Remember, Memphis (64 percent black) is a city where the city council voted in 2008 to sever all ties to the popular program The First 48, because, in the words of one black council member, it “exposed the world to the worst aspects of our city.”[Memphis police cut ties with TV's 'First 48': Show sensationalizes city violence, council says, Memphis Commercial Appeal, 6-12-2008]
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The Latter-Day Liberian (LDL) in green had the pleasure of his mother defending his actions on My Fox Memphis |
Remember: The Memphis Police Association put up billboards that simply read, "DANGER: Enter at your own risk; This city does not support public safety."[Billboard scaring pants off Memphis visitors,, 5-4-13]:
Billboards installed by the Memphis Police Association in the past week are starting a debate over public safety and could be hurting the city's image.
Mike Williams, President of the MPA, says the billboards are targeting city leaders but Mayor A C Wharton says the billboards - which say "DANGER: Enter at your own risk; This city does not support public safety" - are driving tourists away.
During a news conference Friday Mayor Wharton didn't hold back. He says these signs around town could cost some people their jobs and he says they're out of line. Williams says they're protecting the union's jobs and benefits.
"I think it's self-centered, I think it's selfish," Mr. Wharton said. "I think it has no place in our city."
A $2 million federal grant was awarded to the city to found a network of agencies that will help black children cope with the violence they are exposed to, employing an army of “family service providers” in the process [Crime-fighting program to start with children in Memphis, Memphis Commercial Appeal, 10-12-2012].
The Memphis Gun Down initiative was launched in February by Mayor A C Wharton Jr., which specifically “targets young African-American men who obtain weapons illegally and use them while committing crimes.” [Memphis initiative targets gun violence prevention, Memphis Commercial Appeal, 1-25-13]
With this in mind, let's revisit the hundred+ deep black mob attack of a "white dude" in Memphis. [They Got A White Dude': Police Investigating Gang-Related Memphis Attack Of Three People, CBS St. Louis, 9-8-14]
But we don't need to revisit it in the way you think, but by merely listening to this interview conducted by a My Fox Memphis reporter and a black mother of one of the black participants in the 100+ deep black mob attack. Please note, at the ripe old age of 33, this black mother has eight children. [Mother Of Teen Arrested In Kroger Beating Talks With FOX13, MY Fox Memphis, 9-9-14]:
The mother of one of the teens arrested in the Kroger mob attack wants to set the record straight. She says her kid did a terrible thing but that doesn't make her a terrible mother.
She came to the FOX13 studios last night just before midnight for the interview.
33-year-old Chrishundra Hill is the mother of 8 children.
Hill says since the video of the Kroger mob attack showing her 15-year-old son wearing a neon green shirt, she and her other kids have been ridiculed so badly she doesn't like leaving the house.
WATCH: Video Of Kroger Beating
She asked us to blur her face in this interview to prevent further shame on her younger kids.
Hill says her son is wearing the neon green shirt. The 15-year-old is now charged in connection with this mob beating of two Kroger employees and a customer.
MORE: MPD: 11 People, Including 10 Juveniles Now Charged In Connection With Violent Kroger Attack
She says she saw the video right along with the rest of us. Mearl asked, "Is that how you recognized him; from clothing?” She said, “Not really…When he left that night he didn't have that on. He had on a white tee shirt."
She says her son has recently started running with a bad crowd while waiting to start attending a special school.
It led to an arrest and he is facing charges of possession of a weapon. But she couldn't believe what she was seeing at the door of the Kroger grocery store.
Hill said, “I know how that child's mother feels. Not trying to justify what my son did, what he did was wrong. It was wrong. He is just 15! He is the one being made to look like a monster.
I said there are those who see what he did as a monster like act. Hill responded, “I know, I heard Mr. Whalum, I was watching the news."
Whalum says, “"Let's be crystal clear what happened on that Kroger lot within walking distance of this building was domestic terrorism...Domestic terrorism. The youth people who participated were not human beings, they were savage beasts.
Let's be very very clear about that."
WATCH: Dr. Whalum Calls Beat Down Domestic Terrorism
Mearl Purvis: “When you say he's just 15 it's like you are making excuses.
Hill: “I'm not making excuses. Not saying he just 15 for the crime he committed. I'm saying he is just 15 for the news to put him in the news like that."… “I'm not trying to uphold him for what he did. But I've been put in the media as a deadbeat mom and I'm not. I'm raising other children who don't have that type of problems."
When asked what is a fair punishment she said, “Yes punishment too cuz what he did is wrong. But, I also think he should get help."
Hill said her son needs help to control his anger; anger that is out of control since the death of his father.Memphis is no longer an America city.
It is a black city.
It is an African city.
A city where black domestic terrorism has helped fuel white flight; and, tragically, a city where a transfer of wealth (42 percent of blacks in Shelby County - where Memphis is located - were on food stamps/EBT card in 2010, compared to only six percent of whites) to pay for EBT/Food Stamps has enabled the continued growth in the black domestic terrorist population...
If you're white, enter Memphis at your own risk: there's 15-year-old black monsters on the prowl, with black mothers ready to defend and excuse away their acts of terrorism (knowing one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, perhaps it's time we reevaluate what black crime/black mob violence is to blacks...).
FOX13 News, WHBQ FOX 13
Memphis has become a crime ridden hell hole and living there requires one to fortify their home
This topic was aired in our local news station. But the news reporter said that the mob consisted of black AND white teenagers.
Is that true?
She also said that the victims were black AND white as well.
As distrustful as I am of the Ministry of Truth and the Brain Wash Media, I thought I might get the real answer here.
If the neon green boy had a father he'd look like Obama.
Hey anon -
All the kids were black. The victims were white, then a black kid tried to help and got stomped too. But make no mistake, it's a racial crime the same as skinheads stomping a black for no reason then stomping a white guy who jumps in to save the black.
The media hard at work to excuse monger away the black hatred for anything and everything white and civil.
Blacks don't create concrete organizations of hate because they naturally gravitate towards it anyway. Only whites get together to form groups that supposedly "Hate", which in reality is a form of defense against this sort of black assault.
So the media has that lack of group association on their side to blur the lines of reality, keeping the whites in line. It's working so far, but it's starting to crack around the edges.
-focal joker-
8 kids at 33? Were definitely screwed
Chrishundra? Really? Someone should compile a list of all the idiotic names blacks come up with.
He is a 15 year THUG Ms. Hundra.
Scot Irish
But that's a small price to pay to get all that vibrant diversity, enriching the lives of all and promoting "cultural competence." The Japanese, Russians, Koreans, Chinese and Poles are so envious...
if there were two wiggers and 150 blacks, they'll say it was a mix of blacks and whites.. and NO, they did not beat a black person. they specifically beat two white people.
What difference does it make if there were black and WHITE. White kids are EMULATING WHAT BLACKS ARE ALLOWED TO DO WITH IMPUNITY....WHY do you think all kids are out of control because this presidency and this admin and liberals allow and encourage and glorify BLACK GHETTO HIP HOP RAP THUG CULTURE. What do you people think is happening when whites are mixed in.Every white person is acting like they are black,from the way they talk to the way they act.Look around you.I love the BS excuse,oh ,look there are white kids too...YEA EMULATING WHAT THIS COUNTRY HAS DONE ,PUT GHETTO THUG BLACK CULTURE ON A PEDASTEL AND NO ONE CAN SAY ANYTHING BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE "RAYCISS"
Remember, Memphis (64 percent black) is a city where the city council voted in 2008 to sever all ties to the popular program The First 48, because, in the words of one black council member’s, it “exposed the world to the worst aspects of our city.
