fiction to know that SELF-PRESERVATION has been placed within our natural constitution by our Maker.
Natural selection eliminates organisms and species with inadequate tendendencies for self-preservation. This fixes the trait. This is why even bacteria have chemical defenses and collective protection mechanisms like biofilms.
White liberals are racist against their own race. They are cowards.
Negros are racist against whites. Nobody is supposed to notice or talk about it.
Orientals care about number 1.
We whites embrace the white man's burden, give our magnificent creations/inventions and bounty to all, and we get nothing positive, but everything negative, in return.
Time to throw off the yoke of the white man's burden, leave them all behind and begin anew. Thanks.
Can't even shop for lingerie without Obama's kids shooting up the place.
OT: Last night, the hashtag #africanproblems was trending on twitter. Some of the tweets appear to be recent US immigrants. Beatings and yelling are a common complaint. Here is a sampling:
I can't fit all my siblings in one picture
when your parents beat you harder went you won't cry then beat you even harder because you're crying
Trying to contain all the excessive sexiness that comes with being african
My dad just asked me to cut his toenails.
1. No
2. African feet are the nastiest feet...
damn i got cousins everywhere
Not knowing who your real aunts, uncles and cousins are
When 30+ year olds got the audacity to try to hit on you because you're African & back there its " normal "
Every African girl got that one pervert uncle that always look at they body
Yelling is a normal speaking tone
African parents having absolutely no sympathy
African parents' love to yell for no reason. They find joy in yelling. THEY LOVE TO YELL
You can't "April fools" African parents. They'll smack you with a fufu stick before you get to say you were joking
Don't ever give your money to your mom to "keep it" for you...... You'll never see it again
Being told to be quiet after they beat you with hangers, stones, shoes, belts etc
Habesh niggas now hijacking planes to leave the country.
There was one guy there with the id @HeteroWhiteMan pissing in their punch bowl. He would fit right in here.
Regards Romney.
On balance im glad he lost.
Hail Putin!
"Mittens Romney thinks that evil whitey shouldn't be spending all that money on Olympic sports when the black babies is starving in the ghetto. Think how many black people we could feed, clothe, educate and adopt with all that money."
Sure. Give up what white people want so that blacks can breed out of control and live off our dime and destroy entire cities. We've already done that and their population has exploded.
How many more Shaniqua's do we need sitting on their fat asses popping out bastard children? How many more feral thugs complaining that their wretched and worthless existence is all whitey's fault and we needs to gibs dem stuff even though it's Shaniqua's fault they exist because she fucked every hood rat in sight?
C'mon Whitey! You can help throw gas on the fire! Instead of going on that Florida vacation, take that money down to da hood and donate it to ShaKwonda so she can eat more skrimps, buy her bastard chilluns some shoes and then run off to da club at night to get knocked up by another hood rat. Don't stop until there's at least 80 million worthless negroes running around whining, begging and blaming da world for their condition and expecting support.
Thanks, Mittens! But no thanks. Your "Turn America Into Haiti" plan just doesn't resonate with us evil racists.
OT and OT.
The irony that the Republican party was originally formed to "end slavery" and Free the negro just may end the Republican party due to the Free negro voting Democratic 95%.
The stupid whites of 1840 "freed" the negro so the negro could destroy the stupid whites.
I wonder if these good, fine, wholesome Crystal Methodists and Lutherans wanted the free negro to live next door to them? Remember, the Underground Railroad ended IN Canada.
Did these fine wholesome pasty northern whites want the negro to marry their daughters and vote and go to their fine, clean, pasty white churches and worship god beside them...holding hands....smilin'......eating Sunday lunch together on the parson's porch?
Makes me want to vomit.
I have a serious question for any lawyers or police here:
If I am coming home from Disney, late at night, and pull into a gas station, what are my right in pulling our my gun if I am approached by a negro asking for money?
He hasn't threatened me. He has only "asked for a few dollars to get something to eat" and he is not close to me (about 15 feet away).
May I pull out my gun ( I have a carry permit) and kindly ask the fine up-standing Black Accountant, to please go away?
I would rather beat him to it and let him be on the defensive and let him have a chance to walk away.
Mitt Romney:
More Human-Humans!
