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Exactly right. End The Standard and see innovation thrive |
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We already know that Attorney General Eric "My People" Holder and his Department of (In)Justice steadfastly refuse to prosecute non-whites with hate crimes. Some call the illegal, anti-white bias at the Justice Department a "double standard"; we do not. It's The Standard.
Nothing more, nothing else. In every walk of life in Black-Run America (BRA), The Standard is applied to benefit Black people at the expense of white people. Well, to the detriment of white people. Just look at the rate of racial discrimination enacted at the University of Wisconsin to ensure that Black students gain acceptance there.
This is but one university in a country where The Standard has been applied vigorously by Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) to ensure greater Black enrollment and participation at the elite academic institutions. Any university not integrating an overzealous 'diversity' initiative into its overall strategy for growth could see a curtailment of federal grants and aid. That is the power of BRA.
Know this: even in a country where every resource is dedicated to the advancement of Black people, single Black females still only have a net worth of $5; Black unemployment is at levels not seen since the Great Depression; and the median net worth for Black families is $5,677 dollars.
A country that has spent trillions - the opportunity costs lost reach into the quadrillions - to improve the quality of life for Black people, handcuffing the opportunities for whites in the process, and this is all we have to show for it? Oh, and Detroit?
Face it: by every conceivable metric, BRA has been a monumental waste of money, time, and resources. Besides sports - where The Standard keeps capable white athletes from being recruited because white alumni at major colleges have been conditioned to believe in Black athletic superiority - what other vocations or avocations do Black people contribute to? By every quantifiable measure, America's capitulation to the concept of BRA has done precious little to help Black people.
Now what is it that Libertarians and conservatives want: a nation where merit matters and individualism reigns? What would Black unemployment be then? Would Black people even get into the University of Wisconsin without the benefit of The Standard? What would the median net worth of Black families be a world without BRA? $10?
There are no "double standards" in America, for this implies that at some level merit still matters above all else, when instead a militant desire to advance Black people and Black interests in academia, the military, corporate life, public sector positions, the entertainment industry and so forth exists.
Tavis Smiley has stated that the 2012 presidential election will be the most racially contentious election in American history. We at SBPDL agree, but Republicans will still try and court the Black vote (though it will go 99 percent to Obama, and violence at the polls will be 100 percent from members of the New Black Panther Party who have called for a racial war). Smiley is the same clown whining that Obama and the federal government should do everything possible to ensure that "black people are looked out for."
Dude, we already do. The United States gave up going to Mars so that we could pay for the maintenance, upkeep, education, feeding, housing, legal fees, and new jail cells to accommodate an always expanding Black Underclass ( it should be pointed out that Steve Sailer astutely noted that we went to the Moon using "slide rules"... even with T1-83 scientific calculators, Black people perform horribly at math).
Instead of building and improving upon existing infrastructure, white people and white families were forced to flee the Black Undertow when it seeped into new suburbs that were built with the expressed desire to escape the last failed Black Undertow suburb.
As was stated in Climate Change, the Black Undertow is the greatest ecological threat to America. Worse, the severe problems caused to the legal system trying to keep members of the Black Undertow in line means an allocation of vast monetary resources, man-hours (wasted productivity), and a need for an even larger penitentiary - and probation - system.
But we live in Black-Run America (BRA), where all of these problems can be blamed on white privilege and a racist judicial system. In Texas, a Black murderer just had his execution halted until further review by the U.S. Supreme Court to determine if a psychologist's testimony was unfair:
The U.S. Supreme Court halted the execution Thursday of a black man convicted of a double murder in Texas 16 years ago after his lawyers contended his sentence was unfair because of a question asked about race during his trial.Black people are more likely to commit violence. Black kids get disciplined more in school because they are more likely to disrupt the teacher and cause general mayhem too.
Duane Buck, 48, was spared from lethal injection when the justices, without extensive comment, said they would review an appeal in his case. Two appeals, both related to a psychologist’s testimony that black people were more likely to commit violence, were before the court. One was granted; the other was denied.
Buck was sentenced to death for the fatal shootings of his ex-girlfriend and a man in her apartment in July 1995. Buck’s guilt is not being questioned, but his lawyers say the jury was unfairly influenced and that he should receive a new sentencing hearing. His attorneys appealed to the Supreme Court and Texas Gov. Rick Perry to block the execution, saying a psychologist testified that black people were more likely to commit violence.
Remember, the psychologist who testified that Black people were more likely to commit violence was under oath. Stating Black people are more likely to commit violence is akin to saying that one can't breath under water; isn't it axiomatic by this point?
Yes, it is. Notice that white families do everything possible to raise their children in an atmosphere without Black people. Even DWL parents send their children to private schools, where Black children are a rarity.
