But it's stuck with me ever since.
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Death Wish turns 40 |
There's a reason why Americans are inundated with propaganda from the moment they're conscious to the moment they die; from the time they wake up in the morning to the moment they go to sleep at night.
Turning on the television and sending your children to public school is tantamount to plugging them into a system 100 percent engineered/devised/created to turning them into nothing more than catatonic consumers; which is why when certain pieces of art slip through the cracks, they must be deemed "scary."
For the simple fact these pieces of art exist shames the inadequacies of modernity, and highlight the true goal of our time: subservience and unquestioned loyalty to the Newark World Order (NWO).
Enter Death Wish.
Over at VDare, this writer notes 2014 is the 40th anniversary of the movies release. [DEATH WISH At Forty: Are We Allowed To "Notice" Race NOW?, 2-5-14]:
Forty years ago, a movie was released in theaters that late film critic Roger Ebertimmediately knew represented something “scary.” [Review, January 1, 1974]
In contrast to Obama’s America, where Hollywood, television, and the Main Stream Media are working overtime to promote false consciousness about crime in America (just watch an episode of Law & Order or remember what the producer of COPS said about wanting to show only reversing the ratio of white and minority criminals (“I do that intentionally because I do not want to contribute to negative stereotypes”) this movie packed a powerful reminder: no matter how much incessant propaganda tries to make people believe a lie, one perfectly-packaged dose of truth is enough to make it all go away.
That movie: Death Wish. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of its theatrical release, a special edition Blu Ray version was released today (February 4). [Purchase here and direct a commission to VDARE.com at no cost to you!] Never has the response of theCharles Bronson character (named, by an amazing coincidence, Paul Kersey) to the rape-murder of his wife and rape-mental ruin of his daughter looked better.
Read the rest there, but be sure to comment here.
Most importantly, spread the article far and wide. It includes a complete breakdown of crime in New York City and just who is committing it.
It only takes one piece of art to undue all the programming that has been carefully constructed to turn us into Coca-Cola consuming non-entities in the destruction of our civilization; a movie like Death Wish reminds us the destruction of our civilization only requires that we continue running.
If it were up to me, I'd burn every copy of that vile piece of Republican agitprop. Don't African-Americans have enough to worry about without paranoid old white guys trying to blow them away? Bernie Goetz and George Zimmerman probably jerked off to that film before they committed their heinous crimes. Makes me SICK.
'12 Years A Slave' ... now that's a REAL movie. I've made my daughter watch it three times already. I get a tingle up my leg every time I watch it. And my wife told me she has fantasies about Chiwetel Ejiofor. We're more progressive than most families, though; I'd say we were superior.
Down with Hate Cinema! No hate speech on the Internet!
-A Compassionate Oregonian
I love the Death Wish movie series.
40 years ago I was in college. 40 years ago I knew THEN what was coming and 40 years ago I was surprised they even made the movie(s).
And the good news is that it is getting worse.
Addison, my favorite bro here, should rent the DVD (or steal it) and watch the movie(s).
Unfortunately he will take the side of the rapists since us Whites deserve it for our oppression of Addison.
Don't forget it, White folks, we are oppressing Addison every day and he is still traumatized by the slavery.........of his great, great, great grandma........and from the nightmares he has about the "crossing" and the sharks that still swim off the coast of Africa waiting for the bodies to be tossed off the sides of the Spanish ship, by the Hispanic slavers (as they transported 11.5 million of the 12 million slaves to Mexico and Cuba and other non-White slave countries).......must be hell, Addison.......oh, why don't you just call up your White girl friend and tell her how horrible America is and how you long to take her back to Free Africa...........
In a post a few posts back, somebody complained that some of us respond to Addison. Like me.
I respond since I like to. I learn how to respond and I learn something about the mind (terrible thing to waste....) of the typical negro. I like it when one of them comments. We see them for what they really are when they think they can hide behind the computer.
I'm just shocked some of them can read and write, to a degree.
Also, by responding we give others a chance to read "both sides". I am sure many uneducated whites visit here and have the same arguments as Constructive Gasbag and Addison. So, not only are we responding to the blacks, but we are responding to the foolish whites who may have the same thoughts.
I don't think Addison and Destructive Feedbag are trolls. I think they are for real. Only blacks can be that stupid and thus I enjoy insulting them, since I am very good at it.
What I don't like is their refusal to discuss race or answer any of our questions, including realistic and serious ones, like this:
Addison, if it is so bad for you to suffer oppression from us Whites, why do you want to live around us?
Apparently 'A Compassionate Oregonian' has a death wish. If he isn't be sardonic of course. For that is what love of diversity is for whites - a death wish.
I saw "Death Wish" as a kid it it became the movie which shaped my attitude towards the world I saw around me.
As the years went by it was obvious the people around me who became victims obviously didn't get Death Wish and were the kind who recoiled at its message.
It's pretty easy to spot those victims among us who spat at Death Wish in contempt, they are the sheep who the predators pounce on whenever they can.
They are suicidal masochists.
Then we have those of us who live by Death Wish who destroy the predators whenever they make the mistake of fucking with us.
Not all of us are gelded lambs.
I hope the Negroes reading this take note, the next attempted mugging could be your last.
When dealing with blacks expect no quarter and give none.
Oreogonian, I have been waiting patiently for you to comment on TJ's trying to push the poor opressed negro form his hood. It was a subject ripe with oppurtunity for sarcasm. Stop holding back I love your humor and I love it even more when someone replys that doesn't get it.
Belgian Giant.
I remember well the Death Wish movies and the liberal hate directed towards them at that time. The same liberal hate was directed towards the Dirty Harry movies as well. And what was so "bad" about these films? That they dared to show the reality of crime in the cities - horrors! At that time, the Baby Boomers were in the age range of peak criminal activity (18-35) and the GI Generation had had enough. The lawlessness of the drug culture, the sexual revolution and crime just exploded and old ideas like "respect" and "self control" were ridiculed by the counter-culture. The generation that won WWII had witnessed the near collapse of the country due to the left's anti-Vietnam War activity PLUS the rise of violent black anarchist cells like the Black Panthers. They were feeling like the country was slipping away from common values and common sense. Nixon ran for the presidency on a law and order platform and trounced McGovern. Tellingly, in later years, McGovern renounced his liberal beliefs before he passed away, because he saw what it led to, which is today's reality. The Left is collapsing before our eyes as every tenant of their pseudo enlightenment has crumbled from within by lies, corruption, racial politics and an engineered economy set to fail at the hand of none other than their god-King Obama. Most DWLs live in bubbles where they rarely rub up against realities as ugly as inner-city crime and their all-too-obvious racial component. This gives them a perspective like children - which they are - and seek to render the rest of us into children as well, by taking away freedom after freedom. The country is at a crossroads: Do we continue to do things their way or finally get off the white guilt train and allow people to pass or fail on their own with less government intrusion, a dismantling of the welfare state and no more doing business as usual in BRA? One way leads to restoration, albeit with some black racist push back (quelled due to white superior numbers) or the end of the country as we know it.
- A REALISTIC Oregonian
I don't see it that way.
As I remember one of the home invaders who raped his wife and daughter was none other than Jeff Goldblum - a tall Jewish looking Jew. You could hardly pick a more obvious non-black bad guy unless you cast Robert Redford.
It is true - as I remember - that the movie Paul Kersey did shoot a lot of blacks but he shot plenty of whites too. I remember thinking at the time that racial balance of his victims was abnormally white.
We have yet to have any kind of media depiction of casual street murders or home invasions that accurately the overwhelming number committed by blacks.
BTW in movies and TV they often have mixed race hoodlums. For example in "Robocop" the very bad bad-guys seemed to have achieved perfect racial integration - half black and half white. This is very common in the movies. It is also to be seen in "Dredd". The story seems to be saying - "they may be bad but at least they are racially integrated".
