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Too late... the city is already known as "Memphafrica": the smoke is already driving away civilization |
To paraphrase State Farm, "Like a bad neighbor, black people are there..." [“Memphis Is Going To Burn If They Do Not Control These Children.”, BearingArms.com, 9-30-14]:
Another week, another mob attack in Memphis, Tennessee:
We now know three juveniles were charged after the violent attack in Midtown Friday night, but unlike the days after the Kroger parking lot attack, Memphis’ police director and mayor aren’t saying much.
Sharon Mourning was one of the victims in this weekend’s violent mob attack near South Bellevue and Peabody.
She told WREG, “Memphis is going to burn if they do not control these children.”
Mourning says the kids were crowded in the middle of the street and attacked her car.
Early Monday morning, WREG sent requests to talk with Police Director Toney Armstrong and Mayor A C Wharton.
People at city hall say the mayor is still out of town but want you to know, “The spike in violence in our city is attributable to a small, but destructive minority. The City is doing its part to provide alternatives for teenagers.”Like some other parts of the nation, Memphis is falling prey to “wilding,” the practice of mobs of more or less feral teens rampaging through a section of town attacking anyone and everyone for not other reason than their own amusement.
The 100+ black mob attack in Memphis (yes, a black person used a pumpkin as a weapon against a white person)
This attack echos an attack that left two Kroger employees and a shopper beaten unconscious earlier this month.
Sadly, neither the Mayor, nor the police, nor community, nor parents seem to want to take responsibility for putting a stop to the practice in Memphis, and finger-pointing being the favorite sport of the day."Like a bad neighbor, black people are there..."
It's not white children that need controlling; it's Michael Oher's fellow black citizens in Memphis in dire need of control.
someone definitely needs to organise a "stop the violence" parade. or a "take back the night" rally. its the only way to stop this nonsense.
I hate to say it, but black people are one of the reasons why I live in East Asia now. It's a shame when "white flight" means fleeing not their city, but their country.
White people need a country of their own.
Greatest country in the world?
Not with ~45 million wild negroes it isn't.
All budding entrepreneurs, right, Rand Paul? It's just the color of their skin that leads to all the problems caused by racist whites, right? The "yoofs" are disadvantaged, right? (Yes, since they have worthless negroes as progenitors.) Race is just a social construct, right?, Memphafrica?
And our corrupt gov't has imported more Africans in the past decade than came during the centuries of the slave trade according to something I recently saw on the Internet. I sure hope that's not true...And now a Liberian bringing biological diversity in the form of Ebola to Dallas, Tejas, Mexico.
I am so fatigued by all this that I turn the channel on the tv as soon as I see one. (Yes, you too, Alan "Pigford" West and Ben "I love Jesse Jackson" Carson.)
There needs to be a legal doctrine, like "stand your ground", which authorizes pre-emptive use of deadly force against such mobs.
That is the only thing which will stop this "wilding" behavior. Such mobs must be legally recognized as deadly threats, and citizens must be allowed to use all necessary force to stop, repel and disperse them. That means firearms as the first line of defense, not the last. "Cibil rites" be damned.
"The City is doing its part to provide alternatives for teenagers.”
No alternative needs to be provided because the alternatives simply exist into infinity. You can go out and have a talk with your friends, play some sports, play a board game, or go for a walk at a park. Do we now need mayor to tell us this? If "the city" doesn't tell me not to beat, kill and rape, will I naturally go out and do those things?
Ohhhh the fatigue is becoming tough to handle. And to add to the stress, we now have ebola in the US. Just a couple decades ago there was so much hope for an amazing future. How quickly it has diminished.
How are those people living in Chocolate City, Guangzhou acting?
White people need a country of their own.
They do, but most apparently don't want one. Like a bad neighbor, the negro'll be there. One of them (St. Andrew Young) even said they'd follow YT to the moon itself to keep leeching.
Memphis has been bad for a long time.
My Grandmother, who was 78 at the time was dragged by one finger, by a very large black woman who was trying to get her wedding ring. She was kicked and pummeled, that was the last time she went shopping by her self. This happened in a "good" part of Memphis, the store was at the corner of Get Well road, by the Veterans Hospital. My uncle shot a black intruder in the house back in the early 90's, they actually threatened to charge him with murder until his lawyer explained the law to them. Memphis is a no-go city for whites, when I visit family there I keep my 45 on the seat beside me. I always leave room to escape by driving on the sidewalk if stopped at a red light. A few years ago blacks blocked the bridge over the Mississippi, and went from car to car demanding billfolds and purses. Wish I'd been there, I'd have given them something they'd never forget.
Whites not familiar with the city should take every precaution. You even see gangs of blacks hanging around the courthouse and police stations. They practice ethnic intimidation, even on cops.
If you are going to Memphis, go strapped and be ready to use deadly force to protect your family.
Black loiterers in Memphis are opportunists, and they WILL attack you at stop lights.
Be ready.
What whites can do if they encounter this situation? If a bunch of "teens" mob your car gun the bastard. Keep driving really fast and then slam the brakes. THEN drive away.
OR gun the car and if one of them gets run over, keep driving. Paul from crimefilenews told the Chicago yuppies a few years ago to shoot and leave. If a group of feral blacks try to hurt you or your family, shoot, leave and use the five words, I have nothing to say.
You read the stories coming out of South Africa, where mobs of blacks drag whites from their cars and beat them, rape them, all the while laughing joyfully.
In the courtrooms there, when it is described how victims pleaded for the beatings and rapes to stop, cried out in fear and in pain, the blacks in the courtroom gallery can't help themselves - they break into giggles and laughter.
It's the same here, and probably anywhere else. They love the mayhem, they love destroying things, they love beating people.
