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Black-Run America (BRA) in action: The February 4, 2015 cover of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch |
Notice the news of a sequel to the official book of Black-Run America (BRA), To Kill a Mockingbird.
Notice the news of yet another lawless black male in St. Louis engaging in a deadly encounter with the police.
And, notice the news of a long under control disease in America now returning to our land. For years, there have been plenty of non-vaccinated Americans who never got the disease, because they weren't exposed to any one who had the disease.
Diseases that ravage third world nations have been largely eradicated in America for decades.
Until the historic American majority (white people) were deemed a threat to future Americans... illegal immigrants, the very people importing diseases long under control in the former United States.
The cover of the February 4 issue of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch speaks volumes to how the civilization whites established in America is largely being eradicated before our eyes.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at what has happened to this country in my lifetime. Better just to forget about this disgraceful and ridiculous place. Live our own lives.
And the only reason the measles outbreak has largely missed St. Louis is for our relative lack of Hispanics.
Imagine watching local St. Louis eyeball news. Sometimes the first eight stories are black crime and violence.
Also it should be noted that that McDonalds was left pretty much untouched.
Sorry to post again. Here's more on the black crime story on the bottom right of the page:
O/T but hilarious:
"Russell Fredrick, a barber in suburban Atlanta, offers a special hair cut to children who are misbehaving. It's called the "Benjamin Button Special" for its resemblance to an old man's haircut, in which the top is shaved but the sides are saved."
"Clearing rubble is crucial to recovery, officials say"
Only if you plan on rebuilding, which I doubt will happen. I sure as hell wouldn't underwrite an insurance policy for any business in Fergustan, new or old. Let 'em look at the turd they laid for a while longer as a constant reminder of their African heritage (DNA). FUGM.
The St. Louis area has been my home since I was born here in Barnes Hospital in 1957. I am on a first-name basis with St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch, whom I have known for almost 30 years.
I confess to a sort of surrealistic amusement at seeing PK's recent SPDL articles about St. Louis on a near-daily basis. They make me feel as if I might be living smack in the middle of what will be viewed by future historians as a watershed moment.
Today's article about the front page of the Post-Dispatch hits the ball out of the park. I'm going over to World News in Clayton in an hour or two to pick up several copies, both for framing and posterity...
The only thing missing from the newspaper photo would be a huge sign on the building-- "House of Black Culture."
Anonymous said...
"Clearing rubble is crucial to recovery, officials say"
Only if you plan on rebuilding, which I doubt will happen. I sure as hell wouldn't underwrite an insurance policy for any business in Fergustan, new or old. Let 'em look at the turd they laid for a while longer as a constant reminder of their African heritage (DNA). FUGM.
February 4, 2015 at 4:40 PM
A few months ago, there was a post here from an anonymous reader about a redevelopment scheme that was stalled, due to Mom and Pop businesses not wanting to sell. The primary redevelopment area was the same as the riot area.
They made the bed. Looking more and more like the D
Detroit Refugee
As long as the strong arm of political correctness is allowed to strangle the truth, this kind of crap will continue.
As a country, we have spent TRILLIONS of dollars on benefits, programs, opportunities - hell, even straight hand outs - and nothing has changed.
More money spent on midnight basketball, opportunity centers, special programs - or even rebuilding this shit-hole - will be wasted as well.
As someone very wise said: you can't fill-in a black hole.
Beyond Fatigue said...
You want a real giggle, followed by a "someone walked over my grave" shudder? Check out an African newspaper.
Woman rapes man. Witch Doctor uses Albino child's scalp to improve fertility of women. Village bbqs man from other tribe and eats him.
Personally, I'm tired of waking up in Bizarro World, where the Planet of the Apes is unfolding and the mainstream media, academia, government, and all other offices of the oligarchy are telling us, that this is all because of White people and our "privilege."
I've witnessed too many small towns, suburbs, and cities succumb to the dedicated violence and chaos that surrounds the negro and its entourage of politicians, non-profits, and other bottom feeders.
A very few are getting rich and powerful from these actions; the rest of us are getting the sharp end of the spear. It's time for a change.
Science daily article - South American monkeys came from Africa. So did North American Monkeys.
Good God look at the face of that creature on the front page. Williams (pronounced Weeeyums) has that same simian visage we have come to expect when they're shown in the media: heavy lidded, sullen, angry, remorseless, seething with rage against being locked up by Whitey.
I like how it says that It's there to remind us that the justice system is broken, and that the police have their hands tied. They deal with a community that is all about 'NO SNITCHES' and they also have to deal with the limitations put upon them by the US Constitution.
Keep in mind, the US Constitution was written by and for European people. The basis of it is the maximization of the freedom & privacy of a people who thrive when left alone.
You see, European peoples have different types of crime. For Europeans, we have the issue of starving people resorting to crime to feed themselves in the forms of theft and prostitution; we have issues of alcoholics who might abuse their family; we also have greedy people who use their positions of power to maximize their own profits through corruption. We have the occasional truly sick mind, just as anyone. But it's never an issue for white people to own guns and to have laws protecting them from invasive searches and violations of their privacy, nor is it an issue giving them all manner of free speech and the right to vote.
Black communities immediately revert to criminality. Too many are incapable of entertaining themselves without intoxication; too many are incapable of interacting without becoming aggressive. Too many are habitually sexually promiscuous -- to the extent that it interferes with romantic life. And, of course, romance & love requires some intellectual connection for it to blossom, not to mention friendship requires some exchange of wisdom or insight. Too many are incapable of cultivating their interpersonal relationships, and so for nearly all of them there is not a truly attainable pleasure or happiness in anything but intoxication, promiscuity and violent interactions.
And the US Constitution has given them the right to purchase and own firearms, the right to privacy and not be subjected to invasive searches; the right to vote themslves welfare and vote as a giant block for an unqualified black candidate who does little more than corrupt the whole city.
The laws that make Europeans thrive are a recipe for disaster to them.
Shouldn't something about Black History Month be on the cover as well?
Seems fitting somehow.
Lived here in the Lou for 54 years now, our newspaper Post Dispatch is not good enough to use as toilet paper, it's totally libtard press, the television news media is just as pathetic. It's a sad state of affairs in the STL area.
