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From the 1997 HBO movie The Second Civil War, easily the greatest campaign slogan ever. And no, this doesn't include 83 percent black Detroit under the umbrella of what qualifies as "America..." |
Something the diminutive Prince said in a song from the 1989 movie Batman.
Well, the 1997 movie The Second Civil War is one you need to watch now.
Right now.
Courtesy of YouTube, some of the movie is embedded below.
The American Experiment is over.
A few smart writers behind the 1997 HBO movie understood this fact, once again reminding us all that truth is stranger than fiction.
Before Bush cut off downloading you could get the whole movie on your HDD and make it into a DVD if that was in your skill set. Oh wait it was January 2012 and Imam Hussein the Immaculate stopped all downloading of files from the internet. After the Megaupload raid all the other hosters called it a day or you would get a message saying sorry this service is not avaiable in your country. I had no idea Amerikwa owns the internet until then. Civil War? LMFAO! The average dullard mouth breather doesn't even know there is a second Bolshevik revolution going on. Walking zombies like that will go quietly to the camp.
Fifty-Four Defendants Charged in $18 Million WIC and Food Stamp Fraud Conspiracy
There's a list of indictees at the bottom. Most sound black to me, but you be the judge.
And to think they could have been feeding the next generation of afronauts instead.
That the experiment is over and is turning out badly seems to indeed be the case. It's too bad, the potential was there, we had it all. It was given away by those who were driven by greed and short-sightedness. It's going to be just a question of how to live in the declining years of the republic. The foreign wars which have cost us trillions have resulted in even worse situations than were the case prior. They can send troops everywhere but not to our own border. The leadership of this country have just looked for their thirty pieces of silver, that's all they've done. Meanwhile, let's all get excited about Hillary running for president and stand in line with the rest of the zombies to buy her book. Clinton or Bush, what a future.
A pic of the starving (starving=BMI<40) masses who are crossing the border with Barry the Magic Groid's (and Eric "muh peeps" Holder) blessing:
--NB with IPMS
Am I the only one thinking that this Flood of Children across the borders is actually a well worked out tactic by the uber-Alinkskite's in DC to get an immigration AMNESTY Bill shoved down our throats ASAP?
Once the idea was "approved", they control the machinery thru Bongo to
do this as a black op across latin america
Of any any Amnesty will have to, just have to (in Nombre de Patri, Fili, Espiritu Santo & Social Justice) include provisions to enfranchise invaders to vote in next Congressional elections.
LOL, I think they'll pull it off. The enemy MSM/CMM of course doesn't even broach any questions at all that are germane....they're just cheer-leaders loving one team in the game
/H hypie out H\
Anonymous (hypie) said ”Am I the only one thinking that this Flood of Children across the borders is actually a well worked out tactic by the uber-Alinkskite's in DC to get an immigration AMNESTY Bill shoved down our throats ASAP? . . . “
It is difficult to see how all of those kids could have crossed Latin America and multiple borders and somehow just ended up in Texas without some help, and the timing of the crises seems significant. Perhaps it will backfire just as the gitmo prisoner exchange has backfired. Maybe some of the voting public managed to express their feelings on the immigration problem by electing Brat over incumbent and House Majority Leader Cantor. Apparently it was a big surprise. Is it possible that some white folks spoke in unison?
Camp of The Aint's.
Anon asks:
Am I the only one thinking that this Flood of Children across the borders is actually a well worked out tactic by the uber-Alinkskite's in DC to get an immigration AMNESTY Bill shoved down our throats ASAP?
That's at least part of the reason. There might be a couple of more sinister factors mixed in. In case you've not been gleaning the sparse reporting about it, there are some interesting aspects:
1. About 75% of these "children" are teenage males of fighting age from Central America. Mexico is passing them through. They could very well be foot soldiers who are being imported by ....
a. The Mexican drug cartels, who are already heavily entrenched within in the borders of the Banana Empire; or..
b. The puppet regime of Housenigga Hussein and Holder, who plan to staff the homeland 'army' promised by Hussein in his 2008 campaign with the Cartel solders to supplement the orc legions on hand. This seems to represent the final solution for YT on the part of the Masters of the Universe (once again, for the public-skoo edumacated peanut gallery, their own term - not mine) who pull Hussein's strings.
It's entirely possible the regime is working in consort with the cartels and has cut a deal with them to provide additional manpower. Holder's program with the BATFE to ship arms to the cartels (once again, unopposed by the putative "opposition party") likely serving as a significant conduit for the supply of weapons and ammo.
