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When the primary form of job opportunity is working at a state-run liquor store, it's time to rethink the whole notion of racial equality |
The only reason it's economically disadvantaged is because it's an area devoid of whites and with a surplus of blacks:
Kimberly Spruell has to travel 45 miles to the nearest Walmart; 80 miles to the nearest mall; 42 miles to a hospital with more than four doctors; and now 45 miles to the driver's license office.
She used to go to the state park for picnics but now that's been shut down.For years, residents of Wilcox County like Spruell have believed the state's elected officials had a certain disregard for the Black Belt. And when the state legislature passed measures Sept. 30 to combat the General Fund budget deficit, Wilcox County was directly affected.Spruell must drive those great distances to find a Walmart, a mall, and a hospital, because the area where she lives is proof of the Visible Black Hand of Economics: businesses and outside capital investment have determined "Alabama's Black Belt" would put them in the red if they dared open up shop there.
All those living in the Black Belt have going for them is a few state-run liquor stores the black population once kept solvent... but now the state is closing those too. [Alabama's Black Belt feels the state cuts: 'There's nothing to do here.', Al.com, 10-11-15]:
Band Director Ryan Campbell watched his Sumter Central High School Tigers marching band strut last week on a field outside the gleaming new public high school in Sumter County.
"Where are the white kids?" a visitor asked.
"At the academy down the road," Campbell said, referring to private Sumter Academy.
"What's the future here for these kids?" the visitor asked.
"There's nothing to do here," Campbell said. "The best we can do is educate them the best we can."
"Nothing here." It's the image Alabama's historic Black Belt has fought for decades, often with little help from Montgomery. And new decisions by state leaders have people here wondering if, this time, Alabama is writing off the Black Belt for good.
So far this fall, state government has:
- Closed every state park south of I-20 and west of I-65 in the Black Belt
- Closed 11 offices where people can get their first driver's license, which is the primary identification they'll soon need to vote
The loss of driver's license offices and the link between driver's licenses and the voter ID law drew national attention. National media excoriated the state, and the Department of Justice was asked to investigate. Jesse Jackson paid a visit last week, and Gov. Robert Bentley insisted the cost-cutting had nothing to do with race.
- Announced plans to closed [sic] five of the area's state liquor stores which could mean layoffs in an area where jobs are few
But added to spotty cellphone and Internet service, shuttered hospitals, de facto segregated schools, hollowed-out small towns, and not enough good jobs, the closings have Black Belt leaders worried.In a sane world, whites in South Africa - increasingly being disenfranchised and targeted for extinction by the state - would be granted refugee status and allowed to settle in Alabama's Black Belt region, immediately turning the area into one where the primary goal upon graduating high school wasn't getting a job at a liquor store...
In our insane world, white people will be blamed endlessly for the sorry conditions black people create in the absence of whites...
If we could get our Whites out of South Africa, I'd rather "dump" them in Minneapolis and Portland, and send the Somalis to Alabama (if not Somalia).
We should trade with SA. 10 million of our blacks for 1 million of their whites.
I'd say that's more than fair.
Watched the new Walking Dead. Oh Lord. The new white characters are all scheming, sniveling cowards. The new black characters, on the other hand, are all wise and brave and strong. Hm.
Have any of you seen the new video where a Missouri she-niglet brutally beats a white girl and drags her by the hair while the white girl does not even try to fight back, and while her friends laugh in the background? I can't help but think that shows like TWD are a contributing factor to the apathy of whites toward defending themselves against black savagery. Young people watch these crap shows and are bombarded with images of evil whites/saintly blacks, and it surely has a devastating effect on a young white's psyche. There doesn't seem to be any end to it. It's sad. Actually, it's tragic.
Do yourself a favor - watch that school bully video. Over and over. Until you want to burst. And DON'T watch TWD. You'd be better off staring at a blank wall.
Ya gotta wonder...when will some TV talking head just explode and start telling the truth, the real truth, about blacks? Oh right, its not an honest & scientific inquiry, its a political hot potato where the highest priority is never, ever, letting blacks know they are being played for their votes.
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I call it "engineering IQ".. Negros ain't got it obviously; tens of thousands of years and they couldn't progress beyond a one-story mud hut. Suddenly their problems are about an absence of "privilege".. or something .. sure folks. The truth is: without white people and Asian people (the "engineering IQ"), "African"-Americans in this country would starve. When they flushed the toilet their shit wouldn't go anywhere. Their water would be full of killer microbes. They hate us, but they would die without us; and deep-down they know this.. which, I contend, subconsciously.. is WHY they hate us..
Our government would never allow large amounts of white refugees to come to America, that's exactly the opposite of what they're trying to do to the white population in America
The only steady diet of film shown in this house around my kids is LOTR trilogy. Probably the closest depiction of what blacks would do to this country if EBT were to end today.
OT: image gallery of the visible hand of Black economics.
Simply no other reasonable option. Anything less and the orcs are still a daily problem.
Gee, maybe Harvey Shapiro or Benjamin Weinstien et al running most of these cable and old television stations could do a REAL reality show in the black belt sans black astronauts, brilliant black scientists, black CEOs, black corporate magnates, black neuro-surgeons and so forth.
Oh, you say that wouldn't pay the bills for the yachts and splendid mansions, as in Harvey and Ben's bills? That's what we thought. My bad.
Nick A. Pinney
Wonder how plans for that black demographic area's new Starbucks is working out?
When a booze store closes in negroville, then you know there can be NO civilization.
Next to close: Payday Loan shops, Buy Here Pay Here car sales, "Beauty Shops", Pawn Shops.
And there are still STUPID white people who don't see it.!!!!!
Since I just mentioned those businesses that may close in negroville, I think it is only just and fair to give ideas of businesses that Black people can open to better serve the community:
1) Book Store
2) Dirt Bike repair shop
3) Hooters
4) Pier 1
5) Outback Steakhouse.
You see, what I am thinking about is all the unemployed black men who are forced to kill and rape since there are no jobs in the "community". I think us Privileged Whites should get out of the way and let the community build businesses, without the boot of the White racists, to provide these jobs so desperately wanted by strong black men. These black men are, of course, the future of this country.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
The other day, a black co-worker struck up a conversation with me, completely out of the blue as I was walking by her cubicle. Not wanting to be rude, I stopped. We somehow got on the subject of travel and various islands I've visited over the years. She told me about Jamaica and how unfair it was that Indians have taken over all the convenience stores, gas stations, etc. there. She said that the gubmint of Jamaica should only allow native Jamaicans to own and run these stores.
