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In a majority white (with a state controlled by implicit white interests), the ability to own firearms can even overcome cities where black gun-crime is the only kind of gun-crime... |
However, there is an interesting unforeseen consequence: Gun manufacturers are fleeing liberal stats such as Maryland, New York, and Connecticut and setting up shop in states like Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee. (Interestingly, these three states have also passed some of the best anti-illegal immigration legislation in the country).
Although these southern states contain cities with high black populations and gun crime (Nashville, Chattanooga in TN; Birmingham, Mobile, Montgomery in AL; Columbia and Charleston in SC), they will retain their white majority for decades to come—especially because Southern whites, unlike whites in California or the Rust Belt, vote as a bloc for the GOP (or, more accurately, for a GAP—Generic American Party).
Remington is moving large parts of its operation from New York to Huntsville, Alabama, meaning 2,000 new jobs in Dixie. [Sen. Jeff Sessions says new Remington plant is 'further testament to the world class workforce in Huntsville', Al.com, February 14, 2014] Though Magpul is moving its corporate headquarters to Texas (from Colorado, a state overrun with white liberals escaping California), the much more costly manufacturing and distribution facility will move to Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Unlike Texas, there is little chance immigration will turn Wyoming blue anytime soon.
Beretta is also undertaking its own version of “white flight.” Because of overwhelmingly black gun violence in Baltimore and Prince George’s County, Maryland has passed highly restrictive gun control. In response, after much deliberation, Beretta USA decided to build a $45 million manufacturing plant in Tennessee. [Wooed by gun-friendly states, some firearms makers pull up stakes , Dallas News, August 8, 2014] Some in the state are fearful Beretta will remove its already existing plant in Maryland as well.
Riflemakers PTR Industries moved from Bristol, Connecticut to South Carolina, joining American Tactical Imports and Ithaca Gun Co.; Kahr Firearms Group is leaving New York for Pennsylvania. Sturm, Ruger, and Co. decided to build a new facility in North Carolina, leading to speculation the company will disinvest from Connecticut in the near future. [Conn. gun manufacturer Sturm, Ruger & Co. building new plant in North Carolina, Red Alert Politics, July 9, 2013 ]
Mossberg and Colt Firearms (also based in Connecticut) have both had executives with their respective companies make overtures about leaving for friendlier states. Colt Firearms has been a Connecticut company for 167 years.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo famously said “extreme conservatives” have “no place” in New York. Gun manufacturers seem to be taking him at his word—fleeing blue states for red states with conservative white majorities.
America is coming apart. Leftists are allying with the rising non-white populations to dispossess the historic American nation. American whites are responding flee to safer locales.
Gun manufacturers are the canary in the coal mine for Americans. They know that changing demographics means a permanent progressive majority, the end of freedoms most Americans now take for granted—and ultimately the end of their businesses.
The long retreat of the historic American nation will continue until someone has the courage to identity the racial realities behind this process—hopefully, before we run out of places to go.Be sure to share this with your "they can take my gun when they pry it from my cold hands" crowd; because they will only have to flood your state with non-whites, who will make it demographically impossible for you to legally own certain types of guns.
Take notice NRA-types; gun rights is a whites-only issue.
If that logo is yr creation, you are an artist!
COEXIST - with the islamic pac man about to eat the other religions.
It's interesting that Cuomo is now championing charter schools.Is he prepared to take other steps in his re-election bid?
I had an idea last night. There are many different gun forums, for many different interests: Glocktalk, AR-15.com, a 1911 forum, a 10mm forum, on and on.
I bet we could start a white gun owners forum and I bet it would get traction. The focus is on guns, not on white politics. In fact the only thing it needs is to be called a white gun owner forum. Maybe someone should start it.
This article is long over due. Hopefully it will be the first of many more like it.
Here in Indianapolis I have noticed that whenever there is really bad news that is in large part caused by Open Border insanity, like horrible unemployment or runaway federal and trade deficit figures or drug gang related homicides or busts, the gun enthusiasts call into talk radio in droves. They want to talk guns and how they will do just fine because they just themselves a new Glock or AR-15.
