Since the start of 2015, nine black juveniles have been shot in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Nine. [Girl, 9, ninth juvenile victim of gun violence in St. Louis in 2015,, 3-31-15]
Nine black juveniles shot by fellow blacks.
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You do know who the "we" means in this yard sign (commonly found in St. Louis) represents, right? |
Not police. Not members of the Klan. But by black people.
Only days before Easter (and a day before Good Friday), three black people would be murdered and four others shot. [3 dead, 4 injured in 4 shootings since Thursday evening in St. Louis, KMOV, 4-2-15]
And only one black person has dared to confront the rising levels of black-in-origin violence in St. Louis.
One. ['Lone Ranger' protester takes to the streets for the first time after St. Louis shooting, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 3-31-15]:
The Tuesday morning protest seemed odd compared to the crush of demonstrators, reporters and activists who flocked to Ferguson.
It consisted of one Michelle Hawkins, 49, walking laps around Ray Leisure Park at Park Avenue and Tucker Boulevard. A few cars passing by during morning rush hour honked. Some drivers flashed the peace sign back at her.
"I don't know what else to do," Hawkins said, large tears rolling down both sides of her face. "I don't want to live in fear, but it seems like that's what's it's coming to."
Like any day, she woke up Tuesday between 5:30 and 6 a.m. to take medication for poor circulation in her leg. The Navy veteran boiled an egg, brewed a cup of tea. She put on support stockings and walking shoes, but she felt more motivated than to just do laps around the park this time.
She'd heard all the gunfire the night before that killed a man and woman, and injured a 9-year-old girl in the hand. Hawkins, who has a grown daughter in community college, didn't have any art supplies laying around. She went across the street from her apartment and borrowed two crayons and one sheet of yellow paper from the same rec center that serves as the city's emergency homeless shelter during cold nights.
She drew six hearts on the paper and spelled out the word "PEACE" in large letters.
"You don't need a big crowd to make a big shine," she said. "The Lone Ranger made a big impact."
She did what she thought she could do to avoid any more violence by carrying her sign.
"You know, we just spread peace one slice at a time," she said.But there was no we.
It was just Hawkins who said she was protesting for the first time in her life.It's funny: back in 1961 (when St. Louis was 28 percent black), Martin Luther King addressed a black church, and he said, "Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent (sic) of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of its crimes? We've got to face that. And we've got to do something about our moral standards," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told a congregation in 1961. "We know that there are many things wrong in the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world, too. We can't keep on blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves."
Blacks just don't care. Blaming the "white man" is a successful tactic for blacks to immunize themselves and their community from any criticism (primarily because so many Disingenuous White Liberals will immediately concede this blame); and when you have a black President of United States of America and a black Attorney General of Department of Justice who have spent months blaming the white men of Ferguson for black people's problems, who would even believe there is anything wrong in the black world?
Enter the black clergy, demanding jobs as a stop-gap against the black violence in St. Louis driving away jobs... [Local clergymen taking stand against gun violence in St. Louis,, 4-3-15]:
A recent round of shootings has prompted pastors in north St. Louis to start a plan of action to fight violent crime.
Pastors of local African American Methodist Episcopal Churches (AME) said Thursday's three double shootings was the last straw.
“I know the Christian church does not tolerate this kind of hatred or this kind of killing. The question what are we going to do?” said Pastor Spencer L. Booker of St. Paul AME Church.
At a Good Friday service Booker announced that local AME congregations would join with other churches this summer to promote an extensive anti-violence campaign.
“It's devastating and deadly,” said Jeffrey Boyd, the 22nd Ward Alderman. He says he knows the father of one of the shooting victims in one of the double shootings. He knows police can't be on every street corner. The city offers recreation centers and many resources to help families and youth, but Boyd says he thinks that's not enough.
“I guarantee you most of the violence we see in our neighborhoods, when you dig deep enough, go back to the family structure,” Boyd said.
AME church leaders say they want an effort to reduce to the number of guns in the urban core, and plan to set up GED programs. They also will be pressing business and community leaders to create jobs, but pastors say young people need to learn to respect human life.
"Respect for human life...?"
Enter The Evening Whirl, a black-run paper in St. Louis that has documented black crime and depravity for 77 years. [Inside St Louis's lurid crime tabloid: 'There's a callousness about the value of life here', The Guardian, 3-31-15]:
“Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. That’s how three street goons came at a dude as he said goodbye to his lovely wife on the North Side last week. If that’s too much for you, pick up the Times and read the theatre reviews.”
So begins a typical article from the Evening Whirl, St Louis’s weekly print tabloid which bills itself as “an uninterrupted crime-fighting publication since 1938”. As the world’s attention fell on Ferguson last fall, the Whirl, resolutely non-digital, flew under the radar. But the paper is a St Louis institution: a 77-year-old, African American-run media enterprise that speaks to the complicated questions of race, crime and policing dogging the region today.
For those 77 years, the Evening Whirl has covered the underworld of St Louis in lurid language, cataloging crimes under headlines like “Loon Chucks Shiv at 5-0” and “Bungling Bandit Bagged and Booked”. Regular features include a column called Where Not To Be, which provides a helpful map of where readers are most likely to be murdered, and Behind the Bars, an advice column from a prisoner named Jus Bleezy, who in the latest issue calls upon readers not to flush their lives “down the drain for a chain and some street fame”.
Many articles start with a question: “WHY did a stone-cold gunslinger end a South Side squabble with slugs?” asks one query. “WHO is the con man from the womb who can steal the tighty off your whities that is being sought by North Patrol?” asks another. There are no bylines, giving it the feel of omniscient narration from an alternatively bemused and outraged voice.
You can’t find the Evening Whirl online – it is only available for $1.50 at gas stations and convenience stores. Its strongholds are the impoverished neighborhoods of St Louis proper and north St Louis County, the suburban area that includes Ferguson. The Whirl is also available across the street from the St Louis County police headquarters, where it is devoured by cops chasing gossip and leads.
“People read the Whirl because we tell it like it is,” says Anthony Sanders, the paper’s 55-year-old editor-in-chief. “If you’re a criminal and we feel that you’re a scumbag, then that’s what we call you.”
Sanders took over the Whirl in 1995 following the long tenure of Ben Thomas, an entrepreneur who founded the paper in 1938 to document St Louis’s black nightlife. Thomas soon realized he had an audience hungry for crime, and for seven decades the Whirl documented St Louis’s spiral into poverty and depravity, at times attracting national media attention.
“There is a callousness about the value of life here, period,” says Sanders. “We are among the most savage and brutal people on the face of the earth. We are killing people indiscriminately. It doesn’t always have to be gang or drug related. There are people just going off and killing people. That happens all over the country.”
Since the Ferguson protest movement began, detractors have responded with the catch-all question: “What about black-on-black crime?” It’s a question that stems from the baseless assumption that black communities do not really care about violence, or grieve their own losses. The Whirl, for all its breathless tabloid hectoring, is a rebuttal to that derailment. Its purple prose rides the line between condemnation and celebration, but its stock in trade is morality tales.The racial angle to St. Louis' spiral into poverty and depravity is, of course, unworthy of mentioning by anyone in polite society.
But, then again, in polite society white people must endure racial taunts as they eat their brunch...
Black Lives Don't Matter.
They never have, and they never will.