I dutifully listened and feigned a sympathetic stance, without telling her that the gubmint, as corrupt and negro as we all know them to be (redundant, I know), knows damn good and well the native population doesn't have the intelligence, fortitude, patience, or planning to open a lemonade stand, let alone a real business venture.
The one and only time I had the misfortune of visiting Jamaica, I saw its beautiful beaches, the ones outside of the resorts, littered with filth and trash. The couple I stayed with had a sprawling beachfront house they rented complete with negro servants who sauntered around all day, trying extremely hard to appear busy while clearly doing absolutely nothing. Their pool, which I had no intention of swimming in, had a murky film of water and crud encrusted tiles around it. Mind you, they had a "groundskeeper" whose job it was to keep the pool clean and running properly.
One day during our visit I was in a grocery store with these friends who were hosting us and a negro man cut right in front of me in the checkout line. I marched in front of him, slammed my brewskies down on the counter, and demanded to know just what the hell he thought he was doing (no respect for women, white or otherwise). My husband turned an even whiter shade of pale than he normally is. My friend and her husband both dropped their jaws.
Clearly I had startled the negro (talking back and such, not permitting his rude behavior) and he stammered, "You gots all that stuff and I just have this one thing!"
I looked at him and sneered, "Pity! I probably would have let you in front of me had you asked, but you didn't, so now you must wait."
You could see he was plenty peeved as the steam was emitting from his ears. We had the attention of the entire store at this point, as all the negroes were wondering who this crazy white bitch was.
They*are*NOT*like*us. Expecting them to behave otherwise is an exercise in futility. You could cede the entirety of Manhattan island to them and in less than six months you'd have Mogadishu.
I have all the respect in the world for Putin, but clearly, if you want to destroy the terrorists in Syria, export as many negroes as possible to live amongst them. They'd give up in less than a week.
my comment to any black person who may read the comments in this forum, get smarter, study and work harder, and get a job.
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interesting piece at Breitbart,com
BLM movement, 'black crime doesnt exist'.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum said...She told me about Jamaica and how unfair it was that Indians have taken over all the convenience stores, gas stations, etc. there. She said that the gubmint of Jamaica should only allow native Jamaicans to own and run these stores.
Your post seemed to miss the obvious irony (perhaps becuase it was obvious): A negro complaining that another unwanted group had come in and taken over?
Last night, while channel-surfing around the HBO/Showtime/CMax channels (I refuse to watch local channel sit-coms, etc)...and I stumbled upon a show on Cinemax called "The Knick" Season01/Episode06. I was intrigued because it took place at the turn of the 20th century (1900 I believe is the depicted year), and I love movies which portray this era - checking out beautiful tradesmanship in homes, and workmanship of clothing etc. It seemed relatively innocuous...UNTIL it depicted a negro "Dr" who was caught treating negro patients in the basement of Knickerbocker hospital in NYC. Ok, I thought, let's give it a moment to see this through, and then well... after the rude White supremacist surgeon chastised him, this negro-Dr began showing the White chief of surgery the NUMEROUS surgical devices he "expanded upon" (negro didn't say he invented them, but expanded upon them) - White supremacist surgeon was gob-smacked, it of course NEVER occurred to ANY White surgeons at this hospital how to do any of these things (Thank God for the negro!). Of course, the White surgeon (whose first response after catching this negro-Dr, is played-out as a White supremacist of that era, telling the negro-Dr to stop treating patients blah blah blah), in this blatant script-writing attempt of showing viewers how incredibly biased and unfair this all was toward the brilliant-negro of the day, BUT going further to show how easily White supremacy was working against negroes. It then portrayed this White surgeon cowering to the negro-Dr and succumbing to the negro's demands of inclusion in the hospital's "White" ranks as a fellow surgeon, because afterall - how could he ignore the negro's brilliance! I guess in the end, just this one White supremacist had a heart and was unable to look-away from the magical moment in which he saw the magical glow surrounding the negro-Dr, and short of bowing and kissing the negro's ring, he tucked aside all his supremacy and saw the Messiah standing before him (wipes away tear).
Needless to say, I immediately yelled obscenities at my TV (which has once again - let me down), and changed the channel, swearing into the air that I would never tune-in again.
Yeah, that was how things went back in 1900, it was the norm, Whites of that era were not afraid to admit the short-comings of the negro. What I find offensive is how in 2015, more than 100 years later, we Whites must be reminded of black oppression, we must be reminded of the guilt, we must be reminded of why blacks are continuing to have difficulty, we MUST be reminded of WHITE SUPREMACY. Gawd...enough already - we get it - Whites suck, Whites are pond-skum, Whites are bad, negroes are good - no wait, negroes are not just good, THEY are noble, trustworthy, intelligent (comparable to Einstein smarty-pants they are, uh huh), passive, wonderful, beautiful, loving, caring, God fearing, strong-willed, competent, blah, blah, blahdy damn blah - AND Whites are not any of those things, and are nothing but supremacists and so, will always be... PERIOD - you got it?
Yes Ma'ssah, got it!
We have 30 million illegal Mexican/Cuban/Columbia etc... immigrants in this country. The SA and Rhodesian whites should just come here and stay. Meanwhile people debate how many Syrians we should take...
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What exactly is this statement trying to imply,inquiring minds want to know.
"Where are the white kids?" a visitor asked.
"At the academy down the road," Campbell said, referring to private Sumter Academy.
"What's the future here for these kids?" the visitor asked.
"There's nothing to do here," Campbell said. "The best we can do is educate them the best we can."
Exactly what does the first sentence have to do with the rest of the conversation.
I think this sums it all up.For everything.
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You pose a very interesting and thought provoking question. Interesting because we know you are right- populations matter.
Blacks view all their problems as external to them, as well as all the solutions. Instead of loitering about complaining about what doesn't exist and wasn't given to you why don't you, I don't know... build it yourself? Having found a negro with actual initiative them might even put you on every magazine cover across the country!
It isn't just IQ. It is intellectual curiosity. It is the desire to envision and create new and improved things. It is inspiration and drive that most blacks do not have. There are so many differences that go unmeasured and then convenient anti-white phrases like white privilege are used as a label for it all.