The overall mood in these rampages is one of infectious ecstasy. I saw it live and up close once, in New York City. It's in all the videos, this primal crowd behavior.
I remember looking into some of those faces as fifty or sixty of them erupted into violence. It was like some great drug was suddenly released into their brains. It surely must be a massive adrenaline dump.
Their eyes grow wide and dart about, their limbs coil, their movements quicken -- it's clear they're feeling an overwhelming need, right then, to explode on something, on someone.
When some in the crowd start swinging on innocent persons, knocking them to the ground and stomping them -- and they do that with glazed, impersonal expressions -- the rest of the crowd seems to grow desperate to find more victims. Absent any, they jump onto cars and stomp, or throw whatever's available at anything that can be damaged.
They run, run, run. Not to get away from anyone, it seems, but to release energy and to find outlets -- victims -- to release energy upon as soon as possible. There's little true anger. Quite the opposite -- there's joy and laughter throughout it all. In those moments, they couldn't be having a more enjoyable time doing anything else.
- Man in Florida
No snitching now.
Massa Gates gots to keep that white guilt rolling right along.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
The city is already on fire. The country's major cities are all aflame. Well, maybe not Salt Lake City for some strange and undefinable reason. Sister wives? Magic underwear?
We are being taken down to the lowest common denominator of "humanity" kicking and screaming, but we have only ourselves to blame. Hell, I am complicit by nature of my employment.
In a week or two, the office I work in will cease all "work" for an entire day. We will be lectured by our betters (sowpotamuses, fairies, mexicans, etc...) on why white straight men are horrible. They will do this right in front of me, a white straight male. I will sit there and scowl the entire day. I will ask questions about the ridiculous ideology and will get nothing but smug statements that do not answer only repeat. At some point, the boss a white male(for now), will diffuse the standoff with; lets get this over with folks we all have to understand how important this is and I support it 110%. I will not say another word, unless it is to crack a joke loud enough for everyone to hear, yet not loud enough for the sowpotomus to stop its monologue.
I do not scream. I do not throttle the speaker. I do not stand up for my race or my gender. I do this for a paycheck. I am a whore.
Believe me when I say I understand the economic motivations behind why public servants (policemen) go to work. Hell, it used to be honorable employment. I do not profess to understand their mentality concerning the dangerous line of public service they chose, but a steady check does feed small YT's. Take that as justification for my own prostitution.
Like some other parts of the nation, Memphis is falling prey to “wilding,” the practice of mobs of more or less feral teens rampaging through a section of town attacking anyone and everyone for not other reason than their own amusement.
Heck of a term when you think of it.
As in "reverting to the wild."
That's what is going on in American cities.
Funny thing is, when American Renaissance and other race realist websites talk about "reversion to the African mean," one's first impulse is to scoff at such a presumption. Reversion to Africa? In America? Yet that is what is going on with these mob attacks. It's not just the criminal behavior, it's the collective use of terror against a community, like child soldiers running amok through villages.
For today's test, please answer "yes" or "no" to each question"
Question 1: did blacks conduct wildings during segregation?
Question 2: did blacks conduct wildings in sundown towns?
Question 3: did blacks conduct wildings prior to the Civil Rights acts of the 1960s?
Question 4: did blacks conduct wildings in white South African cities when apartheid was in force?
Question 5: did blacks conduct wildings in London prior to the floodgates of immigration being open to them after World War II?
This test will be timed and you will be graded accordingly.
Just like blacks expect others to take care of their water bills.
Just like blacks expect others to take care of the piles of food wrappers and discarded junk piles in front of their paid by others residence.
Now black mothers are expecting others to control their feral offspring. The black race in America just plain sucks.
Too bad their isn't a time machine to go back and blow up every slave ship that even got close to the shores of America.
Totally agree with the poster that mentioned about taking flight to East Asia. Life is much simpler, safer, and luxurious here without having to worry about black violence. The blacks that are here are mostly decent and educated--or they would not be let in. There is no possibility for them to "tribe up". With increasing tax burden and violence in the USA I would expect a lot of folks to start moving here--especially to places like Singapore.
At least the pumpkins weren't involved in these attacks like they were the last time at Krogers. Do pumpkins cause negro attacks ? Is that the root cause thing the genius college professors keep talking about ? Ban the pumpkins or at least require a permit to own one and limit the size of them I say. No concealed pumpkins either or it's jail time, enough is enough.
non-DWL from NE (Last of the Mohicans)
OT I know but BHO is soon going to have to make a big decision, something he is not good at doing. ISIS is a few miles from Baghdad in spite of air attacks and will soon be knocking on the gates of the city. BHO will have to decide to use U.S. troops to fight ISIS directly or get the helicopters ready for an evacuation like Saigon in 1975.
The SF troops fighting there already aren't numerous enough and aren't decisive anyway, it's the big battalions that will decide the issue. The Iraqi Army has shown its gross incompetence and disloyalty and is worthless. No other nation except Turkey has large numbers of competent troops available and the Turks have so far wisely stayed out of the war. BHO may be forced by events to choose between two unpalatable options, either one leading to disaster. Once again BHO's gross incompetence will be on display for the whole world to see, TNB again getting people killed.
And to think, BHO is the genius who got the Nobel Peace Prize for being a negro president. Every day he shows how worthless the hypocrites on the Nobel committee are and how stupid too by picking a nog for their joke of a prize. BHO is a fuck stick.
non-DWL from NE
One of the reasons I left California was because of the "diversity". I live in Warsaw, Poland now. It's not perfect, but being surrounded by people who look like you is a priceless feeling. The EU is active in promoting anti-white sentiment though. "Stop Racism " is a campaign they promote. I just saw on TV a commercial of a black woman opening her locker to find a ticking time bomb adorned with a swastika, "white power" and "go home!" labels, attached to a brick. Viewers were encouraged to "report racism". Of course the racism only flows one way.
