A city that, one hundreds years ago, was nearly 100 percent white.
It was through the latter groups efforts this city arose to become the Paris of the West, the Arsenal of Democracy.
With the city abandoned by this group to the former group, an existing infrastructure, state-of-the-art facilities, and ample housing inventory wasn't enough to help blacks keep alive the flame of civilization.
John Locke was wrong.
Adam Smith was wrong.
Thomas Malthus was right. [Creditors: Bankruptcy judge's tour of Detroit could be dangerous, Detroit News, 6-17-14]:
Who can forget the abortive plan of Detroit Emergency Manager Keyvn Orr, proposed in July of 2013, to take Detroit’s creditors on a tour of the city? That tour would have included armed guards and a signed release form excusing the city of Detroit from injuries or death. [Orr cancels creditors` bus tour of Detroit, by Robert Snell, The Detroit News, July 9, 2013]
Oh, but it gets better. [Lawyer: Creditors want to shield judge from Detroit's 'human reality', Detroit News, 6-24-14]:
There is no need for armed guards or waivers to be signed for tours of the almost all-white suburbs surrounding Detroit, for the people who call those communities "home" are the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, granddaughters and grandsons of the white people who once made the city the Arsenal of Democracy.
Now, Detroit is nothing more than the face of the failure of democracy.
America is at the Malthusian Edge.
It's incredible how so many want to look back, believing there still something worth going back to save.
It's sad how so few are willing to look at the uncertainty over the edge, and realize it's our only hope of salvation.
After all, there's no word on if the bus tour would have originated from the Rosa Parks Transit Center (where armed guards would have escorted the judge) in Detroit, one of the more violent public transportation systems in America. [Transit officers start riding Detroit buses, targeting violence and disorder, Detroit News, 5-7-2014]:
There's no "human reality" in Detroit.
It's the reality of blackness, where civilization once flourished in its absence.
Holdout creditors want to block Detroit’s lawyers from taking U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes on a tour of the city, arguing security could be jeopardized if the route through one of the country’s most dangerous cities is publicized in advance.
Three creditors — Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp., Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp. and Financial Guaranty Insurance Corp. — asked Rhodes Tuesday to scuttle the three-hour blight and crime tour, arguing it is risky, irrelevant and unprecedented in bankruptcy court.
“The risk that details of the bus tour could leak in advance, or be discovered by the media while the tour is in progress — or indeed could be revealed through live reporting on social media — creates not only security risks but also the possibility that interested persons or groups could seek to alter conditions or stage incidents or confrontations at the proposed viewing locations,” lawyers Lawrence Larose and Alfredo Perez wrote in a court filing.
Detroit’s bankruptcy team proposed the tour to give Rhodes a first-hand glimpse of the city’s conditions, which could be mitigated if the judge approves a plan to restructure $18 billion in debt.
The city has proposed having the U.S. Marshals Service or other security personnel accompany the judge and creditor lawyers during the tour.
The date is unscheduled and would not be made public. When the tour idea came up during a court hearing in May, Rhodes was agreeable, saying: “I do think it would be valuable.”
Tour stops have not been finalized, but the trip includes visits to the Detroit Institute of Arts, rail lines and downtown redevelopment areas. “The city will take all necessary precautions,” Bill Nowling, spokesman for Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr, said Tuesday.
“There will be no safety issues.” The city’s legal team suggested the tour will help Rhodes put into context evidence he will hear about blight.
Who can forget the abortive plan of Detroit Emergency Manager Keyvn Orr, proposed in July of 2013, to take Detroit’s creditors on a tour of the city? That tour would have included armed guards and a signed release form excusing the city of Detroit from injuries or death. [Orr cancels creditors` bus tour of Detroit, by Robert Snell, The Detroit News, July 9, 2013]
Oh, but it gets better. [Lawyer: Creditors want to shield judge from Detroit's 'human reality', Detroit News, 6-24-14]:
Holdout creditors are trying to keep U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes from seeing the real Detroit — the good, the bad and the ugly — by protesting his planned bus tour of the city, the city’s bankruptcy lawyers argue.
Instead, creditors want the judge to view video and photos of the blight and crime-ridden city in a sterile courtroom environment, the city’s legal team said in a filing late Monday. The city is trying to overcome objections filed by several creditors, including banksand bond insurers.“What the objectors really mean is that they do not want the court to come face-to-face with the human reality that is the flip side of the cold, sterile numbers,” lawyer Deborah Kovsky-Apap wrote. “But just because the objectors would rather the court did not see certain evidence does not make that evidence irrelevant.”
Three creditors — Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp., Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corp. and FinancialThere is no "human reality" in 83 percent black Detroit; there is the "black reality" found in 7.8 percent white Detroit.Guaranty Insurance Corp. — have asked Rhodes to scuttle the three-hour tour, arguing it is risky, irrelevant and unprecedented in bankruptcy court. They argued everyone’s security could be compromised if the bus route and details are leaked in advance.
There is no need for armed guards or waivers to be signed for tours of the almost all-white suburbs surrounding Detroit, for the people who call those communities "home" are the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, granddaughters and grandsons of the white people who once made the city the Arsenal of Democracy.
Now, Detroit is nothing more than the face of the failure of democracy.