Genetics matter, just as they do for all other species of animal on this planet. We need to realize that blacks will never be able to measure up to whites as a whole in most spheres of life and stop being so critical and disappointed in them.
And the more compassionate among us need to stop giving them false hope in the form of liberal grievance narratives.
The one and only time I had the misfortune of visiting Jamaica, I saw its beautiful beaches, the ones outside of the resorts, littered with filth and trash.
Sooner or later, somebody is going to notice that all those nice beaches are wasted on people who trash them. Not just Jamaica, but the rest also.
To The Former Miss Greenbaum - I've done things like that many times. I don't like to be angry or make a scene. But when someone is lying or doing something just plain wrong, I address it. (Not as often as I could, though, out of deference to my husband.) I'm unable to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Which is why I'm a race realist.
OT - I wanted to leap through the TV screen and strangle the big colored woman who chanted "down, down, USA" at the "thousands of coloreds standing around as usual" event in Washington. She is so BLACK STUPID she doesn't realize the U.S. (Whites) supports her and all the other negroes in this country. My God, they're hopelessly ignorant.
NJ Woman
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In reference to Ms. Greenbaum posting:
I went to Jamaica three times while stationed nearby Guantanamo Bay Cuba. What a beautiful country, beaches ,climate, plenty of fresh water, food, etc... After being around the natives you see pretty quickly why they are stuck in a third world mentality.drugs are so prevalent and so is crime . As a white tourist you take your life into your hands when going to certain areas , never travel alone especially at night.When I go to the Caribbean (dive vacations) I go else where.
BLM movement, 'black crime doesnt exist'.
If it's against "The Man", it's not crime, it's warfare: Blacks as a nation against non-Blacks.
Of course, YT is likely to ask why we should tolerate a hostile nation in our midst. BLM will not like the conclusions which come from that question.
Aww...poor poor negroes. They can't catch a break. They have to drive 45 minutes to spend their welfare dollars and get dey hurr and nails did. That's a long drive to get supplies to make crack and buy their guns. How are they going to survive? Now that the likka stow is closing they'll have to make their own pruno. Africans in America indeed. I wonder how much longer the population will last considering they can't rape and rob and have to drive their useless asses somewhere to get dey drank on. I expect they'll soon revert back to cannibalism and witch doctors (if they haven't already).
The always brilliant CENTURION said, "You see, what I am thinking about is all the unemployed black men who are forced to kill and rape since there are no jobs in the "community". I think us Privileged Whites should get out of the way and let the community build businesses, without the boot of the White racists, to provide these jobs so desperately wanted by strong black men. These black men are, of course, the future of this country."
CENTURION, we take it you mean as in South Africa after the now Marxist western European "democracies," with the leadership of American hardcore leftists, politically agitated for years and succeeded in throwing the industrious whites under the bus, returning, as Oprah would say, the country to its "roots." Predictably enough, the very second "apartheid" ended and that savage pig Mandela took over, literally thousands of these same highly industrious Caucasians keeping a lid on the savage, murderous propensities of these slack-jawed black beasts lost their homes, their farms, their life savings and many their very lives to these primitive, murderous bastards.
Thanks to Nelson Mandela and the eager cooperation of the worldwide leftist media, once the jungle chimps took over, what happened to whites right after apartheid ended came about as close to genocide as you can get - but it was all hidden, of course. I am personal friends of many former white South Africans who have since left that hellhole, and the stories they tell are all the same, match up detail for detail and all of them approach "Night of the Living Dead" in their sheer horror.
To quote from Godfather Politics,"A number of the large farms and ranches owned by whites were overrun by blacks. Some of the white land owners were murdered and others were run off of their own property with only the clothes on their back. The new South African government and law enforcement turned a blind eye to it all.
In the cities, whites became the preferred targets for assaults, burglaries and rapes. My friends’ teenage daughter feared for her safety and modesty every day she traveled to and from school. Their daughter had classmates that were raped and robbed by blacks and the police, which were almost all black, and did nothing about it.
These are only a few of the many racial horror stories that have been happening to many of the whites in South Africa. Conditions have become so dangerous that many whites are leaving the country. My friends applied to immigrate to the United States. The process took nearly five years. Just as they were about to leave South Africa, they were informed that there was a problem with their daughter’s visa and she ended up having to stay with an uncle for another two years." http://godfatherpolitics.com/13517/mandela-didnt-end-apartheid-changed-black-white-genocide/
Shit like this is not at all an anomaly. It is simply what happens when ANY town, city or country is "run" by genetically primitive, intellectually stunted, savage, murderous beasts dressed as human beings and carrying machetes and AK 47s.
South Africa, here we come! America, circa 2040! Better hit the fucking road, boys and girls, before you and your loved ones get chopped up like so much hamburger while Uncle Buckwheat stands by grinning like a chimp!
Respectfully, Nick A. Pinnie
I wanted to follow up on one more thing from yesterday; "Anonymous" said, "Blackie can't comprehend the time investment needed for a white collar career and all the non-negotiable responsibilities that come with it." -- And this stuck with me last night. I think it explains and reveals much about the lower-simian brain; this inherent inability to think a few steps ahead etc.. How can you plan a life and reach goals in that life in this increasingly complex world, without (what PK calls) "future time-orientation"..? When I first came to this blog almost a year ago, I was introduced to the enduring phrase "Low-IQ, low-impulse control, poor future time-orientation." The first two concepts were obvious no-brainers to me because of my day-to-day real-life experiences in the world in a big city for many years now. But that last one: "poor future time-orientation".. I had to think about that one, and still do quite a bit. Of course it's apparent what it "means" etc.. but what does it really "mean".. You know?.. To kill someone for $40 or a bag of weed (as someone here recently noted; the value of which one could be earned in a few Saturday afternoon hours working a part-time job etc.) or for the totally unknown contents of handbag or wallet outside a ballpark etc.. is reflective of a "poor future time-orientation" effectively rendering the creature hopelessly unreasonable to live in a civilized society; a sociopath; a psychopath.. How then would it possibly be tenable beyond anyone's wildest imagination that such a creature could get an education and nurture a successful career in the First World.. let alone become a responsible dependable husband and father..? impossible (and yet the DWL will absolutely NOT surrender.. ever!).. Ok I'll shut up now but I do have one more suggestion first before I do; this was a subject on SBPDL previously not long ago, but I suggest we do it again and do it periodically: What experience(s) led you to that defining moment of race-realism.. from which you can never again return..? etc..
