"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories... And those that carry us forward, are dreams." The Time Machine, 2002
Reading an article by Atlantic's go-to black authority figure Ta-Nehisi Coates brought a smile to my face that will be hard to wipe away.
It's from this story. [The Racist Housing Policies That Built Ferguson: The geography of America would be unrecognizable today without the race-based social engineering of the mid-20th century., 10-17-14]
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An image from Ta-Nehisi Coates article in Atlantic attacking the past housing ordinances in St. Louis as the reason for the situation in Ferguson (be quiet: you can't mention Section 8 Vouchers in polite company!) |
No, nothing he wrote is particularly interesting (or even remotely based on anything outside of your typical black grievances).
It's an image used to highlight the evils of white people - past, present, and future white people - strategically placed at the start of the story. The image shows gorgeous houses on 4300 West Belle Place and reads:
Look! Look at these homes now! An entire block ruined by negro invasion. Every house marked "X" now occupied by negroes. ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH OF 4300 WEST BELLE PLACE. Save you home! Vote for segregation! -- A 1916 leaflet proposes to segregate St. Louis. The measure passed. (Missouri History Museum Library and Research Center)Isn't there just one question needing to be asked today?
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Thanks to Google Earth: 4300 West Belle Place 100 years later... |
Of course there is: what happened to 4300 West Belle Place in St. Louis?
Located in the Vandeventer neighborhood of St. Louis (a community that is 95.7 percent black and 1.2 percent white), 4300 West Belle Place is nestled in a community where the average list price for a home is $17,499 [source: Trulia.com]
Courtesy of the magic of Google Maps, you can virtually walk down West Belle Place in St. Louis and see the homes that were pictures in the 1916 leaflet proposing to segregate St. Louis.
It's a haunting trip, seeing for yourself the bulk of those houses in the 1916 leaflet - strategically used by Ta-Nehisi Coates to conjure antipathy by Atlantic readers against white people of the past, present and especially the future - are now gone, the entire area surrounding West Belle Place looking more like Dresden after the Allies bombed the city than before.
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An image of West Belle Place (looking the other way from the photo in the 1916 leaflet... abandoned homes where nature is now the only inhabitant... |
But there's an interesting post-script to the story, highlighting the type of individual who calls 4300 West Belle Place home nearly 100 years after the ad Ta-Nehisi Coates used in his story on Ferguson to connect present-day whites in St. Louis to their past racism (castigating all future white people in the process). [St. Louis police commander survives ambush while on special patrol, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6-12-13]:
Police Major Joseph Spiess was among department brass who hit the streets after a particularly violent night this week, to help look for trouble.
He found some, and it almost killed him.
Spiess was among about a dozen top commanders helping supplement patrols Tuesday night after 19 people were wounded in eight incidents the night before.
By the time the shift ended, there would be two close calls for officers and one embarrassing mistake.
Spiess, 52, was alone, in uniform, driving an unmarked Chevrolet Impala about 9:22 p.m. when he spotted a suspicious-looking black Pontiac Bonneville with temporary license tags on Evans Avenue, heading west near Vandeventer Avenue.
He said he made a U-turn to follow, and the Pontiac’s driver would not stop for his lights and siren. The circumstances did not qualify under rules limiting pursuits, so he gave up at Evans and Sarah Street.
As Spiess continued along Evans, a man jogged slowly toward him and stopped between parked cars about 12 feet away.
“He looks me dead in the eye, lifts his pistol and starts shooting at me,” Spiess said Wednesday. “The first round sounded like a shotgun went off in my car. Then I heard a high-pitched whine go through the (open) driver’s side window and out the passenger window.
“He looked at me square in the face, I’m in an Impala, wearing a police shirt, and he was looking me right in the eye. He knew who he was shooting at. He absolutely knew I was a policeman.”
Spiess said that as he sped off, he watched in the mirror as the gunman stepped to the middle of the street and continued firing.
About a block away, Spiess pulled over to check himself for wounds. “I remember thinking, ‘I have to be hit,’ ” he said. “I could not believe I wasn’t hit.”
Meanwhile, police arrested three people found hiding in a home near the ambush on Spiess, and seized handguns. They were believed to have been in the Pontiac, which was found abandoned in the area.
Two of them were later charged. Robert O. Simmons, 19, of the 4500 block of St. Ferdinand Avenue in St. Louis, was charged with first-degree assault of a law enforcement officer and armed criminal action. Demetrius J. Vanarsdale, 24, of the 4300 block of West Belle Place in St. Louis, was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and resisting arrest.
Spiess said investigation showed that 16 shots had been fired at him from a 9-millimeter weapon with a 30-round extended magazine. He said he found two bullet holes in the driver’s side door of his car. The windows were down, so he’s not sure how many other rounds might have passed through.Did you catch it? Demetrius J. Vanarsdale represents why the 1916 leaflet was put out by white homeowners in St. Louis, worried about the long-term damage to the equity in their homes black people would bring...
We can't change the past, nor can we have much influence on the present... but events in both the past and present represent our only guide to crafting policies for a stable, prosperous future.
This is another reason why "racist" policies were good:
The Racist Housing Policies That Built Ferguson: The geography of America would be unrecognizable today without the race-based social engineering of the mid-20th century.
Yes, mid-20th century America: a land of great industries, solvent cities, peaceful suburbs, and not a flashmob to be seen outside the "ghetto." But then starting in the 1950s, the floodgates were opened up to the undertow, and all of that was wrecked.
Says something about BRA, does it not?
I just took a look at the source article at the Atlantic. All the comments are about 'awful rayciss whites' and none about this. These days, when it comes to DWL's, all I have to do is go Dr. Phil and ask, "So, how's that workin' out for ya?"
At risk of seeming like a broken record: EVERYTHING is YT's fault !
No matter what, who, where, how or why - IT'S ALWAYS YT'S FAULT !
Blacks will NEVER take responsibility or hold themselves accountable for ANYTHING. This is a phenomenon you've explored before and many have commented on - it's always the street's fault, or the gun's, or the victim who fought back, ad nauseum.
I wrote this but don't think I posted it before. MORE wisdom from the past: the prediction of rap "music" in 1868, from Negroes in Negroland, p. 164:
“Music is at a low ebb. Admirable tunists, and no mean tunists, the people betray their incapacity for improvement by remaining contented with the simplest and the most monotonous combinations of sounds. As in everything else, so in this art, — creative talent is wanting. A higher development would have produced other results ; yet it is impossible not to remark the delight which they take in harmony. The fisherman will accompany his paddle, the porter his trudge, and the housewife her task of shelling grain, with a song; and for long hours at night the peasants will sit in a ring repeating, with a zest that never flags, the same few notes, and the same unmeaning line.” — Burton's Africa, page 468.
They are not like us; we are as different from them as German shepherds are from wolves. We owe them NOTHING.
I always like to check the background of the authors of these "studies":
Ta-Nehisi Coates is just a parrot. What's important is who teaches the parrot.
"The geography of America would be unrecognizable today without the race-based social engineering of the mid-20th century."
Should read:
"The geography of America is unrecognizable today because of the race-based social engineering of the late-20th century."
That asshole was only charged with first degree assault on a law enforcement officer?!!! What happened to attempted capital felony murder?!!!
This is what happens when justice is left up to the state. The state will only slap that dark brown or black felon on the wrist. Even if its an officer enforcing the states laws.
Before it goes down the memory hole:
White Las Vegas cab driver ambushed
RexHymens here:
I tried reading through the comments on the Atlantic site but trying to follow a bunch of liberals weaving fantastical tales of imagined "bigotry" and "racism" is like listening to a group of 6 yr olds whining about their bedtimes.
