"Well, look on the bright side. We'll all have high schools named after us." -- Astronaut who helps save the world in Deep Impact, though in saving the world the crew of the spaceship Messiah were required to sacrifice themselves
Every now and then, I remember the story of Indianapolis Metro Police Department Officer Perry Renn, knowing this act moment could have birthed the whole "Black Lives Matter" had the black suspect he got out of his car to confront been killed in the their shootout (instead of the other way around).
![]() |
One of these was a "Black Lives Matter" supporter from St. Louis... the other was the individual the "Black Lives Matter" supporter murdered. Can you figure out who is which? |
The whole "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) movement was inevitable, only needing the right mixture of toxic black solidarity with a steady dose of mainstream media hysteria to ignite the unholy bonfire of the egalitarians.
Though the BLM would initially garner sympathy and allies entrenched in the media and academia, over time it would only work undermine every advancement of the egalitarians in their scorched earth policy of throwing out nature with a pitchfork. For as Horace reminds us from centuries ago, nature will always return.
And Those Who Can See will remember, tragically joining the ranks of men who only wanted to perform their duty such as Officer Renn, Kentucky State Police Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder.[Kentucky Cop Killer Attended Michael Brown’s Funeral, Took Pictures Of Al Sharpton [PHOTOS], Daily Caller, 9-14-15]:
A Missouri man who shot and killed a Kentucky state trooper during a traffic stop Sunday was an apparent Black Lives Matter sympathizer who protested in the days after the shooting death of Michael Brown last year and attended the 18-year-old’s funeral, social media posts show.
Joseph Thomas Johnson-Shanks, 25, shot Kentucky State Police Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder after a high-speed chase on Interstate 24 at around 10:30 p.m. local time Sunday.
Johnson-Shanks fired into Ponder’s cruiser at the end of the 10-mile chase, striking and killing the rookie trooper.
Joseph Cameron Ponder was the type of white man you might see at a bar enjoying a drink with friends, or pushing a shopping cart at a Wal-Mart while holding his young daughters hand. Today, his family will go to sleep knowing the world of tomorrow won't include him.
But it is men like Ponder who wake up every day to do their duty and spend most of their conscious moments getting continually crapped upon and thrown under the bus by the allies/champions of the BLM who will turn first.
Indeed, they already have in Baltimore.
And by turning away from performing their duty and allowing nature to run its course, the streams of law and order will once again flow where the combined efforts of BLM supporters, academia, the media, and politicians have been desperately trying to dam them up.
For now, BLM leaders get to guest lecture at Yale; one day, our children will learn the story of Officer Perry Renn as a reminder of the climate existing in the final stages of the egalitarian experiment existing only until nature finally returned to toss those who deny reality out once and for all.
How many millions will the White cop's family be paid for his loss of life?
More than the $6,400,000 that the convicted felon and heroin dealer's family is being paid because he killed himself trying to frame the police for injuring him?
Will 0bama sing amazing grace at the White cop's funeral?
Will White cops riot over this?
FYI, groids, da "popo" b bn on ta ya's. Now would be the time to strike. Dont be late(irony).
It's almost like the people on this site are the only ones paying attention. The criminal elements of this country are off the chart. Whites and police officers are being purposely targeted by blacks. NO one is talking about this!!! If you say anything, you are a racist. It's like something out of the twilight zone. What will it take for the truth to be spoken out loud and in a public forum. I'm very vocal about my feelings and outrage. I'm also shunned by many lately. If I weren't so old, I might care. I do not. This country is currently lost. Will we get it back? Not as long as the truth is racist and racism is deemed the truth.
Texas here:
Solid post.
Hang in there.
Hmmmm...so Dylann Storm Roof shoots up a church in Charleston and the national reaction is to ban the Confederate flag. Now we have a Black Lives Matter activist shooting an officer. Are we going to see Black Lives Matter shut down?
Of course we will not. Because BRA operates by a single standard: the destruction of YT.
By the way, how do you suppose all those members of Conservatism, Inc., will respond to this killing?
Since I'm sick of TNB, I've decided to change careers. Not even joking. I want to avoid the 'groid and I want GOOD MONEY in order to escape the Da'John pandering. I'll be a computer programmer soon, as Minneapolis is desperate - the "OG" Scandinavians are dying off, while Habib and the rest of the crew Straight Outta Mogadishu are filling in, thus an even higher demand. The city can't recruit those with tech aptitude fast enough, much like the rest of the nation.
There's two kinds of people in this world, those who make it a better place, and those who make it worse. That's it, that's all there is. If you just watch stuff like this happen, and say nothing, or make excuses for this criminal behavior, well, you're allied with the forces of darkness and destruction.
Is the world safer because a young trooper was murdered? Are the lives of black people better today? Are white people more willing to listen to their "grievances", and say " Well, maybe the negros have a valid complaint"?
For those of you with poor future time orientation, and lack of empathy, let me answer that question for you. Hell no! Every day, every violent action creates more race realists.
I did not know the officer, had I known him I might have liked him, I might not; but I would damn sure have much respect for someone taking on such responsibility at such a young age. Apparently his supervisors thought he was up to the task, I must admit I have misgivings. With more experience, he might have picked up on something that would have saved his life in this situation, but, it's not my position to second guess.
The black POS? Again, I didn't know him, but I dislike him with extreme prejudice. Just his action, and values says it all. Ironic, he probably thought he was a hero, much like the petty little men he admired.
No police officer goes out with the intent of keeping the black man down. That is the height of arrogant denial. Nobody gets pulled over for "driving while black". Police see hundreds, if not thousands of people every day, people of all races. You get pulled over if something is wrong with how you're driving, or your vehicle, or, and this is the big clue legal genius's, your behavior. It's called reasonable suspicion, dipsh*ts.
Force them to run your plates, your whole criminal history comes up in all its glory. Suddenly a minor traffic violation becomes driving while being a repeat offender. Boom! You have no credibility, pull over, and face the consequences like a man.
