I remember it like it was yesterday, skipping class during my senior year of college to read every story I could on what was unfolding in New Orleans.
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Sgt Garland Ogden (left), with an Australian tourist he helped evacuate from the Superdome |
Hurricane Katrina had hit, and the progeny of the Great Society (liberalism's Frankenstein experiment) was set loose upon one of America's great cities.
How I wanted to be in New Orleans during the madness and drink a warm beer at one of the bars on Bourbon Street after a day of keeping the city safe from the lawlessness unfolding, which the entire world erroneously blamed on George W. Bush (what happened after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans was just the outward expression of collective blackness and the genetic limitations of individual blacks when left to try and keep alive a civilization they had hand in building).
10 years.
Every "racist" thought I had ever had and every "racist" sentence I had ever said came to stunning life after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, exposing Africa in Our Midst for those willing to look and honestly surmise what was unfolding before their eyes.
Those engaging in dishonesty regarding what unfolded in New Orleans from August 27 - September 6, 2005 are biological detritus, willfully ignorant to what approaches on the horizon.
In our lifetime, we will see the United States of America collapse (for those who can see, it already has...); in our lifetime, we will see Europe flooded with third world colonizers; in our lifetime, we will see hope teeter on the precipice of disaster.
But it's on the edge of calamity we see true inspiration arise.
And in studying the insanity of New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina, one name stands as a reminder to why hope will survive: Garland Ogden. [EXCLUSIVE: BRITS' HELL INSIDE THE TERROR DOME - TERRIFIED British students tell of dead bodies, rape, crack, gunshots, filth and a sickening stench filling the thick air., The Mirror, 9-2-2005]:
BRITISH students told yesterday how they stepped out of the horror of Hurricane Katrina into the hell of their Superdome "shelter".
A place of refuge became a terrifying trap, where knives and guns, crack cocaine use, threats of violence and racial abuse were rife.
Jamie Trout, 22, who kept a record of his four days there, said: "It was like something out of Lord of the Flies - one minute everything is calm and civil, the next it descends into chaos."
In one diary entry, he said: "A man has been arrested for raping a seven-year-old in the toilet, this place is hell, I feel sick. The smell is horrendous, there are toilets overflowing and people everywhere."
As the evacuation of the 70,000- capacity arena continued yesterday, the swamped city of New Orleans descended into near barbarism.
The looting and carjacking of recent days showed no sign of slowing. Gunfire was aimed at police and helicopters attempting to ferry the sick from hospitals, accompanied by shouts of: "You better come get my family."
Ten thousand National Guardsmen were sent in from across the US to the flood-ravaged Gulf coast.
At least seven bodies lay unclaimed in the streets around the New Orleans Convention Centre - one a woman in a wheelchair covered by a blanket.
Daniel Edwards, 47, pointed at her and said: "I don't treat my dog like that...I buried my dog."
Amid criticism of government inaction, he added: "You can do everything for other countries but you can't do nothing for your own people.
"You can go overseas with the military but you can't get them down here."
Thousands of storm refugees massed outside the convention building, waiting for buses that never came. They had no food, water or medicines.
The Rev Issac Clark, 68, said: "We are out here like pure animals. We don't have help."
In what may be America's worst natural disaster for a century, 80 per cent of a city of 500,000 people was under water up to 20ft deep. Thousands could be dead.
At the Superdome, at least 25,000 people were moved out yesterday as New Orleans Mayor Nagin vowed: "Come hell or high water we will evacuate people today, I'll march them out if I have to." Soldiers with M16 assault rifles and grenade launchers tried to control crowds desperate to get out.
At least one person died in the arms of a soldier. A National Guardsman was wounded in the leg by his own gun in a struggle with two men and a military helicopter was shot at while ferrying away a casualty.
Brit diary-writer Jamie had been coaching football to disabled children as part of the Camp America scheme.
Jamie, who was with two friends, said: "We were in Miami for three or four days when Katrina first hit.
"We rode that storm out and then decided to go to New Orleans. We didn't realise the storm was heading that way."
He said of his eventual Superdome refuge: "There was a lot of heat from the people in there, people shouting racial abuse about us being white.
"The army warned us to keep our bags close to us and to grip them tight."
Jamie, an economics student from Sunderland, said he saw crack cocaine being used in the filthy toilets, youngsters breaking into soft drink machines and men brawling.
Urine and excrement spilled into corridors where they were sleeping.
At one point, up to 30 British students gathered in the dome were so terrified of attack when the power went down that they set up a makeshift security cordon.
Zoe Smith, 21, from Hull, said: "All us girls sat in the middle while the boys sat on the outside, with chairs as protection.
"We were absolutely terrified, the situation had descended into chaos, people were very hostile and the living conditions were horrendous.
"We had to wash with tiny bottles of water, the sink was blocked and full of gunk.
Even when we offered to help with the cleaning, the locals gave us abuse."
Some students said they saw an 18-inch knife confiscated from one man and many others had guns and other weapons.
Marisa Haigh, 23, from Guildford, who is studying at Birmingham University, and Claire Watkins, 23, a student from Bradford, had arrived in New Orleans last Saturday after a trip across the US.
Claire said: "We went out drinking on Saturday night and had an awesome time.
"On Sunday we had hangovers and hadn't heard or read anything about the hurricane coming in. We only realised there was something wrong when we went out in the street and no one was around, everywhere was shut or boarded up."
They were in the Superdome when Katrina hit. Marisa said: "There was a series of almighty bangs when the roof went and a panel flew off.
"There was a woman screaming, 'We're gonna die, we're all gonna die'."
Eventually many of the students were moved to the nearby basketball arena, thanks to Sgt Garland Ogden, a full-timer with the National Guard.
Jane Wheeldon, 20, said: "He went against a lot of rules to get us moved."Never forget: our job was never to save America. It was to survive America.
And if we do survive, the story of Sgt Garland Ogden will be remembered.
For over a horrific few days in late August - early September 2005, he watched as those few white people in the Superdome were forced to endure a post-European world where Africa reigned supreme.
And he made the choice to do something to ensure they had a future.
In what may be America's worst natural disaster for a century, 80 per cent of a city of 500,000 people was under water.
The real disaster has been the unnatural, forced-at-bayonet mixing of people who cannot exist together. We cannot coexist, in good times or bad.
That's odd....
The mainstream media told us that those stories about the horrors of the stadium refugees were grossy exaggerated and misreported, and that only racists were making up these lieS.
i wonder why nobody in the mainstream media wants to interview these British survivors about their experiences. Why doesn't Bill O'Reilly do a 3 night Special Presentation on interviewing these Brits?
Could it be possible that the bosses at the corporate "News" outfits don't want the World to know that america is teetering on the edge of falling into african chaos?
I have been getting very stern lectures from my boss, coworkers, family, friends, bartender, and neighbors about how I speak so openly about how the race war has begun, even though Whites seem dead set on denial. It doesn't matter that we are bankrupting america to support them, or that we have agreed to live by the absurd white-guilt-fueled political correctness that FORBIDS criticizing OR EVEN OFFENDING american-africans, none of that matters. The INSTANT they see a chance to kill Whitey they jump at it. Soon, some event will trigger whole cities descending into african chaos just like the superdome or whatever its called in new orleans after Katrina. Maybe a terror attack will knock out the power grid, maybe some huge storm, maybe some fukishima-type accident, maybe a big earthquake, who knows- but at some point the social fabric will be tested by a large event that turns at least 1 major city into New Orleans after Katrina and when that happens- the american-africans will seize the opportunity to attack. We've allowed them to grow to over 40 million, concentrated in our cities, and trained most Whites that they had BETTER NOT defened themselves against the american-africans. Who was that police officer that allowed himself to be beaten severely by american-africans just because he feared the repurcussions of defending himself against them? Well....that's going to be most White americans at some point.
