Out of 240,000+ people living in Madison, more than 75 percent are white and only 7.3 percent are black.
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The sinister six: these blacks engaged in a home invasion of a white couple in 75 percent white Madison, Wisconsin |
Never forget this fact, when we consider a home invasion by six blacks in this city resulted in the sexual assault of a 27-year-old white woman. She was six-months pregnant. [Police: Violent home invasion one of worst attacks in Madison, WKOW ABC, 3-10-14]:
Police arrested six people believed to be involved in what they're calling one of the most brutal crimes in recent memory.
Madison police say three men planned a home invasion, but broke into the wrong home on Quincy Avenue on the north side around 6 a.m. on February 23. Police say the suspects were aware it was not the intended home, but they proceeded to violently attack the two victims who had been sleeping. The suspects are accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting the woman who was six months pregnant.
"I can tell you that in my 27-plus years of policing here in Madison, this is probably one of the most disturbing and heinous crimes that I've ever seen," says Interim Chief Randy Gaber.
At a news conference Monday, Gaber told the media he wants to reassure the community the department takes these crimes very seriously.
Three suspects are accused of the break-in: Kristopher Hughes, 20, Michon Thomas, 22, and Eric Bass, 23. They face charges of conspiracy to commit armed robbery, armed robbery, and six counts each of first degree sexual assault.
Hughes also faces a charge of substantial battery while armed and both he and Thomas are accused of unauthorized use of an individual's personal identifying information.
In the past week, three others were also arrested. Efemia Neumaier, 21, and DeAndre Mayweathers, 23, are both accused of conspiracy to commit armed robbery. Demarco Mallit, 22, faces charges of aiding a felon and theft.
Police say these are the only suspects in this case.
Madison is located in Dane County (81 percent white)... voted for their dispossession
Some property was stolen when the three men left the house after about 45 minutes and some of that has been recovered. The victims fled to a neighbor's home but did not get a response, and had to walk to a nearby business to call 911. The two were taken to the hospital and have since been released. Police declined to elaborate on the nature of their injuries to protect the victims' privacy.
Dane County's Victim/Witness Assistance program is helping the couple recover from the incident and hopes the community will provide support and stay positive.
"We don't see senseless brutality like this very often," says Julie Foley with that group. "We can help facilitate recovery just by being the community that we are."Madison, Wisconsin doesn't see senseless brutality often because it doesn't have a huge black population (and much of the black population it has is thankfully behind bars); the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission's 2013 report shows that the city's murder and nonfatal shooting problem is almost entirely thanks to its black population.
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Nordic stupidity: 51 percent of blacks in this county are on EBT/Food Stamps (as of 2009) |
America's jails are full of blacks because black individuals break the law.
Wisconsin's jails are full of blacks because black individuals break the law.
Milwaukee has a gun-violence problem exclusively due to it having a black population that is approaching 42 percent of the overall population.
Madison, despite being a 75 percent white city (Dane County is 81 percent white) went 71 percent for Barack Obama in 2012. 215,389 people voted for Obama, compared to 83,459 (29 percent) for Mitt Romney.
This home invasion by Obama's Sons (and one of Michelle's Daughters) occurred in one of the whitest big cities in America; most importantly, it occurred in a county that went overwhelmingly for Obama in 2012.
It's New Afrika nationwide, people.
Chokwe Lumumba died never understanding the goal of a black nation had already come to fruition.
WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and Sports
It will eventually come down to Whites & some Asians vs. the rest. One side will have the numbers, but the other will have the superior intelligence and socioeconomic wherewithal.
LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON- or, In this case "Like Mother-Like Son. AFTER All, You KNOW who Wears the Ball's in "THE OBAMA KLAN" (in a size 12 Dress)
"Madison police say three men planned a home invasion, but broke into the wrong home on Quincy Avenue on the north side around 6 a.m. on February 23. Police say the suspects were aware it was not the intended home, but they proceeded to violently attack the two victims who had been sleeping."
I am just laughing to myself about the whole "wrong home" thing. Is there a "right home" for a pack of Bantus to break into?
Anyway, had these Bantus tried this at me and Mrs. Don M's place, they would have figured out they hit the "wrong home" pretty quickly.
If they didn't get the hint from the very un-politically correct Chow/German Shepard mix, the 00-buck from the Kalashnikov style shotgun would have clued 'em in.
On a more somber note, these Wisconsin (probably SWL) white folks were very lucky to get off with a rape and robbery. Hopefully they've been converted to our cause...
That's SIX black people. Six.
Might be time to upgrade from the 38 Special revolver to a firearm for the times we live in.
My own bedside biometric gun safe houses my Glock 17 loaded with Speer Gold-Dot 124gr +P.
Next to it resides my Remington 870 Police 12Ga shotgun with Wilson Combat +2 magazine tube extension bringing my capacity to 6 +1.
For the jack booted thugs with badges & such I keep my M1A Springfield with a 20rd magazine of "hand-rolled" 162gr repurposed 30.06 AP (Armor Piercing) bullets, (pulled & reloaded M1 Garand ammo from WWII).
Coupled with the fence, dogs, alarms, lights, sensors & various homemade defenses... I generally sleep like a baby when home & the wife does as well when I'm on duty.
Prepare folks. It's only going to get worse.
Fed Up Firefighter.
"This is a black world now, crackas."
Efemia??? That speaks volumes.
It bad enough these savages conduct home invasions. But why do blacks always to get some of that White pink?
No wonder Obama wants to outlaw high capacity magazines...he wants to make sure you run out of ammo before his 6th, 7th, or 8th son is able to overtake you while you reload.
My dad used to say "what do you expect , they are only 200 years out of the jungle" that quote can apply to almost anything they do.
"This home invasion by Obama's Sons (and one of Michelle's Daughters) occurred in one of the whitest big cities in America; most importantly, it occurred in a county that went overwhelmingly for Obama in 2012."
And they would vote overwhelming for Obama in 2016 if it were an option. They are soft whites, determined to show kindness and tolerance to all those negroes that would kill them. I will guarantee you that there are white people in that community that will be motivated to try harder to please negroes as a result of this story. They will also show bitter enmity toward any other white person that they determine guilty of racism. The only hope they've got is their cherished moral superiority. It's the same moral superiority that drove New England preachers to push the country to war in order to save the negro from his debased life in the south, where the poor devil was forced to work for his food.
They gang raped a six month pregnant women. There's the specie's violence, impulse control and future time orientation on display as if for a science experiment. Just look into the faces of those things.
Fed up FF,
Sounds like my house! I got dogs, weapons and an alarm.
FWIW, Nicholas Wade (NY Times Science Reporter) has a new book out, A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History.
Tidbits. Blacks have fifty times. FIFTY TIMES the frequency of MAO-A genes compared to Whites, the so-called "murder gene" aka PC "the warrior gene" that is correlated with extreme violence.
Now, you might wonder what people will DO with that information.
One solution could be a call for exile and/or expulsion, voluntary or not. This is the history of Europe modern and pre-Modern. So its not out of the question. The other shoe dropping might be the ability to REMOVE MAO-A genes via genetic manipulation.