It sure did. By showing just what animals the registered Memphis blue gums really are.
If the show was forced to show an equal amount of whites Homicides, it would take years.
And if Obama had a son he would be just like this kid.
Who the hell says "picture movie"? Did he mean moving picture? Who the hell says that either.. Is he a robot alien?
I don't think any of you morons ever set foot in Memphis. I HAVE been to Memphis and it's not the crime ridden, African city you idiots make it out to be. Dumbasses.
How can they say the show sensationalizes violence when they simply follow around homicide detectives?
48 hours is a great show because it shows how random and stupid black violence can be.
I saw a comment not long ago that is a great question for liberals: What is the excuse for the hordes of black men that hang around Memphis? If they are unemployed then why are they not looking for a job or doing volunteer work? How does it help your situation to stand around all day? What is the excuse for loitering?
FIRST they attacked two black guys mainly out of opportunity. No ages yet given but I am betting they were older. BUT as soon as they saw the "white dude", they ignored everything else and went after him. If there had been any other white people out in the parking lot, they would have been attacked before anyone else.
Safe to say, if the white guy hadn't come around, they would have continued to eat their own. And if there have been more white people around, they wouldn't have attacked the other blacks.
Dr Whalum can call black domestic terrorists when they commit domestic terrorism and not be called racist.
The voicing of these opinions by "uncle tom" blacks may be allowed because the threat of black violence has spread rapidly and could start affecting our dear leaders if the issue isn't addressed sooner than later.
Just wondering what Elvis would think of his home town of Memphis now. There was controversy over Elvis supposedly stating that the only thing a Negro could do for him was shine his shoes. Ironic that Graceland employs almost all black staff. Elvis got criticized for the song about the ghetto. Blacks felt his music was stolen from them. They love to be miserable and as the old saying goes. .misery loves company. They have no problem sharing or inflicting their misery every where they roam.
People it's okay, everything is going to be okay now.
There is a love mob gathered at the now infamous Kroger. They are going to stop the hate and pass out written messages of love, and candy to the local kids. They are promoting peace and joy and I am sure we'll all get along now.
As another regular sometimes says, "Bahahahahahaha".
The young lady organizing the love fest is a born and bred southerner, not a Damn Yankee, just sayin.
I am not sure who is laughing harder right now, me or the thugs watching her on their 92 inch flat screens TVs.
Hey, I'll fight for this country and my race, no problem. Tell me where the real protest is, I want matching T-shirts and pre-printed signs that say, "I'm white, I'll fight." And I have some ideas for hand gestures that don't include raising my arms above my head.
I don't want to fight with people from the south, there are beautiful areas in the south and some wonderful people, but I am sick of hearing about how everything is the fault of the north. I'm from the north, and I had nothing to do with the civil war, the end of slavery, busing, the ending of segregation, etc. And blaming the north for what southern cities look like today is starting to have the same ring of victim hood the blacks use when demanding reparations for slavery. It's over, it happened, good or bad, it doesn't change the situation today, it contributed no doubt, but you can't change the past.
It would be nice if whites could all band together but maybe we are too independent-minded. Look at the recent comments, this used to be site with one goal, and now there is a lot of fighting among the different factions. I guess it has come to personal survival, too bad.
PS, Centurion, thanks for the advice, I am well skilled and well equipped. And thank you to Paul for following this story.
Perhaps her 'child' is not a monster; he is a violent criminal.
And 45 is an idiot, not crime-ridden, not African. Stupid troll.
Why don't you look at Wreg's website today.
More news about the Kroger mob.
Black Memphis fire fighter is the suspect for the shooting that happened at Target a few days ago. (Remember the "moms" want their kids safe at Target, no guns, how's that working out for ya?)
Former Memphis police officer charged with rape, accused of raping the woman when he responded to a police call. Hey it's former MPD, maybe he can apply in Ferguson, I heard theys needin more black officers cause they understan the folks.
Remains of Holly Bobo found (white crime there, but crime is crime).
Unfortunately, there is no news about how the midnight basketball program is working. How disappointing, I really thought that was the answer.
I could go on but you get the picture....
Trayvon Martin shouldn't have been killed for trying to bash George Zimmerman's brains out on the sidewalk. Michael Brown shouldn't have been killed for trying to attack a police officer. Now this thug's mother is worried about his media portrayal. He shouldn't have been portrayed badly because he has anger problems. It's just not fair!
What does a black "teen" have to do to be considered bad in the black community? Get a job and have a clean criminal record?
Black people are hopelessly narcissistic and psychotic. They are responsible for nothing and deserve everything.
We were promised that none of this was going to happen when integration and civil rights was rammed down our throats. We're hearing the same tune with our friends hopping the Rio Grande from south of the border.
Yep, the old melting pot will kick in any day now, and all this violence and destruction will disappear. Yeah, sure.
Time to put up a billboard at our borders: "DANGER: Enter at your own risk if you are white; this country wants to destroy you."
Jassi is so cute.
Scot Irish
Is a teen with a pumpkin still an "unarmed teen?" I need to know so I can sort out the Ministry of Truth's proclamations and come to goodthinking.
Dear Stuck in Mississippi,
My apologizes from a Southern White Man. I'm sorry you have to live so close to the black dysfunction.
Please stay safe.
Scot Irish
Guy I know told me bout Memphis. Said he was there on a job and got robbed two days in a row by the same 13 year old negro with a shotgun. Mid 90's. I doubt it has improved.
Blacks never, and I mean NEVER, believe they are wrong. No introspection whatsoever. I would venture that black suicide rate is the lowest of all races. Inverse relation with self awareness and IQ is my theory.
An aside. Think of most of the 30 year old white women you see. How many have babies. Maybe half? Probably less if in a big city. If so how many? One or two? Blacks are having 3 or 4 times that easy. Even with the disparate abortion rate they are going to swamp us especially in the south. Not to mention Latinos.
Anyways, to hell with this "NWORD" and his mama.
PS, I saw the other day that a DC Deputy Chief of corrections(black female) was murdered in her apartment by what looks to be a Somalian or some such. Huge lightbulb head negro. No tears shed on my part.
Memphis is not a black-infested
Hellhole? Especially since their mothers swear that they are all good boys?
Well then this must be an abnormality:
This must be another example of a good hard-working-angelic-future-astronaut black man being falsely accused in the racist city of 64% black Memphis. Right?
And I quote:
"Two of the victims identified Benton from a series of photos, and he’s now charged with kidnapping, assault, robbery, burglary, and carjacking.
WREG spoke to Benton’s parents, who said he has never been in trouble before and insist he is innocent.
However, News Channel 3 found he does have a rap sheet, including charges for drugs and resisting arrest."
The proof is in the pudding they say.
The Baron
"The father of one of the victims in the Kroger parking lot attack says even though these kids seriously hurt his son, he feels bad for them."
Sickening.....Another useless white beta male. No wonder tv portrays us that way, weak and impotent.
Get was a pumpkin gone wrong. Had to type it.
Scot Irish
I was thinking that exact same thing! I am 41 years old and I have a degree in chemical engineering, and I just FINALLY got a house and car that I own... I am relatively out of debt and now I can finally have a child.. Imagine the priorities of these breeders..They are making so many more like them for us to support and endure.. imagine what America will look like in twenty years.. we're fucked.
Unwed mother of 33. Yet she can't seem to understand that she everything wrong and broken with this decaying nation. When will we stop rewarding the reckless breeding habits?
Ooooh Chrishundra be lookin' gooood! She showin' dat phat azz and finna start twerkin' to gets hur a buck to heps wif her chijuns. Hur innocent boy finna be an afronaut but Whitey sho nuff gonna trah an' stop dat shit. Dey ain' nevuh cuts a brotha no slack!
