Jordan Davis.
An encounter between a white man and four blacks males.
![]() |
A very, very rare encounter |
Didn't end well.
Organized Blackness isn't happy with the verdict, believing white people are donning their Elmer Fudd hats and getting ready to hunt
Writing at Salon, everyone's favorite corpulent black PhD. (Twitter handle @professorcrunk) Brittney Cooper seems to write its okay for blacks to retaliate against whites, or to engage in a first-strike offensive. [Michael Dunn and open season on black teenagers: The onslaught of white murder: Since Florida cannot defend black life against white fear, the question now is: How should black people respond?, Salon, 2-18-14]:
How much more are black people in this country supposed to take?
Professor Angela Ards said of this decision, “The chilling social logic of this illogical legal verdict is that Dunn has been found guilty of missing the other black boys in the car, of failing to kill them all.”
I think it we can safely and fairly assume that it is open season on black teenagers, if the murders of Trayvon, Jordan and Renisha McBride are any indication.There is no "open season on black males" by whites. Go ahead and put away your illusions of white people getting out the double-barrel shotgun and putting on the Elmer Fudd hat to go out and hunt poor, defenseless, perpetually innocent black Bugs Bunnies. FBI and Bureau of Justice Statistics (a division of Eric "My People" Holder's Department of Justice) clearly indicate it's black males hunting black males, with white people a secondary target for these urban hunters. [Communities Struggle to Break a Grim Cycle of Killing, Wall Street Journal, 8-18-2012]:
Remember your statistics people: blacks are only 12 percent of the US population...
But Mr. [Trayvon] Martin's death is a racial aberration, according to data kept by the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Law-enforcement officials nationwide are battling a far more widespread and intractable problem: the persistent killing of young black men by other young black men.
Homicide victims usually are killed by people of their own race and ethnicity. The pattern goes back at least a generation.
Bureau of Justice Statistics data show that from 1976 to 2005, white victims were killed by white defendants 86% of the time and black victims were killed by blacks 94% of the time.
Then there is the matter of who is dying. Although the U.S. murder rate has been dropping for years, an analysis of homicide data by The Wall Street Journal found that the number of black male victims increased more than 10%, to 5,942 in 2010 from 5,307 in 2000.
Overall, more than half the nation's homicide victims are African-American, though blacks make up only 13% of the population. Of those black murder victims, 85% were men, mostly young men.
Let's use the data from the U.S. Department of Justice to buttress our point. Please note for this data, Hispanics are lumped in as 'white'... [Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008: Annual Rates for 2009 and 2010]:
It's important to note that "stranger homicides" are much more likely to cross racial lines than homicide involving friends or acquaintances. These fatal, chance, interracial encounters are overwhelmingly black-on-white.
If any racial group is playing a real-life version of The Most Dangerous Game, it's black males hunting one another with malicious zeal. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that homicide is the leading killer of black males ages 15-19, 19-24, and 25-34 (50.7%, 52%, and 33.9% respectively); for whites of those same ages, is the third, third, and fourth leading cause of death (10.3.%, 9%, and 6.9%).
For whites between the ages of 15-34, suicide is the 2nd highest cause of death.
The demographic characteristics of homicide victims and offenders were different from the characteristics of the general population
Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—
Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).
Trends by race
Blacks were disproportionately represented among homicide victims and offenders
In 2008, the homicide victimization rate for blacks (19.6 homicides per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (3.3 homicides per 100,000).
The victimization rate for blacks peaked in the early 1990s, reaching a high of 39.4 homicides per 100,000 in 1991 (figure 17).
After 1991, the victimization rate for blacks fell until 1999, when it stabilized near 20 homicides per 100,000.
In 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was 7 times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 offenders per 100,000) (figure 18).
The offending rate for blacks showed a similar pattern to the victimization rate, peaking in the early 1990s at a high of 51.1 offenders per 100,000 in 1991.
After 1991, the offending rate for blacks declined until it reached 24 per 100,000 in 2004. The rate has since fluctuated, increasing to 28.4 offenders per 100,000 in 2006 before falling again to 24.7 offenders per 100,000 in 2008.
Most murders were intraracial
From 1980 through 2008—
84% of white victims were killed by whites (figure 19).
93% of black victims were killed by blacks.Stranger homicides were more likely to cross racial lines than homicides involving friends or acquaintancesFor homicides committed by—
a stranger to the victim, 26.7% were interracial (figure 20a)
a friend or acquaintance of the victim, 9.7% were interracial
It's important to note that "stranger homicides" are much more likely to cross racial lines than homicide involving friends or acquaintances. These fatal, chance, interracial encounters are overwhelmingly black-on-white.
If any racial group is playing a real-life version of The Most Dangerous Game, it's black males hunting one another with malicious zeal. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that homicide is the leading killer of black males ages 15-19, 19-24, and 25-34 (50.7%, 52%, and 33.9% respectively); for whites of those same ages, is the third, third, and fourth leading cause of death (10.3.%, 9%, and 6.9%).
For whites between the ages of 15-34, suicide is the 2nd highest cause of death.
So pick up that computer @ProfessorCrunk, and stop congratulating yourself for earning a PhD. in black studies or whatever other liberal arts discipline you 'mastered'; it's time to learn some simple math and statistics, which clearly show black males are having a grand ol' time gunning and thugging down one another.
When they aren't busy with that, it's white people that need to watch out.
Courtesy of Department of Justice statistics, we can confirm this point.
I usually have plenty to say about our urban terrorists, but this, this one leaves me speechless. They really are that god-damned stupid...amazing.
Trial junkie here. Yep. So-called "stranger homicides" when the race of the perp and victim differ are overwhelmingly black on white.
Paul, though your logic is impeccable, this grossly obese negress could not care less. The important thing is to get the article out there so that ANY retaliation by Whites can be bemoaned. Whites MUST be lashed with the White Guilt whip. If Whites ever rise off their knees and become a coherent force, the whole game is up. So DOWN WHITEY! We gots da dead chillrens too and youz be doing it!
negros depend on White confusion, White hesitation, White sense of fair play. The idea of Whites organizing to prevent negros from killing Whites through deportation or sterilization frightens them no end.
Sady, for the negro the Truth is out there, therefore the LIE must be reinforced. Even though a well educated White high school student with a Statistics Text could uncover the truth, even though regular people are aware of the truth, even though negro leaders have spoken the truth, the LIE must be put front and center to try and get back that sense of guilt. Without guilt, the White money stops. If negros were, expected to comport themselves as citizens with equality to Whites, there goes the "community centers", the midnight basketball money, the school goodies, all of BRA.
She knows the truth, so does the people who work at the magazine. Think of her as a modern day writer for the Moscow Times in 1923. "Ukraine Famine? What Famine? What we got is a bunch of Kulaks and "Wreckers" hurting a good system and to say otherwise will end you up in a Gulag, comrade."
No more Brother (White on White) wars.
White Homeland.
