What was it they
What was it they knew would happen?
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Once America's great cities, now Baltimore is nothing more than Bodymore, Murderland |
was it they knew would happen and attempted to stop? [Garrett Power,
Apartheid Baltimore Style: the Residential Segregation Ordinances of 1910-1913,
42 Md. L. Rev. 289 (1983)]:
On May 15, 1911, Baltimore Mayor J. Barry Mahool, who was known as an earnest advocate of good government, women's sufferage, and social justice, signed into law "lain ordinance for preserving peace, preventing conflict and ill feeling between the white and colored races in Baltimore city, and promoting the general welfare of the city by providing, so far as practicable, for the use of separate blocks by white and colored people for residences, churches and schools."(p. 289)
More than 100 years later, Baltimore represents the irrefutable
proof that the preservation of peace and the prevention of conflict is
impossible in a multiracial society; it’s also proof that such characteristics in a largely black society are
impossibilities as well, with every quality of life metric trending downward in The City that Bleeds.
The state of Baltimore 100 years ago, as of America’s great
cities, was a reflection of white individuals accomplishments, lives, and
vocations aggregated together to showcase the wondrous capabilities of what a
European melting pot could create; Baltimore today is a reminder that once black
political power becomes enshrined via a black demographic majority, all social
capital immediately evaporates.
Civilization recedes to the mean.
Civilization recedes to the mean.
Obviously the white leaders of Baltimore, circa 1910, had
empirical evidence of what could be unleashed if mechanisms weren’t put in
place to safeguard the civilization they created. Returning to Garrett Power’s 1983 essay, we learn:
Between 1880 and 1900 Baltimore's black population increased 47% from 54,000 to 79,000. During this same period, the city's white population was increasing by 54%. Hence, while the black population was increasing by 25,000 people, the proportion of blacks in the population was on a slight decline.
Negro newcomers with little money and limited job opportunities sought out the cheapest housing in town. They rented shanties and doubled up in small houses, resulting in Baltimore's first sizeable slums. The first slum to reach maturity was "Pigtown" in Southwest Baltimore. A contemporaneous account from 1892 describes it as follows:
Open drains, great lots filled with high weeds, ashes and garbage accumulated in the alleyways, cellars filled with filthy black water, houses that are total strangers to the touch of whitewash or scrubbing brush, human bodies that have been strangers for months to soap and water, villainous looking negroes who loiter and sleep around the street corners and never work; vile and vicious women, with but a smock to cover their black nakedness, lounging in the doorways or squatting upon the steps, hurling foul epithets at every passerby; foul streets, foul people, in foul tenements filled with foul air; that's "Pigtown." (p. 290)
this 1892 description of a black Baltimore community eerily capture the essence
behind the concept of “blight” and the rational for “urban renewal” in 2014?
a city where “hung juries” are now the trend – because
black members of juries don’t want to convict black criminals; victims of,
in their minds, a racist judicial system
– and a 2010 race to be Baltimore’s top prosecutor became a racial
free-for-all as to the white challenger was considered too tough on (black)
crime by the long-time black female chief prosecutor, it should be obvious the
“preservation of peace” is impossible. [Race
for top prosecutor has racial backdrop: Each
side plays to base, analysts say, Baltimore
Sun, 8-21-2010]
“Conflict and ill feeling” is now the hallmark of racial
relations in contemporary Baltimore, with the endless onslaught of black crime
and homicide excused
With a clear black majority, Baltimore is now a city where
civilization is ebbing into the nothingness of barbarism; with remnants of a
once thriving civilization as a backdrop the chaos white men in 1910 dared try
and keep in check.
While sons of the generation that had dared to defend the
integrity of white Baltimore went off to fight fascism in Europe and the Yellow Peril
in Pacific, the American home-front saw a force unleashed that has proven more
final in its judgment than that of an atom bomb.