Jay Santos said:
Am I losing perspective on all this? Why is there no reaction to these trends? Just picking #7, a topic we are all familiar with, how is it possible that this is going on across the nation and there is no voice of outrage about it? What the hell is going on? This is the only internet site I post on frequently. I'd really like to see some reaction to that list if you have a minute.
February 16, 2014 at 7:18 PM"
No Jay, you are cold and clear eyed to reality. I would throw in the homosexual fetish, the loss of femininity amongst women and a whole range of sociological factors directly attributable to the denial of reality and the self-lies. If there are any Sociological students out there reading this, this might be a good PhD thesis: "The Symptoms and Collapse of a Socialist Culture".
It appears that when a culture adopts TWMNBN Socialism a kind of sad fatalism infects the psyche of the people in general. Like the Soviet Union, it begins a downward spiral. Lies pile on lies like Plato's Republic until the whole mess falls apart from sheer apathy. Meanwhile vigorous, aggressive and self-confident cultures move in and the remnants are swept away. Sadly, the more intelligent the Culture, the more there is a desire to "control everything", which speeds the decline. Examples abound: The British with their fetish for cameras. It is almost like they want to watch the crime, rather than doing something about it. The Americans with their "Data Cloud" that really hasn't stopped a single person, but is great for intimidating people into silence. The French with their tepid response to the burning of 1000 (!) cars a night in Paris in what has become a yearly event. The Swedish and their near worship of Multiculturalism, leading to their children to be horribly beaten and to live in constant fear.
No Jay, your list shows sanity and clarity, NOT befuddlement or stupidity.
Centurion said:
"I would rather beat him to it and let him be on the defensive and let him have a chance to walk away.
February 17, 2014 at 8:33 AM"
No, you can only draw on reasonable fear for your life or grave bodily harm. You can surreptitiously place you hand on your weapon, or unzip or unbutton your coat to be able to draw faster, but you pull a weapon on a begging negro and you will be charged with "brandishing" a weapon and possibility "reckless endangerment". For me, I have had to change my wardrobe to match my weapon as I wear double breasted suits, yet I carry strongside. One button and my suit is open and ready for me to draw, yet there is a lot of material covering my weapon and keeping it covered, plus I could be unbuttoning my suit to get my wallet out.
All this changes, of course, when the negro closes, or there is more than one of them or you notice one trying to sidle up on your six for the sucker punch.
I bet Romney is going to go full negro-worship and run for Prez again.
Now that he has a black grandchild, he will try to get the black vote. He will not get it, GOP is the white man's party. He will pander for the Mexican vote. Republitads will tell you that Mexicans are natural conservatives and "want to work jobs that whitey won't do to support their fambilys."
I am getting ready to survive after this all cracks apart. Just having open eyes is a blessing at this point.
What type of black mob vs. solitary white attack would get widely reported today as a "hate crime", if any?
Maybe if it was a black mob screaming "kill the white girl", and the white girl was a teenager who was handicapped/mentally disabled, and she was gang raped after getting beaten, and the assault was posted on youtube...
Even then I think the media would avoid it. That exact scenario could have happened dozens of times in the past year for all I know.
"I have a serious question for any lawyers or police here:
If I am coming home from Disney, late at night, and pull into a gas station, what are my right in pulling out my gun if I am approached by a negro asking for money?"
Nope, you can't just pull your gun because you think he "might" try something. Clear your weapon by pushing back your jacket, or lifting your shirt. Make it clear without drawing that you're armed and ready. But beyond that you have to wait for him to make a threatening move, otherwise you'll be the one in trouble. Although as another cop told me once, most of them have outstanding warrants or parole violations, so the chances of him calling the cops are super slim.
Will high yellow flim flam comrade commissar potHolder have a pardon for his peeps:
"Perhaps the oddest thing about the experts and police chiefs and reporters and editors and tenured professors who constantly tell us that these black-on-white atrocities aren’t racially motivated, is that blacks don’t believe that for a second. They know that they are racially motivated, they say so, and they celebrate them for it." - Nicholas Stix
Mr. Rational:
Natural selection eliminates organisms and species with inadequate tendendencies for self-preservation. This fixes the trait. This is why even bacteria have chemical defenses and collective protection mechanisms like biofilms.
