Trust me though: it's the only story, once turned into a movie, necessary to show our grandchildren why this epoch came crashing down.
Violent crime, almost entirely committed by blacks in a city dominated by Republican-elected mayors for the better part of post-1968 America.
A black pastor pitches a tent, to protest this black violence... committed in a city dominated by Republican-elected mayors for the better part of post-1968 America.
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If Indianapolis lacked a black population, would there be more than five murders in an entire year? Would there be more than 10 nonfatal shootings in a year? |
The tent, mind you, is pitched on Martin Luther King Jr. Street...[Fed up with crime, pastor makes his pitch, Indianapolis Star, 9-5-15]:
He "felt like he had to do something" about negroes killing each he did this?
The mindset of this primitive species really is mentally retarded.
All "this" accomplishes is Look At Me. That's it. Not ONE negro death will be avoided due to "this".
Do they make kevlar tents? Africans in America need a new songbook because the old song and dance about raising awareness, gots to do something (meaningless) and need more money song has gotten old. I thought these people were supposed to be natural entertainers but I find their act boring (when it isn't terrifying).
How typical negroe behaviour-loos at me indeed. And I'm sure his congregation is still blaming white people for all of their problems. I doubt this race of people is capable of much introspection anyway.
Why not deport them to Syria?
While this pastor seems like a fairly decent sort and has his heart in the right place, like all nogs and useful idiot whiggers he automatically adopts the Commie line that all crime and murderous brutality has poverty as its root cause. However, to remind them that during the Great Depression crime was almost non-existent (among blacks as well as whites) puts them in an apoplectic fury and immediately brands you as a heartless racist.
Blacks today don't have a clue as to what REAL poverty is, and the vast majority of whites (like my own family at the time) in the 30s, 40s and 50s didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out. We literally didn't have enough to eat and bought clothes at rummage sales. There was no welfare then, for anyone, and we got along fine with blacks in our little neighborhoods. That's because we largely shared the same values.
Today, blacks on welfare live far, far better now than most whites back then, and they thank the rest of us by killing us every chance they get. I now, in my old age, despise fully 95% of these brutish, murderous monsters. Come to think of it, most of them on welfare and EBT cards live BETTERF than most working poor whites paying the freight.
"Girton, 46, became the pastor at Christ Missionary Baptist in March, taking over for his uncle, the Rev. Melvin Girton. "
Keeping it all in the family. Is this some kind of business enterprise to be handed down to family members? I would check the books.
Religion is obviously very important to the negro. One more thing I do not have in common with them.
“If a person doesn’t have hope, they will reach out to whatever vice or tool that they can to destroy or to make life worse for somebody else, to feel better about themselves. I hate to say that, but that’s what people do..."
No, "pastor", that's what BLACK people do.
Everyone else picks themselves up by the bootstraps and does whatever it takes to make their lives and the lives of their loved ones better.
They are a hopeless offshoot of humanity.
Philadelphia Mike
Screw this moron "pastor" and his BS cause. He should know, if he had two working brain cells, that he's wasting his time. The Black thugs doing the shooting could give a damn about what he or God thinks. The White-guilt DWLs need to lose a few of their ranks so they might start seeing reality, too.
The gibs have got to go. Cut-off the EBT, quit with the Section 8 BS and drop everything that even looks like affirmative action. THEN we'll see how much they're "just like us." It'll be ugly but with many in law enforcement sick and tired of the cross-hairs being on them and more harmful noise coming from the BLM idiots (supported by the Democrats, too! Can you believe it?!) - Blacks will get the very short end of the stick, I am certain. One little push is all the line of dominoes takes to start falling.
Useless, evil, parasitic garbage. Know Blacks, Nothing good.
Well he's right about one thing, it's the hopeless part. Trying to make African negroes live up to a standard of behaviour every other race on the planet seems capable of doing, is hopeless.
They refuse to be educated beyond about the third grade level. If they got much further than that, they might possibly become aware of how useless they are.
Their hopelessness is of their own making but they blame yt because they're too stupid to realize they're that damn stupid. It's a vicious circle.
OT. More cops shot in Las Vegas, Nevada. They survived, dumbass in custody. Race not revealed, yet. Anyone?
OT, I watched The First 48 tonight, a couple old episodes, do you notice when mammie gets told her good boy has been murdered how these mammies go bezzerk!? First, they know Shitavious is the big bad gang banger in da hood, they know he has a list of priors longer than his arm, they know he carries a piece, yet when mammies good boy gets kilted they wail like a banshee!! It's a looks at me attitude all the mammies have, the probably can't wait for the showing of the body, then the funeral to wear their Sunday best and get all the attention from the fellow mammies in da hood. And that if the fambly even claims the body, I believe it's getting to be the norm now to just let us taxpayers foots da bill!! Sheeeeeit, days bees cossin me's all mys EBT savins.
Does this guy really think that the people living in Indianapolis or any other large city REALLY CARE about black people being killed. Any large city I've ever been in the evening news is just a crime report of who was shot and killed in the last 24 hours. You have to sit through the whole bloody and gruesome news hour before hearing about the cute little panda bear who just got pregnant at the local zoo. Does the average person living in America really care any more about BLACKS KILLING EACH OTHER. The only time a black gets upset is if a white cop kills a dope dealer or other gutter crawler. How many white people go to sleep at night worried about the thugs in the hood playing bang bang until the late night hours.
These marches and vigils by well dressed and over fed preachers are completely useless. Maybe the government can build another million dollar community center using ex-cons and gang bangers to consult all the fatherless children. If you can't teach these demented fuckers how to read and write you sure ain't going to teach them to stop shooting each other.
The worst thing about all this never ending bullshit is knowing how the average black thinks. Everybody on this blog knows that the blacks believes if they were to stop killing each other THAT WOULD BE ACTING WHITE. Fucking-A dude. We can't have none of that acting white shit.
It does appear that "ignorance is bliss" with this species. It never has improved with never will.
I pitch a tent metaphorically when I see blacks killing blacks.
Black's- Very entertaining , when they're not trying to kill you.
Is the Hair Plus Beauty Supply shop killing bald people? Who's Next?
What about pitching 10 million new tents in Liberia and shipping the useless black creatures to their homeland??
Most of them would pawn their tents for some crack and cheap booze.
"If I did a Shit, It would Look Like Trayvon"
“We’re doing everything within our power to get the message out that this is not acceptable in our community,” said Rev. Anthony Pippens,
The "community" begs to differ rev. Violent beastial behavior IS acceptable. Infact it is the only acceptable form of personal conduct lest one wants said violence and incomprehensible savagery directed towards themselves. Calling these cretins retards is offensive to people with actual cognitive disabilities. Something needs to change drastically...soon.
My fridge quit working today. Im pretty sure if I sleep on the floor for a week that will fix it.
Socially retarded, feces species antics. Merely drawing attention to himself and his wallet, hope one of his species gets jealous and, well you know.
Girton said”. . . the greatest problem affecting the people in the neighborhood is more fundamental — hopelessness.
