The Iowa State Fair.
St. Patrick's Day in Baltimore.
The police state erected to ensure a safe, peaceful Indiana Black Expo (yearly) in Indianapolis.
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Not even in the Top 10 for events ruined by black mob violence |
All mass black mob attacks on white people; all under the watch of President Obama and his Department of Justice Attorney General Eric "My People" Holder.
Conrad Barrett's 'hate experiment' was proven true after all.
The white family in Akron, attacked by 30- 50 black on Independence Day 2009 know it all to well -- "It's a black world."
And though a massive concentration of youth (oddly, they happened to all be black) forced the early shutdown of the Florida State Fair in Tampa last week - covered up for a few days by police, Maj. Tom Feeney would describe this as the "worst thing he has seen in law enforcement" in 30 years - you still aren't supposed to notice or question any racial aspect of this incident.
It's just not pertinent...[Teens run wild during Florida State Fair's first Friday,, 10-10-14]:
The first Friday of every Florida State Fair brings droves of Hillsborough teens, who get the day off from school and free admission. And each year, shortly after sunset, dozens of unsupervised minors start stampeding through the midway, the Sheriff's Office says.
Fox 13 in Tampa reports the truth
They're fighting each other, robbing other patrons, stealing food and battering deputies.
The phenomenon is so common, deputies even have a term for it: They call it "wilding."
Authorities said the lawlessness is mostly confined to the first Friday. But they've never publicly shared details until Monday — after several media outlets, including the Tampa Bay Times, reported that 14-year-old Andrew Joseph III was kicked out of the fair Friday by deputies before he died while crossing Interstate 4 that night.
That day, approximately 200 deputies could not handle the chaos, sheriff's officials said. Some witnesses estimated 150 to 200 teens running wild.
A commander with 30 years of experience, Maj. Tom Feeney, said it's the worst thing he has seen in law enforcement. He asked the Florida State Fair Authority to shut down the fair around 9 p.m.
As with the other teens ejected before then, Andrew was driven by deputies to Gate 4, along Orient Road. They dropped him off about 8 p.m. and left.
Some deputies are posted near that gate but are not tasked with watching the juveniles. Deputies do not call the children's parents. The Sheriff's Office expects they will be picked up just like they were dropped off earlier.
Deputies were so overwhelmed Friday they could not "baby sit" the juveniles at Gate 4, sheriff's Col. Jim Previtera said Monday. Feeney had already called for backup to help with the out-of-control midway.
Street deputies arrived to help the on-site deputies, who are paid by the Fair Authority.
Teens were stealing candy apples and throwing them at deputies, Previtera said. One tried to launch a hand truck at a deputy, and another robbed a woman in a wheelchair of her purse, he said.
Deputies ejected 99 people and arrested 12 others. Of those 111 people, 16 were young adults. The remaining 95 were age 17 and younger.
Deputies probably would have arrested more people, Previtera said, but they often had to disengage for their own safety.
In February we celebrate the accomplishments of black individuals - that are somehow representative of their entire race - yet it's candid, pure, unfiltered moments like the closing of the Florida State Fair in Tampa because of out-of-control blacks that should cause pause in any attentive readers mind, and allow a momentary firing of the synapses in the brain: why did segregation once exist? [Sheriff looks to black leaders for State Fair help, Fox 13 Tampa, 2-11-14]:
Hillsborough County's sheriff is reaching out to local African-American leaders after "unprecedented incidents of violence and disorder" that forced deputies to shut down the Florida State Fair early on Friday night.
Deputies say dozens if not hundreds of teens were involved in a "wilding" event at the fair's opening night, fighting with each other while assaulting and robbing other fairgoers. The chaos got so bad that the 200 deputies on hand could not contain it, Sheriff David Gee wrote.
Ninety-nine people were ejected, and 12 were arrested.
"The unruliness and misbehavior overwhelmed the resources and jeopardized the safety of everyone at the fair," Gee insisted in a letter to several African-American leaders.
Copies of Gee's plea for help were sent to James Cole, president of the Sheriff's Black Advisory Council; Dr. Carolyn Collins, president of the Hillsborough NAACP; and Dr. James Favorite, pastor of Beulah Baptist Church.
"The overwhelming number of youth and young adults arrested or ejected from the midway for misconduct were African-American," Gee explained, "and I recognize the responsibility to address this issue and ensure the circumstances are not repeated in the future."
The sheriff's office came under scrutiny for its response after one of the ejected teens was hit and killed while trying to cross neighboring Interstate 4.
Was it really about discrimination? Or was it about ensuring that events, that once worked to build social capital for those participating, could go off without a required mass police presence?
The full weight of the legal system will come down on Conrad Barrett; the full weight of a community that never condemns black dysfunction (instead, passively condoning by castigating those who dare notice) will continue to come down on what is left of the United States of America
The parents of the yoot who was killed on the interstate will probably sue the police or the county or the fair, or perhaps just white people in general.
They expect to 'get paid' whenever one of them dies thru their own bad choices, poor decision making or even when their outright intent to commit a crime backfires on them.
Why in the hell do blacks ruin everything that is fun. and when you exclude this black-race from these kinds of events the cry is RACISM!!! should be more like PROTECTION from black attack packs.
This fair as all things in the states should be segregated. then blacks can terrorize their own kind. and at the same time the white fair would be like the way it is intended. intended for families to have fun without the fear of some jealous blacks cause they can't have the white family experience. total exclusion is what is needed but lib-rats won't have us proving our theory that blacks just can't and won't act civilized. no matter if it's north, east, south ,or west!! Hey DWL's doesn't this kind of behavior get real old, real fast!
Even winter cannot contain them. Shouldn't August have been Black H'stry Mumf?
Deez yuths wuz jus expressing vibrantzee of diversity.
How many vestiges of white culture will the vibrants destroy before we say ENOUGH!?
I live 45 minutes from the Wisconsin State Fair grounds, used to love the State couldn't pay me enough to attend now. Another white past time (peacefully gathering, celebrating, sharing food and drink, enjoying music, etc) ruined by SIBA's...shame on all of us for allowing this situation to not only occur, but grow in frequency annually.
What's a SIBA?
And, it will continue for as long as WE allow it to continue. Don't sit on your hands and keep your mouth shut with this thing. We have the freedom of speech...for now. Use it! But above all else, protect yourself. Never go out alone, and if you're going into one of these bad areas, carry some wasp spray with you...that WILL stop them!!!!
Well I live about a mile from the Wisconsin state fair park, the media tried down playing it even went so far as to blame it on white ppl. I recall they said it was a group of whites who agitated the blacks that started the riot. But they don't talk about how the blacks attack white regularly in Milwaukee with no word about it on a daily basis.
Race is SO, SO, SO not pertinent to this event that I'm Shocked, SHOCKED that it even made it on SBPL !!!!
Shocked, I tell you & soooooo appalled that race could even be mentioned.
These could'a been "any" Yutes, the fruit of my loins or your's !!!! Thank goodness wasn't my Fruits of da'Loins or yours BUT I cudda been...
It's an amazing statistical anomaly that all da'Yutes was of the homo africanus variety. That's quite an anomaly.
I sincerely hope & pray with all my heart that none of the news outlets mention this odd, very quirky statistical anomaly as it truly is Not Pertinent, not pertinent at all.
I pray that this doesn't make it on TV news but it probably will as TV is
controlled by gentile YT raycisses 'n all.
Let's all circle round together, link hands at pray that the mighty defender of the American People, the most honorable AG Mr Eric Holder lets this slide so as not to imply it's a problem cuz it's not a problem. The real problem is them rayciss white hispanic polices there in Tampon FL was raycissing out on them po'po Yutes (most of whom are aspiring Artistes, neuro-surgeons & cardiac transplant doctors)....That
could injure their ca-re-r's in Arts (to enlighten & uplift us all) & saving Lifes 'n all.
Please Honorable Mr AG Holder, don't punish these kids, punish the "white" hispanic poleeza's who went beserk.
Prehaps large sums of cashola can be found & distributed to these wunnerful, wunnerful "good" kids to salve the horrible horrible wound to theyz Pride & Self-Esteem theyr sufferized at the hands of all the
1000s & 1000s of YT raycisses at the FairGrounds.
Hope Paul & others here UNDERSTAND that this was just a really statistical anomaly.
Ms Halvorsen in Baltiblood MD would surely agree & bet'ya she took some statistics classes as easy A's compared to those rigorous, exhaustive Queer studies classes she had to take for her major degree.
Youse physicists, mathematicians & chemists (& other dang yt nerdz) couldn't possibly fathom how difficult a Queer Studies or Black Studies degree is to BA or BS in !!!
No idea....No idea
Lets double web quenelle on our way outta here
H\ hypie out H\
How many more events will be ruined before us whites and asians say stop this crap
Does anyone have an idea what the best course would be to stop these youts.
congressman, senator, perhaps local police.
No body seems to really care. Its like turn your head and let it go away.
My friend attended the Indiana State Fair 2013 on the last day, which was a Sunday.
She said it was SO FULL of blacks that she will never, never go on that day again. The gospel and hip-hop music was blasting, and there were rap groups on stage.
I have noticed that the fair goes dark after the sun goes down on the weekends. I wonder if the DWL fair organizers offer a special black "free" entry program for the 'da underclass community.
