The truth of lynching.
You've seen a comparison of black homicides in Detroit over a ten-year span to lynching in America; you've seen a comparison of black homicides in Baltimore over a seven-year span to lynching in America.
It's only natural we'd turn our eyes to St. Louis.
But first, a quick refresher.
Though Oprah Winfrey, who donated $13 million to the building of National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), claimed “millions of black people were lynched,” it turns out only 3,446 blacks were lynched between 1882-1968:
From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched. That is only 27.3%. Many of the whites lynched were lynched for helping the black or being anti lynching and even for domestic crimes.
So, over a span 86 years, 3,446 black people were lynched (many were lynched for actual crimes, mind you); that’s roughly 40/lynchings per year.
The city of St. Louis has been in the news for the better part of sixth months, primarily because an 18-year-old black male refused to cooperate with a police officers request to walk on the sidewalk (instead of in the middle of the road).
But before we explode the hilarious myth of #BlackLivesMatter, let's look at the historical record of homicide in St. Louis just to better understand the rationale of those white people who hoped to protect the integrity of their communities and neighborhoods with restrictive covenants (in the mid 1910s - when the city was 93 percent white - two-thirds of white St. Louis residents voted in favor of passing the nation's first referendum imposing racial segregation on housing).
Why were white St. Louis residents so fearful of blacks then? Why does residential segregation still persist in St. Louis, much to the chagrin of white liberals nationwide (who still practice such activities in their private lives, while demanding quite vocally other whites practice only integration)?
The book St. Louis Metromorphosis: Past Trends and Future Directions (edited by Brady Baybeck and F. Terrence Jones), published in 2004 by the Missouri Historical Society Press, provides a historical reference to not only why residential segregation was necessary in 1916 St. Louis - when the city was only six percent black - but also why it is still necessary today... when the city is 49 percent black.
They write:
Examining overall homicide trends ignores the substantial role that race plays in levels and trends in city crime rates. Are the patterns shown for St. Louis similar for blacks and whites? To begin to address this question, in Figure 4 [below] we present homicide arrest rates for 1930-2000 disaggregated by race. Three trend lines are show, which represent total homicide arrest rates and black and white homicide arrest rates, respectively.
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St. Louis Homicide Arrest Rates by race from 1930 - 2000. Source: St. Louis Metromorphosis: Past Trends and Future Directions |
Three important observations emerge from inspection of Figure 4. First, the trend in homicde arrest rates for whites is relatively stable throughout the period, fluctuating no more than 10 per 100,000 over the last seventy years of the twentieth century. Second, consistent with findings reported in previous historical studies of homicide in the United States and New York, homicide arrest rates for blacks are generally much higher than the rates observed for white, and they remain higher though out the period. Indeed, black arrests account for over half of all arrests from 1950 on, a period of time when blacks accounted for less than one-third of the city's population. And since 1970, blacks have accounted for 80 percent of homicide arrests except for a single year.
Although the full meaning of the race-specific trends shown in Figure 4 would move us well beyond the scope of this chapter, it is noteworthy that the year in which black and white homicide arrest rates begin to diverge considerably - 1963 - is a unique year in the demographic history of St. Louis. As shown in Figure 5, 1963 is the first year in which the City's black population approaches about one-third of the total population, a proportion that has been identified as an important "tipping point" in social science research on racial segregation, and whites' expressed neighborhood residential preferences, perceived threat from blacks, and fear of crime. (p. 268-270)
Why does the past matter? Because the trends of the past are the ghost from the future was born. [Study: More Blacks in St. Louis Killed by Other Blacks Compared to White Officers,,10-15-14]:
...a University of Missouri – St. Louis researcher says emotions aside, the number of black youth who have been fatally shot by white police officers has been fairly low in recent years.
Criminology professor David Klinger told KMOX’s Charlie Brennan that he conducted a thorough, decade-long study that showed there were 1,265 murders over that time, with 90 percent of the victims being black. And 90 percent of those black victims were killed by other blacks.
“While I understand the people are concerned about the use of deadly force by the police, by far – about 50 to 1 – more blacks in St. Louis are killed by other blacks as compared to white police officers,” Klinger says.
Over that same period, Klinger says 31 blacks were killed by police officers – 21 by white police officers.
“The sad fact is, we had well over a thousand black-on-black homicides in the city of St. Louis during that same decade,” he says.
The article should have read: 90 percent of known victims were killed by other blacks... (no snitch!)
So 90 percent of 1265 is 1138... 1138 black people murdered, with 90 percent of them killed by other black people. Or 1024 black on black homicides in St. Louis in the decade Klinger studied.
We can get a better number though:
Of the 567 homicides from 2008 to 2011, for which the race of the victim is available in the SLMPD annual reports, 502 are listed as black, while 64 were white. Over that period, 89% of those killed in the city were black. In a city that's very nearly 50/50 black/white, those 64 homicides would give an annual murder rate of ~10/100,000 for white residents and ~78/100,000 black residents.
In the entire United States of America, from 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
In just one decade in St. Louis, there were 1024 black on black homicides...
Each year, the City of St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, releases an Annual Report to the Community. This report breaks down violent crime and the overall percentage of the racial group arrested for each offense (note because of lack of trust with police, many homicides lack suspects).
This information should further illustrate the lie of #BlackLivesMatter. Remember, out of 318,000 people, St. Louis is 49.2 percent black 43.9 percent white (as of 2010 US Census).
Here's the breakdown 1999:
Here's the breakdown for 2002:
Here's the breakdown for 2003:
Here's the breakdown for 2004:
According to 2012 Metropolitan Police Department, City of St. Louis: Annual Report to the Community:
No, Black Lives truly Don't Matter.
What does matter, is that in the 1910s, the white people of St. Louis (representing 93 percent of the population of the city) decided to pass laws to protect their property and communities.
In so doing, they declared #WhiteLivesMatter.
In only one decade, black people in St. Louis killed other black people to the tune of 30 percent of the number of blacks lynched in all of the United States in a span of 86 years!
St. Louis has a homicide problem and is only dangerous today because of black people, just as it only had a homicide problem and was only dangerous because of blacks in the decades of 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010...
This information should further illustrate the lie of #BlackLivesMatter. Remember, out of 318,000 people, St. Louis is 49.2 percent black 43.9 percent white (as of 2010 US Census).
Here's the breakdown 1999:
Here's the breakdown for 2000:
- 90.2% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 1999 were black.
- 91.67% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2000 were black.
Here's the breakdown for 2002:
- 94.78% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2002 were black.
Here's the breakdown for 2003:
- 96.77% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2003 were black.
Here's the breakdown for 2004:
Heres' the breakdown for 2005:
- 94.78% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2004 were black.
Here's the breakdown for 2006:
- 91.55% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2005were black.
Here's the breakdown for 2007:
- 91.8% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2006 were black.
Anything different in 2008? No:
- 92% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2007 were black.
2009? Is it still almost all-black? Yes:
- 97.7% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2008 were black.
Please, tell me 2010 is different...:
- 97.1% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2009 were black.
2011? Same old song:
- 92.4% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2010 were black.
- 92% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2011 were black.
According to 2012 Metropolitan Police Department, City of St. Louis: Annual Report to the Community:
- 97.6% of those arrested for murder in St. Louis in 2012 were black.
No, Black Lives truly Don't Matter.
What does matter, is that in the 1910s, the white people of St. Louis (representing 93 percent of the population of the city) decided to pass laws to protect their property and communities.
In so doing, they declared #WhiteLivesMatter.
In only one decade, black people in St. Louis killed other black people to the tune of 30 percent of the number of blacks lynched in all of the United States in a span of 86 years!
St. Louis has a homicide problem and is only dangerous today because of black people, just as it only had a homicide problem and was only dangerous because of blacks in the decades of 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010...
Great post. I love your posts that have a lot of stats. Indisputable truth to share. Thanks for all you do.
PK: I'm very grateful for your constant flow of meaningful articles consistently presented on a factual basis. Sadly, facts mean nothing to the negro nor his enabler and "massa", the white progressive. As the insanity of permitted/promoted black on white killings continue to accelerate, I urge my brothers and sisters to steel themselves against that which is coming....a full blown genocide of the white race.
What then, must we do? THINK!