If i am wrong about any of this someone PLEASE explain why I am wrong.
An excerpt from the wiki, but I was curious to know about the man in the title- pretty funny P.K.
The guy had lost his eye in a previous battle, so he was known as Horatius "Cocles":
Cocles, in this view, was the only man in the entire army with the courage to stand up, motivating two veteran generals only through a sense of shame to assist him momentarily. Livy gives no clue as to what such men were doing on the field in the first place and, though finding Cocles' feats incredible, apparently sees no contradiction between the rank, experience and character of the generals and their supposed behavior on the field.
Dionysius goes on to say, "Herminius and Lartius, their defensive arms being now rendered useless by the continual blows they received, began to retreat gradually." They called on Horatius to retreat but perceiving the tactical difficulty of allowing the enemy to cross he stood his ground, directing them to tell the consuls to tear up the bridge. The enemy view of him as a madman determined to commit suicide taking them with him protected him to some extent, as did his taking refuge behind the pile of slain. He returned enemy missiles. Finally wounded all over and having received a spear in the buttocks he heard a shout from the other bank that the bridge was torn up. He "leaped with his arms into the river and swimming across ... he emerged upon the shore without having lost any of his arms."
Hurricane Sandy was another horror show.
I see Field Negro has stopped taking anonymous comments. What a punk ...
The Rev Issac Clark, 68, said: "We are out here like pure animals. We don't have help."
Very good summation, Reverend.
Amid criticism of government inaction, he added: "You can do everything for other countries but you can't do nothing for your own people.
"You can go overseas with the military but you can't get them down here."
Yeah, because the skies were not immediately filled with military helicopters hoisting obese sheboons off of rooftops, that they were BEGGED to evacuate. Should of let them all die. Semper Fly
The "Lord of the Flies" aspect of these sequences of incidents is chilling but a lesson for future civilized people. A cautionary tale that P.K. has highlighted for us all, something comparable to Ex-New Yorker's stories about power outages on the east coast. When they have a chance to be heroes they choose to be villians and grab anything they can get their opportunistic hands on.
Is it a wonder nobody wants to live near them?
was reading a blog called 'common cents'.
denies every evil a the superdome.
go check it out.
someone is in denial.
America is about to descend rapidly into a nationwide array of mini post-Katrina Superdomes...
Circle the chairs around your women, YT, the savages are about to be unleashed.
Thanks Obama.
Attn all non-negroes!
Do you own property in America?
Or do you rent and you're concerned about the crime rate in your neighborhood?
Research the Obama/HUD program known as AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing), and prepare to be shocked...
It is a government directive that SPECIFICALLY dictates that areas without enough negroes (or Hispanics) must now start housing those races or lose valuable government funding. That's right, your government is taking steps to lower your property values and increase your crime rate by playing favorites amongst its citizens based on race.
Unbelievable, but true. Look it up.
Now, what are you going to DO about it? Start by questioning your Mayor's office and see if your area is on the hit list for AFFH. If you live in Westchester County, NY, you are currently square in their sights. Time to push back before Donquavious Jackson is assassinating your local beat cop, or busting into your bedroom at 3am enraged on a fresh hit of Flakka.
The disaster wasn't a perfectly normal (though in our lifetimes relatively rare) meteorological event.
The disaster is that blacks are absolutely unable to live within a civilized modern high tech society.
The disaster is that we whites have been forced to live with them, tolerate them, admit them into every sphere of our lives, when all they offer is chaos, cruelty, violence, and destruction.
The disaster is that we are not allowed to choose not to associate with these parasites, who demand everything, offer nothing, and criticize what others labor and struggle to give them.
The disaster is that whether this storm was nature's business as usual or an effect of transferring fossil carbon to the atmosphere, blacks were absolutely incapable of doing ANYTHING to prepare and viewed the whole crisis as a chance to bay for gimmes like the greedy retarded children they are.
The disaster is that weather specialists warned for over a week that the storm was going to make landfall with high winds, rain, and flooding, but blacks stood there staring gape-mouthed like the low-IQ subhumans they are.
The disaster is that thousands of whites went there to help, and millions of whites were taxed to pay for it, and got nothing out of it but more chaos, more violence, more waste, more blame.
The disaster is that blacks are such pathological narcissists and professional victims that there is no dealing with them.
The disaster is that these feral simians have so little regard for their own elders, their own children, their own kin that their only thought was getting free stuff from the stores they looted.
The disaster is blacks. Katrina was just weather.
Katrina did a wonderful job of exposing the negro genome in one fell swoop. Remove Whites from the equation, present a scenario in which impulse control, IQ, and restricting violent behavior is called for, and negroes fail horribly. Coming to a city near you when the White influence is next lifted.
OT: this too good not to share. PK, you may want to check this out further for story material. Baltimore negro Lieutenant cop's son just stabbed his roommate to death!! Excuse a language outburst but.... "Stupid, violent, fucking n&ggers!!". WHEN are we to be rid of them??!!
Can you believe it?! Big time Baltimore AA cop has horrid thug as a son. Murderous ape creature got his jungle-man on. And they want to prosecute White cops for not putting a seatbelt on properly!!
Oh man...
The hordes (groidles) of rampaging negroes that swarmed N.O. after Katrina removed the "White" are just a taste of things to come. Think about it, maybe 40 to 45 MILLION negroes amongst us!!?? The vast majority violent, stupid and useless (genetically determined; allele frequency differences). And the economy about to implode; public assistance to dry up. It's going to be in-sane!
And which President will embolden the negroes the most from 2016 onwards? You know it would be Hillary. Get her in office and the savages will be coming through your windows just seconds after the inauguration.
So, let's do what we can to shut her down. Exposing her lesbian affair with her "body person" lovely Muslim Huma Abedin is a good start. Great info on that story here. Spread the word:
Put a firm end to BRA.
[In our lifetime, we will see the United States of America collapse (for those who can see, it already has.)]
You see, I owe black people nothing, so when “Every racist thought I have ever had and every ‘racist’ sentence I had ever said come’s to stunning life, with there being no law, I’ll just have to find a way to live with myself, and I can guarantee it won’t be hard.
"Some students said they saw an 18-inch knife confiscated from one man and many others had guns and other weapons."
Meanwhile the "protect and serve" gang was engaged in looting (the black ones anyway) or in the high and dry white neighborhoods going door to door confiscating guns from whites just in case they had any funny ideas about defending their homes and families.
Like those reporters getting killed by their pet last week, I look at police in a big city being killed by negroes as "friendly fire" casualties. They've chosen the side of BRA over their own race. The battle lines have been made abundantly clear and we will remember who is giving aid and comfort to our enemies.
Thank you for sharing, and thank you PK for your time.
Can someone explain this:
We keep saying "They" want to destroy America, Europe and the White race. "They" want civil disorder, chaos, etc. But, how does this benefit "Them"?
Most of us assume "they" are the filthy rich, bankers, etc. Their wealth comes from the wealth of a society. Would they not forfeit so much wealth with a 3rd world World? Would it not be better for them to lord over a peaceful wealthy World? Keep it sane, keep people producing but just tax us at 75%?
My only answer to myself is that these "filthy rich" are spoiled, bored and psycho. The desire for RAW power may be more than greed for money. I don't truly get it.
Anon said re: AFFH:
"It is a government directive that SPECIFICALLY dictates that areas without enough negroes (or Hispanics) must now start housing those races or lose valuable government funding"
The States are going to have to start looking at weaning themselves off Federal funds.
The FedGov does infinite harm in the individual States using the withdrawal of Federal monies as a threat.
The States need to find a way to economic self-sufficiency so they can tell the FedGov "no thanks" on deals like this.
I used to love trolling on that site. I was Foo Skramps. I always noticed that YT was posting more then jigs did.
Along with the economic cost of allowing New Orleans to become and remain "chocolate", there is a huge "opportunity cost" as well.