Maybe the put free coupons in the local black paper or give books of free coupons to the black churches.
Nothing would surprise me at this point. The outreach to negroes, who don't care about anything, is shocking.
S.I.B.A~ Sweet Innocent Black Angel. A sarcastic term for blacks who are always innocent and didn't do nuffin and wuz turnin' dey lives around and gonna be a rap star or a brain surgeon astronaut despite the fact their rap sheet is a mile long.
I don't believe we know the race of the violent mob members. Although it looks like they might have been "teens".
What difference does it make, what race they are anyway? We're all God's children. Gnomysain?
Only thing that might happen is just going to be higher prices...
As mall shop owners, mall owners, big box store owners, public event entrepeneurs, traditional events (state fairs & such) organizers start to realize that da'YT raycis folk staying away & not buying security will be beefed up big time.
Lots of mall cop jobs gonna be available. Course they won't stop the problem of er, er, letz say "troubled", "victimed" yute suffering from the long Legacy of you know what....but when word gets out that there's security even 10 - 20 feet at the mall some YTz will come back 'n spend & they won't even
realize that it's them YT that's footing the bill for all the mall cops & "event" cops
The only thing I buy brick'n'mortars anymore is groceries & haircuts & gasoline....if I can get it online, I get it online & don't think I'm missing out on nuttin'
So be secure just be prepared for the price tag for it....
hypie out
Sweet Innocent Black Angle the New non offensive term for a NAPA
I was at the state Fair in Raleigh a while back and it was free ride day the blacks crowded the rides and wouldn't let any whites on then complain about them not being long enough
All of these robberies and mass assaults in one place and not a single shot fired in self defense.. In florida no less. Roll over and die white man.
Look up Dean Mayley for another racist killing in London.
So. I work a lot of off duty security cop jobs. Side jobs. Special assignment jobs. Paid by third party vendors. Costs my city nothing. Vender pays workmans comp insurance as well as kicks a couple bucks to my union.
What do these jobs all have in common? Average reader of SBPDL might suspect the bloated destructive elephant in the room that knocks over furniture and poops on the rug. Blacks.
Worked a black pride parade one summer. Only about seven people arrested, fights. Wilding, I suppose.
Black veteran cop I work with looked at me and shrugged his shoulders and spit on the pavement, shook his head.
"My people don't get along in large groups."
No. They don't.
"Roll over and die white man."
Anonymous has a helluva point. Damn shame.
When will they finaly get the gumption to totaly remove all these black savages from america and return them to Africa and screw the UN Human Rights Commity these gangs have to be eradicated from america
Free Admission Day or free admission for any fair or large gathering is a code word for YT's to stay away. Even my Libtard co-workers know that. I won't go to any large gathering including sporting events here in St. Louis, because of the street people (of color) and the rogue inhabitants of East St. Louis. Even Zoo attendance will get your car broken into.
Eddie Scholar
Thanks sod. I wish we weren't rolling over and dying, but if this doesnt cause us to fight back, what will?
Ex New Yorker here.....This is the origin of the word "wilding". I was still living in NY when 16 black teenagers raped a woman one night in Central Park. When the cops did their video interrogation of the perps the term that was used by the teens was what they called "doing the wild thang". Almost all of the rapist used the same term. "Wild thang". This of course then ended up being called WILDING. Maybe WILDING is plural for WILD THANG.
I have mentioned in the past that all those wealthy retired Florida white people living in gated communities have black people for security guards. Almost all of the private cops for the malls are also black. How safe is that?
What's a YT?
They should have used positive area denial devices made by Taser Corp. Then anyone left standing and disobedient, gets a nightstick across the femur or tib fib. They wont be able to run, and when they are serving their time, they wont be able to commit any other crimes that require standing or running. Whack 'em and stack 'em.
It sounds like Zulu or Black Hawk Down.
When does an Lt. Chard or Bromhead sort it out?
And this month is black history month... Yeah I am sure this is not the type of history Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was expecting when he marched.
The fact that most, in not all, of the youths arrested were black, only proves that the Tampa Police department is racist and was profiling blacks for arrest.
The NAACP and Black leadership of Tampa need to sue the Police Department for racism and, as Addison would claim, oppression.
But, hey, White kids go wilding too and I am sure Addison and Constricted Feedbag can name us all the County Fairs that have been shut down by White youths.
Back on topic. Events like these are very, very good. Thousands of brain dead whites must have heard of this and have a slight emotions that "something is wrong". Maybe this fair had no basket-ball courts or fried chicken stands. Maybe too many Whites were working there and not enough from the community.
You never know. Whites oppress blacks without even knowing it....that privilege thing, ya know.
I love it when things like this happen since soon, most likely by the end of this decade, there will be no more fairs, malls, etc.
What the fair needs to do is fly the DIXIE flag and play country music. Nothing works best as a repellent than good ol' country music.
But, dat be rayciss.
So, ejecting a black causes said black to run across a 6 lane freeway.
I know this stretch of I-75 and I-4. I drive these freeways many times since I live in this neck of the woods.
You have to be a f'n idiot to attempt to run across 2 of the most busy roads in the world. I-4 is the direct link to Disney World while I-75 is your major road for all of South Western Florida.
But, it takes a black to do such an idiotic thing. Kid gets the Darwin Award for sure. To bad he can't get into the University of Florida Medical School now.....
Anonymous at 12:58. YT=Whitey.
Here are some serious ways a Fair can decrease this effect, but first realize that to "decrease' means NO blacks.
If you have 2 or more blacks, you have this violence.
1) Play only country music
2) Charge $15 to $20 per person to get in.
3) Absolutely no Rap, Soul, or Blues. None.
4) Have pure White rock like Ted Nugent. Mexicans and Blacks hate him.
5) Dress code at the front gates. Belted pants. Sleeves on shirts. No caps. No Bandanas (keeps the Axtecs out).
6) No cell phones, or better yet, have Verizon, etc. all shut down the nearest cell towers so no Sail Foams work.
7) Metal detectors at all gates.
8) No person under 18 without an adult relative over 21.
9) Photo ID and a copy is scanned into a computer. Very easy and cheap today.
At Bush Gardens and Disney World, they finger print you now. Your ticket can only be used by you and you have to place your first digit on a little glass thing that reads your print. ALL THOSE ENTERING the Fair must be printed.
10) Any "wanted" matches on the finger prints gets you arrested. That alone will keep about 30% of the black males away.
11) Any signs of intoxication or drug smell gets you pulled out of line and questioned.
12) Make it clear that the Fair is NOT not a right but there are rules and a ticket does not guarantee entrance.
13) Photo cameras at every entrance. Each person is told to stand still, look at the camera, and a picture is taken. Then the soft-ware used at Vegas Casinos can be used to make wanted matches. This will keep another 25% black males away.
This is a good start.
Ex New Yorker again.....I remember last year there was a riot in Chicago and the term used was "older teens". In the future they will start using the term "middle aged teens". In 40 years they can use the phrase "senior citizen teens".
I had an epiphany a few nights back while watching The First 48. That's a show about homicide detectives trying to apprehend negro killers. While this suggestion is in conflict with every principle I hold, drastic times call for drastic action.
We ban the hoodie. We make it illegal for blacks to wear any type of hat, hood or their beloved hoodies. Hoodies are involved in what appears to be about 98.87% of any negro crime. They absolutely rely on it to escape identification. Why do we allow it?
I'm serious.
The Kansas City Zoo has a free attendance day too and I hear it's hard to tell which side of the bars you're on, especially in the primate section. I've never been dumb enough to put a baby in a stroller and go see it for myself but I always suggest to DWL's that they go to free day. Zoos can be very educational.
Whitey (white person)
White people will never fight back because worship of Black people as magical redeemers of White original racism sin is central to our new Age, Post Christian, Crystal Meth religion.
So anyone looking for White identity is bound to be disappointed. Camp of the Saints predicted that in the 1970's. Whites just worship Blacks as magical redeemers.
I know this because there has not been one incident where a family member has taken revenge and wiped out the Black perp and his family for killing one of his own. It is clear the the legal system, and the nation itself, is meaningless as the Holy Roman Empire. Both exist to protect elites and non-White masses. There is no benefit to being an ordinary American, and the citizenship and protection it once offered has lost all value.
So why no revenge killings by grieving family members? Because worship of Blacks beats grief for Whites.
Thats just the religion. White people are incapable of banding together and acting in their own mutual self interest. They just cannot do it -- their religion of worship of Black people gets in the way. So act accordingly. Every man for himself. And you owe the State and Nation and people as much as they provide for you: nothing.
Here in South Florida we have various Latin Music festivals and 80's rock festivals.
At each one you can guess the race of the fans. This concept can be used in such a way that the average liberal dolt will think you are being inclusive when you are really creating "separate but equal" nights at such Fairs.
Vary the music for each night and that alone will cause discrimination to naturally occur but the liberals will think you are offering equal entertainment for the wonderful diverse peoples of America.
Maybe you can have Somalia Night of Hmong nights with some Muslims group chanting odes to Allah...may peace be upon you.....
Just make Rap night the last night with free admission. That is the perfect formula for destruction of the Fair and the carnnies won't have to pack up the rides and concession stands........
