They're after us. They know we're still in here.
Peter: They're after the place. They don't know why; they just remember. Remember that they want to be in here.
Francine Parker: What the hell are they?
Peter: They're us, that's all, when there's no more room in hell.
Stephen: What?
Peter: Something my granddad used to tell us. You know Macumba? Vodou. My granddad was a priest in Trinidad. He used to tell us, "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth." - Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Peter: They're after the place. They don't know why; they just remember. Remember that they want to be in here.
Francine Parker: What the hell are they?
Peter: They're us, that's all, when there's no more room in hell.
Stephen: What?
Peter: Something my granddad used to tell us. You know Macumba? Vodou. My granddad was a priest in Trinidad. He used to tell us, "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth." - Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Such is the dialogue from one of the 1970s better movies, Dawn of the Dead, as the protagonists hover above the Monroeville Mall, trying to find a place to survive the zombie apocalypse.
A refuge for the remnants of civilization to survive.
George Romero's Dawn of the Dead was filmed at the Monroeville Mall in late 1977 and early 1978.
The plot is simple: four humans hole up in the Monroeville Mall to survive the zombie apocalypse, with civilization crumbling all around them.
Which is what makes the following story so... wonderfully poetic.
![]() |
The legendary Monroeville Mall (from Dawn of the Dead): It survived zombies, but it might not survive black people... |
More than a 1,000 black people did what zombies did in a post-apocalyptic movie: forced the mall to close early. [Mayor: Mall brawl gives Monroeville a black eye,, 12-27-14]
Wait a second! Haven't we already discussed this before?
Oh yes...
Though people dressed up as zombies helped make the Monroeville Mall a destination for those fans of the horror genre hoping to engage in a Romero-inspired pilgrimage, those black residents in the region are working overtime to turn the monument to consumerism into nothing more than another 'dead mall'.
And 'dead malls' never come back from the grave... unlike zombies.[Monroeville Mall's Youth Escort Policy has been used elsewhere, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2-9-15]:
Monroeville Mall is the latest in a string of shopping malls nationwide to put into place a policy that requires adults to accompany minors during weekend evening hours.
The policy comes in the wake of a shooting in the mall's Macy’s over the weekend that left three wounded, as well as a recent robbery and a December incident in which large numbers of teens converged on the mall and caused a disturbance.
Monroeville Mall’s general manager, Tom Gerber, announced plans Sunday for implementing a Youth Escort Policy to “curtail the rising number of unsupervised youth hanging out at Monroeville Mall and related disturbances.”
Beginning sometime this month, mall visitors after 6 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays who are under 18 years old will have to be accompanied by an individual who is at least 21.
Stacey Keating, corporate marketing specialist for CBL & Associates Properties Inc., which owns and manages the mall, said this policy was in the works prior to Saturday’s shooting and enforcement is scheduled to begin in March.
“It’s a conversation we’ve been having at Monroeville for about a month now, and in light of recent events we decided to fast-track the implementation of the policy,” she said.
The launch date of the policy is yet to be finalized and there were no details on how it would be enforced.
However, CBL Properties has implemented the same policy at other shopping centers, including River View Mall in Lynchburg, Va. Enforcement includes security guards checking for identification at mall entrances.
Monroeville Mall is the latest of many malls implementing such policies. Malls with similar policies include Franklin Park Mall in Toledo, Ohio; Tri-County Mall in Cincinnati; Ford City Mall in Chicago; the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn.; and 25 of CBL Properties’ shopping centers.
Franklin Park Mall and Ford City Mall both started their policies in January, making them two of the most recent additions.
Ford City had a February 2014 disturbance similar to that at Monroeville Mall in December, with a mob of teenagers running through the mall and parking lot and jumping on cars. Nineteen teenagers were arrested and two people were injured.
Though no additional incidents occurred between February and Ford City’s implementation of the policy last month, mall officials described it as a precautionary measure in response to teens fighting at malls across the country.
Franklin Park also called its policy a proactive rather than a reactive measure.
Several malls have even stricter policies than Monroeville Mall’s planned restrictions. Franklin Park Mall’s policy begins at 4 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and the MacArthur Center in Norfolk, Va., prohibits unsupervised minors from entering the premises after 5 p.m. all seven days of the week.
The Mall of America was the first to implement such a policy in 1996, though its policy only applies to those under 16.
According to the CBL news release: “The conduct of unsupervised youth and young adults at Monroeville Mall has created an uncomfortable atmosphere for mall visitors and an increasing safety challenge.”
Significant to the policy’s development was feedback from local government officials and community members, particularly shoppers and store employees who have expressed safety concerns, according to the release.Cards?
The Monroeville Mall is literally only a few steps away from the restoration of re-instituting segregationists policies; or, it will just be another mall added to the growing 'Dead Mall' list...
RexHymens here:
negroes have killed the Mall.
why risk getting nigged at a mall, or even deal with even tolerating the groids when you can just sit home on the ipad and have whatever you need delivered to your home?
20 years ago you could enjoy the mall. Back then there were very few negroes at the mall.
those days are gone and not coming back.
ANY public place that is free to visit will quickly become dangerous and disgusting due to a horde of groids that litter, vandalize, cuss, fight, loot, riot, steal, and commit general niggotry until ONLY negroes are willing to go there, and then that place will shut down soon after.
to have a successful Mall you need to build one that is not accessible by public transportation, only people with cars. then have one of those scanners at the parking garage- NO FREE PUBLIC PARKING 20$ PARKING FEE- and anyone that has parking tickets, suspended plates or whatever instantly gets the police notified as soon as they enter the parking garage. POLICE MUST BE ON SITE AT ALL TIMES.
There must be a $20 entry fee to enter the mall, refunded once a purchase of $20 or more is made.
There must be NO unaccompanied minors.
There must be a Dress Code. No Saggy Pants, No Hats No Sports Clothing, No Sleeveless Ts, No Gym Shoes, No Earrings On Males, No Oversized Clothing, NO Camo Except For Military Active Or Vets, No Vulgar Slogans or Drug References.
There must be NO sports equipment, clothing, posters, or anything else sold at the mall unless it's NASCAR or Rodeo. NO Negro Felon League ANYTHING, NO BAKKABALL ANYTHING. Only NASCAR, Rodeo, and maybe Hockey.
There must be NO RAP, HIPPITY HOP, or any other "urban" music items sold at the mall. ONLY country/western or easy listening or classic rock, heavy metal, classical music, bluegrass, or similar music, posters, or items allowed for sale at the mall.
There must be a policy that requires gov-issued photo ID when you enter and pay the entrance fee.
There must be NO fried chicken, BBQ, national fast food chains or ANY booze or cigs sold at the mall. ONLY local Mom and Pop type food stands. fruits, veggies.
There MUST be armed security in plain site enforcing ALL of these rules at all times at the mall.
I would also like to have the guards check ALL IDS at the entrance for Warrants when the entrance fee is paid, so the police can pick up any and ALL troublemakers that attempt to nig up our mall.
I would also like to see a Brown Paper Bag Test implemented at the entrance where a brown paper bag is held up next to a prospective shopper's face to see if Entry to our mall is allowed. if the face is darker than the bag they are DENIED entry.
that last one might seem harsh, but if we want a clean safe mall like we had in the 80's i believe it is a must.
Must be accompanied by an "adult."
