Prior to this, one white French Quarter resident tried to start the French Quarter Minutemen to fight the back the rising tide of black crime...
![]() |
Why is this sign necessary in the French Quarter? Well, why is the NOLA FOR LIFE campaign necessary to keep black people from killing one another (and off the streets)... |
Now, a white businessman in New Orleans is using his own money to ensure the French Quarter continues to be a destination place for international tourism. [New French Quarter police patrol, crime app, taking shape, New Orleans Times-Picayune, 2-19-15]:
In the latest effort to bolster police presence in the French Quarter, a prominent businessman has partnered with civic leaders to launch a new patrol of off-duty New Orleans police officers dedicated to the city's historic epicenter.
Sidney Torres IV, the New Orleans businessman who made headlines in recent months for his television commercials blasting Mayor Mitch Landrieu over French Quarter safety, said he is putting up his own money to staff and equip the patrol for at least the next three months.
"I'm very confident in this," Torres said by phone Friday (Feb. 20). "If it works, and I have a good sense it will, funding is not going to be a problem."
The pilot program calls for three off-duty NOPD officers to patrol the Quarter in all-terrain vehicles equipped with lights and sirens. But unlike a similar plan to place off-duty NOPD officers on patrol along Bourbon Street, Torres' plan includes a smart-phone application designed to connect citizens and visitors of the Quarter directly to those patrols.
Those who download the free app, which Torres said is in its final stages of development, would be able to report in a few taps of their phone screen a crime being committed -- or suspicious activity -- to the nearest patrol officer. A photograph could also be submitted through the app, Torres said. All reports would also go to the NOPD 8th District, which includes the French Quarter.
"This is not meant to be a replacement for 911. This is more for real-time intervention," said Bob Simms, who heads up the French Quarter Management District's Security Task Force. The task force, as well as Mayor Landrieu's office, have worked with Torres to craft plans for the patrol.
Arrangements are still being finalized, but Simms estimated the French Quarter patrol would likely launch sometime in mid-March. The following month, Simms said, a patrol of NOPD off-duty officers is expected to hit Bourbon Street -- funded by businesses on the bustling thoroughfare with a match from the city and the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Both patrols should serve as a complement to existing 8th District officers, Simms said, as well as the quality of life enforcement promised by the not-yet-launched civilianNOLA Patrol and a continued presence from Louisiana State Police.
State Police Superintendent Col. Mike Edmonson said his agency plans to keep both a plain-clothes and uniformed trooper presence in the city through the remainder of the year. A contingent of 150 troopers was in town to assist NOPD during the Mardi Gras season. While declining to provide specific numbers, Edmonson said future trooper levels would fluctuate depending on the need.
"The critical part is: The criminal element that operates in the city doesn't sit there and say, 'I'll operate when these people are in town,'" Edmonson said. "They're always operating. We'll have to maintain vigilance. The public should see a consistent State Police presence in the city."
Both Simms and Torres acknowledge that off-duty patrols and a State Police presence are temporary solutions while the city's police force continues its quest to fill its thinning ranks.It's fitting 2015 is the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, for no force of nature threatens the stability and civility of a city like its black population.
You know……. when a crime is committed by a Black person the first thing the morons come out to say is “don’t judge all Black people because of a few bad apples”. In most cases with other races that logic would work but when 90% of your race is good for nothing, what do you expect us to do? Here is some simple logic for the DWL and people that may not understand…..
If you are a woman and you dress like a whore, talk like a whore, act like a whore, and wear as little clothing as possible to show off your assets, don’t expect me to look at you like anything other than a whore. I am not here to get to know you personally and I can only assume what I see.
If you look like a Nig, have tattoos all over your body, walk and talk like a Nig, I am going to expect nothing less than you are a Nigger piece of shit and try my best to stay away from you. Don’t tell me “don’t judge me”, racially profiling their types have kept me alive and well to this point.
You see, if you are in New Orleans and you see a group of 4 apes (especially under 30) walking towards you, the changes are HIGHLY UNLIKELY that all they are looking for is pleasant conversation. Your chances of being strong armed or possibly losing your life to whatever you have in your pockets just skyrocketed if you don’t know to move quickly or stay out of those areas. I can’t believe there are liberals that put themselves in harms way trying to “mingle” with these savages, once they get violated they all start singing a different tune. Sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them get violated and blame society or YT for why they were attacked instead of blaming the Negro.
The sign above says “Caution - WALK IN LARGE GROUPS”. It should read “Caution – WATCH OUT FOR BLACKS”. Would probably quell the murder rate by at least 30%. But of course, stating the reality would be ‘RACIST’
I loved that picture of that sign so much that I had to save it
in my New Ameerka pic folder. I also have an Old America pic folder.
The differences between the pics in them 2 folders simply speak for
themselves, thus erasing any thought, or word of racism or being
wayciss. Bottom line is we're a very different breed than them.
Breeds that were never meant to mix, but once mixed, the outcome is
deadly and very costly, such as a war. If this isn't an insurgency
on our own soil, I either must be blind or mentally disabled. Seriously!
This is great news,
Rudy Giuliani:
"I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the President loves America,"
Finally we have someone to come out and speak the freaking truth and call it for what it is,
especially coming from someone able to speak for someone like me, since of course my voice
would never be heard like that.
Then to go check out lame stream media blasting him and calling it his "latest outburst".
Like Rudy, you can't let the cat out of the bag. We already know "da prez" doesn't like
Ameerka, but you don't understand what's in it for us, ya digg ?
Then CNN (Communist News Network) goes on to say:
"The White House barely even acknowledged the outburst, in part because Giuliani, a failed
candidate for president, has become more of a cable television rabble-rouser than a serious
national political figure."
LOL @ serious national political figure ! Get real, we have very little of them to begin with.
Yeah, I'm stupid. I might have been born yesterday, but it wasn't last night.
What a bunch of freakin' fools, I swear. If they didn't have their heads shoved up their own
asses we'd be in more trouble that the knee deep shht we're in now.....
Day in and day out in this newly transformed Ameerka, bka Afrikka of yesteryear, our landscape
is changing on a daily basis, and as you all well know, it surely isn't for the better, unless
of course you're just another ignorant negro bringing it all down to your level, which is totally
acceptable to you ppl, not us.
George Carlin said it best............America is diseased.
Negros are just like black mold. Let it breed and it'll kill a nation.
Yeah, we know, we're living smack dab in the middle of it all in times like these today.......
Many people choose to just stay home as much as they can to avoid catching the black mold disease,
just to try to live to see another day without being caught as the next victim being at "the wrong
place at the wrong time".
I thought we were free to live, free to go where we wanted to go. Things aren't so free anymore.
Hmmm, I wonder who took them rights away from us and who helped them along. They're all ENEMIES to me !!
I grew up in an inner city suburb. Majority YT working class people raising a family.
Then the dawn of the dead slowly started creeping WITHIN our city limits.
Before you knew it...BAM !
And there you have it folks. This is what happens to a city when the undertow comes in
and makes their new homes nothing more than our old homes we ran from.
It's nothing different than cities such as Detoilet, and as we all know, the list of cities
to suffer the same fate just continues to grow.
We know how it goes. The undertow cries wayciss and the BHL's open the gates to the flood.
