Stephen: Some kind of instinct. Memory of what they used to do. This was an important place in their lives.
Such is the dialogue from one of the 1970s better movies, Dawn of the Dead, as the protagonists hover above the Monroeville Mall, trying to find a place to survive the zombie apocalypse.
A refuge for the remnants of civilization to survive.
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The mall where 1978's Dawn of the Dead was filmed, Monroeville Mall, was the home of massive black riot on December 27, 2014 causing all stores to close early... |
George Romero's Dawn of the Dead was filmed at the Monroeville Mall in late 1977 and early 1978.
The plot is simple: four humans hole up in the Monroeville Mall to survive the zombie apocalypse, with civilization crumbling all around them.
Which is what makes the following story so... wonderfully poetic.
More than a 1,000 black people did what zombies did in a post-apocalyptic movie: forced the mall to close early. [Mayor: Mall brawl gives Monroeville a black eye,, 12-27-14]:
Waves of teenagers rushed from one fight to another. Store managers closed their doors to shield employees and scared shoppers. Monroeville police asked for help from other departments to quell brawls stemming from a thousand-teen flash mob gone violent.
Merchants at Monroeville Mall described the chaos that enveloped the shopping center Friday night as being unlike anything they had seen and questioned why it took mall management and police until 8:30 p.m. to decide to close the place down.
“It just escalated,” Keith Simmons, manager of Shoe Dept. Encore, said Saturday. “You could see it coming around 5 p.m.”
Monroeville police Chief K. Douglas Cole said closing the mall was no small feat.
“How many entrances do you think there are to the mall? It took 40 minutes to clear the facility. I think the mall did a great call when they made the call. I don't think it was too early or too late,” he said.
Police don't know what caused the chaos, Cole said. Video posted on social media Friday and Saturday showed mainly young black women fighting, and witnesses holding phones in the air, recording every motion.
Officers were called to break up a fight about 5 p.m., Cole said. They responded at least two or three more times, and at that point, officers stayed and requested support from neighboring departments.
Police haven't seen anyone making online threats leading up to the brawls, he said.“We are seeing messages that they were going to the mall, to meet at the mall type of messages,” Cole said.
The number of altercations is in flux, because many were broken up by security before they were reported to police, Cole said. The fights escalated into a final melee.
Police reported no arrests Friday or as of Saturday evening. At least two males suffered injuries that police did not believe to be life-threatening. One boy, injured about 5:30 p.m., went to Children's Hospital for treatment. Another male, injured about 8 p.m., went to AHN Forbes Hospital.
The only reported damage was to a free-standing kiosk.
Monroeville Mall spokeswoman Stacey Keating said mall management started to advise merchants at 8:30 p.m. to close their doors.
By then, Simmons had long shut his employees and patrons in. Other stores followed.“I don't know why they didn't get a grip on it earlier,” he said.
Cole doesn't believe that the mob gathered in protest against police brutality, as had happened at other malls between Thanksgiving and Christmas. He wonders whether the fights started over something small. Other city officials agree.
“These things sometimes have the most simple, stupid starts to them,” said Ron Harvey, a Monroeville councilman and fire chief. “Weird situations between young people can tip this stuff off.”
The mall opened to slow traffic Saturday, and by mid-afternoon, it was crowded with orderly shoppers, teens and families among them.
Police increased their presence and joined the private security firm that Keating said patrols the inside and outside of the mall 24 hours per day, seven days per week, Cole said.
Monroeville Mayor Greg Erosenko said that he would meet with police and mall manager Tom Gerber to discuss amping security at the 1.3 million-square-foot shopping center, which once served as the set for the 1978 horror movie “Dawn of the Dead.”
“The mall is doing so well, it's reinventing itself. This gives Monroeville a black eye. There was no reason for any of that activity last night,” Erosenko said.
The Monroeville brawl was not the only one on the day after Christmas, a traditionally busy day for mall shoppers looking for deals and returning unwanted gifts. The Sacramento Bee reported that Arden Fair mall had to close early because of multiple fights among teens. The Kansas City Star and WMC Action News 5 reported Boxing Day fights at Independence Center Mall in Missouri and Wolfchase Galleria Mall in Memphis, both of which were blamed on scores of teens gathered via a social media call.
Shema Krinsky, marketing director of The Mall at Robinson, said it experienced no problems Friday or Saturday, and mall management did not make any changes to security. Ross Park Mall and South Hills Village officials did not return messages, and Century III mall officials couldn't be reached.
Monroeville Mall would have closed Friday at 10 p.m., said Cole, observing holiday hours. When the decision came down to close earlier, authorities brought in extra buses to take the teens home. At 10 p.m., the 12-screen Cinemark movie theater added in 2012 reopened in time for its late showings.
By then, Cole said, everything was quiet.
“When the buses left,” he said, “the problem left.”
I was once told that the purpose of wars was to primarily have the young men combat "enemies" rather than ransacking their own communities. I didn't believe it.
But now, I do. And I understand the concept behind it.
You know it's going to happen: Some crazy 'black power' groid is going to open fire on a gathering of white people. I don't mean like a workplace shooting - I mean like a restaurant, or a school. Will it wake people up? Who knows at this point. These creatures need to be removed from our society, that's the important point. Africa ... da muddaland. We'll be called haters, but so what? Let's get it on.
Maybe your best piece yet, Monroeville Mall, its role in Dawn of the Dead and the equivalence to this most recent negro intifada against white culture.
Negroes hate, despise and have intense jealousy for everything and anything created by white Americans. They are an intensely destructive force, chronicled in city after city. Yet we continue to pander to their violence and destruction, hoping for a peaceful end to it. It's not going to happen.
PK does his part in attempts to save his country. What are you and I doing?
A cursory study of interspecies relationships can easily explain our present dilemma of social chaos.
There are interspecies relationships that develop into life long friendships...such as between human beings and dogs. A relationship of trust and loyalty which for thousands of years has been beneficial to both species. In addition to friendship the dog has served contributed to human societies as shepherd, watch dog, baby sitter, sleigh dog (huskies), criminal detectives, soldiers, etc. Dogs are constructive members of our society. They enrich our culture.
There is the interspecies relationship between human beings and cats. A bond of affection. And both species benefit. In addition to being a friend and a companion, for thousands of years the cat has served human societies as an exterminator of rodents. And cats are now common additions to nursing homes as companions to the elderly and also to those with dementia. Cats are constructive members of our society. And they, in their own peculiar way, also enrich our culture.
There is the interspecies relationship between humans and horses. A bonding...and a friendship...where both species serve the needs of each other. In years past, horses were crucial in farming and in keeping distant human societies cohesive (travelling by horse markedly decreased travel time).
Then there are the interspecies relationships that have been and still are adverse and predatory. Wolves, tigers, lions, rattlesnakes, etc. are not integrated into the fabric of human societies for a reason. They are dangerous to humans. It's just part of their nature.
Then there is the interspecies relationship between the homo sapiens Eurasian and the homo sapiens africanus. Throughout history it has not been harmonious. It has been filled with conflict and violence. And when the two species are forced to live in the same environment, chaos and violence erupts. The two different species are best kept apart.
I am incognito tonight. But you all know me well. Who am I?
Just saw a great response to one of my remarks from January 5th:
D'Won Mocha Messiah was the logical culmination of that which went on before - a fact completely lost on the portion of the idiocracy who continues to hope in the Gay Old Pedos for another round of "opposition".
This is the essence of the problem. The American Eagle was born with a birth defect -- two left wings! Earlier you asked why whites don't oppose a system that is killing them. The short answer is that to oppose the system, they'd have to make a stand outside of it, but there is literally no place to stand. America has no right wing, never did. Communism was always much more amenable to its underlying cultural premises of racial equality and universal brotherhood than fascism. Nothing is in lower repute among the American people than racism and fascism, unless perhaps it is anarchism. Everyone is against promoting disorder within the system. They love the system, even though it is killing them. It may be a death camp, but it's THEIR death camp, built with their own hands, and they're very proud of it.
That sums it up pretty nicely. The old dialectic flim-flam: Thesis - antithesis = synthesis. Someone once called it the Hegelian Mambo, a dance which only moves to the left. So, is the root of the problem Christianity, or the "Enlightenment" perversion thereof? Was the dance going on before the 18th century, or is that overstating the case?
You were told wrong. First these aren't young men they are animals. Second most of us once upon a time lived in an all white community and this would have never even crossed our minds. Last, wars are meant to kill off the best and the brightest of the nations. Who goes to war? Honorable,intelligent,patriotic men. Who doesn't go to war? Cowards, physically handicaped and deformed, or the worst the nation has to offer stays home.