Ferguson was a story only because it's necessary to remove control of police departments from local hands to federal ones in Washington; and high rates of black criminality serve as a way to cleanse communities of pesky middle-class white people who would otherwise stay there for generations and work to build equity in their homes.
A community can only be created when people have a vested interest in building something permanent, and the black underclass in America has been used by the ruling class as a biological weapon to destroy whatever social capital was erected (with the founding population quickly resorting to white flight/abandonment of the city).
If a people can't put roots down in a place, they'll never have anything to fight for (and the black underclass, equipped with Section 8 Vouchers, represent the equivalent of the herbicide Spike 80DF when it comes to eliminating those 'roots' necessary for the creation of social capital), which pretty much sums up America post-1948.*
It would seem from the article that Black lives DO matter to a tragically few lonely Black voices in the wilderness. To the rest they only matter when political opportunities present themselves.
Always glad when you get into discussing social capital. Blacks as fungicide to middle class values and their root base aptly describes the situations in many of these historically white areas. Keep the heat up, PK!
PK wrote: "A community can only be created when people have a vested interest in building something permanent, and the black underclass in America has been used by the ruling class as a biological weapon to destroy whatever social capital was erected (with the founding population quickly resorting to white flight/abandonment of the city)."
That is a more profoundly accurate summary of what is happening in America than you will ever read in any major newspaper in the nation. Why? Because the day the writer puts those words on a page is the day his or her career ends. The ruling class owns both the DWLs and the controlled "conservative" opposition. Their spats are nothing more than a charade to convince the proles that there is still a debate going on. All the while, the march toward a dumbed-down, subservient population with no moral compass that arises outside the direction of the state continues. The end game is to have an ignorant, mixed-race peasant army that can be manipulated into fighting any people the ruling class decides to subjugate, worldwide. Outlets like this one, which enable a few to create a countervailing narrative, are a target for elimination.
They tried to create the obedient, programmable army in the USSR. In doing so, they produced a state so dysfunctional, that it finally collapsed. The rats abandoned that ship well before it sank, and set up shop here. But, it won't work here, either. There will be a lot more deterioration and suffering before they realize they've only created ruin once again, pull up stakes, and move on.
Texas here:
That's an eye-opening King quote; I never heard that one before.
(Of course, he also said that blacks don't depreciate property value, so whatever.)
My favorite quote is what I call the "MLK Number"—$50 billion. That's how much he said, in the Playboy interview in 1964 (51 years ago), that we needed to spend to fix the Negroes:
"Playboy: Along with the other civil rights leaders, you have often proposed a massive program of economic aid, financed by the Federal Government, to improve the lot of the nation's 20,000,000 Negroes.... A nationwide program such as you propose would undoubtedly run into the billions.
King: About 50 billion, actually—which is less than one year of our present defense spending. It is my belief that with the expenditure of this amount, over a ten-year period, a genuine and dramatic transformation could be achieved in the conditions of Negro life in America. I am positive, moreover, that the money spent would be more than amply justified by the benefits that would accrue to the nation through a spectacular decline in school dropouts, family breakups, crime rates, illegitimacy, swollen relief rolls, rioting and other social evils."
I think that's about $375 billion in today's dollars.
Surely we've spent that? In welfare, set asides, Section 8, SNAP, etc.?
My point is: We gave them everything MLK dreamed of (he did have a dream, in case that hasn't been pounded into your head), and they're as dysfunctional as ever.
Why? PK will tell you: poor future time orientation, low IQ, low impulse control (and I think PK needs to had virtually all victims of child abuse).
Solid post.
"But, then again, in polite society white people must endure racial taunts as they eat their brunch..."
I have a feeling that things aren't going to stay polite too much longer.
There is a reason why ethnic groups and races have survived for thousands of years. It's part of nature.
To enforce one race upon another is not part of nature's plan. It only leads to conflict, strife, and violence.
We've seen it throughout history...we see it right now throughout the world. People of different religions can't even get along.
Just as the blacks in Africa don't want the White man forced upon them, the White man doesn't want the blacks forced upon him.
Philadelphia Mike
Our politicians world wide have sold us out for monetary gain and self preservation.
I'm sometimes reluctant to even think about the future here in the USSA. It seems like a no win outcome. There will either be complete mayhem, violence, and chaos if the Whites don't reassert themselves. Or there will be complete mayhem, violence, and chaos if the present racial conflicts and skirmishes escalate to a war.
Maybe the pasture is greener on the other side...down under...Australia and New Zealand.
Philadelphia Mike
"Humans Build, Blacks Destroy."
Poetic, isn't it? Shorter, even, than haiku.
The pure essence of our situation.
A sizable potion of black dysfunction can be explained by bad genes. Anthony Stokes could not change his spots because violence was a part of him. They are born to be lazy, dirty, untrustworthy, and vicious. Black Run America tries to play the part of Dr. Moreau and change the beasts into humans, but ultimately BRA will have the same result as the good doctor in turning animals into humans. The experiment of Dr. Moreau was a failure! The last scene in the Island of Dr. Moreau has the doctor being murdered by the same beasts he was trying to change. The animals rejected Dr. Moreau’s government, religion, and civilization! They chose to live like animals again.
DWLs are the enablers of the Negroes! They are the ones who play the part of Dr. Moreau; and will ultimately share the same fate as Dr. Moreau.
They can put all the signs up in St Louis or any black dominated areas saying, "Stop the Killing, or "We Need to Stop Killing Each Other," and it'll have as much effect as hanging toilet paper from tree branches would.
They might as well put up signs saying, "Dogs Need To Stop Licking Their Balls!"
None of it will have any effect whatsoever on the behavior of negroes or on the behavior of dogs.
It's all just putting up a front and engaging in "Looksatme!" behavior so they can preen before the public. It makes no difference at all- never has and never will.
Just ignore it as the meaningless attention seeking bullshit that it is.
Negroes aren't going to change anything except to make matters worse wherever they nest while making empty bombastic speeches about how "sumbody gots to do something!"
And the downward spiral continues unabated.
Next up: A march to end da violence and sheeit so sum rev'runs can get on da teebee news. Looksatme! Looksatme!
...which pretty much sums up America post-1948.
Hmm. What else happened in the world in 1948?
Just yesterday I had left a comment about how all races have good in them but there are always a few bad apples.
In this lady’s case she might actually shine and be the one good apple out of the entire orchard in St. Louis. She’s standing on the street crying, holding up a sign, she’s almost 50 years old, she doesn’t know what to do about the violence and she’s never protested anything in her life. She literally doesn’t know what to do and all she can do is cry.
Will it make a difference? People drive by and honk and throw up peace signs to her. And then what? 10 seconds after she leaves their rear views do they plot their next robbery? Go find another Ho to Meh dick? Pick up their phone from their lap and continue their conversation with their dealer? Ladies like this on the street you meet once in a blue moon and you think to yourself “you know what, she could actually be human! She might just be like us”. But it’s like trying to find Bigfoot or telling your buddies you saw a Mermaid when you were deep sea fishing. You know the reality and your mind is playing tricks on you. The Negro problem is so bad she’ll walk around for days and days in circles and nothing will ever come out of it
Not perfect but way greener
The St. Louis Blackimal Rag or whatever the groid newspaper is called references being founded in 1938 by a Negro businessman of some sort, to document black nightlife,it says.
Nightlife????? For blacks?????in 1938???? I thought the saintly negroes were too busy picking cotton 25 hours a day being oppressed, and getting lynched for jaywalking and stuff like that back then.
