Though sites like Conservative Treehouse (if they represent The Last Refuge, it might be time to consider moving out of the country) and Gateway Pundit will continue to do excellent work exposing the already unraveling media/state-crafted narrative in Ferguson, it's important to consider the facts as to why the 67 percent black city looks like an "inner-city." [Why Ferguson Looks Like the Inner City, Business Insider, 8-15-14].
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The real loss from black on black criminality (always concentrated in heavily black areas) is the complete collapse in commercial and private real estate near where this internecine warfare is found |
Simply put, Ferguson went from being 99 percent white in 1970 to roughly 27 percent white today; from less than 1 percent black in 1970 to more than 67 percent black today.
Race tells not just part of the story behind Ferguson's demise, but the entire story.
And it's this story, published today at, which should help describe just why the city of Ferguson saw such massive white flight when the first trickle of blacks starting to dribble into the city: the legitimate fear by white people of individual blacks (as the numbers increase, so does the percentage of blacks for whites to be correctly fearful of).... [Mother of murder victim calls for focus on black on black crime,, 9-2-14]:
Rochelle Cook has watched the riots in Ferguson unravel while mourning the death of her daughter Aniya. The 18-year -old was murdered in 2012 while sitting in a car in St. Louis. Cook says while there`s a big focus on Ferguson and police brutality these days, black on black crime should not get lost in the shuffle. Cook is also frustrated because she recently reached out to community leaders to participate in her annual march against crime and got no response.
‘What angers me the most is the community leaders, religions leaders where were you when I sent you an email to march with us it hurts. We are all hurting since we don`t have our children anymore.’ Said Cook
FOX 2 asked James Clark of Better Family Life about why more people were compelled to embrace the Ferguson protests. Clark also says the solution to black on black crime is to connect with young people on the street.
‘They have felt for years that they had no power, now they see they can make the whole world listen. Now we have to move and stop the black on black violence and disrespect. There`s a certain type of leadership that comes from the neighborhood.
There is a tier of neighborhood leadership that we have to embrace. It`s was not traditional leaders that kicked this off it was people from the streets that kicked this off.’ Said Clark
As the events in Ferguson evolve, unfold and gain momentum. Rochelle cook is hoping a movement in honor of her daughter called ‘The Team Naiya Movement’ will do the same.
‘We cannot lose this opportunity and deal with the issue of black on black crime.
We need the Michael Browns to step up right now and say I will work in my neighborhood to stop crime and violence that`s who we need right now.’ Clark said.No white person fears being the victim of "white on white" crime, because crime committed by white people is overwhelmingly personal, whereas black on black crime is impersonal, arbitrary, and utterly savage in nature.
No one in their right mind has ever even uttered the words "white on white" crime, because such concentrated criminality by white people (jeopardizing the health and vitality of communities, as well as the strength/value of commercial and private property) is found nowhere in America.
But black on black crime is found wherever black people in America are found, meaning those living near America's permanent underclass must be mindful of the negative effects of such concentrated criminality (depreciating property value and collapse of once healthy, vibrant business/commercial districts).
When you see a food desert, immediately know the threat of black on black crime is near (which convinced smart grocery store owners not to invest in the area).
When you see boarded up buildings, where formerly business was conducted and a community flourished, know the threat of black on black crime is near (which drove away the sense of community and convinced a smart business owner to divest from the area). [McClellan: Black-on-black crime is fact we can't deny, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10-9-2010]:
Murders are such a common occurrence in the gangster culture that they are no longer considered very newsworthy.
In St. Louis, the gangster culture is largely a black phenomenon.
You can blame it on anything you want. Unwed mothers, hip-hop music, bad schools, vestiges of slavery, poverty, drugs, the welfare state. Liberals can blame it on one thing, conservatives can blame it on another.
But nobody can get away from the fact that it exists.Why not just blame it on black people?
The collapse of property value in (not just... but all of America) metro St. Louis is entirely a black phenomenon... just consult the history of that vaunted National Historical Landmark, the Shelley House... white people flee the biological detritus of unwed black mothers, the bad schools their progeny inherently create and the poverty that proliferates courtesy of the crime committed by individual blacks that inhibits any outside capital investment due to the high risk/no reward scenario (remember: Ferguson has been an enterprise zone since 2003).
Just as race tells not just part of the story behind Ferguson's demise, but the entire story, so does this four letter word accurately summarize America's decline.
Decent jobs? Decent housing? Decent schools? Decent health care?
How about decent people?
Paul Kersey,
I don't say this to flatter you, but you very well may be the most important writer of an entire generation.
Your straightforwardness,and lack of pretense, combined with an acumen for honest examination which is unheard of today, makes for some of the greatest social commentary I've ever come across.
Thanks for all that you are doing.
Yes! We need all the Mike Browns' to step forward and help police the community. Praise the "Lawd"!
It should also make future identification easier. Scot Irish
Why didn't the poor downtrodden victims of the ebil waycism start rioting a few minutes after it occured?
They didn't get their marching orders yet?
The communist party USA aka the democrats didn't have their voter registration booths set up yet?
Man, this screen shot is from the news clip you posted. I can't believe this image was on TV and not as a sarcastic jab.
They should show this pic to every company's leadership before they decide to open shop in Ferguson or any black area.
The same as Chick Fil A did good business after declaring its support for actual families, I'd hope to see some CEO come out and say "we aren't going to reward rioting and violence with our business" and see that company's business take off all over the country.
I agree .
USMC 1833 90-94
Of the smartest blacks in the USA, none are more accomplished than the race hustlers. For every Ben Carson, Condoleeza Rice, Roy Innes, Thomas Sowell, there are dozens of Louis Farrakans, Al Sharptons, Henry Gates, Toure'(s), Jesse Jacksons, and the rest of the Gang. Blacks may never be able to shed their true chains of slavery if they fail to renounce those evil puppeteers whose sole purpose is to justify their existence by helping to cast blame for their problems on white scapegoats. If there is a Hell, Jesse and Al and Louis will be in the 9th Circle, right next to Lucifer, frozen in Cocytus, the lake of blood and guilt.
NF takes it to the streets in Rotherham UK. We have much to learn from these racially aware patriots.
To seize the Nation, first seize the streets.
Kick the leftists to the curb. We can win.
The included sign says "the KKK killed 3,460 blacks". I don't believe the KKK ever, or rarely, just killed blacks. Maybe I'm like a holocaust denier, but I just don't buy it. I believe they were behind lynchings of blacks that were more than likely guilty of some serious things. I believe the KKK may have killed blacks that were just trouble. But do I believe they went around randomly killing blacks for grins? No. I think that is part of the phony story of black innocence and lamb like gentleness that the media the liberals have been constructing for years. Part of their efforts to capture the moral high ground from which they can crush the regular Joes and Janes.