The story goes on to say:
"Maple Heights, like other Cleveland inner ring suburbs, continues to suffer from the after-effects of the foreclosure crisis. Defaults on high-cost, subprime mortgage loans caused real estate values to plummet. Lansky said the city has lost $1.5 million a year in property taxes since a countywide reappraisal in 2012 dropped the city’s aggregate residential value by one-third. Another $1 million has been lost in state funding and other types of state taxes, he said.
And, like Cleveland’s other inner-ring suburbs, Maple Heights has seen a jump in the number of renters. Because they tend to be poorer than homeowners, Lansky said, renters pay less in income taxes but increase the demand for services."
All of that needed to be said just to remain politically correct when it all comes down to one word:
Lansky said "Renters pay less in income taxes but increase the demand for services."
Yeah, we know, it's called the "cradle to grave" mentality. This is what happens when you
have grown toddlers move in, destroy your city, while crying for more and more.
WTF gives ? Well I surely know one group of "you ppl" that don't give, unless you consider
destruction a given.
Someone else said it best, don't remember who, but props to them for summing it all up quite well:
Consume, Destroy, Rinse, Repeat.
Only a very few select suburbs in Clevehood, Ohio are capable of shunning off the apocalypse.
The majority have either already lost the undertow war or are in the process of losing it all right now.
All YT does is run as at this point in time, that's merely the only thing he can do.
It's going to take a lot more than one YT to win this war. Someone has to get it together,
cause if we don't, the more we talk about this shht everyday the more they breed everyday.
Guess where they're going when they grow up. I think most of you are intelligent enough to
know that answer. Look around, I know for me I don't have to look too far to see it for myself.....
Thanks to DIE-versity, my hometown is just the next casualty on the list to add to the zombie apocalypse
as the dead-beat goes on. Yep, my heart is bleeding too, just not that of the liberal style....
Just can't wait till the first "teen" (us realist's know them by the name negro) get's roughed up a little. And the usual suspects such as J.Jackass & Al not so SHARP-ton will cry out "oh the ebil racism."
The FEDS will come rolling in with their newly appointed leader of the DOJ and get them rich honky's for making their peeps suffer the indignity of profiling and the audacity of trying to keep the French Quarter safe for White tourist's!
Anonymous said...
"We have already been defeated.
We Whites do NOT own our media, our TV networks, out cable networks, Movie studios, banks of money printing copy machines.
These are all owned by "others". Not White people.
Whites could take back these things or build rival networks in an instant if the will was there. But it isn't. If YT is defeated, it's because he wants to be. There's no other reason."
February 19, 2015 at 6:04 PM
Sad to say, but truthfully speaking, this IS the truth. We already lost this war.
In a way, it's no wonder why the DWL's just go about their daily lives and simply
choose to ignore all of this happening. Maybe it's just to keep from going crazy
just thinking about the complexity of the insurgency at the helm today.
All we do is talk about it, that's it! We can choose to ignore, boycott, or anything else that
has to do with BRA, but at the end of the day, almost every major city can be bankrupt but there
will still be people at the top running it all, the same that are running it today.
It's all like a big game of monopoly.
In due time the 1%'s will have more wealth than all of the 99% percenters combined.
That time gets closer as the days, months and years go on.
Do we want to be defeated ? And if not, what are YOU willing to do about it ?
Lastly, I will end this by saying that if people still believe that blacks still only make up
13-14% of the population might even suggest that you are still sipping the grape drank!
I honestly could be wrong, and hopefully I am, but as the years go on, who's trying to take the lead?
I'll give you a hint. Make sure to teach your daughters the difference between a man and the enemy!
O/T but pretty much as relative as it can get:
"Cleveland mayor takes responsibility for snow plow problems; says city started 'chasing complaints'."
Chasing complaints ? Yep, there you go for a passive voice. In other words: got behind!
Why did they get behind ?
I'll let you all have just one guess. You hit the nail on the head and it's a guaranteed grand slam !
Sheesh. They hire DIE-versity cause they cry "dey all wayciss cuz dey won't hire me".
Once hired, what can they do ? Well the city of cleavehood is finding out, it ain't much!
Here's proof:
Jackson said broken equipment was one cause of the delays in clearing city streets.
Last week, reported 28 snow plows were out of service.
That's more than one third of the fleet.
Sounds like the same ole' same ole'... Consume, Destroy, Rinse, Repeat.
Consume = Brand new Snow Plow truck.
Destroy = Broken down snow plow truck, only 2 years old.
Rinse = City deems broken down snow plow truck as salvage.
Repeat. Brand new Snow Plow truck. Bound to suffer the same fate as first brand new snow plow truck.
But no worries, all is good, taxpayer (YT) will pay for it, nothing new here. The beat goes on....
As our nationwide infrastructure declines, as PK just articled in his Ta-Nehisi Coates story,
everything turns to mush at the hands of the oppressed black folks. They're own lack of IQ and
inability to learn in a 1st world civilization means we must now resort to 3rd world status.
Simply put, their perceived oppression is as much of a disease to themselves as it is to YT.
I think we're all really starting to feel how much their disease affects us all. A CANCER !!!
With that being said, city residents: don't cry, dry your eye, wake the fuggg up when you go
and vote next time (if you think it truly makes a difference anyways) but enjoy the outcome
either way you look at it. As long as BRA is given the controls to take over, this will continue
to be the norm. Nothing is going to change for the better. Accept the facts and deal with it.
We helped give them the control they have today. We truly don't have anybody to thank for that
more than our own people. We could have nipped this in the bud a long time ago. It didn't happen.
It's now out of control. It's a trainwreck and we currently have a do-do bird at the helm of it all !!
PK, I'm a bit confused about the wording of this sign?
This can be taken 2 ways.
"Walk in large groups"
Don't deez badddd skreetz be doin dat already?
"We just need more"
Need more of what? People to be caught at the wrong place at the wrong time
cuz deez evil bad skreets be outs ta get me ? OR, more flash mobs to ignite.
Yeah, that's a nice vacation away. But what am I walking into if I go on
vacation to a city that has to post signs such as this ? Guess that could
never be a romantic place for 2 to go to, eh ? LOL! Shht, I think I'm going
to take a vacation down there just to loot the signs off the poles so I can
bring them home and hang them up here. Why not, it's all relative anyways ;)
What a freak show this is all becoming.
Is there a major city east of the Mississippi that isn't suffering a different
fate than the next ?
And please, don't name a city like Augusta, Maine as we already know it's too
dayum cold for a majority of them to live up there. I already know the stats:
The racial makeup of the city was 94.1% White and 1.1% Black in 2010.
They had a total population of just under 20,000 residents in the 2010 census.
If it wasn't so dang cold in the winter, that's a place I probably wouldn't
mind calling home. Just the racial make up of the city itself is enough for
me to seal the deal. Hmmm, no wonder why you don't hear of much news at all
from a city like August, Maine. At 94.1% white, I'm pretty sure it's safe to
say that the city isn't going to suffer the same fate as De-toilet any time soon, eh!
But yeah, thanks for the though PK. I might have to "cop" me around a dozen of
them signs. They would make a great addition to a city I once called home......
Sounds fine, until the time were one of these off duty police officers hired by a WHITE business man justifiably kill a black suspect. It will only be a matter of time...
