There's a bit of hagiography published at The Washington Post, praising Katherine Johnson as a black NASA pioneer that inadvertently exposing the entire story as a lie. [‘Hidden’ no more: Katherine Johnson, a black NASA pioneer, finds acclaim at 98,, 1-27-17]
In the article is a picture an another article from - ostensibly - the 1960s with the title "The Story of Katherine Johnson: Lady Mathematician Played Key Role in Glenn Space Flight." She is noted as an "expert on the electronic IBAM computors (sic)," when she has since been pegged a 'human computer'.![]() |
Pictured in The Washington Post... when was this article published and what does the full article reveal??? |
It's hard to tell where this article appeared, but this was gleamed from reading the newspaper clipping:
Mrs. Johnson is credited with helping to devise the highly complex tracking system which enabled scientists to predict... within TWO miles, the location of Lieut. Col. Glenn's rocket cone upon its return to earth after three orbits around the world.
She is the co-author... September, 1960... of the NASA Technical Note, D-233, Subject; "Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout For Placing a Satellite Over a Selected Earth Position."If you look at marketing for Hidden Figures and positing of Katherine Johnson and other "hidden" black contributors to NASA, you'd believe they alone were responsible for white men being jettisoned out of the earth's atmosphere and into space, ultimately to the moon.
But this is, of course, a gratuitous lie. ['Hidden Figures': 'The Right Stuff' vs. Real Stuff in New Film About NASA History,, 12-27-16]
'Not a documentary'
"Movies become reality for a lot of people," said [NASA's chief historian Bill] Barry.
For audiences watching "Hidden Figures" who think what they see on the screen happened exactly as depicted, they might believe Johnson, Jackson and Vaughan were close friends, that Al Harrison (Kevin Costner) was the head of the Space Task Group and that Johnson completed quick calculations as John Glenn waited on the launch pad to lift off. The real history, however, was different.
"To be able to tell a story in a way that the audience can understand and make it entertaining enough for them to be able to watch, I think the scriptwriters have to be creative and find a balance between telling the exact historic details and delivering a story that is both interesting and gets the message across," Barry explained.
"I say this all the time but the movie is not a documentary," said director Ted Melfi. "We were painfully aware and very careful with how we portrayed the women and the things they accomplished." "There are little liberties taken here and there to dramatize, but the crux of the story is true," he told
For Shetterly, perhaps the biggest difference between the movie and reality are the number of people depicted.
"You might get the indication in the movie that these were the only people doing those jobs, when in reality we know they worked in teams, and those teams had other teams," she said. "There were sections, branches, divisions, and they all went up to a director. There were so many people required to make this happen."
"It would be great for people to understand that there were so many more people," Shetterly explained. "Even though Katherine Johnson, in this role, was a hero, there were so many others that were required to do other kinds of tests and checks to make [Glenn's] mission come to fruition. But I understand you can't make a movie with 300 characters. It is simply not possible."Hidden Figures is positioned (and branded) as a movie telling the story of Katherine Johnson as the SOLE individual responsible with providing the sagacity and mathematical genius behind putting white men into space, when this isn't even close to the truth.
An absolute, 100 percent lie.
Hidden Figures is predicated upon the premise that Katherine Johnson was the black (well, octaroon at the most) female responsible with deducing the mathematical equations responsible with putting undeserving white men into space, but the author of the book the movie is based upon admits this is all a lie...
But 100 percent representative of every tall tale we are told about black people and forced to celebrate during Black History Month.
I love the fact that you are hammering this home Paul, because:
A) For doing so you have been branded a liar when you are more like Paul Revere
B) The lie (emperor and his new clothes) have been pushed to the center stage and no one is calling them on it
C) The more they fight you the more of an audience you get- and it's not like it's hard to piss these people off
D) The rest of us are tired of pandering or hearing other people pander to negroes out of fear that they will riot/etc. We have Trump in, this shit stops now and there is no time like the present. Call them on their antics and make them work for a change, maybe they can see what it's like for the rest of us. I love your writing by the way, like all great things it needs to be shared. The black mean is very real. People are waking up.
Who cares? As Trump said tonight:
"We are one people, with one destiny.
We all bleed the same blood.
We all salute the same flag.
And we are all made by the same God."
Get with the program, PK.
Just be happy that the phonie Black History Month(Febuary)is over so we no longer have to put of with the fake liberal snowflake month and its fruad and lies until next year when another Fake Black History Month begins and ends lying to the viewers and this Selma thing is ignored until next year
The simple fact that Africans have never invented the wheel, alcohol, boats, flight, water collection and or purification, agriculture, written language, or any form of math, etc, etc, etc.....anything, means that in the best case scenario, this almost White with a touch of African, had about as much to do with manned space flight as the dog that roamed the NASA office did. At least the dog gave morale boosts and did not lie, cheat, and steal anything.
Good Lord Almighty. People really are dumb as rocks.
“Peele and his former partner Keegan-Michael Key both have black fathers and white mothers”
So, this is the wonderful promise of interracism. Black men use white wombs to produce people who make movies like this funded by the Tribe.
As for all the white people involved in the making of the movie or paid money to see this junk to score Virtue Nazi points, what a bunch of pathetic cucks. Such tools.
“This film is how racism feels,” said Kaluuya. “You get paranoid and you can’t talk about it. You can’t voice it. No one around you gets it, so you can’t speak about it. And in the end it just comes out in a rage.”
Funny. If that's how he feels about 'white racism', why did his people flee from beloved Uganda to come to live in white nations?
As I recall, it was blacks who were actually harvesting black bodies -- and still do -- in Africa.
Idi Amin was rumored to have been a cannibal.
And white-skinned albinos are killed and sold for body parts.
But blacks and Africans seem to be projecting their cultural pathology onto white people who ultimately ended slavery even in Africa. (Of course, white Virtue Nazis love to wallow in masochism as long as they get to hug themselves as conscientious redemptive whites at war with white deplorables who are still race-nazis instead of Virtue Ones.)
By the way, it was black Africans who also captured blacks and sold them as slaves to whites. And it was in white nation that blacks, even as slaves, had promise of better future.
Jews project onto Russia all the things they are doing in America.
And blacks and Africans project onto whites all the voodoo craziness that happens in Africa.
Together --- Jewish money and distribution AND black writing and directing --- , they just gave us something 1000x viler than Nazi movie JEW SUSS.
Btw, if white 'racism' is paralyzing his black ass, he should go back to black Africa and be with his own kind.