By a pure materialist standard, whites are obviously not capable of survival - having lost even the elemental capacity for self-preservation. However, as numerous others have mentioned for years, blacks are quite dependent upon whites for survival, even in Africa. Once whites are gone, does anyone here seriously think that the Chinese or Indians are going to pick up the slack for Bill, Melinda, and all the countless Crystal Methodists masquerading as Christians who "feel led by the Lord" to go help the Africans who are busy slaughtering the dwindling remnant of whites in places like South Africa?
Logic, science, and rationalism completely fail to explain what has been going on. We're witnessing Jonestown, Guyana writ large - a mass of clueless, blinded, mal-educated fools blindly following an oligarchy of ruthless, genocidal criminals like lemmings to utter destruction, singing hymns to the rainbow utopia along the way. Unlike Jones, the present gang of criminals have absolutely no intention of killing themselves. They are supremely confident. They have their intended victims paying them - big time - for the shovels to dig their own graves, and the grape-drank which will put them into the trench. The unwilling remnant can be disposed of easily enough with willing hordes of negroes, Musloids, Mexicans, etc.
One can present endless facts and figures to back our points about the massive deadly destruction carried out by negroes, the economic devastation wrought by open borders and so-called "free trade", and the massive systematic looting carried out by a criminal oligarchy whose poisonous notions of "morality" are a cesspool of toxic waste. The only response one gets from the DWL Crystal Methodist to whole mountain ranges and continents of hard evidence, regardless of whether they're a leftist OWS type or a Tea-Party Patriotard, are hysterical shrieks of rayciss!, followed by very real actions taken to destroy careers, etc. This is well beyond any rational explanation. It actually enters the realm of religious belief.
Locally vibrant downtrodden victims ov da ebul slabery like to panhandle crackas at gas pumps. I always say I'm spending it all on gas right now or to look around the parking lot for small change. They usually shuffle off to ask some other taxpaying serf on the globalist plantation for a freebie.
Have there been studies on inbreeding among blacks?
since they 'wander with out daddies'
someone may be breeding w someone who has same daddy or granddad...and not know..thats just one reason
marriage is so important in a [gasp] society.
NPR recently gave a nod to a black gal who got DNA test 'My dad is someone other than who I thought him to be'.
Jay Santos said: 1. The state has never had a surveillance structure in place as it does today.
The state has always tried to have maximum surveillance capabilities. Current technology allows the current capabilities.
Jay Santos said: 2. We have unprecedented national debt, whatever it actually means to the average person. And whatever it means, it can't be good.
It hasn't affected the average citizen's daily life yet, so therefore it is irrelevant to them.
Jay Santos said: 3. Unemployment, the number of Americans not working is unprecedented as the current numbers are manipulated and even with manipulation are huge. And these people are likely never going to work again
Many of them have been able to switch to alternative forms of support... unemployment comp, disability claims, welfare, early retirement, or just living off of their own assets or ability to borrow. In addition to the usual suspects, many more are becoming dependent on government, which is exactly what the current administration wants.
Jay Santos said: 4. We've been at war for how long now? Where? Why? The public doesn't seem to care.
Again, it doesn't directly affect them enough (yet).
Jay Santos said: 5. The size of government assistance programs are unprecedented; SSI, food stamps, section 8, medicaid, unemployment.
The parasites think this is great. It doesn't affect the hosts yet, because this is all being done with borrowed money.
Jay Santos said: 6. The government has apparently destroyed medical insurance and by extension, eventually, one's access to medical care.
Not detroyed yet. And this issue is the prime example. This DOES have the potential to directly affect the hosts/producers/average citizens of this country, and look what is happening... every time that catastrophe begins to take effect, the First Negro (illegally) backs it off. See? People DO respond, but only when it affects them.
Jay Santos said: 7. Across the nation we've got individuals, small groups and mobs beating and killing people. They are black and their victims are typically white or non-blacks. This is not to mention the spectacular levels of blacks killing blacks.
As you know, the MSM covers up the racial components of this violence, so again, many people don't see the obvious pattern to these crimes, and/or they feel that it does not affect them.
Jay Santos said: 8. The federal government, through domestic agency ammo purchases and training exercises, appears to be preparing for some serious control of the populace.
Figure the ammo needs of those agencies on a per person basis, and I doubt it comes out to some outrageous number. Also, those agencies might be stockpiling simply because of pricing breaks and availability concerns.