They don't call in to demand that the public hold our corrupt treasonous politicians to account for Open Borders anarchy.
Here in Indianapolis that means throwing out the Commie Andre Carson, the hack Joe Donnelly and the worthless Loyal Bushies Dan Coats and Susan Brooks.
I don't want to spend my life trapped in my house eating baked beans out of can with my gun at my side or fantasizing about some secret valley in Idaho (Colorado has become a left-wing loony bin because Conservative Inc has abandoned the locals) where I can play John Galt.
One day, God willing, the South will be free again, and the rest can go to Nigeria.
Firearms manufacs. moving TO the 'black belt'-go figure!...then again, Iowa, with 3% non-white population, went for Ø'zero, while Mississippi, which is closing in on 1/2 black, went for Romney. Don't have exact #'s....would wager the South has bigger voter turnout than the north or west! Regards! K.C.
If you ask a Marxist any historical or social question he will only answer it through the lens of Marxist analysis; that would be with a thorough understanding of the economic factors and cognizant of what he calls class struggle.
In a similar manner I subject most social or political questions to analysis through the lens of racial realism. If funds are voted for some project, I can accurately predict whether the project will be a success or a failure if I know the racial composition of the district; I can look at the demography of any locality and instantly know what its crime stats and employment figures are.
So although I am naturally a man of liberal sentiments, my liberality is ruthlessly filtered through the philosophy of racial realism. If I lived in an all White nation I might say the 2nd Amendment was a relic of the frontier, but commonsense and abundant evidence inform me that gun control would be national suicide. So I support the NRA.
Nashville and Chattanooga, TN? Please don't forget that negroid hell-hole called Memphis or Memphrica.
Off topic. The Coalition of African American Pastors is seeking one million signtures on a petition to have Eric Holder impeached.
Gun Owners of America understands the demographic threat and has taken a stand against amnesty specifically for reasons of the demographic threat.
I'd like to see Colt and all those gun manufacturers relocate to the south. Southern folk laugh when they hear the term "gun violence" because we've never seen a gun acting violent all by itself.
Maybe the price of guns and ammunition would go down, after all ATF should be a convenience store, not a government agency.
Ex New Yorker here.....As the Winter comes to an end the body count in Chicago and other big cities will go back up. Even in NY during the 1970's and 1980's the crime always went down during the Winter. The warm weather seems to bring on more madness and killing. Out here on the plains I look forward to the Summer. I guess in the combat zones it increases the fear factor. As you may know, fear is the key. People who live in fear are easier to control. Fear, power and control. The "wild west" is peaceful while the cities become hell holes. Welcome to the New America.
This could actually be good for us, and the south. Since manufacturing pistols and long guns is a highly technical field, and security and tracking of parts and pieces can be considered paramount; all new hires must undergo a background check and random drug testing. ANY prior arrest, conviction or other criminal charge will absolutely disqualify shitavious and latrina from EVER working at the new factories. Racism...no. Realism, hell yes.
Kersey@Vdare said: But the real pattern of gun violence in this country can be seen in cities like Baltimore, Philadelphia, St. Louis, New York City, Memphis, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Washington D.C. These cities, not surprisingly, already have strict gun control policies—....
Your characterization of the gun laws applicable in Philly as "strict gun control" is completely incorrect, and I wonder if that description as applied to some of the other cities you mention here might also be faulty.
Gun legislation in the Commonwealth of PA is reserved to the state, and the state is pro-gun. Practically all the same pro-gun laws that apply in the most remote, rural spot in the state also apply to downtown Philadelphia.
I found this excerpt from a Ministry of Truth web site.
"President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have turned their backs on the values the American people hold dear, values particularly cherished in the black community: values like marriage, which should be strengthened and promoted, rather than weakened and undermined," says a statement by the Coalition of African American Pastors that has been posted online with their impeachment petition.
Excuse me, but what planet are we on? Here on Planet Earth the word "marriage" cannot be found in the ebonics dictionary.
