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Fred Reed, an irascible son of a b*tch if there ever was one, penned a brilliant column demonstrating this simple fact. When America can be redefined on a dry erase (always remember the equation puts the white population far into the negative) at a moments whim, you know the equator has more permanence. [Cuddling with Disaster: The Chinese Won't, Though, Fred On Everything, 3-28-14]:
But in today’s political clime in America, we actually enshrine incapacity as authentic or democratic or of the people or whatever. We dumb down everything for the emotional benefit of the incapable. The whole thrust in America seems to be to lower standards and punish competence and intelligence. And anyone who notices who has them.I'd say Fred Reed gets it.
A recent story on black students in the Youngstown Public School System writing essays on why they don't want to end up in jail unearthed a hilarious story from the same destitute city.
It seems to be the perfect companion to Mr. Reed's insightful column. Detailing the story of "hundreds of medals were given to 550 academic achievers in the Youngstown City Schools Beeghly Center on Sunday," the story actually delineates the collapse of civilization and standards in a city hemorrhaging its white population.[Students celebrate academic triumphs at Olympiad, The Vindicator (Vindy.com), 6-23-2011]:
Shyanne Green proudly wore a gold medal around her neck as she sat with other Wilson Middle School students wearing silver and bronze medals at the Beeghly Center at Youngstown State University.
Shyanne and her fellow classmates did not receive the medals for athletic ability but instead were honored for achievement in the classroom. The students were honored Sunday at the Youngstown Community Fourth Annual Academic Achievement Olympiad. The ceremony is a combined effort between Youngstown City Schools and the FAMILY Empowerment Student Achievement Institute.
Gold medals were handed out to students in the district maintaining an “A” average, while those maintaining a “B” average received silver medals, and bronze medals were given to those with a “C” average. More than 550 students in the district received one of the medals.
Shyanne was the only student from Wilson Middle School to be honored with the gold medal. She said she has always maintained an A/B average in school but buckled down this year and worked to earn perfect marks.
“I really think this is a good thing. I just try to study hard and do my best,” she said.
Syesha Shaw, a Wilson student who received the bronze award, said maintaining a good grade-point average requires sacrifice. The 13-year-old middle school student said she has cut back on texting, Facebook and Internet play to devote more time to her studies.
Carole McWilson, Cofounder of the FAMILY Empowerment Student Achievement Institute and event organizer, said the idea is to encourage students like Shaw to continue making the necessary sacrifices to achieve academic excellence. She said the encouragement must come from the entire community.
Wilson Middle School sounds like a horrific place, where the future of America is on full display. At 66 percent black, 17 percent Hispanic and only 10 percent white, Shyanne's academic performance was prolific enough to help earn that coveted gold medal....“Our focus is to look to the positive. We are about developing a successful home, school, and community partnership. The district, parents or school cannot do it alone. It has to be a collective effort among all those groups,” said McWilson.
You might be able to find America on a map, but like the equator, it doesn't really exist.
What exists is the lingering, haunting memory of something called "America" white people long ago (and long dead) fought for and sacrificed to create; in their absence, there is no America.
Just something eerily similar to the concept of the equator.
Those whites still living in the landmass labeled America carry the burden of civilization, still capable of maintaining levels of achievement far beyond the capacity of... black people (and, those colonizers from Mexico).
The blight and degrading housing quality (and absence of entrepreneurial spirit and social capital) in formerly all-white now close to majority black Youngstown, Ohio is a reminder of what happens when celebrating a "C" average becomes the new norm...
I strongly encourage you to read Fred Reed's other race and education-based pieces, particularly with regard to NYC magnet schools that are supposed to accept students on merit, but need to dumb down results for a certain ethnicity in order to meet diversity standards .
I long for the day when Tim Wise, after spewing another raucous anti-White polemic, gets his ass mugged and beaten by the Vibrant Diversity he fellates in his dreams.
Thanks for digging up the Youngstown Vindicator article about medals for "C" students. I had mentioned this in one of my posts, and I appreciate you tracking it down. Reading the article kind of takes you to the twilight zone. A shining example of black run education.
Ironically if you look at the district's report card, they are no longer designated as being in a academic emergency, or academic watch, even though the middle schoolers have a lower proficiency today than they did during the academic emergency. Only 18% are proficient at 8th grade science, 53% at 8th grade reading, 34% at 7th grade math, etc.
She had to cut back on texting and Facebook. Oh, the humanity!!
In the third grade, we did long division, then square roots. I don't know how that compares to today's students. We also learned incursive writing by then.
Achieving a "C" in the dumbed down ghetto curriculums is probably comparable to a failing grade in a society with real educational programs...like China, Japan, and perhaps even India.
What happened to the USA?When I was in elementary school,we went to high school to watch minstrel shows(as late as 1960).The police would escort any black out of town after dark.This was in THE Hudson County.Those old time Democrats didn't cater to them,as they knew the score.
Fred is causing waves in the "Patriot" community because he speaks the truth about race. He is however married to an Asian.
Make no mistake about it, the Patriot community is what stands between us & utter tyranny. Slowly they are chipping away at it.
I encourage all readers to follow & post race realist comments on Patriot blogs (WRSA) & forums. We need to be heard & dispel the myth of the backwards, redneck, klan following "racist" they want to portray us as.
Fed Up Firefighter
"Encouragement must come from the entire community"
"Ebod poda hep"
Fred Reed knows.
Now, this is really no different than what happened in African countries when their white populations were chased out. You know they were only there due to the evil racist colonialism that put them there in the first place. (Or as I prefer to joke: they did the jobs Africans weren't willing to do. Civilization.)
Rhodesia, formerly capable of producing enough food to feed that continent when YT was farming... turns into Zimbabwe and ethnically cleanses the YT out. And farms sit fallow. Equipment rusting or disassembled to be sold for scrap. People starve.
South Africa. The only nation in Africa to be even remotely "1st world". Thanks to YT. Then YT is overthrown, and the country devolves into a morass of morons.. just like the rest of Africa.
These imbecilic white liberals, suffering from affluenza and "white privilege" bestowed upon them by the raging success of WHITE WESTERN CIVILIZATION, are Judas Iscariot. They betray the one who grants them life.
I would posit that they are worse. Judas was ashamed of what he did, and denied that he would do it even when his Lord told him that it would come to pass. These foolhardy liberals celebrate their betrayal, filled to overflowing with certainty that their betrayal will bring them some revered position in the coming Dark Ages they helped to usher in. Completely unaware that their new overlords see the world through the prism of group-think. And they (white libs) aren't in the group.
Meanwhile, an aff-leet (not sure if it's feetsball or bakkaball) at the University of North Carolina was awarded an A- for this mindless drivel of a term paper:
"Rosa Parks: My Story
On the evening of December Rosa Parks decided that she was going to sit in the white people section on the bus in Montgomery, Alabama. During this time blacks had to give up there seats to whites when more whites got on the bus. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. Her and the bus driver began to talk and the conversation went like this. “Let me have those front seats” said the driver. She didn’t get up and told the driver that she was tired of giving her seat to white people. “I’m going to have you arrested,” said the driver. “You may do that,” Rosa Parks responded. Two white policemen came in and Rosa Parks asked them “why do you all push us around?” The police officer replied and said “I don’t know, but the law is the law and you’re under arrest."
That's the term paper in its entirety. Some 145 words, and three spelling/grammar errors. For a "college" student, Microsoft Word puts the readability at a 5.5 grade level.
Anonymous said...
In the third grade, we did long division, then square roots. I don't know how that compares to today's students. We also learned incursive writing by then.
Ouch. That hurts.
Ex New Yorker here.....I have noticed that all these newspaper stories that Paul reprints from all sound the same. In the TV business this is called HAPPY TALK and I guess it is now taken over the newspaper field. I think there was an old quote that said "If you can't tell them the truth dazzle them with bullshit". The story should have said that most of the kids are dumber than goats like their parents and their future is bleak and dim. Instead you get happy talk to cheer you up. Remember, in Chicago an HONOR STUDENT is someone who shows up for school everyday. What your seeing is the Great American Holocaust. I hope someday we at least get a museum.
The current goal of the government/business elites is the re-creation of Mexico in the U.S. They want a stable, well established aristocracy, ruling over a vast land of what will essentially be peasants. They prefer these peasants be not very bright and will keep them poorly educated in any event. Thus the celebration of the 'C'.
