The hurricane may be a thing of the past, but the black people the whole world saw begging for help in its aftermath are working hard to make life miserable for those whites trying to keep civilization afloat in New Orleans. [Signs warn French Quarter pedestrians to 'walk in large groups,' FOX-8 reports, New Orleans Times-Picayune, 12-30-14]:
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Thanks black people! |
After a string of attacks and robberies in the French Quarter, including a group attack an attempted robbery on Christmas Day, signs have appeared along some French Quarter streets urging pedestrians to find safety in numbers.
The signs, which read, "Caution. Walk in large groups," and "We (heart) N.O.P.D. We just need more," are the creation of a Governor Nicholls Street resident, according to a FOX-8 report.
The idea came after she heard the screams of a 43-year-old man who New Orleans police say was robbed and stabbed shortly after 10 p.m. Dec. 17 while walking in the 1000 block of Governor Nicholls, the station reports.
"It's just got everyone upset," she told the station. "You can't walk at night."More proof of the necessity of those "French Quarter Minutemen"...
2015 is going to be a hell of a year. FOX 8 WVUE New Orleans News, Weather, Sports, Social
Obama Tasks DHS: Whip Up Race War, Proxy Agents Incite: More Obama’s America?
Lending support to this latest accusation of DHS complicity in the rioting was the behavior of the Ferguson Police Department during the looting. During the civil unrest,the behavior of the Ferguson Police was to simply create a perimeter around the looting and allow it to continue. This violates every tenet of law enforcement. It more resembles quarantine procedures practiced by DHS, Northcom and the National Guard. The police should have moved to intervene to stop the looting and prevent the spread of violence. If the situation was beyond the control of the police, then the National Guard should have been brought in. Given the revelation of the DHS source, it seems plausible that his story of wanting the violence to escalate appears to be the case.
The only time I visited New Orleans was in 2002. I recall walking with a group of friends, 2 white, one middle eastern, through downtown towards the French Quarter. Totally unprovoked, a group of black "youths" proceeded to hurl epithets at as along the lines of: "Hey motherfucking, white faggot, piece of shit, crackers, get out of here or we'll beat the shit out of you.." etc. Earlier we had missed our exit and ened up in the worst ghetto projects in the city. We quickly departed. Hard to have sympathy for an open sewer like NOLA. Hurricane Katrina wasn't a strong enough flush.
The Chocolate City - melts your civilization, not in your hands.
For readers of "sbpdl" who need to understand that the themes we read about here are not uniquely American, but are also European, I suggest perusing "Galliawatch". This blog addresses the anxieties and rage of native French people as they encounter Muslim violence and cultural intransigence, and of course media censorship. Their malaise is more acute than ours regarding Muslims since they fought an active war against Algerian nationalists relatively recently, but the Muslim hypocrisy about "tolerance" is the same.
It's important to understand the globalist Leftist antagonism to national pride is indeed global. My take on the European struggle is that the Leftist monstrosity is alive and well and we must remain mindful, apparently forever, of its threat.
Begs the question of Why the hands-off policy? Who benefits from this destruction? Is it simple cowardice?
Quite puzzling, since it does represent a departure from traditional tactics.
RexHymens here:
you couldn't pay me enough money to walk through Nawleenz.
sorry, but I fail to see ANYTHING remotely enjoyable about it. niggers everywhere, seafood, annoying horn music, french bullshit. I just don't get it.
you would have to be fucking insane to go anywhere near that entire city. Chicongo is bad enough, I don't need to go traveling to find new ghetto bullshit.
Chicongo, St Louis, Milwaukee, Cleveland, it seems like every city I have ever been to is just one big ghetto. I wish I could go back in time and see how nice these cities were when they were white cities. especially Detroit.
no, when i take vacation time I go to Vegas, and Portland, and other pacific northwest cities. They're full of liberal homosexuals but at least they're mostly white, or at least there are very few blacks.
i'm trying to imagine visiting some historic city and walking with my family and seeing signs posted warning us to walk in big groups so the niggers don't target us....that is INSANE. Who would see those signs and not immediately leave?
I feel like I'm taking LSD or mushrooms because this literally makes NO sense.
New Orleans is on a long list of formerly nice US cities to visit. Take a wild guess what demographic all of them have in common. I find it astounding that a little over 1/10th of a group can ruin things for all.
If you're into seeing a lot of drunks stagger around spilling drinks on each other, pissing in dark corners, and vomiting beneath lampposts, NOLA is the place for you. I'll never forget the stench of Bourbon Street early in the morning as the water hoses sprayed the larger chunks of vomit down the sewer. Oh, and there are ample negroes who live there, know the lay of the tourist district, and wait like panthers for drunk and bumbling fools, white or black, to go ambling down the wrong avenue. The guy was lucky he got out of this one alive.
I love how the three idiot newscasters each nodding in agreement with each other something to the effect of "Well, you know, people really should only travel in large groups when they're walking around in the city." WTF??? Like I'm supposed to walk around town with a baseball team each time I want to grab a sandwich or a bottle of beer? Really?
This Shiite has been going on for a very long time in NOLA. Now that Holder, Obama, and now DeBlasio have given the official stamp of approval for all wanton negro violence, the game is very much on. Perhaps we can get some DWL groups to spend some quality time down in the Big Sleazy. Seems like it's time to heal in the community and all. Those negroes din do nuffins and wuz oppressuhd.
The response by law enforcement to large scale civil unrest has always been to quarantine the area. Most departments aren't even manned at a 2.5 officers to 1,000 residents ratio. It is simply too dangerous to wander into a mob to make arrests. This is why mostly outer rings of people get arrested, except for when police move in as a massive set of rows and start beating asses. That is why the snipers were the best alternative, they would've been the ones who could safely end a violent felony. Thug/black/youth (take your pick) dropped from a couple hundred meters and no officers get injured.
The only people who went to the effort to rebuild New Orleans were White. Now that it's livable again the black roaches are back in large numbers.
Those damned French. Can't even walk the streets without being robbed, raped, killed, and eaten (in no particular order) in the "French" part of town.
Have you ever noticed that blacks don't take psychedelics? They just like the animal drugs, like weed, coke, crack, alcohal, and newport cigarettes...
One time, these two Japanese exchange students came with us dowtown to skateboard. All the sudden these four black males come out of a Mcdonalds and start pretending on of the Japanese kids wronged him in some way, and that he was going to fck him up. His black gorilla buddies pretended to "hold him back", yelling, "don't do it, nigga! It ain't worth it! don't hurt dem chinks!" .. The Asian students, boggled, and scared by the behaviour, asked us what they did wrong, and why were the blacks acting like that? We had to explain to these two Japanese kids that that is how blacks act in our country, at any random time, for no apparent reason, and that the Japanese kids did nothing wrong. They remained boggled and shocked.
A 7 year-old Latino boy was smashed by cinder block in Chicongo by "teens". Oh well ... I'm sure they'll find a white one next time.
Maybe one in YOUR neighborhood.
Detroit, New Orleans, And soon to be New York will have those signs up on telly poles saying the same thing as the Original signs in Detroit did. We the police dept. can't protect you. So it's best if you just turned around and went beck home. Visiting our city isn't worth your life. But as usual the Political Correctness in the police dept. & those city councils will not allow the "signs" to tell you who you should avoid. THE GROID.
I'm surprised that the liberals and their pets haven't deemed that sign "racist" and told that White lady that she may be brought up on Racial Hate Crimes for that sign.
Yes, "2015 is going to be a hell of a year," because the riotous cauldron is bubbling even in the cold months. Timing hasn't been on the side of the angry. Wait until one of these 'unarmed' black youths is gunned down (legally) by the white police officer in the hot months. Then the fires of hell will seem like a cool respite compared to the violence that erupts.
Believe it or not, there is some noticeable gentrification going on in NOLA, but the 'African-American community' seems to be doing their best to fight back against the city becoming decent and livable again.
I love how the three idiot newscasters each nodding in agreement with each other something to the effect of "Well, you know, people really should only travel in large groups when they're walking around in the city." WTF??? Like I'm supposed to walk around town with a baseball team each time I want to grab a sandwich or a bottle of beer? Really?
This is the thing about BRA. It turns even simple pleasantries--like a stroll about town--into a mini-military operation. The idea of "normalcy" goes out the window. You have to think in terms of operating in a low level insurgency environment. And some time the insurgency flares up into major offensives, such as the Ferguson Fracas.
As for the DHS: if they are supposed to be "protecting" people from terrorism, why aren't they sending the TSA to Ferguson? They could require "teens" and "activists" to walk through X-ray scanners and thus find if they are carrying riot implements. And perhaps create "no-walk" lists of potential looters, arsonists and other rioters.
But of course, under the prevailing system of anarcho-tyranny the government is more than willing to subject law abiding citizens to any amount of repression while tolerating the destruction of entire cities in the Homeland.
Although I am retired, I restrict my travel to National and State Parks where I enjoy camping, hiking, kayaking, biking and taking in nature. The only black creatures that concern in these places me are bears.
