you don’t have a sense of humor or can’t laugh at the absurdity of life in the
waning moments of the “American Century,” then descend into an endless of
bottle of your favorite inebriant.
![]() |
David Woods, the victim of a hammer attack (by a black man with a laundry list of priors) in black-run Philadelphia... another story you've never heard about. |
remember this one, simple, indisputable fact (before you go all Nicholas Cage
from Leaving Las Vegas): it takes an
endless barrage of propaganda – never ceasing, perpetually unrelenting – to
maintain the degenerate course the United States of America has taken since the
war on Freedom of Association became a rout.
of the Association means the right to discriminate, and when the entire modus
operandi of the Federal Government is to openly discriminate against white
people (confiscating individual wealth to subsidize and uplift non-whites as
well), well; it should be fairly obvious where this is all headed.
but one day from the two-year anniversary of the fatal encounter between the
white-Hispanic George Zimmerman and the cherub-faced, eternally sweet and
innocent Trayvon Martin, it’s worth reminding ourselves of the lesson from this
event: when in doubt, always blame white people.
the most obvious conclusion from the Zimmerman/Martin affair.
do you need someone to beat it over your head?
you can’t speak?
about with a hammer?
maybe this was all Nathanial Maybin (a black man) was trying to do when he
attacked David Woods – a white man – in Philadelphia. [Suspect
ID'd but at large in Phila. hammer attack of Gloucester City man: Gloucester City victim expected to recover, Philly.com, 2-25-14]:
A suspect has been identified in the brutal hammer attack on a Gloucester City man in Philadelphia last week.
David Woods Sr., 46, sustained a head wound that left a scar across the side of his skull. He also has lost the ability to speak but is expected to make a full recovery, police said.
Police have identified the suspect as 29-year-old Nathanial Maybin of Philadelphia. He remained at large Monday night.
The assault reportedly happened around 5 p.m. Thursday outside a deli near 49th Street and Lancaster Avenue in West Philadelphia.
In surveillance footage from the assault, an attacker rains down blows to Woods’ head with the claw hammer.
One of Woods’ employees eventually broke up the melee and drove his boss to a nearby hospital, officials said.
Philadelphia police visited Woods Sunday at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital and described him as “awake and alert.”
“The victim has a large laceration on his head that was stitched closed during surgery to release pressure on the brain,” Philadelphia police reported in a news release.
“The victim will have to go through intensive speech therapy in order to verbally communicate again.”
His first words, when he regains
the ability to speak, will hopefully be an admission of his eternal white
Every failure of blacks in
Philadelphia, particularly their inability to sign up for Obamacare (right Philly
Mayor Michael Nutter?), is the fault of white people.
Maybin is nothing more than a foot soldier in an – as of yet unnamed – army,
merely doling out punishment for centuries of abuse and subsequent unearned
white privilege David Woods enjoyed.
for Trayvon?
for slavery.
White man attacked (with a brick) in Baltimore. The black attacker had been arrested for assault before, but was allowed to roam the streets |
for Sundown towns, separate water fountains, and especially for... insert your
excuse for failure here.
Woods story isn’t fit for print or dissemination by a media obsessed with
finding the next George Zimmerman/Michael Dunn to screw like some uncooked
piece of white (for the former, white-Hispanic) meat.
A telling quote was found at a blog post at Philly.com about the
media’s deliberate white-out of the attack. [Hammer
attack victim recovering, 2/24/14]:
He is the son-in-law of Bill Cleary, the editor of CNBnews.net in Gloucester City, who was frustrated by an initial absence of public information and news coverage.
Mr. Woods been the aggressor in this assault, the hammer would have become a
holy relic in the Civil Rights Movement, a valuable addition to any
black-themed museum (much as the hoodie Mr. Martin wore the night he was murdered in cold blood by the frothing-at-the-mouth bigot Zimmerman has become).
for now, remember the hammer has only target: the white man’s head.
know what? It doesn’t even need to be a hammer.
about a brick, like
the one used in the maiming of Baltimore
Sun sports editor John Fogg last month?
fractured skull (well, six separate fractures), and eight-to-10 missing teeth
from an encounter with a black male - Mustafa
Eraibi – in Baltimore [Suspect
arrested in attack of Baltimore Sun editor in Canton: Jon Fogg hit with landscaping brick several times,
WBALTV.com, 1/27/14]:
Baltimore City Police Commissioner Anthony Batts announced Friday afternoon that officers arrested Mustafa Eraibi, 19, in connection with the beating and robbery of a man walking in Canton last week. Eraibi is charged with attempted murder, armed robbery and gun violations.
