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Not even Kevin Costner could save the USPS now |
No company - private or public- can go 365Black and not expect a significant shift in productivity, efficiency, and overall skill within that workforce. The USPS has been prostituted out, like so many other government agencies, as a vast employer of Black people due to private companies and corporations continued inability to "make up" work for Black people to perform.
Remember, private companies that are publicly traded must maintain profitability and answer to stock holders. Same goes for small companies that must generate revenue to stay solvent; if you hire unproductive employees that hinder the goal of profitability (whether your company produces a good or a service), the chances are you'll go out-of-business.
Even though Federal Express and the United Parcel Service (UPS) have shown that delivering packages and important documents via the free market mail system can be a profitable enterprise (and extremely lucrative), the USPS believes that "What Can Brown Do For You?" only equates to a never-ending drive to diversify its employees.
We have pointed this out many times, but two of the top ten vocations in America with the highest Black representation are with the USPS:
Wow! 28.3 percent of Postal service clerks and 26.4 of Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators are Black! Remember that the Black population in the United States is heavily concentrated in the Southern states, so you can only surmise from this that the USPS would be even darker if there were more Blacks living in states like Maine, Kentucky, Montana, Utah, Iowa, Colorado, Idaho, Alaska, Nebraska, etc.Remember the vocations with the highest percentage of Black participation? We do:1. Barbers—35.0%2. Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides—34.0%3. Residential advisors—29.6%4. Security guards and gaming surveillance officers—28.6%5. Postal service clerks-28.3%6. Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges—27.1%7. Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators—26.4%8. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs—25.7%9. Bus drivers—24.9%10. Parking lot attendants—24.4%
Same goes with the TSA. Invariably, at major city airports like Atlanta, Washington D.C., New York, Houston, and Chicago, the employees are almost all-Black. At smaller hubs, the employees are almost all-white.
We've written about the USPS a lot. Here, here, and here. Now news comes that the USPS is facing default, which could mean the end of mail as we know it:
The U.S. Postal Service may lose $10 billion in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, more than it had predicted, as mail volume continues to drop, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said at a Senate hearing.Look, we know what happens to a city when it goes from majority white to majority Black; just look at Detroit. We know what happens to a county that goes from majority white to majority Black; just look at Clayton County, Georgia. When a company or government agency decides that profitability is not as important as being a jobs program and social experiment for Black employment, the exact same scenario as what transpired in Detroit and Clayton County unfolds.
The loss will leave the Washington-based service unable to make required payments to the federal government and puts it at risk of default as it reaches its $15 billion borrowing limit, Donahoe told the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee at the hearing today.
“We are at a critical juncture,” Donahoe, who is also the service’s chief executive officer, said in his testimony. “Action from Congress is sorely needed by the close of this fiscal year.”
The Postal Service, which Donahoe predicts may lose $9 billion next year, is asking Congress to let it break union contracts to fire workers, loosen a requirement to pay now for future retirees’ health-benefit costs and end mail delivery on Saturdays.
Mail volume will decrease 2 percent from last year, marking the fifth consecutive year of declines, Donahoe said in the testimony. Mail volume has dropped 22 percent since 2006. The service previously predicted a $9 billion annual loss.
Job Cuts
The Postal Service last month said it wants to eliminate 220,000 jobs, or 39 percent of its full-time workforce, by 2015. That would include firing about 120,000 people, breaking its tradition of cutting employment mainly through retirement and voluntary departures. The service is negotiating new contracts with two of its largest unions, the National Association of Letter Carriers and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union. The groups’ current contracts expire Nov. 20.
Black reliance on government jobs (and USPS employment) has helped maintain the illusion of a Black middle class. This Black middle class was a mirage, artificially created because the private sector was incapable of finding work that Black people could perform, and in times of austerity it crumbles before our very eyes revealing unemployment rates for "The Blacks" in levels not seen in decades. All because of austerity:
The 1987 film Hollywood Shuffle embodies the crucial importance of government work for black families. In one scene, a struggling black actor is reminded by his grandmother that he can always get work at the post office.A NPR interview on what proposed budget cuts to the USPS would mean to Black people is found here. Vdare.com recently pointed out:
"Something similar but maybe less pronounced can be said about a lot of government agencies," said Philip Rubio
African Americans first gained employment in the postal service in the 1860s, in the wake of the Civil War. Two decades later, the post office began hiring through the civil service exam, creating equal access to jobs and equal pay regardless of race or gender. And civil service protections allowed postal workers to get involved in controversial issues such as the earliest stages of the Civil Rights Movement without risking their jobs.
By 1940, 14 percent of the black middle class worked for the postal service, according to Rubio. In the decades since, other government departments, from housing to public works to sanitation, became major employers.
But now, with the broader economy stuck in a deep rut and working opportunities chronically lean, those government jobs are diminishing, too.
Black unemployment is staggeringly high. Partly because blacks are less employable on average, partly because of the "shrinking public sector"--Federal, state and local governments all hire a lot of African-Americans, and all American governments are running out of money.Many American government agencies are inefficient. The USPS is inefficient. Many government agencies and the USPS have a disproportionate share of Black workers, compared to the private sector. If a government agency or the USPS fail, they will be bailed out. If a private sector company fails (okay, forget the bailouts of 2008), they fail.
Because the USPS and federal, state, and the local government are instrumental in maintaining the facade of the Black middle class, they could not fail. Money would constantly be funneled into keeping budgets full, so that the disproportionately Black employees could be paid. In our times of austerity, such foolish goals of hiring Black people for public sector positions (of which they could never get fired from for poor performance) are no longer feasible.
Does no one want to point out a correlation to the USPS troubles and its disproportionately Black workforce? Well, we will:
It all began after the Civil War, when African-Americans were first allowed entry into the postal workforce. By 1970, blacks, making up one-fifth of the postal workforce, were twice as likely to work at the post office as whites. Today, thanks in large part to union activism in the post office, in which African-Americans played a prominent part, the doors have been further opened for women and for other minority-group members.
But how long will those jobs be there? When the post office doors shut, where will military veterans (a majority of postal workers as recently as the 1980s) - with their jobless rate at 13.3% - find work?