There is no effing way I would visit a large U.S. city. Too dangerous and expensive.
I wonder how black behavior affects the U.S. tourist industry and what is costs in lost $$$, not to mention the high cost of security.
Flush New Orleans. I live less than 2 hrs away and haven't set foot in that sewer in over 20 years. Nor Mobile, which is less than an hour away. When I drive to Virginia, I add an hour to the trip by going north through Meridian instead. Not much better, but more open highway, less "urban" area to drive through.
My niece and her husband just had to re-locate to Baton Rouge for their jobs. I am continuing to school her on the dangers of blacks, to counter-act any potential influence from her public school and college education, though my brother raised her to know better. I've already turned her husband from somewhat apathetic re racial reality into a raging realist. My job isn't done, many more nieces and nephews to ensure that they really see. All were raised to "know", but I want them to really know, and be really conscious of these matters in the forefronts of their minds, with the facts and statistics they need to anchor and cement their position.
"Begs the question of Why the hands-off policy? Who benefits from this destruction? Is it simple cowardice?
Quite puzzling, since it does represent a departure from traditional tactics"
Not really. By my estimation the "isolate and contain" strategy has been in place with various coon-towns for at least 20 years that I've noticed, and I suspect sundown communities and other segregationist policies were of similar logic.
I grew up in a small town in the northeast with about 3 blacks. Later in life I moved to Florida and got quite the education on TNB. What was most shocking to witness was the amount of open criminal behavior in the various negro sections of cities.
Take Fort Pierce as an example, from Route 1 to the ocean was beautiful, high rise resort hotels, condos, and upscale restaurants and shops. Loads of rich and retired YKWs from NY, NJ area.... but travel one block west of Rt. 1 and it's like walking into Port au Prince or Monrovia. I was told early on that if you find yourself on or near "Avenue D" you lock your doors, roll up your windows, and don't stop at red lights. The police don't go there unless specifically called; they simply lurk on the outskirts and roust any white person coming out (knowing they likely just bought drugs). Most of the east coast "beach" areas of Florida have similar geography. Route 1 to the ocean is protected, inland of that is Liberia.
Ocala has a nice nigger-nest between Pine Ave and MLK boulevard (at least they put up MLK signs as a warning for humans to avoid the wild animals). When the jaboonery began to spill out of the area towards the "historic" districs they put a Sheriff's office on a perimeter to isolate the cancer. In my bolder youth I used to drive through there on safari just to watch the prostitutes ply their trade and let the niggers on bikes try to chase me down to sell me their drug du jour.
I have come to the conclusion that law enforcement has long ago given up actual proactive policing as far as blacks are concerned. The futility of trying to civilize these orcs is proverbial, and if police did actually come into their ghettos with enough force to make them appear orderly the negroes would just scatter outwards and bring their trouble elsewhere.
Arresting Africans is pointless and likely discouraged by the top brass. Even the niggers with 40,000$ worth of audio equipment, wheels, and upgrades into their new Cadillac will not pay fines, and the risk of lawsuits or personal injury involved in apprehending any wog is a fine deterrent to law enforcement efforts. Much simpler to just write a timid and docile white person a ticket for expired insurance, or catch them with drugs they just bought from one of these nigger-nests and seize their car to add to the state's coffers.
In truth, isolate and contain is the only sane or safe way to live around African blacks.
Walk in groups?
Try getting a big mean nigga eating dog!!!!
Californian said...
I love how the three idiot newscasters each nodding in agreement with each other something to the effect of "Well, you know, people really should only travel in large groups when they're walking around in the city." WTF??? Like I'm supposed to walk around town with a baseball team each time I want to grab a sandwich or a bottle of beer? Really?
This is the thing about BRA. It turns even simple pleasantries--like a stroll about town--into a mini-military operation. The idea of "normalcy" goes out the window..
What is happening is that "normalcy" continues its shift. What was once unthinkable, negroes running your government, is now considered normal. Just a scant 50 years ago, unless you were looking for trouble, you would be safe on the streets of any American city. I'd say even safe in black areas if you were white. And now you are advised to travel in groups.
Concealed carry is another metric of the scope of violent crime related change we've seen. Use the same 50 year threshold. Back then a small number of citizens felt the need to carry a gun. State laws didn't allow for it in many cases. Now most every state will issue a concealed carry permit (Wikipedia has an interesting graphic showing how this has changed since 1986). LIke the advice to travel in groups, the relaxation of carry permits is an admission, this time from the state, that crime (overwhelmingly originating with negroes) cannot be controlled.
We will eventually reach that kind of post-apocolyptic style society we like to portray in movies. And no space aliens or nuclear war need be involved.
Californian said...
This is the thing about BRA. It turns even simple pleasantries--like a stroll about town--into a mini-military operation. The idea of "normalcy" goes out the window. You have to think in terms of operating in a low level insurgency environment. And some time the insurgency flares up into major offensives, such as the Ferguson Fracas.
As for the DHS: if they are supposed to be "protecting" people from terrorism, why aren't they sending the TSA to Ferguson? They could require "teens" and "activists" to walk through X-ray scanners and thus find if they are carrying riot implements. And perhaps create "no-walk" lists of potential looters, arsonists and other rioters.
But of course, under the prevailing system of anarcho-tyranny the government is more than willing to subject law abiding citizens to any amount of repression while tolerating the destruction of entire cities in the Homeland. January 2, 2015 at 5:55 AM
Hearsay has it that they DID send DHS types to Ferguson. They were staying at nearby hotels and had a fleet of vehicles. One valet mentioned this and was told to shut up. Speculation is that they were there to prevent anyone, Whites in particular, from interfering with the protests, rioting and arson. Backing up this tinfoil-hat hearsay and speculation is the published accounts of the Oathkeepers who were prevented from protecting business owners.
Let's pretend for a moment that the stories about the DHS being "present and unaccounted for" in Ferguson are true. The obvious and immediate motive is to assist with Obola & crew's orchestrated Black civil insurrection. But what is the long term goal? Think a few moves ahead. You know they do.
-Beyond Hatred
Why live in NO at all? I feel like choosing a community to live in or visit is much like choosing businesses to invest in. When you pick companies to invest in you look at earnings, debt, P/E ratios. When choosing a community to live in or visit look at demographics currently and the year over year trend, crime rates ethnic composition of elected boards and public officials. If you do this, the decision to live there or visit is easy. On the other hand, if you ignore these, then you deserve the same result as if you invested in your perpetually drunk cousins ice cream shop financed off his credit cards. Use your brains people!!!
Anonymous said...
Why live in NO at all? I feel like choosing a community to live in or visit is much like choosing businesses to invest in. When you pick companies to invest in you look at earnings, debt, P/E ratios. When choosing a community to live in or visit look at demographics currently and the year over year trend, crime rates ethnic composition of elected boards and public officials. If you do this, the decision to live there or visit is easy. On the other hand, if you ignore these, then you deserve the same result as if you invested in your perpetually drunk cousins ice cream shop financed off his credit cards. Use your brains people!!!
Four words. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. The instrumentation is being put in place that will make your "choice" of where to live quite irrelevant. The state will examine your area, declare it insufficiently diverse and you'll be saying hi to your new neighbors from Somali, Chicago and Guatemala.
RexHymens here:
How long until every city has signs like this posted, instead of actual police presence?
"The obvious and immediate motive is to assist with Obola & crew's orchestrated Black civil insurrection. But what is the long term goal? Think a few moves ahead. You know they do."
I would suggest the short term goal is to justify more destruction of our liberty, more militarized police and/or federal law enforcement or at least more federal control of local law enforcement. Likely cries for gun control will increase as well. Possibly this will proceed up to the point of outright martial law.
Long term goal is to build negro fatigue to the point where there will be little or no resistance to finally do what is needed to solve the problem once and for all.
Everything is just too over-the-top and absurd with the current negrophilia in this country. Look at any major news site with open comments on any black crime and the vast majority of comments could have originated from here or on Stormfront.
We are being pushed to a breaking point and the backlash will be catastrophic and merciless for the Africans.
It's sad really. NO is a legendary city and the food/drink/entertainment is unparalleled. I personally only saw the Diversity doing the shuck and jive gimme a dolla bit during the day. Guess I got lucky.
For how much longer can whites continue to create a life for themselves safe from diversity and vibrancy? This nation has a huge land mass, and until people are forced to confront the benefits of diversity on a massive scale nothing will change. Those people who choose to remain in vibrant areas are actually more liberal than those who move away from it. So how will anything really change anytime soon? As bad as things appear to be you still have an enormous number of people who are largely unaffected by it, and who get their only dose of reality from the mainstream media; in other words, they don't have a clue about feral blacks and likely never will.