Jon Fogg, an editor for The Baltimore Sun, was walking in the 3400 block of Foster Avenue in Canton around 2 a.m. Jan. 14 when he was attacked.
Charging documents indicate Eraibi approached the victim on bike, beat him with a brick on the head and took off with the victim's car and laptop.
Police traced the victim's credit card and found surveillance photos of the suspect from places where it had been used. One of the three stores where police said Eraibi used Fogg's credit card was the 7-Eleven on West Baltimore Street downtown, where police said Eraibi was caught on video.
Fogg suffered severe injuries, including skull fractures and broken bones and teeth."He has six skull fractures. He's missing about eight to 10 teeth that were knocked out. He has fractures in his hands," said Fogg's sister, Melissa Castone.
Castone said the focus is primarily on her brother's recovery. After the attack, she set up a page on the Go Fund Me website, and in four days, more than 600 people donated nearly $24,000.
Eraibi was charged with robbery and assault in at least two previous cases but he was not prosecuted. When 11 News asked about this, the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office did not provide an explanation.
Among the pictures on Eraibi's Facebook page is one of a masked person holding two guns.
with two previous cases of assault, but no charges filed?
back on the streets?
do you expect in a city completely dominated by black political control?
is nothing more than a foot soldier in an army.
Same with
Philadelphia, where former black Mayor John Street famously said of who was
in control, “the brothers and sisters are in charge.”
and Fogg?
two white men, attacked in obviously isolated incidents.
more names added to a list of tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands
or a few million) of white people whose privilege was to be nothing more than a
object for exacting black justice upon.
Diversity n. - Biological weapon developed in the 20th Century by non-Eskimo American Bolsheviks for deployment against white people. See also Weaponized Diversity
The horror, the horror.
Mistah Kurtz- he dead. A penny for the Old Guy.
I think that all of the hammer and brick attacks in recent memory have been by blacks, and almost all against whites; these have all been "hush crimes." Even the attack on Reginald Denny didn't get the kind of ink it should have, but since it was mixed in with so much apologia for white privilege, it was lost in the noise.
Mark Slavin, attacked by Yehaziel Israel and Julian Bender. He may be dead or in a permanent vegetative state, but no one has covered this in 2 years.
5 whites, attacked and/or killed by Michael W. Davis
David Dowdell, almost killed by Jason Weeks and Leroy Taylor
The waiter at Flora’s in Oakland, not identified, attacked with a hammer by someone still at large, in a “protest” over the George Zimmerman verdict.
Unnamed 16-year old white kid, attacked by Gregory Richmond, 48, at Chino high school.
Alisha Jordan, Irish tourist attacked by random savage. No arrest.
Paul Caldwell, ditto. Ditto.
There have been a few blacks caught up in the same trend (still the same perps):
Dewayne Taylor attacked by Thomas Scantling.
Kevin Butt, almost killed by 4 black men with a hammer in Clayton County, GA.
When you hear of these savage attacks, you really just want to see their brutal, painful executions broadcast on BET and WorldStarHipHop.
The dark skinned black co-worker man seems to have his head screwed on right and showed compassion. I am glad he rushed Woods to the hospital for treatment.
I bet Woods will still not avoid black males since, well, IKAGO and all.
Here is a quote from Jon Fogg's website. Do you think he gets it yet? I think not.
On why these events happened:
"I've always had a personality type resistant to change. And I know I'm far from alone there. But the inevitable truth is that change will always come to interrupt our day-to-day lulls. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes it's bad. Much of the time, like a species venturing from the safety of a cave to the unpredictable open plain for the first time, we cannot stop it and must adapt."
Jon was just experiencing a "day to day lull" and the savage black male shook things up for him a bit.