"Serious control of the populace"? I've said this before.... figure out how many street-ready, "front-line" personnel and equipment you have available in the country for such a thing, and even assuming that they will all follow orders or even show up, match that against a relatively well-armed population totalling some 340 million.
Jay Santos said: 9. The police are militarizing all over the place, with increased SWAT groups, surplus military hardware and vehicles.
Which are used for individual events. These are a very limited resource which would be quickly overwhelmed in the event of widespread chaos.
Jay Santos said: 10. Illegal immigration is so out of control that illegals now lobby congress. They appear with the President. There is constant appeals for legislation to legalize them all. And there is no attempt to control it, outside of individual efforts in the Border control agency.
I don't know if it is as much the illegals as the business interests that are trying to get this passed. The last I checked, this appears to have been stalled.
Jay Santos said: 11. There is an unprecedented move to restrict private ownership of firearms.
And it has been shockingly unsuccessful lately. Second amendment rights are stronger now than they have been in decades.
Jay Santos said: 12. As PK documents, we have dozens of major urban areas that are decaying, crime ridden hulks, resembling little of what they once were and offered to the nation. Our situation is unique here across the globe in its scope.
And again, it doesn't affect the real citizens of this country. Most of them don't live in those bad neighborhoods, or if they do, it is voluntary.
Jay Santos said: 13. We appear to have no political opposition to anything that is happening, outside of a small group of representatives who have little power and are objectively quite timid in stating the facts.
To summarize, there is no political opposition to what you are stating here because these points are either total non-issues, or people aren't seeing a practical effect in their lives. The Obamacare debacle is the exception, and the political opposition rose immediately, forcing the First Negro to back down repeatedly.
950s: Negro
1970s: Black
1990s: African-American
2010s: Teens
2014 POC peeple o color
[feel free to add to this list]
I shared this story on Facebook and added some stats about black on white crime and must have offended someone as I've been banned from posting for 12 hours !
I'm careful to not use offensive language and curb anything like a generalization with the word "some" but still ran into the Facebook censors !
I guess some segment of America doesn't want to be shown the sad truth of how blatant racist attacks by blacks are becoming much too common and no one is immune !
All part of the beauty of multiculturalism and diversity and having a black (or 1/2 black - whatever - he identifies himself and the black community sees him as black) president. Oh joy !
HUFF POST LINK was to 'huff black voices'
and I found reminds me of Michelle Obamas idiotic
'I feel so alone at an Ivy' thesis
which is online if you care to read it.
10mm AUTO said...No, you can only draw on reasonable fear for your life or grave bodily harm.
Which is open to interpretation, and dependent on the jurisdiction and people involved as much as the actual facts.
10mm AUTO said...You can surreptitiously place you hand on your weapon, or unzip or unbutton your coat to be able to draw faster.
10mm AUTO said...but you pull a weapon on a begging negro and you will be charged with "brandishing" a weapon
Unless of course you can make a case for being in fear of death or serious bodily harm, and that is possible. Many negro beggars are harmless, but some are not, obviously. Are you being approached at night, on a deserted street? Is the negro nervous? Is he approaching you quickly (rushing you)? Or is the negro trailing you, sneaking up on you? (ALWAYS know who is around you!) Where are his hands? Importantly, is the negro scanning the environment to see who else is around? If there are multiple negros, is one focused on you while others are playing lookout? At some point, things are clearly not right. If you are alert to your environment, and thinking, enough of these factors will justify your hand on your weapon, and perhaps a draw.
Brandishing or flashing a firearm can get your CCW permit revoked, even if it doesn't get you charged.
10mm AUTO said...One button and my suit is open and ready for me to draw, yet there is a lot of material covering my weapon and keeping it covered, plus I could be unbuttoning my suit to get my wallet out.
I prefer the small of my back, for concealment purposes, and also it is near my wallet. But it can be a pain if you have to sit. Front of the pants is most comfortable and provides good concealment, but is most obvious if you try to surreptitiously get your hand on your weapon. Carrying on the side seems to be most likely to show a bulge, or for your jacket to slide over it and reveal it.
If it is cold and you are wearing a winter jacket, just carry it in a side pocket, with your hands in your pockets (and one on your weapon).
