And so, the die is cast. If you understand what this article means, you understand the future is now.
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The Department of Justice demands white cops take these "I Am Darren Wilson" bracelets off in the St. Louis Metropolitan area... |
The present dictates the future.
No article, no speech, no action can outline what's coming more clearly than this...[DOJ asks Ferguson chief to stop police from wearing 'I am Darren Wilson' bracelets on duty, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 9-27-14]:
The U.S. Department of Justice asked Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson on Friday to prohibit police officers from wearing “I am Darren Wilson” bracelets while on duty in Ferguson.
Christy Lopez, a deputy chief in the Civil Rights Division, told Jackson in a letter that residents had photos of officers, from unknown local agencies, wearing the bracelets.
“We are keenly aware of the importance of individual expression of opinions, even those that some find offensive, insensitive, or harmful,” Lopez said in the letter.
However, she continued, “these bracelets reinforce the very ‘us versus them’ mentality that many residents of Ferguson believe exists.”
This is at least the second letter from Lopez to Jackson this week. The first, dated Tuesday, urged Jackson to enforce department policies requiring officers to wear nametags.
“The lack of name plates,” she wrote, “makes it difficult or impossible for members of the public to identify officers if they engage in misconduct, or for police departments to hold them accountable.”
Jackson could not immediately be reached for comment about the requests.It is Us vs. Them.
It's always been that way.
It's just few people ever dared contemplate what 'us versus them' meant...
This game is not friendly.
It's not "two-hand touch."
The game is simply "Stand With Michael Brown" or else...
Why dont the cops just stage a walk out for a week or so...let the blacks run riot and burn down the town...then let them rot there and fight among st themselves for scraps in the ashes. You all know they're just chomping at the bit to do it. So let them.
I'm led to believe this is just a "suggestion", so a police leader with some integrity could actually defy the feds on this one. I'm afraid though that the current chief is losing his everloving mind. He seems to be coming unglued...
Perhaps the police can put up memorials for all the citizens murdered by "teens?" Oh wait, that would be "racist!"
Ferguson Police Dept. if you don't have the guts to wear that bracelet...send it to me...I will. The time is now.
It's not about the rule of law, it's not about equal justice, and it's not about due process. During the Cat 3 the other night, the crowd was calling for the death of Darren Wilson.
Since they's jus' po' dissavannage culluh fokes, they're just "standing up for their rights" or somesuch garbage.
But if they were white guys in sheets, we'd call it what it is: a lynch mob.
I'm led to believe this is just a "suggestion", so a police leader with some integrity could actually defy the feds on this one. I'm afraid though that the current chief is losing his everloving mind. He seems to be coming unglued. Poor fella...
Having a nice weekend, "youth?" The supermarket in my mostly white and Asian neighborhood has charcoal on sale, stacked outside the store, $9.99 a bag, maybe $1,000 worth. But nobody is stealing it, are they, "young person?" Nor are they stealing the potato chips or watermelons right next to it, all of it out of view of anybody in the store. Fools, eh, "child who is turning his life around?" That's what you think, right "aspiring rapper?" Imagine that--nobody stealing and s**t. Now let's look at your "oppressed and victimized" neighborhood, "children." Do you even have a supermarket? Probably not, because of the tremendous crime in your area. But that's MY fault, right, "future NASA scientist?" I have white privilege. Of course, that won't get me a job at the Post Office, will it, "teen?" But my heart really bleeds for your beloved Oprah, the poor oppressed victim of white privilege, who wants this generation of whites to die out so she can finally succeed, as she flies about the country in her private jet, dining on lobster...
His response back should be short and sweet. "Dear Racist, Fuck you". Sincerely yours, Police Chief Thomas Jackson.
Supposedly there's been a cop shot in Ferguson now.... breaking news from Ministry of Truth.
How does the DOJ feel nowafter having a woman police officer gunned down in Ferguson?Peace is war.