I dunno, I have nothing to close with tonight, no thought to wrap it all up neatly, no funny smart ass remark, just a profound feeling of tired sadness.
Off topic, but it fits with the PC multicult destroying anyone who has the gall to point out unhealthy/bad behavior
Because she posted a (very good and hilarious) video criticizing fat people she is now being fired from her choreography job. She is being thrown under the PC bus and stomped for having the nerve to state the obvious. In the video she talks about how it is like the race card, but without the race.
Here is the article attempting to shame her:
Here is the video. Very funny and easy on the eyes:
Another case of someone pointing out the obvious and making very clear points and then being made an example of to please the PC cult.
F@ck the PC cult. The video is right on the money and very funny to boot. I hope this launches her real career.
I see the killer is from Florissant, just next to Ferguson. I remember Florissant in the 1980's as an affluent, soccer-mom type of suburb of St. Louis. Not having been to Missouri in years, I look up Wikipedia and see that Florissant is now 27% black. It couldn't have been 2% black back just thirty years ago.
These piss ant liberals have NO IDEA what kind of shit a cop goes through on a daily bases. The cops are the ones that stuff the body bags. Their the ones that pull the mangled bodies out of car wrecks and then have to notify the next of kin about the death of their loved one. They get bitched at and scorned by the ones they are protecting from the criminal element.
One time in New York riding around on my bike I came across a ceremony downtown near city hall. It was where the cops had gathered for the medals they received for saving lives. I stayed on the our skirts of the crowd and listened. For each cop a citation was read giving the details of what he had done. Nearly all the heroes were patrolman. For any of you liberal trolls reading this sight when was the last time you saved little children by running into a burning building. How many of you fucking assholes dived into a river and dragged people out of a car as it sank to the bottom. Have you ever tackled and disarmed a maniac who had a steak knife at a hostages throat. Have you ever gone alone into a building and shot a sniper who was shooting at people on the street. Did you catch in your arms a baby thrown over a second floor fire escape by her mother when the building was on fire.
As I stood there watching this medal ceremony I looked around for the television cameras. There was not one camera in sight. Nothing. For the New York media cops getting medals was a non-story.
Hey....We all know a few cops are pricks. So what. If a cop is dragging me out of a burning automobile I don't give a shit if he is a good guy or bad guy. All those old grey haired commies from the sixties have teamed up with these BLM thugs. Now the cops are the bad guys. The criminals and dope dealers are now the new heroes. These dirt bags are calling for justice. If they were to really get justice the next thing they will cry for is mercy. .
Prayers for the families of all slain officers and military, and especially now for the family of Officer Ponder.
Thank the heavens the thug is dead.
It is not worth the life of any officer to chase these black thugs. I really wish the officers would back off the blacks. There will be other opportunities to arrest the running scum.
If I lived where the officer was killed I WOULD try to get a protest going. #cop lives matter
@ Anon Sept. 15, 2015 12:00a.m.
"just a profound feeling of tired sadness"
AMEN! I feel the the same.
Hear, hear!
Dead on! Good work.
ps. I don't think Ponder had kids and a family. A sister, yes; but no wife and kids. I might be wrong.
But that doesn't change the essential dynamic of our dilemma: crush the negro rebellion once and for all and face the necessary turmoil & horrors that will entail, or lie back and take this slow blood-letting as the orcs and their enablers kill us with a Death Of A Thousand Cuts.
Your move, Whitey...
If Trump is as smart as I think he is, he will tap into the anti-nig energy coursing through this nation right now. It is a blast of incandescent million watt power that, when properly harnessed, will blast him into the White House so fast..., wait for it..., your head will spin!
"If you say anything, you are a racist. It's like something out of the twilight zone."
As one who in the late 50's & 60's actively participated in the "civil rights movement", I now appear, in the eyes of some, to be a racist. Just wonder where the guilt is? Maybe the last step necessary to complete the transformation is to become....a democrat?
Black lives matter.
White brains splatter.
The govt. grows fatter.
When will it all shatter?
my husband and I were talking about those new cars-of-the-future that drive themselves. I said I wouldn't have one unless everybody did, because it wouldn't have any intuition to avoid wrecks. How many times have you " just known" that the guy next to you was going to pull out in front of you? It's the same thing with the police. no, they aren't pulling people for driving while black. years of experience have taught them to interpret behavior and notice the suspicious.
I feel bad for this young policeman's family. He has lost his life so young, so senselessly, and to pour salt on the wounds, all these black lives matters idiots are probably lauding his killer as a hero, and will undoubtedly protest the killer's death, but not the policeman.
"I'll be a computer programmer soon, as Minneapolis is desperate"
The ads for those jobs have an implicit "No Americans Wanted" line under "EOE". You may get a token interview, but an Indian on an H1B will get the job.
I'm living it now. If you don't believe me, ask the American IT workers at PG&E and Disney... excuse me, former American IT workers.
OT (but is anything with this insanity really "OT"..? I read this last night and it really struck a chord with me and highlights the hopelessness of the regressive dynamics at play here (just the top post by "Ongywattern"); take 30 seconds to read this: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2625234/pg1?disclaimer=1
Damn Ex New Yorker well said brother. I remember some years ago my girlfriend and I were coming home at night from a movie and it was freezing outside. I saw a police officer walking the beat. I told my girlfriend look at this officer out here in the cold doing his job protecting us. I rolled down the window and said we appreciate everything you do officer. He was appreciative. How many cops hear that at all.
OT, I have to bring this to PK's attn:
Ferguson Commision Report
I read this mornings Com-post Dispatch, a list of all suggestions how to make this community better, the frickin sad part is for every suggestion the are groups held accountable from the courts, leadership, cities, governor, executives, consumers, schools, etc., but not on mention of the screwed up people who loot, protest, burn, kill, steal, BLM, protestors, thugs...........
