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Memo to Dr. Sugrue: It's just blacks... |
He's a hardcore disingenuous white liberal (DWL), but what's fascinating about the new edition is the preface. It includes a simple breakdown of Detroit's demise that, when pulled out and made to stand on its own, doesn't deviate significantly from the Paul Kersey thesis of the Arsenal of Democracy's downfall.
What do you think? From The Origins of the Urban Crisis: Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit, we proudly present to you p. xvii from the preface to the new edition:
The combination of job loss, depopulation, disinvestment, property devaluation, and commercial decline... came at the worst possible moment, when the city became poorer and blacker, and as its infrastructure began to age and deteriorate. Demands on city services increased; schools had to deal with growing numbers of children coming from disadvantaged households and, at the same time, out-of-date, deteriorating buildings; sewer and water lines grew older and burst; streets were pockmarked with potholes; and the city's police and fire department dealt with endemic crime and fire. One of the consequences of the war on drugs, beginning in the 1980s, was a dramatic increase in arrests and, as a result, a steep increase in local spending on law enforcement, criminal justice, and imprisonment.Reliance on public jobs to create an artificial middle class, while the city they inherited via white flight (from black crime) crumbles beneath the weight of depreciating property values and a lack of tax revenue to improve or maintain the existing infrastructure: this is the reality of why 83 percent black Detroit is now bankrupt.
To meet the growing demands for city service amidst a decline in tax revenue, the city needed to fill the gap, and it did so by increasing income and property tax rates, as well as by reducing the city workforce. Detroit introduced an income tax in 1962; voters authorized tax increases in 1969 and again in 1982.
In the 1990s, Detroit added taxes from casino gambling to its revenue stream, and in the first decade of the 2000s, the city reduced its workforce by about half.
The cuts in municipal employment threatened Detroit's precarious black middle class. While city jobs were seldom lucrative, they were stable, offering good health benefits and modest pensions and medical insurance for retirees. Public employment in Detroit (and around the country) was a lifeline for black professionals, clerical workers (especially women), and also blue-collar workers. As Detroit deindustralized, one of the city's few bright lights was the availability of government employment, as well as jobs in institutions that relied heavily on government funding and contracts (such as universities, social service contractors, and hospitals).
At the beginning of 2013, about 40,000 workers in Detroit were employed in the public sector. The city's top employers included two hospitals: Wayne State University; city, state, and federal governments; and the Detroit Public Schools. But each of these came under siege as the result of austerity politics. State and federal budget cuts led to a decline in public employment, in Detroit and nationwide. The municipal bankruptcy hastened the process. (p. xvii-xviii)
Some call in regression to the mean; we call it regression to the black mean.
You call it Detroit.
It's right there in front of you, though Dr. Sugrue would have you believe it's white peoples duty to pay taxes (via regionalism and a transfer of tax revenue from the white suburbs to support the unfortunately - now - majority black city) to keep the black population afloat.
You won't see the Koch brothers, Senator Rand Paul, the Cato Foundation, or by-the-book Austrian economists asking the question as to why the black population of Detroit can't create the climate where entrepreneurs flourish, but SBPDL will: it's the same reason the city is the ruin porn capital of the world.
Black people.
The combination of job loss, depopulation, disinvestment, property devaluation, and commercial decline... was all courtesy of the rising proportion of the black population, as it drove away productive white people with its vice, misery, and crime.
That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less
Detoilet is too black to fail and YT taxpayers in all 50 states will just have to pay the reconstruction bill for the good of the collective comrade.
Like I said in the previous post, it's all about genetics gone wrong.
Thank you, PK. A great article.
""""""""""""""""what's fascinating about the new edition is the preface. It includes a simple breakdown of Detroit's demise that, when pulled out and made to stand on its own, doesn't deviate significantly from the Paul Kersey thesis of the Arsenal of Democracy's downfall.""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Excellent analysis. This post is a keeper, it's definitely the post of June.
Looking forward to reading your piece in American Renaissance. You've analyzed Detroits situation so well, can't wait to see how you call it for USA in 2034.