Since I just mentioned those businesses that may close in negroville, I think it is only just and fair to give ideas of businesses that Black people can open to better serve the community:
1) Book Store
2) Dirt Bike repair shop
3) Hooters
4) Pier 1
5) Outback Steakhouse.
I would bet that Hooters would fair just as poorly in a black area as a bookstore.
You would get too many blacks that just want to ogle the girls and not tip or buy any wings.
The only reason those girls show up to work is for the White guys that leave them decent tips.
I'm not talking about 15% on a $12 bill. It's the White guy that leaves $20 on a $12 bill without even thinking about it.
Even if blacks tipped an average of 15% (will never happen) that still isn't jack if the typical customer is single and has a 12 or 15 dollar bill. But of course liberals and even many conservatives think all these businesses can work with any population.
Book stores in White areas are lousy businesses unless they have a cafe or bakery. Those smaller storefront shops in little towns are normally supplemented by other incomes or are tax write-offs. You can't make money by selling a $10.00 book every other hour.
Centurion's Revised List of business suggestions for black comoonities:
1) Rent-to-Own Book Store
2) Dirt Bike VIN-repair shop
3) Looters
4) Amistad's Private Pier
5) Silverback Steakhouse
Why doesn't Jessie Jackson invest millions of his extortion money in the black belt?
How about Oprah, Jay Z or any of the other multi millionaire blacks.
Funny how they love their brothers and sisters until it involves money.
No the money should always come from the human taxpayers.
Hypocrites all of them.
This makes perfect sense.
After you shut down the Driver's Licensing offices, it only makes sense to shut the liquor stores. You don't want them driving drunk without a license do you? If they had a license, they are committing a crime. No license, No crime? (I know, that is awful logic, but it's fun to think of this absurdity. Except, when it comes to the negro, it ain't absurd. It's reality)
OT: And the beat goes on
After a short hiatus, it's time once again for:
Negroes in the News---
Today's story comes out of Texas, specifically a highway leading into the Dallas area. A little background is in order.
Among Texas Law Enforcement, the most prestigious, professional organization is the Department of Public Safety (DPS) State Troopers. I have had interactions with these Officers after violating traffic law, and ALWAYS gotten a warning, not a ticket, after being polite and courteous back to the Officer, who I knew was only doing his job (Negro-like chimp-outs and disrespect toward an officer is known to escalate things). But I guess even THAT group of LEOs had to succumb to the siren-song of AA hiring.
Sunday Morning, a DPS Trooper pulled over Dallas Cowboys running back Christine Michael (a male Negro with the name Christine?? smh). Turns out the Officer was a Negro. The story never lets on WHY the feetsbah playa was pulled over, nor if he received a ticket. BUT, the AA Negro Officer figured out he had a sports celebrity and just HAD to have a photo taken with the "star" to prove it to his homies back in da 'hood.
The photo shows pure ghetto from the AA Officer's behavior and is worth a look-see. The comments (quite a few of them) have a slight race-realist slant to them; very unusual for a Yahoo comment thread.
How sad to see this utterly unprofessional behavior from a DPS Trooper, but when you hire AA, you get what you bargain for.
After the game, there was an altercation in the stadium parking lot and a light-skinned individual was shot in the neck. Reports are the gunman was egged on and encouraged to shoot the victim by a crowd of witnesses, hallmarks of Negro tribal behavior. It is now 16 hours after the shooting suspect was taken into custody and yet there isn't a picture of him to be found, a trademark move of the Elitist Media to obfuscate just who committed the crime. Odds are 90%+ this was done by Diversity of some color.
This has been Negroes in the News......
It's okay Dumb White Liberals who live nowhere near a Negro let alone Negro's Will be along soon to spend others money to uplift the poor mistreated civilization killers.
"Blackie can't comprehend the time investment needed for a white collar career and all the non-negotiable responsibilities that come with it."
It's even worse than that. They won't even plant anything in their back yards with the free seeds they can get via EBT.
I'd like anyone the show me a black house in New Orleans that looks like this:
The afrikaners should be ushered in and given guns. Period. We need afrikaners we do not need syrians and muzzie. Repeal the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
We are going through a period in which the government thinks it's a good idea to have as many black actors in movies and TV commercials as possible. The only limitation seems to be that blacks are not allowed to play bad guys or unsympathetic characters.
But it is unlikely that this pattern will endure. I expect that Morgan Freeman will be expunged from his many movies and be replaced by someone like Donald Sutherland. This should be easy enough as movie making technology advances. There would be several steps. The original film would be scanned and the black character's image would be analyzed and captured. Then they would construct a 'wire frame'. Finally the frame would be 'painted' with the image of the alternate character - living or dead.
In this way historical films would have a perfect image of Lincoln or Kennedy on the screen. We would no longer have to accept actor's playing JFK with nothing but a Kennedyesque hair cut. The guy on the screen will be JFK or Cary Grant or John Wayne. Soon stunt men will appear to be identical to the movie star they are substituting for. The camera won't have to look the other way when the star jumps off a high platform or is hit by a car.
Another benefit from the coming new movie technology is that all the gratuitous black faces on the screen can be removed. Of course in the short run it is likely that Hollywood will add black faces rather than remove them. Early on I expect a version of GTTW in which Denzel Washington plays Rhett Butler. But in the long run I expect all these black faces to be scrubbed from films.
Sometimes I wonder if we should just give black people what they were promised, the modern day equivalent of "40 acres and a mule" and simple tell them they can have a portion of the Southern US. Remove all whites and tell them that they have their money and they have their land. Do with it as you will but don't come into our country.
Wonder what would happen in that situation....
Anon at 8:37:
You're right about intellectual curiosity.
Most people groups see a new technology and they understand its value.
For example, look at plains tribes and the horse. They saw YTs riding horses and they immediately understood that the horse was a technological advantage that they could use. Within 100 years of exposure to horses, their culture had taken a giant leap forward.
As another example, look at YTs and early firearms. We saw that the Chinese had firearms, and we understood that this was a major innovation. It took a while, but we made guns our own.
As a final example, we had an indigenous numeric system in Europe, but when we saw what the Arabs were doing, we realized that their system was much better. We got rid of our system and adopted theirs.
I know there are people here who are like "YT invented everything ever," and that's just not true. We invented a lot of things, but we also saw what other people were doing and we copied it. We took technological advantages from other cultures and we improved on them.