Leave it to the ones who made America what it is, to get rid of the vermin who make life hard. I will be waiting for sharpton and Holder to show up and deem this racial discrimination because only Negro's are getting caught breaking the law. Its to bad extra money has to be used to save the area. When the solution is so much cheaper.
They are not like us:
I have no doubts that plain clothed officers, will see some action. The coming warm weather added with TNB guarantees it!
Detroit Refugee
OT - Yesterday, I noticed a topic posted by a well-respected History professor at a prominent conservative site, entitled "What Do the Ten Most Dangerous Cities in America Have in Common?" He answers the question correctly (Negros!), but he goes on to list the breakdown of negro famblies as the source of negros' dysfunction. Still, it is a start, as I''ve noticed in the past day that some of the other conservative sites have started linking to it (such as here).
Typical DWL narrative on display in the case of frozen noglitsicle Elijha in Toronto. Lil'gangsta escaped his grandmothers social housing complex and met his demise with the freezing temperatures. The media wouldn't dare question the parenting skills of the grand-sow looking after the sprog. Instead we get the typical "how could this happen" angle and literally try and lay blame on the cities public housing agency (i.e. the white people responsible for housing the black underclass) And of course we have the typical DWL crowd funding campaign, cause "dey beez poe and can't affoed ta bury lil'Elijah". Poor little Elijah was just turning his life around and had dreams of inseminating several ghetto sows perpetuating the cycle depravity we see in our city. And don't worry about Mammy, I would bet she has 6 others welfare recipients (children)She'll have some sperm donor buck ontap to replace the lost income.
High IQ Human technology to battle orc savagery - that is the key.
Yes, apps. The key is various apps to combat the ground ape assault on our civilization.
How about one that let's you arm it when you are being approached by a groidle of NAPAs, then it records sound and video of the troop as it nears you, so that if there is any attack, you can press a button and it gets sent to a special 911 operator and any field police teams with your location. The video captures their faces for later prosecution and repatriation to their country of origin.
Other app ideas folks?
The white businessman is a capitalist pig who oppresses the poor downtrodden noble magic negro daily.
The great leap forward under Imam Hussein the Christ Messiah will usher in a glorious 1000 year hopetopia with no YT crackas or their tricknology.
To each according to his needs, workers of the world unite!
Think it will go on forever(?):
Look at the lengths we have to go to in order to try and live peacefully while infected with this negro scourge. I see progress here though, as this sign is basically screaming out, Beware the Nig. Continued negro fatigue might lead to more accurate and literal signs that actually do warn whites to stay away from any black.
BRA of by and for criminals:
The future looks glorious comrade:
The African is the most destructive force on the planet.
Torres, huh ..figures it couldn't have been a black American to come up with such a great idea.
A section is left in the Ferguson war journal:
New Orleans has from its inception had a seedy underside being both a river city and a port of call. It has also always had a sizable dangerous and vice filled black population. However what is occurring right now is absolutely unbelievable and unlike anything I have seen during my lifetime in the city. I will get into why that is in a moment, but first :
NOPD is one of the police departments that use the "crimemapping" technology, where daily crime reports and their physical locations are uploaded to an internet site. I will show you several screenshots.
The first is just the PAST SIX days in the french quarter (168 crimes.)
Keep in mind that this is a relatively small neighborhood, 6 blocks by 12 blocks.
The next one is just the current month of February in the French Quarter (419 crimes.)
From the beginning of the year? The map's ability to plot the crimes is overloaded and caps at 800. But taking all of January and combining it with all of February you have 585 + 419, equaling 1,004 crimes in this small 6x12 block area in 52 days.
Of course the city doesn't share this information with the tourists and revelers, lest they stop filling the hotels, restaurants, bars, and music venues where the city taps a tremendous amount of taxable revenue. But thousands of people still live in, work in, and own businesses in this neighborhood, and it is a daily lottery to see when your number finally gets pulled to be the newest victim of black crime. To add insult to injury, the local media, especially the paper (Times-Picayune) only reports on a select few of the crimes, never connects the dots, does not treat it as the crisis that it is, and pillories anyone who does. Reading that paper everyday is where I learned to identify passive voice.
Yes, we've had enough.
If you have enough money to own a business in Nig Orleans you should pack up and move your business to a white town or city where you don't need to hire mercenaries to protect you.
And do people really believe that blacks won't attack you if you are in a group?
I'm told that 25 years ago New Orleans was a really cool, fun place to vacation. Kind of like Vegas. Fun bars, great food, live music, street performers, costumes, Mardi Gras.
Now it's just one big ghetto. You would have to be INSANE to voluntarily go there now.
College bee making people all smart and shit:
Excellent coverage as always PK.
It is now raycis and shit to say the communist anti white OBAMA doesnt like America. Rudy Guilianni for President...
As a young man growing up in the country, the largest towns within 30 or 40 miles only had 20 - 30 thousand people. (Yeah I was a country boy that enjoyed hunting, fishing, building and driving stock cars and occasionally a quart jar of moonshine with friends. )
Anyhow, there was no place I couldn't go. There was very few negroes and even less south of the border types around. Now the population of those towns have quadrupled, blacks and south americans!
South american gangs seem to be even more vicious, at least for now, than the black gangs. It's so depressing to see what has become of the places around where I grew up.
I'm here now only to help mom take care od dad. He has Alzheimer's disease. When the end comes, I am hoping to find a nice white area to live and that my kids and grandkids will follow.
I think a lot of white people are waking up. This summer will wake up a lot more. If there are more riots, more demands and more murders of white people, all white people will need is a leader.
The real cause is the Tourists are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
New Orleans Visitors Bureau needs to inform the Tourist when is the right time and place so there will be no crime.
See? Whites just need to plan better, use White Privilege and be in the Right place at the Right time instead of blaming the mean streets, poverty and lack of opportunity for crime.
Crackers: Don't Let the Sun Set on Your Ass in NOLA/Oakland/Detroit/Cleveland/Baltimore/Memphis/Milwaukee/DC/Birmingham/St. Louis. etc.
Yes. Whites should walk in groups while in New Orleans or anywhere else for that matter. As you know blacks are notoriously bad shots so if Whites will walk in a group blacks will have a better chance of hitting you or someone while cutting down on the amount of ammunition required to do you.
This is no different than wildlife warnings in our National Parks regarding bears, wolves, etc. I suggest open-carrying a can of bear spray.
If there were only some sort of law that allowed regular law abiding citizens to carry firearms so they could defend their lives and property against savage blacks and other enemies of civilization...
Article 1, section 11 of the Louisiana Constitution: "The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms is fundamental and shall not be infringed. Any restriction on this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny."
I have no intention of contributing a single voluntary dollar to a city, place or thing that coddles or gives refuge to destructive blacks.
Just say no.
Just turn around and walk away.
Free to live another day...
If the patrols are successful in putting a stop to much of the negro crime, the negroes will just scream racism, racial profiling and that the French Quarter is a hotbed of discrimination where blacks are made to feel unwelcome.
That will be the cue for all the libtards to start up their diversity and inclusion BS with the city itself jumping on the bandwagon. Enter the black activist demanding marches through the French quarter while protestors screech, "We done built all dis! Ya'll stoled it from da black man!"