Good Lord. These men's lives are shattered. One unable to speak, the other with his teeth beat out of his head. Saved only because of our advanced medicine. In 1910, both of these men would have died from either brain injury or infection.
Not because they didn't cooperate, not because they fought back, but because the Orcs were not caged by the DA, who is negro. Never filed charges, cus (repeat after me)
"Too many black men are in Prison!"
Maybe it was just incompetence by the negro DA. It is clear that we can not live with the negro in our presence, yet he thrives because White provide the river of life (Welfare) and all the other goodies that allow negros to flourish. A Weaponized Demographic where ever it goes. The only reason we stand here twisting out hats is lack of will.
Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.
White Homeland
They really really really really hate your guts.
In Baltimore the prosecutors don't prosecute cases unless it is airtight and even then they will plea bargain. Bringing a criminal trial to jury in Baltimore is a crap shoot with the odds stacked in the favor of a Black perps. Jury nullification is the rule of law in B-more.
A newspaper editor? I don't see that as one of "our" side. While I still have some empathy left for people, there is a growing sense of schaudenfraude that lights off when i hear of someone from a typcially liberal bent, getting a message like this.
The crocodile may eat you last, but you will be eaten.
So this guy can adapt in one of two ways - Eloi or Eastwood. If he can't decide - the tribes will decide for him, again.
Riverside Rob
Lol and here's his Twitter. https://mobile.twitter.com/JonFogg
Job seems more angry at HSBC than the real culprits. I bet you if some folks from here tweeted him he'd denounce them as racist.
I think most DWLs would rather die than ever be publicly considered racist.
I know that blacks don't care if the white person they're attacking is a libtard or "progressive" who would gladly kiss their butts but I do hope that was the case.
As long as no one innocent was harmed, gnomesane?
When will the victims of these barbaric HATE CRIMES really get justice? And as usual crickets from the white house and the DOJ.
Yet all over America the national news media will tell you that it's "open season on black teens"
When will these WHITE hate crimes get noticed? As it is now, I guess the only time it will be noticed is when the next WHITE victim has a concealed carry permit and takes out one of these black attack packs punks.
Then let yet another circus begin about how he was a "good boy" who was thinking about community college to get his "aspiring rapper degree". We real WHITES must unite in this cause to denounce the national media as the racist's that they are. That's why the great Paul Kersey blog SBPDL is leading this charge. thanks P.K. for being so brave in a country full of liberal cowards!
Eraibi is from Iraq. He is not an American black. Very vicious crime. Deport this mofo after prison time. Jon Fogg is going to be spending at least $20,000 on dental bills. More like 35 thousand
The alleged brick-wielding attacker of Jon Fogg was arrested-- one Mustafa Eraibi, and Batts held a press conference to announce it. Fenton says he's been arrested for similar crimes before, with cases dropped/nol pross'd by prosecutors; he's on his way to the "cthouse" to find out. According to Eraibi's Facebook profile he's from Iraq, belongs to a FB group called ISLAM = PEACE, went to Patterson High, works at ESPN and follows the Big Bootie Freaks feed. Favorite books include the Twilight series and In Cold Blood.
I wonder how much grape drank jon fogg, had to chug before he penned his "I beez sorry massa siba"? Even almost having your caved in by a caveman, isn't enough to open the eyes of a devout DWL. We're doomed.
Sports Duranty Jon Fogg:
"I've always had a personality type resistant to change. And I know I'm far from alone there. But the inevitable truth is that change will always come to interrupt our day-to-day lulls. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes it's bad. Much of the time, like a species venturing from the safety of a cave to the unpredictable open plain for the first time, we cannot stop it and must adapt."
Behold the power of faith - in an utterly false religion. Not even a sextuple skull-fracture and 8-10 missing teeth could awaken this utterly worthless Duranty from his negro worship. There have been many here who've opined that the hard knocks of reality will awaken the DWL-Crystal Methodist from their stupor. Here's the proof that this is simply untrue. Crystal Methodism appears to be one of those religious diseases for which the only cure is death. Even Islam is more adaptable to reality.
OT: From Crimes of the Times
How much do blacks hate your devil white ass?