This isn't happening in a vacuum. On July 26, the same day the USPS announced its planned closures - which entailed a projected loss of 5,000 jobs nationwide - there was more bad news. The Pew Research Center reported that decades of gains in wealth in the African-American and Hispanic communities have been lost. Wealth is what your family has when you divide your assets by your debts; it's what you pass along to your children. If we're already moving in the wrong direction, mass USPS job losses will only accelerate the trend.
The USPS once provided a great service; timely, important, and integral to a community. That mission of excellence customer service has been replaced with a religious zeal for promoting Black employees in a 365Black agenda. Just how Black is the USPS?:
Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, a reduction in postal service would likely hurt elderly people who live in remote rural areas who are still dependent on the mail for Social Security checks, medication, etc., since FedEx and UPS typically don't serve remote areas.Unlike a lot of people who attack the government as insufficient, tyrannical, and a waste of your tax dollars, we tend to completely disagree. A government that puts its people first and strives for streamlining efficiency, the elimination of waste, and providing the best possible services as well as safeguarding the public trust can exist. Our current form of government (since the early 1960s, or perhaps when Eisenhower sent the 101 Airborne to Little Rock in 1957) has been dedicated to the advancement of Black-Run America (BRA). The skies are fallen on BRA though, as being the primary provider of jobs for Black people is no longer financially possible.
Moreover, the loss of postal jobs would disproportionately hit women and minorities, According to a recent report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the postal workforce now is 37 percent female, 21 percent black, 8 percent Hispanic and 8 percent Asian.
The future for the postal service looks quite bleak, or at least radically smaller.
“The postal service of the future will be smaller, leaner and more competitive and it will continue to drive commerce, serve communities and deliver value,” Donahoe said.
The USPS, an organization that has gone 365Black, is finding out exactly what "falling skies" means. This is from National Review:
The Postal Service is proposing to cut its workforce by 20 percent. Walter Russell Mead points out that blacks are overrepresented in the postal workforce, meaning that shrinking government will be even more likely than otherwise to be “a recipe for contentious and polarized politics.” This is also true for the non-postal civilian federal workforce, which is 17.7 percent black, compared to just 10 percent of the total civilian labor force. Berkeley’s Labor Center pointed out earlier this year that blacks were one-third more likely to work for government (at all levels) than non-blacks, and “the median wage earned by Black employees is significantly higher in the public sector than in other industries.” These findings prompted this (non-joke) headline at a leftist site: “Attack On Chicago’s Public Employees Hits Minorities Hardest”.Oh well. It's funny that the hilariously bad Kevin Costner film The Postman was about an individual masquerading as USPS employee for the re-stored United States of America. His character gave hope and inspiration to a post-Apocalyptic America and the communities that struggled to survive, because the USPS was a symbol of stability amidst the rubble.
Fitting that when you go into a USPS post office, the faces of the employees looking back at you are a stark reminder of why the United States is no longer a viable nation. Disinterested employees, rarely white, and few speaking a language that can scarcely be classified as "English," are the public face of the USPS to millions of clients who opt to use alternative means of mail transportation then waiting in long lines to inevitably deal with surly Black employees.
A greater symbol of the impending collapse of BRA cannot be found then the USPS; a mountain of inefficiency because of its continued dedication to the advancement and employment of Black people.
It's not only blacks. In my suburban post office of a large city in Texas, there is one white woman working there and a couple of blacks. The rest are Vietnamese, Chinese (who can barely speak English) and Indians (the Asian kind).
Failure of the USPS will be a major blow to BRA.
Fannie/Freddie seem like inevitable targets for
a major restructuring.
I love chuckling at distopian movies that have magic negro characters. Yea right, the shit hits the fan and these jive talkers are still pushed up through the ranks. I can't think of one post-apocalypse film that doesn't have some prominent black character. When it all goes down blacks will not be freely associating with any survival type whites.
Buh Bye Post Office. I sure will miss all that crap junk mail you bring me daily.
I ship packages almost every day through USPS. I was wondering why my local (Negro) Post Office employees have been more bellicose than usual. They are afraid they will be laid off(I was thinking they somehow became aware of my seething racism). I am sure they have nothing to worry about...the employees that will be laid off will be overwhelmingly white.
The USPS has been failing for decades; its high percentage of black employees is only part of the problem. Like the first anonymous, my suburban Texas post office has almost no White workers - almost all Chinese and Indians. The black supervisor I once dealt with was the only one who spoke English and she was actually competent. The book on getting employed by the post office is always on the hold shelf at the library - lots more Asians and Indians planning to join the gravy train. They are indifferent to the endless lines, enjoy job security and over-padded health care and retirement benefits, and make a decent salary for minimal effort. The perfect immigrant position!
Of course, Whites were in on this too. I have a number of incredibly stupid relatives (mother's side) who worked for the post office (and their wives/husbands, and kids) and they're all retired now and enjoying their income from part-time work combined with their post office retirement pay and lavish health benefits. Back when my husband and I worked for the State Dept., there was a long list of generous health care plans we could only dream about - they were solely for post office employees. Just as teacher and public employee pensions are killing most states' budgets, the post office's retiree benefits are bankrupting it. Add in the constantly increasing melanin and decreasing quality of its workers, and you have our current disaster of a postal service. I happily pay twice as much to use a private company - anything to avoid waiting in endless lines presided over by indifferent, arrogant foreigners. Blacks - well, they're increasing here quite a bit, and I have no doubt they will soon make their presence known at the local post offices, but in their defense they're only one aspect of the problem.
My impression of USPS is different. Not saying that blacks haven't contributed to inefficiency (how could they not?), but in my areas the PO has been a landing spot for what appears to be ex-military. Most of the ones I've seen are white. Because of it, they are mostly OK to interact with.
However, few individuals use USPS much. All my banking is done on line including bill pay, and I don't write letters since I've email. Most of the mail I do get is junk ads, and so forth. UPS and for overseas, FedEx, are the way to go.
The PO has been decimated by technological change. At this stage of the game, it should be turned over to private industry. Of course in that case, we'd trade what little productivity we get from them for unemployment.
with blacks so involved in mail sorting, clerking and delivery, no wonder why the mail is always late.
So Walter Russell Mead thinks that shrinking government is a recipe for contentious and polarized politics. What then does the fool think of affirmative action and non-White immigration? A recipe for peace?