America is at the Malthusian Edge.
It's incredible how so many want to look back, believing there still something worth going back to save.
It's sad how so few are willing to look at the uncertainty over the edge, and realize it's our only hope of salvation.
After all, there's no word on if the bus tour would have originated from the Rosa Parks Transit Center (where armed guards would have escorted the judge) in Detroit, one of the more violent public transportation systems in America. [Transit officers start riding Detroit buses, targeting violence and disorder, Detroit News, 5-7-2014]:
The city’s new Transit Police force is starting to establish its presence on Detroit’s crime-ridden buses.
On Monday, the first transit officers began riding Detroit Department of Transportation buses and carving out morning and afternoon shifts for both plainclothes and uniformed members, said Detroit Transit Police Officers Association President Arthur Divers.
The centralized unit, being overseen by the Transit Police Officers union, is seeking to curb violence and keep order at the Rosa Parks Transit Center and on troubled city bus routes.
“We are going to be tackling the crime and putting officers where they are needed most,” Divers told The Detroit News on Tuesday. “(We will) focus on the lines that have the most crime and criminal activity.”The Lockean Dream Implodes, indeed.
There's no "human reality" in Detroit.
It's the reality of blackness, where civilization once flourished in its absence.
It is all whitey's fault. Now send some more money to the black hole all those who still have a job. For the good of the people's collective comrade.
PK said:
It's the reality of blackness, where civilization once flourished in its absence. How true and sad.... this is reality. Where do I escape to?
Founded by the French, Detroit.
Maybe just maybe they want it back.
I know Frenchman get a bad rap when it comes to war/combat but the BFST are pretty bad ass. Especially in CQB. I bet they'd clear out the woodshed protecting all those fine French women. Hey, it's worth a try.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson should be required to go along, with Soros and Bloomberg, but NO GUNS ALLOWED.
GUN FREE ZONE. The buses should have that printed on the side...."THERE ARE NO GUNS ON THESE BUSES SINCE GUNS and THE NRA KILL BLACK CHILDREN."
Let these assholes suffer from their own insane ideas. Let them be beaten. Let them have their teeth knocked out and lungs kicked in.
I am so sick of this shit. PLEASE the end can't come fast enough for me."
The reason the creditors don't want the judge to go on the tour has nothing to do with safety.
The real reason is that the judge will be taken along a carefully planned route showcasing a Potemkin village version of Detroit. He'll see house after house of well-dressed black families who are hard working, just down on their luck. The shirtless, baggy pants wearing tattooed up gangstas will be carefully shooed away.
Won't you give Detroit another chance, judge?
He'll see this, and have an excuse to cave in to the pressure to relieve Detroit of its responsibilities.
I don't know how old these debts are, but you'd have to be insane to loan money to any city that is 83% black.
The county I live in, Jefferson County, AL, had always been strong financially. The demographics started changing over the past 20 years, and blacks from Birmingham have started spreading out from the city limits.
More blacks began voting for the county commission. The result was incompetence in the county commission. This can be traced back to the election of Larry Langford, the "first African-American" commission president. Langford is now in jail, and Jefferson County filed for bankruptcy.
Want to financially destroy a government? Just add blacks. It really is that simple.
I have to laugh at the Rosa Parks' transit center. I guess it is adjacent to the MLK motel, and Trayvon Martin criminal justice center.
..."could be jeopardized if the route through one of the country’s most dangerous cities is publicized in advance".
Only if it's on t.v., we all know they can't read
Come on, white people ... I know you're smarter than this. I know tee-vee bombards you 24/7 with vile propaganda about magic kneegrow scientists and astronauts, but you know what's up. You've been around these creatures. You know they're different. You know why Detroit is Detroit.
Put the shit sandwich down!
The genetic differences in blacks make them less able to participate in a first world nation. All flows from that fact.
The centralized unit, being overseen by the Transit Police Officers union, is seeking to curb violence and keep order at the Rosa Parks Transit Center and on troubled city bus routes.
There is sooooooo much which can be said about this. Like juxtaposing an image of Rosa Parks being arrested on a bus with the current condition of Detroit transit.
Bull Connor must be smiling, somewhere.
..."could be jeopardized if the route through one of the country’s most dangerous cities is publicized in advance".
Was Detroit "one of the country’s most dangerous cities" when segregation was in force? Prior to the various Civil Rights acts? How about pre-Brown vs Board of Education?
Maybe it will get through to various DWL and mainstream conservative readers of this website that the reason for segregation was precisely to keep trainwrecks like Detroit from happening in the first place. You gotta understand that segregation was the law of the land not because white people judged blacks by the proverbial color of their skin. No! It was because people knew that the content of the black character is such that -- no matter how fine individual blacks might be as citizens -- when they act collectively the result is massive crime, illegitimacy, neighborhood trashing, education fail, economic nosediving, government corruption, and just plain out havoc. This has been true in too many cities in the USA as well as throughout black-ruled Africa and the Caribbean.
And please note this has been so despite (because of?) decades of civil rights legislation, social engineering, war on poverty, black studies, enterprise zones, positive role models on the telescreen, outreach, uplifting, kowtowing before St. MLK, and you name it.