PK hit the nail right on the head. The article does a great job of showing everyone the Before and After situation in any american city.
Before negroes we have nice, safe, clean cities and towns where good decent aemricans want to raise their families.
After negroes we have Detroit, St Louis, the souf and wes sahds of Chicongo and on and on the list goes.
Blaming anyone or anything but the negroes for turning these areas into ghetto Hells is ridiculously juvenile and willfully ignorant.
As long as we allow feral negroes to walk among us we are literally committing societal suicide and sacrificing our future generations to the alter of white guilt.
Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating genocide or even segregation. Or violence of any type.
What I am Proposing is The Rex Hymens-Nate Higgers Save America Act of 2015. Under The RHNHSAA EVERY negro, mullatto, quadroon and octaroon would be treated to a One Strike Rule in regards to ANY violent crime, ANY felony, or ANY act of General Niggotry. They would forego any Trial and immediately be shipped to a Labor Camp in the middle of the New Mexican Deserts. There, they would work from Sun Up to Sun Down shackled to one another in long lines. The front line would dig 10 foot trenches and move forward so the rear line could move forward to fill them back up. Back and forth across the desert under the cruel, watchful eyes of several Overseers using whips and tazers to motivate the negroes to keep working and NOTHING else. Negroes that succumb to the labor would simple be buried as the trenches were filled with no fanfare or wasted expense. Negroes that survive will be rewarded at the end of each day with a 1/4 lb of salted pork and a cup of creek water. They will sleep shackled together as they are when they work, no need for wasteful tents. The Overseers would make no effort to stop the negroes from killing each other, as long as this wonderful expression of their african culture was not being performed during working hours. Any and all negroes that object or complain publicly about TRHHNSAA would be treated as Felons and shipped to the labor camps immediately.
Perhaps someday black people will take pride in themselves, their families and their homes. Value education and hard work.
Lay their bitterness aside, take a deep cleansing breath and just contemplate the word "forgive".
Wouldn't it be loverly?
Pk, this is a great rebuttal of the Marxist whine on the richness of diversity. What's shocking is this was a nice area over a century ago , by 1915 it was in steep decline. I wonder what crime was like from the time of the depression to the antics of this fine young coon shooting at de poleece n sheet.
I hope somebody links this excellent article to the ooks and eeks it so wonderfully refuted.
By the way, just what in the hell is a Ta-Nehisi Coates? It sounds like some kind some kind of african paint made out of Ebola tainted bush meat.
SC Native
Ta-Nehisi Coates, the golden-boy of the "black intellectual" establishment. I hope they take your bait, Paul.
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
Off topic, but has any one been paying attention to the Shot-Show in Las Vegas the past couple of years? It's the major gun show in the nation. Well the industry is being completely driven concealed carry. All the companies are making smaller more concealable firearms. Taurus makes curved pistols to enhance conceal-ability. Kel-Tec makes this 22-mag pistol that holds 30 shots! Perfect for under the car seat. It won't be long before we see a Chimp-Out gone wrong!
Off topic but so what. Albinos in Tanzania are on the menu yet again, the younger the better!
"The one-year-old boy was grabbed from his mother in his home in the Geita region of northwestern Tanzania on Sunday, a month after the government announced a nationwide ban on witch doctors who are accused of fuelling a wave of attacks on albinos."
Racoon says:
It is interesting to see that some of the dwellings constituting 4300 West Belle have "disapparated" over the ensuing century, and have been replaced by single dwellings, or vacant lots.
The geography today is, I think, unrecognizable in this context.
"""Perhaps someday black people will take pride in themselves, their families and their homes. Value education and hard work.
Lay their bitterness aside, take a deep cleansing breath and just contemplate the word "forgive".
Wouldn't it be loverly?"""
My first comment is that any bitterness which they may harbor towards us is unwarranted and unjustified. Not one of them was alive during the era of slavery...and most of them weren't even born yet prior to the civil rights act.
Secondly, forgiveness? We don't need their forgiveness. We don't want their forgiveness. We have done no injustices towards them that warrant forgiveness.
Finally, they should be asking US for forgiveness for all of the destruction, violence, and heart wrenching sorrow which they have caused to us.
Philadelphia Mike
A new term: the Ta-Nehisi effect.
The destruction of a white neighborhood by the richness of diversity.
If you want to see utter destruction of an entire city look at Highland Park Michigan. To look at photos taken before the blacks were block busted in and photos of the city now is the most remarkable transformation of any city in the United States. Detroit had so many beautiful neighborhoods and now it is 144 square miles of ruination. I have lived in metro Detroit for over 60 years and whoever posted "your experience with blacks will form your opinion of blacks" is spot on. Thanks to all who post here. Sometimes you wonder if you're alone in your thinking. Not when you read the comments here.
OT....There is a new book out by Victor Thorn called AMERICA'S RACIAL POWDER KEG. Most of the book has articles reprinted from AFP (American Free Press) newspaper and web sight. There is not much in the book that is news to race realist, but there is some damn good hard core articles that those who are awake will enjoy reading.
You can get the book from AFP or by now it should be on Amazon. The best part of the book is about what Abe Lincoln thought of blacks. Also some really good info on the origins of slavery, some of which I didn't even know about. This is a must read. Thank you.
I was wondering the exact same thing.
It is entirely understandable that the black race has no appreciation for housing and villages based upon the European model. Europe, after all, was not the continent from which they originated. Therefore, how can we be too surprised when the negro not only cannot mimic European village environments, but can scarcely maintain it as well?
To find the answer to this question, we must look toward the negro's homeland: Africa - a lush, tropical land surrounded by huts made of sticks and mud. The need for fire was minimal because of the warm climate. When hungry, the negro simply reached up into a mango tree and, in the present vernacular, "grabs him sum". Dinner was whatever he could forage. An occasional fish was caught by a sharpened spear.
White people are stymied as to why the negro has such limited scope, depth, and range in his mental faculties. It isn't complicated either. The white man's brain was "forced" into being sharper, because after he left the African continent for other lands, the intense cold threatened to kill him - and rather quickly at that. This was especially the case when winter killed off all vegetation for months on end. Planning entered the equation for the white man, which required considerable forethought and future time orientation (sound familiar?).
Over the millennia, the white man's appearance reflected the harshness of the new climate he had to deal with: pale skin, a long,narrow nose to minimize breathing in frosty arctic air, melanin lacking hair and eyes - basically what we know today as Nordic blonds.
I see voluntary segregation as the only true answer. Many blacks today would refuse to go back to Africa, knowing, despite their rhetoric, they'd quickly become barbeque meat on a spit for the local villagers. No, they like the white man's life, but don't have the ability to even sustain it, let alone recreate it. So the blacks should be allowed to have their own neighborhoods and whites should be allowed to have theirs. This really is the only way. Our ancestors knew this vital fact. In the last 60 years, we've been kidding ourselves. There really should never be any neighborhood which, voluntarily, should be any more than 20% negro. Studies have consistently shown that any concentration of the negro over 30% spells DISASTER.
My mom grew up near Constitution Avenue in NW D.C. At that time, 1940's - '50s, it was German/Jew, middle class. The row houses were very stately, with Doric columns gracing the entrances and a huge flank of stairs leading up to handsome, wide porches flanked by huge oak front doors and large paned windows.