You are one brilliant guy!! Would love to get you on my internet radio show---which by net standards had a substantial listenership. If interested, hit me at creeseven@gmail.com.
This is the most hilarious thing I have ever read. I haven't laughed so hard in weeks.
I urge you to read and re-read this; it has been posted on my favorite site.
Kersey, we are ALL familiar with the type of people who would "bare the soul" like that, eh?
Basically, it is a guy's plea of help to a (mostly liberal) site: see, he has been disrespected, spit on and assaulted by black people, and his cry of help is "how do I stop becoming a racist" because, as he states:
"the open hostility and animosity coming from that culture really starts to wear on your liberal sensibilities".
I know this is off topic but this is a classic case of double think.
I wish you would write an article that JUST discusses exactly WHY blacks are unemployable in the private sector. You rub up against it all the time, but you never really pinpoint the concrete reasons.
1. Their 'FUCK YOU' attitude
2. Radical Cultural differences that are at extreme odds with capitalism & the concept of hard work= success
3. Expectations
4. Entitlement
5. Wanting something for nothing
6. Zero work ethic
7. Lazy
8. Criminal tendencies (threat of theft in workplace)
9. Widespread Mental Illness in the black population
10. Typically low I.Q./ Poorly educated
11. Threats of lawsuits/ Opportunistic Fraud
12. VIOLENT TENDENCIES (Creating an unsafe work environment for other employees)
13. General harassment of other employees
14. Loud disruptive/ Basically unable to work quietly & behave on even the level of a typical white child
15. Poor hygiene/ BODY ODOR/ Unsanitary
16. Probably on drugs
Please feel free to add anything I've left out.
The Postal Service, which Donahoe predicts may lose $9 billion next year, is asking Congress to let it break union contracts to fire workers, loosen a requirement to pay now for future retirees’ health-benefit costs and end mail delivery on Saturdays.
Permitting government employees to unionize may well have been the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. Aside from outright corruption, few other aspects of the Federal government promise to drain away America's lifeblood so disastrously.
Employees of private corporations have a vested interest in not seeking overly high wages ― we will omit overpaid CEOs for the nonce ― to where the company is no longer profitable and everybody loses their job. No such governing mechanism exists for public employees. The taxpayer's pocket is viewed as bottomless and there is, supposedly, no danger of the government going out of business.
Per the Huffington post article linked above:
Nearly 21 percent of the nation’s working black adults hold government jobs, as compared to some 17 percent of white workers and 15 percent of Latinos. Public agencies are the single largest employer for black men, and the second most common for black women.
Considering that American Whites outnumber Blacks by 5.75:1 ― nearly six times as populous ― it is conspicuous in the extreme that the government over-employs Blacks by a ratio of 1.2:1 as compared to Whites. Moreover, Obama is now encouraging state governors to direct a disproportionate amount of stimulus spending towards minorities and women.
…the postal workforce now is … 21 percent black
Which puts it at almost double the proportion of Blacks in America's population (i.e., 12.6%).
There is one factor not yet discussed that has great relevance with respect to the USPS's decline and why Blacks seem to be hit so hard by it. This factor is the Digital Divide.
Just like Mainstream Media, the USPS is having its lunch eaten by the Internet. Email is doing to the postal service what Craigslist is doing to newspaper-based classified ads and video streaming providers like Hulu are doing to network television broadcasting and cable distribution. Topping all of this is the historically lower IQ of Blacks and their relative slower pace of becoming computer literate.
Put another way; had I been a fender-painting UAW employee in 1970's Detroit, my insanely inflated wages would not have gone towards buying a Cadillac DeVille or a thirty foot Bayliner fishing boat. I would have hied my arse to a junior college and learned how to program the robotic paint spraying arm that was just about to replace me.
Nothing of the sort happened in Detroit and you can bet the farm that Blacks in the USPS are not learning IT skills or any others for that matter. A sterling example of this is how only one percent of tech startups have Black founders.
Per the linked SBPDL article, "Falling Skies: Derbyshire's "Black Tax", The Color of Crime and Hope", BRA (Black Run America) is in its death spiral and there is little to no irony that a man of color, Obama, has his hand on the stick as it is happening. I am also obliged to go off topic briefly and congratulate Paul Kersey on having sufficient courage to use the term "Nigga Tax" in his previously mentioned SBPDL article. So long as Blacks freely and cheerfully address each other as "nigger", the word deserves to remain in open usage regardless of who bandies it about, White, Black or Pink with Purple Polka Dots.
Finally, speaking of BRA's collision with reality; for a real eyeopener, visit corruptiondoe.weebly.com and check out how Obama's cronies were up to their ears in the massive clean solar energy DOE-funded fail called Solyndra. An excerpt:
Some of the biggest investors in Solyndra, which makes easy-to-install solar panels, were venture capital funds associated with Tulsa billionaire George Kaiser, a key Obama fundraiser. Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), chairman of the
Energy and Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on oversight and investigations, said he is "concerned that there was a hurry to get this money [a $535 million federal loan guarantee] out of the door and that companies and individuals that supported the president were among the beneficiaries." A spokesperson said Kaiser would not comment for this article. [emphasis added]
Decades ago, when the U.S. Post Office became the U.S. Postal Service, they became the most privileged of government employees. Their pay more than tripled in about five years during the 1970s. I could never figure out why they got so much more than the regular U.S. civil service pay scale. My guess was that the government wanted to provide clerical jobs for all those baby boomer college grads with useless degrees. Better to have them sorting mail than agitating for more free lunches.
But once politicized, an institution can be turned to another purpose, like creating a synthetic Black middle class. Maybe.
Anonymous (September 6, 2011 4:18 PM): … the employees that will be laid off [by the USPS] will be overwhelmingly white.
Too bad there's not some reliable source for these statistics as our BRA (Black Run America), government will probably "whitewash" ― how's that for an insane degree of irony? ― the published data.
"15. Poor hygiene/ BODY ODOR/ Unsanitary"
Look, we all smell. Just not as bad as a sweaty negro.
One time I took one of the day workers my boss hired for the day back to the homeless shelter. The whole car stank and it didn't go away. I cleaned the seat, then I ripped it out and it still smelled. Ended up selling the car for $100.
Went to my friends apartment today and had to walk by his section 8 neighbor's open door on the way to his apartment. I've smelled open sewers that were sweet compared to the smell coming from that place.