And I hate when those city council members and governor says those bad folks don't come from Ferguson!!!! BS!! You can't tell me every one of that lives in Canfield Green are good people!! The spineless governor of Missouri caused most this mess, and now here he is a year later still blaming and putting it all on YT!!
Again: PLEASE Policemen, STOP doing anything with the negro.
The best thing you can do to fight crime is let the negro criminal kill other negro criminals. That is crime fighting and you don't have to risk you life. A negro killing a negro is not a crime.
Don't pull over a negro, don't talk to them, don't look at them. Only if they are a threat to a White person should you get involved. Don't drive into negroville and respond very, very slowly to a call into negroville.
Let them live in their own sh*t.
In another thread, this Shootin was mentioned.
comments, please.
OT but could anyone let me know if you have seen the August issue of Scientific American.I see they have some delusional black AA hire writing articles how blacks are modern humans and they took over the world.This is why everything will never change as they keep teaching this BS in this country .That blacks founded the world and wiped out all other races BS.I am sick to death of these lies being taught as truth.Africa still lives in the stone age and the only reason they have lasted this long is because of whites and asiatics.And this clown has the gall to write that Africans spread because of cooperation. LMFAO! Cooperation ,are you kidding me.Where, tell me where.I cannot believe people are allowed to write lies and fairy tales and be accepted as some kind of leading authority.Only American blacks and gullible white guilt ridden whites believe this BS.Asians do not buy into this garbage.Koreans do not buy into this garbage,Indians do not buy into this garbage.Russians,even Peruvians or any Hispanic peoples.What a load that magazine is.
google: Colin Flaherty
I belive it is becoming more and more prevalent. White people are finally coming to the realization that these things cannot be fixed. Avoidance, separation and segregation are truly the only answer. When you can't do any of the above, then self defense.
@ Ex New Yorker - Can you estimate how many retired cops become hermits, or only hang out with other retired cops? I know I'm way less social now than when I first got hired. Thank God for Amazon and Safeway. They both deliver.
I don't tell anybody (that isn't a cop) that I used to be on the job. Face to face, I got told "thank you" way more than that other popular phrase ending in "you." I can't imagine what it must be like now. There was a cop who wrote a book about being a cop in the '70's in New York, with all the black radicals spouting off their "kill the cops" crap. Maybe it's something like that now, only worse, because the Internet spreads divisive nonsense at the speed of light.
I leave the house about once a week, mostly to go to the dry cleaners for my wife. I walk my dogs, and play on the 'Net. Still go to the range to keep my skills up; after all, you never know when some diversity will try to play a dirty trick on you, even where I live.
If I had known then what I know now, I would have become an auto mechanic.
Excellent post EX NEW YORKER
Think about it. Cops see the worst in humanity each & every day. How could that NOT possibly have an effect on ones psyche?!.. How could it NOT harden ones heart?.
But each morning the men in blue put on their uniforms, kiss their wives goodbye & go out & do it again every day.. Knowing full well that theres a chance they may not return that evening. And liberal COWARDS could care less!..
Now, its open season on cops & we have a demon in the white house that fiddles while Rome burns..
Alas, to live in such times as these..
Scientific American fubar'ed! First they hired this jackass, then they allowed him to play on their computer and write that crap. Now they can't edit, correct or not publish him for fear of being labeled a racist.
I wonder if this "scientific american" provided any facts to back up his conclusions? You know, like being able to fly, building the pyramids, stonehenge, the parthenon and bringing civilization to the world?
I guess when you come from a race of asswipes that never accomplished anything, writing fantasy stories must feel pretty good.
Wonder how long it will be before the first men on the moon were negroes will be told around the college classrooms?
Only American blacks and gullible white guilt ridden whites believe this BS.Asians do not buy into this garbage.Koreans do not buy into this garbage,Indians do not buy into this garbage.Russians,even Peruvians or any Hispanic peoples.What a load that magazine is.
September 15, 2015 at 8:18 AM
I've given this issue some thought recently.It seems the only way BRA will finally end is when Whites are no longer the majority or have political control in this country.I've had some interactions with Asians(mostly Chinese)and some Hindu Indians during my career.Most are pretty pleasant and polite.The ones that I got to know on a more personal level all expressed a hatred for the American Black.It seems they all know or have heard of members of their community who have been victims of Negro violence and unlike American Whites they can clearly see patterns.All the Latin Americans I've met despise Blacks also.If I tried to tell a group of Mexicans(here in Chicago)that Blacks are their equal,they would either dismiss me as a fool or take insult and maybe fight me.White people world wide have fallen for liberal nonsense and as a result are losing their very nations.
P.S. to my previous comment.Now I see why the white race dominated and fought to rule the world.Blacks, then as now,were the scourge of the world.We advanced civilization back in ancient times ,just as now.And the one common denominator that brought down each higher level of advancement was the lowly negro.As in Rome and other great western civilizations allowing in third world peoples was the downfall of all the great civilizations.As was then so it is now.It is plain for all to see.
To Anon at 8:18 - just as we have to have black Barbies, black Cabbage Patch Dolls, black American Girl Dolls and black Santas (gag), we have to have black fairy tales. (Rapunzeliqua, Rapunzeliqua, let down your long dreadlocks.) They are all princes and princesses, and they all live happily ever after. As long as you completely ignore reality.
NJ Woman
I'm reading TNC's new opus:
"The black chilluns is suffrin' 'cause they daddies is locked up!"
Maybe they daddies shouldn't have been killing people, assaulting people, robbing people, or dealing drugs.
What's that phrase that the YTs use? It's on the tip of my tongue...
Oh yeah...
In another thread, this Shootin was mentioned.
Angry over being dissed.
Angry that YT's cops have put her in jail.
Angry because she could not fit into an advanced civilization.
And there are millions more like her in the Homeland.
Get armed while you have the chance.