Hey all. I like realism in entertainment. Also having intellect poked at. That being said I have a Zombie Plan.
I'm a Walking Dead watcher. I think it's a fearless show and has some race reality. Consider the recent character addition of Tyrese.
He's big and not bright. Does not like to work. When he chimps out he has to get beat down by the white cop. Also he gets all excited about white women. Seems AMC nailed it!
Plus, zombies!
Pat said:
"""It is true - as I remember - that the movie Paul Kersey did shoot a lot of blacks but he shot plenty of whites too. I remember thinking at the time that racial balance of his victims was abnormally white.""""
Pat. Get with it. They HAD to do that EVEN THEN in 74. There's a scene where at a rich fancy all lilly white Park Avenue party, where one white lib says to a woman "it's not FAIR that he only shoots blacks, he must be a racist!"
And its the WOMAN who says right back at him "So what? More blacks commit crimes than whites. What should we do, increase the proportion of white muggers so we'll have racial equality among muggers?"
Pat, I'm talking to you! You think any producer would allow those words to stay in the script???
I'm amazed they permitted it to remain in for back then, but then it wasn't produced by an american. Dino DeLaurentiis produced it.
The ever persistent question of vigilantism is that the line between good guy and the monsters he hunts becomes blurred.
But that's not what scares the propaganda machine. No, as PK notes it's the crime of "noticing" who are the actual criminals. In their sick heads, that is the bigger sin.
What is so appealing about the Death Wish movie, and remember the time at which it came out (as well as Dirty Harry). Society was in an upheaval. Liberalism was running amok, the old traditional conservative values had been under assault for 50ish years at that point. Counter-culture was supreme. Criminals weren't to be punished or stopped. They should be "understood" and "rehabilitated." Even though that does not work near as well as hard punishment does. But those were old traditional means and ways, and the counter-culture wanted none of that.
So places like New York City, hell ANY big cities, had began to rot and decay as they teetered on towards anarchy as racial makeup became altered. Detroit is a prime example of the demographic changes caused by violent unruly black riots, for one.
The picture painted by Death Wish was a fairly accurate one. Isn't it interesting that Ebert's review says:
"...like one of those bloody future cities in science-fiction novels about anarchy in the twenty-first century. Literally every shadow holds a mugger; every subway train harbors a killer; the park is a breeding ground for crime."
Is this not a perfect description of life in the major dysfunctional cities of our current day (the twenty-first century)????
Look at just the past month or so of SBPDL reporting on heinous crimes in these major cities with large portions of blacks and/or hispanics. Even the towns such as Portland, about as whitebread as a major city gets, still have the overwhelming majority of it's crime committed by you guessed it blacks.
Walking in these cities after dark is downright deadly. Think of the mother and daughter attacked, and the daughter murdered right in front of her mother in Philly. Think of the white bartender viciously murdered by two black teen thugs. The 19 year old white man killed by a pack of blacks for making the mistake of going to the convenience mart to get cigarettes at 2 am. The list goes on and on and on and on.
Honestly, Ebert couldn't have been more correct about this future. Where LITERALLY there are muggers hiding in every shadow, murderers on every subway and street corner and Qwik-E-Mart, and parks breed crime. (Try and go to any major city park after dark. Go on. We'll read about you in the newspaper tomorrow.)
Death Wish touched a nerve, and still does in America. Because we have been lied to for nearly a century of liberalism and progressivism telling us that blacks are just like us. Criminals are criminals because of extenuating circumstances and NOT because they grow up in a culture within their community that promotes, protects, and emboldens it. Why, crime just 'happens' in their neighborhoods! Like some otherworldly entity raining down chaos and destruction on po' po' innocent blacks.
Death Wish, even with it's multi-culti criminals (which was inaccurate as the face of crime is nearly monolithic black), cut right through the B.S. of criminals being misunderstood. It showed that some people, read: criminals, are just bad people. And that violence in the face of stopping said bad guys is righteous. That's right: violence is not all the same. There is a difference between the violence evil men choose to do, and the violence good men must do to stop them.
Vigilante justice taps into this deep-seated understanding in the heart of man. Well, white man anyways.
Sorry to be so long-winded. But Death Wish is one of my all-time favorite movies.
Conservative Joe carnahan was set to direct the remake but got bounced by the DWL studio head. A bit of a shame too because I think it would have woken alot of people up. Carnahan is as right wing as it gets-he's even a brother in arms to Michael savage, who is about the only conservative talker who calls has the balls to call out the cesspool that is BRA.....
Ok, is anyone else getting bored, tired and otherwise fucking fed up with this bullshit called "black history month"?
Every single fucking day we are bombarded with yet another "this one made a difference to society and ultimately america, etc etc"
That's not my history.
And also, most of these "heroes" of history what exactly did most of the them do? What besides shaking down YT did they really truly accomplish?
The bulk of those typically held up during BHM, about 90-95% of them are NOT scientists, doctors, inventors, engineeers, otherwise smart folks.
It's allll civil rights "Shaking down YT for da loot and takin' more of that gravy train ride so they can ride it up to Easy Street."
WHAT....exactly.......is BHM promoting? What?
When do whites get a WHITE history month? Course it would take more than a single month to list every single US historical accomplishment but we'll settle for one month to be fair, and we'd still outnumber the apes.
Finally, for all those Repubs who keep on stating the propaganda line "blacks are natural conservatives and natural capitalists, they want to create businesses by the bunches."
Shut up.
They are natural socialists! This Black Liberation Theology is a close cousin of Marxism AND National Socialism. They are natural allies of socialists all over the world.
They don't give a fucking shit about creating businesses, all they want is to take/steal from the rich and those that have some and distribute the stuff, the loot, the booty among themselves.
I defy those misguided fools to name any major business in America within the last 40yrs that was directly started by a black person. NAME IT. Apple? Wal-Mart/Target? Microsoft? NAME IT.
You can't cause it doesnt exist. Therefore stop with this idiocy that the groids are such good friends of enterprise zones; small businesses; etc. The only businesses they manage to run are those within the hood (e.g. barbershop; liquor store; loan store; etc) on a local level. And they did NOT start create them.
Affirmative Action; Quotas; Set Asides; etc are barely keeping the "talented tenth" afloat. Without these laws the tenth would join their 90% counterparts down in the lower depths of mediocrity, crime, and overall fuckery.
Why does everyone assume I'm a troll? I'M REAL! I am a white liberal who is ashamed to be white. I donate every cent I can afford to civil rights causes. I hate the fact that my job pays me so much money - it's obscene how much money I make. I like to watch my wife have sex with large Black men. (Usually from the closet, while wearing a three-piece suit and a Ronald Reagan mask.)
I hate white people! To hell with all of you!!!!
-A Compassionate Oregonian
Part 1
Hi SBPDLers. I know this is off topic, but I hope you’ll here me out. The other day, Son of Delbert mentioned Emmett Till. Over the last couple of years, we’ve heard that name a lot, usually in conjunction with Trayvon Martin. There has always been something that bothered me about the reporting on the Till incident. I’ve always felt that Minitru must be leaving something out. So February being “Blagg Hissry Mumf” I decided to do a little research. I found this interesting series of articles entitled “Mississippi Madness, The Story of Emmett Till” on the site crimelibrary.com. Naturally, it is sympathetic to Till, but it reveals a little too much and opens up the official narrative to question.
First of all, what was Emmett Till doing in Mississippi in the first place? Why was he there? From the series we learn that his mother, Maimie made the decision to send him:
“In the summer of 1955, Mamie decided to send (Emmett) to visit her relatives in Mississippi. She had a cousin, Moses "Preacher" Wright, 64, who still lived in Leflore County… Wright was a sharecropper who made his living harvesting cotton on 25 acres. In a good season, and there weren't many, he could take in $1,500 for a year's labor. He lived with his wife, Elizabeth, 55, and three sons in a six-room wooden shack outside of town.”