Edited by Elizabeth Fee, Linda Shopes and Linda Zeidman,
the early 1980s The
Baltimore Book: New Views of Local History offers one
of the most depressing anecdotes of the unintended consequences of World War
II… the long-term defeat of the United States as a superpower:
But during and immediately following World War II, an expanding black population created explosive housing pressures. By the late 1940s and early 1950s, the demand for housing finally resulted in black settlement in adjacent white areas to the west of Fulton.
Following a pattern long established in Baltimore race relations, when blacks moved in, whites rapidly moved out. One black resident of the area remembers this episode of white flight:
Black people started moving out of confined areas somewhere around 1947 or 1948, but what would happen was that whites would evacuate a block or two blocks, and black people would move in. The evacuation would take place first. I remember streets like Fulton Avenue, Monroe Street – they were once totally white, and they went through the transition and changed somewhere between 1946 and 1949 – that was the time I was in the service. When I went in, there were no black people and when I came out, they were black streets… But it wasn’t integration… it was an evacuation.While the movement of the color line brought new housing opportunities to some, the older section of black homes east of Fulton Avenue deteriorated in the post-World War II period. A 1944 Baltimore Sun reporter wrote: “Homes are very badly in need of repair and paint; dead rats lie in the street where they were crushed by automobiles; alleys are littered with debris and foul-smelling garbage; lots where homes formerly stood are covered with a thick layer of ashes.” (p. 210 – 211)
America was exceptional because of
the combined individual life experiences of the white population, whose ability
to create social capital where civilization could then flourish is the primary
reason every other nation on earth sees their citizens flock to the USA today.
That’s it.
What was it they knew?
What was it they dared try and keep
from overwhelming civilization?
Homicide in the city has, for
decades, been almost
exclusively a black problem. And with Baltimore firmly enshrined in pop
culture, via shows like Homicide and The Wire as one of America’s most
violent cities, it’s not wonder the celebration of a year without 300 murders
was greeted as overcoming a “psychological hurdle” by members of the white
business community. [Fewer
than 300 homicides at last: Crime: For
the first time in more than a decade, Baltimore's toll for a year breaks a
barrier that it had seemed impossible to breach only months ago., Baltimore Sun,
You don't want people being murdered on your streets, regardless of the reason or cause," said Donald P. Hutchinson, president of the Greater Baltimore Committee, a consortium of business executives.
The group has pumped $350,000 into various crime-fighting efforts, studies and the hiring of a prosecutor to target gun offenders, arguing that the high homicide rate and violent reputation has hurt Baltimore's standing in the business community.
For the most part, homicides are concentrated in depressed areas of the city, away from downtown and many residential areas. But Hutchinson said he feels uneasy walking in parts of other cities, such as Atlanta and New Orleans, and imagines that visitors feel the same about Baltimore.
The homicide rate, he said, "has a tremendous psychological impact outside the city."
homicide rate is a reflection of the aggregated
experiences of black individuals, proud members and representatives of the
black community in Baltimore.
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David Simon is wrong in The Wire and Homicide: it's not drugs, it's not the legacy of slavery.. it's simply blacks (though that's good finger placement on the Glock) |
Hutchinson's statement should read, “the black population has a tremendously
negative psychological impact inside the city, reflected in pop culture’s image
of the city as America’s most violent.”
you understand what white people in 1946-1949 were evacuating from now?
you understand what white people, in charge of Baltimore back in 1910, were
trying to protect their white posterity from yet?
about this. [Grave
Markers: Spray-painted wall and
makeshift shrines remember the young black men lost to the street., Baltimore Sun,
The young man is tapping the name on the concrete wall of 2510 E. Biddle St., tapping it insistently, emphatically, as he makes his point. This name, spray-painted here and across the street and around the corner, these words, "1 Love Dre 1975-1999," were not left randomly to disrespect property and community.
"Don't disrespect this by calling it graffiti," he says. "This is a piece of my heart right here."
His name is Troy, and pieces of his heart are all around East Biddle Street and Milton Avenue: "RIP Dre The good die young. Last days."
Tombstones cover one wall across the street: Dre, Knuckles, Shawn, Wayne, all of them gone, but not forgotten. Remembered by Troy and other young men in the one public way they feel they are allowed.