I didn't hear of "nightlife" outside of Auschwitz in 1938.
It's about time people start questioning and picking apart the mountain of bullshit that's been 50 years plus in the making about this-good luck. I recently met a white looking Puerto Rican (he grew up there and came here) who thought blacks were slaves in the South until the 1960s Not kidding.
Or as Livingstone phrased the same thing in the 19th century:
"It is hard to make them feel that the shedding of human blood
is a great crime ; they must be conscious that it is wrong, but, having been accustomed to bloodshed from infancy, they are remarkably callous to the enormity of the crime of destroying human life." — Livingstones Africa, page 217
"It’s a question that stems from the baseless assumption that black communities do not really care about violence, or grieve their own losses."
No, we know that they "grieve." Every time we see some sowpottamus wailing and screaming, "Mah baaabbby....he wuf a good boy who doan do nuffin," that's grieving. At least on a lower primate level. What they don't do is DO anything about it. At some point they expect someone to magically fix it - just like a baby who cries waits for somene to feed it and change its diaper.
"My point is: We gave them everything MLK dreamed of (he did have a dream, in case that hasn't been pounded into your head), and they're as dysfunctional as ever."
and that, in a nutshell, is the definition of negro fatigue
News Flash, a University of SC student has been suspended for using a racial slur. Keep it up DWL's, load the wagon. You make more realists every day.
I hope somebody tells her signs don't work if you can't read. The only thing that would work is a massive spay and neuter campaign. Or perhaps just cut of the gibs, it's the same thing.
Since colleges are full of Marxist DWL's this is to be expected. What's also to be expected is a decline in giving, that's how YT can fight this. The question is will YT do this?
SC Native
9 isn't enough. All the signage and dollars couldn't change a thing.
Realist in MA
I was raised outside of the US until I came here for university. As a child I read stories about Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, and wondered why the escaping slaves were not easily captured as they passed through the narrow isthmus of Panama.
Because, obviously, the "South" referred to South America, no?
American history can be rather opaque to those not raised with it. Many years of DWL propaganda have rendered it even more so than when I was a child, I sadly suspect.
Ferguson was a story only because it's necessary to remove control of police departments from local hands to federal ones in Washington; and high rates of black criminality serve as a way to cleanse communities of pesky middle-class white people who would otherwise stay there for generations and work to build equity in their homes.
Classic truth PK, another great article, thank you.
I used to read the Whirl years ago(1980's) for a good chuckle, it was a lot easier to find, now it's just sold in the high crime areas, I try to avoid the groid.
PK distill the situation down nicely:
Ferguson was a story only because it's necessary to remove control of police departments from local hands to federal ones in Washington; and high rates of black criminality serve as a way to cleanse communities of pesky middle-class white people who would otherwise stay there for generations and work to build equity in their homes.
A community can only be created when people have a vested interest in building something permanent, and the black underclass in America has been used by the ruling class as a biological weapon to destroy whatever social capital was erected (with the founding population quickly resorting to white flight/abandonment of the city).
You have to look at the ultimate political ends, i.e., what is it that those who control the System are really trying to do. It's the same old story, hostile elites agitate the underclass, using them as muscle against the middle.
What confuses me is why do WHITE media, talk like whites/especially cops are doing all the killing of blacks, when in reality that is such a rare event and it is often in self defense, example LISA BLOOM a blond haired white as can be female, always takes the side of blacks in racial cases, usually within hours or at most days, and she is a lawyer she should know as well as anyone, gathering information takes time, yet she makes a decision immediately, Al Sharpton takes the black side probably before it happened, but he is a clear tribalist, probably some white kid beat him up and he holds it against all whites, but what explains LISA BLOOM being so anti white? Is she just suffering from a severe case of ethno-masochism? Any one psychologists or anyone who has an opinion help me understand why Bloom, Robert Reisch and ESPECIALLY the WHITE Boston University professor who told his white students that they are no good and would help the world by killing themselves, If I was his student I would have asked him to lead by example?
PK, racist emails released by DOJ
Page 13, priceless
Here is the link to the Professor, his name is Noel Ignatiev.
The emails from Ferguson DOJ investigation are available, they're spot on.
Since the Evening Whirl specializes in telling local Negroes things that are true, wouldn’t an edition that spotlights how crime statistics keep repeating themselves in black St. Louis be apropos at this time? Even after the apotheosis of St. Michael, crime statistics of the past are a good predictor of tomorrow. The apotheosis of St. Michael has only emboldened the black reprobates who regular rape, rob, and murder with the tacit approval of the federal government.
The Whirl could show that for the last 30 to 40 years the great preponderance of murders was done black on black. If the Negro were to suddenly vanish from St. Louis County, the county would be almost crime free considering the size of St. Louis. Without Negroes St. Louis is probably one of the safest cities in the nation!
The black undertow is the culprit in a dying St. Louis. Places where businesses once thrived are replaced by urban blight! Civilized people flee this cesspool of black anarchy. St. Louis is not alone: Memphis, Detroit, and Selma also show the outcome of years of black run governments. These cities are bankrupt, corrupt, and crime ridden. Businesses (including Starbucks) flee these hell holes for white cities that work. Even the more enlighten blacks don’t want to live among their own kind; they want to live were the trash is picked up, and if one dials the police, they will get an answer.
The Whirl could show how blacks are the best predictor of the downfall of a community.
I loved it!!! LOL!!!
Wait, I was 'educated' to believe that all negroes prior to CRA were slaves and treated like dirt. How did this guy get enough free time from all that cotton-picking and general slavery to be able to start a rag about negro nightlife?
Lisa Bloom hates white people and jumps to snap conclusions without evidence, as a lawyer. Why does she do it? Because it gets her attention. Just like Al, Jesse, and the rest of the cadre of media heads race-baiters and poverty pimps. That's why they don't show up when yet another negro murders yet another negro daily around the nation. There is no news there, no shock value, nothing that is going to get people talking or paying attention to their idiot-box.
But when some negro dies at the hands of a YT, that will get sensational headlines. Jumping on that bandwagon will get your name out there. That's how we even know Lisa Bloom's name. See how that worked? Whether there is any validity to the narrative that an evil YT has committed the greatest sin of all time by being racist, DOES NOT MATTER. That was never the point.
re, Anonymous said...
"Humans Build, Blacks Destroy." Poetic, isn't it?
I prefer;
Whites create
yellow imitate [they have chameleon gene]
blacks devastate, desecrate.
I forgot - they immolate.
PK said, Ferguson was a story only because it's necessary to remove control of police departments from local hands to federal ones in Washington; and high rates of black criminality serve as a way to cleanse communities of pesky middle-class white people who would otherwise stay there for generations and work to build equity in their homes.
A community can only be created when people have a vested interest in building something permanent, and the black underclass in America has been used by the ruling class as a biological weapon to destroy whatever social capital was erected (with the founding population quickly resorting to white flight/abandonment of the city).
If a people can't put roots down in a place, they'll never have anything to fight for (and the black underclass, equipped with Section 8 Vouchers, represent the equivalent of the herbicide Spike 80DF when it comes to eliminating those 'roots' necessary for the creation of social capital), which pretty much sums up America post-1948.*
Love your use of the English language. Drives the point home in a way everyone can understand. Although it pisses off DWL's and Negroes to the bitter end.
Anonymous said...