“They don’t see a better tomorrow. They don’t see that tomorrow has anything better to offer than today,”
“If a person doesn’t have hope, they will reach out to whatever vice or tool that they can to destroy or to make life worse for somebody else, to feel better about themselves.”
It is always about blacks expecting someone else to make them happy. Rather than make something of today through their own work and industry they want to destroy or make life worse for somebody else while they wait for tomorrow to magically bring them something better. Unfortunately for blacks the future that they continue to cultivate is indeed a future of hopelessness. I will not voluntarily contribute another dime to offer them something better when they won't do anything for themselves.
My father was born and raised in Alabama, as was his mother. My father's father was also born and raised in the deep south. They were poor, poor. Only wore shoes in winter, and sometimes went to south Florida to stay with relatives in winter when there was no money for fuel, shoes, jackets. (Too bad they never had money to buy land)
My father told me that the Whites were just as bad off as blacks. During the depression, one day during school, about junior high age, the one room school house class heard someone yelling "Master, master". It was a young black kid sent by his school master to ask for chalk. My father's school had no chalk either.
Yes, blacks have no idea how good they have it. They have squandered billions of dollars. Money that could have gone to help homeless veterans, help Whites in Appalachia. The Whites in Appalachia are worse off than any poor blacks. Appalachia does not get the money, programs, etc that blacks have gotten and thrown away.
I am sick of blacks, libtards, democRats, republiCons shoving their Marxist agenda down our throats at our expense. They have ruined this country, and will not be happy until it is utterly destroyed. Then they will have complete control. I can't say what I really think.
I just read that in February ISIS told the West to prepare for a mass flood of "refugees" to get terrorists into the West, to strain resources, to cause havoc. Mainstream media did not report this information. The Western nations governments obviously ignored the warning. It is happening!!!! The majority of those flooding Europe are not true refugees fleeing for their lives. Trump is absolutely right......our leaders are stupid! And Ovomit will start bringing them over here. Then we will have double trouble - muslims and blacks. Arm yourselves.
The sign: "Stop black on black killings"
The sign's message: "We must kill. It's in our DNA. Start more black on white killings."
Negroes kill. They assault. They rape. They steal. They lie. They are corrupt. They are evil, soulless creatures.
Here, watch negroes that broke into Italy. You see any difference whatsoever with their behavior here in the U.S.?
This is the mind of the negro and no amount of effort will ever, ever change this.
As always the negroe is acting on some primitive instinct as with voodoo and their belief system. I can imagine the ooking, eeking and screeching that will occur when it is discovered that this tent protest is not going to do a damn thing to stop these primates from offing each other. The root cause of the negroe dysfunction is genetic, they have tribalism encoded in their genes, to this very day in Africa the negroe is quite happy to exterminate one another over any any issue real or imagined. How many times have we heard of negroes killing cause dey be disrespected! Tent protest indeed!
Ot. I stopped at a little Indian dive ( Curry, not corn) to get some beer in Cleveland. There was a late 50s demographic outside panhandling for enough to get her bottle of what ever. I gave to her simply because I know that listening to the scanner tonight she's going to do great things. Just doing my part.
Chicago is on the path of being the next Detroit.
This is one of the funniest things I have ever read on SBPDL.
This "pastor" is a clown. "Lookee me, I gots me a coffin in a death sideshow!"
Blacks are violent, brutish, unevolved morons. I'm sick of being told that everything I, my family, and my ancestors struggled to create over the course of thousands of years should be liquidated because these parasites can't get their shit in one sock long enough to evolve into any semblance of civilized humans.
So when I see a niggro "pastor" doing snuff street theatre porn, I can only laugh.
It's not poverty. It's DNA. That isn't going to change because black bucks will ejaculate into anything they can catch. That often but sadly not always includes black sows. They fornicate because it's what they do. They don't evolve because evolution left them behind millions of years ago.
The "tent embassy" is a much loved tactic of the community in Australia
In Baltimore a victim advocacy group is using prayer to combat the rise in murders. I wonder if anyone in Baltimore or Indianapolis has tried doing a rain dance yet?
Leave it to the black community to do everything but take actual action to solve a problem. But hey, I'm probably wrong and they might be only one or two marches away from solving all their violence problems.
OT, but not really. Another excellent entertainment piece by the NYT, where Joe Nocera analyzes why $200 million in donations to the Newark, NJ public school system (courtesy of Facebook founder Marc Zuckerberg and former Newark mayor Cory Booker) is "basically gone." This is all because Zuckerberg is a dummy, and charter schools are complicated! HA HA HA HA HA
Yes, keep "getting the message out". I'm sure all these black murderers are just suffering from incomplete information. Keep trying to shame the shameless and "talk" them out of their behavior. Don't these geniuses realize that if awareness and talking points were all that was needed, that these problems would have been solved long ago?
And yet they continue to attempt to "solve" a problem with as little actual effort as humanly possible. If you really want something, you have to give lots of time to it, not just token efforts for the camera once or twice a month.
But they don't want any outside (particularly white) input to help solve their problems. It is just another instance of "looks at muh" and feel so sorry for me and give me more money with no strings attached. Nothing ever changes, as it shouldn't, because their behaviors will never change. Why care about a community that doesn't even care about itself?
Well this ought to be terribly effective...said absolutely f-king nobody.
Stop 'black on black killings'??!! Like other color combos are ok?! WTF!?
And hey, PK, I just read this article and it seems like worth drawing your attention to. It's about four evil racist White men who murdered a 5 yr old innocent cute black girl while invading her home. Oh, sorry, strike that...reverse it.
Had it been a dead black this would have been national news for months with Obama involved, and not another story down the memory hole:
The pastor decides to pitch a tent and thinks that will make a difference. LOL! He might as well spend the next 30 days running up and down the streets pitching a fit for all the good it will do. As has been pointed out, this is just typical negro "looksatme!" behavior.
In a previous story several months ago, the negroes in New Orleans had a voodoo priestess howling and casting spells in the street to end da violence. Same difference. As I pointed out then, they might as well have had every negro sow from the age of 8 to 80 twerking down the street until their spines snapped.
Anon @ 5:51 PM Sept 7: I remember the stories my mother and grandmother told of how things were back in the 30's, 40's and 50's. They were so poor, my mother's dresses for school were made from empty flour sacks. Around 1960, when I was just 4 years old, I can remember having nothing to eat but flour mixed with water (a thin gravy) and served over bread. My older brother and I ate that every day until we were actually throwing it up and couldn't take it anymore. Winter was terrible but summer was glorious as a garden was planted and we had all kinds of vegetables to eat. We'd also pick wild berries and plums. We had so much white privilege that my dad joined the military to get us out of that situation. Negroes today think they have it bad but have any of them ever known anyone who would carry a can of food around in their pocket so that no matter what happened they'd always have at least something to eat? Going through all that as kids, we were determined to work hard and succeed so we'd never have to face that kind of situation ever again and that's what we did.
When I hear some fat, bloated, contemptible negro sow complaining about not having no money left on her EBT card and about all dat white privilege white folks got........the urge to punch her in the mouth and knock her on her fat ignorant ass is almost uncontrollable. Almost.
Negroes are just a violent race that needs to be SEGREGATED/SEPARATED and it's as simple as that.
