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Help us grow by taking the 2011 SBPDL Readers Survey |
If you haven't picked up SBPDL Year One, Hollywood in Blackface, or Captain America and Whiteness yet - and you are new to the site - consider heading over to Amazon.com and doing that now. Or, if you want to pick up any items from Amazon.com, go through any of links supplied here and SBPDL will get a commission of your order!
Also, if you made a donation of $50 or more and haven't received your books yet, please contact me at SBPDL1@gmail.com. I want to make sure everyone gets their signed copies, so please contact me ASAP.
I know a lot of regular readers might find the direction that SBPDL has taken in recent weeks a radical departure from what you've come to expect here. Please understand that every fiber in my being is dedicated to exposing what I've dubbed Black-Run America (BRA) and the correlation to the integration of sports - primarily collegiate sports in the southern states - and the rise of BRA is a story that must told.
But that is another story for another time. In constantly trying to improve this Web site, increase readers enjoyment of SBPDL, engage the audience for insightful participation and feedback, and attract new readers, I'd like to conduct a quick survey.
The plans are to eventually roll-out an E-mail marketing campaign strategy, so that readers can get updates each week and have the opportunity to read linked pieces (this will provide me metrics to see which stories get "clicked" on the most and improve the site through the compiling of data-driven analytics) all in one place. That way, people who don't come here every day can see what was new from that week and what they may have missed.
So,would you please do me the favor of completing this quick survey? It will help ascertain what you, the consumer, wants here at SBPDL and how I can create a better product. I'm a big believer in the raving fans strategy, where loyal readers help do the marketing for you. Just know that SBPDL is a site that is only tailored to Stuff Black People Don't Like. Right now I'm on a bit-of-a sports kick - and yes, tomorrow you'll get the Auburn University article, followed by an article on Syracuse and the hilariously inaccurate movie The Express - but this will change.
I started this Web site as a joke; it became a hobby, something I truly enjoyed doing; I lost a job I had held for a number of years over it, because my employer was fearful of me being exposed and the damage they could have potentially faced; yet, when I wrote the piece on Morgan Freeman being inserted into Dolphin Tale just for the sake of putting a Blackface on the film, I realized that had SBPDL not been started, Hollywood in Blackface would never have come about.
I'm very proud of SBPDL; what is was, what it is now, and what it is evolving into.
So, here are the questions for the SBPDL survey of the readers. Either send the answers privately to me at SBPDL1@gmail.com or put them in the comment section for all to see.
The SBPDL Readers Survey
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
13. How can we improve the comments section?
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
Please know that I appreciate each and every reader. I want to keep this site growing, fresh, relevant, edgy, and above all else, entertaining. Thanks in advance for participating in the survey. In the 27 months that this site has existed, we've seen outstanding growth and most of that is attributed to you, the loyal reader.
Thanks again.
We'll be back tomorrow here at SBPDL and will be compiling the data from this survey
Below, are Youtube clips from the new MovieClips channel that I occassionaly watch to get inspired. May they do the same for you! And may you always remember that the future is unwritten. This era, this epoch will pass.
"The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominately White Institutions enabled Black-Run America"?! A word of advice: get yourself an editor to come up with book titles. LOL.
The SBPDL Readers Survey
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
Google Search on why black people don't tip.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
I found the site to be informative and funny. The article on tipping was rational and well presented. I explored some other posts and found sbpdl consistently presents informative information in an entertaining medium.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
Truth, plain and simple. The cognitive dissonance and pure ignorance which effects so many people's views of blacks is astounding. How someone can espouse racial equality while living with the realities of the modern world is beyond me.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
I was an athlete at a Division 1 school and their was a program where the athletes could go play sports with local "underprivileged" kids. The idea was to mentor and inspire them to do well in school, go to college, etc. Out of the 30ish athletes who volunteered, not a single black and lord knows there were plenty of them. I lasted 2 days in the program before the shitty attitudes to the kids (70% black and 30% Hispanic) made me quit. Also, one tried to steal my backpack and his teacher (also black) yelled at me for calling him out. Ya, fuck everything about that.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
Hell ya, I have shown this site to dozens of friends. A lot of guys had already read some of your posts.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
Keep up the humor. As you said a while ago, all you can do sometimes is laugh.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
I come looking to learn something knew each day. If I had any advice, it is to continue exploring new topics.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
I read pretty much everything.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
American blacks vs African blacks. I had a black guy from Ethiopia in my frat (Token Black Bro) who called American blacks cotton pickers. He hated American blacks more than anyone I have ever met.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominately White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
I agree with you on your thesis of BRA and college football. Personally, I think it would make a better book because you could completely lay down your idea in a book rather than writing multiple blog posts where you have to reiterate the core aspects for each new piece.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
Keep deleting Desiree's posts, that's all I can say.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
1. Not really sure.
2. I found the site generally interesting.
4. Both the articles and the comment section.
5. Pretty much.
6. Yes to podcasts. As for the site itself, "zu fiel ungepachket!" "Too busy". It needs a cleaner format. Whatever became of the migration to the new (and FAR cleaner) site?
7. # osts, the crime reports, popular culture, the stories of the unintended (and intended) consequences of post 1964-65 reforms.
8. I tend to avoid the sports stuff. I live in the south and already hear enough "rowll tahhhd!" yells, and smack-talk among fans of opposing teams all around me. I don't need to read about it.
9. More about HBD.
10. No.
11. I have no idea.
12. I bought Hollywood in Blackface. YOU NEED AN EDITOR. The Kindle release was full of typos, grammar conflicts, and sentences that were either incomplete or that were missing words. The book itself started getting boring toward the end and I just skimmed the last 3rd of it.
13. Post the comments in the order they are released from moderation rather than from when they came in. I come back several times to read new comments, and find that ones not there before are not interspersed with those that were already there.