What confuses me is why do WHITE media, talk like whites/especially cops are doing all the killing of blacks, when in reality that is such a rare event and it is often in self defense, example LISA BLOOM a blond haired white as can be female, always takes the side of blacks in racial cases, usually within hours or at most days, and she is a lawyer she should know as well as anyone, gathering information takes time,
I've never heard of this Lisa Bloom, never seen her on TV, but this is the advantage of being a bigot. I hear "Bloom", I hear "lawyer", in the context of "media", and it all makes sense.
So, I do a search to confirm what I'm already pretty sure of, and I find her bio.
That doesn't tell me what I want to know, but it links to her mother's bio. This also doesn't explicitly confirm my suspicion, but there's a picture.
Oh, yesss. Suspicion confirmed. She's no whiter than Tim Wise. Does that answer your question?
A lovely pair. Note their names for the Day.
Negroes killing negroes?!! And I should care about this, why? Each negroe who drops down is one less welfare case, one less EBT card holder, one less criminal, and one less producer of bastard ghetto children. The negroes getting killed are victims of their own gene pool.
Name the names- who is this "ruling class" and what is their motivation?
Michelle Hawkins, 49, is stuck in a revolving door of black dysfunction. On the one hand, her one woman crusade elicits pathos by tears falling down her cheeks and saying: “I don’t know what else to do” and “I don’t want to live in fear,” but soon devolves into bathos by the sheer absurdity of the hope she can make a change in black St. Louis!
This deluded black female needs to understand she cannot change the spots on a leopard. No matter what Herculean task she undertakes to stop crime, her efforts will fall short! Within the next few weeks there will be more murders, rapes and robberies committed by blacks. This violence will not only include blacks, but many whites as well.
Light and intelligence can only occur when people of all races recognize black dysfunction for what it is? No more trying to ameliorate the severity of the crimes, or apologizing for poor choices or poor outcomes! People need to wake up and recognize the problem so they can FIX the problem! As we all know, the first step in solving any problem is to admit there IS a problem.
Some of the reading audience wants answers to this dilemma we are in! I hear you clearly and agree, but the black solution will require Herculean efforts on our part.
I will spare you the details in how to FIX the problem because most of you already know.
However, we (all of us here) have made a small step in showing what the problem is! Hopefully our numbers will continue to grow as more realists appear and join our ranks. Only when our number are significant, can we fix the problem.
Well, when it's a female taking up the cause of blacks, it's usually one who's brainwashed into being a coal burner or wanna-be coal burner. So understand with every word she's fantasizing - or possibly after writing actually living out - sexually serving a black, usually a male, but not always.
I don't get that, to me it would be like having sex with a farm animal. Maybe if I was Muslim I'd get it, but that's a story for some other website.
But I go out and I do see more reasonably decent appearing white females out with groids of some sort and I wonder what's wrong with them. I mean, it's part "jeeze, they're so desperate even I aught to be able to get with them" but mostly even if they threw themselves at me it would be "once you go black, stay the hell there, I don't want you" ...
I almost got myself culturally enriched tonight by a black female who I wasn't talking to or even paying attention to. My own fault, I'd downed a few, the place was closing, I said something out in general and this sow took offense. Not that she needed much, she was already angry at something, maybe she saw her face in a mirror, I don't know. But with my future time orientation I waved to security and stood there saying nothing until he grabbed her. She even called me a nigga as she ranted.... so when he was hauling her off I said "goodnight ni**er" and he threw her out the front door, and half hour later I left out the back.
Which, as usual it was the pavement apes causing problems. Two groups got in fights at 10:30 at night. Most of the night went smooth, but some more trouble at closing time. Which included some of them kicking in the glass of the front entryway doors. None of them are smart enough to comprehend the place has two exits, so the staff and I all left out the back.
One astute reader on SBPDL noted a local reporter by the name of Lisa Bloom (a blond Caucasian) always sides with blacks and asks why.
Most young reporters and university students are fed the same pabulum each of us has had to endure regarding blacks. They take this misinformation with them into their careers and employ their biased opinions with gusto. Indeed, they are rewarded monetarily and though peer recognition to elevate the Negro to heights he does not deserve.
They demonstrate a Pavlovian devotion to the Negro instilled in them by years of brainwashing.
What happens to those who oppose the current trend and expose the true nature of black crime? They are fired like the reporter in New Jersey who dared to mention that the criminals were mostly young black males and dared to ask where their fathers were! Any mention of the color of the culprit is deemed racist and means the end of a career for young whites in the news media.
Fox News Megyn Kelly also stood up for blacks against Bill O’Reilly. Her argument was nonsensical because it blamed black poverty solely on white privilege.
The fatal flaw in her argument was she left out the efforts of blacks in her analysis. Blacks don’t succeed in academic circles and probably never will. Most blacks are functionally illiterate because they are cerebrally challenged. This will NEVER change! Because of their lower intelligence, they will never reach the levels of professional development as seen in modern television.
Ms. Kelly and Ms. Bloom’s university professors lied to them. Blacks can never succeed in a civilized world. They should have never been given the vote or allowed to serve on juries. The best we can do is fix them so they don’t have out-of-control breeding, give them farm jobs picking fruit, or relocate them back to Africa.
Sadly these DWLs must learn the hard way that blacks (like wild Chimpanzees) cannot be tamed. They are animals first and foremost. Once Lisa has the shit beat out of her by one of her pets, the imago formed earlier will be destroyed. The imago that blacks have over whites is being shed daily!
Noel Ignatiev - another TWMNBN academic who preaches White genocide. Anyone see a pattern here?
I would like to thank everyone who posts here. I have found this group to be an informative group of people, who post clearly thought-out commentary. So many voices of reason, and common sense.
"but what explains LISA BLOOM being so anti white?"
Well, she's TWMNBN, for one. It doesn't say so in Wikipedia, but in the first few seconds of this video, she reveals how her faith guides her actions:
Get your subscription now!
It's a hoot! Is P.K. from St. Louis? He sure knows where to find these St. Louis Jewels like the Whirl. Most YT's here don't know about it because you have to go east of Hwy 170 to the "Plexiglass Stores" to find a copy.
P.K. If you're ever in town I'll take you to Hodak's for Chicken and we'll get some Gus's Pretzels.
I have my concealed carry for your safety.
Eddie in St. Louis
100% agree
I often feel sad for the few ppl within the black community that are aware eenough to feel the despair and hopelessness.
Funny, I just posted my casino story last week:
I wonder how much revenue was lost due to the undertow.
O/T, but thought I'd share.
PK, hope you weren't planning on a nice quiet Saturday! Check out the link below. Every new day brings a new set of videos and articles showing the TNB unfolding across what was once the USA. Good video at top of article.
I think most of us agree that our leaders have no real concern for blacks, and are simply using them as a tool to gain power. I know there are social activist types who may believe they care, but in reality, they are just useful idiots in the larger scheme of things.
The real question then becomes, what does the end game look like?
I've said before that I think we are in the midst of a communist takeover. I'm just not sure that it is old school communism with the jumpsuited leaders and five year plans.
I think the U.S. will definitely have the security apparatus that existed in the Soviet Union, with technology being a force multiplier that would make the KGB drool with envy. The monitoring exists now. They just haven't started the mass arrests yet.
From an economic standpoint, sometimes it almost seems like we're headed for something more like facism than communism. The Fortune 500 may still be in private hands, just with the CEO reporting to Washington. Think of all the direction business leaders have to take from Washington already. Direct control wouldn't be too big of a step.