You are not alone. I fled north of the border, where the problem is less pronounced, and blacks cannot use the "race card".
I live in Australia now i sometimes think of moving back to usa but then i go hmmmm australia is 0.25% african negro. Usa is 12%. Think i will be staying here.
At least in America you have the second amendment to fall back on and fight off the marauding black hordes. Here in the UK, we will just have to put up with it and keep out of the way of the black filth, as we can`t fight back. And it WILL happen over here, and the police will just stand back and let it happen, like they have done in previous chimpouts. The only people they will arrest, are any whites who fight back.
Luxurious Singapore? For what you pay for a small apartment there i live in an enormous house with pool on an all white island in the usa. Every member of my family has a car. Of course, if they let you buy cheap asian household help then i am jealous. Cheap labor is only for corporations here.
These are wild animals. They may appear human but be warned. They are far from it. At least 2k years behind whites in evolution. Keep your kids away from them. Especially your daughters. Live White, Love White, Stay White! Don't lay down with Black or Brown.
As an eye doc, I am getting so tired of "my" black patients. They require so much more handling than whites, thus, I have begun my own anti-negro repellent behavior.
I now play a radio country station as our back-ground music. I am also ever so slightly insulting to them. Most everyone of them is sitting in the waiting room with a cell phone and they keep the damn thing on all the way through the exam. So, now, I make a snotty comment about the phone. I tell them, with a "do as I say tone" to turn the "damn thing off" and proceed to spend the entire exam being a jerk to them.
My goal if for them to NOT like me and to tell their family what a jerk I am. I don't want them nor their family nor black friends since they are the kiss of death for any business. Luckily, I may see only 2-3 of them per week, but I must keep them out. Since I can not be honest and put up an honest sign "WHITES ONLY", I am forced to play the game, which by the way, I enjoy.
Now, for those of you who will write that my behavior is going to get me killed: I play doctor. My tone is "doctor" type and I am skillful in bullshitting patients since it is what I do all day. I can fake being nice to those patients who are total assholes, thus I can fake being a jerk to the negro. Plus I have guns and I leave before it gets dark and my parking lot has great visibility.
I will see the perp coming. Anyway, we whites have been attacked and killed randomly for no reason thus this is not going to scare me away. It is my business, my practice, my life and my way. So F Them.
I can think of a few "alternatives" for these teenagers, none of which include midnight basketball.
What better "mentors and motivators" than "all old people must die" oprah winfrey or "sharkbait" sharpton. And even here now we have a new troll "hunted moron". Yes....Memphis is gonna burn......its already 63% burned. Cant say I blame a.c. Wharton for being out of town. I wouldn't wanna be there. Curiously sharon mourning.....were there any whites damaging your car...?
These animals cause problems wherever they are. Something needs to be done to control their numbers. I will definitly have to kill one before my time is up on earth at the rate their population and violence is increasing.
OT: check out ebola headline at CNN. No comments allowed. That's because the gov't told CNN to say "it is OK" and "you cannot catch ebola" over and over.
I need my brainwashing and you do, too!
If there was a comments section it would mess with my brainwashing; people would say practical things like:
Stop All flights from the infected zone.
Africans are filthy. They are fighting the disease there by handing out bars of soap.
If no one can catch ebola, how did the man who is infected catch ebola?
Is the infected guy negro, or what?
Why are there filthy african immigrants in the usa?
You are so accurate they need to be controlled again they are a disease to the world.
Omg I am white and im so thankful to see other people think the same as I do!
"Platinum ETB Cardholder
I do not scream. I do not throttle the speaker. I do not stand up for my race or my gender. I do this for a paycheck. I am a whore
September 30, 2014 at 10:54 PM"
Dude, you are being WAY too hard on yourself. The most important thing is that you survive and that you can see. Self flagellation over something you have to do to keep food on the table will just burn you up.
Join a Whites only group. Discuss the situation with friends you trust. You are not alone in this, I myself as a Realtor have the same conflicts. At one time it was considered a positive duty to discuss the changing demographics of investment property. Now I would be brought up on charges for doing so.
Again, you are not alone. There are millions like you and millions more who are waking up, washing out the glass of TWMNBN KoolAid and drinking the water of truth. Read, gather friends together, support one another. The time of change is coming. You as an awake human are a valuable asset. Destroying yourself over "compliance" to your employers efforts to avoid an EEOC lawsuit only loses the movement of talented men and reduces you to a worse job or poverty.
This wouldn't be happening if Whites had a Country of our Own.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
"The spike in violence in our city is attributable to a small and violent minority." Ya think?!
Can't believe they let that get by.
When I was a teen I didn't need any "alternatives" to acting like a wild animal. For the most part Euro people don't run around like feral beasts getting excited by violence and anarchy.
Time for large posses of vigilantes armed with baseball bats, pepper spray and riot shotguns to patrol the streets. If the police/govt. will not even acknowledge what these beasts are doing much less attempt to stop them then the people have the right to protect themselves.
The only thing a wild animal fears is superior power. Yes, lowest common denominator existence. Thanks multi-cultural morons, liberal lemmings, and those jolly-good-time diversity traitors.
I refuse to be a victim. Riot shotgun at the ready.
I almost forgot the punch line: They're importing even more of these African animals into our country as fast as they can.
Blacks are physically stronger and more aggressive. Evolution made them that way. We must invoke RACIAL RIGHTS. The white race has a racial right to live safely apart from black savages.
Two negroes in Dallas are infected with Ebola.