And why do black men reject black women and sexually harvest white women's wombs to create vile hateful creatures like Jordan Peele?
Jungle Fever promoted by Globalism is the colonization and harvesting of white wombs to breed the scummy enemies of the white race.
I think most Americans don't realise just how much "The Great Social Experiment" of integrating negroes in white society has devastated our nation. Surely we should have a moon base by now! Instead of wasting billions feeding these unproductive violent apes. They clog up emergency trauma units in hospitals, force whites out of prime and convenient "inner city" real estate, force us to adandon our heritage and watch it consumed by a pack of vermin. It's tragic. And worst of all, instead of hearing the truth of this human/biological catastrophe, we are forced into a bizzare pantomime praising the "contributions" of this parasitic people. The Katherine Johnson story is propaganda, pure and simple. The reason she could even function at a basic level at NASA is down to her caucasian genetics. In a sane world, we would be comparing the IQs of "pure" blacks vis a vis quadroons and octaroons. It is obvious what the results would be. I'm pissed off. Alex from N. England
We should have bases on the moon by now. Billions have been wasted feeding Katherine Johnson's ethnic kin instead of being invested in real progress for humanity. It's tragic. The great social experiment is an undeniable failure. Somebody needs to do calculations on just how much blacks cost us in terms of healthcare, crime, real estate and welfare. I'm the numbers would be staggering and sobering. Katherine Johnson's "contributions" have to be weighed in context of the net cost of her ethnic kin. Quadroon or Octaroon, their is no question that white DNA improves the negro in all respects, but the "one drop rule" was instituted for a reason. Even quadroons and octaroons have attavistic negro impulses to "chimp out"
" the scriptwriters have to be creative and find a balance between telling the exact historic details and delivering a story that is both interesting and gets the message across"
Interestingly enough, the achievements of great white folks throughout history don't need embellishment to be interesting or show their greatness. If this mongrel actually did anything important they wouldn't need to invent a new story. In fact when movies are based around the lives of prominent white historical figures they've usually accomplished so much that things need to be left out for the sake of fitting it all in two hours.
"But I understand you can't make a movie with 300 characters."
In fact you can, and you can even name the movie "300". I detest liars. This shit is just insulting
"Movies become reality for a lot of people,"
And the real magic of this propaganda is that you don't even need to watch the movie to become its victim. How many of these agitprop pieces only exist to bombard people with billboards and 45 second commercials? How many hapless dupes saw the commercial or trailer for this tripe and hear "based on a true story" and now believe that black Africans put a man on the moon? How many see the trailers and advertisements for the dozens of Six Million(TM) movies? The evil slave owners movies? Ditto with corporate advertising, it doesn't even attempt to sell a product anymore but just to sell you 30 seconds worth of cultural Marxism into your subconscious.
Here's a classic video of Africa's history of forays into space. Related videos are going to be similar tragic-comedy.
Old southern saying: It only takes one "aw shit" to wipe out 10,000 "attaboys".
For every pallid attempt at negro "worship" like that crappy movie, there must exist, a rough estimate, well over 25,000 videos on the web, demonstrating the real truth of negro life, many of which we've seen right here, courtesy our benefactor. Feral sheboons in hand-to-hand weave yanking, chairs thrown in restaurants, shootings, knifings, car chases, mayhem, murder, arson, protesting...
And many of these close softly with the vacant stares of the negro perps, staring at the arresting/arraignment cameras. No slide rules, no IBM's, no degrees, just two-legged cockroaches with an inborn sense of utter destruction no matter what.
Or, their zany antics in the courtroom. Pass the popcorn! Defiant, angry, ugly, the most useless use of DNA ever. And then they are marched off to their free room and board, while their mammies cry, moan and gnash their teeth, stating time and time and time again: "This be the cracka's mess! Dey done dis!"
The Dindu Nuffin Show, now playing, free, all over the WWW. Rated "I" for intelligent beings only.
-Carolina Cicero
Everyone I know who has seen this thing insists that it is a documentary. Granted, this is a self-selected group of the highly credulous. While these folks (all women) really want to believe this nonsense, I seriously doubt that the producers of this steaming pile really ever emphasized that it is a work of fiction.
One of the ladies I know is in the accounting department at work. I asked her how many blacks does she know personally who seem to be a whiz with numbers. She looked uncomfortable for a moment, and the conversation ended abruptly.
Paul, I would love to see your review of 'Get Out.'
Propaganda. Nothing more.
Written, produced and directed by people who live in the least diverse area they can afford.
Ironically, the ones working the hardest to lay their lies bare(other than PK), is blacks themselves. Simply by being themselves.
Yes. More and faster.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"the location of Lieut. Col. Glenn's rocket cone upon its return to earth after three orbits around the sun. "
Fortunately, now that the Blackademy Awards are behind us, this film will fade into DVD oblivion.
Major documentary film is crying out to be made exposing this movie as a fraud, and the insane society behind it demanding n*ggers be shown to be human! Terrific skewering of Hollywood and BRA coming up!!
I read she "co-authored" a 1960 document that told about azimuth changes in Glen's trajectory. Who was the other author and why did "she" get all the glory?
If the computer program did all the number crunching, then give the program the praise. Writing a computer program is what she was paid to do; she was just doing her job as hundreds of other cogs in the wheel.
We all know what this movie was about! It was to show the glorious contribution of negroes, and to make them feel proud. The actresses were all clearly negro, whereas, as Paul points out, the woman was an octoroon at best.
Unless she told people, who would know she was a negro; she did have mostly white features. Why didn't they use octoroon actresses to play the part? Well...they would look too white!
My handheld calculator can do the same computations today without any problem. They do matrixes, integration, and other mathematical feats...and even draws the locus of the equations.
If the Earth's an organism, Trump is the injected hormone triggering an onslaught of white blood cells swarming and defeating the invading infections. ICE agents are surrounding the alien cells and wiping them out. The riots the muds are having is the puss from the healing wound.
I realized that the so-called historically black colleges are just like the special olympics - they are mentally disabled (low IQ b/c genetics) - so it is better that they just compete amongst themselves academically. If they had to compete fairly against Ashkenazi jews, south east asians, caucasians, they'd consistently take last place due to the science of genetics. So they gather in their own centers of 'learning' and compete amongst fellow low IQ negroids.
Pretty funny when you think about it.
Happy March 1st , my favorite day of the year !