This move is all the more outrageous, seeing as how a Ferguson cop has been shot:
The white chief and cops will all be fired after he next 'election' is held in Ferguson and the groids install their own people. I'm honestly a little surprised the largely white city government and police force held on as long as they did in a 2/3 negro city. After the shift it will start going down the Detroilet drain-swirl process described by Rebel in his post.
St. Louis County regime is already headed by a negro and there is plenty of DWL support and not a few majority negro inner-ring municipalities to swing the vote to nogville. Nixon folded as readily as any Repuke would have, so I guess it's Run, YT, run! time for YT in St. Louis metroplex. Not good.
Cop shot in Ferguson Saturday night.
Seal off the place. It's now Africa. Sell Liberian "bushmeat" to the bastards at McD's. We wouldn't want them to starve now, would we?
The police chief of Ferguson and all the YT officials are trying desperately to hang on to their beloved paychecks and pensions thus the grovelling by the YT police chief. The nogs are correct about one thing, it's politically impossible in BRA for a YT government to preside over a majority black populace permanently such as Detroit, Ferguson, Camden etc. regardless of any ridiculous "election", "democracy" or other YT delusion.
Eric "My peeps" Holder and his so-called civil rights lawyers travelled to Ferguson to deliver exactly that message to the YT political establishment. They are done, stick a fork in them and step aside for the the new nog bosses appointed from D.C. Maybe, if you beg and scrape enough you can keep your pension since the government just conjures the money out of thin air anyway to pay everyone off.
Those YTs who still cherish delusions about "democracy" should study the whole Ferguson mess to see true democracy in action. Democracy is really government by faction and the BRA faction, although numerically vastly inferior to the majority in the country rules completely and directly. Illegaly intervening in Ferguson by contravening the U.S. and Missouri constitutions there wasn't the slightest opposition from the worthless Republicans, Tea party and Libertarians included. The MSM of course was busy agitating for the rioters but that really is their job, no surprise there. Fox TV, the loathsome Wall Street Journal and other "conservative" media wouldn't touch the racial aspect of the riots with a ten foot pole.
None of them would report on the direct correlation between the racial changes in Ferguson, 50 years of government programs that brought about those changes and the subsequent inevitable destruction and looting of YT by BRA and its owners. According to the NY Times narrative the riots were the same old shit, rayciss, slabery, YT be prejudice ! If the NYT weren't atheist they would label YT as the devil himself.
According to Fox TV and the Libertarians the problem is too much government. The nogs are really budding entrepreneurs, waiting to open (legal) businesses, read the loathsome Wall Street Journal and vote "family values" Republican just like their mexican freinds. The nogs and mexicans actually want the government to get out ofthe way and shrivel up, no more free shit for them from YT. Who knew !
The Ebonicans are getting restless. They are encouraged to continue their violent insurrection as they see they have the support of their Mocha Messiah and his Barbadian hit man, aka the Attorney General of the United States. Men, it is time to get serious and take back our country. The monkey business must end. Now.
That stupid police chief is part of the reason for the latest violence. Didn't he know his apology would be seen as the sign of weakness it is? Apologies are for when you've done something wrong. Now the "community" heard that weak white man grovel and they throw it back in his face. And then go steal some stuff and blame it all on YT. In a way it is that white police chiefs fault - he just rewarded the brats tantrum. Never reward a tantrum. I hope those white cops with the bracelets have had their eyes opened and figure out whose side they're on. No more petty ticketing and harassing whites to try and even the crime stats while letting blacks get away with felonious behavior.
So...where does the average Joe get one of those bracelets?
@Philadelphia Mike,
add 17-year-old Katelyn Beard to your list.
Ah, I see the negro intifada is alive and well.
Wow, an eBay search and 10 pages wading through google haven't turned up any bracelets for sale. There are however t-shirts.
The department of injustice. There is nothing more anti-White than the US government and it's court system.
Christy Lopez writes she is aware of the importance of an individual's expression of opinion even if others find it offensive, insensitive and harmful, but it doesn't stop her from writing her offensive and insensitive, (potentially harmful? ) letter to the police chief.
