It's like in the great stories... The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end… because how could the end be happy? - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
If those debating the merits of Jim Crow, segregation, the rationale behind restrictive covenants, and using IQ tests for employment years and years ago could, for the briefest of moments, peer into the future and see the world of 2014 83% black Detroit, they'd find the astonishing justification for every thing they held dear.
Namely, their civilization and the world they would hand over to their children and grandchildren.
For Detroit in 2014 is a representation of black rule, secured by the 1967 black uprising (which drove whites far, far away from residing in the Arsenal of Democracy), and 40 continuous years of black political control.
Long ago our ancestors tried to safeguard our civilization with legislation and rules that were gloriously declared unconstitutional, ushering in an era culminating in... 2014 Detroit, a city where more half of the 83% black residents refuse to pay their water bills.
Declaring water a "human right" for which no legal tender should be required to enjoy.
The United Nations' Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has been alerted to the tyranny of the Detroit Water and Sewage Department deciding to aggressively collect payment for more than 46,000 delinquent customers.
By threatening to shut off their water, for which they never paid to receive.
90,000 residents and business are behind on their payments, in an 83 percent black city long accustomed to black-mailing the state and federal government into getting whatever they want, with the fear of a black riot not far from the minds of those willingly paying ransom (grants or aid).
Well, here's what our friends at the United Nations released on behalf of the downtrodden citizens of 83 percent black Detroit, free to chose whether or not pay for their water bill (and when a bill arrives for late payment, declare either racism or bigotry as a hindrance to paying). [UN: Detroit water cutoffs may violate human rights, Detroit News, 6-25-14]:
The U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights put out a press release from Geneva citing three experts in response to reports that the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department is cutting off water access to thousands of residents in the city.
“Disconnection of water services because of failure to pay due to lack of means constitutes a violation of the human right to water and other international human rights,” said Catarina de Albuquerque, identified as an expert on the human right to water and sanitation.
“Disconnections due to non-payment are only permissible if it can be shown that the resident is able to pay but is not paying. In other words, when there is genuine inability to pay, human rights simply forbids disconnections.”
The U.N. experts said international human rights law requires governments to take urgent measures, including financial assistance, to ensure access to essential water and sanitation.
“The households which suffered unjustified disconnections must be immediately reconnected,” the U.N. statement said.
So Leilani Farha noting Detroit is 83 percent black somehow justifies the lack of payment for services provided by the city, according to treaties the United States has ratified. It would be - or may be - discriminatory to dare charge black people for water...
![]() |
A city under complete black political control since 1973 has now regressed from the Paris of the West to the black mean... |
Now, long time Detroit congressman John Conyers - a perpetual apologist for negative black pathologies ravaging the city - has written a letter to President Obama, asking for some $200 million be instantly made available to the state through the "Federal Hardest Hit Fund." [John Conyers appeals to Obama over water shutoffs, Detroit News, 6-28-14]:
Longtime Detroit congressman John Conyers sent letters Friday to President Barack Obama and other officials requesting immediate action and relief regarding water shutoffs in the bankrupt city.
The Democrat seeks to stop the shutoffs affecting 4,500 customersfor nonpayment. Conyers said in a statement that actions represent “an overzealous and misguided approach to cost-cutting.”
“Regardless of the rationale for these cutoffs, the human consequences are unacceptable and unsustainable,” he said. “The failure to reinstate water service means unsanitary conditions, malnutrition and disease for babies, the sick and the elderly.”
The water department, responsible for about $6 billion of Detroit’s $18 billion in debt, is a major issue in the city’s bankruptcy. Earlier this year, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department said it would be more assertive about delinquencies. About 46,000 shut-off notices were sent last month and service to about 10 percent of that number was recently cut.
Conyers, who also sent letters to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell and city water department Chief Executive Sue McCormick, specifically asked for some of the $200 million available to the state through the federal Hardest Hit Fund. He also urged an “immediate end to the shutoffs” and the designation of a public health emergency that would be “eligible for direct federal relief.”
There was no immediate response from federal officials.
But what was Detroit "hit" by requiring an immediate grant of $200 million from the "Federal Hardest Hit Fund?"
A meteorite?
An earthquake?
A volcanic eruption?
King Kong?
A zombie apocalypse?
A debilitating plague?
Oh, the collective incapacitating power of the black individual...
Why can't the 83 percent black city of Detroit produce responsible citizens capable of paying their water bills on time?
The answer is because modern Detroit was born from the carnage and madness of liberalism's ascension to power, with black people rioting in 1967 and not being punished for burning down large sections of the Paris of the West.
Something born from madness can never, ever be expected to abide by the rules once governing civilized society.