"National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC)"
I remember when the First Pavement Apes moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., they made A Big Deal about the fact that they were going to have African art prominently displayed in the public and private quarters. It was just like you'd expect; "paintings" that didn't rise to the artistic level of a dime-store paint-by-numbers kit, and "fertility statues" that showed big-bellied, droopy-titted Negresses, glorifying one of the four things Nogs like to do (sitting, shitting, eating and fucking). Absolutely pathetic. Five hundred years after Michaelangelo painted a whole damn ceiling while lying on his back, these idiots are oohing an ahhing over some kindergarten wood carvings and primitive painting that could just as easily have been done by an elephant with a paint brush.
"Culture?" PATHETIC, is more like it!
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
There you go again Paul Kersey. Confusing the real issues with statistics and facts and the truth. You Racist!
While all the facts in this piece point to the fact that the biggest danger to backs is other blacks at the end of the day arguing it, even when presenting these facts to blacks and liberal brainwashed whites, is like beating your head against a wall. Facts don't matter, "de ebil white debil bees trying to kill dem." Its like arguing about blacks holding slaves or selling slaves to Europeans, they don't want to here it.
I once argued online with a black that millions of other blacks are held as slaves in modern day Africa and their argument was that while that is not a good situation, it's nowhere near as bad the slavery that existed in antebellum America(my words, blacks don't know what antebellum means).
Once again, great analysis, PK.
In the entire United States of America, from 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched.
And since blacks commit violent crimes at several times the rate of whites, the fact that most lynchings were of blacks is in line with the overall crime picture.
There's the political dimension: the Oprahs of the world tell us that whites used lynchings to strike terror into the hearts of blacks. But why was that wrong? When you consider the escalating black violence against whites in these integrated times, perhaps lynching had a positive side? How many of the horrendous black-on-white crimes we see reported via the Internet would have happened if lynchings were still in force? How long would the Ferguson riots have lasted in a world where lynchings were still on the agenda?
The point is, you have to look at the bigger picture. Are the Oprahs opposed to lynchings because innocent people were killed? Or is it because they see opposition to lynching is a way to remove one more element of white self-defense?
RexHymens here:
The bastard drug-addicted strong arm robber michael brown was shot because he tried to murder a cop.
Every word of that sentence is factually accurate but it is FORBIDDEN to speak that sentence on any tv show, newscast or radio program.
His parents were not married, hence Bastard. He was stoned on drugs hence Drug Addicted. He is on tape committing strong arm robbery. Forensics and witnesses prove that he tried to take the cop's gun after assaulting him twice.
#handsupdontshoot and #blacklivesmatter are blatant lies, and for some reason nobody will say it.
We live in a very sick, stupid, nightmarish world of lies and i for one am sick of it.
The stats are damning and prove that black lives don't matter~ unless it's a death at the hands of someone who isn't a member of the tribe. Then, it's used to howl, screech, moan and wail about how they're being mistreated.
Blacks are completely full of shit.
Yes, I read this post. I read all the posts. But this one seems redundant.
Now having said that, please read this nonsense one of my DWL Facebook friends posted.
Needless to say, most all of my replies to the "story" were met with a bit of hostility.
Oprah Winfrey on "the N word" in a July 2013 Parade Magazine interview:
"You cannot be my friend and use that word around me. It shows my age, but I feel strongly about it. … I always think of the millions of people who heard that as their last word as they were hanging from a tree."
"Millions." And Parade didn't print a correction.
Winfrey - who was proven a liar after her story about a white saleswoman refusing to show her a $30,000 purse because she's black was investigated and turned out to be bogus - then lamented that young people today don't know "diddly squat" about the civil rights movement.
Neither do some of the self-absorbed 50-something fatties, it appears. (Heh-heh.)
- Man in Florida
It all comes down to genetics. When you have a group of people with an average IQ of 100, they more or less will be able to work and live together. Pull in a large enough group of people who have an average IQ of 80 and you're going to have some real problems.
We are at a point now where it is impossible to pretend that the large group of 80 something IQ members are equal, and yet we have it written into our Constitution that everyone is equal. A paradox such as this cannot continue indefinitely. On some level, the Powers That Be (TPTB) must know this. It seems as though the solution to this is to exterminate the majority of the white race and replace it with the much more malleable black and brown race.
If you own the means of production as well as the land, minerals, and other resources to go with it, you can automate operations where the lower IQ members are able to operate the machinery while still understanding nothing about how it works, why it functions, and have very limited understanding of what it means to share in the profits of the business.
TPTB, in their hubris, have determined that the white race is more of a liability than an asset. As they increase their vice grip hold on power, they systematically reduce any profit from enterprise that they're willing to share.
The negro has proven himself to be a very useful tool to TPTB. He knows not where his meal comes from, nor does he care. All he knows is he wants his Happy Meal (tm) each day, warm and on time. He also wants shelter from the elements, and a bit of walking around money. In other words, the negro is quite happy with welfare. What the negro doesn't understand is that once the white man who toils alongside of him disappears, they'll be no one to speak up and fight for profit sharing. They'll be no more innovation. The negro, in short, will be returned rather quickly to his former slave status. And it will be far too late for anything to be done about it. The negro's tiny mind and easily sated appetite ensures he will continue to be the most useful slave in the future for TPTB.
Obama, Oprah, Sharpton, they all love spouting statistics. Millions and millions of poor blacks mistreated at the hands of white people.
If the figures they spout were true, they wouldn't be here to spout them!
Professional victims should at least try to find some verifiable facts before trying to spoon feed their crap to some white people.
I don't believe everything I see and hear on the news, I'm not going to believe an african spouting numbers.
Superb breakdown. This is what is needed to expose and fight back against the Jon Stewarts of the world.
It's time to take off the rose colored glasses and let shine the White Light of truth Into their eyes
Let's take this one step further, I would like to see added is the amount of $ that is needed for the extra police, the homicide investigators, the housing in jail, the judges and court personnel, ambulance and hospital costs, and what the hell, throw in the amount per black student (misnomer I know) as well.
Then compare it to the overall city budget.
People get confused with emotional truths, truth that only exists because they want to believe it does. They want to believe black people are human like we are.
Yet, IMO, What everyone understands is $$$. Show me the money, show the cost of having black neighbors, show the extra money in taxes that they pay for this dysfunction. This will be, at the very least, a seed planted.
The Baron
- Birds seek out food, men seek out fortune
Robert Boyle
We are at a point now where it is impossible to pretend that the large group of 80 something IQ members are equal, and yet we have it written into our Constitution that everyone is equal.
Actually, "all men are created equal" is in the Declaration of Independence, not the US Constitution. But your point is well taken. You can not have equality between groups of widely varying characteristics, such as IQ. We have seen the disaster which has played out when this has been tried, whether in the USA or Africa. The interesting thing is, the Founding Father pretty much understood the inherent inequality between the races, hence their reluctance to free black slaves out of concerns for the havoc they would inflict on white civilization.
"the biggest danger to backs is other blacks at the end of the day"
There is another truth hidden in your typo.
Massive exaggeration of the death toll within actual historical events to garner sympathy and political clout. Now, where have I seen that before?
Greetings, horrible, vile racists. I haven't had time to post for a while – been working my tail off to generate revenue for redistribution to oppressed minorities that are "less fortunate" than I. I wonder what might happen if it was suggested that the only dimension in which they were less fortunate was in the area of IQ… Regardless, my current tax bill reflects this reality in objective terms.
@Outlander – I just wanted to acknowledge your powerful introductory comment a few weeks ago. Hats off for your willingness to explore independent thinking despite your liberal indoctrination. It's always good to hear of a new awakening – proof that SBPDL exhibits the power to leverage truth to convey reality.
I have a couple stories to share. First, I was getting a haircut this weekend by my Latina "stylist" (I know it would be sacrilege to refer to such an individual as a "barber"). She's at least legal and has a family and pays taxes, but whatever. We were chatting, and she mentioned she and her husband were going out to eat at a seafood restaurant. Ever-interested in the subject of seafood, I asked her if it was any place I know. The response: "It's a Hispanic seafood restaurant on [former Whitopia road, now an Hispanic-dominated hellhole complete with dead mall]. Now because she is Hispanic, that's perfectly OK, along with the obvious conclusion that Hispanics prefer to congregate with their own kind due to language and cultural and ethnic similarities. Just like we Caucasians, who are similarly free to congregate with our own kind, also without criticism, and complete understanding of the desire to do so. Oh, wait… RAYCISS!!!