Given that the Constitution is merely a piece of paper now, it might very well be possible for SWPL to demand this of any and all criminals who commit violent crimes to be required to undergo MAO-A gene removal. The tech is not here now but probably will be in five or ten years at the most.
SWPL will do anything to maintain their safe hipster neighborhoods and hypocrisy. Anything.
"e don't see brutality like this very often ..."
Lucky you! Now, bring in a few thousand Somalis, a few thousand ex-Chicongo residents and all your dreams of Diversity will come true! You wanted to be run by blacks, you got your wish!
One of the perps, Kristopher Hughes, looks a lot like Obama. He really does look like he could be a son of Obama.
This is an organization of DWLs from Milwaukee's whitest, but most rabidly liberal suburb:
Some scrolling required, but they bemoan sentencing as racist.
Her fetus was obviously racist and deserved it because of white pivilege
I have to correct a statement that was made by PK; America's jails are full of blacks because black individuals break the law.
On the surface that sounds reasonable but the real reason blacks break the law is because there is no punishment for their actions, no deterrent for their behavior. They are as happy as flies on a turd if they get to go to prison and sit around all day and watch TV and play basketball. After all they don't have to work for their keep and they can be planning their next foray with their new found friends when they get released. Confinement is not a deterrent for blacks! What we need is a system where they have to put in a hard days work for their keep, no work, no eat and you can sleep standing up. Busting rocks 8 hours a day, 6 days a week will give Tray'von a attitude adjustment he so desperately needs. Also, you only get one stay in the big house, if you break the law again you get to ride the lightening. Problem solved.
Ex New Yorker here.....At least they were not "teens" or "youths". But it does look like they were "older teens" based on their ages.
Folks, these poor disadvantaged young African Americans were just lashing out, due to their own upbringing. Nothing more to see here, move along.
I love my 13 round clips. Something about the weight I think. Or the fact I could possibly miss and still have the county coroner swamped. Or the fact that I would still be alive. And able to tell the police I feared for my life.
Mr. Anonymous identified a very important problem. Going to prison is not a big deal for inner city thugs. Their daddies (ha), grandpas, brothers, some of their sistas and all of their homies have been there already. It's a rite of passage. Plus 3 meals, medical care, you get your GED, talk twice a month with the social worker, anger management groups, pretty sweet. If you have leadership and management skills you get a piece of the drug and contraband trade and if you are in Baltimore you apparently get to fuck all the female guards.
Prison should consist of cages. No TV, coffee, cigarettes, art supplies, weight rooms, makeshift tattoo guns, social workers, classrooms, nothing. Absolutely no visitation or correspondence. And the days you work are the days you eat.
Regarding Madison. Well la-di-da. Ever been? Other than Austin TX it's the most enlightened, progressive , über liberal place on earth, chock full of soft white liberal beta males. I'll bet a year's pay that the Madison media and the university intelligentsia will turn themselves inside out denying that race played a role in this crime, and in fact will use this crime as evidence that THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO DO to help blacks recover from white oppression. The crime will be trumpeted as incontrovertible proof of white racism. The phenomenon of cognitive dissonance is incredibly powerful in the liberal mind.
I love hearing in this forum people's opinions on self defense. Mine? Good locks and burglar alarms. Outside lights with motion detectors. Shotgun for in the house and 9mm for my nights out on the town. Above all, situational awareness and always stay away from blacks, skanks, skinny white meth freaks, drunk Indians, and feminazis and liberal beta males. I'm not concerned for my safety around liberals and feminists, I just can't stand 'em.
Dear God, deliver us from this disgusting, savage, evil.
Those Wisconsin voters are some of the most pampered and isolated Whites in the country along with those counties along the Mississippi in Iowa. Democrat has been so ingrained into them they will never see the light until it gang rapes em like the woman in this story.
Gang Raping a pregnant woman 6 months along. For you liberal communists and negro's trolling this site. Proof that these so called people do not belong in a civilized society. And you people protect them and enable them. You reap what you sow.
Major1 said...
Mr. Anonymous identified a very important problem. Going to prison is not a big deal for inner city thugs….
The criminal justice system/corrections system represents absolutely no punishment for negro offenders. On the contrary, it's a life style improvement and they live longer as a result of it.
Real punishment for criminality might be the only means of getting blacks under control, along with an economic collapse that might reduce the welfare outflows. Real punishment means quick and certain death for murder. Long and torturous imprisonment in work camps for any violent crimes against persons and prison labor and permanent loss of any state support when convicted of other non-violent offenses.
You and I might fear prison. It was designed to motivate the white man. Negroes have no fear of prison. It's just a different place to "stay", and they get fed.
Trial junkie here. And since the perps stopped (just) short of killing someone, the sentences they plead to will not be especially long.
Trial junkie here. And since the perps stopped (just) short of killing someone, the sentences they plead to will not be especially long.
Did that actually say "Home invasion gone wrong"? As opposed to??
I see what you lot are up against over there.
why is blacks treated better than whites?They are given everything they need food,housing,medical all for free.Older white people that are sick or just too old to work aren't given a damn thing.They worked hard all of their lives, paid their own bills and when they get old or sick or both the nigger loving goverment won't do a damn thing for them.Personally I think we should send all their asses to an island in the middle of the ocean.Let them fend for their selves for once in their sorry lives.I used to think everyone was the the same,but now I AM a racist because I'm tired of Obamas shit and all the other lying ,thieving,killing asses.I've Had Enough!!!! White people needs to take our country back before we don't have one.
Amen brother!
"America's jails are full of blacks because black individuals break the law." Brilliant. It's the simple, indefensible truth. No disparate impact, no profiling...just a simple straight forward statement that you will never hear from the TWMNBN main stream media. My heart goes out to this most recent family attacked by the savages, but I believe that this kind of hate crime, hidden and never acknowledged on the nightly news is only going to get worse.
Perhaps this violent black-on-white gang rape can be discussed at the White Privilege Conference held this month in (irony) Madison!
Living on Madison's east side is ill-advised for whites.
The Texas DOT is going to build a tunnel for I-35 in the downtown area to "join" the two sides again. I-35 is what separates the groids from the DWL populace in Austin. If Baron Munchausen is around, perhaps he can elucidate.
An interesting parallel:
" By the 6th century Roman Spain was "an invalid lapsing into terminal agony". The city of Rome in Italy had fallen to repeated onslaughts and the Roman Empire had moved to the far eastern edge of Europe in Byzantium, where the primary language was Greek, not Latin.
A caste system had been established by Emperor Diocletian 300 years before to impose 'stability' by ordaining that the occupation of the father would be the occupation of his sons. While not enforced completely, it was used as desired, and continued to exert influence on the local culture.
The old Roman middle class had almost disappeared, and fine Roman engineering of roads, sewers, aquaducts, etc., had fallen into disrepair. Cities were packed with the unemployed who were entertained by 'circuses', and on the dole - and if not, they rioted.
The small number of those who owned 25 acres of land or more paid most of the taxes.
The population was mixed culturally and religiously."
What are Wisconsin gun laws like? Do they have a castle doctrine?
Probably the only Madisonian that reads this blog speaking:
This broke within the past couple days. Pretty horrific. Becoming more the norm, like everywhere. Glad you picked up on it, PK. People need to know.