I don't know where you guys live but in Fort Worth they're almost all black. The only whites are old and about to retire.
Finally, I'll leave you with this:
Anonymous (September 6, 2011 5:17 PM): All my banking is done on line including bill pay, and I don't write letters since I've email.
Excellent comment. I was remiss in omitting mention of online bill payment (which you noted), as one of the factors that has been eating the USPS's lunch, along with email.
The PO has been decimated by technological change. [Also known as "the black swan" or "creative destruction"] At this stage of the game, it should be turned over to private industry. Of course in that case, we'd trade what little productivity we get from them for unemployment. [emphasis added]
This is a huge point and one that's worthy of it's own article.
The supposed tradeoff of disproportionately employing Blacks in government versus enduring their temporary stay on the public dole merits some really intense scrutiny.
Remember, the dole is temporary. That has its own pluses and minuses. Off-the-dole Blacks are far more likely to indulge in criminal activity. Will middle-aged, somewhat middle-class, laid off Black postal employees do the same? That remains to be seen. However, sub-par job performance is a constant drag on profitability, much less breaking even, both of which are foreign concepts for most government operations.
But what does any of this have to do with
I am French and I need some explanation about Detroit.
You say that the way Detroit is nowadays is due to the fact that the city turned from White majority to Black majority. And chaos came...
Don't you think that the problem is, at least at the beginning, a social problem? Closing all the factories must have trapped all the poorest and weakest people there. More likely Black people.
And we know that a majority of weak, less intelligent people leads to what is happening in Detroit.
Thank you for your enlightenment on this matter.
Don't be so sure about FedEx and UPS! They are on the same path as the USPS with their diversity delusions and minority hiring programs. They even hire black ex-cons for package sort. These companies are quickly becoming jobs program for unemployable blacks. It is a myth that black men want jobs. DWLs want blacks to have jobs more that blacks want to work.
I have friends and relatives in management in both companies and they rely heavily on black workers for all positions. Most of these guys show up for work once or twice, and then never come back again. There are always positions open because of this. Incompetent blacks are shuffled around the company if they do not perform, but never fired.
Many qualified white men are completely bypassed for hire and promotion and they are NOT happy about it. My friend's black manager is always drunk, late, is incompetent, leaves early every day, and is a complete ass on the job. He knows that he cannot be fired or he will pull out the race card and sue the company. This will kill the shipping industry.
UPS and FedEx have strict racial quotas, even for gays, and they promote affirmative action hires all the way up to the top. Once a black man gets into management, he make sure to hire only blacks for the positions in his department. The black AA hires are destroying these companies from the inside out with their lazy work ethic, inexperience, and sense of entitlement. They care zilch about the company.
UPS is an active member in many local and national minority and women business organizations including:
National Minority Supplier Development Council
Women Business Enterprise National Council
Native American Business Alliance
National Association of Women Business Owners
National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
National Veteran-Owned Business Organization
The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Pan Asian Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce
The National Urban League
The National Association of Minority Contractors
United Indian Economic Development Association
French Anonymous, mon cher compatriote, you know it's wrong. Is it also because of "poverty" that French suburbs are no-go zones? The French white countryside is MUCH poorer than the suburbs (and the government spends about 100x less money per person), but nobody burns cars and schools, and nobody throws garbage out of the windows, and nobody throws stones at firemen. I wonder why... NOT!
Keeping the US Postal Service is like having highways and roads for horse and buggies along side of the interstates.
As a matter of fact keeping the US Government in Washington DC is also a waste of time and money when you have a governor and legislature, mayors, police, and soldiers and citizens in each state that are much more efficient that those clowns in DC.
I wonder why Pittburgh didn't have a Detroit-style meltdown when its steel industry collapsed?
"While the city is historically known for its steel industry, today its economy is largely based on healthcare, education, technology, robotics, and financial services. The downturn of the steel industry left no steel mills within the City of Pittsburgh and only two remaining mills in the county,[14][note 1] though more than 300 steel-related businesses remain in the area.[15]By contrast, the region supports 1,600 technology companies, ranging from a Google campus to small startups.[4] The city has redeveloped abandoned industrial sites with new housing, shopping and offices, such as SouthSide Works and Bakery Square."
"While Pittsburgh faced an economic crisis in the 1980s as the regional steel industry waned,[16] modern Pittsburgh is economically strong.[17] The housing market is relatively stable despite a national subprime mortgage crisis, and Pittsburgh added jobs in 2008 even as the national economy entered a significant jobs recession.[18] This positive economic trend is in contrast to the 1980s, when Pittsburgh lost its manufacturing base in steel and electronics, and corporate jobs in the oil (Gulf Oil), electronics (Westinghouse), chemical (Koppers) and defense (Rockwell International) industries."
"Major publications often note Pittsburgh's high livability compared to other American cities, with the city claiming the top overall spot in the United States in recent "most livable city" lists by Rand McNally (2007),[19] Forbes (2010),[20] and The Economist (2011).[21]"
Apparent answer:
"It would be hard for any metropolitan area to be whiter than Pittsburgh."
"It's so hard, in fact, that of the 100 largest metro areas in the United States, only one has a smaller share of blacks, Hispanics and Asians -- the Scranton-Wilkes Barre region of northeastern Pennsylvania."
"A new Brookings Institution report released last week, examining 2010 census data on how Americans identified race and ethnicity, found that southwestern Pennsylvania is whiter even than the Amish country around Lancaster, the Mormon population center of Salt Lake City, Midwest agrarian capitals such as Des Moines, Iowa, and far more isolated places like Boise, Idaho."
Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11248/1172311-455.stm#ixzz1XHBOJYbx
Last anon,
Absolutely brilliant post. Are there some good articles from Time, Newsweek or the Pittsburgh paper that discuss the collapse of the steel industry there and high rates of unemployment.
Comparing Detroit to Pittsburgh is awesome.
I wish you would write an article that JUST discusses exactly WHY blacks are unemployable in the private sector. You rub up against it all the time, but you never really pinpoint the concrete reasons.