Off topic:
Two Bantu high school football players attack ref over previous call. Amazing sportsmanship on display here.
Maybe this is the kind of "TENT" they are looking for.
Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
Pray tell was it the Black cloud that settled upon it.Since Blacks are the real Israelites and sheeeit,gnomesayin yo yo yo.
@Anonymous (September 7, 2015 at 5:51 PM)
Your comment, in part of: "...[during the Great Depression] crime was almost non-existent among blacks as well as whites..."
This, for me, raises a VERY interesting observation about the blacks of today.
We continue to hear that, in a nutshell, living with poverty, and of course lack of "good" education has thereby pushed the black demographic to the proliferation of criminality and violence (their only choice they say). But, your excellent point of comparable to the Great Depression, which brought communities to their knees, did not have the same violent result from blacks. Why is that I wonder...? Why are today's "poverty stricken neighborhoods" any different than those of that era?
I think we all know the answer to that question. Today's blacks are allowed to be black. Whites have pulled-back on (for lack of a better adjective) the stranglehold placed on blacks, leaving them to their own devices...which as we all know, is ALWAYS violence and criminality. When blacks are held accountable BY WHITES, they are unable to resort to their most tribal instincts and thereby controlled. Without this assistance by whites, assistance by means of enforcing AND forcing them to practice self-control, civility, and good-neighborly practices, the end result will always be the same. Which, as we see today in (especially black-government led) cities/towns, high criminality, and high violence.
Whites did blacks a favor by controlling them, although it will never be acknowledged, and whites are only chastised for it - mostly by guilty whites.
Without this stranglehold by whites, blacks run-a muck.
This is a good time to repeat a truism about the sub-Saharan Africans occupying space and consuming wealth here in the U.S.
Blacks are 99% inspiration and 1% perspiration. They're the anti-Edisons.
Marches, bullhorns, releasing balloons, chants, singing, praying, holding hands, etc, etc.
Fun stuff for nitwits. And then go home and plop your fat butts, eat junk food, and suck on the teat of the idiot racial socialist mommy of television. Lose yourself in a dreamworld of contrived negro glamour while your young punks and sluts have sloppy thoughtless sex and become infected with STDS and infest America with more stupid and poorly raised children.
It's clear that black's childish and lazy brained approach is a colossal flop and it's equally obvious that they're not ever going to change for the better on their own.
We Whites are going to have to develop even more powerful contraception, greatly reduce immigration, and subsequently transform welfare to workfare to have a significant improvement in black behavior.
Can't wait for your movie project! Our times cry out for a film that speaks the Truth about the negro, and delves into the genetics at the base of all the problems. Bring it on!
And this quote from Marine leader Mattis is good:
“You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad.”
The brutal facts in our case is that negroes do not assimilate into First World societies because of their genetic differences. Throwing money at them and drowning in White Guilt is pointless. He's right, it is bad; not 'going to be'.
they always seem to think just chatting with the gang bangers and asking them to pretty pretty please stop shooting each other, and we will give you lots of yt's money, will actually do something. when has that EVER worked?
and you are right on the money, anon at 5:51. they act as though there has never been poor people other than blacks. there are poor people all over the world, and ONLY the black ones behave as they do. they say they need " hope" , no they need some discipline.
Thank you for your post. My parents too lived through the Depression. My mom who is 88, still doesn't talk about it, but my dad did reveal little snippets of it when he was alive. I'm also fed up with black behaviour and their feeble excuses and actions to address it. No one back then used poverty as an excuse for anyones behaviour, even in New York City, where my parents grew up. I'm just beyond disgust with this race.
He might end up as a case of "camping gone wrong".
Found this great analysis/breakdown of how cities change as the black population increases:
If there are 5 blacks per 100 people, everyone applauds how integrated the community is.
At 5-10% black there is an occasional spike in loudness, but it's usually isolated and brief. People are usually too embarrassed to say anything, and it temporarily abates.
At 10-20% black, these problems rise dramatically. People occasionally hear loud hip-hop music from a passing vehicle, usually later & later at night, as an outgoing signal of rising 'blackness' in the community.
Pasadena, California — Black 10.7% (figures are 2011)
Manhattan, New York — Black 12.9%
At 20-30% black, the loudness & behavior is so disruptive that well-meaning families begin to stop going to certain public areas. Black-on-black fights occur to establish dominance, and fights between black females occur in parking lots, usually over a black male.
Boston, Massachusetts — Black 24.4%
Tampa, Florida — Black 26.2%
At 30-40% minor public incidents give way to more serious crimes, and somewhere in the community the first felonies occur at the hands of blacks, targeting the elderly or defenseless.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida — Black 30.9%
Compton, Los Angeles — Black 32.9%
Willowbrook, Los Angeles — Black 34.4%
40-60% sees an atmosphere that is so loud, fast, & unpredictable that it interferes with peaceful activity. At this stage people's gut sense of "safety" in the community is eroding. Anticipating the unexpected starts to factor into simple decisions like going to the store or getting into one's car.
Inglewood, Los Angeles — Black 43.9%
Philadelphia — Black 44%
South Chicago — Black 50.2%
Carol City, Florida — Black 52.1%
60-75% black: expect covert drug use, and concealed guns. Good families are moving away. At this stage hip-hop emanating from cars is now an advertisement for illegal drug sales.
Opa-locka, Florida - Black 69.6% (In 2004 Opa-locka had the highest rate of violent crime for any city in the United States.)
Ladera Heights, California — Black 73.7%
Overtown, Miami — Black 74.7%
Now, at 75-85% black, walking down the street is now a risk. Find hair-trigger, unprovoked violence, usually targeted against those of non-black race. Calls to 9-1-1 demonstrate slower & slower response times. Local businesses deteriorate, as does the general condition of the neighborhood. The last of the liberal, die-hard families vacate the community whose memories they have cherished for decades.
East Garfield Park, Chicago — Black 75.5%
Brightmoor, Detroit — Black 82.7%
Gary, Indiana — Black 84%
Metcalfe Park, Milwaukee — Black 84.1%
Shaw, Washington D.C. — Black 84.8%
At 85-95% black, the public institutions in the area (schools, libraries, etc.) slowly wither from lack of use. Consumer places (food stores, day-care centers, etc.) show graffiti & territorial gang signs, and gang membership now outweighs the number of non-gang people. Drug sales & prostitution are open and obvious. A gunshot is heard every week. All businesses which are still in operation (liquor stores, stereo wholesalers, etc.) have bars on their windows.
Highland park, Detroit — Black 93.5%
Liberty City, Florida — Black 94.6%
At 95-100% black, there is debris everywhere. A large number of dwellings are ruined or burned-out. At this stage, the economy of the community is nearing total collapse, and good jobs are scarce. Emergency services infrequently patrol for fear of risking officers' lives.
Bronzeville, Milwaukee — Black 96.2%
Washington Heights, Chicago — Black 97.2%
Franklin Park, Florida — Black 97.6%
Englewood, Chicago — Black 100%
The name of the neighborhood is now synonymous with violence & gangs. At this stage the spread of this condition bears characteristics similar to the unchecked spread of a virus, and adjacent communities begin to show signs of following suit.