Ok, I need some help and understanding from some of the older SBPDL readers, please. I'm only 33, born and raised in Iowa (very few blacks). They weren't around, and simply didn't know very many blacks. I was taught about the 1960's Civil Rights Movement. It seems to me, if I'd been alive during those times, that I would have supported that movement. That the injustices leading up to that time, the segregation could not have endured, needed to end. Up to that point, in the 50's & 60's, blacks had been repressed. Quite a few Americans fought to uphold Jim Crow and desegregation. The rest was history, look at us now.
Here's the heart of my question. If blacks hadn't received much education, did in fact live in sepperate/unequal society. How did those whites know that desegregation would end up so badly? Now, 50 years later, the fruit of black failure is hard to miss. Almost like a self prophisizing nightmare come true.
Where would I have stood in 1965? Hindsight is always 20/20. Our once mighty and beautiful cities lay in waste, now. The Civil Rights movement seemed so glorious, obviously very tragic unintended consequences. How did those anti-segregation folks possess this knowledge?
Amazing. I just wrote a letter to the editor of our local newspaper in response to a column by Leonard Pitts in which he also histrionically frets that it is open season on blacks. I used some of these same statistics. Of course Mr. Pitts and all his fellow merchants of perpetual racial grievance know that it's easier to cry racism than it is to face reality. BTW...I'll be immensely surprised if our paper prints my letter. The editorial and reporting staff, as well as its readership, are all extremely liberal and biased. Still, it felt good to write it.
My favorite line in ProfessorCrank's article:
"White anxiety and fear and racism have produced the myth of pervasive black criminality."
Hahahaha, are you kidding me? Do people really believe this? My goodness, what is going on?
the facts are plain for all to see. thanks for making it even plainer. hopefully people will read this information and finally get a clue.
I read this article yesterday and I just want to point out the new libtarded word for "ghetto"! ready..? "Vulnerable Populations"!
What will they think of next to sound oh so victim-ish? And I left a post on that web-site. I just wonder how fast that got yanked down?
The degree to which whites avoid the groid is also critical. If whites didn't retreat to the burbs there would be a holocaust like nothing seen before...
Not one Neocon out there - not ONE! - has the guts to simply cite FBI crime stats.
I'm not talking about editorializing as to WHY. I mean just reading stats aloud.
If just one of these retarded talkees - Hannity, Medved, Limbaugh, Ingraham, Hewett, etc, had the stones to simply cite actual, factual, stats, this thing would start to turn around overnight.
Open season on blacks. Good God almighty. This country is so over...
- Sweep the leg -
Statistics don't matter to blacks or libtards who are constantly searching for a new martyr for da cause. In the Cult of Victimhood, only those of the proper color count.
If you mention the vastly greater number of innocent whites killed by blacks, that figure will be dismissed or downplayed using various excuses- they deserved it, it's just payback, it's their fault as their ancestors caused all dese problems in da black community in da first place, da shoe be on da other foot now so how it feel, honky?! etc.
Blacks are simple minded reactionary idiots with no skills to analyze data. Instead, they emote, they feel. Thought, reason, and logic never enters into the equation.
The bigger problem (other than low IQ blacks) is the libtard enabler who caters to their whining, moaning and wailing and helps them play the victim card so they can feel morally superior and righteous in doing so.
It's a parade of morons and idiots.
"Hannity, Medved, Limbaugh, Ingraham, Hewett" and the rest.
These traitors are PAID (by The Squids) to manage opinion. That's why they can change tune so easily from the thinking of 2001 - 2003 to the new (yet same tone of) thinking around today. When these lizards open their smarmy yaps, you should ask yourself of what they say: "Who is it good for". They already know.
What is the poor, lowly and innocent negro to do?
Nature played a dirty trick on him and he has no one to blame.
It is clear that the negro gene pool evolved in concert with its surrounding African environment to produce an organism that favors quantity of numbers reproduced over quality of IQed cerebrum produced.
This reality has a consequence in terms of culture, quality of life and longevity.
The lowly negro is thusly left only capable of creating and maintaining the lower culture of the primitive savage. Further, this in turn renders both a lower quality of life and a shorter life expectancy.
However, the negro is aware of the white man's higher culture of civilization. He wants in but he does not fit in.
So out of place is the negro in the white man's culture, that if he were not protected by the white liberals and their ideology, he would pass into extinction, per nature's charge, by nature's own, competitive exclusion principle.
The lowly negro, now ensconced in the white man's America, not only parasitizes the white culture, but the white gene pool as well.
A twofer for the lowly negro.
Again if not for white liberals, the apostates, neither negro parasitation would be allowed. But alas, the cowardly and selfish white liberal will sell out the white culture and worse the white gene pool to achieve their superiority without having to achieve their maturity.
Therefore, among other realities, negro rapes or murders of whites is whitewashed via censorship, which in turn is protected by the headhunting, jackboot arm and fist of liberal ideology, whilst a white killing of a negro is ballooned into murder of the poor and innocent, persecuted negro.
We whites are sinking.
Our posterity cries out to us from tomorrow! Will we hear them? Will we care?
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you
So. White guy is facing decades in prison. And they are still not happy. Read about this case. Defendant claimed dead guy pulled a gun and he defended himself. Only after they had time to ditch their gun did the "youths" involve authorities.
Of course I'm racist to assert this. The evil white man made up the gun. Those nice boys would never have a gun. Thats not something blacks ever do. Gun violence is exclusively a racist white male thing.
He just wanted to hunt blacks, open season and all.
What was it Bunny said in that old movie Platoon? Oh yeah, I remember now.
"Lets do the whole F###in village!"
It takes a village after all. For starters.
Everything that a criminology PhD can teach about crime avoidance.
Cut down contact with blacks to a minimum.
Make sure you are armed
Make sure you eat plenty of protein and lift weights (even of you cannot fight physically an extra 10-15 lbs of muscle will intimidate)
That's all folks.
Ugh. I just spent some time writing a thoughtful response to the question posed by anon at 2:45. Not gonna rewrite it but instead I'll reduce it to absurd simplicity and maybe a more succinct truth.
Those who stood against the ending of segregation didn't have any special power other than brains and eyes. They saw many black people and knew that those blacks were absolutely, and I do mean absolutely, incompatible with our culture and traditions.
This is why the advice to turn off your TV is the best advice repeatedly given by commenters at SBPDL. There is absolutely no way you can look at a random selection of blacks and think there is similarity enough to live together. Only TV could rewire your brain enough to make you think such an absurd thing.
We are a people of cultural evolution and progress. We are explorers. We are creators. We are moral. We are thoughtful. We are rational. We are brave and fierce.
We did not stay in Africa to lie in mud covered in flies and we probably won't even stay on this Earth.We are great people and we are not the same as Africans and we won't perpetually be dominated by the primal and immature urges of Africans. Period.
Ex New Yorker here.....My FAVORITE thing with blacks is what happens when a new guy wants to be part of a gang. It is called being BEAT IN and involves all the other gang members beating up the guy (or girl) wanting to join. There is no social club I would want to be part of where I would have to get shit kicked for ten minutes by the other members. Not my idea of a good time.