1. Their 'FUCK YOU' attitude
2. Radical Cultural differences that are at extreme odds with capitalism & the concept of hard work= success
3. Expectations
4. Entitlement
5. Wanting something for nothing
6. Zero work ethic
7. Lazy
8. Criminal tendencies (threat of theft in workplace)
9. Widespread Mental Illness in the black population
10. Typically low I.Q./ Poorly educated
11. Threats of lawsuits/ Opportunistic Fraud
12. VIOLENT TENDENCIES (Creating an unsafe work environment for other employees)
13. General harassment of other employees
14. Loud disruptive/ Basically unable to work quietly & behave on even the level of a typical white child
15. Poor hygiene/ BODY ODOR/ Unsanitary
16. Probably on drugs
Please feel free to add anything I've left out.
Attendance. And managing to show up on time when they do manage to attend. I've seen a number of blacks that were very consistently 5 minutes or 10 minutes late,two and three days a week.
That might not sound like much,but not one of these characters ever seemed to think about taking that cell phone out of their pocket and calling in and telling someone that,"hey,boss,I got caught at the train crossing and I'll be running a few minutes behind today."
And there's another thing-that 5 or 10 minutes makes for a lot of lost time and a lot of disruption,since you have to rearrange crews and tasks to take into account the guy that isn't there on time. Then when and if he does manage to show up,you have to do it all over again.
If a job is being done on a T&M basis ( i.e.,the client is paying based on the manhours and materials that are used to do the job ),oh,yes,it gets noticed. A client's representative will go along with a crew standing around every once in a while for a good reason. But that client's representative is NOT going to put up with a crew that loses an hour of productivity two or three times a week because some some yahoo can't be bothered to show up on time.
The easiest way to deal with this,from an employer's point of view,is to simply not hire blacks,and a lot of companies have gotten pretty good at it.
The other way to deal with this issue is to hire blacks,but keep them doing very menial jobs,and never,ever,promote them to a position where they might have to do something right. The problem with this is that once they're there,they can always as for a promotion or raise,and once that cat is out of the bag,no telling what's going to happen. So,employers prefer not to hire them at all.
Paul, though I prefer the criminal posts, I "get" the pattern here. You are moving from the Macro to the Micro and back showing the impact of negroids in every level and in every social situation.
The lesson: Negroids destroy what exists and substitute a proto-human tribal level of behavior or violence or both.
When you talk about a funeral Whites are dignified and grieving while negroids are looking for a handout (I'z need donation to bury ma baby!" and the inevitable shootings occur.
If you are talking about large corporations, Whites build efficient and astonishing companies while negroids demand to be hired and when in place, hire their own and rot its core.
When you are talking about demographic shifts in a small region like a neighborhood or even a school, you have a functional system with low crime, high academic standards and behavior or when the black proportion reaches around 10%, lowered standards, violent behavior and a dysfunctional system.
When you are talking about Countries, you have the USA and England, one which landed on the moon and the other from which we are by extension it's culture and language, or Somalia and the Congo, hell holes of the world which still embrace slavery and mutilation.
When talking about Music, you have the near orgasmic music of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Howard Shore or the hate filled bowel sounds of Rap music.
If I may suggest a post, would you please do a few on the philosophy of the negroid. The works of Rev. Wright, "Dr. Cone", Louis Farrakhan, as foundational material for an understanding of the negroids "default position".
Your realize that one day all this material can be condensed into a really great book titled perhaps: "The Negroid, an Owners Manual".
10mm AUTO: … the hate filled bowel sounds of [C]Rap music.
Now, that's a keeper!
OK,there are some things that need to be added to any dicusion when it comes to Black employment numbers.
The percent of Blacks in the general population doesn’t matter. Blacks make up 10.8% of the Civilian Labor Force (CLF) which consists of all people 16 and older (including both legal and illegal immigrants) who are considered to be in, or wanting to be part of, the labor force (less people who are incarcerated and in the military). The CLF is about 153 million people.
However, according to the most recent Office of Personnel Management (OPM) report (2010), the skills-relevant,non-government Black workforce, when compared to applicable government-skills workforce, is only 10% so 10% Black is what should be seen as the correct “diversity measure” for federal employment. Blacks, however, make up 18% of the federal government workforce (7.7% Black Male, 10.3% Black Female) and nearly 22% of the Postal Service (USPS).
Blacks make up over 50% of all federal employees who are involved in “equal opportunity compliance” and “civil rights” analysis. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) employs about 2,525 people. Blacks are 1,045 (about 42%) According to OPM, the EEOC should only be 8.3% Black which means that the EEOC should be getting rid of about 750 Blacks to meet its 8.3% “fair share” of 211. Remember, the EEOC is the primary federal organization chasing down everyone else for not having “diversity” in the workplace.
Based on what OPM (2007 figures) provided below, notice any trends?
Examples of federal jobs series that contain a large percentage of Blacks include:
59%-Equal Opportunity Assistance
53%-General Legal and Kindred Administration
52%-Equal Employment Opportunity
50%-Civil Rights Analysis
49%-Nursing Assistant
49%-Equal Opportunity Compliance
48%-Agricultural Commodity Aid
48%-Claims Assistance and Examining
48%-Agricultural Commodity Aid
48%-Claims Assistance and Examining
43%-General Services and Support Work Family
43%-Food Preparation and Serving Family
43%-Archives Technician
43%-General Services and Support Work Family
43%-Food Preparation and Serving Family
43%-Archives Technician
35%-Security Guard
35%-Mail and File
34%-Human Resources Assistance
33%-Legal Assistance
32%-Contact Representative
31%-Management and Program Clerical
31%-Tax Examining
30%-Social Services
29%--Miscellaneous Clerk and Assistant
29%-Practical Nurse
28%-Human Resources Management
Examples of federal job series employing the most Blacks are:
43,000--Mail Clerks USPS (24%)
38,000--City Carriers USPS (19%)
21,000--Mail Handlers USPS (40%)
16,000--Misc Admin and Pro (19%)
12,000--Misc Clerk and Assistant (30%)
11,000-- Info Tech Management (17%)
11,000--Management and Program Analysis (23%)
9,000--Compliance Inspection and Support (25%)
9,000--Secretary (28%)
8,000--Miscellaneous Clerk and Assist (25%)
8,000--Contact Representative (32%)
7,000--Nurse (14%)
7,000--General Services and Support Work (43%)
7,000--Human Resources Management (29%)
6,000--Social Insurance Administration (21%
6,000--Food Prep and Serving Family (43%)
6,000--Contracting (21%)
Examples of federal job series, each employing more than 1,000 people, with the lowest percentage of Blacks are:
10%-Program Management
9%-Education and Vocational Training
9%-Aircraft Overhaul Family
9%-General Education And Training
7%-Industrial Engineering
7%-Electronics Technician
7%-Mathematical Statistics
7%-Computer Engineering
7%-Engineering Technician
6%-Electrical Engineering
5%-Air Traffic Control
5%-Electronics Engineering
5%-General Engineering
5%-Aviation Safety
5%-General Physical Science
4%-Chemical Engineering
4%-Aerospace Engineering
4%-Foreign Affairs
4%-Civil Engineering
4%-Mechanical Engineering
3%-Materials Engineering
3%-Aircrew Technician
2%-Nuclear Engineering
I disagree with putting low IQ on the list of reasons why blacks are unemployable. Many poorly educated or dumb people can work. I worked two summers on a paint crew that had some incredibly dumb adults, but they busted their hump and still worked even if it was harsh. I see it in the roofing crews in my area which are split between the whites with hangovers from the night before and the Mexicans. These guys aren't smart, but they do hard work.