Opening night is COUNTRY NIGHT JAMBOREE !!! Wear your boots and cowboy hat and get in free (all others $20).
You will never ever get a black into cowboy boots and Stetson, unless he really craves that female White skin.
Play Lynard Skynard (Sweet Home Alabama) at the entrance and watch the blacks scurry away like when you turn lights on in a dirty Kitchen.
(In keeping with the new rules, you will notice that I did not make an Animal reference.......uh, are insects regarded as "animals".....just wondering....these rules we Whites have to obey do tax our higher IQ's but that is why rules only work on Whites......)
Florida's State Fair; the first place for fun, until the negros come.
Ya baby, that's the slogan. Thanks.
re.Absolutely no Rap, Soul, or Blues
Young blacks dont like Blues.
As far as mexicans not liking 'heavy metal' a friends son went to a free concert at santa monica pier and was sucker punched by a mexican.
Word is Punk music in LA is a mexican thing now. be forewarned.
Centurians list:
Quick finger print and DNA sample.
"I love it when things like this happen since soon, most likely by the end of this decade, there will be no more fairs, malls, etc."
Due to the demise of local shopping now in my neighborhood, we cannot have packages delivered without a signature and must have a locking mailbox now. I can't leave my garage door open. Guess why? Any ideal Addison?
Eddie Scholar
And yet we have this
The Hoodie is now the equivalent of the hijab (al la Chrystal Meth Church of Saint Skittles). To restrict such for the purposes of reducing crime is the equivalent of evil discrimination.
You really have to picture this scene in your head to get a feel for it. 200 extra Deputies is the equivalent of two infantry Companies of men. Normal security plus 200 extras were not enough to quell, control or even arrest the worst Simba's (Sweet Innocent Majestic Black Angels). Plus the Security forces admit they were on the losing side! It must have been one smelly, greasy, nasty scene from Hell.
At the Wisconsin State Fair they were pulling White people from their cars and off their Motorcycles, while IKAGO's sat safe in their cars with that little smile they get when YT is getting beaten within earshot.
What really pisses me off is that faced with this, Simba's go all Proud. Time for another March! Time to find a way to provide "healing" and "understanding". Maybe another community center? Maybe a few hundred more Simba's on the Government payroll? Maybe a special Day free at the fair for all Special Persons of Color?
We are like the kid in the frat that keeps screaming; "Please Sir, can I have another?" What we need to do is take the paddle away from our tormentor and use it to even the score. (To the NSA and DHS; I mean that Figuratively, of course)
We drift closer and closer to a declared War and both sides know it. Remember the Simba a few years ago that went into a gun store and wanted his 5 year old to handle an AK "cuz one day you going to be a Warrior against YT and sheet." The owner finally ordered the guy out of the store.
What would have happened here if a few of the Simba's pulled steel and started shooting into 200 armed White men, who would return fire just to defend themselves? That would make the Trayvon story look inconsequential. Of course the MSM would be on the side of the SIMBA's. Perhaps changing a few radio communications words to make it sound like 'da Evbil YT done Kilt dem Simba's.'
2014 Summer is looking to be an real interesting year.
Can't believe nobody fired a shot in defense. This is Florida! Why have gun rights if you don't use them in these situations.
Law enforcement needs to fire 12 guage buckshot.
Question: Why do cops try to downplay these type of incidents? What do they have to gain from downplaying? I know why the media does it but can't figure out why cops would want to protect the bad guys. I read police blogs & forums and all of them seem to "get it" what's the story here? Can someone tell me...
Don't go to the Texas State Fair either. I'ts in South Dallas. The brothers will be waiting for you and your car.
That is a GREAT start ! Richard Cranium
The fair is like most others as it is based on the agricultural community. Student Fair Day is a day out of school with free admission to the fair. the State Fairgrounds are in the east part of town, between Downtown Tampa and Plant City, a major agricultural area. East Tampa is one of the areas predominantly black areas. These urban blacks had no purpose to be there other than to disrupt the white agricultural community. I was there on Saturday morning in the livestock ares and it was calm and cool among the ag kids.
When I am writing or talking, if I mean oriental, I say oriental. If liberals, liberal ideology or even the headhunting, jackboot arm and fist of liberal ideology does not like it they don't have to read PDK, they can take a hike.
There is nothing pejorative about oriental, slope, gook and slant-eyes were the pejoratives for orientals.
Nothing wrong with negro either, and by the way when I'm comparing a negro to a white in the general sometimes I say blackie as I do whitey. Don't like that, then you got a problem, not me.
I also will say homo or lesbo as I say hetero, don't like it TS, tough sh-t, I draw the line between fair and accurate and anything a white says is wrong.
There is a huge difference between an Iranian or Afghanistan Islamic, an Indian Hindu and a Han Chinese. All of these characters are Asian.
If I am talking about a group of people who will, as a custom, cut the head off an innocent human then I say Islamic, I do not say Asian.
I know Paul just got whacked hard for poor word selection by we, his commenters, and if Paul asked me to refrain from such words at his blog, I would comply willingly.
However, liberal ideology is now strangling our speech so much that when people are describing a suspect to the cops, and the suspect is a negro, they just leave that part out. Only if he is white do they dare describe his race.
Is the next step to say, that he the culprit, or suspect, was a non white guy?
Not sure how others think on this matter, but saying Asian when one means oriental allows a lot of cover for the Islamics.
For those not in the know, Islamics are a serious threat to we whites of European descent; and they are currently invading America as they have Europe.
Just take a look at the problems our white cousins across the Atlantic have.
In any event, maybe I'll put up a piece on my From the Sanctuary blog on this.
Liberal word cover for dangerous people is dangerous for we whites.
Liberalism is the iceberg targeting the Titanic.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
South Fla resident here. No mention in local paper. Nothing to see here; move along.
Once, when I was in DEOMI (DoD's propaganda school and Marxism's ticking time bomb, nurtured by the SPLC), I asked a fellow NCO why black people dress, speak, act and spell the way they do.
He candidly told me it was because it pisses white people off.
That is why you can't have fun at the fair and have to get frisked at all large events.
That is why law abiders have to sensitive to the needs and feelings of the under-served.
Trial junkie here.
It's not "Whites" who worship blacks as you keep claiming. The government, MSM, politicians of both parties, Big Business, the entertainment industry, and schools are the culprits.
OT: But I saw this to day
From today's NY POST page 12 top right corner: Race-Kill kin's $2M
A Westchester jury awarded $1.9 million to the family of a woman stabbed to death in 2005 by a convicted rapistwo said he did it "because she was white"
"Today we are really happy and gratified" Jonathon Russo son of victim Connie Russo-Carrerio told the Post today.
Russo-Carrerio's estate sued the city of White Plains for $15 million claiming local police were aware of robberies and assaults in the garage of the Galeria Mall where the 56 yr old legal secretary was killed by homeless sex offender Philip Grant.
Grant was sentenced to 25 years to life in 2006.
He brutalized Russo-Carrerio with a stolen cutlery knife and admitted in a taped confession.
"Id never seen her. I didn't care. as long as she had blond hair, blue eyes she had to die. I had no remorse because she was white"
Russo said the verdict was a "measure of justice for my mom"
Now I didn't type this whole thing out for the Bitter, Apocalyptic,Defeatists who haunt this board.
This story (and what it portends for BRA) was quite the mood booster for me and I would think for others on this board because it shows that you can use BRA to destroy BRA. And get rich in the process.
Despite what some here post (ad nauseum it would seem) TWMNBM lawyers don't know they are serving BRA as such. they're just making the maximum $$ they can make from "The System" and damn the consequences.
Ok. fine.
Now lets use their greed and shortsightedness (and the law !) against BRA.
It HAS been done, not in theory but in caselaw.
$1.9 million may not seem like much compared to the $$ BRA confiscates from us , but hey its a start.
And Lucky Us blacks will daily provide opportunities to sue BRA out of existence.
OT: Can't go a whole day without a mention of Philly:
Same old story. People try to have something nice and blacks come in and shit all over it. Some of you may have heard of Underground Atlanta. It was a shopping, dining and drinking mecca but became seedy and rundown so it was closed. Then some businessmen, at great cost and with a lot of fanfare, gave the entire place a facelift and made it very clean and charming, with fun restaurants, funky shops, etc. You know...people trying to have something nice. You'll never guess what happened next. Bingo...the place was swamped by youfs. Loud, stupid, arrogant young blacks everywhere. I took my aunt there and she was horrified. Literally clutching her purse. We fled, as did every other white person. Of course, as soon as whites stopped going, so did the blacks. Now the place is a dingy little ghost town. But weirdly, if whites started going there again, you can bet it would be inundated with another tsunami of vibrant youngsters, all of whom are turning their lives around and are aspiring rappers. Sigh. What do you do? Make the entrance fee to get into a mall $20?
James M.
Many of us realize that you can use BRA against itself. Assuming that:
1. You defeat the "No Snitch" code.
2. The "Jury Nullification" code.
3. The Perp is stupid enough to actively confess that he was trying to kill a White (and not a random person).
4. You are willing to lose a daughter/son, Wife, Girlfriend, Sister, etc. to cash in.
5. There is an easily identifiable deep pockets Third Party that can cover the award and who bears some responsibility (such as the White Plains police Dept that knew about the attacks but did not warn people in the area.)