Through all of this legal discrimination and the universal implementation of The Standard; through the trillions upon trillions of tax dollars dedicated to the advancement of Black people, which should have gone to the building of infrastructure and education of the best and brightest; through all of the abandonment of city after city to the Black Undertow, forcing the construction of new suburbs and the deterioration of the city left behind; through the endless propaganda in media, film, and the entertainment industry with Black Fictional Images; to a low-level racial war already underway against white Americans (just look at the level of Mahogany Mob violence and Black-on-white violence since Mein Obama took office) that Eric "My People" Holder and the Department of (In)Justice refuses to recognize and radical Black leaders continue to flame; through it all, white people are still able to prosper, procreate, and survive.
After all - as Steve Sailer so hilariously and astutely surmised - we got to the Moon using slide rules. Just imagine what we will be able to do once Black-Run America (BRA) ends and the stifling limitations of forever uplifting and advancing Black people to the point of having a median wealth of $5,677 and for single Black females to have a net worth of $5 is officially over.
Old-line SEC fan here. You are 100% right about The Standard. There is no "double standard," but one standard only.
Re: Whites fleeing the Black Undertow. I've been curious for a long time about this pattern. A nice town or city is built and prospers nicely, then when it becomes overwhelmingly Black (Detroit, Atlanta, etc.), it goes downhill rapidly. It begs certain questions, to me at least: Do the Blacks who go into them see a nice place to live, and want to be a part of said nice place? Or do they see a nice place to live, and want to take said nice place away from the people who built it, believing that once they've take over, it will stay a nice and prosperous place? I think that surely they don't see a nice place and move in with the intention of wrecking it, thereby destroying what is now their home, but I'm not sure. Perhaps they simply want to get all the good out of a place that they can, and when it inevitably becomes another Detroit, they simply shrug and look around for the next nice place to wreck. Anyone have any thoughts?
Clyde N Wilson in one of his essays made this statement. I think it sums up the problem fairly well:
'My consensus is this, the American negro has been ruined. He has been ruined by a political system that replaced the institution of slavery with a system of political spoils and exploitation.'
What we are left with is a political system that alienates whites and promotes blacks beyond their capabilities and qualifications.
Thank you SBPDL for the continued insite into this problem.
Lily White: The middling sort of Blacks will move into a White town to enjoy the benefits as long as they can, similar to slash and burn agriculture. The lower sorts of Blacks will actively work to destroy the place. Even if they're not especially malicious, the cleanliness and good order that Whites create makes them uneasy.
The discussion that may evolve from Buck's temporary stay shall be interesting...as I explained to a liberal dumbass last night...
If Buck, gets a "new sentencing hearing"...and IF he is re-sentenced and given LIFE...instead of the death penalty...
that in the end the black victims of Buck are rendered as meaningless as Michael Vick's tortured/killed victims...dogs...
a dead black at the hands of a black murderer isn't much of a crime...a person's opinion of the criminal's potential behavior is instead the crime...
hee hee heeee....DWLs are a funny lot...
The blacks don't actually think about their motivations or anything else for that matter. They ruin things because it is in their nature to do so. There is no planning involved, and certainly no introspection into their continuing string of abject failures.
Wherever they end up is going to Suck. Out of Control Crime, Littering and Looting is All they know. You can't expect Savages to live well in a High Civilization. Any more than you could expect apes to learn Calculus...
WOW! Paul, this ranks with your best work ever, absolutely fantastic!
"Two appeals, both related to a psychologist’s testimony that black people were more likely to commit violence, were before the court."
By what possible logic could anyone argue that black people are NOT more likely to commit violence??
Longtime reader, first time commenter.
I enjoy your site and read it all the time, but instead of rehashing the same "aint it awful" approach post after post why don't you offer something in the way of solutions?
BRA is a bad thing, we get it. Now what do we do about it?
Here are some solutions to end BRA:
1. Don't re-elect Barack Obama and his entire rotten gang which includes Eric "My People" Holder.
2. Boycott any businesses, like McDonald's, that promote 365/Black.
This is just a start. Feel free to add to this list.
Black Run America
Black Ruined America
Black Run Atlanta
Black Ruined Atlanta
The news from Atlanta of the Apes is full of the 4BRA.
Dutchman gets robbed by a local "troubled and at risk" diversity in broad daylight at Popeye's Chicken in downtown Black Ruined Atlanta. Dutchman obviously DESERVED his diversity curse. Any Whiteys who eat at a trigga-nigga chicken shack no longer deserve their White privilege and we celebrate his equalization down to the level of poor Whites who can't defend themselves from the rising tide of diversity violence. Dutchman came to Black Atlanta Apetown voluntarily, so we have no compassion for him. If his instincts didn't warn him away from here after his FIRST visit, then he doesn't deserve his Whiteness.
“He was just in a state of utter shock and confusion,” Bartels said when he met up with the tourist. “He’s totally disillusioned about Atlanta now, so we’re trying to restore his faith in the city.”
No, that wasn't shock and confusion- it was shame and regret for not holding tightly enough to his White privilege so that he would instinctively know to stay away from B.R.ATL of the Apes.