Did you know that the Director or the Dallas Health Department is a negro? Yes, it is a negro by the name of Zachary Taylor. He's the guy in charge of public health.
Be afraid.
Mr Rational.
Hey, the idea you are looking for is the "disparity of Force" doctrine. The concept is a weighing of the two sides of a conflict (short small woman against large strong man, one man against 10 negros, one wounded 160lbs White against a 300 nega-blubber like St. Brown. If the evil side has a large advantage, the innocent side can up their level of response. A negro brandishing a knife can be shot, legally, in self defense even though the defender drew from concealed.
The TWMNBN are aware of this powerful defense and have largely given up on ripping out the 2nd Amendment (though harassment actions continue apace) and have changed to attacking both the idea of self defense and the disparity of force continuum in court. This is why the "unarmed" is emphasized so much in news accounts (which the negro parrots). The idea is to make it seem less like defense and more like an execution, to muddy the waters as much as possible.
Five years ago TWMNBN were telling their pets to place the emphasis on "Why they were there", trying out the idea that the defender was in the area where the shooting took place because of some nefarious purpose such as "buying drugs", attacking them personally. This blew up on them when you had cases where the Whites were in their own car or going into the QuickMart or walking around downtown or to their parkinglot when the savage negro attacked (i.e. perfectly legitimate exercises of liberty).
With the rise of concealed carry and the self defense laws you mentioned, TWMNBN had to attack the force continuum itself, and in that they have had little success (except for the famous New York Wilding rape). People who have shot negros that were dragging them from their cars (carjacking) or driving off with their children in the back seat or negros invading their houses (even if the negro was unarmed) have not faced prosecution.
Message boards used to be filled with grumbling negros saying that the White man was a coward for carrying a gun. The tactic was not working.
The new negro tactic of being unarmed and attacking en mass is going to have a test case soon. Negros will howl when a White (man or woman) guns down 3 or 4 negros "teens" that were attacking him/her out walking. I am surprised it has not occurred already. Ferguson is another test case for the "continuum of Force" Doctrine. Trayvon was the first.
I believe that the intention is to make sure that Whites pay (in some way) for every negro shot. While the negros clearly don't care (and in fact mock the grieving White families in Court) the idea is to make self-defense so difficult a proposition that Whites will lessen in the habit of carrying. Make self defense a guarantee of poverty (Zimmerman) or a destruction of your profession (Officer WIlson).
It is also both an Alinsky tactic and a way to line their pockets, as many TWMNBN are defense Attorneys and are gate keepers to public opinion. Leave it to the Chosen to find a way to make money on the shattering of lives.
Mr. Rational said... There needs to be a legal doctrine, like "stand your ground", which authorizes pre-emptive use of deadly force against such mobs.
"Stand your ground" laws simply remove the duty to retreat to avoid using deadly force. It does not remove the requirement that you are facing an immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury.
That said, mobs can be considered as a factor in the decision to use deadly force, as they affect the reasonable belief that one is in immediate danger of death or serious bodily harm. The law recognizes that mobs can be highly unpredictable, violent and destructive.
To paraphrase State Farm, "Like a bad neighbor, black people are there..."
Damn it, not only is that funny, that is going to be playing in my head all day!
Laughing at Amerikwanstain who elevates a half breed subhuman mongrel maggot and his fugly tranny/shemale beard to monarch status.
Laughing at a third world joke of a laughingstock that worships mud races and calls them equal.
Laughing at your final and permanent destruction which is the the well deserved wages of 50+ years of nagra loving.
I lived in Asia for numerous years and it was a blessing not to see or have to deal with black people. In fact, I was overseas so long, I forgot about black people and their "behaviors."
It's not just behaviors like "wilding" or other mob events that one reads about but may never experience. Even in tiny ways (each and every day), blacks can drive a person nuts with frustration. One such behavior is that in any store (if a black person is in front of you in the line), you just know the line is inevitably going to jam up. The negro always has something to ook, eek, whine, complain about or it can't find its money or doesn't have enough money (and spends five minutes deciding what it wants to not buy) or sends Loquisha back into the farthest aisle to get something it forgot. And Loquisha takes forever to return. Never fails.
It's like they can't even conduct a simple, everyday, ordinary transaction without drama and bullcrap erupting to inconvenience everyone else in line.
I won't even mention their behaviors in restaurants or theaters which is another experience that's enough to make a person want to stand up and scream, "For Christ's sake! Can't you f*cking people ever behave?!?"
The last time I went shopping, I approached the checkout only to have the clerk tell me, "You'll have to wait-the customer before you had to run out to her car for more money." Three minutes later, Shaniqua McShufflefoot comes dragging back in to count out pennies and dimes to make up the balance of her payment for non-EBT approved items. I told the clerk, "I knew it would be a negro jamming up the line. They do it everywhere they go every time without fail." She just giggled and gave me that knowing look.
Generally speaking, I've learned to avoid lines with negroes in them but that store only had one cash register open. The previous time I went there, two registers were open- one had 6customers in line and the other had 3 with the first being a negro. The line I was in with 6 other customers cleared and Ms. Thing was still ooking at the other register. I had to laugh when I heard one of the customers behind her snarl, "Goddammit!" as he and the others moved to the other register. I understood his frustration perfectly.
Negroes are more pestilential, bothersome and annoying than flies but at least you can swat the flies or zap them with some spray.
10MM AUTO said... The new negro tactic of being unarmed and attacking en mass is going to have a test case soon. ... Ferguson is another test case for the "continuum of Force" Doctrine. Trayvon was the first.
I believe that the intention is to make sure that Whites pay (in some way) for every negro shot. ... the idea is to make self-defense so difficult a proposition that Whites will lessen in the habit of carrying. Make self defense a guarantee of poverty (Zimmerman) or a destruction of your profession (Officer Wilson).