"Go to The Root and take a look at the comments there. You will see angry Afro Americans seething at the whites they have been indoctrinated to hate and I mean Hate."
"Crystal Methodism appears to be one of those religious diseases for which the only cure is death. Even Islam is more adaptable to reality."
Amen, brother.
The high school feetzbaww phenom "Jayru" from Cass Tech High Skoo in detroilet hopefully will get his due recompense. He waived his rights at his arraignment so hopefully he'll get slammed with a good two to three year stretch. Entitled savages is all they are.
Nordic Caucasoid:
When will the victims of these barbaric HATE CRIMES really get justice? And as usual crickets from the white house and the DOJ.
Your question implies you think they would provide justice if they were somehow aware of the so-called "double standard". You forget: There is no double standard with D'Won, MyPeeps and their masters. There is a single standard, which is that YT must die. Got it?
Looks like the perp was an Iraqi "refugee" resettled here by all those nice Crystal Methodist Church ladies. He could still be a negro though because there are plenty of negroes in Iraq, where African slaves were imported as early as the 700s. Under actual sharia, the perp would have been handless or maybe even headless by now, but here in the Crystal Meth Kingdumb, the hard-working "refugee" (just breaking the skulls and teeth Amurikans are too lazy to break) is free to prey upon YT as he fancies. Amurika - the land of opportunity! Wonder how many times he voted for D'Won in 2012? Four or five maybe?
Here's a picture of the hard-working refugee, here to toil endlessly to pay the fat social security checks being cut for all those lazy useless old YT's - as any credentialed Duranty from the Baltimore Sun will tell you. If not part negro, the newcomer has certainly adapted the local thug-culture.
I call those big scars Obama Smiles.
Organize large demonstrations and rallies in cities afflicted,with black crime. not like the ones put on by black "leaders" and politicians. those are always pity parties for the disadvantaged yoof. calls for more gibs. big groups of whites with a few decent blacks. politely but loudly demand that these attacks be prosecuted as hate crimes. especially in cities that are black majority whites should demand minority status. probably futile given Eric mypeeps but damn it make some noise. posters of the victims etc.
"Looks like the perp was an Iraqi "refugee" resettled here by all those nice Crystal Methodist Church ladies. He could still be a negro though because there are plenty of negroes in Iraq, where African slaves were imported as early as the 700s. Under actual sharia, the perp would have been handless or maybe even headless by now, but here in the Crystal Meth Kingdumb, the hard-working "refugee" (just breaking the skulls and teeth Amurikans are too lazy to break) is free to prey upon YT as he fancies. Amurika - the land of opportunity! Wonder how many times he voted for D'Won in 2012? Four or five maybe?"
Yep, and here's another thing to think about: At least some of those welfare-sucking Somali "refugee" retards are guaranteed to be militant Al-Shabab types.
The government and Crystal Methodists are actively importing the next set of "Boston Marathon Bombers".
Of course, I think even a pressure cooker and Pyrodex takes more intellectual horsepower than most Somalis have. So, my bet is a cheap, Romanian AK in a crowded mall. (Hey gotta stick with what they know, right?)
Then the gov't can go ahead and ban those horrible "weapons of terrorism and mass-destruction" for us whiteys.
And rest assured that, as in the wake of all "terrorist attacks", anyone who suggests cutting off the influx of Muslim turd worlders will be instantly vilified as a RACISTNATIONALISTNAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
You just know the "never let a crisis go to waste" administration is just salivating at the prospect of Somali Tsarnievs...
Not "news worthy" even in the local city papers. Doesn't advance the agenda so no news.
Isn't Black Privilege an awesome thing to see & to behold & most of all to exercise over the ebil yt demonz who have terrorized homo africanus for 1000s of years.
Next time somebody mentions White Privilege throw Black Privilege back into their teeth.
After all, it's an awesome Privilege indeed to be allowed to freely claw hammer, rape, rob, burgle & kill with
very little chance of being punished.
Black Privilege means they are truly above the Law - both the Laws of Man & the Laws of God
/H hypie out H\
Some of you who know better, can you give some tips on how to handle oneself around blacks? What would you recommend for guys who live around no ghettoes? Walking styles? Demeanor? Thousand-yard stare? Answering questions and passing shit-tests? Indicators of impending attacks?
