The city of Raleigh recently put out the RALEIGH FIREARM
STRATEGY: A focused approach to reduce firearm violence through education andtraining, intelligence‐led policing, and community partnerships.
It let slip some interesting data points, namely:
Because of blacks.
Recycle this same scenario for every city in America.
Blacks are the primary reason America has an epidemic of gun violence. Without blacks, America would only have an epidemic of white people collecting firearms (which they do courtesy of blacks, who whites implicitly understand are responsible for almost all the gun violence in America).
STRATEGY: A focused approach to reduce firearm violence through education andtraining, intelligence‐led policing, and community partnerships.
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Raleigh, North Carolina only has a gun violence problem because of black people (the majority, if not 100 percent, of unknown gun violence suspects are black) |
It let slip some interesting data points, namely:
Of the known race of firearm suspects between 2015 and 2017, 94 percent where black.Not once in the report from the Raleigh Police Department is this racial data of offenders brought up, save in the chart, which helps dramatically illustrate why the city has a problem with gun violence.
Because of blacks.
Recycle this same scenario for every city in America.
Blacks are the primary reason America has an epidemic of gun violence. Without blacks, America would only have an epidemic of white people collecting firearms (which they do courtesy of blacks, who whites implicitly understand are responsible for almost all the gun violence in America).
Americans in Haiti are warned to stay inside as violent protests continue over fuel price hike leaving 200 people trapped in a hotel
Nearly 200 people including 120 Americans are trapped in the Oasis Hotel in Haiti's Port Au Prince
Protesters tried to set fire to it amid violent clashes with the local police but they did not harm anyone inside
Now, the guests and staff who are there are being told not to leave for fear they could be hurt outside
The protests began over a recent government announcement to double fuel prices in the country
At least two people have been killed as a result of the disruption and flights out have been canceled
The US government is advising anyone planning non-essential travel to Haiti not to go
PUBLISHED: 16:45 EDT, 8 July 2018 | UPDATED: 17:55 EDT, 8 July 2018
People in Haiti are being warned to stay inside as violent protests continue in Port Au Prince over a recent fuel price hike.
Among those affected are hundreds of Americans.
120 US citizens are trapped along with 100 natives at the Oasis Hotel which protesters tried to set fire to earlier on Saturday. They set several cars alight in the parking lot.
MSM seriously need to stop referring to rioters as 'protesters'.
In any city where blacks exceed their statistical average population percentage crime increases dramatically.
Yet for some reason this fact is lost. Double down in the south. The old south is so overrun with criminal blacks and apologist whites that TNB is the norm and any steps to confront, curtail, or heaven forbid stop it are met with calls of discrimination and racism.
Was going to relocate close to the ocean in North Carolina last year; focused on Carteret County, Morehead City.
That county has 10% Black population, which is low for The South. The rest of NC,except for the mountainous West,was beneath consideration due to the higher percentages of Da Gubbamintz favorite pet species, and their stereotypical criminal misbehavior.
Then it dawned on me, right after having some BLAK Kwane + chirrins in a broke-ass old SUV dangerously screw up traffic in a White people's grocery store parking lot in Morehead City,that TEN PERCENT BLACK IS TOO MUCH BLACK !
The breeding like cockroaches thing and dey kribs across the bridge over the channel in the dumpy parts of Beaufort and the BLAK A A hires from the nearby Cherry Point Marine Airbase were some factors in me bailing out on a house deal a few miles inland.
Now, it's rural Ohio where BLAX are considerably less than ONE PERCENT.
I aim to keep it that way, so help me God.
My wife hails from North Carolina. I couldn't for the life of me understand why she hated blacks so much when I met her in college.
Now I know...
Allowing a practically retarded, high-T, violent demographic to amok...What could go wrong?
OT: The Chicago Police Superintendent marched arm-in-arm with a cult leader and black radical activists on July 7th blocking an interstate highway to protest "gun-violence". My police department is beyond sad and irredeemable.
Where will this Summer's Cat 5 chimpout be in the USA? Indy? St Louis? Detroit?
Place your bets...
You say blacks are responsible for the majority of crime in the United States?
I'm shocked. Shocked, I say!
Jim in Jersey
“The old south is so overrun with criminal blacks and apologist whites that TNB is the norm and any steps to confront, curtail, or heaven forbid stop it are met with calls of discrimination and racism.“
Doesn’t matter as long as “State” wins the SEC title. I used to see more USC and Clemson flags displayed than American flags.
It is a sad reality when discussing these stories is punishable by having the “scarlet R” being carved in blood on your forehead.