Doesn't jive with the reality of the typical useless, lazy black who shows up at work. This temp service called "Express" has the tenacity to charge double the minimum wage per hour for this unemployable crap. One useless black after another, the ought to call it "Excons" instead. They do however have some affirmative action there and we also got a white Schizophrenic, a white neck tattooed excon, a white lowlife guy later fired for stealing who joked about his wild daughter getting the clap, and two hispanic brothers: one who did time for carjacking, the other a queer with aids.
Time for new topic
Thirty years ago, this 'fake news' movie would have been taken as gospel. Now, thanks to the internet and courageous people like PK who pull back the curtain on the Wizards of Revisionist History, we know the truth. As has been said, "When it's boiled down, Life is just a search for the truth."
Hollywood lies. Dogs pee on fire hydrants.
It's what they do.
This blog does not post legitimate statements that they disagree with or don't like. I was going to buy your books, but not now. Your actions are very telling.
Speaking of fraud, Google is doing another Google Doodle contest for students grades K-12. Some of them were pretty impressive, particularly the younger ones. After looking through the doodles, I clicked on the link to the judges. Notice a pattern? Gee, I wonder if that will skew the results at all...
What is the need for judges if people are voting for their favorites already?
I agree Alex (from above), most people around me just don't understand ALL THAT HAS BEEN LOST! because of black people. My friend and I spoke recently that we seem to be the last generation of remembering how it was before they(blacks) infested every public space. Our parents could drop us at the movie theatre or shopping center with no worries for our safety. We rode our bikes and ponies miles and miles from home, with just enough change to get a soda and snack. People that we passed were White. Everyone waved or nodded. We were never harassed, bullied or robbed, nor did I or friends ever think of doing any of that to pass the time. I feel so sad for the younger ones. Not knowing how it used to be, how it should be. I think I am the creepy aunt, "who is a racist" in my family. I certainly can't find the words to describe how it used to be. If I had to pick one, I think it would be peaceful. Maybe it is wrong for me to tell the young people how wonderful it was before blacks
(and the gov) were inserted everywhere in America. I mean, they (young folks) can't have that themselves. The blacks seem to be everywhere. Our young Whites are so brainwashed and propagandized. Well, I do what I can. Thanks for this place.
Lots of times things all of us post don't get posted and then after re-submitting the may make it through. Don't take it personal like that.
Many of my posts (that I thought were decent to even great) have never made it through. A lot of us agree on a lot here, but none of us agrees on everything- P.K. has been doing the leading, the groundwork, and paying for the blog that we all get to use for free- provided we get past the gatekeeper.
I can't imagine the threats and hate mail this guy gets and from carousing past entries I see that he used to let some of them go through. It generally ended up being detrimental to the content as people got off topic to go rounds with the latest tar baby. Blacks like to fight, disrupt, and destroy. Avoid the bait. Avoid the groid.
I have written very long and heartfelt comments here that haven't seen the light of day- it could have been I added one detail to my post that P.K. didn't agree with or that it was too off-topic. In all honesty he has been accepting a much greater percentage (in my experience) of posts than he used to in the past. He even posts screeds of people who speak in long run on sentences regularly, or people who mention (((them))) every single post.
He seems to have a solid stance on guns/defense and is not one who champions returning hate with a smile and being the "better" (sucker) person. Paul has a very active base that grows daily and hundreds of very revealing (and biting) articles that discuss every single anti-social society-destroying aspect of the negro that you can imagine. Because so few want to touch the subjects that he regularly does, when you search many of these subjects his site pops up front and center. Any of us can start our own blogs (some of the writers here are incredible) but we will not have the infrastructure of past material that P.K. has to back us up. Like him or hate him, he has been diligently working for years and it shows.
It might help in the future to limit the scope of your posts, maybe turning one into two and seeing if either of them go through. I have actually been impressed by the quality that P.K. is able to sustain here even if it means I am occasionally muttering about him under my breath when he rejects some of my thoughts/ideas. Quality means you can't let everything in.
Boo hoo have a good day lulz
Mr Turner
This is from a Black Education Journal for the 2014 HBCU rates.
Please note they get 6 years to graduate from the schools.
" How many of these agitprop pieces only exist to bombard people with billboards and 45 second commercials?"
-Paintjob Theory
Your post was spot on today, but this sentence stood out to me the most. So on the mark because it is so true. Even if you don't watch t.v. they still find a way to shove black mugs in your face on a daily basis.
It reminds me of the subliminal messages that people were being exposed to in the sci-fi movie "They Live".
@ Anonymous who said... Who cares?;
"I do, along with millions that think alike, and in the end, will overcome this obstacle as all the others before."
We are one people, with one destiny: "We are not! That is why we are here, we can see, your comment projects the problem. Unfortunately, you will find out to late"
We all bleed the same blood: "Wrong! Not even worth the argument to differ!"
We all salute the same flag; "Where have you been? "WE" salute it, the rest laugh at it, stomp on it, protest it, condemn it, burn it and even wipe there ass with it. That's a fact!"
And we are all made by the same God: "Absolutely "no comment."
"YOU" must "Get with the program" I owe black people NOTHING!
Like what has been said, there were many people who worked together to make the moon landings happen. Katherine Johnson was likely competent at her job as they didn't have affirmative action back then. However, she was just one of many people who did a job, she didn't play any major role in sending anyone to the moon and the moon landing would still have happened regardless of whether she worked at NASA or not.
"Time for new topic"
Start your own blog and write about whatever you like there. Do your own research and publish your own books about whatever is important to you.
"This blog does not post legitimate statements that they disagree with or don't like."
Start your own blog and publish whatever you wish. Personally I've seen plenty of contrary stuff here and much that wouldn't pass the censors almost anywhere else. Often even mundane comments don't get published and it's happened to most of us regulars. PK is only one man and I'd guess he is over worked and under paid for his efforts. He doesn't owe you a thing.
"I was going to buy your books,"
Bullshit. If you want the information in his books, you'll buy them. Him not publishing your comments doesn't change the value of his research and effort in writing those books.
F*cking ingrates.
NASA hiring process in 1960. Review application, if qualified, schedule a technical interview to find the best person for the job. Hire that person.
2017: Review application, consult with Diversity Officer to see if there are too many white males. Check social media for LGBT status, find any reason to hire a minority if at all possible. Reach out to HBCU and other minority organizations. Bring in minorities for position. Hire a White to do the job and give minority a do nothing position with a fancy title and paycheck to match. Contract with Russia to hitch rides to space. forget that Pandering to Negros and Illegal Beaners Month runs 12 months per year.