I remember reading To Kill a Mockingbird (aka To Guilt a White Man) in school. There should be a sequel set in Ferguson.
PK, thank you again.
I hope to purchase the remained of your books by summer.
This brings me to my point. As we all know the collapse is coming and with it will come the end of modern technology & convenience (if only for a time). I have, over the years, collected books & other documentation of the decline and ultimate fall of the USA. I encourage my fellow readers to document whatever they deem important to pass on to the future generations. Write a journal, in a physical book. In an instant, all the blogs could vanish overnight. We must bear the torch.
For all we know, PK or one of us could be the next John Locke, Thomas Aquinas or Aristotle.
Prep hard my friends, future generations are counting on we few.
The scientists are confusing them with negros
Where is Bogo? PK, have you banned him? Has someone asked you to ban him? Please answer!
This is almost right up there with those old NY Post and Daily News headlines...Headless Body Found In Topless Bar.
One article states" Clearing rubble is crucial to recovery, official say's.....
No. Clearing of all Blacks is crucial. That way you don't have to recover. How do community planners keep missing this one step?
If the headline was "oga booga bix nood" the meaning would be the same. This is a great one PK, papers like this will probably be collectors items one day.
The Charleston Library Society was founded in 1748 and has complete files of the newspapers from the city since 1733. I've read the accounts of the dark days during the Revolutionary War and the War Between the States and Reconstruction and nothing from those times approaches the horror of today's newspapers. Even during a blockade there was some positive news to report but those were different times.
I often wonder what my long dead ancestors would think of the state of affairs in the country today. Would the colonials have ever allowed the Royal African Company to bring Africans to the colonies? I doubt it, if they could see how things are today we would probably study the African Removal in history books. Oh what a dream, however I bet the Africans would be whining across the ocean for the gibs like they do anyway.
(Old Stock Southerner thinking, we think a lot of the past and the wrongs of history. Their is an old joke here: what do South Carolinians have in common with the Chinese? The both grow rice and worship their ancestors.)
Well they blessed us by coming here and cursed us with the negro, that includes The northern colonies too. They were there as well but the colonists up there had no good use for them.
Back to the topic, this is why I never read any MSM newspaper. The only paper I read is the American Free Press.
Looking over the history of this nation can be depressing at times but it's important to know where you've been to know where you're going. I believe the end of BRA will be difficult for the people of the country but we can rise above it. YT has come back from long odds before since 1607.
SC Native
I remember reading To Kill a Mockingbird (aka To Guilt a White Man) in school.
That has become required white guilt reading in every school.
Of course when you get older you realize it is a liberal fantasy. A liberal lawyer saves an innocent black man from being accused of rape. If that wasn't enough the rapist is actually the hick dad.
Personally, I'm tired of waking up in Bizarro World, where the Planet of the Apes is unfolding and the mainstream media, academia, government, and all other offices of the oligarchy are telling us, that this is all because of White people and our "privilege."
Two science fiction movies came out in 1968: "2001 A Space Odyssey" and "Planet of the Apes." Now ask yourself: which movie better foretold what the USA would be like in 2015?
We were supposed to have space travel and moon colonies by the 21st century. Just as cities were supposed to be shining edifices of steel and glass. Not burned out ruins.
What is disturbing here is how the vision of white people has been bulldozed in order to make way for an endless series of absurdities, the signpost up ahead, BRA.
KulterKampf said....
"Black communities immediately revert to criminality. Too many are incapable of entertaining themselves without intoxication; too many are incapable of interacting without becoming aggressive. Too many are habitually sexually promiscuous -- to the extent that it interferes with romantic life. And, of course, romance & love requires some intellectual connection for it to blossom, not to mention friendship requires some exchange of wisdom or insight. Too many are incapable of cultivating their interpersonal relationships, and so for nearly all of them there is not a truly attainable pleasure or happiness in anything but intoxication, promiscuity and violent interactions."
Hey, lookie here, just another 100% dead on description of this content of character
we are to judge over their color of skin. As if the skin color isn't a dead give away itself,
we are brainwashed into giving them a 2nd chance, as their character is actually going
to be any different than what we already stereotype their color for. It's simply easier
this way, why the heck do you think HE made em' black to begin with. Their skin color
and their character is all relative. The blackness in itself is the writing on the wall.
To any intelligent person who hasn't been indoctrinated into this new BRA way of thinking
knows all too well that one of the only ways to stay safe from the enemy at hand is to
keep your distance from them as far as possible !!
European Clevelander here.
So when are WE THE PEOPLE going to rise up and take our country back from the devil's hands ?
This is the only question I haven't heard of an answer to just yet.
I guess we'll just sit back while we wait for it to brew up some more.
Whatta ya think, 80 degrees shall do it ? Well that's only around 90 days away....
OT, tearing down but at St. Louis U. they are building!!!
ST. LOUIS (KMOV) – St. Louis University is commissioning a statue to commemorate the demonstrations that took place on campus last fall.
For six days in October, demonstrators set up tents in what became known as the "Occupy SLU" protest in response to the deaths of Michael Brown and VonDerrit Myers.
"It was impossible to miss, it was a big moment," said student Jonathan Pulphus.
Many students told News4 they think a statue is an appropriate way to mark what they call a historic time for their campus.
"I think it would be a good idea because having that action happen on campus really started a dialogue with our students and the community," said Kelsey Sparr.
The university has commissioned Kyle and Kelly Phelps to design the sculpture. The twin brothers are well known for their works that usually focus on race and the working class.
The University says this statue will "capture the spirit and importance of the demonstration and encampment at Saint Louis University."
But the questions over what exactly it will be, have some concerned.
"What kind of statue are they going to put? I think it depends," said one student.
There are statues all over the campus and some say no matter what it looks like, all that matters is that it's out in the open.
"People should see it as a positive thing, if they have any dissent over it they should really look at the campus at the other statues," said Pulphus.
I think a statue of St. Swisher would be appropriate, put it in the middle of the street so everyone can see it, right across from the quicky mart that's owed by the little Muslim!!
Once these oh so bad pieces of property(that took capital, blood, sweat, and tears to build the first time)are rebuilt to suit these negroes with mandated spots in the outside style mall for "Minority Business" a.k.a. BLACK owned stores.