"All We Got Is Us," they have painted on one wall.
They all know one another. They grew up together, the dope dealers and gunslingers, friends and relatives, all of them running together in neighborhoods as close-knit and tight as any other. Only here the scourge of drugs and crime and urban decay has settled in for a long, long stay. Theirs is a world of boarded-up homes and burned out rowhouses and this question: "I wonder if heaven got a ghetto?"
On some walls, the names overlap, fresh tags stark against older ones faded by rain and sun and time, reminders of the more than 3,000 people killed in Baltimore in the last 10 years. These young men live with that violence, locked as they are in an embrace of life and death and memory and respect.
Dre's friends say they would never think of going to a graveyard, sitting down with a bouquet of flowers and weeping. That is not their way. A candlelight vigil? Be real, they say. Imagine a dozen young black men gathering in a rough part of town to remember a dead friend. The police cars would be rolling up. So, none of that.
But this you can do, they say, paint a name on a wall, smoke some marijuana, drink a 40-ounce or two of malt liquor and pour one out for Dre, or Shawn, and stand on the spot where a bullet took his life.
Across town, the brothers at Edmondson and Fulton avenues are working the cell phones like mad. Everybody has one. They are constantly flipping them open, then closing them, flipping them open again for a 15-second conversation.
Not much to say. The walls say it all. "RIP Duncan 99; RIP T-Kelly 00; RIP Vic 01," each name penned on a separate brick.
A few feet away, Lil Tee-Tie has a tag. He's still alive. But gone. Most likely for the rest of his life. He's doing triple life plus 60 years.
They remember their own.
"10-15 Years From Now Yall Gonna Miss A Nigga Like Duncan." That's Shine's message to the world, his last word about his cousin.
At East Preston and Ensor streets, Mo, Gillette, Lou and the others have gone beyond the RIP theme. They already have a wall dedicated to "Lipton" and "T. J. Money" and "Wilcox." Now they are leaving empty liquor and beer bottles on the stoop of the boarded up house where Mo spent the first 23 years of his life.
The neighborhood people covered the stoop with empty bottles. Then, they say, the police took every one. The young men brought more. And so it went. There might be 100 now, empty Hennesseys and Remy Martins, Steel Reserve 211s and Coronas. Mo left a magnum of Heineken.
"I know if they look down they're smiling because we ain't forgot them," says Gillette. "Every drink we tip out, they get some."
Every drink poured out, remembering some hood rats' life in
Baltimore (mowed down by some other black male), is another reminder the black
undertow will always overwhelm civilization.
What was it they knew?
That race is real and civilization is fragile.
What was it they tried to keep from happening?
Those who are responsible for civilization from “evacuating” from what and where their ancestors worked hard every day of their lives to create; now, those same
streets serve as the macabre setting for… makeshift memorials to dead blacks, gunned down members of their own community.
The American experiment has failed.
The American experiment has failed.
Beautifully written article and pinpoints the reality of the problem with laser precision.
Now, if the damn government would only stop feeding and breeding these damn things (negroes), we might have a chance.
Caesars is opening a casino in Baltimore this year
what are they thinking?
P.K. a very well thought out,and expessed piece,i have a hard time reading them sometimes cause they make me weep with anger & frustration ,that we as a nation allowed this to happen we quit the space program for this,my god p.k. what have we done to deserve the obliteration of our people & our once great nation,i pray our children can forgive us for what we have unleashed upon this earth... royal oak dude..
at this moment I sit in the Monster Tent at Butler Park. I have a platinum badge that allows me full access to all things Sxsw. Its truly amazing the logistics behind pulling off such an event. its truly amazing to see all the technologies on the horizon, all made by white people. At the interactive trade show that is all you see. Same thing with the gaming expo. But I see the ruination in the distance. The negroes heavily invade downtown Austin for the music part of the festival. Every year it gets worse. They never have badges, they're loud, abrasive, walk side by side slowly along the side walk, hanging out on the corners, swarming in and around the convention center, everyone of them an inspiring rapper it seems, that is unless they are busy running people over. Every year gets worse. *sigh. If y'all ever get the chance, Yale should check it out before it gets too bad. I say its got a year or two. SXSW seems to break their collective necks putting on all these hip hop shows for people who don't buy badges. or wristbands. or anything. Every year they seems to be more hip hop shows, and now we get to see the horror of too many black people a la vehicular murder, muggings, fighting, etc. etc. I've never seen so many blacks in Austin. its a sickening feeling. thank god when the festival is over they will go away.