14. 62
15. Male.
16. Limit comments to those with something to say. One- or two-sentence racial clichés get old. Comments full of dumb phrases followed by LOLOLOLOLOLOL do not add anything to the discussion. Finally, a gripe I have is with people who will type their entire comment in minstrel show "I gots me da foo stamp!" dialog. Their comments are hard to read, or when they ARE understandable, really don't say anything. One or two phrases for emphasis, sure. But an entire comment?
17. I'd consider it as long as you use a service that is not a data miner, or not one that takes mailing lists and sells them so they can provide their services for "free".
18. I HAVE read the sports articles, and some are even interesting. Most are, to me, achingly boring. The comments are always the same old stuff over and over, often regarding who can jump or who can run. Or how the players get away with rape because they bring revenue in. Or why are white people cheering folks on the field that they'd avoid out in public.
Given that I have not cared about sports since I was about, oh, 16, this stuff goes right past me. But I also understand I am not your only reader.
"16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?"
Browser controlled space laser satellite with a prize for whoever manages to hit the SPLC HQ.
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
*Linked @ diversity is chaos
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
*I liked it a lot that you update frequently, and your style.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader? *see above
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See? * 10 years in the army...
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites? * I've sent links to so many people I've lost count.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)? * personally, since my isp is sorta slow, I'd like to see each new post on its own separate page to speed up load times.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? *probably the crime posts, because it correlates to what I see from many other sources.
8. What are the articles that you don't read? *probably dont enjoy the sports ones as much. I gave up on team sports years ago as they all seem to glorify thugs. Baseball is the only team sport I like now...basketball...fuhgeddaboutit!
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed? *probably more emphasis on the BRA'ization of the political scene.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)? * sure, if they were sorta subdued. No point advertising to get yourself attacked.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate? *'basic' colors...its become a 'us ~vs~ them' situation to a large degree. Guess you could use grey to indicate DWL's...silhouette's would be good.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site? * entertainment industry, politics, crime statistics, local goverment, the 'main-stream-media', the internet...all good sources of material...have you ever really explored what sites online are frequented, or avoided by a majority of blacks?
13. How can we improve the comments section? * good question...add a forum? That would take a LOT of time to moderate, be assured the trolls would be out in force like nothing you've ever seen.
14. How old are you? *50
15. What is your sex? *male
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be? *see my answer to #6
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)? * 90% sure I would, dunno what drawbacks could occur.
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. * Of all the sites that are similar to this, that link to this site, etc....this is the one I always go to first.
Keep up the good work!
Out here,
Kid Clorox
Male aged 53.
Make the pages more phone friendly. Links mid sentence and finger scrolling do not mix.
And for gods sake do not stick damned adds everywhere.
Posting for me is also a nightmare for me.
Can't recall how I found this site. Perhaps it was the no tipping thing. All I know is that I was 17 before I ever talked to a negro.
1. CofCC.org
2. Impressed with informative and logical articles.
3. Same as number 2.
4. I have no idea what that means, but I'll venture a guess. When I enrolled in a predominantly black high school I realized that most negroes were not merely dark White people.
5. I figure the feds knew my identity the first time I posted. So there is nothing to lose by recommending the site.
6. You seem to be a little weighted on sports issues.
A weekly radio and/or video presentation would be nice. Live is preferred.
7. Your blatant honesty on BRA accompanied by thoughtful, detailed, informative articles keep me coming back.
8. I skip over the sports articles.
9. I think you've got that covered.
10. No.
11. It should look like it was designed by a professional.
12. They turn me off; but not away.
13. I see no need for changes.
14. Been around the block dozens of times.
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
Saw a link from "Irish Savant".
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
Thought it was good.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
The topics are pertinent and true.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
I am South African, you destroyed our country because we could see.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
Podcasts would be great.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
I show up every morning to see what you have up.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
The only thing I skip is an article that is a grinding read for the data transfered. Keep to the point with as little said as possible and I am happy.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
They say, "where America leads, the world follows". Address the destuction BRA has rained down on the world.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
Too far away and they steal most valuable looking stuff in our post. So the answer is no.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
I am not artistically creative. Hopefully your many other readers will be more helpful.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
Pop culture is fine, I care nothing for sport.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
Steal Desiree's computer.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
More rapid comment clearance. Keep the flow, so to speak.
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
I think that soon you must make the jump to a forum. You are doing great otherwise.
Funny thing about that movie "National Treasure" being on youtube. Just below their add for RWW.org (right wing watch) there is an ad promoted by youtube for instead of a declaration of independence we adopt a decleration of interdependence. Idiots led by in the insane. That decleration of independence was just writtem by a bunch of dead old racist white males - absolutely irrelevant in our enlighten times. Hell in a hand basket
Readers Survey
1)It was recommended on another Blog.Which one I can't recall now.
2) It was funny.But I was slightly unsure at first:was it written by a black?
3)Truth and humour and like the above poster,cognitive dissonance.
4)I lived in Germany for many years,some of it near to a US army base.Observing the behaviour of black soldiers woke me up pretty quickly.And these were supposed to be under discipline.
5)Yes,no problems at all with that and I have done so many times.
6)No opinion on that to be honest.
7)I enjoy nearly all posts,even the ones I would,on the surface,have little interest in or knowledge of.
8)I read everything.
9)This is an American blog and I accept it on those terms.But perhaps the occasional piece about Europe?
10)No.I never buy merchandise of any kind.
11)No opinion
12)I have little interest in American sports as such.but that does not matter.The message is the same be it through sports,crime,film or whatever.
13)Yep keep Desiree out.
I am a faithful reader and have similar responses to the above poster except I am a lot older,
Your information is great, as is your writing and humor!