Wow. I live 20 min. Away from Cleveland and watch the news every week day at 5. I can tell you I never even saw this! The crazy part is I'm a military vet. That moved to Ohio on the advice of a friend who said there weren't as many black people in this area. My hometown in va is overrun with crime due to the racial make up of our city, 70% black 20% white 10% other. I've lived here for 4 months and is say after about 2 I began looking for a new place to move after I discovered how mistaken my friend was. He ment well and this little suburb is mostly white but crime is still high because of this areas proximity to Cleveland and Akron. I would also like to point out that had this been a group of white people beating up a black man it would have made national news! Instead just today was another 'black girl shot by a white guy' article after her and her criminal associates got caught vandalizing the man's personal property and no doubt making a fair amount of noise, enough to frighten anyone into thinking they were under attack.
What's the point of this article, whites commit many attacks on blacks, that are not put on the news as well. Plus there are way more white ppl in this country so the odds of a black criminal encountering a white victim is much much much much higher than a white criminal encountering a black victim
I Appreciate the responses.
Southron said...
The best reason I can come up with for whites not caring is that they know any attempt to organize and speak out on behalf of themselves would be met with the full force of government. It's like a passenger on a doomed plane speeding towards the ground reclining his seat, and watching the inflight movie. He figures he might as well try and enjoy what time he has left.
10mm AUTO said…
Lies pile on lies like Plato's Republic until the whole mess falls apart from sheer apathy. Meanwhile vigorous, aggressive and self-confident cultures move in and the remnants are swept away. Sadly, the more intelligent the Culture, the more there is a desire to "control everything", which speeds the decline. Examples abound: The British with their fetish for cameras. It is almost like they want to watch the crime, rather than doing something about it. The Americans with their "Data Cloud" that really hasn't stopped a single person, but is great for intimidating people into silence…
Mr. Clean said…
there is no political opposition to what you are stating here because these points are either total non-issues, or people aren't seeing a practical effect in their lives
My interpretation of both Southron and 10mm comments is that the broad and bad trends I listed are generally real and it's the public's fear of speaking up and their apathy that has us in this mass state of denial. That makes sense to me, people do commonly exhibit those traits; fear and apathy. I guess you can never go wrong in placing a bet on both those emotions. I also think it's this concept of the normalcy bias that plays a big part. It's this belief that things have always been a certain way, largely good. And nothing is going to change that. That is not a realistic perspective.
For Mr. Clean, I wasn't looking for agreement, just a reaction, so your time in response is appreciated.
IM sick of the stooges in the media,in detroit they are finally putting cameras & cops on the buses they state every reason but the most obvious ,why are all these security measures needed,because of blacks,im sick of all the lies,im sick of all the blacks crying racism,without all the money stolen from whites these morons would starve or eat each other ,worst of all our govt rewards them & punishes us to quote the late charlton heston its a madhouse a madhouse .... royal oak dude
're: Anonymous on Feb. 17 @ 5:30 A M.
Mitt Romney is a despicable example of leadership and a perfect summary of what is wrong with White people.
The average white person firmly believes in diversity as strength. You may think people are getting tired of it, but evidence suggests otherwise. Any politician that ran on a platform of white nationalism would lose, and not because his fellow citizens thought that "the rich" were entitled to cheap labor. They just think that discrimination is wrong - even in defense of their culture. Sad but true.
The most evil force on earth is not money, black crime, or even Muslim terrorism. It is WHITE GUILT, something McCain and Romney (as well as most Republicans) have in SPADES. Too many whites feel guilty about their past to stand for their present.
So, at bottom you have a race that largely believes (1) it is wrong to exclude minorities from America and (2) it is wrong to force minorities to live under the law of the majority. For that reason, the opposition to Obama is muted and the Repukes do not want to defend the (White Man's) Constitution.
You think whites are "waking" up. I don't see any evidence of an awakening.
Anonymous said:
"What's the point of this article, whites commit many attacks on blacks, that are not put on the news as well."
Really? What country do you live in? Every single white-on-black crime committed in this country is headline news and the topic of discussion on CNN et al for days. Name one white-on-black crime in America in the past decade that didn't make national (and international) headlines. Just one.