Oh yeah, that will work. --Because we all know that adult Negros are pinnacles of morality and upstanding behavior. Just look at the ones on TV and in the movies! --All Doctors, Lawyers, Brain Surgeons, Astronauts, Super Geniuses. –Just like Dr. Huxtable !!! All of those wannabe actresses aren’t the only ones drinking drug-laced beverages.
The entire concept of the mall and for what it's worth, Suburbia, is pretty much gone. If you're still in the suburbs, I'd advise you to get out, as soon as yesterday. There are no more white, middle class American white people to buy your split levels and ranchers. (outside of D.C., Hollyweird, etc. ) It's only a matter of time.
And please don't think I'm being smug, because I am more or less in the same boat - in an inner ring suburb of a small southern city that has nothing but DWL's running it. In short: I'm f*cked. I have to ask myself, what are the options? I could be a landlord, because god knows this is a college town, and every niglet in the werl wants to be on a Carolina bakkaball team. Nevertheless, it's pretty much over for me. I'll try to hang on for another five years, that is, if I don't lose my mind completely. Meanwhile, I will be formulating a definitive Plan B. It will happen. I'm putting the pieces together now. We Whites are very patient - and quite brutal when we've been double crossed. Hey, it's history, my friends. Shalom!
I have seen our American-Africans destroy several malls in this area. The remaining ones are either half-dead or far away from Groidville. But that didn't keep them from a killing (fortunately one of their own) at the most upscale shopping center in the area,
The punchline for this and many other stories is "Blacks will and do ruin everything." Period.
Malls, restaurants, movie theaters, parks - anything and everything.
And until everyone who is lawful, responsible, ethical and moral - of all colors - admits, acknowledges and decides to DO something about this, ain't nothing gonna change.
American Black culture is a potentially fatal disease for our country, our society and our people.
Beyond Fatigue said...
Stories like these should incite people into rational thought and intelligent action, but the apologists and the narrative run on blindly, blaming streets, gun violence, poverty, bad schools, bad hair, and every other convenient scapegoat.
I know these feral stone age relics have no real power, other than immediate violence by pack. These creatures are ALLOWED to act in this manner. They are permitted to do this, by those who are significantly overrepresented in such fields as law, banking, academia, insurance, publishing, media, advertising, psychology, real estate, and politics.
We can blithely ignore the hands pulling the puppet strings, but BRA only exists because it is enabled and empowered to do so. I hate the bloody pavement apes more than any other White female I know (other than our amazing Bernice and the few other gals who post here), but I believe in ultimately giving credit where credit is due.
Will Black People Help Turn the Monroeville Mall - from 'Dawn of the Dead' - into just Another Dead Mall?
Will the sun set in the west?
Black plague + internet shopping = dead mall.
Malls will be a thing of the past.
Philadelphia Mike
Philadelphia Mike, here.
I just saw this on the Internet:
We need to become beacons of light, beacons of hope, if we want to save our people.
Will you become one ?
Will you be amongst those who will risk it all in order to save what they hold the most dear ?
Will you be amongst those our descendants will praise for the centuries to come ?
If so, go tell around you :
"Massive third world immigration, forced "diversity" and 24/7 assimilation propaganda leads to a world where white people will have been blended out of existence. It's genocide under international laws".
Telling the truth has now became a revolutionary act ! Go forth my friends !
(And at the bottom of the article was a link to a scene from the Lord of the Rings: The Lighting of the Beacons).
We ARE the torch bearers of civilization.
Philadelphia Mike
My dear fellow white people. Worldwide we are being sold out by our own elites. Worldwide we see ourselves more and more surrounded by non-whites in our own countries. Why ?
Because the ruling elites (whether politicians, journalists, NGO members, etc.) are very much in favor of our genocide.
Why do I say it's genocide ? It's pretty simple actually.
The definition of Genocide under international laws is :
"...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
So let's break it down.
In the sixties our people have been brainwashed into thinking that having a lot of partners was cool (instead of having stable families), that for a women it was more important to work than to become a mother (what an horrible patriarchtric idea they said) and a few years later that abortion was the ultimate way of being truly freed from the oppression of the white man.
A few years later the ruling anti-white elites opened our borders, without even asking us about it and then created "hate speech laws" in order to prevent us from opposing it. Why did they do that ? Oh you know, because we don't have enough children so we need immigrants to work for us, they said. Riiiiight.
Then they've pushed assimilation propaganda (intermarriage of whites with non-whites) in all possible way, be it commercials, movies, series, books, etc.
What is real funny though, is that the very people who they're making coming in our countries, are people whom with our ancestors have been attacked by more than 1500 years. And it's starting to backfire on the anti-whites.
So, in essence, those elites, have created conditions of life that will lead to our people becoming extinct in our own countries whether by assimilation or mass murders (do you think all of those non-whites are going to tolerate us when we will be the minority ? I doubt it) yet they claim it's not genocide.
Those anti-white elites are fooling no-one except themselves.
When you fully know that what you are supporting leads to a particular group of people not existing in the future (or having its population dramatically reduced) and when you prevent the people from the targeted group to even TALK about it, it's genocide.
They say they're "anti-racist", but what they really are, is anti-white.
"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-white.
"Diversity", "Multiculturalism", "Inclusion", "Assimilation", "Integration", and "Replacement population" are code words for White genocide !
Philadelphia Mike, here.
Just another great article I found on the internet.
Negroes at the mall. They are aggressive, violent, loud. They want things. They want all kinds of things. None of which they can produce. But they want them.
There is a unique materialism in the negro mind. They want, desperately want things. Shiny things. Things they see other negroes with. They will kill for these things.
The mall is sort of like the watering hole in Africa. It draws in the whites grazing on the items and it draws in the predators, the negroes. The negroes fill the role of the hyena. Stay away from the mall.
Haha! Some of those who hitched their wagon to King Hussein the Immaculate are now regretting it.
They think they can bail out from the kool-aid line, nope sorry.
There was a big tech shindig today in Kalifornia and only the (cr)apple ceo showed up.
No google, no yahoo, because they know that Dear Leader wants the gov to take over the www and their daily operation because it knows best how to run the show.
Some of the TWMNBN are upset over the random folks at the Paris deli comment by Imam Hussein.
LOL! Suck it true believers, suck it hard and don't get a drop on you.
Enjoy that BRA comrade and the kool-aid is deee-lishus.
Mall? What is that? Oh yea...I remember those. We used to have a one here but it got a bus route stop, had a few shootouts, set the record for most cars stolen in a single parking lot, installed a small jail by the food court..yea we haven't been over there in 20+ years.
That whole side of town is like Pigtown:
Open drains, great lots filled with high weeds, ashes and garbage accumulated in the alleyways, cellars filled with filthy black water, houses that are total strangers to the touch of whitewash or scrubbing brush, human bodies that have been strangers for months to soap and water, villainous looking negroes who loiter and sleep around the street corners and never work; vile and vicious women, with but a smock to cover their black nakedness, lounging in the doorways or squatting upon the steps, hurling foul epithets at every passerby; foul streets, foul people, in foul tenements filled with foul air; that's "Pigtown." (p. 290)
Can you imagine if two malls exactly the same were built-one for humans of all races and another one strictly for groids?
The humans would have a safe, clean, first class mall and the groids would have a violent and decrepit indoor cesspit. Of course, they'd never blame themselves for its condition. It would all be whitey's fault.
If malls started charging a monthly membership fee with photo i.d. cards that had bar codes, that would keep most of the groids out. Just put electronic keypads on all the doors that only a legitimate card holder could open. Of course, you'd have to have a security guard posted so groids couldn't push their way in as someone opened the door. An additional condition would be that no membership would be granted to anyone convicted of shoplifting, strong arm robbery or any other actionable offense. That alone would keep a huge % of groids out.