The questions aren't asked because they don't have to be. It doesn't matter if you're left or right. Liberal or Conservative. There might be a disagreement as to the cause or the solution. But both sides will both quietly agree that the Black race is totally fucked up and there's really nothing we can do about it
Ludwig van Meses, ahhh, a note of harmony in an all-out wasteland of Federal RESERVE Krugmanisms--how about that?
Just a note to tell you that the site is at the forefront of the 3 percent of thinkers left in this kUNTRY. bravo__Bravo---BRAVO! Long live the Emperors!
Right there -- in so many words -- the DWL can't acknowledge that the Black civil servants were/ are feather-bedded (over hired) and over promoted incompetents.
Talk about disparate impact: many Federal bureaucracies are positively glutted with minority hires -- particularly Blacks.
So it's not for no reason that Black voters pull Democrat, the very machine that fills their wallets.
While professing to be 'color blind' DWL and YKW are flaming racists: They blame middle class Whites for everything and elevate Blacks and Latinos ate every turn.
Thus we have all of the evils of slavery -- just with the roles of the proles reversed.
I say again: the only solution is to finance Black resettlement in Africa.
1) Latinos find it no trouble to travel forever to resettle on no notice to America. We're financing this reverse exodus.
2) Mass migration is happening world wide and there is no furor.
3) By African standards northern America has pitiful, brutal weather. Blacks are not genetically adapted to long Winter nights.
4) Most of Black violence turns on turf battles and 'respect.' Both are driven by African impulses. (r vs K) What is criminal in America would pass totally unremarked back home in Africa.
(Gun Theatre -- Blacks look upon firing hand guns the same way that they regard shaking a spear or shield. The casualties inflicted by stray bullets are just considered heavy air pollution -- and wouldn't even reach the police blotter. )
5) The shear expense of living is drastically lower in Africa... starting with having no heating or cooling bills. Some areas around Zimbabwe have mild weather approaching that of Hawaii.
6) If they could finance it, most poor Blacks would LOVE to go back to Africa. It's not as if they're doing all that much monitoring TV in the projects. (!)
7) The migration would be a boon to Africa. As it stands major rural areas are being depopulated right now. (HIV)
8) If America (collectively) owes Blacks reparations then the number one corrective is to send the victims back to Africa. Forced migration (18th Century) is something that can be reversed without much grief.
9) The number of Black Americans is but a trivial fraction of the African population in the homeland. Returning Black Americans would barely move the needle in the larger context.
10) Black Americans -- when returned to Africa -- could reasonably be expected to improve those economies and stop what are endless tribal wars. They'd be natural go-betweens. On average, Blacks would be 12 IQ points smarter than the natives.
11) They could help keep Africa Black by displacing Chinese 'talent.' Racial friction (down the road) is a sure bet with more Chinese immigration to Africa. They don't particularly like it there.
12) English (and Ebonics) is widely spoken in Africa. There are no end of up-scale jobs awaiting Blacks as Whites and Chinese and south Asians depart.
Like Zionism, what appears kooky at first will prove to be highly successful. Those late to the migration will regret their delay.
13) It's not that expensive to relocate Blacks to Africa... not in the big picture.
"...out-of-date, deteriorating buildings; sewer and water lines grew older and burst…"
Finally, someone willing to speak honestly about the destruction of Detroit. These finding match my own research quite well. In about August of 1967 a water line burst on 110th Ave in Detroit. This interrupted the water supply for over 20 hours. As residents of the area were unable to shower or wash, they became foul smelling. Employers reacted to these foul smelling negro employees by terminating them immediately.
Without work, these Detroit residents took to drink and drugs and soon fell behind on their rent. Properties rapidly became dilapidated. Large numbers of white residents left the area as the negroes had become accustomed to not bathing. The Governor failed to call in FEMA to build showers. Things got worse as negroes, normally patient and peaceful people, began to act violently. Large riots followed and white residents attacked the negroes who were weakened by the lack of water.
Negroes working for Ford were so disoriented by the lack of hydration that they built the Ford Pinto.
The rest is history. If only we had acted.
The above is complete nonsense. Which is exactly what the media feeds us, with mind numbing regularity on every topic you can imagine.
No truer words could be spoken about the demise of the "Paris of the West."
"Inequality" ... What does that word really mean? I see it pop up every single time race is discussed.