My company recently hired a black guy for a job, which I was involved in his training. Everything was going well and one day he just vanished. No reason given, just left and never came back. I've seen this now with several men, all black. It's gotten to the point where I now dislike the hiring manager (who is white) for continuously making the same dumb hiring move.
10mm AUTO: I would no more own a Black than I would own a set of 20 inch rims with spinners or the collected works of MLK.
Don't you think that the problem [with Detroit] is, at least at the beginning, a social problem? Closing all the factories must have trapped all the poorest and weakest people there. More likely Black people.
Well, Detroit does reveal one aspect of the dilemma: when faced with a negative situation, a black run city simply could not rise above the situation. If the factories closed, why then didn't the city's leadership establish new industries (per the Pittsburgh example)? Why didn't the people of the city create new enterprises? For that matter, why don't white liberals flock to Detroit to enrich themselves in the city's diversity?
One might think that given how white people have fled from Detroit, that the town would be freed of the legacies of slavery, segregation and racism. A shining new city on the hill ought to have arisen, with economic progress, high quality schools, and respect for the law.
Oddly enough, this has not happened.
10mm AUTO: If I may suggest a post, would you please do a few on the philosophy of the negroid. The works of Rev. Wright, "Dr. Cone", Louis Farrakhan, as foundational material for an understanding of the negroids "default position".
I second this request. A SBPDL dissection of Black Liberation Theology and its cohort of Black Marxism and Nation of Islam doctrinal rubbish would be most illuminating.
It is also the abode of most "kill Whitey" sentiment within mainstream Black "culture".
It really is pathetic to see the MSM and Obama admin try to say Detroit has revived already. The NY Times did an article recently about Detroit's changes like it was Greenwich Village in the late 60s-early 70s. These people must not read the crime blotter.
Number cruncher,
Could you provide the link for those numbers? Thanks!
I can guarantee that the employees fired will be white. Then a decision will be made for rehiring some workers back. All those hires will be black. Whether or not a business or country is profitable is irrelevant to this administration. The standard of living for the us is going down. Im considering leaving the country and I have my doctoral degree.
Discard said...
10mm AUTO: I would no more own a Black than I would own a set of 20 inch rims with spinners or the collected works of MLK.
Eew! You just assisted in making my skin crawl with the part in your comment
'the collected works of MLK.'
I just imagined some rapper taking all of King's speeches and anecdotes and putting them to some bump and grind shitskin rap album. Do NOT give those bastards any ideas! Ha Ha Ha
Doug in Canada
Anonymous said...
I am French and I need some explanation about Detroit.
You say that the way Detroit is nowadays is due to the fact that the city turned from White majority to Black majority. And chaos came...
Don't you think that the problem is, at least at the beginning, a social problem? Closing all the factories must have trapped all the poorest and weakest people there. More likely Black people.
And we know that a majority of weak, less intelligent people leads to what is happening in Detroit.
Thank you for your enlightenment on this matter.
Tell you what, Frenchy: Why don't you take your next vacation to Detroit and test your hypothesis first hand? I suppose there is a chance you would make it back alive.
Better still, why don't you compare any American city with large black populations (like Newark, Washington DC, Oakland, New Orleans) and see if they are any different? How about black countries, like Haiti? How about once wealthy, previously White ruled black countries, like South Africa or Zimbabwe? Are you starting to see a connection?
Speaking of New Orleans: remember the TNB that occurred during Hurricane Katrina?
Just as a comparison of non-negro behavior:
Tell me, Frenchy, you live a little closer to London. What are negroes like there, hmm? Or are you capable of paying attention to the news and making intelligent observations?
First of all, many thanks to Number Cruncher for providing some fact-based information. Facts are essential to any meaningful debate. As Paul Kersey noted, some links would be nice but the numbers do not seem to contradict common perception.
Number Cruncher: Blacks make up over 50% of all federal employees who are involved in “equal opportunity compliance” and “civil rights” analysis.
Does anyone else sense a monumental conflict of interest in these numbers?
Would anybody have unquestioningly accepted a prosecution team or jury composed of 50% Jews at the Nuremberg trials? To head off any moral relativism, the foregoing question does not even take into account how American enslavement of Blacks never remotely approached the magnitude of Nazi Germany's genocidal war crimes.
For those who would like to argue otherwise, please keep in mind that, far beyond Europe and America combined, Islam has enslaved more Blacks throughout history and continues to do so to this very day.
Speaking of numbers that do not contradict common perception:
Number Cruncher: Examples of federal job series, each employing more than 1,000 people, with the lowest percentage of Blacks are:
10%-Program Management
9%-Education and Vocational Training
9%-Aircraft Overhaul Family
9%-General Education And Training
7%-Industrial Engineering
7%-Electronics Technician
7%-Mathematical Statistics
7%-Computer Engineering
7%-Engineering Technician
6%-Electrical Engineering
5%-Air Traffic Control
5%-Electronics Engineering
5%-General Engineering
5%-Aviation Safety
5%-General Physical Science
4%-Chemical Engineering
4%-Aerospace Engineering
4%-Foreign Affairs
4%-Civil Engineering
4%-Mechanical Engineering
3%-Materials Engineering
3%-Aircrew Technician
2%-Nuclear Engineering
If these figures are accurate (as I believe they are), then this is where the real story gets told with respect to where upper or middle class Black America derives its actual employment.