New Orleans is (was) a unique place in America. The French Quarter has charming and historically significant architecture aplenty. It is easy to spend a day there just walking around, soaking in the atmosphere and cultural flavor of it's European ambiance.
Nearby are swamps that make for fascinating touring. And a drive down the River Road gives you several antebellum plantation houses to tour.
It could be one of the crown jewels of America-and a great generator of tourist dollars- but this most cultural of cities happens to be home to some of the worst, most vicious and depraved Africanus Americuus known.
I lived in New Orleans pre-Katrina and even though I have spent extensive time in Baltimore and D.C., I always thought the feral blacks of NOLA to be among the most dangerous and savage sub-populations we have on offer in this beleaguered Nation.
I loved NOLA, but I discourage everyone I know from visiting-it's a great city, but it isn't worth getting killed or raped to gawk at it.
Again, imagine if this grand old lady was actually safe for Whites- what a wonderful place it would be!
Anonymous said...
"...I have been getting very stern lectures from my boss, coworkers, family, friends, bartender, and neighbors about how I speak so openly about how the race war has begun, even though Whites seem dead set on denial. .."
September 1, 2015 at 8:02 PM
You are in their sights for an attack by the so-called "Social Justice Warriors."
I found this at another blog. All of us here would do well to study it:
Social Justice Attack Survival Guide
Ever forward.
I pray my wish will come true,
For my child, and your child too.
He’ll see the day of glory,
See the day when men of good will live in peace,
Live in peace, again.
A then 73 year old Bing Crosby and 30 year old David Bowie from their duet version of “The Little Drummer Boy”.
One would be hard-pressed to find a single occurrence in time than that of the traditional American and European celebration of the Christmas holiday season that serves to more greatly contrast the complete and systemic differences between whites and blacks. Our capacity for goodness in a world that would know only that which served to advance mankind’s position in the universe would be complete if not for the groveling and pathetic negro and his liberal cage cleaners.
Blizzards, some very severe, occur every winter throughout fly-over country here in the former USA. White people don’t crawl onto their roofs and demand that the president send in Nation Guard-escorted limousines stocked with Hennessy and KFC to rescue them. White people get up early, get dressed in warm clothing and then go help the neighbors shovel; must be that frosty privilege I keep hearing about.
"The disaster is blacks. Katrina was just weather."
This should be etched in brass on a big hunk of marble somewhere.
Black Lies Matter primates are at it again.
The chaos in New Orleans demonstrates the inevitable result of unrestrained black people. Ten years ago it took a hurricane to trigger the chaos, but today we regularly see such behavior absent any meaningful trigger. Today, the shooting of a black criminal in self defense by a white policeman is all it takes to unlease the true potential of the black population.
I watched an interview with Milwaukee PD Chief Edward Flynn this morning. According to him everyone is working to solve the problem of the dramatic increase in crime. There are theories, but they have not yet figured out what is causing the problem. It appears that a critical mass of armed young men with criminal backgrounds has taken to resolving their disputes with guns. According to the good Chief, the bulk of the crimes arise from arguments between criminals. The crime rate among criminals is up about 100% although crimes against others might actually be lower than in the past.
The Chief noted that because it is only a misdemeanor for a criminal to be caught with a firearm in Milwaukee regardless of the number of violations there is little reason for criminals to disarm. The downside for a criminal caught with a firearm is far less than the downside of roaming the skreets without a weapon.
No one has been able to publicly admit that laws designed for white people just don't work on black people. What many people don't realize is that the skyrocketing murder rate in black cities represents only the leading edge of the undertow. For each criminal committing outright murder over a minor dispute there are hundreds, if not thousands, of blacks committing other lesser crimes, engaging in disruptive social behavior, and dragging the country to their level.
Part of the reason blacks kill more blacks than whites is due to the fact that whites are less accessible; however, the article titled “Confessions of a Public Defender” written by Mike Smith reveals an answer to the phenomena of the skyrocketing crime rate:
My experience has taught me that we live in a nation in which a jury is more likely to convict a black defendant who has committed a crime against a white. Even the dullest of blacks know this. There would be a lot more black-on-white crime if this were not the case.
Encouraged and protected by our current federal administration and the local administrations of majority black cities , blacks are learning that they are no longer likely to be convicted for committing crimes in general, and they are testing the limits mostly by killing other blacks. However, knock out games and murders of white cops are only thinly veiled attacks on white people disguised as games or crimes against authority. They are actually crimes against whites, and blacks are watching for a response. We can probably expect black on white crimes to continue to increase until the cost to blacks becomes too high.
Black Lies Matter primates are at it again.
#OnlyBlackLivesMatter #EveryoneElseCanF&*kThemselves
I have been getting very stern lectures from my boss, coworkers, family, friends, bartender, and neighbors about how I speak so openly about how the race war has begun, even though Whites seem dead set on denial.
If i am wrong about any of this someone PLEASE explain why I am wrong.
You are not wrong by any means and probably speak openly about what you see happening around you; most whites are conditioned to a point where they suspend their belief or simply ignore what those of us here plainly see! I'm betting that many of us have encountered similar situations as of late.
Back when this Ferguson nonsense first started I remember having a conversation with an off duty police officer (I live in the South)and telling him how this will most likely escalate and repeat itself due to the nature of the beasts in question; I spoke plainly and held nothing back even while receiving disapproving looks and comments from others who were listening in. Since then I have met up with the same officer several times and we would discuss privately everything that has unfolded since Ferguson; he is very well informed and recently started working undercover ie out of uniform/off the streets for his last year of service.
Like the original post above I also get the same stern lectures regarding my position as a race realist and usually stop them cold with my reasoning behind it; "Look I was born and raised in North Philadelphia and there is absolutely nothing you can tell me about blacks that I don't already know from first hand experience"
Its because the elites are a combination of pure opportunists and Little Caesars who actually believe their own shit.
Opportunists see the bottom line: more Mexicans, more cheap labor. More taxes on the middle class to gibsmedat to blacks, more consumers (where would Nike and Adidas and Hennessey and McDonald's be without young bucks spending every dime of their checks on theor products? White males after their teenage years dont buy 10 pairs of 200 dollar shoes)
And then the Little Caesars who actually BELIEVE in total equality. What has helped them out in delusion is how insulated they are from them. And the only ones they ever meet are so successful its like judging the whole of Jamaica based on the cleancut staff at your 5 star hotel in a walled off resort.
But that doesn't stop Little Caesar: being so wealthy and having everything else they want the only left is social justice and healing the world they dont understand
These people will profit hugely from the collapse of the American economy. Soros is a currency speculator who owns billions in euros and other currency. If the dollar was to collapse as the world reserve currency he would probably be a trillionaire overnight.
The "elite" wealthy will profit from posessing or "owning" all of the basic resources when the economy collapses. Those without knowledge of how to survive in the wilderness during the the collapse will forfeit everything they own for a weeks worth of food without hesitation.
The housing bubble was a great example of how the "elite" conspired to steal the value in your home. Overnight millions saw their equity collapse.
Aside from daily visits to RR sites like SBPDL and AMREN, I stay plugged into reality by watching the cop show "The First 48". The negro has no empathy for others and no remorse for maiming or killing others. I avoid them at all costs.
As far as I'm concerned, their very presence constitutes a physical threat to my loved ones.
Man Fatally Shot While Taking Selfies With A Gun:
Oh, wait, it wasn't a man, it was a "teen."
Thank you to the person who posted the link about the sucker punch attack in Charlotte.
I didn't enjoy seeing how the groid jacked up the guy's jaw, but it was very good lesson for avoid the groid 101.
If you are walking down the street and a large group of blacks are congregating/loitering on one side, DO NOT WALK ON THAT SIDE.
You have nothing to gain and much to lose by trying to play it calm and cool while you hope you don't get your @ss kicked and your possessions stolen and called racial epithets all the while.