Some of you may be wondering how I could be saying it could be more like facism than communism with both of those being polar opposites. I don't believe that is so. On the left/right spectrum, I see it in terms of less versus more government control. Anarchy is on the far right, with communism on the far left. Moving from right to left, you go through libertarians, conservatives, so-called moderates, liberals, progressives, fascists, then communists. Fascism is a cousin to communism.
Overseeing it all will be a President-for-life, otherwise known as a dictator. After he skims off what he wants for himself and his cronies, the meager leftovers will be distributed to the rest of us. If some of us starve, well, so be it. At least we got rid of that mean old capitalism, right?
We'll all suffer, except for a small elite. Blacks will dream of the time when all they had to do is scream racism to get what they wanted.
If they think white police brutalize them now, wait until the revolution is over, and they try to pull a Michael Brown with a federal policeman. Unlike Officer Wilson, Brown probably wouldn't be asked to get out of the road. Him and his friend would be beaten to a pulp in he middle of the street, and cleaned up by the same truck that picks up roadkill.
All this is lost on blacks, though. You could tell them what is coming, and it wouldn't matter. All they know is that they feel like they are getting one over on whitey. They'll gladly, even gleefully help destroy what liberty we have left.
The self-destructiveness of blacks is as bad as any Muslim terrorist.
OT: Watched "Brick Mansions" an action movie on Netflix last night.
Great fun at the beginning with the underclass in Detroit walled off from the white rest of Detroit.
The top, black, bad guy, Tremaine, sells drugs in the hood and shoots underlings in cold blood for no good reason--he's just bad.
Two white guys are the good guys. One is a French parkour expert who can jump around ten black thugs while they shoot willy nilly with machine guns.
Then the director feels bad about all this. At the end we find out it is the white police who are bad and the mayor. That the white mayor wants to use a neutron bomb to clean out the hood.
(crickets chirping during my lack of recommendation of that)
So the movie ends with Tremaine, the black, cold-blooded killer/drug dealer/very poor actor becoming mayor. And the two white good guys are so happy about it. And the hood is a happy and productive (?) place with little white kids (WTF?) going to school and such.
Brainwashing moral of story is...AAAARGH I'm sorry, I cannot figure it out. Can somebody help me? The French parkour guy, why would he be happy that his arch enemy, the black guy who bribed white policemen so that he could kidnap the french guy's girlfriend, the black guy who shot at him thousands of times would be mayor?
It's like if Batman was thrilled that the Joker became mayor of Gotham.
A Vegas-like casino was trashed in Queens. The bouleversement appeared to be the typical chimp out seen so frequently on blogs such as SPBDL.
I wonder how the bubble headed bleach blonds will report this. Surely they will give significant time to explain why Negroes behave in such a manner. They will say it is white privilege doing this ladies and gentlemen. The Vegas like establishment must take sensitivity training to understand why Negroes behave this way.
I’m sure Lisa Bloom would report this as a riot caused by white injustice. The downtrodden Negroes simply lashed out at white injustice. Maybe an ork was disrespected!
You see…there is always a reason for their behavior; the bubble headed bleach blondes will continue to apologize for blacks as long as it is profitable for them. A few might change if they are personally assaulted by an ork, but they are trained to be subservient to the chosen race.
Fortunately for us…millions of people viewed this chimp out on the Drudge Report. The apologies of the leftist media have worn thin. The emperor has no clothes anymore. Blacks should not be helped; they should be evicted and removed from our presense.
Sadly this is a job even Michelle Hawkins, 49, cannot solve with tears in her eyes and carrying a sign. Her people will never change!
I'm going to say something controversial, but please hear me out:
Blacks are just fine the way they are. In fact, they're perfect; the same way a Great White Shark is perfect. Both have been designed by nature to survive efficiently and spread their DNA so their kind continues.
The problem isn't the Blacks (or the sharks), it's the MIXING of the blacks (or sharks) with White people. THAT'S the problem, not the ghetto goblins themselves. They'd be just fine where they belong; in their own countries, with their own kind, creating their OWN civilizations. The problem is the mixing of the two dissimilar entities. Solution?
So f'ing simple. IF you do everything else EXCEPT that? Failure. Try another plan, and when it fails come back and read this again.
Utterly astonishing that those were the emails that the DOJ finds so racist and offensive!!?? They're F#CKING JOKES!!! They're funny!! Holy sh*t this country is taking this too seriously.
Yes, dumb to email ANYTHING that has race or religion in it at work, especially government work nowadays, but come on! Pathetic.
And you're telling me orcs aren't forwarding jokes around too, some which make fun of other races? Hell, subpoena the entire governments email and start searching for joke lists, you're bound to find something on everyone.
Is there a direct correlation between bad black behavior and the number of blacks who are not working? A record 12, 202, 000 blacks are not working; only 61% of their total actually does some kind of work. I posit that there is a link between blacks having time on their hands and violent crimes.
The unemployment rate among young blacks is about 25%. Surely places like the new community center built in Ferguson from the ashes of a looted, burned out store will help these young blacks turn their lives around. It will show them how to conduct a successful job interview, how to dress, how to hide tattoos, and how to keep the job and be promoted! The miracle of all of this is that it will all be accomplished in 30 days. Yes…in only 30 days a young black buck will be ready to move up the corporate ladder. Six figure incomes would not be out of the question.
The next thing we will hear is the media wants to build new community centers all over the nation to expand the miracle of Ferguson. The liberal media will be on the streets interviewing black women with tears in their eyes at the change. All it took to turn black America around were community centers and midnight basketball. The miracle of BRA never ceases to amaze me!
"program of economic aid, financed by the Federal Government, to improve the lot of the nation's 20,000,000 Negroes"
Can our nation survive a doubling of the negro population. Right now it currently stands at around 40 billion and could grow to 80 billion by 2060.
Are our negroes worse than the Sub-Saharan negroes behavior wise?
I think so. For one thing they are better fed, larger and stronger than their brothers in Africa thanks to White mans medicine, food production and infrastructure.Why heck even in prison they can eat and work out with weights so that when they get out they will be in better shape than when they went in.
I just hope our current generation of white children realize what a growing threat we have here in America.I just hope that they will be able to see beyond the Propaganda Matrix that is our government, schools and entertainment.
O.T.-They staged a riot last night at Resorts World in Queens last night.The casino is accessible by Subway,allowing 400 of them to jump the turnstile to get to the place.Usually all you could lose at one of these places was your shirt.Now,it's an arm and a leg.
FYI in case you have not seen this
O/T Massive chimpout in Queens NY, at a up scale casino 400 negroes brake the place up. Most likely someone did not pay up on tab.
News media claims it could be gang related. Of course this is not true, the nigs are all older. Again the tired old excuse of youths, just letting off steam.
Just one more nail in the negroe coffin. This type behavior just never stops.
@ anon 7:43 PM
Simple, "White" people don't own or run the Western media. Just like in South Africa, when this country goes up in flames, Noel Ignatiev will simply pack his bags and flee to his home country. (hint: his home country was created in 1948)
Reading the description of the Whirl, and the mission statement of its editor, one might initially get the impression that, finally, there is a black voice willing to call, well, a spade a spade.
Read it again. Typical obfuscation, typical use of weasel-words, typical diffusion of the problem and who is responsible for it.
The assertion that the intersection of race, crime, and policing is complicated.