Even better, double up on security and have the mall property enclosed by a large fence and entry obtained only through a guard post like on a military base- no I.D. card, no entry.
And all members would have to sign a document that made them legally responsible for anything any "guest" they invited in did that was illegal and they'd have to reimburse the mall for all expenses and damages incurred. And, of course, be banned from the mall for life afterwards.
Expensive to do? No doubt. But still better than watching your mall die a slow death whereupon you lose everything you invested.
@ GerniceBreenbaum (hehe) get thee to the Western Lands.
Family is out there now on recon for the big move, the escape to a new Whitopia.
Beautiful landscape, beautiful white faces, beautiful white places.
U should see the Carousel mall in San Berdoo....A ghost town.
A bit O/T but fun thinking.......Nogs want reparations for slavery.......yet they were slaves under the flag of the US for only 90 years....(1776 / 1865)....Would they understand the concept that they were slaves here twice as long under British rule than by the US?
Anonymous said...
Must be accompanied by an "adult."
Oh yeah, that will work. --Because we all know that adult Negros are pinnacles of morality and upstanding behavior. Just look at the ones on TV and in the movies! --All Doctors, Lawyers, Brain Surgeons, Astronauts, Super Geniuses. –Just like Dr. Huxtable !!! All of those wannabe actresses aren’t the only ones drinking drug-laced beverages.
Negro adults are totally reliable. Take for example the fat ass negro father of the teen negro who raped a Domino's pizza delivery woman at gun point.
The fat ass, retarded negro adult father tells us that his criminal scum son, already on a GPS ankle bracelet, did not rape the pizza driver.
He tells us that "she gave up the butt, den she didn't get what she wanted". Yea, that's what he managed to say with his thick tongue struggling in his fat mouth. How did he get so fat? You paid to feed him, one way or another, you paid. How did he get so stupid. That's natural. How did he get so arrogant. You did that by turning the other way for decades while these monsters metastasized across our land.
Paul, you've made so many references to this movie that I considered downloading it to watch. But dammit, you neglected to post a negro alert. Please do better in the future. I do not watch negro movies, and frankly I'm surprised that you would.
SPLC Fan kills 3
I think we all pretty much agree that the scoundrel that perpetrated this horrific crime should be severely punished, and that such an action is despicable.
However, I haven't heard a single commentator mention the horrific March 2006 incident in the exact same town when a Muslim from Iran deliberately ran his SUV into a crowd of innocent people in a self-professed bid to avenge Muslim deaths overseas.
Both crimes are outrageous, but the crickets seem to always be chirping as Obama always tries to make excuses or avoid even mentioning Islam during Muslim terrorist or criminal attacks. Wonder if he lost a wink of sleep when the poor lady in Oklahoma lost her head, literally, to the radical Muslim worker at her factory.
He was out playing golf within minutes after the first U.S. citizen was beheaded by ISIS.
What a pathetic excuse for a president we have.....
"...a precautionary measure in response to teens fighting at malls across the country.
Franklin Park also called its policy a proactive rather than a reactive measure."
"In response to" means "to react".
Love the doublespeak and the fact that they never mention "black teens" or "black youths".
I agree with RexHymens, mall shopping has become obsolete. Why deal with TNB when you can order anything you'd like online? In my neck of the woods there are very few malls that are considered safe. In fact, one of the older outlet malls just had a sexual assault occur in the bushes surrounding the building, in broad daylight! The suspect was a negro, of course. This mall opened about 17 years ago, and it was spotless and high end back then. A change in the population has rendered it a no go zone.
OT but it breaks my heart to read about the white woman who was raped while delivering pizza in SF. Delivering anything (pizza, Uber/Lyft driver, etc) is dangerous for numerous reasons, among them being the risk of robbery and sexual assault. It's definitely not a job for a woman. It's awful hard for young people nowadays to understand the REAL threat to them when the forces that be are telling them to play with the wolves. Teach your children well...
It's amazing the logical hoops people have to jump through when talking about 'America's Little Problem'. "Young people" ... "Teens" ... "Unaccompanied minors" ...
Meanwhile, the rest of the world moves on without us. BRICs, anyone?
RexHymens... I love your concept of a mall. Going to a mall and shopping is something I miss so much. I refuse to go to a mall in today's world! Not only am I disgusted with the groid appearance, verbiage and chimpanzee attitude. I don't want to cross paths with their germs and I certainly don't want to try on clothes that 500 groids have tried on before me.... Thanks but NO thanks! I want to puke at knowing my tax dollars are paying them to pollute my mall!Bakkabal done us in!
Thanks for the story Paul!
When I was a teenager we would get a ride from one of the crew's mothers and get dropped off at that mall. We noticed that it was getting darker even back then. Penn Hills, Pa.(negro central) is close to Monroeville mall so they were moving on up like the Jefferson's. There went that weekend hang-out!
On another note has anyone noticed that the story of that nigg-nogg who took a selfie with his handy work has not gotten any national coverage.(Ryan Mangan case)
I mean it's not everyday when a 16 year old shoots another 16 year old right in the face as an invited guest in the dead kids house. And then takes time too pose for a selfie on the way out.
Oh the hash tag's now if this was the other way around. Marxist media to hell with you!!! COWARDS!
"Enforcement includes security guards checking for identification at mall entrances."
"officials described it as a precautionary measure in response to teens fighting at malls across the country."
“The conduct of unsupervised youth and young adults ( Negroes! ) at Monroeville Mall has created an uncomfortable atmosphere for mall visitors and an increasing safety challenge.”
TNB, how is constructivefeedback going to spin this one. Negroes ruin everything! The little things add up. More and more freedom taken from law abiding citizens because of TNB. Content of charactor, goes hand in hand with skin color.
I'm negro fatigued big time this morning!
What troubles most of us older folks is we remember a time when mid-town Manhattan was virtually all White, totally safe and fun 24/7.
We remember when Blacks knew their place. I'm old enough to remember leaving my car unlocked when shopping, malls being filled with well-behaved suburban whites, and basic respect and decency between people.
Lots of Whites are still mostly untroubled. I live 25 minutes out of a city center in a 99% White area with only a sprinkling of Indians and Chinese and I never worry about crime.
The smart communities defeat the AFFH nonsense by not shipping in negroes, banning bus routes in our area, and if the Feds want low income housing, we establish it for the mentally retarded, autistic or disabled. That way, we can meet "die-versity" requirements with no Nogs. Handicapped people are peaceful and they arrive with benefits checks and no social costs.
There are some very intelligent city councils and city managers keeping the Nogs out. Only the big cities will retain their vast zombie hordes of Nig-Nogs. Out here in the well-managed ex-urbs, we're happily nog-free.
I've always embraced zombie films as metaphorical statements about the Black underclass.
Consider: they are dark, stupid, voracious, relentless and unmerciful. They don't build or improve anything, just attack, eat and feed off the productive.
It's like the news in Africa; frequent reports of supermarkets stripped bare by rioting Blacks until the UN has to come in and drop-ship food. Brand-new fresh water wells dug every single year in the same villages; never maintained or end up getting vandalized.
With the Negro, it's always consume/destroy, consume/destroy, rinse and repeat.
There is no stopping this zombie epidemic. Their fertility isn't quite high enough to destroy us outright, but they'll always be trouble.