I wonder if the American Colonization Society still exists? Mass deportations to Liberia would be a dream come true and I doubt anybody could tell Monrovia from Detroit or Philadelphia or Birmingham or insert BRA %^*hole here. Who wouldn't want a free vacation to de Mudda Land and so what if it's a one way ticket.
re: Anon @ 6:39 pm
I would be willing to stipulate that lynchers occasionally killed someone wrongly (someone who actually dint do muffins).
It is probable, however, that most of the lynched were guilty of horrible crimes, motivated by racial hatred.
There is no doubt, for example, that Letalvis Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, and the Carr brothers would already have been convicted by Judge Lynch.
Part of me agrees with them to some extent. How multiple layers of non integrated law enforcement can be a good thing defies belief. Once you go below state level you wonder why more fragmentation is needed.
Is that you under that hood, Paul? Come on, you can tell us. You're among friends ....
-A Compassionate Oregonian
Kersey, I'm curious, what's your beef with the Treehouse??
Aside from SBPDL, that's one of the most honest blogs on the internet, and their research on both Trayvon and Gentle Giant has been light years ahead of everyone else.
Blacks do far more killing of blacks than that every year. Chicago alone does hundreds....scores courtesy of
Meanwhile, in South Carolina, "let me axe you a question" takes on it's literal meaning:
He said that she said something like 'I don't want to be with you anymore or I can't do this anymore,' and it struck a nerve, the report said. He told police he lost it and the police report states she pushed him and he doesn't really know what happened after that and said he blacked out.
He said that when he came to, he heard his daughter saying Daddy from the car, the police report said. That is when he says he went back outside and hugged his daughter and got in the car and drove to the McDonald's in Carolina Forest and called his mother, police said in the report.
He did, however, actually approach the police with his hands up.
Compassionate Oregoner: I hope this article doesn't stop you from moving into an all-black community, where you can associate with fellow democrats and bring diversity to the area. They are waiting for you. Now is the time to make up for the 400 years of misery. Go for it. Bring your friends. And be sure and hang that "Gun Free Home" sign outside your door!!!
Minitru is already saying boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria.
I guess we are all one big happy patriotic collective rallying around the rainbow hammer and sickle flag with Ricky Bobby cuntry anthems playing in the background despite years of white demonization and ethnic balkanization from minitru.
Darkies will go to the recruting office in droves to sign up for Iraq invasion part three.
A picture of Emmanuel Goldstein just flashed on the screen...the two minutes hate is beginning.
This is off topic, but in the interest of education and discussion:
There's a great deal of interest in whether President Barack Obama is an authentic negro. It's a complex question, one that requires a bit of analysis.
The standard negro exhibits a number of predictable traits. Lets see how President Obama, a child of a white woman named Ann Dunham and a black man. As is customary in these pairings, the identity of the black man is not certain. Negro traits are well established and we need only look at the behavior of President Obama to reach a conclusion on his authenticity.
Low IQ - we can't conclude Obama has an IQ of 65. Certainly his blackness and foreign student status provided him affirmative action throughout his academic career, but he does not appear to be as dumb as a rock.
Impulsively violent - We have little evidence of Obama's personal violent tendencies. He may beat his wife, but we simply do not know. He has characterized himself as a "warrior". He is recorded as saying "I'm uh uh uh a warrior". So we have that to work with. He does condone violence by his negro brethren against white people as evidenced by the actions of his negro Attorney General. There appears to be strong evidence that he supports violence against his enemies, which as far as we can determine is pretty well restricted to white people.
Sexual promiscuity - This is a difficult category. Almost anyone could understand if Obama sought extra-martitial sexual partners given that he is married to Michelle. But evidence of this promiscuity is known only by the secret service and these men must protect their pensions.
Laziness - If you follow the President's schedule you will see that he never starts work earlier than 10AM. Then he eats lunch with Biden. By 2PM he is done. There is no question this man is the laziest individual to ever hold this office. In all of American history, this guy is a record breaker. And then there are the vacations.
Future time orientation - Everything President Obama does will result in a diminished life for the people of America. He has no future time orientation, except to the degree it extends to his next vacation or the next party with negro rappers.
Narcissistic tendencies - There can be no doubt that the President provides new definition to narcissism. He exhibits all the "big man" characteristics of his African brethren. He rules. He decides, when he wants to decide anything and he normally rewards his sycophants, his followers. The time will come when he will award large white owned farms to poor Detroit negroes that have never touched a handful of dirt. If we allow it.
Conclusion: President Obama is an authentic negro. There is a reason that we earlier tracked even 1/16th of negro blood. Using genetic jargon, negro behavior characteristics are dominant. The President may be one half white, but he functions as a full on negro. God help the country.
We need a way to network.
I'm sick & tired of not being able to speak my mind for fear of repercussions. How in the fuck is that "freedom" or "liberty"?
The only people "free" to speak their minds are queers, leftists and minorities.
I'm essentially silenced. What. The. Fuck.
Please, someone tell me this isn't the textbook definition of "going out with a whimper". Ideas welcome.
Au contraire, beheading and infidel child rape are two sides of the same coin. ISIS boasts of all the people they have beheaded, mstly btw Muslims. They pose with buckets of severed heads, it is a sexual release for them.
Believe it. Its real. And coming to a street near you. London already, did you forget that one? NYC maybe in a month or two.
Anon @ 8:44 we are networking here.
all in all b on b crime should be celebrated encouraged nourished. as long as the outcome is fatal
They want decent but they dont know what to to do to maintain it.
My block is decent because I cut my grass, throw my garbage in the can, send my kids to school, maintain my utilities, maintain my home and everything in it. All of this is second nature, I grew up watching parents shovel snow, helping my older relatives, being a good neighbor.
They never do!
Maybe if they could string together more than fuck and bitch in a sentance they could find gainful employment
Here is what Kansas city gets to deal with right now....
5 shot, all white, three dead. Do I need to give a description of the perp?
I had lunch today with a white friend. He mentioned he has no problems with equality, but things like affirmative action are not equal. I agreed with him. He was upset because there can be scholarships for blacks, women, etc., but a scholarship for white men was banned for being discriminatory.
And he is totally correct, and I told him he was. If the law is truly equal and truly color blind, then if scholarships are set up for blacks, they should also be allowed for whites.
We should get rid of affirmative action. We live in a Orwellian world where some groups are considered "more equal" and that is not fair. This was seen by the way George Zimmerman was treated.