We are watching LBJ's other Vietnam. It's actually the war that we couldn't win no matter what. Vietnam was winnable at some cost, if we really had the national will. What we are watching: here, at, at, at, at, and other sites, is a war that can't be won. And Lord knows there's a national will. Even I wish that this war could be won. I wish that blacks weren't so completely sub-human that they break every society in which they appear in large numbers. God, I wish we had our $100 trillion back.
But we don't, and it's not winnable, and we've been chasing this rainbow for 50 years that really doesn't exist. It would be so great if it did; if blacks weren't all 1 standard deviation to the left; if blacks didn't have a far higher propensity towards violence; if just throwing money at the problem would work.
Our founding fathers knew. Lincoln knew. Somehow, we found them lacking in uplift, vision, and breadth of mind. So, we left them...
After (by my count) over $100 trillion, it's time to say, "uncle." Blacks are not the same, and we've made a giant mistake. Sure, the liberals can point to individual 3-sigma blacks, but since liberals don't understand statistics, it's like trying to tell a moron that Koko the gorilla isn't like all the other gorillas in the jungle. "If they all had the right advantages, they too could hang out with Robin William..."
Paul, you've provided some optimism over the years, but the writing is on the wall. We have a black problem, and we have a black-denialist problem. The latter is the one that will kill us, because if we chose to, we could fix the former with pentobarbital or even Depo-provera. But, these are not "the hopes that our world was built on," and I remain "utterly out of touch."
Frankly, I don't see how we can avoid the extinction of the white race. That sounds so... so KKK. I am not that, I assure you. But when alien invasive species come into the mix, things change. The Zebra mussel may not be the best mussel, but it's quite fecond and it's been brought into our environment with little to check its growth. Blacks are like Zebra mussels, brought into an environment that encourages it ( through EBT etc.) to breed ad nauseum. And its nature encourages it to wipe out the other "mussels." I'm telling you, I don't have anything against the Indians, but what we did there was far more intelligent. We need to take the leashes off the blacks and the whites, and see what happens.
The questions never asked in an interview: "What do you do? What does your husband do?"
Please, for the love of God, won't they try this on some guy carrying a fully automatic Uzi?
Got my popcorn ready...
In the Land of the Free he had to do it. Otherwise, in addition to having an injured son he'd be out of a job as a "racist."
"I don't think any of you morons ever set foot in Memphis. I HAVE been to Memphis and it's not the crime ridden, African city you idiots make it out to be. Dumbasses."
Maybe this was in that tiny bit of Memphis you haven't been to, diversity Einstein.
The victim's father also said this was not about race. He added some drivel about the breakdown of the family. Amazing.
Eight kids by the age of 32. She's already gotten herself a big ole slice of that "gibsmuhdat pie". Of course he is a good boy who din do nuffins. He had anger issues because his daddy died? He actually knew who his daddy was? If so, that's pretty freakin' rare in Negroland. And with 8 chillen she has time to troll into a television station to weigh in on the way her son is portrayed by the media? Really?? It never ends with these people. I'm surprised she didn't complain that the camera didn't get her son's best angle. Now how he gonna be a rap stah?
Imagine your son or daughter having to go to school with this little monster! Think of all the monkeyshines that zoom through this brats head as he wiles the day away in educational lockup. At 15 these "teens" have already fathered children, smoked weed and crack, have extensive juvenile records and are only in school because state law requires it. Damn right this kid is a monster..., ready to be unleashed on society. Wait till he gets a hold of a gun, I would hate to be the night clerk at the convenience store when this monster shows up with a .38 because he will kill for $50.
Ok, first I would like to say I have a good friend who lives in Knoxville,TN and his only living grandparent lives in Memphis, however, he will not go visit due to the blackness and crime melded togehter.
Also, lets all keep in mind when the Africans, in Africa, (black on black) sold their own kind to whites for the glorious (due to the fact in retrospect, it was a blessing to their race) task of raising cotten, it was like hitting the lottery for negros. The darkies that are presently here should thank any YT's they run into daily.
Race realism is correct. What the coons had in Africa at the same time YT's were ruling the world is shit! They were naked and afraid. Living like savages and being caught and SOLD by their own kind.
In contrast, Europeans had major cities, with huge churches, cities etc. The moon crickets, had shit made house, no resources, no family I really need to go on? If you don't believe it then look it up yourself. They were animals when they were caught and sold. So they will never be on the level of the YT due to time and space.
We had culture, engineering, structure and they had tribal leadership at best. this is a dead end and I am glad to be aware of it!
Also, just so yall know, I heard the interview with the new CEO of the Atlanta Hawks this morning, he said "they are catering to the blicks, hispanics, and multi-generational fans". Never did he say anything about White fans. If you read this and live anywhere near Atlanta, stay away from the negro ballet that is the NBA! Lets curb stomp the BRA!
It's so damned predictable:
Ministry of Truth:
Youthful teens engage in rough horseplay with Kroger employees, who are injured in exuberant melee.
Cops, prosecutors for Banana Empire:
This is not about race!
Nascent negro thug's momma:
Unfair! Shitavious beez a good boy! Honah stoodint at pubick skoo!
....and so on, and so on.
YT goes back to niggaball games, keeps paying loans to Banksteins for more shit-sandwiches and grape-drank. If he gets worried, is told by B-team of squid free-shit army to vote R-jersey, that'll change things for sure! Idiocracy wasn't really about the future.
I've been there on several occasions and it's a zoo. Once the sun goes down I make sure I'm indoors because that's when the beasts go on the prowl. It sounds like you're the dumbass who's never been there.
Elvis must have stole Egypt and the ability that let them fly too. I don't know if any of you have heard that but Afrocentrist say the could fly at one time. Hilarious.
Many of us, who'd like to protest this sort of shit to make a scene like the "other side" does cannot because we actually work. I propose that there be a yearly protest against black violence by "us" once a year with 6 months advance notice so those of us that are responsible people can plan and show ourselves through our actual numbers. No religious bullshit, no tea party stuff, just one point: Quit attacking us or we may possibly attach you.
New studies show that eggs in women AND sperm in men decline in quality as BOTH men and women age. Am older man and older woman have a much greater chance at problems than a younger. Why did you value your lifestyle over family?
The Chinese and Russians don't read The Onion when they want a laugh. They read The New York Times. Our daily fare of reporting about the U.S. must be hilarious to them. A woman called " Chrishundra"? What next?!!
I be on it.
If you listen to what the mammy said she's not upset about what her son did but what people are saying about her. I wonder who these people could be? Does anybody think it's possible that the elderly people in the black community are giving her hell and that's what she so upset about? Not leaving the house is a good idea for this thing anyway. Apparently she can walk by a buck and crap one out in nine months.
Somebody above said something about us southerners blaming everything on the north and though it may seem that way it's not true. People who really know their history will tell you that the average Yankee was a victim just as much as the southerner. They were used as cannon fodder by the ruling elite in the north to further their purposes and casualty rates in the north were very high considering they had acsess to medical supplies the south didn't. Many Yankee soldiers deserted en mass after Lincoln's emancipation proclamation which is much celebrated but did nothing. The men in blue thought they were fighting to preserve the union, they were duped by the same government that's duping is today. The boys on grey knew what they were fighting for and it wasn't so the wealthy southerners could keep their farm equipment.
The time for laying blame is over, I think the reason it appears that southerners alway blame the north is because they've been telling us how bad and stupid we are for 150 years. When I say they I mean the federal government and DWL's not the average northerner who's ancestors were tricked into fighting a war over tariffs and some of their decendants deluded into thinking that blacks were the equal of whites. Hell I know a few southern DWL's that believe that too.