Civilized society must be transformed to accommodate the madness, or else finally confront it, before it devours all. [Detroit Needs Residents, but Sends Some Packing, New York Times, 6-26-14]:
In a city that desperately needs to hold onto residents, there is a virtual pipeline out. At least 70,000 foreclosures have taken place since 2009 because of delinquent property taxes. And more than 43,000 properties — more than one in 10 in this city — were subject to foreclosure this year, some of them headed for a public auction where prices can start as low as $500.Other cities wrestle with unpaid taxes, too, but the size of Detroit’s problem is staggering. Several factors have brought the city to the point that crucial revenues are not being collected and thousands of houses are being taken away each year — not by banks, for failure to make mortgage payments, but by the government, for failure to pay taxes. Contributing are soaring rates of poverty, high taxes despite painfully diminished city services and a long pattern of lackadaisical tax collection by the city.
In some cases, homeowners have abandoned properties and simply quit paying taxes, and foreclosure may be the only way to get a house back into the hands of people who actually want to live there and pay their share. In other cases, those who lose or abandon their houses sometimes end up buying other houses at auction — sometimes for as little as $500 — and begin the cycle again, although new rules are aimed at taking back properties sooner if taxes are again not paid. Either way, the city fails to get all the tax revenue it is owed.
The last part of The Two Tower quote from above, ends:
"But in the end, it’s only a passing thing… this shadow. Even darkness must pass.”
A house for $500, a reflection of the fair marketing value for a home in a city with a population that is 83 percent black, where untold hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid water bills sees 1/3 of the $18 billion debt Detroit posted in bankruptcy attributable to blacks believing freedom literally meant "freedom from responsibility."
That's why Detroit is near ruin.
And though time travel is not possible, save in cinema, if those debating the merits of Jim Crow, segregation, the rationale behind
restrictive covenants, and using IQ tests for employment years and years ago
could, for the briefest of moments, peer into the future and see the
world of 2014 83% black Detroit, they'd find the astonishing
justification for every thing they held dear.
Instead, in our world, the United Nations sees the inability of 83 percent black Detroit's citizens from paying their water bill as some form of discrimination.
This darkness must pass.
Always hold on to this belief.
If not, the best intentions of white liberals will always be nothing more than black people complaining of discrimination when presented with a water bill, a mortgage bill, or a low appraisal for their property....
Paul Kersey, I'm laughing my rear off and I have not even finished reading the article.
Great introduction sir. Now I'll go back and finish reading.
Thanks, Scot Irish
Another good one...
"Oh, the collective incapacitating power of the black individual..."
Water. You need it to live; not to live well, but to survive. I can understand the simian thinking...why should we have pay for it; or anything else? Generations of wogs have been given everything for free so long that now they accept it as the norm. In my city if your water gets shutoff your dwelling becomes uninhabitable. You cannot live there - even if you own the place.
"freedom from responsibility."
And literacy? LMAO! Great article Mr. Kersey. Keep on "keeping it real". LOL
I really liked the Tolkien references. My oldest brother bought me the trilogy (plus The Hobbit) when I was a youngster. That got me hooked on reading. Bless his memory.
Scot Irish
As the blinders have slipped off and I see more, just wow! We are screwed!
If blacks are "disproportionately affected" by water cutoffs, it is because blacks have disproportionately acted irresponsibly in not paying in the first place. And this is related to high rates of black illegitimacy, violent crime, educational failure, and the rest of the laundry list. But it's all swept under the rug. The fact that YT will be affected disproportionately by the taxes to pay black water bills is ignored.
“Disconnection of water services because of failure to pay due to lack of means constitutes a violation of the human right to water and other international human rights,” said Catarina de Albuquerque, identified as an expert on the human right to water and sanitation.
How does one get to be an "expert" on the "human right to water and sanitation?" Anyone bother to ask these "experts" what would happen if there were a drought or the pipes were sabotaged and there was no water in the first place? How does a "right" construe water out of thin air?
“Disconnections due to non-payment are only permissible if it can be shown that the resident is able to pay but is not paying. In other words, when there is genuine inability to pay, human rights simply forbids disconnections.”
Perhaps we can have all these water "rights" experts move into Detroit and pass out bottled designer water to the denizens? Or better, dig wells. I am sure they would enjoy living in gangbanger territory and explaining "human rights" as related to flashmobbing and drivebys.
You know what's interesting: if you went back to the USA 100 years ago, not every house had indoor plumbing. But thanks to white science, white engineering and white civic pride, running water became the norm. Same with electricity. Now we see cities reverting back to a pre-industrial standard. Of course, there is nothing unusual about this. It seems to be the standard in Africa and Latin America, where blacks create huge slums aka favelas. Maybe you can understand this in countries like Congo where there was not much industrial development in the first place, but in Detroit we see a city which once had infrastructure disintegrating back into a state of nature. And again, we need to look at the content of the IQ of the city's demographic.