The houses at that time were around one hundred years old, probably built just prior to the Civil War. When my mom's family owned them, they had become rooming houses during WW II. Bordering this area of D.C. was what was then and is now N*ggerville. Today, the area looks much like the area in St. Louis depicted in this posting. There are the ever-present makeshift "churches" - one story brick or concrete structures in open fields where large, middle class Victorians used to live before they were destroyed by the undertow.
I guess that's what's more striking than anything for me. The fact that, no only did these beautiful houses slowly dilapidate due to neglect and abuse. Sometimes the houses, which were extremely well built and made of high quality materials, were in such poor shape that over time they must have literally imploded or collapsed. There was simply no way to save them. Finally they fell victim to the wrecking ball and had to be removed and the land then cleared. I suppose in a way they will serve as an epitaph to what our country has become due to the overwhelming destruction wrought by the Great Black Undertow - empty, dirt and grassy areas where high civilization once reigned supreme. Now becoming more like Africa, in its land and in its people.
"He looked at me square in the face, I'm in an Impala, wearing a police shirt, and he was looking me right in the eye. He knew who he was shooting at. He absolutely knew I was a policeman" Spiess said
He also knew you were White. But I guess that doesn't count, because your uniform is your uniform.
Off Topic, but you'll be hearing about this soon...
"Afroman" (Because I got High) singer while performing onstage in Biloxi Mississippi 2/17/15 knocks drunk white girl unconscious when she wanders onstage and begins to dance.
A crowd full of Southern whites does...nothing.
That is a powerful contrast of what was in 1916. But you see the same thing in every city that existed in 1916. You don't see this decay anywhere else on earth outside of war zones. Non-negro societies take care of what has been created, normally improving upon it.
Negroes destroy what civilization creates.
I was looking at a book called "Timeline of History' [I think was the title].
And who is on the cover? Among a few pictures....
Karl Marx and MLK, the great.
Political correctness is forcing everyone to relearn what has already taken thousands of years to learn in the first place... Men are different than women. Blacks are different than whites. Muslims are incompatible with anyone else on earth. Discipline, hard work and integrity are your calling card in life, and so on and so on.
"Lay their bitterness aside, take a deep cleansing breath and just contemplate the word "forgive"
HELL NO! We living Whites have done nothing to be forgiven for, in fact! we've done far to much FOR those worthless negroes to date and it must end soon or we Whites will perish and our children will be in hell before they too are gone.
About a block away, Spiess pulled over to check himself for wounds. “I remember thinking, ‘I have to be hit,’ ” he said. “I could not believe I wasn’t hit.”
That's because they can't shoot.
Last weekend I awoke in the small hours of the morning to hear by my count between 50-60 gunshots from automatic weapons somewhere in the distance. I asked my cop friend if any calls had come in and he said there had. A few miles away it seemed there had been a rolling gun battle between several cars as the calls stretched for several blocks. 50-60 (at least) rounds and no one hit. Another reason why blacks could never win a shooting war.
21 years in the Marine Corps. Negro's can't shoot, swim, or think for themselves.
People all over the world are racist and bigoted toward each other to varying degrees. People all over the world have suffered under various forms of slavery. The entire world feels the pain of injustice to one degree or another.
If social injustices, real or simply perceived, are the cause of poverty, violence and dysfunction, then why are the subsequent symptoms not the same the world over? Why are the Balkans, many countries which are ex slave states of ruthlessly violent Turks, anything like Africans in America? And why are Africans who were never part of this particular system of slavery so similar in behavior when they migrate to other parts of the world today?
There are strong correlations between poverty and violence. "The public" just have the cause and effect backward. Where Africans go, violence follows. Where violence goes, poverty follows.
I am going to take a page from Bogoluyski and point out that Ta-Nehisi Coates does not own the Atlantic magazine, he does not publish it, he does not establish the editorial policies. If he had to stand or fall on his own resources, the best Ta-Nehisi Coates could do would be turning out a newsletter on his boss's photocopy machine which would be distributed on windshields for a three block radius.
Look at the man behind the curtain...
Go into deep East Oakland sometime and you will look around and say, "These are nice houses." Simple 2 and 3 bedroom postwar houses, solidly built. Most of them are way nicer than the places I lived when I was growing up.
But I had white privilege so even though I was living in crappy apartments and going to the same crappy schools, something something disenfranchised something, right?
It's a marvel that the blacks haven't cashed out, taken their $600,000 they can get for their nice houses, and moved out to Sacramento or somewhere where they could live high on the hog for a year or two before they go broke.
That's what's going to save Oakland and doom Sacramento.
Law enforcement officers need to consider all this. Policies such as open housing and section 8 are opening up the suburbs to an invasion of criminality. What once might have been contained in a ghetto or inner city is now spreading across entire urban regions. This means increased risk for law enforcement and the communities they serve. At least in the old days, you knew where the bad guys were concentrated. Today, they can be anywhere.
Which is why law enforcement needs to stand up and tell the truth about who is committing crime in America. And you might also consider standing up against the commissars who are trying to push obvious nonsense such as "diversity" and "sensitivity" on you. Those commissars will not be backing you up when you come under fire. The people who do have your back is the people who understand the reality of race.
Something to think about when you get that next 911 call...
Does Ta-Nehisi Coates have an explanation for the violent behavior of the American Negro? Or their complete failure to sustain anything that has been given to them time and again. It knows nothing other than what it's been told.
Existing neighborhoods are the petri dishes in the experiment that is BRA. A neutral base that then changes based on the type of organism applied into it.
Add orcs, and it is fouled; add Humans and a prosperous society grows.
Just read today that an American - born black stabbed several people at a bus stop in the USA. The criminal looked typically stupid; he had eyes set really wide-apart giving him a rodentine appearance. Really strange-looking. Anyway this guy asks people if they are Muslim or not and if hey say no, he attempts to murder them. I recall talking with a guy who had been in Africa that that sort of immediate kill response is how thug tribal killings happened in South Africa. This is where this country is headed it seems.
On a bright note, I cannot however conceive of serious setbacks to white tribal unity should this nonsense continue. This sort of naked aggression cannot be concealed forever; sooner or later we reach a Netanyahu moment.
D-FENS, thanks so much for the link to Rothstein. I glanced through his "research". Has he got an ax to grind against white families or what?
Rothstein's apparent never-flagging energy to win reminds me of why every TWCNBN who can, like Jon Stewart, marries a demure Catholic woman. Two Rothsteins in the house would be a living hell.
Are "Whites Only" signs, Jim Crow, separate drinking fountains, and legal segregation really worse than this crap?
If you ask a black person, or most whites today, Liberal or Conservative, what, what would they say when asked that question?
They would proudly say YES. Because the sacred holy narrative of black oppression at the hands of racist whites stokes white guilt, CREATES GOOD JOBS AND PAYS THE BILLS.
It is better to have hundreds of dead negroes and "violent streets" than to have peaceful segregation.
Only WHITES profit from segregation.
We can't have that now.
Negroes are a child race.
They have the intellectual maturity of 9 year olds. And they are the ones giving orders now.
Going out in public, having to deal with negroes is like living in a daycare center full of children. Most whites have been taught that they are "just like us", and are stifled from speaking the TRUTH once they experience the stark realities of racial differences.
The most toxic part of all this is that Blacks are completely convinced that all of their problems are due to White racism and Whites making war on them.
Since they are hyper-emotional and have a group IQ of roughly 85, television is their reality. They live and breath 12 Years A Slave. They feel every Black man should be Django Unchained.
Ta-Nehisi Coates has no thought about Black responsibility, just rage, revenge ideas, and gibsmedat! on a thermonuclear level.