While shopping for groceries this afternoon with Mrs. Gwinnett Gladiator, in a shopping center that is dying, we were greeted by the ever-darkening presence of the mahogany menace, descending on the area due to the existence of multiple "multi-family, affordable housing options," aka apartment complexes. As they turn their former conquests to shit, destroy the neighborhoods and schools built by the hard work of whites, and businesses close due to their lack of economic power to sustain them, they wander ever northward. The solution? YT flees yet father and sacrifices yet more time away from their families, destined for yet more miles of traffic-choked highways in our metal coffins.
But I got sidetracked, as today's experience focused on a familiar theme – the single negress sow, aimlessly wandering through the aisles, packing their carts with only high-calorie, processed foods, while talkin on dey sail foam. Mmmm hmmm… We were so enriched by their tattoos and girth.
Finally, at my still relatively new job (remember, I'm speaking from the perspective of future time orientation, wherein a period of less than a year could easily be "new" for someone that has persevered in larger endeavors), I had occasion to interact with a negress. I already knew her to be a complete fraud, and a lying, aggressive, self-interested, lazy employee from prior dealings. However, on this day, I manipulated the situation to make her feel comfortable in revealing her true nature. You see, she was completely overwhelmed at being asked to pick up at a point at which work was performed a couple months' prior, then add to it going forward. I had performed 99% of said work, as it is beyond her IQ to perform such tasks. All she had to do was file the meticulously-labeled disks I had created, and perhaps label an envelope.
Sorry PK, but you may have to revise your figures. I read somewhere recently that someone in the AA "community" (Oprah?) has decided that the number of lynchings was at least twice as high as currently accepted. I'm sure, somehow they'll find (fabricate?) the evidence to back that up.
I strongly support the NO SNITCH policy of the hood. Why should a yoot who shot a couple teens while defending his turf be sent to prison.
There should be more movies and TV shows that glamorize the gang lifestyle. A Broadway show like West Side Story would also be helpful. You could show the Crips and Bloods dancing and singing as they butcher and maim each other.
I think annual wheelchair races for hood rats with spinal cord injuries would also be nice. Any thing that would encourage gang banging and killing each other would be very helpful in "culling the herd".
Satistics never lie, I wonder if the data on lynchings is available from 1865? One of the more intelligent DWL's might see this and whine foul. My guess is the members are negligible but I'm just curious.
Lynching was always a useful tool to keep Rastus and Scipio in line because they don't understand anything but overwhelming force. Until this country remembers this you're going to have a problem. I do think that it'll take the EBT going offline to really get large numbers of people to wake up. After several thousand DWL's are barbequed perhaps then will people say wait a minute these things are savages and not like us. Then real action can be taken.
The founding fathers did believe that all men were created equal, but they meant white men. This modern day nonsense that it applied to everybody retrospectively is BS, even the New England crowd would have never considered a negro their equal. Abolitionists pulled that out of their asses at a later date.
I hear folks on here talking about what's happening and how bad it is and I agree. They question that keeps running through my mind is how do you fix this problem? The MSM will be no help, neither will government. All YT groups seem to be disjointed and independent. If all of these groups started talking well that would make BRA nervous since YT knows how to fix things. But what will be the massive wake up call? No EBT or something else?
SC Native
Gwinnett Gladiator reminded me of something. Several cities have ethnic enclaves eg. Little Italy, Little Tokyo, Koreatown, Chinatown and the like. Often these enclaves are recognized by the municipality and signs erected to guide visitors who might want to dine or shop there. Usually they can do this in complete safety.
Notice that, despite the powerful grip that BRA has on all levels of government, none take pride in their negro areas so as to post signs proclaiming such?
I wonder if cities that have imported large numbers of Somalis have a "Little Mogadishu" with signs directing visitors?
A couple of posters made mention of "the
Founding Fathers." Just a short tale from the trip to the bank yesterday. I was informed that my local bank branch would be open tomorrow, despite the Fed's being closed, so that any transactions would post on Tuesday. Far be it for me to complain about more service, but I had to ask which of the "Monday holidays" the bank stayed closed. Well, kiss Columbus and the Presidents goodbye, but they are still closed Memorial Day, Labor Day, and... Drumroll... Martin Luther King day.
SC Native.... I hear ya!! EBT is run through Chase bank. Wall street getting rich off of the tax paying working poor to feed the scum that evades our neighborhoods. THANK YOU HUD!!!
RexHymens here:
2 quick points.
1. How many of those negroes that were lynched were lynched because they committed a crime? How many were lynched just because a racist lynch mob felt like lynching a negro? I would bet the VAST majority of the "victims" were guilty as Hell of committing crimes.
2. Let's compare what the crime rates were back when we had Segregation and lynchings to the crime rates today. When the negroes knew that if they committed crimes against whites they would be lynched it helped keep everyone safe. Well, everyone but the criminals.
I'm not advocating lynchings, just pointing out that they were effective at keeping negroes from harming humans.
What I am actually advocating is that we institute a 1 strike Law for negroes. At the FIRST violent crime, or Felony of any type the negroes should be sent to a labor camp breaking rocks some where in the desert, miles and miles from any humans. They should be supervised closely by Overseers with whips as they work shackled together from sun up to sundown. Each negroe would be paid at the end of the day with 1 quarter pound of salted pork and 1 cup of creek water for their work and they would sleep on the sands so the occasional rain can rinse them off. Any negroes that voice a complaint about the labor camps or their relatives/friends/gang members being sent to the camps will be treated exactly as though they had committed crimes of their fellow negro and they will be sent to the labor camps immediately. No Trial is necessary and there is no return from the labor camps.
i'm gonna type up a formal Proposal and send it to my congresscritter. I'm calling it "The Nate Higgers/Rex Hymens Save America Act Of 2015"
Facts Gone Wrong
OT: Apparently, if you're an illegal alien, it's okay to drink and drive. Border Agents have been instructed not to detain them.
I hear folks on here talking about what's happening and how bad it is and I agree. They question that keeps running through my mind is how do you fix this problem? The MSM will be no help, neither will government. All YT groups seem to be disjointed and independent. If all of these groups started talking well that would make BRA nervous since YT knows how to fix things. But what will be the massive wake up call? No EBT or something else?
SC Native
I believe sir, you have hit the nail on the head, "No EBT". BRA is actually very weak and is dependent upon money, money, money from YT to keep the wogs working for them wrecking what's left of the U.S. The source of money for BRA is taxes extracted from YT, issuing debt and just printing money backed by nothing. Aside from money there is nothing binding the wogs to the U.S., they reject a priori everything YT, it's one of their defining characteristics.
Since 1965 the coinage has been debased, there isn't even 1 grain of silver in post 1965 coinage and the gold window in London was closed by President Nixon in 1971 although that was only open to foreign governments, not U.S. citizens. Massive U.S. government spending since the 1960s has resulted in unsustainable debts and inflation to make those crushing debts serviceable. At the same time the U.S. government's economic and civil rights policies have destroyed many of the wealth producing cities and industries BRA needs to keep functioning, its policies are therefore ultimately suicidal.
With massive numbers of people eating at the table set by BRA and knowing no other way of life those people are getting set up for a big disappointment. The financial system has lately become even more unstable, concentrating wealth in few hands, destroying the middle class and putting tens of millions on the dole one way or another as BHO and his Republican enablers explode the debt. As a simple matter of mathematics, not politics this is not sustainable. The strength in the U.S. dollar overseas is only relative, all other currencies particularly the Euro are even worse.
None of this is fixable, the current system cannot be reformed and we should not try that fool's errand, let BRA collapse and get out of the way. We should be prepared to lay low, survive BRA's implosion and be there for the reset. Just as BRA's wogs are totally dependent we should be as self reliant as possible, helping other YTs who see and scorning the rest.
non-DWL from NE.
Oprah says hello to SBPDL.
How many blacks were lynched by other blacks? I'm curious.
Great stuff PK. As a St. Louisan (inner burbs), I regret the events of the past months have made this city such a focus. On the other hand, it is fascinating to read what you dig up. I really find it interesting our "racist" forebears intuitively knew what would happen to this city and had the common sense and confidence to try to prevent it from happening. It really must of been a grand city! The buildings, the architecture, the history here is really amazing. Alas.