All I can say is, "Annie Get Your Gun" !
I always was a right to carry firearms advocate...even as a teenager. My belief is that the Founding Fathers understood that an unarmed populace is at the mercy of a tyrannical government.
Maybe...just maybe..there's one possible silver lining in the dark cloud of HUD resettlement of undesirables into peaceful white regions...It will wake the sleeping whites up, out of their dazed stupor.
Silence = Death
Break the White Silence
Philadelphia Mike
Many of our kind have become domesticated by years of careful White Human animal husbandry by the Ministry of Truth.
But even the most domesticated animal, when threatened, might revert back to a wild state...even if it's only temporary.
Help wake your friends and family up. Help them shed that yoke of governmental domestication.
Go find your inner cave man. And help your friends find theirs too.
Philadelphia Mike
Sig Sauer has a facility in Exeter, New Hampshire. That state should remain majority White for a while.
well said:
don't want to spend my life trapped in my house eating baked beans out of can with my gun at my side or fantasizing about some secret valley in Idaho .
"So although I am naturally a man of liberal sentiments, my liberality is ruthlessly filtered through the philosophy of racial realism. If I lived in an all White nation I might say the 2nd Amendment was a relic of the frontier, but commonsense and abundant evidence inform me that gun control would be national suicide. So I support the NRA." - TheAntidote
This is incredibly true. There comes a point where you suddenly realize that you haven't considered the 'black factor' in a topic.
If you would have told me that a school requires metal detectors, on-duty police officers, loads of security cameras, uniforms, etc. I would have been slightly horrified at the draconian measures proposed but these are all necessary precautions in this day and age.
I think I would support very liberal and generous programs for the poor and the unemployed if I didn't have a sneaking suspicion that they would be totally abused and taken advantage of by a certain portion of the population.
I think I would support programs designed to rehabilitate criminals and juveniles through animal therapies and all manner of expensive interventions because I tend to think that my fellow caucasian who would be a violent offender or a junkie may be potentially cured and even one day be a productive member of society... But these would be entirely wasted in today's system.
All the potential great programs and policies that would make a nation of whites a prosperous and beautiful place, a little slice of heaven, have no business being applied to people who lack the industrious, creative, intellectual, self-disciplined characteristics that make it possible.
You can't treat a group of 100 mature adults the same way that you would treat a room full of 100 5 year olds; likewise, you can't treat a group of 100 dignified, law abiding, courteous and polite people the way you would treat a group of 100 slum dwellers.
... And let's just sit and wait 20 years and see how the Scandinavian utopias hold up under the weight of mass influx of immigration.
I think I heard somewhere that 'comedy is that which falls short of tragedy.' Some days I will find myself literally laughing aloud at the naive & foolish people who talk about these things, but on other days I fully realize the gravity of the situation and I literally feel my heart grow heavy, my throat grow tight and the happiness is sucked right out of me. It really is a tragedy and it is getting harder for me to laugh about it.
Sheila, from 3/8 @ 12:50 pm:
That is the truth about Texas. A once great and fine state caught up in the throes of liberal transmogrification. The liberal democrat party is now making its move hoping to achieve their superiority and finish Texas off.
In 2010, only 3 in 10 babies born in Texas were white.
Texas, like America is lost.
Time to think about the SS&DI solution, the separate out and away, secede and declare independence solution.
The North West quarter of continental America is our target.
A good place to begin a most excellent cause.
White liberals are the iceberg targeting the Titanic.
For our gene pool/race and posterity.
A new White Homeland.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
Exist or coexist ... your choice.
Unlike Texas, there is little chance immigration will turn Wyoming blue anytime soon.
The state's Republican governor, Matt Mead, is trying to “change” Wyoming by asking the Obama administration to send it thousands of “high risk” African refugees and to help it create a “refugee resettlement” center which will lobby the federal government to send still more refugees. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/tag/wyoming/
Once they arrive, Wyoming will be required to vastly expand its services for non-English speaking residents, hire community organizers to help them apply for benefits, provide more social services, and work with civil rights organizations to help the state accept “change.” As the state becomes more “diverse,” expect the federal judiciary to play its usual role in tearing down White America. Every aspect of life – education, housing, employment, welfare benefits, public safety – will be “reformed” by unelected federal judges in the name of “diversity” and “inclusion.” By 2025, the state will be “minority-minority” and solidly Democratic.