Since it's unlikely that anything will change I almost agree with those people who just ignore it and go about their lives. It's depressing but you what else can you do? If we lived in a smaller more population dense nation then there would be better chance for real change to take place. But since people can still isolate themselves nothing will get better. There are still rural areas and small towns all across the country that don't have these problems where people just live their lives. They don't make as much money normally as those closer to urban areas but it's a tradeoff a lot of people are willing to accept.
People keep talking about the shit hitting the fan and so on... I seriously doubt it. It's just more slow decay and more "new normals" to get used to. Sad but true.
Wayyy Beyond Hatred here....Friday, we continue our downward spiral...
O/T, but worth noting.....for what it's worth it isn't much, since we've already seen this outcome time and time again across our once great country, now just in the midst of being reduced to one big pile of rubble. The outcome is always the same, along with the same scenario that took it there....need I say who ?
I can tell you it's worth just one major thought. The ever so better days we had here
in this country for all things to Well here in Cleveland, as the story goes, another mall, Randall Park Mall, once dubbed the biggest mall in America, finally faced it's ultimate demise, destruction! Of course they blame the mall's demise on everything but the obvious.
Randall Park Mall officially originally opened it's doors the weekend of July 4th in 1976.
What was once even one of my own favorite places to go to as a teenager, I simply loved this mall. I was young and used to go to this mall all the time, almost always with some
friends. We used to take the bus up to the mall after school or on a weekend day where
we'd spend the whole day there. The mall had two floors. Each floor had it's own video game arcade. I still have great memories of them game rooms today. How could I ever forget playing all of them old favorite video games, especially the ones I was great at playing. Millipede, Galaga, Q-bert, Dig-Dug & Mr. Do's Castle just to name a few that I remember right off the top of my head. The mall also had a nice hobby store. Till this day I still have 2 complete in-the-box Bachmann N-gauge train sets I bought from that hobby store. I will keep them forever till I pass, as nothing more than a reminder of the better days that we once had "living" in this country. Even as a teenager I was aware of the situation that we had on our hands then, I just never thought as a youngin' that it would turn out to be a full blown on force against YT and everything we've built throughout the years....
R.I.P. Randall Park Mall. You will never be forgotten. Sadly to say that in the days that I live in today, it'll ALWAYS be hard to forget who was responsible for your death.
I can tell you it surely wasn't because of "violence" or "Da Skreetz" that led to it....
But I'm sure that this excerpt from can sum it up for those who don't already know what caused this malls' ultimate demise:
"Randall Park Mall was so large that several chains (Hickory Farms and Fanny Farmer Candy Company as examples) leased two stores, one on each of the two levels. I remember feeling very anxious on my family's first visit that day. There were so many people that the crowd actually stopped at times even in the communal spaces. By the time I worked at York Steak House in Randall Mall in 1983, racial tension, a highly-publicized mini-riot, auto theft, and unsafe public restrooms caused a very noticable decline in volume. Our manager at York Steak House said their daily volume declined from nearly 3000 at the mall's opening to 1500 or so by the mid 1980's. I got the impression that, once built, the mall was never maintained and not kept very clean."
It didn't take too long for Randall Park Mall to be dubbed "Randall Dark Mall" YT
ran away from the spooks then, as we continue to do today.
Here are a couple of links you can take a look at if you'd like:
Wayyy Beyond Hatred (Continued): part 2 of 2 - as the downward spiral continues.
Now we fast forward to today, 01-02-2015, as the mall is now currently in the process
of being demolished, we have yet another case of adding insult to injury. I wrote this
story because it made me think of a story PK had posted a couple of months ago about
St. Louis and the Arch, about how the coloreds protested because they weren't hired to
help build it. Yes, we all know they certainly aren't capable of designing it, but as
ignorant but "equally" important the black mans' mind is, this is how it goes....
Now here in a run down inner suburb of Cleveland called North Randall where the
demolition team is in the process of being demolished, the same story rears it's head
as the colored are out at the mall "protesting" that none of their minority was hired
to "finish" the demolition of the mall, as if they haven't done enough to ruin the mall,
if only that mall could speak for itself, I don't think it would want another black
hand ever having to touch it again. They're also protesting that they're not being
hired for constructing the planned industrial park that is going to be built in it's
place. How about first off, if it wasn't for your cancerous primate species that mall
would still be standing and business would still be great. Gosh, these darkies truly
know how to add insult to injury to EVERY ill fated thing they put their hands on.
I bet that when they build this industrial mall that the darkies won't be running
up there lined up to get a job, though. And if they are, well it's only a matter of
time before that building will be next on the chopping block of the proverbial wrecking
ball, once again proving that anything and EVERYTHING they put their hands on eventually
turns into nothing more than that proverbial wrecking ball, in many more ways than one.
I guess as they say, some things NEVER change. If they meant in reference of the mind of the negro, I'd simply have to say tell me something that I'm not intellectually
capable of figuring out for myself with my own two eyes...and that is how to make the
DARKIE DIE HARDER than any of my own ever have. Now if we could only make that come true....then we'd really have something positive to speak about in any and all of this.
The negro mind is truly a sick and twisted mind. Randall Park Mall is nothing more than
a reminiscence of what the negro mind is ultimately capable of doing....destructing !!
Wayyy Beyond Hatred,
Also O/T, but just because my mind is always processing something of a thought.
I read the story PK posted on Monday, December 29, 2014
"An Advocate of All Things Black Compares his Community to the Flintstones and the White Community to the Jetsons... Without Getting the Joke" and all the comments in the thread.
Many have spoken about what our city landscapes would look like today if it wasn't for
the negro undertow destroying any and every bit of YT's civilized civilization.
The first city/country that came to mind was the likes of Dubai.
Looking at a city such as Dubai is more than likely what OUR country could have looked
like. I keep looking at Dubai because I like looking at positive things that materialize
without having to think of what waits in the darkness to destroy it. But of course we
have something that they purely lack.........yeah, wait for already know the
VIBRANT DIE-VERSITY. This is the ONLY vibrancy we're ever going to see in this country, EVER! When someone speaks the word "vibrant" I think of a city like Dubai, not an ignorant negro,
that will always be here to make sure such a vibrant city landscape will never exist here,
at least not on the scale that they took it to. I bet that the many engineers that were
hired to design these buildings were YT, shht, I actually will put my money where my mouth
is on that one.
If I ever had a genie in a bottle that could only grant me just one wish,
what do you think it would be ? Well let me just say it wouldn't be for money!
I would rather fulfill each and every one of my true brothers and sisters wish
that they had in mind. POOF, they're extinct forever, for good !
And that's what I would call true gratification for all.
I'd just call it my civil and moral duty as a true American for America, for MY people !!! for life !! PK, Please give us a glimpse of when the new site is coming.....TY
I wonder what the sign will read when large groups are attacked by even larger groups of Africans? Hmmmmmmm, will it read "Caution large capacity magazines required in this area."?
"Next Police escort in 15 minutes. "?
"Do not stop for diversity. "?
"No trespassing, BRA ahead! "?
"Caution! Jungle law starts here! "?
Johnny See Said:Situational awareness:
That which is unsustainable shall not be sustained.
It quite frankly is mathematically impossible.
It is rapidly becoming politically impossible.
May we have reached or be near "peak negro"?
So much invested to try to improve things, and with such meager return on that investment.
This leads to the light at the end of the tunnel:
What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Philadelphia Mike, here.
Wow, Johnny See. That's one well constructed beautiful statement.
Each day gives me more hope that an end to this tyranny is in sight.
Philadelphia Mike
What I find even more devious than the disingenuous White liberals are the disingenuous White scientists who keep the truth about the "races", the subspecies, and human origins hidden...and instead propagate and promulgate deceptive falsehoods.
The truth will, in fact, set us free.
Philadelphia Mike
Third World people = Third World country.
I wish I could remember what site, but I saw a diagram comparing the crime rates in scores of "American" cities for several major offenses with the rates in well-known Third World cesspools. Entirely comparable.
A NYC ADA once anonymously confided that were it not for the wild negroes and Puerto Ricans the city would need little more than traffic cops in the way of law enforcement.
Isn't diversity wonderful?
We face a number of problems, and this sign and article point out a solution to them.
First, there are MANY young white men who are unemployed, and perhaps unemployable in the mythically recovered economy. Second, the costs of property are too damn high in safe, white areas. Third, single whites, like Begic in St. Louis, are easy prey for gangs of black youth.
Imagine, however, that an allied group of young white men trained in martial arts, paid for by the community, with that being their sole requirement in return for support. Oh, that, and this: they must be constantly available to escort groups of whites around dangerous neighborhoods that are largely black, and thus cheap. No guns needed, but they don't hurt. Simply a muscular presence to reclaim turf from people who grabbed it with explicit, not implicit, violence.
Take a community like Highland Park, MI, surrounded by Detroit, with average house prices of under 40k. You should be able to buy a house of 2.5 times your income, so an income of 16K should do it, $7.50 an hour at 40 hours a week. Any pay over that level and you can set aside money as a community to buy up more cheap property to convert over to lower class white territory.