The notion that Blacks were "gods" in Africa, could fly, build pyramids and are responsible for Greek philosophy is taken as fact by 90% of Blacks. To have fallen so far from those lofty heights meant someone had to take it from them.
That someone is you, YT. That's why there is an active insurrection against your law and society every where Blacks are. That's why your women are raped, your babies shot and your cities laid waste.
Blacks know they are at war with you. Don't get complacent. If you let your guard down, they will take advantage.
What school integration has "accomplished":
* *
1960s, Donaldsonville,LA, and I assume New Orleans:
There was freedom of choice. No coercion / force. The blacks free to go to either Lowery or Donaldsonville High.
Lowery was all-black teachers. Apparently there was autonomy / self-destiny for blacks.
Both Donaldsonville and Lowery were predominately paid for with “white” tax dollars.
Now: white taxes still mostly fund the schools. The “black” schools, like DHS, are funded better than the “white” schools, like Dutchtown.
Whites usually are much more at ease in a school that has predominately white students. This is not insane racism. It is rational. So, in order to accommodate a decreasing white US population, and being it is mostly their tax money, you would THINK, in a “fair” nation, that it would be good to allow whites to have their own schools, or at least autonomy.
Being that “integration” was completely racial, why would it be any more racial to give “whites” their fair share of tax dollars to control their destiny?
Magic negroes. THIS explains a lot:
Study finds white people associate superhuman words with black people
OT: Rothstein brainwashing photo.
This is a great photo where all the white students look troubled and a bit crazy while the black in the center looks relaxed and happy.
(The article was about cramming more blacks into college.)
You left out spaying and/or neutering each one at the end of their sentence. Got to stop that next crop of felons. (In a safe & humane manner of course, wouldn't want to piss off the folks at PETA.)
Hey, that's racist!
"Black schools in Mississippi already get more money than White schools, and yet they continue to do nothing but drop out to live on welfare and commit crimes."
We need to support guys like this:
Bernice "because after he left the African continent for other lands"
The "out-of-africa" meme has been throughly debunked as just another albeit important leg of the anti-white racism prop.
We are different species. We did not migrate out of Africa to other climes. Homo Africanus on the other hand did migrate out of Africa with free passage aboard ships provided by our species.
just my 2 cents..../H hypie out H\
Must be the same people that believe everything they see and hear. They've nevrr heard "Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."
From prior thread, so that it won't get lost.
Nitpicky Man in Florida said...
If the average reader is constantly coming upon constructs like the ones you've written, why don't you demonstrate your thesis with the real McCoy?
The purpose of using those examples was to demonstrate typical phrasing of incidents by media. True, none of them were from an actual article, but if you must insist, you can find perfect examples anywhere you look. It isn't like I sifted through a mountain of examples that didn't fit the bill or searched high and low before locating one. So challenge accepted.
I will enter into evidence the very first story on the front page this morning in our local fishwrap. I will go line by line and show each passive voice sentence structure, each gerund subject sentence, and each unstated actor/effect as subject sentence structure. This is just one article and literally every line fits the template :
"Metairie shooting sends 2 males to hospital; 1 remains in critical condition" (gerund = "shooting sends")
"A male is in critical condition after being shot" (passive voice - "being shot")
"Another man was shot in the hand during the incident." (passive voice - "was shot.")
"The shooting was reported around 2:10 a.m. in the 2900 block of Cleary Avenue." (twofer, gerund and passive voice - "shooting was reported"
"The gunfire, according to JPSO, damaged a business, two apartments and three vehicles. A number of spent casings were found at the scene." (again a combo, unstated actor/effect as subject "gunfire damaged" and then passive voice "spent casings were found."
"JPSO said the victim in critical condition was shot in the chest and neck." (passive voice - "was shot.")
"Another man, 24 years old, went to the ER at Ochsner around 4:20 a.m. where he was treated for a gunshot wound in his hand." (passive voice - "he was treated.")
"No other injuries have been reported. JPSO did not release any more details, including the first victim's age, possible motives or potential suspects." (passive voice - "injuries have been reported.")
Do you know how hard that was to find? I literally clicked on the first story on the front page of the local news site. It took all of about 3 seconds, and zero effort on my part, to locate a picture perfect case study.
I don't know if you are one of the Cass Sunstein types who just want to derail the discussion, or if you are just unnecessarily trollish, but in the future, please make it more difficult to refute you.
Former Marine here. I remember in bootcamp, blacks would be shaking with fear during the swim test. When I was in Guam one of them almost drowned when he went snorkeling.
"What I am Proposing is The Rex "Hymens-Nate Higgers Save America Act of 2015. Under The RHNHSAA EVERY negro, mullatto, quadroon and octaroon would be treated to a One Strike Rule in regards to ANY violent crime, ANY felony, or ANY act of General Niggotry. They would forego any Trial and immediately be shipped to a Labor Camp in the middle of the New Mexican Deserts. "
I have an even better proposal, every Negro who commits a crime is shipped back to Africa. Also, every Negro who is on public assistance must only be allowed to receive that assistance once they are shipped back to Africa. If we have to support them, we shouldn't have to live with them.
The link is at Drudge, the guys mugshot is a MUST SEE
Drudge, left column, above first image.
'Just read today that an American - born black stabbed several people at a bus stop in the USA. The criminal looked typically stupid; he had eyes set really wide-apart giving him a rodentine appearance. Really strange-looking. Anyway this guy asks people if they are Muslim or not and if hey say no, he attempts to murder them. I recall talking with a guy who had been in Africa that that sort of immediate kill response is how thug tribal killings happened in South Africa. This is where this country is headed it seems.'
I was in the military back in the late 60s, during Viet Nam. Back then the blacks wanted to be called negroes.
The negroes back then, pulled there weight. None of this you owe us. One of my friends, just wanted a chance to show his ability. The saying was last one hired, first one fired.
This of course has changed, and it started in the 70s. Black is beautiful, were moving up in this world. Welfare ruined all of this.
Welfare and the concept of, you owe us. We owe the negroe nothing. They owe us for all the give away programs.
The crimes perpetrated against the whites are completely controlled by the mass media. They are the ones and DWLS that are responsible for this situation..
Just as Western Civilization and negros are incompatible, it seems that even at the genetic level negros and some races mix badly.
Here we have the usual negro/muslim horror. A random light skinned negro walks up to you and asks if you are muslim, probably in a ebonics mumble so you have to really listen to understand it (Kind of like an Orc asking if you support Sauron over Gondor). When you reply "No." it stabs you with a knife.
However, no one is asking the real burning question, what the hell is wrong with this negro?
(http://www.vdare.com/posts/black-muslim-commits-hate-crime-wapo-writes-it-up-as-an-anti-muslim-hate-crime )
I mean seriously, look at that face. The eyes are practically on each side of its head! While I know that most primate species compatible, this one really looks like when the genetic slot machine came to a stop, it got three lemons. What the hell mix is this? Is this negro and AmerIndian? Is this a product of Drug ad alcohol mutation?
You look at it and you can hear it mutter, "The Age of Men is over, the Age of the Orc has begun."
Please ladies and Gentlemen, have you negro spayed or neutered for the sake of the children.
Anonymous sez...
Negroes are a child race.
They have the intellectual maturity of 9 year olds. And they are the ones giving orders now.
Going out in public, having to deal with negroes is like living in a daycare center full of children. Most whites have been taught that they are "just like us", and are stifled from speaking the TRUTH once they experience the stark realities of racial differences.