The series then reveals that Mississippi was a particularly intolerant state, even by contemporary Southern standards and had lead the region in anti-miscegenation laws and lynchings. The writer ominously intones: “It was into this volatile land, poisoned by decades of racism and paranoia, that a black Chicago teenager was placed for his summer vacation.”
After Emmett’s murder, Maimie conceded that Mississippi may not have been a good fit, “After all, she later explained in court, Emmett was born and raised in Chicago. He could not possibly know how to act in a place like Mississippi.”
The series also gives insight into Till’s personality: “Emmett was known as "Bobo" or simply "Bo" to his friends and family. He was gregarious, out-going and fun-loving. Coming from Chicago, he had the typical wisecracking demeanor of inner city youth. He liked to be seen and heard.”
So let’s put this in perspective: Emmett’s mother who lived in, by-comparison, tolerant Chicago elected to send her wisecracking son to live with an impoverished sharecropper cousin in the deepest, poorest, Jim-Crow South for a “vacation”. What was this woman thinking? Perhaps a better question would be, “What was Emmett up to that Maimie felt the need to get rid of him for a while?” Recall that at the time of his death, Trayvon Martin was “staying” with his father, Tracy at the house of Tracy’s girlfriend because his mother had thrown him out for his behavior. At any rate, there is almost certainly more to this story. Even if it was ever known at all, it has long since disappeared down Minitru’s memory hole.
What do we know about Till’s physical appearance? From the article:
“Although Emmett suffered from polio as a child, he grew to become a large teenager. By the time he was twelve, Bo was 5'6" and 160 lbs., with a thick, stocky build. But the polio left him with a persistent stutter.” Wow, that’s a pretty big kid. Keep in mind, he was a full two years older at the time of his death at age 14. 24 months is a lot of time for a fast growing teenager. Many black males today are siring their first offspring by age 14. We can assume Till was brimming with sexual energy.
I have an idea.
In 2002 the Academy of Motion Pictures created a new Oscar category for animated features.
I think that was a good idea. 'Toy Story' shouldn't have to compete with 'Schindler's List'.
I think it's now time to have a separate category for movies about black people. The first winner would be 'Twelve Years a Slave'.
These special pleading films are different from regular movies. They are not expected to be realistic or historically accurate. They are just special pleadings for blacks and black interests. Their continued inclusion in with normal movies corrupts the whole movie industry.
Last year the winner might have been 'Fruitvale Station' - a black propaganda film that consciously distorted the Oscar Grant shooting here in Oakland.
I don't want to stifle freedom of expression but we need some way to alert the viewing public that the feature film they might want to see is just pro-negro hokum.
Maybe we should add a new category to the MPAA ratings also. We could supplement the 'G' and 'PG-13' ratings with an 'N' rating and a notice that 'That some material may not be suitable for non-black people'.
Part 2
What about the woman Till allegedly made unwanted advances towards, Carolyn Bryant?
“Carolyn was a pretty woman at age 21. When she was in high school, Carolyn won several beauty contests. She was barely five feet tall and weighed just over 100 pounds.” Quite a disparity in size and strength between the two of them, I would say.
We all know that poor Emmett was lynched merely for the “crime” of wolf whistling at a pretty white woman, right? Or was there more to it? Carolyn’s testimony (which was withheld from the jury in her husband’s case BTW) paints a slightly different picture:
“Carolyn said that she was alone in the store on August 24 when she saw a group of blacks out front on the porch. She saw one of the boys come into the store and ask for some bubble gum. When she gave him the gum, the boy grabbed her hand, she said.
"He said 'How about a date baby?' He caught me at the cash register and put both hands on my waist," she said. Carolyn spoke very softly during her time on the stand and kept her head turned down as if she were ashamed of what had happened. "He said 'What's the matter baby, can't you take it? You needn't be afraid of me! I've been with white women before." Carolyn testified that she tried to get away but the boy blocked her and prevented her from moving. "This other Negro came in and caught his arm and took him out," she told the court.
As the boy's friend pulled Till out of the store, Carolyn said she ran outside to get a handgun that she knew was in her husband's car. As she did, she said she saw the boy out front. "He whistled," she said. She described it as the "wolf whistle." When she approached the front of the store, gun in hand, she saw the boy driving away in the car with his friends…”
This sounds more like a bona-fide sexual assault than a lewd whistle to me. Today, any white man that pulled this stunt would certainly be arrested and criminally charged.
Anyway, did that horrible racist Carolyn Bryant immediately run to tell her husband Roy about the incident so he could lynch that poor boy? Not exactly:
“After the rambunctious teenagers left the store, Carolyn told her sister in law, Juanita Milam, what happened. During that week, Roy was driving a truck down to Texas and he was not due back for a few days. The two women agreed not to tell their husbands about the incident. That was because a black youth making any type of a sexual advance to a white woman was such a blatant and grievous violation of the unspoken cultural code of the South, there could be only one punishment. Death.”
Carolyn and her sister in law actually tried to protect the lascivious imbecile. Despite this, rumors of what happened circulated freely amongst the town’s negro community. Ironically, it was a negro customer of the Bryant’s store that informed Roy of the incident. When confronted, Carolyn relayed the story. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Part III
The way in which Till was murdered was truly horrific. It rivals our modern negro atrocities such as the Knoxville Horror in its viciousness. I’ll leave the details for readers to research. I’d like to think none of us here at SBPDL would condone such a thing. From my research, it seems the incident garnered national attention. The photos of Till’s gruesome, open casket funeral caused nationwide outrage. The trial of Roy Bryant and his accomplice, J.W. Milam appears to have been the Trayvon Martin case of its day.
Only three months later, Rosa Parks would refuse to give up her seat on the bus in Montgomery Alabama. This series claimed that Till’s murder was a major motivation behind Parks’ actions. The civil rights era was officially under way. Had Till’s murder opened up the hearts of white Americans, making them far more accepting of the movement?
It is alleged that Rosa Parks’ actions were not spontaneous, but rather a pre-orchestrated event sponsored by the CPUSA and NAACP. Could there have been elements of this in the case of Emmett Till. To suggest so probably goes off the deep end into crazy conspiracy theory. Still, there are enough inconsistencies to make one wonder sometimes.
Was there a more improbable location for a summer vacation for a black, Chicago youth than the Jim Crow South of 1955? Why would his mother send him there with the full knowledge that he was totally unprepared for the deadly racial realities in existence at the time? Why would she send him to live with a dirt poor cousin whom she had not even seen since childhood?
In the summer of 1955, there was no worse possible place on earth for a wisecracking, Chicago black kid to be than the Mississippi delta. Yet, that’s where Emmett Till winds up. And while there, he pulls a stunt so colossally stupid, so egregious, that it guarantees his death warrant. Any black, no matter where born and raised, no matter how dim witted, should have been able to foresee the results of sexually assaulting a married, white woman.
A year after being acquitted, J.W. Milam relayed to Life Magazine what he said to Till before he pulled the trigger that summer night in 1955:
“"Chicago boy, I said, I'm tired of 'em sending your kind down here to stir up trouble. Goddamn you, I'm gonna make an example of you, just so everybody can know how me and my folks stand."
Had other blacks been “sent” from up north to “stir up trouble” prior to Till? If so, who did Milam believe was the “them” that were sending these blacks into the heart of Dixie? What had these other blacks done and what became of them? It appears that those questions were never asked. Milam died in 1980, thus being currently unavailable for comment. Most likely, Till was a stupid showoff that made the ultimate mistake in Jim Crow Mississippi. But, if other forces were at play, we will never know now…
>>Make it rain TRUTH said:
"""Death Wish, even with it's multi-culti criminals (which was inaccurate as the face of crime is nearly monolithic black), cut right through the B.S. of criminals being misunderstood. It showed that some people, read: criminals, are just bad people. And that violence in the face of stopping said bad guys is righteous. That's right: violence is not all the same. There is a difference between the violence evil men choose to do, and the violence good men must do to stop them."""