What's the point of this article, whites commit many attacks on blacks, that are not put on the news as well. Plus there are way more white ppl in this country so the odds of a black criminal encountering a white victim is much much much much higher than a white criminal encountering a black victim
BS, if a white person even looks at black person wrong it's cause for round the clock coverage on CNN, MSNBC, et al. Plus black people traveling to white neighborhoods to commit crimes is stacking the odds in their favor that they'll be committing their crimes against other white people. After all, I know y'all negroes got widescreens and xboxes (that you stole from YT) in your neighborhoods too.
Anon Feb 17, 2014@1:19PM: "Whites commit many attacks on blacks that are not put on the news as well."
I presume you mean national news? Even so, there are many blogs that chronicle numerous black attacks upon whites that don't make the national news. For example, New Nation News,, Thug Report to name a few.
Please provide us with links to blogs that chronicle the attacks by whites upon blacks that don't make the national news.
What's that? You can't?
Didn't think so.
What type of black mob vs. solitary white attack would get widely reported today as a "hate crime", if any?
Maybe if it was a black mob screaming "kill the white girl", and the white girl was a teenager who was handicapped/mentally disabled, and she was gang raped after getting beaten, and the assault was posted on youtube...
Even then I think the media would avoid it. That exact scenario could have happened dozens of times in the past year for all I know.
Then it is up to us to figure out ways to spread the message.
1. If you travel start writing,, in the inflight magazines. Maybe write in something like: you are not alone,
2. Buy pre-perforated business cards for ink jet printers and start printing crime stats, DOJ links, or other race realist links on them and discreetly leave them where ever you go.
3. Start posting at CNN, HuffPo, and other blogs, be civil, of course, and turn their twisted logic back on them.
4. Start organizing marches or protests when an obvious hate crime has been committed and news media is silent about it. If you get the numbers out the media will be forced to respond.
These are just a few ideas. It can be therapeutic to bitch about negro fatigue but there is also a time to act.
We must work to control the narrative.
"Whites commit many attacks on blacks that are not put on the news as well."
I suppose that is because they are too busy looking for stories like Tawana Brawley, the supposed rape of attempted murderer* Chrystal Mangum or twisting how George Zimmerman had to defend himslef from a feral yoot.
*At the time. After three attempts on numerous people she finally was able to murder someone.
The site name is a reference to the popular DWL site "stuff white people like".
What's the point of this article, whites commit many attacks on blacks, that are not put on the news as well.
The "point" is that there is a political component here. The rare white-on-black crime is blown up by the media and government and race hustlers into a massive violation of civil rights. This is so even when the "crime" is obviously a hoax or based on some trumped up charges: Tawana Brawley, the Duke U Three, George Zimmerman, et alia.
But the cases reported here on SBPDL are real assaults-tortures-murders, perpetrated by blacks against whites. And they have an overt racial component, the sort of thing which would be deemed hatecrime were a white to perpetrate them against blacks.
The "point" is that white people are being denied equal treatment under the law.
Plus there are way more white ppl in this country so the odds of a black criminal encountering a white victim is much much much much higher than a white criminal encountering a black victim
This has become a common enough "liberal" rationalization. When confronted with a reality that does not meet their ideology, liberals will invent an explanation out of thin air to maintain their delusions.
Can the person who posted the above statement offer us any evidence that this is so?
And if this were the case, can you show us how in cities where whites are the minorities (Detroit, Newark, Johannesburg, etc.) whites commit large numbers of crimes against blacks? That would follow logically from your statement.
Evidence, or we must conclude you are delusional.
FWIW, John Derbyshire believes there are baby steps to race realism, particularly among Jews.
Among Jews of a certain mindset, the idea was to create a "Colors of Benetton" utopia (this was borrowed from Christian Utopian people who thought of it first and hardest) that eliminated nationalism. Eliminate nationalism, and "wars" and you eliminate the idea of another German-led Holocaust.
Other Jews of course drew the appropriate lesson: always be armed, have your own nuclear armed state, and be ready: enemies will defer attacking you in strength because you could nuke them to oblivion.
Nevertheless the Quenelle and the sight of 170,000 Blacks and Muslims doing the Hitler salute in arrested form, often in front of places where Jews have been killed such as the 2012 Synagoge murders by a Muslim in Toulouse (itself famous for mass deportations to death camps of French Jews) where two kids age 9 and ten plus a rabbi where murdered, have cleared their mind.