What remains to be seen is where these Sons of Obama will be brought to justice: the Dane County Circuit Court? Or a special ""community court?"" Yes. That's a "thing." From the article linked below:
"“Community courts” would take 17- to 25-year-olds from neighborhoods with high concentrations of racial minorities and place them in a restorative justice program where they can make amends for minor offenses without getting criminal records that would hurt them when looking for jobs and housing."
Read more: http://host.madison.com/news/local/crime_and_courts/race-bias-in-dane-county-legal-system-to-be-fought/article_0d29d854-09b9-550a-ab63-b7ad8e6e8b75.html#ixzz2viHBweLj
The Madison liberal solution to black dysfunction is to create a special court for blacks so they won't get tagged with their first felony, which would naturally prevent them from becoming Rhodes scholars and Nobel Prize winners. It's a court with a designated outcome in its mission statement. Stated differently: black-style justice.
What's been even more disgusting is the DWL flaggelation ritual that's been going on the past few months. Of course it's too much to expect social behavior like not breaking into homes, not raping pregnant women, etc. Nope. Madison whites have found who is to blame . . . themselves!
Just ask the President of the Madison School Board:
"We are all swimming in the water of white privilege. We white folk get to swim with the current. We also get to wonder why the people of color we see going in the other direction don’t swim faster.
Don’t buy this white privilege thing? Put yourself in the shoes of an African-American mother worrying about her children growing up in Madison. Look at our graduation rates. Look at our unemployment rates. Look at our incarceration rates. Then look at the number of white Madisonians who think that the most pressing social justice issue of 2013 was being able to hold noontime singalongs in the Capitol without a permit.
Third, this is a white person’s problem. People of color know all about the water we’re swimming in."
Read more: http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/column/ed-hughes-in-madison-we-swim-in-the-water-of/article_4308ef6f-b6a1-5989-9142-c9475864f59c.html#ixzz2viIL3HlT
I don't have children. I want them someday . . . but not in that school.
I could go on and on and on, like:
(1) This spontaneous act of blackness in the streets of Madison involving 75 brothers and sisters in need of a keeper: http://www.ibmadison.com/Blogger/Bring-It/July-2013/Milverstedt-and-the-craft-of-freedom-guns-and-motorcycles-Plus-hell-breaks-out-in-Meadowood/index.php?cparticle=2&siarticle=1#artanc
(As an aside to PK - David Blaska is one of about 7 Madison conservatives/libertarians. Bookmark his blog. It will give you SBPDL gold soon enough . . . )
(2) Black-run Madison: Black DA pleading down black gun offenders.
If " Ismael Ozanne's" name is familiar, he's pushing the ""community courts"" in the link above. He's also running for state attorney general.
(3) Just day to day random stuff, like just today this raceless teenager named "Deldemontae Bell" bringing a bb gun to school:
and this Trayvon-in-training, "Kentad Solis" punching a female school cop (i.e. "resource officer") in the chest: http://host.madison.com/news/local/crime_and_courts/east-high-student-arrested-for-allegedly-punching-officer-in-chest/article_6b43c619-f2b0-5fcc-a870-813cf4c1be2e.html
I moved here looking for the "Best Place in America" that I had heard about in the 90s. It is a beautiful city between two lakes from afar, good beer and cheese, etc., but as you start looking closer, a different picture emerges.
I've been searching for a home to purchase, and it's been incredibly difficult. The black cancer has been metastasizing the same way it has played out in the other cities we read about here: Section 8 housing, crime, litters of children feeding into the previously good white schools, dragging them down. It's tragic. The only good neighborhoods are home to the 500K and up homes. The good middle class life in Madison that made it famous for 50 years has succumbed to the black undertow.
Locals talk about the influx of the "Chicago people" in the late 90s and early 2000s. This roughly coincides with the demolition of Cabrini-Green. I've been told another wave hit after Katrina.
Such a feeling of hopelessness/helplessness . . . I mean, I'm ready to invoke Rule 308 if push comes to shove, but if special courts for blacks are openly discussed in the newspapers, and the School Board President scolds whites for the problems of blacks, what hope does this place have? Madison whites failed to embrace the privilege. They created a great city and then watched it slip away.
Oh, I almost forgot . . . not sure if this blog has mentioned it or not, but Madison will host this year's White Privilege Conference, coming up in a few weeks!
Late registration is $440, for those interested . . .
Keep up the good work PK.
-A melanin deficient Madisonian
The hell with 12 YRS A SLAVE.
As blacks are bigger, stronger, more aggressive, and more pathological, white race is facing 1000 YRS OF BIOLOGICAL SLAVERY(UNDER BLACK THUGS).
Freaking planet of the apes.
If your black why not break into a White families home and rape and torture them to your hearts content? It's not like the law can do anything more brutal to you than to lock you up in prison for a few years.
I sincerely hope that the victims in this case were liberals who voted for Obama.
JAY Santos said:
"They gang raped a six month pregnant women. There's the specie's violence, impulse control and future time orientation on display as if for a science experiment. Just look into the faces of those things.
March 11, 2014 at 3:30 PM"
Yep. The home invasion is bad, the fact that they got the wrong house is just negro stupidity. There should be prison time for that. Jay nails it though. Gang raping a 6 month pregnant woman in any sane society should be an automatic Death Penalty. There is no error here, no possibility of "consent" or of mistake or even reduced culpability. These negros broke into a house and gang raped a very pregnant woman, just like in the Congo where they do it to kill off the next generation of soldiers.
Why are they not dead?
This would not happen in a White Homeland.
our gift from the UN
the gift they get is 30,000$ a year each?
and w chain immigration, who knows
how many violent arabs USA will get.
.Bastard below here with 8 kids ....long article ......no work 8 kids and bitch is pregnant again.......
Syrians by the “hundreds” arriving in North Jersey, thousands more expected in 2015 and 2016
Posted by Ann Corcoran on February 20, 2014
“Hundreds?” Well, how could that be I wondered, since we are constantly reminded that the unwelcoming US has only admitted a hundred or so Syrian refugees. It turns out that “hundreds” of those being granted ‘temporary protected status‘ are choosing to go to established Syrian communities, like those in North Jersey, to be with their people.
I continually find it amusing that no one ever questions the desire of ‘immigrants’ to congregate with their ethnic and religious groups in certain sections of cities or states, yet if any people of European background (you or me) would say I want to live with my kind of people we would be excoriated by the diversity-is-beautiful crowd as racist, rednecked boobs!
But, I digress.
Mahmoud Alzouabi, one of the stars of this story, traveled to Jordan with his wife and 8 kids and got a visa to the US. How did he pull that off when several hundred thousand others couldn’t?
We are seeing modern civilization retreat to a form of wilderness as those who built it (white gentiles) are replaced by "changing demographics."
Essentially anyone who lives in proximity to blacks in a modern American city has to treat it as though they are on the frontier, because as civilization retreats, that is what its vestiges (former functional cities) become .... a frontier, shared with hostile creatures --- And those inhabiting it must always be prepared to defend themselves from invaders, scavengers, and wildlife at a moment's notice.
Even when it takes human form.