Gets back to the factors of genetics: low median IQ, lack of future time orientation, impulsive violence so a black run city reverts to the African mean. Detroit or Port au prince or Lagos, you take your pick.
If I am wrong, can you name those black majority cities which have the same standards of economic progress, educational achievement and civic culture as equivalent white?
As sure as the sun will rise in the east tomorrow, you can guarantee that one of the city commissioners would have leaked the bus route. Instead of seeing fine, working black families (a fiction, of course), the creditors would have been welcomed by protestors marching in the streets, eventually surrounding their motorcade. Blacks don't have the foresight to do 'subtle.' No, they would much prefer to be confrontational, impressing upon these rich- and almost certainly lily white- creditors that following through with their bankruptcy plans would be hazardous to their health.
Intimidation is what this bus tour was all about.
The failure occured when it changed from called a republic to a democracy. None of it is accidental.
The only question is whether the collapse of the KWAnstain will be relatively bloodless like the Soviet Union in 1991 or a hybrid civil/race war. Dear Leader's string pullers especially Axeldouche who is his brain need the collapse so they can start the mass arrests and open up the camps. What comes after that no one knows since bolshevik scum can only destroy and not create.
During that time of Pre Civil rights Movement... The blacks were not how they were now in terms of crime. For Example, blacks married at higher rates than whites until welfare was introduced after 1965. Segregation occurred because whites did not want to live near ppl who they wants enslaved
It really is too bad that these negroes are not back in da homeland of Africa where they could negatively impact no one but themselves.
It's like the old joke someone mentioned at one time: What word do you never want to call a black person that begins with an N and ends with an R? Neighbor.
Anyone who's ever lived around a negro collective knows that all too well. An entire city of them is like a massive cancerous tumor in the flesh of the nation.
Maybe what DeToilet needs is some severe radiation therapy.
Blacks are simply one of the "tools" being used to smash the West and Whites. You all need to investigate who is really behind this whole mess. Who was instrumental in founding the NAACP? Who originally pushed for integration? Start down that path and things will begin to fall into place. The hammer isn't the threat. The one that wields the hammer is.
Equality has been dumped on to a race of people that don't understand the American system. They are Africans. They do things the African way. When they can't compete on merit, they chimpout, cry racist and sue for lower standards.
To Americans its disgusting. To Africans its the way things are done, and if you can get someone else to pay, so much the better.
"a 3 hour tour....a 3 hour tour"
The "Minnow" WOULD be lost...
no doubt in my mind.
When the tour idea came up during a court hearing in May, Rhodes was agreeable, saying: “I do think it would be valuable.”
If the white judge (I looked him up) wants to tour the war zone, let him drive his own car around and see what Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet) is trying to salvage money from. Forget the buses and get a good dark spray tan, nondescript older car with run-flat tires and go have a look at the alternate universe of Africa in America.
Any honest judge would declare the bankruptcy done and make the idiot lenders eat their loses but that'll never happen.
I am in a crappy mood. sorry, Anon 6:15.
Here is a simple lesson in inserting links into comments. here's what anon wrote: Negroes.... no matter if in Detroit, New York, or Atlanta... the song's the same:
oh, wait, he didn't use italics. How did I do that? Note below the comment box it says you can use some HTML tags. Using the one with an I in it, and then closing that tag with something that looks like this ‹I› makes for italics.
The a tag is a little harder. It opens with ‹a and then you need to put in the link as follows: href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2668460/Man-walks-McDonalds-kitchen-knife-sticking-street-corner-argument.html" note: you need href, ", the link, and then ". Finally, close with › and the tag is started. Put some nice text in the middle like this and you now have a clickable link. You close the link with ‹/a› and you're done.
Try it a few times. Save us the agony of link copying, and you might get people to click on your stuff.
Note to FUX news conservatards-Did you know FUX news owner rupert "The Slime" murdoch had dinner with esteemed party member commissarka valerie jarrett the other night? Hate to burst your bubble but megyn loves her some dear leader. Have you ever heard any FUX news spokesmouth ever come out against amnesty? When in doubt put on your Ricky Bobby Joe Jim Jack Earl cuntry album and wave your made in China flag. Recruiting offices are also open if you feel like showing some of that glorious patriotism.
Detroit: BRA's Greatest Achievement
Safety my ass! Someone doesn't want the Judge to see the locals living in the bombed out neighborhoods decked out in their native pomp. How much longer can the left maintain this charade about the difference between blacks and whites...when will the truth finally be out in the open?
Soon people....soon.
Excellent and on point!!!
As sure as the sun will rise in the east tomorrow, you can guarantee that one of the city commissioners would have leaked the bus route. Instead of seeing fine, working black families (a fiction, of course), the creditors would have been welcomed by protestors marching in the streets, eventually surrounding their motorcade. Blacks don't have the foresight to do 'subtle.' No, they would much prefer to be confrontational, impressing upon these rich- and almost certainly lily white- creditors that following through with their bankruptcy plans would be hazardous to their health.
Interesting point. It just may be that was the real security threat to the Tour d'Etroit. There are political factors working behind the scene.
If only the deluded white-guilt ultra-left AND black race-voters could be brought along to see how these feral beats will act. And to be robbed, raped, beaten, killed and/or eaten.
I, for one, would pay large amounts of money to see the MSM cover THAT up !