“When the buses left,” he said, “the problem left.”
Rosa Parks was a terrorist and here is the proof.
"I was once told that the purpose of wars was to primarily have the young men combat "enemies" rather than ransacking their own communities. I didn't believe it.
But now, I do. And I understand the concept behind it.
January 7, 2015 at 8:14 PM"
What?! This was negro SOWS settling scores and working out who was going to be head Alpha Breeder. This has nothing to do with human males (or females) and their upbringing.
Switzerland is able to keep in check all their young men just fine and their society is stable and without War. They practice defensive war only and get along in a conservative, traditional society.
In this case, the Liberal pets got out without a leash and frightened the humans. Once they were trucked back to their cages, peace resumed.
No negros, know Peace.
White Homeland!
I am commening here because my comment on Amren was "removed". For what reason? I don't know. I said that enough is enough, vis a vis, diversity. I said that diversity is a dead end for Whites. I mentioned that poor Whites were ignored, in favor of Blacks and Asians. I pointed out the despicable treatment of "lower class" Whites in England, and the sexual grooming that has been ignored. I asked, is this White genocide primarily directed against lower class Whites? Why are our so called "lower class" WHITES being reduced to disposable tissues? When, in fact, did our European hearts cease beating for our European family?
I live twenty miles or so from that mall. (lucky Me right?)
Anyway this is the 6th or 7th time this has happened. The Marxist media just won't inform the public of these black-outs over the years. Your family getting trapped in the way of the feral black race has no importance to "The Cause." But then again that's the Marxist way now isn't it? I haven't stepped foot inside that black carnival like mall in 2 decades since I was in high school. Like most of us "Who can see" I just go to the White mall up north. (something about the north that young blacks don't like?)
P.S. Still fighting this damned FLU two weeks later.
Can't these dumb kids at least film videos horizontally and not vertically? Where's Spike Lee when you need him
Negroes, or Civilization?
Your choice...
You'd need WWI-style massive infantries facing off with each other to cull the negro herd nowadays. Ain't gonna happen. War is hi tech now.
Honestly, some form of repatriation is the only answer one can come up with. Everything else is a band aid on a gushing head wound. My guess is that the awakening masses will do what they always have historically done and elect a strong man to handle the problem. It will not be pretty, but it will be necessary.
Hold the parents accountable. Ok, yeah I know. Hold the mothers (or grandmothers or "untees" who are their guardians while mom is in prison) accountable.
Take away their welfare, food stamps, and Section 8. First offense, 6 months. Second offense, 1 year. Third offense, lifetime ban.
Mass transit is the proverbial double-edged sword. Yeah, it's a cheap, convenient alternative for transportation, but that means groids in huge numbers.
I don't really know anything about George Romero's opinions on race or politics, but others use the word zombies as a euphemism for the urban (i.e., black) welfare recipients who will revert to cannibalism when America's fiat currency collapses, which I expect just about the time I'd hoped to settle into a comfortable retirement. Unfortunately, the real zombies will be considerably more agile and somewhat better organized than Romero's zombies. Perhaps the zombies are doing us a favor by giving us a preview of what they'll be doing in the impending apocalypse.
Swing low, sweet city bus, coming for to carry teens home with you.
Blacks have always had a very strong desire for attention which many people sacrcastically refer to as "looksatme!" behavior. It encompasses everything from wearing outlandish and clownish outfits to talking at excessive volume in public venues. Even the well known and varying degrees of disruptive behavior in stores and restaurants known as the "chimpout" is an expression of the looksatme syndrome.
In a sense, their behavior is similar to howler monkeys in that the loudest monkey gets the most attention and thus the competition begins in earnest.
Cell phone camera's have simply thrown gas on the fire as negroes can now record their antics for later enjoyment. Even those involved have no shame and, to the contrary, actually revel in the attention.
You can rest assured that the negroes involved in the mall brawl are sitting at home reviewing the film clips, laughing about it all and those that feature the most prominently have gained "status" amongst the "troop." That, of course, will inspire others to try even harder (for more attention for themselves)thus leading to more displays of howler monkey type behavior.
"Looksatme" is what it's all about.
I am incognito tonight. But you all know me well. Who am I?
Johnny See says "Hi, Pat." Apologies if its another long time poster, but its a great bit of info there. Thanks for sharing and I wholeheartedly agree.
Multiculturalism the insane belief that not only is it acceptable to put a teaspoon of manure in a gallon of vanilla ice cream, but also that doing so improves both the ice cream and the manure.
I have always felt that commercial real estate was the key to the lock so to speak in the wake of destruction that this blog chronicles.
Eventually large retailers and investors are going to tire of seeing their investments go down the tubes, and will band together in a local form to oppose zoning and bus lines of welfare negroes who destroy their properties and investments.
There is a grocery store in a nearby city that at one time was quite nice. I stop in frequently because it is near my workplace.
It is located off of an intersection of two major thoroughfares and is surrounded by lower middle class smaller type homes, and a few apartment complexes. This in an area that while not "rich" had always had safe neighborhoods, a couple of nice schools, and a blue collar working class family could live a very comfortable life. (PK's Halloween blog a few months back made me think of this neighborhood and its destruction.)
At any rate, the nice Christian community of this town (who are mostly affluent and overwhelmingly white) approved a housing complex for about 500 displaced Katrina refugees, and of course, plopped it down nowhere near their nice sub-divisions, but rather smack dab in the middle of this non-wealthy but still white part of town. It is absolutely disgusting what has happened in less than 10 years, and this grocery store is at the center of the destruction.
Seeing the Mike Brown videos, the Canfield Green complex looks virtually identical to the one I am talking about. Large groups of "unarmed teens" walk around through people's yards and the middle of the street at all hours of the night, congregate on street corners, throw loud parties, police cars make frequent visits, and every store in the area is overrun with them. One by one, the stores have closed and empty, overgrown lots now stand. Many houses are vacant, with for sale/for rent signs, etc... One of the previously nice schools has been converted to an "alternative school."
You get the picture.
With these shopping mall fights happening all of the time, etc... What is the breaking point? When do the commercial real estate groups join the fight?
“Weird situations between young people can tip this stuff off.”
"Young people"? Sorry but when I was in high school and began to have friends of driving age the local mall was a big hangout spot. We wandered around trying to meet girls, ate some gross fast food, and perhaps bought a cassette tape at the music store.
In my 99.9% white area I never once saw even a fistfight between two people. The African elephant looms in the corner for all to see.
In order to fully understand the negro mindset (an oxymoron, I know)one must first study the negro in its natural habitat. For most, this means putting oneself into danger, as visiting the hood while being white is akin to a death sentence. Instead, I propose a visit to the monkey cage at the zoo. Note how there is always a dominant, alpha male who directs the other males. The alpha male chooses which female he is to have sex with (in negroland, this would be Al Sharpton). The surrounding monkeys, while not flinging poo at one another, will watch and wait while the alpha male proceeds doing his "bidness". In much the same way, the young negro buck follows the dictates of Al Sharpton and the other negro alphas, knowing they'll eventually get their turn at the prone females in their natural habitat. If monkeys had cocaine and Miller Hi Life, we would get an even more accurate portrait of the negro and what he values in life. (hint- it ain't education and safe skoos)
Gwoobus Harmon said...I have always felt that commercial real estate was the key to the lock so to speak in the wake of destruction that this blog chronicles.
Eventually large retailers and investors are going to tire of seeing their investments go down the tubes, and will band together in a local form to oppose zoning and bus lines of welfare negroes who destroy their properties and investments.
The businesses that occupy that commercial (retail) real estate may count on the bus lines for employees and paying customers. Commercial landlords count on those businesses.
I am not really sure what you mean "oppose zoning".
As has been stated here before by others, perhaps affected businesses should switch to a private membership model.
Goobus Harmon sez:
"With these shopping mall fights happening all of the time, etc... What is the breaking point? When do the commercial real estate groups join the fight?"
I think we are witnessing the end, for better or worse, of the commercial shopping mall. Or commercial whatever at this stage of the game. Negroes have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they cannot handle being in white society. Instead of the white idea of going to a restaurant for brunch (god forbid), instead the negro is more accustomed to breaking off a tree branch, tearing off the leaves, dipping the twig into an ant hole, and sucking the ants/bugs off the twig. You must remember, to the negro, this is the way the world works. The world of table cloths, napkins, eating utensils are as foreign to them as a beaver wearing swimming togs and a bathing cap.
