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"The Prize" of racial control of Baltimore is all the ruling black elite care about. Black-on-white crime? Foot soldiers in the war for control |
A country where the dispossession of whites is nearly total.
Well, if you're one of those dwindling members of the white population of Baltimore, Maryland, you are living in a nearly identical situation, where the numeric majority of blacks have democratically ensconced themselves in power and daily enjoy the spoils of such a conquest.
The murder of a 51-year-old white bartender, Kimberly Leto, by two blacks males (16-year-old Allen Pinkney and 14-year-old Alonzo Gorham-Ramos, with the latter already a father) is sending shockwaves through the Afrikaner-like population of caucasians left in Baltimore. [Woman's death in burglary leaves Southeast Baltimore reeling: Residents putting pressure on police to step up patrols after Kimberly Leto's death, Baltimore Sun, 2-4-14]:
Residents in Southeast Baltimore have been unnerved by the notion that a resident would be killed by apparent strangers in the security of her home overlooking Patterson Park.
City Councilman James B. Kraft, who represents the area, has said he is increasingly frustrated that the city has not heeded his calls for more officers on foot patrol
Mike Beczkowski, who leads neighborhood crime awareness walks in Canton, said he doesn't understand why the mayor's office or police haven't responded to Kraft's requests.
He said neighborhoods in Southeast Baltimore are "the wealthiest in the city" and "prone to more criminal attacks like this."
"Despite repeated requests, the mayor says we can't have them and has sent them elsewhere," Beczkowski said. "We plan on flooding her office with calls and emails until we do."
He has advised residents to take their own safety precautions. "Our advice is for everyone to get a burglary system to help prevent break-ins," Beczkowski said.
"Our safety requires ongoing vigilance.""Ongoing vigilance."
That is required for the white population that calls Baltimore home, especially when the city posted 27 homicides in January of 2014 [City Records 27 Murders In January; Victim Identified,WBAL.com, 2-1-2014]
No white suspects, almost all black victims. Then again, this a city that celebrated less than 300 murders in a year (back in 2000) as some sort of milestone/indicator that a restoration of civilization was near. [Fewer than 300 homicides at last - Crime: For the first time in more than a decade, Baltimore's toll for a year breaks a barrier that it had seemed impossible to breach only months ago., Baltimore Sun, 1-1-2001]
The high presence of black people requires a police-state to try and maintain some semblance of civilization: William Bratton noted Baltimore has one of the highest police officers per capita in the nation (46 officer per 100,000) and yet even this isn't enough to lower crime. The noted police consultant notes the primary function of a police department is to maintain positive relations with the African American community, since that's the primary community they'll deal with. [Bill Bratton hired to review Baltimore Police Department:'Respect crime' fuels most violence in city, Bratton says, WBALTV, 7-25-13]:
One of the country's top policing experts now hired in Baltimore to reshape the city's Police Department is speaking out about what he calls "respect crime" -- the reason Baltimore has seen such a surge in violence.Though no leader will dare stand and demand that as a clear minority (Baltimore is 63.5 percent black and 28.2 percent white), whites deserve a united voice and that Kimberly Leto deserves true justice, those black people united in keeping power in their hands will still support the Vanguard Justice Society - a black-only police organization - and the Vulcan Blazers, a black-only firefighter association in Baltimore.
In his book "Firefighter," Herman Williams (the first black fire chief in not just Baltimore, but any major American city) noted members of the Vulcan Blazers were mad with him that he didn't immediately engage in ethnic cleansing and fire all whites once he was appointed head of the department:
To my surprise and disappointment, my old colleagues in the Vulcan Blazers, the African-American firefighters' organization I helped found, started criticizing me in the community and with the NAACP. Some of the anger came from unrealistic expectations, because there were some black guys who really expected me to do some "ethnic cleansing" in the department, throw out the whites, and appoint only blacks. I could brush that off as just nonsense. No city official in Baltimore history had done more for black empowerment in city government than I had at Public Works, Transportation, and now the fire department, where frankly just about every day I as playing footloose with the regulations to get what I wanted. (p. 249, Williams)Translation: we are in charge now, so we must enact payback upon those white people who remain in our city for what their ancestors did to us.
Black racial solidarity was on display in 1999 when the majority black city elected a white mayor (Martin O'Malley), largely due to the fact a law-abiding black candidate couldn't be found: a black pastor, Rev. Frank M. Reid, endorsed O'Malley and was promptly uninvited from a black Baptist Convention held in Baltimore for his "betrayal." [Ministers withdraw invitation to Reid: Baptist group notes pastor's endorsement of O'Malley for mayor, Baltimore Sun, 9-21-1999]
Oh, but it gets better. Some black power brokers sided with O'Malley (because he was the only Democrat without a police record) noting he had a history of "empowering African Americans." [A Divisive Mayoral Race in Baltimore, NY Times, 8-8-1999]:
After weeks of political chaos featuring 27 declared mayoral candidates, six of them with arrest records, a campaign showdown loomed noisy as summer thunder here this week in a rowdy scene outside City Hall.
''Man, you're stabbing us in the back,'' one black politician shouted at another as demonstrators disrupted a news conference, called to endorse a mayoral candidate, and drove their rivals across the street.
But the demonstrators' target, Howard P. Rawlings, the State General Assembly delegate, was determined to go forward with his role as a political kingmaker. He called on this gritty city's black majority to support the leading white mayoral contender, Martin O'Malley, a city councilman.
''O'Malley is a new generation of white political leadership,'' Mr. Rawlings, who is black, declared after he retreated from the hooting and hollering demonstrators, bused to City Hall on Thursday by the rival campaign of Lawrence A. Bell 3d, the City Council president and the leading black candidate.
'O'Malley has a track record of empowering black Americans,'' Mr. Rawlings said in front of the television cameras.
Mr. Bell, who had been increasingly upset at the rise of Mr. O'Malley from the status of also-ran to possible unity candidate, was nowhere in sight on Thursday. But his political lieutenants directed the disruptive rally and denounced the potentially decisive endorsements of Mr. O'Malley as treachery by ''so-called pseudo-Negro political leaders."
