Not just any city. The city responsible for ensuring Black-Run America (BRA) prevailed, ushering in an era of instability, continued decline, and inevitable decay.
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In 2013, Birmingham (74 percent black) celebrated "50 Years Forward" |
The only time this city comes up in contemporary discussions/dialogue is when historic citation is necessary to shield modern blacks from any criticism or demand they be held accountable for their actions/choices.
1963 is a historic year, for it's the year the United States of America passed from being a country and officially became nothing more than a cheerleader (with nukes) for advancing the cause of Eurocide - Caucasianocide - and black empowerment.
The battle of Birmingham was fought, and lost by those believing civilization was something worth defending from the very people who turned the "Paris of the West" into "America's Monrovia Cousin" (Monrovia, Liberia... where the freed slaves were sent as part of repatriation).
But just as 83 percent black Detroit is collapsing into the white footprint from each it was built, the demise of 74 percent black Birmingham is equally a black phenomenon.
Thus the need for "Empowerment Week" to help the beleaguered 74 percent black city of Birmingham that time forgot (remember, it's always 1963 Birmingham somewhere). [Birmingham City Council approves $180,000 for 'Empowerment Week' civil rights commemorations, Birmingham News, 8-26-14]:
They criticized and questioned the spending on Monday evening, but on Tuesday morning, the Birmingham City Council quietly approved $180,000 for several days of civil rights commemoration activities.
The council today authorized funding for the city's second "Empowerment Week," following a committee meeting where several members criticized the lack of spending details and demanded a greater role in activities.
The council last week delayed a vote on the spending, referring it to a committee Monday to get more details.
"Why are we doing this again, and do you plan on doing this forever?" asked Councilwoman Valerie Abbott, chairwoman of the Budget and Finance Committee said late Monday. "People in my district want streets paved. They don't want to see a lot of partying anymore."
While several council members have recently questioned the spending, it was included in the 2015 operating budget, a document approved months ago with seven 'yes' votes, including Abbott's.
Mayor William Bell's staff late Monday worked to convince the council to salvage funding for their initiative - which begins Sept. 11 through Sept. 15.
"This is Empowerment Week two," said Terry Burney, a Bell aide. "It sort of gave us a little boost on a national and international level. We got a positive push from this last year."
"If we're going to 'Birmingham Forward,' then let's do it together," said Councilman Marcus Lundy. "We are not just the cash cow. The attitude of the council is one that wants to be participatory."
In addition to the return of Empowerment Week, the city Oct. 22 - Oct. 26 will be the site of "Human Rights Week." Both organized weeks are designed to commemorate civil rights and promote world-wide human rights.Silly Councilwoman Valerie Abbott: the answer to your guest of, "Why are we doing this again, and do you plan on doing this forever?", helps explain the reality of BRA.
"Why are we doing this again, and do you plan on doing this forever?" -- To the victors go the spoils of war...
All past injustices against black people must be celebrated and constantly cited - as those brave civil rights leaders who overcame such injustices - to explain away the present sorrowful conditions of the black community despite massive injustice done against whites to promote exclusively black interests.
We must celebrate 1963 Birmingham and all that was overcome, just as we must close our eyes to 2014 Birmingham (because the conditions of the 74 percent black city - after being controlled politically by blacks since the late 1970s - might confuse a few free-thinking white people into questioning whether Bull Connor is actually the villain in this morality play we call America).
But if you close your eyes to 2014 Birmingham, you miss out on the greatest joke of all. ["I live in Birmingham. Sometimes I hear gunshots at night" Mayor William Bell stresses personal and official response to city violence, Birmingham News, 9-12-14]:
Mayor William Bell said he's directly impacted by deadly violence in the city, and his administration is methodically working with law enforcement, communities and other agencies to address crime and crime prevention.
"I live in Birmingham. I hear the fire station number 14 when they crank up the emergency truck and the fire truck," Bell said. "Sometimes I hear gunshots at night."
Deadly violence escalated in Birmingham during the Labor Day weekend when six people were killed. In all, there have been 10 homicides within the last two weeks.
The 9:30 session at the Birmingham Museum of Art will dissect the problem of black crime and black victimization. The city of Birmingham is 74 percent black, and most of the homicides are committed by black perpetrators on black victims.
Bell, during a recent work session with the City Council addressed the recent homicides, saying the city is addressing the immediate crimes while also working to address the climate that breeds lawlessness. I'm offended when people pontificate that the mayor can go out there and wave a magic wand and end crime," Bell said. "We can't do that. It's our community's responsibility. It's all of our responsibilities to do the best that we can each and every day, and I'm committed to doing that."There is a magic wand capable of being waved to end the threat of criminality; it's called "the State" daring to safe-guard a future for the law-abiding by holding black people responsible for their actions.