Maybe if the "black community" had to live with the consequences without constant bail-outs from the leftists, they would actually face their problems? But even if they didn't, at least they wouldn't be taking advantage of others.
To some degree, I look at the relationship between the "black community" and American leftist apologists as similar to the relationship between an abusive spouse and an abused person. The abused person keeps making excuses for the abuser but what is really happening - the abused person is enabling the abuser.
The only way the "black community" will fix its problems is if it takes responsibility for doing so. That will never happen as long as others are willing to accept the blame. Now, I'm not saying they will fix their problems, but the only chance of it happening is if they are forced to live with the consequences of their choices.
I differentiate between the "black community" and individual blacks because I do know individual blacks who do take responsibility. They often express contempt for the "black community" to me, though, in private.
I have a friend who is a black from the Caribbean who only has contempt for American blacks.
When she and I were in graduate school, she always dressed in clean, pressed, decent clothing unlike the American blacks who wore frankly disgusting stuff. She always treated the professors with respect, spoke perfect English (albeit with a slight accent) and so on. There is no excuse for dressing like a hoodlum, talking Ebonics and so on. For leftists to excuse this crap, or categorize the vile, misogynistic rap music as "art" - it just perpetuates the problem.
The biggest problem, though, is that the leftist media, politicians, etc., do not hold blacks to the same standards as other groups. It's similar to the atrocious rapes of young girls in Rotherham. If the first few cases had been harshly prosecuted, how many girls would have been saved? And the Muslims would have behaved better because if they hadn't, they would be dead. (I think pedophilia deserves the death penalty.)
When blacks behave badly, they don't need sympathy and excuses, they need a sharp kick in the pants.
Yep he blacked out alright.
Yep he blacked out alright.
I got detoured right thru a ghetto. One of the worst ghetto's in Pgh, Pa. Lucky for me I know of this area and also lucky for me I was not in need of gasoline.
Through the short detour I had seen 20 or so useless young black men sitting on stoops and drinking at 9:30 in the morning. Bags around the bottle kind of drinks. Just the kind of neighborhood you would choose to raise a family. Right?--Wrong!!!
Things will never, NEVER change for this race of people. Because in my neighborhood there aren't "White-Men" doing these same things on the stoops around my house or streets.
May I ask why there has to be so much hate and disrespect for GLBT persons on this site? I come here to read a different view point and get new perspectives outside the mainstream press. I decided to stop coming after reading and seeing so many negative and disrespectful comments towards me a gay man and potential ally and fellow human being.I returned to read about St. Louis riots and again in the commentary and comments I am reminded that in your version of the USA I am not wanted or needed and am as undesirable as the black undertow discussed.
Do I really need to be here? Should I just go away and continuing to work, pay taxes, contribute to my society in all the ways I can but just not be visible to you or even exist as was written by someone as "an Actual family". I would think on the NET there are thousands of "I hate gay people" sites you could dump your vitriol on and then at least keep this site SBPDL on point.
To summarize - I exist and do not need your permission/acceptance to live my life and maybe perhaps we may share similar viewpoints and experiences. If you still want to hate on me/gays well then - F.U.!
Well here's another innocent, young, white girl who was senselessly murdered by - you guessed it - an innocent, never did nuffins, just gettin his life together, was a good boy, black youth. Oh wait, she wasn't that innocent or white, she hooked up with this POS on facebook, just trying to make friends and be inclusive, after all she had seven siblings, six of whom are biracial. Well that's what reaching out and being inclusive gets you - DEAD. SHOT, KIDNAPPED, DUMPED IN A FIELD WITH HALF YOUR CLOTHES OFF, DEAD.
I would love to know the statics about women who are murdered by a spouse or boyfriend. Actually, I really want to know what is the ratio of women who are murdered by a black spouse or boyfriend compared to women murdered by a white spouse or boyfriend. Does anyone know where I could find these numbers?
Forced deportation to Liberia is a great idea.
All the American Nigros would still be seething with rage against Whites, but in Liberia, they could march all day long, rape, kill, burn whole neighborhoods and have all the traffic-blocking, civil rights bullshit they want.
Meanwhile, we'd get on with our lives without millions of feral Blacks holding back our economy. Our streets would be much safer and public life wouldn't be nearly as dangerous anymore.
Ship them back. In a thousand years they'll still be protesting against Whites, even if they never see a single White person.
Dat sheet be keepin it real. Our SC negros at their finest.
And just across the border in North Carolina the monkey shines are alive and well.
CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - A man and two teenagers were arrested after police said they assaulted and robbed three people responding to Craigslist ads.
Tadarian Lindsey, 21, Deonte Stitt, 19, and Chris Bennett, 16, were all arrested on various charges including robbery with a dangerous weapon, conspiracy and common law robbery.
The three incidents occurred on August 17, 19, and 28. In all three instances police said that the victims responded to Craigslist ads to purchase cell phones.
When the victims met with the suspects, they were assaulted and robbed.
Detectives investigating the crimes identified the trio as suspects, and placed them under arrest after interviewing them about the robberies.
Police say the investigation is ongoing and that additional charges are pending.
Treehouse appears to be a Breitbart operation. Truth mixed in with enough spin to skew towards Conservatism, Inc.
Did you see the front page of the New York Times yesterday?! Smack dab front and center above the fold big color picture of the negro who was allegedly wrongly imprisoned for 25 years or so due to bad dna handling. What?! This is worthy of that spot in the newspaper? There aren't more important things going on in the world that deserve that spot? Well guess what? That's a very blatant attempt to spoon out a big dollop of white guilt to the Whites of the world after the Ferguson story is starting to backfire big time. And the Time cover with the Hands Up lie being promoted?! WTF!? So transparent. Pathetic.
I'm trying to figure out were the guy in the photo got that "3,460" figure. That sounds a lot like the overall lynching figure for blacks from the late 19th century to the 1960s. If so, then it's misleading as the Klan had nothing to do with the vast majority of lynchings. (not to mention the fact that the majority of those lynched were guity of various crimes...but that's another topic) I suspect the Klan's body count was a good deal smaller than that, especially when talking about the various incarnations of the group outside of the Reconstruction era.
"When blacks behave badly, they don't need sympathy and excuses, they need a sharp kick in the pants."
Yes, but have you seen their pants? For the most part they aren't even on.
If the media were to say that fire breathing flying sharks were threatening mankind, ISIS would say a week later that they were going to unleash their hordes of fire breathing flying sharks.
If you want to know what ISIS will or won't do, just ask the CIA or MOSSAD. They write the script.
To summarize - I exist and do not need your permission/acceptance to live my life and maybe perhaps we may share similar viewpoints and experiences. If you still want to hate on me/gays well then - F.U.!
