Considering Department of Justice Attorney General Eric Holder, in the aftermath of the George Zimmerman acquittal, vowed to proceed to with a civil rights inquiry into everyone's favorite white-Hispanic - namely, his actions on the night he engaged in self-defense against the No Limit Nigga himself, Trayvon Martin - you'd be correct in thinking Merritt Landry's problems aren't nearly over.
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Not "My Brother's Keeper"... An Orleans Parrish Grand Jury refuses to take action against Merritt Landry for the shooting of one of Obama's Sons, 14-year-old Marshall Coulter |
The last we've heard about civil rights charges being brought against Zimmerman were in November 2013, the sword of equality dangling over the head of the white-Hispanic in a manner that would make Damocles himself blush.
You'd think black American males were our greatest asset, instead of our greatest liability.
Nonetheless, Merritt Landry has survived round one. [Grand jury doesn't take action against Marigny homeowner who shot intruder,, 2-27-14]:
An Orleans Parish grand jury has ended its six-month term without taking any action against a Marigny homeowner who shot an unarmed, teenage intruder in July of last year.
Merritt Landry, a city employee, initially was arrested by police and booked on an attempted second-degree murder charge following the shooting of 14-year-old Marshall Coulter in July 2013.
A spokesman for the district attorney's office said the case remains open, though the office is disappointed that a decision to indict Landry wasn't made.
Landry told police that he found Coulter in his side yard near his car in the early morning hours. He said he was concerned about his safety and the safety of his wife and child who were inside the home. Landry said he fired one shot and hit Coulter in the head.
The shooting the left the teenager, who was seen by a neighbor on surveillance video climbing a fence to get into Landry's yard on Mandeville Street, with severe brain damage.A black guy, with a long rap-sheet (hey, he's only 14-years-old and Obama's My Brother's Keeper program hasn't kicked in yet!), found invading someone's private property - jumping a high-fence in the process - at around 3 a.m.?
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The 14-year-old Marshall Coulter... he was only trying to get donations for his midnight basketball team at 3 a.m. when he was found invading Landry's fenced property... |
He's just going around the neighborhood collecting donations for his Midnight Basketball team!
Dear reader, you and I might not live to see it, but this age will end.
This invisible terror that grips us, making us immobile against the continued depredations against our civilization will pass.
Landry was protecting his family.
His life.
His property.
His liberty.
But in Black-Run America (BRA), all of these take a backseat to the protection of our most treasured asset, the black male.
Regardless of his rap sheet (criminal record, not his aspiring rap career), the 14-year-old Coulter is seen as possessing far more value than a married, tax-paying white man.
Merritt Landry might have been a liberal; he might have been a conservative.
But now, he is nothing more than a life-long political prisoner of BRA (like George Zimmerman).
Liberalism is the belief that nature's judgement is negotiable; conservatism is the belief that nature is ultimately under our control.
My belief?
Until nature reminds man that no political ideology can survive the belief he is in control.
I'd bet Landry knows this truth now...
Yes, the Black criminal is infinitely more important than the taxpaying law-abiding White man.
Still, it is funny how decades of indoctrinating this message still hasn't convinced all of us.
I guess you can't crush the common sense out of everyone.
"...his actions on the night he engaged in self-defense against the No Limit Nigga himself, Trayvon Martin"
White people need to send their kids to school for STEM degrees. All of these Arts degrees are extremely detrimental to the country. My sister has a PhD in racism. What is she gonna do when she gets out of school and racism doesn't really limit people's opportunities? She's gonna be looking for people's racist "looks" and "white privilege" for the next 50 years and create racism so her career can stay relevant. It's the same with most of these social science and political science degrees etc. These degrees are so easy to get (blame white poeple) compared to a STEM degree (Neuro Science, Chemistry, Biology) that people who are starving for work will jump at any situation where they can scream racism and try to get paid. If you don't teach your kids Math and Sciences, they will become a DWL because it's way easier.
"A black guy, with a long rap-sheet (hey, he's only 14-years-old and Obama's My Brother's Keeper program hasn't kicked in yet!), found invading someone's private property - jumping a high-fence in the process - at around 3 a.m.?"....I do not know about you guys, but to me this is what is known as "casing" a joint. Or in the military, Recon or Probing. Check the situation. Is anyone home? Are they awake or sleeping? Is it just a woman with her Chillrens? This sounds to me like a prerequisite to a home invasion. And we all have seen time and time again how that turns out. This MAN did what I would have done. He SHOT and KILLED an INTRUDER.