Their freedoms will be few, but the basic necessities of life, including non-essentials like "tablets" for Facebook(™) use will be provided nearly free. The best candidates for this population are the domestic negro and Mexicans of Indian ancestry. White Europeans can be problematic. If they can be recruited, all the better as they will comprise an elite level in the bureaucracy. Same is true of Asians.
But those who are non-compliant must be eliminated. The best approach there is to remove their ability to work. This can be done through racial quotas and a pogrom of personal demonization, should they provide particularly stubborn resistance.
The elites, despite having been exposed to various morality structures, Christianity for example, can be immunized to these hostile and destructive actions by adopting the cloak of moral superiority provided by the battle against "racism". So these people are never morally conflicted. They are doing "good", God's work really.
This thing we know as liberalism and multiculturalism is really a continuation of the American Civil War. Like the evil slave holders of the ante-bellum south, our modern slave holder is anyone with a critical view of multiculturalism, or a suspicion of negroes based on observed behavior. And those heretics must be attacked, killed and finally vanquished. The liberals, (I hate the term, but that's what we've got) is like the Union Army, driven on by the modern equivalent of New England preachers, and certainly on the right side in an epic struggle.
That's how we get an entire population, most of whom won't benefit from what is being done, but fully invested in the fight.
Ex New Yorker here....I would like to leave here some quotes.
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize...Voltaire.
Paranoia is having all the facts... William Burroughs.
Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false...Bill Casey..CIA.
The reason people don't want to know the truth is because it interferes with what they believe...Ex New Yorker.
America is where the White people are.
Fred actually is currently married to a Mexican Lady and has a teen daughter and lives in a village in Mexico.
Actually---after living around Mexicans/Guatamalans/etc...they have some bad apples in the bunch...but overall are much much better than the negroid. And they get along with YT pretty well.
YT in merica is getting really old and suffers from a faggot jesus religious point of view....so the aggressive races are literally knocking YT's ass out and raping their daughters every day.
My hope is in the Hispanic and Asian population...they are big government types...but at least a lot of them are hard working family people who don't take a lot of shit from the negroid....and will probably out breed the negroid....so long as the faggot jesus religious types aren't able to curtail abortion.
Now all the YTs know why Kipling is so hated by the progressives/communists----Kipling was the original PK that told the truth about race and people....with beautiful writings and poetry.
And you fucks all wondered how advanced civilizations could ever disappear from the earth...the glory of their age turned to dust....check out Detroit...and any other city the negroid gets ahold of---Turn out the lights America and start the death screams.
For those who may be unacquainted with people who write about racial reality and cultural/heritage issues (besides Paul Kersey, of course), please read more of Fred Reed. He is a Southerner who is married to a Mexican lady and spends a lot of his time in that country.
Also read John Derbyshire, a naturalized Englishman who was excommunicated from the conservative movement for writing 'The Talk'.
One constantly hears these guys criticized because they didn't marry White American women, but let me assure you, they are on your side and care deeply about your children's future. They are good guys; please support them.
Don't worry about the future of the Kwanstain because there isn't going to be one. Exist in your own world and put on your mask and only speak happytalk because it will be your family or "friends who turn you in for thoughtcrime. Enjoy the collapse and don't forget to rub the noses of the people who voted for it all in the shit of their vote.
Diversity is strength:
This is all planned. The rats and roaches are being let in and fed for a reason. The wealthy, the elite, the 1%, whatever you want to call them, they are building an entire alternate civilization, and they don't need us anymore. That's all. Nothing to get mad about; just business, is all.
Mom an apple pie is over. John Wayne and Ronald Reagan are never coming back. The Statue of Liberty is kaput. Murrica is dead. Don't weep - prepare.
A glorious future for the stain the KWA:
I encourage all readers to follow & post race realist comments on Patriot blogs (WRSA) & forums. We need to be heard & dispel the myth of the backwards, redneck, klan following "racist" they want to portray us as.
Fed Up Firefighter
Too bad WRSA sticks it's nose so far up a few so-called anti-racist bloggers backsides isn't it?
I am constantly amazed one day WRSA will link to Fred and then the next link to an idiot like Mosby who spouts off the same old Multi-Cult talking points.
When the economy starts really breaking down after the next financial crisis people everywhere are going to be self-reliant or they and theirs won't survive. The minorities not only lack technical skills such as small engine/machine repair, basic electronics etc. but daily habits such as preparing/storing food, dealing with people without violence etc. Without the government to hold them up they will fall down and burn down the places where they live like they have done so many times before. What's different this time is America is flat broke and there will be no rebuilding. The whites left in places like Manhattan will flee with their lives and little else leaving the minorities to inherit one Detroit/Camden/Oakland after another but without the endless stream of commerce that keeps KFC supplied, the lights on and gasoline for their "rides" with the 21 inch rims they sing about.
Multiple wig-wearing St. Pete mammy stabs her four year-old with a kitchen knife:
White coalburner & black hubby imprison & starve kids, force them to eat vomit:
Ah, Florida!! Ah, Diversity!!!
Get to work taxpayer felons need sail fawns for texts from dear leader messiah and drug deals or flash mob organizing:
Fred Reed is married to a mexican woman, not an asian.
"Achieving"!! a "C" in the dumbed down ghetto curriculums is probably comparable to a failing grade
when grades are fair!
I remember considering myself among the slackers at my middle and high school because I rarely studied and existed in a world of B's occasionally interrupted with an A in history and a C in math. I feel like a fool and a brat for not studying hard, in retrospect, as i didn't start studying very hard until university.
The idea that one makes any sacrifice to maintain a C average and deserves reward is beyond me.
A disgusting display here. Hard to believe we have com this low.
After 50 years and $ trillions flushed on trying to teach a duck to whistle, the media and government are now redefining the word ‘whistle’. Despite the pipeline of infinite resources the black race will never be civilized, as we know it. Sure they can dial a phone or punch a keyboard, but ask them to design anything or manage anything and you get coat-hanger carburetors and bankrupt Liberia. We know it. They know it. So what is the next phase in the ‘greatest shakedown in the history of the world’? Since the duck will never whistle, just call a quack a whistle. Simply change the definition of civilization. That validates all of the wasted money AND, more importantly, continues the flow. So now, instead of noun, proper verb tense, and grammar, the ‘new’ and accepted English sentence anatomy is filled with ‘MFs’, double negatives, and supplemented with body language. The new dress standards include tats, gold teeth, side-ways hats and loose fitting pants. Small head, tiny ears, flat nose, beady eyes, thick lips and black skin is now the run way model’s definition of attractive. Media and the cultural police say it is now the standard, so it must be. Violence against non blacks by blacks is now acceptable in the new standards. Music standards are now jungle beats, crotch grabbing misogynistic lyrics glorifying drugs and unlimited sex. Standardized testing must be ‘culturally adjusted’ to insure equal results. Scientific data that doesn’t validate the ‘narrative’ is unfunded, unpublished or marginalized. Affirmative action, quotas, endemic black political corruption, etc. are all the new norm and therefore anyone who speaks out or notices needs reeducation.….You see, blacks can’t become civilized in the sense we know so the government and media just change the definition of ‘civilized’…Phase two of the biggest magic trick in the history of the world. Remember, never, ever notice the clear and undeniable differences between the blacks and the rest of homo sapien sapien.
I especially love how the white writer says the lone gold medal recipient had "perfect" marks. She had an A AVERAGE. She probably had 4 A's and 3 B's.
And given that they are giving out medals for C averages, how much bending over and massaging of scores do you think they had to do to get this career A/B student's grades into the A- range?
How sad is it that in a school where writing your name at the top of a sheet of paper instead of balling it up and throwing at the teacher earns you at least a C, that an A/B student, mind you a SINGLE A/B student, is hailed as a gold medalist?
@Fed Up FF, you may be thinking of John Derbyshire. He's married to a Chinese lady. Fred Reed on the other hand is married to a Mexican lady.