Unlike the negro, the dog worked for his food.
They have their own website where they can upload their dysfunctional crime commiting antics for their fellow NAPAs enjoyment, called
I, too, mourn for that which has been lost. I remember riding all about the neighborhood on my bike when I was a child without fear, in a neighborhood that is now a ghetto hell. I didn't even own a bike chain : if I wanted to go in a store, I just propped the bike up against the wall and it was always there when I got back. My siblings and I would walk, unattended, to the playground to play for hours. When I contrast that with how closely I had to guard my own children, I could cry.
This blog is very responsive. Only yesterday I asked someone to research the real history behind the plot of "Hidden Figures". And today our host Paul Kersey has done exactly that. As it happens the facts are pretty much as I speculated yesterday. These three part-black women were a part of a large number of low level functionaries who did team calculations to supplement the computer systems.
The reason this scam has been so effective is because many American's are not just bad at math but actually fear it. So when they hear one of the characters called a 'mathematician' they think that means that that character can do all sorts of arcane manipulations of numbers which are totally beyond them. But these women as is now clear operated in teams - and teams of teams. The technique is to break a complex calculation down into a series of simple tasks such that almost anyone could be a team member. Being one of the team members doesn't mean that you were good at math but just the opposite. Real mathematicians are not rounded up into groups.
Speaking of real mathematicians there is a story about Richard Feynman when he was at school. He stood up in the student union one day and challenged everyone that he could solve any math problem in ten minutes that could be stated in ten minutes. (I may have gotten the challenge a little wrong)
This was at MIT I think. In any case many tried but Feynman always triumphed. That is until some equally brilliant student devised a really hard problem that stumped him. The thing to remember - Feynman wasn't even a mathematician. He was a physicist. He just did math to help him in his real field.
BTW Feynman was a white male.
In response to 6:29-
P.K. doesn't cover everything, he probably picks the best stories to help him illustrate his point. Paul dared to point the reality of Hidden Figgers, using overwhelming evidence.
For standing up and making the truth known he was hammered down like a nail. But he's not a nail and the worst thing in their minds is that he does get publicity and coverage. People go off topic here daily and a lot of that ends up covering stories that were missed. For example, did you see this article prominently displayed on your news screen? Why do blacks feel so bad about their prospects?
Yes, being completely useless has its downsides...
This affair brings up a point: how much of Hollywood history of Africans-in-America is fake? Consider movies like To Kill a Mockingbird, Mississippi Burning or even something as vanilla as The Lilies of the Field. Then look at depictions of South Africa in Cry Freedom and Invictus. Could it be that there is another side to blacks, a side which does not make it to the silver screen these days?
There's an old movie worth checking out: The Well (1951). It shows a race riot engulfing a small town, with blacks just as culpable as Whites. The ending is Hollywood, but even so, it gives a look at attitudes just before the regime of BRA took over in America.
Another movie is Tick, Tick, Tick (1970), with George Kennedy and Jim Brown as lawmen in a Southern town. While having a liberal spin, nonetheless the movie's language is politically incorrect, a black commits the crime which triggers an incipient race war, and you see a time in America when White people were willing to take it to the streets to defend their civilization.
Lord of War (2005), about an arms dealer whose main clients are African warlords, has a totally unflattering portrayal of blacks, with the protagonist making a speech about how the various "liberation" movements are all frauds.
And "fraud" is the operative word to describe much of what Hollywood is pushing these days.
6 year grad rate from colleges is not unusual.
Doubt me? Get US News and World Report annual on colleges and how many years to
I take classes at a JC and it seems the 'kids' take 3 years to get an AA
or enough credits to go to a 4 year school.
Speaking of fraud...
Indiana Senate passes bill on food stamps for drug offenders = mostly black males.
Mo dem programs expanded. They are going to take everything, eventually.
Many of my posts (that I thought were decent to even great) have never made it through. A lot of us agree on a lot here, but none of us agrees on everything- P.K. has been doing the leading, the groundwork, and paying for the blog that we all get to use for free- provided we get past the gatekeeper.
I can appreciate that PK keeps SBPDL focused on one topic – that of Black Run America – and does not go off in every direction. Too many blogs have comments sections which are filled with outlandish conspiracy theories, personal attacks and "cute" remarks. Their result is to make the movement look absurdist.
Effective infowar focuses on one topic and pushes it to the point where it becomes the common wisdom. A good online blog is like a good print journal: you run that which fulfills the editorial mission, with an occasional contrary piece to keep things interesting.
SBPDL has developed some fine commentators whose posts I enjoy reading. We are seeing the ideas of the Alt Right percolating through to the realworld. Certainly the Trump victory is one example of this. Overall, this thing is on the right course.
Time to double down.
" How many of these agitprop pieces only exist to bombard people with billboards and 45 second commercials?"
It reminds me of the subliminal messages that people were being exposed to in the sci-fi movie "They Live".
Good observations. A movie is not just what is on the screen. It's also the marketing, the gushing reviews, the tie-in products, the toys hawked to kids, the buzz at the office water cooler. There are tens of millions of people who will never see this movie, and yet somehow believe its message, that black women put Americans into space.
This is something worth thinking about when producing our own agitprop.
Cucky McCuckerberg: "Trump said...We all bleed the same blood."
It's throwaway political rhetoric. He's telling the Persons Of Coloreds to get with OUR program, not us with theirs. You don't really think Trump believes we all have, literally, the same blood, do you? I know I don't, because I don't have sickle cells or AIDS.
2017: Review application, consult with Diversity Officer to see if there are too many white males. Check social media for LGBT status, find any reason to hire a minority if at all possible. Reach out to HBCU and other minority organizations. Bring in minorities for position. Hire a White to do the job and give minority a do nothing position with a fancy title and paycheck to match. Contract with Russia to hitch rides to space.
I have acquaintances who are government contractors. They tell the same story: federal government agencies are filled with useless AA and "inclusion" hires. When these agencies need to get real work done on a project, they will hire an outside contractor.
I have seen this myself. Not only can they not do their job, often the AA hires are clueless about their agency's mission. They sit at briefings with blank looks on their faces. That's what gets me the most. Not only are they incompetent, but everyone knows they are incompetent but can not call them on it because of government policy.
The result has been an increasing paralysis of the government to get anything done. We can see this in the disintegrating infrastructure of roads and bridges, the frittering away of the manned space program, the fact that the US can not defeat third tier enemies like the Islamic State.