Excellent post and observation, make it rain. One thing here: NOTICE that in Hollywood today, whether on TV or film....IF the criminal(s) is/are WHITE, THEN its perfectly acceptable to portray him as pure evil and one who must be stopped at all costs.
Example: Take that new film out w/Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaghey. Is the main criminal givien any sympathy? Is he misunderstood? Is he shown compassion?
Most of the time, the white criminal is portrayed as a total psychotic nutcase.
Of course, they'll claim that this is to add nuance and to show that these types of criminals make for interesting stories as well as bringing some insight into a person who has the mental capacity to construct such outrageous crimes.
Perhaps one reason among many that Hollywood refuses to show the true color of the majority of violent crime is because they subconsciously cannot fathom the idea of an "intellectual" black criminal. Smash and grab; knockout game; street thuggish apes; of course? But a black serial killer? Or a black criminal who actually appears to show some intellect in constructing how he will take out his victims?
You never see it. Not among mainstream productions.
Funny thing: Remember that black serial killer in LA couple years ago? He was an ex LAPD, Chris...something or other?
How long till Hollywood makes that film where the killer is black and is caught by a fairly white LAPD?
Any takers when we can expect to see that film produced in our lifetimes?
Didnt think so.
>>pat said:
"""These special pleading films are different from regular movies. They are not expected to be realistic or historically accurate. They are just special pleadings for blacks and black interests. Their continued inclusion in with normal movies corrupts the whole movie industry.""
That's actually not a bad idea and funny thing is, IF it were marketed in the right way to blacks as in the usual kowtowing and begging etc etc and playing off of their self esteem....
Know what? It might actually work. Hell, don't blacks already have their own black film fiestival somewhere? Do they. Asians, hispanics, gays, etc each have their own film festival I just assumed that blacks do as well or they should by now.
Pat, here's the thing: Blacks could go along with it but only up to a point. For best film and director and that shit, sure. They aint got no problem with that.
If you separate out the ACTORS and ACTRESSES as well and say "Your talent won't be eligible for real Oscars if you take part in those films. You can win your own "Oscar" but not ours."
Oh boy.
Now you WILL hear them holla!
Jesse, Al, etc will come barging in etc.
And if that were to occur, the more perceptive blacks would start only agreeing to do films for mainstream white producers in order to qualify for the Oscars. The only ones remaining behind would be the no talent hacks.
Its the talent you'd have to sell the idea to. No one gives a fuck about Spike Lee and the few other black directors. No one gives a fuck about the few black producers either. There are very few in the technical departments since that takes an inordinate amount of high IQ.
So that leaves just the talent. How do you convince them to accept this? How do you convince them that "their" films are 2nd rate (which they are) AND that they "don't count" toward the Academy Award selection process (which they shouldn't count anyway)
IRONY: Many (not all, but many) many of these so called "black" films are for the most part, largely financed and produced by whites. So in a sense, th few whites who are target audiences for these films are most likely guilty white liberals who feel good about helping to produce these pieces of shit. It may be a box office bomb, but hell, it's a blow for social justice!
And besides, they can always write the loss off for their taxes anyway.
I do believe we were just trolled by Anonymous @10:31 AM.
Actually, it's pretty funny.
Good job, Anonymous.
Paul, I read the Ebert review and I laughed. What would he think now of New York or Chicago or Baltimore with their "No Go" Zones or their "Polar Bear Hunting" or "knock Out King" or their shoot kids through the door of the car?
What would he think of Detroit where whole stretches of the city are blacked-out, no power, no water, empty shell houses stripped of copper and the negros wander from shadow to shadow, Orcs tagging your heels. What would happen to a well dressed Architect in those places at night? Ebert tried to make out that the movie was excessive in its depiction of "muggers everywhere". I submit that the directors vision has come true not just in a few places, but where ever the black undertow has arrived. Knoxville had not happened, Detroit had not happened, Autumn Pasquale had not happened, Jonathan Foster had not happened, and on and on. Since Ebert wrote those lines, the society has not gotten better, but much worse. The shocking thing is that since that movie, many States have passed concealed carry laws favoring Carry and STILL the negros get worse. The negros response has not been to retreat on his viciousness, but to become more vicious. Shooting through car doors at cringing kids, killing the elderly lady he just raped, dumping the strangled 12 year old girl in the recycle bin and going to the church service and laughing at the grieving Whites, producing Rap music even more vicious and evil than ever.
When a White actually shoots a attacking negro, it is endless marches demanding his head with threats of violence (No Justice, No Peace), ignoring the evidence and issuing a Fatwa on his life with TWMNBN and the MSM shyly supporting the off the wall negros, like the Black Panthers.
Don M said...
Part 2
What about the woman Till allegedly made unwanted advances towards, Carolyn Bryant?….
Were it not for the actions of Carolyn's husband, Emmett Till would have gone on to do what Phillip Chism did. Latest news on that is the belief Chism recorded his rape, killing and mutilation of the young teacher.
>>>Don M:
""Had Till’s murder opened up the hearts of white Americans, making them far more accepting of the movement?"""
Not necessarily. You have to take into consideration the X factor in all of this. TELEVISION.
The 50s were the first full decade that Americans had wide access to TV. These stories perhaps were hyped so to speak on tv and perhaps even reached national attention via broadcast from coast to coast.
Prior to this era, if these types of incidents in the South did occur, it most likely did not receive widespread attention due to to the fact that there wasn't any TV to highlight the incident.
The only comparable thing to TV pre-1950 were the carefully scripted non-controversial Hollywood produced "news of the week" type things that various studios put out that ran before major feature films. Take a gander at those sometime and you'll see that those were so non-controversial.
The only major case to involve black v white crime back then that would be comparable to Emmit Till would be the Scotsboro boys. Aside from that these types of things just weren't widely covered on a nationwide basis. Why would they? That was considered crime and crime was entirely a state matter back then.
OT: Another face eating naked guy is shot and killed. Where? Florida of course (Delray Beach). Guy had superhuman strength and may have been on bath salts. Soon they will have to ad 'face eating' per 100K to crime statistics.
>>pat said:
"""These special pleading films are different from regular movies. They are not expected to be realistic or historically accurate. They are just special pleadings for blacks and black interests. Their continued inclusion in with normal movies corrupts the whole movie industry.""
What are you going to do with 2001: A Space Odyssey? Its first 1/4 is for negros and the second 3/4's is for Whites?
>>10mm AUTO said...
""What are you going to do with 2001: A Space Odyssey? Its first 1/4 is for negros and the second 3/4's is for Whites?""
Uh,..... 2001 was released in 1968. DUH
We're talking about RIGHT NOW. Honestly.
Compared to RIGHT NOW, 2001 would be considered nuanced and subtle.
There's very little subtlety in today's black films. The narrative is duly followed: Blacks are all good and entirely blameless while smart smart and smart, while the white folks are evil and entirely to blame.
There's no nuance in today's right now films when dealing with race. All whites are racists and evil while all blacks are the good angels.
>>10mm AUTO said...
"""Paul, I read the Ebert review and I laughed. What would he think now of New York or Chicago or Baltimore with their "No Go" Zones or their "Polar Bear Hunting" or "knock Out King" or their shoot kids through the door of the car?"""
He wouldn't change in the slightest.That leftist kind seldom ever does, and for two reasons.
Reason #1. Because they generally are part of the top 1%, they are well insulated and protected from the harsh stark reality that is part of the urban experience. To them, cites such as NY, Chi, LA etc are bastions of culture, enlightenment, etc. while the truly scary places are the South, the heartland, etc. If Death Wish had occurred in the Midwest or South and all the thugs were white, then it would been passable and quite possibly the elites would've given the film a good review.