Instead of having "Empowerment Weeks" dedicated to the perpetual celebration (and re-enactment of the fight for) of the Civil Rights Movement, it's time to realize the need for such a week in a 74 percent black city is hilarious proof Bull Connor's actions in 1963 were warranted.
Fifty years forward from 2014, will Birmingham's all-black citizenry still cite 1963 as a rationale for the complete collapse of the city into conditions far worse than that found in modern Liberia?
Will the city be hosting another "Empowerment Week," where some black person claiming to have been born in that holy year of 1963 is dragged on stage to rationalize black people's continued hate toward their vanquished white foes?
Councilwoman Valerie Abbott asked:"Why are we doing this again, and do you plan on doing this forever?"
The answer is so simple: if we stopped bringing up past white persecution toward blacks as justification for the continued failure of modern blacks (some lingering residue of failure only possible because of slavery, white supremacy, or Jim Crow), we wouldn't have anything to celebrate black people overcoming.
Remove the protective shields of white guilt and state-issued "Birmingham 1963"glasses, and we'd only be left with modern Birmingham and Detroit, two cities remade in the image of their black majority.
How often did Bull Connor's Birmingham hear gunshots at night, Mayor Bell?
Blacks in Birmingham (and Detroit) have already been empowered. The end result?
The conditions of 2014 Detroit and Birmingham.
Any given Monday morning you can write the following story about any inner city that has a large black population using this easy template (like the old MadLibs game):
In the city limits of _______ during an especially _________ weekend, _____ were shot and killed and _______ were wounded by gunfire. Today the city's _______ and a local ________ met with a community ________ to discuss the need for stricter gun laws.
Just use this handy outline, and you could be a crime reporter for any inner city of your choice!
I plan to visit his gravesite one day to leave flowers and a hand made sign... "You were right".
the easiest money to waste is someone elses [tax payers, charity etc].
Question for anybody out there.
How long till we have video of a SWPL hipster wearing his 'Racism is not over but I’m over racism" FCK8 t-shirt getting pummeled during a knock-out game assault because he naively thought the shirt would grant him magical immunity from thug behavior?
"What do you know about racism?, CRACKER!!!" bang boom pow!!!
Ex New Yorker here.....Empowerment Week sounds like a really cool idea to me. Sounds like a good excuse to have a nice street festival for the citizens. I hope they will have ambulances near by to haul away all the people that get shot.
The long hard STRUGGLE must go on.
I have a few more suggestions:
'Drain the Treasury Week'
'Embezzlement Week'
'Graft & Corruption Week'
Crom curse me for a kushite....
"Councilwoman Valerie Abbott asked:"Why are we doing this again, and do you plan on doing this forever?"
Yes they will, potholes be damned they still have to address their dystopia even though it's staring them in the face and they have no clue. They'll never understand it's their "culture" that creates this condition.
That said, I support black on black crime. Keep it in the "community". Keep it real black folks!
Scot Irish
James Bondo (September 15, 2014 at 4:58 PM):
"I have a few more suggestions:" etc.
Or "Entitlement Week" or "Conspicuous Consumption Week? No, they could easily describe any week of the year in those terms. Although I'm not sure they'd be able to spell nor pronounce "Conspicuous Consumption"...
My suggestion is "Employment Week". At least that would sound sarcastic.
I'm laughing too.
Birmingham is celebrating 50 years since blacks got what they wanted, and plummeted back to African standards, complete with violence, poverty, and total ignorance.
Large parts of Birmingham, specifically the west side, are a hellish nightmare because of blacks.
Only twisted, destructive creatures would not only completely wreck a once beautiful and peaceful city, but celebrate and revel in it's destruction.
The white man builds, then the black man infests and destroys.
When will they learn?
Empowerment Week and then Human Rights Week - only question is what the body count will be.
Weeks gone wrong, light a candle, get matching t-shirts, shoot up the vigil, lather, rinse, repeat. I'd bet money on it.
And if the honky councilwoman wants paved streets, she best move to a far suburb. How's a brutha supposed to carjack YT if he don't slow down for potholes?
I wouldn't be surprised if some if those vendors are giving kickbacks to the city council. Seems to me it'd be the only real reason outside of narcissistic symbolism that this week entails to stroke their egos with. Gotta keep that gibsmedat train running on time.
I wouldn't be surprised if an "anonymous donor" I.e. yt tax money funneled through a federal program magically appears right before and pays for it all
Too black to fail. Just like Detroit.
Max Renn
I'm thinking of a list of Cassandras, people who were ignored or persecuted in their time but have been proven right. Bull Connor, Enoch Powell, Jean Raspail...
A documentary of Birmingham's last 50 years would be damming to the negros. I'd love to see somebody try and spin that the city is better now than it was 50 years ago. Better yet if it was a SBPDL production a cat 5 chimpout would ensue. Too bad there's not a way to do one without making the natives restless.
