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Life under the Golden Arches of 365Black America |
Going 365Black in advertising has been a boon to McDonald's, knowing that their pricing model for food caters to a certain population segment that has only five dollars in net worth. And to an overall population segment that has lost roughly 87 percent of its wealth since 2007.
Recently bringing back it's popular Monopoly game, incentivizing packages of Big Mac's and extra large Coke's with the chance to win prizes and cash, a McDonald's in Brooklyn was the stage for the latest example of 365Black behavior. Rumors that the Black guy shot in broad daylight (all of this was captured by the beauty of video-recording devices) had just found a Park Place and Boardwalk on his Big Mac packaging have, thus far, gone uncorroborated.
Rumors that this McDonald's location stopped accepting EBT/SNAP cards have remained unconfirmed too.
So what happened?
A gunman opened fire near Brooklyn College Tuesday afternoon, leaving one man in critical condition and sending panicked pedestrians running for their lives.
In surveillance footage released by police Wednesday, the victim, 18-year-old Tyquan Sewell, can be seen walking along a crowded sidewalk in front of a McDonalds at 2154 Nostrand Ave in a white tank top. According to police, the victim had just had an argument with a man who was already inside of the restaurant.
As Sewell tries to open the door, the suspect, dressed in a red jacket and light colored pants, can be seen bursting out of the McDonalds firing multiple shots with a .32 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver.
One bullet grazes the young man's head and he can be seen falling to the ground as both of his shoes fly off. The gunman continues firing as he advances on Sewell, who is left rolling into the street after being hit in the groin, leg and torso. The bustling sidewalk clears quickly and an NYPD van can be seen pulling up seconds after the shooting.
After the shooting, the suspect, along with two accomplices who passed him the gun, ran back into the McDonalds and may have exited through doors on the other side of the restaurant onto Flatbush Ave.
Sewell was taken to Kings County Hospital in critical but stable condition, according to EMS officials.
Police are now looking for the three suspects, all black males. The shooter was dressed in a red jacket and light colored pants, the second suspect in all black and the third in a white shirt and dark jeans.
There's not much else you can add to this story. All you can do is watch the video and be glad you were nowhere near this McDonald's location. Or, for that matter, any McDonald's location.
OMG! Before I looked it up I thought 365Black® was something you made up. It's frightening that a major American corporation like McDonalds goes out if it's way to promote one race over all others! Black über alles!
Sort of looked like the young ethnic chap was breakdancing in the street. Perhaps trying to evade gunfire was how that fad began.
This incident should be a reminder to all the Internet tough guys out there. You will not just dust knuckles with a black. These animals will kill over a dirty look and have plenty of friends to help them.
Just imagine any other race having a friend or friends willing to be accomplices in murder for what is most likely a minor incident.
I love the guy at the end of the video that comes running up with his hands on his heads, surely screaming awww lawd! Then, the guy collects his shoes. Curious if the victim got his shoes back.
This is insane. In Canada our news would not let us see this kind of footage. They do not want to 'alarm' us up here and keep our sheepish heads filled with lib/commie fluff.
Do these blacks take courses on how to survive being shot repeatedly? Seems this crazy fella must have mixed the Smokey the Bear rule of Stop, Drop and Roll with the ZigZag and Dodge gunfire avoidance course.
Sorry, I had to laugh at this insanity.
Near where I lived until recently, at a Popeye's chicken restaurant, a black in a very unique, custom-made embroidered jacket robbed the cashier at gunpoint, then beat her with the revolver. The robber was otherwise easily identifiable. This screams that the Id is in charge, that part of the mind that demands immediate personal gratification at any costs. As do most of their crimes. For probably 50 bucks, he committed a crime that carries decades in prison as a penalty, and with no concern as to concealing who he was. No doubt at his inevitable trial he will cite White racism in some way as a mitiigating factor. And 90% of Whites are simply incapable of coming to the proper conclusions about acts such as these.
McDonalds now uses "downed cattle" in their hamburgers, in other words cows that were too sick to stand up. They used to be used for pet food, now they inject ammonia into the meat, and serve it up in their restaurants. No telling what effect this has on people who eat it. I hope blacks do eat McDonalds 365.