Explaining the differences in race to others, especially those differences which cause violent behavior, currently leads to permanent unemployment, death threats, isolation, and disownment.
My litmus test for others has been reduced to a one-step-process:
Either you’re red-pilled, or you f*&k off.
No surprise. Correlates with data from all around the country, it's just that we thinking people aren't supposed to be allowed to know it
Raleigh resident here, can confirm. Nightly local "news" here might as well be a loop they replay day after day after day. But hey, at least they report on nog crime. Local news website Wral, does a great job of keeping the mugshots and crime blotter up to date too...Omar Sharif Brown Jr, G-quan Daishaun McLaughlin and Shakeevia Laverne Askew are just some of the gud boyz and girlz breakin tha law these days. At least they tend to concentrate in the city's southeast and it's not impossible to remove yourself and your family from the sh!tshow. Great city otherwise.
Meanwhile, 3000 miles away a black woman initiates a racist attack on a 90+ year old man. Granted, he was from Mexico, moved here and doesn't speak English. But when the woman whose 4 year old child was bumped threw him to the ground and began beating him. Then another 4 people ran up and joined in.
They are not like us, though they do know dimly that letting in others makes their part here even worse, and yeah... They have no compunction stopping anyone their small brains determine to be a threat to them or an offense to blackness in general.
Conan O'Brien is trying to get back down to Haiti for another photo op.
You see, one need not spew truth the media calls racist, when sterile clinical facts paint the picture clearly.
Said a poster on the last thread...
Sez I: Occam's razor is just too sharp for most people to handle.
Corollary from Takimag: Its a shame and rather alarming that so many decent people either cannot or will not think rationally and dispassionately about what we see as reality. (paraphrasing otherwise well written prose which says essentially that)
There we are.
"da turrible, turrible legacy of slabery"
the truth is in their biology.
Ok, so:
What is politics, brewed down to it's central, non-partisan reality? I think it is just what civilized people do; the process of 'getting along'.
We are all 85% percent water at a minimum. Less, we die, or get very very drunk.
The moon acts upon us in similar fashion to the tides, hence the term "Looney" (Lune)
Do other planets not have any effect in similar fashion?
I am told by a reliable source that several planets in our solar system, our stellar 'hood, are in an unusual and significant alignment right now. I'm not an astrologer by any means, but I understand patterns can have outsize effects. What I see in the society around me right now makes me wonder if that might be part of the problem.
Then again, maybe it is all IQ and genes. Maybe I'm just smart enough to wonder.
Hmm. I may try to sell Occam's Jeans. Should I make them from demp or henim?
Ok, so:
What is politics, brewed down to it's central, non-partisan reality? I think it is just what civilized people do; the process of 'getting along'.
We are all 85% percent water at a minimum. Less, we die, or get very very drunk.
The moon acts upon us in similar fashion to the tides, hence the term "Looney" (Lune)
Do other planets not have any effect in similar fashion?
I am told by a reliable source that several planets in our solar system, our stellar 'hood, are in an unusual and significant alignment right now. I'm not an astrologer by any means, but I understand patterns can have outsize effects. What I see in the society around me right now makes me wonder if that might be part of the problem.
Then again, maybe it is all IQ and genes. Maybe I'm just smart enough to wonder.
Hmm. I may try to sell Occam's Jeans. Should I make them from demp or henim?
The (((Left))) and their useful idiot Antifa lackies are going insane. Technically they still dominate the culture but they are rapidly losing their grip. And this is making (((them))) panic.
People go home today and instead of paying attention to the idiot box, we are all glued to our glowing idiot smartphones and tablets.
This is very scary to people who specialize in propaganda and mind control. Even ad agencies are in panic mode.
Without a shadow of a doubt, we will win the long war. It's inevitable.
Statistic's tell the whole story of who is committing crime. Yet, the black community doesn't want people to have access to that information, they have succeeded in muting the media on reporting crimes by blacks. These people are a protected race and are striving to have every bad action or decision silenced. How many people have to die or suffer before the truth is shed in the light of truth?
We see laws being changed, we see outrageous plea deals and judges relax their sentencing if you black and have a long criminal record. Liberals are using the blacks to stir up sentiment on guns, they make possible what we are seeing today.
I have never ever seen blacks move into a neighborhood en mass and improve it.
By groid logic the unrest in Haiti is YT's fault because 200 years ago.
Sometimes it actually looks painful for black anchor people to repot the news. Must be somewhat embarrassing.