Be advised that every time I click on your site I get a Malwarebytes virus warning that they blocked malware from my computer that has the IP address
Thanks to your site I never eat at McDonald's any more. And I have spread the word on their 365 black policies to others who are also boycotting the place.
Hang in there. The tide is turning.
Will send you a small donation soon by snail mail as funds are real tight on this end and I dont trust my computer to use CC numbers.
Thanks for a job well done!
Paul: I submitted answers last night when I was half asleep. For number 4 I have no idea how I answered so I'd like to answer that one again:
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
For me, there was no moment. It just built up over the years. Like an avalanche diode in electronics, the voltage that finally went high enough to cause current to flow was seeing all the catering to black dysfunction when I was in the military. And that was over 30 years ago. Senior enlisted got away with bigotry toward all other races. And religions for that matter. Meantime, the black who were squared away were very often harrassed or worse.
Dissident here:
1. Linked over here from Amren, or another site, I think?
2. A breath of fresh air in a an ocean of PC pollution was my first reaction.
3. The excellent writing and the well thought out articles.
4. Just 'blattitude' in general. Black attitude of entitlement and ungrateful and antagonistic arrogance. Certainly black don't have a monopoly on this, but they sure know how to capitalize on it.
6.Podcasts and videos would be nice.
7. All of the articles are pertinent-including the sports articles, especially the statistics on crime, etc.
8. I read all of them.
9. You should talk more about the enablers of black dysfunction. That would be the white liberals and race pimps. The media, Hollywood, etc..
10. Probably not.
11. ?
12. No, I like them.
13. Let more hostile comments come through, they make for a good study into the mindset of BRA.
14. 44
15. M
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
I’m sure I first saw SBPDL mentioned on some forum, but I no longer remember where. I was somewhat amused. In time I was more impressed. Though far from the only person on the internet who speaks the truth about BRA, you’re probably the only one who in so doing is so highly entertaining and informative but without rancor. I admire your perspicacity, and the way you bring focus to concepts that are inchoate for most people. Coining the expression “BRA” is an excellent example. The fact that it has so quickly spread shows that it was a widely sensed phenomenon in search of a name.
I’m a man who was born in the mid-60’s. I grew up in the South, and we didn’t have much money, but we weren’t deprived, and it was a very stimulating and happy childhood in many ways. We didn’t know it then, but we were living in the last days of a truly free America. I always read a lot, and I went to public schools, which at that time hadn’t yet been completely wrecked. I’ve always known blacks for what they are. At a young age I could see clearly that they were mentally torpid and impulsive and aggressive compared to whites. There have been periods in my life, however, when I tried to absorb the propaganda in order to grease the tracks. It never really worked. I’ve always been guilty of crimethink.
I tell people about SBPDL, but social networking sites are self-compiled dossiers. I don’t care much for the pop culture and sports, but what you are saying needs to be said. I prefer politics and culture, and the crime articles are very important since black malfeasance is subjected to dynamic silence. The comments section is just fine. I think it’s good to censor as little as possible, but at a certain point it has to be done just to keep fools from derailing the discussion.
I think the site is great as it is. I expect it will grow along with its founder and I look forward to seeing the progress.
The SBPDL Readers Survey
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
Linked here from Why Blacks Suck.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
Loved it.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
Anytime I encounter whites who "see" the same things that I see, I feel a bond.
Additionally, you have a unique style and sense of humor that is immensely entertaining.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
Not a single moment, more of a progression. The internet has been a watershed. So much information about actual black crime and negro dysfunction is buried by the MSM, but available via the internet.
I firmly believe that facts and truth are the greatest tools in bringing down BRA.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
Only to close friends whom I trust implicitly.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
My only complaint is that worthless shitbag Desiree, who hasn't been around much lately.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
Basically anything that illustrates the enormous cost that we all endure to sustain our unsustainable negro population.
To be clear: NOTHING offends me more than the monstrous lie that has been forced down my throat for my entire life. Every time you further expose this monstrous lie, you keep me coming back.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
I read everything, I like the sports columns and "get" their significance.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
Off the top of my head, there needs to be an accountability for the utter destruction that we (USA) inflicted upon South Africa.
It infuriates me that the media and countless celebrities were so courageous when whites were in charge, yet fucking silent now.
These feckless pieces of shit should be called out by name and ostracized.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
Probably not.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
Not at all.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
Add a filter.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
Keep up the good work. WDE!
The SBPDL Readers Survey
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
...From Lawrence Auster's webpage "View from the Right"
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
...said to my self..."about damn time someone took these topics on"...
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
...great writing style...practically no censorship...of poster's comments...
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
...I grew up in a town that was a victim of 1960's black violence led by Black Panthers...burnt down half our town, blew up our court house....I have ALWAYS had eyes that could see...
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
...YES...I do not have friends who suffer from "white guilt" or allow themselves to be MAU MAUED...I also cross post to popular websites such as FRepublic
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
...would be interesting
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
...all...I am an open minded reader...
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
...I read all...however some sports stuff I may "speed read" through
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
...would like to see a specialty section devoted to Black Violence...black on white crime...delineated and easy to find...since the main stream media hides these facts I like to have a spot to reference like the database at www.violentflashmobs.com
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
...I don't know if I would wear anything that could set off a sheboon or violent buck....
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
...HMMMMMMM have to think about this for a bit...
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
...no not really...it actually allows me to transcend into sport conversations at local bars...I emjoy being armed with knowledge
13. How can we improve the comments section?
...allowing us to REPLY to a poster that will keep replies in order...
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
....HMMMM hould have to think about that...
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
...LMFAO..."Mail CHIMP".... YES I would subscribe...