This is something which needs to be considered by various gun rights groups. There is a political agenda to outflank the 2nd Amendment by stigmatizing people who exercise their right to self defense. There also needs to be support for the Zimmerman's and Wilson's who will be attacked by the system.
Thing is, too many gun rights advocates are stuck back in the mid-20th century mindset, when whites were both in the majority and confident of themselves. They need to realize that the issue is not longer "law abiding citizens" versus "the criminals." In the 21st century, it is the rising tide of barbarism against civilization. And the barbarians have the state agitprop machine on their side.
Anon @ 10:01 use the self-checkout lane if your preferred store has them.
Dim bulb dummy darkies using one will grind the line to a halt but luckily shitskin mudraces are color coded.
Commie-Mart has signs with an outline of three hands so magic kneegrows can know how much items are allowed without taking off their shoes.
Good for you, friend. There are so few left with your intellect and courage, it seems.
"British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan back in the 20th century proposed building a high wall around Africa and every century or so removing a brick to check on the progress."
How about building a great wall on the southern boarder of US? Impossible you say? For the people that put men on the moon? Maybe.
But there is a solution. Get chinese peasants to do it. The chinese where able to stop the Mongolian hordes from rampaging into their country.
Then once it is built, remove a brick every century to stick your arm through and flip them the bird.
Ci! No molesto Pedro! We don't need no stinking gringo wall!
Last of the Mohicans:
At least the pumpkins weren't involved in these attacks like they were the last time at Krogers. Do pumpkins cause negro attacks ? Is that the root cause thing the genius college professors keep talking about ? Ban the pumpkins or at least require a permit to own one and limit the size of them I say. No concealed pumpkins either or it's jail time, enough is enough.
Maybe not this time. It could have been watermelons or cantaloupes gone wrong this time around - one really never knows in BRA until we receive the official Ministry of Truth account. So many things can go wrong for no apparent reason: robberies, burglaries, shopping, home invasions, youthful exuberance, midnite bakkaball games, feetsball games, birthday parties, barbecues, celebrations, even prayer meetings. I'll bet even fried chicken has gone wrong at one place or another (The Colonel must be spinning in his grave so fast they could run a small generator).
Larry Auster used to keep a list of "Non-Islamic reasons for Islamic behavior." As a gesture of my enduring respect for Auster, I humbly submit the above as the beginning of SBPDL's own 'Austerlist' of Non-negro reasons for TNB. It's a kind of newspeak, perfected by the Duranties who work in the various boiler-rooms of the Ministry of Truth in bowels the Rotten Banana Empire, where BRA is the law above all laws.
Anonymous (re checkout lines) - The Chinese and Indians (and east-coast Jews) do the same thing - they will hold up a line for ages arguing about a purported sale price or a penny's difference in change.
Get in line behind a young White mother - even if she has an overflowing cart. I can and do patiently wait while smiling at her babies or helping her out. Just yesterday, the White mother in front of me asked the cashier for change for a $20 bill and was directed to go to the bank in front. I had two tens and offered them to her. The surprised disbelief on her face was so depressing. I thought it used to be understood that White Americans helped one another. I thought it was our common custom to be courteous and particularly helpful to young mothers. I said as much, and even more depressing, she didn't know how to respond to my pro-White comments. Who knows, perhaps she'll think about why I was happy to go out of my way for her the next time her pre-programmed "I'm nice and all people are equal" mantra kicks in. One can only hope.
OT, I'm soo glad to live in a northern suburb of Dallas, home now to two official ebola cases (and God knows how many unofficial ones). Who knows, perhaps our very own magic negro Haitian-born mayor will bring some of his countrymen to ensure it spreads up here.
Negro "fatigue" is far too tame a term. Exhausted, enraged, and far beyond hatred.
Anonymous said...
Two negroes in Dallas are infected with Ebola.
Did you know that the Director or the Dallas Health Department is a negro? Yes, it is a negro by the name of Zachary Taylor. He's the guy in charge of public health.
Be afraid.
How the hell is it possible that the chief of public health for a huge Texas city is black? Really, what are the chances of that. It's unbelievable. These dumbass blacks are going to get everyone dead in this country.
At least the pumpkins weren't involved in these attacks like they were the last time at Krogers. Do pumpkins cause negro attacks ?
Are you aware of the long history of pumpkins oppressing blacks? Even the police chief of Chicago has acknowledged the role of the so-called Pilgrims in the crime which affects blacks in his city. And the pilgrims grew and ate pumpkins.
During the terrible centuries of slavery, beautiful black people were forced to pick pumpkins, and any beautiful black person who refused would be lynched. I think Oprah should do a show about the thousands of slaves who were lynched for not picking pumpkins.
The beautiful black people at Krogers were protesting symbols of their oppression by smashing pumpkins. So every time you go to a corporate front like Krogers and see pumpkins, just remember, they are perpetuating the terrible legacy of slavery.
--I.M. Klewless, MFA
--Cultural Relativism and Peace Studies
Last of the Mohicans
OT I know but BHO is soon going to have to make a big decision, something he is not good at doing. ISIS is a few miles from Baghdad in spite of air attacks and will soon be knocking on the gates of the city. BHO will have to decide to use U.S. troops to fight ISIS directly or get the helicopters ready for an evacuation like Saigon in 1975.
The SF troops fighting there already aren't numerous enough and aren't decisive anyway, it's the big battalions that will decide the issue. The Iraqi Army has shown its gross incompetence and disloyalty and is worthless. No other nation except Turkey has large numbers of competent troops available and the Turks have so far wisely stayed out of the war. BHO may be forced by events to choose between two unpalatable options, either one leading to disaster. Once again BHO's gross incompetence will be on display for the whole world to see, TNB again getting people killed.