I definitely think there is inequality when it comes to blacks, but it ain't the kind they're talking about. You could say it's a 'built-in' inequality.
I think Bill DeBlasio should retire to Detroit after his term is up. He'd be in absolute Heaven, swimming in a sea of the people he loves. :)
That first sentence from the preface is priceless. Unfortunately, no one in the Land of the Free is able (if he still wants to make a living) to connect the two. Publicly, that is. I think that EVERYBODY
knows that job loss, depopulation, loss of investment, etc and the rise of the black population go hand-in-hand, but the ruling ideology prohibits noticing it. Just another small taste of what life was like in the USSR.
I love how this idiotic DWL refers to the increased crime and strain on city services as if they were some sort of natural disaster that had befallen the city no less randomly or without explanation than an earthquake or hurricane. Detroit just had the misfortune of getting hit with dilapidated buildings and crime and the poor blacks had the misfortune of being in Detroit when all this happened.
Blacks: The weeds of the Garden of Humanity.
Multi-level marketing attempt goes awry.^^^
Bright Boy Alert!
The combination of job loss, depopulation, disinvestment, property devaluation, and commercial decline... came at the worst possible moment, when the city became poorer and blacker,
but see, this statement alone ,once again says that it is not blackies fault." CAME AT THE WORST POSSIBLE MOMENT" .Why because black people did not want to work to begin with, did not want to work in whiteys world that he built and contribute in a positive manner. I mean what the hell does that mean...at the worst possible moment..BLACKS created "THE WORST POSSIBLE MOMENT"
Appears culturism blog removed the article. Wonder how come?
If Dee-trite's situation was caused by the Exodus of the auto industry as claimed, how do they explain the condition of the other nigra-run cities?
Somehow, even though whitey has no hand in city government, da ebil white man still gets the blame.
Yep, it's the white man's fault that nigras can't learn nuffin in nigra schools so they pollute white schools so's deys can be equal.
If we pollute white neighborhoods with nigras din dey's be equal, too. The automatic lowering of property values upon the arrival of the first nigra fambly is a direct reflection of that equality.
I can understand the Lefties pandering for votes, but why is this country so obsessed with worshipping a people that have proven themselves to be total failures within the framework of civilized society? Why put all your money on a horse you know for a fact is going to lose? No amount of money or media promotion is going to make that horse run any faster.
They instituted some welfare reform down here in Bama. Drug testing for recipients with prior drug conviction(s) is a biggie. Suspension of benefits will result - 6 mos. first fail/12 mos. second fail. Looks like we'll be losing some talent to Eh-lanna (Atlanta).
"6) If they could finance it, most poor Blacks would LOVE to go back to Africa. It's not as if they're doing all that much monitoring TV in the projects. (!)"
Apparently Ghana makes this very easy for them.
Maybe Brad Pitt, Harry Connick Jr. and Habitat For Humanity could start a not-for-profit to build colorful shack settlements, black museums, libraries, and schools for African Americans in Ghana instead of NOLA.
They could even provide one-way "back to the motherland" celebration trips and matching family reunion t-shirts, and help the new arrivals set up household and get settled in their new cribs. Genetic testing could help them reconnect with their tribes.
Problem is, the foreign aid we would have to provide to them over the years would be astronomical, since AAs equate tilling soil, growing food, and hard work to "slavery."
PLUS, the AA women wouldn't have the beauty supply shops to get their false eyelashes, hair weaves or acrylic nails done. No spandex in Africa either.
"disadvantaged" in DWL-dubl-speak translates into simple terms - hoplessly unsalvaged due to African DNA no matter how much money is spent on them or given to them.
Also, Suckrue's, fessed up that the black middle class is strictly & solely a creature of Big Goverment & anti-white hiring policies.
They can "disguise" the truth & "hide" the truth but they cannot change the Truth.
Demographics is social destiny. DNA is personal destiny
/H hypie out H\
P.K. is right as usual. The ruin of Detroit has one main cause - the inability of a majority black populace to embrace and participate in western civilization. Stable families, hardworking adults who provide a good example to youngsters and pride in a day's work are all concepts that the black mind cannot comprehend en masse. When you add decades of social program money given away the permanent sense of entitlement occurs and is firmly entrenched to the point where a young black women in her early teens plans to have multiple children with various non supporting fathers. She does this because the benefits flow in: housing, welfare, Medicaid, free school lunches (and breakfasts too).