It's all one big Potemkin Village.
And sooner or later it is going to come crashing down. We need to position ourselves to pick up the pieces.
9:36am- "Katherine Johnson was likely competent at her job as they didn't have affirmative action back then."
Yes, she probably was able to perform long division. As for African Affirmation, NASA had it back then, just not on paper. This very blog documents how Pres Kennedy tried to force an ape into the Ap[e]ollo program.
Thirty years ago, this 'fake news' movie would have been taken as gospel. Now, thanks to the internet and courageous people like PK who pull back the curtain on the Wizards of Revisionist History, we know the truth
The Internet and other social media is a front in the Alt Right insurgency against the System. In the old days, whoever held a monopoly on the Big Three TV networks the major newspaper chains could determine the course of policy. Today, the old media is under siege by Internet insurgents who operate globally. This is seen in the falloff of public trust in the media and declining ratings. And also in the desperate attempt to attack "fake news" -- a real irony when you think of the amount of disinformation disseminated by the mainstream media.
As with any insurgency, this has to be taken to the next stage. And that's setting up major information nodes like television stations. Once the insurgents have the old order on the ropes, time to go over to the offensive.
According to, Hidden Figures grossed $94.6 million with an estimated budget of $25 million. So it made money, which means that stupid white people actually paid to see it. It also means that we'll be seeing more of the same ol' propaganda.
@Race: hilarious!
For every pallid attempt at negro "worship" like that crappy movie, there must exist, a rough estimate, well over 25,000 videos on the web, demonstrating the real truth of negro life, many of which we've seen right here, courtesy our benefactor.
The System is getting desperate.
And that desperation is one reason that a movie like Hidden Figures was produced. They had to do something to counter the rising tide of videos and other web info which expose the sordid reality of BRA.
The System got lucky. Consider how movies such as Red Tails and Selma flopped. For whatever reason, Hidden Figures resonated. Maybe it worked because it showed average people being more important than the big brains of NASA.
Then again, after leaving the theater your average moviegoer will be back in the world of drivebys, trashed schoolrooms, streets gone wrong, shots ringing out and clueless affirmative action deskjockeys. And when they do web searches, they will come across video of flashmobs. And home invasions which result in the massacre of White families. And farm attacks in the rainbow nation of South Africa. And third worlders rioting in the streets of Cologne and Malmo. And videos of AmRen and NPI conferences. And websites like this one.
They will come to their own conclusions.
As I say, keep up the Internet Insurgency.
Andrea Ostrov Letania: "And why do black men reject black women and sexually harvest white women's wombs to create vile hateful creatures like Jordan Peele?"
To get over on Whitey. First, if a White woman births a niglet, she is ruined forever for all other White men. Only a mincing cuck would have her after that, and what woman wants a mincing cuck? Second, Dummetrius will still produce all-black offspring -- with any of the all-black side bitches in his iphone. Interracial mating isn't a zero-sum, monogamous game. If a WF pairs with a BM, that doesn't mean the jilted WM will take a BF for a spouse, or even a drunken lay.
Muslims do the same thing to females of other religions -- all with the ultimate goal of ruining them for their own men.
"Cucky McCuckerberg Trump said...We all bleed the same blood."
It's throwaway political rhetoric. He's telling the Persons Of Coloreds to get with OUR program, not us with theirs. You don't really think Trump believes we all have, literally, the same blood, do you? I know I don't, because I don't have sickle cells or AIDS."
Here's what I think:
1) I think racists are fools for supporting a guy who thinks Martin Luther King was a "great man" who all Americans should honor, as Trump has said.
2) I think the alt-right is delusional to expect racism from Trump.
3) I think Trump's constant calls for racial unity will only lead to more racial destruction for whites.
Anonymous said...
@Race: hilarious!
I looked for the funny comment from Race, and only found 2 talking about missing comments.
If Race posted something funny, it has also disappeared... after it was approved and published.
This shit is creeping me out.
BTW, PK: 4 books received yesterday. Haven't checked mail today yet.
"And why do black men reject black women and sexually harvest white women's wombs to create vile hateful creatures like Jordan Peele? "
It's obvious why black males would do it. What isn't understandable is what's in it for white women, except the chance to have vile hateful offspring with sub-normal IQ.
Is the female counterpart of an "Uncle Tom" an "Aunt Jemima"? I would've thought the niggras would be calling this super high yella' out for being an Aunt Jemina:
If memory serves, I thought Ralph Abernathy rode a donkey to the Cape to protest space flight as just more of that damn "white privilege". He even said that putting a man into space was child's play compared to social problems like crime and poverty. (Which it probably is if you are forbidden from calling a spade a spade.) Yet this woman is announced from the mountaintop as a pinnacle of black achievement.
So here we have another one of those contradictions that defines BRA. It would be quite profitable if someone could catalogue these contradictions as they are practically innumerable.
As PK has stated many times, our sole job is to SURVIVE. The house is burning down, and all we have is a garden hose - about as effective as pissing on a forest fire. Let it burn, and once the ashes have cooled we can worry about rebuilding.
They brought busloads of school kids to the theater to see this thing.
Female in FL
My son in law is one of those contractors. He is in the accounting field. You can imagine the negroes he has to deal with. He makes very good money but it's contract work. This is the DC area.
Female in FL
Trumps speech last night was fabulous. Yes, he did talk about rebuilding inner cities, and providing jobs there, but I think that is in prep for requiring people to STEP UP and be self supporting, as he also talked about how many people are on food stamps right now. At the gym today, while forced watching CNN, all the blacks were criticizing Trump, AND calling out a black gentleman being interviewed on CNN, name of Van Jones, who had the nerve to praise Trump. The mixed race woman arguing against him made sure to call him "brother', so he would be reminded that he better stick with "his" team. I wanted to stand up and shout- "Hey, it has been ONE MONTH- how about giving Trump a chance, and not pre-judging him, (otherwise known as prejudice). But I was outnumbered about 12 to 1.
I came across a website run by a black man last year, about a subject that should be non racial. One day he posted on how black people should be allowed to use the N-word, but not white people. I replied on the comments- "To suggest that one group of people should be able to do or say something, that another group of people CANNOT, is the very DEFINITION of discrimination. That made him angry. But it is true.
Don't forget the March for Trump on March 4th.