I strongly approve of urban street gangs. The more the better. It helps to improve the neighborhood. Dead bodies lying on a sidewalk adds a little flair to the urban environment. I am not a big fan of midnight basketball games unless it involves a nice little after game shoot out.
I don't give a damn if you're purple, it's open season on anyone intending to harm my family or myself. It isn't White fear, it's White awareness and recognition of which dogs are most apt to bite. Being White, my main fear is that I may have to justifiably defend myself and put one down.
"Crunk" is more ebonic gibberish, used this time by an edumotated Negress who finna git back at Whitey. Beasts like her scoff at atrocities against Whites as either untrue or justified due to da legacy ub slaybury. Whitey gon' gotta dah fo him sins, ya unnastan'? Aybah poda hep and dat be how Whitey be heppin'- bah dah-in' fo him sins.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where would I have stood in 1965? Hindsight is always 20/20. Our once mighty and beautiful cities lay in waste, now. The Civil Rights movement seemed so glorious, obviously very tragic unintended consequences. How did those anti-segregation folks possess this knowledge?
The overwhelming majority of blacks lived in the south for obvious reasons. The people of the south had a few hundred years of experience with all that defines that group. I grew up in the north and I don't believe for a minute there was widespread hatred of black people. If they were something less than popular on a social level, it had nothing to do with the color of their skin. Those attitudes were established observing black behavior for a very long time. I believe the white folks in the south were a religious group in whole and behaved with stricter moral guidelines than we hold today, in general and despite the ownership of slaves by the minority of planters.
Those folks knew the intellectual limitations and the violent impulsiveness of blacks. They lived with it. Segregation was for the good of the white population and ultimately resulted in far better opportunities for ambitious, hard working blacks. Integration just resulted in endless envy and opportunities for violence on the part of blacks.
Latest from Farrakhan and the NOI crazies (from their Chicago weekly podcasts). Farrakhan wants negros to humble Whites by instead of knocking them out or beating them which takes time or can even be lethal. He wants Africans moved by Allah to "slice their faces" and "mark the Devil" (with a knife or boxcutter) so they are scarred or "permanently humbled".
This is interesting since we have seen a rise in the slashing of women's faces lately. You can't shoot them over it (in some States it is only considered Assault and Battery). It isn't even life threatening, but they get the street cred and as the Minister said, "The White, they will remember."
I will try to post the link to the 'cast if you want to listen to the whole thing. Most of it is vomitious crap, numerology, etc.
This is in effect the same as Counting Coup among the Indians.
It was a good post. I think people would like to see the statistics from 2008 to the present. Even though I presume they are steady on the White on White and the White on Black and probably even Black on Black.
My curiosity would be the Black on White factor since Obama took office. However that is just my take.
The people who would argue about the information in the blog will have an easy argument by saying they are "talking about today not 5~6 years ago". And that would be tough to overcome (even though the answer seems obvious) because the stats stop at 2008.
I don't think elites really care if we believe in the lies they feed us about blacks or not, the important thing is that whites say what they want to hear. Even they know the blacks as perpetual victims meme is garbage. You can be assured every person out there spreading the gospel of diversity lives as far away from it as they can.
They probably get off on watching whites profess love for diversity, tolerance, MLK, and all the other holy idols. Every groveling Paula Deen type makes them realize how much power they wield. When the faculty and students of Duke University practically wanted to hang the lacrosse team despite them being completely innocent, the elites probably couldn't believe how effectively whites have been brainwashed.
All the elites, and even blacks themselves know that black people are destructive and uncivilized. The elites preach it so that they can use blacks as a stalking horse to achieve their goal of dominating us. Blacks go along with it because they get short term gain from it. Blacks don't have the IQ to figure out what is going to happen to them when the elites no longer need their services to dominate whites. They may be getting a little hint about it now that hispanics are the hot new toy for the elites to play with.
Anonymous seeking the insight that opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1965...
It was partly observation of the fact that blacks were not capable of being responsible enough to sustain the white man's civilization, but a a lot of it was legacy: the legacy of what blacks accomplished on Africa when left to themselves. No one in history until the last fifty or sixty years took the black man "seriously", and there really isn't any disputing that. Blacks have been viewed throughout history as sensual, emotional, merciless, and, well, stupid. Not a good combination of traits.
Pittsburgh sisters Sarah and Susan Wolfe found murdered in their home. The "person of interest"? A black male neighbor. According to the story in the Daily Mail he had helped them some weeks ago in moving some furniture. Apparently they were trusting enough to have him do that and he was able to familiarize himself with the house so he was able to sneak back. Very big mistake on their part and it cost them their lives. A British paper carries the story not the domestic media which tries to block out these stories. There's a tsunami of black murder, rape, theft and assault taking place. All this focus on things such as the Dunn case are an attempt to distract attention elsewhere much as a magician might do.
Ex New Yorker here....Thousands of children being born with no fathers. Born to dumb stupid mothers whose only source of income is getting pregnant. The more the children the bigger the check. Women who will spread their legs for s snort of cocaine and a free diner at Pizza Hut. Some of these young girls were raped by their mothers boyfriends. Others end up being whores who make money for their pimps because he "loves them". A never ending trail of wasted lives.
Low IQ children raised by drunks and drug addicts. When they get older they form packs and roam the streets like wild dogs looking for prey. We have all seen the mug shoots. Cold dead eyes and blank faces. Hollow beings born without love. Without love they are dead inside and can only find pleasure through violence and hurting others. They get a cheap thrill by seeing someone suffer. The only family life they will ever know is hanging in a gang with others who are also dead inside. Living zombies. A prison becomes their future home.
The COMMUNITY LEADERS don't give a flying fuck about these dead end and useless children. All they give a shit about is the next press conference, another new suit, more government money and paying off their fancy new Cadillacs. A parade of pimps with their hands out for more freebies paid for with your dime. A mouth full of bullshit talking about helping the poor. Blah. Blah. Blah. Con men and scam artist out for what they can get for themselves. Years of speeches and hand wringing and nothing gets any better. It only gets worse.
Blood soaked streets and crying mothers "looking for justice". The breathing dead giving birth to soulless children. Always looking for someone else to blame. Rampaging animals killing and raping each other because they are dying souls who have nothing to live for. They find pleasure in destroying everything around them. Black people are their own worst enemy.
Dan, you are dead right. They are lower primates. Bigger is better in general among such cretins. Also, make eye contact. Head up, shoulders back. Thats how a man faces the world. Bet thats how Delbert Belton faced the world until time caught up with him. Let them KNOW you see them. Best way to avoid their aggression. They want prey, not a nut kicking, eye gouging fight to the death.
Stay alert, stay strong, stay alive.
White guilt? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is that? My ancestors came over from the United Kingdom in the early 1900s as poor peasants. I don't owe a thing to any race hustler plantation pimps or gibsmedat parasites.
Jesus Christ on his throne. 10 MM Auto, I'm praying one of the N.O.I,. foot soldiers wants to count coup on my middle aged ugly white mug with a box cutter.