God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle-line,
Beneath whose awful Hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
The tumult and the shouting dies;
The Captains and the Kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
Far-called, our navies melt away;
On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe,
Such boastings as the Gentiles use,
Or lesser breeds without the Law—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding, calls not Thee to guard,
For frantic boast and foolish word—
Thy mercy on Thy People, Lord!
"Don't call it a grave, it is the Future you chose."
EX-NY'er said:
"These dirt bags are calling for justice. If they were to really get justice the next thing they will cry for is mercy."
Damn good line. Deserves to become a meme. Maybe emblazon it under a picture of a spoiled white liberal marching with BLM.
Anonymous said ”OT but could anyone let me know if you have seen the August issue of Scientific American.I see they have some delusional black AA hire writing articles how blacks are modern humans and they took over the world.This is why everything will never change as they keep teaching this BS in this country .That blacks founded the world and wiped out all other races BS. . .”
I have not read that particular article, but the delusion is widespread. We have all read about the fabulous Egyptian flying blacks who were building and inventing amazing things until they mysteriously disappeared.
Recently, I was searching for information on the 1921 Tulsa riot and found an AA article spewing a similar delusional view on the event. According to the author, ni@@@rtown in Tulsa was actually an amazing black oasis of progress far superior to the adjacent white neighborhoods. The whites became jealous and destroyed the community. And all this time I thought the riot was triggered by the TNB of a black teen perping on a white women. I wouldn't dispute the possibility that the Tulsa black community was advanced for a black community, but compared to modern society it was still a ni@@@rtown.
Can someone explain how it is possible that blacks could build these amazing black worlds, yet they have been unable to rebuild any of them after someone knocks them down? Don't any of these AA dreamers wonder why there isn't a single living example of one of these places anywhere on earth today?
Hey, is it just me or are the black females getting as violence prone as the males?
Seems more and more lately the black "women" are killing. The race of Negroes in America is boiling over with anger and hate.
Yes, the blacks hate YT. But here's a thought: I think they hate themselves too. I think they see black faces and yellow eyes staring back at them constantly, and they are just cracking up. They hate themselves! I think they hate each other more than even we hate them.
@ 9:12, yep, it def. seems like everyone else has the blinders on, Im tired of helping others see the truth, if they haven't waken up by now, its their problem.
Here's a little think-piece to be filed under our ongoing topic of trying to understand the DWL. Californian, in particular, I hope you read this.
Here's part of the allure of being a DWL:
Think about how people who travel a lot get a sense of themselves as very worldly and experienced. You know these folks; they like to travel every chance they get; they've usually been to Europe, sometimes Japan, even China. They feel they are citizens of the world; they've seen sites many of us haven't had the chance to. They've tasted ethnic foods in many places, and can regale with their "foodie" experiences. And if they find you aren't very well traveled, they either pity or disdain your humble old plodding self.
Now, the allure of being a DWL is a lot like this kind of travel elitism. They feel they are open to the world and new experiences. They consider themselves the opposite of "provincial". To them, being a right-wing conservative seems to be the refuge of a small minded, perhaps xenophobic and rather ignorant type of fellow.
To be a racist seems to them an affront to the big wide world of multi-cultural experience, to be the very worst of the closed-minded, world-denying pessimist.
Now, we SBPDL-ers know better-many of these "travel snobs" have gone half-way around the world without gaining an iota of insight into what makes a society (or individual) strong, and what makes a society (or individual) decadent.
I've known racists, and I've known liberals. I have seen more unquestioning assumption among the latter. I've seen more renegade souls and fearless searchers among the former.
But you'll never convince a DWL of that. Their smug confidence that they are living the adventurous life is constantly reinforced by media which promotes the idea that liberal multiculturalism is the way of the sophisticated and beautiful.
So, that is one more element of what makes a DWL.
Off topic link here, but couldn't resist.
This is hilarious.
Why do we need to be inclusive but they do not ?
This world is exhausting
10mm Auto:
"Captains and the Kings"
Book by Taylor Caldwell and a TV mini-series. Worth reading and watching.
I own the VHS series and two of her first edition books. (I'm a book hoarder)
Yes, the blacks hate YT. But here's a thought: I think they hate themselves too. I think they see black faces and yellow eyes staring back at them constantly, and they are just cracking up. They hate themselves! I think they hate each other more than even we hate them.
And that is the dilemma: whites can never hate blacks as much as blacks hate themselves. Because guess what? No matter what blacks do, no matter how many marches they participate in, no matter how many cities they burn down--at the end of the day, blacks are still blacks.
The result is that blacks take it out in mindless violence against white people. But white people -- who are in the main decent -- see little reason to reciprocate. These decadent days, YT would rather let blacks pillage a city than think evil thoughts about them.
It comes back to that reality of race. DWL will deny that reality, but for blacks it stares them in the face every time they look into a mirror.
Their smug confidence that they are living the adventurous life is constantly reinforced by media which promotes the idea that liberal multiculturalism is the way of the sophisticated and beautiful.
Could not have said it better. So many Whites welcome the jihad. So many will kneel to Islam or Africanization due to some television-programmed guilt. Many Whites go to national monuments or beautiful parks and moan about how there isn't more mention of White atrocities on plaques and historical markers. Many see trash in urban areas and blame fellow Whites.
American White Liberals are the most faithless, feckless, self-loathing jerks on the planet - and they extend their self-loathing to hating conservative traditionalists. They'll march traditional Whites into concentration camps and then line up to worship Black criminals.
It's so toxic and so ingrained, the liberal White SJW is more convicted and blind in his faith than an evangelical Christian, a Catholic Cardinal or radical Muslim.
Their religion of hate mixed with moral preening is bringing down the West.
To anon @12:27 PM:
Don't believe the lies about the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot. I had an ancestor who fought against the Negroes in that event. The truth about it has been handed down to me:
A Negro elevator operator either insulted or possibly assaulted a White girl in a downtown building. He was arrested and as Negrotown passed around the rumors and news, a crowd of armed blacks began approaching the courthouse.
