Mind you, it's 12:30 a.m. and we are 17, 18-year-old kids. We don't have plane tickets. We park the car and enter the airport and walk right through security. We didn't take off our shoes, we didn't face invasive (and humiliating) pat-downs, we didn't have to see TSA Agents - at this airport, they are 95 percent Black - sitting around doing absolutely nothing but harassing law-abiding citizens.
We just walked right through security and went to the various concourses at this airport. For four kids about to embark on the wild ride of college (and the endless vistas of life), looking back on that experience is an apt metaphor for life. Walking from concourse to concourse in an eerily empty airport, telling stories of our past and discussing dreams for the future, laughing together in the moment; I often reflect back on this day - that entire summer really - and the simplicity of that night, the freedom we had before us.
This night was in the second week of August, 2001. One month later, after going on an early morning jog before classes and eating breakfast, I would get a call from that same friend about one of the World Trade Center buildings being hit by a plane. Turning on the television in my dorm room, my roommate and I saw the next plane hit the other tower.
Whenever I think about 9/11, I go back to that memory from August 2001 and what we really lost that Tuesday in early September. Already, white flight from major cities overrun with Black crime, Black corruption, and uninhabitable Black neighborhoods made trips to the city nearest where I grew up a dangerous proposition.
No politician, businessman or elected official will dare point this out, and when a person is fearful of going to a major city because of "bad areas" or the "ghetto" that is found there (they mean dangerous Black people), then you do not have 'freedom'.
In regards to 9/11, I completely agree with Lawrence Auster. No politician or elected official will dare point out that it is law-abiding Americans who have been punished for the actions of 19 Muslims on 9/11. Instead of practicing sane policies of 'profiling' at the airports, law-abiding Americans (and 90 percent or more of those who fly are white) are forced to endure humiliating searches by a workforce that rivals the United States Postal Service (USPS) in terms of Blackness.
I'm 100 percent behind law enforcement being allowed to 'profile'; the reason Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Orlando, Detroit, Chicago, New York City, Washington D.C., Dallas, Houston, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Cleveland, and other American cities aren't safe for suburban white kids to visit is because of the threat of Black crime. It's the reason white families flee to the freedom of Whitopia's, where their children can grow and be raised in an environment free from the Black Undertow.
One of my heroes growing up was Pat Tillman. I first read about him when he played football at Arizona State, a white linebacker/running back from California that no school wanted save Brigham Young and the Sun Devils. It was stated he was an 'overachiever' who played with heart and was tenacious. BS. He was an amazing athlete who happened to be born during a period of time where white fans have been conditioned to believe that "Black is Best."
By some strange coincidence, in the 1997 Sports Illustrated issue with the cover story "What Happened to the White Athlete?", Pat Tillman was profiled. That issue would always stick with me, knowing that the majority of Black athletes came from these major cities or Black Undertow areas that no white person dare raise their family in.
We all know what Pat Tillman did after 9/11. We all know the sacrifice he made in enlisting in the US Army out of patriotic duty (like so many other white guys still being Real American Heroes). We all know how he died. We all know the United States Military and Government covered up his killing and tried to make him a war-hero, constructing a Hollywood ending out of his fratricide.
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Three white guys raising the flag in BRA won't do! |
We should have stopped all immigration from majority Muslim nations after 9/11. We didn't.
We should have instituted 'profiling' at the airports instead of erecting a police state that considers the historic majority population in America (white people) the real threat to stability and peace, humiliating airline passengers at every turn.
I often wonder if the "freedom" and "liberty" felt on that August day back in 2001,when four friends spent an evening walking around an airport -- all about to embark on their respective paths in life -- will ever return.
In about 10 minutes, the National Football League (NFL) will play its first slate of Sunday games. Fusing the new state religion (football) with hyper-patriotism, 9/11 will be remembered with typical American flair. Wonder if Lady Gaga will perform on the 50-yard-line of one of these new public shrines?
And all I can think about is a guy like Pat Tillman, in the words of his brother: "a fucking champion."
Those who died on 9/11 deserve better. All of the soldiers (and especially those who gave their lives) who have served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars deserve better.
I want to live in a country that actually advances the interests of its law-abiding citizens, instead of trying to advance at every opportunity those citizens who re-made formerly great cities like Detroit, Birmingham, and Cleveland into their image. I want to live in a country that doesn't demonize its law-abiding citizens because of the terrorists actions of 19 Muslims (and subsequent terror attempts by... Muslims) and erects a police state to antagonize and humiliate its historic majority population.
Peter Brimelow is right; 9/11 memorializing is irrelevant to those who desire an American Renaissance.
I will absolutely never, ever have a friendly relationship with a single Muslim. The Koran teaches tolerance of and outreach to "infidels" ONLY as a method of biding one's time to gain strength. Their belief system is incompatible with Western Civilization. They have no business here.
We need some kind of a police state to deal with black people, and Moslems, and others irredeemably hostile to our civilization. The South had a police apparatus to control blacks pre-Civil War, and then an extra-legal system to control blacks up to around 1960.