Every day CNN keeps up the anti-white brainwashing.
How many blacks were gunned down by blacks over the Labor Day weekend? Who knows? CNN has as its headline a weeks old story of an animal being killed by a white.
Black Lives Matter, CNN! Why would CNN find a weeks old dead lion more interesting than 100s of hardly warm black corpses?
I like to think of the intelligent guys at the NSA who are monitoring this site. Like others, they at first think we are "evil racists", then after awhile they start translating "evil racist" into "person who asks questions" or "person who can read crime statistics".
BTW, I live in a lily-white neighborhood. My liberal artist neighbor posts on Facebook how much she hates the dentist that killed the lion and posts that she supports the black uprising. She posts how great it is that Europe is taking in all the Syrians...she is depressed and easily irritated by the slightest things. Another neighbor commented on her lawncare and she was SO UPSET.
She likes living in the safety, peace and beauty of our lily-white neighborhood. I think, though, if it were not for her husband's job here, she would like to move to a more liberal lily-white city. She dreams of pretending to love diversity with other whites. I guess she wants to move where she can play a city-wide role playing game, like Dungeons and Dragons. No real dragons (blacks), just pretending.
Idiot orc! Yea, a tent wil solve a million years of evolution difference! Ha!
OT: the best way to bring this all to a head (where it is headed anyway) is to donate to Black Lives Matter. They need to be completely supported and encouraged. They're really f&cking things up for the orcs; give them more money and power. Don't interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Another neighbor commented on her lawncare and she was SO UPSET.
Tell her black lives matter only to Yt who lives in a White neighborhood.
Ha! Tent! What a crock of sh^t!
OT: Black privilege in NYC:
Cops routinely confiscate booze from revelers at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, but detectives union chief Michael Palladino said he was ordered not to do the same thing at the West Indian-American Day Parade.
“In my 36 years with the department, that’s the only parade where I was told to look the other way,” Palladino said. “The political theme of decriminalization started at that parade decades ago.”
A retired NYPD cop said, “No one in their right mind wants to do that detail.”
“It’s the worst event of the year, in terms of violence, and it goes on for days,” the ex-cop said.
Anonymous said above on September 8, 2015 at 3:04 AM, "And hey, PK, I just read this article and it seems like worth drawing your attention to. It's about four evil racist White men who murdered a 5 yr old innocent cute black girl while invading her home."
Holy cow, where did you read this? Sounds like the place where just about every detective show now on television such as Miami Vice, Law & Order, Sargent Kenda, Dateline, Snapped, 48 Hours and on and on get their scripts for their shows.
If a group of ETs flew in from another far away galaxy and sat in a room watching television for three weeks straight, they would have to conclude that only white people kill, rape, molest, rob and assault poor, defenseless backs and Mexicans. Further, they would also have to conclude from watching the commercials that all black men are responsible family men holding down professional occupations such as doctors, dentists, Wall Street brokers, psychologists, billionaire business tycoons and on and on and on. Of course, all the black women shown in commercials and murder mysteries would all have great bodies, their hair straightened and beautifully coiffed by professional makeup men and have white features. IOW, they would all look like good-looking white women, but about fifty shades darker.
Ain't Hollywood and television great, boys and girls? These whiggers producing this shit all live in some fantasy world, just like the nogs whose ass they kiss every single day. The only difference is they ll live in mansions and don't allow their own children to even turn on a television set or go to a movie - even ones THEY make!
There you go! Pitch that tent, Revren Inwerd! Be sure to wear your gaudiest purple, orange and green-striped Sunday sermon suit with sequins so everybody can see just how much you mean business. When other negroes get a load of THAT spectacle, the TNB is BOUND to stop! Might as well cut the heads off a few chickens each midnight just to ensure complete success.
In the meantime, I'm going to light a few candles so mosquitoes will quit biting me. I know it hasn't worked the last 500 or so times I tried it, but this time, I've got SCENTED candles. Plus I'm armed with a big SIGN this time. And this is no ordinary sign. It's got "Please, Please Stop The Biting, Bugs!" stenciled in giant letters. So I think doing things like adding an extra "please" in there will be the crucial tactics that the mosquitoes will finally understand, and I can end their biting forever! After all, I know deep down that they don't really want to bite. They're just like us except that they've been swatted and sprayed so long that they don't have any HOPE. If we can only reach out to them, we can all live together in peace.
If you are black.... I'm guessing your new free fridge will be along soon
“We’re doing everything within our power to get the message out that this is not acceptable in our community,”
That is it. After all this time, effort, and money that has been spent on domesticating Black communities, we overlooked Tue simplest of answers. All this time they thought all the violence was acceptable. Now we just have to get the word out to each and every Black person that murder, assault, rape, selling crack and heroin, and robbery isn't acceptable. How was this ever overlooked? I guess we all look the fool.
Well let's get this message out so black values, and prosperity are equal to that of whites.
And wait a minute. According to Fox News, all these areas need are "Republican policies" and the Blacks will thrive just as whites do. That is what Hannity says. Beck says that too along with how we should all bow to statues of Michael King.
It is their magical thinking that makes them so religious. And they really do believe in all of it. Their lack of impulse control is what causes them to be so "sinful". But that is why they do so well with Christianity which involves confession and forgiveness of sins. After a drive-by and gang rape, they just need to feel bad and all is right with them and their god.
This was not meant as a jab at Christianity, just the way blacks practice it.
OT: Had a satisfying moment this weekend. While exiting the grocery store, a sheboon was looking for donations for the pee wee football league. "Heps the chillins football league" she said to me while sitting her fat ass at a table with a jar while a couple of little nogs in jerseys were standing around the table.
As someone who played pee wee football back in the day, I used to donate. Not anymore.
I walked up to the table, while pushing my cart, and said while looking right at her in an authoritative voice, "No." There was no response from her, no chimpout.
It felt good. Probably should have added, "I've given enough."
Very well put. I was driving through the west side of chicago aka garfield park aka "lets chop up a baby and toss him in the lagoon" aka "nagger fest all day every day" for my job. No one works here unless you include selling drugs or ass in your labor count. Rap music eminates from every single car and the smell of weed lofts everywhere. Every 4th porch has a brood of savages that eyefuck me as I drive down their block, not sure if Im the police or if Im some suburbanite there to buy some dope. No one has a valid drivers license and forget about insurance. This area is and has been 99% black (not 75%) for a very long time now with 0% chance of ever getting better.
One more thing which is disturbing about this is that Indianapolis used to be identified with the American heartland. Today is is identified with the rising tide of black violence.
Did they have this sort of black crime in the era of Sundown Towns?
Girton said”. . . the greatest problem affecting the people in the neighborhood is more fundamental — hopelessness.
OK but what about affirmative action? What about black studies programs? What about minorities-only contracts? What about having streets named after MLK? What about Section 8 housing? What about all those positive role models of blacks on the telescreen? What about all that space for rioters to run amok in Ferguson and Baltimore? What about the great big rainbow nation of South Africa where majority rule has brought in all the benefits of black civilization to an entire country? What about their Big Man in the Oval House teleprompter reader chair?