Gun rights are not a white only issue. A lot of asian males are pro-gun.
I would guess this is in part due to small business ownership, and as a "toy" for professional asian males. Go down to the NRA range outside DC, and you will find a lot of Asian shooters.
Paul Kersey,
You covered the story of James Vester who was murdered when he went to buy an iPad off of Craig's List for his wife. This happened in Indianapolis. The link below is for an article about how his family held a fund raiser to set up an educational scholarship in his name.
Think about that. To honor our dead (innocent) we, white folk, turn our focus outward in an altruistic gesture. Bless the Vester family. We don't honor the guilty and thugs in our midst, as some posters here have alleged, as black folk do.
Also, note from the article:
"According to his family, while police believe the motive in his shooting was robbery, the $200 he brought to pay for the iPad wasn't taken during the crime."
So was this a hate crime?
Let the Un-United States break up into ethnic enclaves of like minded people.
Blacks into black areas, whites into white areas and Mestizos into their areas and never the twain shall meet.
That's the only workable solution that we have at this point. Can anyone think of any other reasonable and workable solution?
Balkanization is coming to Amerika.
Can we call the white gun owners forum "whitesight"?
Could we please purchase the new coexist bumper sticker somewhere?
As many of our white brothers and sisters have said before.
That statement never seems to get old with a lot of us GREATWHITES!!
Anonymous said….
I don't want to spend my life trapped in my house eating baked beans out of can with my gun at my side or fantasizing about some secret valley in Idaho…
Very funny. Due to a number of factors, chief among them the likely shortage of women in the White Homeland, the meals would resemble something from the HMS Bounty circa 1789; a steady diet of salt beef and hardtack. Can we at least bring in some Mexican cooks?
In Dixieland I'll take my stand.. to live and die in Dixie ! a way a way a way down south in Dixie !
I was raised to believe that the only difference between black and white people was skin color. Clearly this is untrue. The biological differences between the races makes it impossible for them to optimally function in the same environment. One difference easily measured is IQ. The average IQ for Asians is 106, Whites 103, Hispanics 89, and Blacks 85.
The average IQ of a janitor is 92 with 10% less than 73 and 10% over 111. The average IQ of a doctor is 120 with 10% less than 106 and 10% greater than 133. About 75% of doctors have an IQ greater than 90% of janitors.
To be a doctor with an IQ at the top of the bottom 10% of doctors one would need the IQ of an average Asian, an above average White, or a gifted Black.
Because of this natural difference in IQ it is an inescapable fact that in a free market there will be a higher percentage of Asians in areas requiring higher levels of intelligence than the population percentage of Asians, and there will be a lower percentage of Blacks in these same areas than the population percentage of Blacks.
Parity of racial distribution among professions cannot occur without perpetual government intervention. Employers would be compelled to hire individuals based solely on racial population distribution. Because there will never be enough high IQ people from the lower IQ races to maintain racial parity in the higher IQ professions without sacrificing competency the government will have to outlaw merit based pay in favor of set pay for a particular job classification. This will ultimately fail because our complex infrastructure requires actual smart people to keep it going. Through affirmative action we can pretend that everyone is equally competent, but reality cannot be modified by governmental mandate. Once a threshold of incompetence is reached our infrastructure will collapse. I'm not familiar with any entity run by Black people that isn't in a state of collapse or rapidly reaching a state of collapse unless it is heavily subsidized.
Another option would be to abolish affirmative action and rely on the free market. This will result in the most competent and efficient workforce necessary to maintain and improve our infrastructure. This will also result in a disproportionately large number of Asian doctors and Black janitors. Blacks will complain that many of them are permanently locked into a lower class of society.