Ain't gonna happen though. When white people aren't fighting each other, they are hoisting themselves by their own petard.
Never let a crisis go to waste.
I watched "The Tillman Story" last week for the first time and was surprised (although I guess I shouldn't be) and appalled by the treatment both he and his family received. The subject was not really discussed in depth but as you pointed out Paul, he was a magnificent athlete and laughably only 2 major colleges were interested. That's the power of BRA. If the story ended there, it'd be a sad ending. But things they are a changin'. Keep it up Paul.
The leftist media has done nothing but kiss Moslem ass since 9/11, even more than they do with blacks. They are truly scum.
American white nationalists, conservatives, and far-right "Christian" extremists point their fingers at blacks, browns, and Communism as the source of all of their personal ills and all that ills society when, in fact, the source is Capitalism.
What people fail to understand is that Capitalism is the dominant (or only) system in this country and any financial crisis (or, by extrapolation, social crisis) is caused by this system. It's then pretty ironic that some critics believe the antidote for all of this would be more Capitalism, a freer market, less regulation!
Mortgage crises? Blame blacks and browns, but forget the Capitalists who put into practice predatory lending.
Crippled economy? Blame socialism, but forget that Capitalism is our (global) system and had been running unchecked at least since 2001.
Look at this blog, for instance: every societal ill is blamed on blacks, who have no power or political capital. With regard to Obama, he is doubly a target because he is black and he is an alleged socialist; again, neither category has any power. Even the most Socialistic country still has a Capitalist artery! There has never been a society that has ever implemented true Communism.
This projection onto blacks and Communists or Socialists is merely a diversion while New World Order miscreants surreptitiously shuffle all of us into the gas chambers. Do you think whites are immune to this?
American white nationalists are so backward in their focus that they will drown in their own madness and confusion. The Tea Party movement is Exhibit A: a disorganized bunch of poor white "Patriots" who advocate for governmental and economic systems that would leave them poorer than before. Their rallying cry is Obama's blackness and his alleged Socialism, neither of which is no kind of threat like the threat of NWO Capitalist Pigs!
You espouse truly unoriginal, boilerplate conspiracy about Communism and blacks! You say people are living their lives oblivious to the NWO and just don't care about the truth behind 911. Apathy is a cousin of denial.
The best conspiracies are ones that cannot be proven nor disproven, as they say. Yours can be easily disproved because you clearly have not a knowledge of real history---the stuff completely unadulterated by NWO brainwashing agents.
While American white nationalists continue to read this blog and wax poetic about destroyed white daughters and the so-called "impending doom" of socialism, Capitalists are doing everything in their power to keep the rich rich and the poor poor; to blame egalitarianism on any problem is dishonest and a maddening surface distraction.
Look at the root, if you have the cojones to do so; the root is Capitalism. If you want to blame politically powerless groups---including Communists---go ahead; it is simply a distraction. I don't believe in ham-fisted conspiracies of governmental coverups of space aliens or the like, the popular imagery of the conspiracy theorist.
But your viewpoint has been in place since at least the 1940s, and it is a well-orchestrated smokescreen of confusion.
It's almost comical. Continue being hypocrite supreme. Spout your shallow rhetoric about blacks, browns, Communism, and Socialism to poorer whites who are simply looking for answers or looking to shift blame. Yes, do this while you sale them books of these lies. You are probably an inadvertent NWO-flunky yourself!
I try to tell this to other blacks but most of them are simply brainwashed traitors, more than willing to become lackeys to white supremacy. If you think blacks have a bloodlust for whites in that they would like to replace your white supremacy with black supremacy, YOU ARE WRONG. White people are more willing to listen; blacks want to go along with the status-quo. Your view of blacks-as-enemy is so misplaced. You are looking at trees! The black criminal class is the proverbial carrot on the string for American white nationalists and you so predictably go after this small minority of minorities. Most blacks have NOTHING against whites and will chew out a Pan-Africanist who advocates black beauty and reclaiming of our stolen scholarship.
This is why you are so far off base, WAY off base. Wake up. You are simply a predictable pawn in the current regime. "Mein Obama"? Yeah, sure; Obama was a glimmer of "hope", now he's simply a tool in the throes of NWO confusion.
There will be a war and it will be American white nationalism against the New World Order global capitalists; guess who will lose? Wake the FUCK up! Waco was just a small example of these future battles. American white nationalists are so confused and backward that they cannot even tell the difference between ideologies.
Ha... keep eating up the lie, my friend. The enemy is not blacks or browns and they sure as hell are not Marxists. Wake. the. fuck. UP!
If it was a real Black Run America, none of these caricatures would even exist. No, they are simply diversion products. You have yours and we have ours...