I'd think all that would give blacks "hope."
Which is one more thing which is disturbing about BRA: Even when blacks are given everything they demand, they can not make it work.
So here's the question: "What policies, programs or budgets would give blacks 'hope'?" Better, "what policies, programs or budgets would cause blacks to behave up to the standards of white people?"
Which is the essence of the dilemma. No matter how much money is thrown in their direction, no matter how large the EO bureaucracy expands, no matter how much American society is rearranged to quiet their tantrums, no matter how many white children are slaughtered on the altar of the Great Spirit Ekwality--blacks still can not make it work.
Something to think about in the continuing chaos...
OT----Gets better and better every single day GHetto LOTTERY babyyyyyyy...$$$$$$
Freddie Gray's family settles with city for $6.4M
Those Neanderthal-DNA-lacking Morlock wannabes need a few thousand generations of struggling (with NO enabling!!!) to adapt to an uncertain future. The descendants of the many generations who survive those trials might then be able to think ahead, unlike the negro of today.
The preferred way of life for Homo sapiens involves planning ahead for uncertainties. This innate ability, which became nature through ages and ages of nurture, gives rise to working and saving, cooperation, and division of labor and knowledge, key actions which not only sustain the species but which allow technologies to build.
The Negroid way of life, however, is to think only of the moment - to run away from hippos, rhinos, venomous snakes, water buffaloes, crocodiles, bull elephants, etc., to breed in the typical lay-'em-and-leave-'em fashion of the R-selected creatures they are, to jump up and down and shake a spear in the air while making ooking or clicking noises when confronted by an intruder, and to chuck said spear at each day's meal. Negroids are very good at this, but since they won't adapt to the Homo sapiens way of life (and so many of them actually couldn't even if they wanted to) it only leads to problems on both sides.
Of COURSE such a savage beast doesn't have any hope - it has the forebrain of a troglodyte and it's trying to cope in a human environment. Imagine if busloads of chimps were let loose in cities ... there might be the occasional curious, marginally intelligent, somewhat "friendly" one (an IKAGO chimp - HaHa!) that humans could safely interact with and perhaps tame to some degree, but they'd mostly just jump out of trees and from behind parked cars and maul people. Sound familiar?
At 95-100% black, there is debris everywhere. A large number of dwellings are ruined or burned-out. At this stage, the economy of the community is nearing total collapse, and good jobs are scarce. Emergency services infrequently patrol for fear of risking officers' lives... The name of the neighborhood is now synonymous with violence & gangs.
Used to be there were black "ghettos" in the USA. You know, back in those terrible days when blacks were segregated. And "the ghetto" was the scene of crime, unemployment, substance abuse, high dropout rates, trashed streets, and even more crime.
One of the goals of desegregation was that by moving blacks out of "the ghetto" they would be freed of the fabled socio-economic conditions which kept them down. That, along with voting rights, open housing and tons of war on poverty, would uplift them.
But what we have seen is that where blacks become a significant population,"ghetto" behavior follows. The great big DWL "solution" to the "problems of the ghettos failed. It failed because the problem is not socio-economic conditions, nor "racism," but the racial characteristics of blacks.
Very off topic.... but thanks to Hilary' and Obama's shit brained antics in the middle east, Europe is getting fucked by hundreds of thousands of black and muslim scrum every month. Eutopes leaders are spineless and are more than happy to accept this turd tidal wave...... here's what the BBC have on tbeir website:
"A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants"
European media are more liberal than the ass-wipe US news media. Europe is fucked because we give out free schooling, free houses free everything to sub-saharan turds.
I have a solution to the US nog problem. Ship them all to Europe. 40 million spread out accross west europe is easy. Sweden are so fucking stupid they will take 3 million. The UK would take 5 million thanks to white guilt and slavery guilt. France would hold 10 million big mommas.
Imagine a US without nogs????? Plus you would still be able to make billions out of KFC and Mcdonald sales to European nogs.
Forced repatriation to Africa is a hard sell.... but Travvon and Sheneequa will jump at the chance to land in Paris, London etc. It won't cost you a penny, europe will pay for everything
Is your refrigerator white? Well, there's your problem!
You want to talk about violence?! Let me tell you about violence!? The violence of of (shudder) micro-aggressions.
Last week our campus's lecture collective, which brings a diverse range of liberal, progressive and marxist speakers to our campus, had Professor Ivry Tower speak on white micro-aggressions, like privileged white persons locking their car doors when vibrant black youth approach them at a traffic stop. Even though Professor Tower is white and thus benefiting from centuries of slavery and segregation, she has an understanding of blacks and their struggles that is sooooooo profound, it made me weep tears of joy over my fair trade vegan soy chai latte.
At the end of her lecture, Professor Tower demonstrated her ideals by driving her Volvo through the local 'hood where diverse black youth gather on street corners to enrich white students with beautiful diversity. When the youth rapped around her Volvo, instead of locking the doors and driving away, she stopped, stepped into the street, and embraced the diversity.
Now excuse me, after I finish my fair trade vegan soy latte chai, I will be going to the university hospital's emergency room to visit Professor Tower. The doctors said she has something called "multiple contusions," which I am guessing is a term for the joy one feels after being enriched by diverse black youth.
I wonder if she can drink a fair trade soy vegan latte chai through those tubes she is hooked into?
I. M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies
I have a solution to the US nog problem. Ship them all to Europe. 40 million spread out accross west europe is easy. Sweden are so fucking stupid they will take 3 million.
How about 10 millions blacks for Sweden? Sweden supported the African National Congress against white South Africa. If Swedes think black majority rule is such a good thing, then let's see them put their money where their mouths are and become a minority in their own country. I am sure they will be "enriched" by the typical black behaviors, i.e., pathological violence, welfare dependency and utterly corrupt politicos. Might make for some interesting karma.
And then maybe they will understand why there was apartheid.
The stunt is thanks to funding by It's another Soros project. #EnoughIsEnough.
Blacks don't do anything for free.
His "Living Legacy" project, publicly funded of course. Bus shelter art on MLK drive.
An activist for gun control.
You just got to wonder what in the hell is wrong with people like that! I wish there were white only and black only areas.
When some idiot expresses sympathy for "those" types, they could go live there and make things all better for them.
When they came back to the white areas (if they survived) they'd be a whole lot smarter about where they placed their sympathies.
Within days of the tent coming down the area will be the sight of the next turf war for drug sales and prostitution territory.
Body count in Chicago for the weekend is 8 dead.....46 wounded. This time a lot of them women women.
New sub-hash tag for #BLM is #NWLA (No White Left Alive) except of course the most stunning, juicy & ripe females kept alive for sporting porpoises (eh ?).
Stunning, juicy Asia females (also for sporting porpoises) will probably be all the asians that's allowed to live also. So guess #NALW (No Asians Left Alive) sub-hash is also in "effect"
BLM, BLR (Black lives Rule)
/H hypie out H\
And Freddie Grays family settles their lawsuit with Baltimore and gets $6.4mil. Let that sink in for a minute.