Per Wikipedia: "The wheel was barely used, with the exception of Ethiopia and Somalia, in Sub-Saharan Africa well into the 19th century but this changed with the arrival of the Europeans."
The Africans weren't like the Aborigines or some other group that was stranded hundreds or thousands of miles from a more advanced culture. The Egyptians traded with black Africans, the Romans traded with black Africans, the Arabs traded with black Africans... they had over 4,000 years of exposure to more advanced societies but they didn't learn from them at all.
It makes sense that the Aborigines and Native Americans were living very primitively when YT showed up on the scene, but the Africans have no excuse. They're intellectually incurious people.
As per future time orientation, I recall one job where there were a number of blacks and they overheard myself and some other demonic whites talking about investments and monthly dividends. The negroes were immediately interested in how you could earn $340 a month on one investment and $220 on another. They thought of it as free money. When it was explained that these were all long term strategies and that the investments grew over a period of decades and required steady cash infusions to reach a level that eventually produced significant returns, they all immediately dismissed the idea as too much trouble. No immediate gratification you see. Not like buying a lottery ticket and winning dat green. Who's going to give up all that bling, stop going to clubs and drinking like a fish or drive an older car for years on end and invest the money for some distant future reward?
Long term strategies, planning ahead, putting off instant gratification and bling today for a better future= white privilege. You do all that and reap the rewards of your efforts and all you hear is some dumb negro screeching, "Why I ain't got dat?" and blaming it on "the system" and how they're "bein' kept down by da man." Or how you only got dat because of the history of slabery in this country and if not for slabery, they'd have all dat too. Every bullshit excuse in the book for their own failure to plan ahead or to think of tomorrow coupled with retarded levels of resentment, hostility and jealousy.
All that being said, I've seen the same thing in dumber whites except that they can't use the typical negro excuses. You know the type- instead of living in cheaper housing for years, they have to live in an expensive area to put up a front, drive a fancy car, have the latest electronic gadgets/stylish clothing and be eaten up with debt and barely making it. It's their "lifestyle." Then, later in life when they realize others didn't behave like drunken teenagers with a credit card and see what they have and what's been accomplished, they blame it on "luck" and have the same level of hostility, resentment and even jealousy over it and want a "piece of the pie." When anyone refuses, they're called a selfish bastard. They're supposed to "share the wealth." Nevermind that those wanting to share the wealth of others never shared in the sacrifice or the effort or the doing without.
Sadly, life is often nothing more than dealing with a plague of idiots who are filled with resentments and jealousies and want to blame the world for their condition. Which brings me full circle back to the issue of the conditions in the Black Belt and the realization that NOTHING would be different for these negroes if they were in Africa except that they'd be even worse off than they are in America and it's all due to their own lack of intelligence, lack of trying and lack of doing. And the expectation of idiots is always that someone else should step up and make everything right for them and provide everything for them that they lack due to their own failures.
No Parks, No stores, no jobs, nothing to do? Cry me a river! All those things don't magically appear overnight in other areas. People worked their asses off to have all that and to create an environment that was pleasant and where there were things to do. You didn't!
Sleep in the pissy bed you made for yourselves and don't come cryin' to whitey about it.
Oh the STL media, what a bunch of DWL we have running the presses, ole Pulitzer is probably chucking up in his grave. Today the Com-Post Dispatch says crimes down!!
And on my KMOV app this morning a article say alderman want to know what the city is going to do about the violent crime!!! Like the city is responsible for all the stupid orcs!!!
Geeeez were so screwed if things stay this way. One headline reads......
City homicide number one shy of 2014 total
I couldn't make up this great a comedy if I tried! Avoid the groid is all I can say.
Then, just when you least expect it, someone comes along and cuts a hole in the side of your newly constructed
home leaving with all of the items you have worked so
hard to collect. Once the finish is scratched, your building may be prone to rust or other corrosion, so it's important to wipe away gritty sand
or dirt before it damages the finish. From old gas carts to
antique slot machines, Rick and his crew work their magic to transform worthless items into valuable collectibles.
My site; click the up coming site
All transactions paid with Tides detergent
The story broke my heart. These negroes need so much: a Walmart equipped with no regular carts, just disability scooters; a credit liquor store; a bail bondsman. And what do they give them? A brand new gleaming high school! What the hell are they going do with that?
Trade them to Mexico for a player to be named later
Somolia, 6 months.
Then the wailing by those who've forgotten to let the poor refugees back into New America, cause humanity and blah blah.
Other than token efforts, when has a wealthy black person invested in these "underserved" areas?
After all, if black neighborhoods are untapped gold mines just waiting for an entrepreneur to come in and start a business, why haven't the Oprah's and NBA blacks of the world rode to the rescue? The official narrative is that these neighborhoods are just like white ones, but the reason there are no businesses and jobs is because of racism.
Why hasn't a talented tenther come in, set up shop, and made huge profits and in the process helped these black communities?
We all know the real reason. They aren't about to throw their money down the toilet like they expect whites to do over and over again.
To Anon at 10:01 - your revised list of potential colored businesses is priceless. #1 is my fav, but #5 is a close second.
To Anon at 11:53 - there is a 2-word term for people who live high on the hog without the means to pay for it. The second word is "rich". I think we all know what the first word is.
Love the band director saying "there's nothing to do here". School, music, sports, hobbies, etc. - nothing. No sky to watch at night to learn about astronomy. No birds or insects or animals to observe, learn about and appreciate. No trees or plants to study. No weather to observe and study so they can grow up to be like the brilliant Al Roker. An endless list of things to do for White kids. Nothing to do for negroes. It is a negro activity desert.
NJ Woman
Notice there's no complaints regarding not having an unemployment office
NJ Woman at 1:36:
I was terribly bored growing up, and I read books, planted a garden behind my apartment, watched TV, drew pictures, went to the park and fed the ducks, wandered the cemetery, went to the movies, learned to cook.... I even did homework from time to time. :P
Through all this, I learned that if you're never going to get good at anything unless you work at it. Some Negro bakkaball and feetsball players know this, but it seemed like in school, a lot of them would try something like reading for 10 minutes, realize they were terrible at it, and give up in frustration.
Black kids are bored because they're intellectually incurious and if they don't understand something immediately, they decide it's boring and stupid.
Anonymous said...
SURPRISE! The dad is an Indian software engineer here on an H1B1 visa!