2. Fixing elections nationwide. Since the Repukes willingly abide a consent decree administered by a Marxist blackrobe from 1983 which orders them to not oppose massive, blatant vote-fraud on the part of the precious minorities (especially negroes, but Hispanics also qualify), another purpose of the influx could be to permanently fix the election process nationwide, to prevent things such as Dual-Citizen Eric Cantor's surprise loss in VA yesterday - though this is likely to have a much greater effect on the general elections held in the fall than in most (but not all) primaries.
This won't backfire. The MSM will go into overdrive showing hungry kids, sob stories about people missing their families and being afraid.
Public opinion will turn in favor of these new arrivals, and Republicans will be shamed as "heartless" for not welcoming these new immigrants with open arms and money from middle-class taxpayers.
Rinse and repeat. If America is fine with tens of thousands of new Hispanics, why not hundreds of thousands of Black Africans and Middle East Arabs?
America is changing fast.
My wife and I are thinking about going down to the border area to volunteer to help these wonderful, brave children who have finally made it to our country. We just have to find a good sitter for our Pomeranians. Can you imagine how tired the poor things must be? After spending their entire short lives in poverty just to be herded like animals into cramped quarters and forgotten? I tell you, every fat white family in the nation should be FORCED to adopt a few of these beautiful children!
Imagine the potential of these future citizens! Look at their bright eyes and inquisitive, soulful faces ... 'Why, oh why, are you doing this to me?' they ask.
-A Compassionate Oregonian
It's entirely possible the regime is working in consort with the cartels and has cut a deal with them to provide additional manpower. Holder's program with the BATFE to ship arms to the cartels (once again, unopposed by the putative "opposition party") likely serving as a significant conduit for the supply of weapons and ammo.
There was a time I would have dismissed this sort of statement as paranoid conspiracy theory...
When you tie this in to NAFTA, de facto open borders, the explosion of gangs (especially from the third world) in the Homeland, and etc., it does paint a grim picture. A point which was made in "Gang Leader for a Day" was that the Chicago Democratic Party Machine was using the city's gangs as "muscle" against the older leftists, and among other things were using them to register voters in the 'hood. Obama, we should note, is from that Second City. He might be thinking in terms of a traditional African warlord, enlisting more troops as muscle against the white tribes. Works for Kony, works for Mugabe, works for Zuma, why not here in the Homeland?
It would be interesting to sit down Oabama, Holder, McCain and the rest of the sock puppets and ask them what they are really up to.
Jeff in Palm Springs said ”This won't backfire. The MSM will go into overdrive showing hungry kids, sob stories about people missing their families and being afraid. . . “
You could very well be right. Even if it angers the American public, it will be difficult for many people to demand that the starving children be shipped back to their crap hole of origin.
I don't wish to be the bearer of bad news but your 10,000 estimate might be low. I heard it reported that they are expecting as many as 150,000 of them by the end of the year.
My guess is that they will stick to Hispanics for the really massive head count because it is easier to orchestrate their surprise appearance. How would 150,000 children get here from the Middle East or Africa in a way that the government could claim complete surprise?
Regarding Anon and Bogolyubski's discussion on the invading immigrant army, I think I should mention that in Da Twin Cities there has been a lot of hiring of Latina Ladies in the police force.
Who might these fine upstanding ?citizens? be willing to ignore the crimes of? Their racial brethren who are selling weapons and drugs or the benefit of La Raza, or the young white oppressor who jaywalked?
I see no other option but war on American soil in the coming decades if things don't change fast.
Bogolyubski said ”. . . 2. Fixing elections nationwide. Since the Repukes willingly abide a consent decree administered by a Marxist blackrobe from 1983 which orders them to not oppose massive, blatant vote-fraud on the part of the precious minorities (especially negroes, but Hispanics also qualify), another purpose of the influx could be to permanently fix the election process nationwide, to prevent things such as Dual-Citizen Eric Cantor's surprise loss in VA yesterday - though this is likely to have a much greater effect on the general elections held in the fall than in most (but not all) primaries.”
Regardless of the true reason for the massive influx of Hispanics this paragraph will largely hold true. Only a dreamer would believe that this influx will provide a net economic benefit to the US. The vast majority of them will be on EBT and every other program very quickly, and we all know how they will vote when they become eligible to vote. The influx will further dilute the voting strength of white working class people. We all need to support any movement that appears to be in the right direction. I don't know much about Cantor and I know even less about Brat, but my gut is telling me that whatever happened is a good thing.
The Stupid Party dedicates $60M for pandering to the spoiled, whiny, victicrat blacks.