Only white candidates that agree to play ball with the black community can be elected; those black power brokers that dare side with a white person will be deemed an enemy of the people, "so called
pseudo-Negro political leaders."
Again, a black majority in a neighborhood/community/school/city/nation means that they must be charge. Baltimore's White Shadow, CBS News, 8-13-2001]:
"The prize" was always about racial control of a city, and that's why blacks wanted Apartheid to end in South Africa; that's why black people want to maintain control of Baltimore.
O'Malley did try and do a few good things once in office, like ape Bratton's police policies from New York City. Unfortunately a zero-tolerance policing strategy would prey upon blacks in Baltimore, since blacks in the city are virtually the only demographic committing crime. [Black officials raise zero-tolerance fears: O'Malley tells group that enforcement will not be race-based, Baltimore Sun, 12-21-1999]:
The definition of justice: protecting the people, the black people from the racist judicial system of Baltimore. Remember: this is the city that gave birth to the 'stop-snitching' movement, where witness intimidation is championed on the streets. The police strategy of 'keep talking' was greeted with laughter, while rappers touting 'stop-snitching' continue to be celebrated.
And control of city hall means a repudiation of the crime-fighting techniques introduced by the white mayor. [Rawlings-Blake says city won't return to days of 'mass arrests' under O'Malley: O'Malley's police department arrested one out of six Baltimore residents some years, Baltimore Sun, 9-20-2013]:
Again, a black majority in a neighborhood/community/school/city/nation means that they must be charge. Baltimore's White Shadow, CBS News, 8-13-2001]:
"We should have an African-American mayor," says Rev. Gregory Perkins, a civil rights activist who has been active for decades. Perkins argues that whites usually vote along racial lines and therefore so should blacks.
Asked whether his first choice will always be the black candidate, Perkins says, "Most definitely." But isn't that what people fought against in the 1960s – viewing things purely in term of race?
"In America, it's a reality," says Perkins. "And I'm convinced no one can represent me like me."Brown University political-science professor Marion Orr would be much more forward with his rationale for electing a black mayor: it's our city, and a black mayor is symbolic of this victory over white racism. It's our prize. [MAYORAL RACE:Seeking the City's Top Job Becomes a Study in Black and White, City Paper, 8-11-1999]:
The election of a white mayor at this stage would likely leave a bitter taste with many African-American leaders and cause friction, Orr says: His or her ability to bring people together would be hampered by a sense among African-Americans that they “lost the prize.”
Many agree with Orr that Baltimore, a 60-plus-percent-black city facing mammoth social and economic challenges, should elect an African-American mayor. Miles reckons a white mayor could accomplish what he or she wants from a management standpoint; given Baltimore’s strong-mayor form of government, any chief executive has considerable leverage to shape the budget and round up City Council votes for pet bills. But in terms of human dynamics, Miles says, “it would be a city managed under a great deal of tension."
“If O’Malley wins, the big problem is going to be when he tries to govern the city,” Hopkins’ Crenson says. “People are going to be watching him for the slightest hint of favoritism toward whites, the slightest bit of racism. The symbolic political quotient is going to get very high.”What happens if the elected black officials show the slightest hint of favoritism toward black, does that qualify as the slightest bit of racism?
"The prize" was always about racial control of a city, and that's why blacks wanted Apartheid to end in South Africa; that's why black people want to maintain control of Baltimore.
O'Malley did try and do a few good things once in office, like ape Bratton's police policies from New York City. Unfortunately a zero-tolerance policing strategy would prey upon blacks in Baltimore, since blacks in the city are virtually the only demographic committing crime. [Black officials raise zero-tolerance fears: O'Malley tells group that enforcement will not be race-based, Baltimore Sun, 12-21-1999]:
Concerned that zero-tolerance policing could increase racial profiling by police, about 20 African-American elected officials met yesterday with Mayor Martin O'Malley to ensure that officers do not target suspects because of their race.
State Del. Howard P. Rawlings, who organized yesterday's meeting, said it was the first in which African-American City Council members and state legislators met with the mayor "to discuss an issue of such significance."The black community isn't that worried about crime in Baltimore, only maintaining control of the city and ensuring that police policy doesn't remove to many registered voters from streets. This is obviously the case, since black jury nullification is the hallmark of justice in majority black Baltimore. [Baltimore mayor may count on sympathetic jurors, Fox News, 1-15-2009]:
If Mayor Sheila Dixon goes to trial before a Baltimore jury, it might include some of the best friends she could hope to find.
The city's jurors _ often poor, uneducated and distrustful of police and prosecutors _ have historically been sympathetic to defendants, most of whom are black.
"Jurors in Baltimore city, typical jurors, they render verdicts from the gut," said Warren A. Brown, a city defense attorney for more than 20 years. "To hell with the law, to hell with the facts, they will render a verdict that they think is fair, is right."
And while Dixon isn't your typical defendant _ among other things, the city's first black female mayor is accused of stealing gift cards meant for needy families and treating herself to fur coats and pricey hotel stays on her developer-boyfriend's tab _ her attorneys are already playing to potential jurors by portraying the case as a witch hunt by the state prosecutor.
Her attorney, Arnold M. Weiner, ridiculed State Prosecutor Robert A. Rohrbaugh, a gubernatorial appointee who investigates public corruption, for his relentless pursuit of Dixon and his failure to indict her on a more serious charge, like bribery.
"The state prosecutor went on a journey that was nothing but a big circle," Weiner said.
A study released in fall 2008 by the Abell Foundation, a nonpartisan think tank that examines poverty in Baltimore, found juries in the city less likely to convict defendants than those in the surrounding suburban counties. The study cited both socio-economic factors _ the Baltimore jury pool is poorer and less educated than in the suburbs _ and race _ the city is two-thirds black and 92 percent of defendants were nonwhite.
The definition of justice: protecting the people, the black people from the racist judicial system of Baltimore. Remember: this is the city that gave birth to the 'stop-snitching' movement, where witness intimidation is championed on the streets. The police strategy of 'keep talking' was greeted with laughter, while rappers touting 'stop-snitching' continue to be celebrated.