NY Girl: you crack me up. You said what I would have said, but much funnier.
I think it's noteworthy that at the height of Detroit's bankruptcy issues, they spoke of what assets the city had. Art from the Metropolitan Museum of Art was valued at around $1 Billion. Art from the "African American Art Museum" was valued at about $100,000. Seriously.
Five hundred years after Michaelangelo painted a whole damn ceiling while lying on his back, these idiots are oohing an ahhing over some kindergarten wood carvings and primitive painting that could just as easily have been done by an elephant with a paint brush.
Did you mean ooking and eeking?
Beyond Fatigue said...
Excellent post. I truly believe P.K. and other truth warriors are giving us awakened people the artillery (so to speak) to wake up our fence-sitting brethren.
The point isn't to convince the 70 to 80 IQ simian, nor its devoted handlers, that facts are important. The point is to reach out and bring in our folk who do understand what facts are and show them how these lies have been destroying our communities/societies/lives for decades.
White drug whores on food stamps. Her bastard black baby daddy teaching their trophy white whore new ways to trick whitey outa mo money. Don't act all house nigger and try to think.
Hey, why didn't the negro-monsters riot when Vomit Myers, the Sandwich Boy (pictured above), was croaked?
Kudos to you, RexHymens, for your post at 12:09PM.
My favorite negro statistic comes from a member of your Ruling Class, Rep. Major Owens of New York, who asserted that 200 million negroes died on slave ships and were thrown overboard and eaten by sharks. Considering the capacity of those tiny ships it would seem that such a loss rate would have made the Transatlantic slave trade very unprofitable. But of course it's just another ridiculous lie, just as his claim that sharks circle ships waiting for their negro lunch to this day.
And one must not forget Rep. Johnson of Georgia, who feared that Guam would capsize if the military put too many people and too much equipment there.
These are your leaders! What a loser race.
IF people believe everybody is created equal, WHY don't we have a TRUE meritocracy?
I never understood why schools have to have a certain amount of this group and that group, and jobs have to have Quota's set asides, affirmative action etc. to ensure representation of all ethnic groups, why not be able to go with the best regardless?
In my opinion it puts a company at a disadvantage to be forced to use lesser qualified people.
I am truly tired and disgusted with Black America. The crime data doesn't lie. The economic data doesn't lie. The data associated with educational attainment doesn't lie.
They are a useless and resource-wasting demographic.
American Blacks have ruined this once great country. As they have ruined every other location in the hisotry of the species.
The founding fathers did believe that all men were created equal, but they meant white men.
The 3/5 compromise was added only 11 years after the declaration of independence.
It's complete revisionist history to suggest that the founding fathers were talking about all men as in all men of all races.
So much time and energy expended by Liberals to put Negro's in a good light. And it has failed miserably. Yet they still push this fairy tale story and scream racist at any one who disagree's. The numbers above make perfect sense to any one with common sense. Especially anyone who's been forced to let Negro's live amongst them.
Had a similar reaction to the lynching race breakdown. Sort of lines up with current %s for breakdown of perps for violent crime.
Actually the negroes have always had an ethnic neighborhood of their own. It's know colloquially as N----R TOWN. Unfortunately unlike other ethnic neighborhoods, there's nothing "LITTLE" about it.
Suck on those numbers for a while Harpo the black whale! As you pretended too like us White people.
In that same time you only liked the White women's money that you duped from them. And you have said how us Whites are fake when we would talk too blacks and the minute the two parties went in different directions you said the Whites would talk about that same black that they were just talking too.
Basically exactly what you were guilty of Harpo. Once your show went off the air the real Harpo showed up. Your a phony Harpo and though it's too late people like us realist's will point you out every time we get that chance. Oprah Winfrey you can't change those factual numbers now can ya phony!
I recently read an article on NPR about a DWL area of Austin (that bastion of racism) where a white woman posted a free pickup of an office chair in her alley. A black neighbor had her husband pick it up, and decided she didn't want it, A few hours later, she instructed her husband to take it back to the alley, where the white woman saw him (no mention of whether the chair was with him), and called the cops, because he was "suspicious". This created a firestorm, and the homeowners did "outreach" to deal with their own "racism". A local black preacher commented on the injustice, by saying: "obviously, whites are afraid of black men...." The article didn't explore the comment, other than to mention the usual " most murders of whites is by whites". So the take away us that even though blacks kill whites at 8 times the rate whites kill blacks, that statistically, whites shoudn't be afraid of blacks, and should embrace them in their community. Of course, as communities further blend, blacks will become increasingly more comfortable with murdering whites, and those numbers will level out. Diversity in action.
What is striking to me are the many discerning and highly intelligent contributions made by posters on this site. I suspect that many here are like me: angry, embittered and heartbroken because of the present—and likely future—state of our country.
It seems to me, that giving vent to our experiences, and awaiting a presumed nationwide calamity, while perfectly valid, are insufficient. Organization is a missing component in addressing our national malady.
Organizing ourselves, of course, is potentially dangerous in the present political climate. Still, one approach might be what the Islamists are themselves doing in this country: The highly selective creation of social clubs and self-defense groups. The trick, of course, is to not immediately antagonize the powers that be. Furthermore, leaders of such groups would be exposed to some risk; they would also have to be highly dedicated to their cause. I am aware that the task before us is exceptionally difficult.
In any case, best wishes to you all.
They are really pushing their agenda right now.
I went to see the new Kingsman movie. Thought it would be a James Bond type spy movie. Not even close.
100% anti-white, anti-christian, anti-hetero male, New World Order Illumaniti GARBAGE. JAM PACKED with pro anal-sex/sexual deviancy, pro-YKW the "chosen" ones, pro feminist, anti-global warming, RFID chips, mind control, domestic violence, multi-cultural violent bloody filth.
A total bait and switch. Don't waste your money.
Obama's head explodes in the movie.
There was a scene in a southern white church where a white preacher was spitting and shouting about Infidels, Moslems, Jews, NIggers, and faggots.
The lead character slaughtered all of those vile white racists.
It was a horrifying thing to watch. I think it shows us what TWMNBM have in store for white Christians.
NARRATIVE is all that matters. The anti-white narrative.
For these evil turds, the TRUTH means nothing. You could beat them with the truth and it would not matter.
Only one side is fighting this war.
"We are at a point now where it is impossible to pretend that the large group of 80 something IQ members are equal, and yet we have it written into our Constitution that everyone is equal."
There is a lot of misinterpretation of the Constitution and equality. What the Constitution meant was that all people should have the same rights, the same opportunities and the same freedoms. Equality does NOT mean that everyone, whether individual or group, has the same abilities or that everyone will have equal outcomes because everyone is different.
Another thought. While most will agree there's no place for any lynching in a civilized society with a functional legal system, can we really assume that every lynchee was totally innocent of whatever offense lead to their lynching?
"Black lives matter" is such a joke. Blacks routinely stab and shoot each other all the time in our urban inner cities. Nary a peep from Blacks. Yet, in the RARE instance a White, who is usually justified, kills a Black, it's yelling and screaming of "Black Lives Matter". Just more manipulative BS from Blacks trying to play the "eternal victim". It's getting REALLY old.
I just wanted to pass a piece of information to all commenters. The phrase "we owe black people nothing" originated from P.K.'s articles. I started SBPDL in the beginning of 2012. The article about Tide detergent, that's when I started commenting.
Anyway, back then, everyone used to use it on a regular basis. P.K. in his writing & commenters too. 10mm Auto remembers, right? I just want to let all & new commenters know that It's not my personal phrase, I use it all the time, but it's belongs to this site. It's all of ours, feel free to use it anytime.
I'd kind of like to see it make a come back. Thanks!
[ North, Georgia ] What do we owe black people?........Your damn right!
"They are a useless and resource-wasting demographic."
Couldn't have said it better myself. Yes, this describes not all, but a large portion of them. They are like our expensive pets we're forced to support. It might not even be quite so bad if these "pets" were sweet and gentle but these "pets" are like a bunch of violent, aggressive pit bulls that appreciate nothing and constantly bite the hands that feed it, always want more and hate us yet.