I have seen black school systems and they have some A students that are as smart as white students, but the majority of the high schoolers at these schools would have trouble competing in a rigorous academic community to get average grades of C. I used to manage a group of fast food restaurants and found that students with higher grades were my best and hardest working employees and I hired every race and nationality. I had one black high school employee that was exceptional, his family (mother and father) were involved with education and his maturation and went to a 95%+ white high school. I had other black employees that went to majority 80%+ black schools and had high GPA's A and B averages, that when I talked about high school subjects appeared to be at the seventh grade level and did not know the information or subject matter. I also found black students did better in schools were they not in the majority or in parochial schools that did not accept middling performance. It was then I figured it out that these students in black majority schools were being graded on a curve possibly or the material was dumbed down. I had a college accounting course one time at a highly rated school(Big Ten) that I would not think would grade on a curve though graded on wild curve as I had the second highest grade on the test with like a 93% and the person above me got a 95% a difference was one question between us though the average class score was way under 70%. The grading went something like this a 80-100 was an A, 65-80 was a B, 45-65 was a C and rest got a D grade. I understand that giving awards is good and helps make the students feel some sort of achievement but only one in the group is pathetic with most likely dumbed down academics. This is a cultural thing as I work with Chinese and the most important thing for most families is a good education, striving for excellence for their children and this should be the same for every group with this especially hurting the black community as we have evolved into a more knowledge based economy from a labor based economy. The investment has to come from the community not government and the constant funding of a broken education system is complete waste and detrimental to the students and their community. This constant asking for higher subsidies from the federal or state government has shown nothing but decreases in academic performance as the high cost of education for urban students is highly ineffective compared to lower cost rural systems where test scores are higher. If this is not corrected by 2050 the US will be a second rate nation and even more dependent on immigrants for technology workers.
My dad was extremely poor and for my dad to go to a Catholic school in the 1930's he had to work in the lunchroom when he was 8 years cleaning for tuition. Today free breakfast, lunch and dinner are celebrated as a right for students.
It is known as a joke to people in the Chicago area.
Q. What is world's largest daycare?
A. The Chicago Public Schools as the children ages 4-20 will be fed and entertained for the day.
"We dumb down everything for the emotional benefit of the incapable."
Yes. And blacks are always the incapable ones in open competition. This is the crabs is a barrel mentality of the black culture. We have let the black undertow mentality infiltrate, and they have ruined our families, neighborhoods, and institutions, just like the infiltrate and ruin everything they touch.
Once any black individual realizes that black culture is the problem and attempts to achieve or assimilate, he is pulled right back down into the pit. With multiculturalism, this mentality has seeped into white culture. Blacks make easy slaves. They are socialists by nature. Everything belongs to everyone, and if one fails, we all fail.
Notice how it is "all of our problem" when blacks fail. It is a problem with the "youth in our country", not just black youth birthed and raised specifically by single black women in black culture. We have a "moral breakdown in society", not an infiltration of black culture and black immorality. We must call a curfew for ALL teenagers, not just feral black teenagers.
The parasitic blacks attempt to blow smoke up everyone's ass to create a universal problem that can only be "fixed" by extract more resources from whites. Only problem is that it is always a case of black dysfunction. Add Hispanics and Muslims to the list and whites always lose.
There is no mention that most white and Asian kids are from married homes, many are home-schooled, and are doing just fine. They are not violent thugs. We must always focus on the degeneracy of the underperforming blacks.
I always ask to see the breakdown by race. For crime, for academics, for youth problems, marriage rates, incarceration. Let blacks own their own problem and leave me and my kids the hell out of it.
"I encourage all readers to follow & post race realist comments on Patriot blogs (WRSA) & forums."
Conservative Treehouse is the WORST about this. They have blocked me on several occasions for race-realist comments about Jim Crow, secession, cutting welfare for blacks, mandatory sterilization and segregation. They believe that MLK and Civil Rights was our crowning achievement as a country. They demonize the south. They keep the comments sections scrubbed clean of any racial references.
The Tea Party Patriots, Freepers, Missionaries, Christian Conservatives... the are all full of white guilt and cut from the same cloth as the race-denying liberals. Can't stand them.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance conscientious stupidity"- Martin Luther King Jr.
Please remember that in these heavily black schools your attendance is factored into a grade. If you show up x amount of days a week, you get at least a D for the class. So, show up a little, sign your name to a test, answer the easiest of the multiple choice questions on a test, and you may just earn that coveted C and a bronze medal. All to uplift the downtrodden Negro who just can't catch a break from Whitey. Aybah poda hep yaw.
Al Campanis was right about the negroid's lacking of "certain necessities," and it cost him his job, in 1988. The creep of political correctness was already well underway, having been an outcome of the social upheavals of the 1960's. Given what we know about the past, and have observed, I would say that hip hop culture is a large component of why negroids and their wannabe's are, by and large, losers in life. That culture celebrates a perversion of the English language, and delights in stupidity (although there are a few quite brilliant creative people at the top of it -very few). It wasn't always like this. The negroid gave us jazz, which is a complex art form, compared to rock, or the pop pap of today. The complexity of jazz implies that there is the potential for refined development within the negroid. Hip hop celebrates the intellectual disadvantages that the negroid peoples of America have endured, as opposed to trying to correct them. Therein lies the problem.
Conservative Treehouse: Here is a latest example of the race-denial:
and the commentary:
"Well, well, well, doesn’t this little empirical fact blow holes in the protestations of the Limo-liberals. It actually does not come as a surprise because most conservatives have known for a long time the most racially divisive of all ideologies are progressive liberals."
I almost think that the Democrats have it more right on race that these Christian Republicans. At least the Dems know that blacks can be used as an effective weapon against civilization. The Repukes just look stupid. These repukes live NOWHERE NEAR AUTHENTIC BLACKS.
See how these moral Patriot whites, from their Christian high-horse, bash the progressive "limo-liberals" as being the most racially divisive group of all? The party of KKK and Jim Crow?
As if it is a contest between the "good" whites and the "bad" whites. WE aren't like THEM. And there is a nicely placed ad for Mia Love right underneath the story. These whites are all for forced desegregation via school "choice" and vouchers, which always hurt white children and white communities. And they don't ever partake in any of the damaging policies which they promote.
And they eliminate race altogether, calling the blacks "Democrats" and "Liberals."
Dont' trust these whites. They are not our friends. Their real goal is to elevate themselves beyond their redneck roots by championing the downtrodden negro and throwing "the wrong kind of white" under the bus.
Conservative Treehouse:
Here is another comment. Notice how she interjects a comment about the negro Ben Carson to elevate her status in the group. She knows a good one.
auscitizenmom says:
March 29, 2014 at 10:56 am
"You’re right, it isn’t skin color that makes the difference, it is culture. Dr. Ben Carson was raised by a single mother who couldn’t read (if I remember correctly), but she insisted he and his siblings read."
Delaware dude yet again. I am wondering about shyanne green's actual accomplishment. here in dummy-where, my friend's daughter (circa 1996) was taking 10th grade algebra. the daughter called to speak to my then wife (4 bachelor degrees and an ee) about a problem. my daughter, no math wiz but a good student was able to help her as she had done this in 7th grade in private school. further, the teacher there handed out an assignment, on paper, that had a problem of "you be on a train, your friend be on another train. if your train be going 30 mph...
upshot of the story is that my friend stormed the principal's office asking if the stupid groids had any concept of the English language. he said he was a stupid bricklayer but could put together a sentence better than this. that is how to get an arrest record in Delaware. complain about mediocrity being the new standard of excellence. as a welder, if I failed as many weld x-rays as these people screw up stuff, I would be unemployable. flat out no job. have to stop before I get a stroke now.
The future of our society will be geared toward black dysfunction and degeneracy, gender inequality, race gaps and disparate impact on NAMS, pay inequality, super special rights for black felons, and legal shakedowns as a result of microaggressions and butt-hurt feelings of the precious, noble minorities.
And the white women, Tea Party Patriotards, and the Conservative Freepers will join in with the butt-hurt minorities against YOU since you have all the resources due to slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, and past female oppression.
Get your children ready for this.
Fed Up here. Our biggest concern must be ensuring that the younger generation know the score. I'm low-30's, and there are a good amount, not a ton, but a good amount of people my age who understand the deal, and that's here in Nig York. My concern is the generation behind mine. Are there any white parents left teaching their children what ni&&ers are really all about? Are there any young parents left with the convictions to teach their children to ignore the multicult indoctrination? Our only hope is a generation of white children who are proud of their heritage and who study as hard at being strong and prepared for combat as they do at math, science, and reading.