L in Atl hell
Dr. Walter Williams was filling in for Rush one time and he told this story. He had a white student who was working on his MBA (at night) and taught in an inner city elementary school during the day. This student was in some kind of program to get his student loans and graduate degree covered by the state. Dr. Williams noted one day that this man had a very cavalier attitude towards his job. The students response was "They can't fire me, I'm the only one who knows how to do (teach) long division." Williams feigned surprise and used this as an example of a monopoly. However, when he graduated from high school in 1954, his segregated school had mostly white teachers.
its a truly depressing state of affairs that see around me lately & I concur with the comment above from the woman who tries to convey to her younger relatives how much 'good' has been lost via the widespread invasion & propping up of blacks & muds in this country...I walk streets that I no longer feel ANY affinity for now - I feel at times the same as that actor, I believe his name is Heston, from the Planet of the Ape movies, crying out in anguish, "what have you(we) done?!?"...I am deeply disgusted by what has been allowed to invade so many areas of NYC and looking to leave it asap. I am now glad that for some reason I kept putting off getting a 'house' here whereas so many of my friends did long ago but see that I dodged bullet and not choosing to have a family here as well. For now I think to have done so would have been as if voluntarily sign my own kids up to 'trained' into having some sort of mentally illness, given all the schizoid inducing multi-cult/social engineering crap being served up in all school in this city (took me decades to rid myself of that brainwashing!), made even worse by having to share classes with all sorts of parasitic 3rd world muds. I,too, long for the purity, as I remember it, of yesteryear.
Well, well. It appears that the white idiot who wants to be a negro, Rachel Dolezal, has finally achieved her goal of being Negroid!!!!!
She is about to end up homeless, on the streets, with NO job and on food stamps. Plus, she has changed her name........... "Rachel" was just too white for this idiot.
She IS OFFICIALLY a Negro and an Uppity one at that.
Hey Alex, Ain't England liberal country that I what heard
Why race to the 🌙 moon I like stay on 🌍 earth
World Hip Hop Star by the title you went there
Ain't the government stop going to the moon
. Yes, he did talk about rebuilding inner cities, and providing jobs there, but I think that is in prep for requiring people to STEP UP and be self supporting, as he also talked about how many people are on food stamps right now. At the gym today, while forced watching CNN, all the blacks were criticizing Trump, AND calling out a black gentleman being interviewed on CNN, name of Van Jones, who had the nerve to praise Trump.
i.e., for blacks, it's all about the "gibs." Why work when YT owes you?
Why start with in DC
Only thing I found very alarming was all the school voucher talk. I didn't care much for that.
Mr Turner
Isn't this the way things are in the fake newsrooms nowadays?
""To be able to tell a story in a way that the audience can understand and make it entertaining enough for them to be able to watch, I think the scriptwriters have to be creative and find a balance between telling the exact historic details and delivering a story that is both interesting and gets the message across," Barry explained."
They stretched the truth on Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and Freddie Grey. Three thugs that died because they attacked other people.
The news people can't the truth about blacks or white people might not feel guilty anymore.
"Lord of War" was a solid movie and fairly accurate portrayal of the type of people that arms dealers like Nicholas Cage's character. I met a guy who sold & outfitted (Weaponized) helicopters to countries around the world. He was basically a third party seller so US/International arms companies, can sell units to countries but not be directly involved on paper.
To those of you who may have relatives, friends, etc that would think it 'ok' to have a biracial child - please inform them that to do so is an act of selfish stupidity. Its an AWFUL emotional state to be 'caught' between two worlds with loads of rejection, exploitation and abuse from all sides being offered up that results in isolation from never having any solid idea of where you belong. A lot of these half-breeds (this includes half breeds from all types of 'mud'dling be it with blacks, hispanics or asians) often don't look good which only compounds matters for them and leads to developing serious mental health issues, such as depression, anxieties & some far worse: sociopathy/psychopathy (that entity which purportedly 'led' our country for the past 8 years was just such an example of a psychopathic mulatto. 'Terrible' doesn't even begin to cover it). Its the pathologically low in self-esteem and/or caucasians that allow themselves to be used to 'brown' up the world via producing muddied up half-breeds. Don't believe the BS on MSM on how 'trendy' or 'vibrant' it is - most of these kids are deeply conflicted, often loathing themselves in some aspects, due to those 'traits' that mark them as 'different'. I know - I am one of them and given all that Ive experienced in my life. I am probably never going to have kids as in good conscience I find it hard to justify passing on the tainted genetic stock & anguish to another generation? (e.g. I just learned that multi-cult people have a far harder time finding compatible organ donors as getting good genetic matching is practically impossible and some meds may react oddly because of all the 'diversity' running through the veins) IMO, 'multi-cult' is being pushed here to dump down the masses by browning it up, giving rise to a lower IQ, less capable of critical thinking, easily manipulated population (wouldn't be surprised to have it revealed at some point that all the 'mixing' turns out to be a main contributing factor to the sky rocketing rates of autism in this country) . Stick to your own kind folks, as nature intended.
mikej said... According to, Hidden Figures grossed $94.6 million with an estimated budget of $25 million. So it made money, which means that stupid white people actually paid to see it. It also means that we'll be seeing more of the same ol' propaganda. / GET OUT is making big green. yikes. who sees this shyte?
And yes, we know children were bused to the movie.
Hey Pat,
True math majors know problems that are unsolvable. A fellow at work rented from a lady who supposedly had a masters in Math. We asked a PhD to give us an unsolvable question (probably could google such problems online). I am not a math major, but I bet if I tried I could have stumped Feynman. I know a guy named Larry who could stumped him. I would have given him a really nasty integral to solve...and it would have to be a general solution, not something where Simpson's Rule could be used. Some integrals are unsolvable without getting into some really nasty math. If Feynman wanted a real problem, he should have asked a student of the math department who was going for a PhD. They get into Lie Groups, Topology, and so forth far beyond what the average person knows. We might even have math majors on this site.
Now, if the octoroon lady could do those kind of problems, then I would say she is truly brilliant - those are generally done by white men who are geniuses. Computing a matrix, or figuring out the trajectory of the spacecraft should not have been that hard for your average mathematician. All that is done by computers these days!
That story comes as no surprise to me. If you've ever been behind a black person buying lottery scratch offs, or dropping $40-50 on daily low payout lottery games like Pick 3, or Play 5, you'll know they are optimistic. It's the same reason the local casino by me offers to cash paychecks, and is full of orcs on Friday & Saturday, if you go on Sunday or Monday, that number has sharply dropped off.