And control of city hall means a repudiation of the crime-fighting techniques introduced by the white mayor. [Rawlings-Blake says city won't return to days of 'mass arrests' under O'Malley: O'Malley's police department arrested one out of six Baltimore residents some years, Baltimore Sun, 9-20-2013]:
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake released a statement this afternoon, saying her police department would not return to the days of "mass arrests" under Gov. Martin O'Malley's tenure as mayor.
"Returning to the days of mass arrests for any and every minor offense might be a good talking point but it has been proven to be a far less effective strategy for actually reducing crime," Rawlings-Blake said in a statement.
Recently, the governor has argued for increased arrests in Baltimore as a way to combat violent crime. O'Malley, who advocated zero-tolerance policing policies while mayor, says he is concerned that Baltimore has stalled in its crime-fighting efforts, emphasizing that arrests are only half of what they were during his time as mayor.Crime is increasing. Homicides are increasing.
Kimberly Leto, a white 51-year-old bartender is dead, courtesy of two black males that have been raised to believe the city of Baltimore belongs to them: that it's okay to promote their racial interests above every one else; that protecting black criminals is their duty; and that "the prize" is maintaing black hegemony over the city that reads city that bleeds.
If you want to know what being white in South Africa is like, take a trip to Baltimore.
Isn't it funny that the black race kills in the name of respect. the so-called respect they show no others outside their race. say's all you need to know about this vile feral race.
and don't ya just love it when the cops tell you to get a security system. i'd like to ask the police dept if we as whites could get a subsidy on that "security system". now if the shoe was on the other foot you and I know that the federal Gov't would happily give those feral blacks another freebie/subsidy. got to keep those non-taxpayers safe now don't we?
I live near Silver Spring, MD, not too far from Baltimore. The gossip gets around. Nobody wants to go into Baltimore proper any more.
Blacks frequently run out on restaurant tabs. If they get caught, they get very loud and threaten violence.
They don't pay at parking meters, openly verbally attack Whites in public spaces. I was in line at a grocery store and saw a Black man ridicule the White cashier, calling her a saggy-titty White bitch (all because he couldn't afford his entire stack of groceries).
They are at war with Whites. Any time their numbers increase close to ten percent, they just get unpleasant everywhere. I know not all of them are at war, but enough to where you keep your guard up and watch your surroundings all the time.
No Snitching, Witness intimidation and finally wholesale Jury Nullification. I quote:
"Jurors in Baltimore city, typical jurors, they render verdicts from the gut," said Warren A. Brown, a city defense attorney for more than 20 years. "To hell with the law, to hell with the facts, they will render a verdict that they think is fair, is right."
Any White living under those conditions is insane. negro rapists and murderers set free or given probation, let alone any small crime or simple assault. No wonder they beat Whites in the streets! Who is going to get Justice in a Tribal system! And to think our ancestors fled the King's Justice and corrupt Courts.
a carry over of the 'Tim Wise-Addison' discussion:
I'm going from memory, but wasn't a young white woman murdered by a feral buck who pulled a knife and cut her throat while standing in line at a store in Baltimore?
It went down the memory hole extremely fast and no motive was ever announced.
All of these black cities are dead. They just don't know it yet.
Hey PK. Minor factual error in above excellent article. You referred to one of the juvenile murder suspects as a "Father" already at 16 YOA. I believe that's the wrong term for that black bastard.
Fatherhood is a sacred trust. It's a role that subsumes the self and buries it beneath concern for another. Any man blessed with a child, who is worthy of the title father, gets that. The very concept of self is rearranged. What my daughter needs takes precedence over what I may want. It's the most awe inspiring responsibility I have ever taken on.
My walk on part in the war, as opposed to my lead role in a cage. (For all the Pink Floyd people out there) Whether or not I am worth a shit as a man or a father will be visible in more than a decade when my girl is a young woman. I will keep at it as it's my life's work.
As one father among many let me suggest another appropriate term to apply to them.
Among these perpetual children, state subsidized, always illigitimate . . . . The term Father is verboten. Has legal ramifications. Child support and such. These are not legitimate people.
Call them what they call themselves. Baby daddies. They show up once in a while with new Jordan's when they want to make themselves feel like they are more than they are.
Reminds me of when my girl tried on my running shoes at age one and change. She was too little to fit into my BIG shoes.
So are THEY.
"Returning to the days of mass arrests for any and every minor offense might be a good talking point but it has been proven to be a far less effective strategy for actually reducing crime," Rawlings-Blake said in a statement.
Can someone help me understand this paragraph. So, its been proven that arresting criminals has little or no effect on crime? Or, mass arrests prove far less effective on crime? Less effective than what?
You can almost hear the jurors in the Leto murder trial: "Day was just keedz bein keedz. If dat bitch didn't get in da way, shit wouldn't of gone down like dat. Bitch prolly axin for it." Best advice is to be armed at all times, period.
I found it. Her name was Aysha Dawn Ring, 24 years old. She was murdered when a black male came up from behind her, grabbed her and cut her throat while she was in line at a liquor store in Baltimore. She was a young teacher.
The black male was found not fit for trial and is(was?) at an institution.
Aysha Dawn Ring
The plight of our fellow whites in South Africa today saddens my heart as it should all whites born of European descent. It is a tragedy of Old Testament, Biblical proportions.
It was Jesus on the cross who cried out in his greatest moment of agony and suffering, "God why have thou forsaken me"? But this could easily be the slogan of the white Afrikaners of today.
White liberals, white liberal ideology and of course the negro, and in SA, the African negro, caused this plight to materialize.
Moreover the African negro is even more retarded than the American negro as said African negro did not enjoy the same opportunity to pilfer white genes for greater intelligence from the white gene pool as did the American negro.
The Afrikaners actually increased the SA negros lifespan from 38 to 61 years by the increased prosperity produced by the Afrikaners during their reign. It should be noted here, that since 1994, when the Africa negro took control of SA, his life expectancy has now dropped to 52 and is still dropping.
America, from what I understand is not allowing the white Afrikaners to immigrate here. This even though the SA negro is headhunting to murder these, our fellow whites. However America is allowing the Somalian negro, IQ 70, to immigrate here, whereupon is then encouraged to parasitize the white taxpayer dollars via American welfare.