I have Southern relatives, including some who older and lived in the South in the 40's, 50's and 60's, in Mississippi and Alabama. All of them say they never saw or heard of a lynching. None of them saw a Klansman either. They told me that Blacks and Whites in their towns all knew each other and that nothing ever happened and that life was just boring and uneventful. Blacks and the media are such liars. The truth is that lynching was rare yet listening to the media/Blacks, you'd think there was a Black hanging from the town square every weekend in the South and that the Klan were riding in hoods on horseback down Main St. every day.
Black lives do not matter to the DWL. The manner in which the life was lost is the only thing of importance. Black-on-black crime? Not newsworthy or important. White-on-black? National news, terrible tragedy, etc. The DWL is only interested in dead blacks killed in what they can promote as inherent American racism.
I dream of a day when I don't have to be confronted with another egregious example of TNB being reported but not identified as such... do we need to come up with a new name for white teens so everyone really knows who they're talking about when they say "teens" in the media?
I've been searching YouTube for videos from the Ocoee theater mob. I haven't found any yet. I have to wonder if they're being scrubbed, either by exclusion from search results or outright removal. "To avoid contributing to negative stereotypes", of course.
Of the two TV news reports I saw on YT, neither showed any video of the mob itself (one had video showing the lobby before the invasion) and one had a brief interview with one teen (Black, of course). There is nothing to help the public find more detailed information about the perps. You'd think that ID'ing these kids to get them off the street would be a priority, but not if it leads to stereotyping....
Re: Lynching
According to the statistics kept by the Tuskeegee Institute itself (Yes, the black institute!), the main causes of lynching were homicides, felonius assault, Rape, Attempted Rape, Robbery & Theft.
These made up fully 75.34 per cent of the causes for lynchings.
Bet that doesn't get taught during black history month even though the info itself comes from a black org.
"Steppenwolf said: Organizing ourselves, of course, is potentially dangerous in the present political climate. Still, one approach might be what the Islamists are themselves doing in this country: The highly selective creation of social clubs and self-defense groups. The trick, of course, is to not immediately antagonize the powers that be. Furthermore, leaders of such groups would be exposed to some risk; they would also have to be highly dedicated to their cause. I am aware that the task before us is exceptionally difficult.
February 16, 2015 at 4:32 AM""
Incredibly dangerous, though many pro-White organization exist and are working on the problem. In the Northwest Front, we use (please fell free to use these ideas as well) Renaissance Fairs, Classic music venues, St. Patrick's Day, etc. for meetings and organization. These tend to be all White affairs with normal people with skills and intelligence and a willingness to listen. Avoid DWL venues like "Art Fairs".
A comment on Paul's advice to "Survive". We must do more than merely survive. In the coming bad times, we must be ready to back those who wish to repair and rebuild. We must separate and avoid those who are like the Khmer Rouge or the Bolsheviks, who will seize power not for the dream of a Homeland, but to install a "new Utopia". Such experiments have ended badly.
Seek White men with skills but also a love of freedom.
In answer to Anon, yes I remember and agree! I owe the negro NOTHING.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Years & years ago I remember being at an American university in a city that was 95%+ white and on the inside of one of the buildings they had a mural of black women in African clothing, with the rich & bright colors contrasting with the landscape. This was in the snowy upper midwest where nearly all of the minorities are native Americans or Asians who immigrated to open up restaurants.
There is some bizarre seed implanted in liberals where they believe that any celebration of (white) American or Eurpean culture is somehow blaise, or that it is natrally narrow minded... so literally in a location where nearly no one can relate to it, they paint a mural of proud Africans in African garb.
There has to be something ultimately absurd about a people largely descended from the amazing cultural, philosophical & scientific legacies of Europe would just opt to celebrate... African clothes & landscapes. lol.
Lynchings were done when justice was still in the hands of the local people. The local criminals also saw what would happen to them if they committed their crimes and was caught.
Allowing the "state" to administer justice was a big mistake. How many criminals are walking the streets because the "state" in all its wisdom, decided the victim was in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or the defendant was a victim of da ebil slabery?
I think things will get a lot worse before the white people make things better.
Welcome to South Africa!
There is something very interesting about people:
If you tell them that in the Soviet Union the people were raised learning mindless propaganda about themselves and their history, they will nod their head and agree, and say "of course, everyone knows that..."
If you tell them that it was the same in Nazi Germany, the same in Maoist China, the same in Iran, or Iraq, etc. etc. they'll nod vigorously and wonder what the hell you're getting at...
But the second you suggest that they've learned a version of history and experienced constant propaganda highly tailored to the desires of the US government & all of their cronies... and that modern GLBTQ movements, anti-religous sentiment, illegal immigration, minority protest groups, etc. etc. are all facets of it... well, they'll think you've gone simply mad.
And I just smile and shrug, mad as a hatter. In 20-30 years they'll look on at their dying nation and see through the lies, try to recollect my name and mumble an apology to me under their breath.
Mr. Rational - the news story linked in the anonymous post just before yours includes some brief, blurry video that gives some clue to the types of "teens" involved in the melee, and they also show a social media page of the organizers which pretty much eliminates any doubt about who we're dealing with here.
RexHymens said ”The bastard drug-addicted strong arm robber michael brown was shot because he tried to murder a cop.
Every word of that sentence is factually accurate but it is FORBIDDEN to speak that sentence on any tv show, newscast or radio program. . . “
True, and a good reason why everyone should contact their Congressmen and make it clear that we don't want the FCC or any other government agency to regulate the Internet. Net neutrality will very quickly morph into censorship. The IRS, BATFE, DOJ, EPA, FCC, FEC, NSA and many other federal agencies are used to attack our fundamental rights and shape our views into a PC fantasy and coerce or intimidate everyone into conforming to the desires of the government. Why would anyone believe that regulation of the Internet by the government would be any different?
You're right, money talks! Show how it effects them personally. Show how a totally white neighborhood, the home owners property has a steady or growing value.
Then, add one black fambly. Then two black famblies, three, four and how much property values and how fast those property values drop.
That'll get yt's attention. (When the figures are published. )
"and yet we have it written into our Constitution that everyone is equal"
Nonsense. We have a guaranteed "equal protection under the law". The concept of "all men born equal" was merely in regards to the concept of royalty who by some gynecological happenstance have the right to rule over and subjugate others. To which I'd whole heartedly agree. There's no sane reason that some inbred sociopath has any special "right" which the rest of us don't.
I'd bet you dollars to donuts that if you polled all of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence whether an African field hand was their intellectual equal they would respond a unanimous "NO!"
off topic...BBC worries about
population decrease in japan.
Remember these are the same libs who say 'overpopulation on earth' but mean 'less Whites'.
The BBC is concerned about Japan? Yeah, right...Total bullshit. The BBC wants Japan to be more diverse, understand? If I was Japanese, I'd tell them to go be intimate with themselves. Bastards.
Who else would it be directed at? I don't imagine that people in Britain spend a lot of time thinking about Japan. I don't think the average American does. Even intellectuals and opinion leaders don't seem to think about Japan all that much. The Japanese, on the other hand, pay a fair amount of attention to what is said about them in the foreign press.
The message is directed at those in Britain, or the US when such stories are carried in the NY Times, who might wish to oppose mass immigration. The majority of us in the West have never been, and will never go to Japan.
We are given story after story of Japan's stagnant economy, or the lost decades since 1990. We are told that they are doomed demographically. A lot of people in the West probably think Japan is going through some type of depression where the average Japanese barely eecks out a living.
And why are we told this? Because Japan has not accepted mass immigration. And since most first world nations have declining birth rates and aging populations, any right thinking person knows that mass immigration of different peoples is the cure.
Yet Japan refuses to swallow the cure. And lest people in the West get the idea that Japan is doing as well or better than we in the West WITHOUT mass immigration, the Western media must present the view that Japan is in dire straits.
The biggest danger to all civilized people are blacks and Muslims, period, and they are joining forces in our prisons to gain power and numbers.
Do everything in your power to diminish your tax liabilities.
Our tax dollars are being wasted in an attempt at civilizing people who will not be civilized.
I bet she's tight with Jay Z. I wonder how many times he's used "the n word" in a recording.
Kingsman ... A total bait and switch. Don't waste your money.
February is replacing late December and January as Turkey season in that studios release the stuff that is worse than The Interview in the hopes of attracting regular movie goers.
Oprah saw millions perhaps someone should explain what the word niggardly means?