Except that children in a daycare are seldom armed with switchblades and automatic revolvers. Your posting made me stop and think about how we all have become compliant in the way the negro has completely overtaken society and unleashed his mayhem for us all to experience. I'm often reminded of this Twilight Zone episode:
Billy Mumy plays the little boy that the town's folk must tiptoe around, not to say anything offensive which displeases him. They all must do and say things that agree with his point-of-view. As the episode plays out, the town folk become increasingly agitated about holding their tongues, knowing that if they say or do the wrong thing (call out the obvious, for example) they will enter a cornfield, a veritable no-man's land, where they are permanently sealed off from the rest of society.
In much the same way, whites are forbidden to call out blacks for their antisocial behavior. How many whites, including those of us posting here, have lost their livelihoods, due to having uttered the wrong thing about blacks and the incongruence they bring in modern society? Think about that as you watch the episode. You, dear white people, are the town folk, forbidden to call out the violent, child-like animals which are the black undertow.
And yes, we need to have that other forbidden topic. Who pulls the strings behind the curtain that has allowed this to happen. Try mentioning that and see how far it gets you.
Bernice, every time I'm in DC I think the same thing. I've seen pictures of some areas like you describe and yeas those were wonderful buildings that are cost prohibitive to recreate today. You can't get the materials and craftsmen that can replicate that kind of work are few and far between. You'll pay dearly for their work now, thanks negros.
By the way, southeast DC is one of the worst areas I've seen in this country.
SC Native
Got what she deserved. Southern whites will watch a coalburner get beat and do nothing but smile. The crowd was probably full of DWL's too. I've seen many white women that associate with Negro filth get beat in front of family members with her family cheering the buck. Hatred of coalburners is a deep ingrained trait down here. They're worse than mad dogs and about as valuable.
To Bernice:
"The white man's brain was "forced" into being sharper, because after he left the African continent for other lands, the intense cold threatened to kill him - and rather quickly at that."
Bernice, I always agree with your posts...but this one statement I just have to comment on.
The Out of Africa theory is merely that...a theory. It is not an axiom. It is not a rule. It is not a fact.
The Out of Africa theory is being thrown to the curbside by the most recent research coming out of Eastern Europe and Asia.
I, for one, do not buy into the Out of Africa Theory. The most current studies are uncovering archeological digs in southern Eurasia (where Europe and Asia meet) that have homo sapiens remains and tools which predate the theoretical emigration out of Africa by tens of thousands of years. Moreover, they have uncovered pre-homo sapiens remains which predate the African remains by hundreds of thousands of years.
Don't take this as an assault. I just needed to state my case.
Philadelphia Mike
Jeez, I just went to the google street view of that intersection and went through the surrounding neighborhood, block by block.
It at least looks somewhat clean and that the city is being pro-active about blighted properties, since they've all been removed. However, BECAUSE the city is pro-active about the blighted buildings, there are empty lots all over the place and huge gaps between still standing houses.
This is called the "jack-o-lantern effect," where only a couple of houses on one street are erect and occupied. Usually it occurs in the years following a natural disaster, when only a handful of people decide to rebuild on their lots.
In this case, the natural disaster was concentrations of blacks who destroyed what whites built.
From one humble person to the next: EXCELLENT response.
I love when a good retort comes together. (Hannibal of the A-Team)
(Miami dude, don't take me wrong, I love your stuff too....and I'm across the Alley from you)
I wonder if WHITE MEN are getting exactly what they deserve too.
It seems that way to me.
First they free the slaves. DUMB. Then they let the blacks vote against them, and destroy freedom of association. And now the country is full of white male, status-whoring, race-cucking repukes.
Hey Mr. Southern Man, is Southern-style NFL/NBA/Ben Carson race-cucking by white males just as bad as mudsharking or coalburning by white females? Ha ha ha ha.
WHITE MEN agreed to feed, breed, and house blacks by transfer of wealth. Or was that the Jews too??
How stupid was that?
You've got it coming, whitey.
21 year Army Veteran here: The only thing that blacks were good at was artificially chewing ass (of mostly white lower enlisted), pressing 15 or more unauthorized creases into their BDUs, and singing cadence. Unfortunately, commanders would often confuse the ability to rhythmically repeat cadence with actual competence and promote these self-centered idiots. Their mantra was "If ya looks good, yar good". Actual results mattered not.
The suspect in the murder of two Eastpointe residents has turned himself in to Dearborn police, sources say.
Authorities say the man (black) is being treated at a hospital for injuries that appear to be related to a struggle.
YT, Monique Rakowski, a 29-year-old woman from Eastpointe, and her 13-month-old daughter, Carmon, were found dead inside their home Thursday night. Police say the two victims were murdered.
Quick Clicks
Trial begins for 2 men charged in Inkster shooting
Woman accused of stealing donations from slain woman's kids
Man charged in Southfield bus stop stabbings
Man charged in slayings of mom, baby
2 mothers found killed in Inkster home
Authorities told Local 4's Lauren Podell that the victims were stabbed to death.
The bodies were found by the infant's grandfather in the home on the 23000 block of Normandy Avenue at 9 p.m.
The suspect in custody appears to be Rakowski's boyfriend and the father of the infant who was murdered.
Dear Anon,
You are exactly why the pressure is building toward "the Awakened Saxon" which will trigger the Resettlement Wars in North America and Europe. Dancing and Taunting Whites is really a bad idea. Telling us that "we got it coming" merely throws gas on the fire. I would stop for your own sake.
But the pressure of grinning, taunting Orcs is only part of the problem. Our Justice system, a social compact where individuals agree to put aside personal vengeance for crime and allow a generally agreed government model to act in proxy has broken down completely. Punishments are no longer metered out for misbehavior because the system has had to bow to the genetic reality that negros will never live up to White standards.
Indeed, it has gone too far ( http://conservative-headlines.com/2014/12/suspect-in-mother-daughter-hate-crime-murder-served-1-month-of-38-year-sentance/ )
In this example, a 30 year old negro was coal burning a 17 year old high school White girl. Such behavior only 60 years ago would have probably brought a father with a shotgun to run the Orc off, but not today. In this case, to make a Long story short, someone "disrespected" the negro and it killed its sexual object and her mother. Bottom line, One Month.
Whites have agreed to allow the criminal Justice system to meter out punishment and to be tolerant in the face of genocide, but the CJS is now broken; harsh punishment for evil deeds is no longer expected. The frustration is that Whites are killed, beaten, robbed, molested, set on fire, acid thrown in their faces, spat on, humiliated, beaten on the bus, raped, stabbed, shot, and their belongings and businesses robbed, burgled and burned down, their infants shot in the face in their strollers or as they sit playing on their front lawn and the punishment is reduced to a joke as long as the Perp is negro.
Whites keep expecting for the contract to be upheld by Judges just as they expect their vote to count, with as little evidence that this is true.
The contract is broken.
So Whites in school are punished with increasing ferocity because negros can't control themselves (disparate impact), Whites are fined and jailed for the slightest breaking of EPA or IRS or other vague regulations while blatant horrors like the example get nothing. Even cases of clear self defense (Zimmerman/Trayvon or Wilson/Brown) the punishment of the innocent is nearly as harsh as the punishment of the Guilty.
The time for a reset is growing.
"It at least looks somewhat clean and that the city is being pro-active about blighted properties, since they've all been removed."
"removed" - hooray for them!
They are about to destroy the last few traces of white civilization.