Baron Munchausen
Pigtown? For real?
The name alone made me smile. The description of that unholy shithole made my day. Angry stupid blacks deserve every bit of it.
Isn't black culture a trip? Do they make a concerted effort to fulfill and confirm every negative stereotype about blacks? Unemployed (sorry...unemployable) thugs having incessant 15 second conversations on their Obamaphones. Graffiti tributes to their slain homies. Steel Reserve. Oh and the Remy. Gotta have the Remy cuz Dr. Dre name-checked it so you know it's classy.
"Dre's friends say they would never think of going to a graveyard, sitting down with a bouquet of flowers and weeping. That is not their way"
Indeed. Not their way Sitting in a graveyard crying over a lost one would be so human, so civilized, so... white. Instead roll a joint, drink a malt liquor, and deface someone's property with graffiti. These are the savages we're dealing with.
From cradle to grave, a parasite supported by WORKING AMERICANS tax dollars. Stop it now! Generation after generation supported by TAXES!
We have our own Thug Hatchery (the projects)in College Station. No trees, bushes or even grass. Just loud, stupid blacks.
@ anonymous 4:01
Caesars (actually the Gilbert family of the Cleveland Cavaliers) is building it as a giant minority project. The casino GM is an Affirmative Action hire, shepherded through the ranks despite unbelievable incompetence. The Danegeld to get the license was to promise 40% of the contracts for goods and services to minority vendors. The company has clear and discriminatory policies in hiring, promoting, and firing. If you are a gay, woman, or colored, you are untouchable. If you are a white man, you are targeted for extermination.
With $23 Billion in deb, that cluster fornication is going Chapter 11 this year anyway.
Caesars is opening a casino in Baltimore this year
what are they thinking?
I think our founding fathers would have been against representation without taxation. The constitution needs another amendment but I think its too late now.
"10-15 Years From Now Yall Gonna Miss A Nigga Like Duncan.", LOL.
when i read the words blacks speak i cringe, its horrifying
PK excellent piece! Crisp, focused ,relentless!
Ex New Yorker here.....Dre and Shawn dey be daid an sheet. Dey be kilt. Boo Hoo. Dat po Lil Tee Tie bees in da slammer fo 300 years. Dat not rite he din do nuffin. Boo Hoo. My bro Mo be lookin' down fum da gang banger heaven an sheet an dat be real, You feel me.
This is some kind of morbid frigging freak show. Booze bottles and spray paint memorials for dead welfare leeches. Graffiti on the walls for the heroes of the hood. You can't make this shit up. Who lives like this.
Towns like this are DEAD ZONES where there are no signs of life. Only death. Like some kind of black hole dug into the earth that sucks in all life around it. Soulless beings on a rampage of destruction with no respect for life. Only the dead are honored. No sign of life. Just blood stained streets with the bodies of dead animals. Like rats in a cage. Zombies who's only joy is found in killing other zombies. Dead zones where robbing, raping and killing becomes the norm. Mean streets and overcrowded prisons while the dead homies find glory in heaven. Who are these people. It's like some kind of invasion from a parallel universe. A universe of death.
As others have noted, nice work PK.
"The neighborhood people covered the stoop with empty bottles. Then, they say, the police took every one. The young men brought more. And so it went. There might be 100 now, empty Hennesseys and Remy Martins, Steel Reserve 211s and Coronas. Mo left a magnum of Heineken.
"I know if they look down they're smiling because we ain't forgot them," says Gillette. "Every drink we tip out, they get some."