"Harris said that many African-American voters align best with the Republican Party on social issues — abortion, gay rights, school choice, prayer in schools — but diverge when it comes to the federal government’s role in protecting civil rights and providing a social safety net. With black voters, “economic issues always trump social issues,” Harris said.
But it’s going to be an uphill climb.
Black Republicans cringe when they hear vitriol from conservatives directed at President Barack Obama, or negative comments about black people coming from extremists. The challenge is to assure blacks who may lean conservative that they can publicly identify with the GOP without hurting their standing in the black community."
If blacks are SO FUCKING CONSERVATIVE, then why are most black males on the down low OR IN JAIL, most black women whore around and abort their babies or poop out multiple bastard kids with multiple baby daddies outside of marriage, most black children are on some form of welfare or food stamps, and blacks commit the MOST VIOLENT CRIME IN AMERICA?????
I am so tired of this CRAP.
I got this news
koch bros give millions to United negro college fund
The gift includes $18.5 million to create the UNCF/Koch Scholars Program, which will provide funds to outstanding students with demonstrated financial need and an interest in studying how entrepreneurship, economics, and innovation contribute to the well-being of individuals, communities, and society. The remaining $6.5 million will be used to provide general support to UNCF and historically black colleges and universities, with $4 million set aside to help students who have been denied U.S. Department of Education PLUS loans as a result of stricter eligibility rules. The agreement specifies that "an advisory board consisting of two UNCF representatives, two Koch representatives, and one faculty member from an existing school will be created to review scholarship applications and select recipients."
Gifts from Charles and David Koch in support of higher education — in many cases linked to support for programs or initiatives related to free enterprise economics — have sparked controversy at Florida State University, where a faculty review found numerous instances in which the language in the agreement left the university vulnerable to "undue outside influence," and the Catholic University of America, where university officials pushed back after fifty Catholic educators protested the gift, citing the Koch brothers' support for "organizations that advance public policies that directly contradict Catholic teaching on a range of moral issues, from economic justice to environmental stewardship." The brothers are unabashed supporters of conservative and libertarian politicians, think tanks, and organizations that advocate for sharp cuts in federal spending, so-called "voter security" efforts, and the elimination of regulations on fossil fuel development.
Marybeth Gasman, a professor of higher education and director of the Center for Minority-Serving Institutions at the University of Pennsylvania, told Insider Higher Ed it was wrong for UNCF to accept funds from Koch-related organizations, which have been "deeply affiliated with the Tea Party" and its efforts to undermine the interests and political activities of African Americans and institutions that support them. The Koch brothers' agenda to reduce the scope of state and federal governments endanger programs such as Pell Grants, student loans, and Head Start that "have built the black middle class" and will contribute to the advancement of black students who are still impoverished, she added. "I think it is very, very important to think about who you are taking money from. Yes, that money can do a lot of good for students. But it allows that organization to have quite a bit of influence."
UNCF president Michael Lomax told Insider Higher Ed that the organization does not factor the politics of potential donors into its gift-acceptance decisions. "UNCF has one principle that we hold on to — and it's one that I looked at throughout this process, and that I've held firm to," he said. "[T]hat is that we believe and have believed for seventy years that our cause should be supported by all Americans, and therefore we urge all Americans to support UNCF."
"$25 Million Grant Will Promote Innovation, Entrepreneurs
I might have been tempted to watch that movie, Paul, but unless my eyes deceive me, that's a negro on the second clip. Sorry, I don't voluntarily see negroes.
Well, not unless it has redeeming artistic and social value, like this final battle scene from Zulu.
18 million Fraud:
names like derrick, luqiuos, daray
ith the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Georgia, are prosecuting the cases for the United States.