America is no longer white, we are no longer a white nation for we have been sullied by the colors of the losers of planet Earth.
We whites need a new beginning. Our current situation will only continue on down this road of ruination and parasitation.
I espouse the SS&DI solution, and the American NW quadrant, plus Alaska, is looking mighty fine as I write.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
PS, I have been looking into some history on the Boers, the Afrikaners, did one piece on my small blog, and am thinking of trying to do a better one, it is quite a story.
Thanks Paul.
Why do blacks fail to apply abstract reasoning to conclude that by destroying whites they are destroying themselves?
Geese Louise on Aysha Dawn Ring.
Another pulchritudinous young white woman stolen from we whites, cheated out of her own life and a posterity that would have been, now never to be.
At what cost do we whites finally say enough is enough, let us wash our hands of the lowly negro.
I no longer call OJ Simpson OJ. I call him TC Simpson, throat cutter. Seems throat cutting whites, perhaps white women, is becoming a negro pastime.
Has Addison, the mulatto negro with a disease for a name given any insights here? Just wondering.
BTW, what ever happened to desiree and feedback? Thanks.
Black family
Black community
Black father
Reply to Dan Cooper,
Obviously Rawlings-Blake is full of it.
Tough "Broken Windows" and "S,Q, & F" are major helps. But unfortunately Black Racial Marxists and their TWMNBN Cultural Marxist Media allies retaliate by promoting No Snitch, Black Jury Nullification, and glorifying Cop Killers like Mumia Abu Jamall, Troy Davis(finally executed) and Tupac's auntie Assata Shakur, whose original name is Joanne Chesimard. So yes in the big picture conservative social constructionist law enforcement policies are of limited benefit and you have to spend lots of money and manpower year after year otherwise things go to pot overnight. And much of benefit is in fact that you push/contain the crime into hard core ghetto kill boxes.
What you really need to be aware of is the great criminologist James Q. Wilson who was the originator and champion of SQ&F and "Broken Windows" law enforcement in the last decades of his life was moving away from a NeoConservative/Social Constructionist world view to a much more PaleoCon/Dissident Right/Darwinian viewpoint. Wilson saw heredity as playing a much more significant role in explaining crime.
Long lasting reductions in violence require the Right half of the bell curve out reproducing the left by a wide margin.
Check out James Q Wilson's WIKI
Vasectomy, Norplant and yes ABORT the criminal and chronic substance abusing underclass and you will avoid generations of mayhem and misery.
"Why do blacks fail to apply abstract reasoning to conclude that by destroying whites they are destroying themselves?"
Because mentally organizing observed events into patterns and extrapolating that knowledge to predict future outcomes not previously observed requires at minimum, a low triple-digit IQ. That's why.
A South African engineer documented his opinions in an online and PDF e-book called South Africa - The Real Issues. A lot of interesting and sobering stuff.
Much time is spent here and elsewhere discussing the latest negro criminal atrocity. And it's all a continuing cataloging of the casualties in what is a race war. Maybe the thought is, if we can highlight the worst of the killings, the most brutal and pointless, then people will wake up. Or if we finally demonstrate how city A or city B has truly collapsed into chaos as a result of black rule, then people will wake up. Sure, the average Joe will eventually wake up and then finally something will be done. Well, that's not working, or it's not working fast enough.
We are witnessing a civil war in this country, with a huge racial battle at the heart of it. Obama has nominated one Debo Adegbile to head the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. As you would expect, this guy has African ancestry, Nigerian I believe. He's a radical, a supporter of the negro cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Continuing with the civil war analogy, this man's appointment is the equivalent of the opposition acquiring 500,000 M-16s. And we do what? We spend our time debating "addison", or arguing over how our flag should be folded, our whether Asians will be permitted in "the white homeland".
The damage that an Debo Adegbile can do to your life and the life of your children is immeasurable. His appointment will provide him power, administrative power, that will dwarf 12 Senators or 35 House Representatives. Will Boehner and McConnell object to this nomination? Nope. He's black. It's that bad. The situation is really that bad.
Blacks and whites will never peacefully coexist. Its like humans and cylons. Hopefully one day technology wll allow them to migrate to another world so humanity can recover and start to progress. Only then can we emerge from this stagnation......
PDK whats your blog Bro? I wanna check it out. I'm also fascinated by the story of the Boers. They BUILT civilization in South Africa, with their hands. Blood, toil and sweat. They fought off the various black tribes and the Imperial English military. (Sounds vaguely familiar, no?) Then every tribal black savage in sub Saharan Africa emigrated and gaped like baby birds demanding to be fed.
Would love to read your stuff. If I had the cash I'd set up an Afrikaner rescue organization and bring those tough white Dutch descended fuckers over here en masse. Why not? We already have more than a goddamned sombrero full of illegal Mexicans. Plus the savage muslim black Somali welfare tourists. They initially settled in Atlanta and left for Maine and points north because of better welfare. Also they couldn't deal with American blacks.
That saying something. Lemme know about your blog. I'm not the only one interested I can guarantee.
Also 10 MM Auto nailed it again. THEY are tribal. Nothing else. This whole rule of law thing is alien to them. I'm fully adaptable though, and they are not my tribe.
Open ended Socratic type question.
When the LAW becomes CRIMINAL what is a lawful man to do?
Food for thought.
The world is being africanized...read the comments as well.
"Why do blacks fail to apply abstract reasoning to conclude that by destroying whites they are destroying themselves?"
Dear Daily Kenn, thanks for the great work you do online.
Why do blacks fail to apply abstract reasoning? Because for the most part, they are incapable of it. The above poster mentions needing at least a triple-digit IQ. That is not all. Biology dictates culture, culture dictates politics.
First, the High...A democratic form of government requires abstract reasoning. As does a Constitutional Republic, as does simple Rule of Law, whether Common or Statutory. Like the airplane and internal combustion engine, these are European inventions. Notice that the advent of these kinds of social-political organizations have never occurred organically among any African descended population anywhere at anytime. They are instituted under White Rule, and only exported to the Black. Whites make it, Blacks fake it.