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
...maybe after each article make a summary of 3 CRITICAL talking points...to arm people with quick knowlwdge points...I usually don't discuss sports but when it does come up...I like to be armed with QUICK factual points...(speaking as a girl ya' know)
I no longer recall which site I first linked here from over a year ago (Mangans? In Mala Fide?). Enjoy the posts and the generally uncensored comments, but you do need some sort of filter to keep out the black trolls. I use my old and simple cell phone for calls only, so not interested in the email link. I visit often, but skim the over-long football posts (I agree with your premise about sports, but it's just not my thing). I've linked here at any other site that hasn't banned me, I've shared your books and your talking points. I don't wear merchandise advertising anything, so don't think this would be an exception. I'm soon to be 53, and female.
1. I've been reading so long I don't recall the specifics. Likely it was mention in another blog.
2. Finally other people are getting it.
3. You have a good grip on the core of the matter and the influence of pop culture.
4. I began to see two decades ago, but the Wichita Massacre probably took it to a whole other level as did the case of Tiffancy Nicole Long. Christian and Newsome made it point of no return.
5. I've shared it with many friends and will continue to do so.
6. I think it is fine the way it is, besides what videos could you possibly produce that highlight the problem better than black do themselves?
7. No particular theme holds my attention more than others. I'm still waiting for a capable writer to take on the juxtaposed response of the Emit Till case and the response to any number of black on white crimes like the Zebra Killings, Wichita, Knoxville, Tiffany Long, etc.
8. I don't personally care for articles that point out the entertainment industry's attempts to bolster the positive image of blacks and paint whites as evil and inept constantly. I fully recommend continuing to do what you have been doing as it is helpful to those unaware, but for me this is old news and I will gloss over them.
9. Already mentioned it, but a capable treatment of the disparity of Emit Till's murder and that of so many other white victims. In comparison, Till's was rather a vanilla set of circumstances yet BHM never fails to point out this "horror" while ignoring the rest.
10. Probably not, I'm a little long in the tooth to be a merch guy.
11. Pick a logo and run it by some of the National Alliance/stormfront types...if thet like it, burn it and start over.
12. No it doesn't turn me off, you are reaching a entertainment obsessed culture at the point of their attention. A smart approach in my opinion.
13. Again, I can't offer much help here.
14. 40
15. Male
16.Be sure none of those auto play imbedded videos make it onto the page. Those are annoying as hell.
18. Forget about the naysayers on the sports articles, there are numerous other sites and blogs where they can wet their beak. You have assessed the situation correctly and are attacking the vital substance of the problem through popular culture, sports, and entertainment. Keep up the good work.
Cherokee Indians say they can kick blacks out of tribe...
The nation's second-largest Indian tribe said on Tuesday that it would not be dictated to by the U.S. government over its move to banish 2,800 African Americans from its citizenship rolls.
(end snip)
...even the North American natives are sick of lazy nigger shit...
Just like everyone else, the Cherokee want to distance themselves from negroes. Hilarious!
Update on the savages who attacked the transgender in McDonalds.
If you remember, Desiree laughed hysterically at this black-on-white violence.
Sorry for the re-post.
I will answer this in depth later, but for now I simply wish to share my own favorite video clip from the classic flick 'The 13th Warrior'.
The survey is a great idea. Communicating effectively and charismatically is essential for winning over a dissenting audience.
1. Don't remember initially. But started reading regularly from the link on OneSTDV's page.
2. Laughter (when it was more comedy based). I came back after you switched - I was already on board, so it was just interesting to get another perspective on the problems the US is facing.
3. Its comforting to know I'm not the only sane person in an increasingly crazy world.
4. It was more of a gradual shift. Experiences going all the way back to Jr. HS. What I saw just didn't mesh with my egalitarian beliefs, but I didn't think much of it. Learning about the BITCH 100 and Chitlins "IQ Tests" in HS Psych brought up questions. They were obvious BS and proved nothing. Continued experiences led me from blaming white racism to black culture, and finally, genetics.
5. Not yet. I would absolutely lose my job (serious background checks). I test people out slowly. I have one friend that's on board; a few others that are possible.
6. Just keep mixing it up.
7. See above.
8. I read most of them; no real pattern to what I read vs. skim.
9. Black vs. white gym behavior, driving styles - all the little things that lead to a reduced quality of life. People would be surprised how much it comes down to black people. Along with the sports theme - the negroification of sports, especially football (spear hits instead of tackling, and the resulting increase of injuries).
10. Yes, but for no I couldn't wear it or display it.
11. I'll get back to you with something.
12. Pop culture and sports are primary influences on the majority of people. Exploring how their role in getting us to where we are is crucial.
13. No opinion.
14. 34
15. M
16. No opinion
17. Probably
The SBPDL Readers Survey
1. How did you find out about SBPDL? (googling about looting)
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
(I thought it was amusing, like learning a new hobby and then finding out that there's a cable show about your new hobby)
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
(the politically incorrect manner in which commenters put Desiree in her place)
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
(Watching the OJ verdict)
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
(only with people I know very well)
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
(video links to worldstarhiphop and mentalzero)
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
(articles about white legacy)
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
(not really)
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
(don't know)
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
(no, they're okay)
13. How can we improve the comments section?
(make people have to log in order to comment, so that we don't have all these 'anonymous' names [as I am admittedly doing now])
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
(the coloring format)
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
(don't know yet)
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
(more articles which reaffirm how the maintenance of a black population is working out for other countries. Americans can only be more emboldened if they know that people all over the world share their sense of alarm by what they are experiencing first hand)
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
Don’t remember.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
Liked the humor.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
Liked the humor and the plethora of links.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
Reactions to O.J. trial. Being called a racist for disliking Obama in 2008.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
God, no. You have to pick your battles; I argue about Islam and immigration.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
I prefer reading to watching or listening.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
I especially enjoy pieces on grooming (hair weaves, fake nails). Have you seen Michelle’s latest nose job? Getting into Janet Jackson territory. She looked better with her original nose. What is it with strong black women trying to look white? My guilty pleasure: Michelle’s Mirror website, for the pictures. She dresses like a boss I had, except even worse.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
Skim the sports. Don’t like baseball (all that spitting), basketball (trash talking), football (just don’t get it). I find golf restful.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
You’re doing fine. Also, I follow events in England and Europe, where there seems to be a decades-long elite plan to break the spirit of the natives by flooding them with Muslim immigrants. I think BRA and Mexican immigration do the same thing here. If you are interested, look into this.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
No. Long-term unemployed. Also, I don’t wear logos.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
No idea.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. . . . Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
No. Why should they?