I've mentioned similar before (though without the FU which gets no-one anywhere). It helps to remind some here that we don't all march to the same piper's tune, and anyway, don't worry about it, not everyone has to like us, but we are here because we share a concern for a serious problem that ultimately affects us all.
Actually, I really want to know what is the ratio of women who are murdered by a black spouse or boyfriend compared to women murdered by a white spouse or boyfriend.
I think generally black women are victimized significantly more often than white women, although this seems to be more true of younger black women than older. So in general you'd expect white women in relationships with black men to also be significantly more likely to suffer violence, albeit such specific interracial data is probably harder to come by. Deceased blogger Larry Auster used to call this the "Eloi tax".
Does anyone know where I could find these numbers?
You could always just use a search engine...Here is a page I found with misc info, including links to DOJ studies on the subject.
One darkie did something about black on black crime in Kansas City yesterday. He went to a neighborhood full of elderly whites, murdered 3 (so far), 2 critical condition, stole a car, tried to steal another, drove clear across the city to another white suburb, tried to steal another car but was thwarted by a scrappy white guy, assaulted several people, then took off before the cops got there and hid for hours until he was caught around midnight walking down I-29 (with a weapon) in the vicinity of his crimes. Schools were locked down at both crime scenes, people locked in their houses, a large shopping area put on alert, and on and on. One of these "people", with a criminal record, caused all that mayhem and destruction, fear and heartache. And he chose two distant white suburbs for his crimes.
Good job black community and apologists, pResident, felonious attorney general, useless judges and prosecutors, and apologies to anyone I left off my list. You've created this mess and I'm beyond angry that you're not suffering for it like the rest of us out here. And to those slack-jawed blacks in the video I say you created your monsters so why shouldn't you suffer from them?
killed 3,460 blacks
it took 346 blacks to count that high on their fingers
A fun observation I am sure you've all had...
I have sometimes had month long vacations where I travel back to the USA to visit family; the first week is always delightful. But I have found that the second, third and fourth weeks become somewhat tedious if only because while everyone else is at work I am alone with nothing to do... I find myself exercising, playing video games like a teenager, watching worthless TV programs and falling asleep...
... I cannot imagine the insanity of this continuing for months, doing nothing truly productive. I need my job; I need to go to work, to have a project, so to speak, to have something going on... Even when I know I am going back to work in a week or two, I still feel somehow anxious and unsettled by not having a task to do.
Yet, there are entire communities where unemployment & welfare collection is normal, and the folks continue on this path for years. YEARS.
Can you imagine the insanity of such a structureless existence, simply waiting for your benefits. And then, can you imagine being a person whose main hobbies consist of rap music & substance abuse, with endless free time, on a neighborhood block where 30% or so of other people likewise have this lifestyle...
A fun sociological experiment: force 30-40% of a white community to be unemployed and collecting benefits for several years on end, and forbid them from being anything but unemployed. They cannot even look for work... I bet by the end of the few years you'd have a few people who wallowed in alcoholism and idiocy, and found themselves committing silly, petty crimes out of sheer boredom & alcohol. But I bet, you'd have a higher percentage of people that during that time wrote books, painted, blogged; went back to college and studied; did arts and crafts; added on to their homes; renovated cars; played musical instruments; discovered a passion for outdoors life or exercise... You might find you created a strangely vibrant community of artists & thinkers who, after spending years on end devoted to these projects, honed multiple talents, and became better people once they learned to fill their days with all of these activities.
And then what do you get in the black communities? Aspiring rappers, graffiti, women popping out babies, drug use, alcohol abuse, and society crippling crime that destroys entire neighborhoods (and eventually entire cities).
... Whenever I imagine some 'Star Trek Socialism' world, I always imagine that I would have dedicated much of my time to writing novels or playing music, I imagine swimming and fishing every day next to my home in the countryside; I imagine perhaps taking a class to learn classical Greek so I can read Plato or Aristotle in the original tongue. I imagine taking a cooking class to be able to have amazing, homecooked meals... If you gave me money every month, this is what the result would be for me & people like me.
... But you get these jackasses that spend every waking hour making themselves even stupider with substance abuse & rap music, and they can't even speak their own mother tongue with any dignity let alone would they learn a foreign language with the desire to open up a new world of literature or ideas in the original thought.
Can you imagine the Gentle Giant secretly wanted to learn Russian so he could read Tolstoy? Do you see him painting a landscape? What do you see him doing in a post-scarcity utopia? LOL.
- Kulturkampf -
Conservative Treehouse is full of soft, fluffy, cowardly, "colorblind" white Conservatards who practice full-on negro worship.
If we could just talk to the blacks about capitalism and get them off the "liberal plantation" they would be just like us.
Just read the comments. DIsgusting prostration.
They refer to the violent blacks as "Obama supporters" and "Low Information Voters", and say self-hating things like "I would be proud to have a son like Ben Carson!" They are not proud of their race and culture, nothing special.
They are all looking for the next black Jesus. Allen West. Condi Rice. Ben Carson. Loved them some Herman Cain a few years back.
They do good research, but what's the point if they can't act on the information? I don't get it. Have no solutions. They would be horrified by the thought of sterilizing black welfare queens, or culling the underclass.
Anonymous September 3, 2014 at 1:21 AM said...May I ask why there has to be so much hate and disrespect for GLBT persons on this site?
What you see as "hate" is merely disgust and revulsion.
Anonymous September 3, 2014 at 1:21 AM said...I decided to stop coming
Yet here you are?
Anonymous September 3, 2014 at 1:21 AM said...after reading and seeing so many negative and disrespectful comments towards me a gay man
(???) How much positivity and respect should one show toward an unabashed deviant?
Anonymous September 3, 2014 at 1:21 AM said...Do I really need to be here? Should I just go away and continuing to work, pay taxes, contribute to my society in all the ways I can but just not be visible to you or even exist as was written by someone as "an Actual family". I would think on the NET there are thousands of "I hate gay people" sites you could dump your vitriol on
And how many more sites on the NET are there that will give you the validation that you crave?
Don't forget... you asked!
Anonymous said ”May I ask why there has to be so much hate and disrespect for GLBT persons on this site? I come here to read a different view point and get new perspectives outside the mainstream press. . . “
This is a website for people interested in discussing the problems associated with the undertow. Many of us find the GLBT lifestyle very disgusting, and if we want to read or learn more about it we will find an appropriate website more focused on that subject. Please feel free to participate in discussions related to the purpose of this site, but seek validation, permission, acceptance for your perverse behavior elsewhere.