As for how black crime rates affect whites and others, the American white nationalist is so blinded in his quest to attack black, brown, or Communist, that he fails to realize:
1. Crime in general is within races
2. Blacks attacking whites is not racially-motivated
3. Black criminals make up a TINY subset of the politically powerless black minority
These are important points to note because essentially what you have here is "carrot on a string" foolishness. Beyond the fact that attacking groups because a subset is criminal---yes, in black, brown, and Communist groups---is just a waste of time, you are thinking in the short term.
So, what will happen when this blog writer---I think he's a mind-control agent of the larger NWO-marionette show we're living in because I never have seen someone so capitalistic and bombastic in their push for diversion products (ie. attacks against blacks and Marxists)---sells all his books, cannot think of any more posts, and has amassed all of his capital?
What is going to happen when the small numbers of blacks, browns, and Communists are dead or "wiped out" or suppressed? Who are you going to target then?
I will tell you what will happen: there will be no more diversions, distractions, or projections. You will be faced with the unvarnished truth that all of that rhetoric was for nothing.
I will tell you now: those orchestrating the NWO view coloreds and political minorities as goldfishes in the Pacific Ocean. Their beef is with the military-trained subversives within their own (white) group. This means the gun-smart American white nationalist, many of whom are former military.
Like I've said, you are being had, you are being owned. If the NWO recruits most blacks or other minorities---which would be too easy---it'll be a bloody battle where the American white nationalist is toast.
I am just telling you: you will all drown in your own confusion. Wake UP!
And to the person who said my name is unoriginal, I would never reveal my identity online. My mentor---a revolutionary out in Philly---published his last book discussing white supremacy and the NWO and was dead only a few months later. I cannot be so careless as I try to spread the message to EVERYONE; these are dangerous times.
Once again you summed everything up in just a few paragraphs. Keep doing this blog Kersey.
This post is better than anything I've read about today's anniversary.
Last four "anon" posts,
Um, what?
Last four Anons:
You are aware that the United States and the vast majority of Europe have been socialist (or a mixture of socialism and corporate cronyism, anyway) for at least the past 50 years? If you think that the truckloads of money thrown at blacks and other groups that will never produce returns on them has nothing to do with the current economic shithole we're in, you're an idiot.
@ Anon. with the conspiracy theory
Does what you've mentioned in your posts have anything to do with the Bilderberg group? Just curious.
Anon 1:53
"...Mortgage crises? Blame blacks and browns, but forget the Capitalists who put into practice predatory lending..."
The what?? The mortgage crisis was the direct result of BRA. Barney Frank and Co FORCED banks to lend to retarded blacks whom they knew could never/would never repay them. That the blacks were unable to read/didn't bother to read, their "predatory" contracts, reflects on those blacks, and no one else.
"Obama was a glimmer of "hope", now he's simply a tool in the throes of NWO confusion..."
No really. WTF??
The West has NOT learnt a damned single thing from that attack - not one. If we were a sane CIVILISATION, the first thing that we would have done on September 12, 2001 would have been to round up ALL muslims and sent them to the nearest port. Then we would have deported them to the nearest muslim port in Africa or Indonesia.
The fact that we did not do this, indeed we INCREASED muslim 'immigration' after that event, proves that we learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from that attack.
"2...Blacks attacking whites is not racially-motivated"
Yep. Beat Whitey night was just a mistake. Or something...
"3. Black criminals make up a TINY subset of the politically powerless black minority"
BRA has turned blacks into the most powerful "subset" in America. They are allowed to do and say what they want with impunity. That so many do not take advantage and remain thugs speaks to their inherent stupidity...
Ahem. I don't see any football-related content in this post. Please correct.
Great story, SBPDL. Ironically enough, my brother also loves Pat Tillman, which is why my nephew's middle name is "Tillman."
Who let the boon in? Just avoid the 'groids!
"...but forget the Capitalists who put into practice predatory lending..."
Wrong! It was Clinton who put those lending practices into effect. He signed it into law the last week of his presidency, along with 13,000 pages of other useless laws.
If you would actually read anything on this blog you would realize we all know the undertow is only a symptom of the liberal/feminist rot in our country. Even as a symptom they are very real and deadly.
"1. Crime in general is within races"
Wrong! 37,000 black on white rapes a year vs. 0 (ZERO!) white on black rapes. In this day and age you would think the blacks would scream bloody murder if one of them was raped by a white man. So, where is it? Where is this vaunted white on black rape? Surely it would have made world news in the BRA conditioned media.
"2. Blacks attacking whites is not racially-motivated"
Sure, in a liberal's mind. 'Cause blacks can't be racist.
"3. Black criminals make up a TINY subset of the politically powerless black minority"
If by "TINY" you mean 50% then you would be right.
Not to nitpick, but can't help but notice in all of the 9/11 footage from the WTC and Pentagon after the attack, it's 8 times out of 10 the blacks who escaped (who seem to be overwhelmingly women) who are pictured in front of the camera half-flaccid-elastically "Oh Lawd!"-ing and over-dramatzing their injuries as they are being carried out to safety by white men.
Somehow, these folks can even make 9/11 turn into 9/ME-leven.