The entire thrust will be to demonize the ones noticing all the black crime and trying to put a stop to it since the criminals being stopped are black and that has disparate impact on da black community.
Whitey must go back to sleep and pretend none of it is happening so that Dontabious and his homies can continue their careers as criminals with as little negative consequences as possible.
Stop makin' da po' black folks looks bad! Stop mistreatin' da brutha's!
Hmmm. Perhaps the French Quarter could just ban all tourists just like malls ban all teens (regardless of color) when black teens are committing flash mob attacks? Might as well punish everybody instead of focusing on the demographic responsible.
Oh well. Maybe there'll be a website like except it can be called
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
WTF!!! WTF!!! Living here in the third world (Miami the capital of the Caribbean) I meet people from the various shit-holes around the basin. This is the norm in the third world; corrupt, feckless, police forces and the people have to hire private security. This isn't the first time PK has written about this same thing, i.e. the need for private security. WTF do we pay taxes for anyway? What is NOPD or FergPD if not a force to protect essential business and the people?
"If it wasn't so dang cold in the winter, that's a place I probably wouldn't
mind calling home. Just the racial make up of the city itself is enough for
me to seal the deal. Hmmm, no wonder why you don't hear of much news at all
from a city like August, Maine. At 94.1% white, I'm pretty sure it's safe to
say that the city isn't going to suffer the same fate as De-toilet any time soon, eh! "
Not to mention very cheap land up here. I bought quite a bit of land in central Maine for 1000 an acre and I've seen plenty of larger lots for less. I visit family in Florida for the holidays and while fresh citrus and 70 degree days are nice there's something really special about going out to the local Wal-Mart to buy some ammo and not seeing a single jaboon. I've been back here for a couple weeks now and I haven't seen one. Not one spade.
After having to deal with sub-humans for a couple months everywhere I look, I always come back north thinking that single digit daytime temperatures for a few months is a small price to pay for not having to be around any TNB.
There's a special feeling you get when you go about your daily affairs surrounded by people who look and talk like you and hold the same general standards of morality and civilization. I'd recommend to anybody still living around negroes to get away from them at all costs. You can't put a price on peace of mind and tranquility.
Fortified communities with citizen patrols are the future. It's the wild west. Any whites who have the means to leave a black area or a soon to be black area needs to do it now. Once you go black you never go back.
remember Obama etc do what they can to import more 'dieversity',
This week in WSJ- Friday-page a3
Hysterical article on 'Killings beset Delaware'...'poor ybms'.
Remember WSJ is the enemy. There was an article [kid u not]
What happens when the ebt-suction 8 stops?
re,ink it will go on forever(?):
Pk, Everyday you're hitting it out of the park, my friend, keep up the good work! Btw, I'm reading Whitey on the Moon, great job. OT, as this is regarding comments from an anon and bernicegreenbaum regarding shipping containers from a few days ago... My thoughts are that the best way to about repatriation would be a two-pronged psyop campaign. First is to appeal to the base, I'm thinking a popular hip-hopper (a paid propaganda tool) showing the negro masses how cool it is to be in da muddaland. Lots of booty, free grape drank, jenkem and no YT there to keep a brother down. Second, appeal to the DWLs. They need to understand that reparations need to paid to the humble negro in the form of transit back to their native lands. Something like, "The U.S. allowed kidnapping and human trafficking that destroyed black families! The only way to right this wrong is a paid one way ticket back to their home. This country is to evil and racist for the AA to ever prosper!" Can you imagine a platform of the DNC for a right of negro return? Once they adopt it as a "civil right" the GOP will be quick to follow. Honestly, I know this is all wishful thinking. I do believe the point of no return has been passed and the only thing left, like PK says, is to survive.
OT: Arrogant Fat Negro Rapper Punches White Woman in the Face Then Carries on Playing Guitar
Afroman, the rapper behind the hit song “Because I Got High,” was arrested and charged with assault after punching a female fan on stage Tuesday night in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Hit song? Really? "Because I Got High" is supposedly a song, I guess.
I have heard this "song" before. I could write tripe like that in probably less than one hour.
I have been working on a song of my own, actually. Here are what lyrics I have for it so far:
A whigger chick went to dance near Afroman the black --
She thought everything was okay and she could relax --
Suddenly Afroman chimped out and went on the attack --
Then the whigger chick's face received a huge smack --
Moral of the story: Around blacks never relax!
Okay then, so when will I get some money for my "musical talents" or whatever? LOL
"WALK IN LARGE GROUPS". Just like sheep do. On another note, Kwame Kilpatrick, the imprisoned ex-Mayor of Destroit, just divulged that the residents would be praying for a White savior to come along and save the city:
Ape apps. I like it. This could catch on.
New Orleans sounds like such a Vibrant city !!!!!! I wish my town wasn't so cracka-white-ass boring.
I want some diversity so I can enjoy vibrancy and to make my community stronger.........I learned all this in college......
Hey, if this is America, I hate it too...............
Ricky you read my mind here. What you wrote is common sense to most people that can see. Anybody that cares about a NAPA's feelings more than their own safety deserves a Darwin Award, it's just that simple.
SC Native
I agree with all your comments concerning black America. Hopefully this post gets through because none of my other ones have.
I can't help but feel the end is approaching for BRA. Godspeed to each of you, and may the white people win the day.
If I might comment on the writer of this blog: you sir deserve a standing ovation for your timely articles.
If this post makes it, so be it; but I hope that PK will realize that he is not alone. There are more of us than he can imagine (men and women.) Some of the best posts have been written by women.
Segregation is the only way now!
I live in a northern area with relatively few negroes, outside a core concentration in a nearby large city. I had occasion to be at a small hospital the other day. Not in the ER, just normal check-in to see a Dr. that worked there. There were about 4 people/groups in the receiving area at the time, not particularly crowded.
While giving the receptionist my information, I overhear the conversation in the booth next to me. It is an authentic African negro discussing applying for financial aid. Along with him were two women, both dressed in African-like garb and muslim head scarf. Both had a distant, uninterested look on their faces. I'd call it bovine in nature. In tow were two little African children running around knocking into things and people.
The receptionist working with the African group was very solicitous, helpful in a way that suggested she was working with an honored guest. The African explained that he had no work.
This is your country. Welcoming unemployed, muslim Africans with dependent children to her shores. I hurried along as I had to return to work. My taxes will be due shortly.
We all know what is the ONLY way to bring back tourism to New Orleans.
And to achieve it, it would take a helluva lot of Whites to displace the blacks.
Delaware dude here. to Anon @11:29 said don't mention Augusta, Maine; I was in Maine in July and had breakfast at the local place and spoke with 3 LEO's at the next table. Lewiston is home to a whole tribe of Somalis courtesy of obozo and gang. he stated we were much better off coming to Augusta for breakfast as Lewiston is getting dangerous. how long before they roll into the capitol? stay safe and keep the 30 ft. distance.
The signmakers should save ink and just write "Avoid All Negroes".
I no longer have any sympathy for stupid people. Any one that would go to New Orleans for a vacation must be fringing brain dead. Maybe next year they can go to another fun spot like Camden, NJ.
Philadelphia Mike here.
I'm trying to come up with the name of a national organization for the mothers of children murdered by blacks.