It will be what another 5-10yrs. until an episode happens which they won't agree with and these freshly built properties will go down in flames.
Besides who in their right mind would visit one of these establishments? Save your money St. Louis you'll need it for unemployment checks for those people that used to work in those stores.
The stubborn, self-righteous Post-Dispatch will never do it. They'll never call the Brown shooting what it was -- a self-defense killing.
Note that they begin the story about Ferguson with "The killing of Michael Brown by a white police officer..." and go on to say it was social media which fanned the flames. No mention of the mass media, no admission of any culpability by the Post-Dispatch for their overt bias in favor of Ferguson's blacks' insistence that Wilson gunned Brown down for no reason at all except that he was black.
So strong was their bias - not just in its editorials but in its hard news too - that as weeks passed and Post-Dispatch readers increasingly took the newspaper to task in the comments sections for the paper's one-sided coverage, the P-D then cut off all public commenting on their news articles and editorials about Ferguson.
Their approach to the community's "dialogue about race," was to censor the community when its criticism of the P-D's bias grew increasingly strong.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is steadily writing its way to irrelevance. They need to drop the activism and reacquaint themselves with straightforward, neutral reportage.
- Man in Florida
The cover of the Detroit Free Press for February 3rd has the front page story of Rosa Parks letters being bought by a museum and right above it is a story of the failure of the Detroit public bus system, it's hard to believe the editor doesn't see the correlation.
I wish Halifax had prevailed over Churchill in the Conservative Party leadership fight when Chamberlain stood down.
First off, I would like to congratulate the officers in North St Louis for getting the job done right the second time around. It speaks to the reasoning ability of an individual who lost his first gunfight with police to try a second time. Perhaps he assumed that with the local coppers getting raked over the coals that they would be slower to react and allow themselves to be shot.
Some of the comments today are skirting what can be accomplished by individuals in response to the garbage being broadcast by the feel gooders in the media. They (media) turned off the online posting sections. Ok. When someone starts "parroting" the words and mantra of the excusers, utilise the opportunity to rebut these statements in a calm cool manner. I find a face to face dialogue to be more coherent and effective than a virtual comment/response board. It's too easy for someone to get hung up on one sentence of a written argument and run off on a tangent without examining the rest of the comment.
Educate those around you with a sound counter argument. If you have to, call bullshit and be solid in your resolve. If all else fails and you feel you are arguing with a rock, ask one simple question: "How is (that, are they, insert other verb or noun) racist?" Make them articulate their argument and use sound reasoning. Be ready to rebut the widely misquoted or fatally flawed studies on alleged racism.
If you do this with regular acquaintances, you will ultimately be able to rebut "authority experts", "educators", eo reps, etc, without fear of being reprimanded. Just remember to remain calm and on firm footing.
You must do this when the younger generations are being indoctrinated with outright lies and manipulation of facts and figures to misrepresent reality.
I know that others have made similar statements on here in the past, but have not seen it posted lately. I find an inability to stay silent on any matter that is flawed. Be it something that is small in scope or serious in nature. DO NOT be the person who listens to the "crap" being forcefed to the masses and then stew in silence. It's simply not healthy and you will most likely embolden others to call bullshit as well.
Where is Bogo? PK, have you banned him?
Bogo commented here yesterday, which should explain everything to you.
I like the idea, St Swisher with a halo choking the store owner!
The cover of the Detroit Free Press for February 3rd has the front page story of Rosa Parks letters being bought by a museum and right above it is a story of the failure of the Detroit public bus system, it's hard to believe the editor doesn't see the correlation.
They never see it, the narrative doesn't fit. In the DWL world the Rosa Parks letters are priceless and the gibs me a ride service failure is YT's fault.
Now in the real world the letters of a communist agitator like Rosa Parks would be best used as toilet paper and the bus system would be a failure because of the content of the character of the majority race that uses it.
SC Native
Racially-based jury nullification:
Phase #2 of “F**k The Police” Strategy – Black Saint Louis Resident Gets On Jury, Sits Through Murder Trial, Then Refuses To Participate In Deliberations Against Black Defendant…
Let's pick the stories apart 1 by 1.
1) Clear the rubble and rebuild. BS. No one would EVER invest a penny there again.
2) Investigation into Arson and looting could take years... Great, thousands of dollars investigating and prosecuting and maybe incarcerating a few people. Did I say thousands? I meant millions. Not one penny will ever be recapped.
3) To Kill a Mockingbird sequel. God, I mean Oprah is ecstatic. You know, the obese, gorilla that wants white people to die? The book promoted white guilt... I REMEMBER READING THIS AS A KID AND FEELING BAD. I REMEMBER THINKING HOW TERRIBLE THE WHITE 'TRASH' WAS AND HOW WONDERFUL 'AUNT-NOG NANNY' WAS... SHE WAS RIGHTEOUS AND DIVINE IN MY IMPRESSIONABLE MIND. It is mandatory reading in our school systems. This helps keep the lies going and the dollars flowing to the groids.
4) Measles missed St. Louis? No $hit. It originated in Disney World. I'm middle-to-upper middle class white and I would love nothing more than to take my family to Disney... I work real hard but don't think I can afford it before they grow beyond the age of interest. The only nogs going there are super bowl winners. I'm sure they truck them in from LA for a tax break too.
5) HEY!!! Nog, who tried to kill police, was killed by police in shoot out. He had simmilar incidents earlier in life. WHY wasn't he executed then?
The BIGGEST PROBLEM? These nogs will infest another city soon.
In the couple minutes I wrote this, I saw two commercials of interest. One was a public service message. 'Be a dad. Take time to be a dad.' It showed an ape and his daughter doing something stupid. White people don't need to be asked to be dads. I also saw a home security system commercial. OF COURSE the criminal was white....
We wouldn't even need armed police if it weren't for nogs.
History will tell it as such around 2030... With no more cotton to pick, white America drained itself in an effort to do the right thing and try to elevate the negro. The white man went as far as providing the negro food and shelter... The negro never had any other use in society. The negro did not work. The negro began killing many whites.