After all, back then as now, Ebert's reaction would've been "Who could take this kind of film seriously? I know three whole Negroes and they aren't anything like that depicted in Death Wish! And everywhere I walk in Manhattan is quite safe, therefore this film Death Wish MUST be depicting a science fiction type of existence since it certainly isn't reality based!"
If confronted with current stats on crime and shown various cities right now that are very much like NY depicted in Death Wish, Ebert simply would've stated that this was at best an example of unenlightened thinking; at worst, this is an example of racist thinking since everyone knows that blacks aren't the cause of most violent crimes. Right, Addison??
Reason #2: The leftist ideology and of course coupled with reason #1, they can afford to believe such abysmal nonsense. Much like Star Trek would originally depict negroes in various roles on board the Enterprise, that was considered enlightened and awe inspiring. The idea, however, of depicting groids as murdering thugs was and remains totally unacceptable. The infinitesimal numbers of actual blacks that these elites personally know or come into contact with are for the most part docile, law abiding, etc. so in their world this type of stark reality simply doesn't make any sense at all.
Ex New Yorker here.....While most people were watching Death Wish I was living it. So many close calls I still can't believe I made it out alive. It just seemed to never end. The last four years I lived down in the Soho. The Jungle Man had not invaded that area yet so I felt safe at last.
During those years of doing "street time" I did not live in fear like the rest of the New Yorkers. If I had an enemy I wanted him more afraid of me than I was afraid of him. Living on the Lower East Side was like being in a fucking jungle with blacks, spicks, junkies, hippies, undercover cops, bikers, winos, fags, whores and street thugs. What a long weird trip it's been. I am still alive and nobody stole my soul.
Finally, for all those Repubs who keep on stating the propaganda line "blacks are natural conservatives and natural capitalists, they want to create businesses by the bunches."
Shut up.
This is something that ought to be considered by mainstream conservatives who believe that there is some magic "outreach" formula which will bring in the black vote to the GOP. If any of them are reading this, can you puh-lease show us where black capitalism is a workable program? Anywhere? In the USA? The Caribbean (aside from a few tax shelters)? Sub-Saharan Africa?
I'll be open minded on this. Just show us some examples.
Anon -February 5, 2014 at 3:00 PM
Dude, I was kidding there. The first 1/4 of the movie is apes jumping around (referring to blacks) and the last 3/4 is White men in Space surrounded by elegant technology having nothing to do with negros. I was pulling your leg and it came off in my hand...
Reason #3 that critics such as Ebert wouldn't go for Death Wish.
It's too obvious. All you have to do is turn on the TVs nightly newscast and watch and see the true face and color of most violent crime.
But a villian who wants to hold the world hostage for big mucho bucks or else unleash nerve gas into the sky to do major damage? Now THAT is a thriller and its up to James Bond or whoever to save the day.
Those criminals tend to be white, hence "white collar" crime. This serves in its own perverse yet accurate way to reinforce that "Only white folks know how to recreate and carry out intricate, high IQ crimes and ones that require thought, planning, and major innovative levels of depravity. Anyone can smash and grab. Anyone can gun someone down in the streets, that's reserved for the apes."
Hence, to Ebert, Death Wish is "too obvious". And yet, the obvious often packs the largest wallop of reality.
"12 years a slave", best damn comedy since Roots....
Anonymous said...
>>10mm AUTO said...
""What are you going to do with 2001: A Space Odyssey? Its first 1/4 is for negros and the second 3/4's is for Whites?""
Uh,..... 2001 was released in 1968. DUH
We're talking about RIGHT NOW. Honestly."
Dude that joke flew right over your head. The first 1/4 of 2001 covers the african ape men (i.e. the negro race) as they struggle against leopards and then learn how to make basic tools out of bone. The other 3/4 of the film focuses on the exploration of space by the White race.
Where was Emmett Till's father, you guys might be wondering? It's a funny story, chock-full of TNB. From Wikipedia:
Till was born in Chicago and nicknamed "Bobo" as an infant by a family friend. Emmett's mother largely raised him with her mother; she and Louis Till separated in 1942 after she found out he had been unfaithful, and later choked her to unconsciousness, to which she responded by throwing scalding water at him.[6] For violating court orders to stay away from Mamie, Emmett's father was forced by a judge to choose between jail or enlisting in the U.S. Army in 1943,[7] and died in 1945.
But how did Louis Till die in Europe during WWII? Even funnier story with even more TNB and a guest-star spot from none other than Ezra Pound (!):
While serving in the Italian Campaign, Till was arrested by military police, who suspected him of the murder of an Italian woman and the rape of two others in Civitavecchia. After a lengthy investigation he was court martialed, found guilty, and sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out at the United States Army Disciplinary Training Center north of Pisa on July 2, 1945.[4][5] He was a fellow prisoner of American poet Ezra Pound, who had been imprisoned for collaborating with the Nazis and Italian Fascists; he is mentioned in lines 171-173 of Canto 74 of Pound's Pisan Cantos:[6]
Till was hung yesterday
for murder and rape with trimmings
Till was buried in Grave 73, Row 7 of Plot E in Oise-Aisne American Cemetery.
>>SO Cal Snowman said:
"""Dude that joke flew right over your head. The first 1/4 of 2001 covers the african ape men (i.e. the negro race) as they struggle against leopards and then learn how to make basic tools out of bone. The other 3/4 of the film focuses on the exploration of space by the White race.""""
Ok, that's fair enough. I admit I'm not familiar with 2001. My sci-fi frame of reference from that era remains Star Trek and I had just finished an episode where a BLACK doctor assists McCoy on something or other AND a BLACK assistant ENGINEER helps Scotty out on something real intelligently smart before being blown away.
You don't truly realize until you carefully watch these things one at a time just how PREACHY they were. OVER AND OVER it seems and they seldom ever left a stone unturned to preach.
Honestly. The Enterprise travels millions of miles away into a galaxy thousands of light yrs away from Earth and yet they constantly encounter humanoids who speak perfect English AND where blacks are playing prominent roles???
Again, what reality exactly is this based on???
Best thing that happened to the show was STAR WARS. Yeah, not every fucking creature encountered in different galaxies are gonna resemble us AND they all dont know English!
But no, I thought you guys were serious about '01.
Can we just have a sci fi film that's NOT an excuse to bash middle America about how racist, sexist, etc we all are? Can we just have a film or show that displays another world existing for its own sake and not ours???
And without all those black engineers as well. Science fiction or not, we should at least attempt to make it based in some reality if not our own.
Ok, Swamp Thizzle, this is definitely some intricate nuances that throws cold water on the shiny narrative regarding Emmitt Till's background.
But what is left unreported is that during WW2, the US armed forces were segregated so how exactly did Till's father end up over in Europe amongst other Americans? Or did he fight with a segregated unit?
Funny, didn't Spike Lee of all people make a film about US black unit during WW2 over in Italy?
Another thing of interest: Emmitt Till's dysfunctional family throws cold reality on the myth, largely pushed by conservatives, that blacks pre-civil rights era tended to come from stable two parent families.
As previously remarked, the similarities between Till and Trayvon Martin are striking. Except unlike Till's father Tracy Martin is still expecting to get paid somewhere somehow in all this race card racket.
"If any [Repukes] are reading this, can you puh-lease show us where black capitalism is a workable program? Anywhere?"
Here's an entrepreneur in Zimbabwe (not Rhodesia). They may indeed land on the Moon one day.
Ebert married a negress, that should say it all about his motives.
And as for the Tills, like sperm donor, like spawn...
Your viewpoint partially encapsulates why the race realist movement will remain isolated and on the fringe of American politics for the foreseeable future: your remarkable ignorance of the class division among us whites. If being loyal to my race means I should be looking up to every overpaid, gladhanding, flimflam, fasttalking, confidence man, POS "entrepreneur" then I don't see a GD bit of difference in the ultimate outcome between the BRA future and what those moneychangers will lead to.
I don't simply like the Death Wish movies... I revere them.