"Paranoia is having all the facts..." William Burroughs.
Great one!
"The negroid gave us jazz, which is a complex art form... The complexity of jazz implies that there is the potential for refined development within the negroid."
Jazz was a variation of structured, civilized music created by whites, played on instruments invented by whites, by negroes who were taught by white music instructors. Early jazz was structured, with defined melodies that could be reproduced on sheet music and whistled or hummed during a brisk walk. This may have been necessitated by the length limitations of wax recording media, or player-piano rolls; or perhaps it was demanded by the white man in the studio with the five dollar bills. But jazz took an undeniable turn, after WWII, into chaotic, dissonant, unlistenable crap -- just an endless string of "riffs". Yet another data point on how Homo Africanus always reverts to the mean.
They can take their jazz music (new and old, bad and good) with them back to Africa. I can't be held to it, but if they all went home, I would uphold my end of the bargain by trashing my Fats Waller and Louis Armstrong CDs, and delete my mp3s.
Gold medals were handed out to students in the district maintaining an “A” average, while those maintaining a “B” average received silver medals, and bronze medals were given to those with a “C” average. More than 550 students in the district received one of the medals.
Well it's like Rodney Dangerfield's character said in Back to School, a C is in the top three.
Eric Holder Proposes Services To Newly Released Inmates: Could Be Obama Free Phone Part II
March 25, 2014 Rebel Rebellion III 4 Comments
On Monday, the Department of Justice announced a new program which Attorney General Eric Holder says “will require all 200-plus halfway houses in the federal system to offer standardized treatment to prisoners with mental health and substance abuse issues.” Is it just me or is anyone else wondering why if a prisoner is locked up for years, away from drugs and alcohol, would they need treatment for substance abuse once they got out?
In addition to those programs, the halfway houses will “have to provide greater assistance to inmates who are pursuing job opportunities, such as permitting cell phones to be used by inmates and providing funds for transportation.” Looks like a setup for Obama FREE phone, Part 2.
Question for mainstream conservatives who might be reading this website: "How have your outreach efforts to blacks panned out? Are they joining the Republican Party, voting conservative, demanding lower taxes and an end to affirmative action?"
If not--then what is the point of the outreach?
I believe in Jesus Christ and I am here because I want to do better for our race. I want us to survive. When the time comes I would be willing to do almost anything to help our people.
The only thing I notice is that a lot of you seem to be anti religion. Especially anti Jesus. To the the poster who said "YT in merica is getting really old and suffers from a faggot jesus religious point of view....so the aggressive races are literally knocking YT's ass out and raping their daughters every day."
Faggoty Jesus? Hey fuck you, pal! What have you in all your anti religious zealotry done to help us besides come to this blog and run your trap like you know everything? Not a damn thing! Fuck you, pal. If you don't want any help from religious people just keep saying shit like jesus is a faggot. If I met you in real life I guarantee you wouldn't call Jesus a faggot to my face you low life piece of shit. And shame on you Paul for letting him say stuff like that. I know a lot of you don't believe in Jesus but a lot of you don't believe queers should be getting married or that Negroes should be the President (like me) either but you don't attack them with the ferocity as you do religious people. If you don't want our help, FINE. From the comments I'm reading on her attacking Christianity, maybe I am in the wrong forum. Maybe the other side was right all along. We need ALL white people help. Not just a dumb redneck in the middle of an Indiana corn field. I have more resources to help our cause as a whole than any inbred farmer with a shotgun and a racist attitude in the burbs.
-Baltimore guy
Awakening Anon notes:
The Tea Party Patriots, Freepers, Missionaries, Christian Conservatives... the are all full of white guilt and cut from the same cloth as the race-denying liberals. Can't stand them.
I was banned from FreeRepublick a decade ago (for making a less than obsequious remark about Jorge W. Busheron, Amurika's first Mexican presidente). There is an excellent little aphorism which sums up the idiot-roster you mention above: Conservatism is just Marxism's retarded little brother.
I long for the day when Tim Wise, after spewing another raucous anti-White polemic, gets his ass mugged and beaten by the Vibrant Diversity he fellates in his dreams.
While a beating of someone like Wise is always a thing to give thanks for, don't be delusional. There are already multiple cases of DWL/Crystal Methodists who've been beaten to a pulp by the vibrant yootz who arise from their hospital beds with an even more fervent desire to put an end to the evil of Y.T. Rayciss.
make it rain TRUTH:
Rhodesia, formerly capable of producing enough food to feed that continent when YT was farming... turns into Zimbabwe and ethnically cleanses the YT out. And farms sit fallow. Equipment rusting or disassembled to be sold for scrap. People starve.
They've starved somewhat, but not nearly enough. You know why? Because the tax dollars extorted out of your YT hide (and the hide sof YTs enslaved in the EUSSR) go to pay for food aid for Mugabeland, which cannot feed itself any more. Mugabe and his ZANU-PF pals get the food and sell plenty to fill their fat accounts in the Cayman Islands but leave enough so that there's not a total famine. Millions of Zimbabweans have fled to South Africa, where the white farmers continue to stupidly produce food in abundance to help keep the ANC regime (planning their extermination) afloat. The migration also takes some of the pressure off Mugabe. That's not even counting the legions of dumbass white Christian Tea-Party Patriotards who go on missions to Zimbabwe to feed the starving negroes to satisfy their real god - St. Martin Loofah Keeehng. They still say they do this in the name of Jeezus, for now. They should just drop the absurd pretense and just start worshipping negroes directly.
Philadelphia Mike, here.
"Fed Up", thanks for your comments about my posts. When White men become men again, the tide will turn. I have full confidence that it will happen. Even the most timid of beasts revert to the while state when provoked enough.
"Jay Santos", you are a visionary. Your literary skills are impressive...your comments sometimes flow like prose.
Philadelphia Mike
These should appear as a headline on every blog section here (HT to Ex-New Yorker):
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize...Voltaire.
Paranoia is having all the facts... William Burroughs.
Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false...Bill Casey..CIA.
The reason people don't want to know the truth is because it interferes with what they believe...Ex New Yorker.
"Escort"-- love it!
I'm guessing it wasn't the type of escort where you get a coupon if you come back soon!
dat fred, he just be all de rascist an stuf nowaimn
It has seemed to me for many years that the world-wide black issue boils down to intelligence and statistics.
All individuals that sit for the California State Bar exam have had the same admittance requirements, which amounts to a requisite number of hours of instruction in required subjects. The Bar pass rate for blacks is consistently half that of whites. I am convinced that the reason is that most but not all black people have difficulty with abstract concepts, and no amount of education can address this intellectual failing. Black legal commentators go as far as claiming that bar graders (all of whom are recently licensed attorneys..a liberal group on the whole) recognize the racial identity of writers, and their prejudice works against black writers. How does one address that degree of rationalization?
I've also come to believe that it will take a total societal reset touched off by a currency collapse to change things in America, and the result of that reset is far from obvious. Believing that the white populace of America will suddenly wake up and understand the source of its problems is unrealistic.
It is apparent that your father's efforts reflect on your education as well!
I'm still an "anon", but I would make the plea for EVERYONE to proofread and spell-check before posting. Grammatical, spelling, and contextual errors water down the many fine points you make.
"Fuck you, pal. If you don't want any help from religious people just keep saying shit like jesus is a faggot."
Calm down, now.
He wasn't saying Jesus is a faggot, LOL. He was saying that Jesus wasn't a pacifist soft beta male, like many Christians think he was. White Christians say turn the other cheek and then offer up their innocent daughters up to the Negro gods. They push multiculturalism and school choice to destroy white families and white communities. They side with devil worshippers.
Many Christians today worship the negro instead of worshipping Jesus.
Check out this site:
Contemplate before you start complaining.
Jesus took up the sword, and so should we.
"I'm still an "anon", but I would make the plea for EVERYONE to proofread and spell-check before posting. Grammatical, spelling, and contextual errors water down the many fine points you make."
Who cares what you think? Who are you, the ghost of Lawrence Auster's?
I can sort through just about anything written here and extract a good point or two. What is your problem? Quit being a snot. Some of us are welders, laborers, and farmers by trade, not college English majors or writers.
PioneerPreppy said...