I would like an empowerment week to raise awareness of the atrocities upon my people in the Iberian Peninsula by the hands of the Romans and Moors. Hey, its only been 2000 yrs, so I think an empowerment week is still valid.
I think there needs to be a permanent link on the sidebar to the 15-steps of negrification first outlined by Rebel. I'll repeat here for those whose browsers don't work for links:
1. Court orders schools desegregated;
2. Crime and violence increase in schools;
3. First wave of white flight takes place;
4. White flight results in increased percentage of africans in the schools;
5. Africans gain confidence as numbers increase and begin agitating for special black treatment in schools. Black dances, black student government, black counselors, liaisons, ombudsmen, etc. to deal with "black concerns";
6. Second wave of white flight takes place;
7. Sell-off from white property owners to africans takes place as property values start to plunge;
8. Violence increases in the schools and neighborhoods as africans become the majority;
9. As the violence escalates, africans blame white racism among police and local government and demand black officers and a black Police Chief who "understands" the black community.
10. The city appoints an african Police Chief in hopes that the violence will begin to subside as a result.*
11. Violence explodes under the incompetence of the black Police Chief who invariably looks the other way and dabbles in trendy, expensive programs that avoid dealing with the actual black violence problem;
12. The final wave of white flight takes place. After this, the only whites who remain are the Grand Torino-like, stubborn old people;
13. African political control is cemented and an african mayor is elected;
14. The city descends into chaos under a majority black city government and spirals into filth, poverty, disease, crime and bankruptcy.
15. Whites without children gentrify 5% of the city, normally a historic district that attracts artists, gays and grads. NY Times writes an article about how the city is experiencing a comeback without stating the obvious which is that it is only in the white-invested area.
This is a pretty good description of the process. While inevitable, negrification can be delayed by various interim looting schemes devised by the alliance of criminal psychopaths in political office (Demons and Repukes), bizniss racketeers or "entrepreneurs" gaming the counterfeiting-debt-racket referred to as the "free-market" by idiots (Limbaugh, etc.), and the squids (who own the counterfeiting-debt-racket itself), to prop-up an individual city at any step along the way from 2 through 15. The negrification process can take decades if skillfully managed.
Even at negrification's end-stage (No.15), cities like Detroilet are not actually allowed to revert into the full-blown African mean of a New Monrovia (total collapse, cannibalism, starvation, etc.). BRA's bailout-racket is still in place to keep the wreck propped up. Detroilet is even now being bailed out (yet again) by the employment of various tactics to loot YT by taxation (yet again) and to leverage the takings with borrowing counterfeit-cash from the usual suspects (who naturally end up profiting - yet again).
Max, narcissistic symbolism is all they need (though certainly not disqualifying the corruption angle).
Empowerment Week? $180,000? Seems like a lot of money to spend to see if they can set a record body count for a week. Oh well, its only money.
Nice Cassandra reference
Attention all victimized blacks. Did you read this? Two cities where blacks are the vast majority. Just imagine, two cities you can live and be free of white people and racism. Go ahead--drive the rest of them out. Then you will have paradise! And, Compassionate Oregonian: they can use YOU to! All flock to the promised land!!!
Don't you just wish that all the Africans had been sent back to the motherland after the civil war? Then we'd be reading about some similar form of negro crap taking place in far off Liberia. I don't know what exact form it woud take and really couldn't care less.
We'd simply hear some blurb about it on the news and, laughing at the silly negroes, we'd shake our heads and then go out for a walk in a lovely, safe, inviting park~ a park that was never ruined by an infestation of dysfunctional, parasitic, idiotic, criminal negroes.
There'd be no "hoods" where the negro parasites collected and lived off whitey and turned entire sections of towns (and entire cities!) into no go zones due to all the criminality and violence they engage in.
Instead of being in America and blaming whitey for all their problems, they'd be in Liberia and it would be repatriated blacks blaming home grown african negroes for all their problems. Or blaming the spirits, black magic or some other ignorant nonsense.
And what white person in America (having grown up free of the accursed negro) would give a damn what negroes were doing to each other in some far off negro shithole?
No one I've ever known (other than a libtard) gives a damn what blacks do to one another or what negroes want. All everyone wants is to be as far away as possible from the stupid negroes and to be unaffected by them in any way.
The negro is nothing more than a turd in the punch bowl of life.
This cop had a body cam. Guess what?
They're apparently trying to manufacture a Ferguson again. The Oakland police held back, then released their footage after the Negroid had told his story to the press. Oops.
The cop turned his back on the Negroid in the dark fire station and went back to his patrol car to check the ID. Seems dangerous to me. What do our LEOs say about this?
-Beyond Hatred
That be funny, yo. Excellent.