No it's not. Look at statistics regarding crime in St. Louis and you'll see which race is largely responsible for it, and why that race requires so much goddamned policing. Nothing could be more obvious, more simple, more transparently true. To call it complicated is to cloud the issue intentionally.
The use of nebulous epithets to describe Negro criminals....."goons", "bandits", etc.
The mainstream media has of course perfected this technique with the use of "teens" and "youths".
And, of course, the editor's assertion that relentless, random, indiscriminate murder is happening all over the country.
No. It most certainly is not. It is only happening in a relatively few places, and every single one of them is a failed, majority-negro, post-apocalyptic black urban suckhole.
Ignore this man's pose as a bare-knuckled, no-holds-barred teller of unpleasant truths.
He is another sophisticated hustler who has found a way to camouflage negro criminality and make a buck at the same time.
My two favorite men of the cloth, Jesse and Al, perfected this scam a long time ago.
What I find difficult to understand is why these black people do not see themselves in a true light. Any community that murders their own every day but say nothing but when a white cop shoots one in self defense its a major tragedy for them.
Chimpout at NY racetrack and casino...
The stories don't say who...But we know...!st a link to the story.....then a link to a video of the chimpout.
"Right now it currently stands at around 40 billion and could grow to 80 billion by 2060"
Correction, that should be 40 million and 80 million.
How high would you categorize the chimpout at the casino?
Lisa Bloom is not only Jewish, which explains some of her opinions, but is also the daughter of famed ambulance chasing publicity hound attorney Gloria Allred--like Chelsea Clinton, Luke Russert, Megan McCain etc she's a beneficiary of real privilege and nepotism who, if not for mommy and daddy, would be running off at the mouth, if at all, to her coworkers on the 2nd shift at Target or Arby's.
The problem is they're not offing each other fast enough.
I just watched this Category 5 Chimpout from the casino in seems half the Groids were enjoying themselves, another place ruined economically from the behavior of primates oooooking and eeeeeeking!!
If I drove up to that place and seen the numbers of blacks I would speed the hell out of there ASAP!!
A nigga is as a nigga does,
If there ever was a nigga was!!
Utah is mormon land.
one of the Whitest places.
and Obama is out to destroy whites and USA - even destroy USA blacks.
when he leaves DC, obama will presumably live in hawaii.
Can we take on more Negroes than we already have? The short answer is no!
I know I might be an optimist, but I continue to hope that DWLs will open their eyes before it is too late. The liberal media people are critical to us to spread the message about blacks.
I may be somewhat of a Pollyanna, but surely with all the bad things blacks do on a daily basis more whites in the media will take notice.
Personally I would love to be on a talk show about race! I would put the white DWLs on the spot if they dare. I would bet them everything I own that the black murder rate in St. Louis will be at least 85% of the total this year. They could bet all they own and whoever the loser was could donate the proceeds to a charity of their choice.
I am so confidant that blacks will not change, I would bet everything I own including the shirt on my back. As said earlier, a leopard cannot change its spots.
I see that there is another black riot in today's news. Of course the media tries to conceal the race of the perpetrators but that's not possible when there is all that cell phone video.
Today's riot was in a casino. There was also a black riot last week hidden in the stories about 'Spring Break'.
So my questions for the readership today are - Is the tempo of black rioting increasing? Or has it always been this way?
I don't really know. If you try to measure lots of things you can just do a simple count of Google hits. That works for many things but not black riots.
According to the Internet there are no black riots. There are many incidents by 'teens'. On closer examination these almost always turn out to be rampaging blacks. You never read an article about 'teens' fighting in a public place and find out that they were Chinese.
So it feels as if the tide of group black violence is rising. But how are we to know?
The FBIs Uniform Crime Statistics is reasonably accurate for murder, less so for rape and tacit on rioting.
Many readers here are waiting for some black apocalypse. They expect blacks to riot more and more until they pass some threshold and we have true race war. Maybe we are getting close but how would anyone know?
I've always assumed that black violence would just roll along at its present rate for another twenty years or so an then erupt. But I could be wrong. If the media works as hard as it does to conceal racial issues how can anyone really know?
I still think that the black situation is more or less hopeless and that blacks will react violently to their fate. I never have tried to figure out when the eruptions would begin, but I always presumed it would be sometime after I was gone in twenty or thirty years. But It could be sooner. It's tough when every news organization works hard at concealing what is going on.
Watched the riot in the Queens, NY casino/bar. I grew up near there in Queens, way back before there was any real concentration of negroes there.
Video made me smile. The more publicity we see for this kind of negro was "disrespected" stuff, whether in this one, or Ferguson and the more stories we read about the negro killer who got the heart transplant, better it is for us realists.
World Star should be mandatory viewing by every white person alive. The negro chimp out.
Sir Paul, can you do a write up on
Anonymous asked how we would judge the chimpout in Queens. This is just another day in Black Run America! The media doesn’t hold them accountable for anything they do, so why should they act any differently?
The goal of BRA is to put fear in the lives of white Americans in the hope of obtaining white tax dollars to fund their pet causes, and also to pay BRA to run things. BRA is a very big business now!
This all started because whites consider all men equal. I believe equality should end with justice for ALL. Are blacks equal in Africa? Heavens NO! Blacks are in a terrible economic situation over there. They will never progress past grass huts and topless Negresses. We are not helping them by increasing their numbers. Sooner of later they will crash because white people cannot sustain Africans as well as themselves.
The way to help them is to sterilize them from having children. We owe Negroes NOTHING! We should not allow them to live among us, work among us, or encourage them to breed by providing free medical care, housing, and food. They should be left alone to die.
Anonymous said...
Here is the link to the Professor, his name is Noel Ignatiev.
April 3, 2015 at 7:47 PM
Prof. Noel Ignatiev is just another hypocrite, one of The Tribe. He hates all of us.
It's rather ironic; had you asked me as little as 15 years ago if I'd believe reality could be what exists in the US today, I would have laughed. Yet now I read this White nationalist fiction, intended to take place sometime in the near (within 25-50 years) future, and even what is meant as a fictional exaggeration (written 2002 - 2006) is pretty much today's reality, writ small. There may not be an official "Dershowitz" law or clause, or "It Takes a Village" law removing White children from homes not deemed PC enough, but it exists nonetheless. Remember the poor British woman who ranted against the blacks and immigrants on the bus? She's in prison and her children were removed. Just yesterday saw some silly poseur threw a banana at a black comic and got arrested. The pederasts are threatening not merely the pizza company that spoke out, but apparently now the person who set up the go-fund-me account for them is receiving death threats. Go read Vox Popoli today, and read comments about how Christians are going to have to speak up, take a stand, prepare, etc. Just substitute White for Christian and they could be comments at SBPDL.
I'm merely waiting, as are so many others, for that final straw, that one incident, that causes the spark to be struck. I speak out in public far more than most others, because I don't work outside of my home, and my children aren't in public school (older one is adult and on his own; younger is home schooled). Call it a sifting or a culling, but it's coming. I hope and pray it's within my lifetime, so that I can at least know Whites re-grew their backbone and stood up for themselves before I die. I don't waste my time trying to comprehend the incomprehensible or debate the loons. I would happily mow them all down without batting an eyelash. Just steel yourselves in your souls for what's coming. Stop thinking you have "friends," 99% of them will desert you when you most need them. Stop fearing public opprobrium, and stop fearing being alone. Stand for what you believe and damn the consequences.
Paul - a donation will be forthcoming shortly.