Now, the Low...African society is straight tribal authority. The Big Chief and his clan acquire power through violence and theft, and through violence and theft their rule is maintained or not. Blacks seek to destroy Whites merely because they are not of their tribe. Hence the desire to have one of their own atop the pyramid: this is the only concept of governance they can understand. They can see the surface of the pyramid, but not the internal structures (abstract concepts) which maintain it. If the mayor is Black, they believe they have power. If the President is Black, they believe they have power, because all power is embodied in the tribal chieftain. Anything beyond that mode of Stone Age tribal governance, the Black masses are largely incapable of understanding. Simple creatures that they are, they are following their own genetic mandate. Seizing power for the tribe means destroying Whites, their lack of logic or abstract reasoning means nothing advanced will be raised in its place.
Witness the case in Black Run American cities today, where cargo cults of theft and violence are kept afloat only through the broad base of White tax dollars and White Institutions higher above the pyramid. It is African governance on the North American continent, subsidized by the remaining White Industrial and Societal Structures. When these go, look to South Africa, and then Haiti. Same as it ever was.
Whites must understand that our forms of governance belong to our tribe, and not theirs. You can either have advanced European-descended civilizations based on abstract concepts and social cohesion, or atavistic African-descended ones based on tribal violence. Segregation was a working stop-gap measure, because Whites physically defended their spaces. Multiculturalism is a defective stop-gap measure, because it leads Whites to abandon their spaces. Functionality aside, they are only stop-gap measures. Back to biology: No two subspecies ever occupy the same ecological niche. One must eventually overcome and eliminate the other. I know which side I'm on. Guess that makes me a White Supremacist. That is not a bad thing. The alternative is the rank savagery well-documented on your outstanding website.
Supremely Yours,
The Borg: " Resistance is futile."
BRA: "Resistance is racist."
South Africa was doomed, because Whites were a tiny fraction of the population and depended utterly on cheap Black labor for mining, particularly coal, but also gold, diamond, and uranium. South Africa today is a major coal exporter to China.
The US is NOT in the same boat. Black labor is not valuable -- it is useless in a highly mechanized, skill-dependent workforce that is shrinking not expanding and depending ever more on capital investment rather than cheap labor. The latter which is filled by endless Mexicans in low-level service jobs at Chipotle and Walmart.
Baltimore and NYC are falling rapidly into Detroit like total failure, and the pushback on stuff like the Cheerios commercial and Coke Commercial at the Superbowl (the latter featuring no White people or English at all) is what a lot of people are really thinking.
The #fuckcoke hashtag on Twitter exploded, people are fed up. How many? Not a majority but a substantial amount of Whites. Whites are defacto minorities in the US, as non-White births outstripped White ones last year, but we still retain a fairly big demographic presence, dominate the military, and Blacks and Hispanics are deeply divided.
Nevertheless there will be as Powell said, rivers of blood and it is my fervent wish to be elsewhere than here when it happens.
"Our advice is for everyone to get a burglary system to help prevent break-ins," Beczkowski said. "Our safety requires ongoing vigilance."
Do you plan to carry burglar alarms while driving and walking in public? An electronic rape whistle? Perhaps there's an app for that.
Yes, your safety requires vigilance, but not the kind you're talking about. If whites ever decide to fight back, they would be well-advised to borrow that "no snitching" policy from the blacks. We already know the two bastards who killed Kimberly Leto will not get proper justice -- TWO death sentences -- from the courts. No, each yoof will spend a few years in the briar patch, and be back on the streets to continue ooking out their abyssmal existence.
re: Aysha Dawn Ring... What on Earth possessed her parents to name their white daughter "Aysha"???
Jose Sanchez, 18, was sentenced on Monday to two years of probation, banned from owning animals for two years and ordered to pay $2,400 restitution.
Sanchez and 21-year-old Tyrique Hall set a cat on fire back on November 10 in the Olney section of the city.
Despite his Spanish-sounding name, Sanchez and Hall are both full-blooded Nigs.
Jose Sanchez, 18, was sentenced on Monday to two years of probation, banned from owning animals for two years and ordered to pay $2,400 restitution.
Sanchez and 21-year-old Tyrique Hall set a cat on fire back on November 10 in the Olney section of the city.
Black genes, that is what would possess someone to inflict sadistic cruelty.
Nigs get off on sadistic violence, they love the thrill, especially when perpetrated on the weak.
Nigs have no soul. It's ironic that their hyper-sexualized music is labeled "soul", as they lack basic empathy and core human values that are otherwise universal among other races.
The life of the cat that was set on fire is worth infinitely more than the two dregs here. May they spend eternity in the bowels of Hell.
Even the cops are getting in on the act in the UK.
P.K. you words are spreading among the masses,was on a site that promotes self defence & firearms and a person there said your book guns,blacks,steel is a must read survival handbook,so keep up your work for everyone of us you awaken ,we will spead the gospel of p.k. remember this my fellow readers there is no white homeland,no safe place,nowhere to run its time to put our backs against the wall & show these dumb shits what real war is like,beware the fury of a patient man... royal oak dude..
What do you think the answer is?
Is this the face of human traffickers? I'd be interested to see the racial breakdown of those involved with this type of crime.
To a certain extent the broken-windows theory doesn't help reduce crime. That's only because the prosecutors won't prosecute, judges won't sentence jail time and black juries find black defendants not guilty, even of black-on-black crime.
Every time I read the latest atrocity against whites, I do a google streetview of the area. And every time I see recent tidying up so whites will buy overpriced real estate. Go a few blocks away and you'll see the feral packs that would tell any sensible YT to get the hell away. Living where Kim Leto did looks like suicide for a white, blonde woman. Too bad she didn't see those people for what they really are.
Even in a minority black city, spontaneous blackness erupts, whites are victimized, and the powers that be treat it as anything but a racially motivated hate crime.
Warner Robins, a minority black city, home to Robins Air Force Base, home to a deluded white populace, some of whom just got smacked in the face with racial reality.