One thing I do like, though is that they clearly admit Detroit is a cesspool - "...if the route through one of the country’s most dangerous cities is publicized in advance" is pretty straight-forward, isn't it ?
One would assume this very important person would be heavily guarded by multiple law enforcement agencies and if THEY aren't safe, what chance does a working-class schlep like one of us stand ? NONE.
Would-be carjackers foiled in Seattle, couldn't drive stick
Funny how nobody is reporting that the 3 hooded idiots are black...... b/c that would be racist.
How about a drone with a good high resolution camera?
So, they couldn't hire Blackwater or use drones to film this tour?
Couldn't happen to a better town. They were cheering when Eisenhower and JFK sent the 101st Airborne to Arkansas and Oxford, Mississippi: reconstruction phase two (actually phase 3, see The South Under Siege: 1830-2000) to enforce the North's good favor upon the South's recalcitrance against conforming to national expectations. What goes around comes around.
The show American Greed has an episode on Kwame Kilpatrick the notorious leader of Detroit that is serving some heavy prison time for corruption. The feeding by the State of Michigan and the United States government has to stop and let this city just bleed out and completely fail. This would make the City of Detroit a redevelopment opportunity to some investors to remake the city with the original assets like a good location with good transportation assets. Detroit has been a big sucker of assets that the State of Michigan and United States no longer can support.
I am on Detroit's side when it comes to the bankruptcy filing, message to the creditors: Fuck 'em. The creditors, all rich, white, arrogant liberal hypocrites who have been wrecking this country for decades and profiting handsomely from their crimes always lend to known scumbags because they know in the end, after much drama, they will get paid. The game the creditors play is really simple and consistent when lending to every third world hell hole whether it's Mexico in the '80s under the "conservative" St. Ronald Regan, Argentina in the '90s or Detroit now. There is always an implicit U.S. government backing of the loans when the loans are large enough so that default would create a systemic risk to the financial system or set a legal precedent that would do the same. The key here is to always risk the bank or the legal system through legal precedent if by some misfortune the law were followed and lenders actually have to eat losses in bankruptcy court. For small loans yes, bankruptcy and non-payment with a workout awaits the creditor in court. For the large creditor that is politically connected, such as Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway they always get paid if not by the debtor then by the U.S. government (white taxpayers) meaning the financial risk is non-existent but the profits are all too real. Think about it, who in his right mind would lend a nickel to scumbags like Mexico or Detroit ? Answer: No one unless the game is rigged in advance in their favor and they know they can charge high interest rates and are guaranteed payment. Just once I would like to see these arrogant, self dealing, wealthy, connected pricks get a dose of 'Free Market Capitalism' their hypocrite pals at the loathsome Wall Street Journal keep pushing.
Tell your kids that Obama is going to add another 1000 dollars to their "collective national debt" to bail out Detroit because its "too big to fail" . Get those presses a printin needs mo dollas fo Detroit . Wots u mean we caint jus print mo money?
Because it de-values the currency.
You be sayin that printin mo dollas fo po black folks make da dolla worth less. Dat be rayciss an sheeit.
Ok we will just sell more bonds to China and sell out our children's future so your shitbag city can be propped up again until the next collapse in 20 years.
Screw Detroit ..... Let it fall.
Whether or not you believe in a difference between the repube establishment and the tea party, there is an interesting passage from an article regarding Cochran's win in Ole Miss:
"Joe Sanderson, Cochran’s finance chair, said he always believed that Cochran would win once his legions of admirers realized what was truly at stake. “I think they came out en masse,” Sanderson said. “I’ll be honest with you, I think some African-Americans came out to support him – I don’t know that, I believe that – because they did not want Chris McDaniel and the tea party to win.”
Groids will vote dem all the way to the First Bank of Gibsmedat, but when there is a chance to derail a purportedly fiscal conservative, they be down wit dat.
--NB with IPMS
If the Judge is an ex-military man, he'd take one look at Detroit and see the solution...
I know I did.
Every story about Detroit (or any other majority black city) is like reading about some third world African country with all the usual problems they cause for themselves and everyone else.
Since they can't and won't change, civilized countries must change their approach in dealing with them. Business as usual only gets more of the same and the problems negroes cause (and then whine about) just grow worse. More problems, more whining, more demands for gibsmedat and more blaming the world for their own failures as they drag everyone else down with them.
When is enough going to be enough? The enabling of black dysfunction has to stop. It's like dealing with a chronic alcoholic/drug addict that eventually has to be put in a rehab hospital only to have it come to naught as they're incurable. Everything on endless repeat mode while increasing deterioration takes place and the costs of dealing with them rises exponentially.
When will civilization wake up and demand a divorce? We should take care of our own and let the "black chronics" fend for themselves (or not) no matter how much they whine, protest and pass the blame.
Enough is enough!
You do it first !
Precisely.Thank You.It really seems quite simple-because it is.
Richard Cranium
Most of us here never had that as part of our diet.You are preaching to the choir.
Has Charlie Rangel stolen the primary election in Harlem yet? Is it true that the U.S. economy shrank by 3% in the first quarter of this year? I don't know because I'm following Mick Jagger's picks in the World Cup. It seems that Ghana was the big winner. Did they really extort 3 million bucks from their government?