I wonder if its her own will she wishes to impose upon the police, or the will of the black, criminal element of Ferguson? (Rioting and looting are still crimes, aren't they? )
I hope the police all get WILSON nameplates. Blacks cause the division in a community because of their African culture!
The white police chief is gonna lose his job anyway.
So why not go out in a blaze of glory and totally DEFY the Feds, and have all his officers wear the bracelet supporting Darren?
Ferguson Police Dept. if you don't have the guts to wear that bracelet...send it to me...I will. The time is now.
The time is now for what? For you to make another "Anonymous" comment? If I was the type, I'd write "LOL" here. But I'm not.
I'm led to believe this is just a "suggestion",...
Probably, yes. And I am not sure if the DOJ has any kind of authority to order that the bracelets not be worn when on duty.
But if that were possible, it's not like there is no precedent. Some of you may be familiar with the case of the white high school kids in California who wore US flag t-shirts to school on Cinco de Mayo. Because the school has a large number of Hispanics (ie Mexicans), the principal told them to remove the t-shirts -- for public order and safety reason. Outrageous, yes. So the kids sued. And they lost.
Here is a blog post about that appeals court decision.
Note it asks an important question: 'What will happen when Hispanics rule?'
Some who comment here seem to believe immigration trends are not a big issue. They are deluded.
The white chief and cops will all be fired after he next 'election' is held in Ferguson and the groids install their own people.
The police chief of Ferguson and all the YT officials are trying desperately to hang on to their beloved paychecks and pensions thus the grovelling by the YT police chief.
Bingo again. That's right, many Whites in the public sector are worse than useless. They would flounder in the private sector, and so want desperately to hang onto their do-nothing jobs with nice salaries and sweet pensions.
BRA is rightly seen as a problem. And the biggest aspect of that problem is that too many Whites -- especially Whites in positions of influence and power -- are pathetic cowards. But that problem is potentially fixable -- we just need the right kind of Whites in power.
Once immigration makes Whites no longer a majority -- which it will within a couple of generations -- and then no longer even the largest ethnic group -- which it will, not so long after Whites lose their majority status -- no fix at all will be possible.
More Africans Arrived Here in Last Decade Than During Entire Slave Trade
In response to Anon's comment about charcoal......I live in the Rockies in central Co.....94% YT.....5 miles of dirt road to the hiway......surround by national forest......Many people have summer homes up here....some very large & nice......yet they're safe from burglaries...Myself?...out doors are left unlocked....keys are left in vehicles out back......BTW...My county ranks #6 in the country as most heavily armed per capita....Yet only 7 murders in the last decade.....maybe a dozen robberies & rapes in the same time period......Avg. annual crime rate is 344....less than a crime a day (any type of crime)'s nice being surrounded by ur own kind :)
Cops are wearing the bracelet because they know, probably through some inside information, that Wilson won't be charged with any crime. His actions in the Brown shooting case were unfortunate, but legal. If Wilson was a dirty cop or even suspected of bad conduct in the case, the bracelet wouldn't be popular.
Seems like most of the comments section was off for roshashanna.... Do I smell honey or a rat?
BTW, among the names being floated as a replacement for "My-Peeps" is yet another fine magic negro, Deval Patrick, present occupant of Mittens the Underwear Bankster's old chair in Massachusetts. He has a similar stellar legal career of making sure negroes never pay for their actions. The other names being floated are all negroes as well. Once you go black....
Perhaps PK can set up a "cheap aluminum lawn-chair" betting pool to see how fast the "opposition party" swoons before the next negroid nominee to raise money.
Anonymous of 1:44 PM pretty much nailed it. I wonder if we'll be treated to the sight of the fired white officers being marched out of the station as snipers have rifles aimed at their backs - like in the GA county few years ago. Ferguson will be going fully into the Detroilet category soon. Wonder what the next target will be in the area? The process is already well under way in nearby Florissant and Hazelwood.
Off-topic but the media is not considering that Holder resigned because he knows the facts about the Ferguson case and doesn't want to preside over the coming meltdown.
meanwhile in Miami, at a club in the middle of the nite, an 11 year old is shot.