This guy took a risk (nonchalantly walking past a mass of black people) and paid for it with his face.
Don't just avoid them in where you live- you need to avoid them in your daily interactions as well. Other that or be very, very, VERY aware of your immediate environment or surroundings.
The guy "hoped" he wouldn't get sucker punched.
Guess hoping isn't enough sometimes.
We keep saying "They" want to destroy America, Europe and the White race. "They" want civil disorder, chaos, etc. But, how does this benefit "Them"?
In part, "they" might be motivated by ideology. i.e., they genuinely believe that a world in which all are "equal" will be a better place. And "they," as stewards of such a world, will be in the position of philosopher kings.
But there's also some hard headed politicking going on. The threat to a ruling elite comes from a rising middle class. Look at the "long 19th century:" the forces of nationalism, parliamentiarism and consumerism undermined the older aristocracy and led to national revolutions.
Today's ruling elites want to prevent a similar threat to their own power. So "they" promote open borders to de-nationalize White countries and destroy the middle class standard of living. Third world migrants do not assimilate so this plays off a growing underclass against the middle. The ensuing mayhem gives the state more excuse for repression.
Third worlders riot in London or Malmo or New Orleans. The White middle class gets pushed out of another city. The system has another excuse for more police powers, more censorship (under the rubric of hatespeech), and more bureaucracy to regulate and indoctrinate the zeks. "They" gain in power and wealth, while the middle is disintegrating.
With globalization, wealth can be extracted from the entire world. And it behooves elites of all countries to collaborate in their common interests. The Bush family has more in common with Persian Gulf oil sheikhs than with Joe or Jane Q. Plumber back in Des Moines. A Tony Blair would rather hang out with a Nelson Mandela than a White working stiff in London or Pretoria.
Look at the "anti-apartheid" campaign against South Africa in the late 20th century. The elites enacted sanctions, rolled out an anti-White media campaign, and openly supported anti-White terrorists. The usual useful idiots followed. The goal? Break down a national state, lower the standard of living, and open the country up to cheap resource extraction with a compliant black government.
The "anti-apartheid" campaign provided the template for the war against White people today. It's complicated a bit by Whites being the majority in Europe, North America and Australia/NZ, but that detail is being rectified by importing the third world and promoting black minorities into shock troops against the middle.
Is the system stable? No. It relies too much on chaos: open borders, class conflict, economic con games, endless punitive military and police expeditions. The chaos which gives the system its strength is also its weakness.
Revolutionary theory would tell us that the system could be challenged if:
* There is a crisis which alienated a large sector of middle class; and
* There is a radical movement which could mobilize the alienated and seize power.
Let's note the rising tide of nationalist movements in Europe is starting to challenge the system. Americans need to learn from them.
(At least seven bodies lay unclaimed in the streets around the New Orleans Convention Centre - one a woman in a wheelchair covered by a blanket. Daniel Edwards, 47, pointed at her and said: "I don't treat my dog like that...I buried my dog.")
This statement is classic, I have to chuckle at the reasoning. Any opportunity for blacks to act like they’re kept down, even though the answer surrounds them.
Where the hell are you going to bury them! Your entire city is under 20 feet of water! That’s why they’re there!
diversity the mother of all conflict.
There is no peaceful political solution within the political framework to the grand experiment of diversity and multiculturalism, we are literally being out voted by parasites who want every penny and drop of blood they can get from us. our job is to prepare ourselves and survive the collapse of the west and pick up the pieces afterwards. things are far too gone, and it's only getting worse, the people tearing the west apart are too entrenched to just be voted out and most of them are not even elected. its a cancer called government, a parasitic infection in the populace, and its terminal.
My family has extremely deep ties to the New Orleans environs. Both of my parents, all four of my grandparents, and all eight of my great-grandparents were born and reared there. I personally lived there in the late 1950s, mid-1960s, and early 1980s. It was and always will be my beloved "home." So, I was very interested in and followed closely all of the news about Katrina and its aftermath. I've read virtually everything I could find about the post-Katrina Superdome affair. Anyone who has read any of my posts knows that I am as race-realist as they come, but I must speak the truth as I see it. While the racist treatment of white people in the Superdome was utterly deplorable and despicable, and not that the jungle bunnies wouldn't have done even more if they thought they could have gotten away with it, but I nevertheless feel compelled to say that I have never, ever read anything that would lead me to conclude that a single white person was killed or raped by any SIMBAs in the Superdome post-Katrina. Of course, I could be wrong.
damn. I just noticed they took down the sketch factor website. They just cannot stand the idea that we might be able to find out, in advance of a vacation, which areas to avoid can they. they just want us to be sitting ducks. anyone know of a similar website? Going to Houston soon.
I might be stealing Pat Boyle's scholarly angle here, but there's something I've been thinking about for a while. Just when my eyes were starting to open, I read Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel. For those of you that don't know, one of his beliefs is that white people came to rule the world not because of any genetic superiority, but because our ancestors were lucky in terms of geography and resources available to them.
The thing is, Diamond convinced me. However, we also have obvious evidence of black disfunction. So how do we reconcile this? My thoughts are that plentiful resources allowed higher population density, as Diamond says, but then we evolved to be better suited to civilization.
Think about it. Let's say Deshawn breaks into a house in the next town over, stabs the man, rapes the woman, and steals everything that isn't nailed down. He's likely to get caught, and spend his remaining fertile years in prison. A hundred years ago, pretty much the same, except no DWLs to bail him out, so he'll hang, and there wasn't EBT to feed any children he had before hand.
Functional Civilization tries to keep people who display TNB from passing that on to future generations. In the wild, Deshawn's actions would actually let him have more children.
So in the end, I disagree with PK when he says that blacks will never be able to function in white civilization. Give me a thousand years of killing the thieves, murderers, and rapists among them. Give me a thousand years of no handouts for the incompetent and lazy. And at the end of that, I'll bet that the surving blacks will all be IKAGOs.
To Anon @September 2, 2015 at 10:20 AM
re: Sucker-Punched White Guy Going to a Restaurant.
You're correct, just walking on ahead into an oncoming BLM march while White: not a good plan.
Several possibilities here...maybe the guy didn't want to think of himself as a coward, turning from his planned course out of fear (rational fear in this case, however). Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.
Another possibility: he's a DWL and thought he should be able to move amongst his "fellow" man with impunity and a heart full of good will. Ooops!
A more insidious possibility: he's a victim of brainwashing, by which I mean that he watches TV.
As a brainwashing tool, TV is unsurpassed...you will see during a typical month of viewing, nearly innumerable instances of helpful, intelligent, courteous and stable black folks-and those are just the commercials. The programming will feature black heroes from scientists to spirit-helpers. Say you're a sports fan? How many negroes have you been cheering for on "your" team?
Imagine if we lived in a world with a much larger population of snakes, many of them poisonous. But from cartoons through blockbuster films you were fed images of snakes as not merely harmless, but cuddly creatures eager to interact with you. You watch these friendly snake images for years, and never see any warnings about dangerous snakes. Would you last long in a world filled with real venomous snakes?
So, this guy might have simply been walking around in a comfortable haze of a world of helpful and caring blacks. A lot of people have internalized those images.
Kill your TV. It isn't your friend, and it lies to you every time you turn it on.
If these BLM marches continue to spawn random attacks on White people, and the police can't or won't protect the White citizens of a town/city where the marches take place, may I suggest the need for a citizens group of some sort to mobilize and act as guardians of the White people when the marches are in progress?
This would be similar to the way those bikers protect funerals from the anti-gay church.
If local bands of men ready for a stern response to black agitation could get organized and track the BLM movement on social media, there could be someone to send a message that random aggressions against White people are not acceptable.
I realize the potential for conflict would be high- but the odds would be better with prepared men instead of innocent bystanders like the restaurant guy.