And to think, BHO is the genius who got the Nobel Peace Prize for being a negro president. Every day he shows how worthless the hypocrites on the Nobel committee are and how stupid too by picking a nog for their joke of a prize. BHO is a fuck stick.
All very true except BHO making decisions - Housenigga Hussein dindu nuffins except read the teleprompter for those who do call the shots (when not too busy getting Lewinskied in the limo on the golf course). The recent flurry of strange, supernatural events like fully armed felons sharing elevator rides with him have to do with his laziness in obeying their orders. Housnigga-in-cheeph he may be, but a very lazy one indeed. Not exactly a step-n-fetchit. More like shuffle-along. Massah squid not happy.
Look at it this way: Worse is better. The sooner the Banana Empire collapses, the better. The more incompetent and corrupt its leadership, the better. It's the only way those whites who have a hope of waking up will ever actually do so. Many are completely beyond redemption. They'll just have to die. They surely want to. Makes no difference if it is by the hand of the negroes they worship as gods, the Musloids they worship or the treasonous regime they trust in. Perhaps it should be viewed as an improvement of our gene pool for a later day.
IS/ISIS/ISIL was formed about a year ago by the Banana Empire's CIA, Mossad, Saudi Intelligence, and similar agencies from the Gulf States. One of its founding fathers was the drooling Incitatus Juan 'Batshit' McAmnesty from AZ - voted in repeatedly by the retarded Alzheimers electorate of Arizona. Its founding mother was the Pink Palmetto Princess herself, Miss Lindsay Graham of South Carolina (who I note easily coasted to victory in the Repuke primary in the reddest of red states).
The beheading videos of the "heroic journalists" (the ultimate oxymoron) in orange jumpsuits, featuring the proper "Englishman" Jihad Johnny, are utterly bogus. They've worked as intended though: boots are on the ground in Iraq again with the support of morons ranging from those who used to scream "Bush lied, children died" a decade ago to the Repukes, Tea-Party Patriotard, "Christian" variety. It could be a Frankenstein that got out of control - like Hamas (founded by Mossad to fight the PLO). That would be kind of hilarious in a cruel way, but I have my doubts about it. The folks who ISIS are actually killing are those who its founders want dead: Shiites, Christians, Yezidis - the ultimate objective being to topple Assad, another non-Musloid (Alawhite).
Optometrist said...
As an eye doc, I am getting so tired of "my" black patients. They require so much more handling than whites, thus, I have begun my own anti-negro repellent behavior.
I now play a radio country station as our back-ground music. I am also ever so slightly insulting to them. Most everyone of them is sitting in the waiting room with a cell phone and they keep the damn thing on all the way through the exam. So, now, I make a snotty comment about the phone. I tell them, with a "do as I say tone" to turn the "damn thing off" and proceed to spend the entire exam being a jerk to them. .....
Excellent. One suggestion. Play classical. It's guaranteed negro repellant - even more than Country (which is getting negrified, BTW). It's like Off! for negroes. Better yet, nearly all of it is public domain and goes back hundreds of years in all sorts of different styles - from Gregorian chant to Renaissance choral and instrumental works to baroque styles of Italy, France, England and Germany to the Brahms, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak and Debussy of the late-19th to 20th century. You could literally play hundreds of hours without repeating a single piece. All of it completely repels negroes. They truly can't stand it. Like garlic to a vampire. It tends to repel negrified whites too (though well-heeled DWLs often like it). Maybe you could think of a way to add a "negro-offering" to DWL bills. A tip jar for the Dindu Nuffins of Detroilet - and send the cash to SBPDL.
10mm AUTO said...The new negro tactic of being unarmed and attacking en mass is going to have a test case soon. Negros will howl when a White (man or woman) guns down 3 or 4 negros "teens" that were attacking him/her out walking.
Opportunities for test cases have been around for years, and you will likely be waiting some time before one is taken to trial (in most areas). In addition to being attacked and seriously pummeled, raped, etc., an armed citizen can claim the fear of being disarmed and having the weapon be used against him/herself or other citizens. In the Philly area, the cops will just cart off the dead/wounded negros to DNS/vet, and fill out the paperwork.
Here is a case from a 2-3 years ago, north of here in Reading, that is typical.
"Julius Johnson, 16, of Reading was pronounced dead ..."
"The teens weren't armed, but the shootings were legal because the man was unable to escape, thought his life was in danger and had a permit to carry his gun, [DA] Adams said."
"[DA] Adams said he has heard from many people in the community that the bicyclist was a hero for successfully defending himself."
All part of the plan.
The American Notice said... Blacks are physically stronger and more aggressive. Evolution made them that way.
I've seen this and similar asserted repeatedly, but not documented, and I think it is untrue.
Ebola in Dallas, Texas!!!!
White Mother said...
To the gook trolls and the "yellow fever" cowards:
This website and this article are about the black plague upon WE WHITES in a WHITE COUNTRY, not a justification for multiculturalism nor miscegenation with East Asians ANYWHERE.
PK - Please post more White Mother stuff. She is awesome. I grow tired of considering the world changing accomplishments of Western civilization. Beethoven, Newton, Descartes, Locke, they're all garbage, give me White Mother any day! For me, White Mother keeps it real. Gnomesayin.
When talking about blacks, the term "bad neighbor" is redundant.
We are witnessing an unparalleled synchrony between cultural and biologic pathogens.