No, he's not disillusioned, he's awakened unto life-saving Race Reality, and he should embrace the natural prejudice that B.R.ATL of the Apes has helped him acknowledge.
Will he hold fast to the new White Faith, or will he surrender to "the need to do more by embracing Diversity and Inclusion"?
We have our doubts that will learn his lesson. The Dutch are so busy giving their country away to the dusky and lusty Arab Muslims, that he is indicted by his nationhood.
Dutchman, please come back. While our trigga-niggas are robbing you, they aren't robbing us.
The Standard: White Men Need Not Apply for Jobs at UGA
The Sub-Standard: White Men Will Not Complain and Risk Charges of "Racism"
Eye of Horus sees clearly. That is exactly the way it is.
Small point - the moon landing was accomplished without the TI-83 electronic calculator. This one was only released in 1996. The Apollo Guidance Computer was the first integrated-circuit computer (note, not large-scale- or very-large-scale integration, i.e. pre-silicon chip), much more primitive than any hand-held calculator you've ever held. On one of the earlier Apollo flights, the computer failed and Buzz Aldrin navigated them home with pencil and paper. Not sure if he used a slide rule.
Lily White!
Good Question. I once watched a documentary about South Africa in which a reporter went around SA and through buildings that had been taken over by the local negroid Street Lords (Like a Warlord, only in a very small scale). The clean out teams, going into the interiors of these reeking buildings filled garbage, feces and dead bodies, without lights or electricity (Copper wire all stolen) used powerful flashlights and shotguns to drive out the interlopers. Pinned to the walls in the darkness were sometimes a single picture of a sand filled beach or a mountain scene. When they were asked, they were told that they kept pictures of things that were "good".
It is my belief that negroids have a very limited ability to both project and to understand consequences. Therefore, they will see something like a pretty community and they think "Good". They have no concept of the training needed to build such a community, let alone the engineering skill and culture. The destruction of said community is simply a function of this low level of brain activity.
Ah, Mr. Shabazz and his faux anger.
Well, I say bring it Mr. Negro, you have no idea about true anger.
Shabazz and his ilk continue to get away with yelling barely coherent, inflammatory nonsense because they feel quite secure in the knowledge that the target is complacent. You really can't blame them for that notion as whites have been complacent, or worse, for quite some time.
Mr. Shabazz,
The first rule of war is to know thy enemy. Unfortunately, for you, whites know the prototypical Shabazz all too well. We have been fed a steady diet of psudo-intellectual black frauds such as yourself for decades. One-dimensional characters, such as yourself, have hogged the lens for years while whites have been forced to pretend that the wisdom of the ages is flowing through your lips.
I have a very difficult time being fearful of the unintelligent.
So, I say to you Mr. Shabazz go on and bring your bad self to my doorstep. Bring your false anger and I will greet you with my very real anger, for it is the dog who has the bone that will rip your hand off when you try to take it. Your anger over what you have never bothered to provide for yourself will never match the anger I will express when you try to take that which I earned for myself.
You know nothing of your enemy Mr. Shabazz and that will be your undoing. So, bring it, if you dare. I think that you're going to be very surprised.
Thanks for your input, all. I'm always looking for "why" things are the way they are. (Used to drive my parents nuts!) And the fact that I'm at a loss to name a single BR city in America that isn't in trouble leads me to ask "why?" I enjoy your blog, Paul. Thank you for your hard work.
"BRA is a bad thing, we get it. Now what do we do about it?"
Who knows??
The mission statement of this blog is...
"This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like".
If you have suggestions, please feel free to offer them.
First of all, Black Run America is an oxymoron. The only running blacks can do is on the basketball, court, the football field, or on COPS.
But, isn't it funny how negro "intellectuals" like the negro in this video don't have the mental capacity or the intellectual honesty to evaluate what they say? The black "loud mouth" is the leader of all black communities, be he a "preacha" or a political race hustler, In this video, we have a barely literate savage speaking in the only volume blacks know how that somehow a criminal political structure that has given them trillions of dollars hasn't given them enough. And the corporate enemy he focuses on (General Electric) has the chief baboon on its payroll.
Benefits to GE from the Election of Barack Obama
But where would GE have been without taxpayer assistance?
…GE Capital has been most severely hurt by the problems that have dogged U.S. credit and financial markets for the last nine months, causing it to turn to the government for help.
While GE Capital did not receive help from the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, which was used to bail out banks and automakers, it was one of the largest users of an Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. program to guarantee its debt. It used those guarantees on more than $43 billion of the debt it issued.
Even with that help, problems at GE Capital caused the company to lose its vaunted AAA corporate debt rating in March, and to cut its dividend to preserve capital.
Still the finance unit is on track to be profitable this year, the company said…
Hmmmm….that’s interesting. GE got those billions in loan guarantees through the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program (TLGP).
Since…TLGP took effect last November, financial firms have issued more than $330 billion worth of federally backed bonds and notes at below-market interest rates.