As far as giving up the south I for one never will. I have deep roots here and this is my home, the cities are a problem but any city with a sizable black population has the same problems. Get out in the country and things are very different. Random acts of blackness are far less common because most of us are armed and they know it. The targets that they pick are not the burly six and a half foot tall farm boy but the whimpy guy just trying to earn a living and get by or the elderly. However they sometimes make mistakes here and get lead poisoning. Strange you never hear about the elderly widow that shoots the armed black intruder on the news. It's happened several times this year in SC and hasn't made the news except in the newspapers and who reads those anymore.
Is their a need to get off on all this other stuff about a white homeland (I think that's Europe) and religion? I don't think so, the problem stares us in the face. It's dark and smells like shit, oh and it speaks Ebonics.
Names would be funny.
Orangelo and Lemongelo
Female Infant (pronounced femalee infante meaning the put it on the birf certificate and she thought they named it)
Shithead (sheet heed)
How they come up with these names is beyond me. These are the ones I can spell, once they start with the apostrophe's and semi colons I'm at a loss. I've also noticed they aren't pronounced how they're spelled which is no suprise.
Did "teens" use pumpkins to batter white people during segregation?
Just askin'...
8 sprogs at 33 years old. WTF. That, my friends, is true TNB. Of course the sow will defend it. She wants to be on tv. I hope that Kroger closes down too. More food deserts for those worthless criminal "teens".
Southron said...We were promised that none of this was going to happen when integration and civil rights was rammed down our throats.
Integration was supposed to end black dysfunctions (crime, poverty, illegitimacy, drop out rates, etc.). Then it was civil rights acts and war on poverty which were supposed to end black dysfunctions. Then affirmative action, busing and black studies. And then MLK Day, positive role models, and "diversity" indoctrination. Then Section 8 housing, midnight basketball, and closing that education gap. And electing a black president, etc., etc., ad nauseam.
And things get worse.
Can any troll name those programs which have remedied black dysfunctions here in America? What about post-colonial Africa? Or in any number of cities in Europa which have opened the floodgates?
It's become apparent that all these policies can be stamped FAILURE.
focal joker: "All the kids were black. The victims were white, then a black kid tried to help and got stomped too. But make no mistake, it's a racial crime the same as skinheads stomping a black for no reason then stomping a white guy who jumps in to save the black.
No different? There's a huge difference: One type of attack happens every day; The other type never happens, except in the imagination and oral legends of the kind of "people" who see a noose in every oak tree.
45: "I don't think any of you morons ever set foot in Memphis. I HAVE been to Memphis and it's not the crime ridden, African city you idiots make it out to be. Dumbasses."
Dear Sir/Madam,
You make a compelling argument. I think it's only fair that I take time off work to actually visit Memphis to evaluate the situation there, and not just rely on news reports, law enforcement statistics, and Internet rumors. While I am making those arrangements, would you kindly go fuck yourself?
Thank you for your consideration, and don't forget the lube.
Two in one sale.
Anon: "Just wondering what Elvis would think of his home town of Memphis now... Blacks felt his music was stolen from them."
Has anyone in the world "stolen" or mimiced any artform that evolved strictly in Africa? Tribal chants with bongo drums and hollowed coconuts? Graven images cast in cow dung? Ugly wooden facemasks? Does black American music sound remotely like anything out of Africa?
Whatever music "invented" by blacks in America, was itself partially "stolen" from whites in the first place. By their own abilities, blacks would have never invented the complex musical instruments, the polyphonic chords, or a written language (sheet music) to produce and distribute their works.
And if Elvis Presley was actually a thieving white devil, who attended blues clubs in blackface in order to spy on them and outright steal their music, then so what? He was marketable because he was white. If Mort and Ira Canklesteen from Canklesore Records had tried to pawn off some backwater jigaboo on the American public, he (and his music) would never have achieved one percent of Elvis' popularity, because unlike today's morons, people by and large were just not interested in that subspecies.
33 years old and eight kids, with mama showing her ass in pictures but no baby daddy. She is good for at least 4 or 5 more from whatever buck covers her.
And the kids, in "Special School", all paid for by Whitey will teach them how gullible Whites are and how to game the system.
Some races are worth more than others. Some races are parasites, others are builders and some are explorers.
White Homeland, Northwest Front!
Oh more of that non-hate crime hate crime against Caucasian bloodlines.
Yup.. Meanwhile ZERO will be said of the friendly black demon who just killed 5 whites( 3 in their 80's) as well as one 79 year old white man who was a witness to the shootings who fell and died( stress related no doubt) in Kansas City.. The friendly demon also was "let off" in other murders.. Whitey loves to hear it was "random." Makes him sleep better at night to deny reality..
Your kid is going to a special school. And he's not going to that school cause of his schoolwork abilities. It's the lack of doing schoolwork. Plain and simple he's a menace to society that's why he's at that "special school."
Just a quick note.... My father died when I was nine years old. And I've never been in the back of a police car. I've never stood in front of a judge and I never even went to a "special school."
Just another black person digging up excuses why they and theirs are simply no fucking good.
We real Whites see right through your plastic mac. So Typical!!!
45 said...
I don't think any Liberal morons have ever set foot in Memphis. And to prove our ignorance, every time you use facts and truth about Negro's and the violent crime they commit, we Liberals are going to call you names and whip out the race card. Cause that's all we have.
EBT truly is increasing the size of these mobs. Whites are taxed so that Shitavious and Turdquilla can have do-nothing make-work government jobs.
Their cousins can sit around getting high, fighting and reproducing all day.
That's why most Whites have either one or no children, and most Blacks have 3+ kids each.
Imagine if Rome had paid, fed and housed the Vandals, Visigoths and Huns? They would be assisting in the invasion. Eventually the Roman treasury would be drained.
You cannot finance a people to live and reproduce while they are bankrupting you with the jail and social problems they bring.
It cannot last without reducing everyone else to grinding poverty.
I HAVE been to Memphis and it's not the crime ridden, African city you idiots make it out to be.
One can always look and see how Memphis ranks in various crime categories.
Memphis Crime Rate Report
The city violent crime rate for Memphis in 2010 was higher than the national violent crime rate average by 281.88% and the city property crime rate in Memphis was higher than the national property crime rate average by 112.63%.
In 2010 the city violent crime rate in Memphis was higher than the violent crime rate in Tennessee by 151.34% and the city property crime rate in Memphis was higher than the property crime rate in Tennessee by 71.01%.
I guess it's a matter of opinion, but I think any city where the violent crime rate is 282% of the national average and 151% of the state average can not unfairly be called "crime ridden".
Sorry dude.
What color are your eyes? Now we truly have racism.
PK - regarding Memphis I think there's a really interesting story in the surrounding suburbs you should delve deeper into about the regionalization of Memphis schools into the county. Customers I talk to living in towns like Germantown (very nice) are fearful the undertow is following them to the nice areas around Memphis.
While obscure issues, town/city racial composition, school funding, disparate impacts are the tedious and seemingly arcane battlegrounds of the effort to wreck America.
Ebola seriously threatens Liberia's national existence: minister
WE CAN ONLY HOPE ,and the rest of afreaka as well!;_ylt=AwrSyCQ7nQ9UqR4AOSXQtDMD
45 lives under a rock. 45 needs to stay under the rock. Do NOT come out from under the rock 45 to type on that keyboard again. Asshole.
8 chitlins at 33? Take that times how many cities? EBT, rent assistance, heating assistance (leave windows open, crank heat to 90), school choice, etc.....