The future, as I see it, is all mail order. Take Amazon, for instance. Love it or hate it, it's the wave of the future. How much more pleasurable is it to find what you want to purchase on line and have it delivered to your home? Save gas, save wear and tear on your nerves, not having to worry about getting pulled into a chimpout melee. Dining out will be seen as foreign in the future as taking a horse and buggy into town to get replacement wicks for your candles. It's no longer a white world, my friends. The keys to the kingdom are now in the hands of the groid. He values civilization not. Witness the calls for "justice" for an imaginary hero by the name of Mike Brown, who again, din do nuffins, and was unreasonably sacrificed on the altar of diversity. The negro will not be satisfied until he has torn down, burned, and looted what remains of white civilization. It has been so ordered by our beloved Simian-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama. His comrades and fellow Muslims have already succeeded in terrorizing Paris and knocking off two of their cops. It's gonna be a long, slow descent into hell, and the negroes are laughing all the way to their local Social (in)Security/Disability/Welfare/Gibsmuhmoreobdat office. Prepare accordingly.
This is absolutely spot on! Everything you said is correct. Always on the look out for women, ate food court... Which was good not gross, though. Bought a cassette tape. Yep! I, like you, never saw a fight in the mall. Not to say there weren't any.
Oh what a better time it was. I have gotten to the point I do not want to see a black face in my vicinity!!! After growing up in a metro area suburb and seeing it grow dark with mayhem... I hate seeing a dark face near me. Diversity, what a failed social expirement!
Hello Lost-in-Miami here:
Repatriation is not going to happen . . . who would take them? Just tie prosperity to a lack of children. That's how they got the White population to crash. Well in the case of the Homo-Africanus-NorthAmericus that would mean tying welfare to birth control. We're paying them to have babies. If you subsidize wheat, you get wheat . . . If you subsidize Jungle-Bunnies you get Jungle-Bunnies. Just make it so, if the She-Boons want welfare they take Nor-Plant . . . Want more welfare get their tubes tied . . . after a young Buck's first felony offense offer 5 years off your sentence if you get sterilized. Our Boogie problems will be all but over in 20 years. Attack the fertility, that's how they controlled the Love-Bugs in Florida. Now-a-days you just get a few of those critters smashed on your windshield. 30 years ago they would coat your windshield and clog your radiator after 100 miles on the Turnpike. It's a viable plan . . .
Police don't know what caused the chaos, Cole said.
Memo to Monroeville police Chief K. Douglas Cole: it was blacks who caused the chaos in the mall. Blacks! Understand? Blacks! Those black people you see every day being brought into your police station in handcuffs and binders, charged with assault, murder, armed robbery. Blacks!
The same blacks who conduct driveby shootings and flashmobs. Blacks! Blacks who have trashed your city's schools and neighborhoods and now shopping malls.
Did I mention it was blacks? If not, just remember that one word: blacks!
Video posted on social media Friday and Saturday showed mainly young black women fighting, and witnesses holding phones in the air, recording every motion.
Just think of all the street cred these women will get for destroying another of YT's institutions. I am sure World Star Hip Hop (or whatever they call it) will see a surge in postings and viewings. Perhaps Chief Cole could watch these videos, apply some deduction, and then sleuth out the answer to the cause of the chaos: blacks!
"With these shopping mall fights happening all of the time, etc... What is the breaking point? When do the commercial real estate groups join the fight?
January 8, 2015 at 7:43 AM"
Ah! My area of expertise.
We never will.
Our job is to assist the buyer or seller in purchasing an investment. Some people like very conservative portfolios and so purchase land that Jiffy Lube's are sitting or or a series of Duplex's. They make money for decades.
The builders are the "pie in the sky" guys, turning raw land into Mall's or apartment complexes which they think will make money forever (as well as bring in cash flow forever, but let's leave that aside for a moment).
Starting in the fifties, the Board of Realtors and followed closely by Government Regulations, began to destroy the ability for a Realtor or a client to ask/discuss/inquire about race in any respect. Realtors like me are fully imbibed in the Multi-culti Kool-aid language. Not because we believe it, but because you can be professionally destroyed by even mentioning race as a negative.
Sellers or buyers can use a unguarded comment to file a complaint to yank your license if a deal doesn't go their way or simply to try to give you a "commissionectomy".
If you were a Doctor or Dentist and mentioning that you don't treat negros would have your AMA license pulled, you would shut up and deal with negros. Same with Commercial Real Estate people. We may not have them as clients, but we NEVER mention Africans as a negative in respect to commercial property. We might say that the neighborhood is "crime-ridden" so putting a Starbucks on MLK Drive seems like a "lessor choice" than closer to the white Mormon University, or we might say that the proximity of MLK Way and that "Special School" might drive up "maintenance and Security costs" on the commercial building you want to purchase, but most of the time we are talking Triple Net properties, so the owner doesn't care as long as the rent gets paid. It's when they crash and burn that the knives come out.
A good Realtor will give you a projected demographic analysis (PDA) for the land/business/Investment property you are looking at to protect you over at least 20 years. He will go over it in carefully guarded language, advising alternatives if he feels that the targeted neighborhood is undergoing a "demographic shift" and may sport a lessor income perhaps you should wait to invest in one location or another till it "stabilizes".
A poor Realtor will nod his head and write up the contract for a little old lady on a negro nightclub with chalk lines still on the parking lot surface.
But as to Realtors getting together and "striking a blow" for truth about the black Undertow, the visible black hand and economic impact of negros or Property Rights, forget it. The TWMNBN and Squids would work overtime to destroy us. Anyone respectable or who might have credibility must be neutralized, especially in the Investment/Medical/Scientific world.
Look what they did to the Nobel Laureate Watson.
“The mall is doing so well, it's reiniggerating itself. This gives Monegroeville a black disdain. There was no reason for any of that activity last night,” Erosenigga said.
The Monegroeville brawl was not the only one on the day after black Jesus’s birthday, a traditionally busy day for swpl shoppers looking for deals and returning unwanted gifts. The Sacramento Bee reported that Arden Fair mall had to close early because of multiple fights among niggas over Air Jordans. The Kansas City Star and WMC Action News 5 reported Boxing Day fights at Independence Center Mall in Missouri and Wolfchase Galleria Mall in Memphis, both of which were blamed on scores of teens gathered via a social media call about a sale on Air Jordans.
Negrice Krispy, affirmative action hire & marketing director of The Mall at Robinson, said it experienced no black people Friday or Saturday, and mall management did not make any changes to security. Ross Park Mall and South Hills Village officials did not return messages, and Century III mall officials couldn't be reached.
Monegroeville Mall would have closed Friday at 10 p.m., said Cole, observing holiday hours. When the decision came down to close earlier, sucker white boy taxpayers funded extra buses to take the yoofs home to auntie-granmama’s house on mlk jr blvd. At 10 p.m., the 12-screen Cinemark movie theater added in 2012 reopened in time for its late showings after a cancellation of the much anticipated new tyler perry movie.
By then, Cole said, every negro was gone & everything was quiet.
“When the hokey sucker white boy taxpayer funded busses left,” he said, “the problem left.”
Police haven't seen any blacks making online threats leading up to the brawls, he said.
“We are seeing messages that ‘we’ze be goin to da mall’, ‘we’ze be meetin at da mall’ type of messages,” Cole said.
The number of altercations is astronomical, because many were broken up by hokey white boy security guards before they were reported to police, Cole said. The fights Escalade™ed into a final melee, resembling the swarms of orcs from the final battle of the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy.
Hokey white boy police reported no arrests Friday or as of Saturday evening, with most of the yoots having been evacuated to prosecution free safe zones, or safely back at auntie-granmama dindunuffin’s house. At least two male negros suffered injuries that hokey white boy police officers did not believe to be life-threatening. One niglet, injured about 5:30 p.m., went to Children's Hospital for treatment. Another male buck, injured about 8 p.m., went to AHN Forbes Hospital.
The only reported damage was to a completely looted obamaphone kiosk.
Monegroeville Mall spokeswoman Stacey Keating said mall management started to advise merchants at 8:30 p.m. to close their doors.
By then, Simmons had long shut his employees and SWPL patrons in. Other stores followed.
“I don't know why those hokey white boys didn't get a grip on it earlier,” he said.
Cole doesn't believe that the black mob gathered in protest against police brutality, as had happened at other swpl malls between Thanksgiving and Christmas. He wonders whether the fights started over something small, a phenomenon known as “diskreetspek”. Other city councilnegros agree.
“These things sometimes have the most simple, stupid starts to them,” said Ron Harvey, a Monegroeville councilnegro and fire chief, while driving by in his big important Escalade™ on his way to a big important council meeting. “Everyday situations between black people can tip this stuff off.”