To end the great Asian war, America and her allies were finally able to push the Chinese Alliance out of South America, Mexico, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, and Japan. American cities had to rebuild from air strikes. Agricultural output was at 35% of pre-war levels. There was no longer resources to feed and shelter the negro.
Strict segregation, relocation, and revocation of citizenship finally alleviated the white man's burden. After fighting to stalemate, China and the west reconciled mutually beneficial trade....
I believe it will take a serious world shift to change anything.
Realist in MA
Excellent call on the Post Dispatch cover page, which sums up BRA better than the editors of that paper could ever imagine.
There is a direct line from "To Kill a Mockingbird" to "Hands up, don't shoot".
I wonder where "Mockingbird II: The Reckoning" will take us?
Do you mean to imply some sort of coordinated plan to fire up the chimpout and use it to rid the area of those who resisted redevelopment?
The Charleston Library Society was founded in 1748 and has complete files of the newspapers from the city since 1733. I've read the accounts of the dark days during the Revolutionary War and the War Between the States and Reconstruction and nothing from those times approaches the horror of today's newspapers. Even during a blockade there was some positive news to report but those were different times.
Good point about there being good news to report even in the worst of war. But the difference between those times and today is that back then, white people understood they were at war.
The dilemma today is that most white people do not understand the war that has been launched against them. And it is a war which has:
* Killed thousands of white people, mostly innocent civilians.
* Laid waste to entire cities.
* Prevented those same cities from being rebuilt.
* Turned millions of white people into refugees in their own country.
* Disenfranchised whites politically via court orders and bureaucratic diktat.
And that is just in the USA. We can note the ethnic cleansing of white people from Rhodesia, Angola, Algeria and now South Africa; the pillaging of ancient European cities by third worlder mobs; the establishment of totalitarian controls on what can be spoken in public and private.
In Europe, at least, there is some resistance. We've seen the rise of various nationalist political parties and even some movements which have taken it to the streets in defense of white interests. Here in the USA we have not gotten that far.
Time for YT to wake up.
Delaware dude here. on the east coast it is always the unarmed teen michael brown. too bad it is the slanted viewpoint.
FYT said...There is a direct line from "To Kill a Mockingbird" to "Hands up, don't shoot".
The civil rights movement has never been about equality or freedom or any of the other big words used to sell it. It has been about seizing power. The initial tactic was to present blacks as innocent victims of YT. Then in the 1950s things ratcheted up with civil disobedience, taking it to the streets and the DWL media smearing Southerners. By the mid-1960s there was open rioting and destruction of cities, with terrorism on the side. Things quieted down in the 1970s, but the insurgency continued, with the occasional general offensive (e.g., Rodney King Riot).
The agitation continued into the 21st century, with some hit-and-run raids tossed in (flashmobs, drivebys). Please note this is after several generations of social engineering which was supposed to "solve" the "problems" which were "causing" black dysfunction. The reality was that black dysfunctions accelerated throughout the period, evidenced by such crude datum as the rising rate of illegitimacy and the explosion in criminal street gangs. Sooner or later, it was going to break into the open and here we have it with L'affair Trayvon and the Ferguson Fracas.
It will be interesting to see what develops over the next decade. It gets back to the point about the civil rights movement (really, its string pullers) seeing themselves at war with White America. And that war was declared with the agitprop exploitation of works like "To Kill a Mockingbird."
With his rambling nonsense, it probably would have been best just to ban him.
One thing to consider is the power of works such as "To Kill a Mockingbird" -- regardless of their authors' intents. What is sorely needed is for race realists to write/produce stories, novels, plays and movies which can mobilize mass sentiment. It can be done. Look at how "Gone with the Wind" touched off widescale pro-Southern/pro-white sentiment throughout the USA. Given the ease of self-publishing today as well as making one's own movies, there are any number of possibilities.
For example, the 1950s and 1960s from the point of view of a moderate white who sees their town destroyed by civil rights activists and the black undertow. Perhaps the protagonist has a liberal relative up North who comes to a racial awakening after being dispossessed by the Detroit Riot and ensuing anti-white city government. Meantime, a black conservative is ostracized by DWL for trying to maintain a traditional family in the face of the welfare state. Then have a Southern cop who tries to expose the communist ties to the civil rights movement but is stymied by the feds.
The possibilities are endless, and the blueprint is there with all the anti-white agitprop -- it's just a matter of turning it around in favor of white people.
I am very disappointed that the measles outbreak missed St. Louis. Notice how the media is blaming the anti-vaxxers for the disease outbreaks instead of the real culprit: diseased, primitive, parasitical, degenerate third-world hordes and their disgusting offspring?
Regarding To Kill a Mockingbird: the fact that this sappy, unrealistic, emotionally manipulative garbage was taught in my public school instead of Kurt Vonnegut and George Orwell tells me all I need to know about how badly the state indoctrinated me. The fact that this book is praised over and over and it's "lessons" are forced on us over and over leads me to think that the book should have been titled, To Beat a Dead Horse.
No doubt ol' Harper Lee is completely senile. Some squid publisher is seeing dollar signs and the old broad is too weak to prevent it. Surely if she'd wanted it published (assuming she even wrote it OR book 1 for that matter, which I doubt) she would have done it 100 years ago or whatever. The mainstream media is just GUSHING over this. It's embarrassing. The nerve of Lee writing about how nice the South was during segregation while at the same time injecting a passion play of a unjustly persecuted negro to induce White guilt about said segregation and Southern tranquility enrages me. Harper Lee did not do Southerners any favors, no matter how much they worship her. Truman Capote is a nut too, but at least he invented the true crime genre.
This is why I stick with dystopian stories, survival guides, horror, and true crime.
If you race realist want a good read, check out craigslist St Louis. Read the rant and raves section. You will get a good feel on how the folks in that area think about the negroes.
The words fed up come to mind.
With his rambling nonsense, it probably would have been best just to ban him.
Nobody asked you, Anonymous Coward.
OT a bit. Amtrak, the train system you pay tax dollars for, has a delightful special negro website and promotion program called “My Black Journey”. Similar to McDonald’s 365Black I suppose.
Here’s a story about a negro chef in Harlem. He’s a real fancy guy, he’s doing what he calls Afro-Asian cooking. He does favor the use of black rice. Seriously.