Thanks in advance for any tips?
Another attack. This one national news for several reasons. And it happened in my backyard The newspaper, the Dayton Daily News, at first scrubbed the story of the giveaways that it was a black-on-white hate crime (the perps said that if you want to join the club, you have to kill a "polar bear"), but eventually ran it, warts and all. Hell, they even dared to mention that this is an observable trend and even name-dropped Colin Flaherty. Not out of the goodness of their DWL hearts or out of a desire to practice responsible journalism, but out of fear. Fear of what would happen to them - lost credibility and thus power - if they didn't tell the *whole truth*. The times, they are a-changin'.
OK, let me ask it again: "Did these kinds of attacks take place when segregation was the law of the land?"
"Police traced the victim's credit card and found surveillance photos of the suspect from places where it had been used. One of the three stores where police said Eraibi used Fogg's credit card was the 7-Eleven on West Baltimore Street downtown, where police said Eraibi was caught on video. "
One nice thing. These bucks are so dumb they still use the cell phone and credit cards of the white folks they bludgeon and kill.
Shame the President can't fund an NAACP training program educating them on the "do"s and "don't"s of successfully robbing white folks, and help them avoid the "school-to-prison pipeline"
JustAsking said...
Some of you who know better, can you give some tips on how to handle oneself around blacks? What would you recommend for guys who live around no ghettoes? Walking styles? Demeanor? Thousand-yard stare? Answering questions and passing shit-tests? Indicators of impending attacks?
Thanks in advance for any tips?
Situational Awareness, and this:
"JustAsking said...
Some of you who know better, can you give some tips on how to handle oneself around blacks? What would you recommend for guys who live around no ghettoes? Walking styles? Demeanor? Thousand-yard stare? Answering questions and passing shit-tests? Indicators of impending attacks?
Thanks in advance for any tips?"
Don't be confrontational, but walk erectly with an alert demeanor. Head on a swivel.
You HAVE to let blacks know you see them. Don't smile, but don't "mean mug" them either. Put on your inscrutable, placid stone face.
Too many SWPLs get "culturally enriched" because they pretend not to notice blacks. They think they're being non-confrontational, but it has the opposite effect. Pretending you don't see them invites the attack.
Carry a weapon, whatever you're allowed to by law.
Other than court appearances (at which they're usually lead in by the bailiff), blacks almost never have anywhere they HAVE to be. Therefore, the aggravating slo-mo shuffle is their default speed. When you see blacks MOVING WITH PURPOSE you are about to be attacked.
In a group, Blacks normally shuffle along in a loose gaggle but they will fan out into a 2x2 or flying V attack formation against the victim. This is usually accompanied by purposeful movement.
Blacks shuck and jive, rap to themselves or each other, or generally horse around when not in attack mode. A sudden change in volume, whispering to each other, pointing at you while nudging each other means impending cultural enrichment.
If you realize you're about to be culturally enriched (which you should if you're alert) you MUST make eye contact with the vibrants. Now is the time to draw whatever weapon you have. Let 'em know somebody's gonna get a ride in da amberlamps.
This is almost always enough to make them move on. After all, there's always another nice, non-racist, SWPL with his earbuds blaring right around "da corna."
Just my $0.02 from living in "Da DMV" for my entire adult life.
What is very disturbing about the assault in Philly is that the incident was caught on surveillance video around 5PM.
This person committed this crime during late afternoon and obviously he knew that his action would be captured on surveillance video.
And STILL he committed the assault.
Not minding or caring about being filmed and almost as if they are proud of that very fact that it will be recorded for posterity.
Some are starting to get even bolder in their polar bear knock outs.
Aren't they now?
White guy writes a completely sane and logical letter explaining white Floridian's totally justifiable wariness of young black males.
Dailykos goes berserk.
Please try to read the comments. This is what we're up against.
As usual most of the most insane posts are made by white liberal women.
Here's an example:
Ah yes, Florida, the sunshine state where only white people can walk the streets without fear.
I'm a white female Floridian
and I'm far more fearful of white men walking around with concealed weapons than I am of a young black boys walking around.