The mall opened to slow traffic Saturday, and by mid-afternoon, it was crowded with orderly swpl shoppers, “teens” and hokey white families among them.
Hokey white boy police increased their presence and joined the private (pasty white) security firm that Keating said patrols the inside and outside of the mall 24 hours per day, seven days per week, Cole said.
Monegroeville Mayor Greg Erosenigga said that he would meet with police and mall manager Tom Nogber to discuss hiring more hokey white boy security at the 1.3 million-square-foot shopping center, which once served as the set for the 2014 horror scenario “Dawn of the Obama Sons.”
I found an abridged version, (just replace the instances of the word "yoot" with "black" and reread!)
Waves of Blacks rushed from one fight to another. Hokey white boy store managers closed their doors to shield employees and scared white people. Monegroeville police asked for help from other departments to quell brawls stemming from a thousand-black flash mob gone violent.
Merchants at Monegroeville Mall described the chaos that enveloped the shopping center Friday night as being unlike anything they had seen and questioned why it took mall management and police until 8:30 p.m. to decide to close the place down.
“It just escalated,” Keith Simmons, hokey white boy manager of Air Jordan Dept. Encore, said Saturday. “You could see the darkness coming around 5 p.m.”
Monegroeville police Chief K. Douglas Cole said closing the mall was no small feat.
“How many entrances do you think there are to the mall? It took 40 minutes to clear the wildlife. I think the mall did a great call when they made the call. I don't think it was too early or too late,” he said.
Police don’t know what caused the chaos, Cole said. Video posted on Black-twitter Friday and Saturday showed mainly young black she-boons fighting, and nogs holding obamaphones in the air, recording every twerking motion.
Animal control officers were called to break up a fight about 5 p.m., Cole said. They responded at least two or three more times, and at that point, hokey white boy officers stayed and requested support from suburban departments.
RexHymens here:
Ah yes, "young people", "teens" did this mob violence.
Interestingly enough when I was a "teen" in the 80's we spent a LOT of fime at the malls, and nothing like this EVER happened.
That's because there were no negroes at the mall, and if there was one or two, they knew DAMN well to behave or the security guards would take them down and they would be BANNED from the mall.
These chimpouts are the direct result of white guilt, political correctness and the media treatment for traycoon and the Gentle Giant Ape.
The negroes feel as though they can do as they please and NOBODY can stop them, because RAYSISS!!! will mean whoever stops them will lose their careers, freedom, and safety.
This is ALL the snowballing effects that started in the 60's.
Thanks, hippies.
Sounds like something Pat Boyle would write. In any event, very thoughtful and well written. Well done.
PA is a right to carry state.
One day someone will be fearing for their life during one of these feral picnic outings, and then they'll be calling for more gun control.
Jail if you do, dead if you don't.
I should not even have to think twice about it.
The bloodless coup part of the second bolshevik revolution is over and now we enter the rivers of gore part of the fundamental transformation.
I can't really feel bad for a society that voted for its own destroyer, sure the Somalis and Mexcrements helped Hussein the Rat win the second time but there were enough DWL scrunt votes to push him over the finish line.
The Kwanstain is about to learn a hard lesson about electing a radical revolutionary to Dear Leader.
The Germans learned this hard lesson 70 years ago. After the war the Allies put up huge billboards with an excerpt of an Adolf Hitler speeech about fundamental transformation outside the rubble heaps formerly known as cities.
It will be the same here but the signs will be in Mandarin or Cyrillic after the Kenyan rat gives the green light to his teammates in Russia and China to invade after the hybrid civil/race war is well underway.
Enjoy it...your comrades voted for it and support it.
O/T but still on point, as the story goes.....
Yet another business suffers the same fate in what Ameerika ever so
seemingly feels like it will ultimately suffer at the hands of a no
other more lethal strain of the Ameerikanized blaque plague........
The so surreal cancer has stuck one of our own yet once again......
What gives ?
Well at the rate we're going it seems as if everything WILL give,
but only with no choice of our own. Because they have been granted
the wish to just take, take, take, you inevitably will continue to
be forced to give, give, give. This time around it just happens to
be in the form of another business that must pay the ultimate lethal
fate of being touched by the hands of the devil.
"Coming Attractions Bridal & Formal store in Akron, Ohio announced
it's closure this week after it never recovered from its association
with Ebola. amBer viNson, a Dallas nurse, was diagnosed with the virus
days after visiting the store in Akron, Ohio in October. Owner Anna Younker,
who has been in business for 30 years, said her shop has become known as the
'Ebola store'. The owner said it was also a 'slap in the face' that Miss Vinson
asked for a refund on her bridesmaid dresses."
Read more here:
The same thing happened at Castleton Square mall just west of Indianoplace last weekend.
They have a bus stop up there so the poor downtrodden noble magic negro can take his/her hard earned EBT money to the toney white mall in a northern suburb.
We wouldn't want anyone denied their right to loot and riot in the precious equalocracy of the Kwanstain.
Why don't you believe in religion when we have the christ messiah as dear leader.
Hussein the Immaculate is the reincarnation of the christ messiah and if you don't think so then you are wayciss!
10mm Auto sez:
" poor Realtor will nod his head and write up the contract for a little old lady on a negro nightclub with chalk lines still on the parking lot surface."
When I purchased my home in the town in which I now live, I knew I'd have to guard my words about the type of neighborhood I wanted to live in, so I said repeatedly, "The neighborhood is much, much more important to me than the house....I'd rather live in a cardboard box in a good neighborhood than a palace in a bad neighborhood."
Amazingly, one of the first homes he showed me was a townhouse in the suburbs whose inhabitants were....wait for it.....groids! Said to myself, "He just doesn't get it, does he?"
It happened that a friend of mine knew of a property for sale in his neighborhood and directed it to my attention. I insisted the realtor take me there. Great neighborhood, smaller, older, in-need-of rehab, condo (I'm still there after almost 19 years. Neighborhood is starting to turn, but that's another story for another day) Anyhow, I said to the realtor, "THIS is what I want!" He shook his head at me in disbelief and said, "I wish you'd just told me that from the beginning!" To this day, I don't know if I wasn't blatant enough (didn't want to appear prejudice) or he was too dim-witted understand what I wanted.
On another topic, someone on this thread gave a spot-on comment, to the effect of: "Who are you gonna get mad at, the scorpions being dumped in your yard or the one who is dumping the scorpions?"
Around the web, I see many, many commenters pissed off at Muslims and their violent ways, all well and good, my friends, but what exactly BROUGHT THEM HERE? To be even more precise, ***WHO***brought them here (in addition to bringing groids here? I'll not answer, for fear that my comment will be banned. But at least THINK about it. Go ahead and hate negroes and/or Muslims. I'm not a fan either. But concentrate for just a few moments on exactly WHO the enemy is in all this. In 1965, the floodgates of Hell were unleashed in the U.S. by none other than Teddy Kennedy. Who was behind Teddy, a boozer and philanderer, pulling the strings? The answer might surprise you. Certainly a worthwhile study.
I haven't went to a mall since the local one installed a small police department 20 years ago.
Funny how the bus stop from nigtown coincided with the decline of the mall that is now nearly all boarded up.
It's amazing what authorities will say in order to not state the obvious. I wonder if they will ever realize how stupid they look when they come up with their excuse for black behavior ?
Just wait till all the police are disarmed.
It will start in shithole dumps like New Yawk City and Jokeland then go nationwide.
The disarmament of the citizens will follow.
The elite French anti-terrorists cops on bicycles with a can of mace will come to save you. (not really)
Let's just call it " Howler Monkey Syndrome" LMFAO!
Mark Twain once said: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."
Ain't dat da' dog gone truff !!! Nowutimsayincuz ? Sheeit !!
I don't curr, I just wants ta b able 2 smoke mah swishers
n muh-dik meeself at all dat booty I's be hittin, nah mean ?
I ain't gots ta get no job, dis all mah sheeit here. It's like
I'm rich, bytch !
And yeah, they are rich, rich from lavishing off YT until
the end of time.
Den we's gonna be lavishing off our own, nah mean,
till dere b nuthin left fo nobody. I don't curr.
Me's just happy dat YT does. He be currin fo me, too.
Ahhh, livin' lyfe offa YT. Dees be grand. We bees allowed
to fashion our TNB wit absolutely no impunity. We can loot,
cheat, steal, rob, carjack, kidnap, murder n errythang else
we likes ta do cuz our puppet kenyan leader b told ta orda
dem po-leece ta stand down. It's a FREE-FOR-ALL of us.