Sorry but I just do not see it happening. Someone has put the leash on BLM and even shooting & murders in Chicango were way down (per HeyJackass). Their handlers understand any chimpouts will push more and more white voters to the republicans in November and that, in their minds, is unacceptable. Depending on the outcome in November the chimpouts will return full force before next summer.
Same here!
Ahh....Special Ed again? How's Garrys run against Rahm Emmanuel going?
Anonymous said...
Was going to relocate close to the ocean in North Carolina last year; focused on Carteret County, Morehead City. That county has 10% Black population, which is low for The South. The breeding like cockroaches thing and dey kribs across the bridge over the channel in the dumpy parts of Beaufort and the BLAK A A hires from the nearby Cherry Point Marine Airbase were some factors in me bailing out on a house deal a few miles inland.
Can confirm. Was stationed just down the coast a bit at Camp Lejeune.
People don't realize how many civilian govt workers there are on a military base. Many jobs that enlisted personnel used to do, supply, admin, mess hall, base maint., have been turned over to civilian govt employees. A base is a huge employer, and govt jobs are like a bug light to them.
Now, it's rural Ohio where BLAX are considerably less than ONE PERCENT.
Can confirm this also.
Stay alert, stay alive.
They don't just shoot people, they deal hard drugs, too! And they get weak willed whites to cater to them and serve their evil needs and commit their evil deeds.
People in Haiti are being warned to stay inside as violent protests continue in Port Au Prince over a recent fuel price hike/
correct version-- WHITE People in Haiti are being warned to stay inside...
What was the first thing that Haitians did when given freedom? kill all the whites and mulattoes.
Wow! You can apologize for what someone else did 200 years ago and it still is the enough. Well, I guess that's what happens when obsolete farm equipment are encouraged to thrive once their original purpose is done and over.
City of Charleston apologizes for slavery but people demand reparations
By Liberation Staff-Columbia, SC
Jul 09, 2018
On June 19, the Charleston, South Carolina City Council voted 7-5 to apologize for its role in the slave trade. About 40 percent of enslaved African people who came to what became the U.S. passed through the port at Charleston. The marketplace where the kidnapped Africans were sold still stands in the city but is now filled with other commodities. The bodies of women, men and children who didn’t make it to the market were thrown into the Charleston harbor.
Charleston truly came into being “dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt.”
It’s obvious to all honest people that the city has a very ugly history, and it’s fitting that the city formally apologized for this. However many are saying the apology is not enough—too little and too late—and that what’s really needed are reparations to begin to right the wrongs of Charleston.
This was even expressed at the City Council in the debate before the vote. For example, Perry K. Waring, a Black council member, criticized the apology and voted against it because it did not include specific economic measures to uplift the Black community which had been held down for centuries. He brought up the need for affordable housing for Black residents and extending zoning permits for Black owned businesses—both measures well within the power of the City Council.
Due to historical enslavement, Jim Crow apartheid, and other vestiges of racism, there is a large gap in the conditions for Black and white residents. The State of Racial Disparities Report shows that the gap has not improved in 50 years. The median income for Black families in Charleston and North Charleston was $29,799, less than half the median income white families earned: $64,553. The report shows how this gap exists in other areas of life including education and jobs.
Members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation went to the Westside neighborhood in Charleston, where a historically Black community is being pushed out by gentrification, to speak with residents about their thoughts regarding the apology.
Marcus Williams moved to Charleston in 1963 and described the gentrification in this neighborhood. He walks around his community regularly to see what the people want and to get them involved in the neighborhood association. In response to the Charleston City Council apologizing for slavery Mr. Williams told Liberation: “An apology won’t do anything good without action. The apology is overdue and and the government has been avoiding the issue for 200 years. … How are we the home of the free and brave, when we are not free? We aren’t free for one minute, because we have to fight every minute. … I can’t help what happened 200 years ago, what will [the City Council] do for my children and my children’s children?”
Anther resident, Dolores, from the New Holmes Street Baptist Church said about the apology toLiberation: “Things have not changed. Apology should have been done so many moons ago and not just so they can get re-elected”.
Brother David Jackson, also from the New Holmes Street Baptist Church, told Liberation: “Still too much trafficking of people and we still don’t have access to resources. [We need to] abolish [racism] altogether, wipe it out. Lincoln abolished [slavery], but here we are today, 1865-2018, all together and taken out.”
Because nothing will show whitey who is Boss, like a bunch of blacks burning down their own neighborhood.
OT: Now Guinness is opening up a brewery in Baltimore. I've always been a fan of their suds, but it won't sell well in Baltimore, at least amongst the "black irish"! ;)
Due to historical enslavement, Jim Crow apartheid, and other vestiges of racism, there is a large gap in the conditions for Black and white residents.