That subsidy has been a sweet deal for stressed-out debt issuers such as Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) and General Electric (GE, Fortune 500). It gave them access to low-cost funding and helped boost their profits.
Get this. The day after the election, on Nov. 5, 2008, Amey Stone wrote at Blogging Stocks:
while pondering what stock I would buy as a play on the new Obama America, my pick would be General Electric Co. (NYSE: GE). GE has long been a play on global economic growth. It is a huge conglomerate with businesses in consumer finance, media, energy and household appliances — just to name a few. Its returns pretty much track the S&P 500 or other broad market indexes over time (although with more volatility than the index).
Given recent months of financial crisis and worldwide economic slowdown, GE’s stock is cheap. It is trading today around $20 a share, a 50% drop from a year ago. It’s price-earnings ratio is just 10 and its yield is a hefty 6%.
Plus, it is building major businesses in a lot of industries that should benefit from an Obama presidency — wind power and other sustainable energy sources, healthcare technologies, railways. Power generation, aviation and clean water technologies could increase in demand as global growth returns.
the cleanliness and good order that Whites create makes them uneasy.
It’s called gentrification. It’s where a simple act of repairing a broken window, painting a house, picking up garbage, changing a light bulb, cutting down 4foot high weeds, cutting a lawn, cleaning the house are gentrifying the neighborhood and homes values might rise. Then the neighborhood crack dealers and hookers will need to relocate. This is also why Shaniqua has 20 bastards – that way she can use them as slaves and never needs to get her fat ass off the sofa all day. I have seen blacks when ‘taking out the trash’ consists of throwing grocery packaging into the middle of the street, instead of putting it in a trash can and taking it out to the curb on trash day. Everything from dirty diapers to female products just get thrown out the front door. The standard of maintaining your home, keeping it clean, is considered acting white.
My grandmother was the last white on her street in Detroit. At eighty years old and in 90 degree weather and high humidity she would be up on a ladder in the summer washing her windows. I asked her, look at the neighborhood why bother? Her reply, I live here and soap and water doesn’t cost anything. Even when I rented, I washed my own windows, repaired things around the apartment rather than wait for the landlord. I have black neighbors that even want the landlord to change their light bulbs in their apartment. The truth is even if renting or you own your own home, you don’t own it, the bank does.
"I have a very difficult time being fearful of the unintelligent."
While I don't say be fearful, you do need to pay attention. Dead is dead, whether from a sucker punch during kill YT night or from an Afghan bullet.
I don't blame the retarded brutes for what they are or the way they act; they are jungle creatures by nature, and the law of the jungle is - GIBS ME DAT!!!
I blame whites. Totally, 100%. We are a race of sleepwalkers; we refuse to wake up. I'm afraid it's going to take a really loud alarm to wake us.
Anonymous at 1:46: to continue your list, one might add these.
3. Do not patronize business establishments that play hip-hop/rap over their PA systems, and tell them why.
4. I don't mind black sales clerks who are neat and courteous, but if you get " 'tude " from one of them, ask for a manager, and SPEAK UP.
5. Let companies know that you want to see your own in ads, not just blacks.
6. Look at the sponsorship logos on promotional literature for things like rap concerts, or for particularly thuggish sports teams. Are they for products or services you buy or use? Let the company know of your intent to switch and why. (I did that with American Airlines due to their black atlas nonsense).
You make a good point about the Standard. When you clear away all the ideological folderol, the system in the USA is one in which a racial hierarchy has been established. I suppose future historians might look back on this era and observe that the civil rights movement was essentially a coup in which blacks established dominance over whites in America. Or perhaps that liberals used blacks as a front to neutralize the white majority.
A country that has spent trillions - the opportunity costs lost reach into the quadrillions - to improve the quality of life for Black people, handcuffing the opportunities for whites in the process, and this is all we have to show for it? Oh, and Detroit?
Which brings up a point: what if there had been no war on poverty, no affirmative action, no minority grants, no Head Start, no liberal groveling before race hustlers, etc? How much worse off would blacks be today? Is the black middle class, such as it is, being artificially propped up by these programs?
Imagine if you will if none of these programs had been implemented. Would black America now be at the level of, say, Haiti or Zimbabwe? Does America need the social engineering to prevent a catastrophe from occurring?
Or are the dysfunctions of black America a by-product of liberal social engineering? That is, what would have happened had the civil rights era ended with Brown vs Board of Education? The US would have ended de jure segregation, but then have let market forces do their work. For example, without the impact of AFDC, would blacks have such humongous illegitimacy rates? Without the liberal agitprop machine, would blacks feel justified in playing out pathologies such as flash mobs?
A point I have seen made is that blacks were much more self sufficient under segregation. Certainly the black family was intact. It'd be interesting to see the stats for the number of black run businesses and black graduation rates in those days as compared with today.
The term BRA is a little misleading. A better acronym would be RFBA, or run for black America. Because blacks really don't run anything in this country, but they are used and promoted into positions of marginal power and sometimes positions of real power.