For millennia man has contemplated life, its meaning and its end. Great and enduring religions were built upon the concept of "what's next". Despite a few thousand years of this inquiry, the negroes in the hood have worked out their own complex approach to this eternal question. A cunning and ambitious man could make his fortune establishing an authentic negro, ghetto religion. Ah, what am I thinking. The Democrats already delivered that.
That excerpt from Pigtown was EPIC. That should be etched on a stone tablet and placed in a time capsule.
@ Baron reporting live from poseurfest this one is for you:
Blacks mastering high technology is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.
Sir Fred Hoyle
One definitely doesn't need a crystal ball to see the obvious effects of a black population and the deterioration that will go unabated when they take control.
It's getting harder to endure this garbage. I assume there will be war. We not only have to accept a complete destruction all around but we aren't supposed to complain either. The bottle will explode. Our controllers, the enablers of the black undertow, will regret their actions.
On a side note, WND, the supposedly ultra conservative free speech zone, blocks people's comments and has full time hasbara mods. The slime are pushing too hard and they think they've secured a permanent victory. They're wrong.
Here's the thing. The first part of the post describing how blacks kept their Baltimore city neighborhoods after first moving into them during the late 1880s and early 1890s, it COULD be excused somewhat on the basis that, "Well, after all....they were slaves up until 1865, so since it wasn't even about 25yrs since that generation of slaves were now free...give it time to see if their offspring and succeeding generations can learn how to function in a civilized society. Hopefully with enough time they will learn."
Give them time, give them time.
And that's the problem which ties into the larger theme of Mr. Kersey's post.
They've been given time, now nearly a century and a half, and they STILL HAVENT LEARNED HOW TO FUNCTION IN A CIVILIZED SOCIETY MUCH LESS A NEIGHBORHOOD.
This isn't going to be solved anytime soon.
Casinos..and they are in Detroit as well.
that way the jobs do not go to a white christians....here my dear:
Dan Gilbert (businessman) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gilbert was born to a Jewish family in Detroit, Michigan and grew up in Southfield, Michigan. ... Gilbert became majority owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers in March 2005 ... Through a joint venture with Caesars Entertainment Corporation, the groups ... In 2011, Gilbert's Rock Ventures group purchased several buildings in ...
Gaming regulators suggest OK for Cavs' owner, also question ex ...
Las Vegas Review‑Journal
Nov 6, 2013 - Standing with his attorneys, Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert, far right, speaks ... Burnett and Shawn Reid, Wednesday, inside the Grant Sawyer Building. ... the real-money WSOP.com in Nevada and social gaming giant Playtika. Rock Gaming and Gilbert paid Caesars Interactive $60.8 million in April ...
Dan Gilbert's Dystopia: Cleveland RTA and Horseshoe Casino's ...
Dec 7, 2012 - So if you were worried that Gilbert and Rock Gaming/Caesars ... Only one moved completely out of their temp facility and built a brand new ... I'm glad you like the casino, but if you really buy Dan Gilbert's assurances, I have some 2013 Cavs .... I was expecting to see a member of the Black Crow family, Mr.
Texas here:
@Baron Munchausen
Rashad Charjuan Owens
"What was it they knew?"
Actually, they knew nothing special, all they knew was how to use common sense. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.
What they knew instinctively and were able to say it without flinching was because it was the absolute truth. Secondly, they had not been brainwashed by Cultural Marxism like the rest of us have been since birth.
Until people can be deprogrammed of Cultural Marxist insanity, which has become a death cult religion for whites, nothing will change.
As you well know, even after beatings and rapes most victims embrace "dieversity" even more than before they were victimized.
As you also know, this goes way beyond the victims giving the media Pavlovian responses, the victims really, really BELIEVE the poisons they have been fed.
One of the best articles I've seen. Well done.
Carolina Cicero sez:
Meanwhile, the MSM continues to tippy-toe through a minefield of photon warheads.
Down in Texas, a black:
-Aspiring rapper
-Man with six kids
-decided it was better to run over folks than surrender to Johnny Law. And everyone is just so gosh-darned shocked! Capital murder! Are we crazy?