Ties with local police would be a plus- the goal should never be stated as "knocking heads", "Kicking ass", etc. It should be presented as a "counter demonstration" - still legal at last check. Might give the blacks something to think about.
Mr. Rational - "#OnlyBlackLivesMatter"
Friendly tip: Turn off your Auto-Correct. #NoBlackLivesMatter
So with all the technological knowledge available today, how long would it take to build a massive infrastructure, like in Detroit?
Usually the "scrap and start over" strategy is something you want to try as a last resort, but when you think about it, whites and other non-blacks could rebuild a country from the ground up. Would take a lot of time and effort, but our ancestors did things before us and truth be told, some of Detroit wasn't planned out well at all. Rebuilding from scratch is a great way to abandon failed ideas and efforts that we have learned from but no longer want to be burdened with.
We have so much more knowledge and numbers at this point that logistically I don't think it will be a problem. Keeping the hordes away from it/us is.
The list of the nations with the largest white populations fall into four major ones, and then of course all the white nations with smaller populations. As accurate as the wiki on "white people" is:
United States 223,553,265
Russia 113,545,521
Brazil 91,051,646
United Kingdom 54,153,898
Maybe start from these populations and spread outward. Time for some gentrification.
All White Liberal blogs and All black blogs deny everything concerning all bad behavior by blacks. Everything is Whiteys fault.
Kind of hard to do rescue work when you are being shot at. Idiot blacks.
Mayor Nagin sure came through for the community, especially blacks....*snark* Nagin was busy trying to finish looting himself, of the city coffers.
@ Californian: you are absolutely right
I haven't been to NO since deploying after Katrina and likely couldn't be paid to go, even armed. I haven't been to B'more since the late 90's and the same applies. Ditto for several other formerly interesting, activity-filled and historical US cities.
What do they all have in common? We all know.
Anyone who can't see the abject, rabid, anti-White racism going on in the "Black community" is blind, intentionally or not.
They are feral beasts incapable of anything positive or contributory.
I truly think the question is does multicultural diversity apply to behaviors, attitudes, traditions and a paradigm that is uncivilized and barbaric?
Where is the line between tolerance and social/societal suicide?
Know Blacks, No Peace and Safety.
No Blacks, Know Peace and Safety.
@ NC Realist II: I am getting same from my family.
Blacks say kill all Whites and everyone ignores it and we are supposed to accept it, stay silent. It is really bad that truth is silenced. The majority has lost Constitutional rights.
"For over a horrific few days in late August - early September 2005, he watched as those few white people in the Superdome were forced to endure a post-European world where Africa reigned supreme."
Now it's ten years later and a few horrific days have become every single day in America - which is now one giant black and Mexican shithouse not even worth saving.
The fish stinks from the head, which is Washington, DC itself, and that's where "Whitey" has to once and for all settle scores with these traitorous white puppeteers deliberately setting these savages loose upon the land. Unless the very gates of hell are unleashed upon the ruling class before they kill us Caucasions off first, then We, The People are surely doomed.
"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves." Winston Churchill
Every day Paul documents some shocking black behavior. The regular readers of this blog read these accounts and are horrified but incredibly, probably the majority of Americans absorb these tales of atrocity and integrate them somehow into their social viewpoint that all race are fundamentally the same. How can this be?
I think at least part of it is poor math ability. Sometimes this is called innumeracy.
The math of race differences is non-trivial. By now almost everyone knows that Americans of African descent have an average IQ of 85. What does that mean?
The average Joe remembers when he got an 85 on a history test in high school. That didn't seem so bad. Maybe he thinks, its not so serious that blacks have IQs of 85. But that's not how the math works.
This average Joe hears everyone tell him that blacks are not too bright but he sees plenty of blacks on TV - many of whom seem to be intelligent and well informed. Maybe, he thinks, those bigoted white people are exaggerating the deficit in black intelligence. But again he just doesn't understand the math.
He has known some white guys in his life who were very stupid. This seems to suggest to him that all races are equally smart and stupid. It must be just circumstances or upbringing, he thinks. Nope, he doesn't understand the math.
Americans typically don't study population statistics in elementary or high school. That's a shame. Statistics is not any harder than trigonometry and probably more useful in everyday life. Geometry and trigonometry are real helpful if you do carpentry but many people can live long happy lives without knowing how to use a cosine. But everyday the media is filled with stories that assume you understand sampling and population summary statistics.
In fact it doesn't matter all that much if one individual is a few IQ points smarter than another. But for populations even a few IQ points can have huge consequences. The Japanese for example are only a couple points smarter than the Cherokee. You probably wouldn't notice this difference at work if you had an Asian guy and an Indian guy in your work group. But as populations the difference is huge. For example, do you drive a car built by an Indian tribe?
Another unexpected difference is simply because a probability density functions like the normal or bell curve taper away from their center point. A standard normal distribution in the real world has about six standard deviations in it - three above and three below the mean. IQ has a standard deviation of 15. That means that just about every one is between an IQ of 55 and 145. We call those below an IQ of 70 (2 SDs low)as morons. We call those at an IQ of 130 or above (2 SDs high)as 'gifted'.
Two standard deviations out from the mean includes more than 98% of the cases. That means someone at an IQ of 130+ is one person in a hundred. At 3 SDs (IQ of 145) he is one in a thousand. But the whole black distribution is shifted a full standard deviation down. So there are still smart blacks but they are very rare. Similarly at the lower end only one or two percent of all white people are morons. You seldom meet these people because they are hidden from normal society. But among blacks fully one third of them are morons. This is a phenomenon that can't be concealed. Most of the comments on this blog are about black morons. There are approximately 15 million black morons in America. So this blog's readers are unlikely to soon run out of material.
These odd math effects is why you see so many really stupid black people in your everyday life but there are always seem to be bright blacks on TV.
Until you finally understand that
they are not humans (1st & greatest lie of all),
they are a different primate species (1st & greatest truth of all) ,
you'll never understand reality.
I hated George Bush (both flavours) but, Government can only set the stage, and sure a lot of resources were out of the country fighting wars for another shitty little country, but still you can't avoid the issue of character in adversity. Normal people have the capacity to organize and help themselves before any formal help arrives. Black America collectively showed no character whatsoever. From the detritus in the Superdome to the undeserving rich "celebrities" who couldn't find it in themselves to help their own kind. No character at all. Just greedy, selfish, un-reared adult children. I also feel a tinge of bonus anger for the fact that their were fellow Australians caught up in there being threatened by Black America as well.
The government is a private entity run by international corporations. It is the same in Europe. Your LEADERS are all privately owned by big money. Your politicians have all been hand picked by those who own the universities and law schools. They were chosen because of family ties and their willingness to kiss somebodies ass. They are members of select and private social clubs which do not allow in outsiders. The holy man George Carlin said "It's a private club and your not in it."
Very few of them have ever done a days work. Their START AT THE BOTTOM means being a SENATORS AID. From that LOWLY POSITION they learn how the insiders rule over the peasants. The corporations buy and sell countries. Buying and selling politicians is is even easier. You live in a country where owning your own private Lear Jet is a sign of success. Who you had to sell out to get that jet is of no importance.
These so called HEADS OF STATE are all owned. They have less freedom than you do. All these FAKE NEWS STORIES you see on the media are just the cover stories for CORPORATE IN FIGHTING. A kind of big business versus bigger business. A global monopoly game in which the middle class are the losers. The pawns are expendable. The pawns are very happy with this game. Just give them their junk food and beer and trash television shows and tell them THEIR VOTE COUNTS. They go for it every time.
"My only answer to myself is that these "filthy rich" are spoiled, bored and psycho. The desire for RAW power may be more than greed for money. I don't truly get it."
Actually, I think you do. You just summarized it with that second last sentence, particularly the psycho part.