He protected hid family. He protected himself from a criminal, no matter what age he was. Just like the white-hispanic (whatever that is). If the negroes do not like it, then do not scale a fence and raid someones private property an some ungodly hour (zero-dark-thirty) in the morning. This MAN did what I would have done. If you wait until they break your door in it may be too late for you.
When all of Obama's policies fail him and Michelle are going to be so mad at white people. For the next 30 years you'll have an angry ex prez and First Lady blaming white people for all their problems. Sounds like a great future.
The long rap sheet is its species equivalent of a White man's college diploma.
Jumping a fence and prowling for GIBS is the White equivalent of presenting a resumé during a job interview.
bLACKS are who they are.
bLACKS do what they do.
bLACKS cannot be fixed.
Ex New Yorker here.....A rap sheet at 14. Most kids at that age all they have are pimples.
""" My sister has a PhD in racism. What is she gonna do when she gets out of school and racism doesn't really limit people's opportunities? She's gonna be looking for people's racist "looks" and "white privilege" for the next 50 years and create racism so her career can stay relevant.""""
True, but only up to a point. Case in point: Look at our current president.
What was his private sector career before government? Answer: Community Organizer.
WTF is that anyway except a shakedown of YT (a la Jackson and Sharpton)? How do these pieces....actually make a living as community organizers/activists?
By constantly stoking the grievances real or mostly imagined vs YT.
And their take is what they skim off the top from successful shakedowns of YT owned businesses.
But honestly, if you know how to throw hissy fits whenever you don't get what you want then you're already a natural born community activist.
Followed the "no limit nigga" link.
It's a news article about Skittles Martin's tweets.
Precious little Trayvon apparently spent his time composing charming tweets about "fucking bitches", "thick dicks", money, and of course, "niggas".
No surprise there. What gave me a chuckle was that the reporter opined that the tweets provided insight into
Trayvon's "enigmatic life and character."
Yes, the violent, ignorant, misogynistic, cough syrup chugging thug was quite the enigma. Wish I could have known him. We probably would have been best buds. I mean, until he hit me in the back of the head and stole my car.
The implication in the Trayvon-inspired pose is that this cretin was responsible for at least one welfare baby. Anyone know for sure?
I've seen lots of these 14-YO fathers recently; in one case, someone wanted to be released from Juvenile Hall to visit his kids. Plural. Not twins.
And there is all the whining about the so-called genocide because of the recent news item that blacks had more abortions than children. What you don't see is that they had more children than white people. Focus on that, and embrace abortion for blacks.
Imagine you are a criminal. You have trespassed on to a home owners property with intent to steal. Actually by jumping a locked fence you have signaled a likely hostile violent intent. You have made enough noise to alert the homeowner to your presence. You hear the homeowner opening his backdoor but you don't runaway. You allow yourself to be confronted by the homeowner.
You still have options that could immediate save your life.
You could scream "Don't Shoot! I give up! I am leaving! ..... " You could put your hands up. Drop to your knees...
But no instead you act in a defiant manner and strike a posture which says "Look if you do not act first I will harm you".
Truth is right up until the shot was fired there were things Coulter could have done to save himself. So what did happen can be explained as ; Coulter was stoned out of mind such that who knows what he might do and given his criminal record the worse should be expected, he wanted to go down as a criminal bad ass instead of downplaying his threatening circumstance, he wished for the armed homeowner equivalent of suicide by cop.
The readers of SBPDL are sick of the CULTURAL MARXIST MEDIA or CM2 or CEE EM EM or CMM pretending that blacks have no AGENCY.
Cultural Marxism brainwashes the naive with the message that the world is divided between victims(blacks, gays, illegal aliens...) and victimizers aka YT. This only works if one can fool people into believing that the "victims" have no agency.
But folks are revolting, we are on to the CMM's game.