6. You win the civil case against the deep pockets third party who is going to grind you into the ground financially in prep for Trial.
See, the Knock Out Game, which has been fatal or brain damaging to many people has always be portrayed by the Media as just an assault or robbery "gone Wrong" when the person hits the ground from the sucker punch.
Shitovarious is unaware that such a punch could have been fatal and thus it is considered an "accidental" killing. Lots of people in the Denver Attacks were outraged that the police sat on 21 cases of beatings and assaults but all the restitution cases in that arena have gone nowhere under the theory that the police investigation was "ongoing" and they were looking for a "Pattern" and therefore they were not liable to warn anyone till they had a firm picture of what was happening. Police officers have been fired for even speaking about the dear little SIMBAs as in the Ohio Fair Attacks where the SIMBAs were running around screaming "Its a Black World!" And "It's Beat Whitey Night". See: ) In that video that lady cop was fired.
Its true, If you go down the road of appealing to the law, when the law is run by the SIMBAs like Holder and O'hole, then you may get a chance to test your theory and get RICH!
Personally, I keep a 10mm EAA Witness on my hip, warn my family, and avoid the groid.
When I was growing up in Albany,Georgia we had the Exchange Club Fair every October. On nights they had unlimited rides there were so many black kids there you couldn't even move. There are four high schools in Dougherty County and you not only had gang rivalry,you had players from rival sports teams throwing up signs and yelling and screeching at one another. Always a fight. I don't know how many of you have seen a hundred people fighting IN PERSON,but it's insane. The smarter,more mobile Whites started driving 80 miles up I-75 to the Georgia National Fair...but they eventually followed us...and this past trip there was my last. It was like I had woke up in Afrexico...
I used to enjoy going to the Alabama State Fair here in Birmingham. I quit going because too many blacks started showing up, and the stories of robberies ans assaults in the parking lot scared white people away. They eventually moved it outside of Birmingham, but I haven't been back to see what the demographics look like. It may be safe...for now.
State fairs are another casualty in the war waged on whites by "youths" a.k.a. blacks. First, it is denied that anything is happening. When blacks become too much of a problem to cover up, they are referred to simply as "teens" or "youths". When video evidence, or overwhelming numbers of witnesses testify that it was in fact blacks that are responsible, we're told that we're racist for noticing it.
I'm so tired of watching the whole process happen over and over again.
We were told that desegregation, the war on poverty, and affirmative action was going to take the millstone off from around the black man's neck, and he would finally succeed. Anyone who can't see that was a lie is simply a fool.
Whites will never be truly free as long as blacks are near.
Millions of law suits should be filed against BRA. Even if most are lost it'll still cost'em.
Every black org has tons of lawyers working for little or nothing. Where are the lawyers who will do pro bono work for their own people?
H\ hypie out H\
james m said...
OT: But I saw this to day
From today's NY POST page 12 top right corner: Race-Kill kin's $2M
A Westchester jury awarded $1.9 million to the family of a woman stabbed to death in 2005 by a convicted rapistwo said he did it "because she was white"
"Today we are really happy and gratified" Jonathon Russo son of victim Connie Russo-Carrerio told the Post today.
Russo-Carrerio's estate sued the city of White Plains for $15 million claiming local police were aware of robberies and assaults in the garage of the Galeria Mall where the 56 yr old legal secretary was killed by homeless sex offender Philip Grant.
Grant was sentenced to 25 years to life in 2006.
He brutalized Russo-Carrerio with a stolen cutlery knife and admitted in a taped confession.
"Id never seen her. I didn't care. as long as she had blond hair, blue eyes she had to die. I had no remorse because she was white"
Russo said the verdict was a "measure of justice for my mom"
Now I didn't type this whole thing out for the Bitter, Apocalyptic,Defeatists who haunt this board.
This story (and what it portends for BRA) was quite the mood booster for me and I would think for others on this board because it shows that you can use BRA to destroy BRA. And get rich in the process.
Despite what some here post (ad nauseum it would seem) TWMNBM lawyers don't know they are serving BRA as such. they're just making the maximum $$ they can make from "The System" and damn the consequences.
Ok. fine.
Now lets use their greed and shortsightedness (and the law !) against BRA.
It HAS been done, not in theory but in caselaw.
$1.9 million may not seem like much compared to the $$ BRA confiscates from us , but hey its a start.
And Lucky Us blacks will daily provide opportunities to sue BRA out of existence.
Wonderful news. My only complaint is the $1.9 million will not come out of the pension funds of the cops or county bureaucrats that willfully ignored the danger to begin with
Without this website I would not have heard of this. The BM's (bowel movements) continue to demonstrate that they cannot collectively function in Western Civilization.
The sad thing is such a small overall population is pushing around a larger group thanks to the federal government with your and my local government.
If the bm's did not exist what a difference our cities would be. Minus bm's and I see Asians, Europeans, south Americans, and Antarctica peoples getting along just fine raising families and conducting civil business.
off topic...from 'ambrose kane blog'
Folks, you just can’t make this stuff up! Here’s the story of Shaneka Torres from Grand Rapids (MI) who decided to shoot up a McDonald’s when she didn’t get the bacon she ordered on her hamburger. I guess the lesson learned here is that when Shaneka requests bacon, you better give it to her!
This is another incident illustrating how volatile and violent blacks become when they don’t get what they want. It’s but a taste of how violent blacks will become when the welfare system, which so many of them depend on, finally collapses and the government checks stop coming.
South Fla resident here. No mention in local paper. Nothing to see here; move along.
Typical, news black out.
This happens even in the Pacific NW. Outdoor festivals in Seattle, Bellevue, and other neighborhoods are dangerous. If you see a BM group coming, you get out of the way or leave.
I mean, you don't want to be racist or anything, but when they arrive in force, it's a guarantee they will pick a fight or just start throwing punches at Whites.
King County does nothing. No arrests, no protecting everyone else.
Not long ago, a group of Black women was flash-mob robbing shoe stores. They hit Renton, Bothell, Kirkland, even Issaquah. When finally pulled over, they just took a statement and let them drive away.
Also PM pleas follow up on what the response from the black leaderlessships response is.
I believe it is vitally important to document what the black leaderlessship responsevis to any and all crimes against Humanity is.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Millions of law suits should be filed against BRA. Even if most are lost it'll still cost'em.
Every black org has tons of lawyers working for little or nothing. Where are the lawyers who will do pro bono work for their own people?
H\ hypie out H\"
Hypie, there are such folks. They work for the SPLC and ADL.
Oh wait, you meant lawyers who work pro-bono for white people.
Those lawyers would find themselves instantly unemployable in the Eskimo/Amish dominated legal practice industry.
H\ Don M. H\
I for one can not wait for the summer festival season!!!
Belgian(changin it!!!) Beast.
And how mery a day it will be(taking long enough)when that all mighty system does fall.
Belgian(eat your wheaties)Beast.
I vividly remember this, having at the time been living in want was once a medium size quant town called Wilmington, DE.
Yes, my town is gone, and Italians, Asians, Eskimos did not cause it.
I have spent many years reading the true stories such as this on many sites and had an epiphany a few months ago.
If I carry a gun to defend myself, and kill one of these offending animals, I will go to prison for a slew of DWL created laws designed to protect them as though they were an endangered species.
So, I decided to start carrying blades. Several actually. They are silent. Once you become proficient, you can remove any number of these animals quietly and permanently.
Not all of these animals carry firearms, they simply wish to terrorize anyone that will allow it. Just let them get close enough and shove 6 inches of cold steel through their lower jaw upwards and into their skull.
No sound, no problem.
Sure, one day I will probably get shot. But, at least I am productively addressing the problem, instead of sitting behind a computer, typing about "what needs to be done".
Die on your feet.
I completely.disagree. we White people have future time orientation along with however blindly follow and believe in the judicial system. Going all out and murdering bowel movements will not solve a individual family or regional problem.
Give them $1,000,000.00 per person with a one way ticket to Liberia. After that they are on their own.
My area has a no bm lift if things fall apart, no matter what the cries or story is, they will be welcomed to move on.
It's real simple. Just charge ten bucks a head and none of the vibrants can afford it because EBT doesn't work for this sort of stuff.
Now that is sound advice.
Blacks have held this country hostage since the 1960's. Race peddlers like Jesse Jackson and Sharpton have put fear into law enforcement and the news media . Of course the police could have put a stop to the wilding if they cracked some heads and made some arrests. But that would have brought cries of racism so the police just let it happen. Also black and Mexican gangs are so well armed they can create widespread anarchy in the USA anytime they want to. The blacks know there isn't a damn thing the police can do. The Akron blacks were telling the truth when they said "It's a black world now". At least it is in most major cities in America. If you're white you better be on your guard for an imminent attack. Baltimore , Chicago, Philly etc has become one giant prison yard and the police are prison guards with their hands tied. Obama and Holder's silence about these attacks means they fully endorse them. America died with Obama's reelection . Who would have guessed the USA would implode from within? White America you no longer live in a free country. You cannot bring your family to a July 4th fireworks show in Chicago anymore without thinking that black mobs may show up to beat you and your kids to death. We have had a brutal winter in Chicago and I look forward to spring and warmth. But I also know the warmth will bring increases in the savages attacking innocent whites. The bottom line is you cannot have an uncivilized race living among the civilized.