Pat Boyle said:
"But everyday the media is filled with stories that assume you understand sampling and population summary statistics."
Respectfully disagree, Pat. Everyday the media is filled with stories that assume you DON'T understand sampling and population statistics.
Pat Boyle said:
"These odd math effects is why you see so many really stupid black people in your everyday life but there are always seem to be bright blacks on TV."
Again, with all the respect in the world, Pat, the reason we see bright blacks on TV has nothing to do with odd math effects. It is called "propaganda".
All this talk about I.Q. is hogwash. I.Q. tests are racist because they don't ask the right questions. See how well you score on the ghetto I.Q. test, whitey.
1. How many grams in a twennysack?
2. When selling drugs on da corner, how many lookouts are required?
3. What are the weekly payments on a 1985 Caprice?
4. How much can you get for $100 worth of food stamps?
5. When do EBT cards recharge?
6. How much is copper per pound?
7. What is the average profit on an ounce of weed? Crack? Meth?
8. How much welfare do a ho git fo her fo chirrens?
9. How much are ten chicken nuggets?
10. How long is one hour in black time?
So how superior do you feel now?
Pat Boyle said:
"Every day Paul documents some shocking black behavior. The regular readers of this blog read these accounts and are horrified but incredibly, probably the majority of Americans absorb these tales of atrocity and integrate them somehow into their social viewpoint that all race(s) are fundamentally the same. How can this be?
I think at least part of it is poor math ability. Sometimes this is called innumeracy..."
I think that might be part of it, but I believe I know a bigger part. Sentimentality.
Has there ever been a more sentimental people that the White European/American?
We are so vulnerable to a good sentimental story that it's a wonder we ever did all that warring, heretic-burning and Civilization building stuff in the first place. Tell us a good story about someone unfairly kept down, and we'll hand over our territory, food, and money along with our hearts. Whether it's supporting a pet shelter or an African village we're up for it if you can properly grab hold of our hearts.
Give me a movie about a poor but honest Depression-era black family trying to survive against ignorant and malicious red-necks and damned if I won't let leering Shitavious go to school with my daughters! Show me a sad but noble black man trying to befriend and help a misguided White and I'll fund your black welfare children for half-a-century.
If you look at the film images of blacks coming out of Hollywood starting in the early 1950's, you can easily see poor old sentimental YT getting softened up for the Civil Rights era and desegregation.
Along with the triumph of what we can term "feminine values" (which have their place, but shouldn't provide the compass for an entire culture) we see the increasingly emotional rationalizations and rhetoric that are nascent in the destruction of White solidarity.
Example: a meme going around in Europe that shows smiling young people carrying the slogan "My Europe Has No Borders". It's pro-African immigration of course, but think about that slogan..."My Europe Has No Borders"...almost sounds like a rock song lyric, and must make the young Whites who say it feel a palpable frisson of self-righteousness.
Of course the same sentimentality in the US brands the offspring of Illegals "Dreamers".
But I digress....the real source of so much of our decline as a people since the end of WW2 comes from the fact that we are the only species that will elevate the needs and identity of a rival group over our own.
Most of the "arguments" (they scarcely merit the term) of liberals are based on sweet-sounding sound bites about equality, freedom, hope, "true spirit of democracy" and other fairly nebulous-often near meaningless- terms. The next time you listen to a politician or DWL arguing for blacks (or gays, or Mexicans, etc.) listen for the appeal to emotion. You can hardly fault them for using it, it's been working incredibly well for them for the last fifty years.
Sentimental old YT can't seem to get enough of other peoples troubles, or trying to "help them".
OT: Meanwhile, back in present day FUSA....Killadelphia taxi drivers are being robbed by mysterious "teens" with guns. Video of perps shows them to be the usual suspooks.
You may now continue reminiscing about a long-dead New Orleans...
First, to the person commenting above: We don't have a thousand years.
Second, from a previous post: "Vera" is from Veritas. Both Latin, not Greek
Vera = True
Veritas = Truth.
Pat Boyle said . . . The math of race differences is non-trivial. By now almost everyone knows that Americans of African descent have an average IQ of 85. What does that mean? . . .”
I would like to see a chart of IQ versus common mental abilities. For example, at what IQ levels does a person lose the ability to perform higher mathematics, abstract or logical reasoning, play a musical instrument, perform simple math, drive a car, fly an airplane, read, write, speak, walk, and many other important skills.
The answers to these questions are important because it is a fact that our government is becoming dumber. Not many years ago our government was made up of mostly whites meaning that our government had a collective IQ of approximately 100. Because of AA our government now consists of a disproportionately large number of black employees, and I suspect that it is a statistical impossibility that these AA blacks have an average IQ as high as 100. In fact, I have doubts that there are enough blacks in the US with an IQ at or above 100 to fill the positions now filled by blacks within our government. I would estimate, and I have no authority for my estimate, that our government now has an IQ of approximately 93-94. What have we lost? What will we lose as the government's IQ approaches 85?
Ex New Yorker here.....My wife's cousins had gone a couple times to New Orleans for vacation. When they checked into the hotels they were given a local map of where NOT TO GO. They were called safe zones. The rule was you don't go past certain points in the French Quarter. They also were advised not to carry their purses with them. This was over 20 years ago.
About 25 years ago when I was living in the Southwest an old friend from New York came to visit. He was working for the government and told me which cities were the worst for crime. New Orleans was at that time the number one murder capital for America.
The Virginia TV shooter is a perfect example of how even the ones that make it in White society, propped up by Whites and allowed into their lives, still harbor that inner-ape that cannot fully handle life with Humans and lashes out eventually. If the negro with whom you work, or with whom you have an intimate relationship, has not yet "chimped out" on you, just wait, it's coming; it's beyond their control. Just stay clear when they blow.
You can't hold the White Man back for long; he will eventually figure out the con and come at you with a vengeance. White America is now seeing the game that has been played for the last fifty years, and he doesn't like it. He feels tricked, duped, conned, taken for a fool; and he wants to settle the score.
Telling us that negroids are our equals will go down as one of the biggest cons in history; even more mind-boggling considering we think of ourselves as enlightened. Yet to believe the negroid is equal to a White Or Japanese is to believe the earth is flat.
Oh man, when this really gets rolling, there will be hell to pay. And these moronic orcs are marching in the streets, killing White cops... just asking for it good and hard. And I'm sure it's coming...
Katrina will live in infamy. The Day of the Negro Savage.
ps. if you are even remotely awakened to the true nature of the negro, make sure you find out what Dylann Roof wrote in his manifesto. Wondering why the mainstream media is keeping it out of the news? He revealed the truth. Not justifying his actions, but he was not incorrect in his points.
And hey, where is the gay, black, racist, Obama supporter's manifesto? He faxed it to ABC News. Wow, they've kept it hidden. Cowards. How about an online petition to demand its release?
45: "So in the end, I disagree with PK when he says that blacks will never be able to function in white civilization. Give me a thousand years of killing the thieves, murderers, and rapists among them. Give me a thousand years of no handouts for the incompetent and lazy. And at the end of that, I'll bet that the surving blacks will all be IKAGOs."
But after that 1,000 years, the surviving blacks won't be "blacks", but practically a new species that resulted from a meticulous selective breeding program. It's like telling a caveman, "Give me a thousand years, and you will trust those wolves to protect your livestock and your children." That can't happen until you've utterly transformed the wolves into labrador retrievers -- which means you've effectively invented a new species, without the benefit of quantum computers, DNA manipulators, and a warehouse full of incubation pods. I'm sure in the future, there will be "organic" species farmers who create new organisms the low-tech way, while megacorporations will churn them out in labs, but it's still the same thing.
So, PK is right. "Blacks", as every other race on Earth know them, are incompatible with us. We already had 400 years of "no handouts, culling the criminals" etc, and they still weren't IKAGOs. They still had to be separated.