@ anon 4:58am
Don't worry about movies like KINGSMAN. It's satire, based on a comic book. A comic romp, a forgettable trifle. What, you didn't like Obama's head exploding??
- Man in Florida
Wowza, 900 pubescent orangatangs, gibons, howlers & other simians CHIMP OUT...
Gun shots ring out...
Just imagine the hellzapoppin when they start aiming the guns instead of just firing into the air !!!
Of course, the chimp pack attacks are carefully targeting only WHITE victims. #1 cuz YT vic's are submissive & compliant #2 spic's would turn on the chimps & kick their asses up around their shoulder blades #3 if vic's are YT no charges will ever be filed against the chimp pack since all USG, state, county, city policies are BASED FUNDAMENTLY on anti-white racism & bigotry. As far as your gov't is concerned these chimp packs are doing the Lords Work in extinguishing the evil white race from this land....duh, u get it, honkey ???
This one is a big one for the propagandists in the Puppet Press to "hide" but dang if them varmints aren't hiding it real real good...
Steppenwolf said ”. . . It seems to me, that giving vent to our experiences, and awaiting a presumed nationwide calamity, while perfectly valid, are insufficient. Organization is a missing component in addressing our national malady.
Organizing ourselves, of course, is potentially dangerous in the present political climate. Still, one approach might be what the Islamists are themselves doing in this country: The highly selective creation of social clubs and self-defense groups. The trick, of course, is to not immediately antagonize the powers that be. Furthermore, leaders of such groups would be exposed to some risk; they would also have to be highly dedicated to their cause. I am aware that the task before us is exceptionally difficult.”
Perhaps we could form a group with the goal of protecting all Americans. Something like the NACTA (National Association for the Constitutional Treatment of all Americans) organized not to suppress any ethnic group, but to protect all Americans from unconstitutional treatment. It would need to focus on eliminating existing laws and practices of governmental agencies that are discriminatory against any segment of American society. I can think of no laws or governmental practices that discriminate against any group other than whites a/k/a non-minorities so the efforts of such a group would would logically tend to focus on the problems discussed on this blog. If this organization could roll back the current function of AA which is propelling unqualified minorities into positions above their level of competency to merely prohibiting discrimination based on race, it would be a success.
Obviously the leadership of this group would be exposed to significant risk, and such an organization would need to be prepared to operate without tax exempt status or the support of the government or mainstream media. Many of us are not in a position to publicly participate in the activities of such an organization, but we would provide some financial support to an effective organization serious about bringing positive change. It wouldn't surprise me if such an organization would receive substantial support after considering the monetary support that Darren Wilson received.
I have not figured out a way to bring people together non-anonymously to discuss the topics of this blog without exposing them to risk. In fact, I wouldn't even know how to initiate a non-anonymous private conversation with any Commenter on this blog without risk to both of us. But if a few honest individuals willing and able to accept the risk would take the lead, I suspect that they would draw support. This organization will need lawyers.
We can expect a new demand for reparations for blacks in the near future.
The CDC COVERED UP information linking the MMR vaccine with a SIGNIFICANT increase in rates of Autism SPECIFICALLY among black boys. Might this explain some of their behaviors?
Uh oh. Whitey's gonna pay for this.
"The present study provides new epidemiologic evidence showing that African American males receiving the MMR vaccine prior to 24 months of age or 36 months of age are more likely to receive an autism diagnosis."
"It should be noted that a recent publication has shown that the prevalence of autism in African Americans is nearly 25% higher than that of whites."
Gateway Pundit, covering the story on the Orlando movie theatre attacked by mobs of black teenagers, reported what I think is true information on the first names of detained. The names are ludicrous of course but the interesting question arose as to "why" anyone would names their children so. If you want to laugh give it a read. One name I believe was "Telephonus". I suggest "Gibbereesha" as a worthy name and urge other creatives out there to submit their offerings.
I leave it to depth psychologists out there to tease out the subtle reasoning behind naming rituals that result in neologically monstrous labels.
Did this sort of thing happen when segregation was in force?
Oprah et alia make a production about lynchings being used to keep blacks under control. So you lift the controls, and what do you get? Mob violence as a routine thing. Driveby shootings as a routine thing. The destruction of civil life as a routine thing.
Never forget this when "they" try to tell you about the "horrors" of segregation. And ponder how in these integrated days that such simple pleasantries as going to a movie or shopping at the mall or riding your bike are becoming increasingly hazardous to life and limb.
it gets back to a political reality: large numbers of blacks means that one can not live a normal life. You either have to keep them segregated, with all the hassle that involves. Or you have to accept the end to normalcy.
FlowerBell said..."The biggest danger to all civilized people are blacks and Muslims, period, and they are joining forces in our prisons to gain power and numbers."
One of the oldest sayings comes to mind, "A lone wolf is easy prey, strength is in organization and numbers"
We YT's have only one strength on our side as of now, but do not get me wrong. When YT gets a belly full, when YT gets feed up, when YT has finally had ENOUGH, damn it's going to get ugly. That--- is--- history!
[N,Ga] I want to be around when history repeats itself.
IF people believe everybody is created equal, WHY don't we have a TRUE meritocracy?
This is the case, and is one of the contradictions of post-modern liberalism. Of course, the liberals will claim that the need for AA, etc., is to overcome the terrible-legacy-of-slavery-segregation(tm). But that is just an ideological rationalization because they can not deal with the reality of the inherent inequality of the races.
But this does point up one more impact of the undertow: concepts such as meritocracy have to be tossed out the window. Things get dragged down to a low common denominator. And to tell the truth about this in public becomes heresy. You end up with a society that spirals downward. Qualified people get pushed aside and the dysfunctional becomes the norm. You need to expend a lot of energy and resources just to deal with black crime, illegitimacy and infrastructure trashing.
Just consider how far the USA might have come had it not to deal with the black undertow. As PK notes, we might have been on Mars by now. Certainly this was considered feasible back in the mid-20th century. But then again, back in the mid-20th century, it was white civilization which was being promoted in the USA--not BRA.
Happened to walk through a Buffalo-NY area K-mart the other night. Noticed a sign on a clearance rack "Prices may vary by color". Well, that happens sometimes, they mark stuff down by how long it's been in the store, while the same thing may come in different colors for different seasons, so some haven't been there as long as others.
Then I notice more signs on other clearance racks.. EVERY clearance clothing rack in the store has these signs all over the place on it. Mens, womens, kids.
Never saw anything like that before and I've been in a ton of their stores, including one that's rather ghetto. (I've said before they're always less busy and generally free of nogs compared to say Wal-mart).
My first thought was to wonder just what epic chimpout led to that? I can think of no other reason why they'd need to be so in your face explaining how clearance sales work, except some member of the IQ67 crowd can't get it through their thick skull. Maybe multiple chimpouts, at that.
I mean, I with future time orientation know to scan stuff at the price checker that every store has at least one of, so I know what it's going to ring up before I get there. If something rings up more than I want to pay, I put it back.
Regarding lynching: yes, it is worthwhile to look at the stats. Here is one more site:
Note the total number of blacks lynched in the segregation era (c. 3500). And also note that most of these lynchings were for serious crimes (granted, some cases may be false accusations). And then compare that to the number of black-perpetrated murders today. And toss in the number of black-on-white violent crimes. It's quite clear that lynching was a minimalist effort. All it took was a few murderers swinging from trees to maintain a modicum of order. The brutality back then was only a fraction of that seen today in the endless parade of flashmobs, drivebys, torture-murders, and ad nauseam.
The stats also show that 85 blacks were lynched for "Insult to White Person" (about one case a year). Compare that to the number of white people murdered by blacks today for "dissing" them. Or infants shot in their strollers by black criminals.
The website cited above also has an article about the "Negro Holocaust" in America. This is something of a joke when you consider the level of black-on-white violence then and now. "Holocaust" implies some massive level of killings of blacks, but such was not the case, at least not by whites (probably far more blacks were killed by other blacks than by whites, then as now). The article cites race riots, but then given what we see of black violence today, you have to ponder black responsibility for the mayhem. Virtually every major urban riot in the USA since the civil rights era--from Watts '65 to the Ferguson "Uprisings"--have been initiated by blacks, not whites. And we can toss in the undertow forcing whites out of cities their ancestors built, frequently by violent crime and infrastructure destruction. And then look at how those cities are wrecked.