The only way to stop the assault is stop funding it. The welfare system has brought about the mutt breeding in the black and to a lesser extent the white community over the past fifty years of Lyndon Baines Johnson Great Society and its lingering programs. Out of wedlock children and the amount of crime that they commit is the biggest problem in society. The black community has the highest rate of out of wedlock births therefor has the highest rate of crime. Section 8, WIC, ADC, Medicaid and the rest of the government social programs have aided in this insanity producing criminals at a higher rate than ever. If the problem is to be solved end the phase out of these programs to very limited aid is the answer. Section 8 and most housing programs were meant to be short term not lifetime benefit. The problem now is you are having intergenerational criminality in families. The enemy is us as a society as we are funding our demise. Unfortunately the black community is so use to the largesse from the federal government and state government you end up with the Baltimore and Detroit along with the South and West Sides of Chicago and numerous places destroyed by the entitlement society.
@Earl Turner: I live nearby,and have started seeing more and more black crime in Houston County. I moved here from Albany hoping to live a more peaceful life,but then we have blacks gunning down other blacks with a shotgun at a gas station in broad daylight.http://www.macon.com/2014/01/23/2895113/warner-robins-police-seek-suspects.html
How is this for irony: I know a handful of white people from South Africa who now work in Baltimore City. All of them are very professional at work. None of them ever talk about what their lives were like in South Africa, but all of them are old enough to know what South Africa was like when it was ruled by white people. All of them emigrated to the USA after the blacks started running South Africa. I don't think that any of them actually live in Baltimore City. They commute from the suburbs instead. I have never heard any of them talking about doing anything outside of work in Baltimore City. What this tells me is that they are all smart enough to know better than that, because of what they have all lived through already once before in their native homeland.
Hey Delbert's Son, ever heard of ICLEI?
Look it up.
ICLEI, an NGO, changed its name on Jan. 1, 2004 to Local Governments for Sustainable Development. But make no mistake ICLEI is not proposing local initiatives. It is proposing a massive redistribution.
Every heard of GRAs? That is also part of the plan. Here ya go, bro:
This is a slow creep, not brute force.
Wake up, dude.
Every time I read the latest atrocity against whites, I do a google streetview of the area. And every time I see recent tidying up so whites will buy overpriced real estate. Go a few blocks away and you'll see the feral packs that would tell any sensible YT to get the hell away. Living where Kim Leto did looks like suicide for a white, blonde woman. Too bad she didn't see those people for what they really are.
Kimberly Leto lived on the 400 block of South Ellwood Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224. I am familiar with Baltimore somewhat, but I was not familiar with this part of Baltimore. So I also did a Google streetview of this block of South Ellwood Avenue, plus a few blocks in both directions from this block. The 400 block of South Elwood Avenue looked okay to me. There is a nice looking park across the street from all the row houses on this block. The row houses themselves all looked nice too. This block seems to look like a gentrified neighborhood to me. I would guess that it is probably home for a lot of urban DWL types.
Although both Maryland and Baltimore City are mostly controlled by libtard types, Kimberly Leto could have still exercised her 2nd Amendment rights in Baltimore City if she had wanted to, before she was murdered by these two dangerous niglets, that is. The legal hoops required to legally buy a handgun in Baltimore City are no more stringent than anywhere else in the state of Maryland. It is also completely legal in Baltimore City and in the rest of the state of Maryland to carry a loaded gun around inside your own house.
Although I did not know Kimberly Leto in life, my gut feeling is that she was likely an anti-gun type to begin with. Kimberly Leto probably never owned a gun in her entire life, but if she had been armed with a gun last August during her first encounter with one of these two niglets, who later then murdered her recently on the second encounter, she could have shot that first niglet dead as soon as she was awakened from her sleep on her couch by the sounds of that first niglet's burglary actions. All she would then have to say afterward to the cops is that she was in fear for her life at the time. Kimberly Leto would then be alive today. The narrative in the Baltimore media would then have likely been about a "racist" white lady who killed an "unarmed" black child in cold blood, but Kimberly Leto would still be at least alive for the Baltimore media to chastise for daring to defend herself with a gun.
"Isn't it funny the black race kills in the name of respect."
This is merely a symptom of their malignant narcissism. They think that they are owed respect simply because they exist and breathe. There is no real concept of respect being something that one has to earn and be worthy of nor that to have that requires that ones behavior and conduct is something admirable and laudable. Respect is an entitlement conferred at birth and something owed, not earned. The drug dealing, thieving high school drop out on the street corner thinks it's owed as much "respek" as the man who worked his ass off, graduated college and has worked all his life. The disparity is dismissed in the name of equivalency.
As such, any judgement of their character, conduct and behavior (no matter how scummy it may be) is "disrespek." In that same regard, this is why no "dialogue on race" is possible as the malignant narcissist cannot and will not tolerate any opinion or viewpoint that contradicts their own- they merely view that as disrespect of their high and mighty self-appointed and anointed position and opinion. Refusal to submit and agree is also disrespect. The subsequent screams of racism and bigotry etc are merely manipulative tactics designed to browbeat others into submisssion. It's also a feature of malignant narcissism that no respect is ever shown to others unless that person fully agrees with everything the narcissist says. Failure to do so results in a massive fit or the summary and total rejection of the person as "stupid" or, as is often seen with negroes, the killing of the "offending" person.
Somewhat funny story- When I worked with mental patients, one was a narcissist who always demanded he receive his medications first, his meals first and in any situation requiring people to line up for something, he had to be first. If thwarted, a massive chimp out would ensue with vehement protests and violent behavior. Thankfully, the narcissist was also retarded so we would tell him that "today is opposite day! Last is first and first is last!" That would calm his ass down so we could proceed with whatever activity was taking place without having to treat him as royalty. Otherwise, if he was "disrespected" and someone else (for example) received something "first", he'd launch a full scale attack not only upon staff but upon the other patient for daring to take his rightful place and "disrespecting!" On opposite day, when he was served last, he was so retarded that he believed being last was the same as being first and would sit there with a smug and superior look on his face.
The negro community seems to suffer greatly from malignant narcissism and the best advice is to ignore and avoid them.
There is no GOP savior; no White populist to help Whites deal with Black crime.