Perhaps I'm just insensitive, but just what sort of .32 caliber revolver was this that can knock somebody right out of his shoes? The cops in this country gave up on .32s back in the 1930s because of their modest power, replacing them with .38 Specials. Or maybe Tyquan just hadn't bothered to lace his footgear up, and simply walked out of them.
It doesn't matter if they are home bred or transplanted, the violence will never end. Here is a new article in my towns newspaper today: http://www.argusleader.com/article/20110929/NEWS/109290319/Murder-suicide-victim-had-dated-shooter?odyssey=mod|mostcom
My town is predominately white but these news clippings are becoming more common place and we have the Lutheran Social Services to blame. They haul in these refuges by the hundreds per year and nothing good ever comes from it. The DWLs in my town have to go.
Actually, the .32 sucks as a weapon, either in 32 Browning Auto or 32 police Positive, which this revolver is likely to be. They will kill, but they have little or no "stopping Power". But that is ok, because I would rather the Orcs be using the oldest, most broken down, weakest firearms possible when confronting me. I WANT it to whip out the Lorcin .25 (Chrome) or the 32 Police positive from 1924.
For the White man, I would generally recommend the following weapon calibers. The 10mm, the 45 ACP and the 357 Mag. Obviously there are hundreds of fine weapons out there, but when taking on the North American Dusky Orc, these three calibers stand out. Nothing says "Down Toby!" like a 175 grain Silvertip 10mm or a 185gr+p 45 hollowpoint or a 125gr semi-jacketed .357 HP. Remember, pistols are just the lead launchers, it is what you hit him with and WHERE you hit him that counts.
Reliability, On Target Accuracy and finally, Power in that order.
From the video, it looks like the torso shot came first at close range, the groin shot knocked him down and put the buck into "break dance" mode on the ground and the leg shot is while he was rolling around. I am not even sure he knew he was hit after the first torso shot, as he is bouncing like a boxer, backing up and still facing his opponent as though it is going to be hand to hand when the second shot castrates him.
nigga, where be my podcast & sh***t?
you promised wednesday!
gibs me dat!!!
: )
Because most black people have prison records, they do not have access to high-quality ammunition. Most of these bangers are firing target ammo designed to be used for shooting practice, not for defensive purposes.
The shooting didn't particularly catch my attention or bother me. Africans acting out their Africanisms is just typical and impossible to change. Don't waste your time or money trying to "uplift" the African beyond his Africanisms.
What struck me was how the crowd of afrovoodoos walked around at the beginning of the vid. They look aimless, hostile, primitive, dangerous, just as all good Africans do. This is Diversity. Welcome it into your children's schools, churches, homes, wombs.
Their dangling long arms reminded me of this- http://goo.gl/IT5x4
Yeah 11 08 that's just the way it is an there is nothing we can do about it.
I bet PK has noticed the starbucks diversity effect.
Go into starbucks in the morning and you will see mostly whites professionals in a hurry to get to work. About 10 am the negroes has started to the integration assault, and by 3 pm the diversity curse is in full tilt. The air stinks, the view is hideous, and the hostility is palpable. The diversity swarms in to use the free wi fi all afternoon long.
The whiteys come back in packs for their afternoon drink, and flee faster than when they rushed out in the morning.
Somebody once wrote "nasty n_ggers" on the bathroom wall, and it actually stayed there for a week, in spite of the negro employees who should be cleaning the nasty bathrooms. Maybe they couldn't read our English.
Did you hear that UGA just gave one of its ubiquitous Diversity Awards to an Ethiopian girl named "Negga"? It's true. But don't you know the whiteys at embracing diversity and inclusion UGA go out of their way to pronounce "Negga" anyway other than how it sounds?
I'm just wondering how the hell the shooter managed to miss the initial head shot he seemed to be going for?
@1:44 Holding the gun sideways ghetto style might look cool but you can't aim for shit that way.
Because most black people have prison records, they do not have access to high-quality ammunition. Most of these bangers are firing target ammo designed to be used for shooting practice, not for defensive purposes.
You know,I've wondered about that myself,for years. Where do the bucks get the bullets for their firearms???? As you pointed out,great numbers of them have felony records,so depending on the state,they might not be able to just go into WalMart or Academy and buy ammunition.
And I'm pretty sure they don't roll their own. I've never heard of a black that handloads,and I have a lot of trouble imagining one of these hoodrats sitting down at a bench and weighing charges and trimming casings and all that other stuff a lot of us obsessive-compulsive pale types enjoy.