Our 50+ years of PC look-the-the-way indulgement of a racial and cultural pathogen is now concurrent with the arrival of their biologic analogue
Infectious. Virulent. Uncontrolled without application of reality, which is now ignored by state mandates. Spreading. Sanctioned by a fellow pathogen who has successfully infected the executive function. The protection of Western Civ ... science, rationality and accomplishment intentionally shunned. The Eloi answering only the bells.
This is a remarkable moment in the death of the Host. The Remnant will have a huge task waiting for them, as they try to reconstitute human culture.
Bogo at 12:30 is required reading.
No argument.
I live in Australia now i sometimes think of moving back to usa but then i go hmmmm australia is 0.25% african negro. Usa is 12%. Think i will be staying here.
Stay. We need the White numbers. They are working on us, but being an island nation its taking them longer than expected. They are dousing us with Indians (dots) and various other middle-Asians. The rubbish is already starting to pile up.
Moron Hunter said...
"PK - Please post more White Mother stuff. She is awesome. I grow tired of considering the world changing accomplishments of Western civilization. Beethoven, Newton, Descartes, Locke, they're all garbage, give me White Mother any day! For me, White Mother keeps it real. Gnomesayin."
You had me until the last word/phrase?
Moron indeed!
Some advice "skip the posters you don't like." Bogo and some others have their own vernacular. Ignore it if it troubles you.
Scot Irish
Thomas Eric Duncan
That's your Liberian negro who has brought Ebola to the United States.
Mr. Clean said...
The American Notice said... Blacks are physically stronger and more aggressive. Evolution made them that way.
I've seen this and similar asserted repeatedly, but not documented, and I think it is untrue.
The misnomer of the physically stronger and more agressive Negro comes from the fact that Negro offspring, like the offspring of all primiative creatures, mature at a much faster rate than much more evolved Whites. Negros that are 14-15 years old or even younger are almost fully developed adults. Whites of the same age are often scrawny still developling kids. They are more agressive due to congenital psychopathy/sociopathy.
Anonymous October 1, 2014 at 3:25 PM said... The misnomer...
I think you mean "myth" or "popular misconception" :o)
Anonymous October 1, 2014 at 3:25 PM said...
of the physically stronger and more agressive Negro comes from the fact that Negro offspring, like the offspring of all primiative creatures, mature at a much faster rate than much more evolved Whites. Negros that are 14-15 years old or even younger are almost fully developed adults. Whites of the same age are often scrawny still developling kids.
That is possible. It may well be true that the AVERAGE negro youth physically matures quicker than the AVERAGE white youth. It has been cited here for the overrepresentation of negros in college (and consequently, pro) football.
Anonymous October 1, 2014 at 3:25 PM said... They are more agressive due to congenital psychopathy/sociopathy.
I am not convinced of this. I think that what is seen as "aggression" is simply self-control that was never learned, and the absence of sufficiently negative consequences for violent behavior. The average negro has much less to lose by getting arrested, losing a fight, getting sued, going to jail, etc.
Ebola is going to wreck the US economy.
Down will go vacation and leisure air travel. Who the hell is going to take a plane ride now?
People will NOT go out anymore to restaurants nor theaters. No more night clubbing.
This is going to get very ugly.
The mayor of Dallas is a ni?And he made his homie the head of public health? And you got Ebola??? WTF?
Shelia said,
"I had two tens and offered them to her. The surprised disbelief on her face was so depressing. I thought it used to be understood that White Americans helped one another. I thought it was our common custom to be courteous and particularly helpful to young mothers."
Bless you for your kindness and racial pride. You are right, it used to be the way of all Whites to defend and protect young Whites and young White mothers.
It will be again.
Ex Gladio Libertas!
White Homeland, Northwest Front!
The American Notice said... Blacks are physically stronger and more aggressive. Evolution made them that way. I disagree with this statement. Haven't you ever seen the worlds strongest man competitions? They are all white viking type dudes.
Anonymous at 10:01 absolutely hilarious ! Thanks for making my day.
Optometrist...read your post twice and LMAO both times. Will definitely employ some of your methods to my business. Glad you're having fun in beating these nogs at their own game....priceless
PB said ”Bogo at 12:30 is required reading.”
Perhaps as an example of a disorganized mind spewing a mostly incoherent flight of ideas. Based on information from unspecified sources, or perhaps as a vision in his own mind, Bogo knows that the horrific videos of the people being beheaded are bogus (bogus according to Merriam-Webster: not real or genuine; fake or false) presumably created by some of those super brained evil-doers who cannot be outsmarted by ordinary humans to trick everyone in the US to support boots on the ground in Iraq to further their nefarious interests. In the same paragraph he seems to acknowledge that ISIS is killing other people that they don't like – just not the journalists, and he opines that ISIS could very well be a creation of these elusive beings who continue to create havoc for their own profit.
PB was probably just being sarcastic.
The exact same thing is and has happened here in Chattanoooga, and I suspect in most cities across America. Politically correct politicans are stoking the fires by hamstringing the police and not allowing a robust response. I am even seeing the police themselves "back off" in racial situations, which just emboldens the animals they are trying to control. America has some hard times ahead, but we need to wake up and realize there aren't just terrorist in the middle east, they are right here in the USA, and they are the black thugs and welfare ghetto rats
I am calling BS on White Mother. Take your childish shi*t back to StormFront. This site is about the PLAGUE of blacks on our civilization. There are Asians and Indians posting on this site too (most of them probably shoulder a higher tax burden that you...looser). Do you actually take time to read PKs blog posts. The often document black aggression against non-caucasians too. The White Homeland comments do nothing but drive people away from this site.
Re: Ebola
How the hell is it possible that the chief of public health for a huge Texas city is black? Really, what are the chances of that. It's unbelievable. These dumbass blacks are going to get everyone dead in this country.