Whites will never adopt "no snitching" rules. Whites are notorious conformists. They mostly obey laws, live the same as their neighbors and agree to live by cultural norms within reasonable limits.
This is why communism held for so long in all-White countries. It's why police don't do anything in the USA; just wait for fellow Whites to snitch, or call CrimeStoppers.
Too many Whites will sacrifice their lives, make any compromise, or just keep silent to avoid any hint of an accusation of racism.
We don't attack Black attackers. We move away. We install gates and alarms.
As dysfunctional and evil as many Blacks are, they do have a measure of racial loyalty. By and large, they don't snitch. They don't inform, and they only operate within the system when the system is sending them checks.
They are a perfect predator class to destroy White civilization. Dishonest, uncooperative with law enforcement, agitating for freebies, and skilled at shaming Whites to keep quiet.
No, there is no help coming. Only when the War on Whites comes down to angry Redneck vs. Black thug in a one on one contest will Whites win.
Son Of Delbert;
Thanks for the mention.
As with all color coded words click on the color coded word, on the profile page click on the blog title.
Thanks SOD, and thanks Paul.
PDK, a plea: can you please avoid op-art text colors in the future? Black text on white is most readable. Thanks.
I was just over at VDare, your Bronson piece is up and quite good Paul.
Death Wish was for Bronson what Dirty Harry was for Eastwood.
I was young when they came out, 18 for Clint's in 72, and 20 for Charles's in 74. I took to both like a fish to water.
I also remember Ebert, that liberal schlimazel. A number of times I saw him put down a movie because a negro was the culprit. What a coward. I was thankful when that Ahole died.
There was another scene in the movie, from out west in Arizona, with the guy who played Angle Martin on the Rockford Files, I cannot recall his name.
In the scene Bronson says his mother was a pacifist his father a warrior and that his mother won, meaning he became like his mother. But then he turns and shoots the bulls-eye, implying now his father was winning.
Yupper, it is all downhill for America now.
The good guys lost, that would be the non-liberal whites and the bad guys won, that would be white liberals and the members of their alliance including the lowly negro.
It is too bad, but there it is. Thanks.
those who know facts on Agenda 21, please share...I think PK will allow yr comments.
However America is allowing the Somalian negro, IQ 70, to immigrate here, whereupon is then encouraged to parasitize the white taxpayer dollars via American welfare.
I'm watching "Captain Phillips" on DVD today. Although I know this movie in grossly inaccurate in its portrayal of the real life events surrounding the abduction of Captain Phillips by the Somali pirates, this movie can still give us an idea as to why allowing any of these third world orcs from Somalia to emigrate to the USA or any other developed nation is a horrible idea.
God forgive me here goes. Thank you Anonymous Dude for more Agenda 21 websites. Yes the Ecofascist stuff is all there. Lots of greenie softies out there. Oodles of grassroots granola munching Eloi. Very active with committees and such. I've even heard of the World Heritage zones. Cutting off big sections of USA from human use. For the bunnies and such.
I looked up the UN's enforcement branch too.
Didn't find anything. The US army has been the UN sword since the Korean War. They are busy right now. As far as local LEO. We're busy too. And I know "they" are coming after my pension. One thing at a time. I don't think you're a troll. You seem very earnest. Manic, but well intentioned.
Lay off the Monster drinks and join the discussion. This is a free exchange of ideas and information regarding race realism in 2014 USA. I've read brilliant posts from a Frenchman about the same damn problem overseas. Made me remember that the French used to have balls. Napoleon. Earth shaker. There is still hope and time.
Please go back to Above Top Secret.com or Godlike Productions of you want to conspiracy theorize.
Or join the discussion. Feel free to "one up" me if you like. I gotta go to work, so I can't respond. The UN has no teeth. The homies do, and when they are not gorging on chicken and hot Cheetos . . . Watch your ass.
Enjoy your posts Royal Oak Dude, especially since I lived there long ago. When I was a kid it was a nice middle class town, no nigs, no crime. What's it like now? I've heard it's all yups and assorted DWL's now, is that true?
"The homies do, and when they are not gorging on chicken and hot Cheetos . . . Watch your ass."
Yeah, whatever SOD. More big talk from a big man LOL. Your "homies" couldn't even fight off the creeping crud of the feminists and their schmucky handlers. Take a look around you.
Yeah, you get back to work now, homey.
SOD, I almost forgot how effing SMART you are. Sorry bro.
"Too many Whites will sacrifice their lives, make any compromise, or just keep silent to avoid any hint of an accusation of racism. "
And THIS is why tough talkers like SOD will lose.
The soft, fluffy suburban Republitard white "homies" will eventually rat you out as a redneck racist when their hot Cheetos and cable teevee run out. Eventually they will join in single file and march away to their deaths.
Rah rah Amurrica!
Wednesday said... Now, the Low...African society is straight tribal authority. The Big Chief and his clan acquire power through violence and theft, and through violence and theft their rule is maintained or not. Blacks seek to destroy Whites merely because they are not of their tribe. Hence the desire to have one of their own atop the pyramid: this is the only concept of governance they can understand. They can see the surface of the pyramid, but not the internal structures (abstract concepts) which maintain it.
Thus, the black demand to attend "good schools," as if there is something magical about the buildings themselves, while the students do not have to have the same educational culture and IQ as do those in white schools.
In black majority Africa, you see numerous politicos wearing Savile Row suits, driving Benzs, giving themselves titles like "president," and using public moneys to build vast if useless projects (like superhighways to nowhere). Since all this gives the appearance of white civilization, they are assumed to have the civilization. Look at the people who showed up for Mandela's funeral, a fine a group as ever graced a GQ magazine spread...and then consider what life is like for the average person in their black majority rule countries.
Again, look at a Baltimore or Detroit or Newark. They have city governments where politicos show up in expensive suits, they have what appear to be uniformed police officers, they have directories full of civil service offices, they have buildings called "schools." But these cities are largely falling into ruins. Much of the power on the streets is in the hands of gangs in the way that warlord bands dominate much of the hinterland of Africa. And life is extremely hazardous for those who are not qualified to be on the cover of slick magazines.