The incapacity for any empathy that doesn't involve a "reach-around" is non-existent in that culture.
Just sayin'...
After many years in Asia I returned to America. It is worse than the America I left and is nowhere near the America of my childhood.
How many Americans feel this way? How many European, Aussies, or Canadians? I was not raised to be aware of race I do not consider myself racist but something is deeply wrong.
The Musilms didn't need to fly planes into the towers if they had a little more patients could wait just a little long Whites will exterminate themselves.
Dear Anon/Negro...
1. Please learn to abridge.
2. Please think up some original material, everything you've written has been discussed and dismissed long ago.
"3. Black criminals make up a TINY subset of the politically powerless black minority"
Yet commit more than half of all murders in the US.
And now everyone is arguing against Anon's comments instead of this well written article. Good job Anon!
Serena Williams showing that you can take the negro out of the ghetto but...
You negro people HATE capitalism because you're too shifty and unoriginal to produce anything of value. Welcome to the world of tomorrow. Capitalism says I can make a shit ton of money from my good ideas. Money is the equivalent of energy. Get a clue.
If I weren't so hideously drunk right now, I would seriously be throwing down.
The Senior Engineer
We need to end the wars/occupations abroad, bring the troops home, and put them on the border between USA and Mexico as well as around the ghetto in every major city.
Another great post.
To the anon that went on and on, the issue is not capitalism. The issue is Free Trade and its twin brother Open Borders. Capitalism is fine. Sending manufacturing jobs overseas and importing H1B's because its cheaper than paying Americans is the problem. The government used to use tariffs to correct these type of imbalances. But now its content to squeeze the middle class between fewer jobs for less pay, and a ravenous, subsidized on their backs, underclass. God help us.
Under that famous picture of three White firemen raising the American flag, you wrote, "Three white guys raising the flag in BRA won't do!"
I'm not sure if you were referencing the following incident, because I didn't see you mention it, but a statue was planned of that famous moment to commemorate 9/11 and the faces of two of the firemen were changed to make one Black and the other Hispanic. This didn't happen years after the 9/11 when peoples' memories had faded, but just a few months later.
People found out and got pissed, so they decided to scrap the whole thing, but the fact that the cultural Marxists even felt they could get away with such a stunt right after 9/11 shows how bad the liberal propaganda machine was even then. And that was almost 10 years ago. It's only gotten worse.
"Mortgage crises? Blame blacks and browns, but forget the Capitalists who put into practice predatory lending."
The lenders cannot be absolved, however did they have a choice? The root cause was political. As has been mentioned, Frank, Clinton, and Republicans such as Bush were eager to get blacks and browns into houses they couldn't afford, and had no business purchasing. Remember, these were mostly government subsidized loans.
If the BRA politicians had not been involved, sound accounting would have prevented any of this. But sound banking is always discriminatory to our darker brethren, and we can't have that, now, can we?
I did not watch any of the vulgar profiteering yesterday, it was offensive. And for those who blame the "capitialists" let me just say that the real capitalists are the international financiers, not the job producing entrepreneurs. And for the record, this financial crap was planned and implemented. Ask yourself this, who profits all the time, whether good times or bad times, who profits?
"As has been mentioned, Frank, Clinton, and Republicans such as Bush were eager to get blacks and browns into houses they couldn't afford, and had no business purchasing."
I'm always amused when negroes refer to this as "predatory lending". Unbelievable.
Great post, Paul. I like the post at "Crimes of the Times" about this too. We need to be outraged about 9/11.
"Most blacks have NOTHING against whites and will chew out a Pan-Africanist who advocates black beauty and reclaiming of our stolen scholarship."
Ha. This made me laugh out loud. I call bullshit. Blacks want the ultimate revenge against whitey for slavery. They want to see white people removed from the face of the earth.
Like most blacks and DWLs, you live in a bubble, not realizing that most white people find your black culture to be very foreign, gross, and offensive. We don't care about your grievances!!!!! We don't want to have to brush up against you on a daily basis, we don't want to have to look at your black faces all around us, we don't want to fund your mortgages, or feed your hungry black children, and we work very hard to GTF away from you. Blacks are unpredictable, underclass, impulsive, and violent.
I have known several blacks who took advantage of these "predatory" loans. They bragged on and on about how little they had to pay, how they had "no payments for the first year". All of this on the backs of the white taxpayer. Did they ever say thank you? Hell no. They were entitled, just like they are entitled to everything else that white people earn.
I cannot listen to a proud, loud-mouthed black woman yapping away on her government subsidized cell phone for more than two seconds before I want to throw up. Black people are not victims, but they must pursue the black victimology shakedown in order to get the white tax dollars. Black people must pack up and move back to their motherland in Africa. Everyone will be much happier, blacks can express their blackness, and white people can keep their hard-earned dollars and start rebuilding this mess of a country.
"... eager to get blacks and browns into houses they couldn't afford, and had no business purchasing."