List of Defendants Charged in 54-Defendant Indictment
Brandon Sapp, AKA “B,” 37, Austell, Georgia
Kimberly Sapp, AKA “Kimberly Walker,” AKA “The Money Wizard,” 34, Austell, Georgia
Calvin Williams, AKA “Slick,” 39, Atlanta, Georgia
Isaac Martin, AKA “Ike,” 37, Jonesboro, Georgia
John P. Jones, AKA “JP,” 39, Ellenwood, Georgia
Wayne Jackson, AKA “J5,” 32, Atlanta, Georgia
Gregory Thomas, AKA “Rich Gregg,” 37, Atlanta, Georgia
Kerry Adams, AKA “Big Skreed,” AKA “Skrump,” 38, Atlanta, Georgia
Brian Lockhart, AKA “Lock,” 47, Atlanta, Georgia
Henry Ward, AKA “TY,” AKA “TYE,” AKA “Grand Hustle,” 32, Savannah, Georgia
Vincent Harper, 40, Atlanta, Georgia
Ostrando S. Brock, AKA “Shun,” AKA “Shawn,” 32, Mableton, Georgia
Jesse McCoy, AKA “Jay Mac,” 42, Ellenwood, Georgia
Terence Cosby, AKA “Me Gold,” 33, Savannah, Georgia
Raymond Hargrove, 27, Savannah, Georgia
Jacqueline Beauchamp, AKA “Jackie,” 25, Pooler, Georgia
Elizabeth Beauchamp, 28, Pooler, Georgia
Gerald Patilla, AKA “PT,” 30, Savannah, Georgia
Clayton Talley, 32, Pooler, Georgia
Ebony Jacobs, 28, Savannah, Georgia
Olajawon Simmons, AKA “Wan,” AKA “Won,” 27, Savannah, Georgia
Reginald Simmons, AKA “Reggie,” 28, Savannah, Georgia
Gary Grier, AKA “Bundee”, AKA “Dee,” 37, Atlanta, Georgia
Magregor Warner, AKA “KB,” 40, Atlanta, Georgia
Benjamin Tookes, AKA “B,” AKA “Ben,” 40, Atlanta, Georgia
Carlos Davis, AKA “Lo,” 38, Atlanta, Georgia
Raymond Hixon, AKA “Dre,” 38, Atlanta, Georgia
Thomas Thornton, AKA “Big Bo,” 27, Atlanta, Georgia
Branden Jordan, 32, Atlanta, Georgia
Mark White, 38, Atlanta, Georgia
Tobias Render, AKA “Tee,” AKA “Toby,” 33, Atlanta, Georgia
Eric Burkes, AKA “E,” 25, Atlanta, Georgia
Aryay Strong, 31, Atlanta, Georgia
Marshall Sears, 38, Atlanta, Georgia
Suleyma Arreola, 21, Marietta, Georgia
Emory White, 32, Marietta, Georgia
Obryan Moore, AKA “OB,” 29, Powder Springs, Georgia
Terry Mitchell, Jr., 43, LaGrange, Georgia
Corey Mitchell, AKA “Stick,” 39, Atlanta, Georgia
Luquoise Clay, AKA “Qui,” 30, Atlanta, Georgia
Jessica Cameron, AKA “Keta,” 30, Grantville, Georgia
Joshua Dunlap, 38, Monticello, Georgia
Maurice Fudge, AKA “Reese,” 39, Macon, Georgia
Quinton Matthews, AKA “Q,” AKA “Chuck Matthews,” 39, Macon, Georgia
Charles Jackson, AKA “Cooley Slim,” AKA “Corey,” 35, Lithia Springs, Georgia
Ronnie Zachary, AKA “City,” 29, Byron, Georgia
Porsha Drewery, AKA “Parsha,” 37, Macon, Georgia
Taquilla Johnson, AKA “Quilla,” 35, Macon, Georgia
Raheem Waller, 30, Atlanta, Georgia
Travis Rich, 35, Atlanta, Georgia
Marlon Dobbins, 29, Atlanta, Georgia
Derrick Heard, AKA “Da Man,” AKA “Heard,” 43, Atlanta, Georgia
Rahdriq Turner, AKA “Rah Rah,” 36, Rockmart, Georgia
Antonio Dorsey, AKA “Bear,” 34, East Point, Georgia
Chiquita Armstead, 40, Savannah, Georgia
Yontalay Renee Bennett, 28, Savannah, Georgia
Precious T. Bevins, 24, Garden City, Georgia
Shanika C. Blige, 22, Savannah, Georgia
Deanna W. Boles, 23, Savannah, Georgia
Candice Bostick, 23, Savannah, Georgia
Danitra Bostick, 26, Savannah, Georgia
Tia K. Bowers, 25, Savannah, Georgia
Tonya D. Clark, 41, Savannah, Georgia
Jocelyn Easterling, 48, Savannah, Georgia
Ebony Ellison, 27, Savannah, Georgia
Deonka S. Ellison, 24, Savannah, Georgia
Joanne Ferguson, 42, Savannah, Georgia
Fanchon Nyticia Hill, 26, Jesup, Georgia
Shaquanna C. Hooper, 24, Savannah, Georgia
Tameshia Natasha Jackson, 24, Savannah, Georgia
Koneshia N. Jenkins, 26, Pembroke, Georgia
Latisha V. Jones, 30, Savannah, Georgia
Jameise’ Mayberry, 23, Savannah, Georgia
Quinta Meggett-Mike, 37, Garden City, Georgia
Ebony Roberson, 26, Savannah, Georgia
Shakeila D. Roberts, 22, Savannah, Georgia
Jasmine S. Sammuel, AKA “Jazmi Beasley,” AKA “Jazmi Smith,” 24, Savannah, Georgia
Deanna K. Scott, 24, Savannah, Georgia
Whitney Denise Stokes, 25, Savannah, Georgia
Regina C. Styles, 21, Savannah, Georgia
Hope Taylor, 33, Savannah, Georgia
Ebonilaestei Tremble, 34, Savannah, Georgia
Linda J. Walker, 22, Savannah, Georgia
Tiera L. Walthour, 23, Savannah, Georgia
Alexis Washington, 26, Savannah, Georgia
Rhonda Washington, 31, Savannah, Georgia
Amber Shaniqua Wilson, 23, Savannah, Georgia
Ke’Airra Young, 24, Savannah, Georgia
Definitely black. Most of them have their nicknames listed. Yep, negros.