Is St Louis Post Dispatch blocking the comments. There's all but 1000 there, and I can't open one.
What BS ! So I guess subtle tokens of support for a still UNCHARGED officer but it's fine to continue to show chimping-out blacks SCREAMING for the LEO's arrest while wearing "I beez Mike Brown 'n he be murdered by da pigs !" shirts, hats, etc. F' the DoJ, f' Holder, f' Obama and f' all these stupid black animals.
Pension or not, any white, or even East Asian LEO, has to see that all that awaits them is waking up every day to either the chance of getting shot by an "honor student," or defending himself against felony aggravated assault from an "aspiring rapper," and no matter the level of damage inflicted on the SIMBA, the cop's career is over. Only a complete disconnect from reality, coupled with a childish denial of events of late, must allow state troopers, federal agents, and poor sucker local cops to go to work each day and think any of it is worth it. White LEOs should either walk out en masse or enforce some version of martial law/ posse comitatus immediately.
General J.D. Ripper
At the heart of destruction is the Negro. But 13% of the pop. is nothing without the Liberals. I have trully come to despise this mindset. They are the Benedict Arnold of the White race. And any time I can cause physical and mental anguish on these bottom feeders I do. I protect myself and my family from Negro's violent behavior. There is no hate involved in this. They are on a level with wild animals. Liberals intentionally and with malice try to upset the natural balance of things. And I feel a hatred toward them and their flawed agenda that no other group or race even comes close to.
Re,Off-topic but the media is not considering that Holder resigned because he knows the facts about the Ferguson case and doesn't want to preside over the coming meltdown.
I doubt that. EH has been involved in SOOOOO many illegal scandals.
He has no skin in fergusin.
Quinnotaur said...
Seems like most of the comments section was off for roshashanna.... Do I smell honey or a rat?
Perhaps PK is a member of the tribe. If so, at least he has a place to move to when things go into the shitcan here. If I were a member of the tribe, i'd already be there. It's a very fine country with a very direct immigration policy. They deport Africans who infiltrate illegally there.
Despite the fact that I can be less than obsequious when referring to TWMNBN, there are actually some of the tribe (the late Larry Auster, for example, Nicholas Stix for another) who actually do oppose the present squid-run campaign to erase YT - for whatever reasons (maybe some actually think it would be bad for the tribe).
There are also non-elite or non-connected members of the tribe who have fallen victim to negro criminality. A Rabbi was recently killed by some yootz in Miami and - contrary to what sometimes happens - the crime received the same non-coverage that YT victims of knockout game get from the Ministry of Truth. I've also mentioned the case of Bernard Goetz - who has been financially hunted and ruined by the BRA machine, including hounding by the Marxist lawyer Run Kuby, who is also a member of the tribe.
Groids almost certainly see TWMNBN as white, even if many of the tribe very explicitly define themselves as non-white. The lawyer in NJ who was killed by an Obama uncle and son for his 90,000-dollar Range Rover (also a member of the tribe) was seen as another YT target of opportunity for the groid. That murder also received pretty much the standard Ministry of Truth lying coverage. At least the guy's widow wasn't bawling pro-forma forgiveness for the killers.
It's not as simple as it sometimes appears to be. Yes, IKAGO is a fallacy at the end of the day. YT isn't going to be saved from erasure by Mexicans, Chinese, Indians or even a few TWMNBN who might sympathize. While it does not mean alliances can be made, YT absolutely must do the job himself.
rex freeway said it best.
These violent blacks are only acting true to their nature. The real sellout and enabler in all of this, not to mention the reason for our first socialist pres., is the brainwashed with (false) guilt liberal white.
These liberal lemmings are trying to live true to their name it seems. I don't care if they want to destroy themselves but they're trying to take the rest of us with them.
Just how many new "adorable black" sitcoms can they trot out?
Wake up white folks, it's endgame and your dumb asses are still giving away the store.
Liberals are the lowest form of traitorous scumbag on the planet.
Just remember these words when your pets come off the leash.
It could be argued that it is not "professional" for police officers to take sides in what is a political case. The police are supposed to be politically neutral.