Yes, we must never hold the negro accountable for his actions. Whites are always to blame.
Blacks hate America because of the American themes of capitalism, personal responsibility, liberty and freedom. Blacks cannot live as free men in our complicated society. They will always live on the fringes, jealous and hateful of the success of others. Blacks even hate each other, and work endlessly to keep each other down.
"Most blacks have NOTHING against whites"
What a laugher.
Most blacks have no understanding of political issues, yet they consider Republicans to be the "Party Of Whites", and vote more than 90% in opposition to the GOP.
Blacks hate whites.
Instead of practicing sane policies of 'profiling' at the airports, law-abiding Americans (and 90 percent or more of those who fly are white) are forced to endure humiliating searches by a workforce that rivals the United States Postal Service (USPS) in terms of Blackness. and competence?
Want to know why blacks are always on the bottom of the pile?
Blacks do not participate in politics, and are ignorant of our system.
Blacks are not able to live in a free society and must be cared for by whites.
Blacks are unable to resist temptation and instant gratification, blacks have poor decision making skills and they are unable to predict the consequences of those choices.
Blacks do not take responsibility for their failures and blame others.
Blacks are hustlers and must rely on the financial shakedown of whites.
Blacks do not understand the concept of personal freedom.
Blacks, with a lower IQ, are not able to plan for the future.
Blacks have no honor and do not value basic human life.
Blacks are not able to invent quality products that others want to buy.
Blacks are selfish and child-like.
Blacks are very ignorant of the Constitution and our laws of The West in general.
Blacks are not intelligent enough to understand complicated concepts. (Basic economics and delayed gratification, for example.)
Blacks do not value education.
Blacks are not able to form successful communities without white dollars and white mentors.
Blacks exhibit a false high self-esteem and have been sheltered from honest criticism.
Black people are more violent and criminal by nature, and participate in a loose casual economy which ensures their poverty.
Blacks are not able to abide by basic rules and laws and are incarcerated at higher rates than other races.
Blacks degrade, devalue, and destroy property.
Blacks are more prone to violence and will loot and riot for fun, which scares whites and causes them to flee.
Need stats for all for all of this? The work has already been done by SBPDL and his faithful followers. Check the archives and comments.
Interesting reminiscences, Paul. I'm quite a bit older than you, and I remember when going to the airport was a big deal - sitting and watching the planes, roaming the concourse, etc. You're right, though - instead of public, commercial ventures, airports are now government control centers where White people are irradiated, photographed, humiliated, and herded by the multikultists. I had to fly shortly after 9/11 for my father's funeral (nothing to do with 9/11; he'd been ill awhile) and I've flown once since that time. I will not again until BRA falls and I need not submit to public, ritual humiliation for the "privilege" of traveling by air.
All the staged 9/11 remembrances are leaving me cold, this year. All it did was accelerate the immigration of non-Whites and the honoring of the musselman and the other. It increased government control and intrusion and simultaneously decreased public safety. Lots of foreign adventurism to export "democracy" to primitive, tribal societies, and lots of blood and treasure wasted.
I wish people would stop responding to Desiree and her communism screeds. Don't you think she's hijacked enough threads here? Stop pandering to her vanity and ignore her.
"Mortgage crises? Blame blacks and browns, but forget the Capitalists who put into practice predatory lending."...wrong! Blame Dodd & Frank (both dimocrat liberals), who forced thru legislation tieing the finance rate at which the fed loaned to commercial banks, with loans to set percentages of minoritys. Loans based on skin color, NOT ability to afford the loan!...simply put, 'affirmative action' banking.
Jimmy Carter implemented the "community redevelopment act", then Clinton had Janet Reno threaten the banks with loss of their charters if they didn't play along.
Bush actually tried, though very weakly, to stop the ridiculous lending practices, but here came Maxine Waters and Barney Frank, those great American heroes, to make sure more loans were made.
Good ol' Obama was in there with Acorn as well, threatening to sue banks if they didn't make "loans that would never be paid back".
So, thank you Maxine, Barney, and Barry for damn near tanking the entire planet's economy all for the sake of getting mortgages for people who could never pay them back!
Paul, I wish that you would post on the fallout of the banking crisis as it relates to bad loans given to minority groups in this country-maybe you have?
This is interesting stuff.
Also, on the way whites are being discriminated against on a daily basis when it comes to government loans, etc.
I've heard that's how so many Indians can buy up all these motels with dirt cheap low interest gov. loans? Any data on this anyone?
I have a question. With all of this talk about profiling Black people, I have to ask this. Where does this leave the Black people who are not violent, who do value education, who are raising their families in the right way, who are God-fearing Christians, who aren't committing crimes, who are law-abiding citizens? At one time, Blacks could be killed by Whites and no one would really prosecute. Okay, people should not be committing crimes, no one should. Still, where does this leave the Black people who are law-abiding people who want to be accepted?