Just think of that one, school breakfast. I attended public schools in the 1980-1990 time period. My elementary school and high school didn't even have breakfast for anyone; it was assumed that part of a parent's job was to feed your children before school. Is it any surprise that public schools in places like Detroit are basically a babysitting center serving 2 meals and keeping kids off the streets until early afternoon?
To paraphrase P.K., America, your future (at least in your inner cities) is laid out for you in the example of Detroit.
I call it Destroit (get it??); unlike Dresden or Hiroshima the locals will not rise like a phoenix out of the rubble. They created this miasma and it's up to Whitey to spend (money and lives) for any desired rebirth. Under the doctrine of Aybah Poda Hep, repatriated blacks should be given 20 acres in Liberia plus a sensible car (in place of a mule), and $20,000 to start anew in the Motherland they say birfed civilization. There, they can be free to act as their genetics dictate without further harm or cost to Whites.
OT but interesting. Orc gets turned loose by confused jury, but then gets killed within hours by a relative. They always have that non-thinking reptilian look in their eyes.
@ Jay Santos Bwahha! The daily laugh is always a good think and a good thing. Thanks I needed that. Love the harsh treatment of Das Media.
Postwar? You mean the last war the KWA won 70 years ago?
White nationalism and race reality is what is needed to complete the necessary picture, along with conservatism, bringing back our Constitution (what else would we bring back?.)
Whisker Child without racial amendments our Constitution is a suicide pact when operating in a multi-racial society.
Original writers could of course never imagined a multi-racial society.
They were just Politicians not Prophets.
Just mho.....
/H hypie out H\
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Cleveland police are calling the Wednesday assault of a 10-year-old West Side girl a "hate incident," according to a police report.
The suspect in the attack is a 13-year-old girl.
The victim was riding a scooter in their First District neighborhood when the suspect punched, knocking her to the ground, the victim's mother told police.
The suspect, who is black, continued to punch the victim, who is white, while calling the girl "cracker," the mother told police.
A witness showed investigators a YouTube video of the attack, the report said.
The redacted police report did not reveal the name of the victim, the suspect or witnesses. Contact information and the title of the YouTube video were also blacked out.
A Cleveland police spokesman said officers are investigating the attack as a juvenile assault. A narrative included with the police report lists the case as a "hate incident."
No arrests have been made.
"Government Jobs" are nothing but stealth welfare handouts. A huge percentage of them are worthless wastes of taxpayer money on meaningless non-tasks. Many of them
additional layers of bureaucracy created to oversee other layers of bureaucracy. Perfect for groids. Especially in this day and age of Obozo's stealth reparations ripoff.
O/T: Trenton schools to offer free dinner to all students in after-school programs starting this fall.
Bear in mind that every single Trenton public school student currently receives free breakfast and lunch via federal grant -- you know, because those who actually "deserve" to be in the program shouldn't have to be stigmatized for their families' inability to feed their own progeny. Clearly, the tax-sponging underbelly's "feelings" are more important than minimizing cost to the taxpayer.
In a sane world, of course, this wouldn't even be a viable option. In a marginally sane world, however, instituting such a program would at the least result in a commensurate reduction of all social welfare benefits that directly and/or indirectly go towards "nutrition assistance". If your children get three free meals per day, you do not need supplementary benefits to that end. In effect, this results in a 33% cost increase to taxpayers.
Wanna bet that in addition to having working Americans now literally feed all three meals a day to their children for them, that these poor, noble, downtrodden and disadvantaged citizens will nonetheless still continue to disproportionately receive food stamps, SNAP, TANF, EBT, WIC, etc. with no proportional changes to their benefits whatsoever?
I think Bill DeBlasio should retire to Detroit after his term is up. He'd be in absolute Heaven, swimming in a sea of the people he loves. :)
He might not have to as he seems quite intent on Detroileting NYC. It will be comical to see - as it really couldn't happen to more deserving group of DWLs and white look-alikes. NYC is the Mecca of Crystal Methodism. Perhaps when "De Blasio" and his orc hordes trash the place sufficiently, we can dub him with the honorific "Fat Man" - after the A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
That first sentence from the preface is priceless. Unfortunately, no one in the Land of the Free is able (if he still wants to make a living) to connect the two. Publicly, that is. I think that EVERYBODY knows that job loss, depopulation, loss of investment, etc and the rise of the black population go hand-in-hand, but the ruling ideology prohibits noticing it. Just another small taste of what life was like in the USSR.