Deez r some of da bestest dayz fo da great blaque man,
n our womenz too. I cants wait fo da weatha ta brake,
cuz its b tyme fo me to take, take, take.....
10mm AUTO said...Look what they did to the Nobel Laureate Watson.
In case you (or others) did not know, Watson's nobel prize medal recently sold at auction for $4.1M. The Russian tycoon who purchased it plans to return it to him.
My friends I loved going to the mall when we were teenagers the worst thing we ever did was sneak into movies. Lol this was our teenage rebellion. Nobody got hurt and no property damage. Its nothing like todays undertow.
Could have been Bannister Mall in Kansas city. It closed and was leveled for the same reason. 25 years from opening to a fenced in dirt lot.
This is an awesome idea! This is a solution that will solve many problems. I like it.
“Weird situations between young people can tip this stuff off.”
As a former resident of a black majority city, I agree entirely.
As a current resident of a lily white, yet slowly being negrofied area, seriously?
I've lived in both worlds. Have a fight, in a mall, filled with whites, you have A (singular), fight. Have a fight in an environment with blacks, you have a full blown melee.
What's the difference? Simple; the brain is. The 14 year old white teenager (an idiot), is still smart enough to say "maybe I shouldn't do this", the 14 year old stone aged distal human, well, "WORLDSTAR!!!".
For those that see; please have at least 3 children. You're going to need them for defense when you're old. The hispanics will only protect themselves from our vibrant diversity.
Be as logical as you want but it won't stop the end of Amerikwanstain.
The BRA banana republik has no future and neither does any YT that lives in it.
Don't be an ostrich accept this reality and learn to deal with it accordingly.
Gwoobius Harmon ("With these shopping mall fights happening all of the time, etc... What is the breaking point? When do the commercial real estate groups join the fight?"), let me echo 10mm Auto and others. Don't hold your breath. It ain't gonna happen.
Think back - how many times have others claimed this or that industry was purely profit driven, and didn't do things for ideological reasons? A prime example is "conservative" (aka right liberal and very Jewish) Michael Medved. He's argued for decades that Hollywood's war on America (about which he even wrote a book) was purely financial. Yet anyone with eyes to see (or google) can easily find loads of data showing that the most "family-friendly" and least ideological leftist movies make more money. The anti-US military movies are not profit makers, but they keep churning them out.
Sure, they love $$ - but what drives them, what truly motivates them, is anti-White, anti-Western, and anti-Christian animus. In the long run, that's far more important to them than money. Of course they won't admit it . . . hell, they often don't even see it! Honest introspection is not a particular feature of the left, after all. The motivator is there, nonetheless, and proves a far more logical and reliable predictor of behavior than pure economic interests.
Take the opposite tack - some lefty social scientist/economist (there's no real difference nowadays) wrote a book called "What's The Matter With Kansas?" which examined how conservatives technically vote "against" their own best economic interests. People are not mere economic animals, however. Community and racial/religious commonality matter a whole lot more. This is something my husband and I have learned to our cost. We let ourselves be nudged into an up and coming, "upscale" suburb which, after far too many years, we LOATH. We'd be much happier in a blue collar, primarily WHITE locale, and are on the lookout for the right place as soon as we have the werewithal to get out of here.
Don't "follow the money" in this case - it's a fool's errand.
Who Am I, that was a terrific post, one of the best I have read on this site.
Bravo Zulu!
Who are you? Give us a hint.
8.) From Daily Kos:
What if all of the religious nuts were bashing the second coming of their Christ and they didn’t even know it? Fathered by a Kenyan Muslim profit (OMFW) who left after his task was done. To seed a woman who in the heartland of America(a country who THAT “is losing its way”). Then takes him on a journey of awaking across the world, then back home to spread the word of the lord through a process of education an then actions in the community. The bible says “the lord shall come as a man whom blind followers will not see”.
10mm AUTO, thanks for the look behind the scenes in the realty business. Amazing, isn't it, how BRA makes telling the truth about buying property into a thoughtcrime.
I started to wonder why would they have a major chimpout in the mall? Why don't they just chimpout in their own neighborhoods? Well, I'm getting older now and I reckon I'm more susceptible to brainfarts than I used to be.
I'm sure they chimpout in their own neighborhoods but nobody gives a crap. They have to go where the white people are so someone will pay attention. Maybe even make the evening news.
I'm sure they'll continue going to white areas and chimping out, assaulting and robbing the white people so they'll make the news and maybe make a few bucks. They'll also satisfy their own "looksatme" phobia.
They don't see, or refuse to see or lack the capacity to understand, the more they act like animals, the more time they're on the news, the more white people are seeing and understanding and waking up.
At least I hope people are waking up. I don't know what's going to happen, but I hope it happens soon and the repercussions are severe.
@ Who am I
Are you Elvis Hitler?
-Manglur ARmov-
BINGO! Finally some honesty...
10mm AUTO said...
But as to Realtors getting together and "striking a blow" for truth about the black Undertow, the visible black hand and economic impact of negros or Property Rights, forget it. The TWMNBN and Squids would work overtime to destroy us. Anyone respectable or who might have credibility must be neutralized, especially in the Investment/Medical/Scientific world.
If not the realtors and developers, how about the tenants themselves?
In the case I was referencing in my original comment, it is a Kroger's grocery store. You can tell that everything about it has been devalued since the influx of blacks living close by, shopping there, working there, etc... This is a store that ten years ago was top of the line!!!
The parking lot is always in disarray with trash and broken carts everywhere, there are no more outdoor plant and furnishing displays presumably because they get stolen/damaged, everything looks old within the store such as the shelving, coolers, and floors, etc... indicating that its corporate office no longer sees it worthwhile to reinvest in, the produce section is small and awful. They no longer have a florist and they close at 9 p.m.
White customers are few and far between, but sowpotamuses loaded down with soft drinks, chips, frozen crap, and junk food are everywhere, with multiple children in tow, and EBT card in hand. Police cars are in the parking lot frequently, and arrests happen constantly. The busiest section of the store is the check cashing/money order line, which is always wrapped around the entrance, making it difficult to enter the store.
This is a store that is circling the drain and will likely close in the next few years, creating a "food desert" for the nation's "underserved."
Could these commercial businesses begin to gather statistics and numbers of the economic impact that having section 8 developments placed in proximity to their stores? Then use that information to prevent them being placed near commercial zones in the future?
I cannot imagine Kroger's is happy that a once thriving and profitable store within their portfolio has been destroyed in this way. Additionally, the other neighboring smaller stores in the complex have emptied and given way to cheap cell phone stores and a weave/braid place. I don't believe that they saw this coming and would have tried to fight the building of this Katrina refugee complex down the street had they known what it would have done to the commercial properties.
I mention this, because in a different nearby city something similar is happening to another really nice grocery store whose patronage is becoming overwhelmingly black, seemingly overnight.
How do you stop the rot once it begins? Surely when million dollar plus investments start going belly up, someone would want to halt the insanity, right?
10 MM:
Starting in the fifties, the Board of Realtors and followed closely by Government Regulations, began to destroy the ability for a Realtor or a client to ask/discuss/inquire about race in any respect. Realtors like me are fully imbibed in the Multi-culti Kool-aid language. Not because we believe it, but because you can be professionally destroyed by even mentioning race as a negative.
Sellers or buyers can use a unguarded comment to file a complaint to yank your license if a deal doesn't go their way or simply to try to give you a "commissionectomy".
If you were a Doctor or Dentist and mentioning that you don't treat negros would have your AMA license pulled, you would shut up and deal with negros. Same with Commercial Real Estate people.....
This is a very interesting observation. Who was it that assumed control of the Board of Realtors, which I assume is this private business organization, founded in 1908. Interesting choice of city for their HQ. When did this happen? After Shelley v. Kraemer? Presumably the FedGov rules mainly came in during the 1964 "Great Society" (Great Leap Forward) era and the "conservative" Nixon era which followed.
The power of those great negro rocket scientists up in the mutha-ship is truly remarkable: They could set policies of private business organizations and order the government to to enforce the new rules (no freedom of association for YT) even with the jackboots of the Federal, State and local badge-gangs - though the velvet-covered mailed fist of losing all hope of making a living is usually a far more effective tool. Saul Alinsky, the Frankfurt-Schul and Antonio Gramsci are all imaginary characters created in the over-heated imaginations of the tin-foil hatters. I'll never laugh at the "Old Negro Space Program" again.