Just kidding, he's a Negro.
I laughed so hard the dog came over to check on me...
How in the hell does the liquor store go out of business in the black belt. I figured that and maybe convenience stores selling lotto tickets and press on nails would be the only thing profitable.
Next report from the black belt: asphalt stolen from local streets or community forgets how to make a wheel.
When blacks are left to their own devices, this is what you get. A wasteland.
Blacks ALWAYS see EVERY action which does not involve handing them money as blatantly racist. The state has muddled along in the same crap economy as the rest of the nation under the current idiot Obama. The governor called two special sessions to convince legislators that taxes had to be raised. But we have an allocation issue not lack of funds. The democrats earmarked certain monies solely to education to assure support of the NEA. but the Dems lost sway decades ago and now the legislature has reallocated a few billions to run the state and hopefully keep a federal judge from ordering prisoners be released due to over crowding. But some small cuts had to be made also, Cuts were based on use and the smaller state parks, low revenue liquor stores, smaller DMV offices and others were shuttered. Gambling is illegal in Ala. When the state AG closed a number of illegal bingo machines in the Black belt, they howled about lost jobs. If illegal activity is an acceptable "job" then other illicit activities are still open for them. It was a real pleasure to have old Jessie back in the state. Hopefully he spent some of this time getting in some fatherhood time with his other surely present bastard children!
Anonymous said...
"Blackie can't comprehend the time investment needed for a white collar career and all the non-negotiable responsibilities that come with it."
It's even worse than that. They won't even plant anything in their back yards with the free seeds they can get via EBT.
I'd like anyone the show me a black house in New Orleans that looks like this:
October 12, 2015 at 10:53 AM
When I followed your link, I got a pop-up window asking if I wanted to subscribe. It was designed to look like a magazine cover, with a picture of an alpaca (or some similar animal) with a white head and a black body.
The caption read, without a trace of irony, "Foraging Is The New Black."
I propose that "foraging" should be the new PC word for multi-day orgies of rioting, looting, rape, and murder.
After all, if black neighborhoods are untapped gold mines just waiting for an entrepreneur to come in and start a business, why haven't the Oprah's and NBA blacks of the world rode to the rescue?
I've always thought the same thing.
Why aren't sports players dropping millions into black areas? Why hasn't someone created a Black spider fund?
The only case I have heard of is Magic Johnson and his movie theaters. Supposedly he didn't understand why movie theaters don't open in Black areas (really?) and decided to open his own. Most of those theaters closed and I don't think he is involved in movie theaters at all anymore.
That's the only case I have ever heard of. Most sports players move into gated White neighborhoods and don't open even a chicken shack in the hood. What does that tell us? They don't have faith in Black people when it comes to their own money. Liberals are the same way. They don't put their kids in Black schools unless they are either broke or crazy.
Someone mentioned giving blacks the equivalent of 40 acres and a mule, this would never work. Blacks are like parasites, they need a host in order to survive. Whites are their host, without Whites, blacks would revert back to a true tribe mentality, eating each other, the whole nine yards. They scream and moan about White laws, but without those laws, blacks would perish, no more AA / EEoC, SPLC, ACLU, NAACP, Welfare, HuD, Section Ape, all invented, maintained and paid for by Whites and White money.
When Whites get out of line, blacks file lawsuits against Whites and White corporations, again, without Whites in the picture...who would the black sue?
Blacks NEED Whites, Whites do NOT need blacks...fact.
Love the band director saying "there's nothing to do here". School, music, sports, hobbies, etc. - nothing. No sky to watch at night to learn about astronomy. No birds or insects or animals to observe, learn about and appreciate. No trees or plants to study. No weather to observe and study so they can grow up to be like the brilliant Al Roker. An endless list of things to do for White kids. Nothing to do for negroes.
Both blacks and liberals have a hard time separating economic activity from the monetary system.
They can't imagine one existing without the other. They can only think of work as something that you are paid to do. They can't conceive of people building the society they desire. What do they think was in that spot 500 years ago? Stuff for White kids to do? It's like they think of society as something that can only happen with government checks. As if the pioneers were given government checks to cut down trees and plant crops.
Love the band director saying "there's nothing to do here"... An endless list of things to do for White kids. Nothing to do for negroes. It is a negro activity desert.
NJ Woman
No, I think you missed his point. It's "Nothing to do with negroes".
"There's nothing to do here," Campbell said. "The best we can do is educate them the best we can."
You can't educate them to White standards. You'll never make productive citizens out of them. You can't fit them for the modern economy. They're not going to college. You just do the best you can, and turn them loose, knowing it's not enough. They can't be helped.
Just wondering, what does the SBPDL crown think about Trump? Personally, I think he's our only hope. He has';t really addressed the n*gger issue, but he's to smart to take them ow. But I'm convinced he will hang their asses hard when he gets into power.
Personally, I am now supporting him 100%
Only chance for a White America moving forward, the rest are cowards,.
"Oh the STL media, what a bunch of DWL we have running the presses, ole Pulitzer is probably chucking up in his grave. Today the Com-Post Dispatch says crimes down!!"
of course, the most sure fire way to lower crime rates is to stop reported crimes.
In response to the question of when my eyes started to open? College. It was having arab neighbors/quadmates that started me.
I got a lot out of college that wasn't on the syllabus:
Race realism
Democrats are at least as bad as Republicans
Cut the cord on TV
Feminists were revealed as feminazis
Unions add corruption
And I had to work hard to keep a roof over my head, because white males aren't allowed to get financial aid.
I probably would have learned none of these (except maybe the TV) if not for the way my college concentrated liberalism. Thank you, University of Oregon, you taught me the important things in life. Even if you intended the exact opposite.
Want to watch a real diversity dolt fest? Watch Quantico, a crap filled force feed of social engineering. Uber smart jigs and a-rabbs, and the crying wierd Whites. Bunch of crap, time for us to organize in the flesh with resolve!
Negro propaganda lies, so tired of them, made up history, the push of it by the entertainment forces.
I'll keep it brief. I was on a cruise, first and last one, it stopped in Jamaica. I stayed on the boat and drank Black Seal rum at the bar onboard as everyone glommed into jamaica. The Hungarian bartender asked me "Why didn't you go ashore?" My expression must have spoke volumes as I glared at her for interupting my lovemaking to my Black Seal rum. I told her "I work law enforcement in Detroit and tha last thing I want to look at is a bunch of dusty, snake haired, f@&king niggers", she poured me a double, on the house. She lit a cigarette and told me "I hate them too, we keep them out of Hungary, you would like Hungary, I like you".
to frm Miss Greenbaum love that ! release the Hulk! as Kyle Hunt would say. Happy Columbus Day fellow SBPDL readers.