Lothrop Stoddard, somewhere, must be smiling...
Apparently Rhodes, the judge who will sign off on Detroit's bankruptcy plan, plans to do a tour, a ruin porn tour. Now after the deal is done, and the bondholders take their losses, Detroit will still need to borrow. How can they get anyone to take their bonds? Or is that a right? Will the govt. force bond buyers to buy Detroit bonds? It's a right to sell bonds and never pay them, just like it's a right to take water but never pay for it.
But who gets the money? The blacks may get their water bills paid but who is getting the money - that's why I want to know.
The original planet of the apes was a race story for the times...1968...see the movie sometime and notice it foretells our white demise/future....
1) WHITE Astronaut is Main Character. Is at the height of human achievements heading into space....just like the times of Apollo missions to come...
2) White Astronaut returns to earth in the future---is shot thru the throat by jungle Apes---shut up YT for our current times.
3) White humans in this future are hunted, killed and tortured by the jungle Apes---knockout game, polar bear hunting for our current times.
4) White humans in this future don't talk---Shut up YT!! But we know those future White Humans know how to communicate---but are terrified to do so in front of their Ape masters...lest they be killed or lobotomized for doing so...Shut up YT!!!
5) A Beautiful White girl is the object of the White Astronaut's love and protection...and the Apes want to kill them both.
6) The White Astronaut finds evidence of White human civilization----and confronts the Ape leader....who confesses that only the very high up Apes know that humans had wonderful civilizations....but NO other Apes must ever know these things....Shut up YT!!! We Apes will never let anyone know you ever existed!!
7) The Statue of Liberty---buried in the sand part way---supposidly after an atomic war wiped out humanity....but lets try some better reasons...reasons of the future that are quite reasonable...
a) We can see black africa....a shithole where the blacks walked on top of the diamonds and gold buried under their feet, live as primitive hunter/gatherers in a fertile land...until that shining moment when White Men mined the diamonds and gold and made the productive farmlands...and then the White Men were slaughtered and the lands are slowly reverting back to the jungle of the black mean.
b) Detroit and other black hives around the US and White World...going into bankruptcy and burning their own cribs..."eys gonna burn this muthafucka down" They won't even pay for water and sanitation systems that the White Man built...
So you see my White Friends---it really is possible in the course of just a few decades...let alone a few hundred years that the Apes really will be all that the earth is left with. All traces of once great cities, technology, culture and Human life can be destroyed and neglected out of existance...
Paul---you might want to review the Planet of the Apes vs Black Hatred of the Apollo Missions...I'm sure you have a great deal of insight about it.
In all probability the people not paying for water are using their welfare checks for other "needs" like cars, cellular phones, cable tv, hd tv, booze, cigarettes, etc. You know, real essentials.
So, if obama or anyone else uses tax dollars to pay the water bills, tax payers will be paying twice for the same thing.
Life After (white) People.
This could be solved.We need to give an area to US nogs fo dey berry own.
Their own 'country' hopefully in Africa.To the last one,nogs are a vain lot,and probably would not need a lot of convincing to believe they would be like treated like royalty in da homeland.Any small amount of US money is like gold there.(for now).
Pay them to leave,every last one.Destroy and abolish aa and cut off paying for everything for the few that are stubborn.Eventually,when they realize that the game is over in the US,but they could get a check and live their way without being bothered in Africa,the holdouts will leave too.
Whatever happens after that is not our problem (we all know they will all be broke in a week)
We wash our collective hands,rejoice,and live in a society where you can actually keep some of the money you earn without half of it being given away to the undeserving and ungrateful.
A society with 90% less crime,violent or otherwise.
A society where hard work and honesty are rewarded instead of taxed.
A society where our moms,wives,and sisters can walk around anywhere,anytime in complete safety.
A society where blatant street crime is dealt with quickly and harshly by the good people nearby.(people will not fear getting involved to help someone)
This is all possible.We should settle for nothing less.Thank You,
Richard Cranium
Just came across this video on the UK site. A negress beating a White woman in Salem, NJ.
And they wonder why we don't like them.
I believe the nogs are in the right on this one, after all God put the water on earth, the iron ore, coal, tin, copper etc. not YT. God created the YTs to invent, discover, build, create etc. for all his chillun, BRA firstest though, any left over YT can have the scraps.
Rev. Shitavious told me so and so did the Rev. Oprah, I heard on the TV so it must be true. The Rev. BHO in the White (sic) House is gittin' us $200 million YT stole from us back in them slabery days so this shit is just repabation, er reprehensible, er reparing, er reprations - you knows what I means anyway, the Rev. Moochelle the Moose said so.