Regarding freedom of speech, this is typical of how i raise my children:
"You have to agree we have freedom of speech, but we do not. I don't want you flirting with blacks, but you cannot criticize your friend for doing so. Say "she is not my type". And stick with that...because your friend will accuse you of being racist. If anyone makes a negative gay comment, just nod. Don't make verbal or written agreements with anti-gay comments outside of family. In my experience it is future gays who make the most jokes about gays because they are testing out how people will react to their disgusting but cheapo lifestyle choice...
My children have to function in a brainwashed society full of "invasion of the body snatcher" friends trying to determine if they aren"t also properly brainwashed.
The other day i slipped up. Some moms told me they were against religious extremists. But they also did not want to be an extreme liberal. I let slip that we do not promote gays in our family, that the subject never comes up. They laughed. But since then they have shunned me. No loss, but irritating to make a mistake.
I guess "we do not like religious extremism" is code for "i hope my children grow up wonderfully gay so i push the lifestyle on them".
I appreciate this blog to actually express myself. It is Eric Honnicker's East Germany in the usa.
Weisse frau
May I ask why there has to be so much hate and disrespect for GLBT persons on this site?
You build your culture around being maximally offensive and disgusting—not to mention parasitic and even life-threatening—to normal people, and then you complain about "disrespect"?
You hold "pride" events, and direct vicious hate at anyone who expresses pride in being normal?
Start by taking responsibility for AIDS, and eliminate the bathhouses, hookup culture and "advocate" groups trying to get gays allowed as blood donors. Earn some respect, if you can.
Gays are like blacks in the way they need CONSTANT validation from straight white people. There is no such thing as a gay or black conservative in a white Western country. They are simply opportunists. It's just mimicry. A trick.
If you are white, and you walk into a room full of diversity and don't kiss the first black/gay ass you see immediately, you are a KKK racist homophobe bigot. Fuck that.
They are like children with severe daddy issues. Mother did not hug them enough. Dad beat their asses too often. They are pathetic, Godless, broken creatures, looking for normal white people to corrupt with their degeneracy and psychopathy. These perverts often choose innocent children to corrupt.
We don't have to acknowledge them, or even give them the time of day. They are "black" or "gay" FIRST, they lead with their identity, and they must always rub your nose in it to get a sexual release from watching the disgust on your face.
One more thing. These monsters vote nearly 100% for the destruction of our culture and our people. They are the enemy of whites. We should have no sympathy or compassion for them. With strong whites in charge, they would be forced back under rocks, into fields and closets, because they are losers without the gigantic daddy government forcing us to accept their degenerate behaviors.
That's why I have no friends. I can't stand to be near weak, loser people who fall over themselves to get moral validation form other losers. A bunch of sickos, in my opinion. I can't be myself, must constantly play games and seek approval from the herd.
I hate weakness. I want to attack and destroy it. Is that normal? I think it will serve me well in the days to come.
Anon @ 1:21 this site is fabulous and we are super, thanks for asking sugar.
I don't know if this was released officially, or if it got leaked. But here's Darren Wilson after his encounter with diversity:
Darren Wilson
onymous said...
Did you see the front page of the New York Times yesterday?! Smack dab front and center above the fold big color picture of the negro who was allegedly wrongly imprisoned for 25 years or so due to bad dna handling. What?! This is worthy of that spot in
NYTimes is zionist and very anti White.
May I ask why there has to be so much hate and disrespect for GLBT persons on this site?
Dahling your shoes are fabulous and that shirt is to die for and your tuchus - say no more! - and your hair is fabulous unlike that of Trayvon Martin and Eric Holder.
May I ask why there has to be so much hate and disrespect for GLBT persons on this site?
Dahling your shoes are fabulous and that shirt is to die for and your tuchus - say no more! - and your hair is fabulous unlike that of Trayvon Martin and Eric Holder.
Anonymous said... May I ask why there has to be so much hate and disrespect for GLBT persons on this site?
It's the politics.
Like it or not, the politics of the homosexual movement align with those of Black Run America: demands for affirmative action, special studies programs on campus, the demonization of white heterosexual males as "oppressors," hatecrime laws, exploitation of the courts to push an agenda, etc.
There's also a sense (perhaps wrong) that the Establishment is using the homosexual political movement as a wedge against traditional American society. Similar to the Establishment support for what PK calls Black Run America. Look at how the right of association has been dismantled by anti-discrimination laws.
Of course, race realists do need all the allies they can get, and alienating you may do the cause more harm than good. Do you see any chance of the homosexual movement aligning against Black Run America?
Mutant Swarm said ”I don't know if this was released officially, or if it got leaked. But here's Darren Wilson after his encounter with diversity: . . “
Thanks for the link. I have already begun distributing it.
Read a history of the original Klan written before 1950. I believe there is one written by one of the founding members daughter. It's very eye opening, in short you are correct.
Nope this isn't PK it's Nathan Bedford Forrest. Go hug a tree.
A fun sociological experiment: force 30-40% of a white community to be unemployed and collecting benefits for several years on end, and forbid them from being anything but unemployed. ... But I bet, you'd have a higher percentage of people that during that time wrote books, painted, blogged; went back to college and studied; did arts and crafts; added on to their homes; renovated cars; played musical instruments; discovered a passion for outdoors life or exercise...
When I was younger, I knew Americans who had been in the Great Depression. Even when unemployed, they did everything in their power to raise themselves up. Like going to libraries and reading. And getting professional licenses. And pooling family resources to keep their houses.
They maintained their families, stayed law abiding, did not not to drugs.
Your point is very good about the wonders that white people create when they have the time for it.
To the butt hurt homosexul, pun intended, why did the militant wing of your culture destroy the churches my family attended for centuries (Episcopalian and Presbyterian) in your cultures search for validation? Of course we could ask why the churches allowed them to but we all know being racist or a homophobe is worse than being a pedophile in the crazy world we live and die in. Maybe you're not somone who pushes their lifestyle on others. If so good for you but all of these "name groups" are part of the problem.
San Franciscan
I don't see the gay movement (if that's what it is) aligning against BRA. I regard that as unfortunate, but understandable. GLBTs regard themselves as outsiders, and so, to many GLBTs it makes sense to align themselves with other outsiders (like BRA). The only problem with this is that BRA doesn't regard GLBTs as allies, but as people who they can regard themselves as superior to. Another delusion on their part.
Race realism is, in its best form, a very broad tent.
It is bigger than white nationalism, bigger than any religious or political orientation (other than those that support BRA), bigger than ethnic, gender or sexual orientation. It is simply a recognition that black people cannot fit into a first world society, and that attempts to pretend that they can always cause more grief than they're worth.