The free market approach could be modified whereby incomes set by the free market are redistributed by high taxes on higher paid individuals to directly subsidize lower paid individuals, and schools would teach children that janitors are of the same class as doctors. Everyone would take home the same net income regardless of their qualifications. This would be Communism made more palatable by including phrases like “income redistribution” and “free market.” Of course, until everyone comes to believe that janitors are of the same class as doctors this option would cause Blacks to complain that they remain second class citizens notwithstanding income parity, and Asians and Whites would be nothing more than lifetime hosts supporting a large parasitic class of citizens. This process has not worked in any country so I doubt that it will work in the US because few would want to work hard to obtain an education and experience to make the same amount of money as a janitor who didn't finish high school.
Whites could relocate to areas without Blacks, but this only temporarily solves the crime aspect of the problem. Under our current laws, Blacks can never be kept out of any area occupied by Whites, and Blacks will always migrate, with the assistance and blessing of the government, to White areas.
I see no good long term solution. It would take an enormous number of Whites in States willing to disregard federal laws, the US Constitution, and the laws of most States to segregate the races. We know how this approach worked out in the Civil war. Perhaps someone with a higher IQ than mine can see a solution.
The only problem is that the red states are the only places generating jobs right now. It is attracting liberals from everywhere. They will turn those red states blue as quickly as they can.
More restrictive gun laws will follow. It's only a matter of time before unarmed BRA is here.
The Coalition of African American Pastors is seeking one million signtures on a petition to have Eric Holder impeached.
Whatever for? It's not as if negro "Christians" oppose anything for which 'MyPeeps' and his pal on the golf-course stand for. Are they not willing to perform sodomite marriages yet? Why the hell not? After all, it's not as if negro "Christians" believe in the sacrament. Probably a scam to get money from the Tea-Party Patriotard types.
You know, I need to see how to start a blog. That is a good idea
If the good Reverends go after the white signatures then they'll surpass their goal. Otherwise they will have as much luck as the million man march.
she is really ugly as well:
Pregnant mom who drove van full of children into the ocean CHARGED with three counts of attempted murder as police reveal the woman fought her son to stop him from taking control of steering wheel
Ebony Wilkerson, 32, charged with three counts of first-degree attempted murder and three counts of aggravated child abuse
Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson said she told her kids to close their eyes and go to sleep as she drove into the surf
Police say they found no evidence that Wilkerson had any mental issues
Wilkerson's relatives were alarmed on Tuesday when she started talking 'about Jesus and how there were demons in her house'
Police pulled her over and did a welfare check but she told them she feared her husband and was going to a domestic violence safe house
Rescuers pulled her three children- ages 3, 9, and 10- from the car
Wilkerson's husband,. Lutful Ronjon, was charged with battery against his wife in 2005
Wilkerson was involved in 2007 car crash that left a woman dead
By Daily Mail Reporter
Well said
It's a good idea for all the gun companies to flee states being taken over by libtards and the "diversity." You want the means of gun production solidly behind your lines, not behind enemy lines. Ditto for ammo production.
As for the Governor of Wyoming wanting to import feral negroes from Africa, the citizens of that state ought to rise up, kick his ass out of office and run him out of the state. Someone like that should definitely be persona non grata. Tolerating different opinions and ideas is one thing but tolerating someone who is akin to a destructive firebug running around your house and striking matches and throwing them everywhere is idiotic.
You are correct sir. I live in Houston, Californians and northerners flooding in, changing the political landscape. Only a matter of a decade or two.
If there are any mainstream conservative gun owners reading this, I'd be interested in your view of the racial aspect to gun control. Do you think that blacks can be won over to a pro-gun position? Do you think that the NRA can continue to ignore the racial politics behind the push towards gun control? And how do you plan to deal with the next "Trayvon Martin Incident" when a white shoots a black?
Another option would be to abolish affirmative action and rely on the free market. This will result in the most competent and efficient workforce necessary to maintain and improve our infrastructure. This will also result in a disproportionately large number of Asian doctors and Black janitors. Blacks will complain that many of them are permanently locked into a lower class of society.