Blacks will assert that the armed blacks were headed southwest into downtown to insure their boy was not lynched by a lynch-mob. In that era, lynch-mobs of Whites would sometimes overpower or otherwise "convince" the local Sheriff to let them have a black prisoner who had outraged public decency by raping or molesting a White woman.
Whites back then (though no one will defend it now, of course, and all official White Tulsa history endorses the black perspective) believed the armed blacks were headed to downtown to demand the "boy's" release, or worse; the crowd of blacks were angry, vocal, and belligerent. They were met by Whites, also armed, who were determined to drive the blacks back to their side of town.
I believe it was when the blacks retreated north towards darktown that the real skirmishing broke out. Black organization and resistance deteriorated and they fled in disarray. This was followed by some street action and the arson of black businesses and homes by enraged Whites who were determined to teach a lesson about who was in charge.
Recognize that the average Whites of 1921 considered aggressive behavior like toting guns into downtown to be unacceptable when done by blacks. It is what it is. It was 1921; Whites were on guard against uppity or disruptive or threatening behavior from blacks. There was, for the most part, a strong sense of White identity and cohesion.
Even given that, one of the local papers (then as now more interested in chamber of commerce issues than racial solidarity) called for Whites to back down, and the National Guard was sent in to ensure peace (i.e., protect the blacks). Many blacks who knew and worked for wealthy White families escaped to the upper-class homes of their employers and were given refuge. Even then White solidarity was undermined to some extent by a sense of noblesse oblige towards the black on the part of upper-class Whites.
Now, the Tulsa riot was an example of protection of the status quo by Whites. If you are a DWL, you are of course going to condemn it. But vigilant self-protection of life, autonomy and property was the dominant White value at that time; not acceding to "minority" demands with a policy of appeasement.
Lies that are told about Tulsa in 1921: there were airplanes dropping bombs on Darktown. No. That did not happen. That was recently asserted by a black riot exploiter who let his mouth run ahead of his brain.
There were mass graves. No. Casualties are exaggerated for effect today. An effort to locate a "mass grave" a few years ago in an old cemetery near downtown yielded nothing.
Vivid imaginations and WWII movies must account for the above two tall-tales.
The truth about Tulsa in 1921 was that it was a different time. The White men were prepared to defend their civilization and weren't about to kowtow to angry blacks. The black Wall Street was a reasonably prosperous business area of a few small blocks with normal "Main Street" type concerns like a grocery store, barber, and church. It was hardly a black Athens, but it worked, and the irony is that it worked as well as it did because of segregation.
Wait, Europe is taking refugees from war zones?? Hell, send them all the young n*gs from all our black cities... they're war zones.
This just in on the wire... shootout, broad daylight, in a residential neighborhood outside NYC where many DWLs live. Gonna bet it was orcs; kids were asleep inside cause it was nap time. Major orc mayhem right in the heart of DWL- Land. Hahaha!!
Don't believe me? Google it yourself: put in "New Rochelle, daycare, shooting".
Eat it, Libtards!! Enjoy the Vibrant Diversity!!
Where have you been??? Did you not know in a lot of section 8 housing areas or most that the female orc controls the home?? That's correct! She is the shot caller since she is getting the gibsmedat and housing because of her illegitimate children by various men. As a result, she is the controller of the show and starts shit up so the latest or newest baby's daddy can finish it.
Make zero mistake about it. The female is very much as violent as her male counterparts. More devious too.
FaMiLy??? welfare mother and sprogs.
notice these lies in the media when you read of 'black community, family, gun violence'
Once again I have to say if the police were protecting the homes and business of those that pay their salaries and actually want them in their neighborhoods this young officer would be alive and well.
As a hard working tax payer I feel I'm being robbed of police protection.
Blacks don't want you. You can arrest them all and nothing will change,. Not now. Not ever.
Come protect those that deserve your protection
"when was the last time you saved little children by running into a burning building. How many of you fucking assholes dived into a river and dragged people out of a car as it sank to the bottom. Have you ever tackled and disarmed a maniac who had a steak knife at a hostages throat. Have you ever gone alone into a building and shot a sniper who was shooting at people on the street. Did you catch in your arms a baby thrown over a second floor fire escape by her mother when the building was on fire"
That was incredible. When put forth like you just did, it leaves me speechless.
Philadelphia Mike
Ha! This from a Yahoo article comment about n*g crime:
"My pastor has said more than once that the black people get into more trouble than the white people because they don’t act like white people. That is they break a lot more laws, do a lot more drugs, listen to rap music that calls women B’s and hos, and that they think they only way they can make living is by playing basketball, football, rapping or being a ‘promoter’ whatever that means.
We continue to pray for the black people at my church because as Christians we love all people."
That pretty much sums it up!!
Pathetic Eloi.
Hmm, something tells me that negroes have different genomes than non-blacks, and that this effects their behavior. That different behavior, when exposed to a White, first world, civilization doesn't allow mass assimilation and all the problems start from there.
Am I on to something?
Just seems to make sense from everything I've seen over the last 67 years, and everything I see around the world, and all of written history.
But maybe it's just me being a racist. I dunno..
That has to be explained to the diversity with the 3rd grade I.Q.
Reading Anon. Sept. 15,2015 12:49p.m :
What was written got me thinking about other cultures, ethnicities, races, etc.
White / Caucasian is THE ONLY group that is called racist by the liberals, progressives, marxists, and other races. I don't understand why this is so.
I have read stories of people who are Caucasian / Asian, or Caucasian / Polynesian, Black /Polynesian, and so forth. It is the Caucasians who accept the mixed race person. The other non Caucasian races do not want anything to do with a mixed race person.
I read the story of a college age person whose Tongan father's family wanted nothing to do with her or her Caucasian/Asian mother. And I have read stories of White/Black mixed kids where the Blacks won't accept them, but Whites will. Wow. But Whites are the racists????????!