Now, the displaced blacks will need a place to live. I would suggest benevolence. Pool resources, and find the DWL-est suburb you can. Buy a house or two there for the people you expel, and in 40 years your children can displace the neighborhood destroyers from that area. Oh, and you WILL be able to afford children when you don't have to pay expensive housing prices to take out big mortgages to pay off the squids.
No violence, no covenants, no control of government needed, just the ability to hang together and plan for the future. whites used to be good at that.
Further to my last comment, <a href=">here is a fine, brick 3br</a> house built in 1909, when the city was 100% white. 2000 square feet, $19,000. Trulia says that highland park sells for $10 a square foot.
You want a white homeland? You could easily buy up enough land in Highland Park to displace enough of the local populace to vote in your own white mayor and city council. For each white family, an investment of maybe 40K and you could create a meaningful role for your young men, a safe community for your women and children, and cut out the squids and their mortgages. You'd have to focus on having NO public sector jobs, no police, no firemen, no schools, and supply those things by the community.
If you think it isn't possible, this is EXACTLY how ultra-Orthodox Jews have reclaimed turf from blacks and Puerto Ricans in Brooklyn. The low land prices allows them to pop out 8 children per woman. Rinse, repeat with the next black neighborhood.
I suspect that the problem you face is greater than just the Trojan horse known as TNB suggests. Your Government (the shadow one, not the teleprompter one) has been searching for ways to bring in martial law and clamp down permanently Soviet-style, but they need an excuse. Occupy didn't give it, but fomenting a race-war fits the bill quite well. It may happen step-wise, as in from city to city, then you may see the Feds step up and say that the whole national fabric is coming under threat. Of course they need it to come under threat in order to say that, and at this rate of escalation a race war would be the best way to create the necessary conditions domestically. Of course they could keep on provoking Russia and then claim the inevitable clampdown is about National security, or they could hire more ISIS actors to scare everybody into asking for Martial freedoms for protection and all that, but there's only so many Tsarnaevs on speed dial at Langley. The Oath Keeper story is more significant than it first appeared IMO, as it speaks to how the power structure of the US is being realigned and co-opted as a pure prerogative of the State alone. Blacks of course are too stupid to see how they are being used and manipulated.
"Your Government (the shadow one, not the teleprompter one) has been searching for ways to bring in martial law and clamp down permanently Soviet-style, but they need an excuse."
Is that you, Alex Jones?
It must be. Hopefully, most people are too smart to believe that the government, even if controlled by those shadowy men behind the tree, can't find a less complicated way to bring in martial law. One good nuclear explosion would do it. Or how about gun confiscation? Bit by bit, it's practically here already. Just wait a while.
"Occupy didn't give it, but fomenting a race-war fits the bill quite well."
You must know different white people than the ones I'm familiar with. The ones I know are sheep. It takes two sides to make a war, and sheep don't fight back.
"Of course they could keep on provoking Russia and then claim the inevitable clampdown is about National security, or they could hire more ISIS actors to scare everybody into asking for Martial freedoms for protection and all that, but there's only so many Tsarnaevs on speed dial at Langley."
But Alex, haven't you already said that all of that terrorist stuff was staged, all false flags? Get your stories straight, man.
"Walk in large groups"
That's what sheep do.
I have always had "outside" cats. They are very interesting animals regarding their survival instincts. My last cat lived 18 years, yet the majority of her time was spent hanging around outdoors. I had a large woods where she loved. However, in order to survive, an outside cat had to be paranoid and paranoid she was. Before she would leave the house, she fully understood her situational awareness, constantly on alert. She was surrounded by dangers, such as, dogs, raccoons, snakes, other cats, etc.
I loved observing her precautions and preparedness. It would remind me of a typical negro living in the hood. Constantly on the alert and paranoid for whatever dangers that may be lurking around the corner. The only difference was that the cat was not looking for trouble, but avoiding it. If some dog would dis' her, she would not attack the dog, but would run up a tree. She had common sense. Need
I say more?
"Walk in large groups"
That's what sheep do."
RexHymens here:
How long until every city has signs like this posted, instead of actual police presence?
How about this:
SC Native
This proves that a cat is smarter than a negro and has a longer lifespan too.
I follow this same pattern whenever I have to leave my country abode for diversity. It seems to work and I hope it continues. Also, a cat is very good at defending itself when cornered and there's a lesson in that too.
I never realized just how smart a cat can be, I'm going to watch them more closely from now on.
New Orleans is a shithole.
I have Negro Fatigue!
I'm going to listen to some Country Music to cheer me up.
Yes, I'm one of those damn rednecks.
Happy New Year Folks.
Scot Irish
I will point out that NOPD and much of the city administration is run by the same animals who victimize tourists on the streets. New Orleans is a lose-lose situation for any White person.
Let's not forget people, two important events in the crumbling Third World Empire known as BRA are coming up and we'll want to celebrate both. I'm referring of course to Rev. Dr. MLK Jr. Day and Black History Month. The good Rev. is the patron saint of misogynists, plagiarists, shrieking religious frauds, adulterers and race hustlers. I'm sure the Rev. BHO will be weeping over the old fraudster's demise and will take the opportunity to once again castigate evil YT for the many failures of his peeps and to memorialize the Gentle Giant, another saint too, the patron saint of Swisher Sweets and dirt naps in the middle of the road.
Black History Month (a whole fucking month ?) will have many "accomplishments" to celebrate such as EBT, Section 8, WIC, the 40 0z. size beverage, spinners on Escalades, and the excellent marksmanship of negroes. In most of the country winter will prevail so The Usual Suspects will not be able to incite their pets to 'Ferguson' (used as a verb here) any place until the temperatures rise to at least 70 degrees in a few months.
Until the Ferguson season commences with the warm weather there will always be the mighty bakkaball to celebrate BRA's contributions to the general welfare. Spring will be known as "Ferguson" this year as the Rev. Eric "my peeps" Holder and the Rev. BHO encourage peaceful displays of righteous indignation with the rallying cry: "Burn this Bitch down !". Get thee prepared YT.
non-DWL from NE.
So true. I just encountered an indicator of shifting normalcy of my own, from a completely unexpected angle. I was looking at a webpage of comical wrong answers by elementary / junior high kids on school tests. One was an answer to the question, "Could a man with one testicle still reproduce?" The answer, almost certainly from a black kid, was "No, cause girls don't like that shit." The use of profanity apparently caused no controversy. The point was that it was funny. In my day, and I'm not that old, writing that word on a test would have caused major, serious repercussions, including suspension from school. Now it just be funny and sheeit.
No it won't. We'll just keep dwindling on into mediocrity, failure, and dysfunction for another couple of generations, while the Ministry of Truth keeps telling us that everything is going great and diversity is our strength until everything gradually falls apart. Anything else would represent retribution against Blacks and the system will never allow anything remotely like that to happen, even in its death throes, because it is systematically and expressly constituted as an instrument whose main purpose is to extract retribution from Whites. We will end with a whimper, not a bang. They will never be punished for destroying the nation, until there is no viable nation or polity left in whose name vengeance could be extracted.
O/T, but you all will understand my rant above any other group, and rant it is...
On the mainstream conservative website I sometimes post at, the opening of eyes has seemed to be occurring apace, and with many members, I'm sure that it really is. But when I see a comment like the following, (which I shall paraphrase), I just want to go beat my head against a wall, after all the work I and a few others there are doing, within the confines of "mainstream conservatism", to open said eyes--
There's an absurd thread about an absurd entertainer comparing herself on an album cover to the likes of Mandela and MLK. She's being ridiculed in the absurd thread, then I come to this comment, to wit "How dare she compare herself to those good men." Aaaarrrgggghhhh! What will it take for these idiots to get it through their thick skulls, the likes of Mandela and MLK are not to be defended by thinking whites or indeed any anti-commie!!! Or even any so-called conservative! Do people ever study the people and beliefs below the surface of a few slogan issues of a given label?!
@ Wayyy Beyond Hatred
If I ever had a genie in a bottle that could only grant me just one wish,
what do you think it would be ? Well let me just say it wouldn't be for money!
I would rather fulfill each and every one of my true brothers and sisters wish
that they had in mind. POOF, they're extinct forever, for good !
January 2, 2015 at 12:15 PM
I'm with you there. Indeed, it's not good for the majority of people to not have to earn their keep in some honorable way. Peace of mind and all that contributes to that is all anyone could ask, the environment in which to reach one's potential and ambition. That's one of the things we don't even know we haven't got anymore, thanks to negros.
When your chances of getting caught robbing people is low, then robberies soar. Honestly I cant see why anyone would go into law enforcement with the President's attitude towards police. When you invite Al Sharpton to the White house over 60 times, it's not for a friendly chat. When the President asks a race baiter for his input on race relations and law enforcement policy you realize nothing good will come from this. Unless your Black or a Liberal. That's why we see the shape the country is in. And that neither race baiters or Liberals should ever be allowed in the white house again
To the North West Front advocates:
I have been raised in the south most of my life. I am descended from coal miners, factory workers, and have known nothing but "being white" my entire life.