It's a memorable event: dueling boom boxes, drug dealer continuing education sessions, underwear and sneaker fashion shows, combat shooting events, macaroni and cheese recipe contests, practical socialism seminars, NBP "Kill Whitey" essay contests, and prizes for the most ridiculousnon-white, non-African made up name.
No one would come!
Sen. Joe McCarthy, Garet Garrett, John T. Flynn, von Mises, James Burnham, Robert Welch.
and then perhaps you could see the gentleman in an interview with a reporter saying, "I know it was my fault. I got exactly what I deserved"?
Off topic: Atlanta, 16 yr old & 20 yr old blacks with baby in car meet up to buy Playstation from white boy in parking lot responding to Craigs list ad.... white boy is shot and killed by the 16 year old girl....crazy.
I say chaps, all this hate towards persons of colour. Us people of non colour need to understand how they have suffered in the past and are now suffering from post traumatic slavery disorder, for which we must pay, and pay dearly. We must ignore the fact that they are ignorant, violent sociopaths, who will rape and/or kill anything that has a pulse, are a blight to every community that they pollute, wherever in the world, will riot and destroy whole sections of cities, usually their own areas first, if they don`t get their own way, like retarded baboons, will latch onto the white communities, like the parasites they are, and bleed it dry then move onto the next, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. As if this isn`t enough and doesn`t work, they can then whine to their non violent pets, the disingenuous white liberal, who will ensure they get their way. So don`t just hate the black undertow, save some for the traitorous white liberals, who are every bit as dangerous and loathsome.
Banksteins, gotta loath them.
The game has to end sometime, if they've got a day and hour designated as the end of the farce then great let's get it over with:-)
David Sher at www.thecomebacktown needs addressing. He apparently thinks Birmingham is a Garden of Eden.
His other topics are just as interesting. Drop in and say "hi"!
Red Lights and Sirens.
Here we are again. Sixteen percent of the population wanting more and more gibs. No way money should be allocated for a violent failed race to celebrate anything. The nogs never ever acknowledge the fact that they do all the crime to themselves. It's always blame YT. Events like these are just modern-day bongo parties with fat gyrating sows and muhdik. Violence and TNB will definitely be seen. Just like every McDonald's commercial; the gums are everywhere nowadays. We a tired of it. Again, a small percentage should not be crying for the world to cater to them. Let the continue on there chosen path to utter failure.
A comment I read on a previous thread, brought up the concept of barrier islands, specifically the nog infestation of Daytona Beach.
I live on a barrier island on the west coast of Florida. 99.9% white.
The only time that any blacks are here are on Wednesday nights, when the bars in the business district let women drink alcohol for free.
We know how the nogs LOVE the word "free", and they congregate to the excess. They invade our territory to pick up the dumbass white women that over-imbibe, and they languish out here for hours on end.
I've found that the tactical advantage of living here is important. There are only two ways onto this island. One drawbridge to the north, and one drawbridge to the south. It's not like the animals, when provoked, will decide to jump into rowboats to come here. The solution?
Raise the bridges.
I would offer that the importance of avoiding these people, should be met with geographical information, as well as the knowledge of the idiosyncrasies of the people we are trying to avoid.
OT - I saw a particularly disgusting commercial the other day. A magical black man in his wonderful home with his two wonderful children that he is obviously taking an active and successful role in raising was celebrating something wonderful. The man was obviously full black, but the children were obviously half-black and the children's mother did not appear in the scene. The camouflaged message of the commercial was that it is a great idea for white women to have black babies. I have no idea what product was being pushed by the commercial because that point was overshadowed by the racial message.
Yes they plan on having this event every year.
Look at the name...."2nd ANNUAL empowerment event".
Things that are annual happen every year.
Next, look at the number.
That tsunami of free cash is going somewhere and it is not to help poor stupid black thugs.
The preachers, "reverends", community oraganizers and black council people are all getting their piece and have no intention of letting the money train ever stop.
You need a pothole repaired, or a streetlight fixed, or another cop on the corner?
That falls under the category of "tough shit."
I'm thinking of a list of Cassandras, people who were ignored or persecuted in their time but have been proven right. Bull Connor, Enoch Powell, Jean Raspail...
...Sen. Joe McCarthy, Garet Garrett, John T. Flynn, von Mises, James Burnham, Robert Welch.
Ian Smith, Orville Faubus, Lothrop Stoddard, Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd, George Wallace, Raoul Salan.
Thanks for mentioning Burnham. His book, "Suicide of the West," is an epic dissection of modern liberalism and its pathologies.
The Negroid-invader camps of Calais look just like Monrovia or Detroit- garbage everywhere, graffiti, etc.
Where Africans go, Africa follows...
Anonymous @ 8:23.
Here in the UK, almost every advert has a black male, who is portrayed as a sensible, home loving family man who speaks perfect English, along with a happy white wife and a couple on mulatto kids. Sometimes it`s a white male and a black sow. As well as this, most TV programmes have a black in a prominent role, as a nice guy, or maybe a top cop. The scumbags are usually white. The trouble is, this blatant brainwashing is apparently working.