When you see places like Madison, it really is populated by well meaning people who really and truly believe that "race is a social construct" - "whites build functional societies because they have privileges that allow them to successfully navigate the impediments others face" etc... They have had their instincts shut off.
It is almost like if in frontier days there had been a constant message to the pioneers that the bears and wolf packs were just misunderstood and truly had a docile nature, if only people would stop treating them poorly and invite them in, they would see for themselves.
One of these days they will realize that they live in an urban frontier and deal with modern wildlife daily, no matter how much squid TV tells them everything is fine.
Many decide that "frontier life" isn't for them (white flight)- some dig in and are prepared to defend what is theirs (race realists) - some "pioneer" (gentrification.)
Whiskey said...
FWIW, Nicholas Wade (NY Times Science Reporter) has a new book out, A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History.
Tidbits. Blacks have fifty times. FIFTY TIMES the frequency of MAO-A genes compared to Whites, the so-called "murder gene" aka PC "the warrior gene" that is correlated with extreme violence.
Madison police say three men planned a home invasion, but broke into the wrong home on Quincy Avenue on the north side around 6 a.m. on February 23. Police say the suspects were aware it was not the intended home, but they proceeded to violently attack the two victims who had been sleeping.
So where the home invaders at the wrong place at the right time?
If white people who are mugged on the street by black perpetrators are at the "wrong place," or are killed in an armed robbery "gone wrong," then how does the Ministry of Truth evaluate this crime? If they perpetrators broke into the right address, would they have been at the right place at the wrong time?
Another example of the absurdity of BRA.
"I can tell you that in my 27-plus years of policing here in Madison, this is probably one of the most disturbing and heinous crimes that I've ever seen," says Interim Chief Randy Gaber.
Well, now, did this type of crime occur very much back in the era of residential segregation and sundown towns?
I couldn't agree more with needing harsher prisions. When the libs statred making prisions into places to "reform" people, it went down hill fast.
I promise you, if we had prisons like Russa's Black Dolphin there would be less problems.
Jay Santos -- libs won't allow the desth penalty, put prisons in the Aleutians and .... work crews. They can build airport runways. By hand.
Hey, PioneerPreppy @ 5:49, you make a good point. You're 100% correct, about the Democratic Party being completely entrenched. That's not going to change any time soon.
I'm from the Iowa originally, I no longer live there but I visit frequently. And I can tell you most Iowans vote Democrat to protect their access Union membership. Not to prop up black dysfunction. They're experimenting with something they know very little about, and that's the black man. They don't know the black man so they feel they must help him, its what they were taught in sunday school class.
PK has shown us time and time again, its not liberal politics or conservativism that make citys/states/countries fail, its black people.
Why is Pittsburgh/Austin/Denmark/Portland so successful? white people. We can name red state failures and blue state failures all day long. but the common denominator is always blacks, and to a slightly lesser extent, Latinos.
Now, here's the solution. If the Republicans could bring a Presidential Candidate to the table, one who could at least pretend to be a little show a little less antagonism towards Unions, and then you could absolutely get them to swing a little more right of center.
Hot button topics like abortion, gay rights, collective bargaining, all that shit gets bundled in a package making the American voter choose. these topics will always be hotly contested and the debate will never end. meanwhile blacks are destroying everything around us and raping our women.
instead of a corporate raider type private equity type Mitt Romney grease ball, why not a republican who really did build something? they're out there. Find one that looks like he's as motivated to make a buck as he is in the well being of the American worker, then we might really have a shot at slowly dismantling BRA.
We have to get Iowans and Wisconsins and Minnesotans to stop voting for our collective destruction. After all, Iowans and Wisonsinites are some of the hardest working people you'll that care to meet. They just want to keep working, and provide for their beautiful white families. They're voting for their jobs and American way of life. Time for the Republicans to figure out how to make the working class feel more comfortable so they can start voting for them again.
What exactly would black people have to do for whites to finally demand they be segregated away from us?
Blacks rape pregnant women and elderly women. They shoot babies and war veterans. They punch people for fun, and sometimes kill them in the process. They steal everything that isn't nailed down, have everything handed to them, and still complain that it isn't enough.
There are some whites that are so far gone that a black man could rape their mother on top of the Thanksgiving dinner table, light her on fire, and defecate on her burning body, and they would still babble about how slavery caused it, and more programs are needed for minorities while the firemen are still putting out the flames.
Sometimes I think this planet has lost it's friggin' mind.
Dear Whisky
Want to bet that >50% of law enforcement >66% of Marines and >90% of Navy Seals have the MAO-A gene.
Anti-Social violence and the MAO-A is most likely highly correlated with low general intelligence, impulse control, future time orientation and lack of a sense of reciprocity.
I have seen other reports on the MAO-A gene. Everything indicates that other genetic factors are involved.
No doubt the victims will insist that race had nothing to do with it and lash out at anyone audacious enough to state the obvious. SSDD.
Reply to Don M.
There are times when "Robbery Gone Wrong" or "Unintended Home/Victim" are legitimate are indicators that Law Enforcement is telling folks that the original motive of the crime was either one of two scenarios.
The criminals intended to attack a former employer or somebody else known by one of the perpetrators or
an acquaintance of the perpetrators. The target was seen as a soft target with lots of valuables or cash on hand. It means that additional suspects who assisted in the plotting of the crime are yet to be identified.
2nd scenario, criminals thought they were taking down a "Stash House" where they would find cash, drugs and guns available and folks at home. This explains the number of attackers. They could then extort, torture, rape, the victims into opening safes, showing them where money or drugs were hidden or forcing them to go to an ATM or bank. In this case, the Police are indicating that they may be willing to cut a deal with the "INTENDED" target for more information on yet unnamed related suspects.
ANY OTHER TIMES, the terms "Robbery Gone Wrong" or "Unintended Victim" is simple Cultural Marxist obfuscating of the facts.
Ready.... Aim....Fire. No problem.
One day the wrong white man's wife, daughter or son is going to be raped or murdered by a gang of coons and he is going to go all in, perhaps with like minded comrades in getting some retribution against those who he holds responsible.
With the sheer amount of violent black atrocity against whites and the slow boil of anger that many White Americans feel at this time, I think it's going to happen sooner rather than later.
Where it'll lead is anyone's guess.
I just... I just can't express what I am feeling right now. A six months pregnant woman?
Almost five months after the Potenza family (http://www.ibj.com/article/print?articleId=44316) in Indianapolis. This stuff has to end and soon. I don't know how long I can stomach headlines like this.
LOOK away, Look away, Look away, DIXIE-LAND!
I know it's back to back posts.
But hell look at these post from P.K. back to back to back to back to back ect., ect., ect. The Cops say the wrong house, The wrong place, The wrong time. ect., ect,. ect.! Robbery Gone wrong officers, no it's more like Robbery's GONE RIGHT!
LOOK AWAY, LOOK AWAY, LOOK AWAY, DIXIE-LAND! As we can see the south will rise again! And me being a Nor-Eastern will be packing those bags soon! New Dixie Land is coming real soon and I for one can't wait. These people make it hard to love America Anymore. Will the New Dixie-Land be Iceland? Only time will tell? SHORTLY!!!
Texas here:
God bless y'all.
George Zimmerman shoots one who's pounding him: national news for weeks.