I was born in the Appalachian mountain region. Some of you on here would consider me low I.Q. "hillbilly trash". Some of you would consider me part of the back bone of this country. Scotts-Irish working class.
My DNA test came back 0% Sub Saharan African, 0% Native American, 43% Western European, 19% Eastern European, 14% Irish, 7% Greek/Italian, 5% Scandinavian, 2% Iberian Peninsula, 8% Western Asain, 1% Great Britain..
and 1% European Jew..which excludes me from the "North West Front".
I've been "Southern" my entire life. I drive a pick-up, dip snuff, and have probably had more fist fights with black guys than 3/4 of the NWF folks.
I'm not welcome in the NWF, according to their constitution.
I've been fighting as a "white" my entire life.
I do hope P.K. allows this through.
I am usually amused by this blog, even though the subject matter drifts into the ultra-serious, I.e.,national survival. I don't appreciate the Alex Jones stuff I must admit. The guy is a walking radio station permanently stuck on Big-Time Paranoia, differentiable from the visceral fear many people have due to the crime problem in this country. The crime problem is of course underclass in origin and has nothing to do with International Conspiracies, Illuminati, etc etc.
Melanie said...
There's an absurd thread about an absurd entertainer comparing herself on an album cover to the likes of Mandela and MLK. She's being ridiculed in the absurd thread, then I come to this comment, to wit "How dare she compare herself to those good men." Aaaarrrgggghhhh! What will it take for these idiots to get it through their thick skulls, the likes of Mandela and MLK are not to be defended by thinking whites . . .
Don't give up Melanie, you don't know how many people are pondering what you have written, sometimes it takes time for people to reconsider long held, guasi-religious beliefs and face unpleasant truths i.e. they have been wrong in their beliefs. Those people commenting about the supposed virtues of the two known communist scumbags you cited are probably not traitors just "useful idiots" as Lennin called them from Conservative, Inc. or Libertarianism, Inc. They may be right out of college where they get stuffed with that communist bullshit like a Christmas turkey.
An important point to remember is that the communists' first successful revolution was in Imperial Russia under Tsar Nicholas II during the turmoil and defeat of WWI. That revolution was a classic, violent overthrow of a government representing the vast majority of the Russian people by a tiny, foreign, well financed, well led cadre of dedicated revolutionaries bent upon destruction of the Russian nation, one of the most thoroughly Christian nations in the world at that time. Their technique of violent revolution was tried in much of Europe after the 1918 Armistice by other communist revolutionaries and was an abject failure everywhere outside of Russia.
One of the places where the communists tried violent revolution was in chaotic, post war Italy where the government, supported by the Catholic Church and other institutions called out the Italian Army which crushed the communists ending the danger they presented. One of the communist revolutionaries was a man named Gramsci who was a brilliant theorist who realized that a Soviet style violent revolution against a well organized state with most of the populace supporting the government or indifferent would always fail. Gramsci developed a different theory and method of communist revolution called "marching through the institutions" which proved to be extraordinarily successful while Lenin's brand of revolution was a failure outside of Russia until after WWII.
Basically Gramsci proposed placing dedicated communists in the institutions of society where they would "bore from within" taking over the institutions and using them for their (communists) own ends. His strategy was a 'long march' strategy taking decades to bear fruit in the West but has ultimately been extraordinarily successful in corrupting every institution in the West. Government, Christianity and particularly schools at all levels over time were infiltrated and corrupted by the ideas of communism.
Self reliance was replaced by dependency, patriotism was mocked, Christian virtues were ridiculed and true history was replaced by a fantasy of massive, suppressed accomplishment by colored people while at the same time these successful colored people were somehow made victims of evil white men. Inconvenient facts such as black criminality were ignored or blamed on white oppression, white invention and discoveries such as those of Louis Pasteur were ignored or credited to non-existent wogs and truth was taught as something subjective and changeable, not objective and permanent.
In Catholic theology the name for this corrupt philosophy of subjective truth and everything that logically follows from it is called Modernism, the synthesis of all Christian heresies and ultimately what is afflicting the West. Don't give up, the communists ultimately can't run a two car funeral and BRA will surely fail just as the USSR failed. Our job is to survive, not help BRA.
non-DWL from NE.
When they say "We need a dialogue on race" or wring their hands over racial strife and poor racial relations it's always a monologue or diatribe on negro grievances and demands. The only function those whiteys have is to say a mea culpa and give and give and give.
It's damn hard to be patriotic in BRA.
Rhett Butler had a great line I could use here.
@ non-DWL from NE.
January 2, 2015 at 7:45 PM--
Thanks, and that's some interesting information. I never give up, just have to regroup and gather my patience together again sometimes :)
Anonymous said ”To the North West Front advocates:
I have been raised in the south most of my life. I am descended from coal miners, factory workers, and have known nothing but "being white" my entire life.
I was born in the Appalachian mountain region. Some of you on here would consider me low I.Q. "hillbilly trash". Some of you would consider me part of the back bone of this country. Scotts-Irish working class.
My DNA test came back 0% Sub Saharan African, 0% Native American, 43% Western European, 19% Eastern European, 14% Irish, 7% Greek/Italian, 5% Scandinavian, 2% Iberian Peninsula, 8% Western Asain, 1% Great Britain..
and 1% European Jew..which excludes me from the "North West Front".
I've been "Southern" my entire life. I drive a pick-up, dip snuff, and have probably had more fist fights with black guys than 3/4 of the NWF folks.
I'm not welcome in the NWF, according to their constitution.
I've been fighting as a "white" my entire life.
I do hope P.K. allows this through.”
I hope that you checked your DNA out of curiosity regarding your entire heritage rather than hoping for a ticket for admission to the NWF. I too would fail the DNA admission test for a racially pure white utopia; however, I could comfortably live among any whites who possess the attributes typically associated with whites. If I have a son who finds an intelligent and pretty white girl with solid values to be his wife I'll thank God rather than check her DNA.
If the racial purists want to survive as a pure race they will have to settle for a society of like minded white people while reserving DNA testing for marriage within their own pure subgroup. The likelihood of establishing any kind of separate white society in the United States before solving the problem of the undertow is very small, and the likelihood of establishing a racially pure white utopia that is significantly larger than quirky compound is near zero.
Don't let your failing DNA grade keep you from reading and posting on this blog. There are many people reading this blog who are more interested in solving the problem with the undertow than creating a pure white utopia. Certainly the conversion of the entire United States to a white utopia would solve the problem with the undertow just as Wayyy Beyond Hatred could solve the problem if the genie would just grant him one wish, but these things probably won't happen.
"To the North West Front advocates:
I have been raised in the south most of my life. I am descended from coal miners, factory workers, and have known nothing but "being white" my entire life.
I was born in the Appalachian mountain region. Some of you on here would consider me low I.Q. "hillbilly trash". Some of you would consider me part of the back bone of this country. Scotts-Irish working class.
My DNA test came back 0% Sub Saharan African, 0% Native American, 43% Western European, 19% Eastern European, 14% Irish, 7% Greek/Italian, 5% Scandinavian, 2% Iberian Peninsula, 8% Western Asain, 1% Great Britain..
and 1% European Jew..which excludes me from the "North West Front".
I've been "Southern" my entire life. I drive a pick-up, dip snuff, and have probably had more fist fights with black guys than 3/4 of the NWF folks.
I'm not welcome in the NWF, according to their constitution.
I've been fighting as a "white" my entire life."
A brother in arms!
I've got some Cherokee blood which would exclude me from their circle as well.
The only thing you need to remember is that "you only have to stay WHITE and die".
Plus pay taxes for your own demise. It's part of that "White Privilege" thing.
You are not alone my friend.
The NoFros don't seem to understand that we view our heritage as important and relevant. It is!
We were fighting this shit decades ago. Long before the Northwest Front. Where were you then North Western Fronters?
You folks need to give us Southerners some respect. We knew what was going on and fought it. Yet the Fed imposed it on us. Did your ancestors support it?
Never the less, we should all try to get along. It's better to have like minded people united. Even if we have our differences.
God bless White People and all their children. Best Wishes YT!
Scot Irish
RexHymens wrote January 1, 2015 at 8:35 PM: "you couldn't pay me enough money to walk through Nawleenz.
sorry, but I fail to see ANYTHING remotely enjoyable about it. niggers everywhere, seafood, annoying horn music, french bullshit. I just don't get it."
French “bullshit“ ?? As opposed to English what in Louisiana ? Irrelevant Shreveport and Monroe which are also majority black ? Or is it Duck Dynasty you prefer or the arrays of trailer parks and meth labs all over the interior of the state ? Please tell me how that “French bullshit” is any way more significant than the rest of the non-French speaking part of Louisiana, or are you another of these clueless nationalists who still haven't figure out that we are all in the same White boat and that it’s all about race now ?