The more I read about this, the angrier I get.
The biological warfare waged against YT continues unabated.
Magically spreading in all the Red states.
Magically spreading where the invading aboriginals have been shipped
Entereovirus 68 is NOT a simple flu virus as this CNN article makes it out to be.
Entereovirus 68 causes PARALYSIS in children as it is related to POLIO.
Nowhere does this article mention this pertinent fact.
But how dare you notice such things you racist! How dare you notice the correlation between diseased aboriginal concentrations and sick white children.
How dare you notice that other diseases from south of the border like:
Congenital Chagas
Drug-resistant TB
are now spreading in the fertile grounds the invaders have been sent to. This is a war against us and, like the evil twisted psychopathic deranged sycophants they are, are attacking our children since they cannot YET just steal them outright.
Remember that when you decide to sit on your couch instead of getting involved in your community. Remember that you see a grave injustice against your fellow whites and you remain silent. I was always told silence = consent, and you can frame the argument so they can't make you into a "racist". Use their warped logic against them.
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, right?
Are you mad yet?
50 years of "equality?" Is the Birmingham of today equal to the Birmingham of 1964 in terms of law and order? Equal in economic progress? Equal in civic infrastructure? Equal in educational achievement?
A documentary of Birmingham's last 50 years would be damming to the negros. I'd love to see somebody try and spin that the city is better now than it was 50 years ago.
This would make a good long term project. Shoot video footage of an American city starting with the day it became black ruled, then return to it once every year. Show neighborhoods, factories, schools, government buildings, etc., and their "improvements" under BRA: graffiti, street lights gone, houses disintegrating into the earth, razor wire around hospitals, abandoned libraries, blankeyed "teens" banging in the 'hood, etc. Superimpose stats on crime, unemployment, school dropouts.
Then let history judge.
I think George Wallace was an agent provocateur working for the feds.
Dieversity stew yum yum.
I live 50 miles south of BURMIN-HAM. I try to watch the local news out of there because it's a daily confirmation of what PK teaches us here at SBPDL.
On the B'ham ABC 33/40 6 PM newscast, there is almost always a segment about some upcoming civil rights™ celebration. You will see footage of William Bell talking from a podium surrounded by other B'ham Frowning Black Leaders (F.B.L. - can we add this to official lexicon? LOL). The next news segment will hilariously contrast the previous segment with a story about a black-on-black homicide(s) and/or robbery. Then the next segment will be about some crumbling infrastructure or another.
Last night's newscast in particular was especially fascinating as it discussed the busiest stretch of highway in downtown B'ham, the 20/59 bridge - and how the bid process to replace it will begin in 2015. I don't know if people out of the state are aware of this or not, but traffic into and out of BURMIN-HAM is almost as bad as Atlanta (due to Whites escaping the city). I'm sure this bidding process will involve the same amount of corruption and incompetence that involved the sewer system "upgrade" a few years prior. If this structure fails, it will be the biggest disaster in the history of B'ham (second only to Civil Rights™).
The last segments of the news aren't nearly as amusing because they broadcast more localized stories which are a result of the spill-over of BURMINHAM vibrancy into my town of NickSabanville. There are increasing numbers of robberies and shootings here. I tell family and friends here to START LOCKING THEIR CAR AND HOME DOORS! They call me paranoid, of course.
Here are some links from the ABC 33/40 news site (note: I had to use the search feature to find the 20/59 bridge story; the main news page has more important stories to headline like the 16th Street Baptist Church™ bombing anniversary).
Interstate 20/59 bridge replacement bid process to begin in 2015:
16th Street Baptist Church remembers bombing anniversary:
One more thing:
I found this on the ABC 33/40 site:
Town Hall meeting on police and minority relations
Why does a black-run city need a minority relations town hall meeting??
" it's a lot easier for them to start a civil race war than to finish one."
AND to keep it going in their desired direction. When shit falls apart, those that caused and enabled this collapse and chaos, will NOT be safe behind heir gated communities "guarded" by blacks.
I saw a particularly disgusting commercial the other day. A magical black man in his wonderful home with his two wonderful children that he is obviously taking an active and successful role in raising was celebrating something wonderful. The man was obviously full black, but the children were obviously half-black and the children's mother did not appear in the scene. The camouflaged message of the commercial was that it is a great idea for white women to have black babies. I have no idea what product was being pushed by the commercial because that point was overshadowed by the racial message.
"Empowerment Week".
They just love that word, "Power". And for a entire week, no doubt. Aren't they a cute bunch of people? But, tell me, POWER over what? Decay? Rot? Garbage in the streets? Power?
Any bets on the number of shootings? If this mayor thinks it's noisy now, just wait until EmPOWERment week. Woah.