The only way the financial support of the Detroits of the U.S. is going to end is when this country goes tits up, not before. The ruling establishment has been invested in the ever growing welfare state for about 100 years because it's the route to wealth and power for those who are plugged in to the system. Those "conservative" Wall Street types made more money issuing Treasury and other debt during the 1980s when the "conservative" Republicans under St. Ronald Regan ruled than they ever did before, it was a river of money a mile wide and a mile deep that has never stopped flowing. The hypocrites at the Wall Street Journal, the Republican's version of 'Pravda' railed against President Carter's terrible deficit spending, it was "crowding out" private borrowing and impinging on the sacred free market. When Reagan was elected and deficits exploded the debt no longer mattered, "we just owe it to ourselves". Much of the deficit spending went straight in to various forms of welfare such as Detroit gets i.e. section 8, EBT, WIC etc. In every case scumbag businessmen profited from the welfare spending.Huge data processing companies like IBM and EDS provide data services for EBT and WIC making fortunes and kicking back bribes to Congress laughingly called "campaign contributions". Why are these people "contributing" money to Congress, are they interested in good government ? Now many companies and large parts of the economy rely on government spending, not private spending to survive so they may not like Detroit but they certainly will not oppose spending more money on it. The system works great until it doesn't then the Detroits of the U.S. will be on their own, good luck too, they'll need it.
From NE and not a DWL, never have been.
Much of the time these days the news is depressing, but there is always plenty of humor here at 'Stuff Black People ...'.
We have commenters linking to the three black car-jackers who couldn't drive a stick shift. The elderly white lady who was the intended victim even laughed at that one.
Then there was the black guy with the knife in his back who went into the local McDonalds. That was a perfect setup for commenters with a sense of humor. Many witty remarks.
And finally this very post has a photo of two scary black thugs carrying a sign asking to be protected on the public busses. Right.
There is always something to brighten my day here at SBPDL.
Pat Boyle
OT: This website has helped me watch TV in a whole new way.
I was skimming through shows to watch on Netflix...
Something called Melrose Place. In the pilot, a lovely white male declares his love over and over and over for a brown woman. Just before that, of course, a white woman was rejected by a white male.
On Kyle XY a violent black teen brutally punches Kyle in the face in full view of authority and it goes unpunished because Kyle was dissin' by staring.
90210, a white family has a large, uncharming, black teen in the car and they announce over and over that they are a "family".
The L word. The black/white L couple, well, they will make the best parents in the world. There is no plot line like that for white/straight couples. Pregnant white couples are exhausted and discontent (think Mad Men).
My brain tired from the washing, I switch to Auction Hunter.
“As we speak today, the city of Detroit and Wayne County have the highest rates of infection of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States,” said Robin Cole, president and CEO of Professional Medical Center, the organization partnering with Gilead Science, Inc. and the Institute of Population Health to sponsor the event. “And the fastest growing HIV population in Detroit, and across the nation, is women between the ages 18 and 44.”
In addition to HIV screening, Cole said the testing fair will test for other sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) such as syphilis, which is rising in Detroit at a far more rapid rate than other major urban areas. There will be classes disseminating information about contracting HIV and AIDS, which will include debunking or confirming mythical stories and other reports on HIV and AIDS.
DWLs will never stoop to living around Blacks for the real experience. Real Blacks to DWLs are only in the movies: Bagger Vance, the Green Mile's Black Angel, Hoke from Driving Miss Daisy...
All Blacks are angels, and if some Blacks somewhere are angry and "forced" to resort to crime or horrible behavior, it's because of White Racism.
The funding of imaginary "good" Blacks will never cease. Don't forget, DWLs feel that Black Undertow attacks on the rest of us are richly deserved.
For anyone left who continues to think that the 'erections' held in the Banana Empire mean any more than those held in Zimbabwe, Anon provides a quote:
Whether or not you believe in a difference between the repube establishment and the tea party, there is an interesting passage from an article regarding Cochran's win in Ole Miss:
"Joe Sanderson, Cochran’s finance chair, said he always believed that Cochran would win once his legions of admirers realized what was truly at stake. “I think they came out en masse,” Sanderson said. “I’ll be honest with you, I think some African-Americans came out to support him – I don’t know that, I believe that – because they did not want Chris McDaniel and the tea party to win.”
Groids will vote dem all the way to the First Bank of Gibsmedat, but when there is a chance to derail a purportedly fiscal conservative, they be down wit dat.
Not only did the Repuke use negroes and other Dem voters to 'win' the primary runoff 'erection', the vote was no doubt well-attended by Mexican nationals and others. Note also the how the Pink Palmetto Princess slithered to an easy victory in SC against multiple (was it 6?) challengers, at least half of whom were probably working for herself.
The problem with the Tea-Party, anon, is that it by and large refuses to recognize that white folks have legitimate interests, preferring instead to bow to magic negroes from Allen West (voted for the Pigford scam) to the gun-grabber Ben Carson - who are the epitome of the old joke about what one calls a negro at a conservative convention (the keynote speaker). Most "Christian Tea-Party Patriots" are Crystal Methodists who worship negroes just like any other DWL but make what Auster termed "unprincipled exceptions" to central CM dogmas like YT must die. Their real god is equality, they just haven't come along to embrace its full meaning as the DWLs have.