Barry Obama is a tool of the white power structure in this country, but he is a useful tool, because he does their bidding. That bidding consists of leveling white working class Americans to dust.
Hell, we all know the median income of blacks is pathetic, but now these communists/socialists are working feverishly to reduce the rest of us to poverty.
You have to admit, that is one snappy little uniform that Mr. Shabazz is sporting. As a white full time nursing student, I could tell you many horror stories of black incompetence in my labs and classrooms. The level of under achievement by blacks is both mind boggling and sad. I have seen blacks actually get angry at white students because the white student studied the material and did well on an exam. I have seen blacks in the classroom using their phones to search for answers during an exam, while the white instructors turn their heads and ignore the blatant cheating out of fear of being labeled a "racist". The up side to these black antics is that a lot of liberal whites are starting to "see". Keep up the good fight, Paul. Getting back to Mr. Shabazz, I am locked and loaded. I just hope that the negroes realize that when whites throw up their arms and shed the chains of forced diversity, It will not be pretty. When the bullets start flying no amount of negro wisdom and pleas for compassion are going to spare idiots like Mr. Shabazz.
Brian Crowell, The Dirty Secrets Of The Black Community
We already know that Attorney General Eric "My People" Holder and his Department of (In)Justice steadfastly refuse to prosecute non-whites with hate crimes. Some call the illegal, anti-white bias at the Justice Department a "double standard"; we do not. It's The Standard.
Holder and his DWL camp-followers are all convinced that people of color cannot be guilty of racism and that being White automatically makes you a racist. Look no further than the orientation class at University of Delaware:
A mandatory University of Delaware program requires residence hall students to acknowledge that "all whites are racist" and offers them "treatment" for any incorrect attitudes regarding class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality they might hold upon entering the school, according to a civil rights group.
There are good reasons to suspect that this unilateral attribution against Whites, by Whites, is a direct outgrowth of self-loathing as implanted by Cultural Marxism.
Paul, you are absolutely right, there is no "double standard", there is just The Standard. Sadly, few people who enjoy the benefits of The Standard ever take the time to puzzle out that there is no such thing as "reverse racism", there is only Racism.
If BRA has managed to achieve anything, it is to have played the race card until the damn thing is in tatters and the term "racist" no longer carries any opprobium or shame. In light of just how hypocritical and feckless most race baiters are, this is a good thing.
I made it through 1:28.
Why why why are they here?? Why on earth did we bring them here?? Why can't everyone see that they are not only useless, but damaged, retarded, and clearly not capable of living here??
This is so depressing. Watching an entire race be propped up due to their lack of capability, and ten watching the same race declare war on us. And NO ONE has the guts to say this whole damned thing was a mistake.
They will NEVER go to "war" with us. They know that is a losing proposition. Instead, they will just continue with flash assaults and the like, secure in the knowledge that they are untouchable.
Lily White: Do the Blacks who go into them see a nice place to live, and want to be a part of said nice place? Or do they see a nice place to live, and want to take said nice place away from the people who built it, believing that once they've take over, it will stay a nice and prosperous place?
One of the few answers is Magical Thinking™: (Required reading for all participants at SBPDL)
The unrealistic thought pattern of Magical Thinking now informs American public policy and statecraft at every level—on economics, foreign relations, rule of law, environmentalism, etc. It is a world-view based upon the notion the “right” people will provide successful leadership for America, simply because they are “good,” and not the old “bad” leaders. Most intriguingly, this outlook is characteristic of not just children, but also sufferers of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which Dr. Ali Sinan believe[s] is a diagnosis fitting Barack Obama.
1. What Is Magical Thinking?
Magical Thinking deludes folks into believing the world is exactly as they hope it to be. Dictionary.com defines magical thinking as…“a conviction that thinking is equivalent to doing, occurring in dreams, the thought patterns of children, and some types of mental disorders, esp. obsessive-compulsive disorder.” Leonard Zusne and Warren H. Jones, authors of “Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical Thinking” write Magical Thinking is “a fundamental dimension of a child’s thinking.”
Perception of linear time is avoided while cause and affect and natural laws are dismissed. In this mental disorder, focus is placed upon how things “should” be, while all personal responsibility is cast aside. The self and one’s comrades are identified as above criticism. Opponents are made devils, their ideas treated as laughable, and are personally attacked as idiotic, mentally unwell people beneath contempt, simply for disagreeing with magical thinkers. [emphasis added]
Blacks routinely test out with low IQs. This is probably responsible for the childish mentality that so many of them display. Magical Thinking™ is nothing if not childish behavior.
I have seen this in my travel overseas. In the Philippines I would cook a large Christmas dinner and almost everyone took zero interest in the professional chef techniques I was trying to share with them. It was as if the food just prepared itself by magic without human intervention.
I'm proud to say that there were several people over the course of my visits that did show interest and assist, but among the less educated it appeared that, to them, it was more a matter of magic.