We have a problem!
Can you see this country in FIVE years?
Regarding the continuing debate on non-white immigration:
Part I
Nearly as bad as the corruption of our racial stock is the corruption of our moral compass that the elaborate rationalizations by the “we are the world” crowd insist upon. The crowd that promotes, accepts or tolerates any form of non-white immigration is merely advocating a slower acting poison all in the name of rationalizing their own decisions to marry outside their race or in order to conform to the prevailing politically correct orthodoxies. They are the first cousins of the “I know a good one” nutcases that attempt to justify the continued presence of blacks among us.
I married a girl who is 1/8 Jewish before I became a race realist. My sister married a Jewish fellow. My own children are 1/16th Jewish. But I respect anyone who would insist on observing the racial pedigree of those whom they marry.
Radial purity? That’s a red herring. What white Christian Europeans are insisting on is that their children are as white as possible and marry within their own identifiable tribe. The fact that theoretically there is no such thing as perfect purity does not make such efforts either hypocritical or less morally defensible. For it is those identifiable tribes of whites who created the greatest civilization the world has ever known. It is those identifiable tribes of whites who created our homelands and the grace of life we so desire.
Ironically, by so protecting our racial stock, we do all of humanity a great favor by maintaining the engine of civilization. Every great civilization of antiquity was built by Indo-European tribes who swept out of the Caucasus Mountains beginning more than 6,000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians, the Carthaginians, the ancient Greeks, the Mesopotamians, the Babylonians, the Romans, the Assyrians, the Sumerians, the Northern Indians, the Slavs, the Saxons, the Celts and the Germans? All, each and every one, established by Indo-European tribes out of the Caucasus Mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas.
Ivan Shatov
Part II
And what happened to those flourishing civilizations? Those civilizations that died responded to the Siren’s Song of cheap labor and eventually destroyed the raw material that established those civilizations – namely the racial stock of the founders. As the inexorable march of time exacted its toll those civilizations eventually succumbed to the immutable destiny of demography. That cheap labor turned out to be no so cheap after all for the foundational stock was eventually admixed into oblivion. There will be no more Indo-European tribes issuing from the Caucasus Mountains to save civilization for, those tribes themselves have been replaced.
Our own colonizers and invaders shall eventually exact a terrible toll. We are importing our children’s and children’s children’s executioners – all in the name of a faux Christian charity falsely construed by corrupted churches.
As Africans begin staging for continued waves of invasions into Europe, as the invasion of our own country continues to accelerate with no end in sight we would do well to heed the warning of one of the colonizers and invaders, “Nothing will stop us from getting to your schools and hospitals.” We have crossed the Rubicon. White students are no longer the majority in our schools.
Jean Raspail’s “Camp of Saints,” written as a warning in 1973, has, very unfortunately, been realized as an ugly, civilization ending, reality.
What shall our nation become in 50 years when the tsunami of non-white immigrants changes forever the complexion of our nation, its average IQ and its culture? What future does the multicultural USA hold for its rapidly dwindling European population? Shall our fate differ substantively from that of whites in South Africa? In Rhodesia? In Haiti, once the crown jewel of New World colonialism? In the Congo? In Kenya? And what shall become of civilization itself when the engine of that civilization is destroyed? Demographics is destiny. We can restore our nation and its culture and civilization as long as the people that produced that nation, culture and civilization survive. Once they are killed, fail to reproduce and are mixed out of existence the raw material for rebuilding is destroyed forever.
Ivan Shatov
The father of the beaten of Kroger boy makes me sick. If he really feels that way I wish he's a danger and if he's caving to BRA, he should have kept his mouth shut.
At least the mother of the KC monster's 1st 2 victims (that some jury found him innocent of) had the guts to call him a monster on TV and ask the jury how they felt about helping murder 3 (now 5) more people. That poor woman is so much more of a man than the dad in Memphis. I only hope his son has been converted to race realism.
The Memphis "my boy beez gud" mom doesn't make me angry. She's doing the best she can with the brain she has. It's our fault for letting her spit out kids and get rewarded for it. We need to promote free abortion and sterilization. I would pay a bonus to anyone on public assistance who has an abortion. Cash as you walk out the door. I'd put in lots of clinics in the neighborhoods where they're needed. Blacks don't have enough forward thinking or math skills to reason out 18 years of gibsme for a brat or $500 or $1000 right now. They would take immediate every time. Even multiple abortions a year would be cheaper and after too many of them, fertility can really be affected.
I feel for you,Sister.I lived in Memphis (Makin' Easy Money Pimpin' Hoes In Style) for a year and a half,about a year of which was spent 'urban camping' . I have been to this Kroger.Whatever you have to do,leave ! The longer you wait the harder it is to escape.There are better jobs and people in many other places.Pick one and head there ASAP.You can do it ! Get some cash together and jump on a greyhound.Leave or sell all your stuff-it can all be easily replaced.Unfortunately,the time you wasted in the south is gone forever.Trust me.Cut your losses.California is a paradise compared to Memphis.Best wishes to you !
Richard Cranium
I once knew a man whose daughter was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. She basically shacked up with a dope smoking loser and kept popping out retarded/psycho children until (at the count of four worthless to the world psycho retards) the state stepped in and tied her tubes to prevent any more burdens on society from being crapped out.
Now why the hell can't the Government do the same thing to these ghetto sows that will have 8useless ghetto brats by the age of 33? Does the government see any value in hordes of worthless to the world, uneducated and unemployable negro "chilluns" running amok through the streets?
It's like whites take all the time, make all the effort and go to all the expense to plant a garden for food and the damn government opens rabbit breeding centers in every town and neighborhood and insists that breeding the rabbits and letting them run loose to destroy the gardens is a good thing.
Yeah, you can shoot the rabbits but the better idea is to shoot the idiots that insist on breeding the rabbits and letting them run loose.
There's nothing more jacked up than black breeding sows having 4-8 kids while they are all being "helped" by White childless liberal social workers whose hearts bleed for the violent Nogs as they have lots of kids before being hauled off to Negro University (jail). Whites not only help & encourage this but pay for it with taxes
Ferguson protesters plan to shut down I-70 again at 3:00 PM today. If they stop traffic again, wouldn't that cut into Captain Ron 'fist bump' Johnson's revenue enhancing activities on the interstate?
Anonymous said...
Is a teen with a pumpkin still an "unarmed teen?"
The only way to stop a bad kid with a pumpkin, is a good kid with a pumpkin
If pumpkins are outlawed, only outlaws with have pumpkins.
Pumpkins don't hurt people, people hurt people.
45 said " I HAVE been to Memphis and it's not the crime ridden, African city you idiots make it out to be. Dumbasses."
I've BEEN to Memphrica and it IS a crime ridden, black infested and dangerous cesspool, especially after nightfall.
Want Whites to be safe? In some alternative universe have the father of the White kid on TV being held by police officers while he strains to get his UZI out of his gun safe, yelling that he is going to "get" them no matter what and the negro family is whisked to "protective Custody", even though they know that it will be a futile attempt.
Remember the guy that ran over John Gotti's kid? He just "turned up dead". If negros knew that touching a White was a death sentence, they would stop. But again, that is a alternative universe. We are a game to them, quite literally. "Polar Bear Hunting", "Beat Whitey Night", "Knock Out King". It only is a problem when you accidentally touch a Saturday Person; then it is on every Media Outlet. TWMNBN don't like it when their pets bite them.
Anyway, for this thread the scholastic awards need to be handed out and we can all go home.
And the Paul Kersey School of Negrology (pronounced Knee Gra-logy) is pleased to endow the following with the Honorary PHd.