A group of them gang rape a pregnant woman: I read about it here and no where else.
PK, there are a lot of us who are counting on you, and we are grateful for your work.
Stay safe!
In addition to the firearm recommendations here are a couple of other security measures to consider:
Be safe.
You are a moron Madison already has too many from Chiraq
So because they were democrat this happened? come on man its some hood rats that needed a score
Fellow SPBDLers,
You guys keep talking about making prison worse, I say, shut them all down! For theft and damage just practice restitution (to the victim, not the state), and for rape, kidnapping, murder, ect.... death. Refusal to pay? contempt of court, death. Can't pay? Voluntary slavery up to six full years.
It's a start. Think outside the box.
I would like to think that the raped woman would now be race-aware but I bet she spends the rest of her life trying to not show racism toward blacks. Just look at the picture on that Facebook post that Hannibal Smith linked at 4:25pm. I bet three blacks could take that whole room hostage, rape all the women and do who knows what to the men. They are pampered, soft, useful idiots who only fight (for the wrong side) with their mouth and keyboard. I would honestly like to lock them in and then add a big Section 8 high-rise apartment and let nature take its course. They, not me, deserve it.
My family is full of these DWL devils, and I know them well. Mother, brother, uncles, cousins. None of us is on speaking terms at this point. I mock them openly when I get the chance, and keep them all the HELL away from my kids.
They subscribe to a 100% white community and value system, but they LOVE the idea of the wretched blacks from a great distance. The old ones are bitter old feminists, latent homosexuals, beta herbs, or divorced kooks like my mother. They are burnt out ex-hippies. The young ones are hipsters who like the "brothas" and rap music, like my younger cousin, or LGBT and Global Warming activists who love the idea of black Obama and voted FOR your dispossession.
They are mostly from working-class backgrounds, most taught good middle-class values while growing up, but then the devil got ahold of them.
The old kooks have poisoned their children, who hate them now, and they have been on the warpath to "not be knuckle-dragging rednecks and hilljacks". They hate the idea of grandchildren, and want to sit on their pile of collected retirement money until they die a lonely death.
They believe they are super smart, they are college-educated, are college educated professors and retired professionals. They don't really like blacks at all. They just like it when the GOV uses blacks against you bad, racist redneck whites, because they are "progressive" and not like you. They think the cannibals won't eat them WTSHTF.
They are full of self-hatred. Hatred for God, white culture, Western Civ., and everything beautiful. Hatred for love, cute animals, babies, fetuses, life, and marriage.
They are empty black souls, and when you look into their cold, wrinkly eyes, you can see that God has left the building. They will get what is coming to them.
6 blacks against 2 sleeping whites.? If only that couple had taken Krav Maga for a year or so, Then I'm sure the outcome would have been dramatically different.
" If only that couple had taken Krav Maga for a year or so, Then I'm sure the outcome would have been dramatically different."
GUNS are a wayyyyyyy better idea/plan
Just as a city will be destroyed by an overwhelming influx of blacks, the same is true of an influx of progressive (DWL) libtards. Both groups should be shunned because of their destructive natures and allowed no foothold. Once either group gains the numbers to vote themselves into power, the end is absolutely certain.
What bothers me the most about libtards is they can be given all the facts multiple times about the destructive natures of blacks but will refuse to accept it. Then, when the libtards destroy everything due to their delusional "love" of the diversity and you say, "I told you so!" the libtards simply screech, "I didn't know! I didn't realize!" Or they continue making excuses.
There is no hope for such horribly stupid people and I don't care what happens to them no matter in what manner they get "enriched" by the diversity. They deserve to suffer the fate that they would bring down on the heads of others who are innocent.
When Libtards seek to flee from those places they've already destroyed and move into yours to destroy it with the same idiotic thinking and policies- reject them, shun them, give them no aid and no comfort for they are the enemy.
The North shore of Milwaukee is the richie-rich suburban outgrowth of the old hippie, U of Milwaukee and Madison prog-protest counter culture.
If you venture south of that area to the River west neighborhood, you'll find the most libtarded area of the city; white post punks, 'crustie' travelling kids, co-op's and a Hodge podge of radical left types.
After you've bummed around there, you make good (city or U job) then move to the North shore.
Michael Savage described Madison as the San Fran-sicko of the Midwest.
Anonymous said...
6 blacks against 2 sleeping whites.? If only that couple had taken Krav Maga for a year or so, Then I'm sure the outcome would have been dramatically different.
To the uninitiated, this is an old joke around here. A sarcastic comment on the effectiveness of "martial arts" in combating the fierce, warlike negro.
Lookout, Whitey.
“Black Twitter brings the FULLNESS of black HUMANITY into the social network and that is why it has become so fascinating,” said Kimberly C. Ellis, who has a doctorate in American and Africana Studies, tweets as @drgoddess and is studying Black Twitter for her upcoming book, “The Bombastic Brilliance of Black Twitter.”
Madison=pinko commie rats.
From the oldie but goodie department-Jolly old England is having the same kind of problems with the peaceful religion practitioners:
Chicago would be glad to send WI thousands more ASAP....we have a surplus
Paul K: with a population of 240,000 and 7.3% black, the chances of 6 people chosen at random being black is one in 5,000,000. So maybe blacks have a higher propensity to be criminals? Nah.
Don M: I have a Saega semi-automatic with a 20-round drum. I have to store it in Nevada, unfortunately. But it's a nice gun.
So that makes it okay? Because they ate hood rats? Raping, rapping and killing is all dey no?
Stop coddling your cuzzins, bros, daddies, uncles and play cuzzinsz that "random violence" BS does not fly anymore, it is part of the culture and expected or the "that's the way it happins" or "only god can judge those boys"
What where 6 men after at the neighbors house? Guns, drugs, etc. and how did they know something good was there?
Cause they know live everywhere which endangers all of us when families shield they criminal mbers in they own homes theyselves
Yes and CCW. But Madison has been nice forever and most own hunting pieces, now they need to be strapped and start defending. The NAN is after congress and people need to take it seriously.
Cry and complain as some people do about being shot, they want to make sure certain people don't carry legaly, just their relatives illegally and they just ignore it.
WVON in Chicago claims hundreds of innocent youts are shot down by other races, when statistically it it the complainers killin they own in masses, upwards of 600 per year in most cities.
>> Locals talk about the influx of the "Chicago people" in the late 90s and early 2000s.
I heard the same talk in Cedar Rapids IA in 2010. I saw them myself. There was a pair of them in the Hy-Vee on Collins Ave. one day, trying to "get over" on the store management. There was an old nog with a very loud car in the next building over from where I stayed. He only started it every few days, which everyone in the complex could hear.
I complained, and after a couple complaints that car didn't show up any more.
I recall something in the local paper about criminal background checks required to rent housing. This had to be part of an effort to keep Illinois from dumping any more of its Chicago crooks on Iowa.
I grew up with lots of white kids who parents were abusive drug addicts or ignored them or kicked them out at 18. They didn't form gangs and kill people
The 200k that left Chicago in the last 10 years all took sec 8 to every apartment complex w a decent school many burbs have fallen in IL and IN.
"Andrea Ostrov Letania said...