Sadly enough, I also see this same syndrome here in America when it comes to understanding high technology. This is epitomized in how many modern American no longer find information-based conversation to be entertaining and, instead, entertain themselves with totally vacuous sitcoms, “reality TV” or “idol” shows.
It is a slamming indictment that so many people seek to escape reality by watching so-called “reality shows”.
Anonymous at 1:46 & D J:
1. Don't re-elect Barack Obama and his entire rotten gang which includes Eric "My People" Holder.
2. Boycott any businesses, like McDonald's, that promote 365/Black.
3. Do not patronize business establishments that play hip-hop/rap over their PA systems, and tell them why.
4. I don't mind black sales clerks who are neat and courteous, but if you get " 'tude " from one of them, ask for a manager, and SPEAK UP.
5. Let companies know that you want to see your own in ads, not just blacks.
6. Look at the sponsorship logos on promotional literature for things like rap concerts, or for particularly thuggish sports teams. Are they for products or services you buy or use? Let the company know of your intent to switch and why. (I did that with American Airlines due to their black atlas nonsense).
Absolutely on the money, literally. Hit the appeasers in their pocketbook. Few companies will ignore it when their bottom line begins to suffer.
If I am in a store and there is (c)rap playing on the PA system, the manager is the first to find out. I will not tolerate that filth in public establishments.
Californian: Or are the dysfunctions of black America a by-product of liberal social engineering?
Liberal social engineering merely exacerbated Black dysfunctionality by eliminating many of the natural penalties for being unproductive and criminal. By and large, those tendencies had to be in place already in order for social engineering to incubate them into full hothouse bloom.
Without the liberal agitprop machine, would blacks feel justified in playing out pathologies such as flash mobs?
Possibly, but without it there might be more corrective measures like arson in Black neighborhoods or post facto lynching of flash mob organizers. Liberal agitprop has most facilitated Black dysfunctionality through the soft racism of lowered expectations. Again, this is The Standard coming into play.
Much of this derives from Liberalism's love affair with the concept of the Noble Savage™ and DWLs will continue clinging to that philosophical bit of hogwash right up to the moment that they get their first taste of a Kill YT flash mob or Knockout King.
Joe: This is so depressing. Watching an entire race be propped up due to their lack of capability, and then watching the same race declare war on us.
You think we would have learned by now but we're doing the exact same thing with Muslims.
And NO ONE has the guts to say this whole damned thing was a mistake.
In both cases, that would be politically incorrect, not to mention waycist.
They will NEVER go to "war" with us. They know that is a losing proposition. Instead, they will just continue with flash assaults and the like, secure in the knowledge that they are untouchable.
Notice how your (barely altered) statement also applicable to Muslims?
They will NEVER go to "war" with us. They know that is a losing proposition. Instead, they will just continue with terrorist attacks and the like, secure in the knowledge that they are untouchable.
There is a lot that can be taken away from this comparison including what sort of productive measures may be required in the long run.
"Even if they're not especially malicious, the cleanliness and good order that Whites create makes them uneasy."
I know that statement to be a fact. I worked in an environment that was made up with a great deal of blacks, hispanics, and a few Asians. Blacks totally dislike order, decorum, rules, laws, and people willing obeying laws and rules. It's just their nature to not like neatness, order, and procedural rules. It's why they break into lines in front of whites meekly awaiting their turn, push their shopping carts in front of you, block doors and aisles with a loud meeting of some kind, pull their cars out in front of you or walk out in front of you. Anything they can do to fuck with you. It's why too that so many of them do not have driver licenses, auto insurance, etc.
There is of course the matter of jails and prisons full of mostly black people where many of them reside almost from the cradle to the grave.
The only laws that they want obeyed is anything like affirmative action, welfare, discrimination and hate laws as long as it's in their favor.
I agree with some of the others, what is to be done?
The perfidious so-called mainstream media, that includes papers, TV, magazines, Hollywood, the entertainment business and all of it's perpetrators, all share a lot part of the blame for what has happened to this country.
We must stop patronizing them all. It's hard to do, but a must if whites are to survive.
I believe that we all know what measures would eradicate these black/muslim/mexican problems.
The roadblock? Even muttering out loud at work about what is happening will result in your career being terminated; simply posing questions gets one banned from "hard core" conservative sites, etc. Imagine someone taking action against a flash assault mob of bloodthirsty, retarded, negroes?
Nothing Kersey writes is inaccurate or racist. It is nothing more or less than observation and reporting of reality. And yet even THAT is "hateful" and a soon to be crime.
All the talk about when the shit hits the fan is silly. The shit has already hit. Cities will burn and White people will die on election day 2012. Bank on that. Those brave one's who fight back will be destroyed by their own system.
Blacks are garbage and must be shunned by all. That is the best way to get the ball rolling. But good luck with that, as 80-90% of Whites just don't get it...
"I agree with some of the others, what is to be done?"
Guys, until the truth is known, and Those Who Can See become a numerical majority, this question is irrelevant.
Spread the word, truth is our greatest weapon.