One of my favorites parts of Death Wish is the scene in Tucson when the great Stuart Margolin, who won emmys for his brilliant role in The Rockford Files, views PK's shooting prowess and gets him a going away present... a Colt revolver.
Anon said
... Michael savage, who is about the only conservative talker who calls has the balls to call out the cesspool that is BRA.....
February 5, 2014 at 12:39 PM
I don't have a TV, don't live in America, wouldn't know Michael "Savage" Weiner if I fell over him. However, I find this hard to believe in light of his response to Jared Taylor's pitch (Amren):
"Do you believe in Jesus?!"
Somewhat O/T: i always loved ROBOCOP growing up but i could never put my finger on what bugged me about that film. Now i get it. It takes place in detroit and almost everyone is white! The boardroom full of greedy executives i can understand, but all the criminals? Afraid to show it how it is as per usual.
The movie watchmen has a gang who is more of a joke than a menace. They are all white (of course) and all dress as asian wanna-be's.
Why are we whites so damn violent!?! Its obvious we are the group dragging this country down.
Erie PA
When you get old you inherit a responsibility to youth to explain the past. So I will explain the movie '2001' to everyone.
You can't understand 2001 anymore by just watching it on TV. Your eyes are twenty first century eyes. It looked a lot different in the sixties.
First of all 2001 was the first and remains the only movie that attempted space verisimilitude. The characteristics of space that separate it from life on the surface of the planet are - size , vacuum and gravity. Virtually every other depiction of space just ignores these factors to help move the story along.
For example in 2001 everything is silent whereas in Star Trek and Star Wars the space ships whiz around and blow up with a boom. Star Trek's Enterprise is topologically an office building. They have an elevator, gravity, and lots of people swarming about the halls. They don't use shuttles to get to the surface of a planet - they use magic. And most seriously, the space of Star Trek is small. It only takes a few minutes to get anywhere. They almost never need a helmet or a space suit either.
Altogether the outer space of Star Trek is just like the surface of Earth. But 2001 was different, it tried to deal with the realities of vast distances, vacuum and no gravity. In a weekly drama series on TV these realities just get in the way so once you have been introduced to ideas such as the zero gravity toilet you never need to consider them again. Space realities slow up the weekly plot.
The other thing about 2001 that is seldom appreciated is its anthropology. The main theme of the story is the 'ubermensch'.
The ape men in the opening sequence are not Negros. They are non-humans. In 1968 there was a sort of pop anthropology based on bad ethology. The whole first section was based on the theories of Robert Ardrey.
A lot of the film is in code. For example the opening music is the Richard Strauss tone poem "Thus Spake Zarathustra". To decode this reference you have to be familiar with Strauss and Nietzsche. But if you are, you realize that the story is about the Superman - the next stage of evolution.
The story starts out with the gentle but ineffectual apes cavorting about in Africa. Then the Monolith appears and makes them more butch. They become Ardrey's "Killer Apes". Finally when the humans get to the Monolith again out near Jupiter it transforms people again into the 'Space Child' - the ubermensch or superman.
This is just about the only Sci-Fi film that you need to prepare for. You have to read up on Ardry, Nietzsche, Tinbergen, and Lorenz in order to understand Kubrick's message.
Alas even if you 'get' the message the movie is today almost unwatchable. It is so damn slow, and the visionary 'trip' near the end is interminable. The main star, Kier Dullea, was chosen for his quasi psychotic lack of affect. His career was mostly playing whackos. His character may have been more authentic than Hans Solo but two hours of watching his 'David' staring blankly ahead will make you root for Hal to snuff him.
Although this 1968 film has very real space technology its underlying anthropology is very outdated. The 'Killer Ape' notion is nowadays considered silly. Real anthropology has undergone a revolution in just the last five years.
>>>pat said...
"""When you get old you inherit a responsibility to youth to explain the past. So I will explain the movie '2001' to everyone."""
Yes, Pat, that's certainly the truth. Especially since 01 is NOW considered to be outdated and irrelevant and not really having much to say to the 21st cent. In other words, 2001 has come and gone. Without narry a wimper.
Star Trek, on the other hand, lives on. Which series has made the most in history as far as impact on various endeavors including science and technology? Star Trek. I'm referring to over the long haul over the decades, it's Star Trek.
"""You can't understand 2001 anymore by just watching it on TV. Your eyes are twenty first century eyes. It looked a lot different in the sixties."""
Yes, because now it sucks. Big time. Whereas I can watch Kurosawa's 7Samurai and it's still a work of art. And that's the thing, right? Wizard of Oz: Still holds up. Certain films are timeless, they stand the test of decades. Those outdated, irrelevant and outmoded fade and rust away.
""Virtually every other depiction of space just ignores these factors to help move the story along."""
Yes, and that's also why 01 does NOT hold up neither does it stand the test of time. Its piece of junk. It has nothing relevant to say to this generation, post 01. And we have to live in the right now and not in the past. Space exists for the other films as just that. What matters and counts is the life forms the other beings, other worlds encountered.
"""Star Trek's Enterprise is topologically an office building. They have an elevator, gravity, and lots of people swarming about the halls. They don't use shuttles to get to the surface of a planet - they use magic.""""
Now, now. We don't "know" scientifically if transporters are not possible centuries from now. They attempted for their time to at least try to say with the whole molecule transforming etc etc. Who really knows on that score if such things may not possbly (real faith leap here) possibly occur centuries from now. THAT of course was their ace in the hole. "it's way off in the future"
The problem with ST of course was that they relied too much on that ace in the hole until things caught up to them. You could pull that stuff back then much much easier. NOW, ...no. Not happening. You gotta make a better attempt at getting scientific things accurate. Especially with the internet age to keep the shows honest.
Roddenberry was a liberal lefty but he was no scientist and had no scientific background. ANd for better or worse, that shows on the original series.
"""And most seriously, the space of Star Trek is small. It only takes a few minutes to get anywhere. They almost never need a helmet or a space suit either."""
Pat, Pat. AGAIN. This is waay off in the future. We don't know for certain 2-4 centuries from now that perhaps this would indeed be the case. We of course need a helmet and space suit NOW. But centuries from now assuming that science continues to advance who knows? We dont. Perhaps in the future and THAT was indeed the optimism of Roddenberry and others of that era. WIth the Apollo missions occurring simultaneously as the show, it was natural to assume that centuries from now, space travel would be so advanced beyond what they were doing. A sincere optimism.
PERHAPS it is somewhat sorta...with the transporter concept. It may indeed take a few minutes via ship to new planets. Of course, one could then argue that it's too soon in the future. Perhaps it wont occur in the 22cent but may occur in the 25century.
But yes, definitely have to concede that so many of these otherworlds resembled Earth too much. But their ace was that its in the future and those planets they're visiting the atmospheres are similar enough to Earth's that its okay.
STAR WARS changed all of that. THey were among the first mainstream sci fi films to say "hey, not every creature we meet is going to look like us and NEITHER will they all speak English." This defintely influenced Star Trek's films in the 80s to get with the program and make it more somewhat realistically plausible.
"""Altogether the outer space of Star Trek is just like the surface of Earth.""""
No, outer space was still outer space in ST. All the planets that they visit all happen to resemble Earth's and that is definitely where the problem ws. Only ready example where they attempted a difference was on Vulcan where they make clear that the atmosphere is thinner than Earths. But Iagree that they flubbed it on that part. Not every single planets atmosphere is like ours.
""But 2001 was different, it tried to deal with the realities of vast distances, vacuum and no gravity.""
Yes, but it is now boring, dull, and not relevant to this new generation. All i have to do is look around and see how many spinoffs of 2001, how many conventions, series, merch etc and compare it to Star Trek. WHICH one has proven to be the most successful sci fi in history? Which one? Answer's obvious.
In a weekly drama series on TV these realities just get in the way so once you have been introduced to ideas such as the zero gravity toilet you never need to consider them again.