Stop public transit access to the mall and its vicinity. Gibbons and their nasty seed mainly use the bus as driving a car requires responsibility and sheeeeit!!!! Just a thought. Keep your powder dry my fellow honkies, the balloon is going up soon.
Peace and love, Mikey™
Don't worry the country is saved.The greatest TV show ever has arrived EMPIRE...with your all black cast .So now the studios are scrambling to hire any and all blacks ,so all these street thugs will have a job in acting.Now every show will be black.The newest show will be "ONCE YOU GO BLACK,YOU NEVER GO BACK" know it is coming soon lmfao!
Two key, yet controversial points:
1) Giving women the vote doomed us to a more emotional reaction to the world's issues, and includes a "aww those poor blacks, let's give them more money" attitude in the country. Welfare breeding programs have given the nogs the numbers they need to now cause such overwhelming chaos. Bad move, women.
2) The "squids" use the media etc to show the black as a noble heroic creature. Of course it is all a carefully crafted lie. We must now turn the negroes focus on these squids themselves; unleash the monster he created back onto Dr. Frankenstein ("it's pronounced SCHTEIN!".
NO FREE PUBLIC PARKING 20$ PARKING FEE- and anyone that has parking tickets, suspended plates or whatever instantly gets the police notified as soon as they enter the parking garage. POLICE MUST BE ON SITE AT ALL TIMES.
There must be a $20 entry fee to enter the mall, refunded once a purchase of $20 or more is made
That's actually a really good idea. I don't think you would need an extra fee, just have expensive validated parking. But it would have to be for the stores and not the food court.
There must be NO sports equipment, clothing, posters, or anything else sold at the mall unless it's NASCAR or Rodeo.
Another good idea. Eliminating hat and music stores alone would do wonders.
There must be NO fried chicken, BBQ, national fast food chains or ANY booze or cigs sold at the mall. ONLY local Mom and Pop type food stands. fruits, veggies.
I would say that eliminating any chain with a value menu would be enough. That will bring in a much better clientele.
There are also certain ethnic foods that Blacks will avoid. German and Greek are two that come to mind.
But I think your post and others here show that White people can sidestep Blacks if they have the political will. White people are naturally creative and just need to be motivated.
Blogger Medic Bear sez...
"The punchline for this and many other stories is "Blacks will and do ruin everything." Period."
Not much of a punchline if you axe me, Medic Bear!
But here's a Valentines "Remembry" for you and all the lovely readers and commenters out there because....well, because I just love all you white knuckleheads out there!!!
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, called YT Ville, Bernice's dad took her to an old, abandoned amusement park outside of Washington D.C. This place was called "Maryland". Well, anyways, this "Maryland" place had a small amusement park with rides that looked like they hadn't been used in many years.
Bernice asked her father, "Dad, why are we here?"
To which Dad replies, "Oh, I used to take your mother out here when we first dated."
"Dad, what happened? Why is everything closed down. Why can't we go on the rides now?"
"Because the place was INTEGRATED. Black people destroyed it, so they closed it down. That over there used to be called the "Cuddle up Ride" It's where I proposed to your mom."
"You mean, dad, that this place used to be filled with young people having fun and spending money?"
"Yes, Bernice."
"And black people destroyed it?"
"Yes, Bernice."
"I don't know the answer to that question, Bernice. (Dad gets noticeably a bit teary eyed) Let's just go!"
It was then and there, almost 50 years ago, that I became fully aware of the complete and utter destruction the black race has wrought. Happy Valentines White Friends! BTW, that was a true story. Only now did that memory surface for me. Stay strong, my friends. We WILL SURVIVE! I promise!!!
We must all do our part each day to battle the nog invasion. Simply take actions whenever possible to peacefully remove yourself, and your financial support, for anything Negro.
Think it through; look at the options; be creative. Don't associate, speak to, buy from, etc etc, any negro. Let them slowly be isolated like the pathogen they are.
P.K., have you examined the work the Chinese are doing at their Beijing Genome Institute? They'll have the IQ allele frequency mapped soon which will prove the nogs deficiencies. Watch the Western lib media go berserk trying to hide it.
I once visited an upscale mall in the NW that seemed entirely designed to keep out unwanted elements.
Some observations:
Outdoor style with no central covered area and few benches.
No fast food chains. Choices were full service restaurants or healthy fast food.
Female and child focused stores with stroller friendly design.
Limited seating inside the Barnes and Noble.
Supposedly there was section 8 housing nearby and yet I didn't see a single black person there.
Here is another strategy I learned from coffee shops in urban areas: No outlets. Vagrants today often have cheap laptops and want to hang out all day in coffee shops. Take out the outlets and force them to use battery power.
I live in an area where you can still enjoy the mall. The blacks are few in number so a trip to the mall around noon is just like the mall from my childhood.
Westinghouse used to have their Nuclear Engineering offices in Monroeville until about 2010. I visited their office several times on business in the mid-1990s to about 2005. I remember going to that mall and it was ok at the time. I wasn't aware that DoTD was filmed there.
Westinghouse moved their offices to Cranberry PA, about 45 minutes north of Pittsburgh in 2010. I thought it was to escape the taxation and financial troubles of Alleghaney County. At least that was the public speculation.
But perhaps they saw another disturbing trend.
Philadelphia Mike has said @ 8:44 pm:
"Because the ruling elites (whether politicians, journalists, NGO members, etc.) are very much in favor of our genocide."
OK, so we all know about the elephant in the room, TWMNBN.
Many posters here openly talk about this issue in terms similar to that posted by Philadelphia Mike.
I think it would do a lot of good for Philadelphia Mike and others in this blog to describe, in exact detail, why this particular group of people (the elephant in the room) desire a future society of majority non-whites, a future society of destroyed cities and appalling outcomes of education, employment and net worth, as well as other negative outcomes.
How does this benefit THEM? TWMNBN must see some economic benefit in the destruction of America.
I am of course aware that if major hostilities between nations break out, that various munition and subcontract companies will make out like bandits. Always happens, always will happen.
I dismiss as a reason the "need for War" by TWMNBN as a valid reason for this suicidal conduct, for obvious reasons.
I cannot see how destroying middle-class YT, and utter chaos and destruction in all population centres, can possibly benefit TWMNBN.
There is a leap of logic here which I cannot fathom, and I would be grateful to the more wise posters here for any assistance they can provide.
My simple question - why is TWMNBN doing this evil?
Rex Hymens has outlined the 2nd best "cure" for what ails malldom. Best cure of course is reinstitution of segregation :)
I would add only - fight GodDamned Public Transit tooth'n'nail every stinking "stop". Subsahuman Africans use PT to flood the zone & pinching PT cuts off flow of "criminals commuting to their shoplifting & burglary jobs"
Don't just fight PT expansion, roll it back or at least get the fares jacked up sky-high
Malls everywhere are increasingly dangerous & violent due solely to africanization of clientele.
Stay away from Malls, buy over the internet.
Next up on the NAACP target list is "grocery" shopping stores. You may already have noticed an uptick in parking lot crime at your local supermarket. Plus the environment of hostility inside grows as more groidals "flood the zone": vile, vile language, contaminating the most expensive "proteins" by handling, aisle blocking & so on so that the shopping experience is degraded for all customers except the groids who find their own concious antics "amusing".
LOL, ever wind up behind a Haitian at check-out? Here's the typical routine - 2 or 3 full carts filled with the very best & most expensive delicacies along with the basics. These are wishlist carts, lol for as the register racks up, it's "take them filet mignons" OFF, take dem "lofsterz" OFF & so on as the "wishlist" is taken OFF leaving some staples such as beans 'n rice.