"I know why the media does it but can't figure out why cops would want to protect the bad guys. I read police blogs & forums and all of them seem to "get it" what's the story here? Can someone tell me..."
Police departments keep close track of the race/ethnicity of every person the cop has contact with or arrests, and if the percentage of vibrants gets too high, their job might be in jeopardy because racism.
OT - we're preparing for an ice storm in the ATHell. Da gubmint on edge after last month's debacle. Tonight on TV (free, OTA digital with no squid donations from GG's wallet), saw inside of City of Atlanta "emergency operations center." 98% black. Saw one white person out of about 50 shown. Thank God I can at least avoid their direct control in situations like this. Carefully-staged, 50/50 black/white news anchor teams telling us how dangerous it will be and how helpless we are. Store shelves are supposedly bare. Very telling for those of us that see what's coming...
Gwinnett Gladiator
There's no sense in asking the black community for help in controlling their "youth" as they don't care and will only vomit forth excuses, twist everything around and blame whites for it all. And make loud mouthed bombastic speeches about da poor unda-privileged "youff" and how dey needs mo' money to heps dem 'cause ain't enuff being done.
You don't ask them for help- you TELL them how it will be. Hold the parent accountable. IF Dontabious wants to go wilding, mammy loses her section 8 SIMBA nest or gets benefits cut. Only then will they care.
As long as there are no consequences, DaDwonda don't care what her multiple bastard offspring are doing or who is affected by it. She only cares when it costs her money or benefits and she can't go get her weave done or her claws did at the nail salon. Or sit on her fat ass in front of the big screen tv snacking on "skrimps" and drinkin' dat forty oz.
If DaDwonda realizes Dontabious gonna cost her all that, she'll beat his head in with a frying pan.
Always go to places/clubs/events that have a cover charge. It's keeps the undertow out.
In Ft. Worth, we had a fantastic club on the northside for many years. Suddenly, Blacks started showing up. Fights started, arrests in the parking lot, drugs, etc.
The club immediately introduced a $50 membership charge. All the Blacks stopped coming. We got our club back.
I just do not attend anything that is free or general admission. Why try to have fun with people who feel entitled to smash your teeth out?
One person says winter in Chicago was brutal and now another ICE storm in Atlanta?
This is beginning to sound a lot like the coming Ice Age some people have written/spoken of for the past 5 years or so. Much has been said and all of it ignored by the media and Al Gore. Really?
There is a serious body of evidence saying we are entering another "mini" Ice Age but it will not be so mini. Current scientist, who support this, say it will last 100 years and it should be obvious this very year.
It is will be obvious when the Northern wheat crop can not be planted since this very winter will last too long.
Read the book Cold Sun. Check out some of the videos. One actually says the Pacific Ocean has had a drop in temp and that the Atlantic will soon show a drop.
According to these scientist, Global Warming was a huge mistake by those who don't understand the impact of activities on the Sun that have the major impact on Earth's climate.
Going to be interesting.
As for snow and Atlanta? There is not was the blacks there will be able to handle it. Whites were created by snow. Blacks don't have the genetic disposition. It is that simple. It is going to be fun to see Atlanta collapse.
What do you do? Make the entrance fee to get into a mall $20?
That is exactly what you do. You surround it with a wall and make it a private mall, with annual membership for $50 or $100. You require all minors to be supervised by an adult, and revoke memberships for any misbehavior. Bye-bye, "youfs". You have a criminal record, your membership is "delayed" or "denied". Bye-bye, thieving druggies and interstate bands of Roma. They pay the application fee, and they are denied. Wall-jumpers are prosecuted for criminal trespass.
You reclaim another mall in another city, and make memberships reciprocal. And another, and another. The value of a membership goes up and up.
Then you buy up the trashed, half-abandoned Section 8 apartments across the road for next to nothing, announce new construction, wall the whole complex off and make it all condo with new residents approved by vote of the existing membership. The complex has a tunnel or sky bridge to the mall. People don't even have to get into a car to go shopping. Then you do the same with some nearby office and light industrial buildings. People don't have to get into a car to go to work. They're not exposed to "vibrant diversities", either. You break the law, you're out.
If you can, you establish your own police, fire, EMT and schools. Residents only, of course. You put it all in a DDA so your taxable improvements aren't siphoned off by diverse corruptocrats. After a while, you've got the population and the economic strength to just throw them out.
Think of it as growing Todos Santos organically.
Anonymous said…
Obama and Holder's silence about these attacks means they fully endorse them. America died with Obama's reelection.
This is not an overstatement. I believe it's coming.
Comrade Commissar high yellow flim flam "My People" Holder wants all those poor downtrodden felons who are victims ov da evul lebacy ov da slabery to have their voting rights restored:
Stay safe GG! Give us a report on the Vibrant SIMBA's
Anonymous Gwinnett Gladiator said...
OT - we're preparing for an ice storm in the ATHell.
Carefully-staged, 50/50 black/white news anchor teams telling us how dangerous it will be and how helpless we are.
An important media strategy is to convince the sheep that those percentages are real world. It seems designed to better manage both groups somehow.
"Man smashes LAPD cop car windows, steals laptop"
Must see to believe.
Talking about epiphanies- and stories like this one- have any of you ever stopped to consider the fact that Buh-rack Hoo-sayn, Eh-rick Holdah, Jeh, &, so I don't lay it all on the backs of the dusky BRA senior officials, the HHS Secretary Sebelius, who couldn't handle a website rollout, theoretically can deploy smallpox against whites (or any non-blacks) anytime they want? It's parked in a freezer at the CDC in Hotlanta. Those guys are ostensibly in control.
Doesn't this realization make you kind of hope squid overseers who will prevent the savages from handling firey torment such as this really do exist? Does anyone else ever have thoughts like this? Anyone born after the mid-1970s vaccination campaigns ended terrified yet? A.o.
The report is that the youth who was killed (while trying to cross a busy highway) was killed almost THREE hours after being kicked out of the fair.
Why didn't he use his cell phone to call home? Why didn't his parent accompany him to the fair? OR at least check up on him?
No, it's all whitey's fault.
for several years at the Taste of Chicago it was out of control and the city did nothing about it. it got worse every year. finally when whites stayed home the Taste started losing money and restaurants did not want to participate. the leashes were taken off the police and wilding blacks were literally dragged out by their afros. the result was it was too late. wilding blacks are still dealt with swiftly but the Taste is a shell of what it once was.
Whiskey: "I know this because there has not been one incident where a family member has taken revenge and wiped out the Black perp and his family for killing one of his own."
Look up Jake England of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Excerpt from "Letter from Birmingham City Jail" by MLK below. Read it and then consider the situation at the Florida State Fair, and the points I make below...
I guess it is easy for those who have never felt the stinging darts of segregation to say wait. But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim [1]; when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity [2]; when you see the vast majority of your 20 million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society [3]; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television [4], and see the tears welling up in her little eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people; when you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son who is asking in agonizing pathos: “Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?” [5]
[1] There were 3500 lynchings of blacks during 80 years of segregation. Most of them were over serious crimes, hardly "at whim" (though obviously still illegal). How many murders today are committed by blacks "at whim" over such things as being "dissed?" Look at cases such as Kyle Jobin and many more reported here on SBPDL.
[2] You mean like the way you see white people cursed, kicked, brutalized and even killed by endless wildings, drivebys and urban riots?
[3] Today in 2014 there are probably more than 20 million blacks in poverty, thanks mainly to illegitimacy, crime, welfare hustling, and failure to use the massive government-corporate-academic programs handed over at taxpayer expense.
[4] Well, I guess his daughter could go to any state fair she wants today, as well as ride in the front of the bus, and attend any public school she has her heart set on. Too bad white people are increasingly denied these opportunities.
[5] One could just as well ask why black people treat white people "mean" today, from wildings to torture-murders. And while we are at it, ask what has been the fate of American cities and institutions (like state fairs) since the victory of the civil rights movement.
Centurion said...I love it when things like this happen since soon, most likely by the end of this decade, there will be no more fairs, malls, etc.
10mm AUTO said... You really have to picture this scene in your head to get a feel for it. 200 extra Deputies is the equivalent of two infantry Companies of men.
Southron said... State fairs are another casualty in the war waged on whites by "youths" a.k.a. blacks.
Supposing we were to read some historical account of Medieval Europe wherein Fairs had to post small armies to guard against pillaging bands of Tartars? And that the raids became so severe that the Fairs (vital parts of the Medieval economy and culture) had to be shut down? Might we shake our heads at the barbarism of such an era? Yet we see a similar phenomenon here in the heartland of America (insofar as state fairs are an all-American tradition).
Similarly, if we were to read of once great cities having their infrastructure destroyed, their streets terrorized, and much of their population flee for safer climes, we might shake our heads about the ravages of nomadic pillagers. And then ask, "How could they have let it happen?"
It says something about the USA today that despite all the "wars" on crime and the Department of Homeland Security, we see America's traditional institutions and great cities being increasingly trashed as if by some barbarian horde. One wonders why the feds can not have the TSA send out its screeners to provide security for state fairs and such. Of course, this might mean the TSA going up against gangbangers, not compliant citizens. How long would the TSA last against a wilding?