This is also an interesting example of what is known as a "bottleneck". I gather (correct me if I'm not accurate please) that one cannot become a practicing broker of real-estate (commercial or residential) anywhere in the borders of the Banana Empire unless one is a member in good-standing of the above organization (where negro-worship is a requirement) or an attorney (who are licensed under similar religious requirements). It's not like one could study the laws on your own and take a hard-facts based test, receiving a state or federal certificate upon passage to broker real-estate without being a member this organization (or one of its state-level subsidiaries), right? I do note that negroes have their own association, but as we all (well at least some of us) know, whites cannot form organizations limited to whites in the Banana Empire.
If this is true (and my basic premise could be inaccurate mind you), why then is there only a single organization of this nature? Does NAR have any competitors apart from the negro realtor association mentioned? Is there some other controlling legal authority (a phrase from the profit himself) who makes the determination, or who limits the establishment of such organizations to approved ones only (sort of like public-sector unions)? NAR and its members have long been key players and beneficiaries of the BRA looting racket, so a logical strategic question (this being different than the moronic "strateegery" of cheetos-eating surrender monkeys like Limbaugh) would be how to turn BRA into a major financial drain for NAR and its members.
I disagree. One of the main reasons both my mother and father (both served in the navy) discouraged me from enlisting was the innate intelligence and skepticism they saw in me. They knew I couldn't be broken down and re-molded. They knew my potential would be wasted. That being said, I respect all the people who made the decision to serve whether it be family tradition, perceived patriotic duty, or just cause it pays better than 7eleven. But the fact of the matter is being "the best" or "the brightest" has never been a requirement to serve in the military. I have met bright vets and I have met not so bright vets, some of which were unsettlingly not so bright. The godfather of gangsta rap "ICE-T" (the one on law&order) served in the military, and guess what side of this fracas he's on. America is dead, my only goal is surviving this genocide.
Whoops Castleton Square mall is north of Indianoplace.
It is ostrich city up there with rainbow unicorns and chocolate fountains where we are all equal and race is a capitalis pig construct made up by the man.
In otherwords no place that I would ever venture.
Forgive me if I'm repeating myself but can't remember if I posted already. My question was whether the recent black film remake just released of the famous comic strip had anything to do with these teens gathering?
Were they there to see Jamie Foxx in "Little Orphan Orangat-Annie"?
The bloodless coup part of the second bolshevik revolution is over and now we enter the rivers of gore part of the fundamental transformation. I can't really feel bad for a society that voted for its own destroyer, sure the Somalis and Mexcrements helped Hussein the Rat win the second time but there were enough DWL scrunt votes to push him over the finish line.
The Kwanstain is about to learn a hard lesson about electing a radical revolutionary to Dear Leader. The Germans learned this hard lesson 70 years ago. After the war the Allies put up huge billboards with an excerpt of an Adolf Hitler speeech about fundamental transformation outside the rubble heaps formerly known as cities. It will be the same here but the signs will be in Mandarin or Cyrillic after the Kenyan rat gives the green light to his teammates in Russia and China to invade after the hybrid civil/race war is well underway. Enjoy it...your comrades voted for it and support it.
I very much appreciate your sentiment and basically agree. Mittens the Underwear Bankster would have made zero difference though. The die was cast before this. I'm likewise skeptical of your implication that Husenigga Hussein is in league with Boss Putin. The Chinese might be on board though. How long do you think it will take the Kentucky Undertaker to ratify the already-signed UN Arms Treaty?
Few even understand why the second amendment was put there to begin with - even most of its alleged supporters. The treaty will drive a permanent stake through its heart. Treaties trump all state and federal laws and stand equal to the constitution itself. All it takes is ratification and the blackrobe rubber-stamp of approval and its over. As we've already established, there is no rule of law. Law is whatever a blackrobe declares it to be. The abolition of the second amendment will be just like that: Stroke of the pen .... law of the land. Pretty cool!
Bwahaha! Boycott this made in China crap if you haven't already:
(P.S. Nike now owns Converse now and I will never buy another pair of Chuck Taylor sneakers.)
This will be flushed down the memory hole:
welcome aboard IKU Redux, I too cant stand Amren, I too prefer this site to a lot of others.
I haven't shopped at a mall in years - even an "upscale" mall. I do, however, go to various stores that are part of a large, outdoor "mall-type" shopping area. Previously lots of Whites and too many other non-whites, but few to no blacks. Then, as diversity crept northward, little signs started appearing. Higher end merchandise started getting electronic sensors attached. Then higher-end handbags got chained. Then dressing room doors had their locks removed. Just little things, but clear-as-a-bell signs that the demographic trends were not positive. It doesn't take much if you know where to look.
1963 communist goals for the takeover of Amerikwanstain:
bernicegreenbaum said...
On another topic, someone on this thread gave a spot-on comment, to the effect of: "Who are you gonna get mad at, the scorpions being dumped in your yard or the one who is dumping the scorpions?"
Around the web, I see many, many commenters pissed off at Muslims and their violent ways, all well and good, my friends, but what exactly BROUGHT THEM HERE? To be even more precise, ***WHO***brought them here (in addition to bringing groids here? I'll not answer, for fear that my comment will be banned. But at least THINK about it. Go ahead and hate negroes and/or Muslims. I'm not a fan either. But concentrate for just a few moments on exactly WHO the enemy is in all this.
Bernice, you are my second favorite commenter here at SBPDL. You're not the kind of person to sip grape drank and nibble on shit sandwiches. You are so insightful to point out what we all should see regarding the violence from what appear to be muslims. These "muslims" killed 12 in Paris the other day in the latest eruption of violence. But who is really behind these killers?
We see this bloody violence though out the middle east and into places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. But who else lives in the middle east? And who would love to see constant, indiscriminate killing, violence, chaos and destruction all around them? Yup, but Bernice we can't name them can we? Keep up your analysis and don't eat any shit sandwiches. You will get food poisoning and you know who is behind that.
I was treated to a daily display of the full range of negro pathologies at my previous employer (which is why I don't work there anymore). I overhead a black women telling an enlightening "oral history" about her and a cpl other coons beating the shit out of a pregnant woman then justify it by stating "we din kick dat bitch in da stomach! We jus kicked da shit out her face". I saw a young buck propose sex to fat fifty something black woman with rotten teeth, he then threatened to kill her when she turned him down. I've seen black girls showing off pictures of theyre young "keeids" posing with toy guns like they're heroes. Then I heard the poor oppressed genius black mother proudly state: "he gone be a killa someday" whilst the other negros laugh and ooo wee about it. They're just like us you see!!! Goddamn I love diversity!
Anon @ 8:50 I'm not doing a goddamn thing to save a state and society that threw me and my tribe overboard 40 years ago and actively plots my destruction.
Anon @ 12:50 some Shanaynay clerk at the local big box mart (not China-Mart ever) yesterday was saying hey baby and you stay warm baby as I picked up some much needed supplies.
I paid for my shit and went on my way. I looked in the mirror and didn't see anything hey baby about it and that's how I like it.
I will never shop there again.
@ Long Island Guido
Internet high five, nice find.
Stay safe out there comrade.
Dad-763 said...
Who Am I, that was a terrific post, one of the best I have read on this site.
Bravo Zulu!
Who are you? Give us a hint
Hi Dad,
Thanks for thumbs up.
Philadelphia Mike, here. I wrote the post as "Who Am I?". I was wondering if anyone would catch on...because I always use "..." to connect my thoughts.
Where There's White, There's Hope.
Philadelphia Mike
Perfectly understandable.
The Mrs. Fields mall-store just released their latest cookie: Chocolate chimp
I was once told that the purpose of wars was to primarily have the young men combat "enemies" rather than ransacking their own communities. I didn't believe it.
A long standing justification is that military service provides an outlet for aggressive young men. But that doesn't require war, it can mean training and war games.
The Howler Monkey "looksatme" analogy is right on. One evidence of this is football. Years ago College and Pro football players just played the game with little fanfare. Now, with the simians having taken over, we have to suffer with chest beating, prancing, howling, arm flailing, break dancing, or some other annoying LOOKSATME every time they make a freakin' tackle.
No wonder many SBPDL contributors don't pay any attention anymore.
"How do you stop the rot once it begins? Surely when million dollar plus investments start going belly up, someone would want to halt the insanity, right?"
January 8, 2015 at 11:56 AM
It started 60+ years ago so it is a slow rot indeed. As far as "insanity" it's also chaos, mayhem, violence, and brutal death.
Increased Chaos is the new zeitgeist. Bless their heart.
Scot Irish
Bogolyubski said...
This is a very interesting observation. Who was it that assumed control of the Board of Realtors, which I assume is this private business organization, founded in 1908. Interesting choice of city for their HQ. When did this happen? AfterShelley v. Kraemer? Presumably the FedGov rules mainly came in during the 1964 "Great Society" (Great Leap Forward) era and the "conservative" Nixon era which followed.