Hey everyone...sadly I have to report another new commercial portraying the bumbling white guy and the far superior negro. Just now, on FOX I witnessed a Taco Bell commercial. Too bad, because I eat there once and awhile..but not again. Today's reverse racism is the advertisement for the new "XXL" taco. it features a negro athlete consuming a giant taco with no problem due to his obvious superiority to the white man. Next, you see the subordinate, skinny non- athletic white man trying to eat what remains of a giant taco. He is in in a quandary. If only he could be more like the black man. The MSM is definitely ramping up the anti-white/ pro-black propaganda. We here at SBPDL know the truth.
"White people need to send their kids to school for STEM degrees. All of these Arts degrees are extremely detrimental to the country..."
I think that lumping in the study of "racism" with the study of linguistics, or History, or Econonics, or even English Literature, is a dangerous generalization.
Without such people, we'd never get such throwaway lines like, "the sword of equality dangling over the head of the white-Hispanic in a manner that would make Damocles himself blush."
I'm an engineer who has at least an inkling of the advantages of a broad background in the Liberal Arts. The analytical types like us can solve for x; we know very well the score in BRA. But we need the Great Communicators- like Paul Kersey, e.g., to crystalize it like this. If Paul were just a STEM guy, I doubt we'd all read his stuff, and I am sure we'd enjoy it a lot less.
I do agree that if most white people understood science, math, and especially statistics, we'd never have devolved to this point. Engineers are quick to cry bullshit when they see it, and that's a good thing. But diversity- with a small "d"-- means, to me, diversity of disciplines, and of personalities, not of IQ's.
I am sure some of Paul's allusions and arcane references are lost even on me, but I find it amusing, and gratifying, that someone as well-read as he is will continue to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
PhD' s for people that can't handle a real degree in STEM. I know a couple, they could not handle science or math. When I needed an A, I took a psych course or sociology.
The pictures, the "selfies", of these savages are fascinating. You've seen the Trayvon photo's, here's this dead negro, there's a picture of the teenegro who just recently shot a white guy in Seattle with the same image. They love YT's electronic toys.
They are innately narcissistic. Besides other highly dangerous pathologies, they are incredibly narcissistic. Obama is a classic narcissist. We see huge self-esteem, innate violence, no human empathy, no impulse control, possibly elevated testosterone levels, near moron IQs and to this we add a toxic stew of hate indoctrination, actually sponsored by the state with an assist by the media and your friendly school teacher. We have got quite a recipe for disaster here.
These degrees are so easy to get (blame white poeple) compared to a STEM degree (Neuro Science, Chemistry, Biology) that people who are starving for work will jump at any situation where they can scream racism and try to get paid. If you don't teach your kids Math and Sciences, they will become a DWL because it's way easier.
Uh, No...yr notion is 20 years late.
I read a sad tale of a Chemistry PHD with 200? K in debt..
job offer was in ChinaInc, pay 10k a year.
Robotics will make China slave labor less important..maybe thats why I see chem trails over LA.
[and I do see them and Im not paranoid].
"12 Years A Slave" wins best picture at the Oscars. Just keeping that white guilt thing alive for another year.
Been musing on the phrase "white privilege," and decided that it is accurate.
"Privilege" comes from the words meaning "private law." Now, what is the "private law" that applies only to whites? Since religion has been banned from the public sphere, anything having to do with it is private. The remarkable thing about the 10 Commandments is how short they are, and yet they provide a great degree of freedom. Like Anglo-Saxon law, they do not try to prescribe every bit of behavior, but give a short list of the things you may not do, and two things you MUST do: honor your father and mother, and keep the lord's day holy.
Like religion, Anglo-Saxon law has been disappearing, replaced with administrative law. There is no "mens rea" when you are stopped for not wearing a seat belt. Comply, or else. And there is no absolution for infringements.
White people have internalized these two public sources of law, now forced out of the public arena by administrative law, of which BRA is only a subset. So, yes, Virginia, there is "white privilege." When this private law becomes public again, our society will be much better, even for blacks.
A 14 year old kid out at 3 o'clock in the morning? Do niggas not understand "bedtime"? Really sounds as if there's no daddy in the picture here. But I'm sure a few will show up if a law suit is filed.
Now, how do they know a shot to the head caused brain damage? His actions indicate he didn't have much to start with in the first place. His parent(s) ought to get a smack to the head with a 2x4 for allowing him out that late too.