Judging by the fact that no one is answering, maybe no one cares.
mr evergreen: I sympathize with Blacks who act like humans, but the price of an integrated society is Black chaos, the destruction of civilization. The eight or nine smart Black kids who were let into Little Rock's Central High in 1956 were only the vanguard of the mass of Black morons who fill it today. Let them have their own separate society, let those who are law abiding and so forth establish order among their own people, if they can. Trying to help Blacks has destroyed this nation, and if we're going to rebuild anything, we can't get suckered into elevating other races again. It really is us or them.
“Paul, I wish that you would post on the fallout of the banking crisis as it relates to bad loans given to minority groups in this country”
Steve Sailer has done that already. Search for "minority mortgage meltdown".
As for Desiree's nonsense, there is only one response necessary (and until she posted this crapflood one time too many I thought I would never in my life use these words):
"Fuck off, stupid nigger."
Discard, trying to help Black people didn't destroy this nation. The way it was done could have been better. I say stopping giving excuses to the persons who commit criminal acts, and that goes for everyone. But the Black people who are law abiding, striving for excellence, and decent live their lives as equals. Black people didn't choose to come here, therefore, if anyone has a problem with Blacks being in America period, blame the persons who owned slaves, blame the persons who shipped slaves here, blame the persons who sold Africans into slaves, blame the kidnappers who stole Africans out of Africa. Blacks are here because they were brought here to be slaves. I'm not excusing the criminal actions. I'm saying Blacks are here as a result of someone else making decisions for Blacks. Keeping Black people down isn't helpful to them. Jim Crow was of no help to Black people. If I was living in the USA during the Jim Crow era, I would have left the nation and never came back(as Richard Wright did in the 1930s). In fact, some African-American writers left the USA because they were treated so bad. Some went to the Soviet Union.
“trying to help Black people didn't destroy this nation.”
White flight, urban sprawl and decaying cities: directly caused by anti-segregation laws intended to help Black people.
2008 financial collapse: pumped up to many times its magnitude by the pressures of the former, and the "Community Redevelopment" lending demands intended to help Black people.
Section 8 housing subsidies moving ghetto Blacks and their crime into all-White areas: intended to help Black people.
Affirmative Action, "diversity" requirements, and other legal minefields making it hard for schools to admit and businesses to employ only good, capable people: intended to help Black people.
AFDC, TANF, WIC, and other anergizing social subsidies: intended to help Black people.
“The way it was done could have been better.”
I don't see a single effort in my list above that is not a destructive force.
“Black people didn't choose to come here, therefore, if anyone has a problem with Blacks being in America period, blame the persons who owned slaves, blame the persons who shipped slaves here, blame the persons who sold Africans into slaves, blame the kidnappers who stole Africans out of Africa.”
They're all dead and what they did cannot be un-done, but you want White people to ignore the on-going problems caused by Black people. Neither do you credit my ancestors who fought and shed blood to free yours.
Why is that, Mr. Evergreen? Why do you prefer a nation full of White people? Why wouldn't you leap at the chance to reverse the crimes of the slave-traders (not the slave-takers, who were African and Arab Muslims) and take yourself and your fellow Black people back to e.g. Liberia?
We both know why, but I'd like to see you answer in your own words and see you struggle with the moral implications.
Mr Evergreen: Jim Crow kept Blacks from running wild and destroying White communities. Since Jim Crow has been abolished, Blacks have in fact run wild and destroyed White communities. Ergo, helping Blacks destroyed the nation. It was a better place when Blacks and their pathological behaviors were kept down. Desegregation is the strongest argument for keeping the races separate.
BTW, hold the slavery crap. The farther we come in time from emancipation, the more wretched Blacks become. If slavery was the problem, shouldn't Blacks be improving instead of regressing to a feral condition?
"Jim Crow kept Blacks from running wild and destroying White communities. Since Jim Crow has been abolished, Blacks have in fact run wild and destroyed White communities. Ergo, helping Blacks destroyed the nation. It was a better place when Blacks and their pathological behaviors were kept down. Desegregation is the strongest argument for keeping the races separate."
Jim Crow reduced Black people to the status of being second class citizens. They couldn't vote. They lived under a dictatorship basically. Blacks had no say in how the government treated them. If Black people were so pathological compared to Whites, there are some questions: Why could a White person get away with murdering a Black person?
Why was a Black person on Johns Island,GA murdered over an accident involving a dog being killed?
Why did Emmett Till get murdered for simply making a pass at a White woman?
All of those murders sound like patholgical behavior. And don't forget, in the South, there is this Southern subculture of violence that involved White people murdering each other due to the feeling of being dishonored, or over other things. Duels between Whites were very common back in the old days. I'm not saying that there weren't Black people committing crimes. I'm saying they weren't the only ones. Shouldn't justice be the same for EVERYONE?
And I disagree that this nation was a better place when Blacks were kept down. It wasn't a good places for Black people who wanted to live decent lives, to vote, to have the same rights that Whites had. In order for a nation to be a good places, it has to be a good place for EVERYONE.
What I'm hearing is historical revisionism.