I can see many good things coming out of this week. Dead negroes. Looting. A few more rapes. Hey, this is a negro party as far as I can tell. I hope many "families" reunite for the week....and shoot at each other.
Hey, Mayor, is this going to be a "gun free week?" No guns? Will you tell your "community" to keep their guns at home, locked, with a steel cable as your Democratic friends want us White People to do?
Should stores stay open to be robbed? Should restaurants be open so your "community" can walk out on their bill and not tip and stink the place up? Well, Mayor?
Should those WHITE OPPRESSOR COPS stay away? Perhaps all Whites will stay away since I can not think of one sane White who would want to be within 25 miles of your slum.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic: Atlanta, 16 yr old & 20 yr old blacks with baby in car meet up to buy Playstation from white boy in parking lot responding to Craigs list ad.... white boy is shot and killed by the 16 year old girl....crazy.
No, there have been
'cl killings' not go to 'bad' neighborhoods.
if you advertise to buy-sell on CL talk to the person.
if they are black-brown DONT DO THE DEAL.
If it wasn't for the University of Alabama, Birmingham, there would be nothing there. I wonder if any city taxes are collected from the campus since you can bet 99% of the faculty, both White and black, live out in the WHITE areas.
Someone (with guts) should go to one of these city meetings and, during public comment time, ask if the city is better off now. Make a list of what is considered good about a city: Cleaner, Safer, etc. More or less crime? More or less robbery, more or less rapes, etc. Even ask if the population within the city limits has gone up or down?
Film it and if you get out alive, post it.
RE,Don't you just wish that all the Africans had been sent back to the motherland after the civil war?
For the 20th century and beyond all that was needed was [in 1866 or so]
to ship all black females under the age of 40 to Haiti.
and any africans / mulattos born here since that date be shipped there as well.
and not allow africans here as visitors /immigrants.
no need to ship all 3m out.
just the breeding females.
@September 16, 2014 at 11:49 AM
Even a lifetime of reading about depraved black criminality doesn't inure you to stories like that.
RE,Don't you just wish that all the Africans had been sent back to the motherland after the civil war?
At this point, I'm almost convinced that considering all of their liabilities -- eg in some states there are probably more Blacks in prison than in college, the added cost to society of their criminality (police, courts, prison, probation, etc etc), their abysmal levels of academic achievement (in no way do they contribute to maintaining the US as a first world country) -- Blacks are a net liability to America.
I went to see ATLAS SHRUGGED, part 3 last night knowing that Monday night Football would help keep people away. I, being so arrogant, don't like a lot of people around me in a theatre.
I was the only one there. It was the 7:50 PM showing and I was the only one in the entire theatre.
I hate to say this, since I understand and agree 100% with the message of the book, but this Part 3 was horrid. HORRID. It was a combination of:
1) A cheap afternoon soap opera
2) A sophomore student's first film for his/her project in FILM 101
3) A low budget Documentary.
Very sad. I can think of only one really good scene that had terrific acting and effect: That being when the "President" had John Galt in a room and was trying to talk Galt into working with the government. Excellent acting and emotions of the "President". The rest of the film was an embarrassment and I was glad I was alone in that theater since I would not want anybody to recognize me.
It saddens me since the message (The Individual is more important than the State) should be better presented to the dumb-ass public. We need that message more than ever.
The moment they are not the center of attention something else arises and put's the spotlight on them again. What else can you expect from a group with gaudy names and clothing and cars that stand out like sore thumbs. Easily the attention whores of the human race. What exactly does this mean? Why must they remain at the center of attention? No other race feels the need to display themselves in such a fashion. And if you do not give them attention they will get it thru violence or any means possible. Except rational thought and intelligence. Two things Liberals have tried and failed to get anyone to believe they have the grey matter to keep up with every other race.
Tru Dat
The only thing that separates Birmingham and Detroit from Africa is Ebola. I wonder when that will show up? The Plague of the Plague.
Nathan Bedford Forest
I'm thinking of a list of Cassandras, people who were ignored or persecuted in their time but have been proven right. Bull Connor, Enoch Powell, Jean Raspail...
William Shockley, James Watson, the South.
It saddens me since the message (The Individual is more important than the State) should be better presented to the dumb-ass public. We need that message more than ever.
And according to Rand the individual should be allowed into any country I.E. open borders.
Rand was also against racial collectivism which is quite stupid if you are in a situation where competing races are acting collectively against members of your own race.
How about a firearms class thrown in to teach proper aiming techniques? Then they can properly kill the homie that disrespected them instead of missing and hitting the 80 year old Great, Great, Great Granny watching Creflo Dollar in her living room or the niglet on a bike.
Eddie in St. Louis
I just read a lovely article about da poor black students in American schools and how under privileged and under performing they are.