The hell with 12 YRS A SLAVE.
As blacks are bigger, stronger, more aggressive, and more pathological, white race is facing 1000 YRS OF BIOLOGICAL SLAVERY(UNDER BLACK THUGS).
Freaking planet of the apes!"
Bigger, stronger, more aggressive, and more pathological means nothing if you have a .45. As the saying went: "God didn't make men equal, Colonel Colt did."
The Saiga 12 and Vepr 12 are some of the meanest and most versatile home defense scatterguns in production.
People should pick em up if they can. There was a rumor going around for a while that Holder's ATF was going to declare them an NFA item.
If any homeowner uses one to defend against a Bantu invasion, I'd expect that to happen
I'm from the Iowa originally, I no longer live there but I visit frequently. And I can tell you most Iowans vote Democrat to protect their access Union membership. Not to prop up black dysfunction.
This is quite so. Conservatives make a major tactical error in alienating the white working class, then wonder why they keep losing national elections.
They're experimenting with something they know very little about, and that's the black man. They don't know the black man so they feel they must help him, its what they were taught in sunday school class.
This seems to be common enough. The belief that blacks are like "us" and therefore all we have to do is utilize the right government-corporate-church program and blacks will act like "us." The fact that every such program to uplift blacks has failed and failed miserably goes by the boards.
The real problem is the underlying assumption among too many whites: that there is a common humanity. And its corollary, that if blacks are not living according to civilized standards then it's somehow the fault of YT. This belief is so ingrained that no evidence to the contrary will shake it:
* Intelligence tests which demonstrate that blacks have low median IQs? Nope, tests are "racist."
* Gang rape of a pregnant white woman by home invaders? "Nope, the perpetrators are victims of "racism."
* Destruction of entire cities from Detroit to Johannesburg by blacks? Nope, the malefactors are rebelling against "racist" institutions.
No matter how much evidence is placed before white liberals -- or even kicks in their door at 2AM -- the true believer will not face the reality. You'd think that something like the atrocity in Madison would cause some stir in the DWL ranks, but already we can see them fluttering about to protect blacks from retaliation as well as engaging in the usual DWL self-flagellation.
This does not mean the situation is hopeless. There are many people who do see the light, and other people who will be awakened by incidents such as this one. The real thing is how to turn them into a viable political movement.
"When Libtards seek to flee from those places they've already destroyed and move into yours to destroy it with the same idiotic thinking and policies- reject them, shun them, give them no aid and no comfort for they are the enemy.
March 12, 2014 at 8:11 AM"
This. They are the same as the Soviet apparatchik, they parrot the line even though they know it is false because that is all they have ever known. It takes a local collapse to get their attention. Of course, their are the hard core that simply move on to infect the next area. I'm told that hard core libs moved into Colorado from California and gutted the local sleepy conservatives. Once entrenched, they encourage and enable those who think like them (which is natural) leading to a Liberal Government. Long term, a liberal government requires a religious birth rate to be sustainable. Liberal ideas would crash much sooner if they did not:
1. Parasitize off the Federal Government.
2. Bring in more needy folks like illegals and negros who require more of their programs.
A growing population (like Detroit in the early 1960's) is not necessary a sign of health. Once the "tipping" point or "event" has been reached the city population may continue to grow through an influx of parasites, but the White Flight has started. There is not coming back unless drastic measures are taken and Paul has shown that many have tried such measures (Detroit with STRESS police program) but nothing can save it.
Nation of Islam actually tried to invoke White Flight in San Francisco through the use of street murder. The intention was to get Whites to leave San Francisco and get the Bay Area as a permanent "Black Outpost". See the book: "Zebra" by Howard. It almost worked but the Police caught a few of the responsible ones due to a turncoat and they put an end to Mosque #16's ambitions.
Tipping Points are different for every City. A city with healthy industry or being the center of commerce is more resistant than just a regular city. This does not mean the infection is not fatal, it simply means that there is more time before the end. San Francisco is a resistant city. New York is a resistant city, they are still fighting the infection. Detroit was a resistant city, but died. Chicago is in the last few breaths of Cheyne–Stokes respiration. Clayton county died quickly, it tipped over in just a few years and is never coming back. LA died, but then was taken over by the illegals and the Squat Monsters. Atlanta, Birmingham, Jacksonville, Camden, NOLA, and so on are all dead to Whites.
White Homeland!
Of course the pattern here is clear. Virulent or gradual, violent or gentle the outcome is always the same. Death to the White City.
Regarding various proposed draconian criminal justice responses to black crime:
The USA has had a war on drugs & crime since at least the 1980s. We are living in an era of three strikes, mandatory minimums, SWAT teams roving the Homeland, right-to-carry, prison-industrial complex, surveillance up the wazoo, and etc. This may have marginally reduced the rates of black criminality. But we see atrocities like this home invasion + rape which appear to be growing in intensity. Not to mention an apparent explosion in gangbanging, flashmobbing, and ad nauseam.
Draconian prisons, etc., are of marginal use in controlling black criminality because that presumes a perpetrator capability to think long term (future time orientation), behave rationally (control impulses), and act intelligently (reasonable IQ). And guess which race has low median future time orientation, low impulse control, and low median IQ?
White people might be deterred from criminality by these measures, but we can not make the DWL error in assuming that blacks see the world the same way as do whites.
Also, there are the politics. Supposing a neighborhood watchman had blown away the perpetrators of this atrocity as they trolled the streets of Madison? What would have been the response? Look at l'affaire Trayvon.
Today, we are seeing a wave of apparently politicized black criminality: polar bear punching, Beat YT Night, use of rape/torture to spread terror among whites. All this is right out of the Congo playbook, and given a political component by DWL agitprop of "oppressed" blacks rebelling against "privileged" whites.
It is, of course, a race war. But a most peculiar one, a race war in which only one side is actually fighting. And to make it all the more odd, the side being targeted for destruction (i.e., YT) mostly refuses to recognize the war is even happening.
More laws and more prisons won't control black criminality. There has to be a radical reorientation in worldview such that flashmobbing, gangbanging, Long Hot Summer rioting, ad nauseam, will be unthinkable.
What white people need is political will. What is needed is a white political ideology which will break the DWL stranglehold.
I'll close out this rant with an observation.
Go back a century ago:
The criminal justice system was much more lenient: you had only a fraction of the inmates in jail as compared to today, there was little in the way of "three strikes," cops rarely used paramilitary gear, search warrants required something like "probable cause"...
...and crimes like the Madison atrocity would have been virtually unthinkable. And if such a crime occurred, the response would have been such that it became a rare event.
People were aware of black criminality. People were aware of the genetic factors involved in black criminality. People created the community standards which mitigated against black criminality getting out of control.
It gets back to the politics. Until there is a racially realistic white political movement, crime is not going to be controlled.
And I suppose there was no racial animus in the vicious rape of a heavily pregnant woman. I suppose we're supposed to believe they would've done the same thing to a 'sista'.
As a life long WI resident, I have to say that Madison loves to think they are a island of intelligence surrounded by a state of ignorance. All the black trash from Chicago is flowing to Madison and Milwaukee. Look at a map of Wisconsin and Ill. and follow the highways leaving Chicago. Interstates hit Madison and Milwaukee, then the black trash follows further north along HWY 41 to Fond Du Lac then Oshkosh, both are seeing large influx of blacks and crime. Madison loves the liberals, and liberals love to help minorities, they are finding out that minorities don't love them back.