I've seen black women on tv a bawling and squaling about their "little baby" getting shot dead, but then they let their "little babies " out at all hours of the night in a black neighborhood!
Is the question "Are they fucking stupid? " really necessary?
Coulter's own family said yes he was thief bit no not a dangerous one.
Imagine accepting that your 14 yr old son, nephew or cousin is a thief?
any thoughts on
" 12 Years a Slave"
u seem to be a movie buff
Mr. Ken..
You are correct.
You literally cannot find an ad on TV that doesn't feature blacks.
Blacks are always portrayed as super cool, physically attractive, smart, funny, ironic, etc.
They are portrayed as financial planners, brain surgeons, architects, pharmacists, and every black in a TV ad is a devoted family man/woman.
Meanwhile all white men are portrayed as bumbling, uncertain, pear-shaped beta males, inferior to blacks and terrified of their shrieking uber-dominant alpha wives.
I take note of the companies that advertise this way.
They don't get my business.
What's this w/ negroes flipping birds now? Did they just discover this after smart phones came out? Flipping the bird used to be a white thing, but I guess we grew out of it ...
Anonymous said...
Coulter's own family said yes he was thief bit no not a dangerous one.
Imagine accepting that your 14 yr old son, nephew or cousin is a thief?
March 2, 2014 at 9:55 PM
That's part and parcel of the black experience. And it's something white people will never understand. It's also why it's an uphill battle to try and throw money at the "problems" blacks cause anywhere they are found.
You cannot change their culture. You cannot change their culture. You cannot change their culture.
Carolina Cicero sez:
Hopefully, this is a very good sign, a most good one.
$50 says the jury was stacked. Stacked with homeowners, and asked themselves, eff would you do, had that happened to you, sir, m'am?
At 3 in the AM, age of the perp doesn't matter, where the little a-hole is, effing does. You old enough to do the crime? Old enough to do some time, oh, yas.
I feel encouraged, and as I said before, the tide may just about to start turning at long last.
History says so: Handing out free stuff to the poor in Rome did not do diddly, and this shoddy repeat is proving the same.
Now, this effing child is a ward of the state. Lovely! A poster child to white racism, eh?
No, methinks his image needs to be posted everywhere, and with a warning added:
"A waste is a terrible thing to mind."
Ex-Brooklynite truly gets it.
Maybe you were trying to do something subtle that went over my head, but if I take this literally:
"conservatism is the belief that nature is ultimately under our control."
Well, that's the exact opposite from how I understand conservatism.
Wasn't having children at 14 the norm in the Paleolithic era? When the human lifespan was something like 30 years, despite eating local, organic and low impact lifestyle.
Years ago, I was a probation officer in Miami. One of the Black guys on my caseload was very defiant, didn't look for work and missed every appointment with me. Each time I'd call him, he was at home smoking weed.
I told him I'd violate him and he'd go back inside if he didn't come in and start doing his probation. Instead, his family came in and got really loud. They kept saying "leave him alone" and "that's just the way he is. He don't do nuffin for nobody".
So, I said goodbye to his Mom and the two sisters and proceeded to do a probation violation. They couldn't believe it when he got picked up. It was all my fault.
I was the bad guy, and he was "just that way" and I should have left him alone.
That is Black/DWL thinking. We are all racist oppressors, and whatever Mr. Negro wants to do, we should just leave him alone. He wants to sell drugs or break into houses? Sure, why not? He's really a good boy at heart.
This idea that Blacks can do no wrong is very common. When they get caught doing a burglary or get pulled over, tazered and cuffed, smart people are glad the Negro faces consequences. Blacks and DWLs weep for the poor Black and think we are simply seeing the full flower of racism.
What's next? Nat Turner style killings of White infants? Will that be the new Black self-expression? Maybe "murder" flash mobs against Whites that will be answered with more government programs to lift the self-esteem of Blacks?
The more DWLs help the Blacks, the more the Blacks make war on all Whites. That's what is truly meant by Hope and Change.
"Anonymous said...
Coulter's own family said yes he was thief bit no not a dangerous one.
Imagine accepting that your 14 yr old son, nephew or cousin is a thief?"
For negroes, that is a perfectly normal and acceptable career choice so long as its whiteys stuff that is stolen.
Negroes actually view stealing as "work" for which they should be compensated.