Naturally, it's all the fault of privileged whitey who gets ebberthang while da po' black chilluns git nuthin'~and da chilluns have to exist in a hostile environment where nobody understands them and there's nobody dey can relate to cause most of da teachers be honky women.
Yes! You guessed it! Whitey be all to blame and needs to make up fo' his evil ways! Same as it always is~It was another negro with his monkey paw stretched out to be filled with gibsmedat fo' da chilluns!
Color me shocked!
As usual, not one mention of personal responsibility, parental involvement, desire to learn or any other positive variable that would affect the outcome.
It's YOU, you damn honkies! You da cause!
Negroes are so damn predictable.
Yes they plan on having this event every year.
Look at the name...."2nd ANNUAL empowerment event".
Things that are annual happen every year."
They could have a monthly empowerment every two weeks.
give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
"nobody was empowered to sign checks on her behalf"
synonyms: authorize, entitle, permit, allow, license, sanction, warrant, commission, delegate, qualify, enable, equip
"the act empowered police to arrest dissenters"
•make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.
"movements to empower the poor"
In other words, a particular group cannot do it on their own...and need others to "empower them".
Bit by bit, our people are realizing the truth of this folly...this scourge.
Philadelphia Mike
Just watched the video, imagine that, a black fireman not telling the truth about his encounter with a white police officer. Add this to the eyewitness statements of Michael Brown getting justice, and it might lead some non-black people to believe that black people lie.
No wonder they seem to do well in politics. Are there any non-black people anywhere that believe anything a black person says?
Maybe it's just part of their culture.
Off topic but yet another White person was shot and killed by errant gunfire from a Negro (another was 2 year old blue eyed blonde toddler John Swoveland Jr. in South Bend, In a few months ago), this time in Philadelphia. Megan Doto was sitting on her porch, and she was 8 months pregnant. After she was shot in the face, they tried to save the baby but they couldn't. That's two kills for this niggerfilth. You'll have to hunt around the web for the story as it was immediately buried. Check out his murderous visage here:
I look forward to comments from bogolyubski, centurion, the real 10MM, analog man, etc. They just keepin it real fo white folk, yo! And I miss albertosaurus, where did he go?
Ex New Yorker here....I notice on the last post that Bogolyubski has attracted some trolls who don't like his comments. Hey troll, go shit in your hat.
I myself don't agree with a lot of the comments left on this sight, but I don't call them names and claim their unemployed and live at home with mommy.
There are people that are OWNED by the machine. Just cogs in a wheel. The machine has many names (ruling class, powers that be, squids, hierarchy, government, controllers, authority, the elite, etc). The cogs that keep the machine moving also has many names (workers, peasants, middle class, slaves, employees, debtors, students, bureaucrats, consumers, tax payers, proles, servants, pod people and cannon fodder). The cannon fodder protects the machine and helps it to expand and some are given stars and called Generals.
Now these people that are cogs inside this machine think they are free because they read it in a book somewhere or saw in on a television show. So when someone like Bogolyubski and others comes along and mentions that the system they live in is nothing but a huge pile of BULLSHIT they seem to get a little upset. I don't blame them. Believers in the lie are a strange bunch.
So Mr Troll thinks Bogo should be giving out helpful hints on how to solve the problems of this falling empire. Bogolyubski is not Ann Landers. Hey troll head, trying to fix the problem IS THE PROBLEM. Our job is to survive and rebuild after the machine has fallen.
Hey Bogo....Don't let the bastards grind you down.
Anonymous said ”I look forward to comments from bogolyubski, centurion, the real 10MM, analog man, etc. They just keepin it real fo white folk, yo! And I miss albertosaurus, where did he go? “
Hey folks, there is nothing wrong with complimenting a poster for a particularly great post that reveals some new information or provides insight to a problem or exposes some new and interesting point of view. But honestly, it is beginning to feel a bit like Jr High school. We had the awards assembly a few posts back, and since then we have had high fives on several topics. The quality of the posts speak for themselves and volume is no substitute for quality. Many great posts come from posters other than the above mentioned. I suggest that we avoid the Oscar awards approach to self-recognition.
Whenever you see the words "civil rights," just substitute the words "black power" and sense will be restored.
Abertosaurus, I hear that you're actually Pat Boyle. Love your input. Thanks.
Chas Jumper
Sounds like one of their celebrations of vibrant diversity. Better get a blank check and get ready to cover your asses!
And I hope anyone with 'white children' are setting a good example.
When I moved to Cumming,GA. in 2000, I went 2 full years without seeing a single nig. Flash forward to 2014, there is about 1 or more in every class my kids are in at school. Sure, they are the uppitty nigs but that still too many.
Due your kids a public service and warn them of the way of the coons!
I miss albertosaurus, where did he go?
He's still here, but he goes by Pat Boyle now.