Very true. Just remember the axiom told by the NKVD officer to the plant manager on his way to the gulag: Don't ever be the first to stop applauding.
Blacks are a living hell!
I remember Statistics class, back at U. of Fla. and was amazed with how samples are used to gain the information one is seeking.....and how small a sample need be.
Now, what has this to do with the collapse of the West? Well, I made a comment a few posts back about my conspiracy theory of both World War 1 & 2 were intentional and planned.
Over 50 MILLION Whites died. Millions of White men died. These
were the warriors that signed up, on all sides, to kill fellow White warriors. Germany lost about 8 Million per war. Russia lost more.
France lost about 5 million.
So, if you cull 2% or 10% of the best warriors in a population, what happens to the genetics of the remaining members? What minimum number must be culled to make the remaining off-spring docile and cowardly? IF most of those who died had IQ's above 110, then you shift the bell curve drastically to the left....leaving a dumber tribe left to be manipulated.
I'm sure some very smart geneticists and statiticians could have done these calculations about 1900 and advised the Banking Rulers what needs to be done. Two massive wars to kill off the best of the White men.
Here is the plan regarding AA, "featherbedding" and White enslavement. I shall use the example of an AA Lawyer.
Since law schools receive Federal funding, one way or another, they are required to accept "x" number of "qualified" negroes. Of course there is no written quota and the admission's board has an understanding that "x" negro students must be accepted.
Now the plan is NOT for this future lawyer to actually do any legal work. He won't have to. The point is to get the buck a law degree. Then he goes to work for a large firm. A firm that wants gov. work or gov. contracts or to be able to handle legal work for other corporations that are "urged" to hire firms that have diversity.
Our black buck lawyer won't do any of the law work. He will be a photo-op token. He will be made a junior partner and will appear in all photos in all brochures. The real work will be done by real White lawyers but the black buck will still be a lawyer.
The White man will be the slave for these black bucks.
In this way, millions of jobs will be created or filled by blacks who actually do nothing but PR for the firm. They get huge salaries, perks and travel since they are required as part of the "diversity" multicultural blackmail that every US firms has to comply with, or face scrutiny.
All these black buck doctors, lawyers, CPA, etc only need to be passed through the schools with D grades, get the diploma, and get the title. They will never have to practice. Just prance about filling the token AA position.
That is the goal. This is why you can see blacks in corporations way above their ability. They are there for looks. In the major Hospital in my city you can see this. In the main foyer is a set of pictures of the top ranking associates of the Hospital. There is this smiling fat black buck, with the title "MD" after his name, yet his title if VP of Community Out-Reach.
I kid you not. He is a "doctor" but has never, and will never, see a patient. Token tribal voodoo chief given a high job and high income so the f'n Hospital can keep on getting Medicaid and Medicare money.
See the game?
Uh, you can't blame the Auto industry.
US based auto plants build more cars today than ever in the 50's, 60's, 70's etc.
Now, the plants may have relocated, but why would they do that?
I just read the contribution of Paul Kersey to the topic America in 2034 at amren. Please, go there and read his commentary.
As an Optometrist I can attest to the blacks who have the degree, but not licensed to practice.
Upon graduation from opt. school I looked into joining the Air Force simply to live overseas. All they cared about was if you had a degree.
You need not be licensed nor pass any State test. Simply get a degree even if your grades were C-.
Having been through years of school and knowing a B student is a danger to his patients, my feeling is NOBODY should get a MD/OD/DO/DDS type degree if you get less than an A-. Those in the school who don't get this, don't get any degree.
You had 4 years. You didn't learn the material. Thank you very much now go home.
A student who graduates from any health care program with a B doesn't know enough. With a C you know just about nothing. With a D you failed and don't know jack.
But, these schools pass minority students with these low grades. They have to.