13. How can we improve the comments section?
Personally, I liked Desiree’s posts, except I felt so sorry for her.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
Better copy editing. (I’m a copy editor.)
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
No. And please don’t require registration to comment.
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do.
The Post Office is broke because Congress makes it prefund its long-term pension liabilities; otherwise, its budget would be balanced. FedEx and UPS use the Post Office to deliver where they don’t (for UPS, that’s 25 percent of deliveries). Reducing or eliminating the Post Office would hurt people in rural areas. Part of Agenda 21, to kick people off the land?
1. I was linked to it on another alt-right website. I don't remember which one.
2. Very positive. It was funny, and you cover the topic black run-America thoroughly.
3. Your articles are always impressively sourced, and they've provided me with a lot of good/informative reading. Also, you rarely make any claim you aren't prepared to back up.
4. I was always opposed to affirmative action programs and the concept of white guilt.
5. Probably not. Violating political corectness is a crime, and I don't want to leave any digital fingerprints that could be traced back to me.
6. Just keep doing what you're doing. I would like to see more numbered entries, but I have no reason to complain about how you run SBPDL.
7. The articles that deal with the more obscure aspects of BRA. The obscure stuff. Everyone knows about flash mobs. Fewer people know about, say Prince George's County.
8. I try to read everything you write.
9. I'd like to see more debunking of the common myths that attribute black dysfunction to poverty, institutional racism, education, etc.
10. Probably not, to be honest.
11. Nothing that looks overtly racist.
12. Not at all.
13. Just keep Desiree out.
14. 22
15. Male
16. More labels, especially on older articles.
17. I might.
18. If I remember correctly, you recently lost your job because of what you wrote here, but you decided to keep writing. I admire that.
1. Comments and pointers on other HBD sites (Sailer, OneSTDV).
2. Delicious humor about the most dysfunctional ethnic group in the USA and perhaps the world.
3. Good writing and (sometimes) informative and insightful commenters.
4. I noticed the differences in K-6, more than 40 years ago. I understood the foundation for those differences when Sailer and others brought up the consistent differences in IQ, AFQT, GRE, criminal stats, etc.
5. No. I'm surrounded by DWLs. Too few can see, and reject anything that's unsympathetic to "the poor downtrodden NAMs".
6. No suggestions.
7. BRA and BBB posts are most useful, esp. the YouTube videos which can be embedded elsewhere to help break down DWL denial.
8. I don't care about the sports stuff, but I read most of them anyway.
9. More BBB. Statistics which show the burden of AA/diversity to American business and thus jobs. If possible, stats which show the difference in growth and profitability between businesses too small to have AA/diversity mandates and those above the EEOC threshold. Document the cost of BRA.
10. No.
11. No suggestions.
12. If the author needs to scratch a creative itch, he should do it. Whether or not I'll read it doesn't matter.
13. Filter comments for Diarrhea's and other trolls' catch-phrases and force them to be at least a bit creative.
14. 50+
15. Male
16. Switch to a serif font in articles and comments for improved readability.
17. No.
18. No comments.
The SBPDL Readers Survey
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
A link from another site, not sure what one.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
I thought it was pretty funny.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
I realized you were pretty serious.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
About 5-7 years ago, through the Internet I became familiar with the truthful media, after having grown up with the American analog to Pravda (the MSM).
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
I've showed a few who have become "unplugged" from the Matrix. One must be careful.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
I usually check most of them out although I'm not so interested in pop culture or sports. I do understand that pop is a mirror into majority "thinking."
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
13. How can we improve the comments section?
HTML formatting? Maybe it already exists.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
not sure
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
I think all in all Paul does a great job.
1. Linked here from AmRen, IIRC.
2. Hilarious/Thank god someone is finally calling bullshit on BRA.
3. See #2
4. Many years ago when I lived in a neighborhood with a substantial number of blacks.
5. Yes. In fact I often read this blog with my front door open and anyone who passes by can clearly see what I'm looking at. Even though there are blacks who've been recently moving into my apartment complex, I don't give a shit; I'm tired of pretending like I give a shit about these savages' feelings. I'm in a state where the gun laws are very permissive--no permit is even required to carry a concealed weapon in public here--and I'm armed to the teeth so I don't really have to give a shit about their feelings. One of my handguns is always sitting on the table right next to me when I read this site, and if that can't handle matters, my trusty old Mossberg Persuader is only about thirty feet away in the back room.
6. Can't really think of any; It's perfect the way it is.
7. The comments are my favorite part. It's always nice to hear ideas and input from others Who Can See.
8. Only the ones about football.
9. Cant really think of any. This blog is pretty much perfect as it is.
10. Maybe.
11. Not sure, exactly, but it should certainly have some sort of monkey on it.
12. Can't stand sports. Pop culture is interesting to lampoon and make fun of. Mention sports, though, and I go right to sleep. I've never followed sports.