Off topic, but I see a lot of interest in this story of the negro female teen that dragged the negro female teen McDonalds worker out of the drive-thru by her hair (or hur as it's known). I note two important aspects of this case. First, we should recognize that the negro teen assaulting the other showed great restraint. She did not shoot the McDonalds negro. Not a single shot was fired. She did not stab the McDonalds negro either. This shows deescalation and it is a good sign. Finally, the McDonalds negro was obviously NOT wearing a weave. That was her real "hur", which is an interesting facet of the encounter.
Negroes and McDonalds, a perfect match.
I wish I could remember more specifics but during Katrina I stumbled onto the postings of an IT guy, former military, who hunkered down at his place of work to keep systems running and deter looters. There was video from a high floor perspective of the nogsense and resultant militarization of New Orleans. A pivotal point in my race realism.
AFFH is just another way of saying Check Mate YT mofo's !!!
We're going to infiltrate your lily white cities with as
many sub-human primates that the law will allow. Oh yeah,
the same laws we also create. Sounds like a win/win for
them, not us....
Katrina is just a stop along the way down into the savage heart of Negro-Run America.
For sh*ts and giggles, just go to google, type in your favorite negropolis and the word 'shooting'. Hit return, then click the news column. Voila, the latest negro savagery that won't be on the MSM news. Just did it with Baltimore, and three "teens" just shot; others stabbed, etc. Total orgy of n*gger violence, and it's kept from our eyes as they plan our demise from behind the curtain.
Oh, what to do...?
A must read for a good chuckle,
Y'all heard it before.....aspiring rapper gone bad.
I enjoyed that, thank you Pat.
Very good, thanks Bear.
Jim Crow warned us.
"Can you believe it?! Big time Baltimore AA cop has horrid thug as a son".
Why, yes, I can. This is why you should never trust any negro, even an IKAGO. I guarantee you: your IKAGO best "friend" knows plenty of home boys who aren't very IKAGO-like.
Once, I attended a convention where the GoH was an IKAGO. When you invite one negro to your party, you don't get just that one negro. This IKAGO brought along about six feral negros whose monkeyshines almost got the convention banned from that hotel. It's a story I hear again and again. Groids are best avoided because you never know when there will be an outburst of spontaneous blackness.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You can't hold the White Man back for long; he will eventually figure out the con and come at you with a vengeance. White America is now seeing the game that has been played for the last fifty years, and he doesn't like it. He feels tricked, duped, conned, taken for a fool; and he wants to settle the score.Telling us that negroids are our equals will go down as one of the biggest cons in history; even more mind-boggling considering we think of ourselves as enlightened. Yet to believe the negroid is equal to a White Or Japanese is to believe the earth is flat.Oh man, when this really gets rolling, there will be hell to pay. And these moronic orcs are marching in the streets, killing White cops... just asking for it good and hard. And I'm sure it's coming...September 2, 2015 at 4:40 PM
I most certainly hope so, this negrophilia must end, along with all of those entitlement programs that have artificially kept the negroes on equal economic footing. Im tired of negroe support being taken from my pay check each week.
The time should come where America works her welfare negroes.
That's the truth! Avoid the groid at work. Also, be extremely careful in letting owners, bosses and supervisors know that you can see what's up. Even if the owners are supposedly conservative who will nod and wink at racial truth pronouncements, you can never know if they're actually cuckservatives who will gladly sell the hangman his rope with which he will use to hang those greedy capitalists. When the SHTF during some chimpout, a lot of white owners will cower in fear at a potential fake racism claim. They're not smart enough to not hire the black plague; only greedy enough to sell out to the lie while hoping that their turn never comes.
Now capitalism is not much more than economic freedom, but it's a lot like having a republic - it only works with intelligent and moral populations.
Just when my eyes were starting to open, I read Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel. For those of you that don't know, one of his beliefs is that white people came to rule the world not because of any genetic superiority, but because our ancestors were lucky in terms of geography and resources available to them.
Diamond is a liar. I read 2 of his books. He is NOT a scientist.
So in the end, I disagree with PK when he says that blacks will never be able to function in white civilization. Give me a thousand years of killing the thieves, murderers, and rapists among them. Give me a thousand years of no handouts for the incompetent and lazy. And at the end of that, I'll bet that the surving blacks will all be IKAGOs.
Wrong again!!! Blacks have ‘been as they are’ for 100,000 years or more. Hunters and cannibals.
The Abos [africans who moved]are Blacks that boated to Au 70,000? Years ago. Lowest IQs on the planet. [so much for nthe 'outta africa' school of thought, haha].
And SCIENCE shows us where in Africa the Abos came from.
WHAT WOULD MAKE BLACKS SMART IS 30,000? Years [100 generations] in a very cold place and no ‘outside’ intervention. Survival of the smartest.
I meant 3000 generations.
The Katrina lessons to be learned:
#1. Do not ever go to any shelter in most large cities with large negroe populations as you will be experiencing the same things.
#2. Better to be killed at home in a storm than to be murdered by shuck young brothas in the shelter.
#3. If your given advance warning of a Katrina type storm leave while its still possible to do so.
#4. Also avoid places where people are held and you have no choice of dis/ association with the negroe. (Prisons, Jails, Hospitals,FEMA Camps, Stadiums..)
#5.When you are given a warning about a possible catastrophe, do not hang out and wait fo helps,as da negroe does.
No, you are not wrong. I've also noticed that too many of our people don't want to face reality. I've also tried to explain to others that we are in a largely unorganized race war now, but too many people are also in denial. I don't worry too much about myself, as there are many essentials I have stocked up on, and I live in a rural area. But it does upset me that the rest of my immediate family members are so willfully blind, and just keep believing that things can't get bad really fast. Even Hurricane Sandy didn't change their views at all.
The gubmint "work" force is about as retarded as it's going to get.
Nothing gets done. Innovation is actively suppressed. Explanations are not given for contradictory guidance, only the same statements over and over. They don't know what it means, but somebody sent out a vague memo from up top with the statement in an easy to pronounce and remember sound bite.
It truly is an Idiocracy here. On the bright side, the mostly YT defense contractors are running circles around these retarded muds and milking us taxpayers dry. So YT is getting some gubmint money back :)
An Anonymous wrote:
I would like to see a chart of IQ versus common mental abilities. For example, at what IQ levels does a person lose the ability to perform higher mathematics, abstract or logical reasoning, play a musical instrument, perform simple math, drive a car, fly an airplane, read, write, speak, walk, and many other important skills..
IQ is the most solid concept in all of the social sciences outside of economics but it isn't everything. For example it does not include musical ability. Most people in classical music know that the violinists in the major orchestras are often really stupid people. Those less familiar with music are often surprised by this fact.
Musical ability is believed to be associated with the posterior anterior gyrus (a small part of the brain). General intelligence is more widely distributed but especially associated with the pre-frontal lobes. Blacks have smaller frontal lobes but not the musical areas of their brains are not different.
There have been no great black composers but there are lots of black pop musicians.
IQ has a heritability of approximately .70. As Herrnstein (the co-author of 'The Bell Curve') pointed out, every reform to some environmental disparity thereby increases the importance of heredity. If the liberals stamp out all social differences the heritability of IQ will rise to nearly 100%.
There are dozens of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) that contribute to IQ. The number keeps rising all the time. No single locus accounts for much explanatory power. BTW that's why the IQ distribution is a Bell Curve. If it were only one SNP like Mendel's peas it would have a rectangular distribution.
The large number of SNPs involved mean that it is unlikely that we will even have a simple pill that raises IQ or a simple genetic treatment.
Another Anonymous cites Jared Diamond's work.
If you appreciate this blog and it's message you should probably be skeptical of Diamond's books. I have in fact written many long criticism of his four main books in Amazon. I don't have the room here to go into all, that but I'll try to cover a few of the major points.