M.A.M.A. Mothers Against Murderous Africans
M.A.A.M. Mothers Against African Murderers
I.M.A.M.A. Infuriated Mothers Against Murderous Africans
E.M.A.M.A. Enraged Mothers Against Murderous Africans
M.A.M.B.A. Mothers Against Murderous Black Africans
Any of them a winner?
If not, any other suggestions?
United We Stand. Divided We Fall.
It's time to mobilize.
Philadelphia Mike
New Orleans. It must have been an incredible city at one time.
Black Entropy. It's one of the Laws of the Universe, I guess.
Philadelphia Mike
Rudy, now share the genome secrets about negroes. One-two truthpunch will make you our next Prez!
The sign above says “Caution - WALK IN LARGE GROUPS”. It should read “Caution – WATCH OUT FOR BLACKS”.
That about sums it up.
Think of what your ancestors have survived over the eons to get your DNA where it is now... MUCH worse than the low IQ apes troubling us now. This problem can and will be fixed by Whitey. We're just getting over the massive brainwashing that has left us exposing our collective jugular to these animals. Our warrior spirits will eventually emerge and the fight for survival will begin.
It will not be pretty for the negroes.
Those who will not partake, will stand by and do nothing. The past support system NAPAs had is dramatically receding.
A few hot weekends this Summer and the game is on.
"Anonymous said...
The white businessman is a capitalist pig who oppresses the poor downtrodden noble magic negro daily.
The great leap forward under Imam Hussein the Christ Messiah will usher in a glorious 1000 year hopetopia with no YT crackas or their tricknology.
To each according to his needs, workers of the world unite!
February 21, 2015 at 4:47 AM"
Sort of funny. I get the sarcasm.
"It is now raycis and shit to say the communist anti white OBAMA doesnt like America. Rudy Guilianni for President..."
I'm not sure if Rudy would have a chance in this country now. I'm glad he spoke out and is willing to take the blow back.
"... the breakdown of negro famblies as the source of negros' dysfunction. "
The important distinction here is that "broken" families aren't the cause OF TNB, they are caused BY TNB. This can't be stressed enough because"right wing" narrative is simply the paintjob theory blaming "liberals" as opposed to "racism" and "ELOS(TM)" as the source of negro dysfunction.
In truth, negroes are not impulsive and irresponsible primitives because they can't hold a family together, but rather they cannot maintain civilization even at it's most fundamental unit (the nuclear family) because they are irresponsible and impulsive primitives.
It's fitting 2015 is the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, for no force of nature threatens the stability and civility of a city like its black population.
Quiz question for the day.
From which disaster will a city have the most difficulty in recovering?
* A hurricane
* An atom bombing
* A majority black population
Serious thought: I see a terrific investment opportunity based on our favorite topic. A mutual fund that specifically is designed to profit from the increasing (and guaranteed) dysfunction of the American Negro. It invests in security services, weapons and ammunition, security systems, personal protection devices, video surveillance, KFC franchises, etc, etc.
We're going the way of South Africa, and these businesses did well there. Invest before the temperatures rise and the orcs thaw out. A very long, hot Summer lies before us...
Lately I've found a great pleasure in referring to blacks as "Negroes" when discussing various topics with Liberal friends.
They freak out and I just remain completely neutral. Nothing wrong with that term. So funny to see them squirm. Try it.
When someone commits their first violent felony they should be tagged like an animal being studied. A wireless transmitter than can then be picked up by an app on a smartphone that alerts the phone owner to a violent person in their vicinity.
I'm positive this thing would help dramatically lower orc on Human crime.
And make a mint for the app developer.
Has anyone else noticed that the Media is decrying Rudy's comments yet have not disproven a thing he has said?
"Lewiston is home to a whole tribe of Somalis courtesy of obozo and gang. he stated we were much better off coming to Augusta for breakfast as Lewiston is getting dangerous"
Actually the orcs came to Lewiston under the watch of great "conservative" GW Bush.
Still though they are very well isolated and contained. Even right next door in Auburn you rarely see more than 1 or 2 strays.
According to locals the primitives will team up with 2 or 3 families living in one unit of their section ape apartment complex and they'll use the other 2 to raise livestock. Goats are free-ranged right indoors and cabinets are converted into chicken coops. They're just like us after all....
While it was quite easy to slip through these mongrels when people in Maine had never seen a negro outside of their television, I have yet to talk to anybody who would agree to take in any more of them.
On Topic:
I've been to NO Orleans once. Never again. There are nice parts of Louisiana but not NOLA.
Re: Rudy
I must add that Rudy will start tripping over his words in the coming days. He will hate being called a racist. Oh, the irony.
There used to be "sundown towns" in America where blacks had to be outside city limits by sunset--or else! These towns were terribly unfair to blacks, and all that sort of thing. But two observations:
* When you had sundown towns, did white people have to be advised to walk in groups for their own safety?
* Who is now being subjected to sundown towns? White people, of course. The streets of YT's own cities are unsafe for an evening stroll. Come to think of it, the streets are unsafe for strolling in broad daylight.
Which gets to my point: the civil rights revolution did not result in equality. It resulted in the replacement of white dominance of the streets with black dominance of the streets. Black dominance is exercised through criminal violence, flashmobs, driveby shootings, ad nauseam.
We see this play out in the Ferguson Fracas where blacks gained physical dominance over urban spaces by pillaging businesses, blocking traffic and invading white cultural events. A century ago all this would have been called a "race riot." Even as recently as the 1990s, the Rodney King Riot led to massive intervention by law enforcement, and some militia action by Korean business owners. Compare that to the anemic response by the authorities to the Ferguson Fracas. In the year 2015, newspeak turns black street terrorists into "teens" (or "unarmed" teens), the Ferguson rioters into "protesters," and the government stand down of law enforcement into "saving lives."
It all adds up to YT losing control of his own streets.
The last half century has seen an insurgency fought against white people. Black criminals are the foot soldiers, "activists" are the revolutionary cadre, and DWLs the useful idiots. The insurgency is fought on many fronts: media, academia, and increasingly through the government. And yes, we can add in various oligarchs whose power expands exponentially as BRA cements its grip.
There's a term used by insurgent theorists for this sort of thing: "protracted struggle." The revolution takes place over an extended period of time as it builds strength, and the balance of perceptions change. Dominance is gained from the streets to the smoke filled rooms. What would have been considered unacceptable two or three decades ago is today the commonplace.
Something to think about when strolling down Main Street USA...
The easiest and most common-sense solution is to not go to New Orleans.
Why would you? There are literally signs warning pedestrians that they are unsafe walking the streets.
That's all I need to know.
Plan vacations and conventions in affluent, safe, white areas.
Let black-infested tourist destinations, like black-infested malls and majority-black cities, die.
Another Anonymous said:
"Quiz question for the day.
From which disaster will a city have the most difficulty in recovering?
* A hurricane
* An atom bombing
* A majority black population"
The first have been recovered from, do we have any evidence from anywhere on the planet that a city has recovered from a majority black population and become a pleasant and productive place to live?
The people who go to New Orleans like to drink booze so they can get drunk and fucked up. Then when they are nice and shit faced they stagger around the streets making themselves perfect prey for the local predator population.
They actually paid good money to go down there so they could get mugged, robbed and beat up. I don't give a rats ass about people like that. I am not opposed to the elimination of the nerd population.