It is becoming the negro’s world. We just live in it.
"For example, the 1950s and 1960s from the point of view of a moderate white who sees their town destroyed by civil rights activists and the black undertow. Perhaps the protagonist has a liberal relative up North who comes to a racial awakening after being dispossessed by the Detroit Riot and ensuing anti-white city government. Meantime, a black conservative is ostracized by DWL for trying to maintain a traditional family in the face of the welfare state. Then have a Southern cop who tries to expose the communist ties to the civil rights movement but is stymied by the feds. "
Try pitching one of these plots to a publishing house. Run down to a bank and try to throw this sort of plot at them to secure funding for a Hollywood movie, or find a Hollywood studio that would film a project like this. The ownership and top management rosters of publishing, media, and banking industries will read like a Tel Aviv phone book. You will find NOBODY who will aid the cause of the white nationalists there.
O.T-Another victory for BRA:The IZOD Center in East Rutherford,NJ is closing it's doors, laying off 1,700 overwhelmingly white workers in favor of the black workforce at the Prudential Center in Newark.
Delaware dude, I'm in Delaware also, are you in northern DE, or are you below the mason Dixon line?
"Here’s a story about a negro chef in Harlem. He’s a real fancy guy, he’s doing what he calls Afro-Asian cooking. He does favor the use of black rice. Seriously."
Is this slowly becoming a new trend for the groid? It used to be that they'd try to claim European greats/luminaries as "Well, ya'll know that they were all black and the only reason YT has gotten where he has is cause he stole it from us," type of thing.
Are they now attempting to muscle in to Asia and claim them?
Cause, got a flash for 'em. There aren't any groids indigenous to China, Korea, Japan. They're not there and it isn't their culture. From a race DNA standpoint, blacks have nothing whatsoever in common with Northeast Asians. PERIOD.
Rice didn't originate in Africa; Asia had it way before them.
Or maybe its simply a marketing technique. Da brothas like rice, lets make it black, and cool and sheet and after all, blacks like Asian takeout as much as anyone so lets combine the two.
Could be just that.
Lordy help us if BRA starts trying to claim that after YT, Asians also stole from their ancestors all the good cool stuff and sheet.
"Clearing rubble is crucial to recovery, officials say."
Isn't this a modern update to the phrase coined in Vietnam; "We had to destroy the village in order to save it?"
Thanks to the cellar-hart act of 1965, like the saying goes we made our bed now we have to sleep in it, we voted for it (as we did affirmative action) now we have to live with it.
Anyone having regrets?
You and I may not have voted for the Hart-cellar Act and Affirmative Action personally, but the majority of Americans did.
How did anyone think that letting in millions of uneducated and unskilled people into the country, and then give them advantages in getting into the best schools and getting jobs by way of Quotas, Set Asides, Affirmative action etc. Would be best for the country?
Someone please explain, how this happened? especially when in 1965 we were about 90% white 10% black. Prior to 1965 we had a 40 year stoppage of immigration to allow for assimilation, and up to 1925 we had pretty much all skilled and educated immigrants from Europe, Perhaps we should go back to the pre 1925 policy, or as Theodore Roosevelt once feared risk becoming a country of squabbling nationalities, wait we are already a country of squabbling nationalities.
I wonder if this is how the Victorians felt when the roaring 20s hit them?
Perhaps we live the same dramas over and over again.
So this just happened. A semifinal soccer match in the African Nations Cup was being played between Ghana and the host country, Equatorial Guinea. After Ghana scored with 8 minutes left to make it 3-0, the home team's fans went berserk and started attacking Ghana fans, each other, and some ran onto the field to attack the Ghana players. Riot police needed to be called in, the stands were evacuated, and the game was delayed some 30 minutes.
After I came across development this on the internet, I turned the game on on TV. The white announcer hilariously was giving the boilerplate speech white elites always make when typical black behavior occurs: "I want to stress that this violence does in no way represent the behavior of Equatorial Guineans or Africans in general. They are a warm, welcoming people...etc etc"
In reality, the "warm, welcoming people" of Equatorial Guinea who began to riot clock in with one of the lowest average IQs of any country, at just a touch over 60.
One of the commenter on this link said ,obama looks really weird like he is ill,is he dying from AIDS ?? I don't know did i read it here but there is some claim that obama is homo and michelle is transexual haha...
Someone please explain, how this happened? especially when in 1965 we were about 90% white 10% black. Prior to 1965 we had a 40 year stoppage of immigration to allow for assimilation, and up to 1925 we had pretty much all skilled and educated immigrants from Europe
The people were never allowed to vote on anti-white legislation. Brown vs Board was handed down from activist judges and the immigration act was pushed by Democrats in office. The public was against it at the time and I have no doubt the founders of the country would have opposed it as well.
From what I can tell a lot of Federal judges and politicians got a case of White guilt after WWII. But thanks to their weak spines we now have the current mess.
Oh and No Child Left Behind has completely failed, the media is for the most part keeping the results from the public. This is includes Fox news since the conservative explanation has been bad teachers kept in by unions. NCLB tried to address that but like all US racial legislation was not based on reality.
The Inevitable:
You have probably heard the statistic that once a neighborhood is over 15% black, it is inevitable that it will eventually become a black ghetto, because 15% is enough to make White people leave as a result of crime, behavior, etc.. Well America is now more then 20% black. the only way to make this NOT the case is for us to match and surpass their reproductive rates, which we will not do, because we are CIVILIZED. Shiteesha and Dayquan don't see a moral problem with having 8 sprogs. Chances are that the amount of babies they have also will not hurt their career..
They will take over by breeding, like roaches or rats. There is no way to stop them outnumbering us.
Thanks to the cellar-hart act of 1965, like the saying goes we made our bed now we have to sleep in it,
we voted for it (as we did affirmative action) now we have to live with it.
Who do you mean "we"? I wasn't alive then and I would never support anything so blatantly anti-white. I also have never read anything on a nation-wide ballot for affirmative action.
Republics only work if the people in charge actually care about the majority. Direct democracy would never have allowed desegregation or the immigration act. I remember clearly in college how my professor talked about how the majority was against desegregation. Well I guess they sure were wrong as seen by this multicultural utopia I was born into. Detroit is slowly sinking the entire state of Michigan and I'm supposed to feel bad that black people once had to stay in their own towns at night. Oh boo hoo.