You really have to axe? Dallas' Doctah Dindu Nuffins no doubt has a very advanced deegree form the finest universitee. Sheila, please get the hell away from Dallas. One of the Latter-Day-Liberians who flew in with the infection is known to have had contact with at least six chillrens in the Dallas publick skooz. As if yet another more proof is needed for Vox Day's axiom: Homeschool or die.
Back to ebola, I have read elsewhere that the CDC has notified funeral homes nationwide on the procedure for dealing with corpses resulting from the inevitable progressive march of the disease (no doubt 'improved' by our faithful public servants).
Yet again, on behalf of the ACLU, $PLC, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Carlos Slim, Eric 'MyPeeps' Holder, Llord Bankfein, John Boehner, Karl Rove, the Ford Foundation, the Squid families Bush, Rockefeller, Walton and Gates, both D and R squads of the Bank Party, the Compassionate Oregonian and Social-Justice-Warriors everywhere, a hearty thank you to all those nice white "Conservative Christians" who travel over air, land and sea to Ape-freaka to seek disciples amongst the endless rows of kneegrows, making them into 10,000 times the disciples of hell they themselves are. Ebola in Amurika will surely stand as the greatest sacrifice yet made to your negro god.
Are you aware of the long history of pumpkins oppressing blacks? Even the police chief of Chicago has acknowledged the role of the so-called Pilgrims in the crime which affects blacks in his city. And the pilgrims grew and ate pumpkins.
I didn't realize this was part of the turribul, turribil legacy of T'Neshi Coates. We must alert our faithful soldiers over at $PLC, ACLU, ADL, and NAACP to start a campaign of outlaw pumpkins! As evil as the Stars and Bars itself. To the barricades. Komrade Klewless!!
Schmuil Yellowfeather, Ph.D. PCMC
Director of Multi-Kultural Affiars
University of Southern North Lakaota
Considering your dialogue you sound like a half negro buddy
Until you learn to spell, and develop the testicular fortitude to include both your REAL NAME and a picture of YOURSELF, as I do you have 0% weight to throw around.
White Mother undoubtedly has more fighting spirit than any of your loser bloodline. Kindly FOAD.
Hadrian Knight
People who have shot negros that were dragging them from their cars (carjacking) or driving off with their children in the back seat or negros invading their houses (even if the negro was unarmed) have not faced prosecution.
One name: Theodore Wafer. The jury's explanation for the verdict, as quoted in the media, was such an obvious mistake that the judge should have set it aside. Instead, the guy is going to prison. Can't let Whitey get away with shooting a drunk, belligerent Black trespasser on his porch after being awakened in the wee hours of the morning by said drunk trying to get into his house.
Bogo...don't stop writing. I like your style.
The loser who keeps attacking you is the problem. I have a strong feeling there are trolls who are attacking the more vocal and articulate of our "white community" here.
Kill the leaders is an old way of war, but very useful.
I see our troll surfaces again...
Perhaps as an example of a disorganized mind spewing a mostly incoherent flight of ideas. Based on information from unspecified sources, or perhaps as a vision in his own mind, Bogo knows that the horrific videos of the people being beheaded are bogus (bogus according to Merriam-Webster: not real or genuine; fake or false)
Ever actually see someone decapitated, genius? I have - wasn't very old either. Car accident (old car, pre-safety-glass windshield, no seatbelt) with a likely drunk white teenager driving way too fast who hit a tree. The amount of blood is truly amazing. The videos of "heroic journalists" being "beheaded" by BBC's "Jihad-Johnny" with a kitchen knife are bogus. Staged events made for the idiocracies in the Banana Empire and the EUSSR's open air gulag for YT to support endless wars while their borders remain endlessly open - to the very same group of folks carrying out the portrayed events.
The videos of Shiites being lined up in ditches and machine-gunned? Likely real. They're the ones who the Saudis and other Sunnis want dead. You're just a lying asshat who is annoyed at those who ask cui bono? You could actually be stupid enough to believe the crap you espouse, but I rather think your job is to attack those who question the narrative created by the folks who pay you. Why don't you go to Free-Republic or a similar place where your shit-sandwiches will have a larger customer base?
PB was probably just being sarcastic.
No Mr Sunstein, I wasn't.
They already have plenty of people brainwashed. They posted an article on my local news site about the cdc giving 5 reasons of why people should not panic about Ebola, and of course idiots were commenting saying you can only catch it
from bodily fluids and not washing your hands after coming in contact with bodily fluids. They say it's because they don't have access to soap and water over there. Yeah okkkk. I commented saying that I think they are downplaying how contagious it is. I mean how many doctors and nurses have been infected with Ebola? You mean to tell me that these medical professionals went there knowing what disease they were fighting, and have been watching people die from it, but are playing in people's body fluids without wearing masks and gloves, not washing their hands, and then sticking their hands in their mouth, nose, or eyes? Give me a break. The patient in Texas supposedly caught Ebola from taking a pregnant woman to the hospital? So how per chance did he get her bodily fluids inside himself?
"The loser who keeps attacking you is the problem. I have a strong feeling there are trolls who are attacking the more vocal and articulate of our "white community" here."
Yeah, why all of a sudden the attacks on 10mm and Bogo? I want to graduate to a higher level so I can be attacked too. I'll just have to try harder.
Then go away. Miscegenation is genocide just as debating as black violence and dysfunction. No, this isn't storm front, I like shefali and jassi, but I abhor my fellow Whites chasing yellow tail and Chiquita's. You're traitor's to your people. We were 30% of the world population leads than a century ago and now we are 8%. We are losing our lands, losing our genes, and you want to shove id's into a corner and marginalize us. You go away. You are a huge part of the problem!
I agree with you 100%!
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