So who is terrorizing whom?
They question that keeps running through my mind is how do you fix this problem? The MSM will be no help, neither will government. All YT groups seem to be disjointed and independent. If all of these groups started talking well that would make BRA nervous since YT knows how to fix things. But what will be the massive wake up call?
There is a wake up call, but it is subtle and low level. It is seen in the proliferation of race realist websites, among other things. White peoples can use the internet to network and thus get organized. Look at the "color" uprisings in Europa, or the Arab Spring for models.
Will there be a massive awakening of white racial consciousness, an "AHA!" moment? Perhaps. But the groundwork has to be laid by having an effective pro-white organization. We can see such movements taking off in various European countries. They are worth studying--and forming alliances.
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
The Jigs claim eternal victim hood status because the White-Man killed millions of them in the past . . . Wow I wonder where they got that idea?
The other day, a few friends and I were discussing the resignation of the head of the Boston area mass transit system, "Dr." Beverly Scott.
It was clear to all of us that the good "doctor" had been an affirmative action appointee by the then-black governor to collect paychecks doing a job that, up until this winter, involved no work or know-how.
Suddenly, the first major snowfall of her tenure hits the city, and suddenly decision-making, planning, and thinking is called for. Of course, lacking these skills, she (and the affirmative action hires she surrounded herself in her inner circle) can't come up with a plan, and the subway has to be shut down three full days in the course of a couple weeks. In contrast, the only other day in the past 15 years the subway was shut down, and there was heavy snowfall in many of these years, was the day of the hunt for the marathon bombers.
Anyways, it was painful to discuss this fraud with friends. It seemed like each one of us wanted to come out and say that she was incompetent and only hired in the first place because of her skin color and not for any particular qualifications or past accomplishments. However, I could see we each worried that one of the others was a member of the Thought Police or whether we might be overheard by the Thought Police sitting at the next table. We spoke in hushed tones of her "cluelessness" in her defiant resignation press conference, and her way too gaudy wardrobe, but none of us had the courage to voice the real truths.
It has become "1984", but instead of the "government" being the unassailable monolith, the most useless, unintelligent, and criminal citizens among us have somehow become our unassailable monoliths.
"All men are created equal" only means that we all got her by fucking.
Sorry, to be so blunt, but there is nothing "sacred" or "holy" or meaningful in being created, all of us, with the same monkey act. The act is equally performed by all monkeys and therefore we are created.....equally.
I don't think Madison and Jefferson wanted to use my version of the truth.......
EQUALITY...Does not exist in nature.
Carolina/Georgia crime report for 2/16:
Black man named Kyler charged with murder:
Black man named Dumas wanted in connection with shooting:
A dumbass named Dumas and a Killer named Kyler. You can't write this stuff. Better laugh about it now while we still can.
Reverend Bacon,
I can't find a source for the claim of $100,000. Do you have a list of how Detroit's assets were valued by outside entities (during the bankruptcy) hearing?
Can anyone find this?
I read where the DIA Collection (i.e., white museum) was worth $4.6 billion, but can't find out what the value of the art in the Charles H. Wright Museum was assessed to be valued at...
"Equality does NOT mean that everyone, whether individual or group, has the same abilities or that everyone will have equal outcomes because everyone is different."
The concept of equality is as much a cultural concept derived from religion as it is a legal concept. The legal definition is only a constantly evolving attempt to implement this broader cultural understanding. The cultural understanding of equality is basically a religious notion of Christian origin, bound up inextricably with its dualistic view of a world peopled by individual "souls" endowed with a mysterious "free will" that can transcend causality, having been created by a supernatural "God" who values them all of these souls equally. This view of reality is radically incompatible with a scientific view, but is nevertheless very deeply embedded in the culture, and necessarily gives rise to the idea that all differences in outcome, racial or otherwise, must be due solely to environment. Christianity, with its anti-scientific creation myths and anti-scientific conception of man, simply doesn't recognize evolution or genetics as valid limiting factors on spiritual (i.e., mental) matters. This cultural understanding of equality is much more important, and more influential, than the mere legal understanding.
Anonymous said...
Don't worry about movies like KINGSMAN. It's satire, based on a comic book. A comic romp, a forgettable trifle.
Sure, it is. That's how they feed us this tripe. The Help was a giggle. Django Unchained was a hoot. Couldn't possibly affect anybody's mind. It's the classic recipe for propaganda.
I can't understand why anybody would go to see a movie at all these days, but if you must, then at least inform yourself before you waste your time. Type "imdb" and the movie title in your search bar. Go to the imdb (internet movie data base) page and check it out. The first thing to note is the cast list. Any black faces? Don't waste your time. Why would you pay money to see these ugly creatures?
This movie has Sam Jackson in its cast. Instant thumbs down.
Read the plot summary, and the reviews. This movie has a review giving it ten stars - a perfect score. What did he love about it?
Dirty and (very black) humor - check. Bad language - check. Gratuitous violence - check. Needless to say, I was thrilled.
You can't say you weren't warned.
Then click on the link "read all reviews", and in the sorting drop-down box select "Hated it" for the contrary views. Lots of people said pretty much what Anon said. Some examples:
ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! Ultra violent. Trailer is 100 % misleading. It makes it look like a James Bond movie. In reality it's more like a zombie movie. Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. I wish I could un-buy this movie ticket. I wish I could un-see this movie. It's truly the worst movie I've ever seen.
I thought the film was totally awful, bad script, bad acting, bad music, and especially bad taste.
... this film is crude, stuffed with fake-looking CGI, charmless and has stupid jeopardy-free action scenes;
SKIP THIS sleazy piece of poop!!!!
The last 70 minutes of this chrome dildo of a movie are truly horrible.
Again, you can't say you weren't warned. People, discrimination is good. Try to exercise a little bit in your entertainment and in your spending.
I can't understand why anybody would go to see a movie at all these days, but if you must, then at least inform yourself before you waste your time.
Check out movies ahead of time with Wikipedia and IMDB. Boycott the enemy's agitprop and instead patronize the ones which give a positive view of whites.
Shut up and take your vaccine!
Isn't that the drumbeat from media nowadays?
1 in 50 children are now born autistic. It used to be 1 in 2000 or so.
Dr. Wakefield, whose co-author was just vindicated in British court, says the real number is 1 in 25
The science of vaccines is real. What they are putting into the vaccines is not.
Read the insert of the measles vac. for instance. It says it will give you pancreatic failure and diabetes. Yeah, I want that injected into me and my children.
Forced vaccination is coming. And with it the final straw, as no civilization can withstand a large portion of its population that has no capacity to take care of itself. We already see this with blacks, just wait until YT can't afford to pay for anything other than taking care of it's retarded children.
SC Native asks
But what will be the massive wake up call? No EBT or something else?
That would do it, but whether it will happen is another question. Adam Smith remarked that "there is a lot of ruin in a nation", and BRA is no exception.
People talk about the collapse of the dollar triggering some kind of apocalypse, without apparently realising that the dollar has been collapsing in slow-motion for the last hundred years, having lost 99% of its value in that time.
As Bobolyubski keeps pointing out, as long as people persist in borrowing fake dollars, which they then have to repay, with interest, with real money earned by real labour, the bankers can milk this indefinitely.
Every time I see one of those "Jesus Saves" stickers, I think "Yeah. He's the only one who can save these days. It's a true miracle." If you're fortunate enough to have money in the bank, a pension fund, insurances, you're losing 2% of that every year to inflation. That's by design. In practice we know that it's actually much more. Where does that money go to? Why, those same bankers, of course. 2% of everything. Year, after year, after year.
So, this system is designed to bleed the population over the long term, without killing the host or provoking a reaction. As your Declaration if Independence says, people are inclined to bear with injustice while it is bearable.
However, I have two Axioms of History, which are:
1. The unthinkable happens.
2. It can turn on a dime.
Was it FDR who said that nothing happens by accident in politics? When the unthinkable happens, it was usually planned that way. Sometimes, however, things don't go as planned. That's really our only hope. Because, in spite of what Paul says, "Our only duty is to survive", that won't be enough. Mopping up survivors will be just a footnote to the plans of those who are driving this plan. We need a plan, and resources, of our own. Most importantly, as Steppenwolf says, we need organization.