Like most blighted urban zones, the homes are sturdy, hundred-year-old historic homes - victorian, arts and crafts, etc - full of amenities like claw footed tubs, marble floors, designer brass lighting fixtures, crystal door knobs, stained glass windows, blown glass chandeliers, expansive sun porches, hand-carved fireplace mantles, laundry chutes, cherry wood paneling, pocket doors, ceiling murals, brick and stucco exteriors. All wonderful examples of white design and architecture.
All gone. Poof! Just like that.
Now we have to live in shitty pre-fab pole barn buildings with plastic windows in the corn fields. They won't even last a couple of decades.
Once the blacks were integrated into the schools in my city, the whites left the former "countryside." The mansions and summer homes for the wealthy whites who built the first suburban neighborhoods.
That is what blacks are destroying. That is what you are celebrating. Our destruction.
For anonymous:
Black folks used to be the largest non-white group in America, they are now quickly approaching being the fifth largest group in America, after Whites, Asians, Latinos, and "Other". Black males now make up 6% of the national populace, over half the nation's felons, and less than 3% of the nation's college grads.
While much has been made of Whites becoming a "minority" in America within the next century (despite the fact that Whites can only be a "minority" when all other groups are counted in aggregate), almost no one will speak about traditional African-Americans becoming statistically EXTINCT in this century, when you define AAs as the descendants of American slaves of African descent. Let that sink in, your race, the descendants of former African descended slaves in America prior to 1865, will be EXTINCT as an ethnic group in this century; diluted out by intermarriage and multi-racial childbearing, and killed off by crime, violence, the criminal justice system, and economic failure.
Yet you continue to believe the story given you by your rulers that somehow "whitey" is losing and you're going to get something in return. Tell me, after six years of Obama and company, what have you gotten so far?
I see voluntary segregation as the only true answer.
You'd have to take it further than that. Segregation would still put blacks in contact with whites, and blacks would thus want to move into white neighborhoods. You'd need separate countries for blacks and whites. Perhaps partition the USA into a whites only state and a multicult state. In the latter, you'd have blacks, third world immigrants, and all the DWLs. They could rejoice in the "diversity" all they want. But if they tried to cross the border into Whitopia, they would be treated as invaders.
" this guy asks people if they are Muslim or not and if hey say no, he attempts to murder them."
Street evangelism gone wrong I'd say.
Of course all the neocon talking heads will use this to justify more neverending wars for Israel and NOBODY will touch the fact that this is just plain and simple TNB. Consider these beasts will do the same to even their own family members over a pork chop, some chicken, or a menthol cigarette.
All you say is true, however you failed to point out everything given to the africans was done by politicians. Republican and Democratic politicians. Joe the plumber would not have done this, truck drivers wouldn't, carpenters wouldn't and a whole slew of working white people in a slew of different occupations wouldn't have done this.
Why? Because they would have said "Get a job! ". White people are generous and willing to help someone out, but we don't want to help someone that will not help themselves. We have our own families to support.
"The notion that Blacks were "gods" in Africa, could fly, build pyramids and are responsible for Greek philosophy is taken as fact by 90% of Blacks. To have fallen so far from those lofty heights meant someone had to take it from them.
That someone is you, YT. That's why there is an active insurrection against your law and society every where Blacks are. That's why your women are raped, your babies shot and your cities laid waste."
Calling BULLSHIT on this. Read Negroes in Negroland and you'll see that their behavior is simply the same today as it was before any of them had ever set eyes on a white man, if anything marginally more reserved where they are not the majority.
Don't anthropomorphize these demons by trying to attribute human thoughts and emotions to them. It's like saying a rattlesnake will bite you because it heard the story of the Fall of Man in Genesis.
@Truth Corps
On the incident with the colored guy knocking out the white girl. Watch the second video on the link you posted. The girl's white male friend did make a half-assed atempt to confront the negro, but then backed off the moment the negro took up his axe as if to wield it like...an axe.
There was also a viking/biker type guy that was getting up on stage but backed off the minute bouncers stepped in.
To your point, it was amazing there was no retaliation. Says a lot.
Anonymous said...
That is what you are celebrating. Our destruction.
How in the world could you possibly have interpreted my post as "celebrating" blacks destroying another place that whites built?
Because I said a blighted building being demolished and hauled off, leaving a barren empty lot in its place doesn't look AS AWFUL as a side by side string of partially collapsed, fire damaged, "doll house" type structures, such as what is seen in many black ravaged areas of the country?
I am fairly certain we are coming from the same position, upset that blacks destroyed neighborhoods and well crafted buildings in the first place. I am saying an empty lot at least shows a city trying to remove the eyesores, when many cities just allow them to remain and accumulate in their midst.
I am confused, is your point that we should be marveling at and appreciating the ruins, like Greek amphitheater or Roman aqueducts?
Because being aggravated about the ruination does not make the buildings less destroyed.
The question shouldn't be why didn't white people retaliate against Afroman; the question should be why are white people paying money to support Afroman.
Rap wouldn't exist without white people buying CDs or downloading iTunes tracks.
I have no sympathy for anyone who willingly decides to engage black people in a commercial manner.
I've stopped going to all professional sporting events (save tennis).
Feel no sympathy for the white girl who got knocked out by Afroman.
Our job isn't to save everyone, especially those who don't want to save themselves.
bernicegreenbaum said
I see voluntary segregation as the only true answer... There really should never be any neighborhood which, voluntarily, should be any more than 20% negro.
That's not segregation. That's more like Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.
Segregation means there should be only neighbourhoods with 100% negro, and with 0% negro. Nothing else will work.
Well said.Never relax around blacks! Just ask the 62 year old cabbie in LV who got shot by these feral creatures? He knew something wasn't right, which saved his ass despite getting tagged. Outright targeted attempt on whitey, yet the media remains silent once again!
Security guards shoot armed black man at the Obama Express Food Mart. Obama Express Food Mart!
I just read the article about the OBAMA food mart.
Here is the perps name (no shit):
Jhai-quel Rai-Tez Black, 23, of St. Petersburg was arguing with another man as they entered the Obama Express Food Market at 1400 18th Ave. S around 3:30 a.m., police said.
Was he wearing a bone through his nose? Ring in his bottom lip and carried a Zulu short sword and Zebra Skin shield.
What a fucked up country we are. A fucking joke.
I've read some of his diatribe and it perfectly illustrates the bell curve.
The "best and brightest" , aka the talented tenth, fall somewhere in the middle of average intelligence.
He has poor reasoning ability, no coherent logic, and seems to "gank ". Most of his opinions from others.
Logic and truth prevail, eventually.
Until that time, we have to endure dumb nogs, such as him.
Oh, FYI , "black" colleges have the lowest graduation rate, somewhere around 35%.
I guess it's no all YT's fault, eh?
May I humbly make a suggestion? I am often at a loss for a word to mean "blacks" when trying to speak in code in mixed company. I used to use "Canadian" with my friends, but I've grown tired of that. e.g. "I cancelled my massage when I saw the masseur was a Canadian".
So, how about we institute the term "Liqlics"? Pronounced LikLiks.
Acronym for: Low Intelligence Quotient; Low Impulse Control.
Share with your friends!
More from the OBAMA MART "negro lives matter" shooting:
(This is why we HAD Jim Crow and Sundown Laws:)
"But there's only so much you can do if people aren't openly doing anything illegal."
Correct. That is why it must be illegal nor any negroes to be out after dark. They are no civilized and destroy civilization.
This is all going to end badly.
Worst passive tense of the week?
"Cops: Selfie shows teen victim dead in chair, shot in face"
Correction: Black monster shoots white teen in face then takes selfie with his dead victim.