I encourage all readers to follow & post race realist comments on Patriot blogs (WRSA) & forums. We need to be heard & dispel the myth of the backwards, redneck, klan following "racist" they want to portray us as.
Fed Up Firefighter
Too bad WRSA sticks it's nose so far up a few so-called anti-racist bloggers backsides isn't it?
I am constantly amazed one day WRSA will link to Fred and then the next link to an idiot like Mosby who spouts off the same old Multi-Cult talking points.
March 28, 2014 at 11:25 PM
WRSA's racial attitude sometimes reminds me of a wobbly colt trying to stand up for the first time. They almost make it, then fall back down.
They had a real death-of-the-ego screaming match over there about a month ago on the topic of race. I grabbed a bag of popcorn, kept my "mouth" shut, and watched the fun. I believe that the regulars there have memories of their time in service, some of whom may have had their lives saved by a black, and cannot grasp that the times have changed. Others have swallowed the multicult Kool-Aid, and are hopeless.
I now just go there for intel purposes, and info on training, tactics, and strategy (although they are way too interested in playing army against the Stasi, instead of doing what will work. Plus, I'm too old and beat up to be carrying 100 lbs. of crap through the woods, especially when the fight is going to be in the cities intially).
Take away info on those subjects, ignore the rest, and get your ideological training here and at other sites.
Many times you will see me post phrases like "Silence = Death", "Break the White Silence", and "Awaken the Sleeping White Dragon."
I've even posted, "Like Smokey Bear said, 'Only YOU can prevent forest fires'."
Well, after months of internet research, applying deductive reasoning, and a careful scrutinizing analysis of all of the pieces that have been placed upon the chess board, I'm actually more encouraged than I was at the start. At worst we will have a stale mate. At best, a check mate.
We Will survive. We might, in unity with the other non blacks, actually prevail.
Right now, our best marketers...our best advertisers... for the truth about black dysfunction are the blacks themselves.
After them, our best marketers are people like PK and others like him.
To the black community I say this:
Thank you for being total failures time and time again in each and every city you inhabit...in each and every community you infiltrate.
You are doing our own work for us in spreading the truth. Your collective actions are shouting loudly and clearly of your inability to live like civilized human beings. Your violence is rising above the stilled silence of the DWL Ministry of Truth.
Keep it up, Black folk. You are making our job easier."
To my fellow European Whites, I say this:
1. Man up. Toss out that sensitivity nonsense you were fed. Don't be afraid. Keep spreading the truth. Teach your boys to be men. Teach your friends to be men. Be fearless and be strong in your beliefs.
2. No matter what happens, the blacks will still be the minority. I know that many of you are distrustful of the Mestizos. But they, for the most part, eventually assimilate. They understand the former American Dream from 2 generations ago. Sure, they have their bad apples. But the good ones by far outnumber the bad ones. It's the DWL's who are trying their best to change the Mestizo culture into an entitled negroid type culture. But I don't think the DWL's will prevail in this nefarious attempt.
3. Don’t bash the Orientals. Sometimes I see such bashing here on this blog. Their 2nd and 3rd generations ultimately aren’t much different from our own children...except that the Orientals are more goal and future time oriented.
4. Get on the internet and send words of encouragement to our European brothers and sisters who are facing White Genocide right in the Homeland. There are even sites on facebook (such as "This is Europa") where you can follow what's going on there.
5. On a national level, the Ministry of Truth keeps trying to conceal the horrors created by the black community. But as more and more of these atrocities occur beyond the perimeters of the large urban ghetto centers...as these atrocities infiltrate the smaller DWL cities and (formerly) safe non-black suburban and rural enclaves… the White minds will awaken.
Keep up the good work. Our responsibility towards social justice is to preserve civilization. To preserve our culture. We, too, have a birth right. Never forget that.
Break the White Silence
Philadelphia Mike
Right on bro. I have stopped reading and commenting on here because of of the christian bashing.
"The Bar pass rate for blacks is consistently half that of whites. I am convinced that the reason is that most but not all black people have difficulty with abstract concepts, and no amount of education can address this intellectual failing."
The exams must be rayciss & needs to be changed prehaps eliminated for homo
africanus testee's. No test 'n give'm
a pass. They get a Pass on everything else
/H hypie out H\
I think that the lone gold medalist may also be one of the few white children at Wilson Middle School inYoungstown. I can't be certain but a Google Images search leads me to believe so.
"I was banned from FreeRepublick a decade ago (for making a less than obsequious remark about Jorge W. Busheron, Amurika's first Mexican presidente)."
As was I. What is interesting is that, if you peruse the site as I occasionally do, you will discover that anyone named Bush is now RADIOACTIVE. Any mention of Jeb Bush running for president is greeted with "Stay outtda Bushes!"
It seems as if the lifespan of conservative heroes on that site is about a year. Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Allen West, Herman Cain, Dick Cheney etc. had their day in the Freeper sun but are now RINOs. Right now, Ted Cruz is the guy on the white horse.
Believe it or not, some have even criticized the Israeli amen corner!
"I've also come to believe that it will take a total societal reset touched off by a currency collapse to change things in America, and the result of that reset is far from obvious."
Which is why we have to be prepared to set the initial conditions after the reset.
"I know that many of you are distrustful of the Mestizos. But they, for the most part, eventually assimilate. They understand the former American Dream from 2 generations ago. Sure, they have their bad apples. But the good ones by far outnumber the bad ones. It's the DWL's who are trying their best to change the Mestizo culture into an entitled negroid type culture. But I don't think the DWL's will prevail in this nefarious attempt."
I think you are wrong here. Starting out by breaking immigration law is not a good start. Plus their "family values" are starting to come apart, with increasing out of wedlock births, drop-out rates etc.
Fred Reed- http://www.fredoneverything.net/Wise.shtml
To add a little more to what Fred Reed is saying, there are now 7 billion people alive in the world. Most of these are non-White people. Before the White Man invented practically the entirety of modern civilization, Earth could support only a few hundred million people. It was the White Man's technology, particularly in areas like agriculture, disease control, and transportation, the allowed these billions of colored people to even exist in the first place, some to gripe about White Privilege.
The White Man gave these priceless gifts to the whole world. Where is their gratitude?
For anyone to say that the White Man is evil, a "cancer on the human race"* is to also say that those billions of people are evil as well. This could be stated better.
*Susan Sontag, pre-Tim Wise Jewess commentator
I took a look at Tim Wise's site and the video excerpt of one of his lectures. This is one of the most horrific videos I have ever seen- exuding anti-White racist hatred, reminiscent of an Al Sharpton, a rapper, or the worst form of political demagogue. Not recommended for the faint of heart.
-Beyond Hatred
He lives in the all white white part of town, so I doubt that will happen!
To those Jesus bashers out there:
I'm not a religious zealot. In fact, my faith in anything religious is at best, shaky.
But... Tone it down, guys. The teaching of Jesus that has primarily become misused...misconstrued...is the phrase, "turn the other cheek." It, like so many other things, has been hijacked by the DWL's.
And this misuse of his teachings is nothing new.
As all of us here already know, even in the Dark Ages and Medieval times, Jesus and religion was used to oppress the masses by those in power.
So, you're blaming the wrong guy. Instead of bashing Jesus, you should focus your efforts on bashing the religious leaders who've come after him...those who condone emasculating us into docile sheep being led to slaughter.
Planet of the BRA
sonof10ac said...
" From another point of view...
imagine 200+ Iraqi or Afghan going nuts and attacking soldiers and or civilians. Be on every web, news, and T.V..
Planet of the Apes is here y'all."
The gorillas and chimps in Planet of the Apes were genetically enhanced to the point where they were able to maintain a civilization at about a 19th-century level of technology. They had guns, so they must have been able to refine and work metal. There were also scientist-chimps that were able to carry on sensible conversations.
Haiti, Detroit, Congo, etc. are not operating at this level- there's quite a difference between using a gun and being able to manufacture it.
They've sunk below the standards set in Planet of the Apes.
sonof10ac said...
Lmao. I guess if the monkeys in the movies turned their guns sideways and grabbed their junk my reference would work better. Hey. We should make that movie. Lol
March 28, 2014 at 10:07 AM
Hey, that's a good idea! Plenty of stock footage available on Youtube. Only in this version of PoA, the Whites speak English and the Blacks speak- whatever it's called.