I don't think so. I think it has more to do with the tax-exempt status of religious institutions. I'm almost positive the day's collection plate is tallied as follows:
"One for Jesus, One for me!"
"Two for Jesus, One, Two for me!"
You will no doubt notice that the 3-piece bespoke suits in all sorts of Ghetto Fabulous colors are bespoke. I'm sure that comes from the Sunday haul, and is deducted as a business expense, as is the company car, hook-errr, I mean "business consultant," etc. You get the picture.
"“They don’t see a better tomorrow. They don’t see that tomorrow has anything better to offer than today,”
Wow, even other Black people are admitting Black people have no future-time orientation. Sweeet!
I think they need some tents in Brooklyn.
PK, you're gonna love this one! AA uppity orc assistant to libtardGov Cuomo hanging out at 3:30am in n*ggerville Brooklyn before a parade celebrating West Indian "culture" gets shot. What a surprise. Gov's response? More gun control!!?? What??!!
Groids out at night getting a lungful of jenkem before a n*gger festival and anyone's surprised lead is flying through the air??!!
We need NEGRO CONTROL, leave the guns alone. Make it illegal for any black to have a gun. Caught with one and it's 15 years mandatory minimum (one orc lifecycle). Goodbye gangs.
Liberals really are complete idiots.
I see that as positive. Holding whites to higher standards of behavior might appear unfair in the short term, but only reinforces the inferiority concept in the long term. It is quite telling of a people when they graciously accept preferential treatment, when others would be offended and shamed.
I do have to say at least a few blacks are aware of black on black violence. As another commenter said they have bought into the liberal marxist party line that poverty is the cause, and Whites caused the poverty by being
racist.......and let's not forget slavery. Doncha know Whites have kept blacks in chains to this very day.
Studies have shown, time and again, that blacks are responsible for rhe mess they are in, and the mess they continue to create. The studies are branded racist, the people who did the studies are racist.
It is amazing how a whole Caucasian population in a large country has been ever so slowly brainwashed by subtle liberalism, progressivism, with marxist undertones. The people have been lulled into trusting the elected politicians, who say what people want to hear to get elected and stay in power, then undermine the country and people with lies, deceit, back door deals and under the table motivation. Then the politicians say they tried, and keep lulling the people and brainwashing the people because, they say, they know what is really going them.......
And look where we are today.
Where I am at a person wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper. The county has a celebration of pioneers entering. The letter writer asked that no Confederate symbols of any kind be displayed because those symbols represented hate.
But yet the blacks can bastardize my American flag by turning it into an Afrikan flag, blacks can dress in Afrikan clothing, dress like gangsters, speak the way they want, do whatever they want and I have to accept it even though their actions are racist to me, and a kick in the gut knowing my hard earned taxes goes to these ungrateful people who demand more and more. Failed programs, corrupt politicians, crumbling cities, lowered academic standards, free everyrhing. And.....these people want all Whites dead. And I am the racist?
I bet most of those bangers are the source of main income for their families. "He was a good boy" means "he was good for us."
... the greatest problem affecting the people in the neighborhood is more fundamental — blackness.
There. I used my white person's brain to fix it and make it true.
I have stopped giving to most any charity. I particularly refuse to when they ask everyone in line in a store, "Would you like to donate $1.oo to blank?". No, and will not be shamed into it. I will donate to WHITE organizations in my WHITE town.
Oh my god I am going to puke.
He could nail an embalmed dead black kid onto the hood of his Escalade and drive around town like that all day and all night long for a year, and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference.
I think they do something like that in Jamaica. If you're caught with even ammunition, it's a mandatory 20 years in prison.
You really think they will stop while the tent is there?
You can bet your life that the next real depression we have will start a civil war. It's already every (black) man for himself now. Imagine when the only way for them to get food is to literally take it out of YT's mouth.
I'm much more interested in lions than blacks. Lions work hard for a living. It's not easy chasing antelopes around in that heat all day long. Lions also have dignity and class, and won't steal your car stereo or slash your tires for fun.
CHA-CHING and DOWN goes the Baltimore taxpayer again. As if there were any. Obongo will just give them some kind of under the table grant and print more fake money to cover it. And hold our grandchildren responsible for the tab.
With all apologies to Thomas Mann, 'Where the African is, there is Africa.'
Ya know, I was just thinking about that brain dead black "minister" laying out a coffin with a message to other blacks to stop killing each other. This is rather on the order of a witch doctor of a New Guinea cannibal tribe setting out a huge black kettle on a blazing fire with a skull floating around in it "demanding" that his fellow headhunters stop eating their fellow tribesmen.
*BTW, cannibalism is still widely practiced in many parts of the world besides New Guinea. The state-controlled media would just rather not talk about it. Quelle surprise!
The scary thing is that it will take a long and hard struggle for Europeans to regroup and clear their countries, and that can't even begin until they accept the truth of their situation. 40 years of unceasing immigrant crime and staggering social outlays still hasn't gotten the majority of them to the stage of acknowledging the truth.
He'll probably be freelancing Ripple wine and illicit substances out of the tent to make his overhead.
hypie: ... No White Left Alive
That sentiment goes to further show how these nose-bone-wearing, tiny-IQ bongo beaters can't think ahead. Without the gibs and inventions of YT and other prosperous human races, the entire world would be one big litter box like Monrovia or Port-au-Potty ... except with NO possible help coming from anywhere. The jenkem-brained, jenkem-skinned jenkem huffers would be extinct in only a couple of generations.
Great plan, Negroids.
One of the many hidden costs that come from the liberals' dangerous pets amongst us. Look at the ghetto lottery payouts in this article from today. OUTRAGEOUS! Taxpayers in these cities must revolt!
How soon until that tent is riddled with bulletholes? Tonight, tomorrow?
Living with liberals in your country is like being in a life raft in the middle of the sea with another person who is stabbing the hull with an ice pick. Their policies with n*ggers are drowning us all.
I say toss them overboard. Agree?
this is sooo wrong,
And Freddie Grays family settles their lawsuit with Baltimore and gets $6.4mil. Let that sink in for a minute.
Education is a white thing. Despair, poverty, ignorance, must then be considered a black thing, welcomed by many.
Californian said
So here's the question: "What policies, programs or budgets would give blacks 'hope'?" Better, "what policies, programs or budgets would cause blacks to behave up to the standards of white people?"
Didn't you read the article? The revren's got it covered. He's going to camp out for a whole month. That'll fix it, you'll see. But just in case, keep those handouts coming.
“We’re doing everything within our power to get the message out that this is not acceptable in our community,” said Rev. Anthony Pippens,
The most direct and effective message that a neighborhood does not tolerate black violence would be the carcasses of several black thugs publicly displayed on the nearest lamp post. But how many supposedly decent black men that view their criminal black brothers as the problem are living in the 'hood anyway? Not many. Thanks to desegregation the decent ones moved out years ago.
I believe that during the evil days of segregation in the South there were many blacks lynched by their own people. They had to take care of the problem because they couldn’t just move away and they knew the wrath they all would incur if it wasn’t nipped in the bud.
Some comments have suggested sending our negroes to Europe. We are forgetting that there are many Europeans that are enslaved by their leaders just as we are here. The media just does not publicize this.