BHO should free up $200 million for Detroit, why not ? at this point, truth be told it really doesn't matter, the U.S. is so far gone who will notice or care ? The sooner the U.S. dollar is destroyed by the U.S. government the sooner Detroit's collapse will be absolute along with all of the other Detroits all over the U.S.
The sooner the black swan lands somewhere in the world crashing first the U.S. then the world's financial system (they're one and the same actually) the sooner the BRA chapter can be closed and the sooner we (YT) can deal with whatever follows. All the welfare queens i.e. the scumbag businessmen feeding at the Federal trough, the non-'profits', the universities, PBS etc. will die off like the wooly mammoth when the government tit dries up. They cannot adapt, they cannot go forward, they cannot go backward, they can't get out of the way, they can only get run over by history, the history they helped create over the last 100 years and especially the last 50.
The U.S. and the West are really in a death spiral and like a child's top it spins the fastest right before it tips over. As far as I know Pope John Paul II coined the phrase 'culture of death' to describe the West. He was referring to abortion, birth control, violence, relentless pursuit of money at the expense of the common good, destruction of the family, atheism, paganism, homosexuality and all the other ailments that are proudly on display in BRA. These evils were festering long before the Kenyan was a twinkle in the eye of his coal burning mother, he is just the latest and I believe the last manifestation of those malcontents and criminals who hate civilization and have sought its destruction forever.
Pope JP II was inadvertently also describing exactly Third World 'culture', such as it is, although that was not his intent. The phrase 'culture of death' is the best, most succinct descriptor of that 'culture', BRA and the Third World viewpoint, that I have yet found. I have used the phrase 'culture of death' when describing some typically despicable action of Third World people and societies whether here in the U.S. or overseas such as the mass murders committed brazenly in Mexico. I have made the point to people that the Mexicans (from south of the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego) live in and want a 'culture of death' but illogically they are shocked, shocked when they get exactly the results of that culture i.e. Mexico, Africa, Detroit etc.
The nogs, Mexicans, coal burners, homos, communists want to live like savages and are naturally affronted by civilization with its superior culture, it is a rebuke to them. Instead of trying to copy civilization they seek to destroy it, something they have achieved great success at only with DWL's constant help. When this country goes tits up even the DWLs will see that their tin gods of 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism' cannot save them, the hatred for YT includes them and knows no bounds.
Non-DWL from NE, than you for paying attention.
OT, I'm getting a parking page when I try to visit AmRen. Anyone else seeing that?
I have been lurking on this site for a while now ... everything you say about blacks is true but I don't know what else you expect from them ... most of them are pretty much are the equivalent of overgrown children -- they simply do not know any better and will always be dependent on "adults" ... It seems to me that TPTB are fully aware of this and are just using blacks for votes and support in exchange for welfare and affirmative action jobs (mostly in government) as well as for fear and intimidation purposes to keep the law-abiding folks in line (i.e., manufacturing the need more government for "protection") ...
It won't stop with water bills. Blacks are like wild animals - feed them and they come to EXPECT you to keep on feeding them. Didn't you read the sign?
So if they shut off your water connection it's discrimination?
When will the madness stop. Just because your black doesn't mean your exempt from paying YOUR bills! PERIOD!
Stereotypes are handed out for a reason. And the one about blacks not paying their bills is so spot on.
Who the hell do these people think they are? Can't wait till the EBT goes down and these vermin will have to fend for themselves or die. Talk about discrimination? They won't be able to fend for themselves. So then they will resort to violence and destruction. But this time they will not get any help from others (namely liberal Whitey) cause liberalism will die off faster then the black race will.
So I don't know about you GREATWHITES but I'm ready and prepared for the New and Improved White America. This is going to happen one way or another!
If you want to live in a third world country then do not pay for utilities. Municipal utilities are set up generally as collectives with payers paying for service and creating infrastructure through bonding. The one problem is that most bonds for utilities are based on revenue being raised through revenue bonds where the bondholders can take over the utility if the bonds are not paid and the system can become a private utility with a reasonable profit allowed by statute. Bonds are generally guaranteed through revenue and this lowers the risk on bonds as the bondholder get to collect the first dollar. This happened in the past. What happens when the utility is not paying the bondholders do the bondholders take over the utility and does the citizens of Detroit do then when a real business starts getting rid of the fluff employees and strives for efficiency by cutting off customers because it is too expensive to run a system with limited customers in an area. The people have an additional option they can buy expensive trucked in water as I had to do running a small municipal water system in Illinois while a new well motor, well and piping were being installed $8,000 for three days for about 120 residents. Our community would never ask for federal funds or petition the UN. If you do not want to pay for water then you will have no water utility. Water is not a right in the constitution it is a service provided by a government or private enterprise or by one's self. There are plenty of people who live in areas without public water systems that have private water systems with wells and cisterns. This entitlement theology originally championed by WEB DuBois and further embedded by black politicians and DWL with Great Society programs has created a black undertow that has ruined the middle class black community in most major cities in community areas like Avalon Park and Chatham in Chicago. The weird thing is the black middle class hates this worse than anyone as their property values sink to zero and their property and person are no longer safe.