Our intrepid young, white graduates of Evergreen State and Mills College have spent four yeas passing through the cultural-marxist mind warp, a terrifying journey that leaves them adrift from reality and without compass. In this extreme state of mental incapacitation, they crash land their SUV somewhere in Detroit. They had not heard the stories of Obama & Co.-
"The consequences of creating such hybrids could pose a hazard to communities near and far. However, the perhaps more unsettling part is realizing that it is not known what is to be predicted should the hybrids become uncontrollable."
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/2014_02_04/Human-animal-hybrids-disasters-in-the-making-2059/
-Beyond Hatred
D-FENS said...
"I've also come to believe that it will take a total societal reset touched off by a currency collapse to change things in America, and the result of that reset is far from obvious."
Which is why we have to be prepared to set the initial conditions after the reset.
Agreed. Race realists/white nationalists need to become the cadre that can pick up the pieces.
"Ebod poda hep"
Is this African for "Everybody's supposed to help"? As in, every decent normal white working man is supposed to have a part of his earnings stolen from him by force by Uncle Samantha so that Africans don't have to work? Even the all-knowing gurgle doesn't help. I've also see it as aybah poda hep.
You might be right about the Mestizos and their family values falling apart at the seams. That's very concerning to me because in the past and for the present they maintain an adversarial relationship with the blacks.
Most of the illegals who come here young and unmarried eventually have babies out of wedlock...I guess because they either cannot marry each other here legally or they just want to stay under the radar. I'm not sure which is true.
And, as such, although the father, mother, and children up until now have been living together and remaining together as a family unit, in the future that might change. And to add to the dilemma, when the babies are born, the mothers do apply for all of the entitlements available for their new born American citizen babies.
Many...many...many of our own Euro-Whites do the same, though. It's a sad state of affairs.
But as far as the Mestizos are concerned, we can only hope that this mentality is not the prevalent trend among them in general. Remember, many of them have family roots here for 2, 3, or 4 generations.
And let's not forget that the Mestizos' genetics are very different from the genetic composition of the blacks. The American indigenous populations was primarily Asian origin. Then, when the Europeans came and mixed with them, the Mestizo came to be. I tend to think that they will not sink into the depths of black dysfunction.
There is power in unity...power in numbers...with us Euro-Whites, the Orientals, and the Mestizos.
But...should the Mestizo population shift to a lower, less civilized lifestyle, then all will really be lost for the USA. We European Whites...and the Orientals...will then have no choice but to look for greener pastures on foreign shores, as did those who came before us.
Who would have thought?
Man it up, guys. Being a wimp is no longer an option. And you girls, keep the flame of civilization lit...help us spread the truth...raise your children with honor and self accountability.
Philadelphia Mike
Philadelphia Mike said ”3. Don’t bash the Orientals. Sometimes I see such bashing here on this blog. Their 2nd and 3rd generations ultimately aren’t much different from our own children...except that the Orientals are more goal and future time oriented.”
I agree, although “Asian” for purposes of my post doesn't necessarily include all of the Middle Eastern cultures. Asians and Whites do need to pull in the same direction. The fact that many of them come from hell hole countries to the US with nothing and manage to build something for their families is impressive. You will see Asian restaurants scratching out a living in areas where white people won't tread. I have long been impressed that the Korean shopkeepers and their staffs were the only group of people who manned their rooftop battle stations with rifles and shotguns in the 1992 LA riots and protected their lives and property. Everyone else, including the police, ran away and let the blacks take or destroy property and lives with impunity. The Koreans didn't worry about being PC while protecting their property and lives from the blacks. Most Asians set a pretty good example. One thing that I've notice about them is that many of them don't seem to be mechanically inclined, but what the heck.
One of my sons has learning issues. He's in high school now and is receiving mostly B's + 2 C's in chemistry and algebra 2. He went through the Learning Rx program last year. His IQ increased by 18 points and his memory is much better. I have been working on various programs with him since he was in 1st grade.
My other 2 sons get straight A's with normal effort.
There are things we can do as a nation to help our struggling students, such as Learning Rx. That program alone could eliminate 75% of Special Ed programs in the schools. It is not tutoring. It fixes the problem permanently! A whole new world opens up to anyone going through the program.
At one point, I would have been grateful if my son received all C's. Now I know better. There are things parents and teachers alike can do to TRULY make our kids better students and help them succeed.
OT: Conservative Treehouse comment: "It is NOT skin color, you racists! There are black valedictorian's, I KNOW one! The LIBERAL CULTURE is what has destroyed black people."
joshua says:
March 29, 2014 at 1:51 pm
when my hometown, in rural Texas integrated the schools which had been TOTALLY segregated forever, the first year of integration, the Valedictorian, Most Popular Kid, President of the Student Body….was a black kid whose single mother raised him while she worked as a housekeeper for white families….today, he is a doctor in a major urban city. The black teachers KNEW how to teach BLACK kids and to discipline them to RESPECT teachers, the black principals KNEW how to manage teenage black kids, the black grandmothers MADE their grandkids behave and GO TO CHURCH and speak respectfully to ADULTS.
What CHANGED was NOT skin color….what changed was liberal culture destroying the nation’s family structure, and gender roles in the social norms.
"Jesus took up the sword, and so should we."
As they do the saying to "turn your swords into plowshares" Allowing that those that DO will be plowing for those that did not.
zim bub way wants yr $, yr food, yr blood.
Rhodesia, formerly capable of producing enough food to feed that continent when YT was farming... turns into Zimbabwe and ethnically cleanses the YT out.....
They've starved somewhat, but not nearly enough. You know why? Because the tax dollars extorted out of your YT hide (and the hide sof YTs enslaved in the EUSSR) go to pay for food aid for Mugabeland,
When asked What would Jesus do one might offer the lashing of corrupt merchants and overturning the tables of money-changers as a possibility.
Context. Etymology. Think.
Philadelphia Miguel: "But...should the Mestizo population shift to a lower, less civilized lifestyle, then all will really be lost for the USA."
FFS, enough with the mexican-worship already. I dont care if you know a good one. People know good blacks too, and neither example counters the overall trends at work.
The Mextizos are the brown trolls who wandered over here from Asia. They are differentiated from the Latin American elites, by having the least amount of European DNA possible. What was the default behavior of the Mextizo, before the Euros arrived? They were bloodthirsty savages who sacrificed virgins to their god(s), and played some kind of soccer with human heads instead of balls or coconuts. In many areas where they had been humanized, gentrified, civilized, what-have-you, by the Catholic Church, you see them reverting back to savagery in the form of Santa Muerta and the creepy death marches.
Have you also failed to notice the wholesale killing that's plagued Mexico and C.America in recent years? Honduras is about the #1 murder capital of the world. How did that happen?? And don't try to blame the Mexican slaughters on some libertarian myth involving drug money and market economics. Money does not miraculously turn civilized people into thoughtless killers; otherwise they'd be filming "The First 48 Hours" on Wall Street instead of the ghettos.
Miguel: "[D-FENS] might be right about the Mestizos and their family values falling apart at the seams. That's very concerning to me because in the past and for the present they maintain an adversarial relationship with the blacks."
So this is your grand strategy of puckering up to the mexicans?? Make them believe we're on the same side, so they'll do your dirty work for you against the blacks? You deserve to lose your neighborhood and country. How many times do voting polls need to be posted, showing 70-80% of mexicans and Asians voting the D-line all the way? And especially voting for Obama? Does that tell you nothing about how much they hate whites -- that they'd vote a negro for president just to spite us?
"Remember, many of them have family roots here for 2, 3, or 4 generations."
So why, when I phone any 800-number, am I told to PRESS ONE FOR ENGLISH, or BLAH BLAH TACO BURRITO PARA DOS ??? Because of the bang-up awesome A-Number-One job they've done in assimilating???? Into MY COUNTRY???
These so-called attacks against mexicans and Asians that break your heart here (and elsewhere) are almost never out-of-the-blue, and almost always in response to posts like yours, blowing rainbow sunshine up their asses and telling us how wonderful they all are. It's bullshit, and we're not buying it. If you don't like seeing the "attacks", then stop provoking them.
Anon at 2:33 is "impressed that the Korean shopkeepers and their staffs were the only group of people who manned their rooftop battle stations with rifles and shotguns in the 1992 LA riots and protected their lives and property."