Lost-in-Miami here,
How about standard yellow caution signs that say, "Caution BLACKS Next 5 miles."
Sketch factor is a good start. The DWL crowd said it was to keep whites away from blacks. There on to it but what can they do? Nothing.
A good start but we need more apps like this, great idea.
Californian said...
There used to be "sundown towns" in America where blacks had to be outside city limits by sunset--or else! These towns were terribly unfair to blacks, and all that sort of thing. But two observations:
* When you had sundown towns, did white people have to be advised to walk in groups for their own safety?
* Who is now being subjected to sundown towns? White people, of course. The streets of YT's own cities are unsafe for an evening stroll. Come to think of it, the streets are unsafe for strolling in broad daylight.
Which gets to my point: the civil rights revolution did not result in equality. It resulted in the replacement of white dominance of the streets with black dominance of the streets. Black dominance is exercised through criminal violence, flashmobs, driveby shootings, ad nauseam.
We see this play out in the Ferguson Fracas where blacks gained physical dominance over urban spaces by pillaging businesses, blocking traffic and invading white cultural events. A century ago all this would have been called a "race riot." Even as recently as the 1990s, the Rodney King Riot led to massive intervention by law enforcement, and some militia action by Korean business owners. Compare that to the anemic response by the authorities to the Ferguson Fracas. In the year 2015, newspeak turns black street terrorists into "teens" (or "unarmed" teens), the Ferguson rioters into "protesters," and the government stand down of law enforcement into "saving lives."
It all adds up to YT losing control of his own streets.
The last half century has seen an insurgency fought against white people. Black criminals are the foot soldiers, "activists" are the revolutionary cadre, and DWLs the useful idiots. The insurgency is fought on many fronts: media, academia, and increasingly through the government. And yes, we can add in various oligarchs whose power expands exponentially as BRA cements its grip.
There's a term used by insurgent theorists for this sort of thing: "protracted struggle." The revolution takes place over an extended period of time as it builds strength, and the balance of perceptions change. Dominance is gained from the streets to the smoke filled rooms. What would have been considered unacceptable two or three decades ago is today the commonplace.
Something to think about when strolling down Main Street USA...
Far and away the most consistently intelligent contributor to this comment section.
So much here...
Californian is right-- I read in a Communist Party USA publication that negro street crime is an important part of the socialist revolution.
I have thought and said for a long time now that reform is impossible from within. It will only come forced from abroad. As Russia and China start dumping treasuries and moves are made away from the dollar as the reserve currency, the hand is already on the plug, ready to pull.
Not just because of your "racism," but because of everything about you, American pop culture despises you for being "boring" and "white bread." Only non-whites are "vibrant." The very virtues you cite are scorned. "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go."
Yup, and when it does happen to a DWL, don't expect your libtard friends to defend you just like that SPLC author who got tagged by a bunch of nogs a few months ago. Absolutely zero loyalty and integrity.
You should see what these feral creatures are doing out in the east coast. Check out the usual suspect 3 pictures down.
I totally agree with you, but just to clarify: the owners of all those properties that are rented out to the blacks that receive section 8, HEAP, HUD Vouchers, foodstamps, workers comp, disability / SSI, and unemployment are White landlords... Sometimes Indian or Arab,but mostly White.. Your neighborhood turning into a negro nest is what pays these landlords, who would never themselves live in the neighborhoods where they rent.
Basically you have laziness, which sums up the negros, and then you have greed, which sums up the landlords.. It's not enough for a landlord to own their own home. They have to own yours too, and a dozen others as well. Imagine how different life would be if there was a law stating that no person could own more then two properties.. then every hard working person could own a home.. but as long as greedy rental " companies" are allowed to own 200 properties, there will always be a vast najorityof hardworking people paying MORE then the mortgage every month in RENT, living with negro neighbors that don't work and stay up til 5 am making noise and smoking marijuana..
Without some IQ prerequisite (such as typing a phrase in proper English) I can see how vibrant youth could make false reports and really mess with the system. This is the kid of commitment I like to see though. Although he seems to already have funding lined up, I'm sure plenty of people would crowdfund something of this nature/importance. If he is successful (and it sounds like he will be) these kind of outfits could spring up at a mall near you. Then we could have discussions on the reason why we need such additions to our communities. I'll take civilization and security and... oh wait, I only get 2 choices?!?
Also gotta note, Rex H. you are one of my favorite contributors to this site. It's like you are reading my mind before some of your posts. That RHHNSAA was a great bit. That was a bit, right?
Anonymous sez...
Lately I've found a great pleasure in referring to blacks as "Negroes" when discussing various topics with Liberal friends.
They freak out and I just remain completely neutral. Nothing wrong with that term. So funny to see them squirm. Try it.
I have. They do. It's funny. And if anyone says anything to me, like, "Negroes!!! What is this, 1963????"
I say, "No, it's what they were called then and what they called themselves that year and I see nothing wrong with that, particularly since I was born that year myself."
They literally have nothing to say at that point since you have said nothing incorrect or "rayciss"". I encourage you all to do likewise. It can be done without being dismissive or confrontational. (I love the term 'negroes'. I think it's very apropos. - Shiite like that scares the bejeezus out of white libs, at least the older ones.)
"Lately I've found a great pleasure in referring to blacks as "Negroes" when discussing various topics with Liberal friends.
They freak out and I just remain completely neutral. Nothing wrong with that term. So funny to see them squirm. Try it."
I do this. I point out that the term was good enough for JFK and MLK.
DWLs need to go to New Orleans with their families and for company business trips. It's important that they feel the full weight of the hammer of DIE*versity. Perhaps that will help reality at last enter their thick skulls, although I have my most grievous doubts.
Anonymous @ 4:25
Few off the top of my head, I'm sure more will come to mind as well.
You know those driving apps that point out cops waiting in speed traps for commuters? Well, how about a suspicious person app, and people can add a +1 to the location (or whatever) if they have noticed the person too. Or you could just put KFC bucket icon on the map in place of the "hazard".
People use apps/website to check out demographics before moving to certain areas for schools and such. Why not one compiled by a SBPDLer or someone who was dedicated and verifiable who could tell you block to block vibrancy information? You would find a place you wanted to go, and then enter it into the app. It would tell you past statistics/regional info and maybe even gun laws, etc.
An app that tracks sporting events (i.e. bakkaball) and sets a safe radius perimeter for certain hot spots so peaceful citizens can go about their business without the added worry of being mugged/harassed.
A request help app. This one needs more fleshing out, but it would basically alert interested persons such as you or I as to possible situations so we can help notify authorities, get criminals on camera, or help scare predators off.
Another fambly wins the negro lottery:
Oh! The humanity! Look to see more negro "fambly" members, especially young ones, being sacrificed in order to get on The Great Gravy Train of Gibsmuhdats. Yes, you heard it here first. If you'll recall, a few months back I chronicled the case of a coal burning wench former work mate of my husband who, along with her bastard niglet, earned enough money through "Gofundme" to come back to North Carolina after the Michigan winters got to be too much for her. There is no shame anymore. None.
Look, when you Shiite out a new niglet every nine months with the regularity of someone who eats a fair amount of fiber and visits the toilet five times each day, what's the big loss if one of your turds gets frozen every now and again? Hell, I could put some cute ribbons and perhaps a bib on some of my turds before flushing. Setting up a "Gofundme" page for my turds never occurred to me, until now.