This is also an interesting example of what is known as a "bottleneck". I gather (correct me if I'm not accurate please) that one cannot become a practicing broker of real-estate (commercial or residential) anywhere in the borders of the Banana Empire unless one is a member in good-standing of the above organization (where negro-worship is a requirement) or an attorney (who are licensed under similar religious requirements). It's not like one could study the laws on your own and take a hard-facts based test, receiving a state or federal certificate upon passage to broker real-estate without being a member this organization (or one of its state-level subsidiaries), right? I do note that negroes have their own association, but as we all (well at least some of us) know, whites cannot form organizations limited to whites in the Banana Empire.
If this is true (and my basic premise could be inaccurate mind you), why then is there only a single organization of this nature? Does NAR have any competitors apart from the negro realtor association mentioned? Is there some other controlling legal authority (a phrase from the profit himself) who makes the determination, or who limits the establishment of such organizations to approved ones only (sort of like public-sector unions)? NAR and its members have long been key players and beneficiaries of the BRA looting racket, so a logical strategic question (this being different than the moronic "strateegery" of cheetos-eating surrender monkeys like Limbaugh) would be how to turn BRA into a major financial drain for NAR and its members.
You have nailed it. The real problem with the whole looting scheme is pretty well summed up with NAR. And also the whole incestuous NAR and BCU and BRA relationship. Mostly facilitated by the banksters and the Republican'ocrats. The Banana Empire may be teetering on edge, but there are some things the Kentucky Undertaker can still do. That's what we need to watch. While Hussein is postulating with the Chinese, his other hand is grabbing at treaties, most of which are underwritten by TWMNBN.
So few people appear able to see the full rot of it all. Many are just cheetos-eating bandits more aligned with the Banana Republic than they are willing to certify alternate approaches. In the end we have the undertow pulling us one direction and the legal authority pushing us back. It will be interesting - and telling - to see if there is any resistance to this by the Repukes. I'm not counting on it though. Most still don't get it, nor do they understand the dynamic of who, whom and why. No one will ultimately understand this by sitting down to a plate of shit sandwiches and chatting with the Ministry of Truth.
Copy that. I grew up in a middle-class white community and never ONCE saw anything remotely resembling a fight at the mall in many years of visiting it. That just not something that we would expect to be part of our mall experience, the idea would never even have occurred to us.
Those might have not been toy guns, my friend.
*Jiffy Lubes
"So, is the root of the problem Christianity, or the "Enlightenment" perversion thereof? Was the dance going on before the 18th century, or is that overstating the case?"
I'd say it's Christianity. In classical civilization, Christians were the revolutionaries. Everyone knew it, both the government that persecuted them and the Christians too. Once they overthrew that civilization and took power themselves, then they could begin to masquerade as conservatives. But the revolutionary nature of Christianity's fundamental project has never changed. It still wishes to reshape the world according to its raceless ideals of universal brotherhood, equality, tolerance, and similar claptrap. Since the culture reflects this Christian dominance, there is simply no place for anyone opposed to these things to stand. How can you be a revolutionary in a culture that itself seeks revolutionary transformation? Only by joining it and subscribing to the same ideals. Like the Blob in the 1950s horror movie of the same name, it incorporates its adversaries, swallows them and adds them to its mass. Opponents are completely off the political spectrum, and have been for a long time.
LMFAO, that was awesome! Reminded me quite a bit of IrateIrishman. I miss him sorely.
I think that's great to hear. If it were up to the PC powers that be, Watson would die in the gutter.
And in the meat department they sell "Hog Maws", I had to ask dad what the hell was a hog maw? Never saw them in the lily white area I was born and raised in.
You are accurate today, if somewhat excessively effusive and florid. Not quite the 17th century Parisian courtier, but perhaps a rather campy Gene Wilder.
So true. The devil — quite literally — is in the details.
And bakkyball and feetsball. Not so much baseball, which requires actual thinking and strategizing.
so with the zombie apocalypse we got tons of "ziggers" outta the deal.
ain't life in murka just wonderful ?
/H hypie out H\
" military service provides an outlet for aggressive young men. But that doesn't require war, it can mean training and war games."
War is simply a business where before and after that war the VERY SAME PEOPLE on each side are still running things, see: Krupp, Daimler and Bosch of Germany and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki and Toyoda of Japan to name a few. Big business to be sure, but business all the same.
re: mikej @ 0551 2015.01.08
I'm also ignorant of George Romero's politics, but the Romero "Dead" trilogy had a "Magic Negro" in every film...
...who out-thought, out-fought the zombies and kept it together while panic-stricken, worthless and/or cowardly whites dropped like flies. In two of the three movies, they also ended up with the White girl. The only reason the first one didn't is that he was killed by the Great Redneck monster.
"I'm also ignorant of George Romero's politics but, the Romero "Dead" trilogy had a "Magic Negro" in every film. ... In two of the three movies, they also ended up with the White girl."
He's very PC. In addition to the magic negro theme, his women are as a rule shown to be much stronger than their men, while white men are nearly always depicted as weak, cowardly, and evil.
SKIP said...
" military service provides an outlet for aggressive young men. But that doesn't require war, it can mean training and war games."
War is simply a business where before and after that war the VERY SAME PEOPLE on each side are still running things, see: Krupp, Daimler and Bosch of Germany and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki and Toyoda of Japan to name a few. Big business to be sure, but business all the same.
A fine point you have made. Lesson is, you do not fight for America. Because America is not worth fighting for. Your family is worth fighting for and any number of humans that share your background are worth fighting for. But not the "proposition Nation", not the elite and not the corporations. A century later we should all understand this.
Jeremy said...
Bogolyubski said...
This is a very interesting observation. Who was it that assumed control of the Board of Realtors, which I assume is this private business organization, founded in 1908. Interesting choice of city for their HQ. When did this happen? AfterShelley v. Kraemer? Presumably the FedGov rules mainly came in during the 1964 "Great Society" (Great Leap Forward) era and the "conservative" Nixon era which followed.
This is also an interesting example of what is known as a "bottleneck". I gather (correct me if I'm not accurate please) that one cannot become a practicing broker of real-estate (commercial or residential) anywhere in the borders of the Banana Empire unless one is a member in good-standing of the above organization (where negro-worship is a requirement) or an attorney (who are licensed under similar religious requirements). It's not like one could study the laws on your own and take a hard-facts based test, receiving a state or federal certificate upon passage to broker real-estate without being a member this organization (or one of its state-level subsidiaries), right? I do note that negroes have their own association, but as we all (well at least some of us) know, whites cannot form organizations limited to whites in the Banana Empire.
If this is true (and my basic premise could be inaccurate mind you), why then is there only a single organization of this nature? Does NAR have any competitors apart from the negro realtor association mentioned? Is there some other controlling legal authority (a phrase from the profit himself) who makes the determination, or who limits the establishment of such organizations to approved ones only (sort of like public-sector unions)? NAR and its members have long been key players and beneficiaries of the BRA looting racket, so a logical strategic question (this being different than the moronic "strateegery" of cheetos-eating surrender monkeys like Limbaugh) would be how to turn BRA into a major financial drain for NAR and its members.
You have nailed it. The real problem with the whole looting scheme is pretty well summed up with NAR. And also the whole incestuous NAR and BCU and BRA relationship. Mostly facilitated by the banksters and the Republican'ocrats. The Banana Empire may be teetering on edge, but there are some things the Kentucky Undertaker can still do. That's what we need to watch. While Hussein is postulating with the Chinese, his other hand is grabbing at treaties, most of which are underwritten by TWMNBN.
So few people appear able to see the full rot of it all. Many are just cheetos-eating bandits more aligned with the Banana Republic than they are willing to certify alternate approaches. In the end we have the undertow pulling us one direction and the legal authority pushing us back. It will be interesting - and telling - to see if there is any resistance to this by the Repukes. I'm not counting on it though. Most still don't get it, nor do they understand the dynamic of who, whom and why. No one will ultimately understand this by sitting down to a plate of shit sandwiches and chatting with the Ministry of Truth.
I read this a few times and I don't really understand it. I know it's really smart, but I don't get it.
Will this stuff be covered in President Obama's new free community college?
"Attack of the Killer Congoids"
I'd rather deal with Zombies than Congoids. They're far less destructive...
Of course the original zombie films were an allegory of White civilization reacting to the onslaught of angry, destructive colored masses.
They do want our heads. They are taught from day one about their oppression and victimization. Even though all of this happened far back in the past, they are angry victims hell bent on revenge right now.