Austin, Texas (CNN) -- A driver who plowed into a crowded street at a popular festival in Austin this week, killing two people, was charged with capital murder, police said Friday.
Rashad Charjuan Owens allegedly tore through the crowd while drunk, running over people and hitting other cars. At least 23 others were injured.
Police caught Owens, 21, after an alleged foot chase, and Tasered him. His bond was set at $3 million.
Authorities have not released names of the dead, but they were a Dutch man on a bicycle and a local woman on a moped, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said.
Notice how this story is shelved low on the totem pole? Yeah, let us not MENTION his color! Okay, sure, the name alone is a dead giveaway, true, but....
Like Rome, American burns away...
This is going to be a difficult comment to comment and post since it requires more space and time than I have at the moment. I can't do the topic justice, but here goes.
Most people don't "KNOW". They feel. In fact, I would surmise that 99.9% Feel First and then think about it.
Very few of us got to this level of awareness (racists pigs) by thinking. I knew of this topic 40 to 50 years ago when my dad used to get John Birch material in the mail, read THE SPOTLIGHT, etc.
I didn't pay much attention and I though my dad was a bit odd or weird since the "consensus" of opinion was such stuff was nuts.
My dad was right.
It wasn't until feelings made me think. Luckily I was smart enough to now THINK and I did. I thought about religions, what was/is money, actions of the State.
Then, during the summer of my 18th year, I decided to read 4 books that I had heard so much about and wanted to read them to see what they really said. They were: King James Bible, Mein Kamf, Das Kapital and ATLAS SHRUGGED. To me, this last one is the ultimate book to get one to feel and see and think about the war between you and the state.
ATLAS SHRUGGED basically asks which is the most important thing: The Individual or The State (society, others, the church, etc.) It completely changed me, woke me up, cleared up ALL my questions about "equality", welfare, money and the purpose of life. It also showed the stupidity of the other 3 books which all require you to serve the state or some god/leader/system. Bull Shit.
Before reading this book I had huge doubts about so many things. Before reading it, I don't remember much about school, achievement or ambition to be my best. After reading it I set off on the educational path that got my my professional degree, scholarships, top grades and money (paper Federal Reserve bank debt notes).
Anyway, this essay is not about ATLAS SHRUGGED, but is the opening dialogue in my opinion that people react and are led down the path of feelings by the society they live in.
Too many Whites live too easy and too well off to not have to come face to face with the Negro.
In essence, that is one of the reasons those in 1910 "knew". They had close proximity to the Negro experience. You will find most if not all DWL are well off enough to worship the Sacred Negro from afar but retreat to the lilly White suburbs when they "feel" uncomfortable.
That is the essence of my theme for which I don't have more time, now, to elaborate.
" A contemporaneous account from 1892 describes it as follows: Open drains, great lots filled with high weeds, ashes and garbage accumulated in the alleyways, cellars filled with filthy black water, houses that are total strangers to the touch of whitewash or scrubbing brush, human bodies that have been strangers for months to soap and water, villainous looking negroes who loiter and sleep around the street corners and never work; vile and vicious women, with but a smock to cover their black nakedness, lounging in the doorways or squatting upon the steps, hurling foul epithets at every passerby; foul streets, foul people, in foul tenements filled with foul air; that's "Pigtown."
It seems that no matter the place, no matter the time, blacks everywhere are the same.
Rand's writings are for the young, those who have not matured. Any society based on her philosophy would rapidly collapse into civil war or violent revolution.
As the poet said:
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
John Donne
Just goes to show that there's nothing new, things just keep being forgotten and then rediscovered. Forgotten and then blinded by cover-up, lying and appeals to noble principles. Reality always comes knocking, though, but sometimes it comes too late as the people of Wisconsin and elsewhere are finding out.