I respect the attempt to stand against the criminal swamping of a beautiful and historic area. But what happens when an "unarmed teen" aka Negro Thug gets killed by someone on watch? Will it be Trayvon/Michael part three? How can you actually *control crime* without engaging with criminals? My sympathies go out to the White people trying to keep the French Quarter civilized.
ya mentioned Somalis - out to overtake and tax USA, given a chance.
Negroes Destroy; Humans Build.
Is there any more direct truthful statement?
Groid lovers... can you refute it based on worldwide historical data?
You can't; so we won't wait.
Just get out of the way...
Lost-in-Miami here,
Anony said, "WALK IN LARGE GROUPS". Just like sheep do.
Yeah, like hyenas and gazelles; we're the prey and they're the predators.
And what causes the breakdown of negro famblies? Negros!
Why doesn't Ferguson sue the federal government for interfering in their criminal investigations? Oh yeah, it involves africans.
Why are africans so protected when they're not even on the endangered species list?
Whites create, Asians imitate, blacks dilapidate
Don't be so quick to give up here. An DWL, politician, liberal, etc that started bitching and complaining about returning africans to the mudder land, would be provide free passage with the poor oppressed so as to provide love and comfort. After all, if they really feel that strongly towards their negroes, we shouldn't stand in the way.
Sorry, if New Orleans was free of blacks and 3 bedroom 2 bath houses were only $1,000 each, I'd pass. I don't want to live that close to the sea and live below sea level.
Re: the white female grinding with Afroman. You reap what you sew. Her actions were disgraceful and I hope that she learned her lesson. She should consider herself lucky that she made it out alive.
"A mutual fund that specifically is designed to profit from the increasing (and guaranteed) dysfunction of the American Negro."
These already exist by investing in stocks of corporations that profit from EBT. Google("who profits from EBT?").
Things are getting wild in my neck of the woods. The ASU course on the "Problem with Whiteness" has made national news. I'm a millennial who never went to college or university; it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Don't waste time or money on institutions that teach you to loathe yourself, and that print you useless degrees. There was another incident as ASU that made national news, where a negress named Professor Ore claimed she was assaulted by a police officer while jaywalking. She resisted arrest and was taken to court, but is now trying to file a lawsuit for two million dollars. Talk about ghetto lottery. The usual DWLs are crying racism and leading the movement for "Professor Ore". Look it up in Google for more information.
I've been to the Big Easy numerous times. Its fairly easy to avoid TNB, but you literally have to be on edge the whole time you're there. There are negros everywhere, very few "ten per centers", and lots of no go zones. One of the most beautiful and historic cemeteries, St. Louis #1, is right next to the Iberville Projects. Naive tourists get mugged there all the time. The Quarter is beautiful as well, but not a place to get drunk. The neighborhoods surrounding it are extremely dangerous, and forget about going to the Lower 9th. NOLA is only for the brave and adventurous, or the naive and stupid.
Stay safe out there. Shoutout to AZDesertRat and The Baron in Austin. I've spent lots of time in Austin as well, I love Barton Springs!
Hello friends,
Of course a WHITE business man fills the void.
I just did the math on what nogs cost the US. My basis was on 100 blacks: 30 working making 30k, 30 getting welfare, 5 in jail, 5 on social security, and 30 kids.
They cost approximately, this is a LOW BALL, 400 billion... That is a VERY positive estimate, giving them much more credit then they deserve and deflating numbers.
I would really like to see, or produce, an accurate true cost of the nog to America. Of course we see our cities go. Of course we die. But I'd like to see cold hard, irrefutable numbers. I bet non-black America would get a 6-12 percent raise if we didn't need to subsidize this cancer.
Any thoughts or links to real, hard stats? While we all know the Cosbys and a real-life nog or two that is the poster boy for their parasitic existence, real numbers could have an impact. We of course know. But a reputable accounting could make at least semi main-stream, right-wing media.
Segregation now. Please. I am white, I value life... Especially mine and my family's.
Realist in MA
About calling negroes, negroes...
Even where I live (very few negroes) I find friends smiling, and some laugh.
I also explain that in the 60s, that was what they were called. I remember a friend in the military saying. Im not black, not a nigger, im a negroe.
So im just keeping up the tradition.
If my previous comment about the costs of nogs gets posted, guess what? It cost every American worker an average of 4k per year for the nogs.
This is a very, VERY conservative number.
I assume there's 100 million working Americans splitting these nog bills.
Disney Land? Nope kids... College? Take some more loans... Or, if you're less fortunate, Dinner dad? Nope. We had a good lunch--we're too proud to beg or eat what we didn't earn.
Or, hey dad, I don't want to work at the supermarket after school, I want to play football..."sorry son. we need that money for food and clothes for your sister. Jamal will play though."
I ask God to remove hate from heart for people and mankind daily. He does that for me. He also gives me knowledge that the nog is not people nor mankind.
As someone else wrote, the blood of conquerors pumps through your veins.
Realist in MA
The information I believe is correct, however, the years are not. I recall visiting almost 25 years ago and it was nasty with crime then. This Mr. Torres guy and his family are loaded with money!!! Funny thing if it is the right Torres and not his son, he owns a sanitation business. How appropriate as he deals in waste. Just like Orcs equal waste!! Damn Shame he has to come out of pocket for the safety of people. I only visit the quarter these days in the day time. But since it is a huge tourist area Orcs always on the prowl.
Not that I regard this lightly, but does anyone else find it appalling that actual human beings receive treatment every bit as brutal but garner nowhere near the outrage expressed in the comments? Apparently, PETA code trumps race in the bizarre mind of the DWL.
It's funny. And if anyone says anything to me, like, "Negroes!!! What is this, 1963????"
"No, but we can go back to 1863 if you like."
Caution: Live In White Groups.
If you find that using the word "negro" gets people's panties all twisted up in a knot, try using the word "colored."
Many people will literally freak out and say, "COLORED? Really?! Really?! Are you serious?!"
I do this all the time with the predictable reactions. I then refer them to the name of the NAACP which, of course, includes "colored people."
Using the word "negro" also gets the same kind of reaction although perhaps not as outraged. Again, I refer them to the United NEGRO College Fund.
The general consensus of the outraged is that (being white) I have no right to use the terms "negro" or "colored" even if they exist as part of the names of black orgs.
I then respond by telling the outraged, "You know what? You're a fucking racist! You want to determine what people can say or not say based solely on the color of the speaker's skin! You disgust me! Next thing you know, you'll want to punish me for daring to have freedom of speech! How dare that white man say something we don't approve of! Hmmph! When are you going to form a lynch mob?"
It generally leaves them standing there with their mouths hanging wide open (in shock) and shuts them up completely.
The more argumentative ones will say, "No, it's not like that. It's about being sensitive."
I then reply, "I see. So, if I'm not "sensitive" and don't follow the rules you approve of, that's when you want to attack and punish? Is that it? You're some kind of mentally ill control freak, aren't you? Again, you disgust me!"
Leaves them utterly flabbergasted and speechless.
"I would really like to see, or produce, an accurate true cost of the nog to America."