Diamond is an American geographer who is a serious bird watcher. He travels to New Guinea regularly to observe the birds. In his most famous book 'Guns, Germs ...' he tries to answer what he calls Yali's Question - Why do the whites have so much cargo and his people so little. This refers to the 'Cargo Cult' products that descended on the South Pacific in WWII.
Diamond claims that Yali is smarter than almost any white man. He is desperate to fashion an explanation as to the poverty of New guinea that doesn't imply that he is any better than the natives.
But of course he's wrong. Diamond is a talented writer and a very bright guy. Most of the natives of New Guinea are very stupid and very violent. The UN warns tourists to keep out because it is such a hell hole - except of course for all the beautiful birds.
In a way Diamond is right - geography was important. About 70,000 years ago our ancestors left Africa and went into Europe. An event that I call - 'Og walks north'. Other tribes walked to the north east and became the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. My ancestors went into Europe and killed of the Neanderthals.
The results of these migrations is that some people began to live in the north. These people became for whatever reason the smart people. The people who stayed behind or stayed in the tropics remained the stupid people. But Diamond chooses not to tell that story that way. He emphasizes that his white ancestors were just lucky not better. It would be more accurate to say his ancestors were initially lucky and that allowed them to develop to be superior.
Diamond is not a serious academic. He is popular on PBS but not among professional researchers. His book 'Collapse' has particularly drawn criticism among real anthropologists. His goofy 'greenie' ideas that are expressions of his liberal guilt have created a cottage industry of anti-Diamond books. See for example ' The Statues that Walked' for an annihilation of his Easter Island notions.
Diamond is one of the bad guys. The guys who spread the idea that the white man is the problem and that the forest natives are better than us.
Thanks go to Pat for his excellent post at 10:44 re: Jared Diamond.
My ancestors went into Europe and killed of the Neanderthals.
But not before interbreeding with them and acquiring some fragments of DNA that are important for something, otherwise they would not have been so well conserved over the past fifty or a hundred millennia. ALL non-Africans carry some Neanderthal DNA.
As I recall, Australians and Micronesians also carry some DNA from an extinct race known as Denisovans. Maybe this had some beneficial effects, but it might also help explain why those two races are so stupid.
Upon reading the AmRen article "Africa in Our Midst" I was taken aback by this...
"On September 5, exactly a week after the hurricane, Mayor Ray Nagin offered to pay for the entire police force, firefighters, and city emergency workers to go on five-day vacations — with their families — to Las Vegas or some other destination. He said there were enough National Guard in the city to maintain order, and that his men “have been through a lot.” He brushed off suggestions that this was dereliction of duty. He even asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to pay for the vacations, but FEMA refused." (I suspect an Obama FEMA would have capitulated to that request)
I think this sums up the effectiveness of the negro. When the chips are down, lets all take a vacation because, hey, "we've been through a lot."
Would any other group do this...? I think not. Thankfully I have never been to NOLA and will never go there until the negro population is reduced by like 99%, so clearly Im not making any travel reservations in the near future.
If I had been in such a circumstance I would certainly not be thinking of taking a vacation. I would be focused on rebuilding my life and my community and maybe I would be in a position to take a vacation in a few years, but certainly not a week after such an event.
Almost daily I keep seeing commenters here talking about what theyve seen on TV. It has been said many times that TV is the propaganda tool that keeps much of the insanity going. If youre serious about this issue then eliminating TV viewing as part of your daily ritual is essential to success. Failure to do so is to unwittingly play into the hands of the enemy. If you want to watch TV then youre commitment to this cause is highly suspect. TV viewing is an addiction that will require some withdrawl upon cessation. It can be done, but its temptation is insidious.
My grandfather said that the difference between commitment and dedication is as simple as a bacon and egg breakfast...the chicken was dedicated, the pig was committed. I am committed to this cause for the long run, thus no TV viewing in my house for the past 15 years. Once you free yourself from the TV mindset you will soon discover the veil being lifted from your eyes.
I want to expand upon the idea of sentimentality being a factor in the behavior of the white race. I fully agree with much that the anon commenter said on this topic. I think a good deal of this lies with the feminist movement. Strong men once ruled these lands, but through shaming and cajoling these men stood down and allowed women to have a greater say in the rule making. Women most often think emotionally rather than rationally, thus allowing their innate sentimentality to override their rationale.
Im not here to denigrate women per se, and I have immense respect for those women who comment so wisely on this blog. I do believe that we have feminized the country to the point where rational, pragmatic thinking is routinely demonized for some "kinder, gentler" approach. I believe that until we can reintroduce rational thinking and balance the emotional "feel good" tendencies of our current society not much good will come.
over and out
"As I recall, Australians and Micronesians also carry some DNA from an extinct race known as Denisovans. Maybe this had some beneficial effects, but it might also help explain why those two races are so stupid."
Had to laugh. They ARE stupid in the extreme.
MrNatural, re: Mayor Nagir offering a weeks vacation to police
That looks suspiciously like the chieftain creating "space to loot" for his tribe, leaving the White holdouts on their own against gangs and Natl Guard gun-grabbers.
I love these NOLA posts. Not because I have ever been there, but because it documents the instant breakdown of society when the negro doesn't get their gibs on time.
I had a off topic incident that happened last night.
I am almost 40 and my friend is 35. I went in the Military at 18 and spent a career in the Navy and Marine Corps, while he has had no career and will not take a job unless he can smoke weed. (that also means I always have a lot more money than he has ever had)
But we grew up on the same street so I guess we are lifelong friends though we are so different.
Yesterday I got a tattoo worked on. I was under a needle for 7 hours getting color on a half back piece. So after that I needed to go drink some beer. So I went over to his house and we were drinking some beers and watching a war movie. 3 hours later all of a sudden there is a knock on the door. He opened the door and there was 6 negro's males in their 20's, 2 sheboons, and a skinny crackhead looking white whore. He let them in! I stood up and drew my Kimber 1911 out of my holster in my jeans. (I didn't point it or anything crazy like that but I drew it pointed down at the floor) (My gut told me we were getting home invaded)
The look on their face was PRICELESS! Here I am a White guy covered in tats (no neck or hand shit but I am working on a traditional Yakuza type full body piece) holding a .45 in one hand a a Marlboro in my lips. My friend said to me "hey it's cool these are my friends!" So I holstered my piece and started grabbing my belongings. He asked why I was leaving and I said "because I don't fucking hang with ghetto scum" and proceeded to walk out of his patio door.
Got a call from his Mother at 7am this morning. Apparently after I left they were drinking and things went wrong and the negro's kicked the shit out of him and destroyed his apartment, then robbed him. I told his Mother exactly what happened and told her "that is why I left, because I am not going to hang out with ghetto negro's and your son invited it on himself"
I carry everywhere I go. However a gun did not save me last night, the refusal to bow down to political correctness and refusing to associate with negro's is what saved me! I am very sore this morning because 7 hours under a tattoo needle hurts, but he is in the local hospital at this very minute with God knows what wrong with him..
If anyone wants an update just ask and I will reply in a week.
In Reply To:
"Attn all non-negroes!
Do you own property in America?
Or do you rent and you're concerned about the crime rate in your neighborhood?
Research the Obama/HUD program known as AFFH (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing), and prepare to be shocked..."
I own property in Asia but am considering buying property in rural Wyoming or Montana. I earned dual citizenship in Asia and it is much safer than were I go to visit Family in the states. Since I am married to a beautiful Asian Woman I am not against Asians or others. I like many I realize it is only the black who cannot fit into civilized society.
I have spent a third of my life overseas and never been a victim of crime. The plan is to stay in Asia. If the states crumbles I shall not be affected.
Look at Hati and see what a black run society looks like.
Notice the article said he had two young children and was starting college that Wednesday...at least this dindu removed himself from the gene pool.
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