Now you got possibly disease infected (from haitian hygiene) filets & lobsters going back to the cases to be sold to innocent, unsuspecting Humans. Melting Ben'n'Jerry's Commie Ice-Cream going back to freezer, germ infested asparagus spears back to produce etc.
At all costs avoid Super Mao-Marts as they are the very Worst, very dangerous & probably toxically infectious.
/H hypie out H\
I just can't put my finger on it, but since childhood I have always considered negroes to be the hyenas of the human race. So many correlations to be made.
"He was out playing golf within minutes after the first U.S. citizen was beheaded by ISIS."
I don't get too worked up about the foreign victims of ISIS. Except for the Jordanian Air Force pilot, they have been either journalists (possibly intelligence assets) and "aid workers". Why should we care about any of them?
ISIS or whatever is behind them seem intent on goading us into yet another middle eastern quagmire. It looks like they are succeeding. Who would have thought that after the debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan, that many Americans would want to hug that tar baby again? Yet, from the comments I see on the stories of ISIS atrocities, that is what is happening (assuming the comments are not astroturfed).
The middle east is not worth another American dollar and certainly not worth another American life. Let our little buddy in the region handle it.
Just think of the middle east as a big ghetto that we cannot change nor should we go broke or get killed trying to do so.
A bit off-topic, I founded this one via Mike Smith's political commentary what I call a twisting irony in Japan where a former advisor of the Prime Minister praise Apartheid. Others sources like said the PM, it varies from Reuters to the Daily Beast.
And I found this other news via Vox Popoli where it mentionned then some San Francisco schools resegregate.
Just a side note everyone: Check out the barbershop murders , notice MURDERS , Warrensville,OH .Fine outstanding young men who were just bored.
Here are a few dead malls and soon to be former shopping areas in the St. Louis area that failed and are failing because of diversity.
Northwest Plaza (undergoing a half assed renovation after much demolition and now with a new name.) Won't work! YT won't be fooled again.
River Roads (Bulldozed)
Jamestown Mall (Empty shell)
Crestwood Plaza (Empty shell)
St. Louis Centre (made into a parking garage for a downtown bank)
Delmar Loop (used to go there until the chimping got too bad, not safe anymore.
St. Louis Galleria in Brentwood is on the fast track to closure unless the chimping is stopped.
Cherokee Street (Hispanic and Black together ruined this area. I used to go here as a kid, now I'm afraid to drive there.)
Please feel free to add, if you are from the St. Louis area.
Eddie in St. Louis
His actions speak louder than his words. How many more are on welfare since he was first elected, 15, 20 million? White Americans are executed here and abroad. The president does nothing. But legally defend yourself from a black criminal and the full force of the federal government comes crashing down upon you!
Who does this .....thing in our white house represent? Don't let his words deceive you, his actions say everything.
Another great article which disproves the Out of Africa theory.
And, of course, it originates from Russia...and not from the USSA.
Philadelphia Mike
I was just wondering, if they did not have the blessings of the federal government, how many of these "incidents" would be stopped with a white fist in the face?
You just reminded me about going to a small town Walmart last summer. There are no blacks there. Anyhow it was hot, I don't remember if I locked my car doors or not but it doesn't matter, I put all the windows down while my wife and I went shopping.
Nothing had been disturbed while we were inside the store.
It doesn't matter what it is, once any venue large or small has blacks represent large numbers of attendees it is akin to stacking dry tinder wood and dousing it with kerosene. Any spark can set it ablaze. This can be a shopping mall, a county fair, a movie theater, a night club, a shoe store releasing the latest Jordans, or as is our case down here in NOLA where whites have done it fun and peacefully for two centuries, a simple Mardi Gras parade.
Mardi Gras parade shootings have become an annual event, and every year there is the typical hand wringing and rhetorical questions with no attempt to address the nuts and bolts of these incidents.
It seems every major newspaper employs one provocative "opinion columnist" who is a black apologist, race baiter, and general agitator who on cue, pens social commentary articles in response to the black atrocity du jour. Ours is Jarvis DeBerry.
Stay tuned for the upcoming candlelight prayer vigil and march against violence, maybe proposing the construction of another youth center ....
Anonymous Edward Blake said...
"...OT but it breaks my heart to read about the white woman who was raped while delivering pizza in SF. Delivering anything (pizza, Uber/Lyft driver, etc) is dangerous for numerous reasons, among them being the risk of robbery and sexual assault. It's definitely not a job for a woman. It's awful hard for young people nowadays to understand the REAL threat to them when the forces that be are telling them to play with the wolves. Teach your children well..."
February 13, 2015 at 10:47 PM
The guy who invented the first practical soft body armor, Richard Davis, owned a pizza delivery franchise in Detroit. One of his drivers (only) got robbed; when they got an order from the same address a few nights later, he took the call and got in a shootout with three groids. He won. He later founded the Second Chance line of soft body armor. As a sales pitch, he'd put on one of his vests, stuff a telephone book under it, then shoot himself in the chest with a .44 Magnum.
"Enforcement includes security guards checking for identification at mall entrances."
Therein lies one more downside to BRA in a long list of downsides: a simple trip to the mall gets turned into another encounter with police state tactics. But the tactics are made necessary by the undertow. What is happening is that even the most basic of activities--in this case shopping--now turns into an expedition into the heart of darkness. You never know when you will be hit by the next assault or flashmob. Stay alert, citizens! And don't mind the guard posts and surveillance cameras, they are there to protect you.
In Rhodesia when it was white ruled, you had a security guard at the entrance to most stores. They'd do a quick check of your bag to see if you were carrying a bomb. But of course, there was an insurgency going on, so people accepted that. What is disturbing in America in 2015 is that people are accepting the new normal, that we live under a counterinsurgency regime--thanks to BRA. But at least in Rhodesia they knew who the enemy was and actively fought it. Today in America--most people dream on.
Back in the late 1970's there was a controversy about a new housing project in Columbia, SC. It was going to be built on the mostly white side of Two Notch road near Keenan High School. I don't know what went on behind the scenes, but TPTB were able to make this a Senior citizen only housing project. I haven't heard of too many car jackings, arson, etc that originated from this housing complex.
A bit off-topic, I founded this one via Mike Smith's political commentary ...
Mike Smith has some great stuff. There's lots of things to think about re a country in which whites are in the minority. His series on Opening Pandora's Apartheid Box gives a look behind the scenes at white dispossession.
White people in all countries need to work together for their freedom.
Anon said :
I cannot see how destroying middle-class YT, and utter chaos and destruction in all population centres, can possibly benefit TWMNBN.
There is a leap of logic here which I cannot fathom, and I would be grateful to the more wise posters here for any assistance they can provide.
My simple question - why is TWMNBN doing this evil?
I'll take a stab at this one. In short, TWMNBN enjoy social tension between many races of people operating as individuals within one society, because it gives them a relatively clear path to power since they operate collectively.
Just think about it, how many other ancient tribes have kept their lineage and customs intact? Are there still any intact and linear communities of Jutes, Angles, Normans, Samnites, Thessalians, etc...? No, all of them integrated into larger nations, lost their traditions, and diluted their genetic markers into larger mixed populations. It is pretty remarkable that this group has remained so steadfast, prolific, and in solidarity, over thousands of years and over great geographical distances. Because of this ethnic solidarity, it has allowed a tremendous cohesion and social mobility, particularly where shared interests of the group are concerned. People interested in securing a future for whites can learn a lot from these tactics.