I live in a north Texas suburb. Most of the employees are from India and have learned to hate customers as bad as American postal workers.
I can't wait for the Post Office to close. Shut down EVERY federal agency! Let the private market do it faster, profitably, more efficiently and with better service!
The Congressional Black Caucus hates the Tea Party because they know the days of BRA are coming to an end!
Lots of angry white people out there, dude!
>> >> 7%-Engineering Technician
Interestingly enough, the most recent Deus Ex game, subtitled Human Revolution, features numerous African-Americans. One black female character is a molecular biologist, another is an office manager.
The game company has been harassed for depicting blacks as insufficiently educated in the game, because there is also one female black character with lower-class vocabulary and mannerisms.
Oddly, the game has relatively few important male black characters.
For Stuff Black People Don't Like.
Here are the references I used. Sorry, I only have the documents but not the links. However, you should be able to find them on line at the OPM and EEOC websites.
1. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Federal Civilian Workforce Statistics “Occupation of Federal White-Collar and Blue Collar Workers As of Sept 30, 2006. The September 2007 survey of the occupational characteristics of civilian employees in the Federal Government covered full-time Federal civilian employees, excluding the U.S. Postal Service and foreign nationals (noncitizens) employed overseas. This workforce included white-collar employees (86 percent) and blue-collar workers (14 percent). Information from this survey can help in the analysis and evaluation of workforce composition, the projection of workforce requirements, and the determination of policies dealing with national labor resources; it also may be used as a basic reference for guidance and counseling personnel concerned with the effective matching of jobs and people.
2. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Annual Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP) Report for fiscal year (FY) 2010 to Congress. Prepared in accordance with the requirements of title 5, United States Code, section 7201, this report provides statistical data on employment in the Federal workforce (FW) and highlights some human capital practices Federal agencies are using to recruit, develop, and retain talent.
3.United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), OFFICE OF FEDERAL OPERATIONS, Annual Report on the Federal Work Force, Fiscal Year 2009. The FY 2009 Annual Report on the Federal Work Force, submitted to the President and Congress, presents a summary of selected EEO program activities in the federal government, including work force profiles of 59 federal agencies. The report provides valuable information to all agencies as they strive to become model employers.
Regardless of who works there, the fact is that if it weren't for junk mail and magazines the USPS would have gone belly up sometime ago.
Steve said...
Regardless of who works there, the fact is that if it weren't for junk mail and magazines the USPS would have gone belly up sometime ago.
But, we’ll never know, will we Steve? If the USPS were not infested with blacks, who knows what White ingenuity would have accomplished? In fact, if there hadn’t been so many negroes in the USPS, Fed Ex and UPS might not have become the giants they became. The Postal Service might have instituted progressive policies, instead of becoming a negro day care center.
to Amélie, Californian and Anonymous:
I agree with all your observations. This is what I thought but I wanted to underline the very specific process that happened in Detroit: the beginning of the end started with the collapse of the industries and factories. This is what I meant by social.
But speaking about BlackRun, it seems to me more fair to talk about South-Africa, Rhodesia or Haiti than Detroit. But whatever, you're right in the end.
Amélie: I live in Marseille and am very aware of the racial problems, believe me ;-)
Californain: I don't know what happened in Pittsburg and I will document myself. Thank You
"Tell me, Frenchy, you live a little closer to London. What are negroes like there, hmm? Or are you capable of paying attention to the news and making intelligent observations? "
I am not a stupid white liberal, and spare me these kinds of comments.
Did you, or did you not ask:
"Don't you think that the problem is, at least at the beginning, a social problem? Closing all the factories must have trapped all the poorest and weakest people there. More likely Black people.
And we know that a majority of weak, less intelligent people leads to what is happening in Detroit."
You need to actually study the GENETIC basis
of negro behavior and not try to attribute it to "social" causes. That is what "stupid white liberals" do. Forgive me for making that understandable mistake.
They've got to work somewhere. Or, would you rather they supported themselves by theft and drug dealing?
With respect to Number Cruncher’s revealing statistics, a cursory examination of Black Nobel laureates reveals that not one of them have ever been recognized for contributions to the hard sciences. All thirteen won for Peace, Economics and Literature; hardly the grueling work involved with chemistry, medicine or physics.
A similar trend exists with respect to the stunning discrepancy between Islamic and Jewish Nobel Prize winners. There is an equal, if far worse, ratio of Muslim to Jewish winners, just as there exists a dismal proportion of Black Nobel laureates compared to all other races (save, perhaps, Native American Indians).
Muslims = ~20% of world population
Nobel Prizes = 7*
Jews = ~0.2% of world population
Nobel Prizes = 165
* One of the Muslim Nobel Prize winners, Dr. Mohammad Abdus Salam, is an Ahmadiyya and, therefore regarded as a heretic and takfir. This also neglects the Nobel Peace Prize that was awarded to the grandfather of modern Islamic terrorism, Yasser Arafat.
There are 100 times the numbers of Muslims than Jews on this planet. Statistically, they should be earning 100 times the number of Nobel Prizes. Instead, they have won less than a twentieth of that number. Balanced for population disparity, Jews are winning around 2,350 Nobel Prizes for every one awarded to a Muslim.
Some 316 Americans have won 318 Nobel Prizes (John Bardeen having won twice in physics and Linus Pauling having won once each in chemistry and peace). Four of them are Black, counting Obama even though he is technically a mulatto. Need we discuss how Obama's presidency began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline for his prize?
Four Black Americans have won the Nobel Prize. Beside Obama, Ralph Bunche, Martin Luther King (Peace Prizes) and Toni Morrison (Literature).
Prorated, Black Americans should have won slightly over 40 Nobel Prizes but, instead, are at a dismal 10% of that number. Of those 318 American-won Nobel Prizes 239 are for Chemistry, Physics or Medicine. On an equally prorated basis Black Americans should have won some thirty Nobel Prizes in those “hard science” categories. Yet, there, they are conspicuously and totally absent.
Black versus White America’s zero for thirty is close enough to Muslims versus Jews and their 2,350 to one ratio such that a pattern emerges.