I have posted several times about Baltimore because i once had friends there and visited often. the inner harbor area was our playground. the then newly built aquarium. the USS constellation. sister ship to the USS constitution. many boats. street festivals. antique shops. great bars and restaurants. walkable neighborhoods. clean neat row houses. kids riding bikes and playing in the streets but always got out of the way if cars came. moms chatting on the stoops keeping an eye on the kids. men quietly drinking beer. never rowdy. little Italy for fantastic food. areas that were historically polish or Irish. beautiful old churches and old buildings and houses....maybe a remnant of that Baltimore still exists but i am sure most of it is gone now. i haven't been there since 1984. I will never go back. my friends moved away from there long ago. they were driven out by the wave of black dysfunction that swept in like a hurricane of crime and blight. soon Madison Wisconsin and Indianapolis will join the ranks of ruined cities. even Wyoming which i never dreamed would succumb to multicultural pressure. those cowboys must be asleep to allow Somalis to invade. we are damn near done as a nation. everything is going as planned by TWMNBN and their cohort. God help the white people of Europe America Australia etc.
9:22 Anonymous:
You comment does not deserve a comment, from one like me, to one so stupid as you.
Come up with your own "reason" rather than a washed out quote from an Alchoholic wife beater.
Open drains, great lots filled with high weeds, ashes and garbage accumulated in the alleyways, cellars filled with filthy black water, houses that are total strangers to the touch of whitewash or scrubbing brush, human bodies that have been strangers for months to soap and water, villainous looking negroes who loiter and sleep around the street corners and never work; vile and vicious women, with but a smock to cover their black nakedness, lounging in the doorways or squatting upon the steps, hurling foul epithets at every passerby; foul streets, foul people, in foul tenements filled with foul air; that's "Pigtown." (p. 290)
It's almost amusing how the stereotype holds true over decades. I remember as a small boy going with my father to pick up my grandfather from the refinery he worked at. At the time we lived in a Gulf Coast town known for its petrochemical industry. My grandmother called it Ni&&#* town. The description of Pigtown from decades ago might as well have been then. I remember passing the "border" into Ntown where the transition from well maintained homes and manicured lawns to slum was rapid and abrupt. Even then I thought to myself, "how do people live like this?" Fast forward the same town almost 5 decades later. Nothing has changed except the border. Like locusts "they" have only moved east with the former residents moving out. The well cared for homes of my youth have been transformed into the same dilapidated dwellings with the same kinds of people that I saw that day. It's now the new Ntown. The old Ntown is just a wasteland of empty lots and uninhabitable houses and buildings literally falling apart. My son had the same incredulous look that I had nearly half a century before when we drove there. I knew what he was thinking. The common denominator is always the same, yet the MSM would have you believe that reason is "raycism." My grandmother's well built home is a wreck, a slum, a vestige of a spotless house so clean you could eat from the floors. I think to myself it's not "raycism" it's the lack of paint, a lawnmower, and the fortitude to actually apply a modicum of maintenance. A coming Dark Age is rapidly upon us. My son knows and understands.
Fantastic stuff, PK. Once you get down to the real history, you see how the current liberal "narrative" about segregation is wrong on all counts. Segregation was not enacted because of "bigotry" or (heaven forbid!) "racism," but because of the criminality of the black demographic.
It's also worth pondering that progressives of a century understood the reality of race and acted accordingly.
You might consider doing a book on black criminality and how it forced the rise of segregation.
Note how the descriptions of "Pigtown" can be seen throughout much of the black majority world: Haiti, post-colonial Africa, inner cities, etc. Is it a common genetic thing among blacks to create such dysfunction?
Again, we have to ask: where do these conditions not hold true where there is a black majority demographic? Can someone showing us where black majority rule (without the guiding hand of segregation or apartheid) produced a society equal or even superior to that of similar white societies?
Jay Santos said...A cunning and ambitious man could make his fortune establishing an authentic negro, ghetto religion. Ah, what am I thinking. The Democrats already delivered that.
True enough.
The problem with that ghetto religion is that too many white people have bought into it. Look at the worship of demagogues/demigods like MLK and Mandela.
Centurion said...I knew of this topic 40 to 50 years ago when my dad used to get John Birch material in the mail, read THE SPOTLIGHT, etc.
Go back then and the Birchers and the rest of the far right were seen as off the deep end. Yet generally they have been proven correct. We have seen a one-world-socialist-financier regime take power. And we have seen blacks elevated above whites, with the consequent destruction of many cities.