Mr evergreen: Of course segregation kept Blacks in a position of second class citizenship. Blacks, by and large, do not merit first class citizenship. What is the problem?
Blacks have a homicide rate eleven times that of Whites, though it has become harder to ferret those numbers out since so many police agencies, including the FBI, count Hispanics as White. That lopsided statistic has been stable since the 1940s. So, for every White killer you can cite, there are eleven Black killers. In the days of Jim Crow, Blacks with murder in their hearts killed other Blacks rather than Whites. They had the example of Emmet Till before them if they gave thought to treating any White with the same lack of inhibition that they treated their own race.
It is not true that, in order to be a good place, a nation has to be a good place for everyone. Can France be a good place for Japanese, or Korea a good place for Irish? Not without giving up some of the attributes that make France or Korea good for their native populations. A society that is good for Whites is too demanding for Blacks, and a society that is good for Blacks will corrupt Whites. Check out the next couple of Whiggers you run across to see what I mean.
What's wrong with historical revisionism? Sometimes the prevailing narrative needs revising to bring it in line with reality.
"Of course segregation kept Blacks in a position of second class citizenship. Blacks, by and large, do not merit first class citizenship. What is the problem?"
The problem is I'm living in this country. I don't know any other nation but the USA. Therefore, being treated like a second class citizen in my own country is not something I want. Dr. King had a quote: "There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society. ."
Pretty much speaks volumes about how this society works. If Black people don't feel that they have a stake in this society, it would explain the riots of the 60s.
"It is not true that, in order to be a good place, a nation has to be a good place for everyone."
What I meant is if everyone in that society is not given equal opportunity and the same rights as everyone else, then it isn't good for everyone. If you are a citizen of a nation, then you are to have the same rights as everyone else. If not, then what are you doing living there?
"What's wrong with historical revisionism?"
Sometimes alot of this "revisionism" gets revised with lies.
" Blacks with murder in their hearts killed other Blacks rather than Whites"
Because Blacks were afraid of Whites. It didn't mean that Blacks liked Whites or respected them, it just meant fear. If a person respects you, then you don't need to use fear. If he doesn't respect you, when fear subsides, anger comes out. And here is another question for you: How is Black people killing other Black people better than Black people killing White people? It is not better. It doesn't matter who gets killed, but rather someone is getting killed.
And answer this question: How is the murder rate of an ethnicity any excuse for treating them as second class citizens? I say if you haven't murdered anyone and you're not a criminal, then you should be able to live in the main society as a normal human being. If you are a criminal and a murderer, you should be locked up. Simple as that. I can vote, so I have a say in what happens in the government. What point is it for me to live in a society as a citizen if I don't get the full rights as a citizen?
"We both know why, but I'd like to see you answer in your own words and see you struggle with the moral implications"
What do you think? I would like to know, even if I disagree with you.
"The farther we come in time from emancipation, the more wretched Blacks become. If slavery was the problem, shouldn't Blacks be improving instead of regressing to a feral condition?"
Interesting little thing called structural-culture theory. I got this from a conservative, not a liberal. Slavery did many things. One trait of slavery was violence. The slave master often exerted violence towards the slaves. What happened? Slaves took out their anger on other slaves because if you took your anger out on the slavemaster, the slave master could kill you. That mentality was passed down by many people. Explains a considerable part about the Black on Black crime.
Next the slave not being allowed to learn how to read. Even after emancipation, there were Black people who felt like education was a "white man thing" and this was passed down from generation to generation.
Black on white violence, well, I will remind of you Nat Turner, Stono River rebellion, and Gabriel Prosser. This kind of violence was often in a form of rebellion. Black people didn't want to be slaves, so they rebelled alot. There were over 200 slave rebellions in North America, only one was successful.
mr evergreen: I don't care if you're unhappy being a second class citizen. Making Blacks into first class citizens is turning us into a second class country, where all of us will be second class. Equality with Blacks is the equality of the gutter.
I've said something repeatedly, and you don't seem to grasp it. Allowing Blacks who behave themselves in the door soon means letting in those who do not behave themselves. That is the historical pattern. Your people have destroyed every place they've moved to. Which means that Whites can't afford to care about your problems. Your people are, by and large, stupid, lazy, irresponsible, violent and horny. Fix them yourself.
Stop bringing up this slave bullshit. If slavery was the cause of your problems, why do your people become worse as slavery recedes further into the past? Why? That's a question. Why? Because Jim Crow kept your people from screwing up. They haven't the ability to govern themselves, so Whites have to do it for them. Without the strong hand of Massa, your people revert to the jungle.
I know this is all very unpalatable, but there it is. It's not fair to you, but neither is cancer. Live with it.
"mr evergreen: I don't care if you're unhappy being a second class citizen. Making Blacks into first class citizens is turning us into a second class country, where all of us will be second class. Equality with Blacks is the equality of the gutter.