Detroilet will never be allowed to sink to its natural state because (as the non-DWL from the NE pointed out) the oligarchy makes tons of money by 'bailing it out' over and over with the next version of a 'program' for 'revitalization'. It would actually be cheaper - by far - to cut checks directly from the government to Shitavious, his babymommas and the sprogs, leaving the middlemen (like Jamie Diamond) out of the transaction altogether. As some may have guessed the odds of that happening are the equivalent to those of the sun rising in the west tommorrow.
As many of us have pointed out repeatedly, BRA is a massive looting racket. Its primary beneficiaries are squids like Diamond, the administrative nomenklatura and negro 'leaders', followed up by Shitavious, Turdquilla and the sprogs with their sail-foams, 300-dollah bakkaball shooze, etc. YT gets to pay for it all in the end. YT is clueless by and large - apparently dazed with the endless games of niggaball on the TV, the endless 'reality' shows, and all those exquisite shit-sandwiches washed down with the finest vintage grape drank served from Scheissgeld & Dormerde's delicatessen.
Destroit is just one fucking disaster after another. Can any black commenters like CF or that Ronaldo guy chime in and let us know what does work in Destroit, courtesy of blacks? They pay almost no property tax and have allowed their infrastructure to crash and burn, all expecting Whites to rebuild it under the Aybah Poda Hep doctrine.
I knew the STD rate was going to go up, soon after they brought in all those goats to eat away the overgrown grass and weeds. All those extra holes wandering around were just too much of a temptation for da bruthas. Will this be the start of a new species? Negoats??
“The risk that details of the bus tour could leak in advance, or be discovered by the media while the tour is in progress — or indeed could be revealed through live reporting on social media — creates not only security risks but also the possibility that interested persons or groups could seek to alter conditions or stage incidents or confrontations at the proposed viewing locations,” lawyers Lawrence Larose and Alfredo Perez wrote in a court filing.
WTF are we talking about ....my god ,language like this for a city in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....WTF is GOING ON..THIS SOUNDS LIKE WHEN SOME DIGNITARY goes overseas into some third world or middle eastern warzone...again I say WTF is going on in this country.
Let's just make things simple and create a new border cut down the middle of Tornado Alley: whites in West USA (including Alaska & Hawaii), non-whites in East USA (including Puerto Rico). Of course, Maine won't like this very much. But we gotta start somewhere.
WTF are we talking about ....my god ,language like this for a city in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....WTF is GOING ON..THIS SOUNDS LIKE WHEN SOME DIGNITARY goes overseas into some third world or middle eastern warzone...again I say WTF is going on in this country.
What is going on with the USA? It is being turned into a third world province of a globalized power system. From their Olympian reaches, power elites via their conscious policies have imported much of the third world into the Homeland, and promoted policies among blacks which cause a reversion to the African mean. Meantime, the forces of globalization continue unabated--transnationalization of finance, outsourcing, open borders, support for NGOs with leftist agendas, promotion of "democracy" in the Middle East as a front for undermining national power centers while crushing any sign of real democracy at home.
This has been going on for some decades. At each step of the way Americans have deluded themselves into believing that some magic ritual could turn things around: civil rights, war on poverty, war on drugs, enterprise zones, hope & change, whatever. This is accompanied by beatification of the noble other, whether called Martin Luther King, jr., Nelson Mandela or Trayvon Martin. The believers have this mass hallucination, reinforced by the telescreens, that one can attain some grail called "equality."
re... couple, well, they will make the best parents in the world. There is no plot line like that for
The L. whats 'the L' , love?
Detroiters plan to sabotage the water system to force the water department to hire them to rebuild it:
Anonymous said (popular sentiment here):
The feeding by the State of Michigan and the United States government has to stop and let this city just bleed out and completely fail.
Think carefully about what you wish for. When Detroit bleeds out, it will bleed black. Where do you think all those helpless refugees will go? That's right, your town.
Bogolyubski explains beautifully why it's not going to stop, even if you relocate it. Too many people making money out of it.
I think most of us know how this must end. For most of us, it's unthinkable. But history teaches us two things:
1. The unthinkable happens.
2. It can turn on a dime.
Putting off the inevitable is cowardice. This is my regret; that we put it off for our children and grandchildren to deal with. They will curse us, and rightly so.
PS 90210 - that's the L in GLBTQ... Lesbian.
PS ex-Brooklynite re: Save us the agony of link copying, and you might get people to click on your stuff.
You don't have to copy those links. Just select the link text, right-click, click on "Open in new tab".
What became of Harrison Limpwrist and Schlomo Steinberg? Mock scorn and ridicule is all we have left. Oh and Compassionate Oregonian I laugh every time and have visions of destroying a pair of Birkenstocks so don't listen to the trash talkers who couldn't come up with anything original.
@ Calfornian the funniest thing is when serfs think they are going to vote their way out of tyranny. I always laugh at the but this next most important (s)election evar is going to change everything for the better. Doom and downfall are built into the cake so learn to make the most of it.