13. Cant think of how it could be any better. Maybe IP ban Disarray?
14. 36
15. Male.
16. No more sports articles.
17. Maybe.
18. Keep up the good work.
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
Through SWPL.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
I welcomed it. I was already a race realist.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
Talks about real life situations and talks to other genuine conservative websites such as VFR.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
My African father attacked my Caucasian mother.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
I have no idea.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
All of them. I like the macro view of this website.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
Long sports articles and a couple where commenters are defending homosexuals, polygamists and feminists.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
Address the Brown Undertow and the Latinos. Lots of whites are having children with hispanics now. Talk about the future and life after BRA as well.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
If I like it and found it useful then yep.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
The logo should deal with blacks and their power over America (BRA). Maybe a picture of a black man shouting civil rights while destroying Western civilization.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
They turn me on.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
Get rid of trolls and monitor the comment section.
14. How old are you?
18 years old.
15. What is your sex?
Female (woman).
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
I would make it shorter and not as long.
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
I'm an orthodox Christian conservative and am wary of fake, liberal so-called "religious" people like Cafeteria Catholics and the Episcopilans.
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
From another RR site.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
Humorous tone of posts, and sometimes from comments.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
Happened prior to SBPDL and it was gradual, so I can't pin-point a moment.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
Depends on the situation and the friend. Some are more brainwashed than others.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
No real opinion on podcasts or videos.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
A little bit of everything. The # posts and articles related to current events attract me the most.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
Rarely ignore articles.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
Current events.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
If there is enough disposable income available, yes.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
Most of the icons I'd suggest would probably be too crude.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
It's good to have variety, though when it comes to pop culture and sports try not to have one article after another be on the same theme.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
2 ideas (off the top of my head):
1. comment ratings with the ability to have overly negative comments hidden, but with the option of viewing them if one so wishes.
2. Verification on not just article facts but comment facts. For example: a poster by the name of 'Whiskey' keeps on making the erroneous claim that blacks are bigger, stronger, and better athletes on average than Whites. The facts and figures say otherwise.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
One of the two comments suggestions I mentioned above.
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
No need, as I check the site daily.
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
Have sister sites: Stuff Mexicans/Mestizos Don't Like, Stuff Orientals Don't Like, etc.
Hey Paul, here you go!
Someone linked it in a comment on Amren.com
The continuous updates and, after a while, the transition to more serious commentary, especially the identification of BRA.
I was already informed about race differences, but not the reality of American society. This blog changed that in a very profound way for me. I have always loved the USA, but there was always this strange hidden reality that I could never grasp. This blog made that reality unhidden, it is the reality of BRA.
You quote too much of the articles I think, but it's not a big thing. It would be an improvement though if you extracted just the most important parts, preferably just one or two paragraphs in length. Sometimes more is needed, but only rarely.
All of them, they are all important and they complete each other.
I read just about everything, though I skim a lot when they get very detailed. I think the articles about how everyday life for average Americans is influenced by BRA are the most interesting, and much of the juice is in the comments section.
I don't really read the articles on sports, I skim through them though. The big picture that you paint is very interesting and accurate I believe. Sports serve the function of creating the diversion that is needed to leave the politicians free to play their game of thrones, and to help the masses accept the narrative that is served by the elites.
More on how white society and average life is influenced by politics, how communities are ruined, new ones built and ruined again, and how people try to protect themselves and their communities without being perceived as racist. It is both tragic and hilarious.
Yes if funny.
No clue.
Comments are hard to manage, the more time you can spend answering them the better, but this is very time consuming. It would create more of a debate than just the odd flame war, but the comments are usually very good anyway because people include a lot of anecdotes and personal experiences that are informative and fun to read. Definitely ban trolls and anti-rational debaters like Desiree/Snape. They hog the entire post and draw attention away from the subject and wastes everybody's time.
I like your site Paul, but it lacks a philosophy or direction. What do YOU want to happen, what are YOUR solutions. Right now the PC-controlled atmosphere out in the real world makes this blog a safety valve. People come here to read forbidden material, and let out some frustration in the comments section, but sooner or later a direction must be taken, solutions must be found. Intellectual leadership is not for everybody, but if you want to take the next step, start taking positions and start defending them.
Pointing out all that is wrong with society and writing humorously about them has gotten you far, but you could go farther. What kind of world do you see in the future, what would you want for your Kids?
The SBPDL Readers Survey
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
Article linked from another website
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
Finally someone not afraid to speak the truth
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
The cold hard facts about America, social engineering,and white discrimination in informative, hard punching articles.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
The minute I got passed up for promotions for being white in favor of less productive, lesser educated, and lesser effective minorities.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
Continue what you;re doing. Truth can not be improved upon.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
Black Run America is always the most educational and entertaining.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
Yes, but I wouldn;t be adverse to just donating as well.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
I'll leave that to more creative people.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
No. In fact athletics have been used as the foundation to create Black Run America. It must be clearly examined and exposed.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
Maybe change the background color scheme.
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
keep up the good work and watch your back. The more popular you become in exposing the Truth, the more of a target you become to those whose are only interested in perpetuating negroes in our midst.
1. Just web browsing
2. Finally, someone is telling the truth! How long before he is shut down?
3. You highlight news that is routinely ignored or downplayed by the media
4. I own a house in the suburbs. I see the effects of blacks moving into the neighborhood every day, in terms of increased crime and -- I was going to say -- reduced property values. Instead, let's just tell the truth -- ruined lawns, piles of trash, unmaintained houses, increased crime -- i.e., uncivilized behavior.
5. No. All my friends are liberals.
6. I'm happy with what you are doing. I myself have no knowledge of sports, so a lot of that, while true, does not affect me viscerally, the way some of your other posts do.
7. Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture?