Thing is, professionalism has long since gone out the window when it comes to law enforcement. Professional standards for recruiting are dropped when it comes to affirmative action hiring. A black state trooper marches alongside anti-police demonstrators. The federal DoJ intervenes in local police matters. The teleprompter reader-in-chief sends White House reps to the funeral of the Ferguson martyr d'jour.
The cops are becoming one more warlord band in a country disintegrating into warlord bands. Look at the gangs and cartels. Look at white Americans arming and prepping.
Now, this does not mean that the cops are necessarily the enemy to whites. There may be chances to form alliances. And race realists ought to be thinking of how to win over individual officers and entire agencies. It just may be that it will require enough people to stand up and start shouting the truth from the rooftops.
The question of who will replace Eric "my peeps" Holder as AG is an interesting one. Deval Patrick, the nog governor of Massachusetts has been mentioned as a possible replacement, sometimes being a crony of BHO. I believe he is an unlikely nominee even though he he is the correct color although that is the extent of his qualifications.
Gov. Patrick is originally from Chicago having learned his political/grifter skills there honing them to perfection like BHO and Jesse Jackson. In a state full of DWLs he easily got elected, his skill as a grifter on full display during his campaign. The electorate is overwhelmingly white like the state in general and his sales pitch was basically "I'm a friendly, glib, non-threatening negro who doesn't act up in public. If you don't vote for me YT you are a despicable member of the KKK". It worked, he got elected.
Most likely BHO will nominate a mexican to fill Eric "my peeps" Holder's spot as AG. Like the Republicans the Democrats believe they must pander to the mexicans to get their votes. Neither party understands that the vast majority of the non YT vote is always going to vote Democrat and never Republican, it's the hate YT vote. The Democrats have no need to pander and the Republicans can throw YT under the bus with impunity.
A mexican nominee would also be bullet proof in the senate. No senator would dare point out the obvious character and educational deficincies on display in such a nominee with an election coming up in November and another one in 2016. The Democrats woud have another champion of the oppressed minorities and 'hate YT' in office while the stoooopid Republicans would see voting for a mexican as a way to win that mythical "family values" mexican vote.
Sonia Sotomayor is a perfect example of this being first nominated to the bench by Bush I, promoted by scumbag Clinton then reaching the pinnacle of incompetence on the Supreme Court nominated by BHO. She has been a reliable vote for every 'hate YT' and other communist legal idea ever since. Had she been white she never would have gotten out of the starting gate.
Ignore the hagiography about her in Wikipedia, the article is full of half-truths and omissions. Her whole career was based upon typical minority whining about discrimination and being a victim, she is just another grifter. The Republicans finally voted to approve her rather than be called racists believing this time, finally they would prove to the world they aren't racists and would win over the mexican vote by throwing YT under the bus again. She took the oath of office in Aug. 2009. How much of the mexican vote did you get in 2010 and 2012 you stupid, degenerate fucking Republicans ? The Republicans will never learn, they are unreformable, unteachable.
non-DWL from NE (Last of the Mohicans)
The police chief of Ferguson and all the YT officials are trying desperately to hang on to their beloved paychecks and pensions thus the grovelling by the YT police chief.
It is very close to over for Ferguson. Just like it was for Camden, Detroit, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and East St. Louis. The only possible answer is to shut down all the Section 8 housing.
The Jews get rid of Christians and Muslims in Israeli cities and towns using things like building code violations, refusing building permits and (as a last resort) bulldozers. They plan ahead and use long-term tactics.
Unless and until the whites start organizing and planning ahead to cleanse their towns creatively like the Jews do in the Jewish homeland they will get nowhere.
Spent a summer in wonderful St. Cloud Minnesota in the early '70s. Never saw a single orc. The town was, to my untrained eye, 100% white and probably over 95% Catholic. Never been in such a Catholic town in my life and I grew up in St. Louis!
Drove to St. Cloud two summers ago from northern Wisconsin for old times sake. Big mistake. Such a wonderful town now well on its way to total destruction.