Newsflash ! The French founded New Orleans (aka “La Nouvelle-Orléans”) in 1718 during the New France era (1534–1763) BEFORE the United States even existed. It is their home and it is they who made the state of Louisiana relevant to the rest of the world by preserving their traditional EUROPEAN cultural heritage unparalleled in any other city in the US for almost 300 years.
If you want to see what New Orleans would still be like with a White majority whose culture had not been hijacked by negroes, developers and tourists, go to Lafayette, LA or better yet Quebec City where you will find the greatest European architecture and cuisine left in North America.
You don’t have to like the French or any other Whites, but folks like you are doing nothing but to serve the enemy's defamation of our ancestral European cultures, and it is no wonder why we still can’t offer any RESISTANCE (pun intended) to this day as a united race…
200 Memphis Police Officers resign.
"People are leaving because they are tired of going through this maze with this city," said Williams.
Negro fatigue & it just isn't worth it anymore.
Expect more of this in 2015 as Cops wake up Nationwide.
They don't need them. Their perception of reality is obviously hallucinatory enough without pharmaceutical assistance.
Probably because they know as well as we do that decent and liveable automatically preclude the presence of blacks.
I keep hearing that blacks are running wild and that 'no one can control them.' In point of fact there are any number of highly effective methods of getting them to behave themselves. Most of them were used with great success by our more intelligent forefathers. We no longer have the common sense and/or testicular fortitude to employ them.
It is known blacks commit crimes at much higher rates than any other group, when this is brought up, someone always says whites do terrible crimes as well (which is true), example the shooting at the movie Theater in Colorado, The one difference is when the crime is by a white person it usually is by one individual, whereas black crimes are often done in groups, muggings, home invasions, mob attacks etc.
1. Why do blacks tend to commit crimes in groups whereas whites do crimes by themselves???, kind of like coyotes look for prey in groups and cats seek prey in solitude.
2. When blacks attack whites where there is an equal or greater number of whites present, example the Iowa and Wisconsin fairs, why do the whites not help the other whites being attacked???
3. When a group of blacks attack a Mexican The Mexicans who are present will help the Mexican, I have even seen Mexican (likely gang members) say on TV when a black kills a Mexican 2 blacks will die, The Mexicans have chased blacks (black flight) out of once all black areas example Compton, California once 99% black now mostly Mexican.
Just a theory if whites would always fight back, and if for example 10 blacks attack 1 white then have 50-100 whites hunt down and beat the black attackers, then the black attacks on whites would stop.
I'm from Ocala and now th me exact spots you're talking about lol!
It had always stunned me how effective the 15% are at the total destruction of several square miles while inly having to occupy a quarter mile or so
Re Non Dwl comment : Excellent point and summation! It should not ever be forgotten how the Bolshevik take-over was not won ; rather the Mensheviks, Socialists and others basically lost. Bolshevism from the bizarre beginning to its pitiable end in 1989 was always unpopular with Russians. The real tragedy is the wastage of this superb land by bloody-minded fools. Bolsheviks couldn't manage a kiosk. Czarist would have produced by the 1930's an ultra-wealthy constitutional monarchy - the UK with real money, real resources, and a loyal people.
Imagine if the Reconstruction in our Civil War era were to last for 75 years and controlled the entire nation.
That's similar to Russian history. A tremendous author to read on Communism is Leszek Kolakowski.
@ Anonymous January 3, 2015 at 12:45 AM--
Another difference is that whites don't glorify our criminals, and even canonise them (barring a few "folk" criminals, after enough time has passed to make them more mythical than real, and barring some nutcases like the females who want to marry Charles Manson). The larger white society deplores our criminals and supports executing the most heinous.
Wayyyy Beyond Hatred here.
Howdy Ya'll.
This is O/T but pretty much summarizes a piece of the pie
why a site like this exists and needs to exist.
Well here in good ole' Cleveland, Ohio, the city that they
refer to as the mistake on the lake, the "teen yewfs" are
at it again. Just last night, around 3 miles away from me,
we have a big Cinemark movie theater that was built in the
valley in a city named Valley View. Of course, once upon a
time another beautiful city overlooking the Cuyahoga River
and the Erie Canal, with many metropark toepaths to walk and
ride your bike on. Well while it still may be that city by
day but when nighttime approaches the roaches come out...
"Police: Nearly 300 juveniles involved in fights at Valley View Cinemark"
"It started with a disturbance inside the theater. Witnesses said they were watching ‘The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death’ when it happened.
The theater stopped the movie and asked the juveniles to leave. They let the movies run that were already in progress; everything else was stopped for the rest of the night.
Chief March said some of the juveniles were climbing over the food service counters in the theater lobby; theater security and management threw them out and locked the doors.
Once the juveniles were outside, police said numerous fights broke out in the parking lot and near two restaurants– Oak Barrel and Quaker Steak & Lube– right near the theater. According to Chief March, the “fights were very widespread (with) a lot of pushing, shoving, screaming and shouting.”
......And so the story goes on. The roaches came out last night, by the hundreds.
The yewfs, disturbing the peace yet once again. Pictures on the site show what
kind of youfs we're referring to here, but ya'll already know the drill.
I've been to that theater over 20 times, but the last time was around 5 years ago,
haven't been back once I woke up and realized that I was truly supporting Follywood,
all of that theater stuff came to a complete halt. I haven't been to any theater in
over 5 years and at the rate I'm going it might as well be another 25 years.
Social media has it that the yewfs going to the theater to start a riot.
From what I remember when I used to go there is that there was always a
police presence there, whether inside or in their car right in front of
the theater. Whether they were initially present there last night or not,
seems that they got there pretty fast, enough to protect the businesses
in the area from the feral primate "juvenile" yewfs from entering them.
The police had management lock the doors to the theater and called it a
night. Anybody that had tickets for an upcoming movie was told that tickets
would be reissued for them to see the movie at a later date.
I simply just wanted to share that Cleveland is just one more of the many
cities east of the Mississippi that is being overtaken by these primal savages.
No matter where they go, trouble doesn't follow them, they ARE the trouble.
There used to be so many different places to go in Cleveland when I was a
child. Recreational places. Restaurants, Go-cart tracks, Roller skating rinks,
and so on. All but a thing of the past. The only thing surviving around here
are the bars and the roaches themselves. Everything else is just a memory
of the better days that are in the past. Nothing more.....and EVERYTHING less..
Wayyyy Beyond Hatred here again :)
Here's a better link of the story at the theater:
at least on this site they have a comments section,
not like all these other MSM outlets that have all
but closed up their comments sections. What do you
think the comments section states on this site ?
Well you already know, the obvious. Then we have
the DWL's that want to defend the ignorant yewfs.
Go figure. More than likely their all the DWL's
that don't live anywhere near the negro or this
theater, or the inner city in general. Out in the
burbs, where they "think" they're safe, at least
for now....
Once again, as another SBPDL'er put it, Truth is the new hate speech.
I love that quote. I'm actually looking into having that quote made
into a bumper sticker now, and I promise to be one of the first to
put it right on my rear bumper !! On my nice loud truck, nonetheless :)
And in other news.............
Wayyyyy Beyond Hatred here again, and again :)
So while we have yet another mall here in Cleveland in it's last
stages of complete destruction, these yewfs just move on to other
turf, as in the theater last night. It's already bad enough that
a big majority of Cleveland is a ghost town, primarily because YT
ran for higher ground first, then they moved them same ignorant
indigent knee-grows out of Cleveland and into the inner city suburbs.
Now that they've destroyed any recognition of the inner city suburbs,
they're now on their way to the outer suburbs. One by one, we're
watching all these suburbs turn to mush. Anybody around here would
have to be mentally challenged or blind to not notice what is happening.
If you are neither and don't have a clue, you're either one of them
knee-grows or live far enough away from the city to not see it.
Well "BREAKING NEWS" for you folks. I live not around it, but IN it.
I see it with my own eyes EVERYDAY whether I like it or not.
I'm surrounded by the "true" devils, satan's spawns, and they're EVERYWHERE !!
I'm still living in "Planet of the Apes" Part 1. I'm not asking anybody for
pity, just stating the obvious "current affairs" that plague this city and
who it is ALL being caused by. I stay strapped and always keep my powder dry.
I hope I don't personally have to use it any time soon, but if I did I'm sure
it wouldn't take too long for it to make it to the news as a "hate crime"...
Well it wouldn't necessarily be a hate crime, even though I do hate them,
with more than just a passion. It would be doing what any intelligent person
would do, that is protecting my family and my castle. And protect it I will,
from anybody out there, but most especially from the ones I'm surrounded by..
the knee-grow. With that being said, for any of you who don't live around
these feral primates, count your blessings, cause you are truly blessed.
I only wish these feral primates on my worst enemy, the feral primate itself !!
Oh, and one last thing. Friends have asked me what my new years resolution were.
I told them I really only have one. Let me explain, but on the next comment....
Wayyy Beyond Hatred here again.
I just wanted to share with you all my new years resolution.