8. Mostly the college sports ones.
10. Where could I show it? I could literally lose my job if it became known I visited this site.
11. Only opinion is that you avoid the "white supremacist" trap.
13. If you have surveys in the future, you should be able to come up with a more user-friendly way of responding. A tech-savvy person could help.
14. 54
15. Male
18. What you do here is valuable. But to avoid being ignored as a nut, you have to avoid the "white supremacist" crap. Yes, the black subculture in the US is horrible. It is literally a blight on the whole culture. But is that because of an inherent, inborn problem with blacks, or because of what the welfare state, ethnic separtism, entitlement mentality, and victimhood has done to them? My guess is the latter.
Anon at 6:50 PM: Google "Black IQ" and do some poking around. Blacks do have inherent inborn deficiencies. The welfare state, ethnic separatism, the entitlement mentality, and their victimhood merely amplify those deficiencies.
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
Another Web site; sorry, can't remember exactly which.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
Disbelief that anyone could publish it without being shut down or arrested.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
Exhilaration that opposition to BRA is widespread, and awareness of threats.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
No one particular moment, a gradual accumulation of evidence.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
Better graphic design, that washed-out yellow background is ugly and the whole thing looks amateurish.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
All of them except the sports stuff. I recognize that many whites will identify with pieces about BRA in connection with sports, so I'm not suggesting you ignore it. Just don't get too carried away with the subject.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
See #7 above.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
MSM fawning over every black musician while ignoring most whites. It's particularly bad in jazz. You'd think jazz was "their" music and there'd never been an important white jazz musician except Benny Goodman.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
I don't know, but for heaven's sake, avoid anything that reeks of Nazism or violence. No goddamn lightning bolts!
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
13. How can we improve the comments section?
Ban the term "nigger." It's beneath us. We can make the same points without it and it turns off many whites who are beginning to see reality.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
Find a talented and sympathetic Web designer and do a complete makeover to avoid the "tabloid" look.
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
It's useful to show black dysfunction and criminality, but concentrate on ideas about stopping BRA -- and not just packing heat.
Well, now that you have not posted my survey twice, you have told me all I need to know about who promotes SBPDL. It’s OK to point out the negro genetic nature, but we must ignore another group that has statistically impossible representation in the economic destruction of this country. A shame, really. I would have actually donated to a site that does expose the truth about black nature. But I also require truth about all subpopulations, too. You made it quite clear what "TRUTHS" you will and won't address. At least I can use your articles.
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
I followed your profile link from a comment you made on another blog (don’t remember which one).
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
Positive. It is well written.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
The quality of the writing and the choice of topics. It would be easy to focus on something like crime, for example, but that gets repetitive after a while.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
I don’t think it was any one specific incident. It was an accumulation of things over many years, fueled by the ever worsening situation. It wasn’t like my eyes suddenly snapped open one day, it was more like with each passing day, I noticed more and more.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
It depends. Like many people, I choose to associate myself primarily with people who are somewhat similar in outlook, so it is like preaching to the choir. I do think that the tide may be changing, slowly. Sadly, the only way most people seem to be able to open their eyes is when they are so uncomfortable with the situation that they are finally forced to confront it.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
I do not know that podcasts and videos would necessarily be an improvement, although they may be a way to reach an audience that does not like to read.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
I like a broader mix of articles.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
Actually, articles that I normally might have skipped, like the football articles, are ones that I found very interesting. I do not care at all about football, but I found them compelling. That is the mark of a well written article.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
I’m a new reader so I am unsure what has already been covered.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
Probably not.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
Don’t know.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
No, I find them both very interesting. Pop culture is interesting but has been tackled many times by others, although not necessarily from your angle.
Sports are one aspect of the culture wars which does not seem to have been given much attention. See #8.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
Not sure.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
Not sure.
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
I prefer RSS.
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
Keep up the good work.
1. I was googling to see if there was a "Stuff Black People Like" website.
2. That I was finally seeing someone speak up in a manner that didn't resemble RAC lyrics.
3. The high quality of the writing along with its well researched links.
4. I moved in to a black neighborhood because of the cheap rent, I was formerly a DWL (and a bit of a wigger), but my year there changed everything.
5. No, I could never do it, it would be social suicide. I shared some vdare and amerika.org links and that did enough damage already.
6. A podcast would be cool, as long as you could provide content appropriate for that medium.
7. Popular culture, crime, and the # posts.
8. College football. Once was enough.
9. Rap music, Africa, and other cultures reactions to blacks.
10. No.
11. Anything reminiscent of a time when western culture meant something.
12. No, I purchased a couple eBooks, but I would avoid the pending release.
13. They are fine as is.
14. 27
15. Male
16. A better design would be nice. Sometimes the videos auto-play as well, which can be very annoying and embarrassing.
17. No.
18. Nada.
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
- Internet search in regards to the black mobs at the Wisconsin State Fair
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
- Very Favorable. Only wish mainstream media reported like this site does.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
- Every white needs to know what is going on in regards to the continuing attacks against whites in this country.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
- Had an altercation with a group of black females in a Walmart... it was like being swarmed by a bunch of monkeys.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
- Absolutely.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
- Yes on the videos. As for improvements, you might want to dampen down some of the hyperbole. Your readers know there is a problem. Treat the issue factually but dispassionately.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
- Articles dealing with: black-on-white crime; BRA.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
- None, so far.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
- White organization that are publicly against BRA and victimization by blacks.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
- Sure. It would be fun to publicly use.
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
- I'll have to get back to you on that one.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
- No, but they are not what I look for as your main focus. Side issues and symptoms of the disease are what they are.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
- Bigger space to view as we write, spell check built in and tags for section of the country, etc.
14. How old are you?
- 58
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
- Improve your page's graphic appearance. Don't take this the wrong way, but it still looks rather amateurish.