Why is this happening now when gibs for blacks are so plentiful under Obama?
The UN is a gigantic joke; ebola is running wild thru West Africa, Boko Haram STILL has those kidnapped girls, Russia is trying to return to the Good Old Days, an entire classroom of black girls in Scandinavia have been found to sexually mutilated according to Islamic practice, white farmers in Africa had their land confiscated and their families persecuted by blacks seeking retribution by 'necklacing'....and the UN has 'experts' on human rights saying water is an inalienable right. How I would love to see the UN evicted from their HQ in Manhattan...they should turn the UN building into low-income housing!
Obama will pay. After all its only tax dollars. Working people's tax dollars. Maybe he'll hand over the money with cameras rolling showing how generous he is. Maybe that would wake some people up.
He can spend millions, billions, even trillions and hardly a peep. A show of generosity may be the "small" thing that trips him up. The media can be vicious when it turns against you.
On another note. A couple days ago one of the news programs said something about how long and hard Obama's been working. I suppose he's about to take another multi million dollar vacation. It just irritates me to no end that he'll spend more on one vacation than I'll make in my lifetime, then my taxes go to support Obama's and Holders sons and daughters!
$500,000 billion for Syrian rebels, $2 billion for downtrodden children on the southern border will be first priority for dear leader. Also the UN is already here with photos all over the web of vehicles in convoys heading to the turrible "humanitarian" crisis on the border. Get ready for the fundamental transformation and get a boat ready to escape if you live near water.
Since water is essential, I would expect something along those lines to happen, yes. Regardless of the glaringly obvious: the third world-like conditions existing in Detroit and the demographic makeup of the people responsible for that. If you'll pardon the metaphor: just another drip in the ongoing torrent of wealth transfer/income support offered to Blacks.
America has paid negroes to reproduce since the mid-1960's. There are some younger people here, so let me repeat that. The US government has paid negroes to reproduce since the Johnson administration in the mid-1960's.
We pay them to reproduce. We pay for every conceivable aspect of their lives; their food, medical care, education, imprisonment, job training, jobs. In short, everything.
Why not pay for their water?
Blacks don't understand what it takes to build a modern first world civilized city (and run it) as they have never done so. All they do is see the shining city on the hill built by others and rush to infest it, parasitize it and wail about how dey bein' done wrong.
The end result is always the same. It doesn't matter whether you're talking about a modern farm in what used to be called Rhodesia or a modern city in America. The negro sees it, covets it for himself but has no knowledge of how to build it, operate it or sustain it. Just as Rhodesian farms collapsed into uselessness after being seized by ignorant negroes, we see the same happening to entire cities taken over by low IQ, incompetent, incapable and primitive negroes~ who naturally proceed to blame everyone else for their failures and demand to be propped up and subsidized by those they displaced.
All the pathologies of these low IQ primitives manifest themselves thus driving the civilized humans (of all other races) out of the city as the dumb as a rock negroes celebrate their "black power and control" and the city descends into a violent, black, dysfunctional shithole.
I submit that it is a human right of all other races NOT to be subjected to the destructive pathologies of the negro and see all their hard work destroyed. I further submit that it is a human right NOT to be compelled to support a parasite class such as the negro or to prop them up and subsidize them. It is a human right to live in safe, wholesome neighborhoods, towns and cities free of the violence, parasitism and dysfunction of the primitive negro.
You can have liberty and the pursuit of happiness or you can have the albatross of negro dysfunction hanging around your neck like a stone and dragging your civilization down into their gutter.
Think of it. In Africa, the stupid negroes got rid of the evil white man, took over the white built cities and destroyed them. And now, they try to run to and infest European cities in Europe to do exactly the same thing there. A parasite seeking a host is not a "refugee." It only seeks a "better life" for itself at the expense of the host that it latches on to.
This war against civilization can only be won by rejecting the negro and driving it out. Drive it back into it's jungle lair, drive it back to it's self created third world shitholes and abandon it to it's fate.
We don't need them and owe them nothing.
Black people are similar to radioactive contamination. Real Estate is probably $5 a house in Pripyat as well.
There are few things more devastating to accrued infrastructure capital than blacks. They are right up there with nerve gas as an area denial tool.
Detroit's blacks ran the whites out of town- that's what they WANTED. The same thing they want in Baltimore, YTBGONE. And then they have the gall to blame the people they ran out of town with violence and the jizya white tax for the problems there?