Thanks for the encouragement. As Mark Twain noted, if voting actually accomplished anything, it would not be permitted.
Well they never get their due for building the pyramids and creating the alphabet...
Just as I suspected, the NFL is reaching Peak Negro. Anheuser Busch is "deeply concerned" about the recent Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson scandals. Peterson's "Random Family" to credit Steve Sailer is a scandal in and of itself. While not perfect, the White players of yore in the NFL did not conduct themselves this way.
Nike, and other sponsors are also concerned. It seems that too much Black thuggery while certainly thuglike, and with cheaper labor -- no big multi year contracts for White players like the Manning Brothers or Drew Brees is the Owner's Dream -- means ultimately sponsor loss.
Jerry Jones just screamed into the Commissioner's phone "I've got a billion dollar stadium to pay off son! I already bent over and took one for the team with Michael Sam. Now do something QUICK to get those sponsors back on board."
De-thugification is defacto de-Negrofication. And no outlet has been more toxic than the NFL in Black Thug glorification (Exhbit A: Ray Lewis) in pushing BRA. No better result would be to push Black NFL player percentages down from the 70% range to say, 25% or less.
True, the best athletes will have a composition like say, CJ Spillers now of the Bills. A Wonderlic score of 4, which equates to (Double the Wonderlic and add 60) to an IQ of 68. Room temperature. That's a given -- the fastest, most powerful, most explosive, most leaping ability players will almost ALWAYS BE BLACK. And almost ALWAYS have IQs in the 60-70 range.
[Jerry Rice was an exception. Until he figured rightly that superior conditioning would give him a fourth quarter edge in lower speed degradation -- he still got tired and slower just far LESS than his coverage, he was a nothing player. The fastest, most powerful, most high jumping athletes will almost always be Black guys with low IQs and mostly thugs too. That's just it. If the NFL wants its sponsors it has to get less Black which means jiggering the rules for offense and relying less on huge fast tall guys leaping up into the air and more White guys on both sides of the ball. My guess is a purge will be done, with lots of higher IQ rules to be followed that the Black thug athletes cannot figure out.]
Crom curse me for a kushite....
Well spoken!
We are entering an era today in which Conan of Cimmeria is starting to make a lot of sense!
(Kush in R. E. Howard's Hyborian Age was a savage black quasi-kingdom. Time to dust off those old Conan volumes...)
Attention, trolls!
This is why you had sundown towns:
Off topic but yet another White person was shot and killed by errant gunfire from a Negro (another was 2 year old blue eyed blonde toddler John Swoveland Jr. in South Bend, In a few months ago), this time in Philadelphia. Megan Doto was sitting on her porch, and she was 8 months pregnant.
I know I'm a little slow, but untill I started reading this blog a few years ago, I never made the conection to Birmingham and the song "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
They sing, "In Birmingham, they love the Governor... We all did what we could do... Well, watergate does no bother me, does your conscious bother you? tell me true."
Didn't care about Alabama most my life, I grew up singing along with the song though. Wish I would have known the meaning behind that part a lond time ago.
"That's a given -- the fastest, most powerful, most explosive, most leaping ability players will almost ALWAYS BE BLACK. And almost ALWAYS have IQs in the 60-70 range." says Whiskey again !
Yeah and that explains why the best players of the most popular sport in the world are White just like LIONEL MESSI and the national soccer team of GERMANY that just won the 2014 World Cup against Messi's own Argentinian team in the final.
And what was that score from the Germans against Brazil in the semi-final ? Oh yes, 7-1 hahahaha !
I also hope for the day when Americans will familiarize themselves with WHITE RUGBY STARS and finally realize how ridiculous Whiskey's claims are when it comes to real POWER and FULL CONTACT on the field.
I hope you're right. I would watch football again if it wasn't dominated by blacks. I'll never understand why any team would pay anyone millions of dollars and not expect anything in return except being a good player.
Are these players not told they now represent team ABC on and off the field? And the NFL?
Why are they not told if they commit a felony, or a serious misdemeanor, they can kiss their multi-million dollar contract goodbye. And get a frigging haircut!
If they did this, and enforced it, it wouldn't be long until judt the higher IQ players remained. As it stands now, the NFL is just a large employer of criminals that know how to play football.
Not the type of people I want my children to look up to.
I enjoy Pat Boyle's comments too, even when I don't agree with his conclusions. They come from a kind of vanishing California type of early techno-geek point-of-view and still contain something of the positive, bright-future outlook from the bygone days. He knows how to research too. If you've not seen his vids on the Tuskegee Airmen - the so called "Red Tails" now portrayed by Hollywood's TWMNBN poofters as having single-handedly destroyed the Luftwaffe (that's not an exaggeration of the propaganda) - you need to make a point to do so. They contain valuable original information and research which completely destroys the claim. Albertosaurus is kind of the Steve Sailer of SBPDL.
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