"""Space realities slow up the weekly plot."""
No question. But again, their ace is that its set so far in the future that the concept of a ship w/crew in space traveling for months at a time well, sure, by that point in time those technicalities will be worked out and solved.
In actuality, there is so much more work to be done regarding space travel. We really haven't progressed much beyond Neil Armstrong's moonwalk in 69 as far as we were lead to believe we would be by this point in time.
The other thing about 2001 that is seldom appreciated is its anthropology. The main theme of the story is the 'ubermensch'.
The ape men in the opening sequence are not Negros. They are non-humans. In 1968 there was a sort of pop anthropology based on bad ethology. The whole first section was based on the theories of Robert Ardrey.
A lot of the film is in code. For example the opening music is the Richard Strauss tone poem "Thus Spake Zarathustra". To decode this reference you have to be familiar with Strauss and Nietzsche. But if you are, you realize that the story is about the Superman - the next stage of evolution.
Yes, but with WW2 only about 20yrs past at that point of time, the overtones of Hitler are also present. The Nazis were obsessed with the idea of the Superman, the superior race. 2001 just extrapolated that concept and updated it into the future, whereas instead of the super race you have the superior beings.
""""This is just about the only Sci-Fi film that you need to prepare for. You have to read up on Ardry, Nietzsche, Tinbergen, and Lorenz in order to understand Kubrick's message.""""
And Hitler, unfortunately.
"""Alas even if you 'get' the message the movie is today almost unwatchable.""""
Then it is a failure. It is junk and not relevant to post 01 era.
True art is timeless, transcends time, and is always relevant. Example: Death Wish is still relevant perhaps even more so today right now. And we live in right now and not yesterday.
It is so damn slow, and the visionary 'trip' near the end is interminable. The main star, Kier Dullea, was chosen for his quasi psychotic lack of affect. His career was mostly playing whackos.
"""His character may have been more authentic than Hans Solo but two hours of watching his 'David' staring blankly ahead will make you root for Hal to snuff him.""""
No way! Hans Solo was a bad ass, and that runs deep into US film history. That kind, the joking wiseacre who seemingly things he knows it all and tries to do everything himself, often with comedic results whilst getting some comeupance and yet managing somehow to do the right thing? Talking Bogart in Casablanca or most of Bogart's milieu. Even Paul Newman occassionally played this role.
Solo's character is quintessentially human at once and he resonates well with people, they identify and relate to him as well as like him. Hell it made Harrison Ford's career for a reason.
"""Although this 1968 film has very real space technology its underlying anthropology is very outdated."""
You mean for its time, then yes it does have realilstic technology and that does at times mar Star Trek's original series. What ST has in bunches over 01 is relatable characters, ones that folks can identify with and like which is something sorely lacking in 01.
Again, which series has stood the test of time? Which series continues to influence people? When they think of Sci-fi and futuristic themes, which series is the go-to gold standard.
For better and for worse, with all its flaws and strengths, it remains STAR TREK.
The 'Killer Ape' notion is nowadays considered silly. Real anthropology has undergone a revolution in just the last five years.
But Vulcans and Klingons Who knows. Who can say if we won't waaay off in the future via space exploration encounter such beings, such civilizations? We don't know. That of course is the great idea behind ST. Go boldly and hopefully seek out new civilzations and beings.
So long as we don't completely and totally descend to the levels depicted in Death Wish, perhaps the future will in fact accomplish these things.
The Zimbabwe Helicopter video was utterly hilarious and pathetic all at the same time.
I've seen other videos/photos of African built "high speed bullet trains" made from old wooden carts/wagons and "space probes" built from pressure cookers with solar panels ripped off from pocket calculators. And all of this absurdity treated as if it were some amazing and stellar accomplishment by other Africans instead of the retarded junk that it is as it sits there uselessly on the ground.
Has anyone seen an African Submarine yet?
No, don't show me! I'll die of hysterical laughter.
The poor retarded Africans think if it looks vaguely the same, it must be the same and of equal value and worth.
That's pretty much the same way African Americans think- if they gain political offices and take over a city, wear suits and ties, have titles and positions, occupy the buildings and offices etc and seize/try to mimic the white man's "juju/magic" that the city should turn out just like it was when it was ruled by whitey because "ebberthang be lookin' da same." Instead, it turns into a Zimbabwe Helicopter and will never be viable or capable of flight.
The movie Death Wish dealt with the propensity for violence and criminality of the African Americans and the question of what other races should do when faced with the violence. However, people not only flee for those reasons but also to escape the sheer stupidity, incompetence and primitive magical thinking of that population. It's just too much to take as (even if all the trappings of civilization is there in terms of infrastructure and the way things look) you're still living in a primitive African village environment run according to low IQ primitive tribal standards.
Even if you rush into places like Detroit and spend billions of dollars, it's a wasted effort because as soon as you leave, it all collapses back into Haiti.
Perhaps a movie should be made about the futility of trying to civilize a low IQ African population and having them function according to first world standards? Call it "Futile Dreams."
Triplequote Guy: "All i have to do is look around and see how many spinoffs of 2001, how many conventions, series, merch etc and compare it to Star Trek. WHICH one has proven to be the most successful sci fi in history? Which one? Answer's obvious."
Since when is art's greatness measured by the number of faggy nerds willing to play dress-up or write fan-fiction and have online slap fights over the Klingon translation of "Tastes Great/Less Filling"?
2001 was before my time, but I can easily see how it would grab the imagination of a 1968 audience. Man was already orbiting Earth, and the Moon was marked on next year's calendar. Near-Earth space travel and space tourism within 30 years were well within our abilities; what was on the screen was so close, people could taste it.
Imagine if you could travel back in time to interrupt that film during the Hilton check-in scene, and showed the audience images of Detroit, Baltimore, Camden, Philadelphia, or Chicago, and explained to them how those cities were destroyed, and that US manned space exploration would cease by 2011, never leaving low-Earth orbit. That audience would be crushed. Devastated. And probably have the resolve to right the course back to the future.
And if someone travelled back from the 24th century to tell us we would not be Hyperdriving to other galaxies and shagging green-skinned, four-titted space women? Not even you would kill yourself.
"""""Imagine if you could travel back in time to interrupt that film during the Hilton check-in scene, and showed the audience images of Detroit, Baltimore, Camden, Philadelphia, or Chicago, and explained to them how those cities were destroyed"""
ACTUALLY, They wouldn't be so devastated by that. During the 60s the groids were ALREADY acting up and burning, looting, and rioting! So they ALREADY were seeing that. The 60s were the first decade of white flight, it was already starting. That they'd have had no problem seeing and understanding. The only reaction they'd have had was "Wow, we know its getting out of hand, but in few decades its gonna be even worse? Really? Good thing we haven enough sense to leave now then!!"
""""and that US manned space exploration would cease by 2011, never leaving low-Earth orbit."""""
Well, up to that point they hadn't seen it. Could make the case that you don't really miss what you never had to begin with.
Yeah, you reaalllly MISS all the coulda shoulda going to planet Alpha in another galaxy. Yeah, right BULLSHIT!
I'm a realist. I GIVE A FUCKING SHIT THAT US STREETS ARE NOT SAFE ENOUGH TO FUCKING WALK DOWN ANY HOUR OF THE DAY! THAT used to be a God given fucking right for most law abiding citizens! What IS this Fuckery? What is wrong with our cities that we can't come and go as our ancestors used to?
THAT, I'd say, for the vast majority is right now the greater tragedy.
Look at right now (cause that's the time were we all live in, not in the past but right now, like duh)....Most Americans don't give a shit about space exploration. If they really did, they'd make their voices heard. They care about the basics.
They care that they could get knocked out by these fucking apes while walking home from work. They care that they might get robbed or raped by these apes that can barely speak...I guess its English, not always sure what it is.