I don't know whether this is part of their plan, or just one of those unforeseen consequences, but an interesting development seems to be taking place. The Left is a hodge-podge (to use a Presidential term) coalition of minority grievance groups united by a common resentment of White civilization, with TWMNBN prominent in leadership positions. This coalition seems to be coming apart at the seams, with, surprisingly, antisemitism rearing its ugly head. Yes, on the Left. Here's an entertaining article that gives a fascinating insight into the mind of the DWL, or rather the DTWMNBNL. It's barely possible that he's actually a true believer, but I think he's Disingenuous. Note the progression his father goes through to rayciss!
How My Father’s Problem With Blacks Mirrors the Left’s Problem With Jews
Hilarious. Look at that picture. Are these people stereotypes, or what?
So, my question: Is it possible the trigger for the blowup will actually come from the Left, in an epic failure of Diversity?
(For glossary of acronyms see
Equality is a social construct
You know who rules over you by whom you may not critize
/H hypie out H\
Lost-in-Miami here,
Your damn Shines claim such damage was done to their tender psyches by a hand full of questionable cartoons and radio shows in the 40's and 50's that Dr? Bill Cosby bought the Our Gang Comedies and lock them away in a vault. Well I've got to tell you that 40 years of every cowardly, evil, conniving villain looking just like me is having an effect. That propaganda really helped crush my teaching career. The You-Know-Who-ish in Hollywood are really turning up the heat on us Nordic/Aryans. My wife is getting pissed at me for constantly pointing out the anti-White messages but I'm really sick of this Shit!
Oprah's latest round of Civil-Rights porn Selma claims millions of black people were being killed in the 50's. That piece of crap The Butler showed Negros hanging from lamp posts in the town center in the 20's. And this f*cking crap is being shown in schools!
How much more are White People going to take?!!!!
CENTURION quoted...
"All men are created equal" only means that we all got her by fucking.
I can't tell if this is a typo or not. :)
-Beyond Hatred
Awesome post by PK. Awesome comment by Bernice Greenbaum at 1:06 PM.
At 2:39 PM, PB wrote, "Massive exaggeration of the death toll within actual historical events to garner sympathy and political clout. Now, where have I seen that before?"
Among the tribe of fine folks who were responsible for building the NAACP, for advocating third-world immigration, and dismantling restrictive covenants, perhaps?
Slavery exists in Modern Day Europe as well.. What's your point?
"How many of those negroes that were lynched were lynched because they committed a crime? How many were lynched just because a racist lynch mob felt like lynching a negro? I would bet the VAST majority of the "victims" were guilty as Hell of committing crimes. "
Do u have a source for that?
Racoon, sorry, my reply to you got censored.
Paul, I'm really confused. You claim to be pro-White, but you link to all those negro blogs in your sidebar, you link to Jim Goad, for Pete's sake, a foul-mouthed felon who did time for beating up his girlfriend, but a link to Kevin MacDonald's blog is unacceptable?
Publish your blacklist, please, and stop wasting my time.
Adventures in Diversity: The Walking Dead
Another day in NYC. I was on my way to work in the wee hours, and as I emerged from the subway, there staggered across my path a wild-eyed, feral-looking colored woman. She wore a filthy coat, stained sweat pants, and bedroom slippers. She stumbled along down the sidewalk, lurching side to side, one moment looking into the gutter for cigarette butts, the next moment she pawed through an overflowing garbage bin.
As I followed her down the street, I watched her with a mixture of curiosity, disbelief and disgust. Suddenly I got the idea that a fun way to pass the time was to come up with a list of all the ways in which colored people are like the walking dead (i.e. zombies). Here’s what I came up with:
They may appear very human-like. Do not be fooled!
Alone they are not much of a problem. In groups, they are both more aggressive and more deadly.
Cannot be reasoned with. They also do not feel remorse, shame or sympathy.
Possessed of an unslakable thirst for brains/gibsme.
They are an epidemic and fundamentally parasitic by nature.
Are the result of a scientific/social experiment gone terribly wrong.
You can often smell them before you see them.
They create nothing; only consume and destroy.
Easy to trick or distract with loud noises or shiny objects.
When they attack, your best hope for survival is through the use of well-placed projectiles.
If you do take one down, it will often drive others nearby into a kind of frenzied bloodthirst. If this occurs, evacuate the area immediately.
So gang bangers should be held at the same standard as a police officer whose job is to protect and serve?
"This coalition seems to be coming apart at the seams, with, surprisingly, antisemitism rearing its ugly head. Yes, on the Left."
The flip side of antisemitism is that it fuels their tribal solidarity. Thus the world's wealthiest minority need to see it everywhere, whether it really exists or not. Put another way, starting moral panics about resurgent antisemitism is an integral part of philosemitism.
AnalogMan said
"So, my question: Is it possible the trigger for the blowup will actually come from the Left, in an epic failure of Diversity?"
That is a superb question and one of the reasons the testimonials from former DWL's like Outlander are so important.
The most virulent anti-smoker is the former smoker; the most vicious atheist is the former believer. A reformed DWL carries with him or her all of the prior programming in the dark arts of anti-White racism together with the realization that he was being lied to and betrayed by his 'teachers' the entire time.
It would not be the least bit surprising to see the Gray Men (Fourth Turning), the men and women who will find prominent, public roles in White organizations and as Speakers, arise from within the ranks of our depraved enemies.
-Beyond Hatred
"How many of those negroes that were lynched were lynched because they committed a crime? How many were lynched just because a racist lynch mob felt like lynching a negro? I would bet the VAST majority of the "victims" were guilty as Hell of committing crimes. "
Do u have a source for that?"
IKAGO is similar to what I call Carlton Banks Syndrome.
It's the irrelevant position of pointing out an individual as a response to a group problem.
Person 1: Once an area gets too black the property values dive and the crime goes up. You neighborhood is starting to get the black creep, you might want to sell soon.
Person 2: But we have a black guy next door that is really nice. We had him over once for a bbq.
Person 1: I'm pointing out an established group pattern.
Person 2: Obama is black. What do you think about that? He's the president. Seems pretty important and he's black. What do you think of that?
Person 1: You know what, nevermind.
I loved watching "The Walking Dead" until 5 minutes into the most recent mid-season premiere. It seemed like every previous episode ended with the loss of one white character combined with the introduction of a new black one. The show totally lost me as a viewer during the above mentioned episode when they put the main character, a kick-ass white male, in the back seat of a car that was being operated by two blacks in the front seat. They have to go and ruin everything.....don't they?
I see the Jew stuff is kicking up again on SBPDL. I guess the muslim's Jew killing spree in Europe have got you all excited. I'll take a brake from the place for a while. It seems to run in cycles. Well have fun.
"Anonymous said...
IKAGO is similar to what I call Carlton Banks Syndrome.
It's the irrelevant position of pointing out an individual as a response to a group problem. "
Person 2 in your example will clearly be the last one to get out of Dodge.
By then, he either may still not get it or it'll come as a complete and total shock to his thinking "HEY! You guys aren't like Obama or all the IKAGOs I once met at the bbq!"
As he looks around his once peaceful neighborhood that has been long overrun, a thought will suddenly arrive in his cranial cavity "Say, where….where are all the WHITE neighbors that I used to have? How come they're all gone now?"
If black lives mattered they wouldn't have to spend 150 years trying to convince everyone of it.
Beyond Hatred:
Yes, that is/was a typo, but...the more I look at it.....has a nice sexy aspect to it...her vs here.....combine the two and the effect is even better....ah....
As for out "Jewish" comments.
They have a national homeland WHICH I SUPPORT 100%...I just want a national HOMELAND for my people...ok? But NO, seems many Jews oppose that...why?...why the Anti-White Hatred?.........? Hmm??
I tried telling everyone months ago that this was the future of the show. I'd be gloating but there is no humor in being correct here
You're right. But this nation has been dying for sometime. I can't imagine it lasting at this current rate for another 20-30 years.
Yup! My bad!
There you go again with your veneration of " dead, white males". You evil racist you!
Let me guess, it was like splitting the atom for her poor brain .
Just as long as their reformation is real and not a means to an e ds, with the intention of infiltration as a means of gaining power.
Is it as many as you think? I think you'd be surprised to learn just how many of the ordinary ones are just as Fed up as you are at having to live in such close proximity and interact with the sons of Barry.
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