It's already one that's been in place for some years now,
but it's time to bring in the reinforcement for em.....
I will start acting just like black people and here's how!
1. At the ATM, I will take 25 mins making a transaction, even though I know damn well I have no funds in that bank, but hey??? can't hurt to pretend, because, I love watching you crackers wait behind me, and then...I will go rob somebody to get the gas I just burnt making you wait!
2. I will get my nails done at the chineese nail salon, and when they are done making my knuckle dragging nails complete, I will start a big scene and start ooking and eeking when those gooks try to charge me tax, and say n spray...SAY WHAT>>>AHHHHH HELL NO! I be never coming here again!
3. I will never Call B&M Ribs ever again, and try to order Ribs, then have the racist black workers tell me, they don't got no Ribs, (they knew I was white) a week later, I called the owner and told her about how they were out of Ribs, and she said...We are NEVER out of Ribs, I's will find out who dat wuz!
4. I will not order from Mcdonalds when the black workers are on duty, reason....I try to order later at night, and they served 4 cars with blacks, and told me they be closed! sorry for being white!
5. I will not work as hard at work, seeing the lazy piece of shit black folks get the same fucking profit sharing as I do!
6. I will not give another homeless black guy $20 bucks and tell him happy hollidays...then he turns around and I see him trying to break in someones car in the same parking lot...this is after he thanked me so much, and I felt good inside for a moment!
All these are true and not fabricated in anyway!...I get no respect from the dark race!
And this:
I resolve to do no good turn to the nogs of this city. I will drive like they do. When I see one in the mirror I will step on the brake as I go thru an intersection, I will rarely use turn signals, and hold up traffic as if they weren't behind me. I will hold up lines with useless babble at stores and anywhere I can inconvenience a nog. I will not hold a door or give them any more courtesy than I would give to a dog. Actually I'd rather give more courtesy to a dog. If I see a nog behind the checkout counter I will not purchase anything in that store. I'm so done with nogs that if one wanted to give me money I wouldn't take it. Fu-k Em' !!!!!
Also worth mentioning as far as our once nice mall, here's a commenter and this is
what he had to say and his questions. One word answers earn BONUS POINTS !!!!
RIP Randall Dark Mall. If only we could bring back our mall and put the negroes to death !!
Who's to blame? - 101 (NE Ohio)
age : 101
Well, I read were Randall Park Mall is being torn down. Can anyone offer any insight as
to why this once thriving business model is being reduced to rubble? Who is responsible
for the demise of this place? One word answers earn bonus points!
"French “bullshit“ ?? As opposed to English what in Louisiana ? Irrelevant Shreveport and Monroe which are also majority black ? Or is it Duck Dynasty you prefer or the arrays of trailer parks and meth labs all over the interior of the state ? Please tell me how that “French bullshit” is any way more significant than the rest of the non-French speaking part of Louisiana, or are you another of these clueless nationalists who still haven't figure out that we are all in the same White boat and that it’s all about race now ?"
Yeah, french bullshit. It's annoying. It's a million times preferable to negroes, but still annoying. The language is annoying, the food is gross, the women remind me of arabs, the smoking is gross. I just don't find anything appealing about the french. Get over it.
You folks need to give us Southerners some respect. We knew what was going on and fought it. Yet the Fed imposed it on us
I have nothing but respect for Southerners.
Their country wisdom from living near Blacks has proven correct while our Universities have spent billions trying to show equality and the best response they have come up with are childish semantic games (i.e. race doesn't exist, intelligence can't be defined).
Nothing frightens the liberal more than the idea that those backwards Southerners were right about genetic differences. It's a living nightmare for them.
There used to be so many different places to go in Cleveland when I was a
child. Recreational places. Restaurants, Go-cart tracks, Roller skating rinks,
and so on. All but a thing of the past.
This the conversation the both liberals and conservatives don't want to have. There is always hand wringing about Black poverty but never a discussion on how Blacks destroy certain types of businesses. It's not like the owners of those businesses want to take a loss when the Blacks move in. I'm actually surprised we don't see more Jewish lightening in those situations, especially now that the pattern has become more apparent.
Truth is the new hate speech.
Ain't that the TRUTH.....
This country will spend multiple trillions waging ineffective foreign wars, but our elected officials whine about budgets when citizens demand more prisons be built to resolve the many problems caused by prison overcrowding.
It disgusts me to read about violent repeat criminals getting soft plea deals for lesser charges and then having to serve only a third, and sometimes less, of their sentences. Over and over we learn that these predators, when arrested, have felony convictions within the past year or two for brutal offenses, yet there they are on the streets doing more of the same, because their sentences and required time served were ridiculously soft.
Imagine... if these cretins were made to serve sentences twice as long, for example -- which in many or most cases would still be too light for the circumstances -- the violent crime rate might drop by nearly half. This would have the additional benefit of cutting down somewhat on illegitimate births.
I can't think of a better use of our tax dollars than to make violent criminals pay appropriately for the misery they cause. It is absolutely necessary that there be a cell awaiting everyone who should be in one, and that he occupy it for a length of time commensurate with the nature of his crime and the extent of his criminal history.
- Man in Florida
"Government, Christianity and particularly schools at all levels over time were infiltrated and corrupted by the ideas of communism."
How exactly can anyone be corrupted by an idea? Ideas are indestructible, so if they can corrupt merely by their existence there can be no defense. Further, for every idea that exists, the opposite idea also exists. Why aren't they all equally "corrupting"? I think your theory here needs some work.
"How exactly can anyone be corrupted by an idea? Ideas are indestructible, so if they can corrupt merely by their existence there can be no defense. Further, for every idea that exists, the opposite idea also exists. Why aren't they all equally "corrupting"? "
You wouldn't be YKWish, would you? Because that's just the type of outspiraling mental masturbation they love to engage in.
A bottle of poison, merely sitting on a shelf, is no direct threat to killing someone. But if it's injected into someone, his health will become "corrupted".
How exactly can anyone be corrupted by an idea? Ideas are indestructible, so if they can corrupt merely by their existence there can be no defense. Further, for every idea that exists, the opposite idea also exists. Why aren't they all equally "corrupting"? I think your theory here needs some work. ". . . sayeth anon.
The teaching of ideas with the specific intent of changing existing thinking or molding young minds in a certain direction is one of the purposes of education going back to Plato, it's nothing new. The examples since 1900 of radical ideas contrary to existing standards pushed through schools primarily are numerous but I will give a contemporary example, one where there are numerous to choose from.
I am old enough to remember when homosexuality was a crime and a 'gay' marriage meant a happy marriage. Homo behavior was shameful and proscribed by both Protestant churches and the Catholic Church without any controversy and its condemnation, the behavior not the person, was seen as a moral duty on the part of Christianity. Indeed, homosexual behavior was seen as a sign of decay of society in the ancient world and was outlawed in the modern world.
My point isn't that the laws and customs against homosexuality were right or wrong but that that was the opinion of the vast majority of people, taught to children, accepted by adults and accepted by most people and reflected in civil law and custom. Public discussion of homo conduct was almost non-existent outside of people like Oscar Wilde in English Lit. class and seen, rightly or wrongly in the context of a bohemian, degenerate way of living.
Fast forward to today and from the earliest grades children in government run and many private schools are taught 1.) about sex which had been the prerogative of the parents alone, never government schools acting In Loco Parentis. 2.) taught that homosexual behavior (and other deviant behavior) is normal and good which would have brought morals charges against the teacher and gotten him or her fired.. 3.) the opiate of television/entertainment showcases homosexuality all the time to reinforce through repetition (one of the best teaching methods) the idea that homosexual behavior is good and on the same moral plain as normal, hetero relations.
This is one example of many where a revolutionary change was brought about over time by a tiny, dedicated minority pushing the idea of changing sexual mores. There was a vast array of law and custom that was overcome over many years, an inch at a time until there was nothing left of the old laws and customs at least publicly. Those who hold to the old (less than 50 years) ideas about marriage/sex are publicly vilified on TV, film and entertainment. They went from being shown as the yardstick of normalcy to freaks living in a cave; hopeless, stupid cases.
This is a prime example of "boring from within" the institutions of education, starting at the top and working down and practicing the Christian virtue of patience, using good things for bad ends to ruin the whole edifice of education. It has been wildly successful, a new ideology replaced the old one regarding sexual morality, new ideas displacing old ones through the power of the state vs. organic, gradual, popular change over time, the essence of a truly "conservative" outlook i.e. conserving society from destruction.
non-DWL from NE.
Have a nice day.
"The teaching of ideas with the specific intent of changing existing thinking or molding young minds in a certain direction is one of the purposes of education going back to Plato, it's nothing new."
Plato discussed how to set up a state, not how to infiltrate and change an existing one. These are two quite different things. All of the institutions you mention that were supposedly infiltrated were also free to remain as they were, yet they changed. Why?