They care that they could get killed by these apes cause some drive by shootin' went down the wrong way and they got caught in the crossfires as collateral damage.
Some may even be starting to care that if they defend themselves that THEY are the ones who are gonna be charged with a crime and not the fucking groid who started it all!
THOSE THINGS.....the vast majority care about.
Space travel, exploration? Gimme a break! Have you bothered to actually CHECK the world education ranks? We aren't at the top anymore! A good percentage is holding the rest back and then some!
Bottom line: Space is directly related to science and perhaps STEM related fields. Unfortunately right now at present time, Space Exploration is a luxury that the US really can't afford. Plus, fewer people are going into these fields than before. Shame but true.
""""That audience would be crushed. Devastated. And probably have the resolve to right the course back to the future.""""
Bullshit. They'd have been more shocked at how bad things had turned out a la Death Wish! Now THAT film would've scared them silly. Which, lets be real, it DID when it came out 40yrs ago!
By the late 60s, riots by the apes were already starting and getting out of hand. The US were starting to familiarize themselves with it to the extent that they were leaving the cities for safer pastures. The idea to them that in 40yrs time it would be even WORSE than what they were experiencing would've been reallllly scary.
""""Since when is art's greatness measured by the number of....."""""
Yeah whatever. Film is the one art form that is tied to the capitalist era as it was invented by capitalist nations. Thus film must be run as a business or it will never, NEVER succeed as a form of art.
History has shown beyond all doubt that MOST...most of what the experts and critics deem as "art" GENERALLY made money at the box office.
2001, by the way, was a major box office hit and finished pretty high on the top ten box office for the year it came out.
I am NOT saying that all commercially successful films are great works of art. I AM saying that the vast majority of films that are deemed artworthy tend to communicate or resonate with audiences and that means that they will GENERALLY do well at the box office.
""""And if someone travelled back from the 24th century to tell us we would not be Hyperdriving to other galaxies"""""
Here's the thing. If they travel back from the future, they're already doing pretty well, right? RIGHT! It means that they are far more technically advanced than we are.
I'll bet you right now. That by the 24 or even the 25 century (about what, 400yrs from now) Hyperdriving or basic space exploration of other galaxies will definitely be doable. No question. That's the basic premise of all sci fi; exploration of other galaxies.
Of course, granted, the course we're on at present definitely casts some doubt on the entire premise. But yeah, I'll make that bet. 400yrs from now, basic if not advanced space travel and exploring other galaxies and planets will definitely be doable and will be doable as a fact.
400yrs from now, yes. Within this century? No way.
""""and shagging green-skinned, four-titted space women?""""
Ok, this isn't ST the original series. This sounds like that Arnold Shcwartzenegger/Paul Veerhoeven Total Recall thing. Now THAT was totally "out there" way off. I'm not talking about that stuff.
Star Trek original series never descended to that level. Close at times, but never that.
But the points made.
By 400 yrs, the 25 century? YES. Space travel into different galaxies and exploration of new planets is doable. Definitely, no question about that.
Of course, there is the groid factor.
Your post neglected to state the full reason why the space programs been halted. Cause of the groids insistence that its not necessary AND its a total waste of money that ain't goin to dem!
Affirmative Action is very draining on such things as NASA and STEM fields and such. If we keep funding the groid related things, that's about the only thing that would keep us from traveling other galaxies.
So while I still maintain that we will definitely be able to travel to other galaxies and explore new worlds, the X factor in all this is the groids. If we have to keep funding them 400 YEARS FROM NOW....THAT...will be scary.
40yrs since Death Wish was released and its still relevant. In its own way it packs a strong punch and aspires to art. Can you imagine if we're still talking about it 400 yrs from now?
If we are, then you can kiss the idea of space travel good bye.
I seemed to have offended some Trekies. Sorry.
Star Trek reminded me of an earlier TV Sci-Fi show "Captain Video".
Captain Video became famous for using everyday objects like can openers as 'ray guns'. They had no budget so they used whatever was at hand. Star Trek did the same. The 'warp drive' and the 'transporter' were not visions of the future they were just budgetary expedients.
There is a serious point in 2001 that is relevant to the theme of this blog. The movie was dominated by Ardry's idea that humans only diverged from apes when they became killers. But that's not true.
Vincent Sarich in 1967 (the year before the movie) developed the theory of the molecular clock. Before that time the split with chimps was thought to have been 20 million years ago. It is now known to have been only 5 million years.
And Jane Goodall's work at Gombe also came out about the same time. Before her landmark studies everyone thought chimps were sweet funny like animals. She showed that adult chimps are very nasty 'killer' apes. Ardry was wrong.
Later yet the so called Pygmy Chimpanzee was reclassified as the Bonobo. Bonobos are the sweet, gentle species while the true chimp on the other side of the river is a viscous monster.
So modern science has abandoned the sixties ethology myths. And it has shown us that there can be closely related species - one of which behaves peacefully and another which is violent and aggressive.
The chimp/bonobo distinction in capacity for violence is eerily similar to the similar distinction in human races.
None of this was known when 2001 debuted.
I still enjoy 2001. Being stranded millions of miles out with crazy HAL killing everyone. Spooky stuff. My god, its full of stars!
Erie PA
The Zimbabwe helicopter just screams "CARGO CULT!", doesn't it? (Besides the amateurish sheet metal, the tiny rotor is obviously far too small, angled wrong, has a hub inadequate to support or control a rotor capable of lifting the machine, and is not connected to any sufficiently strong mechanical support or drive mechanism. The tail rotor doesn't even appear to spin, let alone have a pitch-control mechanism.) It's as if the entire nation—the entire SUBCONTINENT—has a rampant case of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
>>pat said...
""""I seemed to have offended some Trekies. Sorry."""
Pat, Pat. There's no need to apologize.
""Star Trek reminded me of an earlier TV Sci-Fi show "Captain Video"."""
I'd go further than that, and say that ST owes its legacy more to shows like The Twilight Zone, at least in the type of themes that the individual episodes were based on.
"""Star Trek did the same. The 'warp drive' and the 'transporter' were not visions of the future they were just budgetary expedients.""""
Unlike that other show that few remember today, right now....Star Trek actually started out with a sizable budget. It appears as though they decided to focus mainly on the characters development and other things. Clearly they did not have many science based writers on board with helping to craft the series. "Warp Drive" was their catch all for what they thought would be supersonic speed some centuries into he future.
I still wonder if the concept behind the transporter isn't actually doable in the future. As in 400yrs or more into the future.
Example: You see on ST original show some crude forms of Floppy Disc, and that's nearly 15-20yrs ahead of its time. The communication devices while they do actually resemble cell phones are of course based on walkie talkies. But the concept is clearly there. Also, the idea of voice activated computers is also drawing from shows such as ST.
So at one level they were (and perhaps still are) somewhat ahead of the curve on those things that they chose to focus upon.
At this point, who is to conclusively say for certain? Answer: NO ONE. We don't know at this point since our knowledge of other worlds, other galaxies is in the infancy stages. There are still many many many things we don't know about other galaxies. Perhaps, in the future, new scientific principles even laws that we did not fully understand will be discovered.
Remember: Albert Einstein's theories were originally dismissed as unscientific, impossible, etc due to the knowledge then known. Over time, his work proved many naysayers to be incorrect.
So, again, who is to say one way or another that in the future, 400yrs from now, new theories and knowledge that we don't know at present wont be discovered and applied to every day lives.
That was one of the unwritten premises behind a lasting show such as Star Trek. Unfortunately this great strength would have been bolstered by the addition of writers with a stronger scientific background on board. If some of the researchers, developers, even writers on the 2001 project had been regular writers for ST, there's no question that we would've received stronger science based episodes from the original series.
Be that as it may, the fact remains that Star Trek, in ints numerous incarnations over the decades remains among the gold standard for science fiction. Perhaps it can help point the way toward new developments in science as a whole over time, particularly in the future centuries from now.
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