One of the greatest sins is that we have to look at zombie movies to see the Black horde coming. In every other media venue, art or literature, Blacks are portrayed as gentle souls with so much to give. The reality is destroyed cities, feral beasts and a search for the next safe place until the Blacks/Zombies come for us.
Malls are in trouble anyways. Sears/K-mart, Penneys and Macys all closing stores, two clothing retailers have gone bust in the last four months and another is so close to it they're (again) closing like 2/3 of their stores. One of those that went bust had been around since 1930. Places that used to be able to support two or three malls within 10 minutes or so of one another can support one, while the others slowly die.
Muds fighting in them may just speed up the inevitable.
People near Indy can drive about 15 minutes northeast on I-69 to find an outdoor mall - it's sort of arranged like a mall but has sidewalks, some parking and a street instead of a covered walking corridor. I was there once, it was nice - and I didn't notice any muds.
I AM an irate irishman
On top of all of that, who the hell wants to wait behind a baby momma and her 5 little bastard sprogs causing a ruckus, while waiting for her cashier brethren to decipher the fine print on her foot stamp paperwork. It happens all the time at Wally Mart, which is why I usually go when the doors open in the morning when they're just going to bed after a street party on a Tuesday night. Revolting species.
"no messages were seen on social media indicating there would be fights"... What a bunch of blind libtarded cops. if 1000 black people premeditate meeting inside of a mall, wtf do you think is going to happen? haven't they ever been called to a black club or after party?
And I also like the part, "it was mainly black females fighting". IT WAS A BLACK EVENT. There were no Asians, Indians, Whites, Natives, or Arabs fighting. Come out on the news and be HONEST for once. Headline should say: 1000 blacks shut down mall with TNB.
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Beyond Hatred here..........
Selma, just another once beautiful city only to be cursed
with congroid devils that inevitably turn any once good
city into a living hell.
This redundancy is like listening to a broken record
skip and repeat itself over and over and over again.
It's all relative.
Welcum 2 ur new 3rd world country n da 21st century.
I was gonna say dat da lil groid yoofs could go to the
mall to hang out. Oh duh me, they closed the mall over
10 years ago from the horrendous groid invasion.
Now the theater, what's next ? Hmm, let's just ask them,
cuz u b knowin dey b knowin da answer ta errythang.
We's gonna b who we's iz. It beez n our nature ta act
a foo. You's can't change us but we's changin' ya'll
n you's muss accept us, cuz u kno, we's equal now.
We's bringin da house down, we's bringin dis country
down. It beez our writing on da wall, graffiti anybody?
But anyhoo, it's all too redundant.
Same ugly faces, different city.
Same mentalities, different mall or theater brawl.
Same outcome, different country.
And to think honestly that this is only the beginning of the nightmare on MLK boulevard.........
Welcum to da beginning of the end. We have all the ingredients necessary to take us there.
Of course who woulda thunk what da faces would look like of da terrorists in France ?
France is a distance away from me, but the same faces are right here in my back yard!
If they're not in your backyard yet, count your blessings while you can and take heed
to the writing on the wall to know when to pack your shht up and run again......
The groids are EVERYTHING and then some of what this site showcases everyday.
30 years in the making of dealing with this social experiment gone wrong is
truly a miserable experience to have to watch on your own clock, especially
knowing the mind state of the groid and the enemy exploiting their ignorance
beyond belief. Surreal is simply an understatement.
I haven't been to a theater going on over 8 years now, but that doesn't mean
I don't watch movies. Since I actually work a full time job, I have a movie
ticket that I'm forced to pay for each and every day to live. That same movie
ticket isn't accepted at any theater, but the one we'll let you watch is the
one that plays out in real life. It's a real thriller of a horror movie cause
you, YT, actually become one of the many stars. Only difference in this movie
is that all the real stars die. The villian doesn't become a star either, it's
the plot of the movie itself that takes the cake and eats it, too.
One of these days someone will be packing and euthanize 4 or 5 'teens'. Then the shit will really hit the fan.
"Of course the original zombie films were an allegory of White civilization reacting to the onslaught of angry, destructive colored masses. "
I'm not so sure about that. We might initially think so because zombies figure in negro voodoo rituals, but that would be erroneous. In Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and Day of the Dead, the word "zombie" doesn't occur. It's a descriptor that was added on later by reviewers. Also, in the first film, the cause of the dead being re-animated isn't made clear. All we're told is that it has something to do with a satellite that was launched returning to earth contaminated, perhaps by radiation. But high technology has definitely caused it, and in that respect the film fits into a long tradition of technology-gone-wrong films that stretches back all the way to the Frankenstein movies of the 30s and earlier. There were many such movies in the 50s, usually with radiation as the cause of mutations. One noteworthy effort in the genre was the Vincent Price movie The Last Man on Earth, later remade as The Omega Man with Charleton Heston. The 1964 original is available free on Youtube. It's been a while since I watched it, but as I recall, the original was negro-free.
Romero has said that it influenced him. Recall that in 1968 MLK was assassinated. Night of the Living Dead came out the same year, and it is quite similar in key plot aspects to the 1964 film, except that a magic negro was made the hero. By 1971, when The Omega Man was released, efforts to make movies reflect the negro's newly won "civil rights" were in full swing, and Charleton Heston's love interest was a black woman.
Romero's zombie flicks were a commentary on yes, race relations. But more so the Cold War, consumerism and the American idea of peace through military might. In my opinion.
The days of the enclosed Mall are over.
Here in the suburban areas of Minneapolis, the tremors of fear felt when the Mall of America started hosting riotous behavior from teens has produced a huge outlet mall of strictly high end retailers a few miles south and very importantly across the Minnesota River. No light rail reaches it, and there isn't any large enclosed center court. Open air walk ways only. Designed I think for nothing but monied shoppers. It is not exactly how I wished it would have turned out because the MOA was designed to be a big tourist draw. If it fails due to undertow it would seem to be very ominous.
Complain all you want about communists, socialists, muslims, liberals, progressives, blacks, minorities, GLBT, Martians taking over.
Nobody is taking over the US WITHOUT your permission.
Whatever is happening... you are permuting it. Blame yourself.
Malls. well w the Internet and the economy and 'out sourcing'.
one photographer took many pix of many abandoned malls.
Anonymous said...
"Of course the original zombie films were an allegory of White civilization reacting to the onslaught of angry, destructive colored masses. "
I've always assumed that zombies were a code for negroes; that everybody understood that the zombie apocalypse, when it happened, would involve shooting a lot of teens. I've never seen a zombie movie, and generally prefer to watch old movies, so the other day I downloaded the original, Night of the Living Dead, to see what it's all about.
To my disappointment, I found that the first living "person" introduced after the zombies appear is a negro who helps the White heroine, after she mistakes him for a zombie. So, that's as far as I got. I guess zombies and I were never meant to be.
Why "Kwanstain"? Why not Kwanistan? Been wondering about this for a while now.
What happened to THE Irate Irishman?
Neat nerd knowledge for you guys:
"I Am Legend," the novel on which "The Last Man On Earth," "The Omega Man," and "I Am Legend" (the worst of the bunch that featured Will Smiff in full magic negro mode; that isn't why I disliked it btw) was written by Richard Matheson, who wrote some of the better "Twilight Zone" episodes. He also wrote the book that the Kevin Bacon movie "Stir Of Echoes" was based. And one of his sons wrote the screenplay for "Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure." I have a rare limited-print edition of "I Am Legend" with full-page illustrations by a comic book artist whose name escapes me at the moment.
Whatever is happening... you are permuting it.
You can always tell the Black trolls who've been to school: they try to seem educated, but they don't know the difference between words like "permute" and "permit".
This is part of the underlying deficiency which keeps Blacks from maintaining, let alone building, a peaceful, orderly society.
SwampThizzle said...
Why "Kwanstain"? Why not Kwanistan? Been wondering about this for a while now.
Just a guess, but I think that would be redundant. The prefix "Kwa" is the African equivalent of the Arab suffix "-stan", meaning homeland. So, for example, KwaZulu is the Zulu homeland.
I have no firm evidence that that is the origin of Kwanstain.
If you'll "permute" me... Okay, then why not KwanSTEIN? That also makes way more fucking sense.
I love how the people who attack Christianity (with the exception of boblyubski and one or two more) do it under am anonymous moniker. I think this is trolls trying to show discord. Sheila and v left coast white guy are examples of Christians who aren't like the judeos today.
I'm not sure if you agree, but if Putin were actually involved, maybe we'd be better off. He would have no qualms about dealing with our African undertow problem .
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