I'm always armed and situationally aware. Would love to put two in the body and one in the head. Well worth a new scar. My wife and daughter got the looks. I got the gristle.
Stay alert. Stay alive.
Media focuses on Dunn/ Zimmerman etc for several reasons..
1...2 thoughts cant be in yr head at same time and 2 cases cant be on same TV show [unless split screen]
so they offer 'false narrative'
2...dumber white guys, libs, women, children are gullible and can be guilted.
Vibrant diversity coming soon near you:
Year after year society has been at the mercy of the black criminal underclass. No wonder people are leery about blacks in general. Leery as defined by the dictionary as;cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions. Blacks criminals and other criminals want to know why they get profiled? It is because they fit a well established or familiar pattern of behavior established over years of experience based on criminal activity not because they are "just black". Stop and frisk work exceptionally well in NYC because the likely profile of a weapon carrying criminal was a young black or hispanic male in certain sections of the city. Now new Mayor DeBlasio has put and end to that type of policing, my bet is crime rates will soar. NYPD had a pretty good handle on disarming these young criminals but some judge said the cops were,"violating their rights" well maybe, maybe not. If that judges daughter was raped and murdered by some minority criminal I'll bet he wouldn't rule that way even if he was a Jewish Harvard Law school graduate who specialized in Constitutional law.
It's more like "Open season on hapless white folks" Rather than the other way around. You can get yourself a nice 10 round Ruger .45 Auto for about $530 - a wise investment in protecting you and your. Here's a link to a Youtube Video showing how a black woman in Detroit had to use a rifle to fend off a home invasion by 3 black teen thugs this week, he had 2 little kids to protect from these marauders...,
Here's my latest post on why the so called black "leaders" never have anything to say when it comes to white victims of black crime. The Bastards!
"How did those anti-segregation folks possess this knowledge? "
It's really quite simple my Iowa friend. Folks during that era weren't brainwashed into the cult of personality known as Negro worship. They understood that human nature was (and is) a very real and self evident fact of reality.
Blacks are not whites and vice versa. Human Bio Diversity is, as far as I can tell, a legitimate science that's starting to prove what common sense has always told us. Negroes live by the law of the jungle, not the laws of civilization and English Common Law.
We've been trying to civilize these people for 300 years now and many of them just don't want it. They want our money and our women and the fruits of our labor and not much else.
The older generations were much wiser than we are in many ways. Besides, they didn't have to deal with TWMNBN Hollywood 24/7/365 mind washing and constant hate YT propagenda.
Here's a story for you Paul Kersey.
Negro pretty boy is in hot water for drugging women and then raping them.
"FEB. 14, 2014 -- Former NFL player Darren Sharper has been charged with drugging and raping two women in California and also is suspected of doing the same to other women in Arizona, Nevada and Louisiana, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office.
Sharper, once a star safety with the New Orleans Saints, is suspected of raping seven women in four states, all after offering them drinks laced with drugs, according to a court document submitted by a Los Angeles police officer investigating the case. The detective stated he suspected that Sharper also drugged additional people who accompanied these women, increasing the total suspected druggings to 11 cases combined since September."
"Son of Delbert said...
Dan, you are dead right. They are lower primates. Bigger is better in general among such cretins. Also, make eye contact. Head up, shoulders back. Thats how a man faces the world. Bet thats how Delbert Belton faced the world until time caught up with him. Let them KNOW you see them. Best way to avoid their aggression. They want prey, not a nut kicking, eye gouging fight to the death.
Stay alert, stay strong, stay alive.
Yep. You should see them when you show a gaggle of sweet, innocent, vibrant, sensitive, soulful, and diverse youth your 3.5" Semi-serrated folding knife in the subway station...
Buckwheat eyes...
White guilt, not race, is a genuine social construct. Its roots are more varied than those usually alleged by the beneficiaries of white guilt, (i.e., slavery, poverty or discrimination.)
First, guilt implies a standard of judgment, in this case, an absolute belief in human equality. Any daylight between that ideology and existing conditions can only be explained by injustice. And who among us considers themselves unjust?
In fact, I would argue that white guilt may be a mile long but is only an inch deep. Most whites, including all but hardcore leftists, understand at some level that "something's not right" with the ideology. Because open inquiry into group differences has been shut down, white skepticism is usually sustained by personal anecdote.
How do whites resolve the dissonance? They rationalize it as part of a social contract they've been trained to abide. Too, there are economic incentives---sustained Negro unrest is bad for business, bad for the country's international image, and worse, threatens elite control. (Contrary to several past posters on this site, I believe that elite domination requires social stability, not divide et imperia.)
Negro misrule and overreach will eventually produce the necessary backlash. This post is already overlong so I'll just assert that our current cycle of infatuation with the Negro is not the first one: its predecessors ended around 1810 and again in 1877.
History doesn't repeat with any exactitude, so I can't be sure what the next white tide of revulsion will consist of; but it will surely come and its causes will have far less to do with any of our actions than with those of the Negro himself.
Be patient. The future rarely happens on time.
10mm AUTO said...
Latest from Farrakhan and the NOI crazies (from their Chicago weekly podcasts). Farrakhan wants negros to humble Whites by instead of knocking them out or beating them which takes time or can even be lethal. He wants Africans moved by Allah to "slice their faces" and "mark the Devil" (with a knife or boxcutter) so they are scarred or "permanently humbled".
This is interesting since we have seen a rise in the slashing of women's faces lately. You can't shoot them over it (in some States it is only considered Assault and Battery). It isn't even life threatening, but they get the street cred and as the Minister said, "The White, they will remember."
I will try to post the link to the 'cast if you want to listen to the whole thing. Most of it is vomitious crap, numerology, etc.
This is in effect the same as Counting Coup among the Indians.
February 21, 2014 at 5:06 PM
California Penal Code Section 245 P.C:
245. (a) (1) Any person who commits an assault upon the person of
another with a deadly weapon or instrument other than a firearm or by any means of force likely to produce great bodily injury (Emphasis added) shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, or in a county jail for not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by both the fine and imprisonment...
Taking 155 stitches to close a facial laceration counts as "great bodily injury." Under this section, The Knockout Game(tm) also counts as great bodily injury.
All of this presupposes that you are so unaware of your surroundings as to allow a SLIBA* to get close to you in the first place.
(*SLIBA = Sweet Little Innocent Black Angel)
Ukraine... Venezuela...Balkans...
Got preps yet?
When the future comes knocking are you going to be ready?
Keep prepping my White friends. Open season IS coming, and "Hell is coming to breakfast".
Fed Up Firefighter
Someone needs to inundate this water buffalos twitter account with an endless supply of examples and this factual empirical evidence of the constant slaughter of whites at the hands of blacks. But even that will render nothing but some type of racist rant or spin on her part so it is all moot. She does not possess a fair and open enough mind to see the truth and even if she did she would never admit it publicly.
For those who might not recall, Delbert Belton was the 88-year-old Okinawa veteran beaten to death by two negroes, in Spokane, WA, in August of 2013.