Just the outright obvious stuff (welfare and cost of prison) is staggering, but consider the other costs. Ruination of infrastructure and public places, huge medical costs absorbed by the producers (every time you read about some negro atrocity in the news YT's picking up the million dollar tab to patch up Bellcurvios and Co. and put them back on the skreets). ]
The cost of everything goes up by their inclusion. You are forced to hire unproductive negroes in your business, in government jobs you need 4 negroes + 1 white to do a job that the one white can probably (and likely is) doing by him or herself while the negroes are bix nooding on their sail phomes or playing grab-ass in their ceaseless mating rituals.
That's just what I can think of in a stream of consciousness rant. Every time you see TNB in person or in the news, think of how that's costing YT. You will see it everywhere.
Lost-in-Miami here,
Anonymous said...
Think of what your ancestors have survived over the eons to get your DNA where it is now... MUCH worse than the low IQ apes troubling us now. This problem can and will be fixed by Whitey. We're just getting over the massive brainwashing that has left us exposing our collective jugular to these animals. Our warrior spirits will eventually emerge and the fight for survival will begin.
This is true. However, long suppressed archaeological evidence indicates that White people were ran out of North America once before. Yes the Mestizos swarmed in over the land bridge and eventually either exterminated or miscegenated us out of existence on the North American Continent. Did you think that those Pueblos in Arizona and New Mexico and the pyramids in Central and South America were built by Mestizos? Please! Get real.
Any place on earth where you find lasting architecture (esp. pyramids), written language, law, astronomy, mummification, the wheel, in short Civilization, it was the work of White people. Yes embrace our achievements from, the Great Pyramids to Angkor Watt to the Taj Mahal to the Ziggurats of Iraq to Nazca Lines to the monoliths on Easter Island ALL BUILT BY WHITE PEOPLE!!! That may be racism, but it is also the truth. The Northeast Asians (Orientals) learned their building skills from us; that's a fact. The Orientals are brilliant people in their own right but they tend toward stagnation and feudalism. It is all there in the Archaeological Record. White people, the Aryans in particular, are the Prometheus of the human race (18).
We alone brought the fire of Philosophy, Science and Mathematics down from the heavens. If these facts are racist then we must boldly proclaim ourselves as RACISTS! This is our history; let them have peanut butter and Buddhism. We need to embrace and disseminate these facts that the University-re-education system has so ruthlessly suppressed. WE MUST NEVER SURRENDER OUR HISTORY AGAIN! Lest we be driven from North America a second time.
The cost of supporting the American negro has taken us from the space-age down the road to the stone-age again.
I don't like being held back in perpetuity while someone else who cannot catch up tries to.
Blacks need to step aside and let us do what we do, build empires and civilizations, not destroy them.
That's great! I love it and will try to remember that. Pointing out constitutional rights in the face of a liberal has got to be a sight to see.
Anon-yes, the medical bills and such are staggering. In the supermarket yesterday, I helped a nog in a wheelchair get his groceries on his arm in front of me (just to move him along and get me the out of that shitty part of the city).
In that short exchange and based on his appearance and verbal skills, he was 60, a soldier/thug that didn't die. I'm sure his medical bills cost whitey 1 mill a year of his worthless life. Probably lost his legs in gun fight with another drug dealer.
You are right--my numbers were strictly welfare/social security/employed vs unemployed...
The company I work for employs every color in the rainbow, many times over. There isn't one nog outside some cushy, corporate position that doesn't really do shit.
There are two of them. They do nothing... Come in at 9:45. Lunch is two hours and 15 minutes... Leave by 4:00. Not-kidding. They chase white women on the clock and smile and wave to all the producers.
Of course they are the best basketball players without trying.
Unless they're picking cotton, they're useless.
Realist in MA
I suspect Guiliani knows the genome secret all too well. He's Italian (most likely Sicilian) and my experience with Italians is that they are VERY race conscious. He knows it, but may not be ready to say it yet. I think he's testing the public opinion waters with these comments. He understands that timing is everything.
"Or you could just put KFC bucket icon on the map in place of the "hazard".
I need your address so I can send you a bill for all the wipes I had to use to clean my device of all the snot and soda I sprayed on it after reading your comment. Seriously, my freaking side hurts from laughing so damn hard.
Miss Georgia said...
[QUOTE]I suspect Guiliani knows the genome secret all too well. He's Italian (most likely Sicilian) and my experience with Italians is that they are VERY race conscious. He knows it, but may not be ready to say it yet. I think he's testing the public opinion waters with these comments. He understands that timing is everything.[QUOTE]
February 22, 2015 at 9:19 PM
Hey Miss Georgia,
See, you are truly on to something there. I'm Italian also, well mixed, but mostly Italian
anyways, and yes, I have to admit that I am very race conscious myself, even more so today
than ever before. I've had my awakening of already "being at the wrong place at the wrong
time" but luckily got to live through it, I think anyways, or in reality I'm still living
through it today.
But I just wanted to say thank you for that insight of a comment. You truly had to make me
stop and ponder that for a moment of how "dead on" your comment truly is, especially with
somebody such as myself. Natural intellect, something many of us are just born with.
There are truly some wicked folks out there.
I just hope that if I'm caught up in the "wrong place at the wrong time" scenario again
that they will actually call it for what it is when they then label it a "robbery gon' wrong",
you know. I could have been prepared the first time around if only I would have known, but I
took the whole situation in a positive light and got prepared after that, so hopefully if I
had to go through with it again, that unlike last time, this outcome is much, much different
this time around ;)
They took something from me that there would only be one way for me to get it back now.
If someone doesn't want to pay cash for their mistakes then in my book, they deserve to
pay for it in another way. How they did it back in the day is the way it needs to be done
today. Simple as that. We're literally dealing with it the exact opposite manner today.
It's sickening and pathetic, something needs to give.
Good, now that we got Rudy AND McCain calling this imposter out.
Now only if they'd call out the true REAL enemies of it all and deal with them......
------------------------- The Jaded (Italian) Virgo -------------------------
Anonymous said...
"I would really like to see, or produce, an accurate true cost of the nog to America."
Just the outright obvious stuff (welfare and cost of prison) is staggering, but consider the other costs. Ruination of infrastructure and public places, huge medical costs absorbed by the producers (every time you read about some negro atrocity in the news YT's picking up the million dollar tab to patch up Bellcurvios and Co. and put them back on the skreets). ]
The cost of everything goes up by their inclusion. You are forced to hire unproductive negroes in your business, in government jobs you need 4 negroes + 1 white to do a job that the one white can probably (and likely is) doing by him or herself while the negroes are bix nooding on their sail phomes or playing grab-ass in their ceaseless mating rituals.
That's just what I can think of in a stream of consciousness rant. Every time you see TNB in person or in the news, think of how that's costing YT. You will see it everywhere.
February 22, 2015 at 6:36 AM
Right about now I think one word would sum up the thought of what negroes cost...
EVERYTHING known to MAN in OUR CIVILIZATION, it's being erased as we speak !!!!!
We're just talking sheeeeeeit..........and they're just doing.........itttttt.
Count how many cities in ameerka have been ruined by the negro.
The cost is too surreal to even think about in a conscious state of mind, I can't fathom it...
But instead get to witness it with my own eyes.......... Real Eyes Realize Real Lies....
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