Professor Bogolyubski will read the names:
Doctor of Negrology
Rev. Bacon
Ivan Shatov (Cum Laude)
Gwoobus Harmon
Awarding the following Masters of Negrology
Californian (Summa cum Laude)
Honorable Mentions (For Research or Fine Summations)
Abyssal Slide Observer
ATL Born
Though these are most excellent of Awards, they are not all inclusive. Many wrote fine comments but filed them under "Anon", for which they can not be recognized. I also would not recommend that you put them on your resume under "Education".
James Bondo said ”The only way to stop a bad kid with a pumpkin, is a good kid with a pumpkin
If pumpkins are outlawed, only outlaws with have pumpkins.
Pumpkins don't hurt people, people hurt people.”
The funniest comment that I have recently read!
Memphis is a negro ghetto now.
Good bye country western music.
My apologizes from a Southern White Man. I'm sorry you have to live so close to the black dysfunction.
Please stay safe."
There is no place in Amefricastan now that is NOT near black dysfunctiona areas and the bus lines bring them to places that didn't used to be near to be DIEverse ya know.
And yet...
And yet...
"It's open season on blacks in America now."
(So say the morons in Ferguson, and so the TIME magazines have one believe.)
- This mother was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor with regard to his gun charges.
- Eleven so far have been arrested for the Kroger attack, including one adult, and girls.
- This was another "game" for the 100+ black mob: "Point 'em out, knock 'em out" (or something like that).
- Having eight children, it is probable that this woman gets a 3+ bedroom house free of charge, all utilities free of charge, and of course a several hundred dollar monthly raise for every child she produces.
- The national debt is $18 trillion and climbing - roughly $60,000 per American.
- Man in Florida
I've posted this same theme before - enjoy the decline, people. Law and order is on the downslide, and we're not doing anything to slow it down. The inner city black simply does not embrace the traditional American culture of respect, good behavior, strong parental influences, education and work ethic. They are not going to find these things for purchase using an EBT card either.
We have an uneducated underclass of violence prone blacks that we pretend do not exist. When one attacks a uniformed police officer the officer is portrayed as the criminal. The media will never call out the black race for their multiple failures and shortcomings.
It won't end until the system collapses, and when it does I hope none of you are within any city limits.
I just posted about michelle
'playing the race card' at a school in black lanta.
meanwhile barry......
this is rich....
@10 MM Auto:
An honored list of graduates indeed. We forgot to mention our senior Doctoral fellows, though. That would be the great Gwinnett Gladiator and the Analog Man (the YT from Mandelaland).
Ex New Yorker is a professor emeritus of course, with decades of Negrology learning. I hereby nominate the Last of the Mohicans (Non-DWL from NE) for a Masters of Negrology degree, having demonstrated on several occasions an excellent command of the subject.
We've not yet tabulated our Bachelor's degree listings, but there are a number of promising students here learning new things every day. There are a few hopeless ones who will never make the grade, but that's life. In any case SBPDL University is far above much the better funded Talmudic Teachers' Colleges like Haaavaaahd, Yale, Stanford, Rutgers, Princeton, etc. - filled as they are with negroes, cephalopods, lying shysters, shit-sandwich salesmen, etc. Their grape-drank bottling plants have amazing capacity however, churning out a damned-near endless torrent of the Rev. Jones' finest vintage. Obviously, the father of the Memphis Kroger victim was partaking of the stuff before his grovel beneath the glare of the Ministry of Truth cameras.
Domestic terrorism, indeed. Treat them like terrorists. Gitmo, waterboarding, summary executions, etc.
Liquidate the gangs. Sterilize the breeders.
James Bondo:
Ferguson protesters plan to shut down I-70 again at 3:00 PM today. If they stop traffic again, wouldn't that cut into Captain Ron 'fist bump' Johnson's revenue enhancing activities on the interstate?
Keep in mind that yesterday the mostly-white Ferguson city council surrendered to all groid demands. Yet, they're still at it. Ministry of Truth has continued its agitation-propaganda campaign non-stop. Ferguson will go full Detroilet in 2-3 years at best. Hazelwood is probably next, with Florissant (founded by French in late 1700s) not far behind. After that, it's on to St. Charles. BRA's march proceeds, enabled by all the white "conservatives" who still think they can change the system by watching niggaball on TV, giving to charities for Afreeka, and voting for Repukes. 'Fools' doesn't even adequately describe such people. What's that about a higher-IQ on average? IQ must not mean a lot if you're so smart that you willingly participate in the plan for your own extermination.
Looks like BreedShandra goal be to get hesseff some mo baby daddy.
Great find.
we all need to email Kroger corporate & demand that they make their properties 'pumpkin' free zones so that these attacks are stopped in their tracks before Halloween really gets fired up.
As we have now seen in Memphis, even a Punkin can go horribly wrong...
/H hypie out H\
American Citizen said...
I've posted this same theme before - enjoy the decline, people. Law and order is on the downslide, and we're not doing anything to slow it down. The inner city black simply does not embrace the traditional American culture of respect, good behavior, strong parental influences, education and work ethic. They are not going to find these things for purchase using an EBT card either.
We have an uneducated underclass of violence prone blacks that we pretend do not exist. When one attacks a uniformed police officer the officer is portrayed as the criminal. The media will never call out the black race for their multiple failures and shortcomings.
It won't end until the system collapses, and when it does I hope none of you are within any city limits.
Two simple facts.
In the mid-sixties the federal and state governments began to pay blacks to reproduce. Blacks were and are fed, housed, received medical care etc., all at the taxpayer's expense. The feds encouraged single parent families.
Beginning in the sixties the government, media and academia began to aggressively teach these blacks to hate and resent white people and blame every problem on white people.
Now it's 50 years later.
An "unarmed teen" in action:
The first arrest came when he was just 12 years old. On Feb. 2, 2012, after his mother — who was five months pregnant — told him to “clean your room up and stop running your mouth,” he shoved her into a wall while punching another family member in the mouth.
Perhaps those teleprompter readers on the "news" would care to show us mere mortals how to take a punch from these unarmed teens?
I was pondering earlier today about the breaking point. The point when enough is enough. What sort of horrific atrocity would have to occur for people to say en masse "fuck you degenerate pieces of shit, we're done". The sad answer is we've already seen tragedy after disgusting tragedy and what's the response? This unlucky white kid's spineless sackless pussy father comes out in public and sympathizes with the primitive hoard that could've easily beat his son to death!!!!!! This is fucking insanity!!!!! What do these fuckin wastes of life have to do!!!!? Now I have to get a rag to clean up all the blood that just shot out of my eyes.
Two simple facts.
In the mid-sixties the federal and state governments began to pay blacks to reproduce. Blacks were and are fed, housed, received medical care etc., all at the taxpayer's expense. The feds encouraged single parent families.
Beginning in the sixties the government, media and academia began to aggressively teach these blacks to hate and resent white people and blame every problem on white people.
Now it's 50 years later.
I think just about everyone here is aware of this, anon. It actually started in the 1930s, but on a much more limited scale. It was ramped-up hugely in the 1960s and has never been curtailed - not even by the so-called "opposition" party which controlled the Ho-House from 1995 to 2006, and again since 2011. This includes "Tea-Party" types who were ran explicitly on cutting the behemoth.
I just read elsewhere that the Repukes are planning a huge backstab after this fall's edition of the MIEE, with abolition of debit-limit ceilings, amnesty, and a host of other goodies - maybe even gun-control - for their paymasters in the "lame-duck" session starting in December. Typical Repuke behavior. Just like negroes, there's no reforming it.