@ Southron said. . .
"The real question then becomes, what does the end game look like?
I've said before that I think we are in the midst of a communist takeover. I'm just not sure that it is old school communism with the jumpsuited leaders and five year plans".
Cultural Marxism created by the Frankfurt School is most definitely the term you're looking for. You'll find it's being used throughout the Internet. No need to wonder any longer, patriot.
salvage sam.
. . . They might as well put up signs saying, "Dogs Need To Stop Licking Their Balls!"
None of it will have any effect whatsoever on the behavior of negroes or on the behavior of dogs. . .
Good point but I object to your comparison of dogs and nogs. Dogs only steal food then act as if they're sorry if caught, occasionally tear things up if ignored but overall are much more trustworthy and better behaved. Who would you rather have as president, some randomly chosen dog or BHO ? Moslems hate dogs so BHO would run from them too.
To those who ask "Why do the nogs commit so many crimes ?" The answer is the same as the answer to the eternal question: "Why do dogs lick their balls ?"
Because they can.
non-DWL from NE.
the war on Whites and on free speech
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Seven San Francisco police officers accused of sending racist and homophobic text messages have been suspended, and the police chief has recommended that they be fired.
[via the leftist Yahoo]
es ago
It seems unfair to be firing someone over private text messages that came out of another investigation. Liberals should quit even claiming to be about freedom and free speech specifically. They try to shut down everyone they disagree with by laws, regulations, and scare tactics. This is setting up a PC system where average citizens can tell and rat each other out.
Geez I just clicked on your link (thank you). You can see the place was 75% Nigs and I'm talking about REAL NIGS, not regular Negros but the thuggin, gang bangin Nigs the ones that you look at them and you know nothing good is going to come out of your night. Put 300 of them in a room and you have your link you posted!
Another very strange but true aspect of racial conflict in America:
In all other times and all other places, whenever there was an inter ethnic conflict such as Northern Ireland, the Huguenots, Dutch/Algonquin, Hutu/Tutsi, Chinese/Indonesian, etc the separated groups always devolved into tit for tat. You kill one of mine; I'll kill one of yours. You commit an atrocity; we'll commit an atrocity.
But in the USA the Whites get polar beared, murdered, and tortured and do nothing. In part because retribution against the negroes is carried out by the bl@cks themselves-- in spades. It could also be that whites subconsciously feel that being a negro is in and of itself such a crippling negative that the punishment is actually retroactive.
Personally, I don't believe there will ever be a race war. It takes intelligence to organize and field an army; to form strategy and supply; to gather intelligence and to maintain machines. Likewise, they would be completely unable to form command structure, organization or cooperation. My God, Farrakan blows on about "the greatest war machine this planet has ever seen"
yet he can't even run a restaurant!
Another priceless blog post, y'all are good peeps.
What is with blacks and throwing chairs in public places?
I don't get this phenomenon of shouting and throwing chairs. If you attack me with an object then I will pull a gun on you. I'm not going to find a table to throw back at you.
Either stand and fight with your fists like men or go to the guns and stop wasting time.
For many of us Saturday is a chance to sit back and listen to music (the lucky ones). Yes…I have had to work Saturday and Sunday many times in my life. I have a cassette called best of 60s and 70s Protest Rock. One of the songs was called Eve of Destruction. As I listened I was somewhat bemused by the fact Selma, Alabama was mentioned. Also, “we can go off four days into space, but when we come back it’s the same old place. Hate your next door neighbor, but don’t forget to say grace” and blah, blah, blah!
Here is my point, this song was probably sung 50 years ago…I don’t know, but the message was protest against American whites. The singer chose to side with blacks by mention of the few lines I said above. After 50 plus years of this crap, would they finally place SOME of the blame of black Americans on BLACKS?
Blacks have we whining “Weebs shalbz obercummm uuummm ;Weebs shalbz oebrcummm ummmm” for 50 G>>>D>>> years!
They were morons 50 years ago…and they will be morons 50 years hence. If somebody is young enough to live that long…mark my words by what I have said.
Jim Crow is the ONLY way now!
"If the Negro were to suddenly vanish from St. Louis County, the county would be almost crime free considering the size of St. Louis. Without Negroes St. Louis is probably one of the safest cities in the nation!"
that could probably be said of most of the whole united states
"DWLs are the enablers of the Negroes! They are the ones who play the part of Dr. Moreau; and will ultimately share the same fate as Dr. Moreau."
I certainly hope so. May it also be filmed and uploaded to Liveleak for my viewing pleasure.
Sheeeeeeit, I'm a Generation-Y White female who went to University too (unfortunately) and heavily indoctrinated, yet I did a hardcore 180 degree conversion after I read about the Knoxville Horror.
This Lisa Bloom mudshark -- err, mudsquid has no excuse.
Oh, and JonC: grow up
Blacks are just fine the way they are. In fact, they're perfect; the same way a Great White Shark is perfect.
I think you make an interesting point about them being designed for their environment but I disagree about them being perfect. Their DNA would not be spread as far if not for White technologies.
The African in his natural environment lives in chaos. Much of his life he is half-starving and eating whatever he can find. At any moment he may be captured by his tribal neighbors and eaten or bit by a black mamba. Disease, war and misery and common in his world. If he is lucky he will enter adulthood and live to 30.
The Great White meanwhile is at the top of the food chain and lives in peace. It is a highly efficient predator that can only be killed by man. Pain and suffering only exist in its prey.
"They'd be just fine where they belong; in their own countries, with their own kind, creating their OWN civilizations. "
I get what you're saying, but that's not good enough for me. Even in their own countries they hack meat off terrified cows while the cows are still alive, they crucify cats, they're slaughtering gorillas into extinction, they butcher rhinos and elephants for their horns and tusks, etc.
This is unacceptable. I don't care if the Bantus over there kill and eat each other all day long, but along moving them to their own countries, I would like to see the Africans sterilized until they are so few in number that they can't continue to torture and massacre Africa's endangered and they themselves become the prey of Nature. May the poachers becomed the poached.
Ex-Brooklynite, you are a very talented songwriter. Nog Lobster=hilarious!
Shelia, would you please list some post-apocalyptic books you've read and would recommend? Thank you!
The most dangerous game is man!
Call me a contrarian here, but I firmly believe that blacks can and will change, and in ways that will enable their smooth assimilation into civilized white culture. Unfortunately, this change will require about 30,000 years to come to completion.
Those who expect sensible, rational outcomes in BRA will be sorely disappointed.
The other problem is that American blacks tend to have resentful, negative attitudes of entitlement compared to their African cousins. While Africans are no great prize either, having grown up in a culture where you work or starve seems to make them somewhat more industrious and self-reliant than American blacks.
the war on Whites and on free speech
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Seven San Francisco police officers accused of sending racist and homophobic text messages have been suspended, and the police chief has recommended that they be fired.
[via the leftist Yahoo]
What's funny is that the liberals there want tough cops (they live with the undertow and have tried the soft approach) but don't want politically incorrect cops.
Good luck finding tough cops of any race that only have positive things to say about blacks.
Southron said...
I think most of us agree that our leaders have no real concern for blacks, and are simply using them as a tool to gain power. I know there are social activist types who may believe they care, but in reality, they are just useful idiots in the larger scheme of things.
The real question then becomes, what does the end game look like?
I've said before that I think we are in the midst of a communist takeover. I'm just not sure that it is old school communism with the jumpsuited leaders and five year plans.