I am an ultra Conservative pre Vatican II non-universalist Catholic (I know, an oxymoron!). What the subverted co opted "church" has wrought and continues to visit upon our nations is anathema.
But I shall never forget those wonderful summer days in St. Cloud and the fine people I met in Minnesota. Those days, that town, that state and, yes, our nation are no more.
Others spoke of demographics above - that the dye will be cast in a generation or two. They are wrong. That dye has been cast for quite some time. THERE ARE NO POLITICAL SOLUTIONS. WE WILL NOT VOTE OUR WAY OUT OF THIS MESS.
As I've stated before, to those with utopian universalist yearnings that populate this site and STILL believe that Orientals, Indians etc. are the sort of rich vibrancy that we should seek - NONSENSE!
ALL non-European immigration is a poison to our people and ironically to all people for we thereby destroy the brood stock of the engine of civilization. Chinese, Indians etc. are simply slower acting poisons than the black orcs.
Ivan Shatov
Quinnotaur said...
"Seems like most of the comments section was off for roshashanna.... Do I smell honey or a rat?"
Oh, quit your kvetching! Oy Vey!
I think it is time that ALL WHITE people begin to wear White Stars on their clothing. Civilian clothing.
You can't be more of a racist pig than me. You won't find one more red-neck, "hate" filled than I BUT I don't think any police officer should have any political, religious or controversial button, sign or insignia while on the job.
Just on the job. During their off duty times I don't care if they run naked wearing a Bat-Man cape while screaming how much they love Santa. what ever. On the job I am strict with all people. Your clothing should be neutral and so should your demeanor, while on the Job. (Unless your JOB is to be political and controversial. Police work is NOT one of those jobs, in my unhumble opinion)
Anyway, we need to wear White Stars on our clothes since today we are the New Jews of the Neo-Nazi Squid Reich.
Ironic, isn't it? Look who is creating the extermination camp. Ironic as hell.
Significant information here.
It is very interesting why this blog was "closed" down during this latest holiday.
No explanation. Very interesting.
The internet and these blogs are the best way to make a list of those who must be dealt with when the bell tolls. The bell tolls for thee, White Man.
Bogolyubski said…
Quinnotaur said...
Seems like most of the comments section was off for roshashanna.... Do I smell honey or a rat?
Perhaps PK is a member of the tribe.
I see the potential for a new web site/blog hosted by our own Bobolyiboyski. Here's how it would work. People who might have questions about their purity would post to Bubbles. Maybe they might be Jews or Asians or maybe they had a little friend in kindergarten who they liked, but now remember might have been a little Asian-like. Or maybe they like feta cheese, which could indicate some non-Arayan bloodline. Same thing if they realize that they always order General Tsao chicken. There are many factors that could cause question about your purity.
So these people ask Bubbles about their situation and Bubbles can evaluate if they are acceptable. It could be a person thinking of voting for a Republican. These are all questions that bbqobluski can answer.
The site would give us a chance to read a lot more of his opinions, which would be awesome. But it would also allow Bubbles to help other people, which is something he's really good at.
Re: Quinnotaur said...
"Seems like most of the comments section was off for roshashanna.... Do I smell honey or a rat?
Perhaps PK is a member of the tribe."
Gonna go there with P.K.??
P.K. of all people--he who speaks the truth daily?
Do you??
After all he's done to further the cause?
Really F'n sad.
Someone feels a little butt-hurt about the truth. LOL.
"I am an ultra Conservative pre Vatican II non-universalist Catholic (I know, an oxymoron!). What the subverted co opted "church" has wrought and continues to visit upon our nations is anathema.
I am thoroughly familiar with this point of view having seen the Church go, historically speaking, in the blink of an eye from probably the most conservative (in the true sense of that word) large religious institution to just another feel good, apostate form of Christianity in the 1960s after Vatican II. The Church before Vatican II would have excommunicated loathsome Catholic politicians like the Kennedys as well as judges and other public officials who supported abortion or gay rights. This would have thrown down the gauntlet to other "Christian" groups that supported those abominations and would have prevented the Democrats from seizing power by fracturing their political coalition of lunatics.