Sadly, we're still struggling here at SBPDL University to make people see that there is zero hope of political reform as many refuse to believe their lying eyes even as the mahogany mobs attack YT with impunity nationwide. As I said eslsewhere, this will not end well at all. There are more whites who are traitors to their own people than those who are loyal. All we can do is try to mitigate the damage to our own as best we can. So here we are.
Hypie (one of our new graduates) notes...
As we have now seen in Memphis, even a Punkin can go horribly wrong...
You need to go and suggest that to the Duranties who work in the Ministry of Truth. It's yet another clever little term they can use for their newspeak to cover-up TNB: Pumpkin party gone wrong! can join their well-worn lexicon of terms like "robbery gone wrong", "burglary gone wrong", "unannounced visitation gone wrong", "exuberant horseplay gone wrong", "yootzful energy gone wrong", etc.
Now that the circle jerk has been formalized, can we get back to black ruination and some of the probable causes? That would be nice.
The cause is people believing in myths (equality) and lies (free markets, unrigged systems, etc.). Not everyone intends good for their fellow man or plays by the rules - especially those who've accumulated vast amounts of wealth and power. It's been that way since day one. Fairplay, etc. is kind of a old-fashioned white notion anyway, and most whites pay only lip service to it at best, if at all.
As to the "White" Peruvian Octaroon being acquitted in Florida, I was not expecting it. His lawyers managed to pull off a coup in a rigged system by skillfully playing to a jury made up largely of Hispanic females. It was a very smart move on their part and GZ picked clever lawyers who knew enough to game the system. They didn't do this pro bono, nor were there innumerable foundations with buckets of counterfeit legal tender to pay them. This would be even less likely (if not totally impossible) for an actual white man.
The hapless YT in Michigan who shot the negro female on his front porch at 3 AM was just sentenced to 17 years in the pen - which means he'll likely be dead in 5 or less, given who populates the prison system there. The Carr brothers will get free food, medical, etc. for executing 6 whites in cold blood if not turned out onto the streets by blackrobed criminals in a few years, but a nervous homeowner in MI gets a de-facto death sentence for what at most was manslaughter. The finest "just-us" system in the world! Rule of law! Hell, even sharia is better.
It's also worth noting that not even the New Duranty Times' favorite "white" Peruvian Octaroon is out of the woods altogether. Eric 'My Peeps' and the feds are still planning to prosecute (so much for double-jeapordy), he's been repeatedly arrested and harassed by the FL badge-gang on trivial offenses, his marriage is over, and it cost hundreds of thousands in fees to defend himself from charges which never should have been filed in the first place.
I imagine your 'suggestion' will be to that we should work within a rigged system to 'reform' it. One can actually chisel away at things over time. The squids didn't achieve their Banana Empire overnight. It took them a century - in a far less rigged system. Care to take a wild guess where YT will be in a century? Extinct. We don't have the luxury. The Chinese and Indians probably do have the luxury of time, and they'd best be paying close attention if they are interested in not meeting the same fate. The gang largely behind this crime view them both as cattle and sheep created for their use, exploitation and consumption by their "god" just as they view YT.
“We must be careful not to characterize Ebola as ‘an African disease,’”
It is. In fact; it's a West African disease. See! We can delineate.
Orwell would probably be impressed that newspeak sounded a lot more fluid that he wrote.
Dr. Margaret Chan and her complete abandonment of just, simple protocol for a few fucking idiots, carrying a literal plague, can and should go fuck herself, with an ebola infected dick.
Race aside; if ebola was in england, or say, the bahamas. The most reasonable and smart thing to do is to contain it. Send the brave over with supplies, but don't come back until a nice quarantine.
This disease is popping up in the exact countries that could really use some emptying. Countries full of permafucked ptsd child soldier negroes who wouldn't succeed with every enablement known to man.
Stop eating monkeys. Ebola is basically another biological punishment for using near species animals for food.
Another totally avoidable severe problem brought to you by a negro population.
Most whites have what I call negro naiveté. I follow the 10 yard rule. I never ever let a black person get within 10 yards of me. If I’m in a store and a black enters the aisle I go to the other aisle immediately. I don’t trust any of them. Even grandma. Blacks are like rattlesnakes, not all will bite you, but the one that does could kill you.
There should be some sort of article like Derbyshire’s the talk for adults. Many whites just don’t get it and are prime targets for black on white violence.
I have three big dogs on my porch most of the time. They bark very loud when something is amiss. That barking sound is music to my ears. When I’m sitting outside on my big porch, they’re sitting around me and it’s a comforting feeling. Last night they were barking to beat the wind. I walk outside with a big flashlight, husband right besides me with rifle, nothing to see, probably a raccoon or some other creature, but blacks are very afraid of big dogs.
Dogs, registered mail and ghosts scare the bejeezus out of them. If you pretend you’re a white witch or warlock, they are freaked out by you. My husband has two big capes from the re-eanactment group he belonged to. We both walk outside with them on in the winter. If ANY blacks drive by (which is a rarity on my dirt road), they don’t come back when they see that.
You all remember the you might be a redneck jokes Foxworthy used to tell? Here are some examples of negro naiveté isms.
You might be a dead cracker if…..
You walk into a 7-11 and its all black yoofs.
You stand outside a club to have a cigarette late at night.
You’re dining in chimp out restaurants such as Chucky Cheesey, Dennies, Waffle Haus, Mickey Dees, Wed Wobster, (deliberately misspelled).
There is a free shit day for free shit to be handed out.
You’re sitting in your car alone, preoccupied, talking on your sail foam.
If you’re a white woman dating a black man.
Feel free to add anymore that I forgot.
The local media is trying to put a positive spin on it by stating that parents who saw the beating video are turning in their own chill'ren. There is also a blatant attempt to report this has a random attack, not a pack of feral blacks targeting a White kid for the beating.
“We must be careful not to characterize Ebola as ‘an African disease,’” Chan said
Possibly the most useless contribution to the discussion surrounding this to have yet been made.
eah said ”. . . 17 years seems absurdly heavy to me. He should have been convicted of nothing more than involuntary manslaughter -- ie he just (wrongly) reacted, he had no 'malice aforethought'. Per this link, the base sentence for that is 10 to 16 months, but it can be increased based on the circumstances. . .”
The verdict sounds excessive based solely on what has been presented in the news, and generally reports regarding a chimp shooting by a non-chimp in chimp land are exaggerated to maximize the sympathy for the chimp. Although Wafer could very well have killed the chimp unlawfully, it seems like her coming to his home in a drunken state at 4am and beating on his door would have been considered by a reasonable jury to be a mitigating circumstance justifying a lighter sentence.
It would be interesting to know the racial makeup of the jury. An all black jury could have either returned the verdict due to racial bias and hate, or it is possible that a black Detroit jury would not have viewed something as common as a drunk chimp beating on a door at 4am to be unusual or a mitigating circumstance.
This sentence seems to highlight PK's formula regarding the perils of black political control and black juries, if the jury was black. In all but the clearest cases of self-defense or an otherwise justifiable shooting it would probably be prudent for a non-white charged with killing a chimp in chimp land to consider the option of jumping bail and disappearing rather than commit suicide by black jury.
So perhaps there is now a need for an underground railroad for whites.
O/T but seemingly a valuable lesson entailed. One that makes me wish all people were forced to wait tables for 6 months as a young adult.
Black Multimillionaire philidelphia eagle LeSean McCoy leaves .20¢ tip on a $60+ tab. Is verbally aggressive towards staff and then lies about the whole affair with the implied accusation of racism against him. As a former service industry participant I will attest to such behavior is vastly the modus operandi.