I have to agree the monies the government takes from the working man to support the negroe has a two fold purpose to make negroes feel good, while destroying the white middle class. The powers that be want the whate working man to be just as poor as the negroe, no matter how hard he works.
Southron said: "On the left/right spectrum, I see it in terms of less versus more government control. Anarchy is on the far right, with communism on the far left. Moving from right to left, you go through libertarians, conservatives, so-called moderates, liberals, progressives, fascists, then communists. Fascism is a cousin to communism.
Southron, I am so glad that someone else GETS IT! People talk all the time about the Nazi's being "far right" - I mean, what part of "Nationalist Socialist..." don't they get??
Fascism and communism are almost the same sand-pit.
Thank you for your input! Cheers, Racoon.
Maybe the pasture is greener on the other side...down under...Australia and New Zealand.
Philadelphia Mike
No Mike. The same people who have worked to subvert and destroy America are hard at work downunder as well. The current Government has slowed them down a little, but not by much.
"Well, when it's a female taking up the cause of blacks, it's usually one who's brainwashed into being a coal burner or wanna-be coal burner."
Nope. It's usually ones with names like "Wise" and "Bloom" who live in gated communities, send their children (if they have them) to private schools, and likely don't even hire a black gardener.
Good for thee, not for me is the norm when it comes to talking head negro apologists. White women that actually bed with these beasts generally have that kicked dog look and a vacant almost negro-like soul-less gaze. After tattooing yourself, piercing, and cutting don't do the trick any more for self loathing/self destructive behavior the next notch is bestiality with a negro. People that pair with negroes are all extremely dented cans going into the situation and irredeemable afterwards.
"Africans are no great prize either, having grown up in a culture where you work or starve seems to make them somewhat more industrious and self-reliant than American blacks."
which is probably the policy we should put into place here instead of all the gibsmedats
World_War_Me said...
Ex-Brooklynite, you are a very talented songwriter. Nog Lobster=hilarious!
Thanks, WWM. I got kinda sickened doing that. The thought of inflicting pain on children by scalding them now horrifies me in a way I did not understand before.
Blacks already start life in the hole, IQ-wise. But to take a dumb child and torture it instead of shower love on it is to take any possibility of its having a dull but pleasant life away. Violent upbringing loads and cocks the gun that is lower IQ and impulse control.
Southron said... I think most of us agree that our leaders have no real concern for blacks, and are simply using them as a tool to gain power. I know there are social activist types who may believe they care, but in reality, they are just useful idiots in the larger scheme of things.
The real question then becomes, what does the end game look like?
The DWL rank-and-file believe they are progressing towards the paradise on earth. This is via a combination of rolling back the "bad" institutions of the past (segregation, institutional racism, etc.) and "educating" the proles to bring about the promised land of equality. The fact that "social justice" programs lead to disaster in the real world is not allowed to interfere with the delusion. No matter how much havoc is wrecked upon civilization, DWLs will continue to believe, and reinforce that belief with agitprop (mainstream media, academia) and repression (screaming down dissidents).
But every year that goes by, the DWL dream turns into more of a nightmare--schools trashed, gangbangers escalating violence, cities pillaged, national frontiers overrun. And every year, DWLs become more delusional, even as their world disintegrates around them. The term used on SBPDL a while back was "crystal methodism," the addiction to the quasi-religious DWL delusion.
As for the elites: I'd say they are looking at world domination. You already have globalization going full steam. Whether elites act as a conspiracy, or according to some historical class consciousness--who knows? But they are gaining their objectives, which seems to be the creation of a global economic-political infrastructure (corporations, NGOs, military alliances, UN, assorted useful idiots, etc.). And they will be on the top.
But the system is inherently unstable. It lacks a foundation in a solid, nationalistic middle class. One symptom is the decline of mass armies in the first world. The system is relying more on professionals, special forces, and mercenaries. I think they realize that most Joe/Jane citizens have little stake in the system, and less desire to fight for it.
All it takes is a serious challenge to bring the system screeching to a halt. Whether you are talking fanatics like ISIS, or an imperial warlord like Putin, globalization can not deal with forces which have the political will--and weapons--to stand up against it.
Something to consider is the decadent days ahead.
Maybe the pasture is greener on the other side...down under...Australia and New Zealand.
We have one ace-in-the-hole here in the USA: the Second Amendment. And backing it up is a strong gun lobby.
Easter hunt gone wrong. I wonder if the chaos was from Latinos.
Thousands of kids from across the city came out to search for more than 500,000 eggs that were hidden around the Capitol.
Aside from making history, visitors enjoyed face paintings bounce houses and a feast of Easter snacks.
However, many parents left the Easter egg hunt furious, claiming the family-friendly event took a less-than-festive turn.
“There was no organization at all, they all trampled each other. Little two and three year olds were crying. The parents were scooping up all of the eggs for their kids and it was horrible,” said mother Tessa Moon.
Parents reportedly rushed onto the grass and started pushing and cursing at other children in order to get their hands on eggs and special prizes.
The event didn’t qualify for the record books, but it did have more eggs than any other egg hunt in the world.
Easter hunt gone wrong. I wonder if the chaos was from Latinos.
It was, mostly. Of course there was a share of nogs raising Hell on Easter Sunday, how appropriate!
Besides the mexcrements and nogs there was a blonde, DWL type woman baffled by the behavior and blaming the organizers, some "non profit" charity for not organizing the thing properly. The fact that the wogs were just acting to type is beyond her comprehension, it must be the environment. There was an earlier comment about trying to teach dogs to not lick their balls, that's the same as trying to teach the wogs to be civilized.
Sacramento has lost most of its nogs over the last 15 years, driven out by Mexicans. What a bargain.
Out of California
When your accumulated dna pool can't even invent the wheel despite living in close proximity to human's (real, actual EgypShunz) who have the wheel for you to just "steal" & copy, despite many other "proximity" opportunities from near-by actual humans which prove that sub-saharan's are truly sub-sahuman, it makes no sense to say that an "african" life matters more than a monkey or ape's life. Actually, elephants, rhino & other african species lifes matter way more than sub-saharan african's lifes since elephants, rhino et al are endangered & there is certainly no shortage of sub-sahuman primates wondering around loose all over the planet bring death & despair & destruction every where they invade
/H hypie out H\
Charlotte Realist here:
Story about I have no idea on how true any of this is, I only recently discovered sites like But it seems legit:
Ex-Brooklynite said...
Blacks already start life in the hole, IQ-wise. But to take a dumb child and torture it instead of shower love on it is to take any possibility of its having a dull but pleasant life away. Violent upbringing loads and cocks the gun that is lower IQ and impulse control.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I don't think that is a learned behaviour. I think it's genetic. This would be hard to prove, but it's consistent with what we know of them.
We know that they have lower IQ, because we can measure it. In the same way, we know that they are defective in abstract reasoning ability, which explains the inability to imagine a future, or the link between cause and effect. But none of that explains their innate cruelty.
We know that some animals love to torture other animals, e.g. cats play with their food, and prolong the kill as long as possible. A terrier loves hunting rats, but when it catches one it bites and shakes the rat to break its back and kill it instantly. Cats and dogs. Different animals.
Negroes the world over, in all times, delight in hurting people and animals. They are also different animals, and it's more than just IQ, impulse control and future time orientation. It's in the DNA.
Tell the participants inside of every egg instead of candy there is a job application.
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