It's these New World Order idiots who have foisted the feral blacks and browns on America. When they have broken the will of the whites, they will crash the whole system and take total control. Then they will dispose of all of their "Useful Idiots"
Eddie Scholar
The prisoners are majority black males. They are being housed all together, which makes it very easy to redistribute money to them. You can't have "segregation" or a "white homeland" while your government is stealing your money via taxation and redistributing it to the negroes.
You are going to pay for their care and feeding one way or another.
You can't run. You can't hide whitey.
Remember when this story first broke, one of Coulter's friends or relatives described the 14-year old as a "professional thief."
Okay, so when in the black community can one graduate from amateur thief to professional thief? Age 12, I guess?
no nig_a limit - "12 slaves a year" won big - quelle surprise (facepalm)
Trial junkie here. The New Orleans DA can impanel another grand jury and try again.
Major1 said...
Mr. Ken..
You are correct.
You literally cannot find an ad on TV that doesn't feature blacks.
Blacks are always portrayed as super cool, physically attractive, smart, funny, ironic, etc.
They are portrayed as financial planners, brain surgeons, architects, pharmacists, and every black in a TV ad is a devoted family man/woman.
Meanwhile all white men are portrayed as bumbling, uncertain, pear-shaped beta males, inferior to blacks and terrified of their shrieking uber-dominant alpha wives.
I take note of the companies that advertise this way.
They don't get my business.
Punish them. In every way possible.
The point of the Grand Jury is to cause the White to hesitate, to over-think, to worry. Got to get his reaction time down, because those "pear shaped" White boys seem to be able to shoot. Its in our blood. Whites may not have rhythm, but precision marksmanship under fire is what we are all about. The White has to be kept down, else he will see that he himself can throw off this horror by his own efforts.
Please understand, the FedGov has just been served with a heaping helping of what happens when Whites get really pissed in the form of "The Ukraine Spring". When Whites start to protest and it builds on itself to a crashing sound of the President leaving the Country, you have to know that Obama is thinking of that newly installed bunker under the White House.
Also, he is a seed planter. All of these little "initiatives" he is putting forth are just seeds for future massive bureaucracies. When you object to the big version, the DWL will say, "But you didn't mind it when it was 200 million under Obama so the concept is ok, you are just worried about funding."
All these little crappy things we let him get away with in terms of circumventing the Constitution ,etc serve the same purpose, to give Obama cover (and by extension, any future President)) for further, more egregious violations.
We are going to be second class minorities in our own Country in 20 years. The Socialists are praying to whatever God to keep us unconscious just that long.
Then night will fall for good.
White Homeland
For those who are keeping score, 3.4% negro is too much. Iowa is 3.4% negro, but they commit 30.6% of all violent crime.
Same here in Washington State.
Seems lately they have been branching out to take down Whites; "Polar Bear Hunting".
Fun for the Whole family.
Hey Paul,
Indianapolis here...local talk show host Greg Garrison and WIBC 93.1 radio is partnering with ADT Defender Direct home security systems for a "Townhall" to address whitey's home security needs, and to answer questions on how you whiteys can stop being scared and defend your home and family against the recent wave of negro violence in the city.
This is PROOF that back violence and criminality creates jobs in Indianapolis. Realtors, firearms dealers, personal defense coaches, tactical firearms instructors, home security systems, private schools, radio personalities, pensions for more Affirmative Action black cops, and so much more!
Have a question?
@GarrisonRadio @WIBC #WIBCTownHall
"This is free to the public and will feature expert panelists on home safety, guns and personal safety. Guests can purchase top of the line and state of the art home security items at this event."
Why are so many violent crimes happening?
Why do I feel so afraid?
How do I keep my home protected?
What is "Polar Bear Hunting?"
Are guns the answer, or problem?
Should whites be allowed to exist at all??
Submit your important questions here:
@GarrisonRadio #WIBCTownHall
Yes, agreed. The White Man's burden continues.
Philadelphia Mike.
See Paul? Whitey be doin' it too.
No one has ever said whites don't crime/murder.
What I've said is that the black community excuses away black crime, holding the police with some grand anti-black conspiracy (as many white liberals believe as well).
These four should be executed. Murderers should be executed once convicted, regardless of race.