Sorry but I needed to rant.
I’m a fan of newnation.org, in the sense that those guys do a remarkably thorough and reliable compilation of negro crime.
Today’s update there tells you all you need to know about negroes in three stories. First, news of the sentencing of the negro teenager, who along with an accomplice, beat the 88 year old veteran, Delbert Belton to death for no reason in Spokane. The next story is of a negro who is slashing people with a razor in the NYC subway. And finally, a story which includes a TV interview with a negro mortuary worker in Africa who has sex with dead females.
Those three gems are just one day of 365 such reports each year. If a person reads those stories and does not realize there is something horribly wrong, well, what can you do.
I think black rice is a variety in SE Asia. I've never tasted it but I think it's fermented or something.
There's definitely a change in the air. I see it everywhere, I see it in the comment sections of any racial story, I hear it in conversation.
A lot of white people are waking up and are fed up. The whole country is suffering a case of negro fatigue the likes I've never seen before.
This "white guilt" card being played now is the lefts desperate attempt at maintaining the statisquo because they feel it all slipping away.
They know the cats out of the bag and a lot of whites have concluded that blacks are indeed different and a failed race.
"White guilt" is the new catch all that explains why blacks have failed and according to them, because we aren't even aware of our racism, the "white guilt" charge should work adinfinitum.
They're basically admitting that blacks will never get their shit together and it's because of some hidden racism that we'll never rid ourselves of.
"I wonder if this is how the Victorians felt when the roaring 20s hit them?
Perhaps we live the same dramas over and over again."
I think there was some culture shock in the 20's but not like today. What we have today is more like southern reconstruction in that the entire social order was turned upside down.
Imagine if you will a country where an educated elite that had ruled for around two centuries being disenfranchised and illiterate former slaves and their handlers (ancient DWL's) out into power over the people. Government corruption was rife, taxes increased exponentially and YT was not safe on the streets or at home. Women did not dare go anywhere alone. To do so was extremly dangerous and could result in death. In a decade a deficit was ran up that wasn't paid off for almost a century and for several generations this was not forgotten. Then comes cybil wights and de boating act. Low and behold all of the evils are back, it just took a bit longer.
Folks this was a time from 1865-77 and that wasn't that long ago. The people that witnessed this first hand were mostly gone by the 50's and 60's and look what we have.
Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. This is why Southerners and many Northerners that could see were violently against cybil wights because they knew what happen. Yet the all knowing DWL's just had to have justice. I know some of those old DWL's and I always make it a point to ask them is this what they wanted. Basically they all say I had no idea it would go this far. Some have children and grandchildren that have been culturally enriched and I always make the point to tell them you reap what you sow.
Never let a DWL off the hook, granted I'm in a very traditional area of the country where on many ways negros are still obsolete farm equipment and not these precious mistreated souls that SBPDL covers. You have to get to the cities for that.
Reconstruction had a happy ending and with some work the end of BRA can as well. I will always be an optimist simply because my family has been here so long we've ride the roller coaster before. YT is a resilient species.
SC Native
I would love to see some satistics that tell how many sprogs that hatch reproduce before they get made good. As much as these animals reproduce they should be everywhere but they seem to remain the same in the census. Perhaps that many get St Skittled.
Oh God, I just realized I kept typing "white guilt", when I meant "white privilege" . And no, it wasn't a Freudian slip.
Oh God, I just realized I kept typing "white guilt", when I meant "white privilege"
Pay no mind, it's all made up BS anyway.
Just being white pisses them off. Stay white, piss a negro off!
Anonymous said...
"I’m a fan of newnation.org, in the sense that those guys do a remarkably thorough and reliable compilation of negro crime."
I use newnation.org ALL THE TIME, especially for those DWLs I know who keep repeating the wishful BS myth that "they're just like us."
I have yet to have any DWL have anything to say to explain the Knoxville Horror and how those evil f'ing barbarians could do such a thing. And laugh about it and have no remorse.
THEY ARE NOT JUST LIKE US. Or if they are, it's "us" 10,000 years ago when one had to kill the next non-tribe hominid so as to eat.
Anonymous said...
Shouldn't something about Black History Month be on the cover as well?
Wouldn't you agree - that page sums up Black history in a nutshell?
Nothing positive, nothing productive.
Instead of having something "raised" - elevated to a higher position or level, the savages are always causing something to be "razed" - completely destroyed.
What a play on words...
I remember very clearly in grade school when we were learning about homonyms. The teacher went around the class and asked us to give examples. My answer was "raise" and "raze". The entire class looked at me. I spelled both words and explained that they sound the same but have total opposite meanings.
"Raise/raze is not only a homonym, but is also antonym."
Regarding savage history month, Carver studied plants. Peanuts have existed for thousands of years. Same thing goes for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes, which he studied.
Invent: create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of something.
Carver simply improved on existing ideas and did not invent anything.
Way too much credit given.
Woodsy says: Epic fail. Class dismissed.
Time for target practice.
Delaware dude, I'm in Delaware also, are you in northern DE, or are you below the mason Dixon line?
February 5, 2015 at 12:28 PM
I think that in the Delmarva Peninsula, the Mason Dixon Line runs North/South instead of East/West. Maryland is on the Confederate side of the line and Delaware is on the Union side of the line.
Philadelphia Mike
I'm not a fan of bogolyupski, but of you're going to trash him, at least do so with an identifiable moniker. Also, there is the poster bogolyupski and another who goes by just bogo. For clarification, to which ate we referring to?
If I recall, the Hart Cellars act was never put to a bit by the american people. Neither was affirmative action.
Nobody had to ask me. It's my sound opinion.
Calling me a coward for posting anonymously while -- 1. Your profile is hidden. 2. Most posters here also post anon. 3. Paul uses a pseudonym -- has got to be the most ridiculous comment I've ever seen on this Blog. You just surpassed Bogo! Amazing.
CMPD: North Meck student skips school, allegedly rapes woman
I guess even daytime basketball isn't enough for them.