It comes back to anarcho-tyranny: the government's main interest is in putting down the boot on law abiding citizens, while letting the country itself disintegrate into a third world theme park.
One more aspect of BRA.
The crowd that was thrown out was only 97% black. Hell, in media terms that's called a mixed crowd. "See, it wasn't all blacks."
Of course this jaboonery doesn't surprise me. I've lived in Florida all my life and Tampa is easily one of the worst cities around. Literally the entire city looks like a ghetto. If there are white areas in Tampa I've never seen them.
The fair is run by idiots evidently, too. They have the same problem every year and don't care to fix it. So eventually it will cease to exist. Can't say I care anyway.
Free is the bat signal for blacks. They will drive 100 miles for free, yet charge 5 bucks and they won't cross the street.
Today in contemporary Black History:
The City of Madison, the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, and the Madison Area Technical College are all co-sponsoring a White Privilege Conference to be held in Madison in March. All three entities receive taxpayer money.
Promotional material for the March 26 through March 29 event bills it as “a conference that examines challenging concepts of privilege and oppression and offers solutions and team building strategies to work toward a more equitable world.”
Wisconsin taxpayers are funding a "White Privilege Conference" teaching guilt, self-policing of thoughts, and faithful service to Black political rule.
Isn't Madison a center of the so-called labor and progressive movements?
The country is in economic dire straights. The country was essentially asset-stripped over the past 20 decades by multi-national financial institutions and shipped to East Asia. Obama is about to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership and sell out America even more.
Are the "progressives" in Madison saying anything substantive about that? Nope, to do so would require critiquing The One. But they sure are galvanized by Trayvon Martin, the Duke Lacrosse "rapists", "checking privilege", etc.
The Left became nothing more than a cult worshiping Blackness.
Here's what (prime demographic: urban, upper-income, educated White single women, extremely pro-Democrat, see themselves as champions of the oppressed despite living in some Whitopia enclave) sees as important news:
Racism hurts. It is painful. The moment that you are called the N-word, even if it happens to you when you are a child as it did with me and you don’t know the meaning of the word, you feel instantly degraded, as though you are walking around in shit-stained clothes that you are unable to remove. You feel as though your presence contaminates, as though you are a problem.
You ARE the problem. The TRUTH hurts.
In the face of blatant assaults on our humanity and personhood, black rage is not the problem.
Translation: White people, when you get hurt and/or killed, just deal with it. You deserve it because your existence is offensive to the Black race.
George Zimmerman is a monster who murders children and terrorizes women. In America, if you’re white (even a white Latino as Zimmerman is) that apparently gets you celebrity status.
Author is a Sheboon.
Black judge lets violent black felon out on bail just in time for him to murder a white woman and attack another one.
It was all so easy...
What the dems did to blacks in America is what they want to do to us all.
The plan was simple: pick off the easiest demographic to dupe, prove it can be done, then lather rinse repeat. Once proven, roll it out after dumbing-down the rest of the country (to soften up the beachhead, so to speak), then trot out some grand plan whose ultimate aim will be to turn us all into plantation slaves like the vast majority of blacks in BRA.
Obamacare is really the Democrat Party's attempt to turn the entire country into plantation slaves based on their successful use of “Great Society” legislation during the last 50 years.
How successful was LBJ's initiative? It turned blacks as a voting block into completely colonized drone-slaves. They do what they are told, when they are told. They vote how they're told to vote or the gibsme spigot will be turned off. Like Glen Reynolds comment on Roger Simon's commentary on Obamacare (The Democrat's War on Work
"They’ll turn us all into beggars ’cause they’re easier to please."
Eventually -- no, more probably, soon -- one of these flash mobs will end with a handful of dead black youths, dead at the hands of whites defending themselves. Imagine the media firestorm such an event would set off. It will be ten times as polarizing as the Travyon case was, and will result in even greater mob violence, with even greater backlash.
Whiskey: "I know this because there has not been one incident where a family member has taken revenge and wiped out the Black perp and his family for killing one of his own."
Well, part of that is because half the time their own mother doesn't know who the father is, or even if she knows who, has no idea where he is, you need a team of PI's and a DNA lab to track them all down when you take into account just the 50% related bastards running around.
It's not that it's hard work, it's just that when you actually work for a living you just don't have the time to spare.
I read this and I have to consider us lucky in New York; the State Fair is in Syracuse, not New York City, so even though it sees typically 50,000 people a day or more, it's a very clean, white fair. But the concerts are country, pop, and rock, even the free acts on the small stage, and the free attendance day is for senior citizens. In fact, it's still possible sometimes to talk to members from the acts on the free stage after the show and get autographs. You folks who can't go to yours, come to ours. I'm amazed with all the ruin in every other upstate NY city we have it this good.
"H\ hypie out H\ said...
Every black org has tons of lawyers working for little or nothing. Where are the lawyers who will do pro bono work for their own people?"
I'm currently going back to law school for precisely this purpose. I plan for my bread and butter to be paternal rights/custody/divorce to try and dial back the anti-father bias of the courts a little and just for fun to be honest... daily litigious punishment of gold-digging, harpy ex-wives. what's not to love?
On the side, I'll be keeping an eye out for the kinds of cases that pop up here. God help the US legal system should I ever become a prosecutor or judge...
In the meantime, I would love to set up a legal fund/lobbying group to support the cause. Anyone that would actually help fund something along those lines, speak up.
As to the negro yout hit on the interstate, i see them running back and forth all day. There is a stretch of road about 10 miles long that bisects the hood here in erie. Ages about 7 or 8 and up run across the highway and leap or crawl over the concrete divider. I seee black females hauling their strollers over these dividers with their children still in them! In heavy traffic! All because they are too lazy to walk a few blocks to a bridge. I know some day a SIBA is going to slip off a divider and end up injured or dead. I will be labled rayciss of course and end up unemployable.
Erie PA
After much fanfare, Newark supermarket goes under in a year
When the store opened, with speeches from then-Mayor Cory Booker and other officials, it was viewed as a much-needed necessity in a low-income neighborhood...
Of course "low-income" is synonymous with heavily black. Especially in Newark.
But the owner cited several problems that contributed to the supermarkets closing, including a long delay by the state in issuing a license to accept WIC food stamps, ...
Really?! Maybe the government was a little reluctant to give some guy named "Ahmed" approval to accept food stamps. See the archive on food stamp fraud at the great blog Refugee Resettlement Watch.
Same thing here at the Delaware State Fair in July only not quite so bad. A riding buddies son, brown belt karate, very small, skinny kid was accosted by 6 members of the other community intent on robbing him. He was beat up pretty good but got 5 of the 6 with serious injuries. 1 got away but was also slightly injured. Very fortunate young fellow but goes to show, STAY AWAY when its free or lower cost. Didn't take me long to understand why Six Flags in NJ was so expensive. Just kept out the riff raff.
Bubo- great article! Brides on should get a Nobel Peace Prize along with an appointment as Obammy's Secretary of Commerce. Five kids and a drug problem? Good riddance!
Plus, Judge Ben Willard should be forced to legally adopt all five kids- until they r all heart surgeons. A.o.
As an incidental to my previous post about the Delaware State Fair, we used to have a bike night at the local Hooter's place. went well for a while, then it was a wednesday nite bike night for "american" bikes and a thursday nite for "metric" bikes. I went to 1 bike nite after they had to eliminate the separate nights. Now, after several fights, no more bike nights. Just can't have anything, anymore.
Claws did! Hahahaha that made my day!!!
Summerfest is next. Just as Taste had to be pared down because if loss of "profit". It was quite clear to everyone who used to attend at "non-peak" hours of 10am to 2pm before those who are up all night are awake again and ready to prowl that free event.
Some folks LovE that carnival atmosphere! Gotta avoid: any place with a Midway, a Beer Garden, certain styles of music, free admission, discounted admission or free day, free food or becerage, accessable by public transit, access to free seating or benches, in a public area, there is a giveaway, is open late-past 5 pm when trappers wake for the day, has rides, a basketball net, cheap food, a picnic area, among other things.
On the reverse: call it a Book Fair, Job Fair, Learning Fair, Recruiting Fest, Community Clean-up, Library Fest, Readers Fest and the like and you will be OK
Only advertise hyper local. No coupons, free passes etc. some folks are used to traveling MILES for everything as they hoods have nothing
Also need signs posted: No foul language, loitering in passageways, doorways, driveways and on walkways. No smoking,
One person says winter in Chicago was brutal and now another ICE storm in Atlanta?
This is beginning to sound a lot like the coming Ice Age some people have written/spoken of for the past 5 years or so.
Not when the north slope of Alaska has 52 F temperatures and rain. This is not an ice age, this is the polar weather getting disoriented and wandering around because its usual guiding winds aren't there any more.
Read the book Cold Sun. Check out some of the videos. One actually says the Pacific Ocean has had a drop in temp and that the Atlantic will soon show a drop.
<smh> These people are insane. Oceanic heat content is climbing like crazy, driven by increased trade winds in the Pacific circulating surface waters westward and down and bringing up colder water to be heated. This is only slowing the surface warming, and if the trade winds slow it'll be back with a vengeance.
A lot of US fuel consumption, and thus carbon emissions, are due to the need for Whites to get away from Blacks. When your life depends on gasoline, it's hard to admit that it might be bad for the world as a whole. Of course, this just means that Blacks are bad for the world as a whole. We could have our walkable cities back again, if not for them.