Sure you are babe. I'm sorry but from this point on, I don't care what happens to white liberals. I hope every last one of them becomes a victim, every.....last.....one.
Oh and one thing I've started to notice, blacks and white libs both now say that black on black crime is a myth.
Evidently violence being the leading cause of death among black teens, while for every other race it's vehicle crashes, is no big deal.
These people are un-salvageable IMO and are the 21st century equivalence to those that persecuted Galileo.
We must separate from them.
@Don M
Thank you very much Sir.
I don't know for certain about the attacks occurring during segregation. I know on occasion THEY were lynched.
Wonder why?
Lol and here's his Twitter. https://mobile.twitter.com/JonFogg
Job seems more angry at HSBC than the real culprits. I bet you if some folks from here tweeted him he'd denounce them as racist.
I think most DWLs would rather die than ever be publicly considered racist.
I just took a look at Jon Fogg's Twitter page. He tweeted on the 5th of February that he was "proud to say" that knew Keith Olbermann before Keith Olbermann "was big-time." Yep, this Prius driving crime victim is a libtard big-time. I cannot say that I totally feel sorry over what happened to him now. If he had lived in a Baltimore suburb instead of in Baltimore City, he probably would be totally fine today, instead of on the mend from being bashed in the head with a brick, but then again, he probably would not be a libtard working for the Baltimore Sun in that case, either.
This whole thing about blacks in Philly coming up behind innocent whites and bashing them in the head with blunt objects is nothing new.
I put a comment on a previous SBPDL blog page that I am going to paraphrase here. This is it:
This story happened back in the late 1980's - before anybody was blogging on the internet. In those days, my dad had been working for years and years with a guy who had three daughters in his family.
One of the daughters in this guy's family went to graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. It was there and then where she met a wonderful guy who was also there for graduate school. This wonderful gave this guy's daughter an engagement ring after they had been dating for many months. They made plans to get married after finishing school that same year.
Then some black male came up behind this girl's fiance as he was walking along a street near the UPenn campus in Philadelphia. The black male bashed her fiance over the head with a brick, just so that his briefcase and wallet could be stolen for crack money. This poor girl's fiance was left as a brain-damaged vegetable after that. I don't think the wedding happened as a result. No white children were produced, either. All of this unhappiness happened because of some black male with a crack addiction and a brick from some crumbling house in a black Philadelphia neighborhood, and I am pretty sure that neither the victims, nor their families, were conservatives or racists, either.
They were the types who likely would have had "End Apartheid" bumper stickers on their cars, or similar posters in their dormitory windows back in those days, but something like Apartheid in Philadelphia at that time would have prevented any of this misery from ever happening.
Okay, flash forward now by 25 years to 2014. This innocent white guy got bashed in the head from behind, by a black male armed with a hammer. The motives within the minds of both of these black males, in both of these crimes, even though they are separated by about 25 years...are probably the same - "get that white boy, he got the money, I need the money more than he does, he deserves it, he is a probably a racist against us black folks anyway, etc." One of the few differences between then and now is that this time, the black-on-white, head-bash-from-behind-attack was caught on a surveillance camera. We have only the advent in technology to thank for this.
A fundraiser for a Sun editor that encountered spontaneous blackness...yeah, my check's in the mail.
Under actual sharia, the perp would have been handless or maybe even headless by now, but here in the Crystal Meth Kingdumb, the hard-working "refugee" (just breaking the skulls and teeth Amurikans are too lazy to break) is free to prey upon YT as he fancies.
A DWL I know wondered once how the people of Afghanistan ever embraced the Taliban. Well, we've had black crime in small segments, intermittently, throughout the country. After the Soviet withdrawal, they had unlimited looting and rapine, with girls and boys subject to kidnapping. the Taliban used to hold public amputations of thieves, and they wouldn't just chop off the hand of a thief, but a foot, too.
It's brutal, asshole law. But the common people of Afghanistan welcomed it. We might well get to that point.
and Bogolyubski, "breaking the skulls and teeth Americans are too lazy to break" is brilliant.
see, you don't need to use any epithets to plainly and funnily criticize the fundamentally unsound state religion.
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