Sell Detroit's acreage, once cleared, to the Chinese. They must have a Development Authority that would want it. Pay those who need to work adequate wages with Chinese work rules. Those that cannot cut it can move on. If Detroit were to be declared an open city, free of obligation to pay Federal tax, but also free of obligation to pay mandated minimum wage I'm somewhat sure the place has a fighting chance.
Coulters latest column is about 'hating soccer'..she makes good points about 'Celsius' 'metrics' and why 20m watched the soccer game...and who they are!
"Detroiters plan to sabotage the water system to force the water department to hire them to rebuild it:"
I love the instructions:
"If your water is off, have the neighborhood water person or a friend (not you) obtain a water key and turn it back on 1st"
Steal a water key so you can continue to steal water....So African.
"Purchase ready mix cement from the hardware"
Oh, they can't afford water but they can afford cement from the imaginary hardware store in da hood.
After cementing up your water box you simply:
"Apply to the city for work with the water dept...." Fixing the cemented up boxes, of course. Ok, sounds like a plan except for the one word: "WORK". Of course, the other option offered(preferable) is: "or sit back and watch them scurry all over the city digging up lockboxes".
I'm thinking the latter choice will prevail....status quo and all.
"What became of Harrison Limpwrist and Schlomo Steinberg? "
Harrison is recovering from the White Privilege Conference in Madison, WI. Shlomo will soon return from his obligatory service in the Israeli Defence Force.
They are touched by your inquiry and wish we would all conquer our hate.
Detroiters plan to sabotage the water system to force the water department to hire them to rebuild it:
Once again, we see how beautiful black people create exciting new ways to deal with oppression. Water is a right. Just like food is a right. In Africa when beautiful Africans can not get their fair share of food, they commence acts of liberation to seize farms run by white colonialist exploiter "farmers." With the land liberated from exploitation, food appears. Not from the exploited land ecologically destroyed by white colonialist "farmers." No! It comes from the food wealth which white people stole from Africa, redistributed back to beautiful blacks.
Detroit's beautiful blacks are following this African tradition of liberation. Utility boxes are a white construct, constructed to keep the water from flowing freely. By smashing those so-called utility boxes, beautiful black revolutionaries will liberate water to flow to the oppressed peoples who created the water in the first place.
Now excuse me, I am late for my triple chai fair trade latte at the university multicultural coffee collective. They better have the air conditioning running, because conditioned air is a right, too often denied to beautiful black people.
I.M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism and Peace Studies
"Gets back to the factors of genetics: low median IQ, lack of future time orientation, impulsive violence so a black run city reverts to the African mean. Detroit or Port au prince or Lagos, you take your pick."
So how come Native Americans on Reservations have the HIGHEST VIOLENT CRIME RATE, AND HIGHEST POVERTY RATE IN AMERICA...yes even more than blacks? Lemme guess because Native Americans have low IQ and low impulse control? answer that for me whitess
And have Kwame Kilpatrick sprung from the joint for a day to drive him around!
Mr. Trump:
Have you (or anyone else) ever seen a Negro using a manual transmission,?
I don't believe I ever have!
You had me at the first two sentences. Well said!
Why do the goats deserve such abuse?
You *might* have a point; I'm going to blame it on alcoholism.
You see, Native Americans were far more advanced culturally and had significant permanent structures than ever built OR EXPERIENCED by anyone in Africa, EVER, with the exception of the Egyptians and Carthaginians.
Having the knowledge of what they've lost leads to drinking to relieve the pain whilst keeping the pain local.
NAPAs, having only falsehoods to support their endless artificial self-image with, take it out on everyone else wherever they go.
PS ex-Brooklynite re: Save us the agony of link copying, and you might get people to click on your stuff.
You don't have to copy those links. Just select the link text, right-click, click on "Open in new tab".
Doesn't work with my iPad. I was having trouble selecting ONLY the link text to paste into a new tab. Kept getting the text above. Hate that. Prefer a real browser and keyboard and what God intended man to use, a mouse.
Thus the HTML lesson. Had to look up how to put the angle brackets in text; was kind of fun.
"What is the L, love?"
The L word is about lesbians. For adults only. All the Ls are beautiful, their homes are perfect, their jobs are all fantasy jobs (famous tennis pro, coffee shop owner, museum artistic director...). Of course anyone watching it is watching vacant-headed, titillating stupidity. But of all the carousing Ls, the only ones who are responsible, great parents are the black/white interracial couple. It's like brainwashing inside of brainwashing.
Most Native Americans exhibit low IQ and low impulse control as well. Most--not all.
Some Great Lakes & Mississippi River cultures developed somewhat stable political structures and agriculture. Some even managed to advance all the way to the Bronze Age. Wow! These are the tribes smart enough to launch casinos, resorts and hedge funds today.
The Plains Indians never progressed much beyond Nomadic Hunter-Gatherer Stone Age tech. Whole lot of internecine tribal massacres, slavery, and even cannibalism thrown in. No written language, no wheel. In short, a lot like Africa. Savages. Good riddance.
I've noticed that trend in Native Americans too - the same narcissistic personalities, the same low-IQ, one I had a "discussion" with asked me for proof then told me he didn't believe my "government" websites that weren't government related in the least. There's a certain element that wants to cry on about things that happened 100+ years ago and can't admit any blame for their own people's actions.