Excellent deconstruction of "Letter", Californian.
Idea: Compile these analyses of BRA agitprop. Print them and smuggle them into public schools during Black History Month, preferably before they are brought up in class; maybe sneak them into the school newspaper as unauthorized inserts. Watch the fireworks.
Sneakier: publish brief ads with dot codes hyperlinking to compilation web sites. You'd need some slogan that would fly under the radar of the authorities (maybe "Fight racism!" or "Stop genocide!"), and maybe put false content on the web site until the issue had gone to press.
Why do they persist in having this "free admission" day when it inevitably ends in violence and crime every year? Two nearly identical sports bars on either side of the street. Once charges a QUARTER more for a glass of beer and ends up having an all-white clientele while the other one is forced to close after multiple stabbings and shootings. If Tampa charged the kids a measly quarter for admission, they wouldn't show up and the problem would be averted.
Read and heed, from somebody who's been there, done that:
"My name is Selco and I am from the Balkan region, and as some of you may know it was hell here from 92-95, anyway, for 1 whole year I lived and survived in a city WITHOUT: electricity, fuel, running water, real food distribution, or distribution of any goods, or any kind of organized law or government. "
This guy is a survivor of the Bosnia war, and has some good advice on how to get out of a riot:
Widespread riots now in my country. My thoughts on riots.
None of your comments will be approved. Please move on with your life.
Congrats that high IQ black people (lawyers, doctors, government workers) can create a community without crime in the D.C. area; middle class whites - and lower-class whites - do this all over the country, without a need for a pat on the back.
It's called social capital, which is missing in every majority black city in America (outside of the artificial D.C. government bubble, where vast sums of money prop up an unsustainable paradigm).
White crime is never concentrated in one city, nor does it cause business and law abiding citizens to flee from it (read about the stray bullet problem in Baltimore, where blacks fire their guns and hit random people in their homes).
Whites primarily commit organized crimes, that is premeditated crimes/homicide on some one close to them (these people have deep psychological problems that a bullet to the head would fix).
Blacks? They commit disorganized crimes, which is why places like Newark, Baltimore, Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, and New Orleans have large swaths of uninhabitable real estate.
Seriously dude, go back to your artificial black middle class and celebrate the fact that high IQ blacks can sustain... something.
Middle class and lower class whites do it on daily basis, which is why the government floods these areas with Section 8 biological weapons (not to mention unassimilable refugees).
I wonder if all this black on white violence is karma for whites committing genocide on every continent, for the past 500 years?
Reminded of the section of Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain about having a bar on a river boat. all the blacks wanted drinks with bright colors, red, yellow, etc. seems like they are drawn to lights, noise, commotion. when i attempt a day at a resort, i tend to look for the laid back affair w/o all the hoopla. just draws low lifes like an open soda draws yellow jackets.
Those wascally waycist wussians how dare they mock the messiah, the one!
PK tells Dolly Madison that no comments will be approved, and then leaks this one just to tease him:
I wonder if all this black on white violence is karma for whites committing genocide on every continent, for the past 500 years?
Yes, like the "genocide" by the British in India when they brought in railways to transport food and more or less abolished famines, and the Western introduction of modern sanitation (including clean water), modern medicine and modern farming to Africa. The populations of both greater India and sub-Saharan Africa have exploded since the 1950's, and continue to explode. And let us not forget the disproportionate increase in the Black population of the USA.
That's what Dolly calls "genocide": when your country doubles or quadruples in population of HIS people.
White America is losing its patience with your incessant bullying accusations, Dolly. When that dam breaks, losing your student loan eligibility will be among the least of your problems.
Stuff Black People Don't Like said...
None of your comments will be approved…
WTF, an hour later there is an "addison" comment!
And it honor of Black History Month, formerly known as February, I present this video clip of African contributions to the field of aviation engineering:
So can someone please tell me why segregation of races is deemed a "bad" thing?
Refugee From Chicongo here...
Corrected Statistics follow:
Sheriff's statistics for the first Fridays at the Florida State Fair
2014: 99 ejections, 12 arrests, 1dead
2013: 56 ejections, two arrests
2012: 48 ejections, eight arrests
2011: 93 ejections, nine arrests
The price of admission to the Florida State Fair in Tampa from Hillsborough requires the crossing of the Interstate on foot... splat
Ex NY notes
Ex New Yorker again.....I remember last year there was a riot in Chicago and the term used was "older teens". In the future they will start using the term "middle aged teens". In 40 years they can use the phrase "senior citizen teens".
Why not? Makes as much sense as "White Hispanic", no? Poor GZ (who, despite the acquittal, is still being hounded by the entire police and legal establishment of FL) is 1/8 black and was even a loyal party member. He was still labeled as evil YT by the Ministry of Truth. BTW, for those who might not be aware of the regime's official racial classifications (funny how a regime whose state religion teaches that there's only one race - the human race - has racial classifications) a white person from Spain whose native language is Spanish is not Hispanic, while a pure-blood Japanese from Peru who speaks Spanish as a second language is a Hispanic. This particular system was instituted under the "conservative" teleprompter-readership of the Repuke Richard Nixon.
Mr. Sarter,
Blacks better pray there is no such thing as karma. If there is, the rest of us will be stacking dead black bodies up to the moon.
Trial Junkie:
It's not "Whites" who worship blacks as you keep claiming. The government, MSM, politicians of both parties, Big Business, the entertainment industry, and schools are the culprits.
One does not preclude the other. It may even be that the one could not exist without the other - at least to the extent that it does. Even Whiskey's favorite über-white PBS series set in early 20th century England (Downton Abbey) now has a magic negro. If most whites really did not subscribe to the faux-religion which Whiskey has termed Crystal Methodism, the oligarchs and their toadies would see a vast reduction in their ability to impose BRA across the world. A real opposition would actually form on the ground.
How many times have the following simple steps been mentioned: turn off TV, remove kids from government school, stop buying shit-sandwiches from the folks Whiskey always defends, arm yourselves and learn to use them. Ultimately, do what Barnhardt has done and stop paying taxes en masse. The whole BRA infrastructure would collapse. The TWMNBN branch of squid-central even had a little confab on Wye Island a few years ago stressing the importance of being able to establish themselves in China and India - for they're aware they've sucked their present host nearly dry of its lifeblood.
This will be my last comment for awhile.
Most of the people who read this blog understand now that blacks have lower IQs. Somewhat fewer realize that blacks have also smaller brains. But there are other biological differences that are less often appreciated.
Blacks are subject to schizophrenia at about double the white rate. Not all schizophrenics are violent but many are.
The smaller black brain is smaller in the pre-frontal lobes. Violent criminals also have this brain pattern. The pre-frontal lobes seem to inhibit 'lower' emotions that arise in the limbic system.
All dark skinned animals on earth seem to be more violent than similar light skinned varieties. This is called melanocortin theory. It was the subject of Rushton's last paper. It sounds crazy but the science is probably solid.
Among our closest relatives the Great Apes there are large genetic differences in the propensity for violence. True chimpanzees live north of the Congo river. The nearly identical Bonobos live on the south bank. These two species differ hugely in their expression of violence. Chimps are warlike creatures who kill for pleasure. Bonobos are peaceable and sweet. Both of these apes occupy the same sort of environment but have deeply contrasting appetites and aptitudes for violence.
Recently some errors in measurement of MAOA (the warrior gene) have been discovered. It is now more clear than ever before - blacks have much higher incidences of the high-violence varieties of this promoter sequence.
There is more, but these few points should be enough to drive home the point that Africans are a human subspecies that is inherently predisposed towards violence. Just about every other media source tries to obscure this vital fact. This one illustrates it every day.
Two can play the "karma" game.
Maybe slavery was karma for all the evil behaviors of Africans in Africa as detailed in numerous eyewitness accounts back in the day. Read the "Negro in Negroland" and other accounts of all the horrific behaviors that were going on and quite common. There are many accounts-some going back hundreds of years-by Arabs and others detailing the barbarity, savagery and animalistic behaviors they witnessed first hand.
No, "karma" can be used as an excuse and justification for what's going on and what happens to people but under that sort of nonsensical ideation, one could claim that the high crime rates of blacks, their poverty, ignorance, their bastardy and all their other ills, dysfunctions and failures is the result of "karma" and is some sort of mystical and richly deserved "payback."
Overall, Karma is a cop-out and the way a superstitious person explains, excuses or justifies what they see around them. It requires no thought, no analysis, no reason and/or logic.
Karma is a religious concept and I've even had Hindu people I know claim that something terrible happening to a good person is "karma" because of something bad that person did in a past life.
See how easy it is? Requires no intelligent reasoned thought at all.
Look up Jake England of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Wrong. England is at least half Cherokee. Apparently at least some of them haven't drunk the Crytsal Methodist Kool-Aid yet. Not so sure about YT who doesn't even resist in SA, where it's open season on him. Whiskey's point is pretty difficult to refute. There might be a few examples, so it was a good honest try on your point.
Stand your ground, legally you can defend yourself, if someone dies, oh well.
Racial Realists need to go deep cover. Don't even remotely allow the faculty to know what you are thinking on these questions.