@Philadelphia Mike:
In Antebellum times Delware was a slave state, so it had to have been south of the Mason Dixon.
Mike, all this time I thought you were still in Philly. Now come to find you're out in safe havens of DE. Are you the guys that tried to sick that nutso Christine O'Donnell on us? The GOP could've taken the Senate back in '10 were it not for that nutcase. What a piece of work she was. The Tea Party started to lose some cred in my estimation when they came out and supported her candidacy.
Race realist? She wouldn't even know how to SPELL race if it jumped up and bit her in the behind.
Ol' Sam Francis was certainly right when he called it "The Stupid Party".
God bless you, Mr. Francis, wherever you are.
@SC Native:
Agreed with what you said, but I would add that the culture front was radically changed in the Civil Rights 60's with such agitprop pieces as To Kill a Mockingbird as well as the film based on the book.
The baby boom DWLs of today got their start by reading that book and taking it to heart. How they view the south is largely based on the contents found in To Kill a Mockingird.
It would be nice to write a race realist novel that could dispel the images found in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Anonymous said... , Beyond Fatigue said...I've witnessed too many small towns, suburbs, and cities succumb to the dedicated violence and chaos that surrounds the negro and its entourage of politicians, non-profits, and other bottom feeders.
A very few are getting rich and powerful from these actions; the rest of us are getting the sharp end of the spear.
{ "That's the whole idea, and the plan is working well. Most whites see their ruin before their eye's, but they go on into it." }
Anonymous said... Shouldn't something about Black History Month be on the cover as well? Seems fitting somehow.
{ IMO, I think the cover shows "content of character" perfect for the black misery month.}
I owe black people nothing!
As a black man who reads this site, why I don't agree with everything, I want to thank Mr. Kersey for exposing a lot of the crap done by mostly black people and the horrendous situation in pretty much if not every black town in America, Mr. Kersey exposes the corrupt black leadership as well as the white politicians who don't have the guts to tell of the sorry situation in black America, I don't like his hostility to all blacks, but he at least is truthful, I am tired of babies 2-3 years old getting shot, because some MF who cant shoot thought someone looked at him the wrong way or was wearing the wrong color shirt was in the same area as the innocent baby. That you cant have conveniences like pizza delivery, because these idiots will rob the pizza boy, that a 5 year old girl with her buying bubblegum gets shot in broad daylight with 100 people there and supposedly no one saw it, yet everyone wants blood when a cop shoots a known criminal in self defense, if Mike Brown was shot by a gang member no one would have saw anything, oh by the way Anthony Shahid made up the hands were up which is probably a bunch of sh-- google Anthony Shahid, I am fed up, there are a few black leaders coming out against this dysfunction in the black community Dr James David Manning, Taleeb Starkes, but it needs to be exposed, if I had my way I would put so many in jail that the black neighborhoods would be every bit as safe the white neighborhoods, Again I don't agree with your hate, but thanks for exposing the truth.
Anonymous said...
"As a black man who reads this site, why I don't agree with everything, I want to thank Mr. Kersey for exposing a lot of the crap done by mostly black people and the horrendous situation in pretty much if not every black town in America, Mr. Kersey exposes the corrupt black leadership as well as the white politicians who don't have the guts to tell of the sorry situation in black America, I don't like his hostility to all blacks, but he at least is truthful, I am tired of babies 2-3 years old getting shot, because some MF who cant shoot thought someone looked at him the wrong way or was wearing the wrong color shirt was in the same area as the innocent baby. That you cant have conveniences like pizza delivery, because these idiots will rob the pizza boy, that a 5 year old girl with her buying bubblegum gets shot in broad daylight with 100 people there and supposedly no one saw it, yet everyone wants blood when a cop shoots a known criminal in self defense, if Mike Brown was shot by a gang member no one would have saw anything, oh by the way Anthony Shahid made up the hands were up which is probably a bunch of sh-- google Anthony Shahid, I am fed up, there are a few black leaders coming out against this dysfunction in the black community Dr James David Manning, Taleeb Starkes, but it needs to be exposed, if I had my way I would put so many in jail that the black neighborhoods would be every bit as safe the white neighborhoods, Again I don't agree with your hate, but thanks for exposing the truth."
February 6, 2015 at 7:26 AM
You don't agree with the hate ? Well then what would you like to call it ?
Reality ? Try that on for size.
When you see a nation such as ameerka that was built on the backs of the
likes of people like my grandparents, only to watch parasite primates
reduce it down to rubble with no accountability for their actions whatsoever,
(Fergieson ring a bell, how many brought to justice there?).
Shht, hate doesn't even describe what I feel against ALL BLACKS.
I frankly think you're all wolves. I don't want to take the time out of
my life to decipher the difference between blaques and negroes, if there
is any difference deep down inside. The odds are simply not in my favor
of finding an IKAGO. They're simply non existent.
We all know the reality of everything you commented on.
We're race realists. We've had the unfortunate luxury of watching the
blaque plague run this country down to somewhere I'd never thought it
could be taken. But it has, and will continue, as long as you you ppl
are allowed to breed.
The numbers are staggering. Nobody truly needs to read statistics if
they live in the middle of the war zone. Eyes are 20/20 vision, they
see it all clearly happening right before my eyes, they simply cannot
tell a lie.
Sorry you feel that the truth is hate,
but I've said it many times in the past, and I'll say it many more times
in the future.
Truth, it's the new hate speech.
Sad that even you, a black man as you claim, can't accept the truth.
So you resort to calling it hate. The truth hurts, doesn't it ?
Negro fatigue has caused me to be Wayyyyy Beyond Hatred. I eclipsed
that level of hate years ago. I can't even explain in words what
level I'm at. Well, maybe one, Hitler !
"Again I don't agree with your hate, but thanks for exposing the truth."
Hold, hold, hold it. Hold up. Hate? So if people don't automatically line up behind the BRA second coming of paradise, it's hate? Gotcha.
Let's be real a second here. Who will deny that most blacks HATE white people? Yeah, I said it. Let's be real.
After all that whites have done for blacks over the last 60yrs, and still the HATE that they have for whites…doesn't add up, doesn't make any sense.
UNLESS…they just hate YT just cause. Cause they ain't black and so they will never respect those who do not look, talk, and act like them.