My hypothesis for the "refugee crisis" in Europe is that it serves two purposes. First, it dilutes the White population and gets rid of troublemskers in Syria. Second, the solution will be to ramp up support for military action in Syria. First Syria, then Iran. Both, obviously benefit The World's Most Important Nation.
Black on black crime, why it should matter to BLM here's why: during the labor day weekend 2015, Over a .75cent can of spilled beer a black man killed (one of his friends) and will cost the tax payers untold hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute, house, feed, clothe, provide medical care for him the murderer !! Thats bad enough already, if he and his friend had family all the tax dollars that are spent to support them, wic sect-8,food stamps, school breakfast and lunch, medical, day-care ect! Imagine if those tax dollars could go to schools, community recreation areas, housing ect. Does BLM even think about what a horrendous financial impact each black on black MURDER costs EVERYONE!!!! Especially Their own communities.If BLM would only look at what all that wasted money could do for their communities and quality of life. BLM asks for less policing, but because of the high crime rates in Black communities taxes are being spent on cops, so if BLM would promote less crime instead of less cops then your BLM movement could actually be the greatest most positive thing that ever happened to blacks lives in history. Make Black Lives Matter, Change starts with you! You have the world's attention don't blame change! Black Lies don't help anyone!
A poster said, "I believe that during the evil days of segregation in the South there were many blacks lynched by their own people."
What's so evil about that? We whites do the same to evil white monsters amongst us, and rightly so. It's called civilization and The Social Contract. This is one of the principal things that is upside down in the black community.
Like little children, they lack a fundamental sense of right and wrong - but unkike other races then never grow out of it because their parents lack the genes to recognize socially and culturally behavior, thus teaching them absolutely bothing but violence and mayhem.
Anonymous said...
I'm much more interested in lions than blacks. Lions work hard for a living. It's not easy chasing antelopes around in that heat all day long. Lions also have dignity and class, and won't steal your car stereo or slash your tires for fun.
Now, here we have an illustration of the root cause of our problems. Anthropomorphism. Thinking animals are people, and ascribing human motives to them.
Lions are savage beasts. They won't steal your car stereo simply because they have no use for it. But they will kill you, and, like all cats, they will take great pleasure in stretching it out as long as possible.
It's this soft-headed "noble savage", mother-nature sentimentalism that is killing Europe right now. The negro is not Just Like Us. They are savage beasts. There are now over a billion (American*) of them in the world. The world isn't big enough for all of us, any more. It's time we started competing as if we intend to win.
* In the English-speaking world, a billion means a million squared, not a thousand million.
I don't understand . Didn't a bunch of blacks just hold a bike ride to stop black violence?
I thought for certain that was going to work..
OH well! Back to the drawing board.
PK, have you let the Trump campaign know you're available to run HUD when they take over? ;)
Trump is polling well with groids. Better than a regular Republican ever would. They like his bling, and his TV star personality. Rappers love him. He has to milk this for all its worth; he's the only repug who could score so high with orcs. He needs to keep his message focused and strong; don't waver. Poll the sh*t out of the orc community and se what he can do to tweak his campaign and really get the groidles of orcs on board. He should appear with Jay Z or some other orc dirtbag rapper who admires him. Whites will forgive the event as they know he is doing it as a calculated move and holding his nose metaphorically as he stands next to the stinking pile of living dog sh*t with gold teeth and chains.
Trump campaign, point out how Mexicans are taking black jobs and you'll overwhelm the opposition. White house is yours, baby. Cant wait till you have it fumigated, and get lovely Melania in to show what an American (I know, Slovakian) first lady can look like, Still retching with Mooch in there.
ps. just realized, orcs will probably name their babies after Melania when he's Prez as it has an ebonic ring to it. And how about "Melaninia"? ;)
Please explain this, "* In the English-speaking world, a billion means a million squared, not a thousand million."
Im no math whiz, but I did believe that a billion was indeed a thousand million.
If a billion is actually a million squared then I think I may have missed something.
Thanks in advance for the enlightenment.
Imagine taking a pig, tying strings to its hoofs, and making it tap dance like a puppet. Libtards would say "Look!, see, the pig can dance like Fred Astaire, like a human being. Isn't it wonderful. Let them live amongst us at our cost".
Well, what happens when you cut the strings?
Let's cut the strings on the orcs' paws and see what they do naturally amongst us.
Cut all gibs programs, AA, etc. Pull back the curtain; who's really there...?
Black people and most all other demographics are incompatible. Expecting blacks to exhibit similar behavior to others is cruel to blacks. They can't compete outside of a few outliars. Most blacks are left to live marginal lives of frustration not being able to catch up even after hundreds of years and trillions of dollars of affirmative actions programs.
If blacks have still not begun the act of assimilation then when?
someone here noted, 'in africa they turn to witch doctor.'
here, marches, speeches, rally, what ever.
magical thinking, either way.
It seems to me that when blacks decry "violence" they speak as though Violence is an entity. Like Violence is some kind of racist lighting that ZAPS blacks dead.
How did your brother die? Violence got him.
Why are the "skreets" so dangerous in the ghetto? Violence is out there. The Violence beez kilt errybody.
I know the average IQ in the ghetto is 80, so about half of them are below 80, but the absolute lack of logic is amazing.
OT but I can't help it- I'm laughing so hard- just found out the local KFC in da hood closed down. First it was Burger King closing down, then Taco Bell, then a drive in restaurant that had existed for decades before the area went black. And now, the KFC! Also, a drug store closed as well. McDonald's is still holding on though.
But the KFC closing- lol- the jokes just write themselves!
Hey P.K., with all of us reeling from the B.S. shakedown in Baltimore, can you do a piece or two on the situation? The whole Baltimore situation in 2015 has been surreal, with truth being much stranger than fiction. Few people have your skills and expertise when it comes to this area, and people across the country (not just realists) are craving an explanation to all of the madness that we have seen. People who have been working, saving, and playing by the rules their whole lives feel like puking right about now. The message that has been sent is that Baltimore will payoff any thugs and their families that take the time to hurt themselves intentionally.
Moments and situations like these are what galvanize people towards race realism, as they are looking all over to find answers that prove that they are not going crazy.
People are hungry for answers Paul, and few can enlighten and explain these situations like you can. Of course the rest of us need to do our part by directing people here, people that are finally ready to take the blinders off and start calling a spade a spade.
I know you have it in you. If you write it, they will come.
Who was it that said the taser wires were still connected to Officer Slaeger when he shot Walter Scott so many months ago?
You can see it plain as day in the video at the above link.
OT but I can't help it- I'm laughing so hard- just found out the local KFC in da hood closed down. First it was Burger King closing down, then Taco Bell, then a drive in restaurant that had existed for decades before the area went black. And now, the KFC! Also, a drug store closed as well. McDonald's is still holding on though. But the KFC closing- lol- the jokes just write themselves!
Holy crap!!! No fried chicken and watermelon before a good riot? These black shitholes are really turning into - well, really chickenshit shitholes. Shame on you, Colonel Sanders!