Just saw the latest Cadiilac commercial with the loving negro father driving in the rain, thinking about his children as he hits his brakes, and narrowly avoids an accident.
What fucking twilight zone fantasy world do these people live in??
Here are some solutions ...
I'd add on the media front:
1. Cancel your cable and stop watching television. Really, it is absurd to complain about the liberal media when too many people are paying to have it pumped into their homes. If there is a television series which you think is worthy, then buy it on DVD.
2. Get reviews of movies before going to see them, and boycott any movie which pushes a DWL line.
3. Patronize movies, video games, musicians, media, books and art which promote a positive point of view. See Alex Kurtagic's website for one example.
4. Produce your own media and art. With modern technology and Amazon, this is becoming increasingly easy. Even an internet webs site, if intelligently put together, can have an impact. Look at SBPDL.
"This is epitomized in how many modern American no longer find information-based conversation to be entertaining..."
Heck! Even commercials from years ago had technical stuff! Bell Labs regularly ran television commercials with the latest on microwave towers handling long-distance calls, tone dialing "coming soon", and other technical goodies. Bulova Watch gave a technical description of HOW the Accutron watch gave "minute a month accuracy", not just that it did so.
Today, one is lucky to find advertising that has full sentences, much less anything technical or descriptive.
"Cities will burn and White people will die on election day 2012. Bank on that."
Highly unlikely.
I agree with your solutions. If I may add another. Never, ever hire the negroid. Do not let him in your house to eat from your wallet or in you company to drink from you efforts.
This solution is far harder than it sounds, yet we routinely talk here about shooting and needing to defend ourselves from riots or other forms of amusment. I own a small company as does my brother who is a dentist. All of his assistants are blond, blue eyed dental technicians, office managers and medical billing personnel. I often joke that he wants his own cheerleader squad and he told me frankly that he wanted to support his own people.
I started a medical service company and I followed his lead. This is the most important thing we can do to help other Whites and excellence in general.
Hire White. (Good T-Shirt Slogan!)
This has probably already been mentioned, but it is amusing to think of teams like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (or, as I like to call them, the "Blackaneers") getting "blacked out". What if all white people stopped watching BRA sports? Go Hockey!
Zenster: I'm aware of the various "reality" shows, but aren't there a bunch of actual reality shows? I don't follow TV, but I'm told that there are shows about how things work or how they are built. There are shows on natural history, biology, and so on. Have these programs got any kind of a following, or are they just filler material between American Idol and America's Funniest Home Videos?
Americans live in denial induced by the multiculturalist agenda.
They believe that acknowledging racial differences is 'racist.' And racism is worse than lying.
And so they chose to pretend to believe the lies.
The lies are:
1. Race is a social construct
2. There are no biological racial differences (other than superficial appearances)
3. There is no difference in intelligence between races.
4. Black failure is the outcome of White racism
5. Western culture is innately racist
Does anyone besides me see the hypocrisies here?
• On one hand multiculturalists insist that race is merely a social construct.
On the other hand, they demand extensive programs to bridge the gaps caused by genetic differences.
• On one hand they believe we need to 'come together' as one people.
On the other hand they celebrate 'diversity' (or 'divisions').
@Lily White
You said: I'm always looking for "why" things are the way they are. (Used to drive my parents nuts!) And the fact that I'm at a loss to name a single BR city in America that isn't in trouble leads me to ask "why?"
Starting with asking why the sky is blue, what are clouds, what is the sun, et-many-ceteras, I drove my parents nuts too! As for BR cities that aren't in trouble, I'll settle for a BR country that isn't hurting. Seriously - there must be one!
Talking about all of this,there are fewer than 100 black students at UCLA.Affirmative action being ruled unconstitutional in California has something to do with it.
Of course,don't re-elect Obama and don't go to establishments that caters to black culture.You must beat them by making them lose money.
6. Look at the sponsorship logos on promotional literature for things like rap concerts, or for particularly thuggish sports teams. Are they for products or services you buy or use? Let the company know of your intent to switch and why. (I did that with American Airlines due to their black atlas nonsense).
Atlanta based Coca-Cola are sponsors of the University of Miami. Worth considering if you dislike their, er, record.
Went range shooting in rural Indiana this weekend, and all I can say is WOW!, so refreshing as a city gal to be around normal decent white folks again. No dollar stores, no filthy ghettos, no foul language, no wandering thugs, no police on every corner. Just good, self-sufficient people living the good life.
I highly recommend that if you are living in a large urban trap, you get yourself out into the county and mingle with the folks there. You will realize what is truly important. It will enrich you. Drive to a faming community, stop and have breakfast, shop for antiques, have a conversation with the locals. Makes me want to buy a few acres and hunker down.
Good white people have such a nice energy. I feel refreshed and quite hopeful about the future.
Discard: Zenster: I'm aware of the various "reality" shows, but aren't there a bunch of actual reality shows?