And Whites are labeled the top racists of the world........it dumfounds me why Whites are labeled so. And other races get a free pass.
Every ethnic group, race, culture is racist towards others but get a free pass. Oh, but not Caucasians.
In Vietnam during the war, any baby who was fathered by a Caucasian or Black man was left to die, not accepted by society, and if the Vietnamese mother kept the child the mother had a very hard life and was rejected by her own people. Happens in many different races.
And the caste system in India......and blacks here think they have it bad.
Whites have given money by the billions to help ONLY blacks in this country (economically poor Whites are screwed; actually all Whites are screwed over), Whites have stayed silent (unfortunately), been beaten into guilt for something that happened 150 years ago that every country /race / culture / ethnic group participated in.......and still happens today.
It is disgusting that blacks keep bringing up past slavery when today slavery is a billion dollar industry. Worldwide. Shows how selfish and entitled blacks really are. If they really feel slavery is so bad then they should be doing something to help stop it today, and speak out about the horrors. But no, they worship thugs who die breaking the laws. To blacks it is all about free money and free anything. They use slavery as a club and crutch to get what ever they can . Like the black terrorist who killed the White news woman and camera man. He referred to slavery......what BS, by all Blacks. They have no idea what slavery is and for blacks to keep clubbing society with it is an affront and kick in the gut to those who are in bondage this very day.
I recall a negro once explained that the white man stole all their knowledge. I wish this negro could draw a picture of this "stolen" knowledge.
Oh well, it's as good an explanation as any as to why they're so stupid.
If/when the Baltimore cops get convicted, if a candidate for President gathers the courage and says I think the Baltimore cops are being railroaded and if I am elected I will give them a pardon do you think it would hurt or help that candidate?
I personally think it would help the candidate, although things seem to be changing cops are often seen as the bad guys and drug dealers like Freddie Gray are getting things named after them.
Anyone with an opinion on if being for Law and Order still helps a politician?
"No police officer goes out with the intent of keeping the black man down."
I'm certain that's true, but the results of not doing so speak for themselves.
"...the liberal White SJW is more convicted and blind in his faith than an evangelical Christian, a Catholic Cardinal or radical Muslim."
So true. The social programming works well with the weak minded.
Without straying too far off topic I want to say a few words about the decline of the virile male.
Western society has a fascination with feminized males. Real men who embody strength and the will to do what is right and just are seen as old fashioned and relegated to history and old films (i.e. John Wayne types). Today we prefer men like Rob Lowe, who clearly have an effeminate affect.
Why are we so threatened by real men? Are they not the very ones who are largely, if not entirely, responsible for the greatest achievements of our world? When did strength and virtue become less desirable than prancing pussies?
Why I use the word "negro" rather than "black"
IF you truly believe that negroes are not like Caucasians then stop using the word "black", "blacks", or "black people". By using those terms you insinuate an equality of all "people". I much prefer the clear distinction of negroes and Caucasians. This way there is no confusion that I am referring to two very different beings. I realize its a matter of contextual semantics, but it sends the message I believe in...we are fundamentally different and not at all alike.
I will again make the case for eugenics.
100 years ago eugenics was considered the state-of-the-art science in social engineering. Eugenics gained a dark reputation and was abandoned due to the atrocities committed by the Nazis.
Eugenics is the way of the future and will make a return to the world. Over population of humans is the greatest problem facing our world and it MUST be addressed and controlled if we ever hope to achieve any level of sustainability. This is not up for debate. We can do it the hard way or the less-hard way, but it MUST be done.
I know that the very topic of eugenics is the pinnacle of evil to some. This is largely due to the propaganda programming that has taken place since the end of WW2. It is time we took an unbiased look at the science behind eugenics. It is real science and not some notion of satanic cultists hiding in a cave somewhere chanting by candlelight.
I leave you with some words by Madison Grant from his 1916 book, The Passing of the Great Race
"Where altruism, philanthropy or sentimentalism intervene with the noblest purpose and forbid nature to penalize the unfortunate victims of reckless breeding, the multiplication of inferior types is encouraged and fostered. Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants and the sterilization of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."
I believe that, in all human history, never have so many participated so directly and so determinedly in their own fall from such great heights.
I hope we can change this for the benefit of our descendants, but I fear that we may not have the courage.
over and out
The DWL rankings of the most serious offenses towards society:
1) White Racism
2) Being Critical of Non-White people
3) White homogeneity
4) Being Pro-White
5) Any crime committed by non-DWL whites against non-whites
6) Holding Non-whites accountable for their actions
7) Murder
8) Pedophilia
9) Rape
10) Theft/Robbery
11) Assault
Of course, it bears to mention that any crime committed by a DWL or Non-white will be excused away after the fact since it is always done in the name of Social Justice. (Such as A black assaulting a white and then declaring they did so because the white person said something racist.) This usually will result in a lower or no punishment at all, hence multiple examples of blacks with numerous felonies convictions, (sometimes they are with ankle monitors because they are on bond waiting trial for other felonies) engaging in felonious actions instead of being incarcerated.
Beam Me Up
The Baron
From a dumbass article on Minnesota and Black Incarceration:
"Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other..."
But no one is put in jail for being poor. So, a *crime* must slip in there somewhere, right?
"Poverty and lack of opportunity are associated with higher crime rates..."
Yep. They are associated with that; confused with it in fact. But, again, poverty and "lack of opportunity" isn't what really gets you arrested, is it? Getting caught committing a crime does.
Now, I'm going to say something radical. Even if you refuse to work, you will not starve to death in America, esp. in Minnesota. If you are poor and black, you can take advantage (literally) of Government programs; you can also take advantage (literally) of Religious and private charities.
My home state is way less bleeding-heart liberal than Minnesota, and we have Churches here that will chase bums down the street in order to feed them, and free housing on at least a night-to-night basis is available for anyone willing to restrain themselves from violence and lay off the pipe for the evening.