The reason I read this site is that PK keeps the emphasis where it belongs-on BRA and it's effects on the larger society which BRA effects. Other issues, like whether you like gays or not, or whether you regard whites who marry Asians as race traitors, I regard as diversions to that main issue.
It is NOT a photo of Darren Wilson.
Mutant Swarm
I don't know if this was released officially, or if it got leaked. But here's Darren Wilson after his encounter with diversity:
Dude, you've been had. Your link is not to a picture of Darren Wilson - at least not the Darren Wilson pictured in this Daily Mail article. There is a very slight resemblance between the two men but the hairline and the ears are obviously different.
Even the most apparently assimilated black still has that inner chimp just waiting for the trigger of emergence.
I've also noticed that even in a large corporate meeting setting, instead of interspersing with the auditorium-sized crowd of mixed ethnicities, blacks all sit together. There are blacks, then there's everyone else, just like the good ole USA. A nation within a nation.
Two minutes research and here's the pic: Jim McNeil Face Plants - Ouch!
Come on, use your heads, people.
Those of us who comment on this other race realist sites are convinced that the Negro is an inferior sub-species incapable of comprehending complex matters, yet many among us believe that it was that inferior sub-species that masterminded the spectacular coup that put us in the back of the bus.
There seems to be a contradiction here. How could folks with 70-95 IQ's humble the Mighty Whitey? Do you think they might have had some help?
I know you are going to censor this, Paul because you don't allow even veiled references to Jews, so consider this a private question from me to you: Why are you such a coward when it comes to pointing a finger at the people who are responsible for destroying our homeland?
A nog and a queer, make their culture abundantly clear when you speak to them on the phone. Neither make any attempt to hide their "act" be it a proffesional or, personal call.
Negroes are Revolting.
No shit.
Dindoo Nuffins said ”Liberia.
This is what a country where blacks are left to their own devices looks like. . . “
Interesting statistics on Liberia. It does give us some idea of the natural black mean, but I believe that the actual mean is largely theoretical in the modern world. As bad as things are in Liberia, they still receive approximately 70% of their gross national product as gibmedats from other mostly non-black countries. If they were actually on their own entirely, they would fall to a level that white people can only imagine.
@ Anonymous September 3 2014 @ 1:21 AM
May I ask why there has to be so much hate and disrespect for GLBT persons on this site?
You must be kidding. Firstly-where are you seeing all this "hate and disrespect"? That phrase could be taken word for word from the mouth of any negro. How is it that yet again, you manage to make a topic, any topic, about your perverted sexual practices? I thought you people just wanted "government out of our bedrooms"-now you want your bedrooms (and bath houses, and public parks, etc) in everybody's face, and we're supposed to all applaud the "performance". Christians should be so lucky as to merely be able to keep government out of our worship (of course, most nominal "Christians" bring it on themselves by taking Caesar's gold).
Secondly-part of the problem we discuss here regarding BRA is the ongoing genocide of the white race, leading to the extinction of the best of civilization. The sodomite agenda is part and parcel of that, both politically and literally.
Latest from the Detoilet shithole:
nobody cares about black on black crime because it is a black thing. this really so hard to grasp? The S. African who said "it used to be yours, now it is ours. We will fuck it up if we want to, so please shut up." Don't you get it?
The tribe can kill each other but a rival tribe's transgression will be met with savage retribution NO MATTER WHAT.
It's just tribalism from primitives. Other primitives have behaved that way for eons.
Re: KC killing of old YTs. Let me take a guess.... The groid mayah and the white prosecutor, plus maybe some white badge-gang type wearing the uniform of the Banana Empire, will all repeat the litany: This was not about race.
The shyster brigade, true believers in the "just-us" system, will be gearing up to fight for decades to ensure that this worthless negro is never brought to anything resembling actual justice. That's the snooze YT, you may return to your niggaball games, grape-drank and shit-sandwiches.
Good reporting, Anon. The mass-murdering Brandon B. Howell looks pretty damn pleased w/ himself.
To the gay Anon: I have never seen unprovoked hostility toward homosexuals EVER on this site. There is no HATE. Now, the hostility you DO see is aimed at "GLBT/Trans/Cis/anti-White male privilege social justice warrior hipster Tumblr" types (and rightly so). If you are pro-White, anti-BRA, anti-DWL anti-SJW, then you're all right with me. I've been good friends with a White gay couple for about 15 years. They are are the most racist people I know. When it comes to the topic of BRA, these guys are 100% more awake and aware than the white Conservatives, Inc. types I know who only care that it's Alabama college football season. Perhaps in the future you could try a reasonable approach based on common interests instead of random accusations of "hate" that seem to come out of nowhere.
I think any number of actual lynchings by the Klan would be almost impossible to pin down. One of the dark secrets of Reconstruction is a government created organization called the Union League. It was a tool of the Radical Republicans to get blacks to vote for them and create hostility towards southern whites. You might find something online about this organization, I haven't looked. According to Congressional testimony leaders of the original Klan blamed much of the violence on this group so I think it's safe to say they committed some of the lynchings in those troubled times. The later organizations we call the Klan probably have pretty solid numbers but the original Klan was more likely to use a whip except in cases of rape or arson. The Union League is a dirty little secret of the US governments past and it's very possible the NAACP is a lineal decendant of this original "klan with a tan".
All that sheeyit raciss
"Of course, race realists do need all the allies they can get, and alienating you may do the cause more harm than good. Do you see any chance of the homosexual movement aligning against Black Run America?"
Nope. The homosexual agenda is based on tearing down walls of free association & establishing "equality" and "diversity" acceptance.
I despise homosexuals, as much as blacks and only want to be separate from them. The only thing worse is a mooslimes.
And yet another random act of blackness in South Carolina.
RICHLAND COUNTY, SC (WIS) - Eleven Lower Richland High School students are in hot water after officials say they gathered in a school restroom to fight Wednesday morning.
The gathering was interrupted by a teacher who noticed what was happening around 8 a.m. inside a restroom at Lower Richland High School, according to the Richland County Sheriff's Department.
The students, ranging in age from 14 to 18, ran away but were later identified by the school resource officer using video surveillance equipment.
Abram Walker, 18, Davon Young, 17, and Shakimo Smith, 17, were charged with disturbing schools. Smith was also charged with affray (fighting in a public place). Walker, Young, and Smith were expected be transported to the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center.
The eight additional minor students will also be charged for disturbing schools. They were to be released to their parents after hearings in family court.