Philadelphia Mike wrote:
"My first comment is that any bitterness which they may harbor towards us is unwarranted and unjustified. Not one of them was alive during the era of slavery...and most of them weren't even born yet prior to the civil rights act."
Not only that....but none of US or OUR parents were alive or most likely even have ancestors that were alive and even living here during the era of slavery!!
I'd like to see more pictures like the one at the top of the article advocating people vote for segregation. Consider what this implies: a democratic majority favored segregation. The majority of people, upon weighing the facts, wanted the races separate. And why would they do that? Because of "prejudice" or "bigotry?" No. It was because of the threat posed by blacks to white lives and property. A threat which still exists, by the way.
Not only that....but none of US or OUR parents were alive or most likely even have ancestors that were alive and even living here during the era of slavery!!
Even if our ancestors were slaveowners...so what? I am sick and tired of blacks trying to guilt trip YT. It's blacks who need to show remorse over the behavior of their ancestors and contemporaries: like Africans engaging in the slave trade; like freed slaves being responsible for all sorts of crime and corruption (which forced whites into voting for segregation); like the endless rioting which Afro-Americans initiated during the Long Hot Summers of the 1960s and continue to this day; like post-colonial black majority rule regimes which have wrecked everything white civilization has built in Africa; like blacks throwing away every opportunity given to them by the civil rights movement; like black gangbanging and illegitimacy and torture-murders which have rendered cities unlivable; and like the non-stop race hustling.
You know, blacks keep asking why YT does not want to accept him as an equal. But they do not want the answer--which is that it blacks' own behavior which makes equal treatment impossible.
"Not only that....but none of US or OUR parents were alive or most likely even have ancestors that were alive and even living here during the era of slavery!!"
You make a very good point here. Most of the white people in this country are the decendents of people that came after the War Between the States. I'm not a decendent of later Europeans and I am a decended from slaveowners, who were encouraged to have them by the Royal African Company. This thing the nogs have about blaming de ebils of slabbery on everything is so tiring. First of all their fellow beasts in Africa traded them for a cask of rum. Blame da brodas in da mudderland for slabbery they still practice it.
Naturally the NAPA is too stupid to understand that very few whites actually owned slaves much less just how small those numbers actually were. This also begs the question that's popped up on this blog several times, are NAPA's inbred? Considering the small number you had in 1800 (around 1 million) the answer has to be yes. Sure you have mulattos but that's a small percentage. The picture of that thing that attacked people for not being Muslim is proof. It looks like something is seriously wrong in the gene pool, perhaps mammy and her sire got it on by mistake?
The point is these nogs attack YT because of white skin. They're too stupid to realize that a Rizzoli was not here before 1865 most likely but a Heyward probably was, it's just too much for a primitive brain.
I'm with PK on the Afro Beast thing: why would a white girl be giving this thing money by coming to see it? Go to the zoo, it's cheaper and the bars keep them from attacking. If she learned her lesson then good for her, otherwise go back up on the stage. I have no sympathy for anybody that gets taught a lesson from negro worship.
SC Native
FlowerBell said...
Political correctness is forcing everyone to relearn what has already taken thousands of years to learn in the first place... Men are different than women. Blacks are different than whites. Muslims are incompatible with anyone else on earth. Discipline, hard work and integrity are your calling card in life, and so on and so on.
Well said, except that I would not say "what has taken thousands of years to learn", but rather what has been known for thousands of years. It has always been known, and taken for granted, that men are not women, and so on.
Not to diminish your insight, but Kipling said something similar in 1919. I highly recommend his poem, The Gods of the Copybook Headings.
It seems prescient, that description of our time from a hundred years ago, but, as he makes plain, all this has happened before, and will again:
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.
Read it. Please. It's brilliant.
"Because the sacred holy narrative of black oppression at the hands of racist whites stokes white guilt, CREATES GOOD JOBS AND PAYS THE BILLS."
White guilt? There is no white guilt, and never has been. It's a myth.
What there is is better termed white neurosis, or maybe even more precisely, white psychosis. For how can one reasonably feel guilt for actions he literally had nothing to do with, that happened hundreds of years before he was even born? Imagine you are a psychiatrist and you have a patient who claims to feel horribly guilty about the outcome of the French Revolution, or the Peloponnesian War. He says he feels so guilty he's willing to do anything, to sacrifice his standard of living, his children, and even commit suicide to atone. He's even taken some preliminary steps in that direction. What would be your diagnosis? A good psychiatrist would no doubt say that:
a) this man's idea that he is acting from guilt is a delusion, and is part of his problem if not the whole problem.
b) this man probably has no moral sense at all if he can so falsify the meaning of the word guilt.
c) his expression of "guilt" for events he had nothing to do with is a pseudo-morality that serves the psychological function of allowing him to pretend to be a moral person, when in fact he is not. It's part of a game he's playing with himself; pure self-deception.
Clearly, we need to destroy the white guilt meme if we are ever to make any progress on the race question. We need to completely eliminate the idea that any moral virtue attaches to white people backing down to blacks or indulging them in any way.
"Of course all the neocon talking heads will use this to justify more neverending wars for Israel and NOBODY will touch the fact that this is just plain and simple TNB."
Same is true of Boko Haram in Africa. Regardless of who trains and supplies them (we can guess), there remains a steady stream of available recruits more than happy to demonstrate TNB in action if the price is right (and even if it isn't right).
Whites have agreed to allow the criminal Justice system to meter out punishment and to be tolerant in the face of genocide, but the CJS is now broken; harsh punishment for evil deeds is no longer expected.
There is a real problem with judges letting blacks walk, especially for crimes against other blacks. They get slapped on the wrist for killing a black drug dealer but then a few years after release they kill a white person in a robbery.
I had the same experience until I got to 3rd Ranger Batt, then not a black face to be seen. Why, you ask? Because there was no time for b.s. and no chance for them to 'excel' in their own special way.
Fast forward a few years. I'm in Iraq with a guard unit and we have our diversity darlings again. They were useless. Stayed at the FOB and avoided work as much as possible. Fine with us, we didn't want them outside the wire with us anyway. Too much liability.
This of course has changed, and it started in the 70s. Black is beautiful, were moving up in this world. Welfare ruined all of this.
But what were Black neighborhoods like before welfare? Were they places that White people would visit? I'm genuinely asking.
The conservative view is that welfare is the ultimate cause of our racial problems but if that is true then why are African countries that don't have welfare such hell holes? I'm just not convinced that conservative answers will solve our problems.
Each generation since 1965 has gotten worst. Lets say a generation with negroes on average is between 14 to 16 years.
From birth on they are taught that whites are racist bastards, and are the reason the black manis held back.
Then this white privilege is the cause you can never succeed in this country. Makes no difference that the negroe never is a success any where in the world. They dont think pass what there told.
If it wasnt for the white man, the negroe would be just fine. Yea right...
perfectly illustrates the bell curve.
The "best and brightest" , aka the talented tenth, fall somewhere in the middle of average intelligence.
He has poor reasoning ability, no coherent logic, and seems to "gank ". Most of his opinions from others
The Atlantic doesn't care and has a team of editors ready to turn his rants into articles.
The liberal press is so enamored with their Black Atlantic writer and yet they don't see the irony. If race doesn't exist then you shouldn't be giddy over a single Black writer, especially not one that rambles half the time.