The GOP has shown little interest in abolishing affirmative action. Why this is so is a matter for discussion. Part of it, I think, is an unspoken realization that without affirmative action, blacks would be unable to get anywhere in a modern society. Even with AA, you look at the state of black America, and it ain't pretty. Also, AA is a convenient way to siphon off black troublemakers into government-corporate sinecures.
Really, it's an admission that, collectively, blacks can not compete in the modern world. Blacks can not publicly blame themselves, because it would be an admission of their own collective failures. So they invent a myth of the-terrible-legacy-of-slavery-segregation as a means to justify their increasing demands.
As for being locked in the lower class: much of this lower class exists in the first place because of genetic factors of low median IQ, high tendencies to criminal violence, and lack of future time orientation. This results in high rates of school dropouts, illegitimacy and lawbreaking, none of which is conducive to creating a middle class lifestyle.
As for the free market...having a large demographic which is genetically predisposed to low-IQ, low impulse control, (etc.) behaviors has implications for the future of a free society. The reality of BRA is such that it requires Big Government to keep the lid on. This means a welfare state, affirmative action, government-academic-media agitprop, police state measures in the 'hood (which spill over to the 'burbs), censorship of people who tell unpleasant truths about race, ad nauseam.
This is something that small government conservatives and civil libertarians ought to consider (though they largely will not). Just about every white country with a large black (or third world) populace is becoming less free. And I need not comment on how black majority rule countries are largely pne-party states, kleptocracies, or human rights debacles. None of this is conducive to a free society.
I see no good long term solution.
If current trends continue, no solution is feasible--at least not within existing parameters. There are any number of alternatives:
* The disintegration of current state structures with white peoples carving out their own ethno-states.
* A mass migration of blacks to Africa, or perhaps some homeland which is created for them in North America.
* A re-awakening of white racial consciousness and the implementation of sane racial polices which would arise thereof.
* Other ideas?
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Ooking out at an LA Fitness in Minneapolis.
Tough to tell the difference between a gym and a prison yard for some.
Ex New Yorker here.....I am thinking about starting a new political group. Based upon the type of people I see around me I will be calling it the BEER PARTY. One of the main rules for joining is you must watch at least four hours a day of television. Anytime we have a gathering there will be a break in the middle of the rally for a volley ball game.
Anonymous at 5:13:
you're the problem: 'where I can play John Galt'.
In other words, you're gonna RUN AWAY.
Join the city council wherever you are and fight.
There are tons of people out there, who feel just like you, and yet none of us are fighting.
I am calling people all over the country, and warning them about Refugee Resettlement- they didn't know about it, and are now doing something about it.
My mom watches the TV court shows, so I occasionally get a look at them when I'm helping her out.
The other day a black woman is suing her sister and her first name is Shampane.
Sham. Fake. How appropriate.
I had to explain to her why I was laughing for no apparent reason.
"Due to a number of factors, chief among them the likely shortage of women in the White Homeland, the meals would resemble something from the HMS Bounty circa 1789; a steady diet of salt beef and hardtack. Can we at least bring in some Mexican cooks?
March 9, 2014 at 10:01 AM"
Jay, I would be perfectly willing to debate you as to the wisdom of the White Homeland and the North American Republic, an idea that isn't a reality only because our political masters say we can't have it. Our corrupt political masters. Our corrupt and White genocidal political masters.
Your taunting of the idea isn't criticism per se, but more like a little boy sniggering at the Amish horse drawn cart because it is "old"; i.e. a shallow understanding of the subject. I would be happy to debate you or just exchange comments, but their content has to be better intellectual quality than yelling; "Neiner, Neiner, Neiner!"
White Homeland. Northwest Front!
I want a bumper sticker like this you have !!!!!
Where can I get one?
10mm AUTO said...
"Due to a number of factors, chief among them the likely shortage of women in the White Homeland, the meals would resemble something from the HMS Bounty circa 1789; a steady diet of salt beef and hardtack. Can we at least bring in some Mexican cooks?