Little-known fact: just about all of those shops had ZERO business insurance, because the T-shirts and whatnot were sold at such slim profit margins, that they couldn't afford the premiums. Also, the continued state of declared war against N.Korea has kept their men in good fighting form. Even though they've been in a non-firing standoff most of the time, their basic training is still serious business. 20 years ago, a guy told me it was on par with US Special Forces training (but that could have been attributed to Korean "humility"). S.Korean units were also notoriously vicious when fighting in Vietnam, and I imagine at least a couple of those guys were in L.A. some 20 years later.
Plus their "family values" are starting to come apart, with increasing out of wedlock births, drop-out rates etc.
Not 'starting to', has always been.
Look at the welfare rates vs population statics for Hispanics, look at the school drop outs for them, gang membership in Los Angeles is made up of over 60% illegals. Incarceration rates for Hispanics vs population is on par with blacks. So is the rate of out of wedlock children.
Then look up the ten most wanted...MOST of them are Hispanic.
They are JUST AS BAD as any black. I want nothing to do with either group.
To Anonymous at 5:04 PM
I'm still laughing at your post.
Philadelphia (Miguel) Mike, here. Hahahaha.
So looking for a strategy to maintain our White culture (that includes Mestizos and Orientals)...in order to prevail over the collective black destructiveness that is permeating our nation...now makes me a "Miguel". Que bueno !
If you really believe what you've said, then I'm laughing even more at your inability to understand strategy and allies.
Your intelligence (or lack of) will only hurt us, not help us. Your illogical arguments just don't seem very well thought out. Nothing that I said would provoke any type of violent black behavior against Orientals or Mestizos. What gives???
And, BTW, the illegals are not the ones who started the phone menus in Spanish. Big business did, looking for more bucks.
And...the court decisions about discriminating against White US flag wearers over Mestizo Mexican flag wearers was a DWL decision.
Don't you GET IT? The DWL's and Ministry of Truth are trying their hardest to keep the Mestizos separate from us, thereby preventing their assimilation into White culture. The DWL, BRA, and Ministry of Truth all understand that a united White/Oriental/Mestizo front is unstoppable. The blacks would be no match whatsoever for such a barrage standing their ground (so to speak) against black dysfunction.
Call my strategy whatever you want, Mestizo worship...oriental worship...no matter what YOU name it is irrelevant because you just don't get it.
Furthermore, ANY crime committed against ANY non-black by the hand of black violence, in my book, is a crime against humanity. And any violent action taken against any animal by the hand of black violence is a thing to mourn as well.
Wise up, mister. Learn to be a team player. Understand that in our present cultural war, 3 against 1 is a whole lot better than 1 against 1 against 1 against 1 against 1.
Get it now?
Philadelphia Mike
Today's A grade would have been a D- 40 years ago. When I attended a Big 10 university in the early 1970s, roughly half of every freshman class would routinely flunk out and/or transfer to an easier college. Now, due to AA and grade inflation, it's quite the opposite. The number of elective courses, i.e., The History of Rap 242, has increased five-fold while traditional course requirements in history, literature, natural sciences and philosophy have been eliminated.
Anon at 5:15 PM said ”Also, the continued state of declared war against N.Korea has kept their men in good fighting form. Even though they've been in a non-firing standoff most of the time, their basic training is still serious business. 20 years ago, a guy told me it was on par with US Special Forces training (but that could have been attributed to Korean "humility"). S.Korean units were also notoriously vicious when fighting in Vietnam, and I imagine at least a couple of those guys were in L.A. some 20 years later.”
I don't doubt what you posted. Many years ago when I was in college I enrolled in a Karate class for fun. One day I saw a Korean student work over a heavy bag with a series of very hard punches and kicks thrown faster than you could count, and he wore a black belt. I asked him where he learned to do that, and he explained that normal high school physical education in Korea included Karate, and pretty much everyone earns a black belt. They didn't mess with all the colored belts that we have in the US to reward progress, they just went straight to black belt. Highly motivated, intelligent, and a very non-negroid mentality.
"Little-known fact: just about all of those shops had ZERO business insurance"
The Koreans said we don't need no stinkin insurance, we have the 2nd Amendment.
Well I think it is time to add a little levity for your reading enjoyment.
My grandpa had a farm with some nice woods, open fields, and small creek running right down the middle. His Midwestern farm town had a small negro population. During the depression, my grandpa used to sell some of the wild game he shot on the farm to earn a little grocery money. He kept the rabbits, squirrels, quail for the family.
The plentiful opossums he sold to a black man on a regular basis. Grandpa would both skin and clean them for him. This turned into a nice little income when literally pennies mattered during a tough time. Well grandpa was a race realist and so to earn a little more money, stray cats suddenly showed on up on menu. As grandpa used to say, hell the coloreds will eat anything carp, coots, muskrats,... they'll never know the difference. You know of course that old black man told my grandpa that was the tastiest opossum he ever did eat. Not many cats left in that part of town after a while. My grandpa loved to tell story and we all would laugh our as off. Any time the subject of negro's would come up at family gatherings, this story got told and re-told many times. I'll tell it to my grandkids when they old enough.
You got to start them early folks, before the demo-commies and the government begin their brainwashing. They aren't like us and never will be.
All Asian cultures are not the same.
You have the Japanese, who have built a clean, orderly civilization (of course, we had to break them completely down 60 years ago to get there). The South Koreans, Taiwanese, Cantonese and some Han Chinese seem to get it.
However, you have a couple billion pygmy types that still wipe their asses with their hands, shit directly into rivers, and haven't done a damned thing of technological significance since the Middle Ages. Look at India -- despite 300 years of British influence, plus any and all American jobs that remotely resemble white collar -- a third world cesspool with the worst, most incompetent engineers on the planet.
These so-called attacks against mexicans and Asians that break your heart here (and elsewhere) are almost never out-of-the-blue, and almost always in response to posts like yours, blowing rainbow sunshine up their asses and telling us how wonderful they all are. It's bullshit, and we're not buying it.
Fair enough. I don't think they're wonderful, myself, and would be happier if they were still in Mexico. The Mexican upper class figured out that after NAFTA destroyed the agricultural economy that had employed their campesinos, they'd make the gringos pay by sending them to El Norte.
But still.... I was recently in Mexico, and I have to say I liked them. More than that, I liked Mexico. It felt like a real country, with people who had a shared identity. Their popular music was pleasant to listen to on cab rides, and such, not the crap that originates in the black ghetto like we have.
Oh, and when a gringo enters the country, they get a card stamped at immigration that has to be turned back in when they leave. They learned once about letting whites into their country, and set policies to keep Mexico Mexican. We could learn something from them.
First time commenter here, long time reader. These pro-Chicano comments I find very interesting...And terrifyingly ignorant. I ask you: Have you ever lived in a majority-Hispanic (or even, say, 20 or 30 % Hispanic/Chicano) community in America (i.e. LA County, Texas, places in Arizona, etc.)? I have. And I moved far, far away from it when I realized what was going on. You honestly think that the Chicanos are more advanced than blacks? Give me a fucking break. 30 million illegal immigrants milking the system (please...research the term "Welfare" coupled with "LA County" and "Illegal Immigrants" and report back to this site with your findings) and millions more imitating the thug culture of blacks and long-time posters are espousing the virtues of the Chicano. Would you like a taco with that? -Sierra Nevada
" S.Korean units were also notoriously vicious when fighting in Vietnam,"
TRUE! I worked with the ROK units as an adviser/trainer in the late 60s in Laos and Cambodia and they were ruthless. The same could be said of the Thai King Cobras
Anon March 30th, 2014 @ 2:20 a.m.
I left Los Angeles in 1987 and you're absolutely right. Those who haven't lived in a Mestizo infested environment have no idea whatsoever what they're embracing which is their own displacement and/or relegation to 2nd or 3rd class citizen in their own country.
Word to the wise, people- Mestizo's/Chicano's play the race card just as much as blacks do and for the same reasons. They don't want to assimilate, they want to dominate demographically and take full control and that means kicking your white ass to the curb while they celebrate the victory of "the race" or La Raza.
Wise up!
Right on bro. I have stopped reading and commenting on here because of of the christian bashing.