AnalogMan said ”. . . Sorry, I don't voluntarily see negroes. . .”
This one made me laugh. It reminds me of the feeling I get when I inadvertently strike an arc with a welding machine before getting the hood in place. At least the arc damages only the eyes rather than the mind.
What? No, nothing has stopped downloads streams piracy etc. Don't mistake YOUR incompetence for their success.
If the American people get angry, you are right. If they get ANGRY then it will be possible, because they will gladly send thousands of people - even children - back under the rock that they crawled from under. If they don' t have the stomach to value the lives of their own families over those of foreigners, they are not ANGRY and deserve what they get.
Bogolyubski said...
1. About 75% of these "children" are teenage males of fighting age from Central America. Mexico is passing them through. They could very well be foot soldiers who are being imported by ….
I have no doubt these "children" will be weaponized. Either by the cartels or through the DHS or the US military. There will be several hundred thousand by the end of the year alone. At least 50% of them will ultimately take up arms against traditional America, that would be white people. Within five years expect to be stopped by these diminutive aliens toting automatic rifles and demanding your documentos de identidad. And that's fine, just as long as the TV still works.
If simply supplying white grazers with the information about black on white crime is ineffective, what will be effective?
There is only one effective remedy for white genocide – white men must love their people. Until the spiritual obstruction which makes the white man incapable of love is removed from white hearts, the blood-soaked colored tide will continue to engulf and destroy the white race.
AnalogMan said...
"I might have been tempted to watch that movie, Paul, but unless my eyes deceive me, that's a negro on the second clip. Sorry, I don't voluntarily see negroes."
AnalogMan is Anglo SA. Nothing wrong with that.
Scot Irish
I might be wrong, but I would guess that over half of the black population in America is essentially "homeless."
They "stay" here and there temporarily, at a Section-8 voucher woman's house, at grandmammy's or autie's, at friends homes, etc. but most blacks are one housing voucher away from being completely homeless.
Let that sink in for a moment...
From the oldie but goodie file Russian professor predicted the Kwanstain would be Balkanized by now:
"Niggaz gon' nig. Are you prepared??"
We need pro-gun billboards like this everywhere. The founding fathers did a good job predicting we would one day have to defend ourselves against the wilding feral raccoons.
Just a friendly note to the Compassionate Oregonian:
Your crap wasn't funny the first 250 times. It's still not funny or original. It's about as annoying as the homeless black bugging people for change at the stoplight near my house.
EBT fraudster....
Ebony Jacobs, 28, Savannah, Georgia
Hey Oregonian, fuck the anon, I enjoy the blatant sarcasm.
If the American people get angry, you are right. If they get ANGRY then it will be possible, because they will gladly send thousands of people - even children - back under the rock that they crawled from under. If they don' t have the stomach to value the lives of their own families over those of foreigners, they are not ANGRY and deserve what they get.
Exactly!! People with children typically feel sympathy towards other children which is a good thing for society as a whole; but if you present this as something that either takes food out of their children's mouths or in some way negatively impacts their children then they will get angry.
Oregonian is freaking awesome. I love the details he weaves in there. Sitters for the pomeranians...love it!
Keep it up Oregonian!
Indeed. Oregonian lampoons the "not-quite-rich-enough-for-a-limousine liberal" thing beautifully.
I wish I had time to troll newspaper comment sections on racially-charged items with Oregonian's brand of sarcasm. The nannies couldn't censor it as hate, but the readers would get the message anyway.
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