Don't EVER, EVER go to a non-White doctor. Ever. They are all incompetent and don't know the basics.
I have my doubts about American Renaissance.
They have banned me since I want to discuss too much.
There is one topic they refuse to discuss.
Re: The assault in Cleveland--PK would do well to follow up his other books focusing on the decline and death of American cities by focusing on Cleveland-it's as screwed up as Detroit and for the same reasons.
When I was on FR, nothing frustrated me more than some ignorant Freeptard giving his/her theory on why modern-day Detroit was AFU. It's the unions and Democrats and liberals--yeah right.
I mean, unions, Dems and libs are mostly loser idiots these days, but go to majority white libtard enclaves like Burlington, VT or Eugene, Oregon. They are quite nice cities. Certainly not hellholes.
I think most of the non black or latino american understands that the real problem is the system itself, we are too soft with criminals and allocated too much tax payers hard earnings to the free loaders.
I mean, unions, Dems and libs are mostly loser idiots these days, but go to majority white libtard enclaves like Burlington, VT or Eugene, Oregon. They are quite nice cities. Certainly not hellholes.
For now. Burlington, Vermont actually has a Diversity Plan for their school system. Yes, an actual plan to wreck their school system by actively importing diversity. From Somalia.
Fucking stupid suicidal moonbats.
I love the comments in here. Liberal and in rare cases some black minds must explode when subjected to the truth and facts over and over. Knowing that everything they've been brainwashed with is BS. Now to get these same idiots out of the controlling government.
F@!k tge Latinos. I, like most everyone here wants a WHITE ONLY nation. It's not any "system", it's simply NON WHITES. Tired of "whites" like you. You're part of the problem as well.
Jay Santos said...
"Negroes working for Ford were so disoriented by the lack of hydration that they built the Ford Pinto.
The rest is history. If only we had acted."
Holy shit, Jay. Satirical genius.
THAT'S how it's done, Compassionate Oregonian.
--NB with IPMS
It's tough for me to imagine Deadrot being the "Paris of the West." I wonder if our French friend believes that Paris and Deadrot are similar today. If so, then the moniker may be a good fit again.
--NB with IPMS
Anonymous said...
"I think Bill DeBlasio should retire to Detroit after his term is up. He'd be in absolute Heaven, swimming in a sea of the people he loves. :)"
With the end of term limits, he'll be too busy in the Oval Office to retire.
--NB with IPMS
"""""""""""""""""""giving his/her theory on why modern-day Detroit was AFU. It's the unions and Democrats and liberals--yeah right.
I mean, unions, Dems and libs are mostly loser idiots these days, but go to majority white libtard enclaves like Burlington, VT or Eugene, Oregon. They are quite nice cities. Certainly not hellholes. """"""""""""""""""
Let's take these three rationales, each in turn.
1. Unions. While some unions decades back may have helped contribute to various incs. leaving/outsourcing jobs, the fact remains that for today right now, most union membership is comprised of government workers (Education at all gov. levels; government services such as the US Post Office; etc) Unions have for the most part lost their blue collars and its now mainly whites (leftists for the most part) who are members of these government Unions.
Did "unions" play a part in destroying urban centers such as Detroit? For the most part, not really.
2. Democrats. If we want to be technical, as well as intellectually honest, Democratic union workers (back when Unions were mostly composed of blue collar workers) literally built many of the buildings and skyscrapers of Detroit and numerous other cities. Why would Democrats of that time have wanted to wreck America? Unions of these previous eras helped build modern America as well as provide many workers with good paying jobs for the time. They didn't "wreck" America in the sense that FR means since that wrecking process came at a later time.
3. Liberals. This is a little harder to quantify since most liberals of the ideological kind tend to be whites. Most surveys taken show that the modern ideological liberal tends to be well educated and in a white collar job (while many belong to a government union).
As pointed out, these liberals tend to live in majority white enclaves. Whenever possible, they tend to run cities quite well such as SF and Seattle. These cities are not bankrupt and the level of corruption in city council government pales when measured vs Detroit, Chicago, DC, Philly, etc.
It isn't liberals per se who are wrecking America although some of their social policies are helping to hasten the problems.
There simply isn't any other way to state it except to speak the truth. The answer, is staring us, in the face.
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