On network television? I doubt it, unless you mean NOVA or Frontline, two relatively decent shows.
So-called "reality shows" are scripted just as heavily as an episode of The Simpsons. Hollywood loves them because no expensive actors or scriptwriters are needed and, as with American Idiot … er, Idol, people line up in droves for the chance to appear on television.
I don't follow TV, but I'm told that there are shows about how things work or how they are built.
I stopped watching television in 2001 when the 9-11 atrocity happened. I did not want those images replayed by the MSM in my mind a jillion times. Unless you are counting cable or that bastion of Liberalism know as PBS, then I believe the answer is "no".
Personally, speaking of cable, modern television so enrages me that I could never imagine paying for it. Talk about salt in the wound.
There are shows on natural history, biology, and so on. Have these programs got any kind of a following, or are they just filler material between American Idol and America's Funniest Home Videos?
Good question. It's safe to say that so long as America's popular heroes are sports stars and movie actors ― instead of scientists, inventors and authors ― knowledge-based television is filler.
If you want to watch some truly refreshing and slickly produced television ― and don't mind subtitles ― log onto Hulu.com and check out the Korean dramas like Iris and Athena, Goddess of War. Some of the movies, like Paradise Island and Triangle are quite good as well.
Most enjoyable is a total absence of gratuitous profanity, sex and violence. In fact, the intense Asian modest can almost be endearing at times, when one reflects upon the tripe volcano known as American network television.
Shabazz, Desiree and a few other Black people out there might have just enough curiosity to wonder what YT might do when there is no more borrowed money for the EBT cards and they stop working. In the spirit of Swift's "A Modest Proposal", I have a calculation for them.
1. There are about 265 million non-Black Americans.
2. Americans eat about 51 pounds of pork per person per year.
3. If we assume that non-Blacks eat about 40 pounds per year, the non-Black consumption of pork totals about 10.6 billion pounds.
4. It takes about 4 pounds of feed to raise a pound of hog to slaughter weight.
5. This yields a total of between 40 and 45 billion pounds of hog feed per year.
6. Hogs are omnivores. They will eat vegetables, grains, or flesh.
7. There are about 40 million Black people in the USA.
8. At an average of 200 pounds each, there is about 8 billion pounds of Black people in the United States.
9. If they were mixed as 20% of hog feed, the entire Black Undertow could be removed as a negative social force and made to benefit the rest of the country in about one year.
Think about that, Desiree. The worse you behave and the more bad behavior you excuse, the more YT will think about it too. It is currently unspeakable, but when the dam stopping Crimethink finally breaks, all hell will come through it in a flood washing BRA into the past.
I spent time in Brown County this week end.
I know of no black folks who live in that county; seldom see blacks visiting.
Ret'd LAPD here. Discard, you mentioned shows on TV that depict how things are built and such. I don't watch much TV, haven't seen a sitcom in 25 years. I simply refuse to watch them. I watch historical shows, non-fiction military, and shows on nature mostly. I will not watch shows where fictional hi-tech black dudes are putting away fictional white criminals show after show.
On a side note, I have noticed that there are no more of those home security system commercials featuring a typical white dude booting a door to a home occupied by a lone female, only to be thwarted by an alarm. I wonder if ADT, Brinks and Broadview were all bitched out by their outraged white customers.
Anyway, there are some great shows on the History Channel, A&E and a few others, one of which I saw the other night called "Siege Machines". The whole show was about large weapons used to attack castles and such but in reality, it was chock full of white engineering and a testament to white people's intelligence. The show ended with a "pumpkin chunkin" contest where all these backyard mechanics up to engineers devised catapults and trebuchets out of scrap metal, springs, wood, etc to launch pumpkins up to half a mile away. That was the hidden message in plain sight: whites will create, engineer, devise, implement, construct, build and perfect things until they get it right regardless their level of formal education. IT IS GENETIC. There are other shows like "Heavy Metal" and "Modern Marvels" that further the proof of white creativity and inventiveness.
In the spirit of Swift's "A Modest Proposal", I have a calculation for them.
1. There are about 265 million non-Black Americans.
2. Americans eat about 51 pounds of pork per person per year.
3. If we assume that non-Blacks eat about 40 pounds per year, the non-Black consumption of pork totals about 10.6 billion pounds.
4. It takes about 4 pounds of feed to raise a pound of hog to slaughter weight.
5. This yields a total of between 40 and 45 billion pounds of hog feed per year.
6. Hogs are omnivores. They will eat vegetables, grains, or flesh.
7. There are about 40 million Black people in the USA.
8. At an average of 200 pounds each, there is about 8 billion pounds of Black people in the United States.
9. If they were mixed as 20% of hog feed, the entire Black Undertow could be removed as a negative social force and made to benefit the rest of the country in about one year.
Eating food animals which themselves feed on humans can cause prion disease. Whether this mechanism would work with blacks as the pig-slop is an open question, perhaps not. But only with the blue-black ones just to be on the safe side. Sueeyyyy!!!
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