The ability to accumulate power and wealth is especially apparent when coupled with this ethnically cooperative group operating in the midst of societies that are multicultural or have no ethnic identity. It is basically a major advantage. The more multicultural, and the more deracinated a particular society is, the easier they are to exploit and the easier it is to outmaneuver a majority population for access to positions of power within the various institutions, especially if as is our case in the USA, all of the social capital is being consumed in an attempt to correct the problems that blacks are causing.
The only antidote to combat this ethnocentrism is for a society to utilize the same group strategies and recognize that they have shared interests too.
This is the main reason any concept of white people coming together and acting as a cohesive racial group is treated as a very, very, very bad thing in media (owned by TWMNBN)--- and we are blasted with images of skinhead prison gangs, holocaust, lynchings, KKK, third reich, and the like, so that the average white person would see it as unsavory to be explicitly racial.
Anonymous said...
"...I think it would do a lot of good for Philadelphia Mike and others in this blog to describe, in exact detail, why this particular group of people (the elephant in the room) desire a future society of majority non-whites, a future society of destroyed cities and appalling outcomes of education, employment and net worth, as well as other negative outcomes.
How does this benefit THEM? TWMNBN must see some economic benefit in the destruction of America...
My simple question - why is TWMNBN doing this evil?"
February 14, 2015 at 5:53 AM
Use YT to invent automated production processes to keep their own society running, then breed an entire population of almost nogs via race mixing propaganda. This new race would be just smart enough to keep things running, but with the judicious application of the whip and the carrot, would not be smart enough to even think about rebelling against them.
I recently read a story on Farcebook from a photographer, who bemoaned the absence of printed photographs. His theory was that with millions of digital images that vanish at the crash of a hard drive or loss of an account password, people's memories of life events are not getting passed down from generation to generation. Couple this with an abysmal education system, whose graduates can neither read nor write in anything other than "text-speak," and soon you'll have a people who will no longer be able to think for themselves, and who will have lost their history. Then they can be told, "It has always been this way, and cannot be changed."
Of course, YKW would be the ones in charge of them all. And who wants to get in an argument with their light switches, so to speak? When you turn the switch on, you want it on. The light switch doesn't stop to question the finger applying the pressure to it, or refuse to work because it wants to use some of the electricity flowing through it for its own purposes. If it did, you'd simply replace it and throw away the "defective" one.
Speaking of losing our history, I forgot to add this URL, a fascinating piece of "ruin porn:"
CSPAN 3 is playing Birth of a Nation this morning. They will open the phone lines after the film is played some time after 12pm. They will then replay all of it with phone discussions starting 6pm Est.
Just thought you should know this.
Shoppers just need to be careful and not be in the Malls at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
Malls Gone Bad, I guess, is the reason.
If we White people provided more help to these youths, then they would not need to cause trouble at the malls. It is lack of social services, jobs, community centers and single mother day care that these youths HAVE TO do these things.
If the areas these youths come from didn't have violent houses, mean streets and hyper-violent guns about, this could all be avoided.
There is a leap of logic here which I cannot fathom, and I would be grateful to the more wise posters here for any assistance they can provide.
My simple question - why is TWMNBN doing this evil?
You can find plenty of WASPs that are lining up to do the same thing. Just look at how many WASP billionaires support open borders and third world labor.
I stopped caring about what motivates them. The establishment has decided that White unity is worse than even Black criminal wastelands and that is all you need to know. Maybe they think it will work in the end, maybe they prefer even widespread chaos and bankruptcy to White nationalism, whatever their reasoning it doesn't matter. Reasoning may not even be involved.
I do know that much of this attitude developed after WWII and it occurred in multiple establishment groups. The changes that had the most impact were passed by judges and against the will of the majority. So basically since WWII we have had a minority work against the majority.
The Western establishment has always had a contemptuous view of the majority. You can see this in the number of wars where White nationals are sent to battle to remote regions of little importance. There are various explanations like raw ego, secret societies, social isolation, etc but none of them will likely give a complete answer.
We also know what happens when you publicly question the establishment views of race and culture (See William Shockley). Whatever positive image you had will be destroyed by the media and "colorblind" conservatives will attack you as well even if they don't actually have any arguments. This is why the internet is such a problem for them. We can call out both groups and there isn't a damn thing they can do about it.
All that's missing from you '1984' rant are exploding micro chips embedded in people's skulls. What you're proposing is just down right ludicrous. No wonder fascist governments meet little resistance from scared little sheeple like yourself, walking this earth.
"Just axe him, just axe him? He didden doo nuffin!". There are no bounds to level of black stupidity!
Black dysfunction, violence and unpredictability have made planning an outing an adventure. I no longer go to public locations where blacks congregate. Downtown areas and Malls.
Might as well just call them wild "animal parks" where you have to drive through with your windows rolled all the way up.
Delaware dude. strange thing those pt stops. as i stopped on the way home at a local food market behind a formerly pipular 60's strip mall, i noticrd about 6-8 of the local chimps leaving the stop and sauntering over to da mall. i have avoid this place for ssome time now as the eerant chimps seem to like purse snatching, mugging and the like. our newest mall has a huge pt stop. used to be nice but now flooded with teen chimps. not far is a we be toys. groid nation. on line shopping seems to be it now. only place i can hang out safely is the HD dealership in MD.
The last thing a negro yout wants is any adult around and I can imagine NO ADULT negro wants to be around black teen males. I can see many negro adult males wanting to be with the negro teen girls (easy access to sex), but not with a male teen hominid.
How are they going to enforce this when 20 or 30 chimps show up anyway? Will cops have to be there ALL THE TIME, for those who show up?
This article is actually giving us THIS VERY DATE as the end date for the American Mall concept.
Thank you, Negro.
(I can see the idea of "Members Only" Malls and it could happen, but it might be easier to just drop the enclosed Mall idea in America, and eventually Europe).
There can be NO CIVILIZATION if there is a negro about.
Perhaps the answer to our problems in the future is having "private" clubs. Private malls, apartments, neighborhoods, bars, restaurants. You have to pay to join and it helps clear the riff-raff out.
Segregation is a peaceful answer.
@ bernice...
That Maryland amusement park 50+ years ago... "Glen Echo Amusement Park," from the sound of it. Made extremely dangerous by more and more black kids from the District making their way out there. That's when whites stopped going, and that was the end of it.
- Man in Florida
Just saw a promo for Modern Family. The Hispanic kid is drinking some soda and he is huge.
That is the future High
Well here's a shocker, one of the exceptional few gets into college and majors in embezzlement:
BTW - I love the fake Arab names, wonder if he's one of Farrakan's pseudo-islamics.
@ Eddie 7:10am
"Galleria" says "upscale" so I looked up St Louis Galleria, Brentwood, and indeed it is that. And this statement is on their site's homepage:
"We require that those 16 and under be accompanied by a parent or supervising adult age 21 or older after 3pm on Fridays and Saturdays."
- Man in Florida
The simple answer for getting the nogs out of malls and businesses is to boycott. If you see one of the beasts nearby turn around and leave. In this day and age you can but almost anything online, when the shop owners complain it needs to be made clear that whites won't go anywhere these dangerous beasts are congregating. Watch how quickly things change. Money talks and the NAPA walks
SC Native
One way to delay the collapse of every Mall in the U.S. is to find a way to eliminate ALL public transportation. If you limit it from the urban core (negroville) out to the malls, then they will scream "dat be rayciss". BUT, if the entire city has no public transport (due to budget constraints) they may be able to delay the coming collapse a few decades longer.