I suspect he was brain damaged before being shot in the ... no harm no foul
SBPDL: "No one has ever said whites don't crime/murder."
Right. I get that. HOWEVER...
Hallelujah Jesus! It is no longer a black male problem and we can start a REAL war on the generic, race-blind violence. We should be afraid of EVERYONE, including whites and females. Not just feral black males.
The only reason we are having a "Townhall" and stop the violence garbage now is BECAUSE they found 4 white murderers to throw under the bus. You can't say it is a black problem anymore. Just try, I dare you.
They can finally say "Go home racists."
They are pushing death penalty for these four whites, who shot others in a car over a personal drug issue, but would never call for the death penalty for a 16 year old teen brutha who raped and shot a mother and daughter after he ransacked their home at 7am.
NOW we can talk openly about violence in Indianapolis because we have 4 white faces to plaster on posters and wave before the blood-thirsty mob.
the 2 pix in the story are worth a million words.
My sister has a PhD in racism.
Quote of the day..whats a degree in ray cysm?
Look at that beautiful young white family ... "they" see that picture, and venom drips from their fangs. They want to tear that family apart forever, all for the benefit of a criminal savage.
America is dead. Don't ever think of 'taking America back' again. It's gone. Something new must arise.
My sentiments exactly . . .
"My sister has a PhD in racism. What is she gonna do when she gets out of school and racism doesn't really limit people's opportunities? She's gonna be looking for people's racist "looks" and "white privilege" for the next 50 years and create racism so her career can stay relevant."
Some over-educated client of mine I was dealing with the other day was rambling on about some nonsense concerning someone involved in a "racefail" incident wherein a black person was fired for being "too angry". I suppose the message here is that blacks can be as hostile and angry as they want and if whites object, they are being "racist". I barely managed to keep from laughing in her face and took her money for my services anyway. Silly girl. I'm sure if she knew my real feelings she would denounce me for being an evil racist and take her business elsewhere. And she would never see how Orwellian this is.
"That is Black/DWL thinking. We are all racist oppressors, and whatever Mr. Negro wants to do, we should just leave him alone. He wants to sell drugs or break into houses? Sure, why not? He's really a good boy at heart."
Some cop here shot a black outside a store recently - dead - after responding to a shoplifting call. a .45 was found on the ground next to the dead black male's body. Dead black male turns out to be some rap person or other with famous rap friends or something and they are tweeting all sort of anti-cop messages. "He wasn't doin nuthin! Cop pigs musta planted that gun!" Yeah, because rap music isn't all about stealing, having a piece, and shooting cops. He was surely just walking by the store on his way to church.
America is not gone, yet.
We are still the majority.
We still have time to break the white silence.
There is still time to talk sense into our children to raise large families of their own.
Here, in the Philadelphia region, many of the young white married girls are now having 3 and 4 beautiful European/White children. I'm seeing it more in the Irish/Italian girls. We're all mostly a European blend now, though.
It's a great thing to see this trend. Is anyone else seeing this trend where they live?
Keep the Faith
Get the word out and Break the White Silence
Philadelphia Mike
@Paul Kersey..blacks excuse criminals..what about how whites excuse white criminals as "mentally ill"
whites play the 'insane card"
Speaking of self-defense, have you seen the latest re: gun registration in Connecticut? This will affect all of us when the first shot is fired.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
PhD' s for people that can't handle a real degree in STEM. I know a couple, they could not handle science or math. When I needed an A, I took a psych course or sociology.
About half of all Black PHds get their doctorates in Education.
Had an epiphany today that makes me more optimistic about our future, thought I'd share it here.
Sites like this, Amren, etc, we're always hoping white/european folks will wake up to a shared solidarity.
I think this unintended side effect will be the one upside to becoming a minority in our own countries. Look at the growing sentiments of ethnic nationalism in the UK and Europe already.
Think about the knowing look between two black people when they notice each other in a sea of white faces. I notice the same thing frequently happens now between whites when the situation is reversed.
Being outnumbered, whereas previously you take the ubiquitous presence of your group for granted, really pokes the tribal DNA down deep.
In that, I see the very thing that we are troubled by, will act as an increasingly unifying instinctual force. That aspect of this whole unfortunate scenario will be a positive thing I think.