His killers, Adams-Kinard, 16, and Demetrius Glenn are about to go to trial, likely in mid-March. I've seen suggestions that the negroes were relocated to WA following hurricane Katrina, but can find no news source on that.
There is currently an effort underway to dismiss or exonerate the conviction of one George Stinney, a 14-year-old South Carolina negro executed in 1944 for the murder of two white girls, aged 8 and 11. The negro boy confessed to killing the girls, telling police that he wanted to have sex with the 11 year old and had to kill the 8 year old first. The sister of Stinney is now claiming that he was present with her at the time of the killing.
I can see the day, 50 years from now, when some negro comes forward and claims that Philip Chism was watching TV with him, during the time Chism was accused of raping, killing and mutilating the young Massachussets teacher, Colleen Ritzer. The media will cover it extensively. Negroes are always innocent.
I'm writing from the murder capitol of America,Chicago. In 2013 there were 448 murders, 357 blacks, 83 h
Hispanic, 8 white. The white murders 5 were auto homicides (hit & run).
That means that the white murder rate for last year was almost 500,000. to 1.
So CNN is running an article about how a poor Ole Miss student had her feelings hurt by some mean names.
They are also featuring a story on how license plates are now racists.
Yet I don't see any headlines about the white family murdered in Detroit, the two sisters murdered in PA, the call to racial violence by Dr.PurpleDrank.
Is this just the left and it's propaganda weapon mobilizing the black tide of white hate, so they are ready for the summer of 2014? I think it's going to be a wild one...
If it was really "open season on blacks", the FBI wouldn't be investigating three white men for calling a statue a Notniceword.
I'll answer Anonymous following the complete quote--Californian
Anonymous said...
Ok, I need some help and understanding from some of the older SBPDL readers, please. I'm only 33, born and raised in Iowa (very few blacks). They weren't around, and simply didn't know very many blacks. I was taught about the 1960's Civil Rights Movement. It seems to me, if I'd been alive during those times, that I would have supported that movement. That the injustices leading up to that time, the segregation could not have endured, needed to end. Up to that point, in the 50's & 60's, blacks had been repressed. Quite a few Americans fought to uphold Jim Crow and desegregation. The rest was history, look at us now.
Here's the heart of my question. If blacks hadn't received much education, did in fact live in sepperate/unequal society. How did those whites know that desegregation would end up so badly? Now, 50 years later, the fruit of black failure is hard to miss. Almost like a self prophisizing nightmare come true.
Where would I have stood in 1965? Hindsight is always 20/20. Our once mighty and beautiful cities lay in waste, now. The Civil Rights movement seemed so glorious, obviously very tragic unintended consequences. How did those anti-segregation folks possess this knowledge?
Why did many white people fight to uphold segregation?
Millions of white people had close contact with blacks. They saw up front and personal the black tendencies towards criminal violence, irresponsible sexual behavior, illegitimacy, illiteracy, and an inability to compete when higher education was open to them. There was also the example of free black societies--Haiti, Jamaica, Liberia--all of which showed a marked tendency of blacks to disintegrate white civilization.
White people had the experience of the post-Civil War era. Blacks were put in the driver's seat in the former Confederate states; they also were granted civil rights in the Northern states. The results? From contemporary accounts, freeing blacks and giving them equality led to more black-on-white violence and more black corruption of politics. Blacks had every opportunity to show the content-of-their-character in the decades following 1865. They so alienated the majority of whites--including progressives--that segregation was enacted across the boards.
White people had considerable scientific evidence to back up the view that there were inherent differences between the races. The dominant school of scientific anthropology until the mid-20th century looked at physiological and what would be considered today as genetic factors in determining racial behavior. This scientific approach would be replaced by Boasian cultural anthropology for ideological reasons.
I'm only 33, born and raised in Iowa (very few blacks). They weren't around, and simply didn't know very many blacks...It seems to me, if I'd been alive during those times, that I would have supported [the 1960's Civil Rights Movement]."
You would have supported the movement -- and you would have had no business doing so, because of your admitted lack of knowledge and experience with blacks. Sadly, too many people claim the right to address other peoples' problems, without knowing the first thing about it. Some comfort can be taken from the fact that the North has suffered much, much worse since the Black Plague was unleashed, but that's like finding a fleeting silver lining in a Cat 5 hurricane.
The civil rights movement was a fraud. It was sold as a means to end de jure segregation, rolling back legal segregation and then letting market forces bring forward the best in blacks ("content of character"). But this was a false front. "Integration" became a cover for ever manner of liberal social engineering racket as well as black power grab: affirmative action, forced busing, minorities only contracts and scholarships, black "history" (i.e., indoctrination) months, Section 8 housing, open borders, endless bureaucratic control of everything, hatecrime laws and hatespeech regs, suppression of scientific data on racial differences, tearing down of not only Southern culture but of American civilization as a whole, open borders, kowtowing to convicted marxist terrorists (Mandela), etc., ad nauseam.
We have had the entire civil rights program enacted in the USA, and what has been the result? An explosion in black criminal violence, an explosion in black illegitimacy and STDs, an utter failure of blacks to compete scholastically and in business formation, blacks trashing formerly white cities...all as predicted by segregationists, by the way.
Consider this: if segregation was unjust then what of the legal and systemic discrimination against white people today under the fraud of "civil rights?"
Add to this the urban guerrilla warfare used by blacks against whites since the 1950s: massive civil disobedience, Long Hot Summer riots, Zebra murders, gangbanging, flashmobs, home invasions, torture-murders--blacks use these crimes to ethnically cleanse white people from cities which white civilization built (and which blacks can not maintain). Blacks murder far more white people every several years in America than were blacks lynched by whites during the entirety of segregation. Is that not repression (of whites)?
White people who had colonized Africa saw the black content of character close hand. Blacks were at best a Neolithic people, incapable of assimilating into the modern world. They were marked by low IQs, low impulse control, and lack of future time orientation. Perhaps there was a thin strata of blacks who could be assimilated, but most could not.
This is why there was apartheid in South Africa. Wherever blacks got independence, from Ghana to Zimbabwe, they proceeded to wreck most of what white civilization had built. At best, black Africans could establish a benevolent dictatorship or two. More usually, they ended up with kleptocracies, failed states and human rights debacles.
Again, all predicted by segregationists.
The real problem has been in the delusional nature of modern liberalism, the belief that race is merely a matter of color-of-skin and not underlying physiological/genetic factors. No matter how many times blacks demonstrate their inherent differences from whites (or other races), no matter how much black crime and illegitimacy undermines civil society, no matter how many formerly white cities are trashed by blacks, white liberals will continue to believe in their delusions.
I'm only 33, born and raised in Iowa (very few blacks).
You have to educate yourself.
Get rid of your television. If you are plugged into the world of television, you are plugged into the Matrix. It's not simply the liberal content of the media, it is the extreme passivity that is promoted by television as a medium. You can not be a free citizen when you are glued to a disinformation system several hours a day.