Due to blacks’ lower intelligence, higher rates of psychopathic personality, extreme present-orientation, epidemic of fatherlessness and thug culture that celebrates crime and misogyny, there is a large gap in the conditions for Black and white residents.
There. Fixed it for them. 👍🏼
RE: Charleston, SC. I lived there for four years and left just over 25 years ago. Even back then the orcs were braying for reparations (aka ever more gibs-me-dat). Their campaign for ever more freebies is endless and insatiable.
Their real problem isn't anything from history, slavery, racism, etc., it's TNB. They live in squalor, steal, deal and use drugs, casually murder each other, pop out baby orcs left and right but don't take care of them, etc., just as they do anywhere else you find them. They are their own worst enemies.
As for the apology, people need to quit apologizing for things they didn't do. Where is a slave owner today? Where is an ex-slave? My ancestors came over on boats from Ireland in the late 1800s where their country was under the heel of the British, so I don't owe these orcs anything.
As for that marketplace where they say slave sales took place, that turned out to be a myth. I recall learning from historians when I lived there that the marketplace in question didn't have slave sales. Those took place elsewhere, but why confuse a story with facts? Besides, everything must be done to make YT feel guilty and fork over mo' gibs-me-dat! Listening to the orcs' version of history, you'd think the only things bought and sold in the South were orcs.
I'm also really tired to hearing orcs bleat about how terrible "gentrification" is (aka cleaning up hopeless, dangerous, destroyed neighborhoods and making them livable again, largely due to changing who lives there). Is what happened to Detroit, Baltimore, Birmingham, and countless other cities "good," while turning neighborhoods and cities around and bringing them back to life is "bad"?
The only "reparations" they'll get from me is a one-way ticket to the African nation of their choice. Haiti will do as an option too.
I lived in this area for two years. It's a twilight zone.
You can't buy your way away from it. They zone beautiful neighborhoods a block down from a shanty town black neighborhood. And if that isn't enough, they bus more into your public schools.
Literally, you go pick up a pizza on Friday night and you have to leave your idyllic neighborhood and drive through the "belligerent slow walkers" in the parking lot. Pants hanging to their knees, glaring at you as they purposely crawl in front of your car, looking at you like they'd just as soon kill you.
The kicker--everyone acts like it is the most normal thing in the world. It's is never spoken about, never acknowledged except to praise.
Before accepting the move, my husband and I literally DRILLED into the demographics to find the area. I went to the first back to school night and I literally almost had an anxiety attack. I do this thing (my kids tell me) where I think I am smiling but I am showing all the horror I am feeling on my face...I am sure I had that look on the entire time.
I hightailed it out of there two years to the day because that was the amount of time we were committed to be there.
A million other reasons why I'd never live there again but that was chief among them.
Brian in Ohio and anon at 10:57: I'm stuck in a SW suburb of Cleveland, but it's still pretty white and safe. Nice actually, but I frost whenever I see orcs walking around town. A lot of muzzies too. The muzzies love large ostentatious SUV's. I think my "I will not submit" bumper sticker pisses them off. I've had a few encounters over it. What part of the state are you guys in?
I just got back from a mini-camping trip to southeast Ohio. They had this real nice beach and lake at the campground and all kinds of white people were swimming and enjoying themselves with no life guard.No body seemed to drowning. The idiotic Cleveland Metroparks took over City of Cleveland lakeside parks several years ago saying there would be now swimming. Signs posted no swimming etc. Negroes ignored the stay out of the water signs and promptly started drowning and demanded lifeguards for their chilluns after numerous drownings of their species. Of course they got them. There were two negroe drownings in the last two weeks, one at a beach with a life guard. Negroes can't swim and seem determined to prove it.
some lots where the weeds have gained the upper hand.
It's those racist weeds. You know what I think happens? At night, White people come over and scatter weed seeds all over the place.
"We need to show them there's more than basketball," he said.
That's right! There's always armed robbery. Or, you write random crap on a chalk board and work for NASA.
William Hendershot said...
Brian in Ohio and anon at 10:57: What part of the state are you guys in?
Southwest corner. Right in between Cinci and Dayton, unfortunately. But the further away from them you get, the whiter it gets.
Farm country is white country. Because farming takes planning ahead, hard work and personal responsibility. Three things blacks are notorious for not doing.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Brian in Ohio, we must be neighbors. I live in farm country outside Waynesville, OH. Love the lack of a certain demographic.
Unfortunately all them at my apartment complex somehow know how to swim well enough 😒
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