Just stay ready; things change abruptly. The rise of anti-immigration nationalist parties all across Europe is heralding the coming of a different era, where TWMNBN aren't going to be able to control the narrative nor agenda by calling everyone a neo-Nazi just for not wanting their nation remade into a copy of Africa. Always remember that "brutal oppression" in the form of apartheid caused South Africa to have an illegal immigration problem! This is why in movies such as District 9, the "bad guys" are Nigerians! They are the illegal aliens in RSA and have been (or more generally central or W Africans such as Congolese) for decades! "Brutal oppression" in a white society is better than and preferable to African Freedom.
And really, what WAS the "oppression" of jim crow or Apartheid? Lack of the right to do wtf they did to Detroit in only 40 years??? LOOK at who they vote for! Their political control nearly destroyed our capitol city as they voted for a crackhead again and again, then he got jailed, got out and they reelected him! Who in their right mind would want this type of people to have voting power??!
It has been pointed out before, but black people, as ignorant as many of them are, instinctively know they need white people. They hate us, but at the same time, know they are dependent on us.
Despite this, they behave in such a way that drives whites away, and ultimately causes what has happened in Detroit. It would be like enjoying the protection a house gives you, but not liking the confining feel of the walls, so you start knocking them down, one by one, and ultimately the whole house collapses. Blacks driving away whites with crime is knocking down the walls of a community.
In the absence of whites, blacks fail.
With this in mind, HUD has implemented a new regulation called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." Affirmative...there's that word again...
The official version of its purpose is that it reinforces the Fair Housing Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, and gives the underprivileged and people of color access to better schools and housing.
What is really does is step up the effort to move blacks into white neighborhoods. If an area is too white, they can move in more blacks as they see fit. Local governments that receive HUD funds would be required to funnel blacks into white neighborhoods that aren't integrated enough for HUD's liking.
They realize blacks are unable to create a safe, clean, thriving community on their own. So, Shitavious is going to be your next door neighbor...paid for by you!
So, when Shitavious can't pay his water bill, they can just call it a human right, and add his bill to yours, along with paying for his house, food, and cell phone so that he can use his money for more important things like shiny rims.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The original planet of the apes was a race story for the times...1968...see the movie sometime and notice it foretells our white demise/future....
If you loved Planet of The Apes, you will also love The Naked Prey with Cornel Wilde. The parallels between the actions of the tribe people and modern day blacks are readily apparent.
Seen this video out of Brooklyn, NY, where a group of young negro females beat an older white lady? The negroes come up to her sitting on a park bench and proceed to beat her to the ground. Once on the ground the negroes kick and stomp on the woman. Male negroes can be seen standing about.
I saw it over at Nicholas Stix' site:
We, or rather someone, some people, allowed this to develop to this point. A point where white people are just being savagely beaten in public, in their homes, anywhere and anytime.
I guess it will just continue.
Black people are similar to radioactive contamination. Real Estate is probably $5 a house in Pripyat as well.
This sounds outrageous, comparing Detroit under black majority rule to being downwind of Chernobyl, but there's some sad truth here.
I wonder what Putin thinks of the tendency for American cities to self-destruct under BRA? Can this be one reason that he apparently sees the USA as a paper tiger?
Lothrop Stoddard, somewhere, must be smiling...
I doubt it. Stoddard after all tried to warn. Nobody listened and he's viewed by the majority of his own people - thoroughly marinated in Crystal Methodist dogma, filled to the eyeballs with shit-sandwiches and grape-drank, as the moral equivalent of Hitler, who we all know was mostest evilest of all evil ever to exist in the whole universe.
Hitler might be snorting in contempt, while Lenin, Trotsky, Marcuse and Gramsci are all no doubt howling with laughter at how easy it was to destroy the USA. A mere 100 years and Detroit is so finished it's even worse than if the place never existed. Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden all are better places - by any reasonable measure - than Detroilet. Behold the destructive power of weaponized equality YT, right in front of your lying eyes.
Will the govt. force bond buyers to buy Detroit bonds?
If not bond buyers, then somewhere down the line (white) taxpayers will be stuck with the bill. I am sure Bogo can give us the details on the financial manipulations behind this one.
Ray Scissom, please learn to use "site" for web blogs; "sight" is something else. The worse your grammar, the less distinction you make between the Black undertow and yourself.
Anon notes:
America has paid negroes to reproduce since the mid-1960's. There are some younger people here, so let me repeat that. The US government has paid negroes to reproduce since the Johnson administration in the mid-1960's.
We pay them to reproduce. We pay for every conceivable aspect of their lives; their food, medical care, education, imprisonment, job training, jobs. In short, everything.