1,000,000.00 Squared is 1 Trillion or 1,000,000,000.00 As a Realtor, I expect 3% on this amount as commission so I get 30 billion.
Pay up
Oh. My. God!!!
How will they celebrate Thanksgiving??
It's a thousand million, with 9 zeros. No idea what the hell he's talking about.
A million squared is a trillion. A billion is 1000 million.
Tents?! Ha!
Good luck dumbass.
OT: Movie title: "Negromantik"
You fill in the plot summary.
Maybe this guy needs a tent?
Anonymous 10mm AUTO said...
1,000,000.00 Squared is 1 Trillion or 1,000,000,000.00 As a Realtor, I expect 3% on this amount as commission so I get 30 billion.
Pay up
Most realtors don't do shit for the commissions they make. Talk about a freakin' racket. My brother and his wife are both licensed BROKERS and made millions in the 70s and 80s and 90s for doing absolutely nothing, and they admitted it, too. I gave my brother the listing for my home and I ended up doing most of the work selling the fucking place! Once they get a listing, they sit on it and don't do shit except try to give your place away and make a quick commission. Actually getting even close to your asking price, or even the price they suggest, is FAR to much work for these slugs.
Done any block bustin' lately - hee hee.
Pk I hope your working on an article on Freddie grays 6.4 mill settlement. A settlement that took place way in advance of the actual trial and for a sum far far greater than the norm by precedent. I'm pretty sure when they calculated 9/11 settlements some of the big money wall st guys with cantor Fitzgerald topped out at a few mill based on their age, current earnings and earnings potential. Which even a few mil was probably too low for a 40 yr old making a few hundred k. No where in the realm of possibilities should this ghetto lotto win be as big as it is. I wonder if the mayor, mosby or likely both weighed in on this decision. They are sending a message and it's an awful one. Imagine how many cops salaries that settlement would cover. Bra has run amuck for far too long. How much is st swisher sweet gonna get?
North Floridian.
Million, billion, trillion, tl;dr: It used to mean a trillion in Medieval Olde Englande. And now it doesn't. The End.
Just read that Colin Flaherty's house got shot up my some idiot knee grow...
Somebody should fix Shitavious' wagon - and good!
But that is why they do so well with Christianity which involves confession and forgiveness of sins. After a drive-by and gang rape, they just need to feel bad and all is right with them and their god.
I don't think it is connected in their minds. On paper they are more Christian than Whites but their cities certainly aren't Christian.
I think they are Black first and religious second. By that I mean their genes are the dominant factor in their behavior.
I don't think a lot of them even get Christianity. Just look at how many of their preachers wear gaudy gold rings or drive luxury cars. In another life they would be African warlords with those tacky uniforms that are covered in medals.
But I also believe things would be worse without Christianity. It probably provides some inculcation against liberalism. Let's not forget that Marxists have long considered Christianity to be their enemy. They don't care about Islam because their main opposition has always been Western Whites.
Freddie Grays family settles their lawsuit with Baltimore and gets $6.4mil. Let that sink in for a minute.
If you are a Black in Bodymore, the best thing you can do for your family is to win them a payout like Freddy Gray.
They are literally worth more dead than alive.
Black culture is really something when all they aspire to is a quick high, flashy cars, and to die young. Hopeless? With life goals like having a baby daddy, food stamps, and never ending welfare why would anyone question the aspirations of blacks?
""Done any block bustin' lately - hee hee.
September 8, 2015 at 7:12 PM""
Wow, negro, you had a bad experience. Realtors are like Doctors, they vary in skill and professionalism.
In answer to your question, I don't work with Orcs. I find White men houses here in the Northwest, something that will go up in value. negros need to find someone else to find them a nest.
"First, it dilutes the White population and gets rid of troublemakers in Syria. Second, the solution will be to ramp up support for military action in Syria. First Syria, then Iran. Both, obviously benefit The World's Most Important Nation."
See: Yinon Plan. ISIS is a straw-man target. The US is indeed a Nation under occupation, yet we remain too scared of offending the real occupiers. BRA is their shield and their distraction.
" At a recent funeral for a man shot three times, the pastor was left standing next to the victim’s two young sons — ages 8 and 11."
Um, pretty sure those 2 grieving sons of the dearly departed devoted pappy are already gang members. On the bright side, those 2 "boys" will inseminate several lovely neighborhood gals within a year or two and produce more than enough replacements for pappy. Ah, the cycle of life.
NJ Woman
P.S. Gosh, I hope this inventive "tent strategy" works out. I'm super HOPEFUL (because I'm White - we got the market cornered on HOPE).
Blacks are NOT religious. They jest loves the trappings of religion - the fun and flashy parts. They loves dressing up in their gaudy Sunday best and strutting in front of their hoodmates, wearing enormous gold crosses, screeching gospel songs, gyrating in the pews, wailing and moaning, etc..
The actual practices of a truly religious person would be beyond their powers - meditation, introspection, prayer, self-denial, putting others first, etc.. And, of course, living your life in the belief of an afterlife would be completely impossible as blacks cannot look ahead even 5 minutes.
Have a blessed day!
NJ Woman
Here is the latest on the web. Apparently he had a conversation with White "racists" on Twitter. So much hate!
You can donate at any Regions Bank.
Some proceeds go to build the $500K "Epicenter of Empowerment" at MLK Dr. and 30th St.
He could have just said that Europeans say "milliard" for our "billion" and "billion" for our "trillion."
It stands to reason that someone who disputes the fact that lions are infinitely preferable to blacks would have a convoluted mental process.
If Scott had figured out how to tase him, taken his gun, and murdered him, no one would have ever said a thing about it.
You'd have to be crazy to want to be a police officer nowadays.
He is going to need a bigger tent.
How about we have mandatory 40 yr prison sentences for violent crime to protest against violence?
That includes drug dealing and prostitution
Anonymous said...
Im no math whiz, but I did believe that a billion was indeed a thousand million.
If a billion is actually a million squared then I think I may have missed something.
Whoops! As you were. Looks like they changed the rules. That's the problem with language - if something is done wrongly often enough, it becomes right. Another step in the Americanising of the English language.
In British English, a billion used to be equivalent to a million million (i.e. 1,000,000,000,000), while in American English it has always equated to a thousand million (i.e. 1,000,000,000). British English has now adopted the American figure, though, so that a billion equals a thousand million in both varieties of English.
This is news to me. Since the original American colonies were British, they presumably spoke British English. So, what exactly does "always" mean in the context of American English?
*Sigh* I'm just an old dinosaur. Carry on...
As usual Paul won't publish my great ripostes. You have no idea how lucky you are.
I now have the image of that hapless pig seared into my mind. A bit like the scene in "Young Frankenstein" where the monster does a snazzy Vaudeville routine with Gene Wilder in top hat and tails.
That's absolutely true. Whites usually feel ashamed and guilty at some level when they're handed things they know they don't deserve and haven't earned. Blacks love it, they have no problem with it at all.
"Officers ask for that day off for vacation, paid leave, try to be sick or get hurt so they don't have to work that parade. They ask for it off before Christmas, Thanksgiving, their birthday, and their anniversary."
-Retired NYPD Sargeant
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