NO sane Jew can feel that Europeans and even Germans are capable of anything more than invading a fabulous gay disco for a night of fabulousness. However, the threat of Blacks and Muslims who HATE HATE HATE Jews is undeniable. Thus it is "good for Jews" to kick them out along with the other non-Whites and seize upon DNA evidence (Ashkenazi Jews are descended from ME Women and Italian Men) to form a universal White Zionism.
Jerry Seinfeld just dismissed the PC concerns of not enough Blacks/Women/People of Color in his web series "Comedians in Cars getting Coffee" with the note he's only interested in funny and laughs, not quotas. Patton Oswalt (Don't think he's Jewish but don't know) another comedian is tired of PC because it keeps him from funny jokes. Oswalt even linked to Steve Sailer! on Twitter.
Those who love Hitler the most are Black and Muslim people. They HATE HATE HATE intelligent White people and Jews being the most intelligent Whites come in for the most hatred.
Christians need to go back to the old time Christian religion, Jews back to Judaism, and both must dump the Crystal Methodism. Derbyshire believes there are baby steps being taken.
The playoff tickets for the NFL being unsold, the empty seats in half the NBA arenas, the sold out NHL, all speak to a growing White identity that is neither Klan based nor is Crystal Methodism.
Romney is yesterday's news -- Ted Cruz is blasting illegal alien pandering and the Obama Admin daily. Finally Congressmen are suing Obama, including Senator Rand Paul over the Mass NSA spying on Americans.
The Soviet Union and Marcos regimes in the Philippines fell very fast in the end.
13 year old pregnancies are de facto child abuse.
The blacks are heavily inbred, both stochastic breeding among relatives and unknown cousins and siblings. Their foundation population was also very very small.
Here's another Knockout King attack this time in Boston but with a twist...the CBS affiliate is going to make you watch a commercial before you see the video which is only seconds long.
My guess is that CBS knows how many hits this stuff gets and is now "monetizing" Black criminal attacks.
I personally hope this continues, if "Aybah Wanna Hep " go to the site click on the Ad and lets push the MSM towards revealing more of this type of stuff. it can only help our cause in the long run. Link here:
The group was probably a bunch of diversity hires at the VA hospital,
BTW, the quenelle has nothing to do with the Nazis. Anyone who wants to find out the significance of the quenelle can look it up easily enough; in fact, a commenter contributing to SBPDL linked to a good explanation this website a couple of weeks ago.
"Free men are not equal, equal men are not free"
If most of them were not European principles, they would all be shitholes like Haiti. Jamaicans,for instance, can travel freely to any British dominion or territory. It ain't ever gonna stop, it's never enough. Next time any of you see someone here comment that our blacks are different from other countries, post the universal truth: Where you find black people,you find Africa.
The blacks are heavily inbred, both stochastic breeding among relatives and unknown cousins and siblings. Their foundation population was also very very small.
This is something which needs to be examined further: the dysgenic effect of black mating patterns. The point's been made that given the high level of black illegitimacy, many blacks are mating with their half-sisters/brothers. What kind of children are being produced in the 'hood? With even lower IQs, higher propensity for irrational violence, and total lack of future time orientation?
And it ain't gonna get any better...
If I wrote this twice, I apologize;
-the city of Wilder, Idaho is inviting openly, every illegal it can get its hands on.
-Boise has, or is in the process of bringing in Somali diversity through Refugee Resettlement.
-You have the Chinese Industrial Park thing, that I know failed somewhat, but what makes you think they won't try again?
I'd say you are on the cusp of a lot of problems up there.
Ah, the yewfs. Like I said: weaponized subhumanity to be used on one's enemies. Hannibal's gimmick was elephants; BRA has their yewfs. Even a mental retard should know better than to ride on public transportation. Why, that's *yewf* territory! Not holding my breath on hate crime charges for these little goblins. It's not like they were recorded explicitly stating that their vicious unprovoked attack was racially-motivated... Oh, wait, nevermind.
Hey Royal Oak Dude, I used to live in Ferndale. The Sodom and Gomorrah of Michigan.
Now I'm not too far from Cleveland, closer to Akron. There's a reason why Akron is called Crackron.
Neat candy idea:
Yewfs (TM) chewy fruit pellets: Savor the vibrant diversity.
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