Centurion at 1:42. Police State Amurka, courtesy of blacks. Sickening.
Glad I live in Idaho.
A race realist is somebody who points out facts and takes responsibility for their race... and does not try to justify white killers.
Damn all if I know what 'SIBA' means. A google search turns up 'Society of Independent Brewers' and ' Staten Island Bicycling Association'. Can't be those...
SIBA (See-Baa) or SIMBA (Sim-baa) stands for "Sweet Innocent, Black Angels" or in the case of the word SIMBA's it stands for "Sweet Innocent, Majestic, Black Angels" (with echos of course to Lion King). Both are interchangeable terms for the negro youth that terrorize the Community. These terms were adopted due to heightened passions of commentators over especially egregious examples of horrible black behavior which lead to unfortunate comparisons of negros to animals, monsters, human excrement and vague accusations of racial invective. To cool our tongues (as Leonidas might say) Paul instituted an advisory for people to think before they wrote lest the website be financially damaged.
Sweet Innocent Black Angel.
@10 mm and Anon
'Simba' brings to mind
the Congo 1964.
I was just about to post that about the "Simba" rebellion in the Congo.
They took hundreds of whites hostage and slaughtered them at Stanleyville. Women and children mostly.
Then Belgian Commandos landed and the Simbas literally pissed themselves and ran away as fast as possible. The commandos were going building to building blasting them. The rest ran into the jungle.
Addison: "I wonder if all this black on white violence is karma for whites committing genocide on every continent, for the past 500 years?"
And apparently the only place we succeeded was Antarctica, where the natives were cleaned out down to the last.
Across the bay from Tampa. ALL of the media references to this incident used the term "teen" - no racial characterics allowed.
Cool Cowlick~ Thanks for the post "Congo 1964." A very interesting read!
Hmm. Let's see. Violent, feral savages hopped up on the drug "kat", being led by superstitious native shamans/witch doctors and running amok until stopped by European and American forces in a failed African country.
Sounds like failed American cities during negro riots with many parallels.
DNA is so telling and informative.
Cool Cowlick, thanks for that link.
PDK and Centurion, you said "Al Gore"! Drink!
I'm a big fan of the series: "American Horror Story." I won't focus on the fact that one of the YTs on there has a coal-burning fantasy (blech), but I did notice they hired a dark-dark for security. Didn't make sense to me.
Fear of reprisal from other high-ranking black officers. In Jacksonville, FL, there are rumors that the sheriff appoints a certain number of minorities to leadership roles to keep them in line to elect him. If he pisses them off, he has the potential to lose.
Centurion i think i love you, first time on this blog. You have some of the best ideas & comments. If we charge a small fee for events or mall memberships etc... most of the "yoof" problems will be solved. As for the DNA & finger printing idea.... pure genious!! Something needs to be done.
I work at a regional trauma center. We know once we get one shooting more will follow . They cant even shoot each other right and by law we have to try & save their life with white working peoples hard earned $$. Let them target practice on each other & let there numbers decrease. The mexicans like to stab each other. Again by law we have to treat them at the tax payers expense. Most are here illegally but cant be reported or deported due to privacy laws!
As for welfare, section 8, free ejabication and all the other "needs" that are provided by tax payers... the frustration I feel that I cant afford to send my kid that was made born & raised in this country to school because she is white & doesnt "qualify" for assistance. I told her to legally change her name to Shaniqua or something lets see how fast the government/school aid status changes.
Its truly a shame to live in fear to speak out in this "free" country!
So much more to say... but I will stop my ranting here for now. Getting my blood to a boil with this state of equality.
You people are racist idiots! We'll never advance as a species unless we shed ourselves of this hatred and negativity and learn to love and understand one another. Never look down on a man (or a race) unless you're willing to lend a hand to help him up. What have YOU done lately to help African American youths. You've probably had an better upbringing than most of us and yet you direct this senseless hatred and rage at a people you have probably never tried to understand or connect with personally. This event was the result of 'mob mentality,' to which white youths are also suceptible, ever read "Lord of the Flies?" A couple bad apples spoil the bunch. How can you people call yourselves Christains, go to church, to work, and home with your families and treat them will love and understanding, but turn your backs on other human beings, going so far as to call them animals, because their skin and culture is different than yours. I'm a black teen in an urban engineering magnet high school that is half traditional, half magnet. I see these kinds of teens give in to unruly behavior, but I've also seen their emotions, their passion, their aspirations, and their love for their families and freinds. We are just as human as you. I could point fingers at your ancestors for the state of my people, but that would solve nothing- white guilt rarely moves you guys to do anything meaningful besides refraining from using the 'n' word in public, but I don't. Instead, I urge you to take a step back and reflect on why your hatred for my people runs so deep. Sorry for the essay, I stumbled onto this website after looking up details on the Fair incident and was appalled at all the hate fueled comments. Thanks.
Ooh, fresh meat! An Addison clone wrote:
You people are racist idiots!
Not wanting to wind up like Ann Pressley or Delbert Belton makes us "idiots". Hey, you first.
We'll never advance as a species unless we shed ourselves of this hatred and negativity and learn to love and understand one another.
I agree. Blacks should shed their hatred of Whites, their negativity about peacefulness and responsibility (all the "Stuff Black People Don't Like"), and the rest. White people are the best thing ever to happen to them. They should act like it.
What have YOU done lately to help African American youths.
Why should it be OUR responsibility to do ANYTHING for them? What stops them from doing it for themselves, as we do?
You've probably had an better upbringing than most of us
You mean, parents who took responsibility? Is that racist now? What stops BLACK parents from doing the same, and raising their children not to flash-mob, commit armed robbery and rape, that sort of thing?
you direct this senseless hatred and rage at a people you have probably never tried to understand or connect with personally.
Ask George Strait, Channon Christian and Autumn Pasquale about "connecting" with Blacks. Oh, you can't, because their encounter, their "connection", left them brutally murdered.
Why don't YOU apologize for that? Why don't YOU reach out to your Black brothers, to get them to BEHAVE?
This event was the result of 'mob mentality,' to which white youths are also suceptible
Ah, the classic "tu quque", "Whites do it too". But where are the White mobs targeting Blacks? Where's the White gang-rape of Blacks? There has NEVER been a recorded sexual homicide of an elderly Black woman by a White. NEVER. Yet of the sexual homicides of elderly White women, 80% of them are committed by Blacks.
Whites do NOT do it too. You are a liar, trying to spread false guilt. We're not buying.
How can you people call yourselves Christains
I don't. I eschew philosophies of suicide, including that one. We even have a name for it: "Crystal Methodism".
How can you... turn your backs on other human beings, going so far as to call them animals, because their skin and culture is different than yours.
Because they turned their backs on our culture and our virtues. Every element of success we've got is theirs just for copying it, but they will not or cannot.
We are just as human as you.
Keep telling yourself that. Unless you are mixed, it's not even true; non-Africans have Neanderthal mixture, Africans do not. We truly are different at the genetic level.
I could point fingers at your ancestors for the state of my people
And the accusation would be a contemptible lie, because "your people" have lived in such a state since before White men ever ventured south of the Sahara in rickety boats. The man—and I use the term loosely—who brought chattel slavery to the colony of Virginia was himself Black (Anthony Johnson). YOU are responsible for the state of YOUR people.
Sorry for the essay, I stumbled onto this website after looking up details on the Fair incident and was appalled at all the hate fueled comments.
Since you purport to practice the Christian virtues, remove the beam from your own eye before you attempt to remove the speck from ours.
How did I miss the proper rejoinder to this:
What have YOU done lately to help African American youths
"Aybah poda hep", eh? But YOU do not hold yourself responsible for helping ANYBODY, let alone Whites. Wait a second, didn't you just admit that Whites are the only ones who CAN help—that Whites are SUPERIOR?
Get thee to Liberia, your black-run paradise empty of racism and White supremacy. Don't forget to write.
Growing up in Youngstown, Ohio I worked summers at the local amusement park...the hood got closer and the park began to have black on white crime and the business closed.
I was beaten twice by black gangs and had a pistol pulled on me. This was in the early 60s. Went to college in Chicago, where I was also beaten and robbed by black gangs.
Black on white crime isn't new.
The biggest criminals are the politicians we elect that sell America's soul for votes. A close second is the media.
I've gone 63 years without any serious prejudice. Not any more.
It's been this way for decades...where ever blacks congregate they take aggressive behavior and either Loot, rob, attack, destroy, disrespect, the Tampa Bay area we've seen 2 shopping malls closed due to black mobs criminal involvement...seems like they're a pack of animals hunting prey...and the media here doesn't want to get on the bad side of NAACP...or Jessie Jackson...or Al (not so) Sharpton...I'm so tired of blacks complaining about how they're being treated...look at the facts...they are behaving like animals...and don't like it when they are profiled by reasonable people when they act out of wonder the prison's are filled to capacity with Negros....and I'm sure the family of the boy that got hit trying to cross the Interstate after being ejected from the Fair will sue the won't be long and yet another BLACK OUT Shut Down will more State's funny though...the Negro's don't go to the Plant City Strawberry Festival...too many Rednecks...they would be out numbered and most likely get their asses beat....we know how to keep the home boys in line in Plant City....teehee...throw some KFC Popcorn Chicken on the ground and lead them out of the
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