You need to face the hideous reality that the majority of that which calls itself Christianity is devoted to our extermination. Do I really have to remind you of the leader of the RC Church's recent episode of groveling at the feet of the hordes of invading Musloid and African colonists on Lampedusa Island? About the well-heeled "Christian" agencies (Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and others) who are at work helping Negro Musloid Somalians colonize places like Minnesota and (now) Wyoming? (Where some of their activities include child-prostitution rings). The fact that not a single Christian leader - from the effete "Pastor Rick" to the elderly Billy Graham - has even mentioned, much less condemned, the ongoing genocide of white Christian Afrikaners in Southern Africa? They sure celebrate dead communists like St. Martin the Adulterer and Mandela the Holy though.
Even self-styled "traditionalists" like Ann Barnhardt don't bother to mention the genocide campaign directed at YT. Barnhardt, despite all her posturing as a pre-Vatican II old-order Catholic is in fact a Novus ordo gal in many respects. She grovels at the feet of those referred to by Jesus himself as "The Synagogue of Satan", and before every magic negro she can find. No mention at al about the open borders agenda and its purpose. She recently launched into a bigoted attack on Russians and the Orthodox there as (mongoloid barbarians) over Ukraine because she sides with George Soros and Lindsay Graham in their strategy of surrounding Putin. Putin may well be a "John Gatti on Steroids" (to borrow a description from Whiskey) but -in complete contrast to all western leaders and elites - he at least doesn't actively seek to exterminate Russians from the face of the earth. One cannot honestly make the same claim for any large segment of what calls itself Christianity today, from Hi-Fellatin' Franny the Grand Pontiff of Pooftery to the smarmy "Pastor Rick" to most of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Most of Christianity is the enemy. It's time you face that ugly reality.
"The Mexican upper class figured out that after NAFTA destroyed the agricultural economy that had employed their campesinos" - the thing that destroyed their agricultural economy was their devaluing the peso in response to NAFTA - before the ink was even dry we had to bail them out of a self inflicted currency crisis created for the express purpose of gaming NAFTA. NAFTA itself has seen Billions pumped into the mexican economy every year, turning Americas trade with Mexico away from a slight trade surplus to a massive trade deficit.
If the mexican worker was hurt by all this, he might want to more closely examine the mentally retarded parasites that rule over him.
Philadelphia Mike, here.
I do concede that I'm only speaking from the Philadelphia/Delaware/South NJ experience where the Mestizo communities are generally tranquil and the black ghettos are, as expected, very violent.
I will admit to a lack of knowledge in regard to the California/Southwest USA experience with the Mexican community.
Philadelphia Mike
I will admit to a lack of knowledge in regard to the California/Southwest USA experience with the Mexican community.
Take a vacation in the South West or anywhere they've managed to infest in the United States, and become the majority, for one week.
You'll want NOTHING to do with them after that.
There is no difference between them and blacks, none at all.
If the mexican worker was hurt by all this, he might want to more closely examine the mentally retarded parasites that rule over him.
I don't know about the Mexican worker. But the guys growing corn for the domestic market were wiped out by imports of US corn. These were the lowest of the low in Mexico, the equivalent of the black sharecroppers who came north to wreck Detroit and Chicago. The Mexican over class was happy to be rid of them.
I think this is the source of the difference that Philly Mike and I have on Mestizos. There are plenty of them around NYC, but the city is 8mm people. They couldn't take over and form a dominant culture here or in Philly like they did in LA and are doing in AZ. As a result, they are conforming to the regional standards more than the Mexican one (maybe distance from Mexico helps here), and lord do they hate them some blacks.
get them to 40% or more like California has done, and it's over. THEY set the terms of the discussion, not the dominant group.
As far as liking the people and culture of Mexico, I think that's because the people I met there WEREN'T Mexican sharecroppers, but lower middle class. Imagine we got rid of the bottom 40% of negroes to Canada. The remaining 60% would simply not be as bad, like the experience of Mexicans still in Mexico.
For those who are continuing to make excuses or state that Mexicans and Asians are not that bad are either very naive or making money off these people.
My husband just sold his home in south Florida. We've been gone a little over two weeks. We are in a 95% white town and its Mayberry all over again. There are whitopias that have 95% plus whites. They're not cool and trendy towns. Most of them only have a few amenities, but that's OK with me. I create my own fun.
I lived in large cities for 30 years. I'm done with muds. The mestizos for the most part are a filthy nasty race. Those who say they want to immigrate are clueless. They don't want to assimilate, they want to dominate.
Let me tell you what happens when mestizos dominate. All the grocery stores turn Hispanic. The only ones who speak English are management and they do begrudgingly. They don't hire whitey. Many of the stores are openly hostile to whites.
This is what they do to your neighborhoods. They use the streets as a racetrack with their shitty rice burners. They play loud nasty screeching tuba mestizo music at 3am and the cops do nothing. On trash day their stuff is scattered everywhere because they don't believe in trash bags. Not to mention the loud annoying ice cream trucks up and down all day long.
Blacks? Don't get me started. Open dealing drugs on the street corner. You can't even go to a Walmart on the weekends. Especially when the food stamps load. I feel sorry for the white clerks who work at these stores.
As for the precious Asians? They're light skinned negroes. They're greedy, conniving and racist as hell against anyone who isn't yellow. Any white man who marries one deserves what he gets.
Living in an all white world is lovely. So is boring white small towns.
I have a white world now and it is wonderful.
A response to Anonymous at March 29, 2014 at 3:13 PM
Regarding your excerpt of the "joshua says" comment (especially the part about "the black grandmothers MADE their grandkids behave and GO TO CHURCH and speak
respectfully to ADULTS"):
IMHO, the Liberals' denigration of Christianity is in large part responsible for the emergence of black ghettos and the tribalization" of urban/ inner city blacks.
Back before the Civil Rights era, MOST blacks did live in normal family units (parents plus children). Most also went to church, where they learned (in addition to the "thou-shalt-not"s) that EVERYBODY (no matter what skin color) has hardships in life and EVERYBODY (no matter the skin color) falls short of perfection. A Christian upbringing encourages civilized behavior by emphasizing that (1) we are all children of the same God; (2) therefore everybody else out there is our brother; and (3) that our tribulations are a means and opportunity to "overcome our lesser selves" and to grow past our resentments and narcissism.
It is a great, GREAT shame that we as a country have largely lost this point of view.
Especially in light of the Forbidden Truth that blacks are by-and-large not as bright as the rest of us. Put yourself in the place of some poor Jarvoniyus who can't make sense of the squiggles on the blackboard. It must be terribly frustrating! After a couple years of day-after-day failure, it's no wonder the poor kid wants to be anywhere else but at school. And it's no wonder that such a kid blames "the system" and wants to punish those who "have it easy" and make him feel so bad. Now toss in the current glorification of "thug culture", which promotes immediate gratification of impulses (rather than self-restraint) and in which gang membership becomes a false equivalent to the love and guidance of a normal family.
Genetics is genetics, and IQ is IQ; but back before the Professional Race Hustlers started poisoning kids' minds with the "victimhood" mythology, most black kids DID leave high school knowing how to read and write and do basic math.
That's why I just shut up here. Apparently even here comments are to be self-censored when it comes to getting to gritty re the groid, but conservative Christian-bashing all day long, even when I have been a financial contributor and haven't asked for free books for my donation, though I have bought books, is just fine.
Just because some here seem to be unaware of it, there are plenty of fundamentalist Christians who do not now and have never held with miscegenation, and have repeatedly backed it up Scripturally. We have laid just as low as most pro-whites except amongst ourselves and truly potential converts, so no one can point the finger on that account. How many here waltz into work and announce that they despise niggers?
At least we keep our kids out of public school, and even out of most private schools because of the racial and leftist propaganda.
But there are those here who see this opportunity at this site to discuss racial matters, as their chance to get in their licks against Christians too.
Fine, they can have it.
I continue to read, because the site is still more informative than most, but as far as participation, I am in a "party of one" (outside of my church and family) as a race realist.
Lady, you said it. I know even some pro-whites sneer at the desire of some of us (whites) to just live safely and cleanly amongst our own, in small, rural, out-of-the-way places, and we will make our own fun. How much "fun" are all those big city amenities anyway when you have to play "dodge the groid" to use the ones they haven't destroyed anyway by just showing up in large feral packs? Like "Taste Of Chicago", for instance?
I'm glad I'm not the only California attorney who reads this board.
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