Check out the numerous Internet sites dealing with racial issues. Read first hand accounts of what it's like to be white in black majority polities from Detroit to South Africa. Consider how you are being misinformed and openly lied to by the mainstream media, the government, the schools. Question what they tell you.
See out the truth.
Keep up the dialog on this and related websites. There are millions of people who have come to the truth about race.
Do what you have to in order to stay independent.
Take that Red Pill.
Blacks are currently on a pedestal in the US, but wait until the country is much browner. Hispanics do not tolerate blacks nearly as much as the white man and the brown man will soon have a lot more control.
Didn't get the verdict they want so they play the victim & race cards. Mr. Dunn is another victim of BRA. They're not victims when they're staring at you over a gun barrel, BUT you pull a gun and defend yourself and you get to be the defendant. If you're white, you can't win, but they'll take your tax dollars anyway.
Liberals are psychotic. How do you fight an enemy who's a) batshit insane; and b) constantly hiding under the skirt of the US government?
Mssrs. Zimmerman & Dunn should open up a security/self defense company together.
Imagine ... ZimmerDunn Enterprises! Urban pest control for the 21st Century!
I just read that in NYC more blacks are aborted than are being born currently.
Negroes don't understand percentages either. Their tiny brains only process raw numbers. If 20 negroes out of a 100 be killin' and 21 out of a thousand whitey's be killin'.....well! twenty one be mo' than twenty! Mmmm hmmmm! Dat's right! Shitniqua da maff whiz be knowin' dat, fo' sho!
Ratio? Huh? Whut dat be? I listens to da ratio all da time. 'Specially to da hip hop ratio station!
Ya'll is jes' ig'nant!
White girl from a middle class family gets lured into prostitution in Las Vegas by Black multiple-felon, loses contact with her family.
34 year old White woman is killed by her 23 year old Black lover.
White woman helps her Black lover murder a rival White woman.
Young men ... Stay away from women that sleep with / date / have been married to Blacks. They're toxic, dysfunctional, screwed-up, and stupid.
The left lies about absolutely everything. Not just this. The economics of mass third world immigration into the USA is another case in point. The truth is that it is ruinous to America, but the left just lie and lie and lie about it.
@City Resident@5:44pm feb.21.14
I live in the burg city. and your so right. there are no details being released. said this a day or so ago that bleach was poured over her body. that's a CLEAR sign of a rape! Yet our wonderful, doing a great job media in the U.S.A. failed to mention that. so if the double murder wasn't bad enough they are not warning WOMEN that there is a RAPIST running loose as well. THE NEWS MEDIA IN THIS COUNTRY HATES THE WHITE RACE! period!!!
You know the first thing we need to do when a story breaks and names are given is to search the social media sites(facebook, twitter, etc) and download/copy as much as we can so that when the media start inundating us with picutres of 12 year olds we can start posting screen shots from their facebook pages that show who they really are. We absolutely must control the narrative.
I was amazed to see the security camera footage of "little Trayvon" buying skittles and watermelon drank at the convenience store. The media must also be shown to be the frauds that they really are.
I think they truely arr afraid that whites have finally said enough.... And they need something to focus on instead of their failures.
I read an article that actually said: white people don't understand that black people are just blunt...i'll kill you motherfucker dies not really mean that. Only whitesvwould say that and mean it.
Of only! OMG if only everything they feared about open season wete true...problem solved. But alas most white people are too busy working, raising kids, taking care of homes and attending school. If only any of us really cared like they think we do.
My favorite line in ProfessorCrank's article:
"White anxiety and fear and racism have produced the myth of pervasive black criminality."
Hahahaha, are you kidding me? Do people really believe this? My goodness, what is going on?
How many SWPL's do you know? By that, I mean how many are your close friends. If you answered none, then you are "The Wrong Kind of White People." In the yuppie/hipster/soccer mom libtard worldview, you are a racist. These people read and buy into this shit hook, line and sinker. Hope this helps.
Anonymous from Iowa, my nephew had leukemia and went to U Iowa for a marrow transplant in the middle 80's. Iowa City was almost all white. the head Dr.'s assistant always berated my mother for her low opinion of the black race. years later, after a tremendous influx of blacks from Cedar Rapids, this woman called my mother to apologise. seems they bring their special version of life with them. just like when they move, they always pack a few roaches from the old place to set up house with them in the new place.
SOD nails it as usual (Dan too). Im big enough (6'2", 250#), but over the last 6 months ive lost much of my fat and put on 15-20# of muscle. And I stare down down every diversity I pass and they want NOTHING to do with me. Ive even had 2-3 of them pass on by. Plus im heavily armed and I think that somehow registers with these animals as well, maybe on an instinctual level for them. Cut back on beer, pick heavy stuff up and learn to love mass quantities of chicken, beef and rice.
"The people of the south had a few hundred years of experience with all that defines that group."..very true.
Another great truth is southerners being hard working farmers had lots experience dealing with farm animals. For many years they passed down to their sons and daughters the benefits and shortcomings of the horse, pig, goat and cow. They knew the behavior of these beasts and the negro was no different. They knew he was strong, but stupid. They knew of the propensity to rape and kill. They knew these things and created a set of laws dubbed "Jim Crow". they made illegal for a negro to carry a knife or a stick, to be out after dark, to whistle or stare at a white woman. violation of the law, or rapists thieves and murderers were dealt with immediately. In plain view of the rest of the negro population. Violence is the only thing these beasts understand. Not unlike the farm animals.
The Macon Telegraph (Macon Obamagraph) has a contributor to the editorial page that could be a twin to the "pufessuh" Paul quotes. Catherine Meeks. Loves lecturing us white folk on how racist we are because someone criticized Obama or complained about Obamacare.
She's devoted entire columns to whining about racism over stuff as trivial as a white woman saying "excuse me" when passing her in a narrow grocery store aisle. Yes really.
But when a black-on-white crime makes headlines, such as the snow day attack in Warner Robins that was covered here, her column will be some stupid irrelevant stuff like eating a healthier diet.
Daily Kenn: The "loud music" shooting the media won't tell you about.
In BRA, white males accosted by violent blacks have two choices:
1. submit, and be killed or maimed.
2. go to prison for life for defending himself.
3. practice segregation, avoid blacks altogether.
I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I don't know who
You blame me for slavery
A hundred years before I was born
I'm a convict
(guilty)Of a racist crime
(guilty)I've only served
(guilty)19 years of my time
©±® Minor Threat 1981
Yes blacks, it is open season on you. And only now you notice? We whites murder, rape, and attack you with impunity, knowing any pathetic defense you muster would be excoriated as hate. We are granted de jure preference over you in every field of endeavor. We ethnically cleanse you from the cities of your fathers. You work your idiot black hands to the bone, while we fuck, breed, and eat. And guess who pays for it all negro? You do.
You make us laugh with transparent appeals to "freedom" and "the constitution." You know what we say to your precious ideals about fairness? "Fuck you, pay us."
You try to run with your black flight from our crime and dysfunction. Guess what black man...we're right behind you. And more of us are coming in to "your" countries every day. And do you know what's the best about us kicking your ass and taking everything you hold dear? We will never stop. Ever.