The real strength of a society is in its people. Change the people, you change the society. Compare the people who built Detroit 100 years ago, and the people who forage in that geographic location today. The reality behind the Potemkin Village: BRA.
The PDK Herald/Crier Project said...
What do you think the answer is?
Don't know. I do know we have no leadership. Not in the political world, not academia, nor the business world. The victim class is growing rapidly, adding new victim affiliates constantly. We're the non-victim class and in this current society, victim credentials are real important. Negroes are victims, all illegal aliens are victims, women are victims, homosexuals are victims, stupid people are victims, midgets are victims and the list goes on.
Maybe those of European ancestry can claim victimhood based on weakness. The guy in Afghanistan carrying 80 pounds of gear aside, that's all we demonstrate. Well, and greed also. Because without moral weakness, you can't have greed. The two characteristics together produce a Boehner or a McCain.
We're collectively weak, leaderless and unorganized. Seems everyone is too scared to raise their head up. It's not an unreasonable fear. If they (the media, government, work place or academia) can identify you as the target, then Alinsky's 12th rule applies "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions."
Like others, I think I see the symptoms, but have no cure.
@ anon 9:56
Ok hard ass what do you suggest we do? We're all waiting.
Belgian Giant.
I hate to agree with the negatives about White resistance, but there is a problem when Whites are the only group who don't stick up for each other.
Whites say, "There is a lot of crime here. I'm not sure who is doing it."
Or when confronted say, "Yeah, but there are just as many Whites doing the same thing; probably worse stuff."
As Gregory Peck said in "The Guns of Navarone"..."Me and my stupid Anglo-Saxon decency". We can't see the threat because we charitably see Blacks as "us" with a different skin shade. We voluntarily surrender a big chunk of our income to support social parasites hoping some decade far in the future, the "investment" will pay off.
Whites feel facing reality is somehow embracing the worst parts of human nature, when in fact it is simple awareness and self-preservation.
Life is short. Nobody has time to surrender their youth, productive years, hopes and dreams on supporting a feral underclass bent on robbing and killing us. Even liberal politicians know we are financing high crime rates, endless dependency and fast growing underclasses.
It's been insanity so long, how can you wake people up?
SOD on Afrikaners:
I'm also fascinated by the story of the Boers. They BUILT civilization in South Africa, with their hands. Blood, toil and sweat. They fought off the various black tribes and the Imperial English military. (Sounds vaguely familiar, no?) Then every tribal black savage in sub Saharan Africa emigrated and gaped like baby birds demanding to be fed.
Would love to read your stuff. If I had the cash I'd set up an Afrikaner rescue organization and bring those tough white Dutch descended fuckers over here en masse. Why not? We already have more than a goddamned sombrero full of illegal Mexicans. Plus the savage muslim black Somali welfare tourists. They initially settled in Atlanta and left for Maine and points north because of better welfare. Also they couldn't deal with American blacks.
Read AnalogMan's posts, SOD. He lives there (but is thankfully soon leaving, if not gone already). The Afrikaners ate the same shit-sandwiches and guzzled the same grape-drank most other whites have partaken of - with more immediate and direct results. SA's mining and minerals are all controlled by the squids (that's what the Boer War was about in case you don't know the history - the British empire was a squid empire in reality). A big reason the Afrikaner farmers are being exterminated - with the extermination being covered-up by squid media - is that squids now want control of the food supply along with all the mineral wealth.
The strategy is to destroy the remaining agriculture of Southern Africa (already accomplished in Zimbabwe) to create a famine which will then be used as an excuse by the squid-owned regimes and NGOs in USSA, EUSSR, Canada, Australia, etc. (the laughably termed "free world") to extract remaining wealth from YT under their control to feed starving negroes from food supplies in Argentina owned by them.
It's a classic formula, which (like Colt45 Malt Liquor) "works every time": Squids take control of country with fictional-reserve banksterism (counterfeiting), promote lies of Crystal Methodism, use designated victims (negroes in this case) to destroy wealth not under their control. Crystal Methodist priesthood - well-heeled nomenklatura toadies of squids - get high as kites on self-righeously spending money extracted from hapless YT proles and zeks with squid enterprises (who skim off majority of loot) to toss at starving negroes to accompaniment of fawning heroic reports from Duranties while cooperating negro big-men take lions' share of remaining free shit so problem never ends. It's BRA on the international scale - one hell of an endless looting scheme, accompanied by genocide in the end.
Majority of remaining YT in SA are Crystal Methodists anyway (see AnalogMan's posts on this) - who will gladly betray or even themselves slaughter any Boer who tries to actively resist the genocidal regime there. Once the farmers are out of the way and the minerals extracted enough, the white Crystal Methodists remaining will be tossed to the negroes by the squids for the final extermination of whites there. SA is a Tim Wise TWMNBN wetdream come true. All this horrible stuff is taking place and average YT - though many sense something has gone terribly wrong - can't turn off the TV.
hey michigan jim you are correct the dwls are here along with gays,but sadly the section 8 scum is creeping in houses being neglected lawns uncut,but i do call cops on them all the time i call the ordinance office to make them clean up the yards & mow the lawn,but sadly in a decade royal oak will be a shithole,it really burns my ass cause this was such a nice place to live,still is but the black plague is growing same in berkley & clawson .. royal oak dude..
"Please go back to Above Top Secret.com or Godlike Productions.."
The trouble with sites like these two particularly is the "well poisoning" principle. They mesh truths with nonsense in order to contaminate and de-legitimize the truths. They also promote gatekeepers and division while ignoring those who really have something worth hearing. Very hard to know who's real and who's not on the Net these days.
I want to comment on the agenda 21 thing and the codex alimentarius thing. SOD, I agree the un (I refuse to capitalize it) has no teeth, for now...... However, we need to worry about our own communities because that is all we can hope to have a timely impact on before any nefarious conspiratorial plans there are get underway. For the record, I do frequent GLP. As far as the codex alimentarius, it seems like TPTB are trying to control the food supply. Why not? They already control the energy. What else is there besides energy and food (which is just anothe source of energy...)?
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