"There's nothing to do here," Campbell said.
That's because all of the usual businesses that offer young people "things to do" get robbed, vandalized, and otherwise victimized by the blacks that live in the area. Let's say a roller rink opened up. It would take less that a week for the blacks to attack/assault/rape the staff as well as other customers. The blacks would deal drugs there, openly use drugs there. The blacks would use spray paint and markers to vandalize every surface they could reach. They would carve into wood surfaces with knives. Fights would be commonplace, before long stabbings and shootings would be commonplace.
Then if the owner tried to install policies to try to prevent these crimes, like a dress code, security guards, requiring I.D.s to enter, the blacks would scream "RAYSISS" and the owner would start getting death threats and the local, maybe even national, media would run stories that paint the owner as a hood-wearing klansman for installing these "racist" policies.
At some point the owner would have to hire lawyers to deal with lawsuits of all kinds, discrimination lawsuits if he doesn't hire an all-black staff (to steal from his business and worse), lawsuits for failing to protect blacks that get stabbed/shot/beaten at the roller rink.
If it was possible to run a profitable business in black areas, it would be happening. People don't avoid opening businesses in black areas because they are filled with racist hatred over the color of black skin, it's because there are a MILLION precedents that have been set. Clear undeniable examples proving that blacks see every place open to the public as a place to victimize and destroy.
We can't ban blacks from coming into our stores, shops, clubs, bars or places of business but we sure as hell can choose to only open businesses in the least-black places we can find.
Thasnks in favor of sjaring such a nice idea, article is pleasant, thats why i have read
it entirely
My web-site
Background info:
Henry Harpending found that substantial separation in distribution of heritable traits can be achieved in just 2-3 generations of assortative mating (video).
Consider that Europeans and Asians have been genetically separated from Africans and evolving under radically different regimes and pressures for ~130,000 years (~5500 generations). Why is there any wonder that Africans cannot function in either European or Asian societies?
"I know there are people here who are like "YT invented everything ever," and that's just not true. We invented a lot of things, but we also saw what other people were doing and we copied it. We took technological advantages from other cultures and we improved on them."
Much of what you have examples of had been debunked. De program yourself.
"How in the hell does the liquor store go out of business in the black belt. I figured that and maybe convenience stores selling lotto tickets and press on nails would be the only thing profitable."
As stated in the article, these are State-run liquor stores that were closed due to budget cuts. Also, there is no lottery in Alabama.
I've seen some poor white dude lured onto a black talk show for an interview about who knows what only to be greeted by some black female activist. Then she starts peppering him with questions about his white privilege. Then he starts sweating as the all black audience starts ooking and eeking. He tries to work his way through the questions but nothing he says will help him out because he is nothing more than that days entertainment. By the time she asks him what he thinks about the "Black Lives Matter Movement " and what has done to show his support he is stuttering and looking around wishing he was on the Jerry Springer Show and his wife is coming on to tell him she's leaving him for Z Dog a big Buck she met at the Laundromat. Finally they run out time he is thanked for coming on the show and booed off of the stage. Another successful public beat down of Whitey.
Regarding the third world assault on our unique heritage, only you, the American people say enough!. The reason is simple for this government program to make whites a racial minority in a country founded by their ancestors: you are silent. This slow motion genocide is moving forward because most aware people are doing nothing. The invasion will stop and these troubling trends will start to reverse only when we say enough:
- join the 2 million citizens' army at numbersusa.
- become members of immigration reform groups like FAIR.
- always go to the polls.
- when you get letters begging for money, return, in most cases, the free Business Reply envelopes with letters protesting our demographic replacement. For envelopes not free, it's worth your while to send back.
- Mow your own lawn and avoid restaurants.
- contact congress to say enough.
Don't be part of the problem, be a part of the correct solution. ALL patriots must take action.
That's so funny!
I am 9 years old. I just discovered this web sight. I think that the black people are violent and liars. Their bullys and always try to hurt all my friends. Why can't they go some where else than here. I hate them.
What was it folks were saying about no future time orientation?
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) - Authorities say an 18-year-old man drove a stolen car to police headquarters to pick up court papers about a previous auto theft he was involved in - documents that were found in yet another stolen car.
Carnell Eugene Butler now faces charges in three stolen car cases.
St. Petersburg police say officers found a stolen Infiniti on Sunday. Inside, they found Butler's documents related to a June auto theft arrest.
It's not the colour of their skin or their fugly features that makes humans not want to be around them, but it's their bad behaviors that nobody can tolerate!
"Were the white populations of South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) allowed to leave those nations - where they are being slowly exterminated" -
"Ya gotta wonder...when will some TV talking head just explode and start telling the truth, the real truth, about blacks?"
The Howard Beale moment.
I live in the south. For those who want to import the Somalis here or boot us whites out and let the nogs have this area, I say screw you. How dare you? Not only are southerners made fun of and demoralized in the media, now you want more racial suicide? I live in a fairly white area and it's peaceful here.
My ancestors on both sides came to this country in the 1700's. They settled in Oklahoma, Missouri, Alabama and West Virginia. They were poor white folks who owned farms and fed their children. These same white folks had future generations of white kids like me who earned their keep and actually contributed something to this country.
No, let the Somalis and the nogs live around Oprah, Gates, Hillary. Let 'em move to sanctuary cities like San Fran where they can duke it out with Juan, not rape someone like my grandparents. Move 'em next to the Saturday crowd in Boca Raton or West LA.
Liquor stores attract nogs. Lotteries and casinos attracts nogs. Bling, malls, attract nogs. I live in the woods. There are no street lights around me. It's pitch black at night. If you pull up to someone's yard at night, you'd better state your name and your business or you might get shot. There is bugs and wind here, nogs don't like that. That's why I moved here. It's boring here. There are no movie theatres. It's church, Walmart and that's about it. I'm fine with that.
Young kids find things to do here. They go to church, they have bake sales, they work on the farm, they help raise goats, chickens and cows. You know real shit, instead of being glued to their smart phone.