Anon asks:
What are Wisconsin gun laws like? Do they have a castle doctrine?
Not as bad as many states. Yes, they do have a castle doctrine. It is under serious challenge in court because an elderly white man shot a SMIBA-yoot on his back porch while attempting to break into his house. As I have pointed out numerous times before, the entire court system is under enemy control - from police to prosecutors to judges. DWL apparachiks all put in place with the full help of the phony "opposition" party - exemplified by Wisconsin Ho-House tart Paul Ryan.
Californian said….
….It is, of course, a race war. But a most peculiar one, a race war in which only one side is actually fighting. And to make it all the more odd, the side being targeted for destruction (i.e., YT) mostly refuses to recognize the war is even happening.
But it's not all that odd is it? Whitey has practically the same approach to radical Islam. That approach is of course to bury their heads in the sand, while actively importing muslims into the country and promptly placing them on welfare.
It's all a sad part of your frequently referenced Suicide of the West.
YT rayciss in People's Republik of Madison (aka Kookville, WI):
I don't have children. I want them someday . . . but not in that school.
Not in any public school, actually. Vox Day is correct: Homeschool or die. It's really that simple. Crystal Methodists control even the "Christian" schools.
Jay Santos -- libs won't allow the desth penalty, put prisons in the Aleutians and .... work crews. They can build airport runways. By hand.
Crystal Methodists wouldn't allow that either. They're on the verge of abolishing life in prison as 'cruel and unusual' as their counterparts in the EUSSR sector of the Squid World Empire have already done. The "conservative" (appointed by Ronaldus Magnus, no less) Anthony Kennedy can't wait to cite another EUSSR statute to re-write the constitution. Only a matter of time. Hell. "life in prison without parole" doesn't even really mean that in some states as it is. With Crystal Methodists in control of all law schools and the entire system - the "law" means whatever they deem it to be. There is no rule of law in the Banksta Banana Republick. Anyone who continues to think so is either clueless or a liar.
The entire abomination is disturbing, but I'm also disturbed by the lack of information regarding what happened to the woman's roommate. I'm left with the impression that the roommate was probably the father of her unborn child. He apparently isn't dead so unless he was sucker punched, stabbed, shot or otherwise completely incapacitated after struggling to fend off the invaders it might be time for the woman to move on. Where I was raised, a man would attempt to protect his spouse and unborn child up to his last breath.
I'm going to guess this White couples home has "gun free" and thus very safe.
Actually, since no guns were involved, they really have little to be upset about. Imagine if there had been a gun !! Lordy Lordy.
We can also safely assume race was NOT a factor since it was an "incident" involving 6 youts and a Privileged White Heterosexual couple about to give birth to a revolting privileged White fetus......
Lady need an AIDS blood test quickly along with tests for Syph, Clamydia, Gono, etc. Don't forget lice.....Herpes.....genital warts......But, hey, many of her neighbors voted for Obama so at least she isn't living in a racyss community.........
Lady need an AIDS blood test quickly along with tests for Syph, Clamydia, Gono, etc. Don't forget lice.....Herpes.....genital warts......But, hey, many of her neighbors voted for Obama so at least she isn't living in a racyss community...……
I realize this thought may be wrong, on the best and ideal moral level. But IF this couple were active Obama supporters and hardcore liberals, then I have no feelings for what they went through. I really don't, pregnant or not.
they don't see senseless violence like this because there is no such thing as senseless violence like this. It has a purpose.
The Wisconsin State Journal, the paper of record for Madison, Wisconsin, has shut off comments to the rape articles.
They will let you comment about pretty much anything else but NAM crime.
There needs to be a plugin for browsers that will insert a comment link in any web page and let you add your own comments. If the newspaper doesn't want to let you comment, fine! There will be a link to someone else's comment server.
It will p!ss the newspaper off, no doubt, because they do not want people to be able to share their thoughts on diversity, but they would not be able to stop it.
diversity training..tax dollas at work
Follow: @Drewmikk
Posted on March 11, 2014 at 6:14 PM
Updated today at 6:56 AM
See all 2 photos »
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- An attempt to fight racism at a community college may have backfired.
A group of employees at South Puget Sound Community College sent out an invitation to all 300 staffers.
The "Staff, Faculty and Administrators of Color" encouraged employees to reply to the invitation to find out the confidential date and time of what was being called a "happy hour" to "build support and community" for people of color.
The invite made it clear white people were not invited.
The email read: "If you want to create space for white folks to meet and work on racism, white supremacy, and white privilege to better our campus community and yourselves, please feel free to do just that."
"It was obviously a mistake," said SPSCC's Dean of College Relations, Kellie Purce Braseth.
Braseth said the group that put out the email last week apologized the next day and canceled the event.
She said the college believes the best way to celebrate and discuss diversity is to include everyone.
"If you want to come you should be able to come, that just makes a richer conversation," said Braseth.
Karama Blackhorn, program coordinator for the school's Diversity and Equity Center, helped write the invitation.
She said it could have been worded differently, but she maintains the staff members of color would have a more honest discussion about race without white employees.
"When trying to explicitly talking about race it can be a really difficult conversation for a lot of people," said Blackhorn.
'Voluntary slavery up to six full years'
are you joking? who wants to be around psycho violent krimuls?
"Chicago would be glad to send WI thousands more ASAP....we have a surplus"
Yes we have a surplus and we need to desperately unload thousands more.
Cabrini Green is no more but there are many more projects ( high and low rise), where we can send THE VIBRANT ONES to infestate Middle Amurca. You DWL's everywhere, please help. You can pick them up and transport them to your liberal utopia's where everyone is equal, so that you can apply the fruits of your college knowledge and make them in the image and likeness of yourselves. Good luck. Maybe you can engage the very, very rich DWL's into funding transportation money so as not to encumber our locals. Thanks be to God.
The sooner the better. The city you save may be your own but woe to you who are the recipients of God's rejects for hell will be you result.
I'm talking to you Madison and other cities of similar ideological inclinations who think that they can rescue the detritus of the world.
this will make USA a thing of the past.
1.A federal appeals court is being asked to reverse a lower court decision that banned the American Freedom Defense Initiative from featuring in a bus ad the faces of men already identified by the U.S. government as suspected terrorists.
“This case is a classic articulation of political correctness as a form of tyranny, which violates our fundamental right to freedom [of] speech guaranteed by the First Amendment,” said Robert Muise, co-founder of the American Freedom Law Center, which is working on the AFDI case.
“Simply put, the government’s position is inconsistent with reality – namely, Shariah-adherent jihadists pose a significant threat to our national security.”
The King County, Wash., transit system, in the Seattle area, had rejected AFDI’s ad that featured a most-wanted list of terror suspects compiled by the FBI. The transit agency claimed the ad w
2.By Pete Parker
Manifestly the Pentagon never received the memo that Islam is at war with Western Civilization. Or, that Islam is a brutally misogynistic ideology bent on the wholesale murder of women who dare show a little ankle.