March 9, 2014 at 10:01 AM"
Jay, I would be perfectly willing to debate you as to the wisdom of the White Homeland and the North American Republic, an idea that isn't a reality only because our political masters say we can't have it. Our corrupt political masters. Our corrupt and White genocidal political masters.
Your taunting of the idea isn't criticism per se, but more like a little boy sniggering at the Amish horse drawn cart because it is "old"; i.e. a shallow understanding of the subject. I would be happy to debate you or just exchange comments, but their content has to be better intellectual quality than yelling; "Neiner, Neiner, Neiner!"
White Homeland. Northwest Front!
10mm. it was an attempt at humor. Another commodity I think would end up in short supply in this Homeland.
What you and I and everyone who reads here would like, is a greatly improved society. America 2014 had the potential to be a much better place than it has become. I think the black underclass, its innate and learned behavior is a gigantic part of our failure as a nation. And the sad irony is that white people created that problem and have worsened it with decades of incomprehensibly bad policy.
What you want with this Homeland is a place where people strongly share common values, morals and goals. You are not going to achieve that by just importing people who are "white", how ever you are going to make that determination. Today's average white person is not the same guy from 1840, 1901 or 1938. They're mostly irreligious, and many are just not very ambitious, at least not when the concept of labor is involved. Now the society has molded them in this way, but there's no ignoring the facts.
If you want to build a utopia, your selection criteria has got to be a little more granular than just "white".
Reply to Whisker Child,
You misread my point at 5:13pm. Buying guns, ammo and baked beans may help one survive for at time when the Zombie apocalypse strikes otherwise known as the day the EBT runs out. But I rather prevent that from happening by being politically involved.
Here in Indiana alone we have a dozen politicians that need to be given the boot.
By the way Ayn Rand was a failed screen writer hack who outside of her cult, lived and died alone. Rand was the libertarian equivalent of L Ron Hubbard.
This comment could have been missed by the overworked PK earlier in this thread. So submitting it again...
Californian said...
I see no good long term solution.
If current trends continue, no solution is feasible--at least not within existing parameters. There are any number of alternatives:
* The disintegration of current state structures with white peoples carving out their own ethno-states.
* A mass migration of blacks to Africa, or perhaps some homeland which is created for them in North America.
* A re-awakening of white racial consciousness and the implementation of sane racial polices which would arise thereof.
* Other ideas?
Your comments are always mature, thoughtful and well constructed. I think you must know there is no long term solution that the white majority (while it exists) has the stomach to apply. Secession, while not very likely, seems like it has the most promise. But secession is never going to happen based on race. The feds would willingly nuke such an area as they and their compatriots would succeed at representing the racial separatists as the last word for pure evil on earth.
Real punishment for criminality might be the most successful means of getting this under control, along with an economic collapse that might reduce the welfare outflows. Real punishment means quick and certain death for murder, long and torturous imprisonment in work camps for any violent crimes against persons and loss of any state support when convicted of serious, but non-violent offenses.
I've made the point before that the "corrections system" represents absolutely no punishment for negro offenders. On the contrary, it's a life style improvement and they live longer as a result of it.
"Although these southern states contain cities with high black populations and gun crime (Nashville, Chattanooga in TN"
Chattanooga (58% White/ 35% black) and Nashville (66% White/27% black) aren't the best representative examples of violent black majority cities in Tennessee. Memphis has an astounding 65% black and 24% White population, so I can't figure out why the city best fitting the model of a dysfunctional black majority city was so rudely overlooked.
lol, well bonus for the South. If SHTF then we'll have all the small-arms factories here.
I wonder how much of this is to evade potential lawsuits. State of X vs. Colt or whatever. Very real possibility as with big tobacco.
No chance in hell of AL suing a gun maker, so excellent reason to move corporate offices to a friendly state. Then it would have to be a Federal case and they don't want to alienate that lobbyist cash.
It really is turning into a North vs. South scenario again isn't it...
"'Smart Gun' Company GDSI Going After Remington/Freedom Group, Then All Of America’s Gun Industry."
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