I have a B.S. in Physics so I pulled up the paper mentioned and just read it. It does not actually invent orbital mechanics since that was done more than 300 years ago by Isaac Newton. The paper was about how to compute the offset in the observed satellite position caused by the fact that we are standing on a planetary body that is oblate rather than perfectly spherical.
Also, the authors of the paper were Ted Skopinski and Katherine Johnson in that order. Finally according to NASA archives online, computing the landing points for the first Mercury flights was assigned to John Mayer and Ted Skopinski. I'm guessing Johnson was probably part of the computing team.
Since I didn't see the movie, can someone here tell me who the actors were who played Mayer and Skopinski? If I was one of those guys I would want Nicholas Hoult to play me. I don't look the least bit like him of course, I would just want someone really good looking to play me on the off-chance it would rub off!
Maybe it's my YT high IQ showing, but how about this idea?
Ship back the millions of illegals to mexico. But, keep them at border on Mexican side and put them to work building the wall. Biometric ID cards and keep them in camps there. Lots of work for years so they can make money, be in mexico, and give the country time to re-absorb the hordes.
And voila, the wall gets built.
Of course this is BS. Par for the course. I also read that in the film, the groid women were forced to use segregated bathrooms at NASA--as it turns out, that was 100% false, as well--unless, in today's age of the he-she-trannies, they meant that they were forced to use the women's room.
March 1, 2017 at 1:08 PM, Anon said..."As PK has stated many times, our sole job is to SURVIVE. The house is burning down, and all we have is a garden hose - about as effective as pissing on a forest fire. Let it burn, and once the ashes have cooled we can worry about rebuilding."
I believe this to be very true and important, and I will add, If you fail to prepare, that doesn't mean when TSHTF, you will become my emergency.
Look at it this way: if adding blacks to the "equation" improved the efficiency of an organization, wouldn't NASA have people in space today? In fact, wouldn't the USA have bases on the moon and manned expeditions to Mars and beyond?
But we do not have those things, do we.
"The System got lucky. Consider how movies such as Red Tails and Selma flopped. For whatever reason, Hidden Figures resonated. Maybe it worked because it showed average people being more important than the big brains of NASA."
I suspect a female factor was also at work in its appeal. Black, woman, set in the 60s, male-dominated..... A kind of twofer.
First, if a White woman births a niglet, she is ruined forever for all other White men. ... all with the ultimate goal of ruining them for their own men.
That they are. Ruined. Damaged goods. No decent white man will ever touch them again and they know it.
The next time you see a white girl with some half black kids in tow, look in her eyes. She knows. And she knows that you know. That's why they will, without exception, have a shitty attitude. Because their life is shit.
They see every sideways stare. Every disgusted look from, not just race realists, but anyone with a shred of self respect. Especially other white women. They burn every time they`re asked "Are those yours?" when someone see`s their nappy headed sprogs.
"Once you go black, you never go back." is true, but not for the reason blacks think. You don't come back, because you cant.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"9:36am- "Katherine Johnson was likely competent at her job as they didn't have affirmative action back then."
Yes, she probably was able to perform long division. As for African Affirmation, NASA had it back then, just not on paper. This very blog documents how Pres Kennedy tried to force an ape into the Ap[e]ollo program."
You beat me to it, and articulated it well. Yes this was before the official affirmative action policy but that's exactly what it was. The President essentially forced NASA to include some negroes in the space program so these few hundred of black college girls from their black college were carted in and handed jobs that essentially could have been done by anyone with a basic understanding of college level math. The calculations were done by electronic computer first, then checked and re-checked repeatedly by multiple groups of people over lots of time, so if anyone made a mistake it would have been caught and corrected by someone else. Electronic computers were still so new that NASA didn't trust them yet. The negresses certainly did NOT invent any kind of new mathematical calculations or formulas and likely were minimally competent, and I would wager they made plenty of mistakes that were caught and corrected by other groups (silently of course).
OT: Watching Africa's Great Civilizations on public t.v. Absolutely ridiculous. Supposedly these great civilizationsite were ruined when, you guessed it, white people invaded. This is true comedy.
Why we're overdo to know the brilliance of Africa's Civilizations. More we wuz kings propaganda.
The last honest movie about blacks that I can remember is Precious , starring that gigantic sheboon Gibourney Sibide or however you spell it.
I taught in the ghetto in the early 90s, and the character of Precious' mother was spot-on. I had a giant sheboon ape come scream at me about "sendin' dat dam gubmint" to her house to "spy up all in her bidness" just like Precious' mother did (it was an automatic social worker check-in that I had nothing to do with).
I think after Precious , Hollywood got scared of making any more honest movies about negroes.
What are we talking about here?
If this Negress was the sole cause of our getting to the moon, then why don't black Africans have a space program and a moon base of their own? I mean if these negroes are so superior why do we still see mud huts and spears in darkest Africa. This movie is nothing but propaganda to make the negroe feel good, just as school busing for integration did.
"Fortunately, now that the Blackademy Awards are behind us, this film will fade into DVD oblivion."
Ah, but how many "history" teachers are going to use this magic-negro-hyping propaganda? This reminds me of an indoctrination film we watched in high school. The film featured various snippets depicting blacks as the victims of...SOCIETY! In between the snippets, the propaganda featured its narrator: a poised, polished, patient, long-suffering, stoic black man with slightly sad eyes and a slightly dejected voice.
The film clearly begged many questions: Can you believe white prejudice? Why do so many whites distrust blacks? The narrator is obviously the most trustworthy, family friendly, non-threatening man you've ever seen in your entire life: so why shouldn't all white people believe him when he vouches for his race?
The propaganda clearly strove to depict white mistrust of blacks as ignorant, paranoid, unfair, unwarranted and uncalled for. The film shrewdly featured the most trusted black man that ever lived as its narrator--BILL COSBY!
Hmmmm, if such a film were made today, who would the propaganda machine pick to narrate it? "Doctor" Ben Carson? One of the Williams "sisters"? The recently replaced First "Lady"? Hmmmmmmmm.
Very true, I find this blog a breathe of fresh air and I am very thankful.
Remember the Beltway sniper team? Shooting out of a hidden hole in a car trunk. Well, one day smart humans will use this method to cull the orc herds. Keep the orcs inside. Just a matter of time. Too obvious a smart tactic. Multiple teams.