You can put lipstick on a pig but....
The Baron
Anonymous previously said ”This sentence seems to highlight PK's formula regarding the perils of black political control and black juries, if the jury was black. In all but the clearest cases of self-defense or an otherwise justifiable shooting it would probably be prudent for a non-white charged with killing a chimp in chimp land to consider the option of jumping bail and disappearing rather than commit suicide by black jury.
Hopefully, it is obvious to everyone that I intended to say “white” rather than “non-white.”
Perhaps it's time to dust of the ol' Vhs copy and watch this classic once more.
Maybe it's time we opened our Windows and shouted "Im mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
I saw a really cool and prophetic flag on WhiteHistoryMonth today, "You've been tread on, NOW WHAT" with the rattlesnake on it and in yellow. Prophetic? And leave KROGER's alone, we are allowed to carry guns in their stores and affiliates.
Bogolyubski said...
The cause is people believing in myths (equality) and lies (free markets, unrigged systems, etc.).
That's strictly true, but the lies are ubiquitous. If your information sources are giving you nothing but lies, your choices are limited to which lies to believe. Therein lies our problem.
This is off topic, but relevant to the above: Here on the other side of the international date line, it's 11 September. I'm not going to hijack this thread by posting a link, but I recommend you search for a series of three videos using the search term "the new pearl harbor". Gripping viewing. Doesn't offer any theories as to whodunnit, just exposes some of the lies going back to before WW2.
PS: thanks for the promotion. I've never been a Doctor before!
The mob attack at Kroger's recorded by the cell phone of a black female user and uploaded to YTube is valid evidence of what black teenagers are being motivated to do by gov't sponsored community oranizers. Now using social media to organize riots, mobs, looting. This is US government subsidized welfare mercenaries being given the freedom to attack whites. The government supplied cell phones are given free to welfare recipients who use EBT cards and live in rent subsidized housing. The phones are given to teens/adults to use by the baby-mamas who have been being paid to produce many offspring, either raised to be criminals, or to breed,or both. Eric Holder/Obama have given these white-hating, violence loving blacks the green light to do just what they are doing, attacking whites. Black on black violence is accepted as just tame practice. Trying to address this black violence reality at other blogs is censored as just being prejudiced. Because it really is a very threatening race problem that can happen in any large urban area, more unsuspecting whites need to live being aware for spontaneous attacks by one or any number of blacks.
got preps yet?
Fed Up Firefighter.
So true Ivan.
Been there pleny of times and yes it is a shithole. But in truth the only thing wrong with Memphis is Memphis. Statistics don't lie.
I have been to Memphis several times, have family in South Haven too. Memphis is a black controlled sector, no longer under American control. It will detroit itself out of existance like all negro controlled sectors across the country.
Don't start me on the egyptologist superioraires' penchant for dealing bullshit
Funny "nword" we started calling them "nwords" at work, then that morphed into "edwards" then it became "eddies", "Them fuckin' eddies, I tell ya.
"How they come up with these names is beyond me. These are the ones I can spell, once they start with the apostrophe's and semi colons I'm at a loss. I've also noticed they aren't pronounced how they're spelled which is no suprise."
Shines are very particular about how you pronounce their name. And I think shines bestow these unpronounceable names on their larvae so that they may have the joy of haughtily correcting anyone who says their name "wrong."
Spelling: Sh'ainaa White
White person says: "Shayna White?"
Negress responds: "Oh, nuh-uh, it's Sh-AH-in-AY-AY," said in an incredulous tone of voice like you're both profoundly insensitive and profoundly stupid.
Such names are really just a form of antisocial aggression and hostility.
Anonymous 10mm AUTO said...
Want Whites to be safe? In some alternative universe have the father of the White kid on TV being held by police officers while he strains to get his UZI out of his gun safe, yelling that he is going to "get" them no matter what and the negro family is whisked to "protective Custody", even though they know that it will be a futile attempt.
Remember the guy that ran over John Gotti's kid? He just "turned up dead". If negros knew that touching a White was a death sentence, they would stop. But again, that is a alternative universe. We are a game to them, quite literally. "Polar Bear Hunting", "Beat Whitey Night", "Knock Out King". It only is a problem when you accidentally touch a Saturday Person; then it is on every Media Outlet. TWMNBN don't like it when their pets bite them.
Anyway, for this thread the scholastic awards need to be handed out and we can all go home.
And the Paul Kersey School of Negrology (pronounced Knee Gra-logy) is pleased to endow the following with the Honorary PHd.
Professor Bogolyubski will read the names:
Doctor of Negrology
Rev. Bacon
Ivan Shatov (Cum Laude)
Gwoobus Harmon
Awarding the following Masters of Negrology
Californian (Summa cum Laude)
Honorable Mentions (For Research or Fine Summations)
Abyssal Slide Observer
ATL Born
Though these are most excellent of Awards, they are not all inclusive. Many wrote fine comments but filed them under "Anon", for which they can not be recognized. I also would not recommend that you put them on your resume under "Education".
Well thank you for the mention 10mm Auto, i try to find the news that isn't being talked about and get the word out. Having lost my most recent job due to such activities, i'm aggravated but not defeated and trying to find work.
I always enjoyed visiting Memphis. I am saddened and sickened by the Mau Mau take over. Memphis has some interesting museums to visit. What a history that city has! I recall going to the Cotton Museum. They have some interesting artifacts from the time of slavery. I recall seeing a cotton bag with the name" Levy Brothers" on it! I have an appreciation of Elvis music compared to what came later. The Rock and Soul Museum is interesting. Once my liberal brother insisted on seeing Stax Museum of Soul and Al Green's church. We entered the worst ghetto under the moon. I don't think I've been that alarmed in my life and I live in Chicago, and have seen and heard it all. The stress, fear and financial toll of the undertow's havoc are untold.
as usual, he IS the bad crowd
Ironic how we are subsidizing our own demise.
Because it's called "responsibility." Maybe he didn't want to be on the government tit because he had children before he was financially ready to support them. Lifestyle has nothing to do with it. It's about finances and pride in your character.
@September 9, 2014 at 10:10 PM
As usual the Civil War was all about money and power, slaves were incidental.Some of those slaves who escaped North were wishing that they were back at their Ole Kentucky home and had never left Master who took care of them in the nice clean air of the country because those northern cities were pretty grim and the Whites weren't used to seeing Negroes around.
Yes, those Marxist Regressives in the North like to bitch about the South but NY has the most segregated school system in the US. They just go about it in a more subtle way and don't pass Jim Crow laws.
You're right about the northern soldiers, they thought that they were protecting their country from the rebels.If they had the money they would pay some poor slob to go fight for them.
In 1863 there was a draft riot in NYC because they didn't want to fight in this war and were so mad about the draft that the riot went on for a week and we think about a 1000 people were killed. There were few Negroes around but they managed to lynch 20 or them right over by the East River in mid town Manhattan and then burned down a Negro orphanage. (I don't approve of any of this and am just telling you how opposed to the draft they were)I'm sure that some of these riots happened in other cities of the north as well.
I enter Shelby county regularly...with a loaded Ruger and an AR-15 in the back of the car.
You would be right, however now those jobs have gone to the chosen colored folks to dole out reparations to their people.
Government make work jobs for the negro folk. You ever hear stories from whitey who has trouble getting assistance when they need it? I know folks who have been flat out told they were the wrong skin color and mean mugged out of the welfare offices.
Don't kid yourself, the tribal DNA does this by nature. Parasitic take over of whiteys taxes.
It's blatant, in your face and obvious.
Formerly Baltimore Watcher, now Barrow Barbarian
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