I shit you not. You do not need to work to live in the USA. There are people waiting to take care of you. Government agencies full of them. Churches and Charities full of them, bless their bleeding little hearts.
Yet, we hear a lot about poverty causing crime.
The blacks (esp. the men) don't want minimum wage jobs, of which many are available. They don't just want food and a warm place to sleep either.
What they want is "street cred". A reputation as a thug and "gangsta". They want wimmenz hanging off their shoulders, and they want dubs on their ride. They want drugs and bling. I don't know of any charities providing those amenities. Hey, maybe CRIME would get De'Terius some of that good shit.
Next thing you know, someone disses De'Terius or he has his hand in the wrong jar and somebody gets kilt daid. Somebody else goes to prison, and the wise Ta-Nehisi Coates looks at all this and says:
"The lesson of Minnesota is that the chasm in incarceration rates is deeply tied to the socioeconomic chasm between black and white America".
Damn, brutha, that shit is profound...but that "chasm" in incarceration is even more deeply tied to black misbehavior.
But don't say the reason is "poverty". That is, quite simply, not the main reason the black man be doin' time. Big stupid egos working with small inadequate brains and a bottomless lust for sex, props, bling and drugs? You're getting warmer.
My encounter with Afro-American intelligence today:
At Fedex, was going to ship a package to Portland.
Negress working at the counter: "Where is this going?"
Me: "Portland, Oregon"
Negress: "Is that in the United States?"
White Girl Bleed A lot.
Continue counting their money and prepare to high tail it out of here before those have nots come looking for what they used to have.
Mich Mike
The next time youre looking into the dark void of the eyes of a feral negro in some mugshot consider this, again from Madison Grant in The Passing of the Great Race written in 1916...
""Dark colored eyes are all but universal among wild mammals and entirely so among the primates, man's nearest relatives."
Computer prorgraming, that's mandatory learning for third through sixth grade these days. Better pick another profession computers are just going to be useless piles of junk in a decade or so. Try raising food, there will always be a market for food.
How could anyone look at that thing and think it's human? That story was chock full of TNB. Notice the friends of the dead negress are already questioning how this subhuman smuggled in a gun when the strip club has metal detectors. It beez da skrip clubs fault, not the negress with the gun. Pathetic...
POTA material, no costume or makeup needed.
I believe that a few bicyclists have been attacked there in recent weeks by the usual suspooks. Live in a white area!
Have the groids complained that "jay mile high" be assassabinated because the cop dat shot him din have no body camara? I pray for officer Ponder and his family.
North Floridian.
3:30pm - "If/when the Baltimore cops get convicted, if a candidate for President gathers the courage and says I think the Baltimore cops are being railroaded and if I am elected I will give them a pardon do you think it would hurt or help that candidate?"
You should never vote for a candidate that stupid. The US President can only pardon people convicted of Federal crimes. These officers can only be pardoned by their Governor. BUT, they have to be convicted first. Baltimore may be 65% black, but most of those blacks are ineligible to serve on a jury. That means there will be enough Whites on the panel who are still pissed off about Chimpnado 2015.
MrNatural: "Without straying too far off topic I want to say a few words about the decline of the virile male. Western society has a fascination with feminized males. Real men who embody strength and the will to do what is right and just are seen as old fashioned and relegated to history and old films (i.e. John Wayne types). Today we prefer men like Rob Lowe, who clearly have an effeminate affect."
Jerry Seinfeld recently interviewed smarmy liberal Steven Colbert on his web series Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Colbert started talking about the Real Men of the Good Old Days, like Steve McQueen, George C. Scott, John Wayne. They both concurred that men are different now, and definitely less-manly, and how disappointing it is. This conversation lasted about a minute, then Colbert says, "Ooh! And wouldn't it be great if those old tough guys turned out to be gay!" And they joked back-and-forth about how their pickup lines would sound. So very funny. That's why they make the big bucks.
Those men don't exist in Hollywood anymore, because they've been railroaded out in SJW boxcars, by cunts like these two. And if one of them were still around, they would have slapped the bitch out of these two ass-clowns.
And don't shit on Rob Lowe. He's one of the good guys. His twitter, the day Dylann Roof shot the African Methodists:
"The media should be ashamed. 3 hours to get on air and then gives detailed suspect description WITHOUT mentioning his race. #Charleston"
"when was the last time you saved little children by running into a burning building. How many of you fucking assholes dived into a river and dragged people out of a car as it sank to the bottom. Have you ever tackled and disarmed a maniac who had a steak knife at a hostages throat. Have you ever gone alone into a building and shot a sniper who was shooting at people on the street. Did you catch in your arms a baby thrown over a second floor fire escape by her mother when the building was on fire"
Too busy chanting "Black Lives Matter" to do any of the above, I guess.
A valid point is being made here: if they really believed that "Black Lives Matter" then they might actually do something to save a black life here or there. But what the protesters are really saying is that black criminals' lives matter. I was in a Whole Foods today and I noticed that the security guards--who used to pack a firearm--were now totally disarmed. Not so much as a pepper spray to their name. Why? Because Black Lives Matter--wouldn't want to shoot a "teen" as he was assaulting anyone in the granola aisle, now would we?
Wait, Europe is taking refugees from war zones??
Sweden, which supported the ANC against white-ruled South Africa, ought to take 10,000,000 American blacks. They could rescue all those poor, oppressed African-Americans from the horrors of streets gone wrong, microaggressions, and being gunned down while they had their hands in the air.
Why 10,000,000 blacks? Because Sweden's population is c. 9,700,000. This would make blacks the majority in Sweden, and then Swedes could experience all the joys of black majority rule. Like gangbanging, drivebys, trashed infrastructure, self-destructing schools, necklacing, home invasions, farm-murders, and having your cities burned down over a dead thug.