Oh, and did I forget to mention that its founder, Mohammed–had an unquenchable penchant for little girls?
In short: Islam is evil.
With that established–allow me to enlighten you as to what insanity our Pentagon is currently engaged in. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) just announced that it will be providing our military with chaplains for active-duty service.
That’s right–our Pentagon is allowing ISNA (a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate) to supply the US military with full time chaplains.
Of course, as I have mentioned many times in my articles–organizations such as ISNA and the Muslim Brotherhood represent the true face of Islam. These groups follow the very paradigm set by the Prophet Mohammed. A paradigm, mind you–that gave us jihad, pedophilia, beheadings, genital mutilations and 9/11.
Furthermore, ISNA was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land t
3. refugees..muslim and black + immigrants + wetbacks.
re. School board sermon ette.
this is hysterically funny.
Just ask the President of the Madison School Board:
"We are all swimming in the water of white privilege. We white folk get to swim with the current. We also get to wonder why the people of color we see going in the other direction don’t swim faster.
Don’t buy this white privilege thing?
Put yourself in the shoes of an African-American mother worrying about her children growing up in Madison.
Look at our graduation rates.
Look at our unemployment rates.
Look at our incarceration rates.
I seriously doubt the “volunteer” aspect of the ticket sales. When I was in the army back in ’89 there was an assembly for black “history” month. We were told attendance was not mandatory, but our superiors made it clear that we were strongly “encouraged” to attend and that our “cultural horizons” would be expanded greatly by our participation. One of my Sgt’s (A virulently racist black) openly declared that those who didn’t attend from the platoon would be subject to his punishment.
I went and it was one of the most vile things I have ever had to sit through! I listened for two hours as a parade of the biggest malcontents took to the mic and gave all of the their sob stories about how YT was such a devil and denied them their due. Of course when one listens carefully to what their job was in the service, they were all from support roles, not front line combat units. An Uncle of mine was an MP and constantly had to baby sit them during Korea, he had nothing good to say about them.
Having said all of that, I’m willing to bet that 97% of those in attendance were subjected to the same thing, GO OR ELSE!!!
Slightly o/t but another case of Obeezy's family in Milwaukee...
I live less than a mile from here and my high school is 5 blocks from here.
Another Cheesehead!!
Ditto to your highway observations. A lot of these refugees are able to move back and forth and establish a sort of interstate commerce. Only 90 miles separate downtown Milwaukee and downtown Chicago from each other; legally it should take 2 hours with traffic but with speeding it can be done in less than an hour and a half.
Don't forget about the Hiawatha Amtrak line, Greyhound, or the oh so classy Mega(Ghetto)bus.
Mega(Ghetto)bus runs three daily schedules from Chicago to Milwaukee to Minneapolis/St.Paul.
Off topic, but more disturbing than even this story.
Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor was asked the following question during her recent visit to the University of Washington.
Student: "Justice Sotomayor, are you optimistic about the future of the country?"
Sotomayor: “I’m very optimistic about the power of minorities to change the dialogue in this country.”
When asked about her optimism for the future of the country, responded that she was optimistic about the power of minorities to change the country.
That woman is a Supreme Court Justice. We are in deep f**king trouble in this land.
Gee, don't you hate it when a rape goes wrong?
Jim: Efemia??? That speaks volumes"
To me, "Neumaier" speaks more. Some DWL thought they could swirl some shit into a batch of their European DNA, and produce a decent human, albeit with curly hair. Thanks for nothing, you bestial idiot.
I must be your long lost relative...sounds just like my family
"One of my Sgt’s (A virulently racist black) openly declared that those who didn’t attend from the platoon would be subject to his punishment." I must wholeheartedly agree with anonymous at 2:35. I joined the army right out of high school in 1982. I was prepared for basic training. I was prepared for discipline and a new way of life, my father served; as did my grandfather. What I was NOT prepared for was black racism in the highest degree. 'white boys' went to the back of the line for everything. Extra duty, fireguard, KP, CQ...all dished out to the 'white boys'. Constant favoritism, rape of white female recruits by black drill sergeants was commonplace. All of the leadership at Ft. Dix, NJ was negro. Drill sgt., first sgt., XO, CO...all the way up. Many were disgruntled blacks left over from vietnam. Fort Dix, now closed as a training base because of providing shitty recruits to the army, was the main training base for cooks, truck drivers and supply personnel, most of the recruits being from NY, NJ and PA. At that time it was also a basic training base for real soldiers moving on to advanced combat training at other (real) US Army training bases in the US. The things that took place there, race riots, rapes, beating of white soldiers while blacks of all ranks watched were never, and will never be on the news. And never forgotten by the white soldiers that lived it.
Was I sleep writing again? Oh, no. I see I'm not the only one with a family like this! Great post,.
Thank you.
That was for our people, the Africans need to go home as do many others.
Africa for Africans, Mexico for Mexicans, China for Chinese. America a white homelands as it used to be.
All six suspects appeared in court Tuesday. Bail for Hughes and Thomas was set at $50,000, while Mayweathers was jailed on $10,000 bail. Mallit and Neumaier were jailed on $5,000 bail. No bail was set for Bass, who said he is getting his own lawyer and will be back in court Wednesday.
Read more: http://host.madison.com/news/local/crime_and_courts/woman-s-plot-to-rob-man-of-led-to-harrowing/article_04a99aba-36ac-584f-9ebc-b51b2508256c.html#ixzz2vhs8GpjI
Wow, $50,000 bail, now that shows how tough Madison is on the home invasion, violent assault and rape of a pregnant woman.
The Madison State-Journal is part of the bankrupt Lee Enterprises chain of newspapers serving small cities mainly through out fly over country.
The newspapers are notorious for being to way to the left of communities they attempt to cover. Warren Buffet bought Lee Enterprises for cents on the dollar. So now they are just far left propaganda rags benefiting the ego of a mega rich Billionaire who supports the Cultural Marxist agenda.
Let's look at this logically. With such a tiny percentage of blacks in Madison, who but whites are they statistically likely to attack? Why not a pregnant woman? Living by their limited wits, being opportunistic is a survival characteristic - seize the day - have a little fun, maybe pass on their genes - issall good. Last, look at the haul they were anticipating - $1500 split five ways? (One was arrested for accessory after the fact and/or harboring, so he didn't really get in on the fun.) So, if they could manage the math, that's $300 per! Since they can't conceptualize amounts higher than about $20, that must have seemed like a fortune.
I can't wait for the day it all comes to a head.
This story just gets worse. Those thugs are sick. Check out the latest.
Sick..just SICK..Keep them in Prison!!
What else. Visit me, I have a 38 special & will be waiting
Yes yes, y'all! Shit truly beez jumpin' off in cracka-ass Wisconsin an' Minnesota n shit! Yo, peep dis sheeit, raysiss waht debbils:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/13/milwaukee-man-shoots-teens-baseball-bat_n_4959245.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000021 (lol, "teens"!)
I just read that a 17 year old son of Obama killed a 54 year old man for his phone, and then complained he doesn't like the model of the phone. The African's name is Byron White, and I was able to google his picture (I'm sure it will be removed soon). He looks just like Trayvon. And now, I can't even find the story.
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