On the other hand, the smart ones, like the Oneidas, were able to manipulate the laws to make themselves so wealthy they can now afford to whine about the name of a sports team over 500 miles away from their territory. Instead of trying to sue to win back the land they claim, they've been buying it one property at a time, eventually demolishing any structures and returning it to nature.
I would imagine a study could be done that would find most of the best and brightest "natives" were wiped out and what's left are the shallow end of the gene pool.
And I put "natives" in quotes because it seems there were people here before them, who they completely wiped out, the Soultreans. You can really piss off a "native" if you tell him about them.
No Native American Indian tribe/culture reached the bronze age.
It has been studied and noted that the large Lake Superior copper mining was done by the ancient people of Crete who mined it and shipped it back to the Mediteranean.
This was older than 1500BC before Santorini exploded and wiped out Crete/Minoa/"Atlantis".
The person who wrote "1421", Gavin Menzies, wrote a more recent book explaining the entire thing.
The copper was mined and shipped down the Mississippi and then back to the Mediterranean sea. Fascinating book and theory and proof.
Very true !!Let's take a look at other parts of the world where they also have failed we have Africa , Haiti , Jamaica, etc it's never going to change.
Mr. Centurion and the Anons:
I was just trying to make the point that the Native Americans had SOMETHING worth having that they've lost. Not so with TWMNBN.
I've read about the copper mining, I'll check out 1421. I've also seen a few things about how Cahokia (southern IL) was much bigger than originally thought, was a hub for trade, astronomy, etc. Again, things never had by the others.
I've never had any interactions with Native Americans to base personal judgment on. Wish I could say the same about NAPA's.
Thanks for the correction Centurion. I'll check it out!
Turns out the Natives were even less advanced than I thought. Good riddance.
Mass arrests-hilarious !
Let me guess- 'They' will be taking 'us' to FEMA camps in railroad cattle cars,right ?
The only one that you are scaring is yourself,chum.
And what will 800k pay for ?
9 or 10 blocks worth of water bills ? BFD !
It is rare but not unheard of.Sometimes you even see a nog riding a motorcycle,which usually is a clutch/gearshift system.'
Anonymous said ”I was just trying to make the point that the Native Americans had SOMETHING worth having that they've lost. Not so with TWMNBN.
I've read about the copper mining, I'll check out 1421. I've also seen a few things about how Cahokia (southern IL) was much bigger than originally thought, was a hub for trade, astronomy, etc. Again, things never had by the others.
I've never had any interactions with Native Americans to base personal judgment on. Wish I could say the same about NAPA's.”
I have interacted with many Indians of certain tribes, and I deal with a lesser number of blacks. There is a big difference between these two groups although there are some similarities. I am not familiar with relative IQ differences between Indians and blacks, but on a person to person level, communicating with an Indian is far more similar to communicating with a white person than a black. There is a lot of poverty among Indians, but many are quite successful.
Regardless of what some on this blog believe from historic interactions between Indians and whites or other Indians, the Indians I know tend to be peaceful, honest, and truthful people although a significant number of full-bloods don't particularly like white or black people. Look at the crime rates by race in some of the states with high Indian populations such as Oklahoma. Oklahoma has roughly the same percentage of Indians as blacks, but if you do an Internet search for crimes in Oklahoma the results will be dominated by crimes committed by blacks. Contrary to popular belief, a fairly small percentage of Indians actually live on Indian reservations so the lower crime rate isn't merely because crimes are somehow hidden on reservations.
If you look at areas where well established tribes are operating, you will often learn that the tribes pour a substantial amount of money into the local infrastructure through direct monetary contributions as well as indirect assistance for the benefit of all races in the area. I know of no group of blacks that does this.
no matter how one looks at it white people create wealth for many with infrastructure investment, safe neighborhoods, good schools etc. blacks ruin whatever they touch, cities, schools business and homes. Now they want to bring ruin to clean water to their homes. Pure negro logic at work. so YT be prepared to pay and pay and pay to keep these obnoxious monkees afloat. There NEVER will be anything created of value in black detroit, not today, not tomorrow or ever. Just a money pit to act like a holding center for the most useless in society.
June 26 @ 6:09 A.M.: I worked with several negro lesbos while employed by the state of Michigan dept of corrections. I was constantly groped, pushed up on, told how sexy I be, told how to avoid paying house payments and how to have someone steal my car for insurance fraud, given names of tax preparers who would prepare fraudulent returns, and the list goes on. These obese, hideous, subversive life forms have a syndicate that is protected by gay and lesbo administrator brass. I am a White male, not gay, not an ass chaser, just an object that the coloreds were obsessed with. They never won and I kept my pureness intact. The images projected by the media regarding lesbo-emia, are mere lies, after observing the realtime world of g&l's and their penchant for violence amongst themselves and non gays, I never watch any show with a lesbo or gayman couple. I have observed the fights and tactics of this cult. I am a lone wolf in this world, I wish all the worst for detroit and the creeps if the world. Shield your children from queers too. NEVER let them watch tv shows that headline lesbo or gaymen famblys.
Enough with the Orc speak. We hear it enough in our day to day lives, without seeing here, of all places. If you feel removed enough from the ignorant plague where you feel the need to impress it where it is not welcome, turn on your television; for Christssakes.
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