Sheriff Leon Lott said having a school resource officer on school grounds led to the quick apprehension of those involved. The school districts and the Richland County Sheriff's Department both adhere to a zero tolerance policy for anyone who seeks to commit harmful acts on school grounds, said the sheriff.
Good point, I wonder how many homosexuals have been victims of misplaced Liberian nationals in this country? I bet the number is probably higher than most people think. Perhaps Constipated in Oregon could chime in on this.
" this really so hard to grasp? The S. African who said "it used to be yours, now it is ours. We will fuck it up if we want to, so please shut up." Don't you get it?"
Yeah I get it. I live it everyday. Funny thing is white people are still a majority in the "banana republic" but a certain segment of our population vote for democrats no matter what. I'm not a republican BTW.
DWLs would vote for BRA even if Michelle was the candidate.
As Paul Kersey has said "you only have to survive".
Hat tip to "Bogo".
Scot Irish
Strongly disagree with the last two responses. Compare a gay/lesbian couple's house and a "vibrant" house and tell me which you'd rather gave in your neighborhood.
Like many others, I'm all about putting all differences except the one that brings us here.
from what I have read, the 'portrait of a gay basher is a...'
fill in the blank.
at WSHH theres a clip of a fem black being bashed by a black gang or gangster.
Conservative Treehouse is just another part of Con Inc. They not only drink the purple DrankAid, they're the original mixers and dispensers and all for one purpose: To keep the white middle/working classes naive to the real reason that the US is going down the tubes….thanks to DeToilet, Killerdelphia, Indy, Chitown, etc. which all amounts to the same thing…BRA! Illegal immigration is another side of the same coin, namely, going vs the white foundation that built this country and made it work for centuries.
After all, does Holder/Obama/etc. allow for massive immigration from, the original white populations of say, Ireland, Germany, Norway, and Wales?
And the way they treated the German homeschoolers more than proves this point.
This administration, in one sense, has been a godsend (no disrespect, Melanie) to us whites: He has TOLD US STRAIGHT UP WHAT HE WANTS TO DO: He wants to create a new America! His minister for 20some yrs was Black Liberation Thelogy Jeremiah Wright! How much more hate YT does one need over at ConTreehouse and Con. Inc.?
These empty, dishonest, and insanely ridiculous talking points may have worked in Reagan-Bush era but…..
"They refer to the violent blacks as "Obama supporters" and "Low Information Voters",
They don't get it. The few members who vote their way, when push comes to shove,….turn around and vote for the black candidate! How much more proof do they need???
EXAMPLE: Colin Powell. Remember how he was trumpeted as a fine one, a natural conservative? And he turned around and VOTED (twice!) for OBAMA! Wonder why?
Same for alllll those other black candidates! How the fuck can they not see it when they vote as a group well over 90% for the Democratic candidate that promises to expand BRA and not decrease its influence?
Since LBJ this has been so. "I'll have 'em voting Democrat for the next two centuries" GEE, LOOKS LIKE HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT!
They have voted this way and supported policies (vs YT) since before many of us here were even f'ing born! And they're not showing signs of stopping any time soon! And why should they?
Blacks want BRA, its in their interests and they consistently vote their interests. Much the way, whites used to.
"and say self-hating things like "I would be proud to have a son like Ben Carson!" They are not proud of their race and culture, nothing special."
About the only one I give them was Dr Thomas Sowell. He has been consistent throughout his career and actually cited Paul Kersey some yrs ago in a fairly respectful way. He alone has gone vs BRA for the most part.
BUT….THOMAS SOWELL is now 84 YEARS OLD. And there doesn't appear to be anyone who will succeed him once his times up.
After 20plus years, even the most f'ed up of empty sloganeering GOP Rush worshipping a'holes should begin to wake up and see that….it aint working! They aren't going to jump off the…It's not a "plantation"…ITS THEIR HOOD! Why would they leave their hood, for what? No more free ride? No more free stuff? No more getting to the head of the line? No more free free free free jobs? No more stick it to YT?
Oh, so they can have a special Rand Paul spanking clean new Enterprise Zone???
Where's another Sam Francis when we need him?
ConTreehouse, more like KoolDrankAid, and someones getting rich off the suckers!!!
"Compare a gay/lesbian couple's house and a "vibrant" house and tell me which you'd rather gave in your neighborhood."
Actually that's an argument you won't win, so you really shouldn't go there. Yes, overall, the groid is worse BUT lesbian headed households also lead the way in having more Domestic Violence and abusive relations as opposed to straight relationships.
Again, why is this suddenly becoming all about the gays. Aren't they enough in the news already? What, Michael Sam wasn't enough to celebrate?
See, MOST G/Ls support BRA because they really don't see themselves as white first. They're gay first and they see the civil rights that are explicitly for groids only as a back door way in by getting all the same free stuff, new jurisprudence that will now include them as well. Groids rightly don't support gays, period, cause they don't support anyone but themselves when it comes to getting their free stuff.
Question: Wonder why Gays never see themselves as being WHITE first and foremost, and then traditional Americans second? Ever wonder about that?
Ask yourself: Which would gays rather be around, groids (who would kill them if they have the chance) or other whites?
And lets face it, about 90% of gays/lesbians tend to be white. Facts are facts. They aint mostly groid. Groids police their own very effectively. Youre BLACK FIRST and then that other stuff….distant second…OR….youre out of the tribe.
In some ways, in BRA, being gay is the same thing as….Acting White. And acting white doesn't fly with BRA. So how do you think they feel when they see bunch a….trying to piggyback on the civil rights legislation that they think was explicitly created for them only?
Call it a loyalty test. Which side are they on? The race or their lifestyle? And if they choose their lifestyle, then that means they're a race traitor since they're not with us but vs us cause they want the same BRA benefits for themselves and are then siding with groids vs YT.
Interesting statistics on Liberia.
Liberia is the place that the media doesn't want you to know about. I remember a newscast where they were showing Liberia and didn't explain why the locals were claiming that they were related to Americans.
I apologize for spreading bad info. That's what I get for trusting Facepalm.
There's also a sense (perhaps wrong) that the Establishment is using the homosexual political movement as a wedge against traditional American society
They certainly use homosexual issues as way to malign white society.
But what annoys me is how they give us some childish explanation that we're not supposed to question. We're told it is always genetic and we are bigots if we question this claim.
I don't doubt some people are born gay or trans. But the idea that no lesbians are dating pool drop-outs is a joke. The Hollywood lipstick lesbian is rarity. Here in reality the typical lesbian doesn't have a lot of options when it comes to men. Hence the bitter attitude that can be found in so many lesbians. From what I have read it seems that there was once a time when accepting gays meant accepting that some women simply don't have a lot of male callers and will pair up in response. I would be more comfortable with that attitude than the patronizing and simplistic explanation from the media.