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
- Yes
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
- I think your approach is on the right track, although I do agree with some of your readers in regards to the sports articles (and I have read them thoroughly). After all, another symptom and not the disease on which we need to focus.
Thanks for all of the effort and time you devote to this issue and and where we are all headed.
1. How did you find out about SBPDL? –
It was part of a signature line on a webforum.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site? –
I thought it was very funny.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader? –
You see things the way I see them. We have very similar interests and have come to similar conclusions about the events around us.
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
No single moment. My father was a defensive back coach at 2 Pac 10 schools. I played Division 1 college football and spent most of my life around black people. After college I was firmly with those who can see.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites? –
I send some to my friends and my brother. For the most part I stopped because they were uncomfortable with it.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)? –
Podcasts would be good. I enjoyed your segment on the Political Cesspool.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
All of the above.
8. What are the articles that you don't read? –
Comic books. But I don’t hate them the way that others here seem to hate the football posts. I have just never found comic books interesting.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here?
What are topics that should be addressed? More discussion of the shenanigans of the Black Caucus maybe. You seem to be hitting everything that I see.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)? –
Probably not.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site? –
Not at all.
13. How can we improve the comments section? –
It is good that you have culled back on the trolls. You generally have a good comment section.
14. How old are you? 36
15. What is your sex? Male
1) Caste Football discussion forum
2) Thought, "it's right up my alley"
3) Very thought provoking; gives me good arguing material
4) Slowly over the years, running and eventually owning my own restaurant, having to deal with "them" as customers.
5) I am comfortable but I have not yet.
6) Yes! Videos are always a good idea especially for the lazy people I know who do not read a thing!
7) Honestly, all of them and, yes, I am a big fan of the sports articles, too.
8) I at least skim them all.
9) The Jewish/Black alliance has not been touched by you. I understand why you have not touched it but if you're going to expose the truth, pull the curtain all the way back and expose the truth. I know, I know, you'd be treading in DANGEROUS water, however, facts are facts!
10) Honestly, probably not.
11) Atlas with his globe except there is a black with a White woman standing on top of the globe.
12) Of course not but I have never read any of the books.
13) Discussion forum as someone suggested
14) 33
15) M
16) Again, delve into who REALLY runs America (Hint: I smell gefilte fish)
17) No way because I hate too much email
18) Keep incorporating the sports. If people don't realize that it's part of the big picture within the bigger picture, make em realize it. Sports truly is a microcosm of life.
The SBPDL Readers Survey
1. How did you find out about SBPDL?
The Political Cesspool interview.
2. What were your initial reactions to the site?
That is was very truthful and well written.
3. What attracted you to stick with SBPDL and become a regular reader?
The variety of topics it covers. They always seem to apply to what is going on in my area (Chicago).
4. What was the moment that caused you to join the ranks of Those Who Can See?
When my once safe and White neighborhood started becoming black and all the crime and degradation that came with the blacks.
5. Are you comfortable showing SBPDL to your friends, either in person, via E-mail, or by posting links to here on social networking sites?
Yes, but most people I know think I'm a vile racist. I take that as a compliment.
6. What are ways that SBPDL can improve? Would you like to see Podcasts or Videos (just know that videos would be done in a way to protect us)?
Do more interviews, such as the one on Political Cesspool. They are invaluable in getting the work out.
7. What are the articles that attract you to the site and keep you coming back? The # posts? Articles on crime? Articles on popular culture? Articles on Black-Run America?
The articles on crime and BRA.
8. What are the articles that you don't read?
None, I enjoy them all.
9. What are articles that you would like to see here? What are topics that should be addressed?
Increased crime/corruption since Mein Obama took office. I feel we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg with the gun-running scandal, etc.
10. Would you buy SBPDL merchandise (i.e. shirts, cups, stickers, pins, etc.)?
11. Using crowdsourcing, Paul Kersey is working on having a logo for SBPDL created. Based on you reading SBPDL, what should that logo look like and incorporate?
Don't know, but whatever it is, I'm sure it will be great.
12. Paul Kersey gets on creative kicks. One turned into Hollywood in Blackface. The other, Captain American and Whiteness. Now, a creative kick is turning into a book that will be tentatively titled The Opiate of America: How the Integration of College Football at Predominantly White Institutions enabled Black-Run America. Do these ventures into pop culture or sports turn you off from the site?
No, they serve a useful purpose.
13. How can we improve the comments section?
Don't know, haven't used the comments section yet.
14. How old are you?
15. What is your sex?
16. If you could make one change to the site, what would it be?
Perhaps a cross-reference way to organize past posts.
17. Would you subscribe to the E-mail (I'll be using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp)?
18. Finally, any general comments that you would like to make, please do. I've always considered this a site where collaboration is vital to the continued growth and improvement of SBPDL. I know many of you have voiced their concerns about the sports articles, but if you actually read them you'll see they aren't what you might expect them to be.
Keep up the good work. I enjoyed your book SBPDL Yyear One and look forward to purchasing Year Two.
2. That the whole site was either a satire or an attempt to discredit legitimate attempts to solve problems.
3. I'm not a regular reader, just here for a quick train wreck fix.
4. I'm in the ranks of Those Who Can See and Who Believe In Actually Solving Problems.
5. If there's anything here that's actually worthwhile instead of just being, among other things, OTT scaremongering, I would probably post it publicly but with a disclaimer.
6. Come up with effective solutions, and ones directed at bad guys who have actual power. Not all liberals are bad and not all conservatives are good (and some are really bad).
18. If white people are so superior, why do they keep doing stupid things and losing? Read, study, and learn from the two comments I left here (I'm Anon at 2:47 and 1:43):
If this site were smart, it would move away from the thinking of the replies I got from MrGJG and towards what I suggested. I'll check back in a year or two and see how it's going...
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