To L in Atl hell: I sympathize with you at that gym that day. I have a black supervisor, have to work with 2 blacks daily, one is a squared away individual who is responsible the other has 6 kids and never show up to work about literally and I mean LITERALLY half the time. The responsible one says "it's the dumb shits wife's fault" Anyway, they always tear up Trump no matter what he says, does, etc.I don't watch the same shows as they do and I always let it be known that my interests are very different than theirs.That includes music, books( they don't know how to deal with that subject, the "books" word)I am very good at history and I make it well known that history repeats itself, they cannot even fathom that concept.My next slip of the tongue will be we are heading towards a civil war whether we like it or not.
Yup here is the other author,and more than likely the "brains" behind mrs johnson...T.H.Skopinski
And notice towards the end the book references...this is more than likely where mrs johnson received all her knowledge that she is supposed to have created out of thin air on her own....LOL.....and this book was written in 1914....again IN 1914...let that sink in...
An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics (Dover Books on Astronomy)
look up the author as well,
Forest Ray Moulton
lo and behold all the celestial and astronomy that mrs johnson was supposedly only privy too and created was all stolen from Forest Ray Moultan...Go Figure...pun intended!
We must be close to the same age. I saw that film in American History class in my junior year - Spring of '83.
Supposedly there were Negro troops that followed Teddy Roosevelt's charge up San Juan Hill in 1898. "They didn't get lost going up that hill, but they got lost from the history books."
Not a bad little story, except that the Executive Order to desegregate the armed services didn't happen until the Truman Administration. Oops.
All of you need to keep in mind that as a whole, you don't see the negro infestations you see on the other half of the Mississippi.
...In other words, Not behind around negro much (except the talented tenth), I'm guessing the be more receptive to the agitprop.
That's because about 20 years ago, the colleges reduced the amount of credits you can get for many classes. The effect of which is more classes needed to graduate, more money for school. It's one of the biggest rackets in the world now thanks to Griggs vs. Duke power. Another side effect of the African in our midst.
Anonymous@ March 1, 2017 at 4:22 PM said:
"And yes, we know children were bused to the movie."
So, like most black enterprises, Hidden Figures achieved success solely by government subsidy. How much did that cost us taxpayers? I'd really like to see those hidden figures.
Thank you for posting my exact thoughts and sentiments!
"Not a bad little story, except that the Executive Order to degenerate the armed services didn't happen until the Truman Administration. Oops."
.....There, fixed it for you.
That why the space center is named after him. Jfk and the new frontier
If PK didn't erase it, I bet it was so offensive to to the pwb, that someone couldn't help but tip their hand and delete it when they're only supposed to be monitoring us, lol
Sometimes things are so much more painful or offensive due to the truth of the matter.
"...In other words, Not being around negro much (except the talented tenth), I'm guessing them to be more receptive to the agitprop."
Alfa158: "computing the landing points for the first Mercury flights was assigned to John Mayer and Ted Skopinski. I'm guessing Johnson was probably part of the computing team. Since I didn't see the movie, can someone here tell me who the actors were who played Mayer and Skopinski?"
I didn't see it either, but looked up the full cast list at Nothing for either of those two gentlemen, unless they got lost in the nearly 100 "uncredited" roles -- including such trivial characters as Gus Grissom, Wally Schirra and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
I knew one of the mathematicians on the early space program. It was boiler room co-operation; no one person shined.
There were negro soldiers at the battle of San Juan (Kettle) Hill, the 24th Infantry and 10th Cavalry, all black. Gen. Pershing got his nickname from when he commanded the 10th, in the history books they call him "Black Jack", in reality it was "Ni--er Jack". There were, I believe, four black regiments in the army, they had the lowest desertion rates in the army, but the highest rates in all other disciplinary problems.
Why are you teaching in the ghetto and watching precious film in the first place?
A brief addendum to my earlier post:
The name of the film narrated by Bill Cosby is
"Black History: Lost, Stolen or Strayed", which was released in 1968. The script was written by Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes fame.
The film runs about an hour-and-a-half and can be viewed here:
The government cuts you're student loan debt if you teach in these ghetto schools (title I?).
The President essentially forced NASA to include some negroes in the space program so these few hundred of black college girls from their black college were carted in and handed jobs that essentially could have been done by anyone with a basic understanding of college level math.
Not even that. You can understand the operation of a room full of "computers" with their mechanical calculators like an Excel spreadsheet. Each operator corresponds roughly to a cell in the spreadsheet. The inputs to each cell and what is done with the cell's result is designed by a mathematician (or someone who knows enough math to get the correct result), but the "computer" in each cell only needs to know enough arithmetic to put the proper inputs into the mechanical calculator and hand the results off. That was junior-high level at the time (standards have fallen).
I knew one of the mathematicians on the early space program. It was boiler room co-operation; no one person shined.
Precisely. Katherine Johnson needed to be about as bright as a cell formula in Excel. She needed to follow directions VERY accurately, and that's about it.
Remember the Beltway sniper team? Shooting out of a hidden hole in a car trunk. Well, one day smart humans will use this method to cull the orc herds.
You mean like this? Humans are already well beyond that. Ponder the possibilities of armed drones, or drones carrying deadly "baits" like poisoned liquor or over-loaded pistol ammunition. Hell, booby-trapped "sail foams".
With today's technology, the forced busing of the 70's would have been impossible. Imagine wiping out an entire bus-full of dindus with improvised explosives. Suddenly they're not merely not infesting your kid's school, they're GONE. None of those missed would ever dare set foot on a bus to a White school again except at gunpoint. Yes, the fedgov could march in the army. They'd have to leave eventually, and you could poison the food at the mess after giving them warning to go AWOL or else.
Keep the orcs inside.
Humans can get to them inside as well, though keeping them off the streets will force an immense reduction in crime.
The only reason the orc infestation of human areas continues is because Whitey is not applying his full intelligence to the problem, even against FedGov pressure. That's not going to continue for long.
" it doesn't even attempt to sell a product anymore but just to sell you 30 seconds worth of cultural Marxism into your subconscious."
Gorgeously put. Its a constant spewing stream and its disgusting. The one night it shut off was when (((they))) were so shocked by We the People picking President Trump and they were dumbfounded.
Whew, thank God for this movie. All of this time I thought that it was evil YT who was responsible for getting us into space.
Couldn't agree more. I come from this same "mix" and would never put my offspring through it, especially in this country. Nothing against my country, it's just that inter-breeding is only a good idea for blacks. They elevate themselves but have a hard time with identify and end up being segregated by all groups.
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