Why not pay for their water?
Indeed. Why not? The UN, the very epicenter of moral rectitude, says our negro-gods need a free drink offering, and the Banana Empire is both a signatory and a founding member of the UN itself. All it takes is a blackrobe's pen-stroke under Article VI of a document blackrobes normally use as toilet-paper: The US Constitution. Treaties are the supreme law of the land: equal in weight to Federal laws and to the Constitution itself. They trump all state laws. Even a "conservative" blackrobe would rule in favor of the UN. (Civics pop-quiz for the publick-skoo edumacated: How many congressional declarations of war have their been since the ratification of the UN Treaty in 1948? Answer at bottom.)
I'm sure Llord Bankfein, Jamie Diamond, George Soros and their associates can drop by Aunt Janet's magic window for some fresh fictional-reserve notes to lend the Banana Empire when the cry to water the poor shriveling negroes goes out over all 100,000 Ministry of Truth channels. It's not as if there's any actual opposition. Perhaps Rand Paul can go and try to set up some anarcho-capitalist water scheme to pipe in the stuff from nearby Lake Huron. All those nice Tea-Party Patriotard Christians need to step up and volunteer to go and dig an EPA-approved "green" canal by hand from Lake Huron to Detroilet's central cesspool for their drink-offerings to the god-nogs under the benevolent basilisk eyes of the DHS Stasi-army.
(The answer is zero.)
Non-DWL from NE observes;
Pope JP II was inadvertently also describing exactly Third World 'culture', such as it is, although that was not his intent. The phrase 'culture of death' is the best, most succinct descriptor of that 'culture', BRA and the Third World viewpoint, that I have yet found. I have used the phrase 'culture of death' when describing some typically despicable action of Third World people and societies whether here in the U.S. or overseas such as the mass murders committed brazenly in Mexico. I have made the point to people that the Mexicans (from south of the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego) live in and want a 'culture of death' but illogically they are shocked, shocked when they get exactly the results of that culture i.e. Mexico, Africa, Detroit etc.
So true. In Mexico and Central America, those "natural conservatives, pro-family, pro-life potential leaders" (whose "children" - males in their teens - are presently invading the Banana Empire homeland) even worship Santa Muerte = Saint Death openly, with offerings and incense. The sad things about JP II is that he never saw that Vatican II was the fatal blow. Kept trying to put fingers into the crumbling dike.
We did give the us nogs their very own country in africa. It is called liberia. It is literally the poorest country in the world right next too sierra leoone. Blacks destroy everything they touch.
The U.S. government is busily squandering its lifeblood, the U.S. dollar's purchasing power through actions similar to this every day. It is constantly spending money uselessly and printing the money it 'needs' backed by nothing. The logical result of decades of this will be destruction of the dollar's value after a repetition of the 2008 financial crisis.
When the next financial crisis happens there will be no recovery, the debt is too great and the wealth producing businesses have been shipped overseas and replaced by rentier capitalism. The next financial crisis will cause a breakdown in the complex systems that keep modern society going on a daily basis including utilities.
Shitavious will still have section 8, WIC, EBT etc. but many times there will be nothing to buy, even 40 ounces of refreshment and weed. When Shitavious does get the chance to buy a 40 ouncer the price will be much higher along with the price of everything else. This will definitely put a crimp in the lifestyle of the hood.
What will also crimp the lifestyles of the rich and famous in the hood will be breakdowns of utilities. Without repairs being made by YT because the money no longer buys the fuel, supplies, tools, etc. as well as contractors only working for cash/barter under the table Shitavious will have to break out the tools and fix everything himself. Good luck with that.
It is true that when life gets increasingly more difficult for Shitavious he will look for greener pastures where YT lives to do his grazing. Unfortunately for Shitavious it's unlikely his ride with the nice 21 inch rims will have enough fuel for long trips, I guess he should have gotten a Ford Focus instead of an Escalade, at least he could roam further on the little gasoline available.
By the time all this happens YT in the suburbs will have a special welcome for the nogs, even DWLs. It's one thing to see the righteous anger of the oppressed burning down their neighborhood on TV but when the oppressed want to come and visit DWL that's a different story. It will be even worse for Shitavious in the winter, that's when it really sucks when the utilities go down for a long time but at least he will have company in the hood and lots of firewood still available in Detroit.
Paul kersey said:
Oh, the collective incapacitating power of the black individual...
Why can't the 83 percent black city of Detroit produce responsible citizens capable of paying their water bills on time?
The answer is because modern Detroit was born from the carnage and madness of liberalism's ascension to power, with black people rioting in 1967 and not being punished for burning down large sections of the Paris of the West.
Something born from madness can never, ever be expected to abide by the rules once governing civilized society.