It took a while for the rot of Vatican II to permeate all of the Church, many parts of it remained truly conservative in the sense of conserving Western civilization. This attitude was reflected in sound moral teaching as well as celebrating Western accomplishments, both new (then) such as the space race and older such as literture not taught now such as Rudyard Kipling's writing and European colonialism. All these were seen as part of God's Providence, Western Civilization resting upon Christianity and reflecting the true Christian spirit.
The wogs were to be converted overseas, that's what the missions were for, not brought here. The pagan customs of the mexicans such as "The Day of the Dead" and devil worship such as Santa Muerte (holy death) would have been condemned as comepletely anti-Catholic paganism even though it would certainly alienate the mexicans from the Rio Grande to the tip of S. America. The Mexicans would certainly have been unwelcome in the pre Vatican II Church in the U.S. with their paganism and devil worship, I don't know about south of the border then.
All of that is gone now except for islands of sanity that remained isolated from Vatican II. Old Catholic Tridentine parishes are politically, socially and economically truly conservative and almost 100 % white. Visiting one is like stepping back in time with people conservatively dressed, many young children and people well behaved, young and old alike and no politics in public. The priest at Mass will publicly condemn gay marriage, abortion etc. and especially those who promote those vile things. Prayers will be offered for scumbag politicians and others in authority to do the right thing but those don't seem to have much effect, do they ?
Most of the Church like most of Christianity is a lost cause, devoted to money grubbing and worldliness. As parishoners drited away from Christianity and many churches closed the gospel of social uplift has replaced the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The corruption of the best is the worst.
Holy tits, I've never been quoted so many times in the comments section, I really am flattered. Lol. My original allusion to PK being part of the tribe was completely tongue in cheek. I forget that tone doesn't come through in text. The comment really was inspired by a fact I recently learned, that hammas was actually created by the Mossad. That was pretty mind blowing to me. I don't think PK is part of the tribe anymore than I believe that the pope is a harikrishna. Although, nothing surprises me anymore.
I'm not the one who's totally insistent on racial purity in all things here. You might try out Israel for an example real lebensraum in action though. They do an incredibly fine job of it there. The percentile of Jews in the Jewish State (as it quite proudly calls itself) has gone up considerably since its founding in 1948. They were once even concerned that the Arab birth rate would pose a problem. Not any more. There are no African refugees being resettled and given Israeli land at taxpayer expense either, in stark contrast to what's going on in Iowa..
As with the example of St. Cloud, we can give a hearty thanks to the clown-fart parade which calls itself Christianity for this debacle even more than we can to Jewish Cultural-Marxists who got the ball rolling. Israel is a place to emulate. Why don't you go make aliyah and leave us inferior cattle and sheep to clean up this enormous pile of crap? One thing that's damned certain that neither yourself or your buddy James will do anything but recommend the same stupid, mindless parlor-tricks over and over again. (Let's vote Repuke, that's the ticket!). How much does Zuckerberg pay you to troll here?
I am thoroughly familiar with this point of view having seen the Church go, historically speaking, in the blink of an eye from probably the most conservative (in the true sense of that word) large religious institution to just another feel good, apostate form of Christianity in the 1960s after Vatican II. The Church before Vatican II would have excommunicated loathsome Catholic politicians like the Kennedys as well as judges and other public officials who supported abortion or gay rights. This would have thrown down the gauntlet to other "Christian" groups that supported those abominations and would have prevented the Democrats from seizing power by fracturing their political coalition of lunatics.
Ann Barnhardt (who I never quite know what to think of) describes Vatican II as an "asteroid which hit the church". Auster - even before his conversion of Catholicism in his last year - described Vatican II as the root of the problem, specifically the document called Nostra aetate. This cyanide capsule was gulped in 1965. The result is as inevitable as when a person intent on suicide takes such a capsule - with the difference being that the dying process takes a lot longer for something as huge as the Catholic Church. Paul VI, John-Paul and Benedict all tried to forstall the inevitable, but refused to regurgitate the deadly poison. It's over now with the laughable idiot Francis. There's no walking it back. Next "pope" will probably be a Magic Negro. Maybe Housenigga Hussein himself can run once he's done with his teleprompter-reader gig in Sodom-on-Potomac.