Alabama government knows what they're doing. They've been dealing with these nogs since the Civil War. They know how to deal with them.
"Much of what you have examples of had been debunked. De program yourself."
What? Could you repeat that...in English?
One little known attraction of the black belt is the large, and growing number, of coal ash disposal sites. Yessiree, one of Obamas first acts after being elected was to make coal ash disposal sites secret, the cover story being to protect Americans from terrorists, who would apparently use coal ashes to inflict harm on U.S. citizens. Now, we're talking right wing extremist terrorists mind you, because he assures us repeatedly that Islamic terrorists are not Muslims. Or terrorists. Or Muslim terrorists, it's really hard to keep all the nonsense coming from this high functioning retard straight after seven years.
O.k. , now pay attention, 'cause here's where it gets good. Remember the coal ash disaster in Tennessee in 2008, Obamas first year in office? Long story short, 5.4 million cubic yards of coal ash broke free from containment, and caused the biggest ecological disaster in our country's history. The sludge tsunami damaged homes, and businesses, and released an unparalled toxic contamination into the river, we're talking mercury, lead, selenium, cadmium, arsenic, pretty much every toxic metal known to man into the water supply.
Soooo, what does this brain trust do? You can guess from what I've already told you, I'm sure. In Tennessee, coal ash is toxic waste. In Perry county Alabama, they made it house hold waste! See where this is going? Then began the "clean up", thousands of rail cars of coal ash shipped to poor, black counties in Alabama, where it was just piled on the ground to contaminate the water, and blow in the wind.
That's right folks, the corrupt Obama administration conspired with the coal energy barons to launch a massive chemical attack on poor black citizens. Talk about terrorism. You would think the BLM would be all over this, but they're too busy hating the white man to notice. Black lives matter indeed. Is it me, or does something stink in here?
"That's because all of the usual businesses that offer young people "things to do" get robbed, vandalized, and otherwise victimized by the blacks that live in the area." you really hit the nail on the head with this post that is EXACTLY why they there are no grocery stores skating rink, etc. We have all see it, time and again. no matter hat you try to do for these people, they destroy it. why would some one spend money putting an entertainment venue in a place where you would have to spend most of your profit on security, when you can go to a neighborhood not that far away and keep your profit?
also, why do we have to constantly entertain them? when we were kids, we would have played kick the can or something
Indianapolis: We must save the ghetto blacks in "gentrifying" neighborhoods!
White people have no interest in the truth is there is a chance that they can use a lie to progressive-signal their morality to their White peers.
Only White people will commit suicide for a chance to moral-preen. That's why we are dying. It's a sickness.
What you did is so out of the norm for White people. Most, particularly those who rarely see a Black person, are intimidated by them. Good for you.
I believe most Liberals are aware of the shortcomings of Blacks. They just choose to exploit those differences for their own personal gains. At minimum they use their "altruism" as a means to feel enlightened and morally superior.
Not in the South, you Yankees wanted them free, you can have them for free, we'll take the Boers.
I am 9 years old. I just discovered this web sight.
Welcome, young realist. BTW, for the sake of your education it's "web site" (same pronunciation, different word).
You'll find some terms here that are new to you. Most of them are listed in the SBPDL glossary. You may want to bookmark it... unless you have a parent who goes over your bookmarks and browsing history. You may wish to clear your browsing history and use a private browsing window in the future.
Why can't they go some where else than here.
They have Haiti and Jamaica and the whole continent of Africa to go to, true, but where there's no Whitey there is no civilization upon which to live high as a parasite, enjoying the products they can't make and the social order they destroy.
And Africa is a paradise with no disease and at the pinnacle of scientific discovery and space and deep sea exploration.
Southroner says: "Not in the South, you Yankees wanted them free, you can have them for free, we'll take the Boers."
Yankee says: "Screw that, Jethro. You bought 'em, you can keep 'em."
I propose a compromise: Africa made them. Let Africa have them back.
I haven't seen an ABC store in half a century. I grew up in Arlington Virginia and at that time you couldn't buy booze in a regular store. You had to patronize the state run ABC (Alcohol Control Board) store. It looked like the one in today's column. It had no windows or advertising.
I only went in our local ABC store once and I can't remember why. It was in Rosslyn by the Key bridge. Washington DC was a hundred yards away across the Potomac. A bottle of booze was barely half the price across the bridge in the City.
But I guess one advantage was quick service. The government store was always empty - no long lines as there could be on the other side of the Potomac.
The Potomac was a serious dividing line in those days. I don't think that there were any blacks living in Virginia at all. We could see blacks but only if we drove across the bridge. Even so Georgetown was directly over there and there were almost no blacks there either.
Stay strong kid
aren't there any non state run liquor stores? guess all the available cash must be going to the meth dealers. Here that's real easy money.
The entertainment business is so out of control with political correctness. I was watching something the other day that appeared to be staged in England just after the fall of the Roman empire. The clothing the dwellings and most of the random artifacts seemed consistent with that era, then it flashes to a battle scene between two kingdoms that's when I notice something out of place looking at the two armies I noticed there was a lot of black dudes peppered throughout the crowd. I couldn't stop laughing. Can you imagine watching Braveheart and find out Mel Gibson is fighting the English with his two best friends, Ice Cube and Kevin Hart. That would knock it down the credibility scale a little.
Mich Mike
You know that evil white privilege. Dem damn white folks done moved down day and done took da Walmart, day coolant, and all day liquor store wit em. Den day done dem a private white school where we ain't allowed.
Here's a thought. If the Marxists are allowed to flaunt immigration law with sanctuary cities, certainly the government of Alabama or any other state could openly recruit immigration from Rhodesia/South Africa and even subsidize it from state funds.
battle scene between two kingdoms that's when I notice something out of place looking at the two armies I noticed there was a lot of black dudes peppered throughout the crowd. I couldn't stop laughing. Can you imagine watching Braveheart and find out Mel Gibson is fighting the English with his two best friends, Ice Cube and Kevin Hart. That would knock it down the credibility scale a little.
Stage theater has been doing this for years and part of the reason I won't go watch something like Macbeth or Robin Hood.
Why would there be a token black in King Arthur's court?
DWLs wills say it is all about the acting but would they accept a White person playing a black slave?
I believe political correctness has actually killed a lot of community theater. So many of the plays are centered around liberal themes when the people going would at least like some variety. My local theater pretty much alternates between White guilt and gay themes.
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