Civilized society must be transformed to accommodate the madness, or else finally confront it, before it devours all.
PK, that might be the most powerful thing I have heard you say yet, and I have been here a long time.
Even darkness must pass. Indeed.
Thanks, dude. Really, thank you.
I got walked out of work for logging onto your blog. My supervisor is black. Mpls. is it that you have never been asked to appear on either the liberal (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) or the conservative (Fox, err that's about it lol) networks to debate your views? Does Bill O'Reilly or Melissa Harris-Perry even know this blog exists?? They surely must know by now, but if not, why not besiege them with emails from either yourself or all us other viewers of this blog.
Can any of you even imagine the sight of Melissa Harris-Perry hyperventilating and failing to counter PK's reasoning? Or PK calling out O'Reilly as not being as fair & balanced as he purports himself to be? Either way, it would be a better way to gain national attention. PK...get on the damn TV already! Our stupid fellow Americans need to see & hear the facts before anything will ever change.
Anonymous said...
Blacks destroy everything they touch.
June 29, 2014 at 12:15 PM
There you have the essence of the negro, in a nutshell. That's all you need to know about them.
South Africa used to have a nuclear research facility at Pelindaba. We had the bomb. We could have, should have, nuked Soweto.
Anyway, it was reported that the Pelindaba facility invented a cheap, reliable method of splitting the atom.
Give it to a kaffir, and tell him not to break it.
When the next financial crisis happens there will be no recovery, the debt is too great and the wealth producing businesses have been shipped overseas and replaced by rentier capitalism.
Got news for you. There was no recovery after 2008. The so-called "recovery" broadcast by the 100,000 channels of Ministry of Truth Negro-Worship have been wall-to-wall Soviet-style economic reports: complete fabrications pulled straight out of a Banksta's arse. The actual unemployment rate is well north of 20%. They're blatantly lying. The depressing thing is all the dumbass white folks who believe the endless torrent of lies. What good is a supposedly high IQ if you cannot discern lies from truth?
Ray Scissom, couldn't help but leave some comments as well.
I did notice that at least the hippo had one of those squirrely, energy saving, good for the planet, heartwarming, low carbon footprint light bulbs installed above the sink. Did she "buy" that bulb or was it part of a 'gibs me dat' from the power company ? Hmmmm, I wonder.
It's good to see Yolanda is concerned about global warming, er, climate change and is doing her part. It shows the nogs have finally seen the error of their ways, want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem and are turning their lives around. After all it was Thomas Shitavious Edison who invented the first light bulb in Africa, then the white boys stole it.
The only conclusion I can draw from the presence of the squirrely light bulb is that finally, after more than a century of NAACP, ACLU, blah blah blah and the "reforms" of the 1960s the nogs have been reformed. Now they're going to be self reliant, productive, hard working, diligent, gentle, honest, happy people, a credit to the human race, we're all really the same underneath.
Excuse me while I go the village common and sway back and forth holding hands with my new 'American' neighbors from Mexico way singing Kumbaya and protest songs from the 1960s. I've got that warm fuzzy feeling knowing the nogs will get their clean water courtesy of YT.
Clueless DWL from NE.
Well said!
Ironically, at least in years past, Detroit's tap water has won first place for taste compared to other municipal sources.
I guess paying your water bill is acting White............
I would love to hear Thomas Sowells take on this. While completing my bachelors in finance I read one of his books and loved his logical no BS approach to everything. He became my favorite author and I was quite astonished to learn he is black. This completely contradicts the thought process of seemingly 99% of all blacks who ignore or just refuse to believe things they do not like. They also blindly support any other black person without any knowledge about them. This applies to voting for the president, or seeing an altercation. God help you if you try and stop an altercation between a black and non black person. Pro attempted to do this when an elderly white man was being harrassed on a Chicago city bus by a black girl who the man had accidentally brushed against when trying to sit as the bus started moving. I quickly found myself in an altercation with a black man unrelated to the situation but who felt it was his duty to defend the blatantly rude black girl threatening physical violence against a man clearly 80+ years old who did nothing wrong.
I turned a good friend and neighbor who is half black onto one of Dr Sowells books. My neighbor insisted several of the facts in the book were not right without evidence to contradict, then dismissed Dr Sowell as a racist. Once I told him Dr Sowell was black he claimed that he was probably bought off by right wing groups. Makes sense lol.
Also, I think it is counterproductive to use racial slurs and the racial nicknames for anyone black. It just discredits otherwise valid ideas. If factual information is stated using a bunch if racist remarks only people who already agree with your viewpoint will take any stock in it. Liberals will write you off as a racist instead of considering the validity of your information.
PS, love this blog, first time poster and I appreciate getting real information and news articules not chocked full of white apologist and politically correct views.
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