So what do they do???? Make sure they steal one that's already loaded,and when they shoot that one dry,ditch it and go steal another one that's already loaded? It sounds ridiculous,I know,but it might be the way they do it.
Yeah, I agree that 32's suck, but you apparently fail to realize that 32 caliber ammo is all they sell at McDonalds at the present time.
Ret'd LAPD here. When it comes to gunshot wounds blacks never ceased to amaze me. I responded to a domestic violence call which escalated to "shots fired" while I was en route. After a few units got there and the screaming victim calmed down a bit, we saw what happened: her large boo (think Suge Knight large) was bashing her 98 pound self around as usual and that night was the last time. She pulled out a Sterling .25 auto and shot him right between the eyes, dropping him like a 300lb sack of shit. She was not prosecuted even though the gun was stolen.
Another time I had to go to Men's Central Jail to meet a parole agent who was about to violate a parolee of his. There was another large black dude with a caved in head, like out of a cartoon. I asked a deputy what happened to the guy and he said the black dude had taken a 12 gauge blast right to the head, lived, and was ambulatory. Not only that, he was still dangerous even with a large chunk of his head missing and put back together again by valiant, likely white, doctors. This creature was in jail for robbery, if I recall correctly.
Another time, responding to a shots fired call, I started knocking on doors of the immediate shooting scene to ask if anyone had seen or heard anything. I heard a faint "help" coming from inside one of the homes and booted the door as it was locked. There was an 80+ year old black woman sitting on the floor who had taken a .223 round from one of the gang member's Mini-14. It missed her kidney but she was alert and responsive, as if she was talking about her grandkids. She was out of the hospital and back home in just a couple of days.
One last recollection. We didn't get a shots fired call, but someone called in a man wandering in traffic. A sheriff's unit was close by, noticed him and got to the guy first. I pulled up and saw the guy walking, like a zombie, across Crenshaw Blvd. He was completely oblivious to our presence so I called for an ambulance, thinking he was either dusted on PCP or maybe even having a medical condition. Well, after we forcefully removed him from traffic and over to the curb we found that he had been shot in the head, right behind the ear, with a small caliber gun. He died right there with the ambulance en route.
These are but a few of my experiences but they stood out enough that I remember them like yesterday.
LAPD. As always, Keep it coming. I love reading your real-life posts. You lend much needed "street-cred" to this already awesome blog.
A Jabonee takes a shotgun blast to the dome and still robs liqa sto's?! So like arthropods regrow limbs, groids regrow brains? Hope some geneticists are studying this.
Black male suspects, no way ...
Just a primer...
If anyone here is interested in buying guns, please keep in mind the distinction between defensive ammo and plinking ammo. Plinkers are usually low power, lead-based full metal jacket rounds designed for target practice and breaking in new weapons. Quality control is usually lower and price is significantly cheaper than defensive ammo. An example of this is the Winchester White Box.
Defensive ammo is a completely different animal. This stuff is designed with stopping power in mind. Stopping implies a one-shot kill...or at least a complete shutdown of the 'groid's neurological system. While all bullets can kill because they cause wound channels and blood loss, not all bullets will render a perp dysfunctional.
Defensive ammo is typically expensive, running $1 and up per bullet. Typical example is the Cor Bon 9mm+p 115 gr jacketed hollow point. A bullet like this has roughly 465 ft/lbs of muzzle energy when it leaves the barrel.
Btw, there is an interesting youtube channel called Hickok45.
There is no such thing as “stopping power” when talking about handguns—at least handguns that the average person can reasonably carry and shoot. When people use the term “stopping power” they have in mind a confused notion of energy transfer capable of throwing down an assailant upon impact. A bullet at handgun velocities has very little energy to impart. It is different with high powered rifles, shotguns, baseball bats or crowbars. But for “stopping power” due to bullet impact, forget about handguns under the caliber of 44 magnum, and even that round is marginal from a strictly energy transfer standpoint.
Handguns kill secondary to central nervous injury (very quick drop), or hemodynamic blood loss (slower). There are many reports from the field of people being shot multiple times with “man stoppers” such as .357 revolver rounds, or .45 ACP, but living on to fight. Shot placement is really the main factor worth mentioning. And bullet design (the ability to penetrate and expand). For those interested, I suggest searching the name Martin Fackler, and take some time to learn something. Dr. Fackler is a white forensic scientist and knows more about ballistics and wound trauma than you can imagine.