God help us and our children and grandchildren. it might be more merciful if a nuclear holocaust destroys the world. living in a world overrun with violent parasitical blacks and third world immigrant hordes is a fate worse than death. perhaps there is indeed a heavenly realm awaiting us where we will dwell in a world of beauty and peace.
“…villainous looking negroes who loiter and sleep around the street corners and never work; vile and vicious women, with but a smock to cover their black nakedness, lounging in the doorways or squatting upon the steps, hurling foul epithets at every passerby; foul streets, foul people, in foul tenements filled with foul air; that's "Pigtown."
PK: “Doesn’t this 1892 description of a black Baltimore community eerily capture the essence behind the concept of “blight” and the rational for “urban renewal” in 2014?”
1892. 18 friggin’ 92.
I wonder if ‘No Loitering’ signs came into being because of the shiftless, lingering negro. I’ve taken to a comment floating around recently, renaming the Oscar best pic win “12 Years a Slave” to ‘12 Years a Negro Actually Worked.’
“Sharkeisha’s” abound and with a stroll through your local hood or World Star Hip Hop they’re easily found. You can substitute ‘smock’ with ill fitting Apple Bottom jeans.
By 1944:
“Homes are very badly in need of repair and paint; dead rats lie in the street where they were crushed by automobiles; alleys are littered with debris and foul-smelling garbage; lots where homes formerly stood are covered with a thick layer of ashes.”
It’s as if there was a mini doppelganger of Detroit in Baltimore before Detroit (Paris of the West in the 50’s) became our present day Detroit. Someone in 1890’s Baltimore reading the Book of Revelation could easily be reading about their city 52 years later or Detroit 2014 a century later. I wonder if Baltimore had an ‘old skool’ version of ‘Devil’s Night.’
By the summer of 2001, shrines and memorials for the dead coincidentally close to 9/11…
“Only here the scourge of drugs and crime and urban decay has settled in for a long, long stay.”
It’s like one of those cartoons where a rain cloud follows and travels over someone’s head.
“Dre's friends say they would never think of going to a graveyard, sitting down with a bouquet of flowers and weeping. That is not their way. A candlelight vigil? Be real, they say. Imagine a dozen young black men gathering in a rough part of town to remember a dead friend. The police cars would be rolling up. So, none of that."
Well…they DO have a point, sort of…does anyone recall that ‘Illegal after-bar shooting vigil shooting’ in Trenton recently? Statistically speaking….
Candlelight vigils only benefit the shake down Revs, community boobs, and local pols. You can usually get a few seconds on the local news at 6 tho…
Regarding the police rolling up; well, when you are almost certain to be in possession of something you’re not supposed have and/or flee in a foot or car chase, then what do you expect?
Another so-called athlete commits a heinous crime. What's with the link between blacks, sports and crime? I think they use sports to build themselves up and get stronger so they can more easily victimize people.
Atlas Shrugged++
Anonymous CENTURION said...
"9:22 Anonymous:
You comment does not deserve a comment, from one like me, to one so stupid as you.
Come up with your own "reason" rather than a washed out quote from an Alchoholic wife beater.
March 15, 2014 at 11:00 AM"
Do you know who John Donne was? If not, red this before you make yourself look even more ignorant: http://www.biography.com/people/john-donne-9277090
By the way, read this also about you heroine:
You call me stupid, but base your life on the puerile drivel of a hypocrite? I pity you.
Austin is toast. All the aspiri g rappers noting easy prey.
Any city is easy pickings. Welfare and Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton and My People Holder on speed dial.
Black repellent: cold coldcold, no welfare, everyone armed, rural and isolated.
Boy, 9, found hanged 'was bullied for being white'
The American Experiment worked-- as long as Americans were white Euro-descendants. When "American" became a brand disconnected from its origins, it lost its authenticity. An "American" today has as much connect to the founding stock as St. Patrick's Day does to being an Gaelic celebration. Blacks masquerading as "Americans" is hysterical...
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