"...Rising up to the challenge of our rivals..."
Why was a family photo released?
The Engineer
off topic
Via Takimag [highly recommended race realism at Takis]
Last Thursday, President Barack Obama—who, though abandoned by his black father and raised almost exclusively by white relatives, tends to downplay or even negate his white half—unveiled a new campaign called “My Brother’s Keeper.”
The program would funnel hundreds of millions of dollars from businesses and foundations to specifically give a leg up to “young minority men.” By any sane definition, this would constitute discrimination against young white men.
“We’ve got to help you knock down some of the barriers that you experience,” Obama told a group of minority chilluns without specifying whether or not this involved the Knockout Game. His program is allegedly designed to “tackle the systemic problems facing young men of color.”
Wasn't that odd how esteemed party member Comrade Kommissar potholder felt ill last week after the black pastors started their impeach Comrade Kommissar potholder petition.
@ Philly Mike Si se puede!
The little thugs older brother was arrested last week for armed robbery in the financial district in NOLA. The "News" tried to keep it quiet. The 14 y/o can no longer walk and it appears his crime career has ended. In a sane world the mother would be in jail.
NO. Even if immigrant stopped to 0. White deaths outnumber births. Non-white births outnumber white births. The die is cast.
My sister has a PhD in racism.
Quote of the day..whats a degree in ray cysm?
It's what you get when you are too lazy to learn math or science. I asked her about it one time and she told me that sometimes in a job interview you can be racist against the person being interviewed without knowing. Must be easy to go into a field where there is no right or wrong. "Hey maybe they were racist. They could be. " She also told me that they were doing something on Charles Ramsey. Seems like the stupidest thing ever but it's a true story. She is 38, finishing a PhD in racism and hasn't started working yet.
The picture of the negro Marshall, holding apparently, his child while flashing the FU finger is not just reminiscent of Trayvon but is more reflective of the negro being a product of the negro sub-species of human, gene pool.
The negro gene pool having evolved in concert with the negro's equatorial African biosphere renders a particular negro nature suited to that biosphere and not to another mutually exclusive biosphere.
The negro is fully matured earlier than a white. His cerebrum is physically smaller and therefore necessarily of a lower IQ.
In the white man's world the negro fails beyond an 8th grade education because that is the negro cerebrum's natural boundary and limit for things of intelligence.
In the white man's world the negro has offspring at a seemingly inappropriate early age. But that is because we think of the negro as being the same as a white who happens to have a different skin color.
The negro has offspring earlier than his white counterpart because it is his nature to be matured earlier, with a smaller cerebrum, and to propagate earlier, and more, often than a white.
The negro gene pool strategy is to reproduce in higher numbers of quantity at the expense of higher quality of IQ.
The mutually exclusive gene pools, cerebrums and cultures of white versus negro makes the negro incompatible and incapable of normal function in the white man's higher culture of civilization.
The negro belongs in his own lower culture of the primitive savage.
Unfortunately, the negro has seen the higher quality of life the white man's higher culture of civilization affords and he does not want to go back to his own lowly culture, which of among other things, predisposes negros to a shorter life expectancy.
So the negro persists acting out his negro nature in the white man's higher culture of civilization at the white's expense.
They get away with this because of white liberals are the negro enablers.
White liberals, the only humans on planet Earth lower than the belly of a snake, among other realities, need the negros assistance in achieving their superiority via a fully enfranchised democracy.
A fully enfranchised democracy is the tool of the Devils brood.
White liberals use this tool as they continue their pursuit of their new world, one world order of globalism, socialism and democracy, with its eventuality of tyranny, poverty and misery for the masses and the highlife of power, fame and fortune for its good shepherd leaders, the liberal elites.
We whites are going down.
Our posterity faces increased odds of being mulattoized.
We whites must begin to recognize our need for a non-liberal white homeland as soon as possible.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
Trial junkie here. Anonymous 1:01, no whites do not excuse criminality by playing the insane card. As PK said, blacks rationalize (or support outright) black crime.
How many whites are going to support the suspects in the Indianapolis murders?
@Paul Kersey..blacks excuse criminals..what about how whites excuse white criminals as "mentally ill"
whites play the 'insane card"
I think you are mistaking understanding for excusing. When blacks make excuses for the thugs among them they imply that they shouldn't be held to the letter of the law or that they didn't deserve to be shot by an innocent home owner during a home invasion "cuz dey wuz not be armed and dey was turnin dey life around".