To Anonymous @February 22, 2014 at 8:05 AM:
I try (by all means) to practice technique #3, but I am prepared to practice #2 if forced.
I also gave up watching most sports so that I didn't inadvertently "feed the beast".
Anonymous said...
White guilt, not race, is a genuine social construct. Its roots are more varied than those usually alleged by the beneficiaries of white guilt, (i.e., slavery, poverty or discrimination.)
First, guilt implies a standard of judgment, in this case, an absolute belief in human equality. Any daylight between that ideology and existing conditions can only be explained by injustice. And who among us considers themselves unjust?
In fact, I would argue that white guilt may be a mile long but is only an inch deep. Most whites, including all but hardcore leftists, understand at some level that "something's not right" with the ideology. Because open inquiry into group differences has been shut down, white skepticism is usually sustained by personal anecdote.
How do whites resolve the dissonance? They rationalize it as part of a social contract they've been trained to abide. Too, there are economic incentives---sustained Negro unrest is bad for business, bad for the country's international image, and worse, threatens elite control. (Contrary to several past posters on this site, I believe that elite domination requires social stability, not divide et imperia.)
You strike me as a new voice here. Stick around and use a name.
@anon 1113, this is one of the best comments I've read in awhile in here. That's the problem in a nutshell. Folks who dont have to deal with the problems that Blacks cause telling those that do what they should do.
It's this smug arrogance that will bring down America.
Just a question for those who are versed in crime stats. How many murders and other crimes go unsolved? The charts above could only include cases where the perp was identified. Considering the no snitching culture in the black community, it would seem that a significant number would be excluded from the totals. This would especially be true for the cases where the victim is a stranger, since there will not be much for the police to go on. The numbers displayed are probably the best case scenario and reality is probably much worse.
On a related note, many postings here use the average black IQ rating of 85. My understanding is that this number is that this number really only includes those who are "in the system". School dropouts, those in jail, the dead, etc. are not included. One site quoted Rushton as saying that the true measure is probably closer to 78 (Sorry, I can't give a reference for this).
While we lament at how bad these numbers are, we should keep in mind that the reality is probably much worse.
Dunn made a huge mistake when he drove away from that scene. What the hell was he thinking? I've taken numerous training sessions on CC and the legal ramifications of a possible shoot, good or bad.
Even if you are 100% justified in your shooting, you can't f'ing flee the scene. Not only does it allow the scene to be contaminated in terms of evidence, but it makes you look guilty by distancing yourself from the event.
He also didn't call the police, they had to find him. Another strike.
Michael Dunn is in prison because he is as stupid as they come, as much as he is due to race factors.
I hope our readers here, especially those of you that carry, are a little smarter than this guy.
Anonymous@ 8:18 Excellent post.
Nice posting, Paul.
Blacks like this women have gotten where they are (as if that's such a good thing) by always asking for more. There's an old story about Donald Trump, who's supposedly always negotiating, no matter what. He's in an elevator with this gorgeous woman, who says to him breathlessly, "you know, I could just push this stop button, get down on my knees, and (** censored phrase for "pleasure you orally" **) like you've never had it before." Trump looks at her seriously, and replies, "so what's in it for me?"
So far, that parable is the only way I can understand people like Professor Crunk.
Anonymous: it's hard to answer your very good question, but I will try.
I think there were a number of intelligent people who had lived among blacks and knew the disasters that were being unleashed. Abe Lincoln knew it, and supported "repatriation" not even segregation let alone integration. I also think there were a number of people who had emotional reactions to being told what to do, and probably thought blacks were just like us, or even superior somehow, but didn't want to give them a chance because it was something different.
Now, look at the other side- the side that your parents, and mine, were on. They'd learned in school the theoretical value of integration and racial harmony. They desperately wanted it to be real. They'd never known any blacks, or if they did, it was only a few 2-sigma or greater. I don't think there were more than a handful of intelligent people who had lived among blacks on the side which supported LBJ and all his Great Society crap. I wasn't there, but that's the way I see it.
Nice posting, Paul.
Blacks like this woman have gotten where they are (as if that's such a good thing) by always asking for more. There's an old story about Donald Trump, who's supposedly always negotiating, no matter what. He's in an elevator with this gorgeous woman, who says to him breathlessly, "you know, I could just push this stop button, get down on my knees, and (** censored phrase for "pleasure you orally" **) like you've never had it before." Trump looks at her seriously, and replies, "so what's in it for me?"
So far, that parable is the only way I can understand people like Professor Crunk.
Said a monkey who hung by his tail,
To the little monks, male and female,
"From your offspring, my dears,
In a few million years
May evolve a professor in Yale."
Now they're taking the unevolved ones and calling them professors. They term this "progress".
Just a point to think about, folks. This sherilla posing as a college professor isn't the problem, it is the symptom of the problem. The problem is the university faculty who gave passing grades and a degree, and other faculty and administrators who gave a job over hundreds of humans with actual credentials and accomplishments.
And Anonymous @ 10:14:
Even if you are 100% justified in your shooting, you can't f'ing flee the scene.
After the Zimmerman persecution, fleeing the scene is a great idea so long as they can't find you. Otherwise, you're right.
In commercial areas like gas stations, you are probably being filmed. In residential or rural areas, likely not.
BTW, filling up with fuel is a hazardous activity because it brings one to major intersections which are easily accessible to vibrant diversities. You are also clearly visible for targeting.
Consider getting a vehicle which does not require you to use filling stations. If you have an electric car charged at home or a natural-gas car with your own compressor, you don't have to go to the corner and spend 10 minutes in a very vulnerable position every week.
I also came here to post about consummate race-baiter Leonard Pitts' unusually ridiculous op-ed. Not once in his faggy little diatribe did he mention WHY those two black thugs - yes, THUGS! - were turned into "strange fruit" hanging from a Marion, Indiana tree in 1930. Pretty sneaky, eh? LOL. They murdered some guy coming home from work. So it's not like those evil motherfuckers didn't have it coming to them. Hey Leonard, we get it, you're dumb, but it's not like other people aren't going to notice this deliberate omission.
And I remember Brittney Cooper. She wrote an unintentionally hilarious essay about how upset she was that a fellow airline passenger referred to her as a "fat nigger" (or something to that effect) in a text message to someone else. As if the "ignorant" passenger was wrong in the slightest.
I can laughingly use the term 'POST TURTLE' re: the author of this article. Had never heard the term before and another poster defined it in a most articulate manner and totally how the Obanegro got where he is now along with a number of other blacks
Mr. Rational said...
BTW, filling up with fuel is a hazardous activity because it brings one to major intersections which are easily accessible to vibrant diversities.
If I'm approached at the pump, someone is going to get a face full of 89 octane.
Salon removes much for dialog w dumb libs.
Oh, forgot to add the link to the Pitts piece:
If I'm approached at the pump, someone is going to get a face full of 89 octane.
Are you one of those people who wastes money on "Midgrade" when your car specifies regular? Quit feeding Exxon!