And as with race it speaks volumes that liberals and the MSM don't want anyone to have a polite and open conversation on the issue. They have to shout down and personally attack skeptics because deep somewhere in their brains they know it's at least possible they aren't 100% correct. Funny enough there was a gay man recently that claimed some lesbians aren't born that way and the media flipped out on him.
When it comes to the topic of BRA, these guys are 100% more awake and aware than the white Conservatives, Inc. types I know who only care that it's Alabama college football season.
Conservative Inc is spinning in circles. Some of the bigger sites chase away independents and the comments end up being a bunch of white guys high fiving and posting pics of Reagan. Their sites at least provide an alternative to the MSM but the dittohead culture is a warped inversion of liberalism. Race only exists in basketball and NCLB would have worked if those damn union teachers didn't mess it up. Hail Reagan.
I have no doubt you can find more racial realists among liberal teachers than limbaugh listeners. And in all fairness those liberal teachers never wanted to become racial realists. The problem liberals are not the ones that actually deal with BRA. The problem liberals live next door to conservatives in gated communities and opine about the plight of our schools from a Starbucks.
Anon said
About the only one I give them was Dr Thomas Sowell. He has been consistent throughout his career and actually cited Paul Kersey some yrs ago in a fairly respectful way. He alone has gone vs BRA for the most part.
And he married a White woman. A woman who (I presume) might have had White children, but never will. That's slow genocide, just as much as if he'd murdered her.
I second that. Nice to see a post from you Melanie, it's been a while.
I would guess that it is so common and expected in places like Detroit and Camden that it is seldom even reported.
I believe I read that that a white woman who married a black man is TWELVE TIMES more likely to be a victim of murder
If leftists, liberals or whomever didn't support or uplift the Black's they would be starving in the streets like they do in Liberia and Zimbabwe. They are an invasive species and They need to be repatriated to their native land. They cannot add a whole adapt. Any that could or would stay would have to be sterilized.
"Liberia is the place that the media doesn't want you to know about. I remember a newscast where they were showing Liberia and didn't explain why the locals were claiming that they were related to Americans."
And remember: Liberia, along with Ethiopia, were the only two nations that were never colonized by Europeans during the age of colonization.
So, unlike South Africa, blacks have been running Liberia all on their ownsome since the 1820's when they were first sent over there.
Any and all messes can be directly traced back to blacks running the show there since the beginning. YT cannot be blamed for Liberia's screwups. They were given a chance to return to Africa and run an entire nation all by themselves.
How's it working out?
And neither can Haiti, come to think of it.
Abram Walker, 18, Davon Young, 17, and Shakimo Smith, 17, were charged with disturbing schools. Smith was also charged with affray (fighting in a public place). Walker, Young, and Smith were expected be transported to the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center.
Affray, I like that, now we know why they call themselves Affray-can Americans.
SC is home to two of the top 20 armed counties in the nation (Florence, Darlington, one is 7th or so the other 19th)... now you know why.
Speaking of which, my friend who lives in SC relays another story; one of her college friends is married to a high end tour bus driver - I say that because apparently he makes good money doing it. He was paid to drive a bunch of nog protesters somewhere on Long Island. One sow had her 6 year old with her, and she tried a variant of the slip & fall routine - supposedly because of his "erratic" driving and "sudden stops" the kid hit his head and was hurt. Never mind that the kid was hyper nearly to the point of like being on crack, or that no one else had a problem with the ride.
So long story short cops were called, paramedics were called, she didn't want to take the kid to the hospital because they'd tell her she was full of shit, but in the meantime the police had to take the driver across the street away from the bus because the nogs were ready to chimp out on him over this bullshit. Eventually it got wrapped up okay, but my friend almost got in trouble with her friend because my friend thought of me saying "chimping out" when her friend described the way the nogs acted. So she explains it to her friend and the friend is like "exactly!" ....
If you follow this stuff, this is so common "He told police he lost it and the police report states she pushed him and he doesn't really know what happened after that and said he blacked out."
I posted that link but it didn't occur to me until now, maybe he meant he chimped out. I mean, blacked out, chimped out, what's the difference? At least he killed one of his own.
Meanwhile, in Ithaca NY, the nog has his coal-burner in on it with him. Responsible for over 20 burglaries:
There's a rather surprising amount of black crime going on in Ithaca, including murders, given the population is just under 30,000 and of that only just short of 7% is black. But it's a super liberal college town, so maybe that has something to do with it.
I have NO black friends. All my friends, associates and those I even speak to, are WHITE.
I have no Asian friends, No paki or hindu friends. None. I don't need them. I don't like the way they look, the way they talk, the way they smell and the color of their skins.
I disagree with your disagreement. We are damned sick and tired of EVERYTHING, and I do mean everything, being about Teh Gheys. Get over yourself. Despite what you might think, you have more in common with the Cocoa Undertow than you do with us. Flouting of sexual mores? Check. Demanding that rules be changed to accommodate your particular special-interest group? Check. Requiring Big Government to level the playing field on your behalf? Check. Amending school curricula to make your special interest more palatable? Check.
Don't be hating on us for seeing this very obvious ploy just as we see Blacks'. We're not blind, you know.
And all the while liberals will claim that diversity is a strength.
Liberalism really IS a mental illness.
@Weisse Frau
My children have to function in a brainwashed society full of "invasion of the body snatcher" friends trying to determine if they aren"t also properly brainwashed.
The other day i slipped up. Some moms told me they were against religious extremists. But they also did not want to be an extreme liberal. I let slip that we do not promote gays in our family, that the subject never comes up. They laughed. But since then they have shunned me. No loss, but irritating to make a mistake.
I guess "we do not like religious extremism" is code for "i hope my children grow up wonderfully gay so i push the lifestyle on them".
About the gays: I suspect that there are a number of them that are just born that way. Like being born black, I cannot hate on them for that simple fact. How they choose to ACT with that genetic endowment is another thing. If Michelangelo had been born 500 years later, he'd be a worthless bathhouse banger.
But there are others for whom it is a choice, sort of. They might have a tendency one way, but societal and parental pressure pushes them the other way. I know young people who, picking up the vibe from media and nonstop drumbeat, have chosen the homosexual lifestyle. In the 50s, they'd be straight, and a little odd.
Perhaps you might cite evidence on the life-shortening effects of the gay lifestyle, and talk about concern "for the children." But you clearly have your eye on the prize: grandchildren. The cultural warriors are trying to take that away from you, turn your children into fruitless droids whose excess production can go to BRA instead of their own progeny. Don't let them.
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