When white folk analyze the Adam Lanzas or Jared Loughners they are not trying to excuse but to understand. If they had both been shot and killed during the commission of their crimes you wouldn't have heard any boo-hooing from white folk.
Besides, white murder is rare when compared to the numbers and depravity of black murderers. Consider the argument that crime is caused by poverty. Yet more white people in this country are on welfare or below the poverty line compared to blacks but those numbers are not reflected in the DOJ statistics - whites make up a smaller percentage of the prison population than their percentage of residents in the US.
You need to re-think your assertion.
The juxtaposition of Landry's and Coulter's photos speak volumes. They tell you all you need to know about both of them.
How anyone could have an opinion about Rachel Jeantel, Trayvon Martin, and Marshall Coulter that is anything other than disgust is unfathomable.
These three represent what blackness really is--ignorance, stupidity, violence, and a dead soul topped with a dollop of inflated self ego.
Jeantel is a moronic, bloated, angry nit-wit that is undoubtedly convinced of her own greatness. Martin and Coulter were both hopelessly stupid, violent gangster wannabes. Trayvon "No Limit Nigga" Martin certainly found just how limited he was. I wonder what Marshall Coulter's catch-phrase was? Ninja nigga?
All three are recipients of adoration and love from people of color, as well as brain-dead whites.
Folks, these idiots are examples of what we get from decades of spending billions of dollars to rescue blacks has achieved...not a damned thing.
Moreover, if you cross paths with people like this, and you are forced to defend yourself, your tax dollars will be spent to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law.
There is nothing more tyrannical I can think of that being forced to support blacks from cradle to grave, and then having my own money the government confiscated used to destroy me for defending myself against a protected class.
I wish Mr. Landry well. This story hasn't gotten the attention the Trayvon Martin case did, so he may be able to have a normal life if Holder doesn't lock him up.
Round one is when Landry gets no-billed.
Round two is when the Holder Injustice Department twists arms to have a special prosecutor appointed to bypass the grand jury process.
Round three is when people publish the pictures, home addressses and plenty of other useful data on the special prosecutor, the SP's family, and anyone else involved in the kangaroo court so that concerned citizens can return a message by a number of different channels.
is that his kid? if so did he sire at age 12?
My favorite is; Only god can judge us, not YT and God did this or that
No one has ever said whites don't crime/murder.
Even Michael Moore admits that blacks are more criminal in that they are 44% of Death Row inmates compared to 40% White.
Hey, it's March Beware of blacks mumff is over. But nonetheless- Be aware and be prepared
"Martin and Coulter were both hopelessly stupid, violent gangster wannabes."
Martin and Coulter was also the name of a British song-writing duo from the late 60s-early 70s. Just as an aside.
Martin & Coulter wrote that creepy instrumental, 'L.S.D.' I remember that.
As an aside, I think most of the people in the US government are on LSD.
Paul Kersey..blacks excuse criminals..what about how whites excuse white criminals as "mentally ill"
Which white excuse which white criminals? Can you state some cases?
The more DWLs help the Blacks, the more the Blacks make war on all Whites. That's what is truly meant by Hope and Change.
Good point.
We have had every last liberal program implemented to "uplift" blacks and what has been the result? Massive black crime, illegitimacy, poverty, corruption, city trashing...
And it's not just in the Homeland, but throughout black majority rule Africa. Billions of dollars in foreign aid, NGO programs, save the children (tm), and what do whites get? Their daughters cut to pieces by black mobs. See Amy Biehl.
I've seen black women on tv a bawling and squaling about their "little baby" getting shot dead, but then they let their "little babies " out at all hours of the night in a black neighborhood!
Is the question "Are they fucking stupid? " really necessary?
Are they stupid? What's the average IQ of these black women? In the 80s? Be interesting to test them for IQ.
It's programmed dysgenics. The welfare state subsidizes the breeding of a pathological underclass. Meanwhile, the productive sectors are penalized by the taxation system and thousands of petty regulations. And then driven from their neighborhoods by criminal violence from the underclass.
Anarcho-tyranny in action.
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