Blacks and Muslims both share a background derived from intensely primitive cultures that actively discourage economic growth, innovation, genius, introspective thought and critical analysis. They also share a proclivity for murder, rape and criminal behavior. It is a small wonder that Black inmates are among the most frequent new converts to Islam. Blacks and Muslims also share a final distinction; they stand united as two of White America’s most virulent enemies.
I am a 28 year employee of the USPS. The first Christmas Eve I carried, it was 30 degrees below zero. I have carried mail in rain , ice , and snow.I'm a carrier.You wussies can't or won't do the job. We hired causal summer workers to cover during vacation time. We spent more time replacing the people who stop showing up. My job is is digging a ditch, but I use a mail bag, not a shovel. The black carriers and the women carriers have made the cut, the lazy and stupid don't. They quit, the job is to hard. Do not confuse being a carrier with being a clerk in an office. If you don't care for hard work being a letter carrier for the USPS ain't for you.
"Or, would you rather they supported themselves by theft and drug dealing?"
That is what they do after their shift at the post office or even while at negro day care.
If anyone would like to see the work of a Black economist that actually deserves a proper Nobel Prize, I invite you to check out Kenyan economics expert, James Shikwati and his fabulous interview with German media outlet Der Spiegel titled, "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!".
An excerpt:
Huge bureaucracies are financed (with the aid money), corruption and complacency are promoted, Africans are taught to be beggars and not to be independent. In addition, development aid weakens the local markets everywhere and dampens the spirit of entrepreneurship that we so desperately need. As absurd as it may sound: Development aid is one of the reasons for Africa's problems. If the West were to cancel these payments, normal Africans wouldn't even notice. Only the functionaries would be hard hit. Which is why they maintain that the world would stop turning without this development aid. [emphasis added]
Your attention should be focused on the fact that White America is BROKE. Killed from the white mans greed on Wall Street and Arrogance. Now the country that the US used to scorn China is your daddy and is keeping the US from collapsing.
Your white brain cells that excel in the "Sciences" ought to be working to get your asses out of a sling.
The Community Re-investment Act also played a part because businesses were no longer able to give out loans on an ability to repay but had to get into sub primes because Bill Clinton's attempt to be Jimmy carter with a FOX attitude.
Greetings white people. I see you don't let the facts get in the way of your malice toward and defamation of black people:
"You might have heard that the United States Postal Service is in trouble: that it's losing billions, that it will have to end Saturday service and close branches — and most inflammatory, that it might need a government bailout. Perhaps you heard that the Postal Service couldn't pay $5.5 billion bill that came due Sept. 30 and that only an emergency postponement saved it from the government's equivalent of default.
In fact, it's the Postal Service that’s currently bailing out the U.S. government. Politicians have been raiding Postal Service revenues for years, using them to make the federal deficit appear smaller than it really is. The fiscal gyrations are so twisted that the Postal Service is right now forced to pre-pay health care benefits for employees the agency hasn't even hired yet — in fact, for many future employees who haven't even been born yet — all to artificially shrink the federal deficit."
Despite that very specific point with very narrow ramifications, it doesn't change the fact that the racist hiring practices of the USPS are in my face every day. When I walk into the post office in my mostly Lilly white community, every single employee is black. This is quite the insult, considering the fact that there are plenty of unemployed white people in my community.
What happened to the nice white man that has worked the desk for over a decade? I'm not sure. He was probably let go due to budget cuts. In his place is a curt black woman, who has been there less than two years, who makes too many simple mistakes and has less than half of the customer service and people skills of the man she replaced.
I usually have to interrupt her from social talk with another black employee, who isn't doing a thing. When the office is staffed by ALL black employees on any given day, only one counter is kept open.
That's okay, though, because the white people are starting to move out. At least the ones with any sense. The black tide is at our doorstep. If you were to go to one of the few crime mapping applications on the internet, and type in my zip code, you can clearly see the delineation of the black and the white neighborhoods. Where the blacks have taken over, the crime points are so thick that you can't see the map. The tide is moving toward my house, and I and my neighbors will be forced to spend the money and effort to uproot our lives, for me once again, look for a safe and civil place to live.
I know everyone's perceptions of what happens at the Postal Service is different but let me tell you this. I was the only female Electronics Technician at a mail facility and white and worked with white men that treated me worse than a dog and I ultimately got fired by a white man who is the head of the department for asking a white mechanic man to stop making comments about me all the time. ALL the black men treated me with the utmost respect.
I agree with most of the article's content. Where I've worked for 19 years, and for almost 5 years before at another post office, there are major productivity issues with black employees. A few are better than some whites--a few! The blacks are very loud, rude, lazy, and in a large center in North Texas, I see a black walking around for 8 hours with a clip board, he has a visiting route, I get very hostile looks from him as he's visiting and I'm working like it was an athletic event. We have black managers who tell us to work differently (meaning, with less common sense, making it harder on us) while my Indian supervisor from India is extremely demanding of me. 2 blacks who were resentful of myself and another white having weekends off (it took years to get there) and who thought our work was easier, insisted to a black supervisor to be allowed to do the backup run to the run we did. They chose the wrong scheme from the computer, and ran the mail the wrong way, causing a loss of several hours work. My car was vandalized in the parking lot by a black who took to staring at me. They walk together, never alone, like a gang--which they are. One was fired for pimp activities on the job, but won reinstatement several years later and got $165,000 in back pay, I heard the NAACP was involved. We have a black postal workers and a hispanic postal workers group, but if we tried to have one for whites, we'd be denounced as KKK. We had a black who'd hide mail to avoid running it, hide in restroom to avoid being told to stay overtime. There is solid fact to the assertions of a Canadian sociologist I saw on TV talk show years ago who said his research proved blacks are inferior, and took derision for voicing his findings. Well, I've seen it also.
So where are the hooded Klansmen who run this site? Anybody who thinks "all blacks are lazy" or "only white people can run things right" might as well get used to the idea that your numbers are dropping - rapidly. Take your cross burning parties and enjoy them now- your days are numnbered.
To each his own....When the time of judgment will matter...only God will have the final say...I will continue to pray for all of you.
Wow, incredible the racism on this site. And even more incredible the posts that are against the racism on this site! Bravo!
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