And then maybe...maybe...they would wake up to the threat that blacks pose to white countries. And then maybe they'd start acting like their warrior-ancestors.
(PS: in fairness, the Swedish Democrats Party has woken up and is leading a nationalist revival. We here in the Homeland might even be able to learn something from them.)
The truth about Tulsa in 1921 was that it was a different time. The White men were prepared to defend their civilization and weren't about to kowtow to angry blacks.
Thanks for the account of the Tulsa Riot. And yes, in those days, White people were more than willing to defend their cities. Today...?
re, Eugenics.
I know a bit about the history of Science [genetics and social Darwinism] and yes, after WW2, TWMNBN guilted Whites into recejting studies that are scientific.
Look at what 'they' did to Shockley---
re,As a younger man who values science, I can't bring myself to discard important steps in the scientific process of learning. What would science be if we just discarded study results because we didn't like their implications?
The dilemma for white people is that we have discarded science when it comes to understanding race.
Look at Shockley, Rushton, Watson, Murray and Herrnstein. The reality of race is burned up in an egalitarian bonfire and replaced with superstitions about "equality." The results? Look at cities such as Selma and Birmingham and Detroit, all laid waste by egalitarian policies with no scientific basis.
Anonymous said...
They hate themselves! I think they hate each other more than even we hate them.
Not possible.
@ Anonymous September 15, 2015 at 2:22 PM
The article about the New Rochelle shooting is a curious one...in that although they have one of the shooters in custody, they fail to post a photo, nor do they give a description of the other who fled the scene (after a car chase into Yonkers) even though a wanted bulletin has been posted.
And...more curious the very next article at this "news" site, is of a high-speed drunk driver, and you guessed it...front and center is the mug-shot of A WHITE GUY.
Funny isn't it, media continues to cloak black criminals in secrecy, while quickly slapping any and all white criminals mug-shots and descriptions front and center!
And they think we don't notice pah-lease.
Here's something for law enforcement officers to consider: you may have been told by "diversity" commissars that people such as the ones who post on this website and others like it are some sort of threat to the police. But you can probably see the truth. It is the "anti-racists" who are agitating blacks into rioting and making assaults against cops. The "anti-racists" of academia, among the media, of "diversity" agencies, and even in the government itself.
They are inciting the War on Police.
You have to look at who has your back. It is people who understand the reality of race.
Having had relatives who had to live under the glorious system of communism, I despise it. But in my worst moments I think the former Soviet Union with its anti-parasite laws was right.
Let's not forget that any of these people wearing the uniform of BRA will be the ones coming to YOUR house to confiscate your guns when given the order, or will be the ones to arrest YOU for hate speech or other "racism" when they eventually codify that into law.
Whether or no these cops realize it, he was killed by friendly fire. Both his gang and the brown hoards are the footsoldiers of BRA and the coming communist world government.
I've posted this for a good while now (and have others). If you're still wearing the uniform of BRA you have chosen sides. You KNOW damn well what the score is (if not you're so stupid that you don't belong in our gene pool anyway) and if you stick around for that lower middle class salary and promise of a pension that likely will have been spent on midnight basketball programs long before you retire, you deserve everything you get.
Learn a real trade, move away from cities, become self sufficient and prepare to survive 4-6 months without the amenities of civilization when things go south.
Blogger Hieronymus Münchhausen said...
The DWL rankings of the most serious offenses towards society:
You've left out GLOBAL WARMING!!! Solely caused by American greedy, self-serving Whites. Far more terrifying than terrorism and violent crime. I toss and turn all night in fear.
NJ Woman
Regarding the New Rochelle shooting, here's a HILARIOUS bit of passive voice that extends into anthropomorphism. These DWL media whores just won't give up:
NEW ROCHELLE — Parents dropped off their children as usual at a day care center Wednesday morning the day after an SUV shooting nearby left two men hospitalized, including the victim and a man who ran from police after officers identified him as a possible suspect, officials said.
Watch out for those SUVs! Dey be shootin'!
This notion of black crime being caused by being economically poor........hhmmmmmm........the economically poor Whites, say un Appalachia, are not committing crimes at the rates blacks are.
Of course there is probably no data on this because it is racist to compare how much more civilized poor Whites are to poor blacks. If there ever was such data it has destroyed.
I would really like for someone to call BS on idiots like Coats when they spout lies without facts.......And have actual facts to show the black, progressive, marxist lies we keep getting fed.
New Rochelle is fondly referred to as "Negrochelle," so you are probably right.
A quick apology to Rob Lowe. I didnt mean to demean him personally, just thought he would be a good example of the feminized male so much in demand today. Its a sad thought that real men are now undesirable while sissy boys are in vogue.
I think it goes a long way in explaining why white men capitulate and dont fight back.
Again, no offense to Rob Lowe (his picture happened to be on a sidebar ad while I was writing).
Really it couldn't hurt, particularly he might get even more support. And he may even get the support of other Blacks who would otherwise not be inclined to vote for him. He could make it sound as if it will be most beneficial to Blacks themselves (I don't think that is possible though as we whites desperately need to stop the groids). "Cleaning up the Black Community for the "good" Blacks who "are such a positive force in America", might go over well. He has "our" vote anyway, so why not? I would support him more if he said, "These n!kkər$ need to be put back in their place. We have done all we can, and the whiny chuckers hate us and are incapable of existing equally in society with Whites". That isn't going to happen anytime soon, unless TSHTF far sooner they I imagine it is going to.
Even if most were from out of the area, why were they not out there fighting to save their neighborhood? If a mass of Heboons and Sheboons came to the little town of 6000 that is close to me, we would be out on the streets fighting to protect our businesses and families. Shots would "ring out" (as the media puts it as if they are part of the weather without human involvement), and groids would drop like flies. Nobody would narc on the shooters, and there would be so many that it wouldn't even matter.
I wonder if the ground himself believes such blatant nonsense.
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