I've said something repeatedly, and you don't seem to grasp it. Allowing Blacks who behave themselves in the door soon means letting in those who do not behave themselves. That is the historical pattern. Your people have destroyed every place they've moved to. Which means that Whites can't afford to care about your problems. Your people are, by and large, stupid, lazy, irresponsible, violent and horny. Fix them yourself.
Stop bringing up this slave bullshit. If slavery was the cause of your problems, why do your people become worse as slavery recedes further into the past? Why? That's a question. Why? Because Jim Crow kept your people from screwing up. They haven't the ability to govern themselves, so Whites have to do it for them. Without the strong hand of Massa, your people revert to the jungle.
I know this is all very unpalatable, but there it is. It's not fair to you, but neither is cancer. Live with it."
Actually, when slavery existed, there were slave rebellions, 200 of them in fact. It shows Blacks didn't want to be slaves.
Personally, I would rather be dead than live under Jim Crow. If Jim Crow makes a comeback to the USA, I'm leaving. If I was living under Jim Crow, I probably would have been killed because I would have been the person purposely breaking the law out of protest.
As to why some things got back after, well, some people took the bad habits learned under slavery and passed them down. The solution is for Blacks who are continuing that cycle to stop that cycle, and to expect better from themselves. The problem is, the Black people who decided not to pass those bad habits down are often rejected by Black people who do live up to that culture of slavery. When Bill Cosby spoke about the issues in the Black community, I listened. Black people who listened and respected him for it are not really the ones the message was directed towards. The persons who needed to hear "you're screwing up, straighten up and act right" are the ones who will call me and Cosby an Uncle Tom.
I don't go for that "life's not fair, live wiht it" crap. If Dr. King decided to live with it, things would not have gotten better.
I don't need the "strong hand of massa" to get along. If anything, Jim Crow would make me want to rebel.
some people took the bad habits learned under slavery and passed them down.
Blaming Whitey again, are you? That dog won't hunt. The evidence from never-enslaved Africans in Africa shows that those habits (and much, much worse) come naturally. The easiest, simplest and most practical way to avoid being harmed by the results of those habits is to get Black people out of White society.
Then you can have a free hand to deal with the troublemakers. You sure won't have anybody yelling "racist!" at you. ("Uncle Tom" is another matter.)
But sure, give me a reason to want you anywhere near me. How do I decide where to put the cutoff for admission into White society and White living areas? Why should I have that burden, instead of just saying "No"? As others have noted many times, there is nothing worthwhile I can get from associating with you that I can't get from a White person, at lower risk and cost to myself.
"We need some kind of a police state to deal with black people, and Moslems, and others irredeemably hostile to our civilization. The South had a police apparatus to control blacks pre-Civil War, and then an extra-legal system to control blacks up to around 1960"
Hypocrisy. How can you claim a nation is about freedom, equality, and opportunity and you want a segment of the population to live under a police state with no rights? How does that help ME?
If such a situation were to happen again, I will leave the USA.
If such a situation were to happen again, I will leave the USA.
White America will not tolerate Black mobs and other destructive behaviors much longer. There will be a backlash.
You have a choice, Mr. Evergreen. You can throw the Black Undertow under the bus: lose Affirmative Action, Section 8, "disparate impact" tests and the other things which push the Black Undertow into the broader society. The alternative is to be included with the Black Undertow when TSHTF and share its fate.
It would be ironic if you became the victim of one of your Black brethren before you could get out of the USA.
I don't have section 8. My parents are homeowners. If I can't pay my rent, I can go back to living with my parents until I get another job in another city. I also want to be a business owner and make my own money. That way I won't have to worry about whether or not I get affirmative action. All I know is that I didn't get into college via affirmative action because I went into school under an academic scholarship which requires at least a 3.0 GPA. I got my current job because I was qualified for it and proved to other people and myself that I was a good worker. Private businesses do not have to use affirmative action.
And you mention it would be ironic if I became a victim of my Black brethren before leaving the USA. Well, it has already happened. When I was in high school I was getting beat up some of my own Black brethren for "acting White". A few years ago I was coming home from work and I got beat up and robbed by three African-American men. I decided to violate the "no snitch". It's already happened while I've been in the USA. I've been victimized by some White people perpetrating violence on me. Either way, it doesn't matter who did it. It happened and it violated my security.
I'm not going to take sides, so if Black people(such as me) get put under a police state, I'll leave the country. What kind of nation is it if I am to be treated that way?
I don't have section 8. My parents are homeowners.
You work really hard at not understanding, don't you? I'll spell it out explicitly: Section 8 can put the thugs next to you, almost anywhere you are. You ought to be working to abolish Section 8 so that you have thug-free neighborhoods in the future.
"Section 8 can put the thugs next to you"
I had thugs near me without Section 8
This has been an interesting site till this subject. If moozlims did indeed hatch and follow through on 9/11 then defending would be easy. All Bush had to do was earnestly close the borders, leaving the "terra-rists" who crawled through Mexico (or Canada) no way in. Then again THAT'S not in the script/
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