Discard: Or maybe Tyquan just hadn't bothered to lace his footgear up, and simply walked out of them.
Don't you know that strutting around with your laces untied is a Black "fashion statement"? Exactly what it is supposed to state ― aside from, "Hey, I'm dumber than a five year-old and will trip all over my own self if I need to run!" ― is beyond me.
I wonder if McDonald's will see an uptick in this sort of behavior now that fast food outlets are allowed to take EBT cards.
They just can't kill each other fast enough. Just take away their welfare, that'll speed things up.
Zenster: "Don't you know that strutting around with your laces untied is a Black "fashion statement"? Exactly what it is supposed to state ― aside from, "Hey, I'm dumber than a five year-old and will trip all over my own self if I need to run!" ― is beyond me."
Its jail/holding cell fashion. When a man is held temporarily, his belt and shoelaces are taken so he can't use them to strangle himself or a cellmate. Upon release, he may not have his belt on or shoes tied.
Walking around this way indicates that one had been picked up on suspicion and released; or held, charged, and given bail.
Similar to cornrows - initially popular among prison inmates. Wearing cornrows indicates that one was just released from prison.
Pathetic who inspires fashion - and why - among this crowd.
The gentleman in the video may be a Bob and Doug McKenzie fan. Here is the scene from Strange Brew.
Van: Its jail/holding cell fashion.
So, what explains the "suspenders down" and "saggy pants" horse puckey? Not that I expect you to have the answer. The whole saggy pants thing is so demented that you can only hope these cretins will, later in life, wince every time they recall going out in public while looking so abjectly stupid.
Ret' LAPDs stories don't amaze me at all. Why would a black person be unable to function with bullets in their heads? They don't use those parts anyway. Sort of like you or I getting shot in the appendix (as long as it doesn't get infected, who cares?)
Van: Its jail/holding cell fashion.
So, what explains the "suspenders down" and "saggy pants" horse puckey? Not that I expect you to have the answer. The whole saggy pants thing is so demented that you can only hope these cretins will, later in life, wince every time they recall going out in public while looking so abjectly stupid.
No they will celebrate it as they ain't actin' whitey!
If they really wanted to curb black violence all they'd need to do is ban .32 hand guns. Ha ha.
The saggy pants are a prison-inspired fashion, as well, as is the wearing of too-large clothing in general. In prison you don't get belts, apparently, since they can be used as weapons - and, sad to say, it seems that one of the things you just can't get in the Big House is a good tailor to alter your one-size-fits-all prison garb.
I will never forget the first time that I saw the droopy drawers "fashion" in person. I had pulled in to a gas station, and the black "youth" in the car ahead of me got out. "Oh, my gosh, that poor kid!" thought I, "His pants are falling down! I can see his boxer shorts! How humiliating! He's going to be mortified!" I actually thought this to myself! Then, of course, his three "youth" companions also got out of the car, and I saw that they ALL had their pants slung down and their underwear showing. My mind boggled as it looked on these asses with a wild surmise: Could these "youths" possibly be dressed this way...on PURPOSE?! Is this a new...FASHION of some kind?!" It was like watching the Death of Western Civilization being enacted in real time, right in front of me. I did the only sensible thing possible, of course, and drove off to find another gas station.
Anonymous (October 3, 2011 3:22 PM): The saggy pants are a prison-inspired fashion, as well, as is the wearing of too-large clothing in general.
In reality, that "too-large clothing" style is a ruse for the concealment of handguns. Much like the ever popular trench coat for hiding a sawed off shotgun.
Could these "youths" possibly be dressed this way...on PURPOSE?!
Very much so. "Never miss an opportunity to offend as many sensible people as possible", seems to be the motto of Black youth everywhere.
Stop, drop and roll, roll baby, roll.
Tupac managed the look with a belt.
In reality, that "too-large clothing" style is a ruse for the concealment of handguns.
You should rename this piece of shit blog to "Stuff White People Don't Like." You'll get so many more hits! Hopefully one will carry your death sentance and just for fun, the saints will cut off your lips and hand as a warning; Then send you back to your parents with a note that says "Congratulations!."
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