That is understandable because some of that is related to genetics. People tend to side with their own kin, their own tribe, so that's definitely understandable.
But otherwise it simply doesn't add up. After 60yrs of all these government programs and still the groids cannot figure it out?
Take a long hard look in the mirror, point your finger on your chest and say "It's on me. It's on us. We're not living up to our end of the bargain. We're the ones who are constantly fucking up, messing up, it's NOT the white man who's messing it up, we are."
Each and every single day the black man is causing all the trouble. Until things truly change, they never ever will.
Until the blind will finally strive to see the problems in front of their noses and admit that they're the ones causing about 99% of the problems, guess what?
Things will never ever change for blacks.
"Hands, up don't shoot"
I believe the concept of surrendering is European chivalry. Along with other civilized concepts, like not kicking a man when he's down. Whites don't always honor this concept. But your chances surrendering to Europeans certainly were better say than surrendering to Japanese during WW2. (To their credit not many Japanese surrendered)
Certainly blacks are not known for showing mercy. In fact they are not generally known for any acts of kindness. Only the YT's rule of law keeps them somewhat tame. They revert to feral beasts in YT's absence.
For blacks to use the "Hands up, don't shoot" shows that they can "act white" when it's to their benefit (and doesn't involve reading or maffamatics). But don't for a minute ever expect mercy from a black. It's always a one way street when dealing with blacks.
There would be no "Po Po" to accuse of not accepting your surrender without YT. As there would have been no bus for Rosa Parks to complain about sitting in the rear of where it not for the white man's magic.
Blacks take for YT's magic for granted. Blacks would rather look for something to complain about than marvel at progress. With blacks it the law of the jungle. Gibs me dat....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
@Philadelphia Mike:
""""In Antebellum times Delware was a slave state, so it had to have been south of the Mason Dixon.
Mike, all this time I thought you were still in Philly. Now come to find you're out in safe havens of DE. """"
Philadelphia Mike, here.
I AM in Philly. Read that post more carefully. I was responding to someone who lived in Delaware.
Philadelphia Mike
I think its only fair the hooligans who commited these crimes be made to pay for it all no more stupid excuses
@Philadelphia Mike:
Yeah, okay, good point. It was a bit confusing at first with the quotations so momentarily lost who was living where.
Whew! I didn't think you'd jump ship and bail on Brotherly Love when the city needs you and others who are positive, uplifting, and realistic on race in their hour of need.
You know, if someone who was black really did act like they were just painted a different color, then I wouldn't give a crap about it.
I actually had to go through a 24 hour block on another site for sharing a fairly innocent photo meme because the groids and their lovers objected to it - on a story about how a 17 year old groid had been arrested as one of three who held up a UPS truck at gunpoint. A UPS truck of all things.
They didn't like it when I pointed out the kid they'd arrested just about matched the paint on the truck, either.
Every day in BRA is like waking up in a Steven King novel. Fox News has pretty much been vagified, Bush III drools over foreigners and open borders, immigrants take millions of jobs from Americans with the connivance of both political parties and the CoC, the press is in the bag for socialism, Diana West is viciously attacked for telling the truth about the huge influenceof communists on FDR and successors, all future candidates decry "radical" Islam or "Islam" but never Islam, Muslims continued to be brought into the country after 9/11 without let up, moron Bush II spoke of the RoP, no politician gives a rip about printing money, debt, or spending, we're champing at the bit for war with Russia and nukes for a mortal enemy in Iran, we're pissing away lives and money in Muslim ____ holes, the government maintains the fiction that there are no racial differences and that there's no such thing as virulent black racism and a loathsone black underclass, white people are being made into a minority in our own country, the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating our government, DOH won't pritect white rights, and at the top of this festering pile is a male person who never had him a brewski while he changed his oil or set the points in his distributor and who started his political career in the living room of two communist terrorists and produced a forged birth certificate that shows he's constitutionally ineligible for the office he putatively holds.
Cue Elvira, Pee-wee Herman, and Vincent Price.
Your last sentence is simple but shows great insight. We value religious liberty but give the political system Islam status as a protected religion. No provision of our Constitution was intended to apply to any religions other than Christianity and Judaism.
"Person" in the 14th Amendment sure as heck wasn't meant to apply to Nigerians or Mexicans chasing welfare benefits north of the Rio Grande.
Every day this month the papers should feature a black prison inmate telling us his life story. I'd read every one. Just for the funny names, if nothing else.
By shiftless customer?
Now that you put it that way....
Delaware dude. slightly O/T. sorry for missing the posts aimed at me. I am slightly west of the killing zone in the north. although Delaware is east of the Mason-Dixon line, it was a mixed state. one needs to really research the original Mason-Dixon Line. that's because it was originally a RELIGIOUS boundary between the catholics and the quakers. it was originally surveyed by a Dutchman name augustus herman and he was "given" a huge tract of land stolen from Delaware from the elk river (port herman)in maryland to the Delaware river (augstine beach) the king had a nasty way of "rewarding" those to whom he owed money. give them land in the new world and tax them to death. since the Virginians were Baptists, the penns were quakers and the calverts were catholic, what better way to rid the land of those not loyal to the church of England. besides, maybe he would get lucky and they would kill each other. jump ahead to 1964 when then U S A G Ramsey Clark described Sussex County, Delaware as the northern most county of the state of Mississippi and you can get some idea of the feeling towards those of color by the locals in lower, slower, Delaware.
Virginia. Drop "lynching" into your Google machine and you'll see a bunch of articles come up comparing the Jordan pilot being burned to lynchings, which is absurd. I'd assume that these articles are written by White Guilt Marxists in an attempt to make more whites feel guilty.
It is to identify you as an individual, that people may respond to you and your comments personally and know that you are anonymous #1 rather than anonymous #1000
Wailing and gnashing your teeth is the end result of freed slaves ruling the kingdom
Another wise man once defined stupid as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Another said you can't fix stupid.
And what's the common denominator???????????
Why do you double down on your insistence that Bogo should be banned? If you don't like what he has to say,' I'm not the biggest fan( than just ignore him. You sound like one of those "social justice warriors" who want to ban everybody who dares voice an opinion you disagree with.
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