It is very interesting why this blog was "closed" down during this latest holiday.
No explanation. Very interesting.
Wow. This is from a character who has been posting here since forever. I'm telling you, these StormFronters will destroy you if they sense you are in some tiny way not quite white enough. And they will make the rules about what is white. They are totalitarians at their core.
The reference of the lawyer from NJ made me think how that story is what truly started my awakening coupled with a story I read while I was scouring the net on that disgusting shithead michael eric dyson which brought me here. What an eye opening few months it has been. I recently ran into an old friend, an older Russian Jewish man I haven't seen in years who is the single most racist person I have ever known. He grew up in Niagara Falls and spoke fondly of kicking Canadians in the mouth. When Jeopardy was on he would spit at Alex Trebek's face. George Stephanopolous came on he'd scream, "you fucking greek". My first hearing of every slur came from this guy for every type of person. Zipperhead, butterhead, nip, wetback, big black buck, and on and on. Whenever driving or seeing someone in public he would just start screaming trying to make the situation as uncomfortable as possible. Constantly without fail. I always found it a bit childish but it was a funny sight to see this big fat bearded Jewish guy scream at some black or Asian for no reason. As a child of the 1960's and an amateur boxer he would always say that the only two African Americans he ever and would ever admire are Hendrix and Ali. Me being the naive kid I was would say, "but Larry don't you feel there are good and bad in all races" to which he would simply laugh. I finally understand his sentiments. I do believe there are good and bad in all races but the problem is that in the black race the good just seem to be too few and far between. The good blacks who get it, who don't play the victim entitlement mentality, who work, who speak actual english, who don't have kids to leech off the government, who denounce hip hop culture and don't rape or kill for fun are viewed as traitors and appear to be an extremely tiny percentage of the 13%. After reading every story on this enlightening blog, I always come to one of three conclusions or a combination of: 1.) "He was a good boy n din do nuffins" 2.) "Aybah poda hep" or 3.) I harken back to an article on here I believe from kansas city in which the headline said it all, "when the animals in the zoo are better behaved than the blacks who go to it". The ferguson issue appears to encapsulate all of these sentiments. I would like to thank you all for the peace of mind in knowing I am not alone in realizing how fucked up things are nowadays. I also appreciate the free education, inspiration and laughs that so many of you bestow upon all who read it and especially to pk for his tireless, eloquent work. To the haters of this blog, the writing is spot on. I realize your liberal minds are disease ridden but you will not see any name calling or slurs. Just facts that speak volumes and are awakening many sleeping minds.
Dindu Nuffins, I agree. Quinnotaur's comment was completely uncalled for. PK's a member of the tribe about as much as I'm a member of the Black Panthers.
Bogolyubski, I learn something from you almost everyday. The various Anons who are targeting you have grown monotonous and repetitive in their attacks. There are no revelations, no thought-provoking perspectives, etc., just constant yipping and bitching. They bring nothing to the table. At this point, whenever I see an Anon that starts their comment with "Bogolyubski says..." I just roll my eyes and skip it.
Regarding CENTURION, I too used to enjoy reading his comments very much. He was on my list of favorite commenters for a long time. Lately, though? Let's just say I'm grateful he has a handle so I can skip right over his comments. I did, however, catch his comment attacking PK.
To the commenters (above) talking about my hometown St Cloud. ...
There's another dynamic to the importing of Somalis and other assorted riff-raff to St. Cloud.
If a red voting city/county surrounded by mostly blue counties can stack the deck and import blue county voters to Minnesota's 4th largest city, it threatens to change the voting dynamic central
Minnesota has been known for. And make sure Minnesota stays blue in the upcoming 2016 POTUS election Already there are 3 Somalis running for office in St. Cloud this 2012 election. They may not win this time, but next time?...
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