The fraction of murders that are white-on-black may be even lower than indicated by that graph. As is now well known, a lot of mestizo criminals are classified as white. Quite likely, a lot of those white-on-black murders were actually hispanic-on-black murders.
"Anonymous said...
White girl from a middle class family gets lured into prostitution in Las Vegas by Black multiple-felon, loses contact with her family."
It was funny (and yet not funny) how naive were the comments on that article. So many of them said: couldn't the family tell that the guy was bad news - by his attitude of disrespect? What a load of crap. What they should have said was: couldn't they tell the guy was bad news.........because he's black. If your white daughter is dating a black guy - you've got a problem. Most black men are not Will Smith - they are far more likely to be like little Mr. hat-on-sideways pimp-boy in that Daily Mail Story. Of course, if they had pointed out the obvious, the Mail would probably have scrubbed their comments.
Of course, in a sane and just world, the girls father and brothers would seek out that black bastard, and beat him so severely that he'd be crippled and pissing blood for the rest of his an example to all the other "youths".
Personally, I think Dunn should
have been acquitted completely.
Based on the nature of the beast,
they are unpredictable and
attack without motive just to
attack. They don't value their
own lives so why should anyone else.
Paul, you have to come off this meme of "blacks are only 12-13% of the population."
Half of those (approx.) are females, and they aren't the ones doing the crime by and large.
Of the half (6-6.5%) who are male, how many are under 12 and over 45? They aren't the ones doing the crime by and large.
Of those left, black males between 12 and 45, some 30% are in prison.
That leaves a percent or two of the US population committing the bulk of violent crimes.
THAT is the real one percent we need to be concerned with. Not the rich and productive folks who are paying the lion's share of the tax burden and creating the lion's share of the jobs.
Dear 33-yo-Iowan--
Some good perspectives and advice imo from other commenters. I lived in one of the trashiest ghettos in the US even in the 1960s to '70s. It's worse now. Something I didn't think was possible. I got out in my late 20s and also won the freedom of several relatives. I still wake up from nightmares where I wake up and am still back there. I still can't sit in front of a window at night.
Whites in the south had long experience of living around blacks; so did we in the industrial cities of the north by the mid-20th century. Thing is, only those who worked in industrial jobs had that experience. The controlling class, then as now, didn't come into contact much with blacks. And they reviled us.
A good example is how they called our parents racists for valuing our educations so highly that they'd tear up roots and go elsewhere to get to good schools after forced busing destroyed education for everyone in the name of somehow magically slapping IQ points onto people/kids who were misbegotten and socially/intellectually/emotionally retarded.
That studied and disingenuous ignorance changed in the summers of '67 and '68...and other summers too that weren't covered by the mass media because by then they'd gotten too boring and at odds with kumbaya after Michael King (who plagiarized his way to a divinity degree in my home town) was shot and killed.
What I'd like to say to you comes from experience. The most important part of white culture is just that--white culture, for culture is also an expression of our genetic heritage, including IQ as well as the traditions and memory of our people.
Whether you are Catholic or Jewish or Protestant or, like me and my family, freethinkers descended from American Revolutionaries--treasure your culture. Remember the past. Reclaim it. Talk to your elders. Dig into your genealogy. Write things down. Get captions on photos. Find out what your people's stories are. Read them. Become the old fart, for kids, that you may have had in your life...but more likely didn't, given that at some point in the 1970s it became illegal for white men to pass down their traditions to their families. (An interest in European culture and myths, and identification with that as an American is enough to get you put on a Homeland Security terrorist watchlist. Did you know that?)
The real homeland is something we carry in ourselves, and share with those we love and trust. That can never be taken away, no matter where we are driven. Nor can the pride that leads one to fight for that no matter what. I believe that that, more than anything else, is what blacks envy the most about us.
My family was in slavery in the 1600s and in the 1700s and in the 1800s as well. Not one ever blubbered about it, or wailed for reparations, or blamed anybody. Even the women would man up, imagine a better future, and begin working for it. I have never been able to fully hide my own contempt for blacks who whine and play the race card. When they do that what I hear is them saying, "Massa, I helpless widout you running mah life...I immature." And I despise that sort of weakness and dependency, that laziness.
Finally, treasure the fact, and let no one make you feel bad about it, that you "simply didn't know very many blacks." This gives you a purity that you will never fully know. I'd give anything to be able to reach into my memory and excise my experience of blacks.
Continue to question everything you were ever taught at school about "civil rights." A lot of it was fabricated mythos. Question it with the vigor you'd question ANY religion.
You are making an outstanding start with your questions, and it makes me--an old person now 60--so relieved to know there are thoughtful, intelligent young people like yourself, asking these questions, working so hard to free themselves .
Thank you for listening.
Dunn's defense should have been that he was performing an extra-late term abortion for the mothers of these boys.
Because based on the NYC stats (more black babies aborted than born, link in another comment here), apparently that is okay.
I've enjoyed pointing out on Facebook as that story's come up that at least that's that many million fewer thugs out there to play the knockout game or worse on unsuspecting whites.
Our biggest enemy is ourselves. I have seen several comments on here about how lifting weights is a good idea.... Ummmm, ya think? The negro is a stupid, primitive animal who respects physical power above all else. So what? The bigger problem is not getting dumb simians to fear you, it's allowing ourselves to become low-testosterone, sissies. I will grant you that 99% of white women who would sink as low as to sleep with a primitive creature like your average "African-American" are the type you would not want anyway, but the sheer amount of white women that do is really disturbing, and some of them are the good ones. The reason for this is pretty evident; for every one white male that is a man's man, we have 5 that if not obese, then are emaciated. I am 33, back in college, and I can't even look at my own people without wanting to scream. These younger kids are so terrified of these primates it's laughable. I grew up in a different generation where playing outside, eating real food, and not sitting in front of a video game console was the norm. Not living how you were meant to live, ie. plenty of exercise, and a healthy diet, is so detrimental to your health and most importantly your testosterone levels it's ridiculous. The importance of maintaining this is of the utmost importance. This hormone is what gives you your muscle mass, bone-density, and aggression... All these things are necessary when faced with the savages in our midst. Not to mention, this is what gives us our sex-drive, and women can sense a man with high levels as opposed to low. Your physical health is at least on par with your economic status, so ALWAYS make time for the gym, sleep, and food. I myself am a strong proponent of being armed and knowing how to use your weapon of choice if you are forced to defend yourself, however, your strongest weapon is your own body. You can be disarmed, but unless you're dead or unconscious, if you are physically prepared, you are still a danger to them and an asset to yourself and your loved ones
Exactly, I watched a large portion of the trayvon trial, when a responding police officer was on the stand testifying in regards the incident scene, he stated clearly that there was a slim jim (car unlocking tool) near trayvon martin's corpse. He threw it aside as he pursued Zimmerman, just before attacking Zimmerman. trayvon's fingerprints were on the slimjim. An objection was raised by the defense and the judge sustained it. In the end justice prevailed. Negros are innately idiots.
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