Just an idea that will not work since the end, as we all know, is the end of any White nation.
The comment about certain grocery stores is spot on.
I shop ONLY at the most expensive up-scale grocery store in my area and it is totally a negro-free zone.
As for the costs? Really not that much more and almost the SAME if you avoid the high end items. You can buy the basics there but they are counting on you buying the "specialty" stuff, the fancy do-dads, import crap, etc.
So, if you keep yourself under ego control, you can shop in peace and feel like America is still White, while you shed a tear.
In St. Louis, somebody should buy up these malls and turn them into Private Prisons.
I'm serious. They are large and sturdy and could be heavily fenced in. Utilities are installed, etc.
White women are the key to a mall's survival.
I've watched one of our local malls die just by observing the lack of the "middle age" White female shopper.
When she stops shopping, the mall is dead.
Off topic but relevant. Is anyone keeping up with that Chicago Little League team that got busted for having kids illegally on the team ? Go to Drudge or google Chicago TV,( I think it is a cbs affiliate )anyway read the COMMENTS SECTION it's nothing but groids justifying cheating against YT. Moreover, it's blacks and whites really letting it all rip on one another . I'm more than convinced that 99% of them hate YT with a passion.
Anonymous said...
All that's missing from you '1984' rant are exploding micro chips embedded in people's skulls. What you're proposing is just down right ludicrous. No wonder fascist governments meet little resistance from scared little sheeple like yourself, walking this earth.
I assume you are the same anon who asked "Why are they doing this?" It's hard to have a dialogue with a person who doesn't identify himself, nor the person to whom he is replying. Like I did there. See how it's done?
So, OK, you asked a question, several people answered it, you reject their explanation. No harm done. Nobody's forcing you - take it or leave it. No need to be rude.
If you're really interested in explanations, there are plenty of free books on the internet. Try, or You might start with something by Henry Ford, of automobile fame, or maybe Charles Lindbergh, of aviation fame.
If reading is too much of a chore, here's a simple picture for you to ponder.
Blacks have ruined the Indianapolis malls = Castleton Square, Circle Center, Lafayette Square, Glendale...and now they are hitting the upscale Fashion Mall.
Malls were designed and built BY white people FOR white people.
We should have never given them so much access to us.
Limited seating inside the Barnes and Noble."
Bookstores themselves are excellent deterrents to Africanus Americanus.
By the way, anon "Why are they doing this?", if you really want an answer to your question, here's a book that answers it in detail (free download):
The Culture of Critique, by Prof Kevin MacDonald (NOT of hamburger fame).
"An evolutionary analysis of [TWMNBN] involvement in twentieth-century intellectual and political movements."
This book will take a bit more effort. If you want a summary, I'm sure you can find a review somewhere.
"How does this benefit THEM? TWMNBN must see some economic benefit in the destruction of America..."
Why do you assume the benefit they seek is merely "economic"? Think bigger.
Anonymous said...
Can you imagine if two malls exactly the same were built-one for humans of all races and another one strictly for groids?
The humans would have a safe, clean, first class mall and the groids would have a violent and decrepit indoor cesspit.
Yes, we know. That's why the US Supreme Court ruled that Separate can never be Equal. That's why nobody can have nice things. Because negroes always ruin everything they touch, and everybody else would end up with nicer things.
20 years ago you could enjoy the mall. Back then there were very few negroes at the mall.
those days are gone and not coming back.
Oh, I dunno. I can think of several measures to get rid of the problem population in addition to your parking fee. You can even keep bus service if courts order you to have it.
1. Require ID to enter (ah, I see you got that).
2. No un-accompanied minors, period.
3. Require all arrivals by bus to go through security, with a non-refundable fee to defray expenses. The bus stop should be across a large expanse of parking from the mall proper. Close bus arrivals early, close departures not more than 2 hours later.
The "yoots" are using the mall as free climate-controlled hangout space, so if you take away "free" (and be otherwise intimidating) they'll stay away.
City Center Mall in Columbus, Ohio was torn down after less than two decades in existence for a similar incident.
Gwoobus Harmon said:
"It seems every major newspaper employs one provocative "opinion columnist" who is a black apologist, race baiter, and general agitator who on cue, pens social commentary articles in response to the black atrocity du jour."
And therein lies the problem. Each region of the country has their own professional "they dindo nuffin so STFU, YT!!!! Ya'll know what we be sayin' an' sheet!?"
What we need to do is start to having the other side have equal time. In other words PK and other race realist writers like him need to be employed at the various national and local papers and on TV to give the other side (our side) equal time.
This concept used to be called "Point/Counterpoint". In this way, whenever a Ta Nehesi Coates or whoever lame ass give ass groid goes off on some lame ass lecture to YT, then comes OUR side, to speak the plain truth about BRA.
Over time, the ordinary moderate middle will start to listen to us, especially if all they have in their arsenal is "the dindo nuffin and everyone knows that US is racist and sheet."
Slowly, as the Pew Research Poll Center has shown this argument is being shown to be for what it is: A total lying sack of shit, piled high and too deep.
So if we can bring back Point/Counterpoint, and have someone present the race realist side of things either or both in print and on TV, slowly and gradually, we will see a major shift among whites taking place in the US on BRA. After all, by sharing the same stage and platform with their side, our side becomes that much more credible and stronger.
I love your comment! Separate and Equal!Negroes do ruin everything they touch! I'm so sick of them! Somebody needs to hold the HUD department responsible for housing these animals! Somebody get in touch with me to nail HUD against the wall! I'll do it!! Transparency with HUD needs to be had NOW!!!!
To Anonymous Man in Florida,
Thank you. It was Glen Echo Park. I pulled it up on Wiki. Notice no mention of race:
In the early 20th century it was turned into an amusement park, which operated until the late 1960s. Like many public facilities in and around the Washington area, Glen Echo was restricted to whites for 63 out of the first 70 years of its history.
However, on June 30, 1960, a group of college students (primarily from Howard University)[14] staged a sit-in protest on the carousel. Five African American students were subsequently arrested for trespassing.[15] The arrests were appealed to the Supreme Court four years later, and the convictions were reversed in Griffin v. Maryland on the grounds that the state had unconstitutionally used its police power to help a private business enforce its racial discrimination policy.[15] As a result, an eleven-week civil rights campaign began; students and residents of the nearby Bannockburn community alike came out in force. The park opened the doors to all races in the 1961 season.[16] Attendance at Glen Echo shrank in the late 1960s, and the park closed after the 1968 season.[15]
Analog, I was the original WHY? poster, with the leap of logic etc.
I am not the "1984" poster you confused me with.
I'll call myself Racoon from now on. I always try to be as anonymous as possible.
I am particularly grateful of Gwoobus Harmon's detailed response, which certainly suggested a perspective I had not previously explored. The tribe has lasted many thousands of years intact, whereas YT groups have risen, morphed, and sank without trace.
bernicegreenbaum quoted...
The park opened the doors to all races in the 1961 season.[16] Attendance at Glen Echo shrank in the late 1960s, and the park closed after the 1968 season.[15]
Pure coincidence, of course.
So, we all know about the decline of malls, and how unsafe they are becoming.
How about modes of holiday travel?