Why are new ideas adopted, and old ones discarded? Apparently you think it's just a matter of indoctrination, and that this occurs in a vacuum, apart from other developments. On the other hand if, in a changing environment, people adopt new ideas, it seems obvious (to me at least) that it's because they consider them superior to the old ones. The question then becomes why would people decide to abandon their nominal Christianity in favor of an officially atheist state that proclaimed itself in favor of such Christian ideals as universal brotherhood, love for one's neighbor, and the establishment of heaven on earth. Wasn't it just because the groundwork had been laid already? That centuries of such Christian jibber-jabber had prepared them to accept such nonsense at eternal verities? In the secular environment presented by the modern world, it was easy for the Bolsheviks to turn such preachments against tradition; just as it is easy today in the West, using the same de-Christed Christian ideals, to normalize what were previously considered deviant sexual practices. Christianity has sowed the seeds of its own destruction, and now is reaping a bitter harvest.
"A bottle of poison, merely sitting on a shelf, is no direct threat to killing someone. But if it's injected into someone, his health will become "corrupted"."
Out in the real world, as opposed to the paranoid fantasy land in which conspiracy theorists dwell, people have a choice. They can adopt new ideas, or go back to old ones, whenever they wish. If God is dead he wasn't killed by any conspiracy of men, and likewise for traditions.
"Of course they could keep on provoking Russia and then claim the inevitable clampdown is about National security, or they could hire more ISIS actors to scare everybody into asking for Martial freedoms for protection and all that, but there's only so many Tsarnaevs on speed dial at Langley."
But Alex, haven't you already said that all of that terrorist stuff was staged, all false flags? Get your stories straight, man.
What do you think I just said? Go back to Jerusalem.
How exactly can anyone be corrupted by an idea? Ideas are indestructible, so if they can corrupt merely by their existence there can be no defense. Further, for every idea that exists, the opposite idea also exists. Why aren't they all equally "corrupting"?
Study the theory and practice of revolutionary agitprop. Or psychological operations. Or information warfare. Or advertising.
The answer is: what counts is not only the idea but the tactics of its proponents. If Side "A" conducts a ruthless agitprop campaign, while Side "B" goes about business as usual, then Side "A" will gain the ascendancy. Side "B" will not realize why it was defeated until it is too late--if at all.
The principles of agitprop, etc., are well known. You can find any number of books, videos and websites about them. It's worth turning off your telescreen and instead studying them.
Re: Southern/Northern
Up north they've dealt with Negroes for decades while we southerners have dealt with them for centuries.
Carleton Putnam wrote a good book called Race and Reason. He was a pro-segregation Yankee.
From his wiki page: "The mulatto who was bent on making the nation mulatto was the real danger. His alliance with the white equalitarian often combined men who had nothing in common save a belief that they had a grudge against society. They regarded every Southerner who sensed the genetic truth as a bigot. Here were the men who needed to be reminded of the debt the Negro owed to white civilization."
"Your Government (the shadow one, not the teleprompter one) has been searching for ways to bring in martial law."
Why would they bother? At this point we're nearly completely enslaved and the masses believe they're free. What's better than that?
I'd also point out that in a SHTF scenario, say EBT cards stopped working for a week, we would not be able to maintain order without inviting the Chinese Army to provide manpower.
Plato discussed how to set up a state, not how to infiltrate and change an existing one. . . . All of the institutions you mention that were supposedly infiltrated were also free to remain as they were
Anon said
Plato, Socrates all the ancient Greek writers wrote extensively about education, yes Plato did write about the state/government too. Plato didn't write about infiltrating a state, true but Antonio Grmasci did extensively which was my point.
All of the institutions you mention that were supposedly infiltrated were also free to remain as they were, yet they changed. Why?
. . . if, in a changing environment, people adopt new ideas, it seems obvious (to me at least) that it's because they consider them superior to the old ones.
New ways were imposed from the top down regarding the one example I used, the homo agenda, with the (government) schools used as the blunt instrument working over many years. This was against the wishes of the majority of parents expressed publicly, repeatedly. The reason for the success of the "diversity" agenda was because there is a river of federal money flowing in to all government schools and that money would be cut off by judicial fiat if school districts didn't comply with consent decrees won through civil rights lawsuits such as forced busing.
The civil rights lawsuits used to desegregate schools were used as the template to sue schools for sex discrimination, handicap discrimination etc. The diversity teaching was imposed by judges after lawsuits were filed, it didn't arise from a popular groundswell of parents demanding homosexual education for their children.
Likewise gay marriage was imposed by judges, there was no popular groundswell from the people demanding it. In Massachusetts, the first state with gay marriage a state supreme court judge, originally from S. Africa where she had campaigned against apartheid issued the ruling making gay marriage legal. The corrupt legislature wouldn't allow a popular referendum on the question because it would have lost badly angering the powerful, wealthy, hostile elite who had imposed their agenda through the courts.
In no case, immigration, section 8, gay marriage, school busing, "diversity" in schools etc. was there a groundswell of support for these things, the majority has been opposed and has voted with their feet by removing themselves from diversity whenever financially possible.
Many parents can't afford to send their children to private schools because of crushing tax burdens and mothers are forced to work because of a lack of high paying jobs precluding home schooling. Parents' objections to school curricula are simply disregarded. The exceptions are the wealthy who can and do hypocritically use their money to insulate themselves from diversity while advocating it.
I don't believe anything in human affairs occurs in a vacuum but it's impractical to list all the different forces acting over decades to bring about the current state of affairs.
Do you actually believe there is no diversity agenda in the U.S ? That news reporting has been unbiased and honest for decades ? That colleges/universities aren't thoroughly culturally Marxist and that gender studies, ethnic studies, critical race theory etc. aren't directed at completely changing the U.S. and are inveterately hostile to white males?
I'm not sure what you mean by your attack on Christianity. If you are referring to Russia in 1917 which is what I was referring to that is a prime example of a tiny, hostile minority, the Soviet Communist Party, using the terror of the state to destroy Christianity in one of the most Christian nations on earth. Read a biography of Alexander Solzhenitsyn (sp ?) by Joseph Pearce or others or Solzhenitsyn's own works for his description of the uprooting of Christianity, it wasn't "the will of the people".
non-DWL from NE.
The Last of The Mohicans wins the argument. Hands down!
Yes there has been social engineering in this country for decades and it's ramping up everyday. To be clear, social engineering is everything Non-DWL from NE typed and probably more.
Everyone should know by now what they fund. It makes it hard to get up and go to work everyday.
Scot Irish
"New ways were imposed from the top down ... This was against the wishes of the majority of parents expressed publicly, repeatedly."
That's just the way modern governments work. The USSA has never been a direct democracy. You must remember that the changes came to pass gradually, through elected representatives, in nearly all cases white men. These white men were free to allow things to remain as they were, but they didn't. They could have been voted out of office or even arrested and hanged by an outraged populace, but they weren't.
"I don't believe anything in human affairs occurs in a vacuum but it's impractical to list all the different forces acting over decades to bring about the current state of affairs."
If you start to list them then I think you'll see why changes were adopted. Many paths lead back to fundamental cultural premises of universal brotherhood, racial egalitarianism, tolerance, free will, love of one's neighbor, and all that other antiracist rot supported and reinforced at every turn by Christianity. Other reasons were technical. The technological system has been making demands on people and modifying our genetics since the invention of agriculture. Destruction of race is part of this. For example, earlier, on another thread, I mentioned Lincoln changing his mind about sending negroes back to Africa. In his last public address, he said he'd prefer them to stay and vote. Evidently he saw their potential as a Republican voting bloc. The same thing is happening today with Republicans, who assure us that Hispanics are natural Republicans and that that's why they support more immigration. These tactics play into Christian themes of racial egalitarianism and universal brotherhood, are also politically shrewd. True, they demographically doom the white race in N. America, but that's a small matter to raceless Christians, who happily inhabit a state that has racelessness as official state policy. These politicians aren't forced by any conspiracy to do what they do. Most of them are white and bear the white race no conscious ill will. Their reasons are technical, a side effect of the way politics is transacted.
"I'd also point out that in a SHTF scenario, say EBT cards stopped working for a week, we would not be able to maintain order without inviting the Chinese Army to provide manpower. "
Good point. Just stopping EBT would probably cause enough disorder to justify martial law.
Overall, only an idiot would believe that the federal government, after a century and a half of trying to diminish any vestige of white racial consciousness, suddenly is changing course and trying to provoke a race war. If they wanted to impose martial law, there are easier, better ways.
"Study the theory and practice of revolutionary agitprop. Or psychological operations. Or information warfare. Or advertising. "
This doesn't really address the question of why the opposing idea fails. Each side, the status quo and the forces of change, has its own methods of fighting. States and institutions aren't exactly defenseless, are they? No, all power is actually concentrated in them. They should be able to resist and remain as they are, but they won't if they see some advantage in changing.
People can be manipulated by advertising to the extent they allow themselves to be. If they allow it, it's because they want to be manipulated.
At night the Zombies come out.
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