"You'd have to take it further than that. Segregation would still put blacks in contact with whites, and blacks would thus want to move into white neighborhoods. You'd need separate countries for blacks and whites. Perhaps partition the USA into a whites only state and a multicult state. In the latter, you'd have blacks, third world immigrants, and all the DWLs. They could rejoice in the "diversity" all they want. But if they tried to cross the border into Whitopia, they would be treated as invaders."
You nailed it.
"I have a Dream!!"
Anon at302 pm wants to know what the inner cities were like before 1965 rights act.
They were crap areas, full of drugs, whores, and crime.
The negroe knew his place, the crime was held in there area, called black bottom, or nigger town.
Along came the libs, and well you know the rest of the story. Yes, yes its all the dumb ass libs that are to blame. The negroe is just not smart enough..
I wonder if WHITE MEN are getting exactly what they deserve too.
It seems that way to me.
It doesn't seem that way to me.
I didn't bring any slaves over nor did I have a chance to vote on anything related to blacks. Even if you believe in "sins of the fathers" most Whites today have ancestors that came over after the civil war.
"Imagine you are a psychiatrist and you have a patient who claims to feel horribly guilty about the outcome of the French Revolution, or the Peloponnesian War."
That line takes the cake. I know there's jokes about spitting up coffee onto your keyboard and all, but I honestly gagged water I was driniking when I read this up into my nasal cavity.
Well done!!
But what were Black neighborhoods like before welfare? Were they places that White people would visit? I'm genuinely asking.
find the crime stats
But what were Black neighborhoods like before welfare? Were they places that White people would visit? I'm genuinely asking.
Usually known as the Ghetto: Harlem, Watts, Chicago's South Side. Marked by the usual crime, squalor and social pathologies. Civil rights and war on poverty were supposed to solve all those "problems." They failed to do so, and resulted in the pathologies being spread throughout the more civilized parts of town.
The conservative view is that welfare is the ultimate cause of our racial problems but if that is true then why are African countries that don't have welfare such hell holes? I'm just not convinced that conservative answers will solve our problems.
It is not to be denied that the welfare state has subsidized many black pathologies (such as the high illegitimacy rate). But with or without welfare, black behavior regresses towards the very mean.
In South Africa under white rule, there was some welfare for blacks (schools, hospitals, publicly built housing). Black behavior was kept in check as long as they were confined to the townships or their native areas. Since the end of white rule, blacks have had the full "benefit" of majority rule and are proceeding to wreck SA with crime, unemployment and inability to maintain the infrastructure. Sort of like in America.
Goes back to the genetics.
This also begs the question that's popped up on this blog several times, are NAPA's inbred?
This would be worthy of a serious study by some race realist organization.
I'll note the eugenics movement of 100 years ago predicted dire outcomes for mass breeding of the "rising tide of color."
"While much has been made of Whites becoming a "minority" in America within the next century (despite the fact that Whites can only be a "minority" when all other groups are counted in aggregate)"
If this comes to pass and it could if things don't change, the Golden Age of the American Negro" will come to an abrupt end. Why? Because unlike Whites, non-Whites as a whole, don't like Blacks, have no YT guilt, have no need for "racial equality" or putting another race on par with their own, and won't tolerate Black behavior.
An example.- In a Hispanic majority and Hispanic run America, if the Michael Brown incident happened in which
a Black attacks a Hispanic cop, he will be shot down far more quickly then what the White cop did. The Hispanic press wouldn't bother running the story and any violence on the part of Blacks demonstrating would be violently squelched by Latinos without one iota of giving a damn.
Blacks think a majority minority America will be great for them. They're too stupid to see that it will spell the end of their gibsmedat and coddling. Morons
Its not a secret why blacks have been used as simple laborers since before recorded history.
The real mystery is why are leftists insisting we relearn what everyone already knows and what those before us have known for thousands of years.
"The white man's brain was "forced" into being sharper, because after he left the African continent for other lands, the intense cold threatened to kill him - and rather quickly at that."
James Hill, the 19th Century railroad tycoon, said it best:
"I've got no use for a man that's never been snowed upon."
Coates banned me from commenting on "The Atlantic" when I observed that he only pretended to like rap music because he thought it annoyed white people.
Indeed, it has gone too far ( http://conservative-headlines.com/2014/12/suspect-in-mother-daughter-hate-crime-murder-served-1-month-of-38-year-sentance/ )
In this example, a 30 year old negro was coal burning a 17 year old high school White girl. Such behavior only 60 years ago would have probably brought a father with a shotgun to run the Orc off, but not today. In this case, to make a Long story short, someone "disrespected" the negro and it killed its sexual object and her mother. Bottom line, One Month.
I really need to clarify this story. The negro male in question didn't spend just one month in prison for murdering the two white women. He spent that time for other offenses which could have amounted to 39 years in prison. But he was let out after only one month. And then went on to kill the two women.
The only people who could "cash out" would be the white landlords that actually own the properties, and they wouldn't get anywhere near that for their Coontown Cribs. Better to emotionally detach from the homestead and collect Sec 8 checks while the place still stands, and an insurance check once it doesn't.
Damned Right! (Retired LEO)
And where would he be now if justice was in the hands of the local people? He would have got his fair trial and hung out behind the courthouse.
It's not justice when a convicted criminal sets on death row 15 to 20 years before they're executed, but that is what we're stuck with.
Blacks think a majority minority America will be great for them. They're too stupid to see that it will spell the end of their gibsmedat and coddling. Morons
Given the median black IQ, "morons" is applicable. But bear in mind that blacks themselves are not pushing for what we term "BRA." It is their stringpullers amidst the hostile elites. And it's given a healthy assist by DWL who wallow in pathological guilt. Blacks do appear to believe that the gravy train will go on forever. Sooner or later they come up against that wall of reality. In Africa, blacks wrecked their own majority rule countries. So they end up mass migrating into South Africa or Europe. And the cycle of trashing their environs continues.
Here in the Homeland (aka "USA") we see blacks being pushed out of the 'hood by hispanic immigrants. And it's doubtful that a hispanic majority will hand over its own wealth and college admissions to blacks. Blacks had every opportunity over the last 50 years to create their own businesses, gain a serious education and integrate themselves into American society. But they failed, and failed miserably. The best they can do today is destroy, burning a town like Ferguson. Be interesting to see if they try this same thing in el barrio.
Real issue is: when will YT wake up?
It's almost as if Wotan is taking revenge.
Pin that up on the wall!
Excellent comment
I slightly disagree on that.
Winter serves to reduce conflict during the snow, the heavy rain and periods when the weather is bad. It's not lethal. Unless you are in a mountainous area.
Indeed the unpleasantness of the cold suspended the conflict season to summer. Nogs could fight all year around. Maybe apart from the monsoon.
Winter forces conflict to stop a while. Restock, rearm, entertain, plan, build, fortify etc.
Exactly right 21 yr Army veteran. .I am retired Army Reserve and your comment about unauthorized creases reminded me of blacks having the bdu pant legs narrowed so they were like today's skinny jeans to better tuck into boots. I have so many stories...basic training was my first experience with southern blacks. ..a real eye opener for me.
Coates is going to teach journalism at Boston University. ..
The Atlantic generally deletes any comments that disagree in any way with what TaNahesi shits out. Somebody should start a blog where we all can comment on each and every one of his moronic antiwhite diatribes.
White suburban teenagers are the biggest purveyors of rap. Above all else, it conditions them to not only not fight back, but to actually desire their own destruction.As stone for the unpardonable sin of being white amendment" privileged".
It's all an excuse to kill a white person. Even if they Could make that distinction between white ethnic groups, it would 've of no consequence to them since a craka is still a cracka to them no matter what country they emigrated from.
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