How many of you are aware that you should avoid Carnival Cruise Lines? Lots of blacks on Carnival. I went on a cruise with Carnival, and the hot tub was frequently full of hippo-sheboons. The music is mostly hip-hop. It has been ruined in the same way as AmTrak, Greyhound, and other modes of what might be otherwise pleasant or acceptable transport.
CENTURION, I'm with you :) I avoid groceries with names like "Buy Low", "Pay Less" etc....Gimme a "Pay-Mor" store anyday of the week.
If I can shop in comfort among luxury food items in a peaceful, chimp-free atmosphere, I'll pay that extra coupla bucks & pay it gladly. The money is worth it just to not get robbed or "robbed gone wrong" in the parking lot
Certain companies have now uber-committed to Africanization of both work-force & clientele - McDonald's, Wal-Mart, Denny's & should be avoided by all YTz at all times.
LOL, it would be good to have a businesses for YT to avoid list
One other hand, joints like Chik-Filet deserve some support (even though they do hire some chimps) with the bonus being that the foods pretty tastee also. They are mainly groid free & we should appreciate that. Their ads don't feature 90% chimps pigging out & cursing like the typical McD's tv ad does.
We all need to think about where we go to spend our hard-earned $$$ & who we spend our $$$ with
Big Maller's like Simon & Associates keep close eye on shopper attendance figures & shopper demographic data at the hundreds of malls they own & operate. They know which ones & even the times of day those are flooded with subsahuman africans. Stay away from their Malls & as trend builds their antennae will "perk up" though they may not do anything until a few dozen ytz are either killed or brutally beaten on their properties.
Lemme tell'ya bout PT ruinification. Buckhead is northern part of Atlanta, it's rich & swanky & pretty danged nice. It's minority poor but it's PT rich (both in Marta trains & many, many a bus route from the Atlanta hoods to the south) & there in lies the seeds for it's upcoming destruction.
Perimeter Mall is a MARTA train stop
& when it stops from the northbound direction, literally hundreds of thiefs, shop-lifters, car-jackers, dope pushers & every other form of criminal disembarks & scurries into welcoming arms of the mall. Each train car just pukes out these african swine all day long. The chimp "mall" shenanigans are non-stop & get very scary. Very Menacing & unpleasant shopping. Getting worse all the time too as they develop new "tactics" to inject as much misery as possible into non-Chimps lifes. A few stops up the track, Marta & buses converge on Buckheads Lenox Square area with 2 very high end malls kitty corner from each other. One, the Lenox Square Mall is older but full of shops that most malls don't have, luxury vendors like Chanel, Gucci, Prada, etc --- just the joints that flat-broke teen chimps jizz loves. Of course, the chimps are heavy saturation is "covered" by the presence of the most african stores of all - MACY'S. LOL, ever notice in Macy's there is like you & ten other white people surrounded by 500 - 1000 africans at all times? Avoid MACY's at all costs unless of course you're a black teen looking for the latest in hip-hop fashion that you can shop-lift. Stay the hell away from MACY's & tell your friends why you don't shop there anymore
Point is - shopping, no matter how nice or how upscale, indeed commerce in general, is going the way of the dinosaurs. The speed of the demise being a function of how many groids are transported to the mall by PT
So if u from the hood, arrive on Marta, u can leave in a lovely jacked Jag or Porsche loaded down with shoplifted swag & maybe even a tied up MILF Jag owner laid out in back seat under the tons of new "Sean Jean" togs.
Dem MILF Jag owners sure is alot of fun & really really "good Sports" :)
Deyz all love a real gud muh-dikkn so's u doin'em a BIG favor teaching interracial peace, piece, and harmony :)
/H hypie out H\
First you have to realize that Noone likes black people. DWL may think that they do, but at the end of the day they go home to their gated communities and send their kids to expensive liberal schools. Black people don't even like black people. Look at the rate they murder, rape and give each other AIDS.
DWL think that they can legislate a great eutopia. That if only those darn conservatives would get out of their way that we'd all have free college, free healthcare, free childcare, free everything. But the producing members of society (white people) realize that half their pay is going to feed the Nogs, so the YTs leave, creating great atrocities like St Louis and Detroit.
100% on topic. South land mall, Taylor,Mi. in the early '90's, my younger sister had a female classmate who while at the mall agreed to go out into the nearby woods and smoke weed with 4-6 "teens". She was gang raped. No outrage, no media, nothing. West of said mall, is a massive sec.8 housing complex with public transportation.
Detroit Refugee
Speaking of malls:
2 arrested after hundreds of teens cause chaos at movie theater.
Orange County deputies are trying to figure out why hundreds of teenagers suddenly rushed into the movie theater at West Oaks Mall in Ocoee Saturday night.
Nearly 300 teenagers were able to get in before the security gates were closed. Police said a group of about 100 rushed into the theater and continued causing a disturbance.
Yes folks, they're ''teens''! Of course.
Yes, the violent negro was the death of Eastland Mall, in Charlotte, NC. I remember when I was in high school back in 74'-76' and the mall had just opened; it was fantastic. Three levels, open through the middle with a giant ice skating rink at the bottom. It had a large food court and a cinema inside. Best of all a teenaged young man could be assured of seeing thousands of pretty teen girls there, all under one huge roof no less!
Of course, the violent negroes came and ruined the whole thing. No more mall.
Bottom line: Blacks are a scourge upon the land.
Oh yes, a further comment please if you would indulge me.
In addition to the utter ruination of Eastland Mall in Charlotte, NC., the violent negro is appearing way more frequently in the once showplace mall of Concord Mills, NC. Yes, now there are way more herds of slow moving and even slower thinking giant-assed sheboons, along with black "yoof" with their pants down around their knees frequenting the mall. I fear that soon this mall will also fall prey to the violent negro. What a shame. My son and I used to like to go there, drink coffee, shop and people-watch but now it looks like a multi-cultural shit pot.
Somehow it doesn't leave me with that "enriched" feeling the liberal lemmings promised.
The trick to the mall is just to go early in the day, before the nogs roll out of bed to laze around for the rest of the day.
I was in that northern Indianapolis mall that had the shooting a few weeks ago, but it was a late June Friday morning before noon. Mall was very quiet and no nogs to be seen. Kind of fooled me, it didn't seem like a bad place.
Near where I live we have a very large mall and it's had that same policy for minors for a long time. But it still has problems with the black yoof and gangs and things. Mostly on weekends in the evening. It's only a mile away and I rarely go, but when it had a post office branch in it I was there all the time to mail packages. Late evenings on Monday-Thursday were typically quiet too.
The trick to the mall is just to go early in the day, before the nogs roll out of bed to laze around for the rest of the day.
That is an excellent observation, and a possible "out" for malls using admission/security screening to keep out the criminal element:
Make Mon-Thu, opening to eleven or noon, "free admission" periods (though still subject to security). If anyone says you're discriminating against the "po victims ob da legacy ob da slabery an' Jim Crow", you say that anyone can get in for free and do their shopping at those times.
In the end we will look back and refer to them as collaborators.
Well considering that many of them have also been affected by the ravages of the sons of Obama, my guess is it's more of an issue of the elite class, as in May other groups who would be the most responsible for our current situation. At that level, most of them, don't even see themselves as part of any group or belief system, and have no problem with throwing anyone who poses a problem them under the bus.
Don't be fooled. It does little to stop them. Now that the MetroLink dumps off right by the mall it's never been easier for them to load a booster bag with everything on a shop's fixture closest to the doors. This mall has a Jimmy Jazz store now, and too many athletic footwear retailers... It's only a matter of time.
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